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What happens when Japan’s world- Climate change: A law to boost Queen Elizabeth dies? class military the bigger picture your happiness JANUARY 2022 SP E C I A L RE P O RT RAD ICAL CHA NGE Face the Storm Know the true cause for unrelenting, radical societal transformation, and see the sure hope for daylight
JANUARY 2022 | VOL. 33, NO. 1 | CIRC. 238,205 FEATURES FROM THE EDITOR | COVER STORY 1 Why Your World Is Changing So Suddenly The Communist Attack on Parents 2 It’s in the Communist Manifesto, Folks 4 What Are Your Children Reading? 7 A Weapon to Transform America 8 Lurch Toward Tyranny 11 Weaponizing Environmentalism 14 The Global Warming Scam 16 INFOGRAPHIC Climate Change: A Bigger Picture 18 Our Last Hope for Government That Works 20 What Happens When Queen Elizabeth Dies? 23 A World-class Military—Overnight 24 What Does the Key of David Unlock? 26 DEPARTMENTS WORLDWATCH 28 SOCIETYWATCH 31 PRINCIPLES OF LIVING 33 A Law to Boost Your Happiness DISCUSSION BOARD 34 COMMENTARY 35 Brought to You by Pfizer THE KEY OF DAVID TELEVISION LOG 36 The revolutionary changes we are COVER: GARY DORNING/TRUMPET, TOC: ISTOCK.COM/SOLARSEVEN living through Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s weekly television program | theTrumpet.com/keyofdavid are bewildering only if you fail News and analysis updated daily | theTrumpet.com to see God in the picture. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry’s television program | theTrumpet.com/trumpetdaily
SPECIAL REP ORT RADICAL CHANGE FROM THE EDITOR GERALD FLURRY Why Your World Is Changing So Suddenly Our societies are fundamentally transforming. When you know why, you can know what to do. O ur world has never changed so dramatically so you must then ask some important questions, which almost rapidly. Leaders in politics, business, education and nobody is doing. media are ignoring the law, violating freedoms, and Here is the most important question: Why would God enforcing radical policies on unwilling people. They are allow this? God has power over Satan; the devil can do noth- turning coronavirus, the environment, race and other issues ing God doesn’t allow. Why is God giving him such free rein? into weapons for forcing through their agenda. This is already These problems have a cause: our own sins! affecting all of us—but believe it or not, much worse is coming. America, Britain, the other nations of Israel and the whole In this process, the true agenda of the radical elites is being world are experiencing curses for disbelieving and disobeying unmasked. This is not incompetence. This is not a good-faith God! We have denied God’s authority over us. We have rejected attempt to improve people’s lives. This is an intentional agenda God, His law, even His very existence! And He has allowed us to from an evil motive to deliberately destroy what little good is experience the results of our choices. left in our societies. Many of our leaders hate the principles And because we have left Him no other way to get through that many of us cherish: free and fair elections; rule of law; to us, He has punished us to get our attention and, ultimately, honoring law enforcement; schools respecting parents and to save us from squandering our lives in selfishness, suffering protecting the innocence of children; harmony among races; and rejecting our own eternal future. He is trying to help us marriage and family; individual liberty; human dignity; free- recognize our error and turn back to Him (Ezekiel 33:11). dom of thought, speech and religion. The revolutionary changes we are living through are bewilder- You need to recognize the unseen reason why this is happening. ing only if you fail to see God in the picture. But when you know Our societies are steeped in evolution and deny the existence the prophecies of the Bible, you recognize that in spite of our of anything beyond matter and energy. But there is clearly sins, God is still accomplishing His master plan! (Request The more to the human mind and to the existence of good and evil. United States and Britain in Prophecy, by Herbert W. Armstrong.) As you may have noticed, even some mainstream voices in the The elites are destroying our societies so they can trigger a news are beginning to recognize this. “great reset” and “build back better.” But they want to rebuild to The spirit world is real. God is real. And so is the devil! Those some kind of perverse socialist or Communist utopia. They are who remain ignorant of this reality are vulnerable to his attacks woefully misguided. While they hypocritically enjoy freedoms (e.g. 2 Corinthians 2:11; 10:3-5; 1 Peter 5:8). Not only is the devil and powers they deny to everyone else, they oppress and tyran- real, but he rules the attitudes of the whole world! In fact, in nize. They act as if they can build a better world as they plunge this end time he and his demons have been cast down and are the world into nuclear World War iii! confined to the Earth! (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9-12). Jesus Christ Himself prophesied that, just as we and our These evil spirits are exerting terrible and growing influence governments erupt in destroying the entire human race, He today, and much of this is by manipulating our human leaders. will return to put down human rebellion by force, abolish all You can recognize the devil’s presence in the breezy deceit human governments, and set up a literal government that will and brazen lies. You see it in the way the elites are trampling rule all of mankind: the Kingdom of God. That is our greatest people’s freedoms and rights, yet remain utterly untroubled by and only hope! the catastrophic effects of their edicts. Recognize the glaring lesson of our time. Human beings, Yet the devil is a master at presenting himself and his ideas including yourself, do not and cannot know the difference and policies as good and noble, while rejecting law and bending between good and evil. We cannot resist the devil by ourselves. people to his will. We cannot judge by the words of these lead- Like little children, we desperately need to humble ourselves, ers—we must judge by the fruits of what they are doing. Then repent, submit, and trust and obey our Father! Most people the truth becomes inescapably clear. (Request your free copy of would rather be like the “god of this world,” reject God’s law, America Under Attack.) The fruits are terrible, but these elites judge for themselves what is right and wrong, and hold on to refuse to admit it. They continue pushing their disastrous ideas the devil’s self-is-right attitude to the bitter end. But you can be that much harder—just like the devil himself does. Their arro- part of the truly revolutionary solution to human government gance makes them extremely vulnerable to the devil’s influence. and human nature. And you can live your life now, no matter Now, it is one thing to recognize what is happening. But what happens, with blazing, brilliant hope! n JANUARY 2022 1
A R A D I CAL C H ANGE FAMILY few school years ago, if you said things like THE COMMUNIST “family is under attack,” ATTACK ON “parents are under attack,” or “there is a conspiracy a ga i n s t f ath e rh o o d ,” most people ignored you. The Trumpet PARENTS knows, because those are exactly the warnings we have trumpeted for 30 years. We have warned that many of the nation’s problems that people recognize stem from a cause they don’t recognize: weak families. An entire generation has passed, and society has ignored that warning. The culture war that Herbert Armstrong prophesied is now here. Now it’s unmistakable, and people BY STEPHEN FLURRY are waking up to reality: Family is under attack. One vivid example has been the all- out culture war on parents at recent American school board meetings. People are now realizing that schools have been forcing into children’s minds a flow of radical, athe- istic ideas about God, men and women, marriage, America, history and virtue. Parents and grandparents of today’s students were themselves schooled in this way to one degree or another. But this agenda has rapidly grown far more radical, and now children are being force-fed the orthodoxy of full-on cul- tural Marxism: Gender is fluid, gender is a spectrum, socialism is good, personal responsibility is evil, police are racist, math is racist, America is racist, law is bad, rebellion is good, sexual perversion is healthy, absolute truth does not exist, and the only thing that is wrong is believ- ing in right and wrong. All these lies are literally in the curriculum, complete with children’s books, colorful illustrations, slideshows, videos, special speakers, demonstrations, homework, testing and EMMA MOORE/TRUMPET punishments for “getting it wrong.” The subversive radicalization of tens of millions of American children has parents alarmed, and they are finally 2 THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET
speaking out. At school board meetings, what happened quiet and let adminis- prosecute parents for domestic terrorism administrators are responding by argu- trators handle it internally. He erupted and hate crimes. Biden’s Justice Depart- ing with parents, berating them, ignor- in anger, and the school administrators ment said it would grant the request, ing them, cutting off their microphones, called the police to come and confront claiming that there is “a disturbing spike shutting down meetings—and continu- him (not the rapist). That night, Smith in harassment, intimidation and threats ing to indoctrinate their children. In took his daughter to a hospital, which of violence” against people in the school their view, parents should have no say. confirmed that she had been raped. system. This is not something merely to shake Then they went to the police. Smith American school boards have been fail- your head at. We told you family is under says he was again told by prosecutors, ing to give your children a good academic attack; now we are telling you that this lawyers and others to remain quiet in education (let alone moral education) for attack will literally destroy this nation. order to get “justice” for his daughter. more than a generation. Now they are This is what the Bible prophesies. He reluctantly complied. indoctrinating them with atheistic Marx- The school continued to cover up the ist ideology to the point of endangering Child Sacrifice rape and continued to push Policy 8040. them—and punishing you with fbi One of the most powerful examples of Three weeks later, Smith attended a agents and prosecutors accusing you of the turmoil in American schools is recent school board meeting. He didn’t sign up “hate crime” or domestic terrorism” if you events in Loudoun County, Virginia. to speak, but as he sat in the audience, say something at a school board meeting V i r g i n i a i s t h e l a n d o f G e o r ge he heard a board member literally say, that they classify as “harassment.” Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James “Our students do not need to be pro- Yes, you live in a country where the Madison and other great American tected, and they are not in danger. Do we National School Boards Association founders. It provided the “Virginia Plan” have assaults in our bathrooms or locker and the Biden regime are invoking the that led to the Constitution. It ceded rooms regularly?” He heard the superin- (unconstitutional) Patriot Act, a law hundreds of thousands of square miles tendent say, “To my knowledge, we don’t that grants the government sweeping of land to help create the Northwest have any record of assaults occurring in powers to stop Islamist terrorists from Ordinance and the greatest educational our restrooms,” and then, “The predator committing another 9/11. It is using it to endowment in human history: $3 tril- transgender student or person simply intimidate, prosecute and punish par- lion in land dedicated specifically to does not exist.” ents who come to school board meetings schooling, because “[r]eligion, morality Smith didn’t speak to the school to complain about teachers telling their and knowledge, being necessary to board, but a pro-transgender woman daughter things like “girls are not real.” good government and the happiness in the audience began berating him. Progressive educators are not doing of mankind, schools and the means of He argued back, police were called in, this to protect teachers from violence. education shall forever be encouraged.” and they tackled him and hauled him They are doing it to shut parents up. Now Virginia is the land of post-birth- away. He never had the chance to tell Everything about this story is unfath- abortion advocate Ralph Northam, the board and the audience that his omably sickening! It is so disgusting keep-parents-out-of-education advocate daughter had just been raped in the girls’ and bizarre that it’s impossible to make Terry McAuliffe, and Loudoun County bathroom by a boy in a skirt. sense of—unless you realize that this is a Public Schools. Loudoun is part of met- School administrators still did noth- core part of an intentional strategy. The ropolitan Washington, D.C. Its motto ing about the rapist except transfer him strategy, as stated by Barack Obama, is is “I Byde My Time.” About a dozen from Stone Bridge High School to Broad “fundamentally transforming the United generations of students on from George Run High School. There, on Oct. 6, 2021, States of America.” Washington, its school board members the same boy forced a girl into an empty are among the many who want to be classroom and sexually assaulted her. ‘Heartless Monster’ considered enlightened, tolerant and With such terrible results from such a The education of American children progressive. And they are indoctrinating terrible policy, you would think liberals was central to the election battle over schoolchildren into a Marxist revolution. would show some contrition, or at least Virginia’s next governor. In a Sept. 28, An important part of the Loudoun try to avoid the subject. Yet they quickly, 2021, campaign debate, Democratic County School Board’s agenda is Policy boldly, defiantly used the incident to fur- candidate Terry McAuliffe flatly stated, 8040. This policy forces administrators ther attack parents! They used photos of “I don’t think parents should be telling and teachers to allow boys who say they Smith to paint him and other parents as schools what they should teach.” This is feel like girls to play girls’ sports and deranged, right-wing bigots. In a letter the leftists’ view—stated plainly. Soon, use girls’ bathrooms, and vice versa. As to Joe Biden, the National School Boards that quote was everywhere. At that point, they were pushing through this policy, a Association cited this father of a rape the tide began to turn against the Dem- 15-year-old “gender fluid” boy wearing victim as a good reason for the federal ocrats. But rather than backing off, the a skirt walked into a school bathroom, government not only to get involved but Democrats doubled down on promoting restrained a 14-year-old girl, and com- to use Department of Homeland Secu- Marxist education and, by extension, mitted horrible sexual acts on her. rity agents, Secret Service agents and blocking out parents. Over the next The girl’s father, Scott Smith, said he Federal Bureau of Investigation national month, in came Joe Biden, Kamala Har- was called to the school and told to keep security and counterterrorism agents to ris and Stacey Abrams to back McAuliffe. JANUARY 2022 3
And in came Barack Obama. Obama would be afraid of how radicals—so throughout his campaign and presidency, came to Virginia to support the man quick to invent grievances to advance and used it to his great advantage. Even who said, “I don’t think parents should their agenda—are now sacrificing our some conservatives were and are afraid be telling schools what they should children to their godless ideology. to criticize him for fear of being called teach,” because he believes the same Radical leftists love to wave signs with racist. But now, many people are finally thing. Criticizing the opposing nominee hearts, peace symbols and rainbows recognizing that Obama is still pushing and conservatives in general, he said, while they chant slogans like “Love his agenda, this time through Joe Biden— “We don’t have time to be wasting on trumps hate.” But toward a child who is weaponizing race, maiming the economy, these phony, trumped-up culture wars, victimized and raped by their horren- expanding federal power, and destroying this fake outrage that right-wing media dous social-engineering project, they what America has been—particularly pedals to juice their ratings ….” are heartless. those aspects of our culture that trace What is the “phony, trumped-up” fak- Barack Obama, leader of radicals who back to the family, and especially those ery that Obama was setting us straight have elevated grievance and complain- principles that trace back to the Bible. on? The outrage of Virginians and peo- ing to a bizarre religion, says that if you ple across the country at a school board are upset about this, your outrage is Throughout the Land that covered for a student rapist! “phony.” He is not a normal person. He is Promiscuity destroys the very concept For this, Fox News commentator a heartless monster. of fatherhood and leaves many children Tucker Carlson condemned Obama as Obama’s concern, like that of the with no choice but to depend on the a “heartless monster.” Carlson is more school board, is only for the rape’s government for education and even right than he realizes. effect on his agenda. His goal is to push food. This is a primary reason why so A normal person would be horrified at fornication, adultery, polygamy, homo- many Marxist educators endorse forni- a school hiding the rape of a 14-year-old sexuality, transgenderism and other cation, adultery, polygamy, homosexu- girl to protect its pet transgender policy. sexual perversions until the institution ality and transgenderism. These sexual A normal person would hate everything of family is destroyed and America is sins destroy the family—and empower about this story. A normal person would fundamentally transformed. He isn’t the state. be heartbroken for that girl. A normal going to let a little inconvenience like One parent in Loudoun County person would be shocked and afraid for the rape of a child stand in his way. atte m pte d to read f ro m a s c h o o l how horrid, unjust, vain, deceitful and But the tide might be turning. Obama library book to the school board. She wicked our nation is. A normal person enjoyed adulation from the press was escorted out for reading explicit IT’S IN THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, K arl Marx and Frederick Engels collectivist mindset,” Mark Tapson wrote. belong to their families, and recognize rejected the religious truth that “It is the environment in which we are that kids belong to whole communities’” the family was established by first civilized and molded, ideally, into (Doc Emet Productions, Sept. 30, 2021). mankind’s Creator. They believed early productive citizens who value our indi- Frederick Engels summarized Com- human societies practiced polygamy, vidualism but embrace our role in the munist ideals in his 1847 work “The group marriage, promiscuity and larger society. As Edmund Burke wrote Principles of Communism.” He wrote other sexual relationships like bonobo in 1790, the family ‘is the first link in the that communism “does away with monkeys. Engels argued in 1884 that series by which we proceed towards a private property and educates children the family started when human males love to our country, and to mankind.’ The on a communal basis, and in this way stopped breeding indiscriminately with all-powerful state to which Communists removes the two bases of traditional every female in the group and directed demand allegiance is not a link in that marriage—the dependence rooted in their reproductive energy toward a chain, and thus the family is an obstacle private property, of the woman on the small group of females. Therefore, that must be dismantled. This is not a man, and of the children on the parents.” virtues like monogamy are relics of a conspiracy theory; it is explicitly stated Marxists argue that family is a prod- patriarchal system that started evolving in Communist and feminist theory. … uct of a privileged lifestyle brought about when men “took command in the home” “ T h i s M a r x i s t i m p e rat ive — to by private property ownership, and both and women became “a mere instrument decouple children from their parents must be abolished in order for the state for the production of children.” and absorb them into the collective— to seize and retain absolute control. Karl Marx explicitly called for “the directly echoes a statement from Marx and Engels thought the workers abolition of the family” as a pillar of contemporary progressive Melissa Har- of the world would embrace the ideals of the Communist agenda. Why? “As the ris-Perry, an msnbc host who … declared communism. They didn’t. Those who did most fundamental bond of humanity, in a 2013 network promo, ‘We have to have helped kill more than 100 million [family] is the most resistant bulwark break through our kind of private idea people to date. As the Communist revo- against totalitarian state control and a that kids belong to their parents or kids lutions and the killing were just getting 4 THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET
material. Angry parents tried to create administrators “accused the female KARL MARX a commercial alerting the public to the student of filing a false report and sus- pornographic material their kids are pended her.” When students found out, being taught at school. The Ad Council they were so upset by the administrators’ blocked it because it was too graphic. decision they staged a walkout! Once the But teachers are showing the material police got involved and an investigation itself to their children. was conducted, the boy was arrested and During a homecoming event at Haz- now faces charges for sexual battery. ard High School in Kentucky in October, In Kansas, one school asked students teachers and administrators laughed as to label where they were in the stages of students paraded around the gymna- “gender identity.” At a Florida school, a sium in their underpants and as a male teacher took students on a field trip to student performed sexual dances while a homosexual bar. These types of stories wearing women’s underwear. are popping up every day. We are not just dealing During halftime at a high school Facing mask and vaccine mandates, with a few creepy football game in Vermont, 30 students restrictions and school closures, overtly school boards. We are and faculty members performed a “drag racist curricula and even the cover-up ball” runway show. Boys put on make-up, of rapes, parents are finally taking facing pure cultural wigs and dresses. Girls donned suits and notice and trying to fight back. Marxist Marxism on the attack. pinned their hair back to support the educators are retaliating with Barack school’s Gender Sexuality Alliance. Obama’s and Joe Biden’s fbi to prosecute In North Carolina, school officials them and carry on with their children’s need to help “the older generation that at Hawthorne Academy High School indoctrination into the politics of Karl got us into this mess see that we all have suspended a girl for telling them about a Marx and the morals of Sigmund Freud. an obligation to dig ourselves out of it. boy who routinely followed her into the And if those older folks won’t listen, they bathroom to molest her. You read that Culture War need to get out of the way.” right: The school suspended the girl for Why are school boards and the propa- “While you’re at it, you need to help reporting that she was being sexually gandists in the media defending rapists educate your parents and grandparents, abused. Local news reports said school and attacking parents? Because abolish- your uncles and aunts, your teachers, ing family is essential to their agenda. your employers,” Obama said, “because The family is not collateral damage. It is while a dangerously warming planet FOLKS the primary target! Many parents don’t realize the pos- itive power they can and should have is a reality that a lot of you have grown up with as young people, you’ve studied it in school, you’ve read about, it’s been started, Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist, over their own children. But Marxists part of the backdrop of your childhood, realized that socialism would triumph do. They know they must undercut members of the older generation don’t not through street battles and wars but parental authority to achieve state con- have that same frame of reference.” “via infiltration of schools, universities, trol over children’s minds and futures, Do you believe Obama’s goal is to clean churches and the media by transform- and over society (sidebar, “It’s in the up pollution, and separation of families ing the consciousness of society.” He Communist Manifesto, Folks”). We are is an unfortunate byproduct? No—his advocated what was later described as a not just dealing with a few creepy school agenda is exactly the same as it is with “long march through the institutions.” boards. We are facing pure cultural education. The goal isn’t to save the The family, as Don Feder from the World Marxism on the attack. trees or to tolerate “gender fluidity.” The Congress of Families notes, would have Yes, we are in a massive culture war. goal is to get parents out of the way. to be destroyed before communism And yes, Marxist Barack Obama knows In “The Left Is Locked in a Life-and- conquered the world, not after. it. And yes, he is boldly telling you that Death Struggle With the Family,” Don This is exactly what leftists, including there is no such thing. Feder from the World Congress of Fam- the Marxists driving the Biden adminis- One sign that Obama knows what he is ilies wrote, “For Marxists, killing the tration’s agenda, want to accomplish. doing is the aggressiveness with which he family is the key to everything. The war Americans have feared that the Com- appeals to young people. His campaign on the family isn’t peripheral; it’s central munist attack would come in a nuclear was popular among youths. He appeared to the revolution” (Front Page Magazine, strike or deadly espionage or armed at various entertainment venues. He sup- Oct. 21, 2021). PUBLIC DOMAIN, EMMA MOORE/TRUMPET conflict with the Soviets or some other ported youths against their parents’ gen- “For the left, the central purpose nation. We did not understand that it eration in the “March for Our Lives.” He of public schools isn’t education but has been going on in our classrooms. signed a Netflix deal for tens of millions. indoctrination,” Feder continued. “Pub- We still do not realize how much we Most recently, at the cop26 climate lic education has failed miserably at the ourselves have been affected by it! summit in November in Glasgow, Scot- former (as may be seen by plummeting STEPHEN FLURRY land, he told young people that they standardized test scores) but succeeded JANUARY 2022 5
spectacularly at the latter (as may be Parents are trying to resist the atheis- Party in the United States was making seen in the leftward drift of the elec- tic Marxist tide. “Parents Matter” rallies great headway,” Mr. Armstrong wrote. torate—especially younger voters). The have occurred across the nation as “They began infiltrating the colleges and objective is to take children away from fathers and mothers realize that radical universities. If they could not ‘convert’ parental values and align them with the school board officials and politicians lit- professors, they worked on students worldview of the Democratic Party. The erally think they do not matter. Marxists who would become teachers later. Thus cutting edge is crt [critical race theory] want the state to control all levels of edu- they were recruiting teachers to teach and the sexualization of students, cation from cradle to grave, and to refer their doctrine all over the United States” seen most recently in the enthusiastic any parents who get in their way to the (Plain Truth, April 1980). embrace of transgenderism.” Just one year ago, these Marxist tenets We must face the fact that our children are not were proudly proclaimed by the far-left learning about truth, morality, God and God’s law Black Lives Matter group. One of blm’s founders bragged that she was a trained at school or at home. And we must recognize Marxist. One of the group’s stated goals how disastrous are the results. (now deleted from its website) was to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear Department of Justice to be prosecuted “We are not fighting a single nation in family structure requirement by sup- like al Qaeda terrorists. a military war, but a gigantic worldwide, porting each other as extended families Yes, there is an attack on family. plain-clothes army, masquerading as a and ‘villages’ that collectively care for political party, seeking to conquer the one another, especially our children ….” This Was Prophesied world with an entirely new kind of war- Facing pushback for bringing Marx- “A solid family structure is the very fare!” Mr. Armstrong wrote way back ism into the open, Democrats have had foundation of any stable and permanent in 1956. “It’s a kind of warfare we don’t to rebrand Black Lives Matter and crit- society,” Plain Truth founder Herbert understand, or know how to cope with. ical race theory. But don’t be deceived. W. Armstrong wrote. “But today in the It uses every diabolical means to weaken This movement is not going away. affluent countries a conspiracy is devel- us from within, sapping our strength, Many school boards are announcing oping which seeks to destroy marriage perverting our morals, sabotaging our that they do not teach critical race the- as an institution, as well as the family.” educational system, wrecking our social ory. Technically, school curricula do not He further elaborated with this shock- structure, destroying our spiritual and explicitly instruct teachers to teach crt. ing revelation: “The conspiracy consists religious life, weakening our industrial Instead, they hide it with nice-sounding of a two-pronged attack: 1) a well-or- and economic power, demoralizing our descriptions like “antiracism” education. ganized movement to subtly influence armed forces, and finally, after such After all, who could oppose that? college students to prefer alternatives to infiltration, overthrowing our govern- Meanwhile, white children as young marriage, and 2) an attempt to influence ment by force and violence! All this, as six years old are asking their parents the general public by newspaper and cleverly disguised as a harmless political why they were born evil. magazine articles, television programs, party! Communism is worldwide psy- the lecture platform, the women’s lib chological warfare!” movement, and student or former stu- How right Herbert Armstrong was! dent rebels of the ‘New Left.’ How much But how can Americans win or even of all this propaganda has been planted survive the war? “Parents Matter” rallies in the minds of the psychologists, pro- are not enough. New laws are not enough. fessors, writers, publishers, women’s Getting back to traditions is not enough. lib crusaders and others by trained Even a revival of mainstream traditional Communist propagandists can only be American religion is not enough. Winning estimated” (Plain Truth, July 1976). an election or even rooting out decades of Forty-five years have passed since Communist ideas in our school system Mr. Armstrong wrote those words, and will not make these problems go away. the conspiracy against family is now an The festering mortal wound America open culture war. Many “trained Com- is suffering from is lawlessness and sin. HOW CAN YOU munist propagandists” are switching from subtle influence to open domi- When educators in America are teaching children to defy their parents, to break FIGHT BACK? nance. Americans have rejected God and the rules, to hate law and government, Physical weapons are powerless against tolerated, accepted and embraced evo- and to reject individual responsibility, your enemy. But you can search and lution, atheism and the Satan-inspired they are not just rejecting time-honored destroy its influence in your life. See how philosophy of Karl Marx. This is why traditions or the American way. They are with Mystery of the Ages, by Herbert they are suffering an orchestrated attack violating God’s law. W. Armstrong. Request your free copy. against the very minds of children. At the core of the Communist infiltra- “Before World War ii the Communist tion is atheism and lawlessness. What 6 THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET
WHAT we are experiencing as a result was prophesied in your Bible to occur in our ARE YOUR nations and at this time. Isaiah 59:4 fore- tells, “None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, CHILDREN and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” Recent events READING? bring this scripture right into the 21st century! Heinous crimes against chil- dren are being covered up by the officials responsible for protecting children! Upset though we may be at the brain- washing and coordinated pollution of our own children’s minds and bodies, we must face the fact that they are not learn- ing about truth, morality, God and God’s R law at school or at home. And we must adical liberals understand the their kids to grow up in a space that is recognize how disastrous are the results. value of influencing children’s unapologetic about activism, environ- As the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans minds. This is why they have led mental justice, civil rights, lgbtq rights, 1:28-32: “And even as they did not like to crusades against authors like Roald and everything else that activists believe retain God in their knowledge, God gave Dahl, Dr. Seuss and others, and are in and fight for.” If these are too radical, them over to a reprobate mind, to do advancing and enforcing changes to you can begin instead with Barack those things which are not convenient; children’s magazines, bookstores, public Obama: Son of Promise. Child of Hope; Being filled with all unrighteousness, libraries and school libraries—aggres- Joey: The Story of Joe Biden and Kamala fornication, wickedness, covetousness, sively pushed books of their own. Harris: Rooted in Justice. maliciousness; full of envy, murder, You don’t have to look far to see col- City Journal cited book recommen- debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, orful, nicely illustrated books attacking dations from the American Booksellers Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, traditional family, introducing all kinds Association that include a young proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, of sexuality, and focusing on perceived athlete who fights “discrimination” to disobedient to parents, Without under- social injustices and discrimination. change genders and compete against standing, covenant breakers, without Some titles you might find at your the opposite gender, a lesbian joining natural affection, implacable, unmerci- local Barnes & Noble bookstore in the a male football team, a homosexual ful: Who knowing the judgment of God, children’s section (ages 3 to 5) include whose pansexual and nonbinary friends that they which commit such things are Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and attack her “white privilege,” a “tale of worthy of death, not only do the same, the Rainbow Flag; The Stonewall Riots: self-discovery” about a bisexual love but have pleasure in them that do them.” Coming Out in the Streets and Bling triangle, Wyatt the transgender witch, Paul prophesied, “This know also, Blaine: Throw Glitter, Not Shade. Other a “fabulously joyful” novel about “drag, that in the last days perilous times shall “woke” children’s books you might find prom and embracing your inner queen” come,” and he specifically said that “evil there or at other stores or libraries featuring a “fat, openly gay boy stuck in men and seducers shall wax worse and include Daddy & Dada; Daddy, Papa & a small West Texas town,” and a young- worse, deceiving, and being deceived” Me; Mommy, Mama & Me; Two Grooms adult novel about gender fluidity by a (2 Timothy 3:1, 13). We are living that on a Cake: The Story of America’s First non-binary writer who is the mother of a prophecy. If your eyes are open, you G ay We d d i n g ; LG BT Fa m il ies a n d transgender child.” Books like these are must admit that our society is getting others, many of which do not indicate found in school libraries, as is Gender “worse and worse.” their content in their titles, and all of Queer, a graphic novel containing actual The mass breakdown of family life which mix the lesbian, gay, bisexual, illustrated pornography of homosexual is not an accident. It’s not even mainly transgender agenda with positive-ap- teenage boys. a human-devised agenda. The reason pearing text and images. Some of these These and other less-radical means of human beings are destroying things that are designed for children as young as influencing youth have paved the way for are clearly good for them, like family, is 3 months old. what we are seeing today. A 2021 Gallup that this crucial institution is the main A Is for Activist, Antiracist Baby, Woke poll found that “lgbt identification has target of the devil. He exists, he is active, Baby and other books focus on radi- been increasing over time” because and he is influencing people to reject calizing children as young as toddlers “younger generations are far more likely God’s law, God’s very existence, God’s roles through indoctrination using hap- to consider themselves to be something EMMA MOORE/TRUMPET for family, and God’s use of the nations py-sounding rhymes and bright colors. other than heterosexual.” The war effort that descended from ancient Israel. They are “for all the littlest progressives, by cultural Marxists to reshape society Yes, you are in a culture war. Start waking up to seize a new day of justice by radicalizing the next generation is fighting! n and activism” and for “families who want succeeding. RUFARO MANYEPA JANUARY 2022 7
H ere’s a hypothetical: Let’s say your agenda is to tear down and rebuild the greatest nation in the world. How do you accom- plish that? How do you break down that much military might, economic power, institutional strength, societal cohesion and cultural heritage? You can’t destroy the aircraft carriers or the legislatures or the banks or the police or the courts or the churches. The people have too many rights, too much power. And you are really at a loss when they elect a leader with the courage to stand up to your agenda. But you—and many other business, technology and governing elites—deeply believe in tearing down this nation. If R A DICAL CH AN GE COVI D A WEAPON TO you can use something to infect their minds and attitudes, you can destroy TRANSFORM AM the rights of people and break the bonds within families, between groups, between races, within institutions, even inside the military. But you’re going to need a strong virus to do it. That virus will need to weaken the principles and The coronavirus has been used as a catalyst for extreme social engineeri the relationships of families, of small business owners, of local officials, of election administrators, of military officers and enlisted troops. Communist Party. Why? Because they let that stop them from using the virus Sometime before Sept. 12, 2019, were furiously trying to cover up the fact and the radicals’ manipulation of it to someone or something left the premises that they had bio-engineered a virulent advance the Marxist agenda. of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in coronavirus even as it rapidly spread How can we solve the threat posed Communist China. On it or inside it was around the world. by the virus? Surprise: The solution, an unnaturally powerful virus. It would Meanwhile, whether it was intention- according to socialists and Communists, soon infect its first victim in Wuhan ally designed to advance the radicals’ is to force through what socialists and before spreading to enough people agenda or not, that is exactly what they Communists have been demanding worldwide to be classified a pandemic. used it for. A collection of amino acids for decades. With help from the U.S. And some people have manipulated it from the other side of the world that had National Institute of Allergy and Infec- to create the catalyst needed to disman- nothing to do with America, the Consti- tious Diseases, EcoHealth Alliance and tle a superpower. It’s increasingly clear tution, your business, your family or the University of North Carolina, these that was their agenda—not hypotheti- your liberties suddenly has everything leftists bio-engineered a virus that Dem- cally but literally. to do with them. ocrats are using to shut people in their Liberal elites have spent more than a homes, keep people from their work, Gain of Function year ignoring, downplaying, scoffing at or smother economic activity, impoverish In September 2019, almost nobody had censoring the belief that covid-19 leaked 200,000 small businesses, wildly enrich heard of covid-19. The closest most had from Wuhan and was created there. Yet the technology and pharmaceutical known were the comparatively small an extensively researched report com- industries, steal a presidential election, outbreaks of sars, swine flu, avian flu piled by the Minority Staff of the House build a surveillance state, and confuse and the seasonal influenza in humans. Foreign Affairs Committee cites multiple and frighten millions of Americans into But Chinese Communist Party scientists pieces of evidence supporting these con- surrendering their rights. in Wuhan knew all about covid-19. So clusions. Outlets like cnn, msnbc, abc Yes, the plan is underway to dismantle did United States National Institutes of News, nbc News and cbs News failed to the strength of the United States of JULIA GODDARD/TRUMPET Health Director Anthony Fauci. So did cover this report because it was authored America and what remains of its biblical Dr. Peter Daszak, high-ranking officials by Republicans, but many Democrats and constitutional foundations and in the World Health Organization and now admit that the evidence shows the to reassemble its components into an high-ranking officials in the Chinese lab-leak theory is true. But they don’t authoritarian technocracy. 8 THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET
The lockdowns dissolved roughly Stealing America’s Presidency 200,000 American small businesses. In addition to fundamentally transform- Those that have survived are now being ing America’s economy, covid-19 also pulverized by supply-chain crisis. In fundamentally transformed America’s The War on Small Business: How the Gov- elections. This seems counterintuitive, ernment Used the Pandemic to Crush the unless you realize that one American Backbone of America, author Carol Roth political party is dedicated to “funda- writes that the federal government and mentally transforming the United States the Federal Reserve are actually working of America,” as Barack Obama put it together “to oversee the largest wealth during his campaign. transfer in history, from Main Street to Most developed countries take the Wall Street.” obvious step of banning mail-in voting to Government-imposed lockdowns prevent fraud. Yet before the 2020 pres- are making it impossible to continue idential election, 37 U.S. states changed operating small businesses, while gov- their mail-in voting procedures to make ernment-approved stimulus packages it easier for people to vote from home, on prop up mega-corporations. “When the pretext of avoiding the virus. Some historians look back on the decisions or many of these changes were illegal made beginning in March 2020 and still according to state constitutions. Just going strong, this period will be remem- two months before the election, Attorney bered as the ‘Great Consolidation’—the General Bill Barr told cnn’s Wolf Blitzer ERICA acceleration of a historic wealth transfer that “people are playing with fire” when and power concentra- it comes to widespread tion out of the hands mail-in voting, because of the middle class and into those with political The Elites So far during the pandemic, the potential for fraud was so great. Yet the gov- power and connections,” ernment still mailed 100 ing. BY ANDREW MIILLER America’s 614 Roth wrote for News- million ballots around week. “The ‘connected’ billionaires became the nation. form a powerful bloc 62 percent richer; This couldn’t have Dissolving America’s Foundation comprised of big gov- 8 million people were happened if covid-19 The U.S. government took the unprece- ernment, big business pushed into poverty. hadn’t been engineered, dented and un-American step of locking and big special interests” leaked from a lab, Seven Big Tech down its own economy in March 2020. (Oct. 24, 2021). spread worldwide, and companies added $3.4 It settled Americans’ attitudes by prom- S h e f u rth e r w rote ceaselessly amplified by trillion to their value; ising it would take 15 days of mandatory that these big political an unprecedented polit- 40 million people sacrifice to slow the spread of covid-19 and financial powers ical and media scare were laid off. and return to their regular lives and are controlled by a campaign. their constitutional rights. We are now small number of pow- The three big vaccine Dr. Peter Navarro, a far past 600 days to slow the spread. erful elites who derive makers split $40 billion former trade adviser to Months of lockdowns have, predictably, benefits at the expense in vaccine profits; the White House, has caused the worst downturn since the of everyday Americans. 200,000 small documented how the Great Depression. The aftermath has businesses closed. Democrats used a two- Economists have estimated the pan- exposed the ugly fact pronged strategy to steal demic’s cost to the U.S. economy at a that politicians from the 2020 presidential staggering $16 trillion, and the brunt of both parties love mega-corporations election. First, increase the number of these costs has been borne by ordinary that they can work with to increase absentee and mail-in ballots. Second, individuals and small businesses. This is their personal wealth and their control decrease the level of scrutiny of such bal- not a byproduct of a good-faith attempt over the economy. This is why salons, lots to flood states with unverified votes. to contain a virus. This is a deliberate for example, were shut down “for your This strategy worked amazingly well plan. Small-business owners and protection,” while big retailers like in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, workers are more independent from PetSmart were decreed “essential” Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the government than those who work during the pandemic and continued the number of potentially illegal votes for the government or corporate elites. to perform “essential” operations like exceeded Joe Biden’s “victory” margin There are just too many of them to con- grooming pet hair. It’s not about safety by an order of magnitude. So, it is no trol. So they needed to be systematically or health or even the economy. It’s about exaggeration to say that Biden would not destroyed and reincorporated into a centralizing power in the hands of the be advancing the radical agenda from corporate structure. government! the White House today if it were not for JANUARY 2022 9
the lengths that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Daszak for identification before voting. This is In July 2021, PayPal announced a part- and the Communist Party went to in not about public health. This is about nership with the Southern Poverty Law covering up the true origins of covid-19. political power. Center to investigate the role of “white Eve n T i m e m a g a z i n e a d m i tt e d B i g c o m pa n ie s l i ke D i s n ey a n d supremacists” and “anti-government” “covid-19 changed everything about the Walmart are already requiring their agitators in the January 6 protest at the 2020 election” and “forced many states employees to get vaccinated, so gov- U.S. Capitol and also that information to rapidly change how people get and ernment coercion is probably not far collected by PayPal will be shared with submit their ballots, with unpredict- away. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio other financial firms and politicians. able and potentially disastrous results” announced that vaccine passports would Anyone labeled an extremist could be (Aug. 6, 2020). be phased in over several weeks. Joe banned from using PayPal and similar But instead of admitting that mail-in Biden announced that he would use the services. “The potential scope of the soft ballots open the door to fraud and return- Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- social credit system under construction ing to secure elections, radical Democrats tration to force private-sector employers is enormous,” reported the Hill. “The same companies that can track your activities and give you corporate Americans today are not living in the nation of their rewards for compliant behavior could Founding Fathers or even of their own fathers. The utilize their powers to block transac- tions, add surcharges or restrict your government is mutating away from a constitutional use of products. At what point does free republic into an authoritarian technocracy. speech—be it against biological males playing in girls’ sports, questioning vac- cine side effects, or advocating for gun are scrambling to pass one of the most to compel their workers to get vaccinated, rights—make someone a target in this extreme and lawless voter reform bills in to submit to weekly testing, or get fired. new system? When does your debit card history. The H.R. 1 bill, which Democrats This is aimed at coercing 100 million get canceled over old tweets, your home call “For the People Act,” would essen- unvaccinated Americans to get jabbed. loan denied for homeschooling your tially legalize the fraud committed during Such authoritarian mandates are not kids, or your eBay account invalidated the 2020 presidential election, making a means of protecting public health. because a friend flagged you for posting it possible for Democrats to steal every Scientists at Pfizer, a pharmaceutical a Gadsden flag?” (Aug. 3, 2021). future American election. The bill man- mega-corporation that manufactures It would not take much to link such a dates that convicted felons be allowed to a covid vaccine, have been recorded social credit system to vaccine passports vote. It prohibits states from even trying admitting in private that natural covid and start barring people from restau- to purge voter rolls of foreign nationals, immunity is far more effective than vac- rants because they are unvaccinated or who are ineligible to vote according to cination. And two thirds of epidemiolo- because they made an online political the Constitution. It mandates same-day gists warn that mutations could render post about the election steal. Again, the voter registration, mandatory early current covid vaccines ineffective in a American people would normally never voting, nationwide availability of mail-in year or less. Vaccine mandates and covid consider such measures, but the per- ballots, and unlimited ballot harvesting. passports are largely ineffective for con- ceived threat of covid-19 has frightened Normally, the American people would taining a virus—but extremely useful for millions into surrendering their consti- never consider such measures, so the establishing a Communist-style surveil- tutional rights to public health officials! radical Democrats had to use covid-19 lance state in the United States. as the pretext. Not only was it the Since February 2020, Chinese citizens Blotting Out the Name of Israel means to steal the presidency and many have had to use digital “health codes” on Americans today are not living in the congressional seats, but now that they platforms such as WeChat and AliPay to nation of their Founding Fathers or control the levers of power, they are access public transport, restaurants and even of their own fathers. The nation’s using it to try to enshrine their lawless malls. Yet these “health codes” are more government is mutating away from a electoral practices with a veneer of law. than just admission passes for the vacci- constitutional republic into an authori- nated. WeChat and AliPay work closely tarian technocracy. Establishing a Surveillance State with the Chinese government to collect Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry Now that corporate oligarchs control data on Chinese citizens that can be explained in “Who Is the Modern-Day the economy and radical Democrats used to assign them a social credit score. Jeroboam?” (theTrumpet.com/14642) control the government, U.S. leaders are If a citizen refuses vaccination, makes that Donald Trump is a type of the Isra- preparing everyday Americans to accept an online political post without a permit, elite King Jeroboam ii. Anciently, under the fact that they will be forced to obtain or questions a government decision, his Jeroboam’s rule, Israel expanded its “vaccine passports” to enter restaurants, social credit goes down and the police borders and took control of trade routes stores, gyms and other indoor estab- may show up at his door. Now a similar connecting Assyria and Egypt. Yet while lishments. These are the same leaders authoritarian system could be coming to he warred, a new class of elites grew rich who claim it is racist to ask someone the United States. WEAPON PAGE 36 u 10 THE PHILADELPHIA TRUMPET
actively enticing businesses to take this “opportunity.” Businesses that bar the unvaccinated will be able to forgo costly social-distancing measures. Could the unvaccinated soon be unable to buy basic necessities? Why is Europe moving so quickly to such draconian measures? Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste The covid pandemic has exposed the radical authoritarian tendencies of lead- ers around the world. Those who want to grab more power have been helping themselves. RAD I CA L C H ANGE EUROP E Wherever they are implemented, these passports represent a massive LURCH TOWARD power grab and a fundamental shift in TYRANNY governing philosophy. You hold your job, earn an income, even buy food by the gracious permission of govern- ment elites. That permission could be removed if you do something that dis- pleases them. Today, that includes refus- ing the jab. But tomorrow, it could be It fulfills biblical prophecy. BY RICHARD PALMER something else. If the same liberal elites who proclaimed my body, my choice can now say, Your body, my choice, then N nothing will stop them from decreeing your rights, my choice in other areas of o jab: no life. That’s the but you would lose your pay. That way, your life and the lives of your children. latest from Austria. The the unvaccinated cannot claim unem- Most vaccine pass systems run on unvaccinated can only ployment benefits. Workers must show smartphones. Even if governments are leave home to buy essen- their “green pass” to come into work, go scrupulously honest about what data tials, to work, or to get to a restaurant, see a movie, or be able they track and how they use it (which the jab. to travel long distance. Only those who would be a first), these passes are still Millions in Europe are faced with a are vaccinated, have recovered from needed to check in at many venues. Any horrifying decision: Comply with the covid-19 in the prior six months, or have time you go out to eat, go to work, or government’s covid vaccine require- a negative test result can receive the buy food, the government would know ment or lose the ability to feed their pass. The tests are a significant handicap. exactly where you are. family. Several places in Europe have the Unvaccinated workers must take them Some countries have even banned the toughest restrictions of any democracy. every 48 hours, and pay for the privilege. unvaccinated from gathering in private France was one of the pioneers of In November, Austria brought in the homes. This raises the prospect of vaccine passports in the free world. toughest restrictions yet, effectively police entering your home to check your Beginning in August 2021, only adults putting 2 million unvaccinated under vaccine status and those of your guests. who were fully vaccinated or had a house arrest. Police now patrol the The European Union is also using negative test in the last 72 hours could streets, demanding to see the individu- the vaccine passports to centralize the enter “nonessential” places like restau- als’ vaccination status. information it has on its citizens. It has rants, entertainment venues or airports. Germany is quickly moving to where set up a system allowing one country France recently extended its vaccine even a negative test is not an option. to verify the vaccine status of a citizen passport laws to the summer of 2022. The German state of Hesse passed a from elsewhere in the EU. Soon, it will require everyone over 65 law allowing all businesses, including Not even the Soviet Union was able to take a third vaccine injection before supermarkets, to bar the unvaccinated to track its citizens’ movements in real they can legally hold a vaccine passport. from their premises. These shops can time. Such a system could be misused in JULIA GODDARD/TRUMPET In October, Italy became the first choose to allow in only those who have many ways. Once a government builds country in the world to require vaccine had the vaccine or who can prove that it, it could use the same infrastructure passports for its entire workforce. they have recovered from covid in the to track, check and exclude people for Refuse it, and you wouldn’t lose your job, last six months. The government is any reason. A big red X could show up JANUARY 2022 11
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