XML Developer Guide - Mississippi Department of Revenue
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Submitting XML Returns The Mississippi Department of Revenue (MDOR) will accept XML files for submitting Terminal operator returns, Gasoline tax returns, Special fuel tax returns, and Carrier returns through Taxpayer Access Point (TAP). You can find a link to TAP on the MDOR website http://www.dor.ms.gov/ To facilitate testing, we will be providing a separate link and instructions to submit xml files. XML File Name Requirements Terminal operator return: The file name should follow the format below: TOP.xml TOP - to indicate this is a Terminal operator return. F/S - to indicate Id type. F= FEIN; S=SSN. FEIN/SSN - 9 digit FEIN or SSN of the taxpayer depending on the id type. Period - the period end date in the format of MMYYYY. Timestamp - Timestamp in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (HH is 01 to 24). Example: TOPF12345678910201420141120090000.xml TOPS22222222210201420141120090000.xml Special fuel/Gasoline tax return: File should be named in the following format: FUL.xml FUL - to indicate this is a Special fuel/Gasoline tax return. F/S - to indicate Id type. F= FEIN; S=SSN. FEIN/SSN – 9 digit FEIN or SSN of the taxpayer depending on the id type. Period - the period end date in the format of MMYYYY. Timestamp – Timestamp in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (HH is 01 to 24). Example: FULF12345678910201420141120090000.xml FULS22222222210201420141120090000.xml Carrier return: File should be named in the following format: CAR.xml CAR - to indicate this is a Carrier return. F/S - to indicate Id type. F= FEIN; S=SSN. FEIN/SSN – 9 digit FEIN or SSN of the taxpayer depending on id the type. Period - the period end date in the format of MMYYYY. Timestamp – Timestamp in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (HH is 01 to 24). Example: CARF12345678910201420141120090000.xml CARS22222222210201420141120090000.xml XML Transmission fields description There are many elements in the schema that are not used by MDOR. The table below shows a description of each field that is used by MDOR. TransmissionHeader FieldName Required Description Jurisdiction Yes Must be “MS”.
TransmissionId Yes Must be your FEIN or SSN plus timestamp. Example: 11111111120141020022306 Timestamp Yes The date and time when the return was created Transmitter Yes Id of the Transmitter. StateEIN Yes You can provide FEIN or SSN ProcessType Yes “T”=Test, “P”=Production AgentIdentifier Yes This field will be used to identify the return type. “FUL” = Special fuel tax/Gasoline tax return. “CAR” = Carrier return. “TOP” = Terminal operator return MotorFuelsFiling SubmissionId Yes Must be 9 digit FEIN or SSN + 11 unique alphanumeric characters MotorFuelsHeader FieldName Required Description Jurisdiction Yes Should be “MS”. Timestamp Yes The date and time when the return was created TaxPeriodEndDate Yes Tax period end date AmendedReturnIndicator No Check this box for an amended return TypoOfFiling Yes Type of filing Filer Yes Must provide Taxpayer’s FEIN or SSN Filer/FEIN No Taxpayer’s FEIN Filer/SSN No Taxpayer’s SSN TerminalOperatorReport NoActivity No Check this box if there is no activity TerminalCode Yes Terminal code of the filer TerminalReportDetails Yes To report fuel inventory information. ProductCode Yes This must be a valid Product code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema BeginnningInventory Yes 1. Beginning fuel inventory in gallons 2. Cannot be negative GainOrLoss Yes Gain or Loss gallons TerminalOperatorSchedule Yes Terminal operator schedules. ScheduleCode Yes 1. This must be a valid Schedule code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema 2. Valid schedule codes - 15A and 15B ProductCode Yes 1. This must be a valid Product code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema. 2. Valid product codes - 065, 090, 123, 124, 125, 072, 142, 228, 290, 122, 160, 284, 153, 154,, and 130 Mode Yes 1. This must be a valid value defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema. 2. Valid modes - B, BA, J, PL, R, and ST. DocumentNumber Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide document number 2. Alphanumeric up to 20 characters ReceivedShippedDate Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide received shipped date 2. The date must be within filing period range Origin Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but
you must provide origin 2. Must provide terminal code or state Origin/TerminalCode No Must be a valid terminal code Origin/City No Origin city Origin/State No 1. Origin state 2. Must be a valid value defined in the enumerations Destination Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide destination 2. Must provide terminal code or state Destination/TerminalCode No Must be a valid terminal code Destination/City No Destination city Destination/State No 1. Destination state 2. Must be a valid value defined in the enumerations Carrier Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide Carrier 2. Must provide carrier name and FEIN or SSN. Carrier/FEIN No 9 digit valid Carrier’s FEIN Carrier/SSN No 9 digit valid Carrier’s SSN Carrier/Name Yes Carrier name Seller No 1. Must provide seller information for receipt schedules 2. Terminal operator return receipt schedules – 15A Seller/FEIN No 9 digit valid Seller’s FEIN Seller/SSN No 9 digit valid Seller’s SSN. Seller/Name Yes Seller name Purchaser No 1. Must provide purchaser information for disbursement schedule 2. Terminal operator return disbursement schedules – 15B Purchaser/FEIN No 9 digit valid Purchaser’s FEIN Purchaser/SSN No 9 digit valid Purchaser’s SSN Purchaser/Name Yes Purchaser name Net Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide net gallons 2. Net gallons cannot be negative. 3. If Mode=J-Truck, then net gallons cannot be more 10,000. Gross No Gross gallons cannot be negative SupplierReport NoActivity No Check this box if there is no activity SupplierReportDetails No This element is used to claim approved schedule 6D gallons from previous filing period on Gasoline tax return ProductCode Yes Must be Gasoline product code (065, 090, 123, 124 and 125) CreditQuantity Yes 1. Approved schedule 6D gallons 2. Cannot be negative SupplierSchedule No To report both supplier and distributor schedules.
ScheduleCode Yes 1. This must be a valid Schedule code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema 2. Gasoline valid schedule codes- 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2X, 5B, 5D, 6D, 7, 8, and 13H 3. Special fuel valid schedule codes - 1, 2A, 2C, 2X, 5B, 5D, 5F, 5G, 6D, 7, 7C, 8, 10A, 10B, 10R, 10Y, and 13H ProductCode Yes 1. This must be a valid Product code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema 2. Gasoline valid product codes - 065, 090, 123, 124, and 125 3. Special fuel valid product codes - 072, 122, 130, 142, 153, 154, 160, 228, 284, and 290. 4. Valid product codes for schedule code 10R - 072, 122, 142, 160, 228, 284,290 5. Valid product codes for schedule code 10Y - 160, 228, 284, and 290 6. Valid product codes for schedule codes 5G and 5F – 228 7. Valid product codes for schedule code 10B - 130 Mode Yes 1. This must be a valid value defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema 2. Gasoline valid modes – B, J, PL, R, and S 3. Special fuel valid modes - B, J, PL, R, and S DocumentNumber Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide document number 2. Alphanumeric up to 20 characters 3. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight id in this element ReceivedShippedDate Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide received shipped date 2. The date must be with in filing period range except for schedule code 10B 3. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight service begin date in this element Origin Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide origin 2. Must provide terminal code or state except for schedule code 10B 3. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight origin city and state Origin/TerminalCode No Must be a valid terminal code Origin/City No 1. Origin city 2. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight origin city in this element Origin/State No 1. Origin state 2. Must be a valid value defined in the enumerations 3. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight origin state in this element Destination Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide destination 2. Must provide terminal code or state except
for schedule code 10B 3. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight destination city and state Destination/TerminalCode No Must be a valid Terminal code Destination/City No 1. Destination city 2. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight destination city in this element Destination/State No 1. Destination state. 2. Must be a valid value defined in the enumerations. 3. For Schedule code 7 the destination state cannot be “MS” 4. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight destination state in this element Carrier Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide Carrier 2. Must provide carrier name and FEIN or SSN except for schedule code 10B 3. For schedule code 10B you must provide only Airline name in Carrier/Name element Carrier/FEIN No 1. 9 digit valid Carrier’s FEIN 2. This element is not used for schedule code 10B so you can provide ‘000000000’ for schedule code 10B Carrier/SSN No 1. 9 digit valid Carrier’s SSN 2. This element is not used for schedule code 10B so you can provide ‘000000000’ for schedule code 10B Carrier/Name Yes 1. Carrier name 2. For schedule code 10B you must provide Airline name in this element Seller No 1. Must provide seller information for receipt schedules 2. Special Fuel/Gasoline tax return receipt schedules - 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 2C and 2X Seller/FEIN No 9 digit valid Seller’s FEIN Seller/SSN No 9 digit valid Seller’s SSN Seller/Name Yes Seller name Purchaser No 1. Must provide purchaser information for all disbursement schedules except for schedules 10Y and 10R 2. Special Fuel/Gasoline tax return disbursement schedules - 5B, 5D, 5F, 5G, 6D, 7, 7C, 8, 10A, 10B, 10R, 10Y, 13H 3. Purchaser information not required for schedules 10Y and 10R Purchaser/FEIN No 1. 9 digit valid Purchaser’s FEIN 2. This element is not used for schedule code 10B so you can provide ‘000000000’ for schedule code 10B 3. For schedule code 6D it must be the ID of a valid distributor with active bond 4. This is not required for schedule codes 10Y and 10R
Purchaser/SSN No 1. 9 digit valid Purchaser SSN. 2. This element is not used for schedule code 10B so you can provide ‘000000000’ for schedule code 10B 3. For schedule code 6D it must be the ID of a valid distributor with active bond. 4. This is not required for schedule codes 10Y and 10R Purchaser/Name Yes 1. Purchaser name 2. For schedule code 10B you must provide flight status in this element. It must be “Active” or “Inactive” 3. This is not required for schedule codes 10Y and 10R Net Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide net gallons 2. Net gallons cannot be negative 3. If Mode=J-Truck, then net gallons cannot be more 10,000 CarrierReport NoActivity No Check this box if there is no activity CarrierSchedule No Carrier report schedules ScheduleCode Yes 1. This must be a valid Schedule code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema. 2. Valid schedule codes – 14B ProductCode Yes 1. This must be a valid Product code defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema 2. Valid product codes - 065, 090, 123, 124, 125, 072, 142, 228, 290, 122, 160, 284, 153, 154, and 130 Mode Yes 1. This must be a valid value defined in MotorFuelsEnumerations.xsd schema 2. Valid modes - B, BA, J, PL, R, and ST DocumentNumber Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide document number 2. Alphanumeric up to 20 characters ReceivedShippedDate Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide received shipped date 2. The date must be within filing period range Origin Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide origin 2. Must provide terminal code or state Origin/TerminalCode No Must be a valid Terminal code Origin/City No Origin city Origin/State No 1. Origin state 2. Must be a valid value defined in the enumerations Destination Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide destination 2. Must provide terminal code or state Destination/TerminalCode No Must be a valid Terminal code Destination/City No Destination city Destination/State No 1. Destination state.
2. Must be a valid value defined in the enumerations Seller No 1. Must provide seller information for receipt schedules 2. Carrier return receipt schedules – N/A Seller/FEIN No 9 digit valid Seller’s FEIN Seller/SSN No 9 digit valid Seller’s SSN Seller/Name Yes Seller name DeliveredTo No 1. Must provide purchaser information for disbursement schedule 2. Carrier return disbursement schedules – 14B DeliveredTo/FEIN No 9 digit valid Purchaser’s FEIN DeliveredTo/SSN No 9 digit valid Purchaser’s SSN DeliveredTo/Name Yes Purchaser name Net Yes 1. It is an optional element in the schema but you must provide net gallons 2. Net gallons cannot be negative 3. If Mode=J-Truck, then net gallons cannot be more 10,000 FinancialTransaction StatePayment No To make payments for Special fuel tax return and/or Gasoline tax return. Checking No Checked when the account is a checking account Savings No Checked when the account is a savings account RoutingTransitNumber Yes Routing number of the bank that has the account. BankAccountNumber Yes Account from which you want the money withdrawn. PaymentAmount Yes The amount you wish to pay with your return. IdentificationNumber Yes Must be 8 digit account Id issued by MDOR. If you are making a payment for a Special fuel tax return, then enter the 8 digit account Id of the Special fuel tax account. If you are making a payment for a Gasoline tax return, then enter the 8 digit account Id of the Gasoline tax account. RequestedPaymentDate Yes The date you wish the money to be debited from the account. NotIATTransaction Yes MS does not accept IAT ACH Debit. This must always be checked. RefundDirectDeposit No This element is used to indicate refund request. We will not be using any bank information provided in this element. If there is any amount in the “amount” field that indicates taxpayer is requesting for refund. RoutingTransitNumber Yes This field is not used. You can provide any value that meets the pattern defined in the schema since it is required element. BankAccountNumber Yes This field is not used. You can provide any value that meets the pattern defined in the schema since it is required element. Amount Yes To request refund you must provide the amount Checking No Checked when the account is a checking account
Savings No Checked when the account is a savings account NotIATTransaction Yes This field is not used. Xpaths: Return type Xpath Special fuel/Gasoline tax return Transmission/TransmissionHeader Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/MotorFuelsHeader Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/SupplierReport Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/FinancialTransaction Terminal operator return Transmission/TransmissionHeader Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/MotorFuelsHeader Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/TerminalOperatorReport Carrier return Transmission/TransmissionHeader Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/MotorFuelsHeader Transmission/MotorFuelsFiling/CarrierReport Additional Validation Rules: Validation Description Duplicate return The system will not accept file if a duplicate return exists in the period, and the current file is not marked as Amended. Invalid period The system will not accept file if the ‘TaxPeriodEndDate’ is not a valid period end date. Invalid account The system will not accept file: 1. If you are submitting Gasoline product codes for SupplierReport/SupplierSchedule/ProductCode in the file and taxpayer doesn’t have Gasoline account type registered in the system. 2. If you are submitting Special fuel product codes for SupplierReport/SupplierSchedule/ProductCode in the file and taxpayer doesn’t have Special fuel account type registered in the system. 3. If you are submitting Terminal operator return and taxpayer doesn’t have Terminal operator account type registered in the system. 4. If you are submitting Carrier return and taxpayer doesn’t have Carrier account type registered in the system. Invalid payment effective date The system will not accept file if the ‘RequestedPaymentDate’ (payment effective date) is more than 4 month in the future. Terminal Codes:
Terminal Code Description T01ME1000 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Bangor T01ME1002 Coldbrook Energy, Inc. T01ME1003 Sprague Operating Resources LLC So. Portland T01ME1004 Buckeye Development & Logistics II LLC T01ME1006 Irving Oil Terminals, Inc T01ME1008 Gulf Oil LP South Portland T01ME1009 Global Companies LLC T01ME1010 CITGO South Portland T01ME1012 Webber Tanks, Inc. Bucksport T01ME1015 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Mack Point T02NH1050 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Newington T02NH1056 Irving Oil Terminals, Inc. T04MA1151 L. E. Belcher, Inc. T04MA1152 Global Companies LLC T04MA1153 Gulf Oil LP Chelsea T04MA1154 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T04MA1155 CITGO Petroleum Corporation T04MA1156 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T04MA1158 F L Roberts Inc T04MA1159 Springfield Terminals, Inc. T04MA1160 Irving Oil Terminals, Inc. T04MA1162 Global Petroleum Corp. T04MA1164 Global Companies LLC T04MA1166 Global Companies LLC T04MA1167 L. E. Belcher, Inc. T04MA1168 ExxonMobil Oil Corporation T04MA1171 Swissport Fueling, Inc. T04MA1172 Sprague Operating Resources LLC New Bedford T04MA1173 Harbor Fuel Oil Corp. T04MA1174 Albany Street Terminals LLC T04MA1176 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Quincy T04MA1179 Springfield Terminals, Inc. T04MA1180 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Quincy T04MA1181 Suburban Heating T04NH1057 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Newington T05RI1201 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Providence T05RI1202 NE Petroleum Terminal LLC T05RI1203 Capitol Terminal Company T05RI1205 Motiva Enterprises LLC
T05RI1206 NE Petroleum Terminal LLC T05RI1207 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T06CT1251 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Stamford T06CT1252 CITGO Rocky Hill T06CT1254 Motiva Enterprises LLC T06CT1255 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Groton T06CT1256 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Bridgeport T06CT1258 New Haven Terminal, Inc. T06CT1259 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Wethersfield T06CT1262 Gulf Oil LP New Haven T06CT1263 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T06CT1264 Waterfront Terminal T06CT1265 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T06CT1267 Global Companies LLC T06CT1269 SafetyKleen Systems T06CT1270 Global Companies LLC T06CT1271 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T06CT1272 Devine Bros., Inc. T06CT1274 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T06CT1279 Inland Fuel Terminal, Inc. T06CT1280 B & B Petroleum, Inc. T06CT1281 Hall & Muska, Inc. T06CT1282 Anthony Troiano & Sons, Inc. T06CT1285 HOP Energy, LLC T06CT1286 Sterling St. Terminal LLC T06RI1208 Inland Fuel Terminal, Inc. T11NY1301 BP Products North America Inc T11NY1302 United Metro Energy Corp T11NY1304 Arc Terminals Holdings LLC T11NY1305 Global Companies LLC T11NY1306 Lefferts Oil Terminal, Inc. T11NY1308 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Brooklyn T11NY1309 Global Companies LLC T11NY1310 Northville Industries Corp Holtsville T11NY1312 Motiva Enterprises LLC T11NY1313 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp. T11NY1318 United Riverhead Terminal T11NY1324 Carbo Industries, Inc. T11NY1325 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp. T11NY1326 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp. T11NY1332 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp.
T11NY1333 The Energy Conservation Group LLC T11NY1334 Allied New York Services Inc. T11NY1335 Allied Aviation Service of New York T11NY1336 Global Commander Terminal T13NY1352 Castle Port Morris Terminals T13NY1353 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Bronx T13NY1356 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Mt. Vernon T13NY1357 Fred M. Schildwachter & Sons T13NY1358 Meenan Oil Co. Peekskill T13NY1360 Westmore Fuel Co., Inc. T14NY1401 Buckeye Albany Terminal LLC T14NY1402 CITGO Glenmont T14NY1403 Global Companies LLC T14NY1404 Petroleum Fuel & Terminal Albany T14NY1405 Center Point Terminal Glenmont T14NY1411 Global Companies LLC T14NY1413 Global Companies LLC T14NY1414 Global Companies LLC T14NY1415 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Rensselaer T14NY1417 Sprague Operating Resources LLC Rensselaer T14NY1421 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Newburgh T14NY1422 Meenan Oil Co . Poughkeepsie T14NY1423 New Hamburg Terminal Corp. T16NY1451 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Binghamton T16NY1454 CITGO Vestal T16NY1456 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Brewerton T16NY1457 United Refining Co. Tonawanda T16NY1458 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Buffalo T16NY1459 Noco Energy Corp. T16NY1461 IPT, LLC T16NY1462 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Geneva T16NY1463 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Marcy T16NY1468 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Rochester T16NY1469 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Rochester T16NY1470 Superior Plus Energy Services Inc. Rochester T16NY1471 Superior Plus Energy Services Inc. Big Flats T16NY1472 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Rochester II T16NY1473 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T16NY1474 United Refining Co. Rochester T16NY1476 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T16NY1484 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP
T16NY1486 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Utica T16NY1488 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Vestal T16NY1493 Superior Plus Energy Services Inc. Marcy T16NY1494 Center Point Terminal Rochester T16NY1497 Heritagenergy Inc. T16NY1499 Global Companies LLC T22NJ1500 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Bayonne T22NJ1502 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Newark T22NJ1503 IMTT Bayonne T22NJ1504 Interstate Storage & Pipeline Corp. T22NJ1506 BP Products North America Inc T22NJ1507 Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals LLC T22NJ1508 Hess Edgewater T22NJ1512 Phillips 66 PL Tremley PT T22NJ1513 CITGO Linden T22NJ1514 Phillips 66 PL Linden T22NJ1515 Gulf Oil LP Linden T22NJ1516 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Linden T22NJ1517 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T22NJ1521 Motiva Enterprises LLC T22NJ1522 Center Point Terminal Newark T22NJ1523 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T22NJ1525 Plains Products Terminals LLC T22NJ1526 NuStar Logistics, L. P. Paulsboro T22NJ1528 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Pennsauken T22NJ1531 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Perth Amboy T22NJ1532 Allied Aviation Service of New Jersey T22NJ1534 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T22NJ1535 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Port Reading T22NJ1538 Motiva Enterprises LLC T22NJ1539 ST Linden Terminal, LLC Linden T22NJ1540 Gulf Oil LP Thorofare T22NJ1544 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T22NJ1545 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Perth Amboy T22NJ1547 Duck Island Terminal, Inc. T22NJ1548 SLF, Inc. T/A Consumers Oil T23PA1700 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Macungie T23PA1701 Petroleum Products Allentown T23PA1702 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Macungie BES T23PA1703 Gulf Oil LP Dupont T23PA1707 Petroleum Products Du Pont
T23PA1709 Superior Plus Energy Services Inc. Montoursville T23PA1710 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1711 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1713 Petroleum Products Harrisburg T23PA1715 Petroleum Products Mechanicsburg T23PA1716 Petroleum Products Highspire T23PA1718 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Malvern T23PA1720 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1721 Petroleum Products Lancaster T23PA1722 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1725 Gulf Oil LP Mechanicsburg T23PA1726 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1727 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1728 Petroleum Products Northumberland T23PA1729 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1730 Plains Products Terminals LLC T23PA1731 121 Point Breeze Management Corp. T23PA1732 Monroe Energy LLC T23PA1733 Global Companies LLC T23PA1734 Plains Products Terminals LLC T23PA1736 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1737 Plains Products Terminals LLC T23PA1742 Petroleum Products Sinking Spr T23PA1743 Buckeye Terminals, LLC South Williamsport T23PA1744 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1746 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1747 Sunoco, Inc. (R&M) T23PA1748 Gulf Oil LP Whitehall T23PA1749 Gulf Oil LP Williamsport T23PA1751 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1752 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Tuckerton T23PA1753 Meenan Oil Co. Tullytown T23PA1755 HOP Energy, LLC T23PA1757 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T23PA1760 YRC Inc PA T23PA1761 Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals LLC T23PA1764 American Refining Bradford T23PA1766 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T23PA1770 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T25PA1759 Petroleum Products Coraopolis T25PA1760 Buckeye Pipe Holdings, L.P. Coraopolis
T25PA1761 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T25PA1762 Kinder Morgan Operating LP "C" T25PA1767 Petroleum Products Eldorado T25PA1769 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Greensburg T25PA1771 Kinder Morgan Transmix Co., LLC T25PA1773 Marathon Petroleum Midland T25PA1776 Petroleum Products Pittsburgh T25PA1777 Gulf Oil LP Pittsburgh T25PA1778 Gulf Oil LP Pittsburgh/Delmont T25PA1780 Petroleum Products Corapolis T25PA1781 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T25PA1783 United Refining Co. Warren T25PA1785 Gulf Oil LP Altoona T25PA1788 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T25PA1789 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T25PA1790 Guttman Realty Co. Belle Vernon T25PA1791 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T25PA1792 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Pittsburgh T31OH3100 Marathon Cincinnati T31OH3101 Marathon Columbus East T31OH3102 Marathon Heath T31OH3103 Marathon Marietta T31OH3104 BP Products North America Inc T31OH3105 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Columbus T31OH3106 BP Products North America Inc T31OH3109 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T31OH3111 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T31OH3112 Marathon Columbus West T31OH3113 Marathon Lebanon T31OH3114 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Columbus T31OH3115 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Dayton T31OH3116 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T31OH3117 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T31OH3118 ERPC Lebanon T31OH3119 ERPC Todhunter T31OH3120 CITGO Dublin T31OH3121 CITGO Dayton T31OH3125 Norfolk Southern Railway Co End Terminal T31OH3127 Norfolk Southern Railway Co End Terminal T31OH3128 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Cincinnati T31OH3129 BenchMark Biodiesel
T33CA4744 Rancho LPG Holdings T33CA4745 Vopak Terminal Los Angeles, Inc. T33CA4746 Shell Oil Products US T33CA4747 Wespac Pipelines San Diego Ltd T33CA4748 BNSF Commerce T33CA4749 BNSF Barstow T33CA4750 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T33CA4751 Kinder Morgan Tank Storage Terminal LLC T33CA4753 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T33CA4757 SFPP, LP T33CA4758 Shell Oil Products US T33CA4760 Phillips 66 PL Colton T33CA4761 Calnev Pipe Line, LLC T33CA4763 SFPP, LP T33CA4764 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T33CA4765 Paramount Petroleum Corp. T33CA4767 PetroDiamond Terminal Company T33CA4768 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T33CA4769 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co T33CA4771 Chevron USA, Inc. Huntington Beach T33CA4772 SFPP, LP T33CA4773 Chevron USA, Inc. San Diego T33CA4776 SFPP, LP T33CA4779 Chemoil Terminals Corporation T33CA4782 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T33CA4784 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T33CA4785 Shell Oil Products US T33CA4786 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T33CA4787 Shore Terminals LLC Wilmington T33CA4788 Allied Aviation Fueling Co., Inc. T33CA4789 Ultramar, Inc. Wilmington T33CA4791 The Jankovich Company T33CA4792 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T33CA4794 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T33CA4795 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T33CA4796 The Jankovich Company T33CA4800 Vopak Terminal Long Beach T33WA0001 Chevron USA Incorporated Ferndale T34OH3140 Marathon Refinery Canton T34OH3143 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Canton T34OH3144 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Cuyahoga Hts.
T34OH3145 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Grafton T34OH3146 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Lima North T34OH3148 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Toledo T34OH3149 Delta Fuels, Inc. T34OH3150 Arc Terminals Holdings LLC T34OH3151 Marathon Brecksville T34OH3152 Marathon Lima T34OH3153 Marathon Oregon T34OH3154 Marathon Steubenville T34OH3155 Marathon Youngstown T34OH3157 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Cleveland T34OH3158 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Lima South T34OH3159 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T34OH3160 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T34OH3161 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T34OH3162 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T34OH3164 CITGO Tallmadge T34OH3165 CITGO Oregon T34OH3166 Marathon Bellevue T34OH3167 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Niles T34OH3168 Guttman Realty Co. BTS East T34OH3169 Arc Terminals Holdings LLC T34OH3174 TransMontaigne E Liverpool T34OH3175 BP Products North America Inc T34OH3176 Lima Refining Company T35IN3202 Premcor Pipeline Company T35IN3203 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Granger T35IN3204 BP Products North America Inc T35IN3205 BP Products North America Inc T35IN3207 Marathon Evansville T35IN3208 Marathon Huntington T35IN3209 CITGO East Chicago T35IN3210 CITGO Huntington T35IN3211 Gladieux Trading & Marketing Co. T35IN3212 TransMontaigne Kentuckiana T35IN3213 TransMontaigne Evansville T35IN3214 Countrymark Cooperative LLP T35IN3216 HWRT Terminal Seymour T35IN3218 Marathon Hammond T35IN3219 Marathon Indianapolis T35IN3221 Marathon Muncie
T35IN3222 Marathon Speedway T35IN3224 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T35IN3225 Buckeye Terminals, LLC East Chicago T35IN3226 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Raceway T35IN3227 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Indianapolis T35IN3228 Buckeye Terminals, LLC East Hammond T35IN3229 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Muncie T35IN3230 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Zionsville T35IN3231 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T35IN3232 ERPC Princeton T35IN3233 Marathon Clermont T35IN3234 Lassus Bros. Oil, Inc. Huntington T35IN3235 Countrymark Cooperative LLP T35IN3236 Countrymark Cooperative LLP T35IN3237 Countrymark Cooperative LLP T35IN3238 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Indianapolis T35IN3239 Marathon Mt Vernon T35IN3243 CSX Transportation Inc T35IN3245 Norfolk Southern Railway Co End Terminal T35IN3246 Buckeye Terminals, LLC South Bend T35IN3248 West Shore Pipeline Company Hammond T36IL3300 Premcor Refining Group Inc T36IL3301 BP Products North America Inc T36IL3302 BP Products North America Inc T36IL3303 BP Products North America Inc T36IL3304 CITGO Mt. Prospect T36IL3305 Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals LLC T36IL3306 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Rockford T36IL3307 Marathon Mt. Prospect T36IL3308 Marathon Oil Rockford T36IL3310 NuStar Terminal Services, Inc Blue Island T36IL3311 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T36IL3312 Petroleum Fuel & Terminal Forest View T36IL3313 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Kankakee T36IL3315 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Argo T36IL3316 Shell Oil Products US T36IL3317 CITGO Lemont T36IL3318 CITGO Arlington Heights T36IL3320 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T36IL3325 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T36IL3326 United Parcel Service Inc
T36IL3327 Aux Sable Rail Rack T36IL3375 ExxonMobil Oil Corporation T36IL3376 Skytanking USA Inc. T36IL3377 IMTTIllinois T36IL3378 Oiltanking Joliet T37IL3351 BP Products North America Inc T37IL3353 Phillips 66 PL Hartford T37IL3354 Hartford Wood River Terminal T37IL3356 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Hartford T37IL3358 Marathon Champaign T37IL3360 Marathon Robinson T37IL3361 HWRT Terminal Norris City T37IL3364 Growmark, Inc. T37IL3365 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Decatur T37IL3366 Phillips 66 PL E. St. Louis T37IL3368 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Effingham T37IL3369 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Harristown T37IL3371 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T37IL3372 Growmark, Inc. T37IL3373 Gateway Terminal LLC T38MI3001 U.S. Oil Co. Cheboygan T38MI3002 Noble Petro Inc Rogers City T38MI3003 Waterfront Petroleum Terminal Co. T38MI3004 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Napoleon T38MI3005 Buckeye Terminals, LLC River Rouge T38MI3006 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Dearborn T38MI3007 Buckeye Pipe Line Holdings, L.P Taylor T38MI3008 CITGO Ferrysburg T38MI3009 CITGO Jackson T38MI3010 CITGO Niles T38MI3011 Marathon Niles T38MI3012 Cousins Petroleum Taylor T38MI3013 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Ferrysburg T38MI3014 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Taylor East T38MI3015 Marathon Detroit T38MI3016 Marathon Flint T38MI3017 Marathon Jackson T38MI3018 Delta Fuel Facility DTW Metro T38MI3019 Marathon Oil Niles T38MI3020 Marathon N. Muskegon T38MI3022 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Flint
T38MI3023 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Niles West T38MI3024 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Woodhaven T38MI3025 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Detroit T38MI3028 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Niles T38MI3029 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T38MI3030 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T38MI3032 Marathon Bay City T38MI3033 Marathon Lansing T38MI3034 Marathon Romulus T38MI3037 Sonoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T38MI3039 Delta Fuels of Michigan T38MI3041 Holland Terminal, Inc. T38MI3043 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Marshall T38MI3046 Marysville Hydrocarbons T38Mi3047 Waterfront Petroleum Terminal Co. T38MI3048 Plains LPG Services LP T39IA3475 Sinclair Transport. Montrose, IA T39NE3604 Signature Flight Support Corp. T39NE3612 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T39NE3613 Truman Arnold Co. TAC Air T39NE3614 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T39NE3615 BNSF Lincoln T39WI3061 U.S. Oil Co. Green Bay Fox T39WI3062 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Granville T39WI3064 CHS Petroleum Terminal Chippewa Falls T39WI3065 CHS Petroleum Terminal McFarland T39WI3066 CITGO Green Bay T39WI3067 CITGO McFarland T39WI3068 CITGO Milwaukee T39WI3070 Noble Petro Inc Green Bay T39WI3071 Flint Hills Resources, LPJunction City T39WI3072 Flint Hills Resources, LPMadison T39WI3073 Flint Hills Resources, LPMilwaukee T39WI3074 Flint Hills Resources, LPWaupun T39WI3075 Marathon Green Bay T39WI3076 Marathon Milwaukee T39WI3077 U.S. Oil Co Green Bay T39WI3079 U.S. Oil Co Madison T39WI3080 Calumet Superior LLC T39WI3081 Fusion Renewables T39WI3082 U.S. Oil Co. Chippewa Falls
T39WI3083 Arc Terminals Holdings LLC T39WI3084 U.S. Oil Co. Milwaukee T39WI3086 U.S. Oil Co. MilwaukeeNorth T39WI3088 U.S. Oil Co. Madison T39WI3089 U.S. Oil Co. Green Bay West T39WI3090 U.S. Oil Co. Milwaukee Central T39WI3092 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T41MN3400 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Moorhead T41MN3401 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Sauk Centre T41MN3402 BP Products North America Inc T41MN3403 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Roseville T41MN3404 St Paul Park Refining Co. LLC T41MN3405 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T41MN3406 Newport Terminal Corporation T41MN3407 Flint Hills Resources, LPPine Bend T41MN3410 Calumet Superior LLC T41MN3412 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T41MN3413 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T41MN3414 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T41MN3415 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T41MN3416 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T41MN3417 BNSF Northtown T41MN3419 Servisair Fuel Services LLC T41MN3420 Signature Flight Support Corp. T41MN3425 Northern States Power Co, Wisconsin T41MT0001 CHS Petroleum Terminal Missoula T42IA3450 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Bettendorf T42IA3451 Flint Hills Resources Renewables T42IA3452 Noble Petro Inc Bettendorf T42IA3454 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Council Bluffs T42IA3455 National Coop. Refinery T42IA3456 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Des Moines T42IA3457 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T42IA3458 BP Products North America Inc T42IA3460 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T42IA3461 Growmark, Inc. T42IA3463 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T42IA3464 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Le Mars T42IA3465 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T42IA3466 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Milford T42IA3467 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P.
T42IA3468 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Cedar Rapids T42IA3469 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Ottumwa T42IA3470 Phillips 66 PL Pleasant Hill T42IA3471 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T42IA3472 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Rock Rapids T42IA3473 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T42IA3474 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T43IL3729 Omega Partners III, LLC T43KS3653 Signature Flight Support Corp. T43KS3672 Phillips 66 PL Kansas City T43MO3701 J D Streett St. Louis T43MO3703 Ayers Oil Company Canton T43MO3704 TransMontaigne Cape Girardeau T43MO3705 ERPCO Cape Girardeau T43MO3707 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T43MO3708 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T43MO3709 Phillips 66 PL Jefferson City T43MO3713 Phillips 66 PL Mount Vernon T43MO3714 American River Trans. Co., North T43MO3716 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T43MO3718 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T43MO3720 Buckeye Tank Terminals LLC Sugar Creek T43MO3721 Magellan Terminals Holdings, LP T43MO3722 Servisair Fuel Services LLC T43MO3723 Allied Aviation Service of Kansas City T43MO3725 Buckeye Terminals, LLC St. Louis North T43MO3726 Kinder Morgan Transmix Co., LLC T43MO3727 TransMontaigne Mt Vernon T43MO3728 Sinclair Transport. East Carrollton, MO T45ND3500 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T45ND3501 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T45ND3502 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Jamestown T45ND3503 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Jamestown T45ND3504 CHS Petroleum Terminal Minot T45ND3505 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T45ND3506 BNSF Mandan T46SD3550 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Aberdeen T46SD3551 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Mitchell T46SD3552 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T46SD3553 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Sioux Falls T46SD3554 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P.
T46SD3555 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T46SD3556 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Wolsey T46SD3557 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Yankton T47NE3600 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Columbus T47NE3601 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Geneva T47NE3602 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T47NE3603 Phillips 66 PL Lincoln T47NE3605 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T47NE3606 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Norfolk T47NE3607 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. North Platte T47NE3608 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T47NE3609 Holly Energy Partners Operating LP T47NE3610 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Osceola T48KS3651 Coffeeville Terminal Operations T48KS3652 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Concordia T48KS3654 Holly Energy Partners Operating LP T48KS3655 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3656 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Hutchison T48KS3657 BNSF Argentine T48KS3658 Sinclair Transport. Kansas City T48KS3659 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3660 National Coop. Refinery T48KS3661 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3663 NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. Salina T48KS3664 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3665 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3666 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3667 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T48KS3670 Phillips 66 PL Wichita South T48KS3671 Phillips 66 PL Wichita North T50VA0001 PAPCO Terminal T51DE1600 Delaware City Refining Company LLC T52DE1602 Delaware Storage & Pipeline Co. T52MD1550 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Baltimore T52MD1551 BP Products North America Inc T52MD1552 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T52MD1554 Petroleum Fuel & Terminal Baltimore No T52MD1559 Petroleum Fuel & Terminal Baltimore So T52MD1560 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L.P. Baltimore T52MD1561 Motiva Enterprises LLC East T52MD1562 CITGO Baltimore
T52MD1563 Center Point Terminal Baltimore West T52MD1565 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Piney Point T52MD1567 CATO, Inc. T52MD1568 Blackwater Maryland LLC T52MD1569 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T52MD1570 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L.P. Andrews AFB T52MD1574 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T54VA1650 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Chesapeake T54VA1651 Center Point Terminal Chesapeake T54VA1652 CITGO Chesapeake T54VA1653 Kinder Morgan Virginia Liquids Terminals LLC T54VA1654 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1656 TransMontaigne Norfolk T54VA1657 Kinder Morgan Transmix Co., LLC T54VA1658 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Dumfries T54VA1659 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Fairfax T54VA1660 TransMontaigne Fairfax T54VA1661 CITGO Fairfax T54VA1662 Motiva Enterprises LLC T54VA1663 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T54VA1664 TransMontaigne Montvale T54VA1665 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Roanoke T54VA1666 TransMontaigne Montvale T54VA1667 IMTTChesapeake T54VA1668 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T54VA1671 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1673 Arc Terminals Holdings LLC T54VA1674 TransMontaigne Chesapeake T54VA1676 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T54VA1677 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Richmond T54VA1678 TransMontaigne Richmond T54VA1679 CITGO Richmond T54VA1681 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1682 First Energy Corporation T54VA1683 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1684 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T54VA1685 Motiva Enterprises LLC T54VA1686 Allied Avia Fueling of National Airport, LLC T54VA1687 TransMontaigne Richmond T54VA1688 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1689 Marathon Roanoke
T54VA1690 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1691 Motiva Enterprises LLC T54VA1692 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T54VA1693 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Virginia Beach T54VA1694 Plains Marketing, LP T54VA1695 Lincoln Terminal Company T54VA1696 IMTT Richmond, Inc. T55WV3181 Marathon Charleston T55WV3183 Ergon West Virginia, Inc. T55WV3184 GoMart T55WV3185 St. Marys Refining Company T55WV3186 Guttman Realty Co. Star City T55WV3188 Baker Oil Co. T56NC2000 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2001 CITGO Charlotte T56NC2002 Marathon Oil Charlotte T56NC2003 EcoEnergy T56NC2004 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2005 Motiva Enterprises LLC T56NC2006 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T56NC2007 Motiva Enterprises LLC T56NC2008 Marathon Charlotte (East) T56NC2009 Motiva Enterprises LLC T56NC2011 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T56NC2013 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2014 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2015 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2016 Atlantic Aero, Inc. T56NC2018 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2019 Apex Oil Company T56NC2020 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T56NC2021 Motiva Enterprises LLC T56NC2022 TransMontaigne Greensboro T56NC2023 TransMontaigne Charlotte/Paw Creek T56NC2024 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T56NC2025 Arc Terminals Holdings LLC T56NC2026 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2027 Motiva Enterprises LLC T56NC2028 TransMontaigne Selma N T56NC2029 Marathon Selma T56NC2030 CITGO Selma
T56NC2031 Marathon Selma T56NC2032 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T56NC2033 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2034 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T56NC2036 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T56NC2037 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Wilmington T56NC2038 Piedmont Aviation Services, Inc. T56NC2043 Apex Oil Company T56NC2044 Vopak Terminal Wilmington, Inc. T56NC2045 RaleighDurham Airport Authority T57SC2050 TransMontaigne Belton T57SC2051 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Belton T57SC2052 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Spartansburg T57SC2053 Marathon Oil Belton T57SC2054 Kinder Morgan Operating LP "C" T57SC2059 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T57SC2060 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T57SC2061 Buckeye Terminals, LLC North Augusta T57SC2062 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T57SC2063 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T57SC2064 Buckeye Terminals, LLC North Charleston T57SC2066 Kinder Morgan Operating LP "C" T57SC2067 TransMontaigne Spartansburg T57SC2068 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T57SC2074 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T57SC2075 Motiva Enterprises LLC T57SC2076 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T57SC2077 CITGO Spartanburg T58GA2500 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T58GA2501 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T58GA2502 TransMontaigne Albany T58GA2505 TransMontaigne Americus T58GA2506 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T58GA2507 Epic Midstream LLC T58GA2508 TransMontaigne Athens T58GA2510 Motiva Enterprises LLC T58GA2511 BP Products North America Inc T58GA2512 Allied Aviation Fueling of Atlanta Inc. T58GA2513 Allied Aviation Fueling of Atlanta Inc. T58GA2514 Motiva Enterprises LLC T58GA2515 TransMontaigne Bainbridge
T58GA2517 Epic Midstream LLC T58GA2519 Perimeter Terminal LLC T58GA2520 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T58GA2522 Omega Partners III, LLC T58GA2523 Marathon Oil Columbus T58GA2524 Omega Partners III, LLC T58GA2525 TransMontaigne Doraville T58GA2526 BP Products North America Inc T58GA2528 Chevron USA, Inc. Doraville T58GA2529 CITGO Doraville T58GA2531 Motiva Enterprises LLC T58GA2532 Marathon Oil Doraville T58GA2533 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T58GA2534 BP Products North America Inc T58GA2535 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T58GA2536 Allied Aviation Fueling of Atlanta, Inc T58GA2537 TransMontaigne Griffin T58GA2538 South Florida Materials Corp dba Vecenergy T58GA2541 Marathon Oil Macon T58GA2542 Epic Midstream LLC T58GA2543 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T58GA2544 TransMontaigne Macon T58GA2545 Marathon Oil Powder Springs T58GA2547 TransMontaigne Rome T58GA2550 Colonial Terminal, Inc. T58GA2551 Vopak Terminal Savannah, Inc. T58GA2553 Norfolk Southern Railway Company T58GA2554 Norfolk Southern Railway Company T58GA2555 Delta Terminal, Inc. T58GA2556 TransMontaigne Lookout Mtn. T59FL2100 Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Tampa T59FL2101 TransMontaigne Tampa T59FL2102 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Jacksonville T59FL2105 TransMontaigne Jacksonville T59FL2106 Marathon Jacksonville T59FL2107 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Tampa T59FL2109 Petroleum Fuel & Terminal Jacksonville T59FL2110 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T59FL2111 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T59FL2112 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Jacksonville T59FL2114 CITGO Niceville
T59FL2115 Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Freeport T59FL2116 Chevron USA, Inc. Panama City T59FL2120 TransMontaigne Pensacola T59FL2122 TransMontaigne Port Manatee T59FL2123 Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals LLC T59FL2124 Motiva Enterprises LLC T59FL2129 Central Florida Pipeline LLC T59FL2130 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Tampa T59FL2131 Chevron USA, Inc. Tampa T59FL2133 CITGO Tampa T59FL2136 Marathon Oil Tampa T59FL2138 TransMontaigne Cape Canaveral T59FL2677 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T59FL2678 South Florida Materials Corp dba Vecenergy T59FL2679 South Florida Materials Corp dba Vecenergy T59FL2680 Seaport Canaveral T59FL2681 Center Point Terminal Jacksonville T59MS0001 Scott Petroleum Corporation T61KY3262 Marathon Viney Branch T61KY3263 MAPLLC Covington T61KY3264 TransMontaigne Greater Cinci T61KY3265 Countrymark Cooperative LLP T61KY3266 Marathon Lexington T61KY3267 Valero Terminaling & Distribution T61KY3268 Marathon Louisville T61KY3269 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Louisville T61KY3270 Valero Terminaling & Distribution T61KY3271 TransMontaigne Louisville T61KY3272 Marathon Oil Louisville T61KY3273 Thornton Transportation, Inc. T61KY3274 CITGO Equilon Louisville T61KY3276 Marathon Paducah T61KY3277 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T61KY3278 TransMontaigne Paducah T61KY3279 TransMontaigne Henderson T61KY3280 Southern States Cooperative T61KY3281 Continental Refining Company T61KY3283 TransMontaigne Owensboro T62KY2210 UPS Fuel Farm Terminal T62KY3285 Catlettsburg Refining, LLC T62TN2200 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP
T62TN2201 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T62TN2202 CITGO Chattanooga T62TN2204 Lion Oil Co. Nashville T62TN2207 Lincoln Energy T62TN2208 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T62TN2211 Magellan Terminals Holdings, LP T62TN2212 Swissport Fueling, Inc. T62TN2213 CITGO Knoxville T62TN2214 Cummins Terminals Knoxville T62TN2215 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T62TN2217 Marathon Oil Knoxville T62TN2218 Motiva Enterprises LLC T62TN2219 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T62TN2220 Federal Express Corporation T62TN2222 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T62TN2223 Wespac Pipelines Memphis LLC T62TN2225 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T62TN2226 Lion Oil Co. Memphis T62TN2227 Valero Partners Operating Co LLC T62TN2228 Center Point Terminal Memphis T62TN2231 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T62TN2232 Marathon Nashville T62TN2233 CITGO Nashville T62TN2234 Cumberland Terminals T62TN2236 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T62TN2237 Marathon Nashville T62TN2238 Marathon Oil Nashville T62TN2240 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T62TN2241 Motiva Enterprises LLC T63AL2301 Chevron USA, Inc. Birmingham T63AL2302 CITGO Birmingham T63AL2304 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Montgomery T63AL2306 Marathon Birmingham T63AL2307 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T63AL2308 Motiva Enterprises LLC T63AL2309 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T63AL2312 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Birmingham T63AL2314 Barcliff, LLC T63AL2317 Alabama Bulk Terminal T63AL2322 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T63AL2323 South Florida Materials Corp dba Vecenergy
T63AL2325 Marathon Montgomery T63AL2326 Epic Midstream LLC T63AL2327 Murphy Oil USA Inc. Montgomery T63AL2329 Hunt Refining Co. T63AL2330 Epic Midstream LLC T63AL2333 Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Oxford T63AL2334 Shell Chemical LP Mobil T63AL2335 Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Sheffield T63AL2336 Barcliff, LLC T63AL2338 Plantation Montgomery Transmix Tank T63AL2339 Nustar Asphalt Chickasaw T63AL2340 Bama Terminaling and Trading LLC T64MS2401 Chevron USA, Inc. Collins T64MS2402 Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals LLC T64MS2404 Motiva Enterprises LLC T64MS2405 TransMontaigne Collins T64MS2406 Transmontaigne Greenville S T64MS2408 TransMontaigne Greenville N T64MS2411 MGC Terminals T64MS2412 CITGO Meridian T64MS2414 Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Meridian T64MS2415 TransMontaigne Meridian T64MS2416 Chevron USA, Inc. Pascagoula T64MS2418 HuntSouthland Refining Co T64MS2419 CITGO Vicksburg T64MS2423 Lone Star NGL Hattiesburg LLC T64MS2424 Hunt Southland Refining Company T65FL2150 TransMontaigne Fort Lauderdale T65FL2152 BP Products North America Inc T65FL2153 Chevron USA, Inc. Fort Lauderdale T65FL2154 Motiva Enterprises LLC T65FL2156 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Fort Lauderdale T65FL2157 CITGO Petroleum Corporation T65FL2158 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T65FL2159 Allied Aviation Fueling of Miami T65FL2160 Marathon Ft Lauderdale Eisenhower T65FL2161 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T65FL2163 Marathon Fort Lauderdale Spangler T65FL2164 Motiva Enterprises LLC T65FL2165 TransMontaigne Port Everglades T65FL2166 Transmontaigne Product Services, Inc.
T68CA4600 SFPP, LP Kinder Morgan T68CA4603 Valero Refining Company Benicia T68CA4604 Chevron USA, Inc. Banta T68CA4605 Shore Terminals LLC Crockett T68CA4606 Chevron USA, Inc. Eureka T68CA4607 Chevron USA, Inc. Avon T68CA4609 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Stockton T68CA4610 Shell Oil Products US Martinez T68CA4611 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co T68CA4612 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Sacramento T68CA4613 SFPP, LP T68CA4614 BP West Coast Products LLC T68CA4616 Chevron USA, Inc. Richmond T68CA4617 Phillips 66 PL Richmond T68CA4619 IMTT Richmond, CA T68CA4621 Chevron USA, Inc. Sacramento T68CA4622 Shell Oil Products US W Sacramento T68CA4624 Phillips 66 PL Sacramento T68CA4626 NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership L. P. Stockton T68CA4628 Shell Oil Products US Stockton T68CA4629 Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC T68CA4632 Allied Aviation Fueling Co., Inc. T71AR2451 Lion Oil Co. El Dorado T71AR2453 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T71AR2456 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T71AR2457 Delek Logistics Operating T71AR2458 HWRT Terminal N. Little Rock T71AR2459 Magellan Terminals Holdings LP T71AR2460 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T71AR2461 TransMontaigne Intercoastal T71AR2462 Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Bono T71AR2463 Valero Partners Operating Co LLC T71AR2464 JP Energy ATT LLC T71AR2465 Center Point Terminal N Little Rock T71AR2467 TransMontaigne Razorback T71AR2468 Midcon Fuel Services T72AL2339 Martin Energy Services T72AL2343 Allied Energy Corporation T72AL2344 Goodway Refining, LLC T72AL2345 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72IL0001 West Shore Pipeline Company Arlington Heights
T72IL0002 West Shore Pipeline Company Forest View T72IL0003 West Shore Pipeline Company Arlington Heights T72IL0004 West Shore Pipeline Company Rockford T72IL0005 IMTT Lemont T72LA2351 Chevron USA, Inc. Arcadia T72LA2353 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T72LA2356 Aircraft Service International, Inc. T72LA2358 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T72LA2360 Chalmette Refining, LLC T72LA2361 Motiva Enterprises LLC T72LA2363 Marathon Oil Garyville T72LA2365 Motiva Enterprises LLC T72LA2367 Calcasieu Refining Company T72LA2368 CITGO Lake Charles T72LA2371 Valero Refining Meraux T72LA2375 Buckeye Terminals, LLC Opelousas T72LA2376 Placid Refining Co. LLC T72LA2377 IMTT St Rose T72LA2378 Shreveport Refinery T72LA2381 Phillips 66 PL Westlake T72LA2388 Calumet Lubricants Co., LP T72LA2389 Calumet Lubricants Co., LP T72LA2391 LBC Baton Rouge LLC T72LA2392 Archie Terminal Company T72LA2393 Red River Terminals, LLC T72LA2394 ERPC Shreveport Area Truck Rack T72LA2395 John W Stone Oil Distributor T72LA2396 Red River Terminals, LLC T72LA2397 Five Star Fuels T72LA2399 Stolthaven New Orleans LLC T72LA2400 IMTT Avondale T72LA2401 IMTT Gretna T72LA2402 Dynamic Fuels LLC T72LA2403 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2404 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2406 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2407 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2408 Valero Refining New Orleans T72LA2409 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2410 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2411 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P.
T72LA2412 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2413 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2414 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2415 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2416 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72LA2417 Diamond Green Diesel LLC T72MS2420 Martin Operating Partnership, L.P. T72MS2421 Delta Terminal, Inc. T72MS2422 ERPC Aberdeen T72WI0001 West Shore Pipeline Company Milwaukee T72WI0002 West Shore Pipeline Company McFarland T72WI0003 West Shore Pipeline Company Green Bay T73AR2450 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T73AR2455 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T73OK2600 Valero Refining Company Oklahoma T73OK2606 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T73OK2608 Phillips 66 PL Glenpool T73OK2612 Phillips 66 PL Oklahoma City T73OK2613 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T73OK2614 TransMontaigne Oklahoma City T73OK2617 Phillips 66 PL Ponca City T73OK2619 Ventura Refining and Transmission LLC T73OK2620 Holly Energy Partners Operating LP T73OK2621 Holly Refining and Marketing Tulsa LLC T73OK2622 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T73OK2624 Wynnewood Energy Company, LLC T73OK2626 Oklahoma City Airport Trust T73OK2628 Kansas City Southern Railway Heavener T74TX2658 Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP T74TX2700 NuStar Logistics, L. P. Edinburg T74TX2702 Motiva Enterprises LLC T74TX2703 CITGO Victoria T74TX2705 Motiva Enterprises LLC T74TX2706 Flint Hills Resources, LPAustin T74TX2707 Flint Hills Resources, LPWaco T74TX2709 CITGO Brownsville T74TX2711 CITGO Corpus Christi T74TX2712 Calumet San Antonio Refining T74TX2713 Noble Petro Inc Bryan T74TX2714 Valero Refining Co. Corpus Christi T74TX2715 NuStar Logistics, L. P. Laredo
T74TX2716 CITGO Corpus Christi T74TX2717 TransMontaigne SouthWest T74TX2721 Flint Hills Resources, LPCorpus Christi T74TX2722 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T74TX2724 Western El Paso T74TX2725 Union Pacific Railroad Co. T74TX2726 Holly Energy Partners Operating LP T74TX2729 NuStar Logistics, L. P. Harlingen T74TX2737 CITGO San Antonio T74TX2738 NuStar Logistics, L. P. San Antonio East T74TX2739 NuStar Logistics, L. P. San Antonio North T74TX2740 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T74TX2742 Flint Hills Resources, LPSan Antonio T74TX2745 Motiva Enterprises LLC T74TX2747 Diamond Shamrock Three Rivers T74TX2748 Holly Energy Partners Operating LP T74TX2750 NuStar Logistics, L. P. El Paso T74TX2751 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T74TX2752 Flint Hills Resources, LPBastrop T74TX2753 TransMontaigne Brownsville T74TX2754 TransMontaigne Border T74TX2755 TransMontaigne Tejano T74TX2756 TransMontaigne Intercoastal T74TX2758 Mustang Ridge Fuels Terminal T75TX2650 NuStar Logistics, L. P. Abernathy T75TX2652 Delek Marketing & Supply, LP T75TX2653 Nustar Logistics LP Amarillo, TX T75TX2654 Phillips 66 PL Amarillo T75TX2656 Alon Big Spring T75TX2657 Phillips 66 Co Borger T75TX2659 JP Energy Caddo LLC T75TX2660 ExxonMobil Oil Corp. T75TX2661 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T75TX2662 Motiva Enterprises LLC T75TX2663 Skytanking USA Inc. T75TX2664 Flint Hills Resources, LPFt. Worth T75TX2665 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. T75TX2666 Chevron USA, Inc. Fort Worth T75TX2667 Noble Petro Inc Ft. Worth T75TX2669 Motiva Enterprises LLC T75TX2671 Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P.
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