Wigston Academy and Wigston College

Page created by Roberta Lawson
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Wigston Academy and
                              Wigston College
                                                                                            12th February 2021

Welcome to our half term edition of the weekly
As half term is here I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making sure our students have
been well looked a er and educated. You, our parents have been fantas c at suppor ng your children, o en
juggling numerous other things at the same me.

I would like to thank all of the many parents and carers who have been in touch to pass on their thanks and
support, it is greatly appreciated as we all know that responding to this pandemic has not been easy.

Also, to those of you who have raised your concerns we hope we have been able to address them and reassure
you, as the most effec ve way of suppor ng your child is when we all work together.

Our staff and teachers have quickly responded to se ng up in‐school tes ng, remote learning and also offer extra
ac vi es, compe ons and challenges that go beyond the basic government requirements. I want to thank them
for their flexibility and dedica on not only for doing their job but also like many other parents dealing with mul ple
demands on their me.

Thank you to our students, they have once again shown how adaptable and resilient they can be, engaging with
remote learning and the incredible challenges they have had to face. I have been so impressed by the quality of the
work they have produced and their posi vity.

So over half term please take me away from home educa on and try to spend some me reflec ng on what has
been achieved. Recognising that although academic educa on is important there are s ll other just as important if
not more so aspects to a young person’s life. Feeling safe, loved and cared for and developing skills outside of
school subjects are just some of them. Please remind them to be kind to themselves and let them know that we
are here to help if they have any worries or concerns.

Although we do not know yet about when school will return and we will be able to see our students again, we
would like to reassure you that we are fully prepared with our tes ng centre up and running and our protec ve
measures s ll in place. We await the government’s announcement a er half term when we should find out further
informa on.

As always if you have any ques ons or queries please have a look at our FAQ document which can be found on our
website or contact us                                                                directly.
Mr M Wilson
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Thank You

   February Half Term:
   Thank you to everyone that has par cipated in the ac vi es in the bulle n so far this year. Half
   term is a me for students to recharge their ba eries. This week there are some challenges for
   you are your families to try, if you would like to. Please let us know how you get on!

                             Challenge 1: Pet Portraits

                                                                                          Bramble the rabbit

                                  Cadie Munday Year 7 and
                                  the smiley Ruddles J

Mindfulness Challenge 2:
We will be running a series of crea vity compe ons over the next few weeks to test out
your levels of crea vity and to encourage you to try something different. This
compe on is open to all students, families and Wigston Academies Trust staff.
This week’s challenge is:

    Draw, paint, crochet, bake, sew, digital design or sculpt the best ‘We are in this
                               together’ representaƟon
            Judges will be looking for the most creaƟve use of materials!

Please send entries to www.admin@wigstonacademy.org with the subject line We are in
this together Closing date: 18th February. Make sure you include who the entry is by.
There is s ll me to enter your Best Pet Portrait too! Closing Date Friday 5th February.
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Virtually Everyone is a Fan of the Virtual Parents’ Evening!
With some in trepida on, we ran our first ever virtual Parents’ Evening at the Academy and the first in the Trust
using a purpose built app. We shouldn’t have been worried as the evening ran very smoothly – with most people’s
technology behaving itself as well – which resulted in large numbers of both staff and parents giving very posi ve
feedback about the experience at the end of the night.

Following our survey to parents and carers, we found:
    Around 80% of you found the app very easy to use in terms of both booking appointments and taking part in
      the evening.
    55% of you said that you preferred the virtual evening to the usual face‐to‐face mee ngs in school, and
      another 25% said the virtual evening was as good as the normal Parents’ Evening.
    Most parents thought the 5 minute mee ng slot was long enough although some would have preferred
      slightly more me. We will look into the feasibility of this for future evenings but it does depend on the
      number of parents who will be trying to get appointments.

Parents and carers also included lots of encouraging comments at the end of our online ques onnaire. The
following summarises many of them:
“Overall….it was really good. I much preferred it, I didn’t need childcare, wasn't waiƟng around…., wasn't looking
for teachers’ rooms etc. Thank you to the school and all the teachers for arranging it and trying something new.”

There are two more virtual Parents’ Evenings scheduled for this term (which we are now looking forward to with
much more confidence!)


More details on these events will be emailed out to parents and carers at the start of the next half term.
As well as these Parents’ Evenings, there will be reports going out to other year groups. A wri en report for Year 9
students and for Year 13 students will be emailed out to parents and carers early in March.

Great news for writer and performer Zach!
Zach Varnam in Year 10 has been enrolled in a radio presen ng course with community radio sta on ‘TakeOver
Radio’. He has learnt about the structure of and how to write features, and has now been let loose on presen ng
weekly at the sta on. He is thrilled to be gaining further experience in the arts whilst par cipa ng in produc ons
are on hold. He also looks forward to taking part in Laugh Term again this year, which is part of the Leicester
Comedy Fes val, and this year will take place online. I can’t wait to watch Zach’s set, he is is guaranteed to raise a

             Go wild with Virtual Zoo Days and Live animal cams!
             Use the links below to see what is on offer:
                 h   ps://www.chesterzoo.org/virtual‐zoo‐2/
                 h   ps://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/panda‐cam/
                 h   ps://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/penguin‐cam/#penguincam
                 h   ps://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/ ger‐cam/# gercam
                 h   ps://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/koala‐cam/#koalacam
                 h   ps://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/lion‐cam/#lioncam
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Posi ve Messages from the World of Sport!!
For those of you that follow our PE Twi er account (@WigstonAcadPE) or the school Facebook page, you’ll have
seen the special video messages we’ve been revealing everyday for the last two weeks. This has seen 13 stars from
a variety of sports passing on their posi ve messages to all of our students during lockdown.
If you haven’t seen them yet, head over to our Twi er, Facebook or the PE YouTube channel to see what you’re
missing. A big thank   you to the following sports stars for ge   ng involved:
                                             Harriet Cooper – L&R Athlete
                                         Kevin Friend – Premier League Referee
                          Nat Johnson‐ Sheffield United and Northern Ireland Footballer
                                        Jamie Caven – Professional Darts Player
                          Freddie Tuilagi – Ex Leicester Tigers and Samoan Rugby Player
                       Harry Ellis – Ex Leicester Tigers, England and Bri sh Lion Rugby Player
                               Sarah Becke – Harlequins and England Rugby Player
                          Zoe Aldcro – Gloucester‐Hartpury and England Rugby Player
                             Shaunagh Brown – Harlequins and England Rugby Player
                      Josh Cobb – Ex Leicestershire and Current Northamptonshire Cricketer
                                       Emma Wiggs – Paralympic Gold Medalist
                                    Darien Nelson Henry – Leicester Riders Captain
                                      Chris an Fuchs – Leicester City Footballer
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Half Term Ac vi es

                  Visit London! Online family events
 If you are looking for something different, use the link to access the online events below:
 h ps://www.visitlondon.com/things‐to‐do/event/45089111‐february‐half‐term‐in‐london

    Welcome the Year of the Ox with London's official Chinese New Year celebra ons which are
      taking place online this year. 14 Feb
    Get ready for a hive of online ac vi es as part of the Virtual Discovery Week: Emerging from
      Winter, hosted by The Royal Parks. 15‐19 Feb
    Southbank Centre's Imagine Children's Fes val is back for another year! This me, en rely
      virtually, with arts and culture ac vi es for your li le ones to enjoy.
    Join online events about climate change and explore Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis 13 Feb with the
      Science Museum, from home.
    Countless crea ve ac vi es await you on the Foundling Museum's website – from making
      gra tude paper chains to cra ing le ers for those you miss!
    Bring Hogwarts home with the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London. It's as easy as turning on your
      devices for a bag‐full of magical ac vi es!
    Create your own Persian Miniatures pain ng, with the guidance of Yasmin Hayat, during a free
      online workshop from the Victoria and Albert Museum. 15 and 19 Feb
    Or have a go at beatboxing on a four‐hour workshop with beatboxer Jason Singh. 17 Feb
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Welcome to Wigston Academy’s weekly read,
             courtesy of the Oak Na onal Academy!

                                        ABOUT KONNIE
                                        As the longest serving female Blue Peter presenter, from 1997 to 2008, Konnie
                                        Huq is no stranger to the middle‐grade market. She is an ambassador for the
                                        Prince's Trust and the Bri sh Asian Trust. This is her first foray into children's
                                        books and Cookie is inspired by Konnie's own London Bangladeshi background,
                                        her love of science and her unashamed nerdiness!

           Cookie thinks her life is over because her best friend is moving to Solihull. She begs her
      parents for a pet to fill the void and sets her heart on the cutest ki en in the pet shop, Bluey. But then the most
      ANNOYING boy she's ever met in her en re nine years buys Bluey and renames her Nigel! And then he joins her
            year at school! If that wasn't bad enough, he then moves in next door to her. AAAAGGGGHHHHH!

        But it's not all bad. Cookie gets the chance to go on her favourite TV show, Brainbusters. It's only a chance
      though ‐ she'll have to win the school science compe on first, which shouldn't be too hard. All she has to do is
                           keep her head down, but unfortunately that's not Cookie's strong point...

Your home reading for this week ‐ Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 – is to read or listen to this book. It is a wonderful and funny
book. Once you have read it, email a review to smackay@wigstonmat.org and you could win a special prize!

Simply click this link to go straight to the website and read or listen to this wonderful adventure!

h ps://library.thena onal.academy/get‐to‐know‐cookie‐and‐konnie‐huq/
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Fun Ac vity
Wigston Academy and Wigston College
Internet Safety
Wigston Academy and Wigston College

        Well done to:
Thomas Baldwin, Molly Orton, Flynn Smith
      Jordi Black, Taya‐ May Bland,
  Shannon Carter, Nicola Mrugalska and
               Cameron Lee

                        Year 9 ADT students were set the task of taking photographs and cropping them.
                                        These photographs will then lead to drawings.

1. to hate ‐ je detester      Qu’est‐ce que tu aimes faire?
2. to visit je visiter        You can use j’aime and the infini ve of another
3. to like – j’aime           verb to say what you like doing
4. to do/to make              J’aime aller au cinema – I like going to the cinema
5. to eat – je manger         J’aime prendre des photos – I like taking photos
6. to take
7. to watch ‐ je regarder     To say what you don’t like doing use je n’aime pas
8. to go ‐ je aller           and the infini ve
                              Je n’aime pas faire les magasins – I don’t like going    Frank likes going to watch the football at
                              shopping.                                                PSGs stadium
                                                                                       Frank is a supporter of the team
                                                                                       He doesn’t like watching TV on Saturday

                                                                                      Joe Royley Year 8 has used his ICT
                                                                                      skills to produce an excellent
                                Natasha likes to buy photographs of the               piece of work in French
                                monuments in Paris
Teachers are very proud of the engagement from students in their remote learning and would like to share their
WOW work each week.

                                                                       Oliver Docherty Year 8
                                                               Amazing Lego models of Paris landmarks

             Charlo e Jones Year 9
               Great English work

                                                                          Leah Mistry Year 7
                                                                Some lovely work from Leah following her
                                                                  Food lesson on the Carbon Footprint

           Cole Robinson Year 8 ‐ Whose French
           work on ac vi es in Paris is so clearly
           presented ‐ it makes it so much easier
           to learn

                                 Jack Mar n Year 11
                                Fabulous English work
Brooke Andrews Year 10
  Food Prepara on & Nutri on students have been
  learning about the science involved in making some
  of our most popular dishes: in this lasagne not only
  has Brooke made it look delicious with all the layers
  and decora on but has demonstrated gela nisa on
  and reduc on in the different sauces in the dish.

Lily‐Mae Lockwood in Year 11 has been highly mo vated during
her Health and Social Care lessons on Teams. This has resulted in
producing incredible pieces of coursework, well done, and keep up                   Alfie Loines Year 8
all the hard work.                                                                  Stunning artwork

  Well done to Ocean Horne Year 7, for crea ng an amazing
  PowerPoint on The Beatles for Performance Studies.
                                                                                   Charlo e Jones Year 9
                                                                    Amazing pain ng showing Lady Macbeth as a puppeteer
                                                                          and Macbeth, her husband as the puppet!
Museum Virtual Tours from Science to Natural History!

 For virtual tours and ac vi es try out the links below:

 h ps://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/virtual‐tour‐science‐museum

 h ps://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/see‐and‐do/exploring‐space‐gallery‐tour

 Smithsonian ‐ h ps://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual‐tour

 NASA Langley Research Centre‐ h ps://oh.larc.nasa.gov/oh/

 Oxford University’s Science & History Museum‐ h ps://hsm.ox.ac.uk/past‐exhibi ons‐and‐displays

 Na onal Museum of Compu ng‐ h ps://www.tnmoc.org/

 Na onal History Museum, London‐ h ps://artsandculture.google.com/partner/natural‐history‐museum

 Belgium’s Museum of Natural Sciences‐
 h ps://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/museum‐of‐natural‐sciences‐rbins‐belgium/9AFyJISW8f6HhA?

Stars of the Week
   Don’t forget to nominate your child/children for the work they are doing at home. To nominate your child or
  children, simply email stars@wigstonmat.org type your child’s full name and tutor group in the subject line and
 then in the email give a brief reason or set of reasons for the nomina on. All of our Wigston Stars’ names will be
  kept on record, and when school is up and running as normal, all of these will be entered into a big prize draw.
Wigston Academies Trust Bake/Cook Off
   Bake off is open to students in all year groups and staff or their li le helpers at home
   It gives us an opportunity to express our crea vity and it is a great mindfulness opportunity
   The quality of entries during the last lockdown was superb – it is by choice and for fun
   Entries will be shared on the bulle n

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Daniel Abdul Halim – Star Baker for challenge 1: The 4 ingredient cook

                                                           Challenge 2

                             ‘Elevate the humble baked bean, create a fine dining baked bean dish
                                      using a n of beans and up to 2 slices of bread/toast’
                                            Entries will be shared in the next edi on

                                 HALF TERM BAKE OFF CHALLENGE!

                                    The Great Pancake Challenge!
It is Shrove Tuesday on the 16 February, so apt that we have a bake off challenge based on pancakes!
There are two different tasks you can choose from this week:

Op on 1:
Create a sweet or savoury pancake that uses at least two fruits or vegetables in it’s creaƟon
                    Or: if you are feeling really creaƟve and want a real challenge!
Op on 2:
Create a 3D object or scene using sweet or savoury pancakes and at least two fruits or vegetables.

Judging Criteria will be:
Crea vity and imagina on / Incorpora ng a variety of skills / High quality presenta on of final design

                                Entry Deadline is Wednesday 24th February
                          Please send entries to bakeoff@wigstonmat.org
Hello from Wigston College

We are s ll really impressed with the way that our students are engaging with their remote learning. We are
aware that this has been a difficult half term but the resilience of our students con nues to shine through. We
are coun ng down the days now un l we are (fingers crossed) able to start welcoming our students back through
our doors, from 8th March, barring any further updates from the government.

Today we have sent out our response le ers to all of the students that have applied to join us for next year via
the email addresses provided. This is in excess of 400 individual applica ons. Congratula ons to those that have
been successful in securing a condi onal offer of a place. We will be offering Virtual Taster Lessons on the week
beginning 1st March for any students that have not had the opportunity to experience their subject choices and
these will be followed by a virtual face to face mee ng. These mee ngs will provide the opportunity for us to get
to know you be er and ensure you are making the right choices for you. You will receive informa on on how to
access all of this a er half term. If you do have any ques ons or queries regarding this please, as ever, get in
touch with us.

We have a wonderful community here at the College and this con nues even a er our students leave. It has
been great to hear from some of our alumni who recently got in touch with us to update us on how they are
ge ng on and we thought we would share these with you as we are tremendously proud of how well they are
doing and how successful they have been in their chosen pathways:

"Hi! I'm Aman and I studied Maths, Chemistry and Physical Educa on at Wigston College. I went on to study
Accountancy BSc (Hons) at the University of No ngham on the Flying Start degree programme in partnership
with PwC and the ICAEW. Throughout my degree, I have been fortunate to experience a range of exci ng
opportuni es. This includes undertaking two four‐month placements at PwC as an Audit Associate. I was also
lucky enough to be selected to represent the university through playing in the table tennis team. I hope everyone
is staying safe and keeping well."

"Hi, my name is Luka. A er studying Maths, Chemistry and Physics at A‐Level, I became a student at the
University of No ngham studying Chemical Engineering with an Industrial Year MEng. Currently, I am on my
industrial placement at Sellafield Ltd and hoping to learn and experience all things process engineering.
University has given me a range of experiences, both social and study, as well as allowing me the opportunity to
try new things such as my first skydive! I am looking forward to making the most of my placement and then
enjoying my final year at University!"

"Hi, I'm Joe and I studied Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A‐Level and I am now at the University of Birmingham
studying MEng Mechanical Engineering with an Industrial Placement! I am now on my placement year working as
an engineer for Mercedes Formula 1. University has been brilliant as I've learnt so much and even had the
chance to par cipate in many socie es which has made it even more memorable ‐ I would definitely recommend
it to anyone who's thinking about going."

If any other alumni would like to update us with news of what you are up to please do get in touch.
Le er from Leicestershire County Council
You can also read