World Diamond Congress Drives Industry To Action - Solitaire ...

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World Diamond Congress Drives Industry To Action - Solitaire ...
WFDB former president Avi Paz addresses the gathering.

     World Diamond
     Congress Drives
     Industry To Action
     The 35th World Diamond Congress that was hosted by the Bharat
     Diamond Bourse (BDB) and the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion
     Council (GJEPC) in Mumbai on October 14-17 provided a platform for
     discussing a range of issues pertaining to the prospects of the global
     diamond industry. The meeting is expected to serve as a catalyst for
     urgent action required in solving a number of chronic problems and
     addressing some new challenges faced across the diamond pipeline.
     Regan Luis reports.

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The World Diamond Congress gets off to an auspicious start.

                   he problems plaguing        Blom, the newly elected WFDB president.       president Anoop Mehta said, “The World
                   the global diamond          “The decisions taken and the debates that     Diamond Congress, which is being held
                   industry today are as       were launched will make sure that the         in India for the first time, is an important
                   multifaceted as the         industry can grow and prosper as we go        event for the international diamond
                   gem itself. The recently    into the new era of the diamond industry.”    community. India has grown rapidly to
concluded World Diamond Congress, the             Maxim Shkadov, the newly elected           emerge as the leading centre in the world
joint biennial meeting of the International    IDMA president, concurred, “This has          diamond industry and this growth has not
Diamond Manufacturers Association              been a very constructive Congress, and to     only been remarkable in terms of sheer
(IDMA) and the World Federation of             my memory, one of the best Congresses. I      numbers, but also in overall development.
Diamond Bourses (WFDB), was an                 hope that the questions discussed and the     The Indian industry today is at the
opportunity for stakeholders to discuss        presentations made over the last few days     cutting-edge of technology with large well-
these external and internal issues that        will address the problems and challenges      organised factories with a conducive work
confront the industry. On top of the           of our business. All the countries and        environment, and fair labour practices.
agenda were key matters such as collecting     their member organisations must come             “Most of all, it is an industry fully aware
funds to promote diamonds through a            together to solve these questions and         of its responsibilities – to be transparent,
generic campaign, the Diamond Source           restore the profitability of our industry.”   compliant and to adhere to the strictest
Warranty Protocol, re-working the                 The World Diamond Congress, which          principles of business ethics. The latter
definition of the Kimberley Process (KP),      hosted a number of delegates, observers       becomes even more important today
and Chain of Custody (CoC) regulations         and special invitees from across the          when synthetic diamonds have entered
among others.                                  world, was inaugurated by the chief guest,    the market and are beginning to establish
   “This was a successful Congress and         Maharashtra chief minister Prithviraj         themselves. The challenge lies in ensuring
many important items relevant to the           Chavan at the Taj Lands End Hotel in          full disclosure and transparency, and
future sustainability of the diamond           Mumbai, on October 15.                        anything short of full disclosure is bound
industry were discussed,” said Ernest             Speaking at the opening ceremony, BDB      to impact the natural diamond industry in

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                                                     an extremely adverse manner. Hence, it is       Joint Session
                                                     up to us in the trade to remain vigilant, and   The inauguration ceremony was followed
                                                     bodies like WFDB and IDMA should play           by the IDMA and WFDB’s first joint
                                                     a crucial role in this.”                        session, which addressed subjects like
                                                        This year, the Congress chose to             industry supply, transparency and
                                                     introduce a mini-conference within the          synthetics. The outgoing WFDB president
                                                     main event in an endeavour to raise the         Avi Paz expressed that the US market
     For the first time we                           level of debate and discussion within the       remains a difficult trading area at this
     brought in this idea                            diamond industry. The mini-conference           stage and that the instability of the global
     in consultation with                            was divided into two afternoon sessions,        market is a concern. He also noted how
     the WFDB and IDMA                               and included presentations and                  the present currency problems in the local
                                                     discussions with the house.                     Indian market have had a negative effect
     that there are some
                                                        Vasant Mehta, the IDMA vice president        on the diamond industry, but sincerely
     burning issues in the                           and former GJEPC chairman, elaborated:          thanked the banking industry for the
     industry and we should                          “For the first time we brought in this          support and for being valued partners.
     have a dialogue with                            idea in consultation with the WFDB              Paz continued by describing the diamond
     the audience and an                             and IDMA that there are some burning            industry as very resilient, which has stood
     interactive conference                          issues in the industry and we should            it in good stead through difficult times and
     where expert speakers                           have a dialogue with the audience and           made the industry adaptable to changing
     would debate on the                             an interactive conference where expert          conditions.
     issues and engage the                           speakers would debate on the issues and             In his address to the first joint session of
     audience.”                                      engage the audience. We have tried to           the congress, outgoing IDMA president
                                                     make people aware of the issues and have        Moti Ganz urged the diamond producers
                                                     taken suggestions from the audience of          to give manufacturers stronger backing
                                                     what can be done. The WFDB and IDMA             by vouching for rough supplies that
                                                     would dwell upon this and may come up           will in turn enable the manufacturers to
                                                     with some solutions in the coming times.”       commit to their clients with consistent

     Varda Shine said the DTC and other diamond suppliers needed to adapt their production outlook and to look carefully at the needs of the new
     markets like India and China.

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and continuous supplies of polished.            that the detection and proper disclosure
He warned that if retail jewellers              of synthetic diamonds were essential
cannot be guaranteed a continuous and           for these products to become accepted
consistent supply of polished diamonds          among the gemstones that are for sale in
at competitive prices, they may look            the market.
at alternative gemstones – including               Shine estimated that to date about 5
synthetic diamonds – that promise better        billion carats of diamonds have been
profit margins. Ganz noted that a lack          introduced to the market and emphasised
of sustainable supplies of rough may            that the market must be consumer-driven
also push diamond cutters towards the           and based on consumer demands. She
production of synthetic diamonds. Ganz          continued by stressing the three points
called on the industry to unite and fight       which are critical in order for growing
towards a common goal and emphasised            the market: securing supply, maintaining
the retention of margins in the diamond         consumer confidence, and stimulating          The delegates were taken on a tour of the
                                                                                              Bharat Diamond Bourse and were visibly
trade as these are vital in ensuring that the   consumer demand. She noted that               impressed by the sheer size of the exchange
trade remains a profitable one and has the      Forevermark will also be introducing a        and its world-class facilities.
ability to expand in the future.                new range called Halo jewellery, consisting
   Varda Shine, CEO of the De Beers’            of a large centre stone with smaller stones
Diamond Trading Company (DTC),                  surrounding it. It is believed that the
noted that with the new markets in China        marketing of this new range will stimulate
and India, the DTC and other diamond            further diamond jewellery sales across
suppliers needed to adapt their production      the board. Shine noted that although the      If retail jewellers
outlook and to look carefully at the needs      Chinese market is slowing down, growth        cannot be guaranteed
of these new markets. Shine also observed       of double-digit figures are still expected    a continuous and
that with Botswana becoming the DTC’s           from this market in the current year.         consistent supply of
global rough sorting and selling centre,           GIA president and CEO Donna Baker
southern Africa would become the leading        assured the industry of the institute's
                                                                                              polished diamonds at
region for rough supplies to the global         commitment to investing in people,
                                                                                              competitive prices, they
diamond industry since it was home to           research and education. She confirmed         may look at alternative
many rough diamond sources. Shine also          that synthetic stones must be declared and    gemstones – including
noted that the DTC did not view gem-            that the GIA labs will continue working       synthetic diamonds –
quality synthetic diamonds as a threat          towards exposure of treated diamonds as       that promise better
to natural diamonds, but emphasised             and when they see them.                       profit margins.”

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                                              KP reform is nigh                                consensus in the KP tradition, on the other
                                              Gillian Milovanovic, ambassador from the         hand, will have a strongly positive effect on
                                              US State Department and current chair of         all segments of the diamond world,” she
                                              the Kimberley Process said that while the        added.
                                              KP has been very successful, change must             The South African minister of mineral
                                              not be feared and that a new definition of       resources, Susan Shabangu, a keynote
                                              conflict diamonds must be developed. “I          speaker at the Congress noted that on
                                              believe that the KP must build, not simply       the 10th anniversary of the Kimberley
                                              take pride in, its achievements and that it is   Process it was fitting that South Africa
                                              time for the KP to evolve. Within the KP – and   took over the chair of this organisation
                                              that includes all of you in industry – we        founded in Kimberley, South Africa in
                                              need to discuss and eventually adopt a           2003. Shabangu expressed how African
                                              new definition of ‘conflict diamond’, one        countries benefited from the KP as this
                                              that will encompass agreed situations of         allowed them to trade in diamonds to an
                                              conflict in which diamonds are directly          international market while complying
                                              involved. There should be a definition           with all legislation. The review of the KP in
                                              that applies clearly and predictably to          Italy earlier this year was welcomed by the
             Gillian Milovanovic              every participant, and one that ensures          minister and she confirmed that she was
                                              that KP Certification Scheme assurances          in favour of any reform as long as it did not
                                              correspond to the evolving expectations of       move away from the original concept of
                                              consumers,” Milovanovic said.                    the KP. Shabangu once more committed
                                                 She stressed that a “give-and-take”           herself and the South African government
                                              relationship between parties must be             to the KP and what it sets out to achieve.
                                              formed in order to strengthen the process        She further voiced her conviction that
                                              even further. She called for positive ideas      producing countries must share in wealth
                                              and advice from Congress delegates in            creation and encouraged African countries
                                              order to develop the way forward. She also       to take ownership of the KP and become
                                              noted the importance of the KP website           part of it in order to extract maximum
                                              which remains an active tool in assisting        benefit from it.
                                              with the management of the process and               Shabangu stressed the importance of
                                              its communications. This site is used to         beneficiation and wished for this to be
             Susan Shabangu
                                              upload any cases involving false certificates    implemented in more producing countries
                                              to assist officials around the world in          in order to create employment and skills
                                              managing the KP and to take action               development. The minister explained
                                              against offenders.                               that the South African government had
                                                 “Some have worried that change could          created the State Diamond Trader in the
                                              have a disproportionately negative effect        country in order to ensure the supply of
                                              on producer nations. Others have been            rough diamonds to small industry players
                                              just as concerned that manufacturing             to ensure development and the survival of
                                              or trading nations would be damaged              small entities. She praised India for its well-
                                              collaterally. While I understand these           developed infrastructure and the example
     Diamonds are the                         concerns, especially at what is a stressful      it is setting for countries such as South
     second-most monitored                    time for your industry, I am convinced           Africa. “India and South Africa have shared
     and controlled                           that together we can ensure that change          a long history going back over many years
                                              brings sustained improvement not                 and this relationship must be nurtured for
     commodity in the world;                  destabilization to the industry. I believe       future development,” she noted. In closing,
     uranium is the first. And                that clinging to the status quo, no matter       Shabangu called for the implementation of
     we are well on our way                   the very real achievements of the past ten       the KP to be made even stronger as every
     to overdo uranium, as if                 years, will eventually undermine the KP          sector of the industry benefits by it.
     this product of love and                 and the diamond industry it is designed              Focusing on the theme of change, World
     passion is so dangerous                  to help and protect. Changes carefully           Diamond Council president Eli Izhakoff
     to the world.”                           considered and crafted, and adopted by           too supported the principle of expanding

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the definition of conflict diamonds, but    outlines the implications of the
emphasised that it must meet the ability    Diamond Source Warranty Protocol
of participants to implement the            in detail on page 59)
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme         “The diamond industry is extremely
effectively, and be directly associated     concerned about the Protocol that was
with the trade in rough diamonds. “We       announced by the American organisations.
in the diamond industry do not want,        We take strong exception to it. We were
nor would we have any interest, in having   never party to any of the deliberations and
our products or our industry associated     we are appealing to the powers that be that
with a problematic human rights             this matter be reconsidered,” said Blom.
situation. Our position is steadfast, and      Speaking on behalf of both
that was emphasised when we reached         organisations, Shkadov and Blom added
an agreement with the Civil Society         that the two bodies would need to enter
Coalition regarding the incorporation of    into an immediate and intense dialogue
a statement concerning compliance with      with their American colleagues to try and
international human rights law into the     mitigate the perceived difficulties and
KP's Administrative Decision on Internal    barriers this initiative would be presenting
Controls,” Izhakoff said.                   to the international gem and jewellery
                                            business community.                            (Top left) Russell Mehta, Stephane Fischler,
                                                                                           Reuven Kaufman, Rajiv Mehta and Chaim
Super chain of custody                         Industry expert Chaim Even-Zohar,           Even-Zohar discuss the challenges faced by
The Diamond Source Warranty Protocol,       who gave a presentation at the Congress,       the diamond industry. (Above) Chaim Even-
which was launched just a day before the    argued passionately against the segregation    Zohar gives an animated presentation.

Congress by Jewelers of America (JA),       of diamonds under the Diamond Source
the Jewelers Vigilance Council (JVC) and    Warranty Protocol, adding that it would
the Diamond Manufacturers & Importers       lead to the creation of what he termed
Association of America (DMIA), became       “apartheid diamonds”.
the subject of intense debate. The IDMA        “Diamonds are the second-most
and WFDB voiced their members’ grave        monitored and controlled commodity
concerns with regard to the Protocol’s      in the world; uranium is the first. And we
effect on the flow of goods throughout      are well on our way to overdo uranium,
the legitimate diamond supply pipeline,     as if this product of love and passion is so
including the burden of increased costs     dangerous to the world. What is bothering
for maintaining separate inventories.       us is the lack of dialogue and engagement
(Industry expert Pranay Narvekar            between the retailers and the suppliers

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© Ya'akov Almor – MDBC
                                          Surat’s top diamond
                                          cutting and polishing
                                          factories hosted a few
                                          of the delegates, who
                                          opted for a daylong
                                          visit to the city.

                                          in cutting centres. The Protocol is really     and Angola, who are the very people that
                                          a super Chain of Custody (CoC) which           need help the most.
                                          talks about sellers’ obligations and buyers’      “The entire chain of goods will have
                                          rights, but there’s nothing in there about     to be certified, not just the mining
                                          buyers’ obligations and sellers’ rights,”      source, but everything in between.
                                          Even-Zohar said in his presentation.           My main issue is with the segregation
                                             “If a diamond manufacturer has sold         of diamonds. In southern Africa,
                                          a certain parcel and within three years        segregation means only one thing –
     My main issue is with                he finds out that one diamond was from         apartheid. And suddenly we’ll have one
     the segregation of                   Zimbabwe, he will be in breach and can         diamond that is good and one that is
     diamonds. In southern                be sued and will have to pay damages.          bad. Diamonds are neutral and anyone
                                          Why would a bank finance your exports          who thinks he can segregate diamonds
     Africa, segregation                  if within three years you can still be         into various classes is out of his mind.
     means only one thing –               challenged in the court? All of a sudden,      Yes, we have to find a way to have CoC in
     apartheid. And suddenly              we have no final business.”                    some form or the other, but it should not
     we’ll have one diamond                  Even-Zohar noted that while it would be     create a situation where we have good
     that is good and one                 easy for the big companies like De Beers       diamonds and bad diamonds.
     that is bad.”                        and Alrosa to maintain CoC at the mining          “Diamonds are the most profitable
                                          level, the Protocol would end up hurting       item in a jewellery store. I don’t think
                                          artisanal miners in places like the Congo      that any administration in America

World Diamond Congress Drives Industry To Action - Solitaire ...

‘Generic Funding Needs Buy-in From All Players’
The newly elected WFDB president Ernest Blom outlines his vision for the
future in an exclusive e-mail interview with Solitaire International.
                             What are your main goals                  deciding on matters. All we can do is to make it known that we
                             as the newly elected WFDB                 represent the interests of the vast majority of diamantaires
                             president?                                worldwide and are always willing to debate the way forward in
                             My main goals as president will           a consultative manner.
                             be to increase the profile of the
                             organisation internationally, to          The Mumbai Congress saw no agreement with regard
                             improve the communication                 to the funding and management of a generic diamond
                             and flow of information within            promotion campaign. How will the WFDB address
                             the WFDB, and I would like to             this critical need to promote diamonds to the end
                             add value for the members and             consumer? Does it see the World Diamond Mark as the
                             promote our product.                      solution?
                                                                       Generic funding needs the buy-in from all the industry’s
                            What are the main issues                   role players representing the entire pipeline. The Diamond
facing the diamond industry today and what has the                     Mark will play an important role as will consultation with all
recent World Diamond Congress done to address                          stakeholders.
The main issues, in no particular priority are profitability           Are there any synergies being explored with bodies
or lack thereof; future supply constraints; maintaining                like the World Gold Council and the Platinum Guild
consumer confidence; and unreasonable demands placed                   International for generic jewellery promotions?
upon the industry, e.g. Diamond Source Warranty Protocol.              I have very good relations with all the leading organisations
                                                                       and as such always explore symbiotic and synergic relations,
The Diamond Source Warranty Protocol may be seen                       this I will continue to do.
as a serious lack of communication between two
major areas of the diamond pipeline? How can the                       Anything else you may like to add.
WFDB ensure that such policies concerning diamonds                     I look forward to my term of office to promote our industry, one
are not made in isolation in future?                                   which we can be proud of. We need to create sustainability for
It is very difficult to ask entities who do not want to be             future generations and protect the integrity of our product with
inclusive in their approach, for their own reasons, when               a zero tolerance attitude.

would want a million people to lose their      of which the Diamond Source Warranty            Push for generic promotion
jobs because of some diamond protocol.         Protocol was planned in secrecy and             Filling the void left by the withdrawal of
It doesn’t absolve us from obligation          without any consultation with the mining        De Beers’ global umbrella advertising
as an industry; we have to be proactive        or manufacturing segments.                      campaign about five years ago was another
and find solutions. There has to be more          Dimexon director Rajiv Mehta noted           hotly debated topic at the Congress. De
transparency across the industry and we        that while it was necessary to have             Beers, which had an annual marketing
must go forward,” remarked Even-Zohar.         standards like CoC in the industry, there       budget of $200 million, abandoned
   “In India alone, if all of the companies    isn’t room for multiple standards as they       its global generic diamond advertising
decide to have two stocks only –               may end up confusing the end consumer.          campaign after its share of the world
compliant and non-compliant – it is going         Reuven Kaufman, president of the             diamond market dropped to 40%. In
to cost in the region of $500 million. I       Diamond Dealers Club of New York,               the last couple of years the world’s top
don’t even want to think of the costs if you   said that the industry was spending a lot       diamond miner has focussed almost
have any more separations,” he stated.         of time and effort on issues like CoC and       entirely on marketing its proprietary
   In a panel discussion, Antwerp World        strengthening the Kimberley Process,            Forevermark diamonds.
Diamond Centre (AWDC) president                while not much was being done about                “The diamond industry is facing a major
Stephane Fischler pointed out that the         marketing diamonds and making a profit.         challenge of falling volume demand as
diamond industry had a chronically             “Let’s put all our effort together to see how   other products are vying for a share of the
unsynchronised pipeline that was               we can sell diamonds. That should be the        consumer’s wallet. The only way to tackle
characterised by a lack of information         focal point and fulcrum of any meeting in       this is through widespread promotion and
flow, leadership and dialogue, as a result     future,” he remarked.                           marketing of diamonds through different
                                                                                                                           (Continued on page 55)

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WFDB Appoints New Executive Committee
       The following members of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses were appointed as the Executive Committee on the
       sidelines of the 35th World Diamond Congress in Mumbai.

       President                : Ernest Blom                                 WFDB Honorary Awards
       Vice-president           : Julien Drybooms
       Secretary-general        : Rony Unterman
       Deputy Secretary-general : Albert Haberkorn
       Treasurer-general        : Dieter Hahn
       Deputy Treasurer-general : Harry Levy
       Executive members        : Reuven Kaufman
       		                         Lin Qiang
       		                         Yair Sahar
       		                         Anoop Metha
       		                         Nikhil Jhaveri
       		                         Sergey Oulin
       		                         Rami Baron
       		                         Alex Popov       Avi Paz (right) receiving his Honorary Life   Dieter Hahn (right), the current treasurer-
                                                   President award from Ernest Blom (left),      general for the WFDB, receiving his
       		                         Willy Rotti
                                                   the newly elected WFDB president.             Honorary Life Treasurer-General award from
                                                                                                 Willy Rotti (left).

       IDMA Elects New President & Vice Presidents
       The International Diamond Manufacturers Association (IDMA) elected a new board for the upcoming two years at its concluding
       meeting at the World Diamond Congress. The IDMA members elected Maxim Shkadov of Russia as its new president.
       Incumbent secretary general Ronnie VanderLinden and incumbent treasurer Stephane Fischler were both re-elected for
       another term in office. Three incumbent vice presidents, Vasant Mehta of India; Ronny Friedman of USA; and Eduard Denckens
       of Belgium were also re-elected. In addition, David de Toledo of Israel and Edward Asscher of the Netherlands were elected to
       serve as vice presidents.

     In his presentation, Charles Wyndham said that diamonds have underperformed in general, while polished prices had grossly underperformed
     in comparison with other luxury goods, which is a deep-seated trend and it’s only getting worse.

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(From left) Ronnie VanderLinden, Sanjay Kothari, Nirupa Bhatt, Suresh Hathiramani and Vijay Ramchandran discussed ways to raise the public
profile of diamonds, which they agreed was losing market share to other luxury items.

(Continued from page 53)

means and at all levels. There is a need for      Sanjay Kothari, an industry veteran and          Blom said that the WFDB has initiated
the industry to come together and put in       past chairman of the GJEPC, stated, “To         a pilot project called the World Diamond
place a generic campaign that will produce     begin with, the WFDB and IDMA along             Mark, which if successful, could provide
the necessary results and rekindle the         with some of the mining companies can           a strong source of income to promote
desire for diamonds,” Anoop Mehta said.        collect the money. They can monitor the         generic advertising. “The World Diamond
   Echoing this sentiment, GJEPC               fund, and according to the requirements         Mark is a not-for-profit organisation
chairman Vipul Shah added, “We                 of each country, collaborate with the           operating out of Hong Kong. It will be the
appeal on behalf of the Indian diamond         respective associations to hire a marketing     new marketing arm of the entire diamond
community to the WFDB, IDMA and                agency that can create a campaign suited to     and diamond jewellery industry, with the
the World Diamond Council to come              each country’s needs. Mining companies          unique mission to ensure the health and
together to create a programme for generic     like Alrosa and De Beers can charge a           future growth of our industry in the luxury
promotion of diamonds in the world.            cess of about 0.1% or 0.25% on rough            sector,” the WFDB said in a statement.
India will lend support to any endeavour       sales as a tax for funding generic diamond          “Obviously we will also be speaking to
that the Congress may initiate to increase     promotions. In effect, the miners will          the producers to discuss the feasibility on
demand for diamonds as a category. We          become collection points for the funds          levying rough diamonds as was originally
have to find a way to make women around        and will not necessarily pay out of their       proposed a couple of years ago for the
the world believe that a diamond is truly      pockets, while the rest can be put up by the    International Diamond Board (IDB). We
forever and is ethical.”                       remaining stakeholders.”                        need to understand that we cannot be
   A panel discussion moderated by Chaim          Addressing a joint press conference          operating in isolation any more. We are
Even-Zohar on the generic marketing            on the final day, WFDB chairman Ernest          interlinked with the producers and they are
of diamonds suggested that diamond             Blom noted, “We are always looking to           interlinked with us. If they can’t produce,
industry players could contribute to a         improve our cash flow and if there is a         then we don’t have diamonds to polish and
campaign on a pro rata basis. However, no      levy that could be imposed on rough,            trade with. If we don’t trade and polish,
formal decision was taken at the Congress      we wouldn’t say no to that. But we are          then they don’t have a market. So I think
with regard to levying rough production to     examining other initiatives for our industry    it’s a symbiotic relationship that we need to
fund generic diamond promotions.               to raise funds for generic advertising.”        encourage and nurture,” Blom said.

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Speakers at the Congress also called for   support for the programme.                    where each country’s trade association
     suggestions to revive the IDB, an industry-      “The WFDB and IDMA must set                must be given control of the allocated
     wide initiative whose sole purpose was        a timeframe of around 6-9 months              marketing fund.”
     the generic promotion of diamonds and         and take some concrete steps towards             The panel also debated the possibility
     diamond jewellery to consumers. Initially     kicking off a generic diamond marketing       of moving away from the core message
     championed by Russian diamond miner           campaign,” Kothari implored. “The             of love to sell diamonds. However, it
     Alrosa, the IDB’s overarching mission was     industry is no longer just talking about      was noted that among De Beers’ many
     to create and sustain strong consumer         doing something to promote diamonds,          marketing campaigns over the years,
     demand for diamonds worldwide through         but it is ready to move forward and that is   the only one that proved a “spectacular
     effective category marketing. Its role        the best sign.”                               failure” was its Right Hand Ring
     included implementing communication              Nirupa Bhatt, managing director of the     campaign, which was based on the self-
     and public relations activities aimed         GIA in India and the Middle East, added,      purchase, self-esteem route. “Personally,
     at sustaining consumer confidence in          “Once you have all the funding in place,      I think women have found out they can
     diamonds. However, the initiative had         the question that could cause some issue      get love without getting a diamond first,”
     to be shelved after Alrosa withdrew its       is how you spend that money and that’s        Even-Zohar quipped.

     ‘Shrinking Wallet Share For Diamonds
     Keeps Me Awake At Night’
     Rosy Blue (India) Pvt. Ltd. managing director Russell Mehta gave a masterful
     presentation on the challenges facing the diamond industry. Following are
     some excerpts from his speech.
                               Regarding the challenges the                present the industry is just regaining its balance and seeing
                               polishing industry is facing, I know        some semblance of stability with primary producers making
                               that all of us have experienced a           sizeable price cuts in their rough prices.
                               very difficult past 12 months. We
                               are all feeling the innumerable             In 2012, the rough purchases by the industry are expected to
                               and insurmountable challenges               be around $15 billion. However, this does not reflect the true
                               and hence we are questioning                economic picture. The industry has overpaid about $600-
                               the viability of our polishing              $800 million for the rough, and this cost is absorbed by the
                               business. The challenges as I see           polishing industry every year.
                               are some short term, due to the
                               volatile economic situation, and            The market has regularised today and stability has been
                               some longer term, which are more            restored partially by the rupee appreciating and some better
                               industry-specific and structural. I         September polished sales. However, the average price for the
     want to focus on the medium and longer term challenges which          third quarter is low. The pipeline may become relatively more
     need to be addressed by all of us as they will have bearing on        even by the end of this year, depending on the rough diamond
     our future.                                                           supplies this quarter. Further, if we have a reasonable
                                                                           consumer sales season, we will probably see some uptick
     Some of the longer term challenges are the industry’s declining       in the rough and polished prices, and a better stock-turn
     share of wallet, shrinking industry, manufacturing profitability,     perhaps in the first quarter of 2013. These ups and downs
     industry perception and regulation, recycling of polished             are all part and parcel of business cycles, which we as an
     diamonds, synthetics, B2B price lists, and attracting talent.         industry have ignored till 2011 and even as late as 2007.
                                                                           The tough times will come to pass and we all get used to this
     The first half of 2011 was one of the best periods in recent          volatility. However, the fundamental nature of our industry has
     history for diamond companies due to an unprecedented                 changed. I want to draw your attention to some tough, serious
     rise in diamond prices. Both trading and manufacturing was            headwinds, which we will be facing for some time – the trends
     profitable and many companies got drawn into speculating on           for which are all visible here.
     prices. That euphoria, however, was short-lived in the second
     half of 2011 and the first eight months of 2012 as prices             Longer term issues may not be immediately apparent but
     steadily declined. Much of the primary rough was unprofitable         grow gradually and have a huge impact on business. Many of
     to polish and companies were under liquidity pressures. At            us either ignore these challenges, or are too caught up with

56             INTERNATIONAL      NOVEMBER 2012

our immediate issues to bother about them. However, we              Another point to think about is that even if we get more carats,
need to take proactive and collective action on these issues        where is the market today to sell them? Most projections for
now, to ensure future industry health, as ignoring them would       future diamond production seem to suggest that carats would
mean faster industry decline or may prove too costly at a           remain near current levels. I believe the stable level would be
later date.                                                         between 140 million carats and 150 million carats, which is
                                                                    about 15-20 million carats above current levels, as all mining
The biggest long-term challenge which keeps me awake                investments undertaken currently will start producing. What
at night is the shrinking share of the consumer’s wallet            this means is that existing investments and capacity in terms
for diamonds. I still remember the first Supplier of Choice         of factories and equipment should be more than sufficient to
meeting where all the sightholders were addressed in                polish the expected rough. This calls for a huge change in the
response of the recognition that our industry is not growing        mindset of banks, producers and diamond companies. Unlike
at the consumer level at the same pace as the world nominal         prior years, investing in manufacturing capacity with additional
GDP growth. They set a ‘big, hairy, audacious goal’ to grow         rigour may not be the best investment and perhaps not the
over the world GDP growth in years to come. We have                 best business case. The industry now needs to be viewed as a
collectively failed in delivering that promise. Today after more    mature industry, rather than a growth industry.
than 10 years, we have not even tracked inflation, forget
tracking nominal GDP growth. That means the share of wallet         I question graphs that show wide demand and supply gaps
for our industry is falling as electronics, holidays and other      in the distant future. We all know that we failed miserably
luxuries make inroads into our territory. Our industry has even     and could not even predict our present market situation
underperformed other luxury goods. In a twelve-year period          currently. We are also unable to predict with some certainty
from 1999 to 2011, growth in the luxury goods market, at            the demand-supply shortfalls over the next 1-2 years and
77%, has been nearly triple that of diamond jewellery, which        price increases thereof. So how can we be so sure of expected
grew at the rate of 26.5% – and diamonds are supposed to            demand in years to come? My sense is that 2012 will see
be the ultimate luxury! This was despite programmes like            negative growth in diamond sales at the wholesale level if not
Supplier of Choice where diamantaires invested heavily into         in retail.
downstream promotions and expansion. The more worrying
question is what happens over the next three years, when            The other issue is reducing value addition by the industry
there is minimal investment in creating consumer demand.            is not only leading to reduced volumes primarily of cheaper
                                                                    goods, but also reducing profit margins. Perhaps very few
In the late 1990s, De Beers would spend about $200 million          exceptional diamond manufacturers receiving supplies from
on generic diamond promotions, which works out to about             primary sources may have made any profit from August
$350-$450 million today. Apple alone spends over $1 billion         2011 to August 2012, as rough diamond prices from primary
only on advertising. Microsoft spends over $1.6 billion on ads      sources remained expensive. This is just a culmination of
as well. That is much more than our entire industry. Other          a trend when manufacturing has not been profitable. It is
luxury companies like LVMH and Richemont spend about                important to note that while efficiencies have increased in
10% of their top line on advertisements. The industry should        diamond polishing, the margins have diminished or vanished.
wake up and take some firm steps to regain its share or our         Typically, the monies made or lost in the industry over the
next generation might not have a business to run. Let us            last 4-5 years were primarily due to appreciation or decline
not assume that a diamond will always be a symbol of love,          of prices and not necessarily from the conversion of rough to
without the message being repeated over and over again. Out         polished.
of sight is out of mind!
                                                                    This year there has been a double whammy for the industry.
We shouldn’t expect only the mining companies to take on            The prices of diamonds have come down across the board
this burden. I think we should all share this pro rata based on     in the last 18 months forcing all of us to take large cuts on
the value addition we are making in the diamond pipeline. In        our inventory. Also sustained high rough prices from primary
the current scenario, promoting diamonds as an investment           producers meant that the manufacturing sector has been
is also challenging and could expose the industry to further        compounding its losses. This was unlike 2009 when lower
volatility. The industry in pure carat terms has shrunk during      rough prices enabled the industry to rebuild its equity base
the last five years. This reality has had a huge impact on India,   and push for further growth in the following three years.
which is the biggest cutting centre. The employment potential       Unfortunately for our industry, our losses are trading losses
and value addition for India in particular and other polishing      and not valuation losses. We operate in a trading environment
centres in general is driven by carats actually polished and        and though we call ourselves manufacturers – essentially the
not merely by amount of turnover. In a manner, this reduction       conversion of rough to polished in a couple of months – hence
helped the industry absorb the loss of those who went out of        the short term volatility impacts us. Also we are all here to
the industry in the 2008-2009 crisis. However, there has been       do large turnovers and short margins. Hence I would define
some impact in capacity expansion in 2010 and 2011. The             ourselves as traders and not manufacturers. This means
excess capacity means that polishers end up paying more for         that all losses which we incur directly hit our equity in the
the rough in their desire to optimise production and in order to    business. We are not building an asset like a power plant or
somehow hold on to their infrastructure in the hope of making       a mine, which can accumulate losses for a couple of years.
monies in the future. I think that moving forward perhaps only      Also, the trading nature of our business means that profit or
polishing business of recycled polished diamonds or synthetics      even sales visibility is extremely low given the high volatile
can plug this vacuum. But this won’t happen in a hurry.             environment we now operate in. This explains why private

                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL      NOVEMBER 2012     57
equity companies typically avoid investing in such trading          by 20-30% from the existing industry cost base here.
     businesses. We need to be aware that we live for today, and         The industry surely welcomes changes which bring in
     any hope to build profits at a later date by investing in losses    transparency, however, the industry has to be engaged and be
     today like other asset trading investments, to my mind, is          proactive and develop a system which does not hurt itself.
     fooling oneself.
                                                                         As diamonds are forever, all the diamonds mined to date are
     New and improved compliance standards and CoC                       theoretically still out there. One estimate is that there may
     requirements, which are being applied to the industry,              be about $800 billion to $1 trillion of diamonds still available
     only add to the cost. The industry has always accepted              with consumers. If we extrapolate that with what is recycled
     improvements, but we need to ensure that compliances                in gold, which is about 1.5%, I think recycled diamonds could
     expected of us are implementable and realistic. CoC is also         meet up to 50% of our current demand. Hence the need to
     being discussed for polished diamonds with the industry             expand our consumer market is even greater. It’s like another
     becoming a pawn in political disputes.                              mine that will come on board. This can become both a threat
                                                                         and an opportunity. Buying back of recycled diamonds is a
     Few countries want to control the source of diamonds which          sizeable business in countries like US and Japan. Additionally,
     are “acceptable” in the respective countries. Currently             the practice of buying diamonds from the consumers would
     “unacceptable” sources account for about 5-10% of rough             mean that the consumers ultimately get better prices for their
     diamonds by carats. To implement CoC, all diamond                   jewellery, which enhances the concept of diamonds as a store
     companies along the entire chain, from rough to customer,           of value. Recycling and re-cutting can also serve to fill up the
     need to segregate their diamonds and be regularly audited.          existing polishing capacity. And I don’t even know how this
     Studies have indicated that the costs in India will increase        CoC will apply to the recycling industry.

     ‘How Do You Fire Your Son?’
     Peter Leach, the chairman and founding partner of Peter Leach & Partners,
     addressed a rarely discussed topic in the diamond industry – that of
     complications which arise out of running a business that is family-controlled.
     Following are some excerpts from his presentation titled “Family Businesses:
     Preparing for the Future”.
                                 In India, 56% of the top 100 firms      family members. Families also have to be able to have some
                                 are family-run, so this economy         tough conversations. How do you fire your son? It is very
                                 is absolutely dominated by family       difficult. If you don’t have a situation where only the right
                                 businesses. Family businesses           people are working in a family business, then you end up with
                                 contribute up to 60-70% of India’s      a nepotistic situation that could damage the business and the
                                 GDP, account for more than 85%          individual.
                                 of business in India, and 66%
                                 of “Business India’s Super 100”         So how do you govern an enterprising family? You need to
                                 companies are family-owned. In          have a balanced and professional board, which in the diamond
                                 1947, 18 families owned all the         industry is quite difficult to do because it is very closely held due
                                 top business in India, while in         to trust factors. A family business also needs a strong executive
                                 1997 461/500 most valuable              team that aligns with the leadership and talks in one voice.
                                 companies were owned by 50
     families. Currently, 18 of BSE 30 and 28 of NSE 50 companies        There are some key questions that the older generation must
     are family-owned. In almost 50% of cases, the splintering of an     ask when passing down the enterprise, for instance:
     enterprise was precipitated by the founder’s death.                 ● Who is to own shares in the next generation?
                                                                         ● Who should have control of the company?
     Succession is a process, not an event. Hence, it is important to    ● Can equity ownership and voting control be separated?
     define the purpose of the enterprise and ensure that everyone       ● How can I guarantee financial security for my spouse?
     involved shares the same vision. What type of family business       ● How can I be fair and be seen to be fair to my heirs?
     person do you want to be, now and in future? There are three        ● Does treating children fairly mean giving them equal shares?
     types of family business persons: there is an owner-manager,        ● What is the best way to ensure my heirs are not burdened
     who manages the entire business; there’s an owner-strategist,          with estate taxes?
     who sits comfortably looking at the performance of the business
     deciding on asset allocation and strategy; and there’s the owner-   Diamond family businesses can be nimble and quick to
     investor, who sometime ago might have taken the beach option.       react, thereby using the ‘family-ness’ to create a competitive
                                                                         advantage. Although it is a successful industry, a family-run
     The responsibility for deciding on succession should have a         diamond business is one of the hardest to sell because it is
     process to ensure there is no falling out among the existing        built on personalities. n

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