Winter 2020 December-February - FREE COPY - IN THIS ISSUE - Penn-Harris-Madison School

Page created by Robin Walton
Winter 2020 December-February - FREE COPY - IN THIS ISSUE - Penn-Harris-Madison School
                                                    Winter 2020

                                                       FREE COPY

• Battle of the Books Inside Cover
• Winter Reading Program Page 10
• Makerspace Page 23

3-Month Program Guide |              For Children, Teens, & Adults
Winter 2020 December-February - FREE COPY - IN THIS ISSUE - Penn-Harris-Madison School
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                 Wednesday, March 25 - 7 pm
            Penn High School Cafeteria - 5th Graders
                                     TEAM SIGN-UP
 Beginning Monday, January 6 | All Locations | During Hours of Operation | 5th Graders
                      Team sign-ups begin Monday, January 6 at all three
      Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library locations. Teams may have up to 6 members,
                        (minimum of 3). All members must be 5th graders.
                   Team members can all be from the same school, several
            different schools, or homeschoolers. Teams are encouraged to think of
      a fun name for their group! Team managers must be the one to sign up the team
          and attend the team managers’ meeting. Team sign-ups will continue until
               Friday, January 31 OR until a limit of 25 teams has been reached.
                            No phone or email registrations allowed.

                Saturday, January 18 | Bittersweet Branch | 10:30-11:30 am

 Please join us for this informational meeting regarding the upcoming Battle of the Books. Team
   Managers will receive the list of this year’s book titles and be able to checkout a set of the
                      books for their team. (Snow Date: Saturday, January 25).

         Friday, January 31 | All Locations | During Hours of Operation | 5th Graders
                 Last day to sign up unless the 25 team limit has been reached.
Program Guide Contents:
 December Program Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 5
 January Program Calendar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 7
 February Program Calendar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 9
 Winter Reading  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 10
 Children's Storytime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 11
 Children's Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 12-18
 Teen Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 19-22
 Makerspace Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 23
 Adult Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 24-28
 Additional Resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 29
 Library Card Sign-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 30
 Phone Contact List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 31
 Locations, Hours, & Social Media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Back Cover

                          Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library

                                 Our Mission:
The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library inspires and empowers our community
           by connecting patrons to literature, information, ideas,
               and new experiences for lifelong enrichment.

                                                   DECEMBER 2019
         Sunday                   Monday               Tuesday               Wednesday                 Thursday                 Friday                 Saturday

                      1                       2                        3                       4                       5                     6                        7
                              Winter Reading             4-5 pm - H            6-7:30 pm - B           10 am-5 pm - B         10 am-5 pm - H           10:15-11 am - H
                          Program Begins Today!        If You Build It         Disney Family           Deck the Halls          Deck the Halls          Peppa Pig Party
                              (Birth-Grade 5)         (Birth-Grade 5)           Trivia Night            Walk-In Craft          Walk-In Craft             (Birth-Age 7)
                              10 am-5 pm - M       - No Reg. Required -          (All Ages)            (Birth-Grade 5)        (Birth-Grade 5)         Noon-1:30 pm - H
                               Deck the Halls                                                       - No Reg. Required -   - No Reg. Required -      Teen Game & Grub
                                Walk-In Craft         6-7:30 pm - M                                                                                     (Grades 6-12)
                               (Birth-Grade 5)     Teen Gaming Night                                  Noon-1 pm - H                                      3-4:30 pm - H
                            - No Reg. Required -     (Grades 6-12)                                   Aspiring Authors                              Cupcakes & Canvas:
                                                                                                    -No Reg. Required-                                  Holiday Edition
                            10:30 am-Noon - B
                             Morning Makers:                                                                                                        (Teens 12+ & Adults)
                                                                                                      3:30-7:30 pm - M
                               DIY Candles                                                          League of Legends™                            5-8 pm - Merrifield Park
                                                                                                                                                      Stop by the library
                              4-5:45 pm - B                                                              (Teens 13+)                                 table at Winterfest!
                           Dungeons & Dragons™
                              (Grades 6-12)

                      8                       9                  10                       11                      12                      13                      14
                              4-5:45 pm - B         10:30-11:30 am - H      STAFF IN-SERVICE          Noon-1 pm - H          6:30-8 pm - M          11 am-4:45 pm - M
                           Dungeons & Dragons™      Yak, Snack & Read                                Aspiring Authors          The Office         Dungeons & Dragons™
                              (Grades 6-12)            Jane Eyre by         OPENING                 -No Reg. Required-      Adult Trivia Night
                                                     Charlotte Brontë
                              4:30-5:30 pm - B     - No Reg. Required -     AT 1:30 PM               3:30-7:30 pm - M
                               Perler Palooza                              BITTERSWEET BRANCH &    League of Legends™
                                (Grades K-5)       11 am-Noon - Battell     MISHAWAKA LIBRARY           (Teens 13+)
                                                    Community Center
                                                   Grandparents & Me:        4:30-5:30 pm - M           4-8 pm - M
                                                   DinoDays December       Anime & Manga Club      Escape the Death Star
                                                       (Birth-Age 5)                                   Escape Room
                                                                              (Grades 6-12)              (All Ages)
                                                      6-6:30 pm - M
                                                   Sensory Shenanigans
                                                       (Birth-Age 5)

                   15                      16                    17                       18                      19                      20                      21
                              4-5:45 pm - B          10:15-11 am - H         10:15-11 am - M         10:15-11 am - B           4-5 pm - M
                           Dungeons & Dragons™       Penguin Parade          Penguin Parade          Penguin Parade           Tween Time:
                              (Grades 6-12)           (Birth-Age 7)            (Birth-Age 7)          (Birth-Age 7)        Winter Snow Globes
                                                                                                                              (Grades 4-7)
                                6-7 pm - H           6-7:30 pm - M                                   10:15-11 am - M
                            DIY Star Wars Crafts   Teen Gaming Night                                  Mug 'n' Muffin
                               (Grades 4-7)          (Grades 6-12)                                  The Wife, the Maid,
                                                                                                    and the Mistress by
                                                                                                       Ariel Lawhon
                                                                                                   - No Reg. Required -

                                                                                                      Noon-1 pm - H
                                                                                                     Aspiring Authors
                                                                                                    -No Reg. Required-

                                                                                                     3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                   League of Legends™
                                                                                                        (Teens 13+)

                                                                                                         4-5 pm - B
                                                                                                       If You Build It
                                                                                                      (Birth-Grade 5)
                                                                                                   - No Reg. Required -

                   22                      23                    24                       25                      26                      27                      28
                                4-5 pm - M         ALL MPHPL LOCATIONS      ALL MPHPL LOCATIONS     10:30-11:15 am - M      10:30-11:15 am - H
                             Minecraft™ Mania
                               (Grades 3-5)        CLOSED CLOSED
                                                     CHRISTMAS EVE            CHRISTMAS DAY
                                                                                                      Snow Day with
                                                                                                      (Birth-Grade 5)
                                                                                                                              Snow Day with
                                                                                                                              (Birth-Grade 5)
                              4-5:45 pm - B
                           Dungeons & Dragons™                                                                               4:30-5:30 pm - M
                              (Grades 6-12)                                                                                Teen Advisory Group
                                                                                                                               (Grades 6-12)

                  29                       30                    31
                           11:30 am-12:15 pm - B   ALL MPHPL LOCATIONS

                             Happy Noon Year
                                (Birth-Age 5)
                                                     NEW YEAR'S EVE

                                                                                  Winter Reading Begins Monday, December 2 | Birth-Grade 5

    Children (Birth- 5th Grade)
    Tweens (4th -7th Grade)
    Teens (6th -12th Grade)
    Teens & Adults
    Adults (18+ Years)
                                                                                                                                 Should a program be canceled
    Family & All Ages
 ST Children’s Storytime
                                                                                                                                  patrons will be notif ied at least
    Free Required Tickets
                                                                                                                                  72 hours prior to the program.
- M Mishawaka Library Location                                                                                                    Note: Some programs have varying age
                                                                                                                                  groups. These programs have ages listed
- B Bittersweet Branch Location                                                                                                   below the event. Programs are subject to
- H Harris Branch Location                                                                                                                 change without notice.
                                                                                    Page 5

                                                   JANUARY 2020
         Sunday                   Monday                Tuesday                 Wednesday                      Thursday                     Friday                  Saturday

                                                                                                    1                             2                         3      10 am-1 pm - M
                                                                               ALL MPHPL LOCATIONS           Noon-1 pm - H

                                                                              CLOSED                        Aspiring Authors                                          First Look
                                                                                                           -No Reg. Required-                                   Free Practice SAT Test
                                                                                  NEW YEARS DAY                                                                     (Grades 7-9)
                                  2O2O                                                                      3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                          League of Legends™
                                                                                                               (Teens 13+)                                         10 am-1 pm - H
                                                                                                                                                                    Family Snow
                                                                                                                                                                      (All Ages)
                                                                                                                                                                - No Reg. Required -

                                                                                                                                                                    3-4:30 pm - H
                                                                                                                                                                   Adult Crafting:
                                                                                                                                                                  DIY Rolled Flower
                      5TH GRADERS | MARCH 25

                     5                       6               ST           7            ST           8               ST
                                                                                                                                  9                  10                        11
                             Battle of the Books      Harris Storytime         Mishawaka Storytime         Bittersweet Storytime          4-5 pm - H             11 am-4:45 pm - M
                                    Team                (Birth-Age 5)              (Birth-Age 5)                (Birth-Age 5)         Marble Maze Makers        Dungeons & Dragons™
                           Sign-up Begins Today!   (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)    (See pg. 11 for details)       (Grades 2-5)
                                  (Grade 5)
                                                           4-5 pm - H           4:30-5:30 pm - M             11-11:30 am - B
                             10:30 am-Noon - B           If You Build It      Anime & Manga Club              STEAM Squad
                              Morning Makers:           (Birth-Grade 5)          (Grades 6-12)                 (Ages 5-11)
                            Decorative Wooden        - No Reg. Required -
                                   Blocks                                                                    Noon-1 pm - H
                                                       6-7:30 pm - M                                        Aspiring Authors
                              4-5:45 pm - B          Teen Gaming Night                                     -No Reg. Required-
                           Dungeons & Dragons™         (Grades 6-12)
                              (Grades 6-12)                                                                  3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                      5:30-7:30 pm - M                                     League of Legends™
                                                        e-Fight Club                                            (Teens 13+)

                  12                      13
                            10:30-11:15 am - M
                                                             ST     14
                                                       Harris Storytime
                                                                                        ST      15                  ST      16
                                                                                                            Bittersweet Storytime
                                                                                                                                                     17                        18
                                                                               Mishawaka Storytime               (Birth-Age 5)            4-5 pm - M              10 am-1 pm - M
                            Rubber Ducky Day            (Birth-Age 5)              (Birth-Age 5)                                                                      Books &
                                                                                                           (See pg. 11 for details)      Tween Time:
                               (Birth-Age 5)       (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)                                                           Board Games Club
                                                                                                               11-11:30 am - B         DIY Beady Buddy
                                                                                                                STEAM Squad              (Grades 4-7)
                              4-5:45 pm - B          10:30-11:30 am - H                                          (Ages 5-11)                                     10:30-11:30 am - B
                           Dungeons & Dragons™       Yak, Snack & Read                                        10:15-11 am - M                                    Battle of the Books
                              (Grades 6-12)        Vanessa and Her Sister                                       Mug 'n' Muffin                                     Book Reveal &
                                                       by Priya Parmar                                      Defending Jacob by
                                                                                                               William Landay                                    Managers' Meeting
                              6-7:30 pm - H         - No Reg. Required -                                                                                            (Snow Date:
                                                                                                            - No Reg. Required -
                             Wintry Button Art                                                                                                                      January 25)
                                                        4-5 pm - H                                             Noon-1 pm - H
                                                   Upcycle 101: Tie Pillows                                   Aspiring Authors
                                                       (Grades 4-7)                                          -No Reg. Required-
                                                                                                              3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                      6:30-7:30 pm - M                                      League of Legends™
                                                     American Heritage                                           (Teens 13+)
                                                         Roundtable                                               4-5 pm - B
                                                    - No Reg. Required -                                        If You Build It
                                                                                                               (Birth-Grade 5)
                                                                                                             -No Reg. Required-

                  19                      20                 ST     21                  ST      22                  ST      23                       24                        25
                             4-5:45 pm - B            Harris Storytime         Mishawaka Storytime          Bittersweet Storytime          4-5 pm - H
                          Dungeons & Dragons™           (Birth-Age 5)              (Birth-Age 5)                 (Birth-Age 5)          Squishy Circuits®
                                                                                                           (See pg. 11 for details)      Science: Part 2
                             (Grades 6-12)         (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)
                                                                                                              11-11:30 am - B             (Grades 1-3)
                                                      6-7:30 pm - M                                            STEAM Squad
                                                    Teen Gaming Night                                           (Ages 5-11)             4:30-5:30 pm - M
                                                      (Grades 6-12)                                            Noon-1 pm - H          Teen Advisory Group
                                                                                                              Aspiring Authors                (TAG)
                                                                                                             -No Reg. Required-          (Grades 6-12)
                                                                                                               3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                             League of Legends™
                                                                                                                  (Teens 13+)
                                                                                                                 4-5 pm - H
                                                                                                              Squishy Circuits®
                                                                                                               Science: Part 1
                                                                                                                (Grades 1-3)
                                                                                                              6:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                           Genealogy Roundtable
                                                                                                            - No Reg. Required -

                  26                      27                 ST     28                  ST      29                  ST      30                       31
                                2-3 pm - B            Harris Storytime          Mishawaka Storytime        Bittersweet Storytime      Battle of the Books -
                              Advance Care              (Birth-Age 5)               (Birth-Age 5)         (See pg. 11 for details)    Last Day to Register
                          Planning with Honoring   (See pg. 11 for details)    (See pg. 11 for details)                                     (Grade 5)
                             Choices Indiana®                                                                11-11:30 am - B
                           - No Reg. Required -        6:30-7:15 pm - M            6-6:45 pm - B              STEAM Squad
                                                       Chip Challenge            Tom's Vintage Toys            (Ages 5-11)
                              4-5:45 pm - B          (Teens 12+ & Adults)           Presents: Toy
                           Dungeons & Dragons™                                     Collecting 101            Noon-1 pm - H
                              (Grades 6-12)                                     (Teens 12+ & Adults)        Aspiring Authors
                                                                                                           -No Reg. Required-

                                                                                                             3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                           League of Legends™
                                                                                                                (Teens 13+)

    Children (Birth- 5th Grade)
    Tweens (4th -7th Grade)
    Teens (6th -12th Grade)
    Teens & Adults
    Adults (18+ Years)
                                                                                                                                             Should a program be canceled
    Family & All Ages
 ST Children’s Storytime
                                                                                                                                              patrons will be notif ied at least
    Free Required Tickets
                                                                                                                                              72 hours prior to the program.
- M Mishawaka Library Location                                                                                                                Note: Some programs have varying age
                                                                                                                                              groups. These programs have ages listed
- B Bittersweet Branch Location                                                                                                               below the event. Programs are subject to
- H Harris Branch Location                                                                                                                             change without notice.
                                                                                         Page 7

                                                  FEBRUARY 2020
         Sunday                   Monday                Tuesday                 Wednesday                     Thursday                    Friday                Saturday

                                                                                                                                                            LAST DAY FOR WINTER
                                                                                                                                                            READING PROGRAM!
                                                                                                                                                               (Birth-Grade 5)

                                                                                                                                                             10:30 am-Noon - H
                                                                                                                                                                  Cricut 101:
                                                                                                                                                                T-Shirt Design

                                                                                                                                                                2:30-4 pm - H
                                                                                                                                                                  Cricut 101:
                                                                                                                                                                T-Shirt Design

                     2                         3                         4                        5                ST
                                                                                                                               6                      7                          8
                            10:30 am-Noon - B                ST                       ST                                              6:30-8:30 pm - M        11 am-4:45 pm - M
                             Morning Makers:                                                                                          Glow in the Dark      Dungeons & Dragons™
                            Floral Yarn Wreath        Harris Storytime         Mishawaka Storytime        Bittersweet Storytime          Teen Lock-In
                                                   (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)       (Grades 6-12)
                             4-5:45 pm - B
                          Dungeons & Dragons™             4-5 pm - H                                         11-11:30 am - B
                             (Grades 6-12)              If You Build It                                       STEAM Squad
                                                       (Birth-Grade 5)                                         (Ages 5-11)
                                                    - No Reg. Required -
                                                                                                             Noon-1 pm - H
                                                      6-7:30 pm - M                                         Aspiring Authors
                                                    Teen Gaming Night                                     - No Reg. Required -
                                                      (Grades 6-12)
                                                                                                            3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                      5:30-7:30 pm - M                                    League of Legends™
                                                        e-Fight Club                                           (Teens 13+)

                     9                   10                  ST     11                ST       12                  ST     13                       14                       15
                             10:15-11 am - B          Harris Storytime         Mishawaka Storytime        Bittersweet Storytime        10:15-11 am - M
                              Happy Warm           (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)   (See pg. 11 for details)   Happy Warm Hearts Day
                               Hearts Day                                                                                                (Birth-Age 7)
                              (Birth-Age 7)          10:30-11:30 am - H         4:30-5:30 pm - M            11-11:30 am - B
                                                     Yak, Snack & Read        Anime & Manga Club             STEAM Squad
                              4-5:45 pm - B            The Magnificent           (Grades 6-12)                (Ages 5-11)
                           Dungeons & Dragons™          Ambersons by
                              (Grades 6-12)           Booth Tarkington                                      Noon-1 pm - H
                                                    - No Reg. Required -                                   Aspiring Authors
                               6-7 pm - H                                                                 -No Reg. Required-
                            Chocolate School             4-5 pm - H
                                                       Snazzy Nail Art                                      3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                        (Grades 4-7)                                      League of Legends™
                                                                                                               (Teens 13+)
                                                      6:30-7:30 pm - M                                       6-7:30 pm - H
                                                     American Heritage                                    Galentine's Night Out
                                                    - No Reg. Required -

                  16                     17                         18                         19                         20                       21                       22
                            ALL MPHPL LOCATIONS                                                                                                                  2-4 pm - H
                                                                                10-10:30 am - M             10:15-11 am - M             4-5 pm - M
                             PRESIDENTS' DAY            Registration
                                                                                Messy Munchkins
                                                                                  (Birth-Age 5)
                                                                                                             Mug 'n' Muffin
                                                                                                         The Reading Promise:
                                                                                                           My Father and the
                                                                                                                                       Tween Time:
                                                                                                                                     Suminagashi Dyed
                                                                                                                                                            Dungeons & Dragons™
                                                                                                                                                              Miniature Painting
                                                                                                                                                             (Teens 12+ & Adults)
                                                      begins today for                                    Books We Shared by           (Grades 4-7)
                                                       March - May                                            Alice Ozma
                                                         programs!                                        - No Reg. Required -
                                                                                                             Noon-1 pm - H
                                                                                                            Aspiring Authors
                                                      10-10:30 am - B                                     - No Reg. Required -
                                                     Messy Munchkins
                                                       (Birth-Age 5)                                        3:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                          League of Legends™
                                                      6-7:30 pm - M                                            (Teens 13+)
                                                    Teen Gaming Night
                                                       (Grades 6-12)                                            4-5 pm - B
                                                                                                              If You Build It
                                                                                                             (Birth-Grade 5)
                                                                                                          - No Reg. Required -

                  23                     24                         25                         26                         27                       28                       29
                             10:30-11 am - B         10:30 am-Noon - H           10:30-11 am - M            10:30-11 am - H            4:30-5:30 pm - M       10:30-11:30 am - H
                             Move 'n' Groove          Morning Makers:            Move 'n' Groove            Move 'n' Groove          Teen Advisory Group     The Impossible Day:
                              (Birth-Age 3)             DIY Coasters               (Birth-Age 3)             (Birth-Age 3)                   (TAG)             Leap Year STEAM
                                                                                                                                         (Grades 6-12)           (Grades K-2)
                              4-5:45 pm - B            6-7:30 pm - M             5:30-6:30 pm - B            Noon-1 pm - H
                           Dungeons & Dragons™       Family Game Night            Volunteer Day             Aspiring Authors                                      3-4 pm - M
                              (Grades 6-12)              (All Ages)            (Teens 12+ & Adults)       - No Reg. Required -                               The Impossible Day:
                                                    - No Reg. Required -                                                                                      Leap Year STEAM
                                                                                                            3:30-7:30 pm - M                                    (Grades K-2)
                                                                                                           League of Legends
                                                                                                               (Teens 13+)

                                                                                                            6:30-7:30 pm - M
                                                                                                         Genealogy Roundtable
                                                                                                          - No Reg. Required -

    Children (Birth- 5th Grade)
    Tweens (4th -7th Grade)
    Teens (6th -12th Grade)
    Teens & Adults
    Adults (18+ Years)
                                                                                                                                           Should a program be canceled
    Family & All Ages
 ST Children’s Storytime
                                                                                                                                            patrons will be notif ied at least
    Free Required Tickets
                                                                                                                                            72 hours prior to the program.
- M Mishawaka Library Location                                                                                                              Note: Some programs have varying age
                                                                                                                                            groups. These programs have ages listed
- B Bittersweet Branch Location                                                                                                             below the event. Programs are subject to
- H Harris Branch Location                                                                                                                           change without notice.
                                                                                        Page 9
Winter Reading Program
                      December 2-February 1 | All Locations | Birth-Grade 5

               Join our Winter Reading Program at MPHPL by playing BINGO! Visit
               any MPHPL Youth Services location between Monday, December 2
               and Saturday, February 1 to receive a BINGO card. Participating is
               easy - just mark one square for each unique reading (or listening)
                activity you complete. Five squares in a row, column, or diagonal
                make a BINGO! Bring your card back to the Youth Services Desk
                       each time you complete a BINGO to receive a prize.

                                                                                                                        for 20         Read
                                                                                                                      minute                   a      Read
                                                                                                                                     silly bo                 a
                                                                                                                              s               ok     favorite
                                                                                                                              Read                                  Read
                                                                                                  Read a                                                                     with       Read
                                                                     Read                                 Read     with       a new                   book           a friend
                                                                                  Read a          favorite                                                                             a new
                                                                      for 20                               a friend            book
                                                                                 silly book         book           Re                                                                  book
                                                                     minutes                                           ad in      Read
                                                                                                                    a fort       your m
                                                                                                                                           om      Read            Read
                                                                                                                                                          in               a
                                                                                                            Read a             Reador dad        your be           book a
                                                                                                                                                           d                         Read
                                                                                 Read with      Read in      book a            for 10                            libraria
                                                                     Read in                                                                                               n        for 10
                                                                                 your mom your bed          librarian
                                                                                                                  Re          minutes                           sugges
                                                                       a fort                                         ad                                                  ts      minute
                                                                                    or dad                  suggest     s                                                                 s
                                                                                                                in your         Read

     Receive a special prize when you complete the
                                                                                                              pajam                      a      Reader
                                                                                                                        as m    agazaine
                                                                                                                               Read                    ’s      Read
                                                                                                                                                choice                 to       Read
                                                                                                             Read to                                          a stuffe                  a
                                                                        Read                                                 book    with                               d     bo  ok
                                                                                    Read a      Reader’s    a stuffed                                          animal                 with
                                                                       in your                                                snow on                                          snow on
                                                                                                 choice Read

  five BINGOs. The last day to turn in your completed
                                                                                  magazine                         with
                                                                                                              animal         the   cover                                     the co
                                                                     pajamas                               a fam               Read            Read                                   ver
                                                                                                          membe               for 60          a book        Read
                                                                                                                      r                                             an
                                                                                                  Read       Read an minu         tes
                                                                                                                                Read          about          award-           Read
                                                                     Read with        Read                     award-                                      winning

     BINGO card for a prize is Saturday, February 1.
                                                                                                 a book                       under the animals                            under
                                                                       a family        for 60     about Read  winning                                        book
                                                                                                                  a        Readtable                                         table
                                                                       member        minutes            non-fic book              in
                                                                                                 animals        tion the dark              Read
                                                                                                          book            with a                  in
                                                                                                                                          a com            Read
                                                                                                                                                 fy                      Read
                                                                                      Read in     Read in        ReadflashligRead
                                                                                                                                           chair          for 30                 on
 Limit five BINGOs per card. You may only complete one BINGO card.      Read a
                                                                                     the dark
                                                                                        with a
                                                                                                 a comfy
                                                                                                                 for 30
                                                                                                                                a snowy
                                                                                                                                                                        a snow


10 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library

    LAPSIT PROGRAM                             TODDLER TIME                   PRESCHOOL STORYTIME
   Birth-23 Months Old                        2-3 Years Old                          3½-5 Years Old
  For children birth to 23 months         For children 2 & 3 years old          For children 3½ to 5 years old.
   old with an adult caregiver.            with an adult caregiver.             Kindergartners are welcome.
                                                                                    Preschool Storytime is a
 Lapsit combines short rhymes,           Toddler Time is a structured
                                                                               structured 30-minute program in
 songs, fingerplays, and books           30-minute program in which
                                                                                   which books, story-related
  to introduce children to the          books, story-related activities,
                                                                              activities, and take-home crafts are
 wonder of language, as well as        and take-home crafts provide an
                                                                              used to increase early literacy skills
    sensory play to improve                 enjoyable experience.
           motor skills.                                                          and Kindergarten readiness.

       Harris Branch                          Harris Branch                            Harris Branch
    Tuesdays: 10:15-10:40 am                Tuesdays: 11-11:30 am                  Tuesdays: 10:15-10:45 am
      January 7, 14, 21, & 28               January 7, 14, 21, & 28                  January 7, 14, 21, & 28
         February 4 & 11                       February 4 & 11                          February 4 & 11

    Mishawaka Library                     Mishawaka Library                        Mishawaka Library
  Wednesdays: 10:15-10:40 am              Wednesdays: 11-11:30 am                Wednesdays: 10:15-10:45 am
    January 8, 15, 22, & 29                January 8, 15, 22, & 29                 January 8, 15, 22, & 29
       February 5 & 12                        February 5 & 12                         February 5 & 12

    Bittersweet Branch                     Bittersweet Branch                      Bittersweet Branch
    Thursdays: 10:15-10:40 am              Thursdays: 9:30-10 am or               Thursdays: 10:15-10:45 am
      January 9, 16, 23, & 30                    11-11:30 am                        January 9, 16, 23, & 30
         February 6 & 13                    January 9, 16, 23, & 30                    February 6 & 13
                                                February 6 & 13
                                                                                 (Children are encouraged to interact
                                                                                socially with other children and attend
                                                                                       sessions independently.)

                                          STEAM Squad
                         Thursday Mornings: 11-11:30 am
     January 9, 16, 23, 30 & February 6, 13 | Ages 5-11 | Bittersweet Branch
STEAM Squad is a semi-structured 30-minute weekly STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Music)
     inspired program. During this time children will be exploring hands-on projects that build weekly to
  encompass some or all STEAM areas. We will focus on electricity and circuits and how they work together
                                      in simple and more complex ways.
                     Children are encouraged to interact socially with other children and
                     attend sessions independently. Caregivers must remain in the library.

  No registration is required for storytime. Please note that we will close to additional attendees 15 minutes
   into our Toddler and Preschool sessions to help reduce distractions to our young audience members.
                          Caregivers are expected to participate in activities as able.
  Groups may contact the Programming Coordinator at x1701 to inquire about special accommodations.

                                  Questions? Call us!
  Harris Branch - (574) 259-5277 x3400 | Mishawaka Library - (574) 259-5277 x1400
                      Bittersweet Branch - (574) 259-5277 x2400
                                                                                December - February Programming | 11
Children Birth - Grade 5
    & Tweens Grades 4-7

       Registration begins
      Monday, November 18
      for December-February programs
     that require registration (as noted).
      Register online at,
                                                               Escape the Death Star
  by calling (574) 259-5277, or in person.                     Escape Room
                                                               Thursday, December 12
                                                               4-8 pm
                                                               All Ages
Mishawaka Library                                              Youth Activity Room
                                                               Can you escape the Death Star and f lee from the
                                                               pull of the Dark Side before time runs out? Only true
   Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 1400
                                                               Jedis will succeed. Make sure to bring help; teams
                                                               must have at least three members. Teams will register
Deck the Halls: Walk-In Craft                                  for a 20-minute time slot; time preferences will be
                                                               given on a first-come, first-served basis. Children ages
Monday, December 2                                             11 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
10 am-5 pm                                                     Registration is required.
Birth-Grade 5
Youth Activity Room
Deck the halls with boughs of holly... it's time to trim the
                                                               Penguin Parade
tree! A variety of ornament crafts will be available to        Wednesday, December 18
choose from while supplies last. Adult caregivers must         10:15-11 am
remain in the room. No registration is required.               Birth-Age 7
                                                               Youth Activity Room
Sensory Shenanigans                                            Playful penguins are parading to the library! You're
                                                               invited to join in on the fun with stories, silly songs,
Tuesday, December 10                                           games, activities, and a craft. Adult caregivers must
6-6:30 pm                                                      remain in the room. Registration is required.
Birth-Age 5
Youth Activity Room
Hurray for snow! Join us for an evening of
                                                               Tween Time:
winter-themed sensory play fun. Things could                   Winter Snow Globes
get a little messy and cold, so bring your play
clothes and gloves! Adult caregivers must remain
                                                               Friday, December 20
in the room, and are expected to participate.                  4-5 pm
Registration is required.                                      Grades 4-7
                                                               Youth Activity Room
                                                               Join us for an afternoon creating your very own
                                                               hand-held winter wonderland! Keep your snow
                                                               globe for yourself or give it as a gift. Supplies will be
                                                               provided. Adult caregivers must remain in the library
                                                               for any participant under the age of 12.
                                                               Registration is required.

 12 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Minecraft™Mania                                           Happy Warm Hearts Day
Monday, December 23                                       Friday, February 14
4-5 pm                                                    10:15 -11 am
Grades 3-5                                                Birth-Age 7
Friends Learning Center                                   Youth Activity Room
Join us to play Minecraft™ on the library’s server.       Celebrate the friends in your life! Make a craft to
New and experienced players are welcome.                  share and enjoy activities, games, and silly songs.
Children may come into the room independently;            Adult caregivers must remain in the room.
adult caregivers must remain in the library.              Registration is required.
Registration is required.

                                                          Messy Munchkins
Snow Day with SpongeBob™                                  Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, December 26                                     10-10:30 am
10:30-11:15 am                                            Birth-Age 5
Birth-Grade 5                                             Youth Activity Room
Youth Activity Room                                       It’s time to get MESSY! Let your imagination run
Come enjoy a snow day in a pineapple under the            wild as you create with different types of dough!
sea! (We’ll still celebrate, even if there’s no snow on   Roll, knead, mix, mash, and mold a fantastic
the ground.) We’ll have books, games, activities,         creation. Adult caregivers must remain in the room
and crafts based on your favorite underwater              and participate. Registration is required.
sponge and all of his quirky friends. Caregivers must
remain in the room. Registration is required.
                                                          Tween Time: Suminagashi
Rubber Ducky Day                                          Dyed Pillowcases
Monday, January 13                                        Friday, February 21
10:30-11:15 am                                            4-5 pm
Birth-Age 5                                               Grades 4-7
Youth Activity Room                                       Youth Activity Room
Rubber ducky, you’re the one…you make the                 Suminagashi is the ancient Japanese art of water
library so much fun! Grab your duckies and head           marbling. Bring a white or light-color pillowcase and
to the library for silly songs, games, activities, and    be ready to experiment with this ancient art in new
a craft. Adult caregivers must remain in the room.        and unique ways. Adult caregivers must remain in
Registration is required.                                 the library for any participant under the age of 12.
                                                          Registration is required.

Tween Time:                                               Family Game Night
DIY Beady Buddy                                           Tuesday, February 25
Friday, January 17                                        6-7:30 pm
4-5 pm                                                    All Ages
Grades 4-7                                                Youth Activity Room
Youth Activity Room                                       Game on! We’ll have a variety of family-friendly
Come to the library and create a lizard beady             tabletop board and card games, as well as our
buddy. Supplies will be provided. Adult caregivers        Nintendo Switch™ consoles. Come solo or bring
must remain in the library for any participant under      the whole family! Adult caregivers must remain in
the age of 12. Registration is required.                  the room for any participant under the age of 10
                                                          and must remain in the library for any participant
                                                          under 12. No registration is required.

                                                                                December - February Programming | 13
Children’s Programs

                                                              Bittersweet Branch
                                                                Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 2400

                                                              Disney® Family Trivia Night
                                                              Wednesday, December 4
                                                              6-7:30 pm
                                                              All Ages
Move 'n' Groove                                               Zimmerman Room
Wednesday, February 26                                        Bring the whole family (or a group of friends) for a
10:30-11 am                                                   fun-filled night of magical Disney trivia! Questions
Birth-Age 3                                                   will cover all movies, from Snow White to Toy Story 4.
Youth Activity Room                                           Teams must have between 3-8 members. Make sure
                                                              to register fast; space is limited to 15 teams! Children
Come to the library and get in motion! Enjoy moving           ages 11 and younger must be accompanied by an
and grooving with fun and silly songs. Dance time will be
                                                              adult. Registration is required.
followed by simple cool-down stretches. Adult caregivers
must remain in the room. Registration is required.
                                                              Deck the Halls:
The Impossible Day:                                           Walk-In Craft
Leap Year STEAM                                               Thursday, December 5
Saturday, February 29                                         10 am-5 pm
3-4 pm                                                        Birth-Grade 5
Grades K-2                                                    Zimmerman Room
Youth Activity Room                                           Deck the halls with boughs of holly…it’s time to trim
Leap year comes and then disappears once every four           the tree! A variety of ornament crafts will be available
years. This program will impress you with STEAM projects      to choose from while supplies last. Adult caregivers
that, like Leap Year Day, disappear. Join us at the library   must remain in the room. No registration is required.
for stories, bubble-making, and disappearing snowmen!
Adult caregivers must remain in the room.
Registration is required.                                     Perler Palooza
                                                              Monday, December 9
                                                              4:30-5:30 pm
                                                              Grades K-5
                                                              Zimmerman Room
                                                              This is your chance for some Perler Bead™ action!
                                                              Want to make a superhero, an earbud holder, or
                                                              game character? Fuse together any creation you
                                                              can think of and transform them into magnets,
                                                              keychains, or bookmarks! Perler Bead Biggies™
                                                              will be available for children in grades K-2. Adult
                                                              caregivers must remain in the room for grades K-3.
                                                              Children in grades 4-5 may come into the room
                                                              independently; adult caregivers must remain in the
                                                              library. Registration is required.

 14 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Penguin Parade                                          STEAM Squad
Thursday, December 19                                   Thursdays:
10:15-11 am                                             January 9, 16, 23, 30 & February 6, 13
Birth-Age 7                                             11-11:30 am
Zimmerman Room                                          Ages 5-11
Playful penguins are parading                           Zimmerman Room
to the library! You're invited
                                                        STEAM Squad is a semi-structured weekly STEAM
to join the fun with stories,
                                                        (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and
silly songs, games, activities,
                                                        Music) inspired program. During this time children
and a craft. Adult caregivers
must remain in the room.                                will be exploring hands-on projects that build
Registration is required.                               weekly to encompass some or all STEAM areas.
                                                        We will focus on electricity and circuits, and
                                                        how they work together in simple and more
                                                        complex ways. Children are encouraged to
If You Build It                                         interact socially with other children and attend
                                                        the sessions independently. Adult caregivers must
3rd Thursdays:                                          remain in the library. No registration is required.
December 19, January 16, February 20
4-5 pm
Birth-Grade 5                                           Happy Warm Hearts Day
Zimmerman Room                                          Monday, February 10
Join us for this building block program where the       10:15-11 am
only limit is your imagination! Create a unique         Birth-Age 7
masterpiece with Legos®, Duplos®, Keva® planks,         Zimmerman Room
Interstar Rings®, and more. Adult caregivers must
                                                        Celebrate the friends in your life! Make a craft
remain in the room with children up to grade 2.
                                                        to share and enjoy activities, games, and silly
Grades 3-5 may come into the room independently;
                                                        songs. Adult caregivers must remain in the room.
adult caregivers must remain in the library.
                                                        Registration is required.
Register for an email reminder.

Happy Noon Year!                                        Messy Munchkins
Monday, December 30                                     Tuesday, February 18
11:30 am-12:15 pm                                       10-10:30 am
Birth-Age 5                                             Birth-Age 5
Zimmerman Room                                          Zimmerman Room
                                                        It’s time to get MESSY! Let your imagination run
Is midnight a little past your bedtime? Then come in
                                                        wild as you create with different types of dough!
and celebrate the New Year early with us! We’ll throw
                                                        Roll, knead, mix, mash, and mold a fantastic
our own “Noon Year” party with games, crafts, and
                                                        creation. Adult caregivers must remain in the
a special countdown to noon. Adult caregivers must
remain in the room. Registration is required.           room and participate. Registration is required.

                                                        Move 'n' Groove
                                                        Monday, February 24
                                                        10:30-11 am
                                                        Birth-Age 3
                                                        Zimmerman Room
                                                        Come to the library and get in motion! Enjoy
                                                        moving and grooving with fun and silly songs.
                                                        Dance time will be followed by simple cool-down
                                                        stretches. Adult caregivers must remain in the
                                                        room. Registration is required.

                                                                       December - February Programming | 15
Children’s Programs
                                                       DIY Star Wars Craft
                                                       Monday, December 16
                                                       6-7 pm
                                                       Grades 4-7
Harris Branch                                          Join us for an evening of crafts all based on your
                                                       favorite sci-fi movie franchise! There will be a variety of
                                                       crafts to choose from, so there’s sure to be something
  Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 3400                for everyone - whether you’re a die-hard fan or you’re
                                                       new to the Star Wars universe. Adult caregivers must

If You Build It                                        remain in the library for any participant under 12.
                                                       Registration is required.
1st Tuesdays:
December 3, January 7, & February 4
4-5 pm
                                                       Penguin Parade
Birth-Grade 5                                          Tuesday, December 17
Children's Activity Room                               10:15-11 am
Join us for this building block program where the      Birth-Age 7
only limit is your imagination! Create a unique        Meeting Room A/B
masterpiece with Legos®, Duplos®, Keva® planks,        Playful penguins are parading to the library! You're
Interstar Rings®, and more. Adult caregivers           invited to come join the fun with stories, silly songs,
must remain in the room with children up to            games, activities, and a craft. Adult caregivers must
grade 2. Grades 3-5 may come into the room             remain in the room. Registration is required.
independently; adult caregivers must remain in
the library. Register for an email reminder.
                                                       Snow Day with SpongeBob™
Deck the Halls:                                        Friday, December 27
Walk-In Craft                                          10:30-11:15 am
                                                       Birth-Grade 5
Friday, December 6
                                                       Meeting Room A/B
10 am-5 pm
                                                       Come enjoy a snow day in a pineapple under the
Birth-Grade 5                                          sea! (We’ll still celebrate, even if there’s no snow on
Children's Activity Room                               the ground.) We’ll have books, games, activities, and
Deck the halls with boughs of holly…it’s time to       crafts based on your favorite underwater sponge and
trim the tree! A variety of ornament crafts will       all of his quirky friends. Caregivers must remain in the
be available to choose from while supplies last.       room. Registration is required.
Adult caregivers must remain in the room.
No registration is required.
                                                       Family Snow Spectacular
Peppa Pig ® Party                                      Saturday, January 4
                                                       10 am-1 pm
Saturday, December 7                                   All Ages
10:15-11 am
                                                       Meeting Room A/B
Birth-Age 7
                                                       Join us for a fun-filled snow spectacular for the whole
Meeting Room A/B                                       family! We’ll have family-friendly snowball fights
Join us for a morning of stories about Peppa, little   at 10:30 and 11:30 am (don’t worry – we’ll have
brother George, and all of their friends. Dancing,     a backup plan if there’s no snow on the ground!)
activities, and a craft will round out the morning.    Afterwards, warm up with some hot chocolate while
Adult caregivers must remain in the room.              we enjoy a wintry short movie and crafts. Adult
Registration is required.                              caregivers must remain in the room for those under
                                                       the age of 12. No registration is required.

 16 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Marble Maze Makers                                                          Squishy Circuits® Science
Friday, January 10                                                          Thursday, January 23 & Friday, January 24
4-5 pm                                                                      4-5 pm
Grades 2-5                                                                  Grades 1-3
Makerspace                                                                  Makerspace
Do you like to build mazes and towers? Do you like                          Do you LOVE Squishy Circuits®? Never heard of them,
to race your friends to see who’s the fastest? Join us                      but want to learn how they work? Join us for a truly
for an hour full of fun building mazes and racing your                      electrifying two-part program. On day one, we will
marbles! Will your maze be the biggest, the longest, or                     be discussing the science behind Squishy Circuits®
the fastest? Put your building skills to the test and find                  while making a batch of our own dough! So bring your
out! Participants may enter the room independently;                         thinking cap and come ready to mix, measure, and
adult caregivers must remain in the library.                                get your hands messy. On day two, we will be using
Registration is required.                                                   our homemade dough for a build off! You bring the
                                                                            imagination, and we’ll bring the rest! Adult caregivers
                                                                            may leave the room, but must remain in the library.
Upcycle 101: Tie Pillows                                                    Registration is required; attendance is expected for
                                                                            both sessions.
Tuesday, January 14
4-5 pm
Grades 4-7
How would you like to design and create the perfect
pillow to put in your bedroom? In this program, you’ll
learn how to turn your favorite t-shirt into that perfect
piece of décor! Participants are encouraged to bring
an adult size large or larger t-shirt to turn into their
upcycled pillow. All other supplies will be provided.
Adult caregivers must remain in the library for
participants under 12. Registration is required.

                    UNATTENDED CHILD POLICY
                The Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library strives to provide an environment conducive to
                 lifelong learning and the personal development of its users. The MPHPL staff is committed
                   to helping children with activities related to the library. Library staff cannot, nor is it their
                               responsibility to serve as babysitters, teachers, or disciplinarians.

                        Parents are responsible for the behavior of their
                             children while they are in the library.

           11         Children 11 years
                     of age and younger
                    must be accompanied and
                                                                                 12 Children 12 years
                                                                                    of age and older
                                                                                         may use the library unattended
                 directly supervised at all times by                                     subject to the library rules and
                    a parent or other responsible                                        policies concerning behavior,
                       person age 14 or older.                                             conduct, and demeanor.
            Policy approved October 13, 2005 by the Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library Board of Trustees. Amended November 19, 2015.

                                                                                                           December - February Programming | 17
Children’s Programs

Snazzy Nail Art
Monday, February 11
4-5 pm
Grades 4-7
Come to the library and get away from it all with a little
spa treatment. You will learn a basic design you can
do at home. Nail polish, tools, and other supplies will
be provided, however, you are welcome to bring a
favorite color with you. Adult caregivers must remain
in the library for any participant under the age of 12.
Registration is required.

Move ‘n’ Groove
Thursday, February 27
10:30–11 am
                                                              COMMUNITY EVENTS
Birth-Age 3
Meeting Room A/B                                              Winterfest
Come to the library and get in motion! Enjoy moving
and grooving with fun and silly songs. Dance time will        Saturday, December 7
be followed by simple cool-down stretches.                    5-8 pm
Adult caregivers must remain in the room.                     All Ages
Registration is required.                                     Merrifield Park
                                                              Come see us at the Mishawaka Parks and
                                                              Recreation’s annual Winterfest! We’ll have a craft
                                                              and activity for you to enjoy along with the other
                                                              fun activities happening at the festival including
                                                              ice skating, hot cocoa, horse-drawn carriage
                                                              rides, and more! No registration is required.

                                            Day:              Grandparents & Me:
                                                              DinoDays December
The Impossible Day:                                           Tuesday, December 10
                                                              11 am-Noon
Leap Year STEAM                                               Birth-Age 5
Saturday, February 29                                         Battell Community Center
10:30-11:30 am                                                (904 N. Main St., Mishawaka)
Grades K-2                                                    Attention grandparents! Come make memories
Youth Activity Room                                           with your grandchild during an hour of themed
Leap year comes and then disappears once every four           learning with crafts, games, and activities. We’ll
years. This program will impress you with STEAM projects      be helping Mishawaka Parks & Recreation this
that, like Leap Year Day, disappear. Join us at the library   month talk about everyone’s favorite prehistoric
for stories, bubble-making, and disappearing snowmen!         creature: Dinosaurs! Registration is required and
Adult caregivers must remain in the room.                     can be done by calling (574) 258-1664 or visiting
Registration is required.                           

18 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Teen Programs
             Grades 6-12
                                                                    THE DEATH STAR
                                                                                       Escape room

       Registration begins
      Monday, November 18                                    Escape the Death Star
      for December-February programs
     that require registration (as noted).                   Escape Room
       Register online at,                         Thursday, December 12
   by calling (574) 259-5277, or in person.                  4-8 pm
                                                             All Ages
                                                             Youth Activity Room
                                                             Can you escape the Death Star and f lee from the

Mishawaka Library
                                                             pull of the Dark Side before time runs out? Only true
                                                             Jedis will succeed. Make sure to bring help; teams must
                                                             have at least three members. Teams will register for a
                                                             20-minute time slot; time preferences will be given on a
 Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 1400                       first-come, first-served basis. Children 11 and under must
                                                             be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required.

Teen Gaming Night
1st & 3rd Tuesdays:                                          Teen Advisory Group (TAG)
December 3 & 17, January 7 & 21,                             4th Fridays:
February 4 & 18                                              December 27, January 24, & February 28
6-7:30 pm                                                    4:30-5:30 pm
Grades 6-12                                                  Grades 6-12
Youth Activity Room                                          Youth Activity Room
Join us for teen gaming! Play our Nintendo Switch™,
                                                             Join the Teen Advisory Group (TAG)! Teen volunteers
or choose from an assortment of card, dice, and
                                                             help create teen programs, advise on the collection,
board games to play. Adult caregivers must remain
                                                             and help with other library projects. Check out a
in the library for any participant 11 years of age.
                                                             meeting to learn more. Adult caregivers must remain
Registration is required.
                                                             in the library for any participant under 11 years of age.
                                                             Registration is required.

League of Legends™
Every Thursday (No session 12/26)
                                                             Anime & Manga Club
3:30-7:30 pm                                                 2nd Wednesdays:
Teens 13+                                                    December 11, January 8, February 12
Friends Learning Center                                      4:30-5:30 pm
Summoners unite! Stop by to play League of Legends™          Grades 6-12
in the Friends Learning Center. Space is limited to          Youth Activity Room
10 players. Registration for this season’s league is
                                                             Calling all anime and manga fans! Come to the
required. Register once (found under the 12/5/19
                                                             library to discuss your favorite series and shows.
date) to enroll for the entire December-February
                                                             Meet new people and make new friends. Adult
season. If a registered player misses two consecutive        caregivers must remain in the library for any participant
sessions without notifying the library, their spot will be
                                                             under 11 years of age. Registration is required.
open for a new registrant.

                                                                                    December - February Programming | 19
Teen Programs

                                                        Family Game Night
                                                        Tuesday, February 25
                                                        6-7:30 pm
                                                        All Ages
First Look Free Practice                                Youth Activity Room
SAT Test                                                Game on! We’ll have a variety of family-friendly
                                                        tabletop board and card games as well as our
Saturday, January 4                                     Nintendo Switch™ consoles. Come solo or bring the
10 am-1 pm                                              whole family! Adult caregivers must remain in the room
Grades 7-9                                              for any participant under the age of 10 and must
Youth Activity Room                                     remain in the library for any participant under 12.
                                                        No registration is required.
MPHPL and Sylvan Learning Center are teaming
up to provide middle school students with an
opportunity to take a free SAT practice test.
The assessment will be proctored at the library,
courtesy of Sylvan Learning Center.
Space is limited. Registration is required.
Students should bring a #2 pencil and
                                                        Bittersweet Branch
a calculator.                                             Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 2400
After the test, teens and their parents can
contact Sylvan at (574) 254-1055 to receive their
personalized results.
                                                        Dungeons & Dragons™
                                                        Every Monday
                                                        (No session 12/30 or 2/17)
Chip Challenge                                          4-5:45 pm
                                                        Grades 6-12
Tuesday, January 28
6:30-7:15 pm                                            Conference Room
Teens (12+) & Adults                                    Adventurers, ready your sword arm and prepare your
Youth Activity Room                                     spells! The library is looking for 5 aspiring heroes to join us
Think you’re the chip master? Put your taste buds       every Monday for Dungeons & Dragons™. New players
to the test at our Chip Challenge! A small prize will   are encouraged, and the first meeting will handle the
be given to the person who successfully guesses         basics of character creation. Huzzah! Registration is
the most chip f lavors. Registration is required.       required and is limited to MPHPL cardholders. Register
                                                        once (found under the 12/2/19 date) to enroll for the
                                                        entire December-February season. If a registered player
                                                        misses two consecutive sessions without notifying the
Glow in the Dark                                        library, their spot will be open to another player.

Teen Lock-In
Friday, February 7                                      Disney® Family Trivia Night
6:30-8:30 pm                                            Wednesday, December 4
Grades 6-12                                             6-7:30 pm
Youth Activity Room                                     All Ages
Join us as we turn off the lights and brighten          Zimmerman Room
the night with glow sticks! Activities will include     Bring the whole family (or a group of friends) for a
glow art, glow dancing, Pictionary™, and                fun-filled night of magical Disney® trivia! Questions
classic games with a glow twist. Participants           will cover all movies, from Snow White to Toy Story 4.
are encouraged to bring an old white t-shirt.           Teams must have between 3-8 members. Make sure
Registration is required.                               to register fast; space is limited to 15 teams! Children 11
                                                        and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
                                                        Registration is required.

20 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Harris Branch
                                                           Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 3400

                                                         Teen Game & Grub
    Presents: To
              Toy Collecting 101                         Saturday, December 7
                                                         Noon-1:30 pm
                                                         Grades 6-12
Tom's Vintage Toys Presents:                             Children's Activity Room
Toy Collecting 101                                       Who will take home the most wins? Play Super Smash
                                                         Bros.™ Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch™ or enjoy
Wednesday, January 29                                    a variety of popular teen board and card games
6-6:45 pm                                                including OrganATTACK!™, Exploding Kittens™,
Teen (12+) & Adults                                      Sushi Go!™, and more. Pizza, water, and soda will be
Zimmerman Room                                           provided. A caregiver must remain in the library
Do you love toys as much as we do? Or maybe you          for any participant under the age of 12.
just love things that make you feel nostalgic? Then      Registration is required.
join us for this fun event! Tom’s Vintage Toys will be
joining us to discuss toy collecting and answer any
questions you may have about this nostalgic hobby.
Registration is required.                                Cupcakes & Canvas:
                                                         Holiday Edition
                                                         Saturday, December 7
Volunteer Day                                            3-4:30 pm
Wednesday, February 26
5:30-6:30 pm                                             Teen (12+) & Adults
Teen (12+) & Adults                                      Makerspace
Zimmerman Room                                           Join us to create a messy canvas while enjoying
                                                         cupcakes and hot chocolate! Supplies will be
You might not believe it, but spring is on its way!
                                                         provided. Registration is required and limited
Join us for preparing crafts and stuffing goodie
                                                         to MPHPL cardholders.
bags for our annual Spring Egg-stravaganza.
Registration is required.

                                                                              December - February Programming | 21
Teen Programs
                                                              Upcycle 101: Tie Pillows
                                                              Tuesday, January 14
                                                              4-5 pm
                                                              Grades 4-7
DIY Star Wars Crafts
Monday, December 16                                           How would you like to design and create the
                                                              perfect pillow to put in your bedroom? In this
6-7 pm                                                        program, you’ll learn how to turn your favorite
Grades 4-7                                                    t-shirt into that perfect piece of décor! Participants
Makerspace                                                    are encouraged to bring an adult size large or
                                                              larger t-shirt to turn into their upcycled pillow. All
Join us for an evening of crafts, all based on your           other supplies will be provided. Adult caregivers
favorite sci-fi movie franchise! There will be a variety of   must remain in the library for participants under 12.
crafts to choose from, so there’s sure to be something        Registration is required.
for everyone - whether you’re a diehard fan or you’re
new to the Star Wars universe. Adult caregivers must
remain in the library for any participant under 12.
Registration is required.
                                                              Dungeons & Dragons ™
                                                              Miniature Painting
                                                              Saturday, February 22
                                                              2-4 pm
                                                              Teens (12+) & Adults
                                                              Bring your heroes to life in full color! Come and
                                                              paint your very own miniature to use in your D&D
                                                              game. Paints and a selection of minis will be
                                                              provided. Registration is required.

Family Snow Spectacular
Saturday, January 4
10 am-1 pm
All Ages
Meeting Room A/B
Join us for a fun-filled snow spectacular for the whole
family! We’ll have family-friendly snowball fights at
10:30 and 11:30 am (don’t worry – we’ll have a backup
plan if there’s no snow on the ground!) Afterwards,
warm up with some hot chocolate while we enjoy a
wintry short movie and crafts. Adult caregivers must
remain in the library for those under 12.
 No registration is required.

22 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Makerspace at Harris Branch
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      Cupcakes & Canvas:                                            Cricut 101: T-Shirt Design
      Holiday Edition                                               Saturday, February 1
      Saturday, December 7                                          10:30 am-Noon or 2:30-4 pm | Adults 18+
      3-4:30 pm | Teen (12+) & Adults                               Participants will receive an overview of
                                                                    Cricut Design Space™ and use the program
      Join us to create a messy canvas while enjoying
                                                                    to create a vinyl transfer for a t-shirt.
      cupcakes and hot chocolate! Supplies will be
                                                                    Participants should bring a new cotton t-shirt.
      provided. Registration is required and limited to MPHPL       Registration is required and limited
      cardholders.                                                  to MPHPL cardholders.

      DIY Star Wars Crafts                                          Chocolate School
      Monday, December 16                                           Monday, February 10
      6-7 pm | Grades 4-7
                                                                    6-7 pm | Adults 18+
      Join us for an evening of crafts, all based on your           Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Come celebrate the
      favorite sci-fi movie franchise! There will be a variety of   holiday by making chocolates treats to give
      crafts to choose from, so there’s sure to be something        to your valentine – or keep them all for yourself!
      for everyone - whether you’re a diehard fan or you’re         Be prepared to get a little messy.
      new to the Star Wars universe. Registration is required.      Registration is required.

      Adult Crafting: DIY Rolled                                    Galentine's Night Out
      Flower Shadowbox                                              Thursday, February 13
      Saturday, January 4                                           6-7:30 pm | Adults 18+
      3-4:30 pm | Adults 18+                                        What’s Galentine’s Day? Only the best day of
      Learn how to roll paper f lowers to create a unique           the year! Come celebrate this day of friendship
      5" x 7" shadowbox art piece. Supplies will be provided.       with us as we decorate cupcakes and make a
      Registration is required and limited                          simply lovely craft. Materials will be provided.
      to MPHPL cardholders.                                          Registration is required and limited to
                                                                    MPHPL cardholders.

      Wintry Button Art                                             Dungeons & Dragons™
      Monday, January 13
      6-7:30 pm | Adults 18+                                        Miniature Painting
      Join us for an evening of crafting where we’ll make           Saturday, February 22
      wintry works of art with just buttons and some glue!          2-4 pm | Teens (12+) & Adults
      Supplies will be provided. Registration is required and       Bring your heroes to life in full color! Come and paint
      limited to MPHPL cardholders.                                 your very own miniature to use in your D&D game.
                                                                    Paints and a selection of minis will be provided.
                                                                    Registration is required.
      Upcycle 101: Tie Pillows
      Tuesday, January 14
      4-5 pm | Grades 4-7                                           Morning Makers:
      How would you like to design and create the perfect           DIY Coasters
      pillow to put in your bedroom? In this program, you’ll
      learn how to turn your favorite t-shirt into that perfect     Tuesday, February 25
      piece of décor! Participants are encouraged to bring          10:30 am-Noon | Adults 18+
      an adult size large or larger t-shirt to turn into their      Join us for a morning of muffins, coffee, and a DIY
      upcycled pillow. All other supplies will be provided.         masterpiece. Using the acrylic pour painting method,
      Adult caregivers must remain in the library for               participants will create a set of four coasters.
      participants under 12. Registration is required.              Registration is required and limited to MPHPL cardholders.

                                                                                            December - February Programming | 23
Adult Programs
                                                                Dungeons & Dragons™
    At-A-Glance                                                 2nd Saturdays:
                                                                December 14, January 11, & February 8
                Adults 18+                                      11 am-4:45 pm
                                                                Adults 18+
                                                                Friends Room
      Registration begins                                       Desperate to get your Dungeons & Dragons™ fix? We
     Monday, November 18                                        understand that adulthood can make finding a group
    for December - February programs                            difficult, so we will be hosting a one-shot campaign
                                                                for five heroes with the sternest of mettle! Attendees
    that require registration (as noted).                       will be allowed to prepare a 6th level character in
      Register online at,                             advance using ONLY the 5E Player’s Handbook as
                                                                a resource. For those registrants unable to do so, a
  by calling (574) 259-5277, or in person.
                                                                pre-made character will be provided. Beginners are
                                                                welcome. Registration is required for each individual
                                                                session and limited to MPHPL cardholders.

Mishawaka Library
  Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 1300

Escape the Death Star
Escape Room
Thursday, December 12
4-8 pm                                                          Mug 'n' Muffin
All Ages
Youth Activity Room                                             3 Thursdays:

Can you escape the Death Star and f lee from the
                                                                December 19, January 16, February 20
pull of the Dark Side before time runs out? Only true           10:15-11 am
Jedis will succeed. Make sure to bring help; teams must         Adults 18+
have at least three members. Teams will register for a          Friends Room
20-minute time slot; time preferences will be given on a
first-come, first-served basis. Children 11 and under must      Enjoy coffee and a muffin as we discuss the book
be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required.           of the month. Books can be picked up a month
                                                                in advance at the front desk. Register for an
                                                                email reminder.
The Office Adult Trivia Night                                   December 19: The Wife, The Maid, and the Mistress
Friday, December 13                                                          by Ariel Lawhon
6:30-8 pm                                                       January 16: Defending Jacob by William Landay
Adults 18+                                                      February 20: The Reading Promise: My Father and the
Youth Activity Room                                                          Books We Shared by Alice Ozma
Do you spend most of your free time binge-watching
The Office on Netf lix™? Do you have a Michael Scott
quote for every situation? Then join us for a night of trivia
based on your favorite workplace comedy! We’ll cover
everything from bears to beets to Battlestar Galactica.
Teams must have between 3-6 members.
Registration is required and limited to 15 teams.

24 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
e-Fight Club
1st Tuesdays:
January 7 & February 4
(No session 12/3)
5:30-7:30 pm
Adults 18+
                                                            Genealogy Roundtable
Friends Room                                                4th Thursdays:
Love fighting games like Mortal Kombat XI®, Street
                                                            January 23 & February 27 (No meeting 12/26)
Fighter V™, or UNIST? Come to the library to fight and      6:30-7:30 pm
put your skills to the test! Both veteran players and       Adults 18+
newcomers are welcome. Registration is required.            Heritage Center
                                                            Join us as we work together to discover our family
                                                            stories. Come with your questions, and share your
American Heritage                                           knowledge. All family history researchers welcome.
                                                            No registration is required.
2nd Tuesdays: January 14 & February 11
(No meeting 12/10)
                                                            Chip Challenge
6:30-7:30 pm                                                Tuesday, January 28
Adults 18+                                                  6:30-7:15 pm
Eisen Meeting Room                                          Teens (12+) & Adults
Join us as our guest speakers discuss a variety of topics   Youth Activity Room
of local interest. No registration is required.             Think you’re the chip master? Put your taste buds
January 14: "A Postcard History of the                      to the test at our Chip Challenge! A small prize will
             University of Notre Dame"                      be given to the person who successfully guesses the
             presented by Dan Dosmann                       most chip f lavors. Registration is required.

February 11: "James Lewis Casaday: A Costumer,
             a Collection, and a Community"
             presented by Greta Fisher

Books & Board Games Club
Saturday, January 18
10 am-1 pm
Adults 18+
Friends Room
Join us for a book club with an interactive twist.
This month’s book selection will be Pride and Prejudice
                                                            Family Game Night
by Jane Austen. Copies will be available for checkout       Tuesday, February 25
at the Mishawaka Circulation desk beginning Monday,         6-7:30 pm
December 9. After discussing the book, try your hand
                                                            All Ages
at the game Marrying Mr. Darcy - “a single man in
possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a          Youth Activity Room
wife.” Registration is required and limited to MPHPL        Game on! We’ll have a variety of family-friendly
cardholders.                                                tabletop board and card games, as well as our
                                                            Nintendo Switch™ consoles. Come solo or bring the
                                                            whole family! Adult caregivers must remain in the
                                                            room for any participant under the age of 10 and
                                                            must remain in the library for any participant under
                                                            12. No registration is required.

                                                                                 December - February Programming | 25
Adult Programs
                                                                   Advance Care Planning with
                                                                   Honoring Choices Indiana ®
                                                                   Monday, January 27
Bittersweet Branch                                                 2-3 pm
                                                                   Adults 18+
   Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 2300                           Zimmerman Room
                                                                   Everyone over the age of 18 is encouraged to have
                                                                   an advance directive, or at least have someone
                                                                   designated to speak for you in the event – even
Morning Makers: DIY Candles                                        temporarily – that you cannot speak for yourself.
Monday, December 2                                                 Come and learn more about why advance care
                                                                   planning is important and how to complete an
10:30 am-Noon
                                                                   advance directive document to let your loved ones
Adults 18+                                                         and your medical caregivers know exactly what
Zimmerman Room                                                     your wishes are so they can be honored.
Would you like to learn how to make your own candles               No registration is required.
to light up your home this cold winter season? Then
join us for a morning of muffins, coffee, and some DIY!
Supplies will be provided. Registration is required and
limited to MPHPL cardholders.                                      Tom's Vintage Toys Presents:
                                                                   Toy Collecting 101
Disney® Family Trivia Night                                        Wednesday, January 29
Wednesday, December 4                                              6-6:45 pm
6-7:30 pm                                                          Teen (12+) & Adults
                                                                   Zimmerman Room
All Ages
                                                                   Do you love toys as much as we do? Or maybe
Zimmerman Room                                                     you just love things that make you feel nostalgic?
Bring the whole family (or a group of friends) for a               Then join us for this fun event! Tom’s Vintage Toys will
fun-filled night of magical Disney® trivia! Questions will cover   be joining us to discuss toy collecting and answer any
all movies, from Snow White to Toy Story 4. Teams must have        questions you may have about this nostalgic hobby.
between 3-8 members. Make sure to register fast; space             Registration is required.
is limited to 15 teams! Children 11 and younger must be
accompanied by an adult. Registration is required.

                                                                   Morning Makers:
Morning Makers:                                                    Floral Yarn Wreath
Decorative Wooden Blocks                                           Monday, February 3
Monday, January 6                                                  10:30 am-Noon
10:30 am-Noon                                                      Adults (18+)
Adults 18+                                                         Zimmerman Room
                                                                   Join us for a morning of muffins, coffee, and a
Zimmerman Room                                                     DIY masterpiece. Regardless of whether the
Join us for a morning of muffins, coffee, and a DIY                groundhog predicted an early spring, we will get
masterpiece. Paint, distress, and apply vinyl lettering            ready for better weather by creating a f loral yarn
and designs to wooden blocks to create a great piece               wreath that looks perfect on a door. Supplies will be
of home décor. Supplies will be provided. Registration             provided. Registration is required and limited
is required and limited                                            to MPHPL cardholders.
to MPHPL cardholders.

26 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
Volunteer Day
Wednesday, February 26
5:30-6:30 pm
Teens (12+) and Adults
Zimmerman Room
You might not believe it, but spring is on its way! Join
us for preparing crafts and stuffing goodie bags for our
annual Spring Egg-stravaganza. Registration is required.
                                                             Yak, Snack & Read
Harris Branch                                                2nd Tuesdays:
                                                             December 10, January 14, February 11
  Questions? Call (574) 259-5277 x 3300                      10:30-11:30 am
                                                             Adults 18+
                                                             Meeting Room C
Aspiring Authors                                             New members are welcome to join Harris’ morning
                                                             book club! Books can be picked up a month in
Every Thursday (No session 12/26)                            advance at the front desk. Register for an email
Noon-1 pm                                                    reminder.
Adults 18+                                                   December 10: Jane Eyre
Meeting Room C                                                            by Charlotte Brontë
Attention aspiring authors: Weary of toiling alone?          January 14: Vanessa and Her Sister
Join the MPHPL writers' group to share your victories                    by Priya Parmar
and struggles with a gathering of peers. Participants are
                                                             February 11: The Magnificent Ambersons
encouraged to bring the first chapter of an original work
                                                                           by Booth Tarkington
for presentation, praise, and critique.
No registration is required.
                                                             Family Snow Spectacular
Cupcakes & Canvas:                                           Saturday, January 4
Holiday Edition                                              10 am-1 pm
                                                             All Ages
Saturday, December 7                                         Meeting Room A/B
3-4:30 pm                                                    Join us for a fun-filled snow spectacular for the
Teens (12+) & Adults                                         whole family! We’ll have family-friendly snowball
Makerspace                                                   fights at 10:30 and 11:30 am (don’t worry – we’ll
Join us to create a messy canvas while enjoying cupcakes     have a backup plan if there’s no snow on the
and hot chocolate! Supplies will be provided. Registration   ground!) Afterwards, warm up with some hot
is required and limited to MPHPL cardholders.                chocolate while we enjoy a wintry short movie
                                                             and crafts. No registration is required.

                                                                               December - February Programming | 27
Adult Programs

Adult Crafting: DIY Rolled                                Galentine's Night Out
Flower Shadowbox                                          Thursday, February 13
Saturday, January 4                                       6-7:30 pm
3-4:30 pm                                                 Adults 18+
Adults 18+                                                Makerspace
                                                          What’s Galentine’s Day? Only the best day of the
                                                          year! Come celebrate this day of friendship with
Learn how to roll paper flowers to create a unique        us as we decorate cupcakes and make a simply
5" x 7" shadowbox art piece. Supplies will be provided.   lovely craft. Materials will be provided. Registration is
Registration is required and limited to                   required and limited to MPHPL cardholders.
MPHPL cardholders.

Wintry Button Art                                         Dungeons & Dragons™
Monday, January 13                                        Miniature Painting
6-7:30 pm                                                 Saturday, February 22
Adults 18+                                                2-4 pm
Makerspace                                                Teens (12+) & Adults
Join us for an evening of crafting where we’ll            Makerspace
make wintry works of art with just buttons and            Bring your heroes to life in full color! Come and
some glue! Supplies will be provided. Registration        paint your very own miniature to use in your D&D
is required and is limited to MPHPL cardholders.          game. Paints and a selection of minis will be provided.
                                                          Registration is required.

Cricut 101: T-Shirt Design
Saturday, February 1                                      Morning Makers:
10:30 am-Noon or 2:30-4 pm                                DIY Coasters
Adults 18+
                                                          Tuesday, February 25
                                                          10:30 am-Noon
Participants will receive an overview of Cricut           Adults 18+
Design Space™ and use the program to create
a vinyl transfer for a t-shirt. Participants should       Makerspace
bring a new cotton t-shirt. Registration is required      Join us for a morning of muffins, coffee, and a
and limited to MPHPL cardholders.                          DIY masterpiece. Using the acrylic pour painting
                                                          method, participants will create a set of
                                                          four coasters. Registration is required and limited
Chocolate School                                          to MPHPL cardholders,
Monday, February 10
6-7 pm
Adults 18+
Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Come celebrate
the holiday by making chocolates treats to give
to your valentine – or keep them all for yourself!
Be prepared to get a little messy.
Registration is required.

28 | Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
You can also read