Year 8 Curriculum - Academic Year 2020-2021 - Halliford School

Page created by Wanda Holt
Academic Year 2020-2021

Year 8 Curriculum
Year 8 Curriculum

The long term curriculum plans present an overview of the topics covered each half term. They also provide information on
the nature of the assessments and offer suggestions on extra resources that can be used to support learning.

It is important to emphasise that these plans are working documents and departments actively use them as a guide to plan
the teaching and assessments throughout the year. However, departments are also flexible enough to respond to the needs
of the learners.

In addition to the curricula for the individual academic subjects outlined in the following pages, students in Year 8 also have
one lesson of PSHE, two lessons of PE and three lessons of Games per week.

      Autumn   Patterns in Nature                                           Supporting materials:
       2020                                                                 Art Assignments folder on Microsoft
               Students will:                                               Teams.
                research artists/designers influenced by natural forms
                   such as Georgia O’Keefe, William Morris and Clive        Assessment:
                   Nichols;                                                  Knowledge and understanding of
                learn how to record and analyse first-hand                     art, craft & design, including major
                   observations of natural forms, working directly from         movements.
                   the source;                                               Investigating and making using a
                use the visual elements such as line/colour/form to            range of techniques, media and
                   reproduce these natural patterns in a simplified way;        materials.
                build on their design skills to understand the role of      Analysis and evaluation of work.
                   pattern in creating a tessellation; and
                experiment with lino printing techniques to create their
                   final design.
      Spring   Human Flowers                                                Supporting materials:
       2021                                                                 Art Assignments folder on Microsoft
               Students will:                                               Teams.
                learn about the proportions and balance of figure
                   drawing through observation and recording;               Assessment:
                understand the relationship between the figure and the      Knowledge and understanding of
                   environment (life cycle);                                    art, craft & design, including major
                understand how artists distort reality in order to             movements.
                   express emotions through painting and drawing;            Investigating and making using a
                develop their painting and drawing skills; and                 range of techniques, media and
                learn the ability to experiment with new techniques to         materials.
                   create an imaginative and surreal final piece.            Analysis and evaluation of work.

  Summer       Totem Poles                                                  Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                     Art Assignments folder on Microsoft
               Students will:                                               Teams.
                gain an appreciation for Native American Art and will
                   understand what a Totem Pole represents;                 Assessment:
                understand that past events, the way people live, and       Knowledge and understanding of
                   visual arts influence one another;                           art, craft & design, including major
                develop their understanding of the use of symbols in           movements.
                   conveying meaning and the communication of                Investigating and making using a
                   significant events;                                          range of techniques, media and
                explore visual art and design concepts of line, pattern        materials.
                   and colour to embellish their artwork; and                Analysis and evaluation of work.
                create totem poles that represent their school

  Autumn 1    Interdependence and Plant Reproduction                           Textbook: Collins AQA KS3
    2020      9.1 Understanding food webs                                      Science Student BOOK 1 –
              9.4 Exploring ecological balance                                 CHAPTER 9 ECOSYSTEMS
              9.2 Understanding the effects of toxins in the environment       Online resources:
              9.3 Exploring the importance of insects                           Doddle
              9.5 Exploring flowering plants                                    Twig
              9.6 Exploring fertilisation                                       BBC Bitesize
              9.7 Understanding how seeds are dispersed
                                                                           Revision book
              9.8 Understanding how fruits disperse seeds                  Assessment:
                                                                           Practical assessment
                                                                           Unit/half term test
  Autumn 2     Variation and Human Reproduction                            Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2020      10.4 Understanding the female reproductive system and        Student
              fertility                                                    BOOK 1 – CHAPTER 10 GENES
              10.5 Understanding the male reproductive system and
              fertilisation                                                Online resources:
              10.6 Learning how a foetus develops                          Doddle
              10.7 Understanding factors affecting a developing foetus
                                                                           BBC Bitesize
              10.8 Communicating ideas about smoking in pregnancy
                                                                           Revision book
              10.1 Looking at variation
              10.2 Exploring causes of variation                           Assessment: Practical assessment
              10.3 Considering the importance of variation                 Unit/half term test

   Spring 1   Evolution and Inheritance                                    Textbook: Collins AQA KS3
    2021      10.1 Explaining natural selection                            Science Student
              10.2 Understanding the importance of biodiversity            BOOK 2 – CHAPTER 10 GENES
              10.3 Explaining extinction
              10.4 Understanding the nature of genetic material            Online resources:
              10.5 Exploring the role of chromosomes                       •       Doddle
                                                                           •       Twig
              10.6 Understanding variation
                                                                           •       BBC Bitesize
              10.7 Modelling inheritance
                                                                           Revision book

   Spring 2       Photosynthesis                                           Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2021          9.6 Exploring how plants make food                       Student
                  9.7 Looking at leaves                                    BOOK 2 – CHAPTER 8
                  9.8 Exploring the movement of water and minerals in      ORGANISMS
                  9.9 Investigating the importance of minerals to plants   Online resources:
                  9.10 Investigating photosynthesis                        •       Doddle
                                                                           •       Twig
                                                                           •       BBC Bitesize

                                                                           Revision book

   Summer 1   Respiration                                           Supporting materials: : Collins
     2021        9.1 Understanding aerobic respiration              AQA KS3 Science Student
                 9.2 Exploring respiration in sport                 BOOK 2
                 9.3 Understanding anaerobic respiration            Online resources:
                 9.4 Investigating fermentation                     ● Doddle
                 9.5 Comparing aerobic and anaerobic respiration    ● Twig
                                                                    ● BBC Bitesize

                                                                    Practical assessment
                                                                    Unit / half term test
  Summer 2         Breathing and Digestion                          Supporting materials: : Collins
    2021      8.1 Understanding how we breathe                      AQA KS3 Science Student
              8.2 Measuring breathing                               BOOK 2
              8.3 Explaining gas exchange in humans                 Online resources:
              8.4 Exploring the effects of disease and lifestyle    ● Doddle
              8.5 Exploring a healthy diet                          ● Twig
              8.6 Understanding the effects of an unbalanced diet   ● BBC Bitesize
              8.7 Understanding the human digestive system
              8.8 Understanding the roles of the digestive organs   Assessment:
                                                                    Practical assessment
                                                                    Unit / half term test

  Autumn 1    Matter – The Preiodic Table and Elements                         Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                       Textbook
              The principles underpinning the modern Periodic Table            BBC Bitesize
              The layout of the Periodic Table                                 Doddle
                      Analysing patterns in the Periodic Table                 Twig
                      Explore chemical and physical properties of metals and   KS3 revision guides available
                      Atoms, elements and compounds                            Assessment:
                                                                               Homework, Doddle, Unit Test
  Autumn 2            Matter – Elements                                        Supporting materials:
    2020              Reactions – Chemical Energy                              See above

                      Chemical symbols and formula for elements and Assessment:
                      compounds                                               Homework, Doddle, Unit Test
                      Exploring the chemical and physical differences between
                      metal and non-metal oxides
                      Properties of ceramics, polymers and composites
                      Conservation of mass and changes during chemical
                      Understanding exothermic reactions

   Spring 1           Reactions                                                Supporting materials:
    2021              Chemical Energy and Types of Reactions                   See above

                      Comparing exothermic and endothermic reactions           Assessment:
                      Catalysts                                                Homework, Doddle, Unit Test
                      Exploring combustion
                      Exploring uses of fuels
                      Exploring thermal decomposition

   Spring 2           Reactions – Types of Reactions                           Supporting materials:
    2021              Earth – Climate                                          See above
                      The composition of the atmosphere
                      The carbon cycle                                         Assessment:
                      The production of carbon dioxide by human activity       Homework, Doddle, Unit Test
                      and the impact on climate

  Summer 1            Earth – Earth Resources                                  Supporting materials:
    2021              Explore damage to Earth’s resources                      See above
                      Evaluate the efficacy of recycling
                      Explore how to extract metals                            Assessment:
                      The reactivity series                                    Homework, Doddle, Unit Test
                      Methods of metal extraction

  Summer 2    Exam                                                             Supporting materials:
    2021      Start Year 9 GCSE work                                           See above

                                                                               Homework, Doddle, Summer
Computer Science

  Autumn 1   Scratch                            Supporting Materials:
    2020          Scrolling Background         The online Scratch
                  Using foreground             Community
                  Introducing randomness       Online tutorials
                  Interacting Sprites          Exemplar Work
                  Use of sound                 Step by Step Instructions
                  Framerates
                                                Project assessment
  Autumn 2   Spreadsheets                       Supporting Materials
    2020         Ranges
                 Inter sheet formulae          Exemplar Work
                 Conditional formatting
                 Data validation               Assessment

                                                Project Assessment
  Spring 1   Programming (Visual Basic)         Supporting Materials
   2021          Forms
                 Command buttons               Online tutorials
                 Labels                        Exemplar Work
                 Using the focus               Step by Step Instructions
                 Text Boxes
                 More complex controls         Assessment

                                                Project Assessment
  Spring 2   Databases                          Supporting Materials
   2021          Using a database
                 Database components           Online tutorials
                 Presenting data effectively
                 Querying a database           Assessment
                 User Interfaces
                 Primary keys                  Based on completed
  Summer 1   Graphic Design                     Supporting Materials
    2021         Photo tools
                 Blur, Burn, Dodge             Exemplar Work
                 How to spot a fake
                 Blending                      Assessment

                                                Project Assessment
  Summer 2   Animation                          Supporting Materials
    2021         Timelines
                 Tweens                        Online tutorials
                 Frames                        Exemplar Work
                 Layers
                 Frame rates                   Assessment
                 Onion skinning
                                                Project Assessment
Design & Technology

   Autumn 1     Structures Project                                       Supporting materials:
     2020       ● Types of structures                          
                ● Team work                                    
                ● Marking out                                            fr9wmn
                ● Struts & Ties                                
                ● Use of gussets                               
                ● Quality Control                              
                ● Testing
                                                                         Focused practical task
                                                                         Homework / Class Booklet

  Spring 2021   Clock Project                                            Supporting materials:
                ● Design theme (Alessi)                        
                ● CAD (Techsoft 2D Design)                     
                ● CAM (Laser Cutter)                                     fr9wmn
                ● Working with Acrylic                         
                ● Clock mechanisms                             
                ● Quality control                              

                                                                         Focused practical task
                                                                         Homework / Class Booklet

   Summer       Resin Casting                                            Supporting materials:
                ●   Different types of casting                 
                ●   Making a mould                                       fr9wmn
                ●   Use of machines and hand tools to finish a product
                ●   Quality control                            
                ●   Buffing and polishing                      

                                                                         Focused practical task
                                                                         Homework / Class Booklet

  Autumn   Practitioners in Practice                                      Supporting materials:
   2020    Students will be taught about the working practices of
           Stanislavski and Brecht. They will use the methods of these    Assessment:
           practitioners in performance and explore new acting styles.    Students are continually assessed and
           Students will explore:                                         given feedback during the course of the
                Naturalism                                               term. Building to a final assessment
                Epic theatre                                             performance.
  Spring   Performance                                                    Supporting materials:
   2021    Students will work on a scripted performance to be
           performed in front of a live audience in the summer term.      Assessment:
           OR                                                             Students are continually assessed and
           Film                                                           given feedback during the course of the
           Students will use their acting skills to make a film using a   term. Building to a final assessment
           specific genre of the teachers choice. In the past students    performance.
           have made silent movies, Slap stick comedy and movement
           pieces to music.

  Summer    Performance                                                   Supporting materials:
   2021     Students will work on a scripted performance to be
            performed in front of a live audience in the summer term.     Assessment:
            OR                                                            Students are continually assessed and
           Play Script                                                    given feedback during the course of the
           Students will analyse a play script chosen by their teacher    term. Building to a final assessment
           for performance. Students will have to think about both        performance.
           performance and design elements focusing on:
            Lighting
            Set
            Costume
            Props
            Characterisation
            Vocal skills
            Physicality
            Working as part of a group

  Autumn 1    The study of a Shakespeare play           Supporting Materials / Extra Practice /
    2020      ● Plot                                    Website:
              ● Genre                                   York Notes
              ● Shakespeare’s use of language 
              ● Key themes
              ● Dramatic devices                        Reading Assessment:
              ● Context                                 Essay question on a character/theme
              ● Audience response

  Autumn 2    The study of a range of famous speeches   Supporting Materials / Extra Practice /
    2020      ● Context                                 Website:
              ● Persuasive devices                      SPaG exercises:
              ● Language and structural features
              ● Sentence structure                      8691005
              ● Tone
              ● Intonation                              Writing Assessment:
              ● Pitch                                   Two/three diary entries from different
              ● Paralinguistics                         points in the novel.

   Spring 1   The study of the novel The Hobbit         Wider reading:
    2021      ● Genre                                   The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
              ● Characterisation
              ● Themes                                  Writing Assessment:
              ● Language and structural devices         Imaginative Writing
              ● Reader response
              ● Narrative voice

   Spring 2   The study of the novel The Hobbit         Reading Assessment:
    2021      ● Genre                                   Essay question on a character/theme
              ● Characterisation
              ● Themes
              ● Language and structural devices
              ● Reader response
              ● Narrative voice

  Summer 1   The study of an anthology of Gothic prose and poetry.      Supporting Materials / Extra Practice /
    2021     ● Historical context of the Gothic genre                   Website:
             ● Important writers of the genre                 
             ● Gothic conventions                                       s/z7gcwmn/resources/1
             ● Poetic devices
             ● Form and structure                                       Reading Assessment:
             ● Language and structural devices                          Essay question on one poem
             ● Tone
             ● Imagery
  Summer 2   Independent Learning Project                               Assessment:
    2021     ● Students will work in groups to produce a presentation   Presentation
                 on a given topic.

  Autumn 1   Module 3                                         Supporting materials:
    2020                                                      Dynamo 1, Pearson
             Mon temps libre                        ,
             Point de départ Talking about weather/ sounds,
             Unit 1:Talking about sports (+ jouer)  ,
             Unit 2: Talking about activities (+ faire)

  Autumn 2   Module 3 (continued)                             Supporting materials:
    2020                                                      Dynamo 1, Pearson
             Unit 3: Sport in French speaking countries,
             Unit 4: Talking about what you like doing,
             Unit 5: Creating an interview with a celebrity,
             Module 4
             Ma vie de famille                                 Assessment:
                                                              An end of Module 3 test covering at
             Point de départ                                  least 2 language based skills.
             Talking about animals/higher numbers
             Unit 1: Myfamily

  Spring 1   Module 4 (continued)                             Supporting materials:
   2021                                                       Dynamo 1, Pearson
             Unit 2: Where I live                   ,
             Unit 3: Talking about breakfast        ,
             Unit 4: Learning about Bastille Day    ,
             Unit 5: Creating a cartoon family      

                                                              An end of Module 4 test covering at
                                                              least 2 language based skills.

  Spring 2   Module 5                                         Supporting materials:
   2021                                                       Dynamo 1, Pearson
             Point de depart Talking about places in a town,
             Understanding prices in French         ,
             Unit 1: Saying where you go at the weekend
             Unit 2: Inviting someone out
             Unit 3 ordering drinks and snacks
                                                              No formal assessment

  Summer 1   Module 5 (continued)                                Supporting materials:
             Unit 4: Saying what you are going to do             Dynamo 1, Pearson
             Unit 5: talking about plans for a special weekend,
             General revision of modules 3-5           

  Summer 2                                                       Supporting materials:
    2021                                                         Revision Guide
                    End of Year 8 examination of modules 3-5     Dynamo 1, Pearson

                                                                 End of year examination covering all
                                                                 language based skills

 Autumn 1    Introducing Geography                                        Supporting materials:
   2020      Map skills + Our World                             
             Learning the names and locations of continents, oceans,
                                                                          Online resources shared with students
             mountain ranges, deserts and rivers
                                                                          through Google Classroom
             Developing understanding of maps including; longitude
             and latitude, compass points, map symbols, 4 and 6- figure   Assessment:
             grid references, measuring distances on maps and the use     Several short tests on knowledge and
             of contours                                                  skills throughout the half term

  Autumn 2   Resource Reliance                                            Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                  Online resources shared with students
             Learning the different components of Earth’s Systems         through Google Classroom
             including the Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere and
             Lithosphere to understand what the Earth’s natural           Assessment:
             resources are.                                               A range of short tests on key term
                                                                          definitions and practice exam questions.
             Examining how these resources can be used to make
             electricity and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  Spring 1   Resource Reliance                                            Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                   Online resources shared with students
             Understanding the history of the UK’s Energy mix and         through Google Classroom
             debating the various options for providing energy in the
             future including nuclear, fracking and renewable energy.     Assessment:
                                                                          Individual/Group projects on debating
                                                                          the options for the UK’s Energy Future.

  Spring 2   Rivers                                                       Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                   Online resources shared with students
             Learning the water cycle and main parts of a river; the      through Google Classroom
             processes of erosion, transportation and deposition.
             Developing an understanding of how these processes           A range of short tests on key term
             create a variety of distinctive landforms.                   definitions and practice exam questions.

             Beginning to examine the role of fieldwork in Geography

 Summer 1    River Tillingbourne Enquiry                                    Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                    Online resources shared with students
             Field Trip to the River Tillingbourne with Juniper Hall FSC.   through Google Classroom

             Completing a fieldwork river project.                          Assessment:
                                                                            Completing a fieldwork river project.
             Examining the causes and effects of flooding, including a
             case study.
  Summer 2   End of Year Exams                                              Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                    Online resources shared with students
                                                                            through Google Classroom

                                                                            End of year exam.

  Autumn 1       Module 3 continued                         Supporting materials:
    2020         Freizeit                                   Stimmt 1 textbook
             o   Give information about sports you play,
             o   Using ‘gern’ and ‘spielen’       
             o   Discussing leisure activities
             o   Using correct word order                   Assessment:
             o   Talking about mobiles and computers        An end of Module test covering all 4
             o   Talking about actions in the future        language based skills.
             o   Writing about your free time

  Spring 1       Module 4                                   Supporting materials:
   2021          Schule ist klasse                          Stimmt 1 textbook
             o   Talking about school subjects    ,
             o   Using ‘weil’                     
             o   Talking about days and times
             o   Word order                                  Assessment:
             o   Describing teachers                        An end of Module test covering 2/ 4
             o   Saying his/hers                            language based skills.
             o   School rules
             o   Prepositions (in, auf, neben, an)

  Summer 1       Module 5                                   Supporting materials:
    2021         Gute Reise!                                Stimmt 1 textbook
                     Discussing your town        ,
                     Saying what there is and isn’t
                     Saying what you would like
                     Buying snacks                         Assessment:
                     Talking about holiday plans           None
                     Using ‘werden’ for the future tense

 Summer 2                                                   Supporting materials:
   2021                                                     Revision Guide
                             End of Year 8 examination      Stimmt 1 textbook
                                  of Modules 3-5  ,

                                                            End of year examination

  Autumn 1    Why was there so much religious change in the                Supporting materials:
    2020      sixteenth century?                                           Rediscovering The Making of the UK –
                                                                           Colin Shepherd
                 Why did Henry VIII make himself head of the Church of
                  England?                                                 ory/tudors_stuarts/henry_viii/revision/1/
                 How did Edward change English churches?
                 Could Queen Mary make England Catholic again?            Assessment
                                                                           Write a diary as a Catholic describing the
                                                                           changes Henry VIII has made to religion
                                                                           in England.

  Autumn 2    What were the secrets of Elizabeth I’s success?              Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                   Rediscovering The Making of the UK –
                 What problems did Elizabeth face and how did she         Colin Shepherd
                  solve them?                                    
                 Why did the Spanish Armada fail?
                                                                           Assessment essay:
                                                                           An obituary for Elizabeth: What were
                                                                           the secrets of Elizabeth’s success?

   Spring 1   Would you have signed Charles I’s death warrant?             Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                   SHP History Year 8- Chris Culpin and Ian
              Did Charles I:                                               Dawson
               ‘ignore the will of Parliament and rule according to his   Rediscovering The Making of the UK –
                  own will’?                                               Colin Shepherd
               ‘wickedly make war on his own subjects’?         
               ‘restart the war after being defeated’?
                                                                           Assessment essay:
                                                                           Would you have signed Charles I’s death

   Spring 2   Why were Europeans mad about empires?                        Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                   SHP History Year 8- Chris Culpin and Ian
                 How did the Spanish defeat of the Aztecs change          Dawson
                  Mexico and Spain?                              
                 The Clarkson Challenge- Why was Clarkson’s
                  challenge so difficult?                                  Assessment:
                                                                           Write a speech in favour of abolishing
                                                                           the slave trade

  Summer 1   What did the Industrial Revolution do for us?               Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                 See above
                Why was British industry so successful?
                Was there more to a Victorian town than ‘foul facts’?   Assessment:
                How did the Victorians try and help the poor?           Horrible Histories style guide to
                                                                         Victorian towns
  Summer 2   How had ordinary life changed by 1900?                      Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                 SHP History Year 8- Chris Culpin and Ian
                What were the different faces of London in 1900?        Dawson
                Why was ordinary life changing so much?       

                                                                         End of year exam

        Autumn 1   To be introduced to the Romans, their Society and      Supporting materials:
          2020     Government.                                            The Textbook
                   To be introduced to the Olympian Gods.                 CLC Website
                   To be introduced to some of the basic grammar of the   Interactive Program on school network.
                   language including the use of subjects and objects,
                   noun declensions and gender, and basic verbs.          Assessment:
                                                                          Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                          translations (both Latin into English and
                                                                          English into Latin).

        Autumn 2   To be introduced to the use adjectives.                Supporting materials:
          2020     To be introduced to Roman Heroes.                      The Textbook
                   To be introduced to more on nouns and adjectives.      CLC Website
                   To be introduced to the use of prepositions.           Interactive Program on school network.

                                                                          Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                          translations (both Latin into English and
                                                                          English into Latin).

        Spring 1   To go into further detail of the perfect tense.        Supporting materials:
         2021      To be introduced to Roman Gods.                        The Textbook
                   To be introduced to the ablative case.                 CLC Website
                   To be introduced to verb conjugations and principal    Interactive Program on school network.
                   To be introduced to infinitives.                       Assessment:
                                                                          Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                          translations (both Latin into English and
                                                                          English into Latin).

        Spring 2   To be introduced to some irregular verbs.              Supporting materials:
         2021      To be introduced to adverbs.                           The Textbook
                   To be introduced to the imperfect tense.               CLC Website
                   To be introduced to Roman Religion.                    Interactive Program on school network.

                                                                          Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                          translations (both Latin into English and
                                                                          English into Latin).

        Summer 1   To be introduced to more irregular verbs.              Supporting materials:
          2021     To be introduced to direct questions.                  The Textbook
                   To be introduced to the genitive and dative cases.     CLC Website
                                                                          Interactive Program on school network.

                                                                          Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                          translations (both Latin into English and
                                                                          English into Latin).

        Summer 2   To be introduced to Roman Festivals, Games and   Supporting materials:
          2021     Shows.                                           The Textbook
                   To be introduced to more irregular verbs.        CLC Website
                   To be introduced to the present tense.           Interactive Program on school network.

                                                                    Various vocabulary tests and
                                                                    translations (both Latin into English and
                                                                    English into Latin).

     Autumn 1      Indices                                    Supporting materials:
       2020        Standard Form                              STP textbook
                   Significant Figures                        BoardWorks
                   Probability                                MyMaths
                   Possibility Space Diagrams
                   Relative Frequency                         Assessment:
                   Multiplication and Division of Fractions   1 Period Test
                   Fractions and Percentages
                   Ratio

     Autumn 2      Polygons                                   Supporting materials:
       2020        Area of Triangles and Parallelograms       STP textbook
                   Scatter Graphs                             BoardWorks
                   Circumference and Area of a Circle         MyMaths
                   Formulas
                                                               2 Period Test
                                                               October & November test results will
                                                               determine sets for next term

     Spring 1      Reflections                                Supporting materials:
      2021         Translations                               STP textbook
                   Rotations                                  BoardWorks
                   Linear Equations                           MyMaths
                   Straight Line Graphs
                                                               1 Period Test

     Spring 2      Curved Graphs            Supporting materials:
      2021         Continuous Data          STP textbook
                   Simultaneous Equations   BoardWorks
                   Volumes                  MyMaths
                   Enlargements
                                             2 period TEST

     Summer 1      Set Notation             Supporting materials:
       2021        Scale Drawings           STP textbook
                   Pythagoras’ Theorem      BoardWorks
                   Travel Graphs            MyMaths

                                             No formal assessment

    Summer 2    END OF YEAR EXAMS            Supporting materials:
      2021       Exam review                STP textbook

                                             Two 1.5hr exams – Results will
                                             determine Yr 9 set

  Autumn 1   UNIT 1: The Blues                                           Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                 Class workbook
                   What is the history of the Blues?                    PowerPoints on MS Teams
                   How do you perform the 12-bar Blues?                 YouTube demonstration videos
                   How do you play the Blues scale?
                   How do you improvise using the Blues scale?
                   What are the main features of Blues lyrics?          Assessment:
                                                                         1) Blues performance
                                                                         2) Listening test on Blues music

  Autumn 2   UNIT 2: Understanding harmony                               Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                 Class workbook
                   What are scales and triads?                          PowerPoints on MS Teams
                   How do you form major and minor chords?
                   How do you compose effective chord sequences?
                   How do you compose an effective melody over a        Assessment:
                    chord sequence?                                      Theory test

  Spring 1   UNIT 3: The Beatles                                         Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                  Class workbook
                   Who were The Beatles and what are the main           PowerPoints on MS Teams
                    features of their music?                             Keyboards
                   How have The Beatles influenced popular music
                    since the 1960s?                                     YouTube demonstration videos
                   What are the musical features of a ballad?
                   Can you perform a chosen Beatles song on the         Assessment:
                    keyboards?                                           1) Performance of a chosen Beatles song
                                                                         2) Listening test on the music of The

  Spring 2   UNIT 4: Composing a pop song                                Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                  Class workbook
                   What are hooks and riffs?                            PowerPoints on MS Teams
                   What are the main musical features of popular
                    music?                                               Assessment:
                   How do you use structure, repetition and contrast    1) Pop song composition
                    in popular music?
                   How do you write effective lyrics to fit a melody?   2) Listening test on pop music

  Summer 1   UNIT 5: Singing techniques                                  Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                 Class workbook
                   How do you breathe correctly when singing?           PowerPoints on MS Teams
                   How do you sing smoothly and with articulation?      Song recordings
                   How do you show good stage presence during a         YouTube demonstration videos
                    vocal performance?
                   Can you learn a song for the Halliford song          Assessment:
                    contest?                                             1) Group singing performance of a chosen
                                                                         2) Singing techniques leaflet

  Summer 2   UNIT 6: The Classical Era                                   Supporting materials:
    2021                                                                 Class workbook
                   When was the Classical era?                          PowerPoints on MS Teams
                   Who were the main composers during the Classical
                    era?                                                 music/periods-genres/classical/classical-
                   What were the main musical features of Classical     music-beginners-guide/
                   What structural devices were used in the Classical   Assessment:
                    era?                                                 1) Classical era test
                                                                         2) End of year exam
Physical Education

 Physical education is possibly the curriculum area most affected by Coronavirus (Covid-19). Practical areas for
 the first half term will take place within a sport’s National governing body guidelines adapting some of the
 delivery. I.E. contact is reduced in rugby.

  Autumn 1     Rugby:                                                         Supporting materials/ websites:
    2020        Development of core skills                                   BBC Sport, RFU, FA, ECB
                Tackling in small sided games                                UK Athletics
                Live rucking
                Focus and tactic & strategy                                  Assessment:

  Autumn 2     Basketball:                                                    Supporting materials:
    2020        skill progression based on re-cap but faster                 See above
                strategy for use of dribble, pass and shot selection         Assessment essay:
                  - small sided attack heavy games                            See above

   Spring 1    Cross-country:                                                 Supporting materials:
    2021        Heart rate monitoring                                        See above
                Pacing and strategy
                Timed route running                                          Assessment essay:
                Paired route running                                         See above
                Distance developed from Yr7.

   Spring 2    Badminton:                                                     Supporting materials:
    2021        Introduction to court and how to set up net                  See above
                Rule introduction
                Grip                                                         Assessment:
                Basic rally                                                  See above
                Introduction to overhead clear, drop shot and net shot.
                - King of the court

   Summer      Throughout the Summer term athletics takes place. Two          Supporting materials:
    2021       events are looked at in each lesson from a selection of        See above
               throwing, jumping and track.
               Throwing events: safety measures, grip and stance, low to      As the boys go through the years the
               high, trajectory, power and control, rules.                    input and technical language used is
                                                                              developed and peer assessment and
               Jumping events: safety, run up, take off, body position,       feedback becomes more prominent as
               landing, power and control.                                    the boys become more independent with
                                                                              their learning. Times, distances and
               Track: safety, pacing, starts, phases, technique, breathing,   heights are regularly recorded and the
               psychological aspects.                                         emphasis is on personal development.

  Autumn 1    Voltage, Resistance and Current                             Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2020      2.1 Describing electric circuits                            Student BOOK 1 – CHAPTER 2
              2.2 Understanding energy in circuits                        ELECTROMAGNETS
              2.3 Explaining resistance                                   Doddle
              2.4 Describing series and parallel circuits                 Twig
              2.5 Comparing series and parallel circuits                  BBC Bitesize
              2.6 Investigating static charge                             Revision book
              2.7 Explaining static charge                                Assessment: Practical Assessment
              2.8 Understanding electric fields                           Unit/half term test

  Autumn 2    Sound and Light                                             Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2020      4.1 Exploring sound                                         Student BOOK 1 – CHAPTER 4 WAVES
              4.2 Describing sound                                        Doddle
              4.3 Hearing sounds                                          Twig
              4.4 Understanding how sound travels through materials       BBC Bitesize
              4.5 Learning about the reflection and absorption of sound   Revision book

                                                                          Assessment: Practical Assessment
                                                                          Unit/half term test

   Spring 1   4.6 Exploring properties of light                           Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2021      4.7 Exploring reflection                                    Student
              4.8 Exploring refraction                                    BOOK 2 – CHAPTER 3 ENERGY
              4.9 Seeing clearly                                          Doddle
              4.10 Exploring coloured light                               Twig
                                                                          BBC Bitesize
                                                                          Revision book

                                                                          Assessment: Practical Assessment
                                                                          Unit/half term test

   Spring 2   Work, Heating and Cooling                                   Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2021      3.1 Doing work                                              Student BOOK 2 – CHAPTER 1 FORCES
              3.2 Making work easier                                      Doddle
              3.3 Explaining thermal energy                               Twig
              3.4 Heating                                                 BBC Bitesize
              3.5 How to stop energy from travelling                      Revision book
              3.6 Energy and temperature Contact Forces and
                                                                          Assessment: Practical Assessment
                                                                          Unit/half term test

  Summer 1   Electromagnets and Magnetism                            Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2021     2.1 Forces and fields                                   Student BOOK 2 – CHAPTER 2
             2.2 Using ideas about fields                            ELECTROMAGNETS
             2.3 Investigating electromagnetism                      Doddle
             2.4 Using electromagnets                                Twig
             2.5 Investigating strength of electromagnets            BBC Bitesize
                                                                     Revision book

                                                                     Assessment: Practical Assessment
                                                                     Unit/half term test

  Summer 2   Exam                                                    Textbook: Collins AQA KS3 Science
    2021     Developing Practical Skills:                            Student BOOK 2 – CHAPTER 4 WAVES
                 Experimental skills, understanding variables and   Doddle
                    writing methods                                  Twig
                 Planning experiments and writing risk              BBC Bitesize
                    assessments                                      Revision book
                 Graph Drawing skills
                 Analysing data                                     Assessment: End of year exam
                 Evaluating data and drawing conclusions
Religious Studies

   Autumn   Jesus The King of The Jews            Supporting materials/ websites:
    2020     The Romans in Judea                 New Testament
             The Land where Jesus Lived          Living Faiths
             Jesus as a Boy
             John the Baptist                    Assessment:
             Jesus and His Disciples             End of unit assessment (1,2,3,4 mark
             Jesus the Teacher                   questions with a longer 12 mark question
             Jairus’ Daughter                    at the end)
             The Storm on the Lake               Written format
             The Boy who helped Jesus
             The Parable of the Good Samaritan
             The Parable of the Prodigal Son
             The Widow’s Mite
             The Transfiguration
             Jesus arrives in Jerusalem
             Good Friday (1)
             Good Friday (2)
             The Resurrection

   Spring   World Religions: Sikhism              Supporting materials:
    2021     Introduction to Sikhism             Sikhism Living Faiths
             Who was Guru Nanak?
             The Life of The Guru                Assessment essay:
             What are the 5ks?                   End of unit assessment (1,2,3,4 mark
             5ks reflection                      questions with a longer 12 mark question
             Sikh Festival: Vaisakhi             at the end)
             Sikh Festival Diwali                Written format
             The Guru Granth Sahib
             The 10 Gurus
             The Gurdwara (1)
             The Gurdwara (2)

   Summer   World Religions: People and Gods      Supporting materials:
    2021     What is Buddhism?                   People and Gods Booklet
             Shiva, Lord of The Dance
             Nanak the Guru                      Assessment:
             Confucius the Teacher               End of Year examination incorporating
             The Mormons                         Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 work
             The Eskimo Goddess
             The God of Warriors
             The Goddess of The Sun

  Autumn 1   Module 4 Mi familia y mis amigos                               Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                    ¡Viva! Libro 1,
             Unit 1: Describing your family using possessive adjectives,
             Unit 2: Describing your hair and eye colour using “ser” and,
             “tener”                                              ,
             Unit 3: Saying what other people look like using the third
             person of the verb
                                                                            Continuous evaluation throughout
                                                                            Module 4 covering all 4 language based

  Autumn 2   Module 4 En casa                                               Supporting materials:
    2020                                                                    ¡Viva! Libro 1,
             Unit 4: Describing where you live (house) with “estar”,
             Unit 5: Reading about Cadiz’s carnival and dictionary skills,
             Unit 6: Planning and giving a presentation           ,

                                                                            An end of Module 4 test covering all 4
                                                                            language based skills.

  Spring 1   Module 5 Mi ciudad                                             Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                     ¡Viva! Libro 1,
             Unit 1: Describing your town or village using quantifiers,
             and indeterminate adjectives                         ,
             Unit 2: Telling the time                             ,
             Unit 3: Ordering in a café with the verb “querer”    

                                                                            Continuous evaluation throughout
                                                                            Module 5 covering all 4 language based

  Spring 2   Module 5 Mi ciudad                                             Supporting materials:
   2021                                                                     ¡Viva! Libro 1,
             Unit 4: Saying what you are going to do at the weekend in,
             the immediate future tense                           ,
             Unit 5: Understanding people describing their town   ,
             Unit 6: Using two tenses together                    

                                                                            An end of Module 5 test covering all 4
                                                                            language based skills.

  Summer 1   General revision of                        Supporting materials:
    2021     Modules 4 – 5                              ¡Viva! Libro 1,
                                                        Revision Guide

                                                        No assessment

  Summer 2                                              Supporting materials:
    2021                                                ¡Viva! Libro 1,
             End of Year 8 examination of Modules 4-5,

                                                        End of year examination
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