Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News

Page created by Reginald Montgomery
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
 Hartmann Group News

                       ISSUE 12 | 2016

Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
EDITORIAL                                                    2


                                                                            WH: Dr. Hartmann, Mr. Hoppe,
    QUALITY                                                     17          there was a change in the Hartmann
                                                                            Group this spring. Feederlines has
    LIFE ON BOARD                                               25          been sold…
                                                                            Yes, the Dutch ship management
                                                                            company Feederlines changed
    TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE                                        33          ownership on March 21. Jan van
                                                                            der Laan, Managing Director of
                                                                            Feederlines since 2010, acquired
    ENTERTAINMENT                                               39          the management company. He will
    Photo Contest                                               40          lead it together with a co-operation
                                                                            partner, Navigia Shipping.
    Puzzles                                                     48
    Activities next issue                                       50
                                                                            WH: What does this mean for future
                                                                            Feederlines will change its business
                                                                            model and act as a ship manager,
                                                                            not as ship owner any longer. Still,
                                                                            the co-operation between the
                                                                            Hartmann Group and Feederlines
                                                                            will continue, though under
                                                                            different conditions.

                                                                            Concerning the fleet, Feederlines
                                                                            continues to manage its remaining
                                                                            Hartmann-owned vessels, as well as
                                                                            the 5 “MCP” vessels for a transition
                                                                            period. 7 vessels will be sold to a
                                                                            third party toward the second half
                                                                            of 2016.

                                                                            Feederlines will also keep its
                                                                            company name, but adopt a
                                                                            new, non-Hartmann-related
                                                                            logo to display that it operates

    Published by:
    Hartmann AG · Neue Strasse 24 · 26789 Leer · Germany
    V.i.S.d.P.: Anke Borkott · news@hartmann-ag.com · www.hartmann-ag.com
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
Interview with Dr. Niels Hartmann (CEO)
and Michael Hoppe (CFO)
WH: Which advantages do you           WH: So it’s good-bye to Feederlines   commitment and the loyalty. We
expect for Feederlines and for the    now…                                  wish them every success for the
Hartmann Group?                       We would like to thank Jan van der    future and we look forward to a
Feederlines has been part of the      Laan for his achievements and his     long, prosperous cooperation.
Hartmann Group for more than          dedication to the Hartmann Group.
20 years now, and selling a long-     He has been with Feederlines since
established company is a new,         2001, when he started as the Head     WH: What do you expect for the
unfamiliar situation for all of us.   of the Financial Department. On       Hartmann Group in 2016?
On the other hand, this step offers   the occasion of a new start for       In the first months of this year the
new opportunities to Feederlines      the company, we would like to         bulker markets hit record lows,
and its employees, due to changing    express our sincere thanks to him,    while the container segments have
its business model to sole ship       as well as to the whole Feederlines   not recovered yet. Therefore, 2016
management.                           team: for the good work, the          will –again- become a challenging
                                                                            year for the Hartmann Group, as
                                                                            well as for the whole shipping
                                                                            But there is good news for us, too.
                                                                            Starting autumn 2016, we will take
                                                                            delivery of the first of the three
                                                                            36k ECOSTAR ethane carriers, as
                                                                            well as the first of three Lakers
                                                                            are due towards the end of the
                                                                            year. All in all, eleven new vessels
                                                                            will join the Hartmann fleet until
                                                                            the end of 2017. This is a very
                                                                            positive development and we look
                                                                            forward to the new vessels. They
                                                                            will enhance our reputation as
                                                                            innovative ship owners all over the

                                                                            Thank you for the interview.
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
Editors’ Note

                                                       tas”, which
      The word “quality” derives from the Latin „quali
                                                          ore, “Qual-
      means consistence or character of something. Theref
                                                            that a
      ity Management” in an organization intends to ensure
      product or service is consistent.
      Our Hartmann Group corporate philosophy says: “The
                                                         the highest
      of the Hartmann Group offer excellent services and
                                                          is a promise
      quality in all spheres of maritime shipping.” This
                                                       ties and goals.
      to customers and a clear statement on our priori
                                                         services - if
      Changing the name, but keeping the quality of the
      not improve them further – is what Hartmann Crew
                                                      Read all about
      the former ASM, implements after the re-naming.
                                                      of this issue,
      it on page 9. As “quality” is the general topic
                                                         s aspects of
      you can find a complete section dealing with variou
      quality, starting on page 17.
                                                      page 30/31 for
      But, of course, there is more in this issue. On
                                                       shares amazing
      example, Capt. Theodor Hinrichs of UBC SALAVERRY
      pictures of a Bosporus passage by night.
                                                       d a new series
      In the section “Technology & Science”, we starte
                                                            e “What is
4     which explains vessels types in detail. In the articl
                                                       er from Hart-
      an Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessel?”, a seafar
                                                         on board this
      mann Offshore presents the working of and the work
      very special type of ship (page 34-36).
      We hope you enjoy some quality time with this latest

       Your Editorial team
                                                        ann Offshore) -
       Anke Borkott (Hartmann AG) – Hermann Haun (Hartm
                                                           ou (Inter-
       Julia von Leliwa (Hartmann Reederei) - Mario Evgeni
                                                         Philippines) -
       ship Navigation) – Michaela Gomez (Hartmann Crew
       Silvia Tolle (Hartmann Reederei) - Stephanie Ernst
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
Management &
Company news

Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
    rescuing a yacht in distress
       Coming from Santa Marta, Colombia, and
    bound for Tampa, Florida, UBC TILBURY was
    requested by a USCBP air patrol plane to render
    rescue assistance to a sailing ship on March 11.
    The sailing ship with one person on board had
    a fully disabled engine, a damaged mast and a
    breached seaworthiness, as water entered her
    watertight spaces. The operation would have to
    take place under heavy weather – with heavy
    seas, swell and near gale force wind.

       As the nearest ship in the vicinity (about
    25 NM off the scene), UBC TILBURY deviated
    and arrived near the yacht at 20:08 hrs local
    time. Weak red strobe light flashes were visible. After      Between 21:23 and 21:45 the yacht could be heaved
    a couple of minutes, UBC TILBURY managed to make          alongside ship successfully, and the person aboard
    contact with the yacht in distress and discuss the        the yacht boarded UBC TILBURY. The yacht was left
    rescue operation.                                          abandoned and made to sink by opening a sea cock.

                                                                  The rescued man was of Swedish nationality, a
                                                               Doctor by profession and a seasoned yachtsman. He
                                                               had started his trip on March 10 in Port Antonio,
                                                               Jamaica and was bound for Cartagena, Colombia.
                                                                He disembarked UBC TILBURY on March 17 in Tampa,

        Several attempts to put the vessel leeside failed
    due to heavy seas – almost 4 meter waves and 2.5-3
    meters swell. In the end it was decided to keep hold
    of the yacht in the leeside with a safe distance – by
    firing a line-throwing gun which successfully landed
    on the yacht – in order not to endanger the person in
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
Management & Company News

                                                     It was amazing to watch how you maneuvered big TILBURY in
                                                  the rough seas in order to get me on your leeside. A performance
                                                  of skillful seamanship! And then to see most of the crew lined
                                                  up on the bulwark ready to receive me, these are the images
                                                  that come flashing in my mind. Attaching my yacht alongside and
                                                  make it over to TILBURY and finally being hauled onboard are
                                                  probably the most exciting moments I have experienced in my

    To captain Edwin L Dalisay, officers and crew,
    I wish to convey my most heartfelt thanks to you
all for rescuing me on the 11th March at 21:45, some
130 NM off Cartagena, Colombia.
    I left Port Antonio, Jamaica, 7 March on my 23 ft
sailing boat. Heading for Cartagena, on the evening of
the 10th of March my mast suddenly broke. Something
blocked the propeller and I was left to drifting
helplessly. Imagine my sense of relief when I was

                                                                     Since coming on board I have received
                                                                  the greatest attention and respect and
                                                                  heartwarming hospitality and friendliness!
                                                                     I must visit the Philippines, the country
                                                                  that has produced such genuinely good and
                                                                  nice and able people!
                                                                     Thank you all!

found by an airplane in the afternoon
on the 11th of March and over the
VHF could hear that you were coming
to my rescue!
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
Dear Readers,
       We all expect to get ‘top quality’ when we shop for
    our daily needs, or at least ‘value for money’. Nobody
    would accept ‘substandard’ products if he doesn’t
    have to. We expect ‘top quality’ in our private lives -
    shouldn’t it also be something that our customers can
    expect from us?

       I think we all agree that the ships in the Hartmann
    Group are generally of high standards, and we aim to
    maintain the technical and safety standards at a level
    that ensures least possible incidents. In many cases
    the ships were designed by us, we supervised the
    construction, manned the ships with ‘our’ crew which
    was trained at our training center, and operated the
    ships with highest efficiency.

        Our commercial offices GasChem, HSA, MTL, UBC,
    UOS and UPT have established excellent customer
    relations over many years, and ships of the Hartmann          We have seen seafarers getting hurt and
    Group are known in the market to be of highest quality     unfortunately we have even had crew members who
    – including the shipboard operation.                       have paid with their lives for mistakes and unsafe
       But sometimes, this reputation of quality is
    negatively influenced by incidents on board of the            Let’s work together and make incidents and
    vessels. Cargo gets damaged by water ingress, crane        accidents a thing of the past. Let’s ensure that
    wires break, ships stop because of engine trouble,         shipboard operations are safe! Speak up if you see
    ships are detained by Port State Control. In most cases,   unsafe practices! It is your health and your life that
    these incidents and accidents are directly related to      matters most!
    human error, lack of maintenance, inadequate training
    – and lack of safe culture. And these incidents and           If we all work together, I am confident we can
    accidents do not only cost money to the company –          achieve incident free operations. This will be a major
    much more importantly, they often result in physical       step towards TOP QUALITY operations, but more
    harm to persons on board, and they definitely tarnish      importantly – it will ensure a high QUALITY of life for
    the reputation of the ship owner.                          everybody on board!

        At Intership our declared goal is ZERO INCIDENTS.         We count on you
    For this, we must all pull in the same direction – the
    office must ensure that the crew is given the necessary       Dieter Rohdenburg
    tools to run the ships safely, efficiently and incident
    free, and the crew should ensure that the tools are           CEO
    used correctly, and that the ships are maintained and         Intership Navigation
    operated safely and incidents are avoided.
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
Management & Company News

changes name to
   Sea-based human resource company Associated Ship
Management (ASM) officially changed its corporate
name to Hartmann Crew Philippines (HCP) on
December 4, 2015.

    The new name was launched at the annual ASM and
Intership Navigation Training Center (ISNTC) Christmas
Party, where stakeholders of the company were
present. An unveiling of the new office façade was also
conducted in the morning of the launch following the      official and sole crewing company of Hartmann AG in
First Friday Mass.                                        the Philippines with earlier relations dating as far back
                                                          as 1989.
   The change in name is an initiative to align the
local company with its principal company in Germany:          Hartmann Crew Philippines CEO and President
Hartmann AG and to reaffirm its membership to the         Alberto L. Gomez confirms that there has been no
Hartmann Group, one of Germany’s largest privately        change in the composition of the management or
owned shipping companies. Since 2002, ASM— now            in the company’s policies and values. Further, Mr.
known Hartmann Crew Philippines— has been the             Gomez states that “The shipping industry has evolved
                                                                                  and its changes are the new
                                                                                      normal. We are re-orienting
                                                                                      our strategies in order to
                                                                                      innovate alongside these
                                                                                     current realities and we
                                                                                     begin by branding. We assure
                                                                                     all our stakeholders that
                                                                                     they can expect the same,
                                                                                    if not better service from
                                                                                    Hartmann Crew Philippines.
                                                                                    We will, as always, be
                                                                                    devoted to caring for all our
                                                                                    crew and their dependents
                                                                                   as well.”

                                                                                       The new name is effective
                                                                                   immediately with the entire
                                                                                   company moving in transition
                                                                                   until the end of 2016.
Wheelhouse Hartmann Group News
        Everyone has a story to tell, a piece of advice to
     give. We interviewed various members of our staff at
     Hartmann Crew Philippines to give us a few insights on
     how they got to where they are today and useful tips
     that came along the way. These answers have been
     translated from Filipino to English.

                                                                CAPTAIN LOUIE BALADJAY
                                                                    You have to be ready anytime. Take all the
                                                                trainings, prepare your documents, so that
                                                                when the time comes, you’re ready to grab that
                                                                opportunity! This was the advice I received from
                                                                a German Captain of mine when I was still a
                                                                cadet. That’s what I did and all my promotions
     ALPHA LYN ANIEZ, Crewing Officer                            were given onboard. To those seeking to advance
         I didn’t think I would become a crewing officer, but   in their career, especially the young ones and our
     I received so much encouragement. My former superior       ratings that’s my advice.
     Jun Mortera once told me that you won’t know if
     you’re capable of anything if you don’t try it. When
     I received the position, the best advice I got was to
     work to the best of my abilities. Don’t be arrogant and
     pretend to know everything. Ask questions and always
     stay humble and level-headed.

                                                                3/E JOSE ANTONIO PECSON
                                                                    Be committed to the profession you’ve
                                                                chosen. If this is something you’ve decided on for
                                                                yourself and your future, pursue it with ambition.
                                                                It’s not simply a matter of getting on a vessel.
                                                                Aim for the highest rank and have a passion for
                                                                your career.
Management & Company News

JANE RELUCIO, Corporate Communications
and Family Center (CCFC) Specialist
     When I joined the company, I was a fresh
graduate and I worked really hard. I made
a promise to myself that when I get a job,
especially my first job, I will love it. I’ve
experienced different interviews and it’s very
difficult to apply and land a job these days.
When I first got to CCFC, it coincided with the
back-to-back tragedies of 2013 (Zamboanga
Siege, Bohol Earthquake, Haiyan). We barely
slept that time, especially during Haiyan.
And when I did manage to sleep, I would
still be talking about my job. Haiyan was so
overwhelming that it took over my dreams.
But despite that, it’s been very fulfilling.
I’ve always believed that one must always learn something from their
jobs. You must also be fearless. If you face your fears and take the
opportunity to face it head on — achieving what you thought wasn’t in
you — that’s where your morale and confidence will be boosted. Maybe
I’m really thick skinned but that’s it! If there are bad comments, use
it as a way to improve. It can’t always be happy, there will be days
where you ask yourself “oh no, why is it like this?” but at the same
time, there will also be positive, happy experiences to go with it.

                                                                       GLENN LINDOG, Junior Crewing Officer
                                                                           While working here, I’ve learned
                                                                       to be flexible while on the job, and to
                                                                       be creative in the way I do things. My
                                                                        attitude has also grown and improved.
                                                                        I’ve recently been promoted to Junior
                                                                        Crewing Officer and I’m happy about
                                                                         that. I treat it as a challenge and a
                                                                         blessing that I’m entrusted to do this
                                                                         job. I’ve got a lot to prove — to find
                                                                          out what I can contribute, and how to
                                                                          innovate and do things more efficiently.
                                                                          As for advice, I’ve always held on to
                                                                          the saying that “time is gold” and “a
                                                                           thousand miles begin in a single step”.
                                                             Before you get to the top, always remember that
                                                          the other steps will have their trials and tribulations.
The youngest crew of HCC
         Recently, we at Hartmann Crew Consultants                   Today we would like to share with you photos of
     “decided” to go against a current: A general decrease        the youngest crew of HCC.
     of the population in our country we answer with                 More on the way!
     demographic explosion. �
                                                                     Greetings – Team of HCC

                         Agatka Stawarz

                                                                                             Olga Hutman
                                                    Antek Szlachta


             Hanna Hutman                                    Julek Kramek

                                                                                 Julka Sobczuk
          Janka Kramek
Management & Company News

                                               Kuba and Jas
                              Kasia Tubaja

                  Maja Ozga
                                                              Natalka and Dominik Lasek


                               Natasza Chynowska

                                                                                Oliwia Deska

Pola Stolarczyk
                                                                 Weronika Zarzycka
ISNTC celebrates
     its 17th anniversary
         ISNTC celebrated its anniversary on February 25                           5 Years in Service
     through a simple gathering which aimed to recognize                           GUARINO, JR., DOMINADOR B.
     its presence in the maritime industry for 17 years.                           MAÑO, DANILO L.
     ISNTC also awarded its longest serving employees:                             TUAPIN, GIOVANNI A.

                                                                                   6 Years in Service
                                                                                   JELUA, JOSELYN A.
                                                                                   BALTAZAR, SARAH MAE M.
                                                                                   DE JOSE, ROBERT S.
                                                                                   GUTIERREZ, RHOMA D.

                                                                                   7 Years in Service
                                                                                   BATIANCELA, GENALYN R.
                                                                                   BRIÑAS, ARLENE Y.
                                                                                   DELA CRUZ, ARCHIE L.
                                                                                   MORO, MA. LEINE S.
                                                                                   NAVARRO, RJ

                                                                                   9 Years in Service
                                                                                   FERRO, FIDEL V.

                                                                                   10 Years in Service
                                                                                   RATA, SUSAN V.


     to our new member of the board
        We would like to congratulate                                  and at the same the Deck Section Head.
     Capt. Robert De Jose as the                                          To Capt. De Jose, welcome and we
     new member of the Board of                                        wish you success in your endeavor!
     Trustees. Capt. De Jose will serve
     as the Board Secretary. He has                                       ISNTC would also like to thank Mrs.
     been active and loyal to the                                      Wilma Paguntalan for her 7 years of
     Hartmann Group from the start                                    service as Board Secretary of ISNTC. She
     of his seafaring career. He was                                  resigned in December 2015 to enjoy her
     a graduate of the 1st batch of                                   retirement.
     Pre-Sea Cadet training and devoted his
     time in teaching at ISNTC during his vacation.           To Mrs. Paguntalan, we wish you a happy
     He is currently serving as the Training Director      retirement.
Management & Company News

ISNTC Joins Transas User Conference
    Mr. Giovanni Tuapin and Mr. Kristoffer Aaron       2 Issues on new ECDIS regulation and developments
Gerongco, ISNTC simulator engineer, attended the         that will come in to force by Jan 1st 2017 with the
Transas Simulator User Conference in Singapore last      new ECDIS guideline S-65
January 26-28. The “Simulation
and Training without                                                                   New development in
boundaries” theme embraced                                                         ice navigation training
the most trending subjects                                                         that is expected to comply
such as e-Navigation and Cloud                                                     with the POLAR CODE was
Simulation; Human Element,                                                         discussed but most of the
Leadership & Management                                                           discussion is on the crucial
(HELM) training; STCW                                                             topic of Human Element
requirements for engineer                                                         Training.
training, onboard simulation
solutions, R&D applications                                                           During the course of
of the simulators; innovative                                                     the event, Mr. Tuapin took
HW approach; naval                                                               time to visit MacGregor
simulation and training,                                                         office in Singapore to discuss
automated assessment                                                             improvement of ISNTC
advances, ECDIS and                                                              crane that would cater to
navigational skills training,                                                    electricians and engineers for
cargo handling training,                                                        training on MacGregor control
offshore and DP simulation,                                                     CC3000 and CC2000, general
polar code introduction and                                                     manufacturer’s maintenance
many more. There were                                                           of ISNTC’s crane which shall
more than 480 participants                                                      be scheduled every 5 years.
coming from 30 different                                                       MacGregor shall be ISNTC’s
countries.                                                                     partner in training provider for
                                                                               seafarers. With this in view,
   Overall, the conference brings more ideas and       MacGregor Singapore office is committed to consult
concept in simulator training and research that        its head office to come up with a proposal for ISNTC.
would help in developing or improving competency of    Though Mr. Tuapin’s meeting with MacGregor was time
seafarers. The following important issues were also    limited, hopes for better future development will be
discussed:                                             discussed in the following month.

1 Existing ERS simulator issues of ISNTC on how to        Mr. Tuapin also had a meeting with Georg Haase,
  implement individual Simulator Exercise Evaluation   Nautitec Managing Director, and plans to have more
  and Grading on Engine Room Management group          joint project between Nautitec and ISNTC was
  exercise were addressed and explained by Transas.    discussed.
C/E Zingapan Visits MacGregor Cement
     Handling Operations
        C/E Felicito Zingapan Jr., ISNTC Engine Section          Fred Tabujara during his familiarization with MacGregor
     Head, made his visit to Colombo, Sri Lanka on 26            Cement Handling Systems.
     January to 01 February and was accompanied by C/E
                                                                    The MacGregor Cement Handling Systems was
                                                                 designed for maximum performance and flexibility that
                                                                 enables Hartmann bulk carriers including UBC Cyprus,
                                                                 UBC Canada, and UBC Chile to perform at high capacity

                                                                     C/E Zingapan was given a tour by Mr. Fred Tabujara
                                                                 of Intership Navigation (ISN – Cyprus) Technical
                                                                 Department, and Capt. Danilo Bacalla, and Chief
                                                                 Engineer Vicente Teofilo Parmisano of UBC Cyprus.

                                                                    Based on the visit and discussions, valuable input
                                                                 was noted that would help to address issues that can
                                                                 be reinforced through ISNTC engine training.

                 Class NK Prime M anagemen t
                 and MARINA Seminar
                   In February 2016, Mr. Tuapin and
                                                     Capt.        Mr. Satoru Yanase, Manager of Safe
                De Jose were among those in the                                                      ty
                                                  maritime        Management Dept. - Class NK, discu
                industry who were invited to atte                                                     ssed the
                                                  nd the          implementation and updates of
                Seminar on Prime Management orga                                                 Maritime
                                                    nized         Labor Convention, 2006 including
                by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, also know                                                  PSC
                                                  n by the        deficiencies on MLC matters.
                brand name ClassNK.

                                                                      Training Requirements on High Volta
                    The event was graced by the pres                                                        ge
                                                          ence   which is set out in Section A/III-I,
                of Mr. Koichi Fujiwara, Executive                                                     A/III-2, A/
                                                     Vice        III-6 & BIII/2 of the STCW Code 2020
                President of ClassNK. MARINA STCW                                                        Manila
                                                                 Amendments was presented by
                Office Division Chief Samuel Bata                                                 Capt. Naoki
                                                    lla          Saito, Manager of Certification Serv
                who presented the basis for mon                                                        ice
                                                   itoring       Department, Class NK.
               of Maritime Education Training (MET
               in the Philippines. Mr. Yoshinori
                                                 Kozeki,            One of the highlights of the sem
               GM of Safety Management Dept.                                                         inar is a
                                                  - Class        workshop on how company transitio
               NK, published the recent trends                                                        n their
                                                  on Port        existing ISO management system
               State Control (PSC) Inspection,                                                     to ISO
                                                 whereas,        9001:2015.
The Nine Dimensions of Quality
        Quality is definitely one commonly used word that        Quality (ASQ). According to the ASQ, quality is a
     people in general have difficulty explaining in their       subjective term for which each person or sector has
     own words. Before you continue with this article, try       its own definition. In technical usage, quality can have
     to define the word “quality” using layman’s terms.          two meanings:

         Then, try to describe why                                                 The characteristics of a product
     you prefer your favorite barber                                               (including services) that bear on its
     over others. Or perhaps, relate                                               ability to satisfy stated or implied
     your definition of quality to your                                            needs, and
     reasons for getting your suit
     from a particular tailor. Or at                                                  A product free of deficiencies.
     least reason out why you are
     a fan of iOS phones and not                                                     That definition is based on
     android phones, or vice versa,                                               earlier definitions by Joseph Juran
     irrespective of price.                                                      and Phil Crosby. Juran said that
                                                                                 quality is fitness for use while Crosby
         If you think that the first exercise feels                              believes that quality is conformance
     like a walk in the park, I hope the next exercise would     to requirements. In both definitions, “use” and
     not feel like traversing through the remote rainforests     “requirements” are driven by the customers.
     of the Amazon.
                                                                    To make it easier to understand the subjective
        Look for someone who prefers a different barber          needs and wants of people, David Garvin and others
     and convince him why your barber is the best.               developed the Nine Dimensions of Quality. The
     Persuade your boss or your colleagues to get their suit     dimensions are summarized as follows:
     from your favorite tailor. Convert all your friends to be
     android users if they are using iOS, or vice versa.            P – Performance refers to the primary
                                                                 characteristics of the product. If we talk about our
         For sure, the day will not pass by without getting      ships, we should be able to explain to our customers
     yourself into a lengthy, exhausting, and I hope,            that our ships can transfer goods from one point to
     friendly argument with someone who would defend             another economically. For our seafarers, it means that
     their favorite barbers, tailors and mobile phones           our seafarers are competent based on the ranks that
     operating systems.                                          they have onboard.

        If you agree with me with this headache, how                A – Aesthetics is the representation of the
     about convincing the world that we are the best             individual’s personal preference. Our ships have to
     shipping organization in terms of quality? In a world       look well maintained and our seafarers prim and
     where people are free to pursue their individual needs      proper to have a visual display of professionalism and
     and wants, it is impossible to get everyone all in          trustworthiness.
     the same boat, same barber, tailor, mobile phone or
     shipping company.                                               S – Safety is freedom from harm or danger. Safety
                                                                 of life, property and the environment are paramount
        The reason for this is explained in the modern           in the shipping industry.
     definition of quality by the American Society for

    S – Special features are additional characteristics           of other companies? Are the seafarers accepting
 that enhance the product. What additional value                  longer contract durations to maximize the costs of
 adding products do we offer to the customers of                  deployment and repatriation?
 the Hartmann Group that differentiates us from our
 competitors?                                                        C – Conformance is the precision and consistence in
                                                                  meeting established standards. The companies, ships
     D – Durability refers to the length of the product’s         and seafarers comply with international standards and
 life. This is providing longer product life of our               conventions.
 products versus the products of our competitors.
 Due to proper usage and maintenance, are the ships                  P – Perception is the mental image of a product
 kept at their optimum performance longer than ships              that is instantly recalled in memory. It can also mean
                                                                                      the company’s reputation. For
                                                                                      example, when Volvo comes up, the
                                                                                      concept or idea of safety instantly
                                                                                      recalled. Safety is Volvo’s unique
                                                                                     promise of value to its customers. Do
  Quality > Quan tit y                                                               you know what the Hartmann Group’s
                                                                                     unique promise of value is?

  Which would you rather choose?                                                      A – After sales service is the speed
                                                                                  and accuracy at which a company and
  That one friend who is always there                                             personnel reacts when one of their
                                         for you,
  Or lots of peers who wouldn’t even call                                   products breaks down after delivery. This
                                              you when you’re blue?
  Lots of suitors saying false promises,                                    includes the companies, ships and seafarers
  Or that one true love who’s not like the                                  response to near misses and catastrophic
  A thousand comforting lies told,                                          maritime disasters.
  Or a painful truth that will unfold?
 Immortality; more than hundreds of                                             R – Reliability – is the likelihood or
                                        years to live,
 Or happy and fruitful years definitive                                     probability that the product will not
 Expensive but lasting material,                                            break down within the products lifetime.
 Or the one that’s cheap yet detriment                                     It also includes consistent high levels of
 A wealthy family where every one’s aloof                                  performance throughout a contract with the
 Or a family who’s not that rich, but conte                                charterer. Seafarers are also expected to
                                               nted under one roof?
 The quality which is how something’s                                      perform at their peak from start to finish of
                                         good or bad,
 Or the quantity which the amount of                                       their stay on-board.
                                        what you had?

 No matter how much you apologize,                                            Knowledge of the nine dimensions helps
 When it’s not sincere, it’s not recognized                                organizations in analyzing and strategizing
No matter how many words of promises                                       to build competitive advantage over others.
                                           you say,
It’s still the things you do that matter                                  It also helps us understand quality in a more
                                         at the end of the day.
No matter how much you say “I love                                        human perspective. The next time someone
It will not make sense when it’s not true.                                asks you about quality, you can start your
                                                                          conversation piece with PASS-D-CPAR.

Avy Gaile L. Maglalang                                                    Oliver F. Aborque
Career Development Assistant                                              Head of Safety, HR & Admin, and Quality
Hartmann Crew Philippines                                                    Hartmann Crew Philippines
Quality in our life -
     private and business way.
         Every person being introduced to the quality
     system, which is new in the company, gets totally
     lost between regulations, which are now formatted
     and required to follow up. It usually makes everybody
     surprised how difficult it can become to live as per
     rules, which are not fitting to our daily business,
     somehow. It gets name and even number to become
     more and more sophisticated… horrible. Additionally
     requirements, which appear in written way gets so
     much high that it seems to be very hard to work and
     deliver proper product to the Client.
         What to do now? Maybe it could be easier just to
     try to see it your own “private life” way to understand
     better. Do we have a quality system in the family; do
     we have requirements and expect quality products,
     when we become the clients making shopping or
     requesting services? Would anybody agree to employ
     an ex-carpenter to become babysitter for their own
     children, just because he is in the right time and
     right place to get the position, avoiding all checkouts    behaviors and life standards and it would be very hard
     including training, experience and references and          to keep all processes to be the same in such situation
     additionally agree for highest possible salary just        without clear and stable procedures. Additionally
     because he wants it? Would we agree to buy milk            clients, who are interested in cooperation with a
     or butter without at least a visual checkout of the        company can easily verify the way of the production
     state and taking a look at its expiry date? Don’t we       process and choose it or request some changes in
     like to ask our friends about recommended services         advance. Every process can be easily controlled by
     in case of the failure at home instead of checking         outsiders called auditors, who need to get familiar with
     advertisements?                                            a description of the system, similar to new employees,
         Maybe now it seems to be more visible that             who are urged to deliver products the same way as
     everybody creates his own (or follows up others or         other workers.
     family) quality system, making standard daily decisions        Last part is the worst, but the most important as
     and having title of client in daily routines most of       well… It is always the most important that we follow
     the time. We never write it down, because system           the quality system at least in the way how we want
     availability is normally restricted to 1-4 persons only.   others to follow our family regulations or even better,
     It is always to be approved, otherwise family members      having in mind how hard is to satisfy our own daily
     could send us a remarkable non-conformity notice or        demands. System of quality is built in the way to guide
     we could lose valuable resources… of course it is much     us and make all delivery process easier.
     easier to become a demanding client than follow his
     procedures.                                                   Rafal Robaszkiewicz
         Coming back to company needs in view of quality,          Quality and Training Manager
     all workers are like a big family, who has different          Hartmann Crew Consultants

    Quality is the commonality in this era of               dogma that being practiced by many. But nowadays
globalization and competition. It is a broad concept        it is slowly displaced by low standard trademark. And
depending on what it denotes for. This is the benchmark     the end user which is the crew are the front liners in
of individuals, groups or companies that represent their    dealing the dangers, troubles, problems, difficulties,
names, products and distinction.                                              delays, detention and not to mention
                                                                              the financial loss it may incur.
   Producing or manufacturing equipment
that is worthy, reliable, durable and                                          It has also a chain effect for the
helpful means quality.                                                      suppliers and ship chandlers to deliver
                                                                            and supply low quality or sub-standard
   If it is quality certainly trusted names                                   materials. People on board are coerced
or brands who are illustrious in their fields                                 to accept otherwise you have nothing
of expertise that proven by the people who                                    especially you need it urgently and you
is fond of it.                                                                 are engaged in a longer voyage. The
                                                                               request is clearly specified but they
    In the shipping industry quality is essential in        supply or deliver differently albeit they are the same
constructing a ship that would last in many years. But      equipment but different model or manufacturer but the
nowadays it is somewhat a compromise and quality            price would be the same to the one what is needed.
becomes vague and obscured. There are ships that            Verily they are the lowest quality! Profits really matters
are built in lower quality because of the lower prices.     whatever the outcome would be.
Of course if you are looking for low price it will
commensurate to the amount of money that you want               There are organizations for standardization why
to spend. You cannot expect that it would last longer       still unscrupulous & bogus equipment are being
although they are approved to do so, but do you think       produced and passed with less scrutiny. What would
the standard would still be akin for the one that’s build   be the outcome of quality if the trend would continue?
with good quality. The answer would be a great no,          Inevitably the workers are the ones to bear the worst
because quality requires money to invest and spend.         case scenarios & consequences.

   With lower quality of course it pays the price what          Quality is synonymous with safety. Like in a saying:
you get. The cumbersome that it brought later would be      good begets good. If on board is in good quality all will
incalculable and the loss is somewhat huge such as the      lead to safety and ensured profitability. Certainly no
delays, claims, and expenditure and operation is halted.    claims, delays and less expenditure is maintained. It is
                                                            salubrious to use or pattern quality every day; it makes
   Concurrently quality is being overlooked for the         life comfortable, liveable and making good returns and
interest of saving money and making good returns as         benefits and it is the mantra that the customer is always
the bottom line despite of the repercussion it may          looking for; business without stoppage. Quality of choice
cause. Comparatively two things would not always be         is the tool in setting, reaching goals and in establishing
equal and not always guaranteed that it could make less     norm. Quality of choice is your protection and insurance
worrisome and would last longer especially if it is an      in any unforeseeable events and it is your parameters
inexpensive one.                                            in safeguarding your own interests and cementing good
                                                            rapport betwixt partners or associates.
  The experts, analysts and classification societies
would always prefer for the good quality for it is the         JAYMAN QUIAMCO
A life of Quality
        In some places like shopping malls, we can find           moment of every second we are battling the thoughts
     almost identical items of different brands, but with         of our loved ones. We are overwhelmed with stresses
     huge difference of prices. Gotten curios and a little bit    and anxieties caused by the demand of our job and
     furious about it, saleslady will then explicitly explain     even by the rage of nature. Nonetheless, these should
     that prices are proportioned to its quality. So what is it   not hold us back from the happiness we deserve to
     really in the quality?                                       savor in every tick of the clock. A day would just be a
                                                                  waste if we can’t find pleasure in our toil. We should
         When I checked the                                                              be reminded that a particular day
     dictionary of what “quality”                                                        doesn’t come in two. Life is full
     really means, I was just                                                            of unfathomable melancholies,
     overwhelmed by the number of                                                        but one thing is for sure: the sun
     its definitions. But among all                                                      sets and so as our last breath.
     the one which enthralled me                                                         Hence, let us enjoy life to the
     most is this, “It is a degree of                                                     fullest with everything we
     excellence.” This description                                                        got under any circumstances.
     surely applies to varied                                                             We maybe are mopping and
     circumstances, but let us put                                                        crawling beneath the floors,
     this in the simplest yet most                                                        painting while hanging on the
     perplexed context: our daily life.                                                    walls, maneuvering through
                                                                                           narrow ways, and overhauling
         Every day we struggle to                                                          engines under heavy seas, still
     live a life of value, a life worth emulating for; a life     give the world a bucket of joy.
     of quality. Consciously or instinctively, we all aspire
     to maneuver our lives to the direction which heeds              The simplest way of reciprocating all God’s
     nowhere else but to prominence and perfection. We            blessings is to find pleasure from them. For there is
     desire nothing but the best. But to what extent of           no greater happiness for the Father than to see His
     excellence the life should be before we live a life of       children enjoying and appreciating everything He
     quality? Does it require to have a best job, best house,     gives. So let us venture to live each day with a life of
     best car, or to be best in all ways? The answer is a         quality.
     definite NO! That is how the world expects life to be.
                                                                     WPR Isagani A Canial
        If you anchor your standards on how the world                QUEEN CATALINA
     define them, you would end up comparing yourself to
     others and subsequently end up loser. You will just find
     yourself insecure, pathetic and unsatisfied. Someone
     who tends to have more and is better in everything
     will always be around. So what does it really take
     to have such a life? Let me share to you a wonderful
     verse in the book of Ecclesiastes 2:24, “There is
     nothing better for a person than that he should eat
     and drink and find enjoyment in his toil.”

        For me, to live a life of quality is to walk every
     single day with great bliss and thanksgiving. I discern
     this for sure is challenging for us all seafarers. Every

Quality Time towards Quality Life
    In every aspect of man’s daily living whether               These above
personal, social, business related matter or even           questions must come
spiritual faith and growth – the word “Quality” is always   into a realization that
the issue that one must take into account. A word that      it is more than money
matters and will give a positive output after all - at      that we can offer
this juncture, let us focus on seafarers lives and their    for our family and
families…                                                   loved ones. It is the
                                                            presence, time and
    Today, as continues growth of our modern technology     moral support that
wherein they have been able to invent and produce           they need most…
different electronic machines and gadgets, it is always
possible of having the means of communication. Being            In our case as seafarers, aside from being away from
away and living from a long distance voyage is no longer    our family and loved ones we are also busy like a bee
a problem or hindrance anymore – however, it does not       while on board the vessel. It involves responsibilities,
stop on that. Communication is nothing and impossible       obligations and some other unexpected situations which
without time – quality time that will gear towards a        cannot be avoided, yet we should not forget our family
quality life. It is true that communication is a great      and loved ones by at least sending a regular messages/
way to get in touch with our family and loved ones, but     mails, phone calls and if possible a video call for an
there is always a follow-up question: How often are we      effective interaction. Thus, a manageable and quality
doing this? And being a seafarer how can you achieve a      time is indeed the essential element in order to attain
good quality of relation with your family and loved ones?   a good relationship with our dear ones. In addition to
How can you be able to practice efficient and effective     that, during our vacation even in a very limited time we
communication especially with your children? Is it          must give the most and memorable moments that we
enough to communicate only once in the blue moon?           could ever be… By these I deemed, though we are not
                                                            present by their side - we can still continue our good
                                                            connection with our family and loved ones especially
                                                            with our children having priceless memories that will
                                                            last forever.

                                                                Lastly, with this theme “Quality” we as seafarers
                                                            shall remember that in order to have a quality relation
                                                            of life with our family and loved ones - let’s oblige
                                                            ourselves to give time for them by having a quality
                                                            time through communication and bonding using the
                                                            best means of contacts and if opportunity permits to be
                                                            with them personally let’s provide something which is
   Christmas bonus 2015 from the company has                good and cool that they will never forget whenever and
been spent on upgrading the ships gym. On 22-               wherever we are. Good luck and May God Bless us all!
Feb-2016, we bought 2 benches, 2 bicycles (one
normal, one for tinning at gym), a cardio stepper,
a plate rack and a treadmill.                                  A/B Mark Ryan T. Tapar
                                                               Hartmann Crew Philippines
   Capt. A. Lasota
Rig Tows arriving in Malta

     UOS EXPLORER towing a rig from Congo

     UOS FREEDOM towing the rig “Falcon 100”


                                               Capt. Lawrence Dalli and team;
Life on Board
                                          Coming Home


Foto: Capt. Peter Mosselberger
Local Traditions from Leer:

     The Tea Ceremony
     Rio Grande, Brasil

        Hartmann Reederei Technical Superintendent Joern
     Dehne was travelling to GASCHEM ATLANTIC. Capt.
     Mateusz Jedruch and Chief Engineer Sven Wünsche
     had a special request: “Please bring some tea and
     “Kluntje” with you”. The reason for the visit on board
     was a repair, but of course the tea was brought on
     board, too.

        Every Coffeetime was converted into a Teatime
     during the 5 days in Rio Grande. Only the traditional
     cups and the candle below the stove were missing.
     Even the water quality on board was good to enjoy tea         The “tea ceremony” is the most important folkways
     − quite soft water.                                       in East Frisia. Each resident is drinking about 300 liters
                                                               of this tea yearly. This is 12 times higher than the
        The local tea from Leer is a strong blend from Assam   German average. This also means that the residents
     and maybe Ceylon or Darjeeling. “Kluntje” can be          from East Frisia drink more tea than the British, which
     translated as “rock candy”, and it is used to sweeten     is a world record!
     the tea slowly.
                                                                   Tea is really a tradition on board of Hartmann
                                                               vessels. Same as „Meica“-sausages and German bread.
                                                               It is really difficult nowadays to fly groceries around
                                                               the world, as airlines and customs have much stronger
                                                               regulations, so if a chance pops up to get it far away
                                                               from Europe − we should take it.

                                                                  Jörn Dehne
                                                               Technical Superintendent

                                                               Source „Teezeremonie“:
                                                               Deutscher Teeverband e.V. − www.teeverband.de
Life on Board

                                                       Catch of
                                                       the day
                                                          2/O Eugene Galuego with his
                                                       catch – a beautiful “DORADO”,
                                                       about 10 kg (26/11/2015 - Indian
                                                       Ocean, South of India)

                                        Funny funnel
                                           A racer pigeon, which came on board in the
                                        Straits of Florida, is thoroughly studying our
                                        funnel. :-)

                                           Capt. Peter Mosselberger
                                           UBC SAIKI


UBC ships are
at New Orleans
    Picture taken from the UBC SAIKI:
at left the UBC BOSTON, at left ahead
the UBC TAMPICO and at right the UBC
SEATTLE passing


   Capt. Peter Mosselberger
In the High North

        MV MARTIGNY loading 15,000 mt of coal in
     Longyearbyen, Svalbard/Spitsbergen, Norway for
        This is (very likely) the most Northern port of
     loading of an MTL-vessel ever!
Life on Board

Visit of MV Lancelot at Rotterdam
   On Saturday, February 20th, MTL employees Sven
Hamacher and Eike Hartmann decided to visit MV
LANCELOT while discharging at the EMO Terminal in
   Within two days, she discharged a cargo of
168.888mts ICO low silicia pellets ex Sept-Iles.

    After passing the security test at the EMO Terminal
we boarded the vessel and were welcomed by Capt.
Bernath. As we arrived at lunch time, the visit started
with a lunch together with C/E Pawel Zatowka
and Andreas Apostolides & Michael Pouris of ISN.
Thereafter C/E Zatowka showed us around the vessel.
Our tour started in the engine room of the vessel,
followed by the training bridge. Presently there are,
in addition to the “normal” crew, nine cadets
on board for training purposes, together with
a teacher from ISNTC. Afterwards we had the
chance to visit the bridge of the vessel and
walk around on deck. Upon completion of
discharging at Rotterdam, MV LANCELOT sailed
again to Sept-Iles for loading. This time she
will sail to China for discharging.

   We like to thank the crew and especially
C/E Zatowka for the possibility to visit the
vessel and the tour around the vessel.

   Sven Hamacher
   MTL Trainee
Passing the Bosporus

                                                                A story for the Wheelhouse, as a lot
                                                                of sailors never get there and most
                                                                probably never will see it like this -
     1st bridge, still under construction, North side           and people in the office never have
                                                                even a chance at all.

         When finishing dry dock in
     Constanta on Nov 19, 2015 we
     received voyage orders to load
     pig iron in Nikolaev, Ukraine for
     discharging in Veracruz, Mexico.
     After the usual problems and not
     problems in that port, we arrived on
     26 Nov at the north side (Black Sea)
     of the Bosporus.

                                                        2nd bridge

                                                           The Bosporus is the narrow passage between
                                                        Europe and Asia and was over the centuries witness of
                                                        countless invasions, wars and other events. After the
                                                        crumble of the Byzantine Empire in 1453, it became
                                                        the Ottoman Empire and it developed finally into
                                                        today’s modern Turkey.

                                                           Passing the Bosporus and subsequently the
     3rd bridge                                         Dardanelles is a kind of high light for every sailor. In
                                                        my 42 years as sailor I passed only twice.
Life on Board

Hagia Sofia: initially a cathedral, then a mosque, now a museum

                                                                        Leander Tower

Kuleli Military Academy                                                                                 31

   Unfortunately we were assigned to transit
during the night. First I was kind of annoyed, but
then figured, „Well Capitano, don’t be a jerk,
but make the best out of it.” I think I took some
pictures which most people never will see, perhaps
                                                                 Rumelian Fortress
in magazines and wondering if those things really
exist. Looks to me like out of the book “1001
Arabian Nights”.

    We started the transit at about midnight and
finished the first leg by 0230 and here are the

   Capt Theodor Hinrichs
                                 Sultan Ahmed Mosque
Recently we have upgraded our inner superstructure. We
                                                            renewed totally our galley. All new furniture is stainless,
                                                            while the last was wooden. Also, we put linoleum in all
                                                            mess-rooms and alleyways. We renewed all chairs and sofas
                                                            with leather. We built from the beginning Gymnastic room.
                                                            There was open area previously on our vessel.

                                                               Best regards            Capt. Pawel Siwiec
                                                                                       FEDERAL SHIMANTO

     Dry docking in Constanta
        During Nov 2015 DD time in Constanta Romania,
     I was inspecting paint progress as my daily routine.
     One day I chatted a little with some of the workers
     and I mentioned to them jokingly to paint my vessel
     with love and I would be thankfull.

        Result you can see in the pictures. On the end they
     earned the bottle.

        Capt Theodor Hinrichs
                                    & Science


Source: www.maltashipphotos.com
What is an Anchor Handling
     Tug Supply (AHTS) Vessel?
         The primary function of an AHTS vessel is to           retractable azimuthing thruster also in the bow - all
     support offshore oil exploration and drilling activities   controlled by a “Dynamic Positioning” System (DP) -
     by towing, positioning and mooring Mobile Offshore         give the AHTS vessel the ability to sit in one position
     Drilling Units (Oil Rigs) and other large vessels, which   despite the best efforts of wind, waves, swell and
     do not have the capability either to move or to secure     current to displace her, or the ability to be moved
     themselves in a fixed position without the assistance of   precisely in small increments in any direction to attain
     smaller support vessels.                                   the best position to achieve the task in hand.
         The defining                                                                                  Most often the
     characteristics of                                                                            “DP” is used to
     the “AHT” part                                                                                control the vessel’s
     is a vessel with                                                                              position when it is in
     high horsepower,                                                                              very close proximity
     exceptional                                                                                   to other vessels or
     maneuverability and                                                                            structures where
     a “Big Winch”, big -                                                                           making physical
     both in terms of its                                                                           contact with them
     ability to maintain                                                                            would be disastrous.
     high loads and its                                                                                 For many
     capacity to store wire                                                                         Captains the idea of
     on its working drums.                                      taking their vessel anywhere close to fixed objects of
         The “S” part is that, as well as being a               any description without the assistance of a pilot and
     sophisticated Tug, it has the ability to carry large       tugs would bring them out in a cold sweat, but the
     heavy equipment on its open working deck and               AHTS vessel is in its natural element when it is “up
     depending on its design, every bulk cargo (both wet        close and personal” at the work place.
     and dry) that 21st century drilling operations require         For safety, the working strength of the “Winch” is
     in tanks purpose designed and built into the structure     more than twice the 200 tons Bollard Pull of the vessel
     of the vessel.                                             and the work wires are rated the same way at 500 tons
         At 76 meters long and 17.5 meters wide, Hartmann       breaking strain.
     Offshore’s vessels are a compact hull form in which to         At 83 mm diameter the work wire is as thick as
     fit all these capabilities.                                a man’s arm and while it is paid out or heaved in by
         Each vessel has four main engines producing a total    the hydraulically driven winch, it would appear to be
     of 16,000 horsepower, and coupled to twin variable         flexible and easy to control. But when it has to be man
     pitch propellers they can exert a continuous pull of       handled on the deck to position it for connecting links or
     200 tons.                                                  shackles, it may as well be a very long solid steel bar!

     That in effect means that “if it floats we can move         It takes effort and determination to work on the
     it”, especially as many offshore structures look as        deck of an anchor handler.
     though they were never designed to move easily                 To tow a 40,000 tons oil rig, the connections in
     through the water!                                         the towing bridle need to be strong - that means
        A combination of the two large propellers housed in     they are big and heavy - a common choice to make a
     nozzles to maximize their efficiency, two fixed tunnel     connection is a No8 Pear link (it’s pear shaped) and it
     thrusters, one in the bow and one in the stern and a       weighs in at 150kg!
Technology & Science

    On a cold dark winter’s night in the North Sea with
the snow blowing one way, the icy spray coming in off
the choppy sea and the vessel moving every way to
                                                              Odd fac ts about AHTS
knock you off balance, the deck wet and slippery and
                                                               Mooring item weights used in normal rig move
fingers that got cold and stiff three hours into a six                                                      s:
                                                               • Work Wire length 2500m x 83mm diameter
hour shift despite the best PPE in the world – mean
                                                              • Tow Wire Length 1200m x 83mm diameter
that bringing wires and links and shackles together
                                                              • 83mm Wire 29.5kg/m
to make safe, secure connections takes grit and
                                                              • Synthetic fibre ropes 150mm 11.6kg/m
                                                              • 84mm Ramfor Link 150kg
                                                              • No.8 Pear Link 148kg
Why the emphasis on safe and secure?
                                                              • No.7 Pear Link 100kg
    When a rig is taken in tow, responsibility for its
                                                              • Kenter Link 84mm- 88kg
safety and that of all the people on board it are
                                                             • Kenter Link 76mm- 65kg
entirely in the hands of the Captain and crew of the
                                                             • Studlink Chain 76mm- 126kg/m
AHTS vessel.
                                                             • Studlink Chain 84mm- 155kg/m
    The open ocean on a bad day is the very definition
                                                             • 85T shackle weighs 62kg
of “a hostile environment” and no one wants anything
                                                             • 120T Shackle weighs 110kg
to go wrong.
                                                             • 250T Shackle weighs 285kg
    It’s not all bad though - built for worldwide
                                                             • Anchors- various sizing/type: 1.5 to 25 T
service - some AHTS vessels get to work in some of the
sunniest most beautiful spots on the planet.
                                                             Bulk Cargoes Carried
    The oil rig’s been towed half way round the world,
                                                            • Drilling Mud
positioned and anchored securely with millimeter
                                                            • Brine
perfect precision - thanks to DP and satellite
                                                            • Base Oils
technology……. now they need everything to make it
                                                            • Fuel
possible for the 100 + people on board to bring the rig
                                                            • Drill Water
to life and drill for oil.
                                                            • Potable water
    They need fresh food, water, fuel, chemicals, tools,
                                                            • Dry powders such as
equipment, parts and often even more people.
                                                                   o Cements                                      35
    The AHTS vessel forms the vital link in the supply
                                                                   o Barites
chain - the capability to sail in all weathers, sit
                                                                   o Bentonites
comfortably alongside the rig within reach of the
cranes for extended periods - that can stretch for
                                                            Deck Cargoes
days - means that the work on the rig does not have
                                                            • Mooring equipment
to stop.
                                                            • Containers, standard minis to full size IMBC’
    Drilling operations go through several phases and                                                      s
                                                           • Baskets, open tops of various sizes 3ft to
often the oil rig does not have the space to store all                                                  45foot
                                                           • Tubulars for drilling
the equipment for the whole job on its own deck so
                                                           • Heavy Lifts
the open deck of the AHTS Vessel becomes a floating
                                                           • Gas Tanks
storage yard.
                                                           • Generators
                                                           • Waste skips
Sometimes the drilling hits a problem, a special tool
                                                           • Modular pieces for rig construction
is required and it’s ashore!
    Of course they need it NOW! The Anchor Handler
is suddenly on a “Hotshot to the Beach” and back. Of
course nine times out of ten the problem gets sorted
long before the boat gets back and the rush and the
fuel burned were for nothing, but it’s accepted as the                    The average delivery from the AHTS vessel when
     nature of the job.                                                   filling the oil rig’s fuel tanks is 2,000 liters per minute
        Delivering bulk powders and fluids by hose while                  and the Chief Engineer gets to sit and grumble about
     the rig’s cranes lift up and replace containers and                  pumping fuel for hours on end and being very thankful
     equipment from the deck. Personnel transfers by                      he doesn’t have to go in and pay when it’s done!
     basket on the rig crane from the Vessel to the Rig and                    Drilling Fluids - base oil, brine, drilling mud -
     back – that’s a genuine white knuckle ride - it can all              often different grades of the same products carried
     be going on ….. and in the background the vessel’s                   at the same time - all from dedicated tanks with
     systems and machinery are keeping her safely in                      dedicated pumping systems to keep them separate and
     position.                                                            uncontaminated.

                                                                                       Acting in case of emergencies
                                                                                           Fire Fighting capability - two very large
                                                                                       pumps in the Engine Room clutched to the

       Did you know…?
                                                                                       outboard Main Engines, each requiring the
                                                                                        full power of their engine to deliver seawater
                                                                                        through water cannons fitted above the ship’s
                                       lar ge   ves  sel  sai  ls the                   bridge at the rate of 2 tons per second and
            …that in its lifetime,                                                       “throw it” 150 meters – that’s the equivalent of
                                       bac  k   abo  ut  ten    tim  es?
        distance to the moon                                                             emptying an Olympic swimming pool every 15
                                      000   TEU     con  tai  ner   vessel is            minutes.
            …that one modern 10,                                      sailers                 If the worst happens and there is an oil
                                        oun   t of  car  go   as  all
                                 e am
        able to carry the sam                                                            spill – the AHTS vessel is one of the first called
                                 16t  h cen   tur  y add   ed   up?
         and coggs during the                                                             on to help mitigate an environmental disaster
                                          pop   ula tio n  alr  ead  y live in            – with a call to port and the loading of some
             …that 60% of the world
                                       to  exp   ert s’  est  ima   tes, in 2020          specialist equipment on deck, she can become
         coastal areas? According                                    will live            an Oil Recovery vessel lifting polluting oil from
                                   the   wo  rld   pop  ula   tio n
          approximately 75% of                                                            the sea’s surface and storing it in her tanks for
          within 60 km of the coa                                                          safe disposal ashore. The same control and
                                                                                           maneuverability that lets her sit beside an oil
                                                                                           rig can be applied to approach an oil slick and
                                          e/e n.ht  ml and   http ://list25.                recover it without becoming caught up in its
           Sources: www.reederver
                                         ippi ng-i ndu stry /                               contamination.
                                                                                                 The AHTS vessel often sees service for the
                                                                                             Coastguard, acting as an ETV (or emergency
                                                                                             towing vessel) – with better control than
                                                                                             an ocean going tug and far more power and
                                                                                      sea keeping ability than a harbor tug, the AHTS
                                                                                 has brought many casualties under control and towed
                                                                                 them to a port of refuge.
        Fuel - When you go to the petrol station to fill up
     your car the pump on the forecourt delivers 40 liters                       So what is An AHTS Vessel? – the original
     per minute - that gives you time to grumble about the                       multipurpose Ocean-going Workhorse.
     price or think about buying chocolate when you go in
     to pay. It may seem like it takes a while, but it’s only                       Capt. Stuart Kirk and Crew
     2 minutes.                                                                     UOS ENTERPRISE
Technology & Science

Shipping in polar waters
Adoption of an international code of safety for ships                                               Background
operating in polar waters                                                                               Trends and forecasts indicate that polar shipping
    The International Maritime Organization IMO has                                                 will grow in volume and diversify in nature over the
adopted the International Code for Ships Operating                                                  coming years and these challenges need to be met
in Polar Waters (Polar Code) and related amendments                                                 without compromising either safety of life at sea or
to make it mandatory under both the International                                                   the sustainability of the polar environments.
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and                                                    Ships operating in the Arctic and Antarctic
the International Convention for the Prevention of                                                  environments are exposed to a number of unique
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).                                                                      risks. Poor weather conditions and the relative lack
    The Polar Code is expected to enter into force on 1                                             of good charts, communication systems and other
January 2017. This marks an historic milestone in the                                               navigational aids pose challenges for mariners. The
Organization’s work to protect ships and people aboard                                              remoteness of the areas makes rescue or clean-up
them, both seafarers and passengers, in the waters                                                  operations difficult and costly. Cold temperatures may
surrounding the two poles.                                                                          reduce the effectiveness of numerous components of
    The Polar Code covers the full range of design,                                                 the ship, ranging from deck machinery and emergency
construction, equipment, operational, training, search                                              equipment to sea suctions. When ice is present, it can
and rescue and environmental protection matters                                                     impose additional loads on the hull, propulsion system
relevant to ships operating in polar waters.                                                        and appendages.

                                          HOW THE POLAR CODE
                                        PROTECTS THE ENVIRONMENT

                  Discharge into the sea of
                  oil or oily mixtures from
                  any ship is prohibited                                                                                                                                                              37
                                                                                                                                                                All disposal of plastics
                  STRUCTURE                                                                                                                                     prohibited (under MARPOL)
                  Double hull and double
                  bottom required for all oil
                  tankers, including those
                  less than 5,000dwt (A/B
                  ships constructed on or
                  after 1 January 2017)                                                                                                                         FOOD WASTES I
                                                                                                                                                                Discharge of food wastes
                  HEAVY FUEL OIL                                                                                                                                onto the ice is prohibited
                  Heavy fuel oil is banned
                  in the Antarctic (under
                  MARPOL). Ships are
                  encouraged not to use or                                                                                                                      FOOD WASTES II
                                                                                                                                                                Food wastes which have
                  carry heavy fuel oil in the                                                                                                                   been comminuted or
                  Arctic                                                                                                                                        ground (no greater than
                  LUBRICANTS                                SEWAGE                                                                                              25mm) can be discharged
                                                                                                                                                                only when ship is not less
                 Consider using non-toxic                                                                                                                       than 12nm from the nearest
                 biodegradable lubricants                                                                                                                       land, nearest ice shelf, or
                 or water-based systems                          DISCHARGES I                                                                                   nearest fast ice
                 in lubricated components                        No discharge of sewage
                 outside the underwater                          in polar waters allowed
                 hull with direct seawater                       (except under specific                                                                        ANIMAL CARCASSES
                 interfaces                                      circumstances)                                                                                Discharge of animal
                                                                                                                                                               carcasses is prohibited
 INVASIVE SPECIES                                                TREATMENT PLANTS
                                                                                                                      DISCHARGES II
                                                                                                                     • Sewage not comminuted                   CARGO RESIDUES
                                                                  Discharge is permitted                             or disinfected can be                     Cargo residues, cleaning agents
                                                                 if ship has an approved                             discharged at a distance of               or additives in hold washing water
                 INVASIVE AQUATIC SPECIES                        sewage treatment plant, and
                 Measures to be taken to                                                                             more than 12nm from any ice               may only be discharged if: they
                                                                 discharges treated sewage                           shelf or fast ice                         are not harmful to the marine
                 minimize the risk of invasive                   as far as practicable from the                                                                environment; both departure and
                 aquatic species through ships’                                                                      • Comminuted and
                                                                 nearest land, any fast ice,                         disinfected sewage can be                 destination ports are within Arctic
                 ballast water and biofouling                    ice shelf, or areas of specified                                                              waters; and there are no adequate
                                                                                                                     discharged more than 3nm
                                                                 ice concentration                                   from any ice shelf or fast ice            reception facilities at those ports.
                                                                                                                                                               The same requirements apply to
                                                                                                                                                               Antarctic area under MARPOL
         BACKGROUND INFO                                                                DEFINITIONS                                                       CHEMICALS
    WATERS WILL ENTER INTO FORCE ON 1 JANUARY 2017              SHIP CATEGORIES                       FAST ICE: Sea ice which forms and remains
                                                                 Three categories of ship             fast along the coast, where it is attached to the        DISCHARGES
    WATERS: ADDITIONAL TO EXISTING MARPOL REQUIREMENTS          designed to operate in polar          shore, to an ice wall, to an ice front, between          Discharge of noxious
                                                                waters in:                            shoals or grounded icebergs                              liquid substances (NLS) or
    IT PROVIDES FOR SAFE SHIP OPERATION AND PROTECTS            A) at least medium first-year ice                                                              mixtures containing NLS is
    THE ENVIRONMENT BY ADDRESSING THE UNIQUE RISKS              B) at least thin first-year ice       ICE SHELF: A floating ice sheet of                       prohibited in polar waters
    PRESENT IN POLAR WATERS BUT NOT COVERED BY OTHER            C) open waters/ice conditions
    INSTRUMENTS                                                                                       considerable thickness showing 2 to 50m or
                                                                less severe than A and B              more above sea-level, attached to the coast
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