Page created by Kyle Banks
With the U N I V E R S I T Y O F N OT R E D A M E 2018
A GUIDE TO ICONS THROUGHOUT THE CATALOG                                               ACTIVITY LEVEL
                                                                            TYPE OF TRIP OR MODE OF TRAVEL
Celebrating 36 years of alumni travel. Thanks to those who                                                                                                        Our tours come in varied activity levels that can suit your interests and
have joined the Travelin' Irish over the years, and here's to                                                                                                     needs. For your convenience, we have rated each trip by the physical activity
many more great adventures.                                                           Land travel
                                                                                                                                                                  you will likely encounter. You can anticipate how active a trip will be by our
                                                                                                                                                                  shamrock ratings:
Mission                                                                               Cruise
                                                                                                                                                                                          Leisure: Easy pace, daily walks at a comfortable
The goal of the Notre Dame Alumni Travel Program is to provide travel                                                                                                                     pace ranging from one to three hours, and excursions
opportunities for our alumni and the entire Notre Dame family, including              River cruise
                                                                                                                                                                                          on relatively flat terrain. Good health is recommended.
parents and friends, reinforcing the University’s traditions and values
with emphasis on the educational and religious character that is unique
to Our Lady’s University.                                                             Air travel included                                                                                 Moderately active: Faster pace, walks at a
                                                                                                                                                                                          comfortable pace ranging from two to four hours,

Program Information                                                                   Suitable for families or multi-generation
                                                                                                                                                                                          and excursions on a variety of terrain, including small
                                                                                                                                                                                          hills and uneven surfaces. Good health is required.
The 2018 Alumni Travel Program offers 39 trips that visit over 60
countries across the globe. The offerings include cruises, river cruises,                                                                                                                 Highly active: A vigorous pace, daily hikes at a
multi-generation, soft adventure, and other types of programming. The       Disclaimer                                                                                                    faster pace ranging from five or more hours, and
travel program provides alumni and friends the opportunity to travel        Dates, schedules, costs, and program details are accurate based on information                                excursions on a variety of terrain, including moderate
together on trips that provide enriching quality travel opportunities       received by Notre Dame as of April 30, 2017, but are subject to change. Please                                to steep trails. Excellent health is necessary.
with many educational and spiritual components not offered by most          verify details, dates, and pricing prior to booking a reservation directly with the
travel programs. Our goal is to create a unique travel experience for our   travel supplier and check the NDAA website for updates throughout the year.           PRICE RANGE
                                                                            The University of Notre Dame, through its Alumni Association, provides the
                                                                            service of facilitating unique travel opportunities for its alumni and friends.       To help you select which tour is best suited for you, we have classified the
                                                                            Though the Alumni Travel Program works with its travel suppliers to offer             programs into the following price categories (excluding airfare unless
                                                                            interesting and educational trips, please remember that the University does           otherwise noted):
                                                                            not conduct tours, nor does it act as an agent for guests interested in tours.
                                                                            The Alumni Travel Program, instead, functions as a facilitator with tour suppliers                            Exceptional Value: Priced $3,000 or less
                                                                            with whom our travelers make arrangements for completing travel. We are
                                                                            pleased to act as a liaison with tour suppliers should you have any questions
                                                                                                                                                                                          Value: Priced $3,001 to $4,599
                                                                            before, during, or after a tour.

                                                                            Our Alumni Travel staff encourages you to familiarize yourself with each tour                                 Luxury: Priced $4,600 to $9,999
                                                                            supplier’s cancellation and refund policy, and also to investigate other services
                                                                            such as trip cancellation insurance. The University is not responsible for                                    Premier: Priced $10,000 or above
Front Cover Photo Location                                                  changes to trips or travel arrangements, or for losses or additional expenses
                                                                            resulting from travel.
Holyhead, Wales - visited on two 2018 trips:
Majestic Passage and Gaelic Exploration

Table of Contents
2018 TRIPS

Dates            Trips                              Page   June 18–July 10   Northern Summer: A Journey            Oct 13–24              Glorious Greece                        16
                                                                             Around the World                 8
Jan 12–21        Galapagos                          2                                                              Oct 30–Nov 10          Patagonia’s Glaciers and Chilean Fjords 16
                                                           July 9–17         Circumnavigation of Iceland      9
Feb 4–16         Wings over East Africa             2                                                              Dec 4–12               Holiday Markets                        16
                                                           July 12–23        Romance of the Douro River       9
Feb 12–20        Cuban Discovery                    2                                                              Dec 8–15               Costa Rica and the Panama Canal        17
                                                           July 16–24        Breathtaking Bordeaux            10
Feb 20–Mar 7     Maori Myths and Magical Landscapes 3
                                                           July 23–Aug 2     Glacial Adventures               10
Mar 16–23        Costa Rica Rainforest Expedition   3
Mar 26–April 7   Insider’s Japan                    4
                                                           July 27–Aug 5     Majestic Great Lakes             11
                                                           Aug 1–9           Scotland–Stirling                11
April 8–13       Great Trains and Grand Canyons     4                                                              Tour Hosts and Lecturers                                      18
                                                           Aug 5–20          The Mighty Mississippi           11
April 14–22      Basque Country                     4                                                              FAQ		                                                         26
                                                           Aug 18–29         Scandinavian Treasures           12
April 14–28      Dynasties of China and Tibet       5                                                              General Information		                                         28
                                                           Aug 29–Sept 9     Southwest England                12
April 18–26      Dutch Waterways                    5
                                                           Sept 4–12         Amalfi Coast                     12
May 2–10         Timeless Beauties                  6
                                                           Sept 4–13         European Coastal Civilizations   13
May 8–23         Majestic Passage                   6
                                                           Sept 13–23        Autumn Inspiration               13
May 9–24         Cruise the Heart of Europe         7
                                                           Sept 16–24        Wines of the Pacific Northwest   13
May 19–27        Flavors of Northern Italy          7
                                                           Sept 22–30        Italian Lakes                    14
June 11–22       National Parks of the Southwest    7
                                                           Sept 23–Oct 4     Essence of Europe                14
June 12–27       Romantic Rhine and Moselle         8
                                                           Oct 1–9           Normandy                         14
June 17–28       Gaelic Exploration                 8
                                                           Oct 3–11          Trade Routes of Coastal Iberia   15
JANUARY 12–21, 2018                                                             FEBRUARY 4–16, 2018                                                             FEBRUARY 12-20, 2018

  Galapagos                                                                       Wings over East Africa                                                          Cuban Discovery
   “A little world within itself,” as Darwin described it, where life-altering    Revel in jaw-dropping wildlife viewing and beautiful natural vistas on a        Cuba’s turbulent economic and political past and vibrant, culturally
  encounters with animals—curious, or sublimely indifferent to our                thrilling 10-night safari adventure to East Africa’s premier parks and          rich present unfold on this enriching journey developed for the
  presence—happen like nowhere else on earth. It’s magical. Each island           reserves. Set out as the sun rises over the savannah, anticipating the          Travelin’ Irish. This exclusive travel opportunity is organized and
  is different and diversely fascinating. And you’ll explore the islands and      day’s unexpected encounters with an astounding variety of magnificent           operated by Go Next, Inc., a qualified people-to-people sponsoring
  habitats of this legendary volcanic archipelago aboard our intimate             animals. As your expert guide offers fascinating insights, study wildlife       organization conducting educational exchanges in Cuba. Specially
  expedition ship, National Geographic Endeavour II, waking each day              up-close in their natural habitats and snap incredible photos. In specially     designed to showcase the island’s authentic spirit, this nine-day
  to fresh experiences. We’ll use our onboard fleet of nimble Zodiacs             outfitted Land Cruisers, journey to the best vantage points in Kenya’s          adventure goes beyond the tourist sights to reveal the rich culture,
  and kayaks to explore up-close and personally. Gain fascinating                 Masai Mara National Reserve and Amboseli National Park, as well as              compelling history, and architectural majesty of a long-forbidden
  insights from our dedicated expedition team. Hike among the wildlife.           Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area.            island undergoing great change. With an intimate group of up to 25
  Explore the vibrant sea—snorkeling, stand-up paddle boarding, and               Witness Mount Kilimanjaro and the Great Rift Valley, and explore the            travelers, you will engage with the country’s true heart and soul:
  swimming daily with sea lions, sea turtles, and penguins. And, capture          Ngorongoro Crater and the Oldupai Gorge. Meet members of the Maasai,            the diverse, inspiring people who call it home. During your visits
  your experience in your best photos ever—with the help of our                   who live on the open plains and raise cattle. This remarkable small-group       to Havana, Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, and Santa Clara,
  certified photo instructor.                                                     safari experience features first-class accommodations, including a              you will connect with Cuban citizens from all walks of life, including
                                                                                  luxury tented camp in Masai Mara; a dedicated Travel Director; highly           artists, students, and entrepreneurs, and discover the realities of
  From approximately $6,960 per person, double occupancy,                         skilled safari guides; and an extensive meal plan. Three flight transfers       one of the world’s most fascinating nations.
  plus airfare                                                                    also ensure extensive viewing time.
  To make a reservation, please contact Lindblad Expeditions                                                                                                      From approximately $4,999 land-only/$5,698 with air between Miami
  at (888) 773-9007                                                               From approximately $6,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare            and Cuba and hotel overnight in Miami
                                                                                  To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695              To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (844) 215-1589

Routing is always                                           Pacific Ocean
subject to Galápagos                                                                           Migori                                                           Gulf of Mexico
                                                      Genovesa                                                                      KENYA
National Park approval.                                                                                                                                                            Havana
                                  Bartolomé                                           Tarime                   Masai Mara                                                                       Santa Clara
                                                                                                               National Reserve                                               Cienfuegos
                                         Baltra                                                                                                                                                     Sancti Spiritus
       Fernandina                                                                                 Serengeti                                                                          Trinidad
                                          Santa Cruz                                              National Park                 Amboseli
                                                                                                                                National Park
                                                         San Cristóbal                                                                                                                                    CUBA
                                          Santa Fe                                                                      Mount Kilimanjaro
                    Isabela                                                           Ngorongoro           Ngorongoro Crater
                                                     Española                    Conservation Area
   2                           Floreana

 FEBRUARY 20–MARCH 7, 2018                                                     MARCH 16–23, 2018

 Maori Myths and                                                               Costa Rica Rainforest
 Magical Landscapes                                                            Expedition
 Unpack once and set sail for 13 nights from Auckland, New                     Discover endless tropical beauty and unparalleled wildlife viewing
 Zealand, to Sydney, Australia, aboard the deluxe Azamara Journey.             during this off-the-beaten-path exploration of Costa Rica. Search
 Begin in Auckland and sail New Zealand’s beautiful coastline to               for native animals, including howler monkeys and scarlet macaws
 Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, Dunedin and other interesting ports             in various parks and refuges, hike upon an active volcano and
 on the north and south islands. In Wellington, enjoy an exclusive             explore scenic canals on a nature cruise. Enjoy time with locals
 AzAmazing Evening featuring Maori song and dance. Sail the pristine           at a Tico family heart-of-palm plantation and hear from a native
 fiordlands of the Milford Sound, and traverse the legendary South             Quaker settler who will share the history of Old Town Monteverde.
 Pacific to Australia. Optional experiences, such as wine tasting, a           Explore native flora and fauna during a special excursion through
 bird-watching excursion, a journey to Middle Earth, or a penguin              Monteverde’s Biological Reserve and visit the serpentarium,
 encounter, are specially designed to immerse you in the sights,               butterfly garden, and hummingbird gallery.
 sounds and tastes of each port. Your adventure includes a special
 AzAmazing Evening, all meals, and gratuities for the ship’s cabin and         From approximately $2,795 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
 restaurant staff. Best of all, this program features longer stays and         To make a reservation, please contact Orbridge at (866) 639-0079
 more overnights in select ports, giving you opportunities for greater
 immersion and extra time to explore these marvelous locales.                                                                                           DISCOVER SOUTHEAST ALASKA, 2016

 From approximately $3,820 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                                                                                                      “In this trip, my first with Notre
 To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695                                                                                   Dame Alumni, I discovered yet
                                                                                                                                                       another reason to be proud of
                                                                                                                                                      my association with Our Lady’s
Sydney                                        Waitangi      Russell                                                                                    University. It was first class in
                                                 Auckland                                                                       Caribbean Sea                   every aspect.”
              Tasman Sea
                                                       Tauranga                                    Arenal                                                   HOWARD ’74 AND SARAH BATHON
                                                 Picton                                                                 Siquirres
                                                             Wellington                            San José

                               NEW ZEALAND                                                             COSTA RICA
                         Milford Sound
                                                                                Pacific Ocean
                                                  Dunedin                                                                                                                                 3
MARCH 26–APRIL 7, 2018                                                       APRIL 8–13, 2018                                                         APRIL 14–22, 2018

Insider’s Japan                                                              Great Trains and                                                         Basque Country
Discover a truly foreign and truly fascinating land of rich traditions and
                                                                             Grand Canyons                                                            The Basque country of Spain and France offers a blend of rich
dizzying modernity. This well-crafted 13-day tour with no more than                                                                                   heritage, proud traditions, and striking natural beauty. Settle in
                                                                             Relax on this one-hotel program featuring Red Rock Country of
24 guests features Tokyo and Kyoto’s highlights, engages you in local                                                                                 picturesque San Sebastián and begin exploring on a walking tour
                                                                             Sedona, Arizona. Stay five nights at a first-class Sedona resort—
life, and takes you off the beaten path. Your journey begins in Tokyo,                                                                                along La Concha Bay to see the Old Town and Cathedral. Cross the
                                                                             including many sights and ample free time to enjoy the great
where touring includes Shinto Meiji Shrine and historic Imperial Palace.                                                                              border into France to visit the villages of St. Jean de Luz, which has a
                                                                             weather and beautiful surroundings. Travel to Williams and board
Visit stunning Mt. Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, home to magnificent                                                                                 swashbuckling history, and Espelette, where whitewashed homes are
                                                                             the Grand Canyon Railway for a nostalgic trip to view the Grand
Mt. Fuji. Overnight in Hakone at a ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn,                                                                                decorated with traditional strings of red peppers. Explore the seaside
                                                                             Canyon, which Theodore Roosevelt said “is the one great sight which
then explore Takayama’s ancient sites. Partake in a traditional tea                                                                                   resort of Biarritz and see the historic highlights of Bayonne, including
                                                                             every American should see.” The Sedona area is showcased with a
ceremony and a hands-on cooking class. Tour Kanazawa’s famed                                                                                          its Gothic Cathedral. On an excursion to Bilbao, tour the Guggenheim
                                                                             Trolley Tour featuring the Chapel of the Holy Cross, Airport Mesa,
Kenrokuen Garden and visit a gold leaf museum. Travel to Kyoto,                                                                                       Museum and see masterpieces by celebrated modern artists. Sip
                                                                             Bell Rock, and Uptown Sedona. Another highlight of the trip will be
Japan’s cultural capital, where you visit the National Museum and see                                                                                 the local wines during a journey through La Rioja wine country. Local
                                                                             the four-hour Verde Canyon Railroad, taking you through unspoiled
prized Kiyomizu pottery. Explore nearby Nara, Japan’s eighth-century                                                                                  guides and expert speakers provide fascinating insight into the
                                                                             wilderness along the Verde River. Visit the ruins of Montezuma Castle
capital, and spend a final day in Kyoto at leisure. On an optional three-                                                                             Basque culture during included excursions and lectures. This program
                                                                             and Jerome, formerly a bustling mining town. The trip concludes
day/two-night post-tour extension, discover cosmopolitan Hiroshima,                                                                                   includes first-class accommodations and an extensive meal plan
                                                                             with a fun Chuckwagon Supper & Stage Show before heading home
reborn from its atomic destruction.                                                                                                                   including wine with dinner.
                                                                             with lots of memories of trains and amazing scenery from Sedona
From approximately $5,691 per person, double occupancy,                      and the Grand Canyon!                                                    From approximately $2,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
including air from Los Angeles or San Francisco. Tour operated by                                                                                     To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695
Odysseys Unlimited. For more information, please contact NDAA                From approximately $2,695 per person, double occupancy, with
Travel at 800-634-2631                                                       estimated air from Chicago. To make a reservation, please contact
                                                                             Premier World Discovery at 877-953-8687

                                                                                                                                                     Bay of Biscay                  Biarritz      Bayonne
     Sea of Japan                                                                                                                                                          St-Jean-de-Luz                        FRANCE
                                                                                                Grand Canyon                                                                                       Espelette
                     Kanazawa              JAPAN                                                National Park                                                   Bilbao
                                                                                                  Williams          Flagstaff                                     San Sebastián                  Pamplona
                                 Takayama          Tokyo                                                         Sedona
                      Kyoto                                                                 Verde Canyon
                                                Hakone                                                              Montezuma Castle
Hiroshima                     Osaka
                                                                                                                    National Monument                                        SPAIN
                                                         Pacific Ocean
 4                                                                                                                                                           Madrid

APRIL 14–28, 2018                                                         APRIL 18–26, 2018

Dynasties of China and Tibet                                              Dutch Waterways
Experience the best of mysterious China and enchanting Tibet. This        Experience a captivating seven-night cruise through Holland and
exceptional, custom-designed, and comprehensive 15-day journey            Belgium’s lovely waterways and canals. As you alight in waterfront
encompasses the breadth of China from the Himalayan “Rooftop of           towns, customize your cruise with a choice of excursions. In
the World,” with three nights in seldom-visited “Sun City” of Lhasa,      Amsterdam, delight in a vividly colorful tulip garden, pedal through
through the dramatic gorges of the Yangtze River, and to the historic     the scenic countryside, or admire the Rijksmuseum’s masterpieces.
neighborhoods of Old Shanghai. Enjoy Five-Star accommodations in          Discover The Hague, the Dutch government’s cosmopolitan center,
centrally located hotels in Beijing, Xi’an, and Lhasa and in Shanghai’s   walk through Delft’s romantic old town, and select from museum
historic Fairmont Peace Hotel. Aboard the deluxe M.V. Victoria            tours featuring fine art or Delft porcelain. Stroll across Bruges’ tiny
Jenna, cruise for three nights from Chongqing to Yichang. Tour the        cobbled bridges, and then visit an art museum, family brewery or
impressive Three Gorges Dam. Visit six UNESCO World Heritage sites.       chocolatier’s shop. Other included excursions take you cruising
Walk along the Great Wall and through Beijing’s Forbidden City and        down Amsterdam’s picturesque canals, floating through fairy-
Tiananmen Square. Visit the ancient capital of Xi’an and view the         tale Giethoorn and walking through Antwerp’s medieval streets.
impressive Terra Cotta Warriors at Lintong. Explore magnificent           Your travel director handles all the logistics, while local guides and
Tibetan temples and monasteries, including Potala Palace, former          lecturers enlighten you on the region’s history and culture. Enjoy the
winter residence of the Dalai Lamas, and experience Shanghai’s Bund       simplicity of unpacking once aboard a first-class ship, where your
and Pudong districts, including the Shanghai Museum.                      welcoming crew provides exceptional service and delicious meals,
                                                                          including wine and beer with lunch and dinner. For solo travelers,                   WILD ATLANTIC WAY, 2016
From approximately $4,995 person, double occupancy, plus airfare          the single supplement is waived.                                              “Great blend of scenery and
To make a reservation, please contact Thomas P. Gohagan & Company at
(877) 406-3263                                                            From approximately $2,695 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare        education!” “This is our second
                                                                          To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695        trip. We are looking forward to our
                                                                                                                                                      third, fourth, fifth, and beyond!”
                                                                                                                                                     FRANK FLOYD ’77 AND COLETTE PAWLAK-FLOYD ’78 SMC
                                                                                    North Sea            THE NETHERLANDS
                                                                East                                                 Kampen
      CHINA                                                   China Sea
                          Xi'an                                                             The Hague        Amsterdam
                                                                                                 Delft            Utrecht
                                                                                   Middelburg                  Schoonhoven
                                                         Shanghai                   Bruges
                                                                                                      BELGIUM                                                                                      5
MAY 2–10, 2018                                                             MAY 8–23, 2018

                                     Timeless Beauties                                                          Majestic Passage
                                     Embark on your luxury cruise in cosmopolitan Barcelona, Spain’s            Connect New World settlements with their Old World roots on your
                                     gem of art and architecture. Travel to Valencia to taste paella in         journey from Canada to the United Kingdom. Embark aboard the
                                     its birthplace, stroll the cobbled streets of Palma de Mallorca’s old      Marina in Montréal, which blends North American charisma with
                                     quarter, and take in the impressive Gorges du Prunelli in Ajaccio.         European charm. Founded in 1634 but devastated by fire in 1908,
                                     The great masterpieces of the Renaissance—Brunelleschi’s                   Trois-Riviéres is now a modern city with a deep sense of history.
                                     Duomo, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, Michelangelo’s David,               Discover Québec City’s classic European style before sailing to
                                     the Ponte Vecchio, and the Uffizi Gallery—await you in Florence;           Saguenay, home of Canada’s only navigable fjord. Explore marine
                                     while Portofino, nestled on a botanically rich peninsula along the         artifacts and aboriginal cultures in the Corner Brook Museum;
                                     scenic Italian Riviera, offers stunning scenery. See where Picasso         immerse yourself into Gaelic culture in Saint Pierre and Miquelon;
                                     lived and painted at the Picasso National Museum in Antibes                and learn the secret of Saint John’s curious Reversing Falls. Cross
                                     before heading to the last stop in your luxury cruise, Monte Carlo,        the Atlantic and dive into Irish culture from both the port town of
                                     with its famous Grand Corniche and the 12th-century Prince’s               Cobh and the thoroughly cosmopolitan capital of Dublin. Hike the
                                     Palace of Monaco.                                                          Welsh countryside from Holyhead and England’s dramatic Jurassic
                                                                                                                Coast from Portland before disembarking in London, Britain’s
                                     From approximately $2,499 per person, double occupancy                     timeless capital.
                                     (Includes airfare from select gateways)
             SICILY, 2016            To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023            From approximately $3,999 per person, double occupancy
    “It was a Notre Dame                                                                                        (Includes airfare from select gateways)
                                                                                                                To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023
experience to meet and travel
with a cross-section of alumni
     covering many years.”
       FR. LEE GUARNIERI ‘76 M.A.                      Monte Carlo              Portofino
                                                          Antibes        Pisa        Florence                           Saguenay
                                                                                                                                 Corner Brook                     Dublin        London
                                    SPAIN         Barcelona               Ajaccio
                                                                                                                                   St. John's                     Cobh
                                                                                                                City                                                         Portland
                                                      Palma de                                                                                    Ocean
                                                      Mallorca                                               Montréal           Saint Pierre


MAY 9–24, 2018                                                             MAY 19–27, 2018                                                              JUNE 11–22, 2018

Cruise the Heart of Europe                                                 Flavors of Northern Italy                                                    National Parks of the
Coursing through the heartland of Europe, the continent’s great            Join our small group for an intimate, nine-day journey to the
rivers made expansion in art, culture and trade possible. On this          culinary and cultural heart of Northern Italy—a region brimming              It’s a land of scenes epic in scope, from the immense Grand Canyon
one-of-a-kind journey through five countries, explore the charming         with exquisite local wines, specialty ingredients, soul-satisfying           and the sinuous Colorado to the sandstone spires of Bryce and the
canals of Amsterdam and navigate the fabled Rhine, Main, and               signature dishes, and the wonderful Italians who conjure them with           red-rock cliffs of Zion, which your small group—limited to just 24
Danube rivers. Discover historic cities such as Cologne with its           time-honored techniques. Settle in to a beautiful, family-owned              guests—celebrates. Begin your 11-day journey in sunshine-blessed
celebrated Cathedral and Würzburg, renowned for its baroque                wine estate outside Verona. Within reach is a connoisseur’s pick of          Tucson at the renowned 98-acre Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.
and rococo architecture. Visit the walled city of Nuremberg and            centuries-old wineries, artisan producers, and extraordinary historic        Tour Phoenix’s fascinating Heard Museum of Native Cultures and Art.
the stunning imperial capitals of Vienna, Bratislava, and Budapest.        sights. With each day highlighted by exclusive experiences, you’ll           Encounter dazzling Sedona’s towering red sandstone formations
Explore charming river towns, and marvel at the beauty of the              access authentic Italy, learn from local Italians, and most of all, revel    with an exhilarating Jeep tour, then spend a day at the awe-inspiring
Middle Rhine and Wachau valleys. Personalize your experience with a        in la dolce vita—the joyful celebration of food, friends, and life.          Grand Canyon, a UNESCO site. Take a thrilling Colorado River motorized
choice of included shore excursions that include eight UNESCO World
                                                                                                                                                        rafting excursion from the Glen Canyon Dam. Discover stunning Upper
Heritage sites. Local speakers lead engaging talks that showcase           From approximately $3,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                                                                                                        Antelope Canyon’s “flowing” rock walls, and marvel at Bryce Canyon
local history and culture. This expertly crafted journey includes first-   To make a reservation, please contact Orbridge at (866) 639-0079
                                                                                                                                                        National Park’s otherworldly hoodoo rock formations. Enjoy a day in
class cruise accommodations and all meals including wine with lunch
                                                                                                                                                        Zion National Park’s wondrous natural world. After your immersion
and dinner. For solo travelers, the single supplement is waived.
                                                                                                                                                        in outdoor grandeur, depart for Las Vegas, where you toast your
From approximately $5,995 per person, double occupancy                                                                                                  Southwestern adventure at a farewell dinner.
(Includes free economy airfare from select gateway cities)
To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695                                                                                      From approximately $3,395 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                                                                                                        Tour operated by Odysseys Unlimited. For more information, please
                                                                                                                                                        contact NDAA Travel at (800) 634-2631

Amsterdam                  GERMANY                                                                                                                                         NEVADA               UTAH
                      Cologne                                                                      Verona                        Venice
                        Koblenz Würzburg                                                                                                                                                         Bryce
                                                                                                                                 (Optional Extension)                                  Zion
                 Miltenberg          Bamberg                 Dürnstein
   Nuremberg                                                                                                                                                                           Las Vegas
                       Regensburg                            Bratislava
                                    Passau                                                                                                                                                         Sedona
                                                Vienna                                                                                                                           Grand Canyon
                                                                Budapest                               Modena                                                                    National Park
                                  Melk                                                                                                                                                              Phoenix
JUNE 12–27, 2018                                                        JUNE 17–28, 2018                                                           JUNE 18–JULY 10, 2018

Romantic Rhine and Moselle                                              Gaelic Exploration                                                         Northern Summer: A
From Zürich to Amsterdam and everywhere in between, romance             Immerse yourself in Gaelic tradition as you sail through the Emerald
                                                                                                                                                   Journey Around the World
is alive and well on the Rhine River and its idyllic tributary, the     Isles. Start your journey in Ireland’s cosmopolitan capital of Dublin      by Private Jet
Moselle. The Rhine has become as much an icon of Northern Europe        where you’ll embark on the Nautica and head back in time to
as the pristine castles, fairy-tale villages, and lush forests that     Viking-founded Waterford, the oldest city on the island. Admire            Follow the midnight sun to 12 intriguing destinations in the
dot its banks. As you cruise its shores and explore its treasures,      nature’s bounty in the delightful fishing town of Cobh and the             world’s northernmost reaches. Explore Russia’s wild Kamchatka
you’re sure to fall in love with a landscape you didn’t believe could   mountainous Glengarriff. Gaelic heritage comes to life in Galway at        Peninsula, stay in Mongolia’s dramatic Gobi Desert, and soar over
truly exist. Embark on an all-inclusive, credit-card free luxury        An Taibhdhearc—the national Irish language theater of Ireland—             Greenland’s starkly beautiful ice fjords and glaciers. Experience
river cruise aboard the state-of-the-art Scenic Opal. With a            and historic Londonderry, the only completely walled city remaining        the magic of long summer days in Northern Europe’s most
meticulously planned itinerary, unique and unforgettable shore          in the British Isles. In Belfast, birthplace of the Titanic, discover an   vibrant capitals and remote Siberian outposts. This 23-day
excursions, and all onboard drinks and dining included, there is no     industrial city polished into a beautiful Northern Irish destination;      journey combines the ease of private jet travel, which cuts down
better way to experience the Rhine and immerse yourself in the          and embrace Viking history at the Manx Museum in Douglas. From             on travel time by flying direct to remote destinations, with a
history and culture that lie inside.                                    the beaches to The Beatles, Liverpool delights with a combination          four-night journey aboard the well-appointed Golden Eagle
                                                                        of modern attractions and classic British heritage. Finally, hike the      Trans-Siberian Express.
From approximately $6,449 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare    magnificent Welsh countryside from your port in Holyhead before
To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (866) 655-9070         disembarking the Nautica back in Dublin.                                   From approximately $81,950 per person, double occupancy
                                                                                                                                                   To make a reservation, please contact TCS World Travel at
                                                                        From approximately $4,799 per person, double occupancy                     (800) 454-4149
                                                                        (Includes airfare from select gateways)
                                                                        To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023

                   Amsterdam          NETHERLANDS                                                                                                                     Greenland            Finland
                            Arnhem                                          Atlantic
                                       Maastricht    GERMANY                 Ocean                                                                                           Iceland                       Russia
                    Veere                                                                               Londonderry
                               Antwerp     Koblenz                                                                                                   Seattle                Latvia
                              Cochern         Rüdesheim                                                     Belfast                                                            Estonia                    Mongolia
       Moselle                                                                                                    Douglas
                            Bernkastel          Mannheim                                                                                                         Boston
                                                          Rhine                    Galway         Dublin                   Liverpool
                                               Strasbourg                                                          Holyhead
               FRANCE                            Zurich                                Cobh            Waterford
 8                                        SWITZERLAND

JULY 9–17, 2018                                                              JULY 12–23, 2018

Circumnavigation of Iceland                                                  Romance of the Douro River
Discover the stunning beauty and distinct culture of Iceland—one of          Portugal led the world during the Age of Discovery. Now it is time for
the world’s most enchanting destinations—on this specially designed          the world to rediscover Portugal’s stunning beauty, rich tradition
seven-night circumnavigation cruise of this extraordinary Nordic             and warm people. Spend three nights in Lisbon and walk in the
island nation. Cruise aboard the exclusively chartered, Five-Star, small     footsteps of the world’s greatest explorers before launching
ship M.S. Le Soléal, featuring only 110 suites and staterooms. Look for      a five-night cruise of the Douro River aboard the exclusively
orca, humpback whales, and rare migratory birds; see landscapes of           chartered M.S. Gil Eanes. Your journey concludes with two nights in
ancient Viking ruins and glittering glaciers atop simmering volcanoes;       vibrant Porto. Visit Lisbon’s Hieronymite Monastery and the Tower
and touch ice fragments calved from one of Europe’s largest glaciers.        of Belém. Discover pretty Coimbra and the esteemed university
Cross the Arctic Circle on Grímsey Island and cruise along the coast         in Óbidos. Explore Douro Valley wine country, which produces rich
of Surtsey, Earth’s youngest island and a UNESCO World Heritage site.        port wine. Expert lecturers enhance your experience with scholarly
Explore the majestic and rocky vista of a former lava lake and marvel        and cultural insight. This well-crafted journey includes first-class
at dramatic Goðafoss, the “Waterfall of the Gods.” Includes round-trip       accommodations in Lisbon and aboard the ship. All meals are
air from select cities.                                                      included during the cruise and include beer and wine with lunch
                                                                             and dinner. For solo travelers, there is no single supplement.
From approximately $5,995 per person, double occupancy (Includes
airfare from select gateways)                                                Hosted by Rev. “Monk” Malloy, C.S.C., ’63, ’67 M.A., ’69 M.Th.,
To make a reservation, please contact Thomas P. Gohagan & Company at         Notre Dame President Emeritus                                                   WINGS OVER TANZANIA, 2016
(877) 406-3263                                                                                                                                        “This was a wonderful first Africa
                                                                             From approximately $3,495 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                             To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695        trip for us—excellent support in
                                                                                                                                                       an area that is not well known to
                                                                                                                                                          us. Wonderful experience!”
 Atlantic                                                                  Guimarães      Vila Réal                                                          JOHN ’81 AND PEGGY LEGAULT ‘78
  Ocean                                                                                           Pinhão
                      Siglufjördur         Husavik                            Porto
                                                                                           Régua                               Salamanca
 Ísafjördur                               Lake Mývatn                                               Barca d'Alva
                                      Goðafoss                                         PORTUGAL
        Thingvellir                                          Djúpivogur                  Coimbra
      National Park
       Reykjavik Geysir
                   Surtsey     Heimaey
                                                                                  Lisbon                                                                                                      9
JULY 16–24, 2018                                                       JULY 23–AUGUST 2, 2018

                                            Breathtaking Bordeaux                                                  Glacial Adventures
                                            Experience the breathtaking beauty of the Dordogne and Garonne         Explore the astounding glaciers, native traditions, and awe-inspiring
                                            rivers, which together have shaped the scenery and culture of the      scenery on this cruise up and down the Alaskan and Canadian
                                            Bordeaux region of France. In addition to the world-class wines        Pacific coast. Embark on the Regatta in Seattle and sail up the Inside
                                            made possible by Bordeaux’s perfect combination of climate and         Passage, a stunning waterway edged by verdant forests, mountains,
                                            soil, the region has built a rich tapestry of culture and tradition    and glaciers, and dotted with countless islands. Your first stop is
                                            from Gothic churches to opulent châteaus and medieval villages, all    Ketchikan, once proclaimed the Salmon Capital of the World, on
                                            thanks to these magnificent waterways. Embark on an all-inclusive,     your way to Alaska’s capital city, Juneau. From authentic totems to
                                            credit-card free luxury river cruise aboard the state-of-the-art       upscale shopping, Juneau is a picturesque blend of the historical
                                            Scenic Diamond. With a meticulously planned itinerary, unique and      and the contemporary. Catch Gold Fever in Skagway, gateway to
                                            unforgettable shore excursions, and all onboard drinks and dining      the famed Klondike gold fields; spend a day sailing in the shadow of
                                            included, there is no better way to experience the Bordeaux region     the majestic Hubbard Glacier; and immerse yourself in native Tlingit
                                            and immerse yourself in the history and culture that lie inside.       culture in Hoonah and Sitka. Finally, cruise the open blue waters of
                                                                                                                   the Outside Passage to Victoria, Western Canada’s oldest city, before
                                            From approximately $3,899 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare   disembarking the Regatta back in Seattle.
                                            To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (866) 655-9070
                                                                                                                   From $3,649 per person, double occupancy
       GREAT JOURNEY THROUGH EUROPE, 2016                                                                          (Includes airfare from select gateways)
“We chose the trip for the itinerary,                                                                              To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023

   but found that traveling with
    other ND guests definitely
  enhanced our travel experience.”
              BILL ’66 AND BETTY LOFTUS                                                                                  Hubbard Glacier
                                             Atlantic                                                                                                                       BRITISH
                                              Ocean               Pauillac                    FRANCE                                        Sitka
                                                                                                                                               Ketchikan      Prince Rupert
                                                                                     Libourne       Bergerac
                                                                       Cadillac                Saint-Émilion
                                                                                  Sauternes                                                                      Victoria
  10                                                                                                                                                                          Seattle

JULY 27–AUGUST 5, 2018                                                   AUGUST 1–9, 2018                                                       AUGUST 5–20, 2018

Majestic Great Lakes                                                     Scotland – Stirling                                                    The Mighty Mississippi
Explore the verdant wilderness, rocky shores, and pristine               The history and beauty of Scotland are immortalized in poetry          Experience the full grandeur of the Mississippi River aboard the
islands of North America as you sail the Great Lakes aboard the          and legend. Settle in historic Stirling, gateway to the Highlands.     iconic and stately American Queen riverboat. Put yourself in a
202-guest M/V Victory I. Embarking in the cultural hub of Chicago,       Walk in the footsteps of Scottish royalty at Stirling Castle. Admire   Mississippi state of mind with an overnight stay in the thriving arts
you’ll leave the Windy City and cruise scenic Lake Michigan on           the beauty of Loch Lomond and Loch Katrine in the Trossachs. In        and cultural hub of Minneapolis before embarking on the American
your way to the idyllic Victorian atmosphere of Mackinac Island.         St. Andrews, visit the castle, cathedral and the famed Old Course.     Queen in historic Red Wing. Stroll through lovely La Crosse, Dubuque’s
Traverse the legendary Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, the Midwest’s      See the Forth Bridge, a UNESCO World Heritage site, on the way to      National Mississippi River Museum, and Mark Twain’s hometown of
oldest city; sail the shimmering waters of Georgian Bay; and             Edinburgh, where you’ll attend a stirring performance of the Royal     Hannibal, before taking a tour of St. Louis, known as the “Gateway
explore the native traditions of Manitoulin Island. Celebrate music      Edinburgh Military Tattoo. This concert by military bands from         to the West.” Victorian heritage surrounds you in Cape Girardeau, an
history at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, and relive the   throughout Britain takes place on the grounds of Edinburgh Castle.     abundance of art awaits in Paducah, a stop in Dover lets you tour Civil
glory days of the American automobile at the Henry Ford Museum           In Perth, visit Scone Palace, site of Scottish coronations. Tour the   War history at Fort Donelson, and the blues and barbecue abound in
in Detroit. Cap off your cruise by experiencing the immensity            Glenturret distillery in Crieff for a “wee dram” of Scotch whiskey.    Memphis. Tour lovingly restored mansions in Natchez before crossing
and grandeur of Niagara Falls from the thrilling perspective of a        Local guides and speakers provide fascinating insight during           over into Louisiana where you’ll explore stops in St. Francisville,
Hornblower vessel before disembarking in Toronto, one of the most        included excursions and lectures. This program includes first-class    Baton Rouge, and Nottoway; and finally bid farewell to the American
culturally diverse cities in the world.                                  accommodations and an extensive meal plan, including wine with         Queen in the wild and wonderful city of New Orleans.
From $5,999 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare                                                                                          From $3,599 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (866) 655-9070          From approximately $2,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare   To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (877) 333-0449
                                                                         To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695

                                 Manitoulin        CANADA                                                                                                          Red Wing
                                 Island                                                                SCOTLAND                                                                  La Crosse
                                                 BRITISH                                                                      BRITISH                                  Dubuque                    BRITISH
         Sault Ste. Marie                                                                            Crieff                                                                                       COLUMBIA
         Mackinac Island                         COLUMBIA
                                        Little Current
                                                                                        The Trossachs
                                                                                                                 Perth        COLUMBIA
                                                Midland                                                                  St. Andrews
                                                                                                                                                UNITED               Hannibal
                                                                                       Loch Lomond                                              STATES                St. Louis
                                                  Toronto                                                         Edinburgh                                       Cape Girardeau
                     MICHIGAN                                                                  Luss
                                     Welland       Niagara Falls                                              Stirling                                                             Memphis
                       Detroit          Canal
       Chicago                                                                                                                                                  Natchez
                                                                                                                                                                 Baton Rouge St. Francisville                     11
  ILLINOIS                                                                                                                                                           Nottoway      New Orleans
AUGUST 18–29, 2018                                                          AUGUST 29–SEPTEMBER 9, 2018                                               SEPTEMBER 4–12, 2018

Scandinavian Treasures                                                      Southwest England                                                         Amalfi Coast
Discover the unique personality of Northern Europe as you set sail          Experience the sprawling estates, cozy villages and delightful historic   Journey to the Amalfi Coast, a serene paradise of majestic
across the Baltic Sea. Embark on your luxury cruise aboard the              sites of Southwest England during this 10-night program featuring         mountains, pastel houses, and the cerulean Mediterranean Sea.
Marina in Stockholm, Sweden’s island city often called “Beauty on           stays in Bath, Falmouth, Exeter and London. Begin in Bath, a UNESCO       Spend seven nights in your base of Vietri sul Mare and enjoy
Water.” Leave for the Lithuanian capital of Tallinn, a fairy-tale city of   World Heritage city bursting with beautiful Georgian architecture and     fascinating excursions and educational programs designed to
Gothic churches and half-hidden courtyards, before your two-night           sacred hot springs. Admire Longleat’s Tudor façade and hedge maze,        immerse you in the region’s daily life. Travel a serpentine coastline
stay in Russia’s window to the West, St. Petersburg. Built by Peter the     and tour Stourhead’s Palladian mansion and gardens. Traverse North        to Amalfi, and admire Positano, Italy’s most vertical village. Taste
Great and boasting European sophistication with an imperial flair,          Devon to visit Port Isaac, and see the legendary Bedruthan Steps.         buffalo mozzarella at a local dairy farm, and see Paestum’s
the city features whimsical golden spires, pastel-colored palaces,          Follow intrepid explorers at Falmouth’s Maritime Museum, and explore      fascinating Greek ruins. Tour Naples and view treasures at the
and onion domes that complement this magical metropolis’s vast              Heartlands, a renovated mining landscape. Travel along the coast          city’s Museo Archeologico Nazionale, one of the world’s most
network of canals and arched bridges. Head ashore in Helsinki,              toward the fishing village of St. Ives and the medieval St. Michael’s     important archaeological museums. Peek into the lives cut short at
where imaginative architecture mingles with leafy parks and elegant         Mount. Taste smooth Plymouth Gin, tour Exeter city, and witness the       Herculaneum and Pompeii by the A.D. 79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
gardens, before crossing the Baltic Sea, where Klaipeda’s Smiltyne          storied Magna Carta in Salisbury. Complete your adventure with leisure    Invigorate your senses while exploring lemon-scented Sorrento and
beach and the Latvian National Museum of Art in Riga await you.             time in vibrant London. Along the way, local guides and experts will      marvel at the colorful gardens and Arabesque architecture of Villa
Take in the sights of Berlin, Germany’s culture-rich capital; explore       provide fascinating insight during included excursions and interactive    Rufolo. This Alumni Campus Abroad program includes first-class
the delightful former fishing village of Warnemünde; and finally            talks. This small-group experience features first-class accommodations    accommodations and an extensive meal plan complemented by wine
disembark the Marina in Copenhagen, the friendly Danish capital             and an extensive meal plan including wine with dinner.                    with dinner. For single travelers, there is no single supplement.
where the legendary Little Mermaid greets visitors to its shores.
                                                                            From approximately $3,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare      From approximately $3,295 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
From $3,799 per person, double occupancy                                    To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695        To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695
(Includes airfare from select gateways)
To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023

                  Stockholm                            St. Petersburg                                                                                                          ITALY
                                                   Tallinn                                                ENGLAND
                                                                                   Exeter                                                                                   Pompeii
                                                     Riga                                                                 London
                                                                                               Longleat     Bath                                                   Sorrento          Vietri sul Mare
              Copenhagen                  Klaipeda                                                            Salisbury                                                           Ravello
                                                                                  Port Isaac                                                                 Isle of Capri
                                                                                                    Dartmoor National Park                                                             Paestum
              Warnemünde                                                        St. Ives         Plymouth
                                                                            Land's End     Marazion
 12               Berlin

 SEPTEMBER 4–13, 2018                                                      SEPTEMBER 13–23, 2018                                                      SEPTEMBER 16–24, 2018

 European Coastal                                                          Autumn Inspiration                                                         Wines of the Pacific
 Civilizations                                                             Experience the explosive colors of autumn as you sail up North
                                                                           America’s immense and beautiful Atlantic coast. Embark on your
 Join this unique itinerary, which captures the historical legacies and                                                                               Your journey through the Pacific Northwest begins with a stay in
                                                                           luxury cruise aboard the Insignia in New York, the “City that Never
 dynamic cultures of coastal England, France, Spain, and Portugal.                                                                                    the heart of Vancouver, Washington, where you can sample the
                                                                           Sleeps.” Your first stop is New England’s own European-style resort
 Cruise for eight nights from London aboard the exclusively chartered,                                                                                world-famous Pinot Noir of the nearby Willamette Valley. Embark on
                                                                           city, Newport. Take in America’s revolutionary history on Boston’s
 Five-Star, small ship Le Lapérouse, newly launched and featuring                                                                                     the luxurious American Empress and follow the Snake and Columbia
                                                                           renowned Freedom Trail before docking in Bar Harbor, where you
 private balconies for all of its 92 deluxe suites and staterooms. Visit                                                                              Rivers through the stunning Columbia Valley AVA, nestled on the
                                                                           can immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring Acadia National Park. As
 three UNESCO World Heritage sites and enjoy a memorable cruise                                                                                       same latitudes as the famed Burgundy and Bordeaux regions of
                                                                           you sail north into Canada, you’ll discover Saint John, a Victorian city
 down the storied River Thames from London’s illustrious Tower Bridge.                                                                                France. Along the way, cruise into Astoria—one of the oldest cities
                                                                           with its own curious reversing river. Embrace British and Scottish
 Special guest speaker Dwight D. Eisenhower II, grandson of General                                                                                   west of the Rockies—and explore The Dalles, a picturesque frontier
                                                                           traditions in Halifax before sailing across the magnificent Gulf of
 and President Dwight D. Eisenhower, accompanies you to the hallowed                                                                                  town once known as the end of the Oregon Trail. Delve into the
                                                                           Lawrence to Sept-Îles, a port town fronted by a stunning seven-island
 beaches of Normandy. Explore Oporto in Portugal’s renowned port                                                                                      fascinating Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum, and let
                                                                           archipelago. Flanked by emerald mountains and towering plateaus,
 wine country. Walk in the footsteps of ancient pilgrims on the Way                                                                                   a legendary piece of American history comes to life in Sacajawea
                                                                           Saguenay claims Canada’s only navigable fjord, while Québec City, the
 of St. James in Santiago de Compostela. Observe the intriguing                                                                                       State Park, the 1805 campsite of fabled explorers Lewis and Clark
                                                                           only walled city in North America, shows old-world European charm
 juxtaposition of old and new in Bilbao and visit the Guggenheim                                                                                      and the famous Shoshone Indian guide to whom the park owes its
                                                                           seeping into the heart of French Canada. You’ll disembark in Montréal,
 Museum. Tour Mont-St-Michel’s impressive abbey. London Pre-Cruise                                                                                    name. Before disembarking American Empress, you’ll stay the night
                                                                           Canada’s second-most populous city, which blends North American
 and Lisbon Post-Cruise options.                                                                                                                      in Clarkston, Washington, where you can wander the town known as
                                                                           charisma with European charm.
                                                                                                                                                      the gateway to Hells Canyon.
 From approximately $5,195 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                           From $3,949 per person, double occupancy
 To make a reservation, please contact Thomas P. Gohagan & Company                                                                                    From $3,499 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                           (Includes airfare from select gateways)
 at (877) 406-3263                                                                                                                                    To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (877) 333-0449
                                                                           To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023

                                                                                         CANADA                           Sept-Îles
               Normandy Beaches                                                                                                                                                                         Spokane
Atlantic Ocean      St-Malo                                                                     Saguenay                       BRITISH                                      Sacajawea
                                                                                            Québec City
                                                                                                                               COLUMBIA                       Astoria       State Park                    Clarkston
                                                                                           Montréal                      Saint John                                         Stevenson
                                        FRANCE                                                                                                               Portland
                                                                                                                                 Halifax                                       The Dalles
                                                                                                 Portland         Bar Harbor
                    Santiago de                                                                 Boston                                                                                                          IDAHO
                    Compostela                                                                Newport                              Atlantic Ocean                            OREGON
                    Oporto     SPAIN                                                   New York                                                                                                                         13
SEPTEMBER 22–30, 2018                                                  SEPTEMBER 23–OCTOBER 4, 2018                                               OCTOBER 1–9, 2018

Italian Lakes                                                          Essence of Europe                                                          Normandy
Immerse yourself in the true essence of life in northern               Explore ancient cities, alluring beaches, and culture straight             Today, Normandy is a peaceful place where life is enjoyed with joie
Italy’s fabled Lake District. For one full week, enjoy charming        from the Old World as you set sail across the Mediterranean Sea            de vivre, but just over seven decades ago, it was the site of the
accommodations in the belle-époque Palace Hotel in the heart of        aboard the luxurious Riviera. Embark from Rome, Italy’s treasure           pivotal World War II battle against the Nazis. Settle in charming
lovely Como and just steps away from the local market. Cruise by       of history and architecture, and view great masterpieces of                Honfleur, and delve into Norman history and culture, including an
private boat on Lake Como, Lake Maggiore, and Lake Orta. During        the Renaissance—Brunelleschi’s Duomo, the Baptistery of San                outing to an estate farm and authentic fromagerie in the French
expert-guided excursions and time on your own, explore beautiful       Giovanni, and Michelangelo’s David—in Florence. Hike the rugged            countryside. Take an emotional journey to Omaha Beach, the
villages and artistic and architectural treasures. Visit Bellagio,     coastline of the Cinque Terre, unwind in the sparkling beach town          American Cemetery and the inspiring Peace Memorial. Normandy’s
Villa del Balbianello, Stresa, the Borromean Islands, and the Sacro    of Calvi, and bask in the glitz and glamour of fabulous Monte Carlo.       military past began long before 1944; in Bayeux, see the famous
Monte di Orta, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Spend a day in Milan,     Cruise the Côte d’Azur to Antibes and its marvelous Picasso Museum         Bayeux Tapestry, an embroidered history of the Battle of Hastings.
to visit the Duomo and Teatro alla Scala, and see Leonardo da          before being welcomed into Provençal France and the historic port          Journey to Mont-Saint-Michel, the breathtaking fortress monastery
Vinci’s masterpiece The Last Supper. Enriching lectures and the        city of Marseille. Explore Spanish history and culture in the Citadel      guarded by the tide’s ebb and flow, and taste Calvados, the local
exclusive Village Life® Forum with local residents provide personal    of Roses, Beliver Castle in Palma de Mallorca, and the stunning blend      cider brandy, and other renowned food and drink of the region.
perspectives. An exceptional value, this exclusive, small-group        of contemporary and baroque architecture in Valencia. Your time            Local guides and expert speakers provide insight during excursions
travel program offers not only the best way to experience              aboard the Riviera will end in cosmopolitan Barcelona, Spain’s gem         and lectures. This seven-night program features a first-class hotel,
one of the world’s most enchanting destinations, but also the          of art and culture.                                                        engaging excursions, educational talks and ample meals, plus wine
convenience of unpacking only once! Verona and Venice Post-                                                                                       with dinner. For single travelers, there is no single supplement.
Program Option.                                                        From $3,499 per person, double occupancy
                                                                       (Includes airfare from select gateways)                                    From approximately $2,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
From approximately $3,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare   To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023            To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695
To make a reservation, please contact Thomas P. Gohagan & Company
at (877) 406-3263

                      SWITZERLAND                                                                                     La Spezia/
                                                                                                         Monte Carlo Cinque Terre
                                                                                         Marseille               Pisa     Florence
                                                   Bellagio                                          Antibes                                                                                               BELGIUM
                        Stresa         Como                                      Roses                     Calvi                   Rome
                                                                                                                                                                        Pointe du Hoc
               Sacro Monte                                                                                                                                                                           Rouen
                    di Orta                                                     Barcelona                                                            Saint-Laurent-                     Honfleur
                                         ITALY                                                                                                                    Bayeux       Caen                        Giverny
                                                          Verona           Valencia       Palma de
                                                                                          Mallorca                                             Mont-Saint-Michel                                                 Paris
 14                                    Milan                                                                                                                                       FRANCE

OCTOBER 3–11, 2018

Trade Routes of
Coastal Iberia
This unique and exclusive nine-day itinerary and small ship voyage
showcases the coastal jewels of the Iberian Peninsula between                   ALUMNI STUDY ABROAD - ROME, 2016
Barcelona, Spain, and Lisbon, Portugal, during the best time of year.
Cruise up Spain’s legendary Guadalquivir River, “the great river,” into      “Rome can be overwhelming with
the heart of beautiful Seville, an exclusive opportunity only available     its history, traffic, and abundance
on this itinerary and by small ship. Visit Portugal’s lesser-traveled
Algarve region and the regal city of Granada, Spain. Stand on the “Top       of options. Having access to the
of the Rock” to see the Pillars of Hercules spanning the scenic Strait of     ND facilities and staff helped to
Gibraltar and call on the enchanting Balearic Island of Mallorca. During
daily port calls and included excursions, enjoy stunning scenery               make the experience so much
and see four UNESCO World Heritage sites aboard the exclusively                more personal and accessible.”
chartered, five-star M.S. Le Lyrial. This state-of-the-art small ship,
launched in 2015, features 110 ocean-view suites and staterooms
                                                                                “Notre Dame takes travel to
and complimentary alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages and Wi-Fi               a new level by blending world
throughout the ship. A two-night Barcelona Pre-Cruise Option and
two-night Lisbon Post-Cruise Option are offered.
                                                                               class education with exciting
From approximately $4,395 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
To make a reservation, please contact Thomas P. Gohagan & Company at                 ART ’93 AND EMILY MONAGHAN
(877) 406-3263

                                     SPAIN                    Barcelona

         Sintra                                       Palma de
        Portimáo                Granada         Almería
                    Gibraltar         Motril                                                                                    15
OCTOBER 13–24, 2018                                                  OCTOBER 30–NOVEMBER 10, 2018                                           DECEMBER 4–12, 2018

Glorious Greece                                                      Patagonia’s Glaciers                                                   Holiday Markets
Classic mythology, glistening oceans, and ancient cities await you
                                                                     and the Chilean Fjords                                                 Delight in the magical merriment of Germany’s holiday markets on
on this luxurious tour of Greece. Embark on the Riviera in Athens,                                                                          a seven-night cruise that celebrates enduring festive traditions.
                                                                     From the legendary Tierra del Fuego archipelago to pristine glacier-
the Cradle of Democracy; and set off to Gythion, the port city of                                                                           During Advent, villages of wooden kiosks festooned with pine
                                                                     studded fjords and sweeping pampas grassland, experience
Sparta. Play around in Katakonos, a quiet seaside town where you                                                                            branches, red ribbons, and cheerful lights spring up in town
                                                                     the extremes and contrasts of Patagonia, the breathtaking tip
can head inland to Olympia, birthplace of the Olympic Games. Enjoy                                                                          squares along the Rhine and Main Rivers. Linger in these fanciful
                                                                     of South America that crosses the Andes from the Pacific to the
astounding views of Mount Etna in Taormina and explore Valletta,                                                                            Christkindlmarkts, as you savor the tantalizing aromas of mulled
                                                                     Atlantic, on this unique, 12-day land and sea journey through
Europe’s smallest capital, before cruising the Mediterranean to                                                                             wine and gingerbread. Aboard your first-class ship, relax on deck
                                                                     southern Chile. Cruise for four nights aboard the small expedition
the island of Crete and Heraklion’s astounding ruins. Soak in the                                                                           as the stunning scenery unfolds around you, vistas of clifftop
                                                                     ship M.V. Ventus Australis with a team of naturalists to provide
ever-present sunshine of Rhodes, and lounge on the fabulous                                                                                 castles, charming villages, and rolling hills. Sail through the scenic
                                                                     expert insight. Cruise the historic Beagle Channel and Strait of
black sand beaches of Santorini that epitomize Grecian beauty.                                                                              Rhine Gorge, and gaze upward at the soaring spires of Cologne’s
                                                                     Magellan and through magnificent Glacier Alley. Stand at the tip of
You’ll hear the sounds of over 300 churches’ bells echo over the                                                                            magnificent cathedral. Admire the quaint timbered architecture of
                                                                     Cape Horn, the “edge of the world.” Travel into the vast expanse of
otherwise-tranquil island of Patmos, where John the Apostle wrote                                                                           medieval gems Miltenberg and Rothenburg on the Romantic Road.
                                                                     Patagonia to see sparkling glaciers, unique wildlife and the iconic
the Book of Revelation, before you complete your voyage of Greece                                                                           Walk through the stately halls of Würzburg’s palace, and explore
                                                                     mountains in Torres del Paine National Park. Enjoy deluxe hotel
back in Athens.                                                                                                                             beautiful Koblenz. While in Cologne, Bamberg and Nuremberg, select
                                                                     accommodations; visit an award-winning winery near Santiago;
                                                                                                                                            from a choice of intriguing excursions. Enjoy insightful lectures
From $2,999 per person, double occupancy                             walk the elegant, 19th-century mansion‑lined Plaza de Armas in
                                                                                                                                            and ample onboard meals, including wine and beer with lunch and
(Includes airfare from select gateways)                              Punta Arenas. Easter Island Pre-Program and Buenos Aires/Iguazú
                                                                                                                                            dinner. For solo travelers, the single supplement is waived.
To make a reservation, please contact Go Next at (800) 842-9023      Falls Post-Program Options are offered.
                                                                                                                                            From approximately $1,995 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
                                                                     From approximately $6,695 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare   To make a reservation, please contact AHI Travel at (877) 464-2695
                                                                     To make a reservation, please contact Thomas P. Gohagan & Company
                                                                     at (877) 406-3263

                                                                                                           Iguazú Falls
                                                                                           Santiago     Buenos Aires                                               GERMANY
                                        Athens              TURKEY
      Taormina        Katakonos
                                                    Patmos                                                ARGENTINA                                                Frankfurt
                                                                                                                                              Cologne    Rüdesheim
                                                                                                                          Atlantic Ocean                                Bamberg
                              Gythion                      Rhodes                                                                                  Koblenz
          Valletta                                                                                                                                                           Würzburg
                                Santorini                                         Torres del Paine                                                    Miltenberg          Nuremberg
                                                                                    Puerto Natales       Punta Arenas
 16                                                                                                          Ushuaia                        FRANCE                          Munich
DECEMBER 8–15, 2018

  Costa Rica and
  the Panama Canal
  A land of contrasts: the renowned natural beauty of Costa Rica
  and the tropical wildness of Panama; the stark concrete of the
  Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering in constant use for nearly
  100 years. Travel with us aboard our intimate expedition ship,
  National Geographic Quest, for a unique Canal transit and rare
  opportunities to explore deep in the jungle. We’ll journey through
  the intricate locks of the Panama Canal for an up-close view, plus
  visit the Smithsonian Research Station on Barro Colorado Island in
  the Canal Zone. We will venture into the forests of Manuel Antonio
  and Corcovado National Parks. And if you choose, ride horseback
  through the rain forest, explore a jungle shoreline by kayak or
  paddleboard, snorkel a vibrant undersea garden, and cruise along
  mangroves aboard our expedition landing craft. The region is home
  to iconic wildlife—brilliant macaws, howler monkeys, capuchin
  monkeys, sloths, and vibrantly colored butterflies.

  From approximately $5,990 per person, double occupancy, plus airfare
  To make a reservation, please contact Lindblad Expeditions at
  (888) 773-9007

 NICARAGUA                        Carribbean Sea

                 San José        Colón    Panama Canal
Antonio N.P.
                                            Barro Colorado Is.
 Osa Peninsula
      Golfo Dulce
                         Isla de Coiba             COLOMBIA
     Pacific Ocean                                                       17
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