Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy

Page created by Alvin Reed
Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Year 11 Parent/Carer
Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy

 Parent/Carer survival guide to Y11 Key Points .................................................................................... 3
 Tips for Parents .................................................................................................................................... 4
 Try to encourage and support good rou nes .................................................................................... 5
 Improving your child’s chances of making progress .......................................................................... 6
 Key tasks before exams for parents ................................................................................................... 7
 Use the internet .................................................................................................................................. 8
 A endance ......................................................................................................................................... 9
 Why Whitley for your Post 16 journey? ........................................................................................... 11
 Year 11 into Post 16 Dates ................................................................................................................ 14
 Year 11 Calendar ............................................................................................................................... 15

 Art ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
 English Language .............................................................................................................................. 18
 English Literature .............................................................................................................................. 19
 Food Prepara on and Nutri on ....................................................................................................... 20
 French ............................................................................................................................................... 21
 Geography ........................................................................................................................................ 22
 History ............................................................................................................................................... 23
 Mathema cs ..................................................................................................................................... 24
 Photography ..................................................................................................................................... 25
 Science Triple Award ........................................................................................................................ 26
 Science Double Award ...................................................................................................................... 27
 Sociology ........................................................................................................................................... 28
 Spanish .............................................................................................................................................. 29
 BTEC Sport ........................................................................................................................................ 30
 BTEC Travel & Tourism ..................................................................................................................... 31
 OCR Cambridge Na onal & BTEC Technical Business ..................................................................... 32
 OCR Cambridge Na onal & BTEC Technical Health & Social Care ................................................... 33
 OCR Cambridge Na onal & BTEC Technical ICT ............................................................................... 34
 OCR Cambridge Na onal & BTEC Technical Crea ve iMedia ........................................................... 35
 OCR Cambridge Na onal & BTEC Technical Performing Arts .......................................................... 36

 Drop in Sessions
 Careers & Next Steps ........................................................................................................................ 37
 Nutri on & Stress Management ...................................................................................................... 38
 How to be great at Hegarty Maths ................................................................................................... 39
 How to Revise ................................................................................................................................... 40
 Revision Plans—Drawing up a Grid .................................................................................................. 42
 Revision Timetable ........................................................................................................................... 43
 Plan a Revision Timetable ................................................................................................................. 44
 Use Different Revision Techniques ................................................................................................... 48
 Reading Development ...................................................................................................................... 49

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Parent/Carer survival guide to Y11 Key Points:

     It has never been so important for
       students to achieve target grades.

     This is par cularly true of English and
       Maths as students should aim to achieve
       a grade 5 at GCSE (the strong grade).

     Qualifica ons give students choices!

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Tips for Parents:

     Firstly, ensure that your child has the resources and environment
       to do everything they are being asked to by their teachers.

     A calm, suppor ve home goes a long way in helping children
       succeed with revision and exams. This is o en the hardest part.
       Once they begin, even in small amounts, it tends to be much

     Monitor and mo vate them. Keep an eye on their metable, are
       they s cking to it?

     Try to mo vate them on the (many) days that they just don’t
       want to do it. Some mes “over nagging” can be
       counterproduc ve. It’s tricky to get the balance right between
       driving them on and knowing when to step back.

     Reward them. Think about different rewards you might use to
       encourage, mo vate and focus their revision work. However,
       remember that some mes intrinsic rewards like the sa sfac on
       of learning a difficult piece of work can be the best reward itself.

     Stressors. Look out for any unusual signs in your child that might
       show that the stress and strain is ge ng too much and, if
       spo ed, support them; offer them a break, a change of scenery
       or just a chat. If these concerns remain or intensify seek support.

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Try to encourage and support good routines:

     Ensure the school bag is packed each evening
       ready for the following day – no need to bring
       everything every day!

     Ea ng breakfast is vital!

     Leave the house on me in the mornings –
       punctuality is vital.

     Find a suitable place to do homework away from
       distrac ons.

     Sign planner every week.

     Be flexible – use the 80/20 rule. If your child is
       s cking to what they are supposed to be doing
       80% of the me, they will be doing alright

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Improving your child’s chances of making

There are a number of factors that cause students to lose marks in the
exams. The factors below are o en reported by examiners. Here is a list
of factors that your child needs to be aware of and concentrate on:

      Start in good me – leave it too late and you will start panicking.

      Plan for half hour or, at most, one hour slots. Nothing extra is
        likely to sink in if one subject is revised for much longer.

      When revising during the evenings plan 1 or 2 subjects only.
        Leave some me for relaxa on.

      Allow some days off, but not in the few weeks just before the

      Plan to revise specific topics or aspects of a subject – for
        example, not just science, but human systems, or waves, or
        chemical reac ons or electricity.

      Read through a topic and then make brief notes on cards which
        can be used for further revision later.

      Use colours to highlight key words.

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Key tasks before exams for parents

     Help prepare you child for the exam – talk with
       them about when it starts, how long it lasts for,
       what are the main topics that might come up.
       Don’t ‘over egg’ this – they may have worked all
       day and have come down stairs to relax

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy
Use the internet
Useful Websites and stuff…

More informa on about the sites listed is given in the relevant chapters. Informa on correct at me of going to press.

General support for teenagers
   www.projecteduca Offers links to GCSE chat forums.

General parent support
   www.projecteduca

Exam boards
 the Assessment and Qualifica ons Alliance (AQA)
   www.qualifica Edexcel
 Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examina ons (OCR)
 The Welsh Joint Educa on Commi ee (WJEC)

Coursework and revision
(Please read notes on the use of essay banks in ‘revision’).
    www.S‐

   h ps:// The governments’ official careers informa on site. Visit the Educa on and Learning pages
   Visit h p:// and select Planning your career then Job profiles for free informa on on
     hundreds of different careers.

E‐CLIPS lets you view and print out leaflets on lots of different topics, including Op ons a er Year 9.
Kudos Online takes you through a series of ques ons to match you with career ideas. Your password to begin is the
academy postcode = SL3 7EF.
 ‐ Careers films/videos – real people in real jobs
 ‐ Career advice, HE choices
    www.appren ‐ Na onal Appren ceship Service
 ‐ STEM careers
 ‐ Careers info – construc on, accountancy, banking, law, engineering, environment,
      media etc.

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy

     90% in an exam is a great result but in terms of
       a endance it means that the student has missed 1 of
       every 10 days – over a period of a year this is
       equivalent to 4 weeks of school and it will ul mately
       affect their final result. If your child’s a endance rate
       is at 90% throughout KS3 and KS4 (5 years) they have
       missed the equivalent of about one half of a school

                   A endance       Days missed in
                                   Academic Year
                     100%                0
                      95%               10
                      90%               20
                      85%               30
                      80%               40

Year 11 Parent/Carer Support - Whitley Academy

1 in 5 pupils miss 19 days a year‐ these pupils will drop
at least ONE GCSE GRADE.

1‐4 GCSE grades can increase your wages by 17%, 5 or
more GCSE A ‐ C grades can increase your wages by
41%, If you improve your a endance by 1% you could
see a 5‐ 6% improvement in your a ainment.

Employees with no qualifica ons earn an average of
just £7.44 per hour. Those with only GCSEs earn £9.02
per hour. People with A‐levels earned an average of
£10.27 per hour. Students who graduate from
university with a degree earn an average of £15.01

Do you s ll think that 90% is good enough?

Aim for 97% or above.

Why Whitley for your Post 16 journey?

Post 16 2019
  A wide range of courses offered at A level and BTEC.
  36% of all grades were A*‐B.
  100% pass rate in the new voca onal qualifica ons – 97% of
     these students achieved a Merit or higher (equivalent of an A
     level grade C).
  A notable increase in students obtaining places at Russell Group
     Universi es, including at Warwick, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool
     and Manchester.
  A partnership with Carl Baker Football Academy to allow you to
     study and train and play football.
  A focus on recruitment and reten on – right student, right

Why Whitley for your Post 16 journey?

   A Level A* ‐ B : 36.4%
   BTEC Dis nc on* ‐ Dis nc on : 36%
   BTEC Dis nc on – Pass : 100%
   We were successful in managing to get our first
     ever student into Cambridge as well as a large
     number of posi ve des na ons for our students.

Typical Course Selection Process

   This is a 2 year commitment to linear A Level courses. Nearly all
     external examina ons take place at the end of year 13 for our
     academic qualifica ons.

   It’s usual to pick 3 A levels or a combina on of A Levels and BTECs to
     make a total of 3.

   All choices are subject to metable restric ons and 2020 staffing.

   There are a small number of Consor a subjects including Drama,
     Economics and Further Maths.

   If Whitley are not able to offer these subjects, we will seek provision
     at one of our Post 16 Consor a partners. Travel to and from this
     school will be provided.

Year 11 into P16 Dates

Date                         Event
Thursday 17th October 2019   Post 16 Open Evening
Monday 18th November 2019 Post 16 Group Interviews
Thursday 5th December 2019   Post 16 Taster Evening
Friday 10th January 2020     Y11 Applica ons for P16 close
Monday 27th January 2020     Y11 Individual Interviews for P16 begin
March 2020                   Offers for Post 16 le ers sent home

17th October 2019            P16 Open evening

   12th December 2019           Year 11 Parents’ evening

   13th January 2020            Year11 Mocks begin

   27th January 2020            P16 interviews begin

   27th February 2020           Year11 Parental revision evening

   2nd March 2020               Year 11 Full reports distributed

   11th May 2020                Year11 exams start

Three Year 11 assessment collec on points across the year

Subject Guidance

Curriculum Leader: Mrs Bradshaw

Course Structure:
60% Coursework 40% Examina on

Exam board info: (including paper informa         on)
AQA Fine Art

What exams and how long:
January through to Easter lessons and homework will involve prepara on and research for a 10 hour controlled exam
over 2 days.

Interven on & Support available:
A er school workshops in the department

h ps://‐and‐design/gcse/art‐and‐design‐8201‐8206

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Ensure the tasks in the knowledge organiser are completed. Encourage a endance at a er school workshops to
complete and improve coursework.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Ensure the tasks in the knowledge organiser are completed. Encourage a endance at a er school workshops to
complete and improve coursework.

English Language
                                                                                 Curriculum Leader: Mrs Secker

Course Structure:
GCSE English Language assesses students’ ability to communicate effec vely. Within an integrated programme of
reading, wri ng and oracy, students will be given the following opportuni es: to read a wide variety of fic on and non‐
fic on texts, in order to develop their understanding of the writer’s inten on and perspec ve and to write for a range
of purposes and in a variety of forms, including wri ng imagina vely as well as to inform or to discuss. Students are
given opportuni es to talk and listen in a variety of contexts and for a range of purposes, adap ng talk to different
audiences and situa ons and reflec ng on their own contribu ons.

Exam board info (AQA):
Paper 1: Explora ons in crea ve reading and wri ng—50%
Paper 2: Writers’ viewpoint and perspec ve—50%
Spoken Language: reported as a separate grade (pass, merit, dis nc on)

What exams and how long:
Paper 1 (1h45m) ‐ Tuesday 2nd June 2020, am
Paper 2 (1h45m) ‐ Friday 5th June 2020, am

Interven on & Support available:
A er‐school interven on takes place on a Monday. Your child will be directed where they need to go. Tutor‐ me
interven on takes place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Websites/Apps: the Assessment and Qualifica ons Alliance (AQA) ‐ the exam board (search for Mr Bruff)

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
The best piece of advice we can offer you is to read with your child. Listen to them read aloud, then read aloud to
him/her. Read a wide variety of fic on and non‐fic on and discuss what you have read – the content and the style.
We understand that this ac vity is me consuming, but research has proven that spending even a short period of me
each day improves fluency and comprehension, and improves the accuracy, content and style of wri en work.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Using the revision notes that your child has created or the revision guide, test them on their knowledge of the skills
required for the exam. Ask them to show you the prac ce exam papers and encourage them to have a go at the
ques ons, talking them thorough with you as they do it.

English Literature
Curriculum Leader: Mrs Secker

Course Structure:
In GCSE English Literature students explore a range of literary texts which include: modern texts, poetry across me,
Shakespeare and the literary heritage. Our students will read An Inspector Calls, a range of poetry on the theme of
power and conflict, Macbeth and A Christmas Carol.

Exam board info (AQA):
Paper 1: Shakespeare and the Nineteenth Century Novel—40%
Paper 2: Modern texts and Poetry—60%

What exams and how long:
Paper 1 (1h45m) ‐ Wednesday 13th May 2020, am
Paper 2 (2h15m) ‐ Thursday 21st May 2020, am

Interven on & Support available:
A er‐school interven on takes place on a Monday. Your child will be directed where they need to go. Tutor‐ me
interven on takes place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Websites/Apps: the Assessment and Qualifica ons Alliance (AQA) ‐ the exam board (search for Mr Bruff)
PIXLit app

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
The best piece of advice we can offer you is to read with your child. Listen to them read aloud, then read aloud to
him/her. We understand that this ac vity is me consuming, but research has proven that spending even a short
period of me each day improves fluency and comprehension, and improves the accuracy, content and style of wri en
work. You should also check that your child is comple ng their weekly knowledge organiser tasks. Finally, you should
also check that students are using their revision guides to make mind maps, flash cards and summaries of the key parts
of the text.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Using the revision notes that your child has created or the revision guide, test them on their knowledge of the texts.
Ask them to show you the prac ce exam papers and encourage them to have a go at the ques ons, talking them
through with you as they do it.

Food, Preparation & Nutrition
                                                                                 Curriculum Leader: Mrs Stokes

Course Structure:
The WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Food Prepara on and Nutri on equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and
skills required to cook and apply principles of food science, nutri on, and healthy ea ng. It encourages learners to
cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutri on and allows them to acquire knowledge in
order to be able to feed themselves and others affordably and nutri ously, now and later in life.

Exam board info:
WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Food Prepara on and Nutri on.

What exams and how long:
Component Two: Food Prepara on and Nutri on in Ac on
Non‐examina on assessment: 50% of qualifica on
Assessment 1: The Food Inves ga on Assessment
Assessment 2: The Food Prepara on Assessment

Interven on & Support available:
A er school interven on with Mrs Stones on a weekly basis.

h ps://
h ps://www.nutri onscience/nutrients‐food‐and‐ingredients.html

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
You can support your child by making sure they are up to date with their coursework and catch up on any work that
they might have missed. It would be helpful to students, if they could prac se their cookery skills as much as physically
possible at home, with guidance and support from yourselves. Please support your child with key terms and their
defini ons by tes ng them regularly.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Please get students to recall their knowledge and learning to you, either verbally or through flashcards. This will allow
the learning to become embedded in the students brain and make it easier for them to recall in exam situa ons.
Please ensure they are revising regularly and feel calm and prepared for their upcoming exams.

Curriculum Leader: Mrs Jordan

Course Structure:
The GCSE French course will teach your child to confidently read, listen, speak and write in the target language at a
level which will allow them to communicate with na ve speakers on a range of topics. The lessons deliver a range of
vocabulary in a variety of styles of ac vi es aimed at developing their understanding and fluency.

Exam board info (AQA):
We use AQA as our exam board and there are 4 exams: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Wri ng each weighted at 25%
of their final course grade.

What exams and how long:
Paper 1: Listening— 12th May 9am (Reading and Listening exams are completed back to back)
Paper 2: Speaking— April/May (there is a 7 week window around the Easter Holiday when speaking exams take place)
Paper 3: Reading— 12th May 9am (Reading and Listening exams are completed back to back)
Paper 4: Wri ng— 15th May 9am

Interven on & Support available:
Autumn 1 and Spring 1 a er school interven on program for both Higher and Founda on.

www.pearsonac ‐ Students should confirm their log‐in details with their teacher ‐ The French GCSE sec on of the BBC website

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
To support your child you should encourage them to review the learning they have completed in lessons at home and
if needed seek further research online to help secure the learning they have completed. Your child has a speaking
exam to complete and o en they feel anxious about speaking in French, you can listen to them prac se their answers
without needing to understand what they are saying to give them the confidence that they can speak in French
because they have spent me prac sing.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Allow your child to prac se their speaking with you at home to build their confidence ahead of their mock exam and
real exam. Begin helping them to organise revision material using flash cards or posters. Help them download past
papers to prac se and mark them together encouraging them to discuss their answers to deepen their understanding.

                                                                                 Curriculum Leader: Mr Abbott

Course Structure:
The GCSE Geography course encourages students to think like geographers through the study of geographical themes
applied within the context of the UK and wider world. Fieldwork and geographical skills have a prominent posi on at
GCSE and these are embedded and contextualised through the content covered.

Exam board info:
OCR Geography A is the exam board we use at GCSE. There are three components that students will be assessed on;
Paper 1—Living in the UK (30%); Paper 2—The World Around Us (30%); Paper 3—Geographical Skills (40%)

What exams and how long:
Paper 1—Living in the UK (18th May 2020, AM, 1hr)
Paper 2—The World Around Us (3rd June 2020, PM, 1hr)
Paper 3—Geographical Skills (11th June 2020, AM, 1hr 30mins)

Interven on & Support available:
Interven on will run a er‐school on a Thursday a er October half‐term un l Christmas and then again from February
half‐term un l exams start in May.

h ps:// ons/gcse/geography‐a‐geographical‐themes‐j383‐from‐2016/assessment/ ‐ OCR

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
The best bit of advice we can offer is make sure your son/daughter completes all the knowledge organiser weekly tasks
for homework. This will broaden their knowledge further in each of the different component areas as well as enabling
them to recall key content learnt previously in past lessons.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Using the revision notes that your child has created or the revision guide, test them on their knowledge of the skills
required for the exam. Ask them to show you the prac se exam papers and encourage them to have a go at the
ques ons, talking them through with you as they do it.

Curriculum Leader: Mr Abbott

Course Structure:
The WJEC Eduqas GCSE History specifica on has two components: Component 1 is en tled ‘Studies in Depth’ and
involves the study of two depth studies, one Bri sh and one non‐Bri sh op on. The studies in depth are chosen from
different historical eras. Component 2 is en tled ‘Studies in Breadth’ and involves the study of one Period Study and
one Thema c Study. Students are asked to build their knowledge of these different components and apply this
accurately using key historical concepts such as chronology, source analysis, significance and cause and consequence.

Exam board info:
The exam board we use is WJEC Eduqas. Students will sit two examina ons for each component—’Studies of Depth’ is
split into two papers of 1 hour dura on each; ’Studies of Breadth’ again split into two papers of 45 minutes for the
Period Study and 1 hour 15 minutes for the Thema c Study.

What exams and how long:
1B. The Elizabethan Age, 1558‐1603 (1hr) ‐ Monday 1st June 2020 (AM)
1G. Germany in Transi on, 1919‐1939 (1hr) ‐ Monday 1st June 2020 (AM)
2A. The Development of the USA, 1929‐2000 (45mins) ‐ Thursday 4th June 2020 (PM)
2H. Changes in Entertainment and Leisure in Britain, c.500 to the present day (1hr 15mins) ‐ Thursday 4th June 2020

Interven on & Support available:
Interven on will run a er‐school on a Thursday a er October half‐term un l Christmas and then again from February
half‐term un l exams start in May.

h ps:// ons/history/index.html#qualSearch—Eduqas

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
The best bit of advice we can offer is make sure your son/daughter completes all the knowledge organiser weekly tasks
for homework. This will broaden their knowledge further in each of the different component areas as well as enabling
them to recall key content learnt previously in past lessons.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Using the revision notes that your child has created or the revision guide, test them on their knowledge of the skills
required for the exam. Ask them to show you the prac se exam papers and encourage them to have a go at the
ques ons, talking them through with you as they do it.

                                                                                   Curriculum Leader: Mr Tibke

Course Structure:
The GCSE Mathema cs course is structured so that we cover all the requirements of the specifica on, whichever er
your child is si ng, over the course of Years 10 and 11. At the start of Y10, your child should be aware of the er they
will be studying towards for the end of Year 11 exams. The er of entry will be determined by performance in
Mathema cs at KS3.

Exam board info:
AQA GCSE Mathema cs (8300)

What exams and how long:
Final grade 100% based on final exams
Paper 1:
Paper 2:       calculator
Paper 3:        calculator
Two ers of Entry:
Higher Grade 9‐3             Grade

Interven on & Support available:
Maths interven on will run in Autumn HT2 every Tuesday a er school. Your son/daughter will be told where to go,
and what topic they will be focusing on that week in advance.

Use individual name and password to login and complete revision tasks (as if homework) including
the “Fix Up 5” tasks which focus on ques ons that you have previously got wrong and use MemRI
func on to prac ce prior knowledge retrieval.
5‐a‐day resources (5 ques ons) are an excellent way to do maths “li le and o en”
Good topic quizzes and short videos to have a look at
PiXL Maths App

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Urge them to complete their Maths work on a Tuesday as instructed in the Knowledge Organisers, and if not, make
sure they catch up as soon as possible a erwards. A li le everyday could also be beneficial, Corbe Maths 5‐a‐day
worksheets are great for this!! (website highlighted above)

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Use the revision notes that your child has created, or the revision guide, test them on their knowledge of the skills
required for the exam. Ask them to show you the prac se exam ques ons they have been comple ng, and see if they
can repeat the working out for it without there notes. Also, test them on their knowledge of key formulae (this can be
found on the school website in the Maths curriculum page)

Curriculum Leader: Mrs Bradshaw

Course Structure:
60% Coursework 40% Examina on

Exam board info: (including paper informa         on)
AQA Photography

What exams and how long:
January through to Easter lessons and homework will involve prepara on and research for a 10 hour controlled exam
over 2 days.

Interven on & Support available:
A er school workshops in the department

h ps://‐and‐design/gcse/art‐and‐design‐8201‐8206

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Ensure the tasks in the knowledge organiser are completed. Encourage a endance at a er school workshops to
complete and improve coursework.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Ensure the tasks in the knowledge organiser are completed. Encourage a endance at a er school workshops to
complete and improve coursework.

Science Triple
                                                                              Curriculum Leader: Mr Majithia

Course Structure:
This course develops knowledge and inves ga ve skills in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Your son/daughter will be
taught twenty five topics, seven from Biology, ten from Chemistry and eight from Physics. They will also need to learn
how to do twenty eight required prac cal ac vi es which are linked to the topics. By the end of this course your son/
daughter will achieve three GCSE grades, one for Biology, one for Chemistry and one for Physics.

Exam board info:
There will be six exams to be taken which are one hour and forty five minutes long. Each paper has equal weigh ng.
Forty per cent of the ques ons will be knowledge, forty per cent will be applica on of knowledge and 20% will be
ins ga ve skills.

What exams and how long:
Combined Science Biology paper 1 will be on 12th May 2020, paper 2 will be on 1st June 2020. (1hr 45mins)
Combined Science Chemistry paper 1 will be on 14th May 2020, paper 2 will be on 10th June 2020. (1hr 45mins)
Combined Science Physics paper 1 will be on 20th May 2020, paper 2 will be on 12th June 2020. (1hr 45mins)

Interven on & Support available:
It is essen al that your son/daughter completes all the tasks set in the knowledge organiser. The Science team will
always will be happy to help with any ques ons to overcome difficulty in learning the subject ma er. Science a er
school interven on is every Wednesday from 28th October, and your son/daughter will be directed to a class based on
subject areas upon which they require more support.

Websites/Apps:—search for free Science lessons—Click on Science Combined Science, then AQA Trilogy
h ps:// ‐ click on GCSE Combined Science Trilogy, then all assessment

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Your son/daughters knowledge organiser will outline the revision plan for what needs to be learnt that week. It is
essen al that all these tasks are done. Please remind your son/daughter that the Science interven on day is every
Wednesday, during Autumn Half Term 2.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Please support by ensuring that your son/daughter has a revision metable that they can s ck to. Please ensure that
 me is spent checking their knowledge and applying their knowledge by answering ques ons and comple ng past

Science Double
Curriculum Leader: Mr Majithia

Course Structure:
This course develops knowledge and inves ga ve skills in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Your son/daughter will be
taught twenty four topics, seven from Biology, ten from Chemistry and seven from Physics. They will also need to
learn how to do twenty one required prac cal ac vi es which are linked to the topics. By the end of this course your
son/daughter will achieve two GCSE grades.

Exam board info:
There will be six exams to be taken which are one hour and fi een minutes long. Each paper has equal weigh ng.
Forty per cent of the ques ons will be knowledge, forty per cent will be applica on of knowledge and 20% will be
ins ga ve skills.

What exams and how long:
Combined Science Biology paper 1 will be on 12th May 2020, paper 2 will be on 1st June 2020. (1hr 15mins)
Combined Science Chemistry paper 1 will be on 14th May 2020, paper 2 will be on 10th June 2020. (1hr 15mins)
Combined Science Physics paper 1 will be on 20th May 2020, paper 2 will be on 12th June 2020. (1hr 15mins)

Interven on & Support available:
It is essen al that your son/daughter completes all the tasks set in the knowledge organiser. The Science team will
always will be happy to help with any ques ons to overcome difficulty in learning the subject ma er. Science a er
school interven on is every Wednesday from 28th October, and your son/daughter will be directed to a class based on
subject areas upon which they require more support.

Websites/Apps:—search for free science lessons—Click on Science Combined Science, then AQA Trilogy
h ps:// ‐ Click on GCSE Combined Science Trilogy, then all assessment

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Your son/daughters knowledge organiser will outline the revision plan for what needs to be learnt that week. It is
essen al that all these tasks are done. Please remind your son/daughter that the Science interven on day is every
Wednesday, during Autumn Half Term 2.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Please support by ensuring that your son/daughter has a revision metable that they can s ck to. Please ensure that
 me is spent checking their knowledge and applying their knowledge by answering ques ons and comple ng past

                                                                              Curriculum Leader: Miss Steane

Course Structure:
In GCSE Sociology students explore a wide range of aspects within society to help them not only understand the world
we live in but also to understand society through other people’s eyes. Students will study; families and households,
educa on, crime and deviance, social stra fica on and research methods.

Exam board info: (including paper informa on)
We follow the AQA 9‐1 specifica on and students will be assessed via two exams at the end of the two years.
Paper 1– The Sociology of families and educa on (Tuesday 19th May 2020)
Paper 2– The Sociology of crime and deviance and social stra fica on (Friday 22nd May 2020)

What exams and how long:
Two exam papers worth 50% each. Both papers are 1 hour and 45 minutes long.
Paper 1 – The Sociology of families and educa on (Tuesday 19th May 2020)
Paper 2 – The Sociology of crime and deviance and social stra fica on (Friday 22nd May 2020)

Interven on & Support available:
A er school interven on takes place on a Thursday in G11. Revision guides are also available to purchase.

Informa on here
 the Assessment and Qualifica ons Alliance (AQA) ‐ the exam board
    The Hec c Teacher website

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
To support your child you should encourage them to review the learning they have completed in lessons at home and
if needed seek further research online to help secure the learning they have completed. You can help your child to
embed knowledge by tes ng them on key terminology.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Begin helping them to organise revision material using flash cards or posters. Help them download past papers to
prac se and mark them together encouraging them to discuss their answers to deepen their understanding.

Curriculum Leader: Mrs Jordan

Course Structure:
The GCSE Spanish course will teach your child to confidently read, listen, speak and write in the target language at a
level which will allow them to communicate with na ve speakers on a range of topics. The lessons deliver a range of
vocabulary in a variety of styles of ac vi es aimed at developing their understanding and fluency.

Exam board info (AQA):
We use AQA as our exam board and there are 4 exams: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Wri ng each weighted at 25%
of their final course grade.

What exams and how long:
Paper 1: Listening— 20th May 9am (Reading and Listening exams are completed back to back)
Paper 2: Speaking— April/May (there is a 7 week window around the Easter Holiday when speaking exams take place)
Paper 3: Reading— 20th May 9am (Reading and Listening exams are completed back to back)
Paper 4: Wri ng— 3rd June 9am

Interven on & Support available:
Autumn 1 and Spring 1 a er school interven on program for both Higher and Founda on.

www.pearsonac ‐ Students should confirm their log‐in details with their teacher ‐ The Spanish GCSE sec on of the BBC website

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
To support your child you should encourage them to review the learning they have completed in lessons at home and
if needed seek further research online to help secure the learning they have completed. Your child has a speaking
exam to complete and o en they feel anxious about speaking in Spanish, you can listen to them prac se their answers
without needing to understand what they are saying to give them the confidence that they can speak in Spanish
because they have spent me prac sing.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Allow your child to prac se their speaking with you at home to build their confidence ahead of their mock exam and
real exam. Begin helping them to organise revision material using flash cards or posters. Help them download past
papers to prac se and mark them together encouraging them to discuss their answers to deepen their understanding.

BTEC Sport
                                                                           Curriculum Leader: Mr Cremin

Course Structure:
Unit 3: Training for Personal Fitness (C/W)
Unit 6: Leading Sports Ac vi es (C/W)

Exam board info:
Pearson (Edexcel)

What exams and how long:
All Assignments. Expected to be complete by Easter.

Interven on & Support available:
By arrangement with individual students throughout the year

h p://‐sport‐level‐1‐2‐award.html
h ps://
h ps://

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Please support students with bringing appropriate PE kit when requested.
Please support students with comple on of assignments to deadlines.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:

BTEC Travel & Tourism
Curriculum Leader: Mr Abbott

Course Structure:
The qualifica on provides an engaging and s mula ng introduc on to the world of travel and tourism, giving students
the opportunity to develop knowledge and technical skills in a prac cal learning environment. Students will explore
some of the key areas within the sector, including accommoda on, tourism development and promo on, transport
and visitor a rac ons. Students will inves gate the importance of the travel and tourism sector to the UK, and
inves gate different types of customer and UK des na ons. Students will also have the opportunity to study
interna onal travel and tourism.

Exam board info:
The exam board we use is Pearson Edexcel. Students will study three mandatory units, covering the underpinning
knowledge and prac cal skills required to work in the industry as well as an op onal unit covering more specific
aspects of the global travel and tourism sector. The course is based on 75% coursework and 25% exam.

What exams and how long:
   UK travel and tourism sector (Wri en exam – 1 hour) ‐ January 2020
   UK travel and tourism des na ons (Assignment based coursework)
   The travel and tourism customer experience (Assignment based coursework)
   Interna onal travel and tourism des na ons (Assignment based coursework)

Interven on & Support available:
Interven on will run a er school on a Tuesday un l October and then again from January un l February half‐term. In
addi on if students have access to the school’s WARDS system at home then they can complete their coursework at

h ps:// onal/TravelAndTourism/BTEC/
h p://‐content/uploads/sites/5/2018/10/travel‐and‐tourism‐revision‐pack.pdf—Revision

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
The best bit of advice we can offer is make sure your son/daughter completes all the knowledge organiser weekly tasks
for homework. This will broaden their knowledge further in each of the different component areas as well as enabling
them to recall key content learnt previously in past lessons.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Using the revision notes that your child has created or the revision guide, test them on their knowledge of the skills
required for the exam. Ask them to recall key knowledge when using the revision guides. You can also help by crea ng
flash cards, mind maps and posters with them to use.

OCR Cambridge National & BTEC
                                                                                   BTEC Business
                                                                                   Curriculum Leader: Mr Price

Course Structure:
The BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise has been designed to help our students develop their business skills through
prac cal, skills‐based learning. The course is made up of three components: two internally assessed and one that’s
externally assessed.
YEAR 10:
Component 1 allows the student to examine different enterprises to develop knowledge and understanding of the
characteris cs of enterprises and the skills needed by entrepreneurs. It is Internally assessed and comprises 30% of the
final grade.
Component 2 allows the student to explore ideas, plan and pitch a micro‐enterprise ac vity to an audience, and use
feedback to review their business plan. It is Internally assessed and comprises 30% of the final grade.
YEAR 11:
Component 3 allows the student to explore the different promo onal methods used by enterprises and the factors
that influence how enterprises iden fy and target their market. It is externally assessed and comprises 40% of the final

Exam board info: (including paper informa        on)
The Examina on Board is Pearson Edexcel and the full reference for the wri en examina on is:
21429K Component 3: Promo on and Finance for Enterprise

What exams and how long:
Component 3, the two hour examina on paper, worth 40% of the final grade will have it’s first si ng on 3rd February
2020, in the morning. There is a re‐take possibility for this paper scheduled for 13th May 2020, in the a ernoon.

Interven on & Support available:
There will be on‐going interven on for all students during metabled lessons and extra interven on available a er
school. At any me whatsoever, Mr Price may be contacted to answer queries and give further guidance.
Addi onally, each student will receive a full revision guide, tailored to the specific examina on.

The Examina on Board, Pearson Edexcel, have full details of the course content and act as a very well resourced user

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Please check that your student is comple ng their on‐going class tests as the year unfolds. Tests are completed most
weeks and by October half term, six tests will have been set. Please check that they have completed these important

OCR Cambridge National & BTEC
Health & Social Care
Curriculum Leader: Miss Oakman

Course Structure:
The course is comprised of 3 units. There are two units that contain wri en assignment tasks and one unit that is
exam based. Unit 1 has two sec ons to it LA: Human lifespan development, LB : Life events. Unit 2 also has two
sec ons to it LA: Services within Health and Social Care, 2B: Care values within Health and Social Care. Finally Unit 3:
Health and Well‐being is an externally assessed unit which focusses on drawing prior learning from the previously
taught units.

Exam board info: (including paper informa            on)
Pearson (Edexcel)

What exams and how long:
There is one exam within Health & Social Care, this will be in January and draws on all prior learning that will have
taken place during the course. The exam is two hours long and will focus on Health and Well‐being. The exam is split
up into 4 sec ons.; Factors impacted health and well‐ being, physiological indicators of health and well‐being, a health
and well‐being plan , the jus fica on of the well‐being plan and finally poten al barriers that could prevent the
comple on of a health and well‐being plan.

Interven on & Support available:
Each student has been given a free revision guide. Within the revision guide there is an ac vity at the bo om of each
page to aid revision. Students have also been given prac ce exam ques ons to complete weekly.

h ps://qualifica‐and‐social‐care.html

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Within Health and Social Care it is essen al for you to support your son/daughter by ensuring they are up to date with
their assignments. They should have three assignments completed and the study briefs can be found on the school
website. Further to this they need to ensure they are comple ng their Knowledge Organiser, using the revision guide
and comple ng the ac vi es on each page. Finally, the students will receive prac se ques ons to complete.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Ensure your student is ac vely revising from the revision guide and comple ng the prac se ques ons.

OCR Cambridge National & BTEC
                                                                                      ICT Technical
                                                                               Curriculum Leader: Mr Billyeald

Course Structure:
The course is set up with 3 components that students need to complete. Component 1 and Component 2 are
coursework based units where students are required to write and type up assignments using screenshots from the
school computers. The work from Component 1 and 2 then lead into an examina on which we complete in the second
year of the course during January. Students are able to achieve Level 1 pass, merit and dis nc on grades as well as
level 2 pass, merit dis nc on and dis nc on* grades.

In Year 11 students will be comple ng
The final assignment in Component 2 — Coursework unit on excel spreadsheets and the use of data
Component 3—exam unit based on effec ve digital working prac ces.

Exam Board Informa on
Pearson / Edexcel
Level 1/2 Tech Award in Digital Informa on Technology

What exams and how long:
Component 3 is an exam based units that students will sit in January in year 11. They have one opportunity to retake if
required. The exam lasts for 1hour and 30 minutes

Interven on and support available:
The interven on sessions will be completed by individual arrangement with the students. The department do run
before school drop in sessions every day which all students are welcome and encouraged to a end.

Useful Websites:
h ps://‐revision/ict ‐ use the search bar to look at user interfaces and spreadsheets
h ps://‐us/excel

How can you support your son / daughter throughout the year:
Please support by ensuring students hand their coursework in to the set deadlines. They are allowed to complete
coursework at home and encouraging them to do this is really useful. Ge ng students to look through and use their
knowledge organiser will also help support them.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
Please ensure that students are working hard at home and revising the topics that will be covered in the exam. Ge ng
students to a end the morning interven on will also be beneficial.

OCR Cambridge National & BTEC
Curriculum Leader: Mr Edwards

Course Structure:
4 Units—all worth 25% of overall grade.
R081—Pre produc on exam (completed in Year 10)
R087—Interac ve Media Products (completed in Year 10)
R082—Crea ng Digital Graphics—currently working on un l December 2019
R084—Storytelling in a Comic Strip—‐ to be completed between January 2020 and March 2020

Exam board info:
Students need to score an average of the following on each unit for the following outcomes.
36/60— 144/240 to achieve a Level 2 Pass
42/60— 168/240 to achieve a Level 2 Merit.
48/60— 192/240 to achieve a Level 2 Dis nc on
52/60— 208/240 to achieve a Level 2 Dis nc on*

What exams and how long:
There are no more exams for Y11 on this course.

Interven on & Support available:
By arrangement with individual students

Course briefs can be found at the following link:
h ps:// ons/cambridge‐na onals/crea ve‐imedia‐level‐1‐2‐award‐cer ficate‐j807‐j817/

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year:
Please encourage them to work on their assignment at home in addi on to at school. They can access all work via
WARDS on our school website. Main deadlines are December and March, so they should be working on projects at
home regularly.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams:
N/A—exams have been completed.

OCR Cambridge National & BTEC
                                                                               Performing Arts
                                                                                 Curriculum Leader: Mrs Stokes

Course Structure
You will learn about all aspects of Performing Arts and the industry. The course will explore professional prac oners
and repertoire, which you will learn, develop, adapt and perform. You will work collabora vely to create and perform
pieces of theatre, exploring many different styles, techniques and prac oners. As well as being taught by your
teacher, you will work with professionals from the theatre industry. There will be various performance opportuni es,
including an end of year produc on. You will also get opportuni es to watch live theatre. Performing Arts will give you
lots of transferable skills for the future. Studying Performing Arts increases confidence and self‐esteem, improves
communica on and listening skills and the ability to work as part of a team. You will learn self discipline, develop your
cri cal thinking skills and understand what it takes to be involved in professional rehearsals and produc ons.

Exam board info
Pearson BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Performing Arts.

What exams and how long
Performing to a Brief
    Externally assessed tasks
    40% of the total course
Aim: Consider how prac oners adapt their skills for different contexts, and put this into prac se in a performance
Assessment: Externally Assessed Task ‐ work in a group of 3 ‐ 7 to create a performance based on a set brief.

Interven on & Support available
Autumn 1 ‐ Interven on a er school to focus on coursework.
Spring 1 ‐ Interven on a er school to focus on prac cal exam.

How can you support your son/daughter throughout the year
Please encourage your child to a end a er school interven on and to be comple ng all the coursework tasks that are
required of them to the best of their ability. You can support your child by ensuring they are in school everyday and
catching up on any work that might have been missed.

How parents can support in the lead up to the exams
Allow your child to perform their performance piece to you so that they can make mistakes now and not in their
prac cal exam. Make sure that they are prepared for their Ac vity Log’s with pre‐prepared notes that can be taken
into their controlled assessment.

Drop in Session
Careers & Next Steps
Mrs Curtis

Your child is now in Year 11 and preparing for their GCSEs. However, before the exams hit they need to consider what
they will do next year. Whether 6th form, college, study programmes, appren ceships or traineeships applica on for
these choices start this October.
How you can help:

1.    Begin thinking about what sort of job would be right for them – talking to friends, family and people in the
      community can help them to think about the world of work.
2.    Be realis c about their aspira ons – it’s great to have dreams and aspira ons can really help us aim higher – but
      it’s important that they gain the qualifica ons and skills they need to secure a job. A solid founda on of
      educa on, training and skills will help a young person stand out – regardless of the job they wish to do.
3.    Take advantage of jobs fairs, open days and employer talks at school or college – this can be a great way to open
      a child’s eyes to careers they may never have considered.

Consider what skills employers are looking for in young people? Even if your child doesn’t know what they want to do,
they can s ll begin to develop the skills employers are looking for. A recent CIPD survey found that the top three skills
organisa ons seek to develop during a young person’s first year at work are: Communica on, Teamwork and

One to one Careers advice

Careers Educa on at Whitley Academy is an intrinsic part of our Be The Best You Can Be framework (High Aspira ons
strand) and every student will receive a one to one careers interview with our Independent Careers Advisor (Mrs
Elliot). Your child will receive a personal ac on plan that you will receive in the post. Please discuss this with your child.

Sixth Form

Students should start researching on the UCAS website (h ps:// and look at courses that interest
them. It’s best to start your filter by subject, geographical loca on or by University rank. Some Universi es will ask for
entry requirements to include a specific subject (e.g. Biology or Maths). It’s important to be clear on which subjects are
required before you apply to Post 16 in January. Normally Universi es our students regularly apply to will make offers
from between 100 to 128 UCAS points.
                                                                   Date                         Event
                                                                   Thursday 17th October 2019   Post 16 Open Evening
Visit college websites to see when they have open days
                                                                   Monday 18th November 2019    Post 16 Group Interviews
in the next few months. Search their courses online to
find out entry requirements.
Coventry college—January 16th 2020 5‐7.30pm                        Thursday 5th December 2019   Post 16 Taster Evening

Appren ceships                                                                                  Y11 Applications for P16
                                                                   Friday 10th January 2020

Search for appren ceships on:                                                                   Y11 Individual Interviews for
                                                                   Monday 27th January 2020
h ps://‐appren ceship                                                           P16 begin

                                                                                                Offers for Post 16 letters sent
                                                                   March 2020

Drop in Session
                                      Nutrition & Stress Management
                                                                                                          Mr Billyeald

The exam period can be a stressful me for students due to the pressures put upon them to achieve the best they can.
This can lead to students not being able to perform to their best which can then impact the grades that they get. This
session will look at ways in which stress can be relieved and managed to help students perform at their best level in
exams. The session also looks at nutri on ps to ensure that students are able to maintain focus in their exams rather
than beginning to struggle and become hungry by the end.

Stress Management Informa on:
Feeling stressed about exams is normal, but at the same me can have a nega ve effect on exam performance and the
ability to revise efficiently. The first thing to recognise is that it isn't just you who becomes anxious about this, in fact
around 65% of students worry about their exam performance.

Key Tips For managing Stress:

           Plan your revision and s ck to this plan—if you miss me revising this will lead to greater stress
           Understand when your stress is affec ng your work, take a 10 minute break and then go back to it
           Make sure you plan me for yourself and your hobbies
           Exercising can help in reducing stress and anxiety levels (there are scien fic reasons for this!)
           Ensure you have enough me sleeping. Working late at night is ineffec ve

Nutri on Informa on:
Ensuring our body is well fueled for exams (which can be lengthy at mes) can lead to improved performance. It helps
students to remain alert and focused throughout the en rety of the exam. In addi on to this it is important that
students are able to revise a er a busy day in school and maintain concentra on whilst doing this.

Key ps include:

           Eat slow release energy food (porridge, rice, pasta)
           Add proteins to your menu as these help you feel fuller for longer (meats, eggs, milk, cheese)
           If you find it hard to eat breakfast try a smoothie instead.
           Being hydrated helps the brain func on be er. Drink at least six glasses a day
           Energy drinks o en lead to an energy high then a low. Avoid these, sugary food and fizzy drinks.

You can also read