XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018

Page created by Paul Aguilar
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
International Union for the Study of Social Insects

  XVIIIth International Congress
                     5-10 August 2018
Convention Center Casa Grande Hotel, Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil

                    www. Iussi2018.com
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
Sponsors                                                    Content s
                                                            General Information......................................4
                                                            Social Events......................................................6
                                                            Plenary Lectures........................................... 11
                                                            Scientific Program
                                                                Monday August 6................................ 23
                                                                Tuesday August 7................................ 33
                                                                Wednesday August 8........................ 41
                                                                Thursday August 9............................. 47
                                                                Friday August 10.................................. 59
                                                            Posters............................................................... 69
                                                            List of Participants....................................... 87

                                                            Event Management by:
                                                            Siga Eventos
                                                            R. Laguna, 664 -
                                                            Jardim Paulista,
                                                            Ribeirão Preto - SP,
                                                            Casa Grande Hotel
                                                            Av. Miguel Estéfano, 1001 -
                                                            Enseada, Guarujá - SP,
                                                            Hardy Tours
                                                            R. Rui Barbosa, 1330 -
                                                            Centro, Ribeirão Preto - SP,

C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                                                   1
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
                            The Brazilian Section of IUSSI welcomes you to                expands three to four times during summer holidays. The Enseada Beach,
                            the XVIIIth International Congress of IUSSI in                where the convention center is located, is the largest beach with good
                            Guarujá, SP, Brazil                                           conditions for family holidays and easy surfing. It has a large promenade that
                                                                                          invites you to stroll along or to get some exercise. Certainly you may have
                          Together with the symposia organizers and the                   concerns whether this is safe. Yes it is if you avoid overexposure (jewelry,
                          International Scientific Committee, we from the                 cameras, talking on cell phone, etc.). Also, as you will perceive, there is a
                          Local Organizing Committee (Denise de Araujo                    constant flux of police patrols along the beach area during the day and the
                          Alves, Fabio Santos do Nascimento, Francis de                   early night hours. Along the beachfront you will also find many restaurants
                          Morais Franco Nunes, Ana Maria Costa Leon-                      and bars, as well as the Guarujá aquarium, which is well worth a visit.
                          ardo and Mauricio Bacci Júnior and myself) put
                          together an attractive program that reflects the                For those of you who do not only come to the congress but also plan
main and central questions of our scientific community. I am sure you will                to stay for some time in Brazil, Brazil has a lot to offer. For longer trips
find many interesting and exciting new findings in the oral presentations                 consider a visit to the spectacular Iguaçu water falls at the tripartite border
and posters.                                                                              of Brazil with Argentina and Paraguay, the Pantanal lowlands, a paradise
                                                                                          for birdwathching, or the Amazon. Similarly you may consider taking short
Like in the previous congress in Cairns, we will make the abstracts available             trips, such as a visit to the historical parts of Santos, or renting a car to
online at the congress website and then, once this website closes, we will                drive up the Rio-Santos highway that winds along the coast for almost 300
host them at the website of the Brazilian IUSSI section. This will reduce                 km, with many options for stops, including the historical city Paraty with its
paper and printing costs and will make your luggage lighter to carry back                 cobblestone steets. And don’t forget, right behind the coastline the coastal
home.                                                                                     mountain range rises from 0 to near 1,000 m above sea level, covered by
                                                                                          Atlantic Rainforest. You will certainly have enjoyed this during the transfer
The convention center is located right off the beautiful Enseada Beach of                 drive from the São Paulo Airport to Guarujá.
Guarujá. You may not have noticed, but Guarujá is actually on an island –
Santo Amaro island - separated from the continent by a narrow branch of                   So, enjoy the congress at the Casa Grande Convention Center and the
the Santos River. The city itself has 300,000 inhabitants and is part of the              Brazilian countryside.
metropolitan area of the Santos municipality, one of the major ports of Bra-
zil. Guarujá is the main seaside resort for paulistas and paulistanos, i.e, peo-                                                                           Klaus Hartfelder
ple living in the state or the city of São Paulo and, accordingly, its population                                                                          President of IUSSI

2                                                     I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                  3
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
General Informa tion                                                                              reserved for posters of Poster Session 1 and that on Tuesday for the posters of session
                                                                                                  2. There will be a limit of maximally 40 presentations in each session, and you can sign up
Casa Grande Convention Center                                                                     for these during registration, on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please note that due to the
The main auditorium (Sala Imperial) for an audience of over 1000 delegates will be sub-           time limits and the number of presentations it will not be possible to present PowerPoint
divided for the symposia sessions into a large auditorium consisting of the José Bonifácio        slides for your poster content.
and Proncesa Leopoldina halls, and separated by a corridor (the Duque de Caxias hall)             Abstracts
from the Teresa Cristina auditorium. This corridor connects you with the poster area on           As there will be no printed abstract book, the compiled submitted abstracts will be avail-
the wide terrace area of the congress center. All these rooms are on the first floor. The         able for downloading from the congress website (http://www.iussi2018.com).
Tiradentes auditorium is upstairs, right above the Teresa Cristina auditorium.
The other three congress rooms are on the ground floor of the hotel lobby (Sala Dia-              Name Badges
mante) and on the mezzanine floor (Salão Nobre and Sala Ouro Preto), right next to the            For security purposes, delegates are requested to wear name badges at all times during
lunch and dinner buffet area.                                                                     the congress sessions. In case you misplaced or lost your badge, please contact the con-
                                                                                                  gress administration desk.
Registration Desk
On Sunday August 5, the registration desk will be in the main area of the convention              Lost and found property
center (Duque de Caxias hall) and will be open there from 16 - 18 o’clock. On the sub-            Please contact the congress administration desk.
sequent days, the registration desk will be in the Administration room in the small build-
                                                                                                  Message Board
ing right next to the convention center, and will be open there from 8:30 to 18 o’clock
                                                                                                  If you have a message for a colleague, please fix this to the message board set up in the
every day, except for Wednesday, when it will be open from 8:30-12 o’clock. There you
                                                                                                  entrance hall of the congress center.
will also find the staff of Hardy Tours for organizing your transfers to the airport, as well
as flight reservations, for those who booked with them.                                           Mobile Phones
                                                                                                  Should be set to silent during oral presentations.
Media Desk for oral presentations
The media desk is right next to the Administration area. Please upload there your                 WiFi
PowerPoint presentation for your oral presentation to the computers of the audiovisual            Internet service will be available for registered delegates. Access details will be informed
service staff. You should do this with at least a few hours ahead of your presentation. If        during registration. Delegates hosted in Casa Grande Hotel can also use their WiFi
you have videos embedded in your presentation, make sure that they are uploaded cor-              access codes provided during check-in.
rectly so that you do not loose time during your presentation. And please note, do not
consider projecting your presentation from your own laptop, as this will inevitably cause         Coffee Breaks
delays for your presentation and, especially so, also for the subsequent speakers.                Coffee, refreshments and snacks are provided free of cost to congress delegates by the
                                                                                                  hotel staff during coffee breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, as shown
Boards for poster presentations                                                                   in the program. The coffee break area will be set up according to weather conditions,
Poster boards are set up in the Terrace area of the congress center. The poster board             either on the lawn area in front of the congress center, or inside.
size is 100 cm width and 220 cm height, so please prepare your poster to fit these
dimensions. Posters can be on display during the entire congress but there will be two            Lunch and Dinner
poster sessions, one on Monday and one on Tuesday afternoon, divided according to                 For delegates hosted at Casa Grande Hotel lunch and dinner is included in the daily rates
symposia group topics. Please check the program for the posters to be presented during            and is served at the buffet area located on the mezzanine area above the hotel lobby.
these sessions.                                                                                   Delegates not hosted at Casa Grande Hotel can either buy individual lunch and dinner
                                                                                                  tickets at the hotel registration desk or dine à la carte in one of the restaurants or at one
Data Blitz sessions                                                                               of the coffee stores of the hotel. Alternatively, there are several lunch and dinner options
As a novelty in the program we have included two Data Blitz sessions for brief                    in nearby restaurants or bars along the beach promenade. Surely you will find something
three-minute presentations of poster contents. The Data Blitz session on Monday is                that satisfies your taste.

4                                                             I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                              5
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
Social Event s
S U N D AY A U G U S T 5
18:30 - 21:30       Welcome Reception                   Conference Center
You are all invited to the Welcome Reception which will be on Sunday,
August 5, starting 6:30 pm, at the Conference Center area of the Casa
Grande Hotel. Finger food snacks and beverages (soft drinks, juice, beer
and caipirinhas) will be served. Please take this opportunity to meet and
chat with old and new friends. There is no charge for the Welcome Re-

F R I D AY A U G U S T 1 0
20:00 - 24:00       Congress Dinner                           Exposition Hall
A Congress Dinner is offered to all congress participants and their accom-
panying and family. Tickets are not included in the registration fee, but can
be ordered and bought through the Registration website, or still during the
first days of the congress at the Registration desk.                                   1. Centro de Exposições
                                                                                          Exhibition Center
The dinner will take place in the Exhibition Hall of the Casa Grande Hotel,
right opposite from the hotel entrance. Taking account eventual dietary                2. Entrada Principal/Recepção
restrictions or preferences, the hotel management has arranged for as a                   Main Entrance/Reception
varied buffet suggestion (see website for all meal details). With the meal,            3. Salão Diamantina
beverages (soft drinks, juice, beer and red and white wines will be served.               Diamantina Room
And after the meal, party.                                                             4. Sala Ouro Preto/Salão Nobre
                                                                                          Ouro Preto Room/Noble Hall
                                                                                       5. Apartamentos
                                                                                          Guest rooms
                                                                                       6. Restaurante Thai/Bar da Praia
                                                                                          Thai restaurant/Beach bar
                                                                                       7. Salão de Convenções: Sala José Bonifácio/Sala Princesa Leopoldina/Sala
                                                                                          Duque de Caxias/ Sala Thereza Cristina/Sala Princesa Isabel e Varanda
                                                                                          Convention Center: José Bonifácio Room/Princesa Leopoldina Room/Duque
                                                                                          de Caxias Room/Thereza Cristina Room/Princesa Isabel Room and Balcony

6                                                  I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l         7
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
The Enseada neighborhood of Guarujá is a residential area with three to
five story appartment buildings between the beach promenade and the
main avenue (Avenida Dom Pedro I).
As shown in the map, the Dom Pedro I Avenue is a lively business area
where you can find banks, supermarkets and all kinds of small stores. Close
to the beach front are the main hotels, including Casa Grande, and many
bars and restaurants, as well as the Beach Shopping mall with all kinds of
small shops and lunch and snack booths. Also, don’t forget to visit the Gua-
rujá Aquarium close by.
The beach front promenade of about 6 km invites strolling or a work out.

8                                                 I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
Plena r y Lec tures
                                         M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 6 , 9 : 0 0 - 1 0 : 0 0

                                         Benjamin P. Oldroyd
                                         University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
                                         The regulation and evolution of worker
                                         sterility in honey bees

                              Insect societies are characterised by reproductive
                              division of labour, whereby one or few females are
                              queens that monopolise reproduction, while all the
other females are subfertile or sterile workers. In terms of Evolutionary Biology
the two essential questions are: why should a female give up on reproduction,
reducing her individual fitness to practically zero, in favour of another female, and
second, what are the underlying mechanisms for worker sterility and how could
these have evolved? While kin selection theory provides an evolutionary genetics
framework for the Why question, the How question is only now, with the
advances in molecular genetics and genomics, becoming amenable to investigation,
especially in the honey bee, Apis mellifera, which was the third insect species to
have its genome fully sequenced and annotated. This allowed us to investigate the
genetics underlying mutant phenotypes, such as the “anarchistic bees” that we
found in colonies as evading and resisting the repression of reproduction and that
we could keep through a selection program for years to understand the molecular
basis of worker sterility. We could pinpoint a key gene in this mechanism, Anarchy.
The gene is overexpressed in workers, leading to their subfertile state. Another
process that is key to worker sterility is the regulation of programmed cell death
in the worker ovary. This process affects different aspects of the morphology and
function of the reproductive system throughout the entire life cycle of a honey
bee worker, starting with the larval stages when caste fate is determined until
the nurse to forager transition., shortly before the end of a worker’s lifespan. I
will review here the major advances that we made over the years to understand
the regulation and evolution of worker sterility in Apis mellifera, the main model
organism for social insect biology, and give an overview on open questions that we
will still need to address.

C a s a G ra nde Ho tel, Gu ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                            11
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 6 , 1 7 : 0 0 - 1 8 : 0 0                                                         T U E S D A Y, A U G U S T 7 , 8 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0

                             Elizabeth A. Tibbetts                                                                                      Paulo S. Oliveira
                             University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA                                                                 Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP,
                             Wasps know each other’s faces:
                             Communication, cooperation, and cognition                                                                  Canopy-dwelling Odontomachus ants in Atlantic
                             in the genus Polistes                                                                                      rainforest: Their behavior, ecology, and effects
                                                                                                                                        on nest plants

                               The recognition of kin and nest mates is key to the
                               organization of insect societies. The importance of                                         Odontomachus ants are widely distributed in a variety
chemical signals as mediators of social information, both as informing an individual’s       of habitats in the Neotropical region, from semi-arid savannas to rainforests.
reproductive status, as well as colony identity (colony odor), are long recognized           These ants forage individually and are well-known by their trap-jaws, which are
and studies in this direction have generated a considerable body of evidence                 used to capture and kill prey. Odontomachus species may construct their nests
explaining social cohesion on the one hand and conflict on the other. While                  on the ground or on vegetation, where workers hunt on a broad variety of
chemical communication is certainly advantageous within closed, dark nesting sites,          invertebrates, but may also consume small vertebrates, plant and insect exudates,
many social insect species build their nesting sites in the open, and one of the             and nutrient-rich fleshy fruits. Since arboreal ants are difficult to observe in the
best examples in this respect are the paper wasps, of the genus Polistes. They are           three dimensional forest canopy, studies on the nesting and foraging ecology
classified as being primitively eusocial as they do not have morphologically defined         of tropical Odontomachus have focused mostly on ground-dwelling species,
castes. Rather, an individual’s caste fate becomes defined during the adult stage,           whose behavior and interactions with other organisms are easier to document.
depending on the social environment encountered by the respective females.                   The arboreal species Odontomachus hastatus has a predominantly crepuscular/
Over the last decade my group has generated a robust body of evidence showing                nocturnal activity schedule, and commonly nests among roots of epiphytic
that face marks provide important visual information that is used among colony               bromeliads in sandy rainforests along the Brazilian coast. In this talk, I will present
members to assess not only each others reproductive status, but also on colony               data on the social organization of O. hastatus colonies, nesting and foraging
membership. Here I will discuss not only how these face marks contribute to                  ecology, and on the cues used by workers during navigation in the canopy
conflict resolution and even nepotism within incipient and established colonies,             environment. Additionally, field data and experimental manipulations under
as well as to individual recognition of colony membership, but I will also present           greenhouse conditions allowed us to assess the effect of O. hastatus colonies on
data on how we think these face marks, which are patterns of cuticle coloration              the nutrition and growth of nest bromeliads, on associated aquatic and terrestrial
and tanning become established during development. Finally, I will ask the question          metazoans, and ultimately on the bromeliad ecosystem. Predation by O. hastatus
as to whether visual recognition among individuals of a colony is unique to paper            on a variety of canopy-dwelling arthropods produces cascading effects on the
wasps, or whether this is a source of information also used by other social insects.         lower trophic levels, translocating nutrients from one habitat to another within
                                                                                             forests, and accumulating nutrients in their feeding sites that become available to
                                                                                             nest bromeliads. Therefore, the carnivorous habit of canopy-dwelling O. hastatus
                                                                                             can change community structure in bromeliad ecosystems, ultimately affecting the
                                                                                             functioning of the aquatic environment within their epiphytic nest plants (FAPESP,

12                                                       I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                13
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
T U E S D A Y, A U G U S T 7 , 1 7 : 0 0 - 1 8 : 0 0                                                       W E D N E S D A Y, A U G U S T 8 , 8 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0

                             Toro Miura                                                                                                 Serian Sumner
                             Misaki Marine Biological Station, School of Science,                                                       University College London, London, UK
                             The University of Tokyo, Japan
                                                                                                                                        Proximate and ultimate basis of sociality:
                             The making of the strongest:                                                                               from genes to phenotypes
                             Developmental underpinnings of soldier
                             differentiation in termites
                                                                                                                            Why do animals live together in societies? How
                                                                                                                            did this evolve, and what are the mechanisms by
                               One of the premises of eusociality is the reproductive                                       which sociality and social behaviour arise? We are
division of labor, that causes the presence of non-reproductive helper individuals,          addressing these questions by analysing the differences in gene expression trelated
such as worker and soldier castes. The caste determination and the caste                     to the observable phenotypes we see in the field, through genome sequencing
differentiation involve the regulation of postembryonic development although                 and RNA-Seq transcriptomic analyses combined with field-based behavioural
some cases are maternally or genetically defined. I have so far been engaged in              ecology. We have just finished sequencing the genomes of the paper wasp
studies related to the caste differentiation in termites, a major eusocial insect            Polistes canadensis and the dinosaur ant Dinoponera quadríceps. These genomic
group with hemimetabolous postembryonic development. In particular, the                      and caste transcriptomic data are revealing the ‘unseen molecular phenotypes’ of
differentiation of soldier caste has been focused in some termite species, since             what makes a queen a queen, or a worker a worker in these primitive societies.
the developmental process for soldiers should have originally evolved in the                 Notably, a single genome may be able to give rise to different phenotypes, but
termite lineage and the genes involved in this process should be one of the targets          there are often limitations to this. A prime example is the highly eusocial species,
of kin selection. Interactions among colony members are known to trigger the                 the honeybee, where each individual larvae retains the ability to develop as a
physiological changes such as the elevation of juvenile hormone titers leading to            queen or a worker up until a certain point in development, after which it becomes
soldier differentiation. In addition to JH, the insulin signaling is also shown to be        irreversibly committed to one or the other for the rest of its life. Conversely, in
responsible for the soldier morphogenesis. Our recent study revealed that the                the primitively eusocial insects, each individual retains a certain degree of plasticity
cross talks among JH- and insulin-signaling pathways, in coordination with the               to change its caste/phenotype throughout adult life. Loss of life-long caste plasticity
Hox gene expression that provides spatial information, led the expressions of                is, thus, an important way to view the mechanisms of social evolution. By studying
appendage toolkit genes, resulting in the elongation of soldier mandibles. Several           the limitations of plasticity and its implications on social evolution and behaviour in
behavioral and physiological examinations provided us hints on the social cues               Polistes paper wasps we are interested in determining to what extend all females
that may lead the soldier-specific development. Furthermore, it has been shown               are equal in their capacity to switch castes and become egg layers or foragers, and
that soldiers also possess multiple exocrine glands probably for social interactions,        how and why do seemingly paradoxical behaviours such as nest-drifting behaviours
suggesting that the soldier tasks are not only attacking enemies but also other              evolve. Caste switching is particularly intriguing to address the question of how
social functions. Thus, accumulations of developmental and genomic data are                  genes, viz. gene expression, may reveal information about an individual’s past
giving us insights into the evolution of caste polyphenism in termites.                      phenotype that cannot easily be perceive from its behaviour.

14                                                       I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                            15
XVIIIth International Congress - International Union for the Study of Social Insects - IUSSI 2018
T H U R S D A Y, A U G U S T 9 , 8 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0                                                         T H U R S D A Y, A U G U S T 6 , 1 7 : 0 0 - 1 8 : 0 0

                            Walter M. Farina                                                                                           Theresa C. Wossler
                            Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, DF,                                                             Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
                                                                                                                                       The secret life of the iconic Cape honeybee
                            The honey bee as an integrative study model:
                            Small and large scale approaches
                            to connect in-hive behavior with                                                              The Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis, a
                            pollination in agricultural crops                                                             subspecies native and endemic to southernmost
                                                                                                                          South Africa, is unique in its biology. While all other
                                                                                                                          subspecies of A. mellifera follow the rule, that is,
The major economic contribution of the honey bees is not the production                     workers normally do not reproduce in the presence of an egg-laying queen,
of honey, wax or other hive products, but pollination of the most varied                    and worker-laid eggs can only give rise to males, capensis workers cannot only
agricultural crops, including high value ones, such as almond and oranges.. As a            become pseudoqueens, but they can also overcome the haplodiploidy limit of
now worldwide established species that is managed by professional and hobby                 hymenopteran sex determination and lay unfertilized yet diploid eggs that give rise
beekeepers, Apis mellifera generates a billion dollar benefit in ecosystem services         to females. The latter they achieved through a mechanism termed postmeiotic
to the world economy. Not surprisingly, breeders have contributed to producing              central fusion of two haploid pronuclei, generating a diploid zygotic nucleus.
lineages favorable in terms of management and colony productivity. These are all            Furthermore, since egg laying by workers is normally restrictively controlled,
behavioral traits, and hence, a first and important step is to understand behavioral        not only through pheromonal repression by the queen, but also by the well
integration and interaction among colony members in the foraging process. A                 known policing behaviour of the workers, this is another barrier overcome by
major breakthrough in this respect came with Karl von Frisch’s discovery of                 capensis workers. They can change both their odour bouquet and behaviour and
sun compass orientation and dance communication, and this has since spurred                 become established as pseudoqueens. While this could be seen as an interesting
intense research activities, resulting in a large body of studies directed towards          reproductive strategy in the case when a colony had lost its queen, it can also
understanding the modalities and components of information exchange among                   have damaging side effects. Such were seen north of the natural hybridization
colony members. A main research focus of my group is to understand the                      zone of A. mellifera capensis with another African subspecies, A. mellifera scutellata.
coordination foraging tasks. This coordination is based on individual decisions and         A genetic clone of capensis bees caused a major calamity among South African
the social interactions that are established among colony members. Our main goal            beekeeepers who reared and managed scutellata bees. Capensis workers
is to understand and characterize the underlying rules and processes of group               invaded scutellata colonies, established themselves as pseudoqueens, caused the
foraging. The research lines point to insect behavior in relation to communication          elimination of the scutellata queens and eventually made scutellata workers rear
systems and cognitive processes; especially, the acquisition and evocation of               capensis brood. Thus, these clonal bees had turned into social parasites. While
information related to the exploited resources. This information may be acquired            this is a calamity for beekeepers, it is also a phenomenon worthy of investigation,
inside the colony (during interactions among individuals) or outside while foraging.        especially on environmental factors and genetic mechanisms that may underlie the
We see such behavioral ecology results as fundamental for understanding foraging            evolution of such a special bee as A. mellifera capensis, and it is the recent advances
decisions of honey bees in the context of agricultural crops.                               on these questions that will be addressed in my presentation.

16                                                      I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                               17
F R I D A Y, A U G U S T 1 0 , 8 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0                                                            F R I D A Y, A U G U S T 1 0 , 1 6 : 3 0 - 1 7 : 3 0

                             Jennifer H. Fewell                                                                                          Andreas Brune
                             Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA                                                                    Max-Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology,
                                                                                                                                         Marburg, Germany
                             Eusocial insects as models for non-kin
                             cooperation                                                                                                 The gut microbiota of termites and
                                                                                                                                         cockroaches: Ecology and evolution of
                                                                                                                                         symbiotic digestion
                              Kinship is unquestionably a key driver in the
                              organization of eusocial systems, but non-kin
                              cooperation is also an important theme in social                                              Termite guts are tiny bioreactors converting
evolution. Our lab has focused, for the last several years, on the transition to social       lignocellulose to microbial fermentation products that fuel the metabolism of
cooperation in the context of primary polygyny, in which unrelated ant queens                 the host. This association between microbes and termites, bacteria in the case of
form permanent cooperative associations that persist through the life of the                  higher termites and protozoans in the case of the so-called lower termites, not
colony. These associations allow us to examine the costs and benefits of sociality            only enables termites to thrive on natural resources normally not accessible to
independently of kin effects. They also allow us to explore the proximate social              other insects, but is also considered as the basis for the evolution of their social
dynamics that emerge when individuals are placed into a social situation; these               organization. The reason is that after each molt of the hindgut, the microbiota
act as under-recognized but important drivers of social phenotype. Here I will                needs to be reestablished through proctodeal trophallaxis with other colony
present highlights of our explorations; examine the key behavioral elements that              members. Furthermore, the termite gut microbiota is of immense industrial
are present and/or need to change at the transition to social cooperation; and                interest for secondary biofuel production. My research group studies the role
consider the trade offs that cooperation generates for individual and group costs             of the termite gut microbiota in the symbiotic digestion of wood, focusing on
and benefits across the lifetime of the polygynous colony.                                    the biology of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic symbionts and their interactions,
                                                                                              the structure and functions of the intestinal ecosystem. Other aspects are the
                                                                                              microbial processes in the guts of humivorous soil macrofauna, such as soil-feeding
                                                                                              termites, and evolutionary aspects of the termite gut microbiota in comparison
                                                                                              with that of wood feeding cockroaches, especially the genus Cryptocercus, which
                                                                                              comes closest to termites and is the likely sister group of the order Isoptera. In
                                                                                              fact, there is an ongoing controversial debate on whether termites should retain
                                                                                              their phylogenetic status as an order (Isoptera), or whether they should be
                                                                                              included as a special branch within the Blattodea.

18                                                        I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                  19
Scientific Program
M O N D AY A U G U S T 6
08:30                    Opening Session                                                     J. Bonifácio
                                                                                             P. Leopoldina
                                                                                             D. Caxias
09:00                    Plenary Lecture                                                     J. Bonifácio
                         Benjamin Oldroyd               The regulation and evolution of      P. Leopoldina
                                                        worker sterility in honey bees       D. Caxias

10:00                    Coffee Break
10:30                    Symposia sessions
Data Blitz 1             Short presentations for Poster Session 1                            T. Cristina
Symposium 2.3            Neuroethology of the hive mind: Ecological and                      J. Bonifácio
                         evolutionary context of social insect brains                        P. Leopoldina
Chairs                   Floria Mora–Kepfer Uy & Amy Toth
10:30                    Natacha Rossi                  Formic acid improves nestmate recognition in
                                                        carpenter ants
10:45                    Jean Baptiste Piqueret Individual appetitive associative memory in
                                                Formica fusca ants is extraordinarily persistent
                                                and resistant to extinction
11:00                    Martin Giurfa                  Learning modifies reinforcement sensitivity
                                                        in honeybees via long-term changes in a
                                                        dopaminergic receptor gene
11:15                    Daniel Kronauer                Chemosensory processing in the ant brain
11:30                    R. Keating Godfrey             Rethinking brain evolution in social insects:
                                                        harnessing perspectives into a new predictive
11:45                    Chris Jernigan                 Why bees may stop to smell the flowers: How
                                                        olfactory restriction affects odor signaling in the
                                                        honey bee, Apis mellifera
12:00                    Marc Seid                      Brain allometry and the evolution and behavioral
                                                        ecology of Myrmecia
12:15                    Ken Tan                        Honey bee queens have exceptional learning
                                                        and long-term memory abilities

C a s a G ra nde Ho tel, Gu ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                          23
Symposium 4.3   Pandemics, virulence and spill over – What                Diamantina         11:45                     Adam John Mears                 Mutualistic interactions facilitate trophic
                can social insects teach us about virus evolution?                                                     Devenish                        cascades: invaders beget invasion
Chairs          Emily Remnant & Stephen Martin                                               12:00                     Marina P. Arbetman              The impact of invasive bees on agriculture
10:30           Dino McMahon          Emerging bee viruses: from molecules to host           12:15                     Srinivas Reddy KM               Evaluation of released sunflower hybrids in
                                      and vector ecology                                                                                               attracting bee pollinators for increased yields
11:00           Jessica Kevill        Deformed Wing Virus variants and their                 Symposium 7.4             Open session - Ecology and Evolution                                  P. Isabel
                                      implication in unexpected overwinter colony
                                      losses of European honey bees in the UK and            Chairs                    Ana Maria Costa-Leonardo & Ives Haifig
                                      USA                                                    10:30                     Philipp Peter Sprenger Diversification of phenotypic traits in parabiotic
11:15           Amanda Norton         Uncoupling Deformed wing virus replication and                                                          ant species
                                      virulence in Varroa-naive Australian honey bees        10:45                     Sacha Zahnd                     Hybridization and reproductive isolation
11:30           Madeleine Beekman     Vector-mediated viral transmission weeds out                                                                     between socially polymorphic ant species
                                      virulent viruses                                       11:00                     Jignasha Rana                   Cryptic diversification in Cephalotes
11:45           Peter Joseph Flynn    A comparative assessment of endogenous                                                                           (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a species rich
                                      viruses throughout ant genomes                                                                                   Neotropical ant lineage

12:00           Shilpi Bhaptia        Genetic architecture of honey bee virus                11:15                     Li Chen                         Cuticular hydrocarbon chemistry shapes the
                                      susceptibility                                                                                                   current distribution of the imported fire ants in
                                                                                                                                                       the USA
12:15           Olav Rueppell         The honey bee egg - an underappreciated life
                                      stage                                                  11:30                     Rachelle Adams                  Alterations of alkaloidal weaponry in
                                                                                                                                                       Megalomyrmex social parasites: Transitions
Symposium 6.3   Ecosystem services provided by social insects:            Nobre                                                                        across the phylogeny
                advances and perspectives
                                                                                             11:45                     Rachelle Adams                  A geographic basis for selection in the
Chairs          Luciana Elizalde, Natalia Lescano, Gabriela Pirk & Victoria Werenkraut                                                                 mercenary-ant symbiosis
10:30-11:00     Paul John Eggleton    The global patchiness of ecosystem services            12:00                     Natalia C. Castro-              Analysis of the tarsal asymmetry in social wasp
                                      provided by termites                                                             Cortes                          of the genus Mischocyttarus (Hymenoptera:
                                                                                                                                                       Vespidae: Polistinae)
11:00           Alejandro Farji-Brener The role of ant nests on restoration in degraded
                                       ecosystems: effects on soil nutrients and             12:15                     Abraham Hefetz                  Cryptic species or social polymorphism in the
                                       vegetation patterns                                                                                             desert ant Cataglyphis
11:15           Xavier Arnan          Climate change and anthropogenic disturbance           12:30                     Lunch
                                      effects on ant-mediated ecosystem services in
                                      Brazilian Caatinga
11:30           Gabriela Pirk         Non-conspicuous but widespread nests of
                                      three ant species favour plant growth in NW

24                                                       I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                              25
14:00           Symposia sessions                                                             15:00                     J. Frances Kamhi                Knowing where you’re going: the role of the
                                                                                                                                                        mushroom body in ant visual navigation
Symposium 1.1   The concept of epigenetics and its applicability           P. Isabel
                to the study of social insects                                                15:15                     Fabio Manfredini                The molecular basis for waggle dance
                                                                                                                                                        communication in the honey bee Apis mellifera
Chairs          Ryszard Maleszka & Ben Oldroyd
                                                                                              15:30                     Mike Sheehan                    Recent evolution of increased social intelligence
14:00-14:30     Paul Hurd             The epigenetic basis of nutrition-mediated caste                                                                  via strong selection
                                      identity in the honey bee
                                                                                              15:45                     Yuri Ogawa                      The function of ocelli in Hymenopterans:
14:30           Romain Libbrecht      Epigenetic regulation of circadian rhythm in ants                                                                 Spectral and Polarization sensitivity
14:45           Boris Yagound         Is worker reproduction influenced by sperm-             16:00                     Tyler Quigley                   Bringing the honeybee blood-brain barrier into
                                      specific DNA methylation in the honey bee?                                                                        focus
15:00           Jack Howe             Is worker reproduction in Acromyrmex leaf-              16:15                     Jean Christophe                 Marked inter-specific differences in the male
                                      cutting ants affected by genomic imprinting?                                      Sandoz                          olfactory system of honey bees (genus Apis)
15:15           Thiago da Silva       Differential expression of developmental genes          Symposium 3.4             Social evolution and life history consequences                        T. Cristina
                Depintor              in response to the morphogenetic hormones in
                                      Apis mellifera                                          Chairs                    Abel Bernadou, Boris H. Kramer & Karen Meusemann
15:30           Elizabeth Duncan      Genome organisation and response to queen               14:00                     Matteo Antoine                  Queen longevity involves changes in expression
                                      mandibular pheromone in the honeybee (Apis                                        Negroni                         of genes of multiple pathways in Temnothorax
                                      mellifera)                                                                                                        rugatulus
15:45           Kenji Matsuura        Genomic imprinting drives the evolution of              14:15                     J. Manuel Monroy                Gene expression differences underlying aging in
                                      termite eusociality                                                                                               the termite Cryptotermes secundus: a long-run
                                                                                                                                                        time series study
16:00           Nicholas Smith        Genomic Imprinting in South African honey
                                      bees                                                    14:30                     Vikram Chandra                  Insulin signalling regulates clonal raider ant
                                                                                                                                                        reproductive cycles
Symposium 2.3   Neuroethology of the hive mind: Ecological and             J. Bonifácio
Continued       evolutionary context of social insect brains               P. Leopoldina      14:45                     Patrick Kennedy                 Altruism in fluctuating environments
14:00           Sandra Rehan          Genes, brain and behavior of Ceratina small             15:00                     Jenny Louise Donelan            Determinants of the fecundity-longevity
                                      carpenter bees and the evolution of early insect                                                                  association in social and non-social insects
                                                                                              15:15                     Natalie J. Lemanski             The strength of selection on worker mortality
14:15           Dustin Rubinstein     The evolution and structure of complex                                                                            predicts seasonal differences in honeybee
                                      societies: lessons from snapping shrimp                                                                           worker senescence rate
14:30           Floria Mora-Kepfer Uy Plasticity and differential brain investment            15:30                     Anna Friedel                    Extended maternal care enhances brood
                                      between a social parasite wasp and its host                                                                       survival and may be a precursor to sociality in
                                                                                                                                                        the orchid bee Euglossa viridissima
14:45           Ajay Narendra         Action in dim light: sensory and neural
                                      adaptations in nocturnal ants                           15:45                     Violette Chiara                 What triggers the decline of social tolerance in
                                                                                                                                                        solitary spiders?

26                                                        I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                             27
16:00           Julia Giehr           Direct fitness of workers in a Temnothorax ant           14:45                     Jelena Bujan                    Physiological adaptations of Neotropical canopy
16:15           Yves Roisin           Why does asexual queen succession
                                      accommodate balanced alate sex ratio in                  15:00                     Jonathan Zvi Shik               Metabolic temperature sensitivity in ants
                                      neotropical soil-feeding termites?
                                                                                               15:15                     Kaitlin Mari Baudier            Interacting climate scales of army ant thermal
Symposium 4.1   20 years since ‘Parasites in Social Insects’ – where        Ouro Preto                                                                   tolerance
                have we travelled and what does the future hold?
                                                                                               15:30                     Mathieu Lihoreau                Nutritional interactions in insect societies:
Chairs          Mark Brown, Lena Wilfert, Seth Barribeau & Ben Sadd                                                                                      insights from geometry
14:00-14:30     Paul Schmid-Hempel    Parasites in social insects: from sparse beginnings      15:45                     Michael Poulsen                 From guts to ecosystems: symbiont roles in an
                                      to a key issue                                                                                                     ecologically-dominant fungus-farming insect
14:30           Megan Kutzer          Social immunity – the immune system of the               16:00                     James Buxton                    The environmental predictors of ant
                                      superorganism?                                                                                                     melanisation over a bioclimatic gradient
14:45           Amber Tripodi         Patterns of bumble bee parasitism across the             16:15                     Eva Schultner                   Interactions between an ant and its
                                      United States                                                                                                      endosymbionts drive fitness responses to
                                                                                                                                                         temperature change
15:00           Christoph Kurze       Social networks and disease transmission
                                                                                               Symposium 6.4             Stingless bees: integrating basic biology, innovation                Nobre
15:15           Arran J Folly         The effect of caffeine on the epidemiology                                         and conservation policy
                                      of Nosema bombi a detrimental bumblebee
                                      parasite                                                 Chairs                    Denise de Araujo Alves & Vera Lucia Imperatriz Fonseca
15:30           Sina Metzler          Pathogen-mediated Sexual Selection in Ants               14:00                     Francis Ratnieks                Stingless bees and honey bees: vive la difference
15:45           Maéva Angélique       Understanding successful host switches of                14:15                     Vera Lucia Imperatriz           Nature for people and stingless bees use and
                Techer                honeybee Varroa mites using whole genome                                           Fonseca                         conservation, under IPBES framework
                                      sequencing and population genomics
                                                                                               14:30                     Eduardo Almeida                 Diversities of stingless bees worldwide
16:00           Natalie Imirzian      Foraging dynamics in sniper alley
                                                                                               14:45                     Michael Hrncir                  The hidden costs of climate warming for
16:15           Rebeca B. Rosengaus   Termites as an (often neglected) outgroup in                                                                       stingless bee survival
                                      ecological immunology studies
                                                                                               15:00                     Tereza Cristina                 Stingless bees of Eastern Amazon (National
Symposium 5.3   Social insect eco–physiology across scales                  Diamantina                                   Giannini                        Forest of Carajás, Pará) and the impact of
                                                                                                                                                         climate change on their distribution
Chairs          Sara Leonhardt, Clint Penick & Jonathan Shik
                                                                                               15:15                     Rodolfo Jaffé                   Landscape genetics of stingless bees: What do
14:00           Christina L Kwapich   Ant colonies as islands: How host species traits                                                                   we know so far?
                                      alter size and life history in generalist ant crickets
                                      (Orthoptera: Myrmecophilidae)                            15:30                     Francisco Garcia Bulle A new technique for estimating landscape-
                                                                                                                         Bueno                  level density of an Australian stingless bee
14:15           Clint Penick          Nutritional dynamics of urban ant communities                                                             (Tetragonula carbonaria)
14:30           Fredrick J Larabee    Ecomorphology and evolution of fungus-                   15:45                     Cristiano Menezes               The role of microorganisms to stingless bees
                                      growing ant mandibles                                                                                              and stingless bee keeping

28                                                         I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                            29
16:00   Carlos Gustavo       Stingless bees and microbes: Diversity and
        Nunes-Silva          dynamics in the hive
16:15   Chui Shao Xiong      Pollen foraging preferences of stingless bees in a
                             tropical Southeast Asian urban garden
16:30   Coffee Break
17:00   Plenary Lecture                                          J. Bonifácio

                                                                                    Au g u s t 7
        Elizabeth Tibbetts   Wasps know each other’s faces:      P. Leopoldina

                                                                                    Tu e s day
                             Communication, cooperation,         D. Caxias
                             and cognition in the genus
18:00   Poster Session 1

30                                              I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018
T U E S D AY A U G U S T 7

08:30                    Plenary Lecture                                             J. Bonifácio
                         Paulo Oliveira                 Canopy-dwelling Odontomachus P. Leopoldina
                                                        ants in Atlantic rainforest: D. Caxias
                                                        Their behavior, ecology, and
                                                        effects on nest plants
09:30                    Coffee Break
10:00                    Symposia Session
Data Blitz 2                                                                                 T. Cristina
Symposium 1.2            Evolutionary co–option and “Ground Plan”                            P. Isabel
                         revisited by current physiology and genomics
Chairs                   Yasukazu Okada & Ken Sasaki
10:00                    Yasukazu Okada                 Rapid modification of nutrition-related genes
                                                        in response to social rank in monomorphic
                                                        queenless ant
10:15                    Isobel Ronai                   The mechanistic, genetic and evolutionary basis
                                                        of worker sterility in the social Hymenoptera
10:30                    Alex Walton                    Starve a Worker, Feed a Colony: Nutrition,
                                                        ovary size, and cooperation in social insect
10:45                    Keigo Uematsu                  Evolution of a sterile soldier caste by
                                                        heterochronic expression of seasonal
                                                        polyphenism in social aphids
11:00                    Graham Thompson                Soldier-biased gene expression in a termite
                                                        implies indirect selection for defense
11:15                    Kiyoto Maekawa                 Evolution of sterile caste in termites: missing link
                                                        between the functions of JH and ecdysone
11:30                    Zilá L. P. Simões              The genome of the eusocial Frieseomelitta varia
                                                        stingless bee: a model species for reproductive
                                                        dominance studies
11:45                    Michael R Warner               Comparative transcriptomics of caste
                                                        development across multiple origins of

C a s a G ra nde Ho tel, Gu ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                             33
12:00           Adria LeBouef         Molecular evolution of juvenile hormone                  Symposium 4.2             Defense mechanisms against diseases in social insects Ouro Preto
                                      esterase-like proteins in a socially exchanged
                                      fluid                                                    Chairs                    Dalial Freitak & Gro Amdam

12:15           Ken Sasaki            Biogenic amines and division of labor in eusocial        10:00                     Michael Poulsen                 Disease-free monoculture fungus farming in
                                      Hymenoptera                                                                                                        termites

Symposium 2.4   Chemical mechanisms underlying inter–caste                  J. Bonifácio P.    10:15                     Miguel Corona                   Colony-level effects of nutritional stress and
                communication                                               Leopoldina                                                                   nutritional supplementation

Chairs          Cintia Akemi Oi & Ricardo Caliari Oliveira                                     10:30                     Erik Thomas Frank               Treatment of injured nestmates improves
                                                                                                                                                         survival in the termite-hunting ant Megaponera
10:00           James C. Nieh         The scent of poison: alarm, venom, and honey                                                                       analis
                                      bee olfactory eavesdropping
                                                                                               10:45                     Erin L. Cole                    Termites: excellent candidates to study
10:15           Christoph Kleineidam Adaptive resource defense and experience-                                                                           transgenerational-immune priming
                                     dependent nestmate recognition in ants
                                                                                               11:00                     laura Chavarria                 Antibiotic activity associated to microorganisms
10:30           Bob Vander Meer       Chemicals passed from fire ant males to females                                    Pizarro                         in social wasp nests (Vespidae; Polistinae,
                                      during mating have multiple functions that                                                                         Epiponini)
                                      enhance colony foundation success
                                                                                               11:15                     Victoria Louise                 Termite guts as the first line of defence in a
10:45           Ed Vargo              Identification of a queen and king recognition                                     Challinor                       fungus-growing insect symbiosis
                                      pheromone in the subterranean termite,
                                      Reticulitermes flavipes                                  11:30                     Emily Remnant                   Antiviral small RNA responses differ between
                                                                                                                                                         honey bees and their parasitic mites
11:00           Yuki Mitaka           Multifunctionality of soldier pheromone in a
                                      termite                                                  11:45                     Adele Bordoni                   Immune priming and its transmission across
                                                                                                                                                         generation in Crematogaster scutellaris
11:15           Fabio Santos do       Queen pheromones did not inhibit
                Nascimento            reproduction but maintain social cohesion in an          12:00                     Sylvia Cremer                   Care and kill, resist and tolerate – the many
                                      orchid bee                                                                                                         ways to social immunity

11:30           Callum Kingwell       Chemical fertility signaling in a flexibly eusocial      Symposium 5.2             Complex environmental interactions and                               Diamantina
                                      insect                                                                             its effect on colony phenotype

11:45           Margarita Orlova      Effect of immune challenge on production of              Chairs                    Sarah Bengston & Jennifer Jandt
                                      queen pheromones in the honeybee                         10:00                     Sarah Elizabeth                 The evolutionary bifurcation of social parasite
12:00           Alison Mcafee         Death pheromones triggering hygienic                                               Bengston                        strategies in Temnothorax ants
                                      behaviour in honey bees (Apis mellifera)                 10:15                     Julie S. Miller                 Raiding decisions in a slave-making ant: making
12:15           Cintia Oi             The royal pheromones of wasp colonies                                                                              the best of a quick job
                                                                                               10:30                     Paul Bardunias                  Construction in the Macrotermitinae is
                                                                                                                                                         governed by a stigmergically created humidity

34                                                         I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                             35
10:45           Peer Marting            The effects soil nutrients on collective                11:30                     Kok-Boon Neoh                   Ant assemblage in urban greenery: A test
                                        personality in the Azteca-Cecropia mutualism                                                                      of island biogeography model and size-grain
11:00           Maák István Elek        Habitat type and colony personality traits affect
                                        production in Myrmica ants                              11:45                     Elinor Lichtenberg              Foraging traits drive outcomes of Neotropical
                                                                                                                                                          stingless bee community disassembly under land
11:15           Kaitlin M. Baudier      Changing of the guard: Task dynamics of stingless                                                                 use change
                                        bee nest defense in cleptoparasitic environments
                                                                                                12:00                     Harry Siviter                   Sulfoxaflor - a potential replacement for
11:30           Serafino Teseo          The scent of symbiosis: gut bacteria affect social                                                                neonicotinoid insecticides- has negative impacts
                                        interactions in fungus-growing ants                                                                               on bumblebee colony fitness
11:45           Susanne Foitzik         Gut microbiome and Wolbachia in Temnothorax             12:30                     Lunch
                                        ants: links to caste, immunity, colony productivity
                                        and size                                                14:00                     Assemblies of IUSSI sections                                       J. Bonifácio
                                                                                                                                                                                             P. Leopoldina
12:00           Georghia McCombe        The effect of a complex environment on                                                                                                               T. Cristina P.
                                        Bombus terrestris colony level foraging effort                                                                                                       Isabel Nobre
12:15           Iago Sanmartín-Villar   Does early social context influence the                                                                                                              Diamantina
                                        expression of behavioural variability in ants?                                                                                                       Ouro Preto

Symposium 6.1   Conservation of social insect populations                    Nobre              16:30                     Coffee Break

Chairs          Elizabeth Evesham & David Nash                                                  17:00                     Plenary Lecture                                                     J. Bonifácio
                                                                                                                          Toro Miura                      The making of the strongest:        P. Leopoldina
10:00           Brett Morgan            Using species distribution modeling for bulk                                                                      Developmental underpinnings of D. Caxias
                                        conservation assessments of South East Asian                                                                      soldier differentiation in termites
                                                                                                18:00                     IUSSI International Committee Meeting                              J. Bonifácio P.
10:15           Sam Duckerin            Understanding the effects of pesticides on the                                                                                                       Leopoldina
                                        dynamic self-organisation of bumblebee colonies
                                                                                                18:00                     Poster Session 2
10:30           Marianne Azevedo        Landscape genetics of ants (Hymenoptera:
                Silva                   Formicidae) in Cerrado savanna: The
                                        importance of preserving vegetation
10:45           Ash E. Samuelson        Foraging in the city: Decoding the honeybee
                                        waggle dance to map urbanisation effects on
11:00           Jose Schoereder         How ants could help us to draw conservation
                                        strategies in Brazil?
11:15           Pamela C. Gusmán        Does the diversity of ants (Hymenoptera:
                Montalván               Formicidae) change by grazing in a Neotropical
                                        dry forest?

36                                                          I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                          37
 August 8
W E D N E S D AY A U G U S T 8

08:30                    Plenary Lecture                                                    J. Bonifácio
                         Serian Sumner                  Proximate and ultimate basis        P. Leopoldina
                                                        of sociality: from genes to         D. Caxias
09:30                    Coffee Break
10:00                    Symposia sessions
Symposium 1.3            Genome editing in social insects                                   P. Isabel
Chairs                   Yehuda Ben–Shahar & Daniel Kronauer
10:00-10:30              Alexis Hill                    Progress towards a universal CRISPR/Cas9-
                                                        depedent strategy to create genetically encoded
                                                        tools for neuroethological studies in insects
10:30                    Martin Beye                    Genetic technologies in honeybees
10:45                    Rong Ma                        Heritable gene editing by targeted delivery of
                                                        Cas9 nuclease to the germline in bumble bees
                                                        (Bombus impatiens)
11:00                    Hiroki Kohno                   Production of mKast mutant drones and
                                                        heterozygote mutant workers by genome
                                                        editing using CRISPR/Cas9
11:15                    Waring Trible                  CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing in social
                                                        insects: practical considerations and future
11:30                    Tom Hart                       Generation of transgenic lines using piggyBac
                                                        transposons in the clonal raider ant
11:45                    John Wang                      Development of CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis and
                                                        transgenics in the fire ant
12:00                    Luigi Pontieri                 Developmental staging scheme of the ant
                                                        Monomorium pharaonis: a potential new model
                                                        for developmental biology

C a s a G ra nde Ho tel, Gu ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                            41
Symposium 2.2   Social and complex forms of learning                       J. Bonifácio       11:15                     Etya Amsalem                    The origin of castes in social insects: examining
                in social insects                                          P. Leopoldina                                                                the diapause ground plan hypothesis in
Chairs          Morgane Nouvian & Giovanni Galizia
                                                                                              11:30                     Sanja Hakala                    Selfish progeny of great societies - dispersal and
10:00           Volker Nehring        Associative learning of recognition templates                                                                     supercoloniality in Formica ants
10:15           Hiroyiki Ai           How do the honeybees learn waggle dance?                11:45                     Anindita Brahma                 Current indirect fitness and future direct fitness
10:30           Martin Giurfa         Good at simple, good at complex: proficiency is                                                                   are not incompatible
                                      maintained across elemental and higher-order            12:00                     Miriam Richards                 Social trait correlations and phylogenetic
                                      visual learning tasks in an insect                                                                                patterns in sweat bees
10:45           Lisa Evans            How intra-colony differences in bumble bee              12:15                     Koos Boomsma                    Monogamous sperm storage and permanent
                                      learning ability influences their foraging choices                                                                worker sterility in a long-lived ambrosia beetle
11:00           Chelsea Cook          Variation in learning shapes foraging behavior in       Symposium 7.1             Macroevolution of ants                                              Diamantina
                                      honey bees
                                                                                              Chairs                    Georg Fischer, Philip S. Ward & Evan P. Economo
11:15           Hanna Chole           Social contact acts as appetitive reinforcement
                                      and supports associative learning in honeybees          10:00                     Philip Ward                     Differential divergence and dispersal in ant
                                      (Apis mellifera)                                                                                                  evolution
11:30           Morgane Nouvian       Towards automated conditioning of honeybees             10:15                     Christian Rabeling              The early evolution of ants
                                      in complex tasks
                                                                                              10:30                     Scott Powell                    Decoupling of soldier eco-morphological traits
11:45           Theo Mota             Bimodal patterning discrimination in harnessed                                                                    in the evolution of the turtle ants (Cephalotes)
                                      honey bees
                                                                                              10:45                     Jochen Drescher                 Community phylogenetics and trait dispersion
12:00           Fernando Locatelli    Competing aversive and appetitive memories in                                                                     of arboreal ants after rainforest conversion to
                                      the crab Neohelice and in honey bees                                                                              monocultures in Sumatra
Symposium 3.2   Evolution of social organization                           T. Cristina        11:00                     Ana Jesovnik                    Evolutionary implications of increasingly refined
                                                                                                                                                        phylogenies for fungus-farming ants and their
Chairs          Yannick Wurm, Carlos Martinez Ruiz & Emeline Favreau                                                                                    fungal cultivars
10:00-10:30     Tim Linksvayer        Prospects for using comparative genomics to             11:15                     Abel Bernadou                   Individual experience underlies division of labor
                                      elucidate the evolution of eusociality                                                                            in a clonal ant
10:30           Madison Sankovitz     Reproductive partitioning in polygynous,                11:30                     Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo              A phylogenomic test of symbiont fidelity in
                                      perennial Vespula pensylvanica colonies                                                                           two fungus-growing ant genera and their fungal
10:45           Mackenzie Lovegrove   Evolving eusociality: Using Drosophila to                                                                         cultivars
                                      understand how queen pheromone inhibits                 11:45                     Evan Economo                    Repeated evolution of a complex innovation
                                      reproduction in Apis mellifera workers                                                                            underlies deterministic assembly of
11:00           Eckart Stolle         Early evolution and structure of a young                                                                          ecomorphological diversity in a global radiation
                                      supergene governing social behavior                                                                               of trap-jaw ants

42                                                        I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                           43
Symposium 8.1    Round Table - Research ethics, equity and                Nobre
                 reponsible science
Chairs           Ulrich Mueller & Rachelle Adams
10:00-10:30      Joan Herbers         Gender equity in the sciences: why is this so
10:30-11:00      Daniele Fanelli      Taking the pulse of social insects research
11:00-11:30      Miriam Richards      How did that paper get published? Roles of
                                      editors and reviewers in the dissemination of
                                      scientific data
11:30-12:30      Open Discussion
12:30            Lunch
Free Afternoon

                                                                                             August 9
44                                                       I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018
T H U R S D AY A U G U S T 9

08:30                    Plenary Lecture                                                     J. Bonifácio
                         Walter Farina                  The honey bee as an integrative      P. Leopoldina
                                                        study model: Small and large         D. Caxias
                                                        scale approaches to connect in-
                                                        hive behavior with pollination in
                                                        agricultural crops
09:30                    Coffee Break
10:00                    Symposia sessions
Symposium 1.4            From genes to societies                                             P. Isabel
Chairs                   Martin Beye & Maria Cristina Arias
10:00                    Natalia de Souza               Unveiling the expression dynamics of genes
                         Araujo                         involved in bee sociality
10:15                    Laurent Keller                 The origin of sex chromosomes in fire ants
10:30                    Amy Toth                       Polistes wasps: a model genus for social
                                                        evolution in the genomic era
10:45                    Hua Yan                        Generating genetic tools in ants to study
                                                        behavior and neural development
11:00                    Anete Pedro Lourenco Genes and genetic pathways in bees: from
                                              solitary to social behavior
11:15                    Amro Zayed                     Studying the genetics of colony-level traits using
                                                        GWAS in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
11:30                    Kohei Oguchi                   Juvenile hormone action inducing neotenic
                                                        differentiation in the damp-wood termite
11:45                    Waring Trible                  Frequency-dependent selection of a recently
                                                        derived social parasite in the clonal raider ant
12:00                    Martin Beye                    Genetic instruction of behaviors in honeybees?
12:15                    Tim Gernat                     Reduced trophallactic activity in response to
                                                        virus infection in automatically monitored
                                                        honeybee colonies

C a s a G ra nde Ho tel, Gu ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                             47
Symposium 2.1   Information use in social insects                          J. Bonifácio       10:45                     Noa Pinter-Wollman              Nest architecture, communication networks,
                                                                           P. Leopoldina                                                                and the organization of work in ant colonies
Chairs          Tomer J. Czaczkes, Stephen Pratt & Simon Garnier                              11:00                     Lior Baltiansky                 Flexibility without plasticity: individual crop loads
                                                                                                                                                        locally govern collective food intake regulation in
10:00-10:30     Ofer Feinerman        Managing information over multiple                                                                                Camponotus sanctus colonies
                                      organizational scales
                                                                                              11:15                     Bertrand Collignon              Division of labor applied to cooperative foraging
10:30           Helen McCreery        A comparative approach to cooperative                                                                             by ants and robots
                                      transport: disregarding potentially distracting
                                      information can be good                                 11:30                     Martin Quque                    Division of labour in the black garden ant (Lasius
                                                                                                                                                        niger) leads to three distinct proteomes
10:45           Stephanie Wendt       Relative value perception in ants
                                                                                              11:45                     Susanne Foitzik                 The role of gene expression and regulation in
11:00           Masayuki Hayashi      Tetramorium tsushimae ants transfer                                                                               altering social cue responsiveness and division of
                                      information about a mutualistic aphid via                                                                         labor in Temnothorax ants
                                                                                              12:00-12:30               Raghavendra                     Reproductive and non-reproductive division of
11:15           Hannah Marti          Collective memory of learned foraging                                             Gadagkar                        labour in laboratory colonies of a primitively
                                      preferences persists across worker turnover in a                                                                  eusocial wasp
                                      tropical leafcutter ant
                                                                                              Symposium 5.1             Social insect ecophysiology                                           Diamantina
11:30           Flavio Roces          Environmental and social cues: individual
                                      decisions during the construction of ventilation        Chairs                    Alex Walton & Amy Toth
                                      turrets in leaf-cutting ants
                                                                                              10:00                     Sarah Elizabeth                 A test of the physiological constraint hypothesis
11:45           Nobuaki Mizumoto      Pair-forming termites alternate search modes                                      Bengston                        for the evolution of Pace-of-Life
                                      adaptively depending on the informational
                                      contexts                                                10:15                     Carol Peretz                    The evolution of setae and thermal tolerance in
                                                                                                                                                        the turtle ants (Cephalotes)
12:00           David Sillam-Dussès   Termites forage along polarized trails
                                                                                              10:30                     Judith Korb                     Juvenile hormone, a key regulator of termite
12:15           Mathieu Lihoreau      Sight-reading the flight(s) of the bumblebee                                                                      polyphenism
Symposium 3.1   Causes and consequences of division of labour              T. Cristina        10:45                     Vanessa Corby-Harris Physiological mechanisms linking stress to
                in insect societies                                                                                                          hypopharyngeal gland degradation in Apis
Chairs          Raghavendra Gadagkar & Jennifer Fewell
                                                                                              11:00                     Ashley St. Clair                Bee nutritional health amidst newcomers and
10:00           Daniel Kronauer       Division of labor in the clonal raider ant: from                                                                  new landscapes: Social benefits or misfits?
                                      molecules to behavior
                                                                                              11:15                     Marina P. Arbetman              Bumblebee decline: Global patterns and
10:15           Yuko Ulrich           Group composition, division of labor and fitness                                                                  hypothesis of pathogen spill-over in Southern
                                      in the clonal raider ant                                                                                          South America
10:30           Anna Dornhaus         The ecology of task allocation: costs and benefits      11:30                     Peter Marting                   Ant-plant sociometry: growth, distribution,
                                      of different algorithms                                                                                           morphology, and behavior in the Azteca-
                                                                                                                                                        Cecropia mutualism

48                                                        I U SSI 2018 – 5-10 Aug us t 2018   C a s a G ra nde Ho tel , G u ar u j á, São Pau lo, B r az i l                                            49
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