Willmar Area Learning Center Willmar Public School - Student Handbook 2020-2021

Willmar Area Learning Center Willmar Public School - Student Handbook 2020-2021
Willmar Area Learning Center
    Willmar Public School

     Student Handbook
ALC Calendar 2020-2021

 August 31st- September 3​rd                    Teacher Workshop Days
 Tuesday, September 8​th                        First Day Of School              Class Begin at 8:00
 Thurs- Friday, October 15​                     Fall Break MEA                   No School for Students or Staff
 Friday, November 6​th                          End Term 1
 Wednesday, November 11​                   th   Professional Development         Classes Begin at 10:00
                                                (2 Hr late Start for Students)

 Thursday, November 12​th                       ALC Conferences                  3:00pm-7:00pm
                                                                                 (No Night School)
 Wednesday, November 25​th                      Conference Comp Day              No School for Students or Staff

 Thurs- Fri, November                           Thanksgiving Break               No School for Students or Staff
 Wednesday, December 2​nd                       Professional Development         Classes Begin at 10:00
                                                (2 Hr late Start for Students)
 Thurs, December 24​th​- Fri                    Winter Break                     No School for Students or Staff
 Jan. 1​st
 Monday, January 4​th​ 2021                     School Resumes
 Monday, January 18​th                          Teacher In-Service               No School for Students
 Friday, January 22​                            End of Term 2
 Wednesday, February 3​rd                       Professional Development         Classes Begin at 10:00
                                                (2 Hr late Start for Students)
 Thursday, February 11​th                       ALC Conferences                  3:00pm-7:00pm
                                                                                 (No Night School)
 Friday, February 12​th                         Conference day Grades k-12       No School for Students
 Friday, February 12​                           ALC Conference Day               8:00am-12:00pm
 Monday, February 15​                           President’s Holiday              No School for Students or Staff
 Friday, March 26​                              End of Term 3
 Mon- Fri., March 29​ –April    th​             Spring Break                     No School for Students or Staff
 Monday, April 5​th                             School Resumes
 Thursday, April 15​           th               ALC Conferences                  3:00pm-7:00pm
                                                                                 (No Night School)
 Friday, May 7​th                               Professional Development         Class will Dismiss at 1:00pm
                                                (2 Hr early out for Students)
 Thursday, May 20​th                            ALC Graduation                   1:00 PM @ WEAC
 Monday, May 31​                                Memorial Day                     No School for Students or Staff
 Thursday, June 3​        rd                    Last day of School for ALC
 Friday, June 4​th                              End Term 4                       Last Day of School
 Sunday, June 6​                                Commencement                     Graduation at the High School
 Monday, June 7​                                Teacher Workday
NOTE: ​Inclement weather days will be made up on, February 15​
                                                                 and in June (If additional days are needed). ​
Inclement weather day will be made up on the next closest date as listed above.
Willmar Area Learning Center
                            Willmar Public Schools


Dr. Jeffrey Holm - Superintendent of Schools
Nick Clasemann - Principal of Alternative Programs
Betty Dawson - Program Coordinator


Area Learning Center

Ben Anderson - Math/Science
Jennifer Carl - Communications
Alyssa Riewer - Math
Teresa Depuydt - EL/Work Experience
Mary Hanson - Health/PE
Claire Hendershott - Art/Electives/work Experience
Patti Johnson - School Nurse
Elizabeth Luby - Science
Nicole Meyer - Math/Social Studies
Lisa Molacek – Head Secretary
Desiree Lee – ALC/Alternative Programs Secretary
Melissa Kamstra - Kitchen
Kerrie Speer - Communications
Gail Tebben – Paraprofessional
Sharon Tollefson - Counselor
Steven Burrows - Social Studies
James Venenga – School Resource Officer
Laura Wangen - SpEd
Sharon Rambow - Paraprofessional
Amy Brown - Paraprofessional
Welcome to the Area Learning Center                   questions or direct you to the person who may be able
The Area Learning Center provides a nurturing                to help you.
environment in which students receive a positive, safe,      Your learning center experience will be what you make
and structured learning opportunity. The staff at the        it. We hope the school year will be a most positive and
ALC believes that all students can and will learn. Our       worthwhile year for you. We look forward to being a
staff is passionate, professional, and cares deeply about    part of your school experience.
the success of each student. We expect each student to
take ownership of their learning by becoming active          SUGGESTIONS AND CONCERNS
participants in the learning process.
                                                             Students, family members, and community members
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,          may report to a teacher, the ALC Program Coordinator,
involve me and I learn,” Benjamin Franklin.                  or the Principal of Alternative Programs any suggestions
                                                             or concerns. It is important that we listen to each other
ALC Mission                                                  so that we can make appropriate adjustments. Further,
                                                             we encourage everyone to communicate early so we
​“Inspiring and preparing all learners for their future in   can collectively solve small problems before they
our community and the world.”                                become big ones. We need everyone to present
                                                             suggestions or describe problems and then join with
VISION                                                       one another on reasonable, logical solutions.
Willmar ALC devotes itself to:
    ● High expectations for each student
    ● Individualized student learning                        Eligibility
    ● Instilling respectful, responsible, and positive       State Criteria needs to be met for a student to be
       student behaviors                                     eligible to attend the ALC. Any student may inquire
    ● Preparing students to become contributing              about and fill out an application to attend but final
       citizens                                              approval on meeting the state criteria will be
                                                             determined by the Program Coordinator and
Purpose                                                      Administration.
The purpose of the ALC is to offer an alternative
educational setting that capitalizes on each student’s
individuality. The ALC allows students an alternative
means to achieve the success that will result in a           GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
Willmar High School Diploma, upon completion of all          Students graduating in 2020-21 and desiring a diploma
course requirements.                                         from Willmar Public Schools need to meet the
                                                             requirements as outlined below. Please note that
The Willmar Area Learning Center is proud and pleased        students may elect to receive a diploma from Willmar
to offer you a unique learning experience that provides      Public Schools or from their district of residence. They
educational services to students and families from a         will have to meet the graduation requirements for the
variety of different backgrounds. These differences          particular school issuing the diploma. A diploma will be
create a diverse experience for all. It is important that    issued when necessary requirements are met, all fees
all staff, students, family members, and community           paid, and all books or materials have been returned to
service providers promote interactions that are              the classroom teachers.
respectful. Through positive interactions, individuals
can develop great confidence and competence, which           Students must earn a minimum of 58 credits in grades
will lead to individual success. These individual            9-12 that includes credits in the subjects listed below.
accomplishments will lead to great community success.

Important information regarding rules, regulations,
credit requirements, and services available to you are
presented in this handbook. As you read it, other
questions may occur to you. The staff can answer your
Mathematics                                        session and complete all assigned homework can
                                                                               usually earn quarter credits by the end of summer.
6 credits​ (2 credits each Algebra 1A, Algebra lB w/Statistics, Algebra 2 or   Credits not completed during the summer session can
                    Advanced Algebra 3 and Geometry)
                                                                               be completed in the fall.
     6 credits​ (Physical Science, Biology and Chemistry or Physics)
                           Social Studies                                      CAREER ASSESSMENT CENTER
  8 Credits​ (American History and Government, American History 2,             ALC students may complete an assessment of their
 Economics, World History, World Geography and US Geography or other           vocational interest and identify their work strengths and
                               elective)                                       weakness through these activities. As part of this
                                                                               assessment, students will complete interest tests,
                                English                                        workstations, learning style inventories, and explore
          8 credits ​(2 credits at each grade level are required)              occupations through videotapes. Students can have a
                                                                               firsthand experience by trying various workstations such
                 Physical Education/Health                                     as; cosmetology, electrical wiring, medical service,
          3 credits​ (2 credits Physical   Education and Health)               cooking and baking, sales, and others. After completing
                                                                               this assessment, the student will have a better
                 Performing and Visual Arts                                    understanding of their interests and abilities to help
                               2 credits                                       make appropriate selections for further classes, jobs,
                                                                               and post-secondary programs.
Any Willmar ALC student who has earned credit at
Willmar Senior High School will be allowed to go                               EARNING CREDITS
through the WHS graduation ceremony as well as the                             Day School. Earning credits is determined by the
ALC ceremony. A student who plans to go through the                            student’s performance, use of time, and desire to
high school ceremony needs to be a student at one of                           graduate. Credits accumulate faster when students
the buildings during term 4 and notify the high school                         attend regularly and stay on task. Skipping class or
by the last day of term 2 (January) to arrange for cap                         wasting class time delays a student’s progress towards
and gown measurements.                                                         graduation.

All credits carried at the ALC by students planning to go                      Night School. Night School is available to students no
through the graduation ceremony at Willmar Senior                              longer enrolled in another high school and students
High School must be completed by the second Thursday                           attending a high school during the day but needing to
in May, so that a transcript can be sent to WHS and                            make up credits. Students must normally be 16 years of
name can be placed in the graduation program.                                  age or older. Students under 16 can attend if they
                                                                               attend a 9th through 12th grade high school during the
HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES                                                         day.
If you would like to participate in various activities such
as athletics, prom, and graduation at your former High
School please see the program coordinator.                                     PROGRESS REPORTS
                                                                               Progress reports for students attending the daily
                                                                               program will be distributed during the school year.
Students wishing to leave the ALC and continue their
                                                                               Parents or guardians wishing to request weekly or
educational program at a high school should visit with
                                                                               monthly attendance updates can do so by calling the
the ALC Program Coordinator.      Most high schools
                                                                               ALC office at (320) 214-6692.
encourage students to transfer at the start of a new
marking period or school term.
                                                                               Parents are strongly encouraged to request a report of
                                                                               progress throughout the year. This request can be
                                                                               made by calling the office at (320) 214-6692.
Summer School Classes for Students in grades 9 through
12 are offered Monday thru Thursday during the month
of June each summer. Students who attend each class
REGISTRATION FOR CLASSES                                                            DAILY SCHEDULE
Each summer brings the start of a new school year.                             Hybrid Schedule at the ALC!
Students returning to the ALC for summer school or for
classes later in the school year must complete a new        What is a Hybrid Schedule?
ALC application form. Students who have not attended        A Hybrid Schedule allows students to attend organized class 4 days a
                                                            week and work independently 1 day a week.
school in the Willmar District in the past three months
                                                            When do students attend classes at the ALC?
need to complete the registration process at the            Students will have regularly scheduled classes at the ALC, Monday -
Willmar Education and Arts Center, 611 SW 5th Street.       Thursday 8—3. Altered schedules are based on student need.
                                                            What do students do on Friday?
All registration and application forms can be obtained in       ●     Students will take their class work home and work
the ALC office or by calling (320) 214-6692. A                        independently.
parent/guardian meeting is required for new                 What does the school day look like?
                                                                       Monday        Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday      Friday
Registration for summer session will start in April and
run through May. Registration for classes that begin in      WIN                                                          Independ
the fall will start in April and run through August.         8:00-    WIN           WIN        WIN           WIN          ent Study
                                                             8:28                                                         At Home

The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) allows          1st
public high school juniors and seniors to take full-time                                                                  Independ
                                                             hour     Class         Class      Class         Class
                                                                                                                          ent Study
or      part-time      courses      at     a     liberal     8:30-
                                                                                                                          At Home
arts/community/technical college, a university, or            2nd                                                         Independ
non-profit degree granting trade school for high school      Hour                                                         . Study
                                                                        Class         Class       Class        Class
credit. The tuition, fees and required textbooks are at      9:24-
                                                                                                                          at home
no cost to students.
                                                               3​rd                                                       Independ
                                                             Hour                                                         . Study
                                                                        Class         Class       Class        Class
Eligible students who desire to participate in the PSEO      10:19
                                                                                                                          at home
Program are requested to discuss this with the ALC           11:13
                                                               4​th                                                       Independ
School Counselor. Students wishing to participate will       Hour                                                         . Study
need to complete the necessary application forms and                    Class         Class       Class        Class
                                                                                                                          at home
meet with a post-secondary counselor.                        12:08
                                                               5​th     Lunch         Lunch                    Lunch      Independ
                                                             Hour       /WIN          /WIN                     /WIN       . Study
                                                                        AVID          AVID        AVID         AVID       at home
                                                               6​th     Lunch/        Lunch                    Lunch/     Indepen
                                                                                               Lunch/WIN                  dent
                                                             Hour        WIN          /WIN                      WIN
                                                             12:42                                                        Study At
                                                                        AVID          AVID        AVID         AVID       Home
                                                               7​th                                                       Independ
                                                             Hour                                                         . Study
                                                                        Class         Class       Class        Class
                                                                                                                          at home
                                                               8​th                                                       Independ
                                                             Hour                                                         . Study
                                                                        Class         Class       Class        Class
                                                                                                                          at home
                                                              9​th    Night         Night      Night         Night
                                                             Hour     School        School     School        School
                                                             3:12-      Credit       Credit      Credit       Credit
                                                             3:58      Recovery     Recovery    Recovery     Recovery
                                                             10​th    Night         Night      Night         Night
                                                             Hour     School        School     School        School
                                                             3:59-      Credit       Credit      Credit       Credit
                                                             4:45      Recovery     Recovery    Recovery     Recovery
calling 231-231-8473 if your child has any special dietary
EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING                                                                   needs.
Willmar Public School officials carefully examine weather
reports, road conditions, temperature and wind conditions        PIN Numbers:​ Each Student has their own PIN Number that
before making the decision to close schools.                        they are given at the start of their school career. Your
                                                                  student will use the same PIN number every school year.
Because the Area Learning Center is part of the Willmar            Students enter their PIN Number into a keypad, which is
School District, we will follow the same procedure followed          matched with a student photo. Your PIN Number is
                                                                  confidential – please do not share this number with other
by preschool through 12th grade. For example, anytime
Willmar’s preschool through grade 12 has a late start, the ALC
will also have a late start.         Willmar Public Schools                                 Pricing:
implemented an automated messaging system several years
ago. The system will send messages to all operating phone
numbers regarding school closings. Please keep your home
and cell phone numbers up-to-date to receive these calls.
Weather related announcements will also be available on the            Breakfast - Paid       No Charge
following Willmar radio stations: K95/KDJS/97.3, The River,
Q102/KWLM/K100, or Wild Country 99/KCLD to gather
needed information. In addition the Willmar Public Schools             Breakfast -
                                                                       Reduced                No Charge
announces emergency school schedule changes on the
following television stations: KSTP/KRWF 43 (Twin
Cities/Alexandria/Redwood Falls), FOX 9/KMSP, KARE 11 and              Breakfast - Free       No Charge

If schools are starting one hour late, classes at the Area             Lunch - Paid           $2.05
Learning Center will begin at 9:00 AM. If schools are starting
two hours late, classes at the Area Learning Center will begin
at 10:00 AM. If school has been closed for the entire school           Lunch - Reduced        No Charge
day or dismissed early due to inclement weather, evening
school classes are also canceled.
                                                                       Lunch - Free           No Charge
On school days, the main door of the school building on
Eighth Street is unlocked at 7:45 AM. Students who arrive at           Milk                   $0.30
school before 8:00 AM are to go to the designated area for
students. Students should not be in the other areas of the
building prior to 8:00 AM without staff permission. Once                                      $1.90 -
students arrive at school, they are required to remain at                                     Breakfast
school. The ALC is a closed campus.                                    Adult Price Meals      $3.85 - Lunch

                                                                                              Price Range
                 School Nutrition Programs
                                                                       Ala Carte Pricing      $0.25-$2.50
                   (Breakfast and Lunch)

  The Area Learning Center (ALC) has a closed lunch period.                          Meal Account Balances:
Students must have a student Personal Identification Number
  (PIN Number) to eat in the cafeteria. Breakfast and Lunch          We operate on a pre-paid system, meaning that meal
   Menus are planned by the Director of Food and Nutrition       charging is not allowed by School Board Policy. Meals must
   Services, Assistant Director and Head Cooks at each site.       be paid for by depositing money into the student’s meal
    Input for menus is received from students, parents and       account before meals are served. It is very important to stay
  school staff. Menus are planned to meet the Meal Pattern         current on your meal account.​ Students with a negative
   Requirements for Breakfast and Lunch established by the       balance will not be allowed to charge 2​nd​ meals or ala carte
      United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and          items to their account. ​ The School District’s Unpaid Meal
  Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). Our goal is to        Charges Policy can be found on the District’s Website under
      serve quality, nutritious meals to all students and to              Food and Nutrition Services, then Policies.
   encourage healthy eating habits. ​Please let us know by
Free and Reduced Meal Applications:                                       Lunch Site Options:
A new application MUST be completed EVERY YEAR (even if          Serving line choices include: A Main or Alternate Choice Line
you received free and/or reduced benefits last school year)!     Students may purchase a second meal at $3.85 or additional
    Families are required to pay for meals eaten by their                        Ala Carte items (prices vary).
student(s) prior to submission of an application. You can get
an application from your school office, District Office (WEAC)                          Meals from Home:
            or online at​ ​www.willmar.k12.mn.us                     The School District encourages parents to pack healthy
   You can also complete the Application for Educational         lunches and snacks and refrain from including beverages and
Benefits (Free and Reduced Meal Application) online through        foods without nutritional value, per the District’s Wellness
                 your Parent Portal Account.                     Policy. The Policy can be found on the District Website under
                                                                         Policies. If a Fast Food meal is brought in, the
                                                                     parent/guardian and child will eat in a designated area
            Managing Meal Account Payments:                                          outside of the Cafeteria.
  You have several options when it comes to managing the           If you bring a meal from home you may purchase milk for
 payment method on your meal accounts. Each student has                                  $0.30 per carton.
  their own meal account. All payments will be distributed
 equally between your students unless you notify Food and                             Special Dietary Needs:
               Nutrition Services otherwise.                        If your child has any special diet needs, please have your
                                                                  medical provider fill out a special diet form and review our
Parent Portal – ​You will need Parent Portal in order to make      special Dietary Needs Policy found on the district website
on-line payments. By signing up for Parent Portal you will be                   under our Food and Nutrition page.
able to view the balance, check the activity of your student’s   Special diet forms do not need to be renewed annually unless
meal account and make on-line payments. If you do not have                           something has changed.
access to Parent Portal, please pick up an application at your   Lactose Reduced Milk will be provided upon receiving written
student’s school office or print one off from the District                   request from parents and/or guardians.
Website, under the Parents section, select Campus Portal,              Contact Danaca at 320-231-8473 with any questions.
then scroll down to select the Parent Portal Activation
Request.                                                         For more information regarding School Nutrition Programs
                                                                     and forms you might need, please call the Food and
WEAC (District Office) – ​You may drop off payments at our         Nutrition Services office at 320-231-8526, or email the
District Office anytime between 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m, Monday                district at wpsfns@willmar.k12.mn.us
through Friday at 611 5​th​ Street SW, Willmar, MN. In most
cases this payment is applied immediately, but it can take up
to 24 hours to be applied.                                       BUS TRANSPORTATION
                                                                 Bus transportation to and from the ALC is provided for
WEAC (District Office) Drop Box – ​We have a drop box            students who live within the Willmar School District AND two
located at the front of the building where you can drop off      miles or more away from the ALC. Those students living
meal payments anytime. In most cases all payments received       within the city limits will be picked up at a location near their
by 9:30 a.m. will be on your student’s account before Lunch,     home. For the time and location of the pickup, please check
but it can take up to 24 hours to be applied so please plan      with the bus company.
                                                                 The after school bus is scheduled by the bus company and
Students School Office – ​You may send payments with your        will leave between 3:00 and 3:10 PM. Students who ride the
student to school. These payments need to be brought to the      bus to school and then skip part or all of the school day will
office before 9:00 a.m. in order to be entered on your           lose the privilege of riding the bus after school.
student’s account the same day. If your payment is received      Transportation is a privilege not a right. A student’s eligibility
after 9:00 a.m. it will take up to 24 hours to be applied.       to ride a school bus may be revoked for a violation of school
                                                                 bus safety or conduct policies.
Auto Withdrawal – ​We offer Automatic Withdrawal from a
checking or savings account. You may choose to have money        Students who need transportation can sign up by calling one
withdrawn once or twice a month. Please be sure to fill out a    of the bus companies. If a parent does not know which
new form each school year and include a voided check or          company provides transportation, please call either company
voided withdrawal slip.                                          and provide the home address. The respective bus company
                                                                 will either work with you or refer you to the other company.
                                                                 If further assistance is needed, call the ALC office.

                                                                 Willmar Bus Company (320) 235-2110
                                                                 Palmer Bus Company (320) 382-6421
DRIVING & PARKING                                                  the sole responsibility of the student. Willmar Public Schools
Day students are encouraged to use the school bus service if       does not replace any lost or stolen items.
eligible. ALC parking is limited. Students who attend the ALC
day and night program may park along the school side of 8th        ACCIDENTS
and Monongalia Ave as long as they observe posted signs.           Students should report all accidents involving injuries
Day students are not allowed to park in the school lot.            immediately to their teacher or to the office. If medical
                                                                   attention is needed, parents or guardians will be notified.
Students who drive are asked to be respectful of our
neighbors. Please drive at reasonable speeds and keep noise        EXPECTED BEHAVIOR
levels low.                                                        Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior in
                                                                   school, on the ALC grounds, and at all school activities. The
VISITORS                                                           following points serve as a guideline to help ensure that the
Parents are welcome to visit the school and observe their          ALC can function to the best advantage for all students and
child’s classes.                                                   staff:
                                                                        1. Be present for all scheduled classes.
All parents and other visitors must check in at the school              2. Arrive at classes on time.
office upon entering the building. Parents and visitors are             3. Come prepared for class.
asked to sign a visitation log and receive a visitor badge              4. Bring all required materials to class, ​including
before proceeding to other parts of the building. During the                paper, pencil, pen, binders, and fully charged
school day, visitors should enter the building through the                  iPads​.
eighth street entrance. All entrances are kept locked during            5. Be attentive to classroom activities.
the school day. Visitors need to press the buzzer, and show             6. Make an effort to be successful.
ID to have the doors unlocked for entrance to the building.             7. Show respect for teachers, staff, other students, and
                                                                            school property by not engaging in activities which
                                                                            disturb the class or school environment.
                                                                        8. Follow the directives of teachers, staff, and school
We want students and staff to take care of and be proud of
their school. Acts of vandalism, such as willful destruction of
                                                                        9. Help keep the classroom, building and grounds clean
property, defacing of walls, desks, etc., will not be tolerated
                                                                            by not littering.
and will be dealt with according to the Willmar School District
                                                                        10. Dress appropriately for a school environment (​see
Discipline Policy. Students involved in acts of vandalism will
                                                                            dress code criteria​).
be held responsible for damages and will be reported to law
                                                                        11. Refrain from intimate physical touching (kissing,
                                                                            hugging, handshaking).
Phone messages for students will be accepted from
parents/guardians only. Students will not be called out of
                                                                   ATTENDANCE POLICY
class for phone calls except for major emergencies.
                                                                   Learning is increased by regular school attendance. Students
                                                                   have the responsibility of regular punctual attendance.
                                                                   Parents have the responsibility of encouraging regular
Students needing to make a phone call may stop at the front
                                                                   attendance and informing the school in the event of a
desk. Staff will identify a phone available for these calls.
                                                                   student’s absence.
                                                                   Excused Absence​: Students who have a legitimate excuse for
                                                                   missing school can be excused by submitting appropriate
NO Cell Phones During Class
                                                                   verification. The following constitute valid excuses allowed
                                                                   by the State of Minnesota:
All cellphones should be out of sight during the class period.
                                                                   a.    Illness, verified by the parent/guardian or doctor.
Staff who see cell phones will confiscate them until the end of
                                                                   b. Health appointments, verified by a note from the visited
class. If the issues continue, Office staff will become involved
                                                                         professional, stating the date and time of visit. The note
and further action will be taken. In the case of emergencies,
                                                                         should also state when the student can return to
please call 320-214-6692.
Headphones are only to be used with teacher permission.
                                                                   c.    An extreme family emergency, as determined by the
                                                                         ALC Program Coordinator.
                                                                   d. Religious observance, i.e., funeral, wedding, etc.
Students are encouraged to bring only the personal items
                                                                   e.    Appearance        in court, verified with proper
that are essential for making the school day productive.
While the ALC is a safe and respectful setting, students need
to understand that any personal item that is lost or stolen is
Truancy​: (For students less than 17 years of age.)                                      DRESS FOR SUCCESS
Truancy is absence from school for all or part of a school day
without a valid excuse acceptable to the ALC Program                 Personal Appearance: The purpose of this policy is to enhance
Coordinator. Leaving school grounds during the school day            the education of our students by establishing expectations of
without permission constitutes truancy.                              dress and grooming that are related to safety, educational
                                                                     goals and community/school standards.
If a student exceeds the number of days truant as allowed by
law, a letter will be sent to the parent or guardian and a copy
                                                                     Appropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to:
will be sent to the Kandiyohi County Family Services Truancy
Mediation Officer explaining the details of the truancy.
                                                                     1. Clothing that does not create a health or safety hazard.
                                                                     2. Clothing appropriate for the activity and weather.
Leaving the Building​: Once a student arrives at school it is
                                                                     3. Clothing that covers the midriff and chest.
expected that he/she will attend all scheduled classes.
                                                                     4. Clothing that covers undergarments.
Students are not to leave unless a parent/guardian has made
contact with the school. If a student needs to leave the
building for a scheduled appointment, they should notify the
                                                                     Specifics of the policy:
office before leaving and again once they return to the
building. If a student leaves without permission they cannot
                                                                     •Undergarments must be hidden from public view
return to school for the remainder of the day.
                                                                     •Cover your chest and midriff.
                                                                     •Chains, spike studs, and/or other like apparel present safety
                                                                     concerns for the school and are inappropriate for school.
ALC staff will attempt to notify parents or guardians by phone
                                                                     •Hats and misc. headgear, sunglasses, etc. are not allowed
when their child is absent from school. Parents are
                                                                     to be worn in the building during school hours except with
encouraged to check their child’s attendance by calling the
                                                                     the approval of administration. Staff may confiscate headgear
ALC. Parents or guardians, who wish to have weekly
                                                                     as needed.
attendance reports sent to them, should call the office
                                                                     •Sweatshirts with hoods are allowed, but the hood cannot be
(320-214-6692) with this request.
                                                                     covering your head at any time.
                                                                     •Clothing or markings to the body must not include words or
When a student is having an attendance problem, a variety of
                                                                     visuals that display violence, are sexually suggestive, profane,
approaches may occur:
                                                                     abusive, degrading, or discriminatory. Clothing or markings to
    1. Teachers and other staff may simply visit with
                                                                     the body must not display or promote the use of drugs,
        students to understand their personal situation.
                                                                     alcohol, tobacco, or other activities and products that are
    2. The advisement teacher may call the parents.
                                                                     illegal to minors.
    3. Staff may check with the office to gather knowledge
        about why the student has been unable to attend.
    4. With repeating attendance problems, staff will
        discuss these issues for the purpose of developing a
        plan that may result in positive outcome for the
                                                                     Any employee of ALC who is offended by a student’s dress or
    5. Any Staff member may call the student and/or                  apparel may advise the student about proper attire and/or
        family.                                                      report the concern to the Program Coordinator for follow up.

All these approaches are for the purpose of supporting the           If a student wears an article of clothing that is considered
student.                                                             questionable, he/she will be asked to change in order to
                                                                     continue the day. A student will be allowed time to return
When absences are at the truancy level, the ALC is required          home to change or they can have clothing brought to school
to report the student for truancy.                                   to change. Shirts are available in the office to use on a
                                                                     temporary basis. If he/she refuses to change, the student will
TARDINESS                                                            be sent home for the remainder of the school day. This
When a student arrives late for class, the teacher records the       absence will be considered to be unexcused. Continued
student’s absence. Students are required to secure a tardy           violations will result in disciplinary action.
pass from the office upon arrival at school. If their tardiness is
extreme or repeating, they may be asked to meet with the             The Program Coordinator has the final say in any
program coordinator. The ALC staff wants student to know             questionable dress code decision.
they are always welcome.
DRESS CODE                                                           Backpacks may be used within the school building. However,
In order to create a safe, non-threatening climate, the ALC          students are expected to use them safely. This safety
has developed a dress code.                                          includes bringing only things that are allowed and beneficial
                                                                     to their school program, keeping them as light as possible,
using caution while passing others, and ensuring that they are
not a distraction to their educational program. Backpacks and
purses must be on the floor by the student desk in the                         DRUGS AND ALCOHOL
classrooms or in individual assigned areas within the                          The possession or use of drugs or alcohol is a serious violation
classroom.                                                                     of state laws and is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.
                                                                               Violators will be reported to the proper authorities and/or
GANG-RELATED BEHAVIOR                                                          social agencies.
Students are prohibited from using or exhibiting gang related                  Students, who consume, sell, give away, or have possession
behaviors and dress at school, on school grounds, or at                        of drugs or alcohol on school property or at school-sponsored
school-sponsored events. Unacceptable gang items and                           activities will be suspended from school. Before a student
behaviors will be handled by the ALCs program coordinator                      can return to school, a conference consisting of parents,
and SRO.                                                                       student, school personnel, and when appropriate some
                                                                               community resource people will be arranged to determine
●   Any apparel, jewelry, accessories, or manner of grooming which by
    virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute (as a   the best course of action to be taken.
    primary purpose) denotes membership in an organized gang as defined
    by MN statute 260.125., WILL NOT be allowed.                               BEHAVIORAL ISSUES/ STUDENT REFLECTION TIME
●   Graffiti on a person, their clothing, books, notebook, or other personal   All behavior issues will be dealt with by program coordinator/
    items which denotes affiliation to an organized gang or threat group,
    WILL NOT be Allowed.                                                       administrator and/or SRO.
●   Making hand signs which denote affiliation with an organized gang or       The key focus of student reflection time is to assist students
    threat group, WILL NOT be Allowed.                                         in recognizing problematic issues and in learning techniques
                                                                               to control their behavior. If behaviors continue to reoccur or
To ensure that there is no confusion or misunderstanding                       are significant; parents will be contacted to develop a plan to
about handshaking that may be gang related, ​the ALC does                      assist the student in being successful in school.
not allow handshaking of any kind. While this may seem                         This assistance could include students checking in daily with a
rather restrictive related to socially appropriate handshaking,                staff member, a personalized contract, or other behavioral
the ALC has found that this restriction has been important to                  support. The regular “check in” would be with an advisement
promote safe and respectful interactions.                                      teacher, Counselor, program coordinator, or other assigned
VIOLENCE ARE AGAINST THE LAW.                                                   ​BULLYING PROHIBITION
                                                                               I. PURPOSE
                                                                               A safe and civil environment is needed for students to learn
                                                                               and attain high academic standards and to promote healthy
      DISCRIMINATION IS AGAINST THE LAW!                                       human relationships. Bullying, like other violent or disruptive
                                                                               behavior, is conduct that interferes with a student’s ability to
Contact:                                                                       learn and/or a teacher’s ability to educate students in a safe
Nick Clasemann or Elizabeth Fischer                                            environment. The school district cannot monitor the activities
611 5th St SW, Willmar, Minnesota 56201, Phone: 214-6008                       of students at all times and eliminate all incidents of bullying
                                                                               between students, particularly when students are not under
The person responsible for assuring compliance with Section                    the direct supervision of school personnel. However, to the
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is Andrea Fladeboe.                      extent such conduct affects the educational environment of
                                                                               the school district and the rights and welfare of its students
PRINTED MATERIALS/SOFTWARE                                                     and is within the control of the school district in its normal
Possession, distribution, or display of slanderous, libelous,                  operations, the school intends to prevent bullying and to take
pornographic, racist or gang-related materials or symbolism is                 action to investigate, respond to, and to remediate, and
not allowed on school property.                                                discipline for those acts of bullying which have not been
                                                                               successfully prevented. The purpose of this policy is to assist
                                                                               the school district in its goal of preventing and responding to
TOBACCO USE                                                                    acts of bullying, intimidation, violence, reprisal, retaliation,
Student use of tobacco in any form (cigarettes, chew, vap                      and other similar disruptive and detrimental behavior.
pens, etc. ) will not be permitted in any of the school
buildings, on the school grounds, or on school buses.
Students found in violation of this regulation will be subject                 Please see the district website for the full Bullying
to the discipline policy. Students who are seen smoking                        Prohibition Policy.
either on or off school property will be reported to the                       RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
Willmar police. The student will be issued a ticket and a                      Restorative justice is a philosophy and practice that
penalty assessed by the legal system.                                          acknowledges that when a person does harm, it affects the
                                                                               person(s) they hurt families, the community, and themselves.
                                                                               Using restorative measures, an attempt is made to repair the
                                                                               harm caused by one person to another and to the community
so that order is restored for everyone. The use of restorative          ●     Damaging computers, iPads, computer systems or
measures provides opportunities for students to learn from                    networks
their mistakes, to reconcile and resolve problems with others,           ● Harassing, insulting or attacking others
and to return to balance after someone has been harmed.                  ● Use of the network in infringing on the rights of
With this type of practice, these professional partners will                  others
team on mentorship, small group advisement, family                       ● Using obscene language
visitation, home visits, educating students on their legal rights        ● Violating copyright laws
and responsibilities, connecting students with community                 ● Using another person‘s password
opportunities, and helping families approach community                   ● Installing personal software or customizing the
resources as needed.                                                          desktop.
                                                                    Unacceptable uses will result in actions consistent with
DISCIPLINE POLICY - HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE POLICY                  existing disciplinary policies and may include any or all of the
The Area Learning Center does not tolerate verbal or physical       following:
conduct by any student or staff member who harasses,                     1. Loss of access
disrupts or interferes with another’s work performance or                2. Student held responsible for any damage, theft, or
which creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile                          vandalism
environment.                                                             3. When applicable, law enforcement may be involved.

Students and staff members may report any concerns to an
ALC Teacher, the ALC Counselor, the ALC Program
                                                                                           AVID Program
Coordinator, or Administrator of Alternative Programs.                                   WHAT IS AVID?
Further, any person may also report to the school district’s
                                                                            ​ VID is not just another program…
Human Rights Officers, Elizabeth Fischer or Nick Clasemann.
                                                                                         at its heart,
                                                                                    AVID is a philosophy
Any person found in violation of any of the Willmar School
                                                                         Hold students accountable to the highest
District’s harassment and violence policies will be subject to
disciplinary measures as laid out in school policy. Copies of
                                                                             provide academic and social support,
the discipline, harassment and violence, and bullying
                                                                             and they will rise to the challenge.
prohibition policies are included with this handbook.
                                                                     The ALC is an AVID School. The intent of the AVID Program is
SEARCHING PERSONAL BELONGINGS                                       to create college and career readiness for all students. The
When a student is suspected of having some type of illegal          three main components of the program are academic
items or substances, the school may conduct a search of             instruction, tutorial support, and motivational activities.
personal items including the student’s backpack, purse, and         Students will participate daily in the AVID elective
the student. The search will be done by a team and be done          class. During the AVID elective class students will focus on
to preserve the dignity of the student. In the event that an        Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading
illegal item or substance is discovered, appropriate                (WICOR). Time will also be spent growing organizational and
disciplinary action will be taken and this may involve a report     leadership skills. ​Students will be required to use the AVID
to the police.                                                      binder and Cornell Notes as organizational tools​.
COUNSELING SERVICES                                                                   Student Responsibilities
Our school is proud to offer guidance and counseling service,
to students. These services offer social and emotional,                      ●   Maintain satisfactory citizenship and
academic, and career counseling and guidance.             The                    attendance in all classes
counselor can assist in referrals to other agencies. Students                ●   Maintain an AVID three-ring binder (with
wishing to see the counselor are encouraged to stop by the                       calendar/planner, Cornell notes, and
counseling office.
                                                                                 assignments in all classes)
Technology                                                                   ●   Be an active learner, be prepared for all
Independent access to computers, iPads, and network                              classes with all assigned work completed,
services are provided to the students who agree to act in a                      take Cornell notes daily, and be an active
considerate and responsible manner. Parent permission is                         participant in all activities.
required for minors to access the Internet (Please refer to the
                                                                             ●   Use critical thinking, inquiry, and
District Internet Policy for further information).
 Access is a privilege not a right.                                              collaboration with my classmates to create
                                                                                 greater understanding
Unacceptable uses of the district’s computers, iPads and
networks include, but are not limited to:
    ● Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures
Parent/Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student
                                                       Participation in Statewide Testing
This information will help parents/guardians make informed decisions that benefit their children, schools, and communities.

Why statewide testing?
Minnesota values its educational system and the professionalism of its educators. Minnesota educators created the academic
standards which are rigorous and prepare our students for career and college.
The statewide assessments are how we as a state measure that curriculum and daily instruction in our schools are being aligned to
the academics standards, ensuring all students are being provided an equitable education. Statewide assessment results are just one
tool to monitor that we are providing our students with the education that will ensure a strong workforce and knowledgeable

Why does participation matter?
A statewide assessment is just one measure of your student’s achievement, but your student’s participation is important to
understand how effectively the education at your student’s school is aligned to the academic standards.
•     In Minnesota’s implementation of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, a student not participating in the statewide
      assessments will not receive an individual score and for the purpose of school and district accountability calculations,
      including opportunities for support and recognition, will not be considered “proficient.”
•     Students who receive a college-ready score on the high school MCA are not required to take a remedial, noncredit course
      at a Minnesota State college or university in the corresponding subject area, potentially saving the student time and
•     Educators and policy makers use information from assessments to make decisions about resources and support provided.
•     Parents and the general public use assessment information to compare schools and make decisions about where to
      purchase a home or to enroll their children.
•     School performance results that are publicly released and used by families and communities, are negatively impacted if
      students do not participate in assessments.
•     English learners not taking ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs will not receive a score to meet English learner program
      exiting criteria.
Academic Standards and Assessments
What are academic standards?
The Minnesota K–12 Academic Standards are the statewide expectations for student academic achievement. They identify the
knowledge and skills that all students must achieve in a content area and are organized by grade level. School districts
determine how students will meet the standards by developing courses and curriculum aligned to the academic standards.
What is the relationship between academic statewide assessments and the academic standards?
The statewide assessments in mathematics, reading, and science are used to measure whether students, and their school and
district, are meeting the academic standards. Statewide assessments are one measure of how well students are doing on the
content that is part of their daily instruction. It is also a measure of how well schools and districts are doing in aligning their
curriculum and teaching the standards.

       Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) and                    ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for English Learners
           Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS)
                                                                    • Based on the WIDA English Language Development
    • Based on the Minnesota Academic Standards; given                Standards.
      annually in grades 3–8 and high school in reading and         • Given annually to English learners in grades K–12 in reading,
      mathematics; given annually in grades 5, 8, and high school     writing, listening, and speaking.
      for science.                                                  • Majority of English learners take ACCESS for ELLs.
    • Majority of students take the MCA.                            • Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is an option for English learners
    • MTAS is an option for students with the most significant        with the most significant cognitive disabilities.
      cognitive disabilities.
Why are these assessments effective?
Minnesota believes that in order to effectively measure what       When do students take the assessments?
students are learning, testing needs to be more than
                                                                   Each school sets their testing schedule within the
answering multiple choice questions.
                                                                   state testing window. Contact your student’s
• To answer questions, students may need to type in                school for information on specific testing days.
  answers, drag and drop images and words, or manipulate a
  graph or information.                                            • The MCA and MTAS testing window begins in
• The Reading and Mathematics MCA are adaptive, which                March and ends in May.
  means the answers a student provides determine the next          • The ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
  questions the student will answer.                                 testing window begins at the end of January
• The Science MCA incorporates simulations, which require            and ends in March.
  students to perform experiments in order to answer
  questions.                                                       When do I receive my student’s results?
All of these provide students the opportunity to apply critical
                                                                   Each summer, individual student reports are sent
thinking needed for success in college and careers and show
what they know and can do.                                         to school districts and are provided to families no
                                                                   later than fall conferences. The reports can be
Are there limits on local testing?                                 used to see your child’s progress and help guide
As stated in Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.301, for             future instruction.
students in grades 1–6, the cumulative total amount of time
spent taking locally adopted districtwide or schoolwide            How much time is spent on testing?
assessments must not exceed 10 hours per school year. For
students in grades 7–12, the cumulative total amount of time       Statewide assessments are taken one time each
spent taking locally adopted districtwide or schoolwide            year; the majority of students test online. On
assessments must not exceed 11 hours per school year. These        average, the amount of time spent taking
limits do not include statewide testing.
                                                                   statewide assessments is less than 1 percent of
In an effort to encourage transparency, the statute also           instructional time in a school year. The
requires a district or charter school, before the first day of
                                                                   assessments are not timed and students can
each school year, to publish on its website a comprehensive
calendar of standardized tests to be administered in the           continue working as long as they need.
district or charter school during that school year. The calendar
must provide the rationale for administering each assessment       Why does it seem like my student is taking
and indicate whether the assessment is a local option or           more tests?
required by state or federal law.
                                                                   The statewide required tests are limited to those
What if I choose not to have my student participate?               outlined in this document. Many districts make
Parents/guardians have a right to not have their student           local decisions to administer additional tests that
participate in state-required standardized assessments.            the state does not require. Contact your district
Minnesota Statutes require the department to provide               for more information.
information about statewide assessments to parents/
guardians and include a form to complete if they refuse to
have their student participate. This form follows on the next
page and includes an area to note the reason for the refusal            Where do I get more information?
to participate. Your student’s district may require additional
information.                                                       Students and families can find out more on our
                                                                   Statewide Testing page (education.mn.gov >
A school or district may have additional consequences beyond
those mentioned in this document for a student not                 Students and Families > Programs and Initiatives
participating in the state-required standardized assessments.      > Statewide Testing).
There may also be consequences for not participating in
assessments selected and administered at the local level.
Please contact your school for more information regarding
local decisions.
Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.31, subdivision 4a, requires the commissioner to create and
                                    publish a form for parents and guardians to complete if they refuse to have their student
                                    participate in state-required standardized assessments. Your student’s district may require
                                    additional information. School districts must post this three-page form on the district website
                                    and include it in district student handbooks.

   Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Assessments
To opt out of statewide assessments, the parent/guardian must complete this form and return it to the student’s school.
    To best support school district planning, please submit this form to the student’s school no later than January 15 of the academic
       school year. For students who enroll after a statewide testing window begins, please submit the form within two weeks of
     enrollment. A new refusal form is required each year parents/guardians wish to opt the student out of statewide assessments.

Date                         (This form is only applicable for the 20         to 20      school year.)

Student’s Legal First Name                                                 Student’s Legal Middle Initial

Student’s Legal Last Name                                                  Student’s Date of Birth

Student’s District/School                                                                      Grade

Please initial to indicate you have received and reviewed information about statewide testing.

          I received information on statewide assessments and choose to opt my student out. MDE provides the
    Parent/Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Testing on the MDE website
    (education.mn.gov > Students and Families > Programs and Initiatives > Statewide Testing).

Reason for refusal:

Please indicate the statewide assessment(s) you are opting the student out of this school year:
              MCA/MTAS Reading                                MCA/MTAS Science

              MCA/MTAS Mathematics                            ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Contact your school or district for the form to opt out of local assessments.
I understand that by signing this form, my school and I may lose valuable information about how well my student is
progressing academically. As a result, my student will not receive an individual score. Refusing to participate in
statewide assessments may impact the school, district, and state’s efforts to equitably distribute resources and
support student learning; for the purpose of school and district accountability calculations, my student will not be
considered “proficient.”
If my student is in high school, I understand that by signing this form my student will not have an MCA score that
could potentially save time and money by not having to take remedial, non-credit courses at a Minnesota State
college or university.

Parent/Guardian Name (print)

Parent/Guardian Signature

To be completed by school or district staff only.             Student ID or MARSS Number
                                                                                                                      Posted May 2019
2020-2021 - COVID-19
This portion of the handbook is intended to address specific components of the school during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
All points listed below, for the unforeseen future, will override the “normal” school expectations as listed above. Please
know that this is an uncertain time, so changes will occur as the school year progresses.
ALL​ students will be expected to engage in their education ​EVERY​ day whether on-site, hybrid or in a distance learning
model. A daily checkpoint will need to be completed whether on-site or off-site. Those learning in the Distance Learning
2.0 model will need to be engaged in each class for a minimum of 15 minutes a class. If you are ill, you must still call into
320-214-6692, whether you are an on-site or a Distance Learning 2.0 student.

Cell Phones will be expected to remain in backpacks during class time. As usual, cell phone use will not be allowed during
class time, unless instruction from staff allows. Pocket charts will not be utilized to every extent possible in an effort to
slow the spread of germs.

Students will be allowed to use headphones during class when virtually meeting with their teachers. If students do not
have headphones, a pair will be provided.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be a crucial partner as we navigate this year.

Policy 808 - Face Covering
ALL students MUST wear masks while on campus at ALL times, except when consuming food or drink, and outside when
social-distancing can occur. Masks must be in compliance with dress code policy as noted above. A copy of this policy
can be retrieved at the ALC office and/or the Willmar Public Schools website. (Home Page >>Our District>>Policies)

There will be NO outside visitors allowed on-site.

No outside lunch can be brought into the building!

Technology in Instruction
Schoology will be utilized in all three models to support smooth transitions as needed during the school year.

Day-to-Day Operations
Students on-site will remain in their advisement classroom for the duration of the school day while their teachers rotate
from classroom-to-classroom.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served in advisement classrooms every day. Students who do not qualify for free/reduced
lunch will be charged the regular meal rate. Breakfast will be free to everyone for the 2020-2021 school year.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Measures
Increased cleaning and disinfecting precautions will be taken every day to ensure staff and students are safe.

Health Screeners
Health checks will be completed each day through QUALTRICS before students arrive at school. This will be critical in
ensuring everyone is safe to be in the physical school building. More directions to come.
For ALC specific plans, please go to the Willmar Public School website and look under the 2020-2021 School Year and
click on the ​Alternative Sites Return to School Learning Plan.

Materials​ ​refers to all conversations, images and educational content visible and audible, in person or online, during the
school day at Willmar Area Learning Center.
Willmar Area Learning Center Hybrid and Distance Learning materials are for educational purposes only. By accessing
this material, students and parents agree not to share any of the material in any format with anyone not enrolled in the
class, other than family members or other adults assisting students with distance learning. Distribution of these
materials to anyone other than those enrolled in the class, family members, or other adults assisting with the work in
any format (including but not limited to: in person, email, social media, other online formats) is strictly prohibited.
Violation of this policy could result in suspension of a student’s ability to continue receiving video materials, and
alternate distance learning arrangements will be made, or in discipline from the​ ​District.
Materials (Content, conversations and images) of school in the hybrid and distance learning format are an extension of
onsite learning at Willmar Area Learning Center. All data privacy, bullying and discipline policies apply to all setting
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