WINTER/SPRING 2021 COMMUNITY CALENDAR - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay

Page created by Chester Kennedy
WINTER/SPRING 2021 COMMUNITY CALENDAR - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay

  Winter is a wonderland in
WINTER/SPRING 2021 COMMUNITY CALENDAR - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay
KIDS SCULPTING CLASS		                                    January 10          SNOW SCULPTURE CONTEST                            January 23-31
Upgrade from play dough to clay when Melissa Mercer shows you how             There’s always extra snow laying around this time of year, why not
to sculpt animals, people, and more. All necessary supplies provided.         make something beautiful? Create a snow sculpture by yourself or
When: Sun, January 10, 2:00pm–3:00pm                                          with the whole family, then take a picture and send it, with your name
                                                                              and civic address, to for a chance to win a prize!
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: 7–12 years                                                              When: January 23–31
Cost: $8 per person                                                           Ages: All ages
Registration closes January 7.
                                                                              TEEN ART CLASS                                        January 24
NERF NIGHT 		                                             January 15          Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley,
                                                                              designed just for teens! All skill levels welcome.
Gear up for an all-out Nerf Battle. Game types include: Team Battles,
Capture the Flag, Knockdown Challenges, and more! Participants must           When: Sun, January 24, 2:00pm–3:30pm
bring their own eye protection but all other equipment will be provided.      Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
When: Fri, January 15, 7:00pm–8:30pm                                          Ages: 13–18 years
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                  Cost: $10 per person
Ages: 9–12 years                                                              Registration closes January 21.
Cost: $4 per person
Registration closes January 15.                                               SNOWSHOE HIKE                                 January 26 & 29
                                                                              Join us for a guided snowshoe hike on one of Torbay’s beautiful trails.
FAMILY ART CLASS                                          January 17          Exact location to be sent to participants prior to hike. Snowshoes
                                                                              available for loan (limited sizes; first request, first served).
Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley, designed
for the whole family, parents and children alike. All skill levels welcome.   When: Tue, January 26, 6:30pm–7:30pm & Fri, January 29, 1:30pm–3:00pm
When: Sun, January 17, 2:00pm–3:30pm                                          Where: Torbay Trail TBD
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                  Ages: 18+ years
Ages: 5+ years (guardians must register with children)                        Cost: $10+hst per person
Cost: $8+hst                                                                  Registration closes January 25.
Registration closes January 14.
                                                                              FAMILY SOCK MONKEY DIY                                 January 31
DRUMMING FOR WELLNESS                                     January 22          Join Melissa Mercer as she leads you through the steps of creating
                                                                              your own sock monkey! A great activity for kids and grandparents
Join Tom of Musubi Drum Circles for an afternoon of fun & therapeutic
                                                                              or guardians to enjoy together, creating a keepsake and a memory
music-making. Participants will be led through a variety of rhythmic
                                                                              to cherish for many years to come. All necessary supplies provided.
exercises. All necessary equipment provided; no experience required.
                                                                              When: Sun, January 31, 2:00pm–3:30pm
When: Fri, January 22, 2:00pm–3:00pm
                                                                              Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 2&3, Torbay Common
                                                                              Ages: 5+ years (guardian supervision required)
Ages: 50+ years
                                                                              Cost: $8 per person
Cost: $5+hst per person
                                                                              Registration closes January 28.
Registration closes January 20.

PAINT & WINE NIGHT                                        January 22
Paint and sip on a complimentary glass of wine as you enjoy a fun
night out. Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley will lead you through
the steps of creating a beautiful painting. All skill levels welcome.
When: Fri, January 22, 7:30pm–9:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: 19+ years
Cost: $20+hst per person
Registration closes January 20.

January Event Registration Opens - Residents: December 11, 12:00pm; General Public: December 18, 12:00pm
       SUNDAY                     MONDAY                     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                     FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                          1    NEW YEAR’S DAY       2
                                                                                                                                               ALL MUNICPAL
                                                                                                                                               BUILDINGS CLOSED


3   4:30pm-5:20pm          4                          5                           6                            7                          8                         9

10 9:00am-11:00am          11   6:00am-6:45am         12   9:00am-12:00pm         13   6:00am-6:45am           14   9:00am-12:00pm        15   6:00am-6:45am        16   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                  BODY BLAST                 STROLL & ROLL               BODY BLAST                   STROLL & ROLL              BODY BLAST                FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm              9:00am-12:00pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:00am-12:00pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:00am-12:00pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START                WALKING TRACK              MERCHANDISE BINGO           WALKING TRACK                ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        WALKING TRACK             YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-4:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm              9:30am-12:30pm            12:30pm-2:30pm
    KIDS SCULPTING CLASS        ACTIVE START               ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         ACTIVE START                 INT. YOGA 2 W/P            ACTIVE START              SIP (SATURDAY
    6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-4:00pm              6:00pm-7:00pm               10:30am-11:30am                                         7:00pm-8:30pm             INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    DANCE CLASS                 PICKLEBALL                 DANCE CLASS                 GENTLE YOGA W/S                                         NERF NIGHT
    (AGES 5-8)                  6:30pm                     (AGES 5-8)                  2:00pm-3:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm               COUNCIL MEETING            6:30pm-7:30pm               DAYTIME LINE DANCING
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P             8:00pm-9:30pm              S&D: VOLLEYBALL             6:00pm-7:00pm
                                CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: BEG. BALL
                                                           EVENING LINE DANCING        HOCKEY
                                                                                       S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                                                       S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY

17 9:00am-11:00am          18   6:00am-6:45am         19 9:00am-12:00pm           20   6:00am-6:45am           21   9:00am-12:00pm        22   6:00am-6:45am        23   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                  BODY BLAST                 STROLL & ROLL               BODY BLAST                   STROLL & ROLL              BODY BLAST                FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm              9:00am-12:00pm             10:30am-11:30am             9:00am-12:00pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:00am-12:00pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START                WALKING TRACK              PARK PLAY                   WALKING TRACK                ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        WALKING TRACK             YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:30pm               9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm              9:30am-12:30pm            12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY ART CLASS            ACTIVE START               MERCHANDISE BINGO           ACTIVE START                 INT. YOGA 2 W/P            ACTIVE START              SIP (SATURDAY
    6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               10:30am-11:30am                                         2:00pm-3:00pm             INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    DANCE CLASS                 PICKLEBALL                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         GENTLE YOGA W/S                                         DRUMMING FOR
    (AGES 5-8)                  8:00pm-9:30pm              6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                           WELLNESS
    7:00pm-8:00pm               CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        DANCE CLASS                 DAYTIME LINE DANCING                                    7:30pm-9:30pm
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                        (AGES 5-8)                  6:00pm-7:00pm                                           PAINT & WINE NIGHT
                                                           6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. BALL
                                                           S&D: VOLLEYBALL             HOCKEY
                                                           7:30pm-8:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                           EVENING LINE DANCING        S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                                                       S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY
                                                                                                                                                                    SNOW SCULPTURE CONTEST
24 9:00am-11:00am          25   6:00am-6:45am         26   9:00am-12:00pm         27   6:00am-6:45am           28   9:00am-12:00pm        29   6:00am-6:45am        30   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                  BODY BLAST                 STROLL & ROLL               BODY BLAST                   STROLL & ROLL              BODY BLAST                FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm              9:00am-12:00pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:00am-12:00pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:00am-12:00pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START                WALKING TRACK              MERCHANDISE BINGO           WALKING TRACK                ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        WALKING TRACK             YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:30pm               9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-4:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm              9:30am-12:30pm            12:30pm-2:30pm
    TEEN ART CLASS              ACTIVE START               ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         ACTIVE START                 INT. YOGA 2 W/P            ACTIVE START              SIP (SATURDAY
    6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-4:00pm              6:00pm-7:00pm               10:30am-11:30am                                         1:30pm-3:00pm             INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    DANCE CLASS                 PICKLEBALL                 DANCE CLASS                 GENTLE YOGA W/S                                         SNOWSHOE HIKE
    (AGES 5-8)                  6:30pm                     (AGES 5-8)                  2:00pm-3:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm               COUNCIL MEETING            6:30pm-7:30pm               DAYTIME LINE DANCING
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P             8:00pm-9:30pm              S&D: VOLLEYBALL             6:00pm-7:00pm
                                CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. BALL
                                                           SNOWSHOE HIKE               HOCKEY
                                                           7:30pm-8:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                           EVENING LINE DANCING        S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                           TBD                         8:00pm-9:00pm
                           SNOW SCULPTURE CONTEST          POP-UP TUESDAYS             S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY

31 9:00am-11:00am
    (AGES 5-8)
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P

VIRTUAL SNOWBALL FIGHT		                                February 1-13           NERF NIGHT 		                                            February 19
Join in our friendly virtual snowball fight this February! To join in, record   Gear up for an all-out Nerf Battle. Game types include: Team Battles,
a video of yourself being hit by a snowball and throwing a snowball,            Capture the Flag, Knockdown Challenges, and more! Participants must
send it to, and your clip will be added to Torbay’s           bring their own eye protection but all other equipment will be provided.
first Virtual Snowball Fight, to be released at the end of the month.           When: Fri, February 19, 7:00pm–8:30pm
When: February 1–13                                                             Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: All ages                                                                  Ages: 9–12 years
                                                                                Cost: $4 per person
FAMILY DRUM CIRCLE 		                                       February 7          Registration closes February 19.
Get the family together for a fun music session with Tom of Musubi
Drum Circles. Participants will learn various techniques, skills, & rhythmic    WINTER FAMILY FUN DAY                                    February 20
patterns. All necessary equipment provided; no experience required.
                                                                                Brighten up your winter with an afternoon of family fun! Join us for live
When: Sun, February 7, 2:00pm–3:00pm                                            music, soft play, jumbo games, floor curling, bowling, arts & crafts, and
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                    snowshoeing behind Torbay Common. A third time slot may be added.
Ages: All ages (guardians must register with children)                          When: Sat, Feb. 20 – GROUP 1: 9:00am–10:30am; GROUP 2: 11:00am–12:30pm
Cost: $5+hst per person                                                         Where: Torbay Common
Registration closes February 4.                                                 Ages: All ages
                                                                                Cost: $5+hst per family
AFTERNOON SLIDING                                 February 7 & 21               Registration closes February 18.
Grab your GT or toboggan, or try out our spooner boards, as you
enjoy an afternoon of sliding at Woodbridge Park Green Space.                   FAMILY ART CLASS                                         February 21
You’re welcome to bring your own thermos of hot chocolate.
                                                                                Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley, designed
When: Sun, February 7, 2:00pm–4:00pm & Sun, February 21, 2:00pm–4:00pm          for the whole family, parents and children alike. All skill levels welcome.
Where: Woodbridge Park Green Space, Forest Landing Subdivision                  When: Sun, February 21, 2:00pm–3:30pm
Ages: All ages                                                                  Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Cost: FREE                                                                      Ages: 5+ years (guardians must register with children)
                                                                                Cost: $8+hst
SNOWSHOE HIKE                                      February 9 & 12              Registration closes February 18.
Join us for a guided snowshoe hike on one of Torbay’s beautiful trails.
Exact location to be sent to participants prior to hike. Snowshoes
available for loan (limited sizes; first request, first served).
                                                                                PAINT & WINE NIGHT                                       February 26
                                                                                Paint and sip on a complimentary glass of wine as you enjoy a fun
When: Tue, February 9, 6:30pm–7:30pm & Fri, February 12, 1:30pm–3:00pm
                                                                                night out. Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley will lead you through
Where: Torbay Trail TBD                                                         the steps of creating a beautiful painting. All skill levels welcome.
Ages: 18+ years
                                                                                When: Fri, February 26, 7:30pm–9:30pm
Cost: $10+hst per person
                                                                                Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Registration closes February 8.                                                 Ages: 19+ years
                                                                                Cost: $20+hst per person
KIDS DRAWING CLASS		                                      February 12           Registration closes February 24.
Sharpen your pencils and join Melissa Mercer for a step-by-step
drawing class. Kids will be led through a drawing lesson, with pointers
to help improve their drawing skills and reach their full potential.            TEEN ART CLASS                                           February 28
When: Fri, February 12, 7:30pm–8:30pm                                           Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley,
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                    designed just for teens! All skill levels welcome.
Ages: 5+ years                                                                  When: Sun, February 28, 2:00pm–3:30pm
Cost: $6 per person                                                             Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Registration closes February 10.                                                Ages: 13–18 years
                                                                                Cost: $10 per person
                                                                                Registration closes February 25.

February Event Registration Opens - Residents: December 11, 12:00pm; General Public: December 18, 12:00pm
       SUNDAY                   MONDAY                     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
                         1    9:00am-12:00pm        2    9:00am-12:00pm         3    9:00am-12:00pm          4    9:00am-12:00pm        5    9:00am-12:00pm       6    9:00am-10:30am
                              WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
                              9:30am-12:30pm             10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
                              ACTIVE START               PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
                              2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm                                        12:30pm-2:30pm
                              PICKLEBALL                 MERCHANDISE BINGO           GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P                                      SIP (SATURDAY
                              8:00pm-9:30pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                                                     INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
                              CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         DAYTIME LINE DANCING
                                                         6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
                                                         DANCE CLASS                 S&D: BEG. BALL
                                                         (AGES 5-8)                  HOCKEY
                                                         6:30pm-7:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                         S&D: VOLLEYBALL             S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                         7:30pm-8:30pm               8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                         EVENING LINE DANCING        S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY

                         VIRTUAL SNOWBALL FIGHT
7   9:00am-11:00am       8    9:00am-12:00pm        9    9:00am-12:00pm         10   9:00am-12:00pm          11   9:00am-12:00pm        12   9:00am-12:00pm       13   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm            9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START              ACTIVE START               MERCHANDISE BINGO           ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:00pm             2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              1:30pm-3:00pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY DRUM CIRCLE        PICKLEBALL                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            SNOWSHOE HIKE             SIP (SATURDAY
    2:00pm-4:00pm             6:30pm                     6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                           7:30pm-8:30pm             INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    AFTERNOON SLIDING         COUNCIL MEETING            DANCE CLASS                 DAYTIME LINE DANCING                                    KIDS DRAWING CLASS
    4:30pm-5:20pm             8:00pm-9:30pm              (AGES 5-8)                  6:00pm-7:00pm
    COMMUNITY SKATE           CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. BALL
    6:00pm-7:00pm                                        S&D: VOLLEYBALL             HOCKEY
    DANCE CLASS                                          6:30pm-7:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm
    (AGES 5-8)                                           SNOWSHOE HIKE               S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
    7:00pm-8:00pm                                        7:30pm-8:30pm               8:00pm-9:00pm
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                      EVENING LINE DANCING        S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY
                                                         POP-UP TUESDAYS
                                                                                VIRTUAL SNOWBALL FIGHT
14 9:00am-11:00am        15   9:00am-12:00pm        16 9:00am-12:00pm           17   9:00am-12:00pm          18   9:00am-12:00pm        19   9:00am-12:00pm       20   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             WINTER FAMILY FUN
    9:30am-12:30pm            9:30am-12:30pm             10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            DAY (GROUP 1)
    ACTIVE START              ACTIVE START               PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              11:00am-12:30pm
    6:00pm-7:00pm             2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              7:00pm-8:30pm             WINTER FAMILY FUN
    DANCE CLASS               PICKLEBALL                 MERCHANDISE BINGO           GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            NERF NIGHT                DAY (GROUP 2)
    (AGES 5-8)                8:00pm-9:30pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm             CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         DAYTIME LINE DANCING
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                      6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
                                                         DANCE CLASS                 S&D: BEG. BALL
                                                         (AGES 5-8)                  HOCKEY
                                                         6:30pm-7:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                         S&D: VOLLEYBALL             S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                         7:30pm-8:30pm               8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                         EVENING LINE DANCING        S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY

21 9:00am-11:00am        22   9:00am-12:00pm        23   9:00am-12:00pm         24   9:00am-12:00pm          25   9:00am-12:00pm        26   9:00am-12:00pm       27   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm            9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START              ACTIVE START               MERCHANDISE BINGO           ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:30pm             2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              7:30pm-9:30pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY ART CLASS          PICKLEBALL                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            PAINT & WINE NIGHT        SIP (SATURDAY
    2:00pm-4:00pm             6:30pm                     6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                                                     INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    6:00pm-7:00pm             8:00pm-9:30pm              (AGES 5-8)                  6:00pm-7:00pm
    DANCE CLASS               CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. BALL
    (AGES 5-8)                                           S&D: VOLLEYBALL             HOCKEY
    7:00pm-8:00pm                                        7:30pm-8:30pm               7:00pm-8:00pm
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                      EVENING LINE DANCING        S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                         TBD                         8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                         POP-UP TUESDAYS             S&D: INT. BALL HOCKEY

28 9:00am-11:00am
    (AGES 5-8)
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P
SNOWSHOE HIKE                                    March 5, 8, & 19               FAMILY ART CLASS                                             March 21
Join us for a guided snowshoe hike on one of Torbay’s beautiful trails.         Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley, designed
Exact location to be sent to participants prior to hike. Snowshoes              for the whole family, parents and children alike. All skill levels welcome.
available for loan (limited sizes; first request, first served).                When: Sun, March 21, 2:00pm–3:30pm
When: Fri, March 5, 1:30pm-3:00pm; Mon, March 8, 6:30pm–7:30pm; &               Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
       Fri, March 19, 1:30pm-3:00pm                                             Ages: 5+ years (guardians must register with children)
Where: Torbay Trail TBD                                                         Cost: $8+hst
Ages: 18+ years                                                                 Registration closes March 18.
Cost: $10+hst per person
Registration closes March 4.                                                    PAINT & WINE NIGHT                                          March 26
                                                                                Paint and sip on a complimentary glass of wine as you enjoy a fun
FAMILY MOVIE		                                               March 7            night out. Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley will lead you through
Join us for a family friendly afternoon movie at Torbay Common. Movie           the steps of creating a beautiful painting. All skill levels welcome.
to be announced prior to registration. Participants are encouraged to           When: Fri, March 26, 7:30pm–9:30pm
bring their own snacks and beverages; concession facilities not available.
                                                                                Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
When: Sun, March 7, 1:30pm–3:30pm                                               Ages: 19+ years
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                    Cost: $20+hst per person
Ages: All ages                                                                  Registration closes March 24.
Cost: $10+hst per family
Registration closes March 4.                                                    TEEN ART CLASS                                              March 28
                                                                                Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley,
DRUMMING FOR WELLNESS                                       March 12            designed just for teens! All skill levels welcome.
Join Tom of Musubi Drum Circles for an afternoon of fun & therapeutic           When: Sun, March 28, 2:00pm–3:30pm
music-making. Participants will be led through a variety of rhythmic
                                                                                Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
exercises. All necessary equipment provided; no experience required.
                                                                                Ages: 13–18 years
When: Fri, March 12, 2:00pm–3:00pm                                              Cost: $10 per person
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 2&3, Torbay Common
                                                                                Registration closes March 25.
Ages: 50+ years
Cost: $5+hst per person
Registration closes March 10.

NERF NIGHT 		                                               March 19
Gear up for an all-out Nerf Battle. Game types include: Team Battles,
Capture the Flag, Knockdown Challenges, and more! Participants must
bring their own eye protection but all other equipment will be provided.
When: Fri, March 19, 7:00pm–8:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: 9–12 years
Cost: $4 per person
Registration closes March 19.

March Event Registration Opens - Residents: February 11, 12:00pm; General Public: February 18, 12:00pm
MARCH 2021
       SUNDAY                 MONDAY                     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
                       1    9:00am-12:00pm        2    9:00am-12:00pm         3    9:00am-12:00pm          4    9:00am-12:00pm        5    9:00am-12:00pm       6    9:00am-10:30am
                            WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
                            9:30am-12:30pm             10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
                            ACTIVE START               PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
                            2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              1:30pm-3:00pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
                            PICKLEBALL                 MERCHANDISE BINGO           GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            SNOWSHOE HIKE             SIP (SATURDAY
                            8:00pm-9:30pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                                                     INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
                            CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         DAYTIME LINE DANCING
                                                       6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
                                                       DANCE CLASS                 S&D: BEG. BASKETBALL
                                                       (AGES 5-8)                  7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                       6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. SOCCER
                                                       S&D: INT. SOCCER            8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                       7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: INT. BASKTBALL
                                                       EVENING LINE DANCING

7   9:00am-11:00am     8    9:00am-12:00pm        9    9:00am-12:00pm         10   9:00am-12:00pm          11   9:00am-12:00pm        12   9:00am-12:00pm       13   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL              WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm          9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START            ACTIVE START               MERCHANDISE BINGO           ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    1:30pm-3:30pm           2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              2:00pm-3:00pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY MOVIE            PICKLEBALL                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            DRUMMING FOR              SIP (SATURDAY
    4:30pm-5:20pm           6:30pm-7:30pm              6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                           WELLNESS                  INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    6:00pm-7:00pm           6:30pm                     (AGES 5-8)                  6:00pm-7:00pm
    DANCE CLASS             COUNCIL MEETING            6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. BASKETBALL
    (AGES 5-8)                                         S&D: INT. SOCCER
                            8:00pm-9:30pm                                          7:00pm-8:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm           CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: BEG. SOCCER
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                    EVENING LINE DANCING        8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                       TBD                         S&D: INT. BASKETBALL
                                                       POP-UP TUESDAYS

14 9:00am-11:00am      15   ST. PATRICK’S DAY     16 9:00am-12:00pm           17   9:00am-12:00pm          18   9:00am-12:00pm        19   9:00am-12:00pm       20   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL              ALL MUNICPAL               STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm          BUILDINGS CLOSED           10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START                                       PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    6:00pm-7:00pm                                      2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              1:30pm-3:00pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    DANCE CLASS                                        MERCHANDISE BINGO           GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            SNOWSHOE HIKE             SIP (SATURDAY
    (AGES 5-8)                                         2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                           7:00pm-8:30pm             INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    7:00pm-8:00pm                                      ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         DAYTIME LINE DANCING                                    NERF NIGHT
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                    6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
                                                       DANCE CLASS                 S&D: BEG. BASKETBALL
                                                       (AGES 5-8)                  7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                       6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. SOCCER
                                                       S&D: INT. SOCCER            8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                       7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: INT. BASKETBALL
                                                       EVENING LINE DANCING

21 9:00am-11:00am      22   9:00am-12:00pm        23   9:00am-12:00pm         24   9:00am-12:00pm          25   9:00am-12:00pm        26   9:00am-12:00pm       27   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL              WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm          9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START            ACTIVE START               MERCHANDISE BINGO           ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:30pm           2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              7:30pm-9:30pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY ART CLASS        PICKLEBALL                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            PAINT & WINE NIGHT        SIP (SATURDAY
    6:00pm-7:00pm           6:30pm                     6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                                                     INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    (AGES 5-8)              8:00pm-9:30pm              (AGES 5-8)                  6:00pm-7:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm           CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. BASKETBALL
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                    S&D: INT. SOCCER            7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                       7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: ULTIMATE FRISBEE
                                                       EVENING LINE DANCING        8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                       TBD                         S&D: INT. BASKETBALL
                                                       POP-UP TUESDAYS

28 9:00am-11:00am      29   9:00am-12:00pm        30 9:00am-12:00pm           31 9:00am-12:00pm
    PICKLEBALL              WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK
    9:30am-12:30pm          9:30am-12:30pm             10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm
    ACTIVE START            ACTIVE START               PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START
    2:00pm-3:30pm           2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am
    6:00pm-7:00pm           8:00pm-9:30pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm
    (AGES 5-8)                                         6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm                                      DANCE CLASS                 S&D: BEG. BASKETBALL
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                    (AGES 5-8)                  7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                       6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: BEG. SOCCER
                                                       S&D: INT. SOCCER            8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                       7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: INT. BASKETBALL
                                                       EVENING LINE DANCING
EASTER EGG DROP & CRAFTS		                                       April 3       PAINT & WINE NIGHT                                       April 23
Celebrate Easter with themed crafts and the annual Easter Egg                  Paint and sip on a complimentary glass of wine as you enjoy a fun
Drop, where children can find plastic Easter Eggs amoungst the                 night out. Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley will lead you through
green space at Torbay Common. Prizes will be awarded.                          the steps of creating a beautiful painting. All skill levels welcome.
When: Sat, April 3, 1:00pm–3:30pm                                              When: Fri, April 23, 7:30pm–9:30pm
Where: Torbay Common                                                           Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: All ages                                                                 Ages: 19+ years
Cost: $3 per person                                                            Cost: $20+hst per person
Registration closes April 1.                                                   Registration closes April 21.

FAMILY DRUM CIRCLE 		                                           April 11
Get the family together for a fun music session with Tom of Musubi             TEEN ART CLASS                                           April 25
Drum Circles. Participants will learn various techniques, skills, & rhythmic   Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley,
patterns. All necessary equipment provided; no experience required.            designed just for teens! All skill levels welcome.
When: Sun, April 11, 2:00pm–3:00pm
                                                                               When: Sun, April 25, 2:00pm–3:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
                                                                               Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: All ages (guardians must register with children)
                                                                               Ages: 13–18 years
Cost: $5+hst per person
                                                                               Cost: $10 per person
Registration closes April 8.
                                                                               Registration closes April 22.

NERF NIGHT 		                                                  April 16
Gear up for an all-out Nerf Battle. Game types include: Team Battles,
Capture the Flag, Knockdown Challenges, and more! Participants must
bring their own eye protection but all other equipment will be provided.
When: Fri, April 16, 7:00pm–8:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: 9–12 years
Cost: $4 per person
Registration closes April 16.

FAMILY ART CLASS                                               April 18
Enjoy an art class, led by Lesley of Brush Strokes with Lesley, designed
for the whole family, parents and children alike. All skill levels welcome.
When: Sun, April 18, 2:00pm–3:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common
Ages: 5+ years (guardians must register with children)
Cost: $8+hst
Registration closes April 15.

April Event Registration Opens - Residents: February 11, 12:00pm;
				                             General Public: February 18, 12:00pm
APRIL 2021
       SUNDAY                   MONDAY                     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
                                                                                                             1    9:00am-12:00pm        2    GOOD FRIDAY          3    1:00pm-3:30pm
                                                                                                                  STROLL & ROLL              ALL MUNICPAL              EASTER EGG DROP &
                                                                                                                  10:00am-12:00pm            BUILDINGS CLOSED          CRAFTS
                                                                                                                  ACTIVE LIVING (50+)
                                                                                                                  INT. YOGA 2 W/P

4   EASTER SUNDAY        5    6:30pm                6    6:00pm-7: 00pm         7    10:30am-11:30am         8    7:00pm-8:00pm         9                         10
    ALL MUNICPAL              COUNCIL MEETING            DANCE CLASS                  GENTLE YOGA W/S             INT. YOGA 2 W/P
    BUILDINGS CLOSED                                     (AGES 5-8)                   2:00pm-3:00pm
                                                         7:30pm-8:30pm                DAYTIME LINE DANCING
                                                         EVENING LINE DANCING

                                                                                EASTER BREAK SCHEDULE


11 9:00am-11:00am        12   9:00am-12:00pm        13 9:00am-12:00pm           14   9:00am-12:00pm          15   9:00am-12:00pm        16   9:00am-12:00pm       17   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm            9:30am-12:30pm             10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START              ACTIVE START               PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:00pm             2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              7:00pm-8:30pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY DRUM CIRCLE        PICKLEBALL                 MERCHANDISE BINGO           GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            NERF NIGHT                SIP (SATURDAY
    6:00pm-7:00pm             8:00pm-9:30pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                                                     INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    (AGES 5-8)                                           6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm                                        DANCE CLASS                 S&D: TBA
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                      (AGES 5-8)                  7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                         6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: TBA
                                                         S&D: TBA                    8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                         7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: TBA
                                                         EVENING LINE DANCING

18 9:00am-11:00am        19   9:00am-12:00pm        20   9:00am-12:00pm         21   9:00am-12:00pm          22   9:00am-12:00pm        23   9:00am-12:00pm       24   9:00am-10:30am
    PICKLEBALL                WALKING TRACK              STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK             FAMILY ARCHERY
    9:30am-12:30pm            9:30am-12:30pm             2:00pm-3:00pm               9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm            11:00am-12:00pm
    ACTIVE START              ACTIVE START               MERCHANDISE BINGO           ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START              YOUTH ARCHERY
    2:00pm-3:30pm             2:00pm-4:00pm              2:00pm-4:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm              7:30pm-9:30pm             12:30pm-2:30pm
    FAMILY ART CLASS          PICKLEBALL                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P            PAINT & WINE NIGHT        SIP (SATURDAY
    6:00pm-7:00pm             6:30pm                     6:00pm-7:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm                                                                     INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
    DANCE CLASS               COUNCIL MEETING            DANCE CLASS                 DAYTIME LINE DANCING
    (AGES 5-8)                8:00pm-9:30pm              (AGES 5-8)                  6:00pm-7:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm             CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT        6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: TBA
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                      S&D: TBA                    7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                         7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: TBA
                                                         EVENING LINE DANCING        8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                         TBD                         S&D: TBA
                                                         POP-UP TUESDAYS

25 9:00am-11:00am        26   ST. GEORGE’S DAY      27 9:00am-12:00pm           28 9:00am-12:00pm            29   9:00am-12:00pm        30   9:00am-12:00pm
    PICKLEBALL                ALL MUNICPAL               STROLL & ROLL               WALKING TRACK                STROLL & ROLL              WALKING TRACK
    9:30am-12:30pm            BUILDINGS CLOSED           10:30am-11:30am             9:30am-12:30pm               10:00am-12:00pm            9:30am-12:30pm
    ACTIVE START                                         PARK PLAY                   ACTIVE START                 ACTIVE LIVING (50+)        ACTIVE START
    2:00pm-3:30pm                                        2:00pm-3:00pm               10:30am-11:30am              7:00pm-8:00pm
    TEEN ART CLASS                                       MERCHANDISE BINGO           GENTLE YOGA W/S              INT. YOGA 2 W/P
    6:00pm-7:00pm                                        2:00pm-4:00pm               2:00pm-3:00pm
    DANCE CLASS                                          ACTIVE LIVING (50+)         DAYTIME LINE DANCING
    (AGES 5-8)                                           6:00pm-7:00pm               6:00pm-7:00pm
    7:00pm-8:00pm                                        DANCE CLASS                 S&D: TBA
    INT. YOGA 1 W/P                                      (AGES 5-8)                  7:00pm-8:00pm
                                                         6:30pm-7:30pm               S&D: TBA
                                                         S&D: TBA                    8:00pm-9:00pm
                                                         7:30pm-8:30pm               S&D: TBA
                                                         EVENING LINE DANCING
Community Programming
Winter Sessions (January-February): Registration opens December 11, 12:00noon for residents & December 18, 12:00noon for the general public.
Spring Sessions (March-April): Registration opens February 11, 12:00noon for residents & February 18, 12:00noon for the general public.

Please follow monthly calendars for any program cancellations due to Community Events or facility closures.

ACTIVE LIVING (50+)                                                             DANCE CLASS (AGES 5-8)
Come join us for some leisurely fun and socializing. The Torbay Common          Join Haley Everson as she leads a fun and active community dance class
gym will be set up with a variety of self-led, low-intensity games, such as     for kids, age 5–8. Designed for children of all skill levels.
Pickleball, Floor Curling, Bean Bag Toss, Jumbo Board Games, and more.          WINTER SESSION			                       SPRING SESSION
When: Tue, 2:00pm–4:00pm & Thu, 10:00am–12:00pm                                 Program Duration: Jan. 10–Feb. 28       Program Duration: Mar. 2–Apr. 2
Where: Gym, Torbay Common                                                       When: Sun & Tue, 6:00pm–7:00pm          When: Sun & Tue, 6:00pm–7:00pm
Ages: 50+ years                                                                 Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,          Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,
Cost: $2+hst/session                                                                   Torbay Common			                        Torbay Common
                                                                                Ages: 5–8 years			                      Ages: 5–8 years
ACTIVE START                                                                    Cost: $90 (15 sessions)		               Cost: $96 (16 sessions)
A self-led, free play environment with access to soft play and active
equipment, the program will promote fun and physical activity.                  GENTLE YOGA WITH SHERRY
When: Sun, Mon, Wed, & Fri 9:30am–12:30pm                                       Stay healthy, mobile, and connected by joining Sherry Ryan for a gentle
Where: Torbay Common: Sun – MultiPurpose Rooms 1–3; M,W, F – Gym                yoga class. Participants must bring their own mat, block, and water bottle.
Ages: 0–5 years (guardian participation required)                               WINTER SESSION			                       SPRING SESSION
Cost: $2/session; free for guardians (max 1 guardian per child)                 Program Duration: Jan. 13–Feb. 24       Program Duration: Mar. 3–Apr. 28
                                                                                When: Wed, 10:30am–11:30am              When: Wed, 10:30am–11:30am
ARCHERY                                                                         Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,          Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,
Learn the basics of shooting a bow & arrow. Play games & activities in a               Torbay Common			                        Torbay Common
fun & safe environment. No experience needed; equipment provided.               Ages: 18+ years			                      Ages: 18+ years
FAMILY				                               YOUTH                                  Cost: $84+hst (7 sessions)		            Cost: $108+hst (9 sessions)
When: Sat, 9:00am–10:30am		              When: Sat, 11:00am–12:00pm
Where: Gym, Torbay Common                Where: Gym, Torbay Common              INTERMEDIATE YOGA WITH PAM
Ages: 8+ years (supervision required)    Ages: 10–15 years                      Join Pam Senior for a yoga class that will help you stay healthy, mobile,
Cost: $7.50+hst/session		                Cost: $7.50/session                    and connected. Some knowledge of yoga is recommended. Participants
                                                                                must bring their own mat, block, and water bottle.
BODY BLAST WITH LORRIE                                                          WINTER SESSION
Start your morning off right, as Lorrie Robbins leads you through exercises,    GROUP 1				                            GROUP 2
to give your body a boost to start your day! Participants must bring own mat.   Program Duration: Jan. 10–Feb. 28      Program Duration: Jan. 14–Feb. 25
Program Duration: Jan. 11–29                                                    When: Sun, 7:00pm–8:00pm		             When: Thu, 7:00pm–8:00pm
When: Mon, Wed, & Fri, 6:00am–6:45am                                            Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,         Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                           Torbay Common			                       Torbay Common
Ages: 18+ years                                                                 Ages: 18+ years			                     Ages: 18+ years
Cost: $90+hst (9 sessions)                                                      Cost: $96+hst (8 sessions)		           Cost: $84+hst (7 sessions)

                                                                                SPRING SESSION
CHIT-CHAT ‘N’ CRAFT                                                             GROUP 1				                            GROUP 2
Have a chat with an old friend or make some new ones as you socialize           Program Duration: Mar. 7–Apr. 25       Program Duration: Mar. 4–Apr. 29
and create during our weekly Chit-Chat ‘N’ Craft session. All craft supplies    When: Sun, 7:00pm–8:00pm		             When: Thu, 7:00pm–8:00pm
will be provided.
                                                                                Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,         Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,
When: Mon, 8:00pm–9:30pm                                                               Torbay Common			                       Torbay Common
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3, Torbay Common                                    Ages: 18+ years			                     Ages: 18+ years
Ages: 18+ years                                                                 Cost: $84+hst (7 sessions)		           Cost: $108+hst (9 sessions)
Cost: $10+hst/session
LINE DANCING                                                                POP-UP TUESDAYS
Join Haley Everson as she leads a fun and lively line dancing class. All    Join us every second Tuesday, starting January 26, for a new activity
skill levels welcome.                                                       in the area of fitness, arts, athletics, well-being, social connections, or
WINTER SESSION                                                              more! Time, cost, and age restrictions will vary depending on the type of
                                                                            session being offered; stay tuned to our website for details!
DAYTIME				                           EVENING
                                                                            When: Tue (Bi-weekly), Time TBD
Program Duration: Jan. 13–Feb. 24     Program Duration: Jan. 12–Feb. 23
                                                                            Where: Torbay Common
When: Wed, 2:00pm–3:00pm		            When: Tue, 7:30pm–8:30pm
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,        Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,
       Torbay Common			                      Torbay Common                  SIP (SATURDAY INCLUSIVE PROGRAM)
Ages: 18+ years			                    Ages: 18+ years                       Take part in a variety of activites within an inclusive environment, designed
Cost: $70+hst (7 sessions)		          Cost: $70+hst (7 sessions)            for persons with a disability and/or individuals who require additional
                                                                            support to participate in community programs.
                                                                            When: Sat, 12:30pm–2:30pm
DAYTIME				                           EVENING                               Where: Torbay Common
Program Duration: Mar. 3–Apr. 28      Program Duration: Mar. 2–Apr. 27      Ages: All ages
When: Wed, 2:00pm–3:00pm		            When: Tue, 7:30pm–8:30pm              Cost: $7/session
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,        Where: Multipurpose Rooms 1–3,
       Torbay Common			                      Torbay Common
Ages: 18+ years			                    Ages: 18+ years
                                                                            SKILLS & DRILLS
                                                                            Sharpen your skills and learn new ones as staff leads you through skills and
Cost: $90+hst (9 sessions)		          Cost: $90+hst (9 sessions)
                                                                            drills, with importance placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development. All
                                                                            equipment provided.
MERCHANDISE BINGO                                                           WINTER SESSION
At merchandise bingo, you’re guaranteed to have a great time and you
                                                                            VOLLEYBALL				                          BEGINNER BALL HOCKEY
might just take home a prize! You’ll get up to two cards per game. Types
of game play include: straight line, 4 corners, full card, & more.          Program Duration: Jan. 12–Feb. 23       Program Duration: Jan. 13–Feb. 24
                                                                            When: Tue, 6:30pm–7:30pm		              When: Wed, 6:00pm–7:00pm
When: Tue, 2:00pm–3:00pm
                                                                            Where: Gym, Torbay Common               Where: Gym, Torbay Common
Where: Multipurpose Rooms 2 & 3, Torbay Common
                                                                            Ages: 8–12 years			                     Ages: 8–12 years
Ages: 18+ years
                                                                            Cost: $42 (7 sessions)		                Cost: $42 (7 sessions)
Cost: FREE (pre-register to guarantee a seat)
                                                                            ULTIMATE FRISBEE			                     INTERMEDIATE BALL HOCKEY
PARK PLAY                                                                   Program Duration: Jan. 13–Feb. 24       Program Duration: Jan. 13–Feb. 24
Bundle up and join us for some play time in the park. Kids will be led      When: Wed, 7:00pm–8:00pm		               When: Wed, 8:00pm–9:00pm
through games and activities, with some fun equipment available for         Where: Gym, Torbay Common                Where: Gym, Torbay Common
use. Runs bi-weekly starting January 19, weather permitting.                Ages: 8–12 years			                      Ages: 10–13 years
When: Tue (Bi-weekly), 10:30am–11:30am                                      Cost: $42 (7 sessions)		                 Cost: $42 (7 sessions)
Where: Green Space, Torbay Common                                           SPRING SESSION
Ages: 0–5 years (guardian participation required)
                                                                            INTERMEDIATE SOCCER 		                  BEGINNER BASKETBALL
Cost: FREE
                                                                            Program Duration: Mar. 2–Mar. 30        Program Duration: Mar. 3–Mar. 31
                                                                            When: Tue, 6:30pm–7:30pm		              When: Wed, 6:00pm–7:00pm
PICKLEBALL                                                                  Where: Gym, Torbay Common               Where: Gym, Torbay Common
Enjoy a friendly or competitive Pickleball game. Courts will be set for     Ages: 10–13 years			                    Ages: 8–12 years
singles or doubles play; equipment is provided. All skill levels welcome.   Cost: $30 (5 sessions)			               Cost: $30 (5 sessions)
When: Sun, 9:00am-11:00am & Mon, 2:00pm–4:00pm
Where: Gym, Torbay Common                                                   BEGINNER SOCCER 		                      INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL
Ages: 16+ years                                                             Program Duration: Mar. 3–Mar. 31         Program Duration: Mar. 3–Mar. 31
Cost: $2+hst/session                                                        When: Wed, 7:00pm–8:00pm		               When: Wed, 8:00pm–9:00pm
                                                                            Where: Gym, Torbay Common                Where: Gym, Torbay Common
                                                                            Ages: 8–12 years			                      Ages: 10–13 years
                                                                            Cost: $30 (5 sessions)			                Cost: $30 (5 sessions)
Program & Event Registration
 •   Registration for winter session programming opens December
                                                                               TORBAY COMMON WALKING TRACK
     11 at 12:00noon for residents & December 18 at 12:00noon for              As weather turns colder, warm up your walks at the Torbay
     the general public. Registration for spring session programming           Common Walking Track; for walking only. Limit of 8 people per
     opens February 11 at 12:00noon for residents & February 18 at             half-hour time slots.
     12:00noon for the general public.                                                                  TIMESLOTS
 •   Due to COVID-19, all programs require pre-registration through             9:00am–   9:30am–    10:00am– 10:30am– 11:00am– 11:30am–
     e-services only; there will be no drop-in service available.               9:30am    10:00am    10:30am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm
 •   Register 24/7 online through eServices. For more information on
     how to sign-up and register through eServices, visit           When: Mon, Wed, & Fri, 9:00am–12:00pm
     eservices.                                                                Where: Walking Track, Torbay Common
 •   Registration for all special events will close 2 business days prior to   Ages: All ages
     the event to accomodate event set-up, unless otherwise indicated.         Cost: FREE
 •   For registration and program inquiries please call 437-6555.
 •   Refunds: there will be no refunds for programs or events unless a         STROLL & ROLL
     medical note is provided.                                                 Stay active while spending time with your little one. The walking
 •   Cancellations: in the event of a cancellation or other extenuating        track will be open to Stroll & Roll participants only (limit 8 per
     circumstances beyond the control of the Town of Torbay, the Town          hour). Stroller required.
     will not issue refunds less than $25. For programs less than $25, a                                TIMESLOTS
     credit will be placed on the customer’s account.
                                                                                 9:00am–10:00am       10:00am–11:00am       11:00am–12:00pm
 •   A program may be cancelled if registration numbers are low or if
     provincial public health guidelines change.                               When: Tue & Thu, 9:00am–12:00pm
                                                                               Where: Walking Track, Torbay Common
COVID-19 Protocols                                                             Ages: All ages (max 1 guardian per stroller)
                                                                               Cost: FREE
 •   All participants and guardians will be asked to complete the
     COVID-19 screening questionnaire upon arrival to the program.
 •   Masks must be worn upon entry into any Town of Torbay facilities;
     participants must supply their own masks.
                                                                               PUBLIC COUNCIL MEETINGS
                                                                               Public Council Meetings are held every second Monday at
                                                                               6:30pm in Council Chambers at Town Hall. For the most up-
                                                                               to-date listing of 2021 Council Meetings, please visit the
 COMMUNITY SKATE AT JACK BYRNE                                                 Civic Web Portal at
 Grab your family and a pair of skates and join us for a community
                                                                               Due to COVID-19 safety protocols, meetings are currently
 skate at Jack Byrne Arena each month!
                                                                               closed to the public but are live streamed via Town of Torbay’s
                                                                               YouTube channel and the town’s Civic Web Portal.
 Dates: January 3, February 7, & March 7
 Time: 4:30pm–5:20pm
 Where: Jack Byrne Arena, 7 Kennedy’s Brook Drive
 Ages: All ages
 Cost: Donation of non-perishable food item

 Due to COVID-19 regulations:
   • Participants must arrive between 4:15pm-4:30pm and
       must exit the facility by 5:35pm. Space is limited.
   • All participants and guardians will be asked to complete
       the COVID-19 screening questionnaire upon arrival.
   • Masks must be worn upon entry into the arena and
       removed only when ready to move to the ice surface;
       participants must supply their own masks.
                                                                                              8 Kinsmen Place | Torbay
                                                                                              (709) 437-6555
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