Page created by Debra Phillips
Robert G. McLean
Chief, Vertebrate Ecology Section
Medical Entomology & Ecology Branch
                                           WILDLIFE DISEASES
Division of Vector-borne Infectious
National Center for Infectious Diseases
                                           AND HUMANS
Centers for Disease Control and
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522

INTRODUCTION                               GENERAL PRECAUTIONS                          Precautions against acquiring fungal
                                                                                        diseases, especially histoplasmosis,
Diseases of wildlife can cause signifi-    Use extreme caution when approach-           should be taken when working in
cant illness and death to individual       ing or handling a wild animal that           high-risk sites that contain contami-
animals and can significantly affect       looks sick or abnormal to guard              nated soil or accumulations of animal
wildlife populations. Wildlife species     against those diseases contracted            feces; for example, under large bird
can also serve as natural hosts for cer-   directly from wildlife. Procedures for       roosts or in buildings or caves contain-
tain diseases that affect humans (zoo-     basic personal hygiene and cleanliness       ing bat colonies. Wear protective
noses). The disease agents or parasites    of equipment are important for any           masks to reduce or prevent the inhala-
that cause these zoonotic diseases can     activity but become a matter of major        tion of fungal spores.
be contracted from wildlife directly by    health concern when handling animals         Protection from vector-borne diseases
bites or contamination, or indirectly      or their products that could be infected     in high-risk areas involves personal
through the bite of arthropod vectors      with disease agents. Some of the             measures such as using mosquito or
such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and      important precautions are:                   tick repellents, wearing special cloth-
mites that have previously fed on an                                                    ing, or simply tucking pant cuffs into
                                           1. Wear protective clothing, particu-
infected animal. These zoonotic dis-                                                    socks to increase the chance of finding
                                              larly disposable rubber or plastic
eases are primarily diseases acquired                                                   crawling ticks before they attach. Ad-
                                              gloves, when dissecting or skinning
within a specific locality, and second-                                                 ditional preventive methods include
                                              wild animals.
arily, diseases of occupation and avo-                                                  checking your clothing and body and
cation. Biologists, field assistants,      2. Scrub the work area, knives, other        your pets for ticks and removing the
hunters, and other individuals who            tools, and reusable gloves with soap      ticks promptly after returning from in-
work directly with wildlife have an in-       or detergent followed by disinfec-        fested sites. If possible, avoid tick-in-
creased risk of acquiring these diseases      tion with diluted household bleach.       fested areas or locations with intense
directly from animal hosts or their ec-                                                 mosquito activity during the transmis-
                                           3. Avoid eating and drinking while
toparasites. Plague, tularemia, and                                                     sion season. Reduce outdoor exposure
                                              handling or skinning animals and
leptospirosis have been acquired in the                                                 to mosquitoes especially in early
                                              wash hands thoroughly when fin-
handling and skinning of rodents, rab-                                                  evening hours to diminish the risk of
bits, and carnivores. Humans have                                                       infection with mosquito-borne dis-
usually acquired diseases like Colo-       4. Safely dispose of carcasses and tis-      eases.
rado tick fever, Rocky Mountain spot-         sues as well as any contaminated
ted fever, and Lyme disease because           disposable items like plastic gloves.     Equally important preventive mea-
they have spent time in optimal habi-                                                   sures are knowledge of the diseases
                                           5. Cook meat from wild game thor-            present in the general area and the spe-
tats of disease vectors and hosts.
                                              oughly before eating.                     cific habitats and times of year that
Therefore, some general precautions
should be taken to reduce risks of         6. Contact a physician if you become         present the greatest risk of exposure.
exposure and prevent infection.               sick following exposure to a wild         Knowledge of and recognition of the
                                              animal or its ectoparasites. Inform       early symptoms of the diseases and
                                              the physician of your possible expo-      the conditions of exposure are essen-
                                              sure to a zoonotic disease.               tial in preventing severe illness. Also

                                       PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF WILDLIFE DAMAGE — 1994
                                       Cooperative Extension Division
                                       Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
                                       University of Nebraska - Lincoln
                                       United States Department of Agriculture
                                       Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
                                       Animal Damage Control
                                       Great Plains Agricultural Council
                                       Wildlife Committee
                                                40                                                                                     4
                    5                                                                236
                                    5                                  125                      56                             982
                                                  108                                                     34
                                                                                      92                                  336
                         11                                             16                                                            VT-1
                                                                                                 31           17
                                        17                                                               29                           NH-4
                                                         27                                                          34               MA-14
                                                                           55              25                             242
                                                                                                              40                      RI-0
                                                                                                                          23          CT-200
                                     56                                                                  40                           NJ-960
                                                                             134                                         110
                                                     6                                     44                                         DE-190
                                                                                                 4       73        244                MD-584


       Fig. 1. Reported human cases of wildlife rabies in the United States, 1991.

       important are medical evaluation and                   disease. Vaccination of wildlife hosts      Australia and Antarctica are free of it.
       treatment with proper antibiotics. For                 as a means of reducing zoonotic dis-        Most human cases have been con-
       example, if you become ill following                   eases is currently being investigated       tracted from rabies-infected dogs. In
       some field activity in a known plague-                 and may soon be available for diseases      the United States, human cases have
       endemic area and you recognize the                     like rabies.                                decreased to an average of one person
       early symptoms of the disease, seeking                                                             per year (75% of cases are acquired
       medical care and informing the attend-                                                             outside the United States). Reduction
       ing physician of your possible expo-                   WILDLIFE DISEASES                           in human rabies is likely linked with
       sure to plague will aid in the correct                 OF PUBLIC HEALTH                            the intensive control of dog rabies
       treatment of your illness and reduce                   CONCERN                                     during the 1950s and 1960s through
       the risk of complications or even                                                                  massive vaccination campaigns, stray
       death.                                                                                             dog control programs, and improve-
                                                              Directly Transmitted                        ment in human treatment following
       In addition to taking personal precau-                 Diseases                                    exposure. Nevertheless, thousands of
       tions, risk of acquiring vector-borne
                                                                                                          people in the United States continue to
       diseases can be reduced in specific
                                                              Rabies                                      receive treatment every year for pos-
       locations through area-wide applica-
                                                                                                          sible exposure to rabies virus by ani-
       tions of insecticides to control mos-                  Rabies is an acute disease, caused by a     mal bites. Most of the treatments are
       quito or flea vectors or acaricides to                 virus (rhabdovirus), that can infect all    still due to dog and cat bites; however,
       control tick vectors. Reduction in host                warm-blooded animals, and is usually        these pet species have the lowest
       populations (for example, rodents) and                 fatal. Certain carnivorous mammals          occurrence of reported rabies among
       their ectoparasites (fleas or ticks) may               and bats are the usual animal hosts         all animal species tested.
       be needed to control transmission of                   (Fig. 1; Table 1). Rabies occurs
       such diseases as plague or Lyme                        throughout most of the world; only

Rabies in wildlife increased dramati-      that moves (including inanimate               for only a few days before clinical
cally during the 1960s and now             objects), bewilderment, and aimless           signs appear. Exceptions occur in a
accounts for most of the reported ani-     wandering. Unusual barking, crying,           few species of bats and in a unique Af-
mal rabies cases (91% in 1991). Some of    and frothing at the mouth are addi-           rican virus strain found in dogs. The
the increase in reporting was due to       tional signs, which are the result of         length of the incubation period (from
real increases in the number of cases,     paralysis of the throat muscles. Occa-        the time the animal is bitten until clini-
and some was due to an increased           sionally, rabid bats are encountered          cal rabies appears) is usually 2 to 3
awareness of wildlife rabies, particu-     prostrate or fluttering on the ground,        weeks, but varies from 10 days to
larly in striped skunks, raccoons, and     unable to fly; they should be handled         several months.
bats. In 1991, 6,975 cases of animal       with care because they can still bite
                                                                                         Handling of Suspect Animals and
rabies were reported in 49 states, the     and transmit rabies. Some rabid bats,
                                                                                         Diagnosis. Use caution when
District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.     particularly solitary species like the
                                                                                         approaching a suspected rabid animal
Raccoons (44.2%), striped skunks           hoary bat, are aggressive and have
                                                                                         since many are still aggressive and can
(29.7%), and various species of bats       been known to attack people. In
                                                                                         bite even if paralyzed. If the animal is
(9.9%) continued to be the major hosts.    domestic animals, rabies should be
                                                                                         still alive, it should be killed humanely
Red and gray foxes (4.6%), other wild-     suspected if there is any change in nor-
                                                                                         without damaging the head. To con-
life species (2.8%), and domestic ani-     mal habits, such as sudden change in
                                                                                         firm whether an animal is infected
mals (8.9%) comprise the remainder of      disposition, failure to eat or drink, run-
                                                                                         with rabies, the animal must be sub-
hosts. During the last 2 years, raccoons   ning into objects, or paralysis.
                                                                                         mitted to the local health department
replaced striped skunks as the major
                                           Transmission. Rabies virus is trans-          or state diagnostic laboratory for
wildlife host in the United States
                                           mitted primarily via the saliva during        testing.
because of the continued expansion of
                                           the bite of a rabid animal. However,
raccoon rabies in the northeastern                                                       Avoid exposure to any sick or dead
                                           other methods of transmission are pos-
United States. Animal cases are                                                          animals that are suspected to have
                                           sible. Accidental exposure of wounds
reported throughout the year,                                                            rabies. Handle any dead animal with
                                           or cuts to the saliva or tissues of in-
although the number of cases reported                                                    gloves or with a plastic bag that can be
                                           fected animals can occur. The virus is
reaches a seasonal peak for skunks in                                                    turned inside-out to cover and contain
                                           also present in various body organs of
March and April, for raccoons in                                                         the animal. Avoid direct skin contact
                                           infected animals, especially the brain
April, and for bats in August.                                                           with the animal. For large animals
                                           and salivary glands, which poses a
                                                                                         such as skunks and raccoons, remove
Clinical Signs. Rabies is considered       health hazard to persons who are field
                                                                                         the head cautiously and seal it in a
almost 100% fatal once clinical signs      dressing or performing necropsies on
                                                                                         plastic bag, avoiding contact or aerosol
develop. The disease progresses rap-       these animals. In addition, aerosol ex-
                                                                                         exposure. Seal the whole animal or
idly following the appearance of clini-    posure has occurred, although rarely,
                                                                                         head inside an additional plastic bag
cal signs, and the animal dies within a    in caves containing very large popula-
                                                                                         (double) and keep it cool at all times.
few days. Although abnormal behav-         tions of infected bats. Transmission
                                                                                         Do not freeze the specimen unless a
ior is not diagnostic for rabies (other    between animals also occurs by inges-
                                                                                         delay of several days is anticipated
diseases, like distemper, cause similar    tion of infected tissues and by trans-
                                                                                         before it is examined for rabies. Disin-
behavioral changes), atypical behavior     placental passage to offspring.
                                                                                         fect gloves or knives that were in con-
and signs develop following brain
                                           When the virus enters the tissue of a         tact with the animal with a strong
infection, and rabies should be sus-
                                           susceptible animal or human, it multi-        detergent or bleach or dispose of them.
pected whenever wild animals display
                                           plies at the bite or inoculation site and     For transport to the laboratory, place
unusual behavior.
                                           travels slowly up nerve fibers to the         the double-wrapped specimen in a
Infected animals usually display either    part of the brain that controls the bit-      leak-proof container with a coolant
“furious” or “dumb” rabies, although       ten area. The virus multiplies there          (not wet ice). Send the container by
some animals progress through both         and spreads to other parts of the brain       bus or other prearranged transporta-
stages. Skunks, raccoons, foxes, and       and eventually produces a variety of          tion. Include information about the
other canids usually have furious          signs in the infected animal or person.       specimen (species, date, geographic
rabies and are unduly aggressive           The virus also spreads from the brain         data, behavior) and the names,
before convulsions and paralysis set in.   to other tissues, particularly to the sali-   addresses, and telephone numbers of
Some animals, however, have dumb           vary glands, where it multiplies and is       the person submitting the specimen
rabies and proceed to tremors and          released into the saliva. The virus is        and of anyone exposed to the animal.
convulsions without agitation or           perpetuated in nature when an in-
aggression. Other behavioral changes       fected animal with virus in its saliva        To test for rabies, a fluorescent anti-
include friendliness or loss of fear,      bites another animal.                         body (FA) test is performed directly on
appearance in the daytime for some                                                       brain tissue to distinguish rabies virus
                                           The virus is rarely present in the sali-      from other disease agents (like distem-
typically nocturnal species (skunks,
                                           vary glands without first occurring in        per virus) that could be present in the
bats), unprovoked attacks on anything
                                           the brain and is present in the saliva        animal’s brain. In some states, brain
material is inoculated into mice to         rodents are the natural reservoirs for     and neurological symptoms may
       demonstrate virus for those specimens       viruses in this group and these viruses    appear if treatment is delayed.
       that resulted in human exposure.            are found worldwide. Infected rodents
                                                                                              Trichinosis is contracted by eating
                                                   shed virus in their urine, feces, and/or
       If a person or pet is exposed to an ani-                                               infected meat which contains the
                                                   saliva and can remain chronically
       mal suspected of having rabies but                                                     encysted parasites. The parasites may
                                                   infected. The contaminated excreta
       that has not been captured, record a                                                   remain infectious in meat which is raw
                                                   from infected rodents are thought to
       description of the suspect animal (spe-                                                or poorly cooked.
                                                   be the source of virus for aerosol and
       cies, behavior) and provide the
                                                   direct (animal bite) transmission to       Trichinosis is caused by a nematode
       description to public health officials or
                                                   other rodents and humans.                  parasite which produces the disease in
       the attending physician to determine
                                                                                              humans and domestic and wild ani-
       possible treatment.                         The recent discovery of a possible new
                                                                                              mals. Evidence indicates that nearly all
       Prevention and Treatment. The               hantavirus in the southwestern United
                                                                                              mammals are susceptible to infections
       best treatment for rabies is prevention.    States and its apparent increased viru-
                                                                                              with this parasite, which encysts in the
       Individuals at high risk of exposure to     lence, has heightened the awareness of
                                                                                              muscle of the host and is then trans-
       rabies, such as wildlife biologists,        and concern for rodent-associated dis-
                                                                                              mitted through consumption of
       game wardens, animal control officers,      eases. It produces produces respira-
                                                                                              infected flesh. As would be expected,
       animal handlers, and veterinarians          tory distress and potential death in
                                                                                              the disease is most common in wild
       should be vaccinated before potential       humans. Human cases and deaths
                                                                                              carnivores and scavengers.
       exposure. Safe and highly effective         from this viral infection were first
       vaccines are available through a physi-     reported in 1993 in the Four Corners       As with other wildlife diseases,
       cian or the local health department.        area of Arizona, Colorado, New             trichinosis is difficult to control in
                                                   Mexico, and Utah and, more recently,       nature. However, certain steps can be
       First aid should immediately be pro-        throughout the United States. Prelim-      taken to decrease the problem. Car-
       vided to a person who has been bitten       inary information has incriminated the     casses of carnivores and other meat-
       by or had contact with a potentially        deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)        eating species should not be discarded
       rabid animal. Scrub the exposed site,       as the natural reservoir and source of     in the fields or woods, but should be
       including bite wounds, with soap and        human infection in that region. Indi-      made unavailable by burying or other
       water or water alone and flush thor-        viduals trapping and handling small        means. These carcasses also should not
       oughly. Then apply a strong first aid       rodents in this region should take         be fed to swine, dogs, or other domes-
       solution (iodine) or cream. First aid       increased precautions to reduce their      tic animals. Open garbage dumps
       treatment is the most effective method      exposure to this virus. They should at     should be replaced by the landfill type
       of preventing infection by the rabies       least wear surgical gloves and masks       or other methods of disposal where
       virus but should not preclude medical       when processing rodents (contact           wildlife will not have access to meat
       attention from a physician, hospital        CDC Hotline for more detailed and          scraps. If open garbage dumps cannot
       emergency room, or the local health         thorough safety information). Rodent       be eliminated, rodent control pro-
       department. Contact your physician or       control with careful handling and dis-     grams should be initiated and the
       health department as soon as possible       posal of carcasses should be instituted    areas fenced to prevent scavenging by
       to determine dosage of rabies vaccine       at campsites or in cabins before they      larger animals such as foxes. These
       and whether antirabies serum is             are occupied. The premises should be       steps would markedly reduce the
       required. Inform the health care pro-       sprayed with detergents or diluted         problem of trichinosis in wildlife in the
       fessionals about the rabid animal and       bleach before thorough cleaning. Wet-      United States.
       the circumstances of the exposure           mopping is recommended. Dry
       (species of animal involved and its                                                    If carnivorous or omnivorous wildlife
                                                   sweeping and vacuuming may
       behavior, if the attack or bite from the                                               such as bears, bobcats, opossums,
                                                   increase risk of producing airborne
       animal was provoked, and what type                                                     raccoons, or feral pigs are consumed
                                                   particles. Rodent harborage should be
       of first aid was administered).                                                        by humans, the meat should be
                                                   removed from premises and from the
                                                                                              properly prepared by cooking,
                                                   surrounding area. Exclude rodents
       Hantavirus                                                                             freezing, or curing to destroy any
                                                   where possible.
                                                                                              viable trichinae. Cooking to an internal
       Hantavirus includes a group of viruses                                                 temperature of 137oF is deemed
       that can cause a febrile illness in hu-     Trichinosis
                                                                                              sufficient for pork, while freezing at
       mans which can be accompanied by            Trichinosis may result in diahrrea,        5oF for 20 days, -10oF for 10 days, or -
       kidney, blood, or respiratory ailments      sudden edema of the upper eyelids,         20oF for 6 days will kill trichinae.
       and can sometimes be fatal. The febrile     photophobia, muscle soreness and           Curing should follow approved
       illness includes fever, headache,           pain, skin lesions, thirst, sweating,      government regulations.
       muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and         chills, and weakness. Other respiratory
       lower back pain. Field and commensal

Mosquito-borne                                        the Mississippi River, EEE occurs east                other exotic game birds, house spar-
                                                      of the Mississippi River but mostly                   rows, red-winged blackbirds, whoop-
Encephalitis                                          along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and                ing cranes, and other species. The
Encephalitis is a disease caused by                   north-central states, and CE occurs in                wildlife hosts for LAC virus are the
mosquito-borne viruses (arboviruses)                  California and the eastern United                     eastern chipmunk, tree squirrels, and
that affect the central nervous system.               States (LAC type). Human cases of                     foxes. The natural hosts for the other
Infections range from unapparent to                   arbovirus infection have a seasonal                   three viruses are mostly songbirds,
mild, nonspecific illnesses (fever, head-             occurrence from mid- to late summer.                  although squirrels and jackrabbits may
ache, musculoskeletal pain, and mal-                                                                        be involved in WEE transmission.
                                                      These distinct viruses naturally infect a
aise) to occasionally severe illness of               variety of birds and mammals and are                  No treatment or commercial vaccine is
the central nervous system resulting in               transmitted between animals by mos-                   available for humans, but vaccines for
permanent neurologic damage and                       quito vectors. Occasionally, infected                 WEE and EEE are readily available for
possibly death. The four major types of               mosquitoes will feed on human or                      horses. The best preventive measures
encephalitis in the United States                     equine hosts that are “dead ends” for                 are personal protection against mos-
include St. Louis encephalitis (SLE),                 the viruses, with little or no chance of              quito bites, especially avoiding expo-
California encephalitis (CE primarily                 subsequent transmission to other mos-                 sure to mosquitoes during early
includes the LaCrosse virus [LAC]),                   quitoes. These viral infections may,                  evening hours, and the use of repellents.
eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), and                however, result in severe illness or                  Mosquito populations can be reduced
western equine encephalitis (WEE).                    death in humans or horses (EEE and                    in an area by eliminating breeding sites
The distribution of these arboviruses                 WEE). Only EEE and occasionally                       for vector species. Killing adult mos-
varies (Fig. 2). SLE occurs throughout                WEE viruses adversely affect wild ver-                quitoes with areawide applications of
the United States (an epidemic oc-                    tebrates; for example, EEE causes                     insecticides has been most effective in
curred in central Florida in 1990 and                 death in ring-necked pheasants and                    preventing epidemics.
Arkansas in 1991), WEE occurs west of

                 SLE                                                                         CE

                EEE                                                                        WEE
Fig. 2. Distribution of mosquito-borne encephalitis in the United States, 1964 to 1992; (a) St. Louis encephalitis (SLE); (b) California encephalitis (CE);
(c) eastern equine encephalitis (EEE); and (d) western equine encephalitis (WEE).




       Fig. 3. Distribution of Colorado tick fever (human cases) in the United States, 1980 to 1988. (Solid line outlines distribution of Dermacentor andersoni.)

       Tick-borne Diseases                                   of the Rocky Mountain wood tick                       Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
                                                             (Dermacentor andersoni) or by D.                      (Tick-borne Typhus)
       Colorado Tick Fever                                   occidentalis in California. The virus is              Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
                                                             maintained in nature through trans-                   is a moderate to severe illness caused
       Colorado tick fever (CTF) is an acute
                                                             mission by immature stages of ticks to                by a rickettsia (Rickettsia rickettsii). The
       and rather benign disease caused by a
                                                             various species of small mammals,                     disease is distinguished by a sudden
       virus (coltivirus) that is transmitted to
                                                             particularly chipmunks, ground squir-                 onset of high fever, severe headache,
       humans by ticks. Symptoms are usu-
                                                             rels, and deer mice during the spring                 muscle pain, and a red rash starting on
       ally limited to high fever, headache,
                                                             and summer months. The virus sur-                     the extremities about 3 to 6 days after
       muscle aches, and lethargy, but the
                                                             vives the winter in infected tick                     onset of symptoms and extending to
       symptoms are frequently biphasic and
                                                             nymphs and adults. The habitats that                  the palms of hands and soles of feet
       recurring. The disease is confined to
                                                             support the rodent hosts and tick vec-                and then to the rest of the body. Delir-
       the mountains or highland regions of
                                                             tors of the virus in the disease endemic              ium, coma, and death occur in about
       eight western states and western
                                                             region contain rocky surfaces with                    1% to 2% of cases (15% to 20% in
       Canada (Fig. 3). About 150 to 200 cases
                                                             moderate shrub cover and scattered                    untreated cases). The disease is trans-
       are reported each year; 1,438 cases
                                                             pines.                                                mitted to humans in the United States
       were reported from 1980 to 1988 in
       eight western states, 63% of them in                  Avoid tick-infested habitats during                   by several hard tick (Ixodidae) species;
       Colorado. CTF is transmitted to                       spring and early summer and use per-                  D. andersoni in the Rocky Mountain
       humans during the spring and early                    sonal protection against ticks. No vac-               region, D. variabilis in the east and
       summer by the bite of the adult stage                 cines or treatment are available.                     southeast, and Amblyomma americanum

in the south-central states. In 1990, 649            Lyme Disease                                    symptoms, including heart, nervous
cases of RMSF were reported from all                                                                 system, and joint manifestations, may
                                                     Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete
regions of the United States, although                                                               develop in untreated individuals. The
                                                     bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi) that is
more cases were reported in the south-                                                               joint pain and swelling usually occur
                                                     transmitted to humans by hard ticks.
Atlantic and south-central states (Fig.                                                              one or more months after infection,
                                                     Early symptoms include a flu-like ill-
4). The natural hosts for the rickettsia                                                             may involve one or more joints, and
                                                     ness with headache, slight fever, mus-
are a variety of wild rodents, although                                                              may recur in different joints; the knee
                                                     cle or joint pain, neck stiffness, swollen
rabbits and wild and domestic carni-                                                                 joint is most frequently affected. Do-
                                                     glands, jaw discomfort, and inflamma-
vores are involved in some cases. The                                                                mestic animals may be affected as
                                                     tion of the eye membranes. A diagnos-
rickettsia survive the winter months in                                                              well.
                                                     tic rash, erythema migrans (EM),
the tick vector and may be maintained
                                                     occurs in 65% to 75% of the cases. The          In 1992, 9,695 cases of Lyme disease
by transovarial transmission from the
                                                     rapidly expanding red rash starts at            were reported in 44 states (Fig. 5).
female adult tick to its offspring.
                                                     the tick bite site and expands to a             Most cases were reported in the north-
Avoid tick-infested areas and use per-               nearly circular lesion of about 1 to 8          eastern and upper midwestern states
sonal measures to protect against tick               inches (2 to 20 cm). It often has a bulls-      where the vector is the deer tick (Ixodes
bites. No vaccine is presently licensed              eye appearance with central clearing            scapularis) and where transmission is
for public use, but antibiotic treatment             and/or darkening around the edge.               predominately in residential commu-
is effective and should be initiated                 Additional smaller skin lesions may             nities. Other vectors are I. pacificus on
without waiting for laboratory confir-               appear at other sites of the body and           the West Coast and possibly A.
mation of clinical diagnosis.                        may last for days or weeks. Later               americanum in the Southeast and in

                           1                                   2                                                         17
                                                                                                                    5              NH-1
                                                                1              2                                                   MA-17
                               3                                                            3    2                                 RI-0
                                                 1                                                             1                   CT-2
         1                                                          13                                              25
                                                                                   36                11                            NJ-8
                                                                                                                   178             DE-1
                                                                    70                            58                               MD-23
                                             1                                     22                              43
                                                                                             6   13       18
                                                              6                     3


Fig. 4. Distribution of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (human cases) in the United States, 1990.

                                               0                       1                                                                 1
                                  2                                                              525
                                                                       1                                                       3370
                                                                                        33                              1119            NH-49
                        1                                              15                                       32
                                                                                                  41    21                              VT-9
                                          6             0                                                            14                 CT-1760
               231                                                         18            150                 28            123          MA-212
                                                                                                                           85           RI-274
                                                                              26                       33                               NJ-681
                                      0             2                                    21                            2                DE-218
                                                                                                                  23                    MD-186
                                                                       73                    7


       Fig. 5. Distribution of Lyme disease (human cases) in the United States, 1992.

       south-central states. Transmission in                cycle. The engorged nymphs drop to               knowledgeable about the symptoms of
       these other regions of the United States             the ground and molt into adult ticks             Lyme disease, and seek medical care
       may be more sporadic and occur dur-                  which are active during the fall and             and treatment if infected.
       ing outdoor activities related to recre-             following spring and feed on large
       ation and occupation. Acquisition of                 mammals, primarily deer. Deciduous               Tularemia
       Lyme disease by humans peaks during                  forest is the predominant habitat for            Tularemia is caused by the bacteria
       the summer months when the tick                      the tick vector and vertebrate hosts in          Francisella tularensis and is character-
       nymphs are feeding on hosts. Because                 the Northeast and Midwest. Other                 ized by sudden onset of high fever and
       of its small size, the attached nymph                prime habitats include forested areas            chills, joint and muscle pain, and pros-
       frequently goes unnoticed and is not                 interspersed with residential develop-           tration. Slow-healing sores or lesions
       removed. The transmission cycle of                   ment and grass and shrub areas, par-             develop at the site of entry of the bac-
       Lyme disease begins when larvae                      ticularly along forest edges.                    teria (or arthropod bite). Inflammation
       acquire spirochetes while feeding on
                                                            Patients treated with appropriate anti-          and swelling of nearby lymph nodes
       infected white-footed mice, chip-
                                                            biotics during the early stages of the           follow.
       munks, other rodents, and birds.
                                                            disease usually have rapid and com-
       Engorged larvae drop to the ground,                                                                   Tularemia is endemic throughout
                                                            plete recovery. Even patients treated
       molt to the nymphal stage, and wait                                                                   North America (Fig. 6). Most of the
                                                            during later stages generally respond
       until the following summer to attach to                                                               100 to 300 cases reported each year are
                                                            well and recover. No vaccine is avail-
       and transmit spirochetes to susceptible                                                               from the area between the Rocky
       rodents, birds, larger mammals, and                  able except for domestic dogs. Avoid
                                                                                                             Mountains and the Mississippi River
       humans. Uninfected larvae subse-                     locations with ticks during seasonal
                                                                                                             (especially Arkansas and Missouri).
       quently feed on these wild vertebrate                activity periods, use personal mea-
                                                                                                             Most cases are acquired during the
       hosts to complete the transmission                   sures to protect against ticks, become
                                                                                                             summer months from vector transmis-

sion; however, a second peak of cases                ments; and scratches or bites from            ticks. This species of tick is active at
occurs during the winter and is prob-                infected animals. Use personal protec-        night. Since it feeds rapidly and its bite
ably associated with rabbit hunting                  tion measures against ticks and prac-         is relatively painless, it may go unno-
and carnivore trapping.                              tice good sanitation procedures when          ticed. The ticks feed on humans when
                                                     handling wild animals, especially rab-        the rodents disappear from the cabin
The bacteria is maintained in rabbits,
                                                     bits. Promptly seek medical care and          nests because of rodent control mea-
hares, rodents, and birds by tick trans-
                                                     treatment if symptoms develop.                sures or death from other diseases.
mission. The natural reservoir for the
                                                                                                   Most human cases occur during the
bacteria includes infected ticks and                 Relapsing Fever                               summer months when the cabins are
animal species that are less susceptible
                                                     Relapsing fever can be caused by sev-         in use. Sporadic cases are reported pri-
and thus survive acute infections.
                                                     eral Borrelia spirochete bacteria, which      marily in the mountainous regions of
Hard ticks, primarily D. andersoni, D.
                                                     are related to the Lyme disease spiro-        the western United States and British
variabilis, and Haemaphysalis leporis-
                                                     chete and are transmitted by soft ticks       Columbia; 159 cases were reported
palustris, and some flies, especially the
                                                     (Argasidae). Symptoms resemble                during 1985 to 1991 in 10 western
deerfly (Chrysops discalis), can subse-
                                                     Lyme disease except for the absence of        states (Fig. 7). Two outbreaks occurred
quently transmit the disease to
                                                     the diagnostic rash and the presence of       among tourists and staff staying in
humans. Tularemia can also be trans-
                                                     recurring fever. The most common              cabins at the Grand Canyon in Arizona
mitted directly to humans. Transmis-
                                                     type is caused by B. hermsii. Most hu-        in 1973 and 1990. Inspect cabins for ro-
sion routes include drinking contami-
                                                     man cases of this type of relapsing           dent use and nests, promptly remove
nated water; eating contaminated food
                                                     fever have been associated with log           nests, and treat cabins with insecti-
or improperly cooked game meat;
                                                     cabins or houses containing rodent            cides or fumigate to kill any remaining
inhaling aerosols contaminated with
                                                     nests (particularly of chipmunks and          ticks. Rodent-proof cabins to prevent
rodent urine, feces, or dust; cuts from
                                                     pine squirrels) and Ornithodoros hermsi       rodent entry.
contaminated knives or other instru-

Incidence rate per
100,000 people.

        no cases

        0.01 to 0.24

        0.25 to 0.74

        > 0.75

Fig. 6. Distribution of tularemia (human cases) in the United States, 1991 (191 cases reported).



                                          3               18

                                      9               2


       Fig. 7. Distribution of relapsing fever (human cases) in the United States, 1985 to 1991.

       Two other species of relapsing fever                 appears less frequently and for a much      Babesiosis is a protozoan disease with
       spirochetes are transmitted occasion-                shorter duration. From 1986 to 1991,        gradual onset of fever, sweating, loss
       ally to humans in the western United                 262 cases and 4 fatalities were reported    of appetite, fatigue, general muscle
       States by Ornithodoros ticks. The spiro-             in 23 states, the majority occurring in     ache, and possibly prolonged anemia.
       chete B. parkeri is transmitted by O.                Missouri and Oklahoma. Use personal         The disease can be severe and some-
       parkeri, mostly in California, and B.                protection against ticks and seek medi-     times fatal. A protozoan, Babesia
       turicatae by the tick O. turicata. Five              cal care and treatment if sick.             microti, is transmitted among wild
       humans were infected with B. turicatae                                                           rodents, particularly white-footed
                                                            Powassan encephalitis is caused by a
       in Texas in 1990 following exploration                                                           mice, by the tick I. scapularis along the
                                                            virus (flavivirus) which is transmitted
       of a cave containing infected ticks. For                                                         coastal areas of New England and on
                                                            by the ticks I. cookei, D. andersoni, and
       prevention, use personal protection                                                              adjacent offshore islands. This tick
                                                            other Ixodes spp. Symptoms include
       against tick exposure. If sick with                                                              may be infected occasionally with both
                                                            the sudden onset of fever, sore throat,
       relapsing fever, seek medical care and                                                           B. microti and the Lyme disease spiro-
                                                            sleepiness, headache, and disorienta-
       appropriate antibiotic treatment.                                                                chete. Use personal protection mea-
                                                            tion. Encephalitis, meningitis, and,
                                                                                                        sures to prevent tick exposure and
                                                            occasionally, partial paralysis may
       Other Tick-borne Diseases                                                                        seek medical care if sick.
                                                            develop. Natural hosts are marmots,
       Three other tick-borne diseases occur                sciurid rodents, rabbits, hares, carni-     Personal Protection
       in the United States. Human ehrlichio-               vores, and possibly birds. Only 19
                                                            cases have been reported, all in New        The following personal measures can
       sis is a recently recognized disease
                                                            York, Pennsylvania, Ontario, and Que-       protect against tick-transmitted
       caused by a rickettsia, Ehrlichia chaf-
                                                            bec. Use personal protection to reduce      diseases:
       feensis. It is probably transmitted by
       ticks. Symptoms are similar to those of              exposure to ticks. No treatment is          1. When possible, avoid tick-infested
       RMSF: an acute fever with headache,                  available.                                     areas.
       muscle ache, and nausea. A rash

2. To better see crawling ticks, tuck                Flea-borne Diseases                        form, with 25% to 60% fatality in
   pant legs into socks and tape the                                                            untreated cases. In the United States,
   tops of socks over pant legs. Wear                Plague                                     plague is maintained in wild rodent
   light-colored clothes.                                                                       populations in the western states by
                                                     Plague is an acute disease caused by
                                                                                                flea transmission between rodents. Syl-
3. Use tick repellent on exposed skin                the bacteria Yersinia pestis. Humans
                                                                                                vatic plague may persist in these ani-
   (DEET) or treat clothes with                      usually become infected by the bites of
                                                                                                mal populations with varying severity,
   permethrin. Follow label instruc-                 infected fleas but also directly from
                                                                                                depending on the species’ resistance.
   tions for use.                                    exposure to tissues or body fluids
                                                                                                Prairie dogs are susceptible to sudden
4. Check yourself frequently for ticks               from diseased animals, especially
                                                                                                die-offs. Outbreaks of plague have
   and remove them.                                  when skinning animals. The disease is
                                                                                                decimated prairie dog colonies in less
                                                     characterized by the sudden onset of
5. After outdoor activity, remove and                                                           than 1 to 2 years. Rabbits, hares, carni-
                                                     fever and chills, followed by the devel-
   wash field clothing promptly and                                                             vores, and wild ungulates have also
                                                     opment of swollen and painful lymph
   dry clothes at a high temperature.                                                           been infected occasionally. Human
                                                     nodes (buboes) in the armpits, groin,
                                                                                                cases of plague are reported most fre-
6. Inspect your body carefully and                   and other areas 2 to 6 days following
                                                                                                quently in New Mexico, Arizona, Cali-
   remove attached ticks with a                      exposure. In addition to the bubonic
                                                                                                fornia, Colorado, and Oregon (Fig. 8).
   pointed tweezers. Grasp ticks as                  form, septicemic infection may
                                                                                                More than 50% of the 284 cases in the
   close to the skin as possible and pull            develop and involve other organs.
                                                                                                United States reported from 1970 to
   them loose with a slow, steady                    Secondary infection of the lungs may
                                                                                                1990 were in New Mexico. Use insect
   motion.                                           lead to primary plague pneumonia,
                                                                                                repellents on skin or treat field clothes
                                                     which then can be transmitted from
7. Inspect pets carefully for ticks and                                                         with permethrin. Practice good sanita-
                                                     person to person by aerosol. The dis-
   remove ticks soon after returning                                                            tion procedures when handling ani-
                                                     ease may be only mild and short-lived
   from the outdoors.                                                                           mals. Seek medical care and treatment
                                                     but frequently progresses to a severe
                                                                                                if sick.


                                    6               27

                                40                 161


Fig. 8. Distribution of plague (human cases) in the United States, 1970 to 1990.

Murine Typhus Fever                         ers, and fish or poultry dealers. In a       sanguineus). In this country rickettsial-
                                                   recent study in Hawaii, Norway rats,         pox has been reported in Boston, West
       Murine typhus fever is caused by Rick-
                                                   roof rats, and house mice were found         Hartford, New York, Cleveland, and
       ettsia typhi, a rickettsial organism that
                                                   to have high L. icterohemorrhagiae           Philadelphia.
       occurs throughout the southeastern
                                                   carrier rates.
       and Gulf Coast states and southern
       California. Rats are the reservoir ani-     Symptoms of leptospirosis infection          Bird-borne Diseases
       mals from which the disease reaches         range from none to severe, with acute
       many humans by way of rat fleas. The        fatalities. Many infections are charac-      Large roosting concentrations of birds
       oriental rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, is   terized by diarrhea, chills, vomiting,       can be noisy, and the associated drop-
       considered the most important vector        myalgia, and kidney damage. Preven-          pings can be a nuisance because of the
       of the disease. The causative organism      tion is the most important means of          objectionable odor and mess. In addi-
       enters the bloodstream when feces of        dealing with this disease. Proper sani-      tion, birds may carry and transmit
       infected fleas are scratched or rubbed      tation, rodent-proofing, and food stor-      diseases to livestock and humans. Col-
       into a flea-bite wound or other breaks      age and handling are essential.              lections of droppings may provide a
       in the skin. Murine typhus is similar to    Medical attention is typically required.     medium for bacterial and fungal
       epidemic or louse-borne typhus, but                                                      growth that could pose a potential
       illness is much milder and the fatality     Salmonellosis                                public health problem. Birds should be
       rate in untreated cases is much lower.                                                   dispersed or controlled when they
                                                   The Salmonella group of bacteria exists      form large concentrations near human
                                                   nearly everywhere in the environment         habitations and are judged to pose a
       Commensal Rodent-borne                      and, unfortunately, several serotypes        threat to public health or livestock.
                                                   are pathogenic to humans and other
       Diseases                                    animals. Salmonellosis can lead to
                                                                                                Concentrations of birds that do not
                                                                                                threaten human health or agriculture
       Rats and mice are responsible for the       severe cases of gastroenteritis (food        are usually better left undisturbed.
       spread of over 35 diseases, either          poisoning), enteric fever septicemia
       directly, through contamination of          (blood poisoning), and death. Food           Histoplasmosis
       human food with their urine or feces,       poisoning, the most common malady,
       or indirectly, by way of rodent fleas       is characterized by a sudden onset of        Histoplasmosis is a respiratory disease
       and mites. Following are brief descrip-     abdominal pain, diahrrea, nausea, and        in humans caused by inhaling spores
       tions of the more common of these           vomiting. Due to the severity of this        from the fungus Histoplasma capsula-
       diseases.                                   disease, medical attention is typically      tum. Birds do not spread the disease
                                                   required.                                    directly — spores are spread by the
       Rat-bite Fever                                                                           wind and the disease is contracted by
                                                   Salmonella bacteria recognize few host       inhalation. Bird droppings enrich the
       Rat-bite fever is caused by the bacteria    barriers and are transmitted in many         soil and promote growth of the fun-
       Streptobacillus moniliformis, which is      ways. One common form of transmis-           gus. Notable sources for histoplasmo-
       found on the teeth and gums of rats. It     sion is through food contaminated by         sis infection include: (1) traditional
       is transferred from rats to humans by       rat or mouse feces that contain Salmo-       bird roosts, (2) poultry farms, (3)
       the bite of the rat. The most frequently    nella (especially S. typhimurium) organ-     enclosed buildings where birds or bats
       occurring rat-bite fever in the United      isms. It may also be spread by birds,        have roosted, and (4) natural or
       States is called Haverhill fever. It is     which contaminate food with their            organic fertilizers. In addition, the fun-
       similar to the rat-bite fever of the        feces or bacteria carried on their feet.     gus can grow in various natural soils,
       Orient called sodoku (caused by                                                          with or without droppings. In some
       Spirillus minus).                           As with leptospirosis, the most impor-
                                                   tant means of reducing the potential of      areas, such as the Ohio Valley, histo-
       Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease)              this disease is through proper sanita-       plasmosis is so widespread that 95% of
                                                   tion, rodent-proofing, and food storage      the human population becomes
       Leptospirosis is a mild to severe infec-    and handling. Rodent control through         infected, whether associated with
       tion that is seldom fatal. Human cases      trapping and appropriate use of toxi-        birds or not.
       of the disease result from direct or        cants may also be necessary.
       indirect contact with infected urine of                                                  Infection by only a few spores gener-
       rodents and other animals. The spiro-                                                    ally produces a mild case in humans
       chetes (Leptospira spp., primarily L.                                                    and people are often unaware that
       icterohemorrhagiae) are found in con-       Rickettsialpox is a mild nonfatal dis-       they have contracted the disease
       taminated water or on food, and may         ease resembling chicken pox. It is           (unless it is detected later through a
       enter humans through mucous mem-            caused by a rickettsia (Rickettsia akari),   skin reactivity test or lung X ray that
       branes or minute cuts or abrasions of       which is transmitted from house mice         reveals healed lesions). A more severe
       the skin. Thus, Weil’s disease is often     to humans by the bite of an infected         infection may result in an acute respi-
       found in sailors, miners, sewer work-       house mouse mite (Liponyssoides              ratory illness with flu-like symptoms

(in fact, histoplasmosis is often misdi-       formaldehyde before clearing, but this       disease spread by pigeons and
agnosed as flu). The most serious              option is very expensive.                    starlings that results in chronic, usually
infections, usually resulting from mas-                                                     fatal, meningitis. Various species of
sive spore inhalation, may involve a           Ornithosis (Chlamydia psittaci,              birds may also play a part in the
dissemination of the fungus through            psittacosis)                                 transmission of encephalitis,
the blood stream. Such cases may               Ornithosis is an infectious respiratory      Newcastle disease, aspergillosis,
become chronic, recurring at later             disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci, a      toxoplasmosis, pseudotuberculosis,
times, and affect organs other than the        viruslike organism that affects              avian tuberculosis, and coccidiosis.
lungs. Treatment with an antifungal            humans, pets, and livestock. It usually
agent such as amphotericin B or imi-           leads to a mild pneumonia- or flu-like
dazole ketoconazole may be pre-                                                             Conclusion
                                               infection, but it can be a rapidly fatal
scribed in more severe cases.                  disease (less than 1% of the cases
                                                                                            Wildlife workers tend to ignore the
Not all blackbird or starling roosts           reported in the United States). In
                                                                                            risks associated with handling wildlife
pose immediate public health prob-             humans many cases occur that are
                                                                                            species and working in natural envi-
lems related to histoplasmosis. The            undetected or incorrectly diagnosed.
                                                                                            ronments. Diseases of wildlife or
histoplasmosis fungus grows readily            Pigeons are most commonly associ-
                                                                                            diseases present in their habitats can
in the soil beneath bird roosts, but it        ated with the transmission of orni-
                                                                                            infect humans and some can cause
cannot form spores under the acidic            thosis to humans. Birds have adapted
                                                                                            serious illness or even death. Becom-
conditions of fresh droppings. An              to the disease and show no symptoms,
                                                                                            ing aware of the potential diseases
active, undisturbed roost may only             but act as healthy carriers, shedding
                                                                                            present and taking precautions to
give off a few spores. Old or aban-            the organism in their feces, which later
                                                                                            decrease exposure will greatly reduce
doned roosts, however, can pose a sig-         may become airborne as dust. The dis-
                                                                                            chances of becoming infected with one
nificant threat to human health. After         ease may also be contracted from para-
                                                                                            of these diseases. This section provides
the droppings have dried out or been           keets, farm poultry, or waterfowl.
                                                                                            a description of the major zoonotic
leached by the rain, the right condi-          People working in dry, dusty areas           diseases of wildlife in the United States
tions develop for spore release. If the        where bird droppings are present,            that can also infect humans and gives
soil is stirred up under dusty condi-          should wear face masks or respirators        information on disease prevention.
tions, as may be the case in land clear-       to avoid inhaling airborne avian fecal       Other diseases are briefly listed in
ing or bulldozing, massive amounts of          material. Spray work areas with water        Table 1 or can be found in one of the
spores may be released. Severe epi-            and/or disinfectants to minimize the         selected references.
demics have occurred in association            potential for airborne infections par-
with bird roosts under such condi-                                                          You can prevent infection with zoo-
                                               ticles. Medical attention, including
tions.                                                                                      notic diseases and reduce the serious-
                                               antibiotic treatments are recom-
                                                                                            ness of an illness by observing the
Birds in large roosts can be dispersed         mended for disease treatment.
                                                                                            following recommendations:
by the use of various frightening
                                               Salmonellosis                                1. Become aware of which zoonotic
devices or by roost thinning or clearing
(see Bird Dispersal Techniques). Pre-          The Salmonella group of bacteria can            diseases are present in your area
cautions should be taken when work-            also be transmitted by birds. Refer to          and their clinical symptoms.
ing around an old or abandoned roost           Commensal Rodent-borne Diseases              2. Obtain any preexposure vaccina-
site. It is wise to test for the presence of   (above) for additional information.             tions that are available, particularly
histoplasmosis before beginning any                                                            for rabies.
work. Wear a self-contained breathing          Other Bird-borne Diseases
apparatus or face mask with a dust fil-                                                     3. Take personal precautions to reduce
                                               Pigeons, starlings, sparrows, black-
ter (less than 2 microns) to prevent in-                                                       exposure to disease agents and
                                               birds, and other types of birds have
halation of the spores. Wear protective                                                        vectors such as ticks, mosquitoes,
                                               been implicated in the transmission of
clothing, gloves, and boots that can be                                                        and fleas.
                                               various diseases of significance to
removed and disinfected with forma-            humans or livestock. Starlings have          4. Practice good sanitation procedures
lin and washed. If an area that was            been shown to be vectors of transmis-           when handling or processing
once a bird roost is going to be cleared       sible gastroenteritis (TGE) of swine.           animals or their products.
or bulldozed, the area should be               The virus can be carried in an infective
dampened with water or work should                                                          5. If you become ill, promptly seek
                                               state in the birds’ intestines or on their
be done when the weather is wet or                                                             proper medical treatment and
                                               feet for up to 30 hours. It is generally
cold or both. Avoid working under                                                              inform the physician about possible
                                               fatal to baby pigs and causes weight
dry, dusty conditions in late summer.                                                          exposures.
                                               loss in adults. Starlings may also be
A roost may be decontaminated by               involved in the transmission of hog
spraying it with a 3% to 5% solution of        cholera. Cryptococcosis is a fungal

       Portions of this chapter were derived from F. R.
          Henderson. 1983. Wildlife diseases and man.
          in R. M. Timm, Prevention and Control of
          Wildlife Damage. Univ. Nebraska Coop. Ext.

       For Additional
       For further information, consult the local or
       state health department or contact the CDC
       Voice Information System, Centers for Disease
       Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, at
       (404) 332-4555.

       Acha, P. N., and B. Szyfres. 1987. Zoonoses and
         communicable diseases common to man and
         animals, 2d ed. Pan Am. Health Org.
         Washington, DC. 963 pp.
       Adrian, W. J., ed. 1981. Manual of common
         wildlife diseases in Colorado. Colorado Div.
         Wildl. Denver. 139 pp.
       Benenson, A. S., ed. 1990. Control of
          communicable diseases in man, 15th ed. Am.
          Public Health Assoc. Washington, DC.
          532 pp.
       Thorne, E. T., N. Kingston, W. R. Jolley, and R. C.
          Bergstrom eds. 1982. Diseases of wildlife in
          Wyoming, 2d ed. Wyoming Game Fish Dep.
          Cheyenne. 353 pp.
       Weeks, R. J., and A. R. Stickley, Jr. 1984.
         Histoplasmosis and its relation to bird
         roosts: a review. Denver Wildl. Res. Center.
         Bird Damage Res. Rep. No. 330. Denver,
         Colorado. 23 pp.

         Scott E. Hygnstrom
         Robert M. Timm
         Gary E. Larson

Table 1. Some important wildlife diseases that affect humans.
Disease               Parasite                 Method of                Wildlife                  Type of Human
                      (Agent)                  Transmission             Hosts                     Illness
Rabies                Virus                    Animal bite,             Striped skunk, raccoon,   Paralysis, convulsions,
                      (rhabdovirus)            aerosol                  foxes, bats, and other    coma, death
Hantavirus            Virus                    Aerosol,                 Deer mice, other          Fever, headache, muscle
                      (hantavirus)             animal bite              wild and commensal        aches, nausea, vomiting,
                                                                        rodents                   back pain, respiratory
Leptospirosis         Bacteria                 Urine contamination,     Commensal and wild        Fever; jaundice; neuro-
                      (Leptospira spp.;        ingestion                rodents, rabbits, fox,    logic; pain in abdomen,
                      icterohemorrhagiae)                               skunk, raccoon,           joints, or muscles;
                                                                        opossum, deer             nausea; may be fatal
Brucellosis           Bacteria                 Contamination,           Hoofed animals            Intermittent fever, chills,
                      (Brucella spp.;          ingestion                (coyote)                  headache, body aches,
                      abortus)                 (milk, etc.)                                       weakness, weight loss
Rat-bite fever        Bacteria                 Rodent bite              Commensal rodents         Abrupt onset with chills
                      (Streptobacillus                                                            and fever, headache,
                      moniliformis)                                                               muscle ache, followed
                                                                                                  by rash on legs and
                                                                                                  arms, arthritis
Salmonellosis         Bacteria                 Ingestion of bacteria    Rodents, swine, cattle,   Sudden onset of head-
                      (Salmonella spp.)        in food contaminated     wild birds, poultry,      ache, fever, abdominal
                                               with feces               pet turtles               pain, nausea, diarrhea,
Ornithosis            Chlamydia                Inhalation of            Parrot and sparrow-       Fever, chills, headache,
(Psittacosis)         (Chlamydia               contaminated air         like birds, pigeons,      muscle pain, loss of
                      psittaci)                                         waterfowl, domestic       appetite, sweating,
                                                                        birds                     pneumonia
Histoplasmosis        Fungus                   Inhalation of            None, grows in soil       Mild fever and
                      (Histoplasma             spores                   enriched by feces         influenza-like illness,
                      capsulatum)                                       under bird and bat        pneumonia, hepatitis,
                                                                        roosts                    endocarditis, death
Cryptococcosis        Fungus                   Inhalation               None, grows in            Meningitis; lung, liver,
                      (Cryptococcus            is suspected             droppings in              and bone infection; skin
                      neoformans)                                       pigeon nests              lesions or ulcers
Trichinosis           Nematode worm            Ingestion of uncooked    Swine, bear, wild and     Nonspecific gastroenter-
                      (Trichinella spiralis)   meat containing larval   domestic carnivores,      itis, loss of appetite,
                                               cysts                    wild and domestic         nausea, diarrhea, swollen
                                                                        rodents                   eyelids, fever, chills,
                                                                                                  muscle aches
Ascarid               Nematode                 Ingestion of nematode    Raccoon                   Larval stage invades and
roundworm             (Baylisascaris           eggs (raccoon feces                                damages body organs,
                      procyonis)               contamination)                                     including brain

Direct and Indirect
Plague                Bacteria                 Contamination from       Wild rodents (prairie     Fever, headache, severe
                      (Yersinia pestis)        skinning animals,        dogs, ground and tree     discomfort, shaking
                                               fleas                    squirrels, chipmunks),    chills, pain in groin or
                                                                        rabbits, carnivores       arm pits (swollen lymph
                                                                                                  nodes), death

Table 1. Some important wildlife diseases that affect humans (continued).
       Disease               Parasite                  Method of                  Wildlife                  Type of Human
                             (Agent)                   Transmission               Hosts                     Illness
       Direct and Indirect
       Tularemia             Bacteria                  Contamination from         Wild rodents, rabbits,    Mild illness to severe
                             (Francisella              skinning animals,          hares, carnivores,        meningitis, pneumonia,
                             tularensis)               ticks, biting insects      birds, hoofed animals     ulcer at inoculation site,
                                                                                                            swollen lymph nodes,
       Colorado tick fever   Virus (coltivirus)        Tick, Dermacentor          Wild rodents (sciurids,   High fever, headache,
                                                       andersoni, D.              porcupine), hares,        muscle ache, lethargy,
                                                       occidentalis               rabbits, marmots,         biphasic symptoms
       Rocky Mountain        Rickettsia                Tick, D. andersoni,        Wild rodents, rabbits,    Rapid onset, fever, head-
       spotted fever         (Rickettsia rickettsii)   D. variabilis,             hares, carnivores,        ache, muscle aches,
                                                       Amblyomma                  birds                     nausea, vomiting,
                                                       americanum,                                          abdominal pain, rash,
                                                       Haemaphysalis                                        loss of muscle control,
                                                       leporispalustris                                     possibly fatal
       Ehrlichiosis          Rickettsia                Tick, species              Unknown, possibly         Fever, headache, nausea,
                             (Ehrlichia                unknown                    dogs and other            vomiting, muscle aches,
                             chaffeensis)                                         carnivores                fleeting rash
       Lyme disease          Bacteria                  Tick, Ixodes scapularis,   Wild rodents              Skin lesion (EM), fever,
                             (Borrelia                 I. pacificus, A.           (Peromyscus, chip-        headache, fatigue,
                             burgdorferi)              americanum                 munks), raccoon, deer,    muscle ache, stiff neck,
                                                                                  rabbits, birds            cardiac and neurologic
                                                                                                            manifestations, arthritis
       Relapsing             Bacteria                  Tick, Ornithodoros         Wild rodents (chip-       Rapid onset, severe
       fever                 (Borrelia hermsii, B.     hermsi, O. parkeri,        munks, tree squirrels),   headache, muscle weak-
                             parkeri, B. turicatae)    O. turicata                particularly in cabins    ness, rigor, joint pain,
                                                                                  and caves                 recurring fever
       Babesiosis            Protozoa                  Tick, I. scapularis        Wild rodents (white-      Gradual onset, loss of
                             (Babesia microti)                                    footed mice, meadow       appetite, fever, sweating,
                                                                                  vole)                     fatigue, general muscle
                                                                                                            aches, prolonged
                                                                                                            anemia, sometimes fatal
       Tularemia (listed above)

       St. Louis             Virus                     Mosquito, Culex pipiens    Birds (mostly song-       Fever, headache,
       encephalitis          (flavivirus)              complex, Cx. tarsalis,     birds and waterbirds),    musculoskeletal aches,
                                                       Cx. nigripalpus            some rodents              malaise, low fatality
       Eastern equine        Virus                     Mosquito, Culiseta         Birds (mostly song-       Fever, intense headache,
       encephalitis          (alphavirus)              melanura, Aedes spp.       birds and waterbirds),    nausea, vomiting,
                                                                                  bats                      muscle, aches, confusion,
                                                                                                            coma, high fatality

Table 1. Some important wildlife diseases that affect humans (continued).
Disease                 Parasite             Method of             Wildlife                  Type of Human
                        (Agent)              Transmission          Hosts                     Illness
Western equine          Virus                Mosquito              Birds (mostly song-       Fever, headache, nausea,
encephalitis            (alphavirus)         Cx. tarsalis          birds and waterbirds),    vomiting, malaise, loss
                                                                   jackrabbits, rodents      of appetite, convulsions,
                                                                                             low fatality
California              Virus                Mosquito              Eastern chipmunk,         Fever, irritability, head-
encephalitis            (bunyavirus)         Ae. triseriatus       tree squirrel, red fox,   ache, nausea, vomiting,
(LaCrosse)                                                         deer mouse                loss of muscle control,
                                                                                             confusion, coma, low
Louse-borne             Rickettsia           Body louse            Humans, flying            Onset variable, fever,
typhus                  (Rickettsia          Pediculus humanus,    squirrels                 headache, chills, general
                        prowazekii)          animal contact                                  pains, prostration, skin
                                                                                             rash after 5 to 6 days
Flea-borne typhus       Rickettsia           Rat flea              Domestic rats, wild       Fever, severe headache,
(Murine)                (Rickettsia typhi)   Xenopsylla cheopis    rodents, opossum          chills, general pains,
                                                                                             possibly skin rash

Plague (listed above)

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