Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021

Page created by Timothy Holt
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
Year 3 English

Friday 12th February 2021
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
Handwriting                                                   Write ‘e’ words in
                                                          sentences. For example:

                        Letter pair! Practise joining
                        the letter ‘e' to other
                        letters. Try starting with
                        the ‘e’ then joining from           Look for ‘e’ words in a
                        another letter to an ‘e’          reading book and practise
                        Practise three lines of joining         writing them.
Practise forming the    e to other letters in your
letter ‘e’ correctly.   exercise book.

  Practise 2 lines of   Practise writing the letter ‘e’
 the letter e in your   as part of a word.
book followed by two
lines of the letter e
joined to another e.
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
     ‘air’ sound                      Monday - Their/there/they're

                             The children played with ________ ball in the park.

                                _________ house is at the end of the road.

                          ___________ practising ___________ act for the talent

                              The Darling children were in __________ nursery.

      New words! Add
     them to your table     Peter wanted to tell the lost boys the end of the story.
                          "____________ waiting to find out what happens," he said.

                          Peter said, "Let's go to Neverland. You can fly ________."
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
Friday – have a go at
 Spelling                            these activities.                            Thursday - dictation
                                     Username: jan21
‘air’ sound                           Password: home                         (Miss Ezaz will read these out in the
                                                                                          live lesson)

                                                                                   Beware of the bear!

                                   Click on 'phase 3' then select                I have a pair of pears.
                                                                                     Look over there!
                                   Tuesday - fill in the
                                         blanks                              It didn't seem fair to leave her
                                                                                        friend out.

        Wednesday – pear/pair                anywh__                          I was wondering if there was
      and bear/bare homophones                                                  anywhere I could get this
                                                rep__                                  repaired?
        Draw and label a picture
       that has both words in it               decl__                         She declared that it was the
       to help you remember the                                               best chocolate cake she had
               meanings.                       bew__                                  ever tasted.
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
English – Peter Pan
Yesterday, you used fronted adverbials to describe the
children flying to Neverland and encountering the pirates.

Today, you are going to be writing in role as one of the
following characters from Peter Pan:
• Wendy Darling
• John Darling
• Michael Darling
• Peter Pan
• Tinkerbell

You will want to use your learning from both Wednesday
(show, don't tell) and Thursday (fronted adverbials) so
start by having this in front of you and re-reading through
your work.
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
English – Peter Pan                             Here are just some examples of the amazing writing we saw!

Now, you will need to decide which character
you will write from the perspective of.            'Wendy’s heart was thumping as she zoomed through the sky.'

It would be a good idea to choose one of the       'Wendy looked around hoping she wouldn't see anything
characters you described in Wednesday's lesson     dangerous in sight'
as you can use the descriptions in your writing
                                                   'Tinkerbell shot daggers at Wendy, her eyes blazing as she
                                                   thought of her beloved Peter being taken away from her by
                                                   that grinning nobody'

                              You are going to     'Dry mouthed, Wendy wondered where they were going.
                              imagine you are      “stop trailing behind us John!” Wendy said gulping.'
                             the character and
                            you will be writing
                                                   'Wendy twiddled with her hair repeatedly stroking the ends'
                            from their point of
                              view, in the first
                                  person.          'John gulped when he saw the pirates'
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
English – Peter Pan
What is the first person?

So, how can we use our                Tinkerbell shot daggers at Wendy,        I shot daggers at Wendy, my
writing from our 'show,               her eyes blazing as she thought of       eyes blazing as I thought of my
don't tell' lesson to help            her beloved Peter being taken away       beloved Peter being taken away
    us write in role?                 from her by that grinning nobody.        from me by that grinning nobody.

                                Dry mouthed, Wendy wondered where           Dry mouthed, I wondered where
                                they were going. “stop trailing behind us   we were going. “stop trailing behind us
                                John!” Wendy said gulping.'                 John!” I said gulping.'
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
English – Peter Pan                                  Let’s add in some
Fronted adverbials – adverbials that have
been moved to the beginning of a
sentence, always followed by a comma.       I gulped when I              As soon as I saw the
                                            saw the pirates.             pirates, I gulped.
“This morning, I did my maths work.

                                              I looked around            Without a sound, I
                                              hoping that I              looked around
                                              wouldn't see               hoping that I
                                              anything dangerous         wouldn't see
                                              in sight.                  anything dangerous
                                                                         in sight.
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
English – Peter Pan
                                                    Fronted adverbials – adverbials that have
                                                    been moved to the beginning of a
                                                    sentence, always followed by a comma.
Now it's time to write in role! We would like you
to write 2-3 paragraphs from the perspective of     “This morning, I did my maths work.
your chosen character.

You will want to write about the children flying
to Neverland and encountering the pirates.

Writing in role checklist:
•    Writing in the first person
•    Using show, don't tell
•    Using fronted adverbials
•    Using paragraphs
Year 3 English Friday 12th February 2021
                                                                                                                                                               Oxford owl

                                                                                                                                                  You can access a collection of eBooks for
Remember to take time to read every day!                                                                                                                free using the following link

You could read books you took home, your own books
or any books in your Bug Club collection.
                                                                                                                                                          Reading Treasure Hunt
If you have a local library card you can also access                                                                                                      Can you find…
free ebooks from them! Ask an adult to help you with                                                                                                      ❑ a book with less than 20 pages?
these:                                                                                                                                                    ❑ a book with a child main character?
                                                                                                                                                          ❑ a book with no words?
Lewisham -            sortBy=mostpopular-
                                                                                                                                                          ❑ a book of poems?
0cmluZ1ZhbHVlIjoiMyIsIkRvdWJsZVZhbHVlIjozLjAsIkRhdGUiOiIwMDAxLTAxLTAxVDAwOjAwOjAwWiJ9XSwiR2xvYmFsUG9wdWxhcml0eSI6MjUsIlRpdGxlSWQiOjI                      ❑ the word ‘flight’ in a book?
                                                                                                                                                          ❑ a picture of a dragon in a book?

Southwark -                                                                                                                                               ❑ someone taking a risk in a book? te=4410&browseItemId
Year 3 Maths

Friday 12th February 2021
Subtracting numbers
 (with regrouping)
                                               Morning Maths
                      Adding and subtracting
Answers for Thursday's Maths
Answers for Thursday's Maths
Coins game
Maths – Money – games!                      
                                                                                      Make sure to click on
Today, you are going to be playing money                                               the £ sign if you play
games! Below are some games you might                                                'the change game' and
want to play.                                                                             'coin cruncher'
                   Toy shop game
   uk/money/toy-shop-                                                                The change game
                                                    Coin cruncher
                                   https://natwest.mymoneysens                   https://natwest.mymoneysens
                                          8/coin-cruncher/                           8/the-change-game/
Maths – Money – games!
You might like to have a go at one of these problems from NRICH

Year 3 Topic

Thursday 11th
February 2021
DT/Science - designing a flying machine

  Last week, you designed
   a flying machine using
 your knowledge of flight.

   You needed to fly your
   aircraft and observe –
 how far it flew? How fast?
  If it went in a particular

 You are now going to use
    your notes and your
   experience of making
  your flying machine to
  evaulate your design.
                               Copy the headings into your exercise book and answer each
Say goodbye to 'Flight'...
                             We don't know about you, but
                              we feel like we have learned
                                  loads this half term!

                              You have worked so incredibly
                                 hard, despite challenging
                               circumstances! Well done! :)

                               We would like you to think
                             about (you might want to write
                                it down or discuss it with
                              someone at home) what you
                             enjoyed learning the most this
                                    half term and why.
...and hello to 'Rocks, Fossils and Soils!'
Although our topic 'Flight' is coming to an end, it's nearly
time to start a new and exciting topic...'Rocks, Fossils and

Spend a bit of time writing down two (or more) things you
would like to find out about rocks, fossils and/or soils. Here
are some images to help you.

We will spend some time looking at these questions in our
first week back after half term.

We really hope you have a restful and enjoyable half-term
and look forward to seeing you after the holidays! :)
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