White paper United States - Modulex Americas

Page created by Billy Cole
white paper
United States
Why is Modulex Americas doing this?

We have all been working hard over the past few years to
transform our company into an industry leader that is able to
outperform our competitors on price, capabilities, and most
importantly, have fun while doing it.

Through restructuring, incentive programs and employee
benefits, we have attempted to energize and reward staff into
becoming “owners” with mixed results.

Our philosophy is to reward hard work, and give our people
the opportunity for increased success and freedom based on
the metrics of business and project outcomes we’ve always

Research tells us that people are leaving their jobs in record
numbers, particularly young talent, because they are all
striving for “work-life balance”. Change is hard, and we want
you, our greatest assets, to be a part of this transformation.
We are here to answer as many questions as you have so you
can see what an opportunity this is for us all.

We want YOU to be a part of our team!
What is a Modulex TeamMate®?
A Modulex TeamMate® is legally defined as an independent contractor, but we at Modulex Americas don’t feel
that word describes it well, as these individuals are our most committed, most rewarded team mates. They are
integral to our success and create their own by having the freedom to own their own business, with the power
and support of a global organization.

What’s the catch?
Transparency is key to success with Modulex Americas. There is no “catch”, it’s truly about providing opportuni-
ties to the RIGHT people. Does this model work for everyone? No. Does it work for people who work hard, have
integrity and are striving for success? Yes.

See the chart below for the differences between our commitment to employees and teammates, along with
some of the additional benefits to owning your own business.

                                       EMPLOYEE                                        LLC

                                     40 hours/week
Hours & Schedule                                                                    you decide
                                    9:00am - 5:00pm

Workplace                            office in the city                              you decide

Career Path                 within current Modulex business unit                    you decide

Project Opportunities       within current Modulex business unit                    you decide

                                                                            earnings can be kept in co.,
Income Tax                          paid on all earnings
                                                                              income TBD by owner

Tax Return                        personal tax return ($)                     business tax return ($$)

Insurance Coverage        covered under Modulex Americas Group        covered under Modulex Americas Group

Asset Liability                          personal                                  business only
What makes a Modulex TeamMate® different?

              Work 9 to 5    Work any time

Work in an corporate office   Work anywhere

  Use company equipment      Use any device

        Focused on inputs    Focused on outputs

Climb the corporate ladder   Create your own ladder

         Pre-defined work     Customized work

       Hoards information    Shares information

                 No voice    Can become a leader

           Relies on email   Relies on collaborative technologies
Becoming a Modulex TeamMate® means you
                 give yourself the autonomy to set your own
                 work schedule and hours in how it fits with
                 your personal life. You’re also able to work
                 where you feel you’ll be most successful. If
                 that’s from home, great! If that’s in the office,
                 great too! If it’s from a garden bench in Paris?
                 Even better! The goal is to make work fit with
                 your lifestyle and goals, so you’ll be happier,
Work any time    more motivated, and ultimately, more

                 Here’s some ideas to make telecommuting
                 (if that’s your choice) an easier transition:

                 • Identify what needs to be done every day, and make
                 sure you do it.
                 • Use the cloud (i.e. OneDrive or DropBox)!
                 • Get dressed and create routines.
                 • Don’t let friends drop by.
Work anywhere    • Get out of the house sometimes (work at a local
                 coffee shop, library, or alternate space) if you’re getting
                 cabin fever.
                 • Create a dedicated work space, with comfortable
                 • Define rules for friends and family so they respect
                 your work boundaries and don’t distract you from your
                 • Get in-person contact with your colleagues.
                 • Enjoy your flexibility.
                 • Stay out of the kitchen ;)
                 • Buy noise cancelling headphones.
Use any device   • Make use of free or corporate communication tools
                 (i.e. WhatsApp, Skype for Business, and Teams) and
                 check in with colleagues several times a day.
Focused on outputs                 Create your own ladder                  Customized work

When you become a Modulex            As a Modulex TeamMate®, you          If there is a particular aspect of
TeamMate®, the focus is on           can resource your projects in        projects that you enjoy doing, you
results, output and meeting goals.   whichever way you prefer. If you     have the autonomy to not only
                                     can resource your deliverables in    complete those tasks for your
Performance is measured in the       a more efficient, cost effective or   own projects, but can outsource
following ways:                      alternate way, that’s within your    your skills to other partners
                                     power to do so. This means you       within the network, as much or as
 • Business Unit Financial Impact    create your own hierarchy for your   little as you choose.
(bottom line)                        projects, and the management of
   • Business Unit Performance       those resources is completely up     This ability to customize your
Measure Impact (top line)            to you.                              workload and tasks, leads to
 • ROI                                                                    greater engagement on projects,
 • On-Time                                                                and ultimately creates more
 • On-Budget                                                              successful outcomes for you,
 • Stakeholder Support                                                    Modulex Americas, and our
 • Stakeholder Participation                                              clients.
Career Path
      United States

                                                                          Senior                     Director
                                                Project                  Designer

   Hourly Rate        $8 - $10               $15 - $17.50                $20 - $25                 $25 - $30
                                                                                                 ($4,500 max.)

   Commission             0%                        0%                        0%                         1.5%                    Negotiated

Expected Yearly       $19,200                   $33,600                   $48,000                   $59,250**

                    Limited to                Limited to              Client Facing                100% of                   100% of Business
Responsibilities     In-House                  In-House                                         Project Results                Unit Financial
                   Opportunity to           Responsible for the    Working alongside with      Takes responsibility for      Having responsibility for the
                   work with Project        design of a specific    the Account Director will   the projects, profitability,   day-to-day management of
                   Designers                portion of a project   have direct contact with    and creative work.            the business unit. Identifies
                   assisting in the         assigned by the Sr.    the client. Re-orders and   Manages and builds the        the short-term strategies
                   execution of tasks.      Project Designer and   client contact.             relationship with the         for realizing the long-term
                                            Account Director.                                  clients.                      goals established by the
                                                                                                                             Board and other partners.

                   • PDF Proposals          • PDF Proposals        • EGD Packages              • Project Value (Top Line)    • Business Value (Top Line)
                   • Sign Take-Offs         • Sign Take-Offs       • Shop Drawings             • Project Profitability        • Business Profitability
   Deliverables    • Basic Pricing          • Shop Drawings        • Production Files          (Bottom Line)                 (Bottom Line)
                                            • Production Files     • Pricing / Estimates       • Stakeholder Input &         • Board & Partner goals
                                            • Preliminary &        • Concept Design            Participation                 reached
                                            Basic Pricing                                      • On Time & On Budget

                   * Based on full time hours 1920 per year
                   ** Annual Managed Value of $750,000
 Do I get vacation time?
 Of course! You choose when, where and how much you work. Your invoices will only include
 hours worked, so it’s completely up to you.

 What about my job and pay security?
 As a Modulex TeamMate®, your rights are the same as an employee in regards to termination
 and severance and will be outlined in your contractor agreement. As a dependant contractor
 we will guarantee a minimum number of billable hours in the same way an employment
 contract would.

 What about my business expenses?
 You have the choice to claim these as a business expense on your business tax return, or you
 can identify an agreed upon monthly fee to invoice to cover your expenses related to doing
 business with Modulex Americas.

 How often will I get paid?
 Invoices from Modulex TeamMates® are submitted at month end, and paid on receipt with
 approval. Our commitment is to pay all invoices within 2 business days.

 Does that mean I can come and go as I please?
 As a responsible teammate you are still accountable to the rest of the team. You’re required to
 communicate your schedule to the team or senior teamate, as well as any planned / unplanned
 absences. Accountability to the client, project and team is paramount for success.
So How Do I Become a Modulex TeamMate®?

        Becoming a Modulex TeamMate® involves the creation of a Contractor Agreement
        between two business entities:

                                 1. Modulex Americas Group

                                         2. Your Company

        If you don’t have an existing company, you’ll need to complete the following steps to
        provide the legal and financial information to create the Contractor Agreement. See
        following pages for additional information, direct links and instructions for completion.

        Depending on what type of business you open, and in which state, the process could vary
        a bit. In general though, there is a pretty typical process for starting an LLC in the U.S.,
        and you might be surprised by how simple it can be.

    1   Select a State

    2   Designate a Registered Agent

    3   File your Articles of Organization

    4   Acquire an EIN

    5   Open a business bank account
Starting your own company:
United States

               1                                       2                                       3
       Select a State                         Designate a                           File your Articles
                                            Registered Agent                         of Organization

For Non U.S. Citizens:                  For Non U.S. Citizens:                  Your State’s Secretary of State
If you will mostly be conducting        If you won’t be physically present      website will include all the
business from your home country,        in the U.S. to receive important        information and forms to file your
then you might want to open your        legal documents, you’ll need            articles of organization.
LLC in a state that has favorable       registered agent service. A regis-
conditions for foreign owners, like     tered agent in your state of            Once you prepare and file these
Delaware, Wyoming or Nevada.            formation receives these docu-          documents with your state of
                                        ments in the mail and forwards          formation, your LLC is ready to
                                        them to you in your home country        start doing business!
                                        (or elsewhere in the U.S.).


1. The registered agent should be someone who is familiar with legal matters and who is available during
regular business hours.
2. You do not need to register your business name if you are filing articles of organization. The registration of the
LLC also serves to register your business name.
3. If possible, use a business checking account for the check. Your business will seem more legitimate. Some
banks may not give you an account until you file the articles of organization, but most will.
4. Most states will give you a fillable PDF form to use for the application. Be sure you save the form or at least
take a screenshot so you do not have to re-create it.
5. A few states require you to publish the articles of incorporation (Arizona and New York are two states that
require this step).
6. Create an LLC operating agreement. Although you are not required to submit your operating agreement to
your state, it is important to have such an agreement, even for a single-member LLC.
Starting your own company:
United States

                   Whether you’re from the U.S. or not, you’ll probably need an

       4           EIN to operate your business, because it allows you to open
                   bank accounts, pay taxes and hire employees. It’s a simple
                   application process that is the same no matter where you’re

  Acquire an EIN

                   So what do I call my business?

                   Make sure you have included the terms "LLC" or "Limited
                   Liability Company" in the name of the company, and place a
                   comma before the term. For example, Betty's Bakery, LLC.
                   Most states require this designation. Avoid the terms "corpora-
                   tion" or "Inc." as these do not apply to an LLC. An LLC is not a

                   We suggest to go with something generic, and related to what
                   you do. Try something like your initials, or a word that has
                   meaning to you, followed by “Consulting” or “Investments”, or
                   “Management”. Also keep in mind if you have longer term
                   goals or side businesses you’ll want to include like photogra-

                   And if you want to bounce some ideas of us, just let us
                   know! We’re happy to help.
Starting your own company:
United States

                                                 To set up your business banking account, either talk to your
                                                 bank, and ask to speak to a Small Business Account Manager,
                  5                              or feel free to connect with our trusted provider, TD Bank:

                                                 TD Bank Specialist Contact Information:
                                                 Connie Sanchez | AVP, Store Manager | Brickell Store
     Open a Business                             e: connie.sanchez@td.com | t: 305.373.4341 | c: 305.846.2033

      Bank Account
                                                 See below for what you’ll need to review before you apply.
     and Credit Card

What you’ll need to prepare before you go to the bank:

Business Checking Accounts
• Legal Name of your business
• Tax ID number
• Legal address for your business
• Documentation based on your business type (see chart on following page)
• Authorized signers
• Beneficial owner names and personal information (see following page for more information)
• Individual's information who will have significant control over the business (see following page for more information)

Bank accounts with access cards can be issued on the spot with both items above on hand.
TD Business Checking Account Options:

 Click for more information

Business Visas
Obtaining a Business Visa is similar to obtaining a personal Visa. It is all based on personal credit history.
TD Business Solutions Credit Card:

 Click for more information
What is a beneficial owner?
                                                        A beneficial owner is an individual who owns 25% or more of

                     5                                  a business. In some cases, we will be required to collect
                                                        beneficial owner information on individuals who own 10% or
                                                        more of a business.

                                                        What is an individual who has significant control over ta
          Open a Business
           Bank Account                                 This one individual has significant responsibility for managing
          and Credit Card                               your business. They may have a title such as: Chief Financial
                                                        Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Managing Member, Senior
                                                        Manager, Owner, Vice President, Treasurer. Or any other
                                                        individual who regularly performs similar functions.

                                                        What information will you need to provide on all benefi-
                                                        cial owners with control?
                                                        You will need to provide a signed and completed certification
                                                        form that contains the following information on all beneficial
                                                        owners and the one individual with control:
                                                        1. Full legal name
                                                        2. Legal residence (complete street address, no P.O. Boxes)
                                                        3. City, State, Zip Code, Country
                                                        4. Social Security Number and date of birth
                                                        5. Corporate Title (individual with control only)
                                                        6. Percent of ownership (beneficial owners only)
                                                        7. Passport information for any non-U.S. resident individual

Documents                                                    LLC                Partnership              Sole

The document used to form and register your                   ■                      ■                      ■
business (eg. Articles of Incorporation/Organization,
Certificate of Good Standing)

Fictitious Name Registration (if applicable)                  ■                      ■                      ■

Operating Agreement (if applicable)                           ■

Partnership Banking Agreement (if applicable)                                        ■
Help! I’m not an accountant!

                                                                  Don’t forget! Your business
                                                                  accountant can offer advice
                                                                  on all these questions, and
We know you’re not a trained accountant, but                      more!
tracking and maintaining your business finances
is actually very straight forward. With some tips
and tricks below, you’ll find a process that works
for you.

Invoicing Basics                                      Modulex TeamMate® Binder

Your hourly rate will include all costs associated    If you take advantage of the opportunity to
with vacation, statutory holidays, and any other      become a Modulex TeamMate®, we will provide
cost associated with your services. Administra-       you with a “Modulex TeamMate® Binder” which
tive fees for accounting and administration can       will be a place to store all your financial and
be billed as a separate line item on your invoices.   banking information, separated by month,
A template for invoicing will be available for you    including any receipts for your accountant to
if you require it.                                    review at tax time.

Maximum Billing hours: Once you reach 175             We recommend keeping all bank and credit card
hours for the month, you will require                 statements, receipts for business expenses,
approval to add additional billable hours for         records for other expenses (like kms), separated
the month from your direct supervisor.                by month, and notes directly on those state-
                                                      ments and receipts if the purchases or amounts
No commissionn is paid on orders of less              aren’t clear. This will save you a lot of time when
than $1,000.                                          it comes to filing your business taxes.
Equipment & Devices
                           New TeamMate®: USA

• Max purchase price: $2,000 USD (taxes included) Modulex pays the initial cost of purchase.
• You deduct 50% of the cost over 36 months on your monthly invoice. $2,000 USD x 50%= $1,000 USD
divided by 36 months. This means a deduction of $27.78 USD on your monthly invoice.
• After 36 months the machine is yours and you can do with it whatever you want with it.
• If you decide for whatever reason to terminate your engagement contract with Modulex during the 36
months, you have the option of cashing out the remaining balance of the full price or simply return the
• We understand you may be using the computer to do work for other clients or for personal use.

Subscriptions like Office365, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Sign Agent Pro are provided as required, and
registered to and paid for by Modulex Americas


If you currently have a personal cell phone that you would be using for your business
within your contractor agreement with Modulex Americas, you can either use the
expense as a tax deduction on your business return, OR bill a maximum $60 USD per
month as a part of your administrative fees.
Explaining some of the more complex topics:

Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure clauses are within our contractor agreements to protect our company and
the business it operates. This also means you aren’t permitted to work for a competitor, nor share any project
work without our permission.

General liability coverage as a contractor to Modulex Americas, is under the umbrella insurance policy that we
hold for general liability. This means simply that you have the same protection and rights as an employee in
regards to the work you complete for us. If you feel as though you need more insurance protection that we
provide, it is up to you to source and pay the premium for it.
You don’t get given responsibilities,
you take them.       - KETIL MØ L BACH STAAL ES E N

100% CLIENT              FREEDOM
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