Year 7 Biology Curriculum 2020-21

Page created by Gladys Rodgers
Year 7 Biology Curriculum – 2020-21
                            Autumn Term                                Spring Term                              Summer Term
                        1                    2                   1                        2                 1                  2
Key Concepts                  Organisms                   Interactions and interdependencies /         Genetics and Human Reproduction
National      The skeletal and     Cells and           Relationships in       Reproduction          Inheritance           Reproduction
Curriculum    muscular systems organisation            an ecosystem                                 * Differences         * Reproduction in
Knowledge & * The structure and * Cells as the         * The                  * Reproduction in     between species       humans (as an
Understanding functions of the     fundamental unit of interdependence of plants, including         * Heredity as the     example of a
              human skeleton, to living organisms,     organisms in an        flower structure,     process by which      mammal), including
              include support,     including how to    ecosystem,             wind and insect       genetic information   the structure and
              protection,          observe, interpret  including food         pollination,          is transmitted from   function of the
              movement and         and record cell     webs and insect        fertilisation, seed   one generation to     male and female
              making blood cells structure using a     pollinated crops       and fruit formation   the next              reproductive
              * Biomechanics the light microscope      * The importance       and dispersal,        * The variation       systems, menstrual
              interaction                              of plant               including             between individuals   cycle, gametes,
                                   * The functions of
              between skeleton                         reproduction           quantitative          within a species      fertilisation,
                                   the cell wall, cell
              and muscles,                             through insect         investigation of      being continuous      gestation and birth,
              including the                            pollination in         some dispersal        or discontinuous,     to include the
                                   cytoplasm, nucleus,
              measurement of                           human food             mechanisms.           to include            effect of maternal
              force exerted by                         security                                     measurement and       lifestyle on the
                                   mitochondria, and
              different muscles                        * How organisms                              graphical             foetus through the
                                                       affect, and are                              representation of     placenta
              * The function of    * The similarities  affected by, their                           variation
              muscles and          and differences     environment,
              examples of          between plant and including the
              antagonistic         animal cells        accumulation of
                                   * The role of       toxic materials.
                                   diffusion in the
                                   movement of
materials in and
                                  between cells
                                  * The structural
                                  adaptations of
                                  some unicellular
                                  * The hierarchical
                                  organisation of
                                  organisms: from
                                  cells to tissues to
                                  organs to systems
                                  to organisms.
Assessment   Badger Assessment    End of Unit            Badger Assessment     End of Unit            Badger Assessment       End of Unit
                                  Assessment                                   Assessment                                     Assessment

                                  Badger Assessment                            Badger Assessment                              Badger Assessment

                                 End of term                                  End of term                                     End of term
                                 Summative                                    Summative                                       Summative
                                 Assessment                                   Assessment                                      Assessment
Why this?    Skeletal and        In the previous         From KS2 pupils      Prior to KS3, pupils    Inheritance is          Reproduction in
Why now?     muscular systems    module the              can already          have been explore       studied now as          humans steps up
             builds on aspects   concept of cells has    describe the life    the part that           pupils have             from the
             of KS2 where pupils been introduced.        cycles of some       flowers play in the     previously looked       KS2 curriculum
             have learned        There is a              organisms, but they life cycle of            at KS2 at life cycles   where human life
             humans and some     hierarchical            will begin to        flowering plants,       and recognise that      cycle is studied, but
             other animals have demand, whereby          understand why life including                living things           the mechanism has
             skeletons and       pupils will learn the   cycles are           pollination, seed       produce offspring       not been
             muscles for         basic structures of     important in terms formation and seed        of the same kind,       investigated. It is
             support, protection cells of plant and      of food security. It dispersal. This topic   but normally            studied at this
             and movement and animal cells and           is studied at this   will build on this      offspring vary and      point in the term as
vertebrates. It is       adaptations, which     point as it lays the   and incorporate          are not identical to     aspects of
                  studied early in the     then will be applied   foundations for the    aspects of learning      their parents. This      specialised cells,
                  year as it is an         to Reproduction.       topic of               from Cells and           will underpin the        principles of
                  opener for Cells         Cross curricular       Reproduction and       Organisation and         science required for     systems from Cells
                  and Organisation         links will be made     cross curricular to    Relationships in an      the next module.         and Organisms and
                  which requires           to the chemistry       the chemistry          Ecosystem such as        It will also enable      Inheritance have
                  understanding of         module Particle        module Climate in      types of specialised     pupils to                been introduced
                  forces as pushes         Model, which is        year 8, whereby        cells and why            understand more          earlier in the year.
                  and pulls. This is       taught as the first    human activity and     pollination is so        abstract concepts        Aspects of this
                  also taught as the       module in              the impact on          important in the life    in year 8 from the       topic will be
                  first topic in year 7,   chemistry in year 7    climate is studied     cycle of plants.         topics of                integrated early
                  but the concepts         as it shows how        to a greater degree.   These will be            Inheritance and          into year 8 where
                  needed have              diffusion can take                            followed up later in     Genes such as            pupils will learn in
                  previously been          place in cells.                               year 7 as they link      natural selection        more detail the
                  introduced in KS2                                                      into Inheritance as      and the use of           impact of lifestyle
                  which teaches them                                                     there are                gene banks.              on the body in Gas
                  the concepts of                                                        differences                                       Exchange.
                  levers.                                                                between species,
                                                                                         and Reproduction
                                                                                         whereby pupils can
                                                                                         study reproduction
                                                                                         in animals.
Skills &          Creativity will be       Resilience learning    Pupils will develop    Creativity will be       Enabling pupils to       Creativity will be
Characteristics   demonstrated in          will be activated as   creativity as they     demonstrated in          develop the              used to apply
                  this module as           pupils will use        will need to apply     this module as           essential skills of      knowledge integral
                  pupils will apply        essential skills       knowledge and          pupils will be able      become resilient         to scientific
                  knowledge and            required to            logical thinking       to apply knowledge       learners as they will    understanding in
                  thinking skills          ascertain              sequences integral     and thinking skills      look at practical        relation to the topic
                  integral to scientific   microscopy skills.     to scientific          integral to scientific   results. Creativity      of reproduction.
                  understanding by         They will              understanding.         understanding to         will be used to
                  being able to            collaboratively                               seed formation and       apply knowledge
                  explain how the          improve lab skills                            dispersal.               integral to scientific
                                           working together                              Collaboration will       understanding to
arm is designed for   to produce a                          occur involving    the results of their
                movement.             specimen focused                      practical group    practical work.
                                      correctly.                            work to improve
                                                                            lab skills and

Aspirations &   The science           The science        The science        The science        The science            The science
Careers         involved in this      involved in this   involved in this   involved in this   involved in this       involved in this
                area correlates       area correlates    area correlates    area correlates    area correlates        area correlates
                with:-                with:-             with:-             with:-             with:-                 with:-
                * Physiotherapy       * Cytology         * Farming and      * Gardener         * Zookeeper            * Midwife
                * Occupational        * Biotechnology    agriculture        * Chemical         * Geneticist           * Health and Social
                therapy               * Laboratory       * Beekeeper        engineering        * Animal breeder       Care
                * Radiography         * Botany           * Environmental    * Horticulture     * Food technologist    * Care worker
                * Sports Science      CDI: 4, 5, 6       protection         CDI: 4, 5, 6       CDI: 4, 5, 6           CDI: 4, 5, 6
                * Engineering                            Conservationist
                CDI: 4, 5, 6                             CDI: 4, 5, 6
Year 8 Biology Curriculum – 2021-22
                              Autumn Term                                   Spring Term                                 Summer Term
                          1                     2                     1                       2                      1                     2
Key Concepts                   Organisms                            Material cycles and energy                       Genetics and Evolution
National      Gas exchange          Nutrition and           Cellular                Photosynthesis         Inheritance           Genes
Curriculum    systems               digestion               respiration             * The reactants in,    * Heredity as the     * A simple model of
Knowledge & * The structure and * Content of a              * Aerobic and           and products of,       process by which      chromosomes,
Understanding functions of the gas healthy human diet: anaerobic                    photosynthesis,        genetic information genes and DNA in
              exchange system in carbohydrates,             respiration in living and a word               is transmitted from heredity, including
              humans, including     lipids (fats and oils), organisms,              summary for            one generation to     the part played by
              adaptations to        proteins, vitamins,     including the           photosynthesis         the next              Watson, Crick,
              function              minerals, dietary       breakdown of            The dependence of      * The variation       Wilkins and
              * The mechanism       fibre and water,        organic molecules       almost all life on     between species       Franklin in the
              of breathing to       and why each is         to enable all the       Earth on the ability   and between           development of the
              move air in and out needed                    other chemical          of photosynthetic      individuals of the    DNA model
              of the lungs, using   * Calculations of       processes               organisms, such as     same species          * The importance
              a pressure model      energy                  necessary for life      plants and algae, to   means some            of maintaining
              to explain the        requirements in a                               use sunlight in        organisms compete biodiversity and the
                                                            * A word summary
              movement of           healthy daily diet                              photosynthesis to      more successfully,    use of gene banks
                                                            for aerobic
              gases, including      * The                                           build organic          which can drive       to preserve
              simple                consequences of                                 molecules that are     natural selection     hereditary material.
              measurements of       imbalances in the       * The process   of      an essential energy    * Changes in the      *The importance of
              lung volume           diet, including         anaerobic               store and to           environment may       maintaining
              * The impact of       obesity, starvation     respiration in          maintain levels of     leave individuals     biodiversity and the
              exercise, asthma      and deficiency          humans   and  micro-    oxygen and carbon      within a species,     use of gene banks
              and smoking on        diseases                organisms,              dioxide in the         and some entire       to preserve
              the human gas         * The tissues and       including               atmosphere             species, less well    hereditary material.
              exchange system       organs of the           fermentation,   and   a * The adaptations      adapted to
              * The role of leaf    human digestive         word  summary     for   of leaves for          compete
              stomata in gas        system, including       anaerobic               photosynthesis.        successfully and
              exchange in plants. adaptations to            respiration                                    reproduce.
* The effects of     function and how       * The differences
             recreational drugs   the digestive          between aerobic
             (including           system digests         and anaerobic
             substance misuse)    food (enzymes          respiration in terms
             on behaviour,        simply as biological   of the reactants,
             health and life      catalysts)             the products
             processes.           * The importance       formed and the
                                  of bacteria in the     implications for the
                                  human digestive        organism
                                  * Plants making
                                  carbohydrates in
                                  their leaves by
                                  photosynthesis and
                                  gaining mineral
                                  nutrients and water
                                  from the soil via
                                  their roots
Assessment   Badger Assessment    End of Unit            Badger Assessment      End of Unit         Badger Assessment   End of Unit
                                  Assessment                                    Assessment                              Assessment

                                  Badger Assessment                             Badger Assessment                       Badger Assessment

                                  End of term                                   End of term                             End of term
                                  Summative                                     Summative                               Summative
                                  Assessment                                    Assessment                              Assessment
Why this?   This topic is          Nutrition and          In the previous        This unit of work       Following on from      The science in this
Why now?    conveyed early in      digestion systems      module pupils          builds on earlier       KS2 where pupils       final module draws
            the year as it         will develop           considered food as     concepts from           identified how         on understanding
            incorporates           chained learning to    a chemical energy      Cellular Respiration    animals and plants     from the previous
            several themes         form linked            store. Now they will   as it explains how      are adapted to suit    Cells and
            from year 7, from      sequences across       study the processes    plants obtain           their environment      Organisation
            Cells and              the curriculum,        whereby this           glucose for             and that adaptation    module early in
            Organisms, where       which is why it is     energy is released.    respiration. Prior to   may lead to            year 7, where
            pupils define          studied at this        It will incorporate    this it encompasses     evolution, and in      pupils studied
            tissues, organs and    point. It begins at    aspects of the topic   aspects of Gas          year 7, whereby the    chromosomes, the
            systems and from       KS2 where pupils       Gas Exchange           Exchange systems        mechanism of           Inheritance module
            reproduction where     describe the ways      Systems as pupils      studied at the          inheritance takes      later on in year 7 as
            they have looked at    in which nutrients     need to have prior     beginning of the        place in the           the process by
            the effects of         transported within     understanding as       year. It is also        Reproduction           which genetic
            lifestyle choices on   humans whereas         to where and how       studied before the      module. This topic     information is
            a foetus. This is      now, they will learn   oxygen is              chemistry unit of       also relies on         transmitted from
            now stepped up to      the purpose of         transported into       Climate so pupils       understanding of       one generation to
            incorporate how        these nutrients and    the blood and          understand the          disruption to food     the next was
            these lifestyle        the constituents of    Particle Model         principles behind       webs studied in the    determined and
            factors impact on      a balanced diet.       linking in diffusion   aspects of the          Relationships in       finally in year 8, in
            life processes such    This links back to     and conservation of    carbon cycle.           Ecosystems             the Inheritance
            as gas exchange.       the earlier topic in   material. Pupils       Furthermore, links      module. Pupils now     module where the
            The early use of the   year 8 when pupils     have already been      will be forged in       have studied the       consequences of
            pressure model to      studied lifestyle      introduced to word     terms of human          underlying             variation were
            introduce the          choices. It also       equations in Year 7    impact in the           principles to build    studied. Cross
            physical concept of    makes connections      during Metals and      environment as          on more abstract       curricular links from
            pressure will act as   back to Cells and      non- metal topic       pupils will have        ideas such as how      early in the year 8
            an introducer to       Organisms as           allowing pupils to     background              extinction may         Chemistry module
            more detailed          reinforcement of       identify reactants     knowledge as to         occur in some          Atoms, elements
            study of pressure      tissues and organs.    and products of        why plants are          species but not all.   and Compounds
            that will follow on    It also will lay       respiration and the    fundamental to the      This is ideally        can be interwoven
            later in the physics   foundations as to      construction of the    maintenance of the      placed before the      as pupils will
            scheme of learning.    the origin of food     equation.              atmosphere.             Genes topic, where     understand
This must be           being chemical         pupils will discover polymers, which
studied prior to       energy in the year     why gene banks are can be linked to the
Photosynthesis so      7 Physics topic of     necessary.           structure of DNA.
pupils can             Energy, pupils have
conceptualise that     compared energy
plants do not          values from food
breathe but have       labels, but now
organs for gas         they will make
exchange, enabling     calculations and
the study of           link results back to
Cellular respiration   lifestyle choices.
and                    The principles of
Photosynthesis.        enzymes will also
                       be introduced in a
                       simple form so that
                       in year 9 pupils can
                       study further
                       aspects of enzymes
                       such as how they
                       are used in food
                       production in the
Skills &          Pupils will           Pupils will work       Pupils will display   This unit will         Collaboration in      Pupils will
Characteristics   demonstrate           collaboratively on     creativity in their   actively develop       this topic will be    empathise with
                  collaboration as      practical work as      learning, applying    resilience,            developed as          scientists who have
                  they work together    they explore the       scientific            collaboration, and     pupils may use the    demonstrated
                  carrying out          role of enzymes in     understanding of      creative minds, as     art of debate and     resilience in their
                  practical work        digestion. They will   respiration to food   pupils will explore    then creativity to    own practical work
                  improving their       then use creative      production. They      photosynthesis         explain ideas about   and harness this to
                  skills and            thinking skills to     will work             during practical       evolution and         their own resilience
                  communication         apply knowledge to     collaboratively       sessions, while        inheritance.          when learning.
                  techniques. They      their findings.        during practical      working
                  will also show                               work.                 collaboratively to
                  resilience in their                                                set up and carry
                  learning by looking                                                out experiments.
                  at the results of                                                  Finally, they will
                  practical work.                                                    apply knowledge
                                                                                     and thinking skills
                                                                                     inn succession to
                                                                                     explain the
                                                                                     practical results.
Aspirations &     The science           The science            The science           The science            The science           The science
Careers           involved in this      involved in this       involved in this      involved in this       involved in this      involved in this
                  area correlates       area correlates        area correlates       area correlates        area correlates       area correlates
                  with:-                with:-                 with:-                with:-                 with:-                with:-
                  * Health care         * Food technologist    * Personal trainer    * Research scientist   * Geneticist          * Zoologist
                  * Social work         * Nutritionist         * Food technology     * School teacher       * Genetics            * Biochemist
                  * Asthma nurse        * Personal trainer     * Microbiologist      CDI: 4, 5, 6           counsellor            * Archaeologist
                  CDI: 4, 5, 6          CDI: 4, 5, 6           CDI: 4, 5, 6                                 * Plant breeder       CDI: 4, 5, 6
                                                                                                            CDI: 4, 5, 6
Year 9 Biology Curriculum – 2022-23
                            Autumn Term                                    Spring Term                                   Summer Term
                        1                     2                      1                      2                       1                       2
Key Concepts                New Technology                           Turning Points in Biology              Turning Points in           Detection
National         Genetics              Biotechnology        Cells and Systems       Genes and Evolution      Photosynthesis             Working
Curriculum                                                                                                                           Scientifically in
              In this topic pupils   In this topic pupils   This section of         Pupils will continue
Knowledge &                                                                                                 In this topic pupils         Careers
              will learn more        will learn about       biology will            in their mastery of
Understanding                                                                                               will investigate
              about genes and        how enzymes are        enhance pupils          biological concepts
                                                                                                            the reactants in,      In this topic pupils
              how they               not just useful in     understanding of        relating to DNA,
                                                                                                            and products of,       will make, and
              determine our          the digestive          specialised cells,      Charles Darwin and
                                                                                                            photosynthesis.        record observations
              characteristics.       system, but how        specifically the role   ensuring biodiversity
                                                                                                            They will make         and measurements
              They will look at      they also have a       of white blood cells    is continued. They
                                                                                                            predictions using      using a range of
              the ways in which      role in                and their role in the   will be able to see
                                                                                                            scientific             methods for
              our current            biotechnology. It      body. Pupils will       the importance of
                                                                                                            knowledge, select      different
              knowledge of           applies concepts       forge links with        peer review as
                                                                                                            and plan and           investigations and
              genes can help us      learned from prior     other concepts for      scientists critically
                                                                                                            carry out the most     suggest possible
              to calculate the       modules and            example how             analyse each other’s
                                                                                                            appropriate types      improvements. This
              probability of         enlightens pupils to   antibiotic resistance   work. Pupils will
                                                                                                            of scientific          will link directly to
              inheriting genetic     how these can be       is a consequence of     develop practical
                                                                                                            enquiries to test      skills used within
              disorders. They will   incorporated into      evolution via           skills and extract
                                                                                                            predictions,           different careers for
              see how selective      modern day             natural selection.      DNA.
                                                                                                            including              e.g. microscopy
              breeding, genetic      applications and       This topic will
                                                                                                            identifying            skills.
              engineering and        careers to improve     continue
              cloning can help us    our lives and the      incorporating
                                                                                                            dependent and
              to produce more        health of our          working
                                                                                                            control variables,
              desirable              planet. Pupils will    scientifically
              organisms but also     select, plan and       aspects of the
              how technology is      carry out the most     curriculum, as
              enabling us to do      appropriate types      pupils will carry out
so. Pupils have had    of scientific          and plan
             many practical         enquiries to test      investigations to
             opportunities          predictions,           find out which
             within biology. This   including              antibiotic is the
             section will enable    identifying            most effective. This
             pupils to revisit      independent,           topic will also be an
             these key principles   dependent and          introduction to KS4
             enabling them to       control variables,     Communicable
             secure skills,         where appropriate.     Diseases.
             knowledge and to       For example, they
             apply and answer       will plan out and
             scientific questions   investigate the
             about the world        effects of
             around them by         temperature on
             carrying out           fermentation.
             investigations into
             e.g Variation.

Assessment   Assessed project       Assessed project       Assessed project        Assessed project         Assessed project     Assessed project
             comprising of unit     comprising of end      comprising of unit      comprising of end of     comprising of unit   comprising of end
             test, practical        of unit test,          test, practical         unit test, practical     test, practical      of unit test,
             assessment of skills   practical              assessment of skills    assessment of skills     assessment of        practical
             in while               assessment of skills   in while                in while investigating   skills in while      assessment of skills
             investigating          in while               investigating           DNA extraction.          investigating        in while
             techniques of          investigating          antibiotics.                                     photosynthesis.      investigating
             cloning.               fermentation.                                                                                microscopes.
Why this?   Pupils have prior       Pupils have             This is studied at     This topic is placed     Photosynthesis is     Connections
Why now?    understanding of        previously been         this point as          at this point as it      a fundamental         between science
            Variation in terms      introduced to the       previously in year 7   uses understanding       principle at KS3      and careers is a
            of inheritance,         concept of              pupils were            from Cells and           and KS4 in            thread running
            chromosomes,            biotechnology in        introduced to the      Organisation module      biology and           through from the
            genes, and DNA          year 8 when             concept of             early in year 7, where   chemistry as it       year 7 and year 8
            from year 7 and         studying                specialised cells      pupils studied           allows pupils to      curriculum. The
            from year 8 where       respiration.            and that organisms     chromosomes; the         make links            focus at this point
            pupils studied          However, pupils will    are made up of         Inheritance module       between cross         will be applying the
            Inheritance. These      use understanding       systems. Pupils will   later on in year 7 as    curricular areas of   practical skills from
            can now be              and knowledge and       now build on this      the process by which     the Carbon Cycle      a variety of topics
            incorporated            apply this to build a   knowledge to the       genetic information      and climate           in biology to
            together to unite       scientific              fact that there are    is transmitted from      change. Pupils will   different careers.
            abstract concepts       investigation where     other specialised      one generation to        have                  Some of these skills
            which will l later be   results can be          cells in the body      the next was             opportunities to      will be paramount
            applied to the topic    analysed. They will     and that the body      determined and           carry out a range     to the curriculum at
            Genes and               also look at other      also has an            finally in year 8, in    of scientific         KS4 and serves as a
            Evolution while         examples of how         immune system.         the Inheritance          experiments for       bridge between
            bridging the gap to     scientists can use      While incorporating    module where the         e.g. testing a leaf   KS3 and KS4. For
            study genetic           biotechnology to        aspects of the         consequences of          for starch            e.g pupils have
            engineering in          our advantage e.g       working                variation were           whereby they can      used microscopes
            greater depth at        how cheese and          scientifically         studied. Pupils will     apply                 in year 7, but now
            KS4.                    yoghurt are made.       curriculum, pupils     use specific practical   understanding of      they will investigate
                                                            will understand        skills safely to         food tests from       the different types
                                                            that scientific        observe genetic          year 8 when they      of microscopes,
                                                            methods and            material within a        studied digestion     how they link to
                                                            theories develop as    specimen.                to the leaf.          forensic science,
                                                            scientists modify                                                     which will also
                                                            earlier explanations                                                  incorporate
                                                            to consider new                                                       knowledge of
                                                            evidence and ideas.                                                   genetics from
                                                                                                                                  earlier on in the
Skills &          Resilience
Characteristics   Being able to look at practical results, identify anomalies and carrying out repeats are all essential skills to build resilience
                  Lessons involve practical group work to improve lab skills and communication.
                  Pupils understand the importance of discussion and peer review in the scientific community.
                  Application of knowledge and logical thinking skills are integral to scientific investigation

Aspirations &     CEIAG
Careers           Medical Experience days: These events link with scientific content and bring ‘real-life’, everyday experiences into the classroom
                  which specifically link to human anatomy areas in the curriculum. CDI: 4, 5, 6, 7
                  Careers Fairs: Provides an opportunity to students to practice presenting themselves in front of potential employers. This is also a
                  great way for students to compare employers, and find out what area of science/ scientific skills they need to focus on in the
                  classroom in order to be considered for future posts. CDI: 4, 5, 6, 7
                  Work Experience: Students are introduced to different scientific skills by work colleagues during work experience which includes;
                  the ability to problem solve, handling/ analysing data and communicate effectively. All skills which are used daily during day – to
                  day lessons. CDI: 11, 12
                  Cultural Capital
                  Pupils are encouraged to make links between current events, like plastic pollution and biodiversity and our biology learning in
                  the classroom.
                  All pupils take advantage of our excellent links with the Science Ambassadors and through trips and in class activities.
                  Stem Club: Help to inspire, attract and develop STEM talents during school. The purpose of a STEM club is to raise student’s
                  engagement and achievement in these subject area.
                  Jeans for Genes assemblies: Brings awareness of life-altering genetic disorders which affect half a million UK children. This
                  awareness helps bring relevance to the ‘genetics’ and both communicable and non-communicable topics in the curriculum.
                  Young Health Champions: Provide students skills and knowledge to act as mentors with increased awareness of healthy lifestyles
                  and overall ‘health’. Again, this encourages students to understand the relevance for teaching health-based topics in biology.
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