Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College

Page created by Leroy Burton
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College
Ernest Bevin College

                                        Year 9
 Art and Design, Business, Business - Enterprise and Marketing,
Computer Science, Computing - Digital Information Technology,
 D&T Product Design, D&T Graphic Design, Drama, Economics,
    Engineering, English Language, English Literature, French,
  Geography, History, Hospitality and Catering, Mathematics,
 Media Studies, Physical Education, Physical Education - Sport,
 Religious Education, Separate Science, Trilogy Science, Spanish,
                      Statistics, Travel and Tourism

           “Committed to achievement for
           all student through appropriate
                 curriculum pathways”
                              Contact details
                           Ernest Bevin College
                  Beechcroft Road, Tooting, London, SW17 7DF
Tel: 020 8672 8582 E-Mail: Twitter: @ErnestBevinColl
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College


Letter from the Principal				                 3
Year 9 Options Process				                    4
Advice on choosing					                       5
Art & Design						                            7
Business						                                7
Business Enterprise and Marketing		           8
Computer Science					                         8
Computing - Digital Information Technology    9
Design Technology - Product Design		          9
Design Technology - Graphic Design		          10
Drama						                                   10
Economics						                               11
English Language					                         11
English Literature					                       12
Engineering						                             12
French						                                  13
Geography						                               13
History						                                 14
Hospitality and Catering				                  14
Mathematics						                             15
Media Studies					                            15
Physical Education - Sport				                16
Physical Education					                       16
Religious Education					                      17
Separate Sciences					                        17
Trilogy Science					                          18
Spanish						                                 18
Statistics						                              19
Travel and Tourism					                       19
Guidance on how to complete the option form   20
Options Form					                             21
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College

                                   Letter from the Principal

                                 Dear Parent/Carer,

                                 At Ernest Bevin College we recognise how important curriculum
                                 choices are for your son. Choices made now will impact decisions
                                 made at age 16 and then again at post compulsory school age. Our
                                 offer and the choices that are possible ensures that your son will
                                 achieve his full potential.

                                 For this reason we have a thorough and informative advice and
                                 support programme in place.

                                 Year 9 students had a weekly assembly delivered to them to inform
                                 them of all the choices that are available at Key Stage 4 and each
                                 student will have an interview by a senior member of staff.

We have had a Year 9 Parents’ Evening and will follow up with a Key Stage 4 Choices Evening. Throughout
the evening you will hear from Mr Heathcote, Senior Teacher, Mr Clarke, Head of Careers and Mr
Razaq, Head of Year 9.

With guidance from yourself, the Head of Year, tutor and subject teachers your son has the chance to
personalise his curriculum in a way that allows him to achieve to the best of his ability and increase the
number of opportunities in further and higher education, university and in employment.

This booklet, together with the Key Stage 4 Choices Evening, will support you and your son in making
subject choices that are appropriate and that lead to high achievement and the promise of future
“economic independence”.

All students will study English, mathematics, science and core PE. In addition, it will be appropriate
for many students to study history or geography and a modern foreign language in order for them to
achieve the EBacc (English Baccalaureate) which has been developed nationally as an expected level
of achievement for many 16-year-olds. Your son will have the opportunity to take additional subjects
according to his ability and interests.

Please take time to read this booklet with your son and supporting the right choices.

With kind regards

Ms T Dohel
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College

                              Year 9 Options Process

          Date                                           Actions
 Monday February           Options Introduction Assembly
 Tuesday 2nd February      Subject Assemblies
 to Friday 12th February
 Monday 15th March         Interviews for students with senior leaders
 Thursday 25th February    Parents’ Evening
 Thursday 18th March       Virtual Options Evening
 Thursday 18th March       Options Evening online from 5:00pm A recording of the event
                           will be placed on line for those unable to attend.
 Thursday 18th March       Options booklets issued on line
 Wednesday 31st March      Options forms returned on line
 Monday 24th May           Written confirmation of Options
 Monday 31st May           Any appeal against decisions made to Mr Heathcote at college

Questions: See Answers to some FAQs on pages 5 &6
Contact: You can Email –

This mail box will be checked on a daily basis.
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College

                                 Advice on choosing
QUESTION “Do I have a free choice?”
Yes, however there are several points you have to keep in mind. There are many subjects to
choose from, although it is only fair to warn you that in order to give you a free choice we
will not be running all of the courses in the option blocks. We can only run courses that
sufficient numbers of students choose.
Some limits on your choice are also imposed by factors such as the number of teachers and
the availability of specialist rooms, such as workshops. However, any combination required
for a particular job or further study should be found within the option scheme.
To sum up, we will try to ensure that you get the subjects you NEED; but it may not be
possible to give you all the subjects you would LIKE.

QUESTION “What about new subjects?”
You will find that you have already studied many of the subjects on offer in KS4 during your
first three years in the college. However there are a number of subjects that you are NOT
familiar with.

Before you choose, you need to FIND OUT about these new subjects, you should also check
the content of familiar subjects. You will find a summary of each course in this booklet. If you
have any further questions, probably the best thing to do is go and ask the Head of Subject
concerned, Senior Teacher in charge of the timetable and the Careers teacher

QUESTION “What subjects should I choose?”
That’s mainly up to you, but the following points may be helpful:
    “Which subjects do you like?” You will probably try harder at the subjects you like.
       You will also gain more enjoyment from doing subjects you like.
    “Which subjects are you best at?” You may stand a better chance of getting good
       results, and exam success, in these subjects.
    “Which subjects are recommended?” A subject teacher may suggest that you take
       that subject - or that you may be better off NOT taking that subject

QUESTION “What is the difference between the types of course?”
At Ernest Bevin we offer a range of courses that mean we have subjects that are suitable for
all students. We offer the traditional GCSE subjects but also offer a range of vocational
subjects. These are done through BTEC, NCFE and OCR First awards. They are all equivalent
to one GCSE. A vocational award will involve work that is internally assessed as the students
go along and then is externally moderated by the exam board. They will include at least one
exam in the course. This exam can be repeated and the best score is awarded. The GCSE’s
are mainly graded using the end of year 11 exams – though this will vary by course. Please
check the individual subject descriptions so you are clear how you will assessed.
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College

QUESTION “Which subjects do I need?”
Have you any idea of the career you might wish to follow? If so, you may need certain
subjects as qualifications. Or you may be hoping to go on to a course of further study in the
Sixth Form or at college or university. Most further and higher education courses require you
to have taken suitable subjects beforehand. If you are not sure ask the    Careers Teacher,
Mr Clarke.

QUESTION “Can I choose the same subject as my friends”?
Friend’s often choose subjects together. This is fine if you both really want to do that
subject. But remember – the subjects you choose will be studied for three periods a week
for two years, which is a lot of lessons if you do not like the subject, or are not very good at
it. You might not be in the same group as your friend anyway!

QUESTION ‘‘What if I have no idea of a career?”
Most Year 9 boys are still undecided about their future plans, and many of those who do
have some ideas will find their ideas changing during the next two years. The compulsory
subjects provide a firm foundation for the overwhelming majority of careers.

QUESTION “Can I change my mind?”
A change will only be considered if

      It is within the first half of the autumn term.
      There is a real educational reason.
      There is a vacancy in the subject you wish to join.
      You have the WRITTEN approval of your parents and all the teachers concerned, your
       Head of Year and Mr. Heathcote

Question “Who chooses the Language and Science options?”
These will be chosen by the Heads of Department for these subjects in consultation with the
classroom teachers. It will be based on performance and work in Key Stage 3. Completing a
language allows your son to complete the Ebacc, a measure that is used to measure
progress. A language is very important when applying to University, especially the leading
24 Universities known as The Russell group. A language boosts career prospects and earning
potential for students who are successful in them
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College
Art & Design                                                              Business
          Exam Board: AQA                                                      Exam Board: Edexcel

Level:                                                                                 Level:
GCSE                                                                                   GCSE

What you will study:                                       What you will study:
A personal portfolio of work consisting of two             Theme 1 - Investigating small business:
projects or bodies of work.                                concentrates on the key business concepts, issues
1.Natural Forms a project that covers all                  and skills involved in starting and running a small
assessment objectives and gives the student a              business. Students explore core concepts through
chance to develop observation skills, techniques           the lens of an entrepreneur setting up a business.
and processes in various media and knowledge in            Theme 2 - Building a business: examines how
contextual studies.                                        a business develops beyond the start-up phase.
2. A further independent project that develops on          It focuses on the key business concepts, issues
the skills and knowledge practiced in project 1.           and decisions used to grow a business, with an
                                                           emphasis on aspects of marketing, operations,
An independent external project assigned by the            finance, and human resources. It also considers
exam board.                                                the impact of the wider world on the decisions a
• An exam paper with a choice of 6 project titles          business makes as it grows.
  starts in January of year 11.
• You have approximately 12 weeks to develop the           Assessment
  theme of your choice showcasing all the skills you
                                                           Theme 1 - Investigating small business: 1 hr 30 min
  have learnt in component 1.
                                                           written exam.
• A 10-hour period over 2 days to complete an
  outcome for the exam project.                            Theme 2 - Building a business: 1 hr 30 min written
Assessment                                                 Both papers will consist of calculations, multiple–
Both component 1 and 2 are assessed by the same            choice, and short–answer and extended–writing
four objectives.                                           questions. Questions in Sections B and C will be
AO1: - Contextual analysis and resources.                  based on business contexts given in the paper.
AO2: - Experimenting with media and processes,             Skills you will gain:
refining work as it progresses.
                                                           The course has been designed to allow students
AO3: - Recording observation drawing, written              to develop a range of transferable skills cognitive,
content, and annotation.                                   inter and intrapersonal skills needed in the 21st
AO4: - A personal and meaningful response that             century. They will also develop problem-solving
realises intentions.                                       and decision-making skills relevant to business.
                                                           They also develop quantitative, extended writing,
Skills you will gain:                                      business development and mathematical skills.
Analysis and evaluation of artist’s work; developing
creative processes; developing skills and techniques       Career Paths:
of a diverse range of art media; developing ideas          This course provides a progression pathway to
and experiment with processes to produce an                BTEC Nationals Business and complements BTEC
outcome.                                                   Nationals in Information Technology. It provides a
                                                           steppingstone for students who wish to pursue a
Career Paths:                                              career in Business, typically in finance, marketing,
Animation, Architecture, Graphic designer, Digital         human resources, accounting, financial services,
Graphic designer, Games designer, illustrator, Web         sales, product and general management
designer, Digital film designer.
                                                           Please note:
Please note:                                               The above level 3 courses are available at Ernest
Visits to galleries and museums, workshops with            Bevin College
designers and artists.
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College
Business Enterprise and Marketing                                              Computer Science
           Exam Board: OCR                                                         Exam Board: OCR

Level:                                                                                   Level:
Cambridge Nationals                                                                      GCSE
Level 1/2 Certificate
(equivalent to 1 GCSE)

What you will study:                                         What you will study:
Unit R064: Enterprise and marketing concepts -               Component 01: Computer systems - central
Students explore the techniques businesses use               processing unit (CPU), computer memory and
to understand their market and develop products,             storage, data representation, wired and wireless
investigate what makes a product viable and                  networks, network topologies, system security
understand how businesses attract customers.                 and system software, ethical, legal, cultural and
Unit R065: Design a business proposal - Students             environmental issues.
are presented with a business challenge from                 Component 02: Computational thinking,
which they create a researched and costed                    algorithms and programming - computational
business proposal.                                           thinking - algorithms, programming techniques,
Unit R066: Market and pitch a business proposal -            producing robust programs, computational logic
Students prepare for and pitch a business proposal.          and translators.
They develop a brand identity and investigate how            Practical programming - design, write, test and
best to promote their product.                               refine programs using a high-level programming
R064: Enterprise and marketing concepts – 1.5                Assessment
hours exam paper.                                            Component 1: consists of short and medium an-
                                                             swer questions and one 8-mark extended response
R065: Design a business proposal – centre
assessed task.
                                                             Component 2: Section A - short and medium an-
R066: Market and pitch a business proposal –                 swer questions and one 8-mark extended response
centre assessed task.                                        question; Section B - assesses students’ practical
                                                             programming skills and their ability to design,
Skills you will gain:                                        write, test and refine programs.
Students will develop essential knowledge and
understanding of enterprise and marketing                    Skills you will gain:
concepts. They will develop the skills to design             This course is relevant to the modern, changing
a business proposal to meet a specific business              world of computing, it’s designed to boost
challenge. They will also develop the skills to create       computing skills essential for the 21st century.
a brand identity and promotional plan for their              These include coding, mathematical, analytical,
specific business product proposal as well as the            logical and evaluative computational thinking skills.
ability to pitch business proposals to an audience.
Students also develop their self-assessment,                 Career Paths:
collaborative working, creativity, numeracy,                 The course provides access to A level Computer
research and evaluative skills.                              Science, as well as other STEM subjects that
                                                             require problem solving and analytical skills.
Career Paths:                                                Most jobs require IT skills in the 21st century.
This course provides a progression pathway to                Specific industries include data analyst, software
BTEC Nationals Business and complements BTEC                 architect, network manager, games designer, web
Nationals in Information Technology. It provides a           development, cyber security and robotics.
steppingstone for students who wish to pursue a
career in Business, typically in finance, marketing,         Please note:
human resources, accounting, financial services,             All students must undertake a programming task(s)
law and retail.                                              to develop design, programming, testing and refining
                                                             skills. Students will be assessed on these skills during
Please note:                                                 the written examinations.
The above level 3 courses are all available at Ernest
Bevin College
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College
Computing - Digital                                                    D&T – Product Design
       Information Technology                               9
          Exam Board: Edexcel                                                       Exam Board: Edexcel

Level:                                                                                       Level:
BTEC Level 1/2 Tech                                                                          GCSE
Award (equivalent to 1

What you will study:                                            What you will study:
Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design                   Component 1 consists of an externally examined
Principles and Project Planning Techniques.                     paper which will be sat in May / June of the second
Explore user interface design and development                   year of the two-year programme. The paper is
principles. Investigate how to use project planning             divided into two sections:
techniques to manage digital projects. Discover
                                                                Section A: Core Content – This section contains a
how to develop and review a digital user interface.
                                                                mixture of different question styles including open
Component 2 - Collecting, Presenting and
                                                                response, graphical drawing techniques, calculation
Interpreting Data. Explore how data impacts on
                                                                and extended –open questions. Calculators may be
individuals and organisations. Develop a dashboard
                                                                used in the examination.
using data manipulation tools. Draw conclusions
and make recommendations on data intelligence.                  Section B – Material Category – This section
Component 3 - Effective Digital Working Practices.              assesses knowledge and understanding of the
Explore how modern information technology is                    material category students have chosen, a choice
evolving. Consider legal and ethical issues in data             between Metals, Polymers, and Timbers.
and information sharing. Understand what cyber                  Component 2 is the non-examined assessment
security is and how to safeguard against it.                    (NEA)
                                                                •Students will undertake a project based on a
Assessment                                                      contextual challenge released by Edexcel.
Component 1: internally assessed assignment. 30%                •The project will test students’ skill in investigating,
                                                                designing, making and evaluating a prototype of a
Component 2: internally assessed assignment. 30%
Component 3: external assessment exam (1.5
hours). 40% of the course.                                      Assessment
                                                                Component 1 is worth 50% of the overall grade
Skills you will gain:
                                                                and will be externally assessed. Component 2 is
Students develop key-skills for working in the                  also worth 50% and will be internally assessed and
information technology sector such as project                   externally moderated. For Component 2 the marks
planning, virtual ways of working, designing                    awarded for each part are as follows:
and creating user-interfaces, presenting and
                                                                Investigation – (16 marks) Design – (42 marks)
interpreting data for decision making. They learn
                                                                Making – (36 marks) Evaluation – (6 marks)
effective ways of working, planning techniques,
iterative design processes, teamwork, cyber-
                                                                Skills you will gain:
security, as well as legal and ethical codes of
conduct.                                                        Analysis and evaluation of designer’s work;
                                                                developing creative processes; developing design
Career Paths:                                                   skills and techniques including technical drawing
                                                                skills as well as physical and computer aided
This course provides a pathway to BTEC Nationals                modeling techniques.
in Information Technology. It is ideal for learners
who want a career in IT and want to get a broad                 Career Paths:
taste of digital skills. It is a steppingstone to careers       Animation, Architecture, Engineering, Graphic
like IT Project Management, Technical Support and               designer, Digital Graphic designer, Games designer,
Cyber Security.                                                 Interior designer, illustrator, Web designer, Digital
                                                                film designer, Photographer.
Please note:
This course may involve class field trips to IT stores          Please note:
to analyse User Interface designs in technological              STEM workshops, visits to exhibitions and
devices.                                                        museums, webinars and live talks with designers
                                                                will be offered throughout the two-year course.
Year 9 Options 2021 - Ernest Bevin College
D&T – Graphic Design                                                            Drama
          Exam Board: NCFE                                                      Exam Board: AQA

Level:                                                                                Level:
NCFE Level 1/2 Tech                                                                   GCSE
Award (equivalent to 1

What you will study:                                       What you will study:
Unit 1 – Introduction to Graphic Design. This              Written exam – You will study a set text whilst
unit covers: Investigating and understanding               considering how design elements and performance
the different components of graphic design.                skills could be used in performance alongside
This includes colour, imagery, typography and              watching live theatre in order to write a detailed
composition. Explaining how these components are           review of the acting skills used.
applied to different graphic design projects.              Devising – You will learn a variety of different
How to successfully combine these components               practitioner techniques in order to create your
to convey an effective visual message and                  own, original piece of theatre from a stimulus.
experimentation with graphical components using            Scripted Performance – You will explore two
a range of mediums such as collage, sketching              published extracts from plays and will apply
techniques, illustration and digital photo editing.        theatrical skills and techniques to your own
Unit 2 – Graphic Design Practice - Skills and              performance of each extract.
techniques will be put into practice by responding
to a design brief. A synoptic project in which you         Assessment
will produce a graphic by hand or computer and             The Devising performance and accompanying
then evaluate the effectiveness of the process and         written or recorded logbook will be assessed
outcome. This is repeated in Unit 3 & 4.                   internally by your teacher. The Scripted
Unit 3 – Responding to a graphic design brief              performance will be assessed by an external
Unit 4 – Graphic Design Portfolio                          visiting examiner. Your marks will be based on
                                                           your ability to communicate as a team, analyse
Assessment                                                 a script, commit to the rehearsal process and on
80% of the course is assessed internally and 20%           your portrayal and understanding of characters
by an externally marked assessment. The external           in performance. The 1 hour 45-minute written
assessment can be repeated once. Learners who              exam will draw on your knowledge of a set text,
do not achieve a level 2 grade may be awarded a            understanding of the roles in the theatre and your
level 1 if appropriate. Grades can be awarded at           analysis of a live performance.
L1Pass, L1Merit, L1Distinction, L2Pass, L2Merit,
L2Distinction and L2Distinction*                           Skills you will gain:
                                                           On top of learning how to read, analyse and
Skills you will gain:                                      evaluate a performance, create your own work
The course focuses on the study of the engineering         and apply taught techniques, there are several
sector. Students will gain an understanding and            transferrable skills that Drama can help to develop.
knowledge of working in the sector.                        These include confidence, communication,
                                                           teamwork, problem solving, and leadership.
Career Paths:
This course may count towards access to a level            Career Paths:
3 qualification such as Product Design. Also,              Drama specific: Actor, director, stage manager, set/
the understanding and skills gained through this           lighting/sound designer, playwright.
qualification could be useful to progress onto an          Other areas Drama can help with: Retail, estate
apprenticeship.                                            agent, doctor/nurse, teacher, and lawyer.

Please note:                                               Please note:
Trips to the V&A and the Design Museum.                    You will have the opportunity to see a wide variety
                                                           of live or recorded theatre throughout your 2
                                                           years studying GCSE. The assessment criteria for
                                                           performances are similar to KS3.
Ecomomics                                                              English Language
           Exam Board: AQA                                                             Exam Board: AQA

Level:                                                                                       Level:
GCSE                                                                                         GCSE

What you will study:                                            What you will study:
Paper 1 - How markets work:                                     Paper 1 – Creative Reading and Writing
  1. Economic foundations                                       Paper 2 – Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives
  2. Resource allocation                                        - You will learn about many new authors and
  3. How prices are determined.                                 writing styles. You will develop your learning
  4. Production, costs, revenue, and profit                     of language techniques, why writers use them
  5. Competitive and concentrated markets                       and what effect they have. The course looks at
                                                                established writers and how they use narrative and
  6. Market failure
                                                                descriptive techniques to engage readers. You will
Paper 2 - How the economy works:                                consider different viewpoints and perspectives. The
  7. Introduction to the national economy                       choice of genre will include, but is not limited to,
  8. Government objectives                                      high quality journalism, articles, reports, essays,
  9. How the government manages the economy.                    travel writing, accounts, sketches, letters, diaries,
  10. International trade and the global economy                autobiography, and biographical passages.
  11. The role of money and financial markets
Assessment                                                      You will have two exams at the end of Year 11.
                                                                There is no coursework, however, you will have
Paper 1 - How markets work: 1 hr 45 minute                      to prepare and deliver a 3–5-minute speech.
written exam covering content 1 -6.                             This is the basis for the Speaking and Listening
Paper 2 - How the economy works: 1 hr 45 minute                 Endorsement. Throughout Year 10 you will be
                                                                taught the key skills for this. Year 11 consolidates
written exam covering content 7 -11
                                                                your knowledge and understanding of the various
Question papers have the following format:                      topics.
Section A: 10 multiple choice questions followed by
a range of calculation, short and extended response             Skills you will gain:
questions.                                                      The skills you will gain from English Language are
                                                                based in communication, vital for all our futures.
Section B: five questions involving a mix of                    You will have a more precise understanding of
calculations, short and extended responses.                     the world around you and of the language being
                                                                used, whether in a professional capacity or in
Skills you will gain:                                           understanding textual content from other subjects.
When students understand how markets and                        You will be able to communicate clearly and
economies work, they will develop an economic                   effectively your own thoughts and explanations in
awareness to benefit them personally and                        any given scenario. Every course you take will use
                                                                the English Language to communicate information.
professionally for years to come.
They also develop quantitative, critical thinking
                                                                Career Paths:
skills, analytical skills and communication skills              Journalist, writer, pundit, office manager, business
                                                                director, any management position, lawyer,
Career Paths:                                                   doctor, politician, education, creative industries,
This course provides a pathway to study A level Eco-            advertising, script writing, copywriting… Any
nomics. It also complements STEM subjects such as               career path you choose will demand high-level
Maths and Computer Science. It provides a stepping-             communication skills.
stone to careers in fields such as finance and banking
to public policy, sales and marketing, civil service and        Please note:
teaching.                                                       This course, along with the Literature GCSE, leads
                                                                directly into an excellent A Level in Language and
                                                                Literature, a truly fascinating study with high-level
Please note:                                                    skills that are applicable in any workplace.
A level Economics is available in Ernest Bevin’s sixth
English Literature                                                       Engineering
           Exam Board: AQA                                                       Exam Board: NCFE

Level:                                                                                 Level:
GCSE                                                                                   NCFE Level 1/2 Technical
                                                                                       Award (equivalent to 1

What you will study:                                        What you will study:
Paper 1: Shakespeare and 19th Century Literature            Unit 1 - Understanding the engineering world.
Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry                            This unit covers: investigating different engineering
You will develop comprehensive written and                  disciplines; how science and maths are applied
spoken communication skills, becoming adept at              to engineering solutions; how to read and
arguing a point, framing a narrative and analysing          interpret engineering drawings; properties and
various levels of meaning. As in the study of               characteristics of materials; tools and equipment
algebra and calculus, the study of literature builds        used within the engineering industry; health and
thinking skills applicable beyond the subject,
including argumentation (logical thinking, citing           safety in engineering workplaces.
evidence), interpretation, critical thinking, and           Unit 2 – Skills and techniques in engineering. This
writing.                                                    is a synoptic project in which you will produce
You will study Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Animal Farm,          design drawings (by hand and using CAD) and
An Inspector Calls and Macbeth. You will also study         a production plan for the manufacture of an
15 poems based on the themes of Power and                   engineered product. You will demonstrate the
Conflict, or Love and Relationships.                        application of practical skills and techniques to
The course is taught alongside English Language.            prepare, mark-out, modify, join and finish materials
                                                            in making a prototype of the design.
You will have two exams at the end of Year 11.              Assessment
                                                            60% of the course is assessed internally and 40% by
Skills you will gain:                                       an externally marked examination. The exam can
One of the most important skills you will learn             be repeated once to gain a higher grade. Learners
through literature is how to react to different
situations. Reading allows you to experience                who do not achieve a level 2 grade may be awarded
situations vicariously, and to consider how                 a level 1 if appropriate. Grades can be awarded at
you would react in someone else’s shoes. To                 L1Pass, L1Merit, L1Distinction, L2Pass, L2Merit,
compliment the skills in English Language, the              L2Distinction and L2Distinction*
Literature course also nurtures empathy and
judgement, management skills and insights into              Skills you will gain:
the human psyche. Macbeth may have stopped at               The curriculum focuses on an applied study of the
nothing in his ambition to be King, but is ambition
on its own such a bad thing? The Inspector forces           engineering sector and students will gain a broad un-
us to consider our roles and responsibilities in            derstanding and knowledge of working in the sector.
society, but do we really care for one another?
                                                            Career Paths:
Career Paths:                                               This course may count towards access to a level
As in English Language, there is a plethora                 3 BTEC course in the sixth form. Alternatively,
of available career paths with high-level                   the understanding and skills gained through this
communication skills. Journalist, writer, pundit,           qualification could be useful to progress onto an
office manager, business director, any management           apprenticeship in the engineering sector through a
position, lawyer, doctor, education, creative               variety of occupations.
industries, advertising, script writing, copywriting
                                                            Please note:
Please note:                                                Engineering is a discipline which draws upon prior
There will be opportunities to see performances in          learning from subjects including Design Technology,
and out of school and visits to the National Library        Maths, Science, English and IT.
and various literary events.
French                                                              Geography

           Exam Board: AQA                                                      Exam Board: Edexcel

Level:                                                                                  Level:
GCSE                                                                                    GCSE

What you will study:                                       What you will study:
You will study all the following themes on which           Paper 1 – Global Geographical issues - Explaining
the assessments are based.                                 atmospheric and tectonic hazards and assessing
                                                           their impact. Measuring development, global
Theme 1: Identity and culture.
                                                           inequality and a study of India. Looking at how
Theme 2: Local, national, international, and global        cities change over time including a study of a mega
areas of interest.                                         city
Theme 3: Current and future study and                      Paper 2- UK Geographical Issues - A study of both
employment.                                                coastal and river landscapes. A look at settlement
                                                           change within the UK including a study of a major
Assessment                                                 UK city. You will do two geographical investigations,
The course is assessed through four examination            an urban study and a coastal study
papers in Year 11.                                         Paper 3- Environmental Issues - A look at the
Paper 1: Listening - It is worth 25% - 35 minutes          relationship between humans and ecosystems.
(Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier).               Understanding the Rainforest and Taiga, the threats
Paper 2: Speaking - It is worth 25% - 7-9 minutes          to them and how to protect them. A study of how
(Foundation Tier), 10-12 minutes (Higher Tier).            we can reduce demand for energy resources and
Paper 3: Reading - It is worth 25% - 45 minutes            how different interest groups feel about this.
(Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier).
Paper 4: Writing - It is worth 25% - 1 hour
(Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 (Higher Tier).                The course is assessed through three 1.5-hour
                                                           examination papers in Year 11. Paper 1 and paper 2
Skills you will gain:                                      are worth 3.7.5% and paper 3 the remaining 25%.
Studying French will help you develop your                 Each paper contains a mixture of multi choice,
communication skills in speaking and writing.              short response and longer evaluation questions.
You will have better comprehension in reading,
                                                           Skills you will gain:
listening and grammar. You will also learn a range
of skills that you need for other subjects: problem        Geography brings together Science, Maths,
solving, analysing and evaluating critically, using        Psychology, and History to help explain why the
imagination and creativity, working independently          world is like it is. By developing your literacy skills
and improved literacy skills.                              you will be able to express your thoughts and
Career Paths:
You have many job opportunities with the airlines,         Career Paths:
import-export companies, and other international           As well as providing access to A level Geography,
businesses. French is also an extremely useful             a good grade will help you access several courses
language if you are thinking of working at the             available in the sixth from, as many of the skills
United Nations (where French is the second most            learnt are useful in many subjects. Jobs available
widely used language). City firms like banks,              include Cartographer, Geographical information
consultancies, and law firms value French highly.          systems manager, conservation manager

Please note:                                               Please note:
Trip to France in Year 10. There is also the French        There will be two days fieldwork one completed in
assistant to provide individual and small group            London and one at the Worthing Coast.
History                                                    Hospitality and Catering
         Exam Board: Edexcel                                                      Exam Board: WJEC

Level:                                                                                   Level:
GCSE                                                                                     WJEC Level 1/2
                                                                                         Vocational Award
                                                                                         (equivalent to 1 GCSE)

What you will study:                                         What you will study:
Paper 1: Thematic study and historic environment:
                                                             You will develop food preparation and cooking
Medicine in Britain, c1250–present and The British
                                                             skills and transferable skills like problem solving,
sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries,
                                                             organisation, time management, planning and
treatment and the trenches.
Paper 2: Period study and British depth study:
Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c1060–88                     Unit 1 The Hospitality and Catering Industry:
and Superpower relations and the Cold War,                   In this Unit you will focus on learning about
1941–9                                                       different types of providers, legislation, food safety
Paper 3: Modern depth study: Weimar and Nazi                 and the roles and responsibilities within the sector.
Germany, 1918–39                                             Unit 2 Hospitality and Catering in Action:
                                                             In this Unit you will develop practical skills for
Assessment                                                   planning, preparing, cooking and presenting
Paper 1: Written examination: 1 hour and 15                  nutritional dishes to meet specific client’s needs.
minutes 30% of the qualification.
Paper 2: Written examination: 1 hour and 45                  Assessment
minutes 40% of the qualification.
                                                             Unit 1 is written examination externally marked by
Paper 3: Written examination: 1 hour and 20
                                                             WJEC. You can sit in year 10 and/or year 11 and the
minutes 30% of the qualification.
                                                             best mark stands. It is worth 40% of qualification.
Skills you will gain:                                        Unit 2 is a food preparation assessment task
● develop and extend their knowledge and                     internally marked by your teacher and moderated
understanding of specified key events, periods and           by WJEC. It is worth 60% of qualification
societies in local, British, and wider world history;
● engage in historical enquiry to develop as                 Skills you will gain:
independent learners and as critical thinkers.               The WJEC Vocational Award in Hospitality and
● develop the ability to ask relevant questions              Catering equips you with theoretical knowledge
about the past, to investigate issues critically and         about the industry as well as enabling you to
to make valid historical claims by using a range of          develop practical skills in planning, preparing and
sources in their historical context.                         cooking a variety of dishes.
● develop an awareness of why people, events
and developments have been accorded historical               Career Paths:
significance.                                                The WJEC Vocational Award in Hospitality and
● organise and communicate their historical                  Catering progresses to qualifications like: Level
knowledge and understanding in different ways and            2/3 Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition; Level
reach substantiated conclusions                              3 Diplomas in Hospitality and Catering; Level 2/3
                                                             Diplomas in Professional Cooking; Apprenticeships.
Career Paths:
Law, Archaeology and Architecture, Media and                 Please note:
Journalism, Conservation and Horticulture,                   When available
National and Local Government, Civil Service and             trips, training sessions and competitions will be
Diplomatic Service, Charity Work, The Police and             arranged for students taking the course.
Armed Forces.

Please note:
History is an enabling subject that is seen as having
many transferable skills for other subjects.
Mathematics                                                            Media Studies
         Exam Board: Edexcel                                                   Exam Board: OCR/Edexcel

Level:                                                                                   Level:
GCSE                                                                                     GCSE

What you will study:                                          What you will study:
All students follow the Edexcel course in a linear
                                                              Media Studies is the study of all forms of media;
format. The GCSE Mathematics course will develop
                                                              digital, print or broadcast. We look at everything
learners ‘confidence, fluency and problem-solving             from computer games to movies to magazine
skills in number, algebra, ratio, proportion and rates        adverts, examining what makes them successful
of change, geometry and measures, probability and             and creating our own media texts as well.
statistics                                                    You will learn all about the different forms of media
Within these content headings, students are                   from advertising to video games. You will learn
assessed on the use and application of standard               what goes into these media texts to make them
techniques on their ability to reason, interpret and          successful products. You will have the opportunity
communicate mathematically and on their ability               to design and create your own magazine and
to solve problems within mathematics and other                website, using industry standard editing software
contexts.                                                     and camera equipment.
                                                              Students will analyse and then create a range of
Assessment                                                    media texts including print adverts, music videos,
The qualification consists of three equally weighted          newspapers, video games, TV shows and more.
written exam papers at either Foundation tier or              In Year 10, we will cover television and music,
Higher tier. All three-tiered exam papers must be             followed by the research and planning phase of the
taken at the same sitting normally at the end of              coursework. In Year 11, the coursework production
year 11.                                                      phase will be completed in the first term, followed
                                                              by the final two exam modules – promoting media
Paper 1: A non-calculator assessment                          and the news.
Paper 2: A calculator assessment
Paper 3: A calculator assessment                              Assessment
                                                              The majority of assessed work takes the form of
Each tiered exam paper is 1 hour and 30 minutes               externally assessed Summer exams, alongside
long and is worth 80 marks. Each exam paper has               coursework that is internally assessed and
a range of question types set in both mathematical            externally moderated.
and non-mathematical contexts.
                                                              Skills you will gain:
Skills you will gain:                                         In modern times, the question really should be
Almost every single job or career you choose will             why are we not studying media already? Media
                                                              is everywhere. Our lives are saturated with TV,
involve some element of Mathematics. Students                 games, cinema, websites, and adverts, everywhere
that gain a strong pass in their GCSE Mathematics             we look. It is fundamental that we have a clear
qualification (Grade 6+) would be suitable                    understanding of these products and how they
candidates to consider studying Mathematics at                are created in order to fully understand the
A level (or grade 7+ for Further Mathematics at A             world in which we live. In addition, for young
Level).                                                       men in London, there are thousands of career
                                                              opportunities in Media
Career Paths:
Students can study for a Mathematics or related               Career Paths:
                                                              Music producer, songwriter, advertising exec,
degree at university or secure well-paid careers
                                                              graphic designer, wen analyst, journalist,
in accountancy, insurance, statistics, marketing,
                                                              cameraman, director, TV producer, A/V editor,
banking, retail, engineering, education and much              game engineer, scriptwriter, copywriter, animator.
                                                              Please note:
Please note:
                                                              Trips to see specific media-related events in London
Web link to course https://qualifications.
                                                              are always on offer – films at the BFI, production
                                                              workshops and visits to film, game or music
mathematics-2015.html                                         studios.
Physical Education - Sport                                                  Physical Education (PE)
         Exam Board: Pearson’s                                                      Exam Board: Edexcel

Level:                                                                                      Level:
BTEC LEVEL 1/2 Award                                                                        GCSE
(equivalent to 1 GCSE)

What you will study:                                           What you will study:
Unit 1 - Fitness for Sport and Exercise is a core
                                                               This course entails practical and theoretical
unit which underpins the programme of study for
                                                               assessment. Practical assessment involves you
this course. Students will learn the fundamentals
                                                               participating in a range of sporting activities where
of how to assess levels of fitness and training
                                                               you will develop the skills necessary to improve
principles. This unit is externally assessed through
                                                               your own performance. You will have to produce a
an online exam.
                                                               plan to assess and develop your skills in a chosen
Unit 2 - Practical Sports Performance - This unit
                                                               sport. You will also need to offer three activities for
introduces the students to a variety of different
                                                               practical assessment. Development of your skills
sports and, through participating in different
                                                               and techniques for your three chosen sports will
sports, it is expected that you will develop
                                                               happen over the duration of the course to allow
knowledge of the associated rules, regulations,
                                                               the best final grade possible. For theory you will
scoring systems, skills, techniques and tactics.
                                                               learn about exercise, how the body works to help
Unit 3 - Applying the Principles of Personal Training
                                                               you exercise. Through training you will also learn
enables the students to design a physical training
                                                               how performance can be improved. Key areas
programme to meet their personal training goals,
                                                               of study are: Fitness and body systems; health
aspirations and needs. The students will learn how
                                                               and performance, psychology, social cultural and
to assess current levels of fitness before designing
                                                               movement and analysis.
and implementing a training programme.
Unit 5 - The Sports Performer in Action allows the             Assessment
students to investigate the changes of the human
body systems due to exercise.                                  60% of the course is assessed through theory
                                                               with the remaining 40% for practical assessment.
Assessment                                                     The theory modules will be assessed with end of
75% of the course is assessed internally and 25%               unit tests and a final exam at the end of Year 11.
by an externally marked online examination. The                Practical assessment will be externally moderated
exam can be repeated once. Learners who do not                 to verify the ability levels of the students.
achieve a level 2 grade may be awarded a level 1 if
appropriate. Grades can be awarded at pass, merit,             Skills you will gain:
distinction and distinction*.                                  You will learn the key skills of teamwork, time
                                                               management and how to become an effective
Skills you will gain:                                          participator. Additional skills of self-reflection, and
You will learn the key skills of teamwork, time                communication are also required to excel on this
management and how to become an effective                      course.
participator. Additional skills of self-reflection, and
communication are also required.                               Career Paths:
                                                               This course will provide access to the A Level PE
Career Paths:                                                  course in the sixth form. This can then lead to an
This course will provide access to the level 3 BTEC            apprenticeship or degree course enabling a career
Sport course in the sixth form. This can then lead             with the sports industry or any other chosen pro-
to an apprenticeship or degree course enabling a               fession.
career within the sports industry or other area.
                                                               Please note:
Please note:                                                   You will be required to bring PE kit and to partici-
You will be required to bring PE kit and to                    pate in practical activities which may be recorded
participate in practical activities which may be               as evidence towards assessment.
recorded as evidence towards assessment.
Religious Education                                             Separate Sciences (3xGCSEs)
           Exam Board: AQA                                                          Exam Board: AQA

Level:                                                                                    Level:
GCSE                                                                                      GCSE

What you will study:                                           What you will study:
Component 1: The study of religions: Beliefs                   Biology 1: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and
Teachings and practices (50%)                                  response; and Bioenergetics.
   •Christianity and Islam                                     Biology 2: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance,
                                                               variation and evolution; and Ecology.
Component 2: Thematic Studies (50%)                            Chemistry 1: Atomic structure and the periodic
  •Religion and Life , Existence of God and                    table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of
  revelation, Religion peace and conflict , Religion           matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes
  crime and punishment                                         and Energy changes.
                                                               Chemistry 2: The rate and extent of chemical
Assessment                                                     change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis;
R.E. is assessed after each topic through an end of            Chemistry of the atmosphere and using resources.
topic test. This follows the same format as the final          Physics 1: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of
exam in the summer term. You will be marked for                matter; and Atomic structure
these skills:                                                  Physics 2: Forces; Waves; Magnetism and
AO1 - Knowledge and understanding of religious                 electromagnetism; and Space
beliefs, and religious responses to ethical issues.
AO2 - Ability to evaluate religious beliefs and to             Assessment
express their own opinion, justified with arguments            Students will get a separate grade for each subject
and evidence.                                                  (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Each subject is
The final exams will be in May and June of Year 11.            assessed through 2 x 1hour 45min examination
There are two final exams each lasting 1 hr and 45             papers in Year 11. Each paper is worth 50% which is
minutes. Each exam is worth 50% of the final mark.             out of 100 marks. Each paper contains a mixture of
                                                               multi choice, short response and longer evaluation
Skills you will gain:                                          questions. There will be 6 examination papers in
RE is not usually thought of as a vocational                   total.
qualification, but it is prized by employers as
successful students are required to display a                  Skills you will gain:
number of transferable skills. Pupils develop                  Science provides you with the knowledge and
critical ability, interpretive skills and learn to             skills needed for our rapidly developing world. The
analyse multiple viewpoints. Though this they                  subject combines knowledge from other subjects
develop an enhanced capability to put across                   like Maths, PE and Geography. Our students
their own views, using appropriate evidence and                acquire the skills to be able to analyse, evaluate
justification. These are qualities much valued in              and interpret information which is vital for every
the workplace, especially in social, legal or political        profession.
careers. The course also aims to develop our pupils
as responsible human beings, increasing their                  Career Paths:
awareness of global ethical issues and helping                 As well as providing access to A level Biology,
them to form their own opinions on a variety of                Chemistry, Physics and BTEC Applied Science, a
interesting topics.                                            good grade will help you access several courses
                                                               available in the sixth from. The career options are
Career Paths:                                                  vast, some of the most popular options include
Aid worker, Human resources manager, Librarian                 Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Psychology,
, Museum curator, Newspaper journalist, teacher,               Physiotherapy, Engineering, Forensics and Medical
Religious, Secondary school teacher, Youth and                 Research
community worker
                                                               Please note:
Please note:                                                   This is a demanding course and we strongly recom-
There will be the chance to attend talks and                   mend purchasing the recommended textbook and/
lectures about religion during the course                      or a revision guide for support during the course
Trilogy Science (2 x GCSEs)                           18
           Exam Board: AQA                                                       Exam Board: AQA

Level:                                                                                 Level:
GCSE                                                                                   GCSE

What you will study:                                        What you will study:
Biology 1: Cell Biology; Organisation; Infection and        Theme 1: Identity and culture.
response; and Bioenergetics.                                Theme 2: Local, national, international, and global
Biology 2: Homeostasis and response; Inheritance,           areas of interest.
variation and evolution and Ecology.                        Theme 3: Current and future study and
Chemistry 1: Atomic structure and the periodic              employment.
table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of            You will continue learning to read, speak, write,
matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes            and understand Spanish. Using this variety of skills,
and Energy changes.                                         you can improve your language skills and be ready
Chemistry 2: The rate and extent of chemical                for your GCSE. You will have a good grounding
change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis;               in the language and be able to communicate a
Chemistry of the atmosphere and using resources.            considerable amount of information.
Physics 1: Energy; Electricity; Particle model of
matter and Atomic structure                                 Assessment
Physics 2: Forces; Waves; Magnetism and                     The course is assessed at the end of year 11.
electromagnetism.                                           Paper 1: Listening - It is worth 25% - 35 minutes
                                                            (Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier).
Assessment                                                  Paper 2: Speaking - It is worth 25% - 7-9 minutes
The course is assessed through 6 x 1hour 15min              (Foundation Tier), 10-12 minutes (Higher Tier).
examination papers in Year 11. Each paper is worth
                                                            Paper 3: Reading - It is worth 25% - 45 minutes
16.7% and is marked out of 70marks. Each paper
                                                            (Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier).
contains a mixture of multi choice, short response
and longer evaluation questions.                            Paper 4: Writing - It is worth 25% - 1 hour
                                                            (Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 (Higher Tier).
Skills you will gain:
Science provides you with the knowledge and                 Skills you will gain:
skills needed for our rapidly developing world. The         Studying Spanish will help you develop your
subject combines knowledge from other subjects              communication skills in speaking and writing.
like Maths, PE and Geography. Our students                  You will have better comprehension in reading,
acquire the skills to be able to analyse, evaluate          listening and grammar. You will also learn a range
and interpret information which is vital for every          of skills that you need for other subjects: problem
profession.                                                 solving, analysing and evaluating critically, using
                                                            imagination and creativity, working independently,
Career Paths:                                               and improve literacy skills.
As well as providing access to A level Biology,
Chemistry, Physics and BTEC Applied Science, a              Career Paths:
good grade will help you access several courses             Speaking Spanish will increase your job
available in the sixth from. The career options are         opportunities and salary potential. With 400 million
vast, some of the most popular options include              speakers, Spanish is the world’s fourth most spoken
Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Psychology,                 language. City firms like banks, consultancies, and
Physiotherapy, Engineering, Forensics and Medical           law firms thus value Spanish highly
                                                            Please note:
Please note:                                                Trip to Spain in Y10. There is also the Spanish
We strongly recommend purchasing the                        assistant to provide individual and small group
recommended textbook and/or a revision guide for            practice.
support during the course.
Statistics                                                     Travel and Tourism
         Exam Board: Edexcel                                                    Exam Board: Edexcel

Level:                                                                                  Level:
GCSE                                                                                    BTEC Level 2 First Award
                                                                                        (equivalent to 1 GCSE)

What you will study:                                         What you will study:
You will learn to analyse real-world data. You could         Unit 1 - The UK travel and Tourism Industry –
be asked for example to design questionnaires,               covers the main types of tourism in the Uk, the
draw box plots and scatter diagrams, interpret               contribution travel and tourism makes to the UK
diagrams or statements and carry out calculations.
                                                             economy and the different component industries
GCSE statistics will involve studying probabilities,         that make up the UK travel and tourism sector.
manipulating datasets, exploring sampling methods
and forming scientific hypotheses. You will be able          Unit 2 - UK travel and tourism destinations –
to apply the skills you have acquired in many other          the unit covers what the different types of UK
subjects and aspects of your life. The coursework            destinations have to offer, as well as locating
that you will complete requires you to demonstrate           different UK destinations and holiday routes
a variety of skills which is something that could
boost your CV and definitely impress many                    Unit 3 – Travel and Tourism Customer experience
employers.                                                   – you will look at the definition of customer service
                                                             and what the main aims of customer service are.
Assessment                                                   You will look at different types of customers and
The course will be assessed with two, equally                their needs and how to meet them
important written exams. Statistics is also a subject        Unit 4 - International Travel and Tourism
that has both Foundation and Higher tiered exam
papers. As with the mathematics GCSE, both tiers             destinations – looks at international travel and
allow students to access a Grade 5. The GCSE                 tourism destinations and gateways and reasons for
statistics course is assessed as a written paper. The        their appeal to different customers.
course is taught over 2 years and examined at the
end of Year 11.The written paper is a 2-hour exam            Assessment
for the Higher and Foundation Tier. It is worth
                                                             75% of the course is assessed internally and 25%
100% of your grade.
                                                             by an externally marked examination. The exam
Skills you will gain:                                        can be repeated once to gain a higher grade.
Statistics is the study of making good guesses.              Learners who do not achieve a level 2 grade may
It will support you in making well-reasoned                  be awarded a level 1 if appropriate. Grades can be
predictions about the future, as well as making              awarded at pass, merit, distinction and Distinction*
justified assumptions about why something has
happened, are some of the key rationales in the              Skills you will gain:
study of statistics. Statistics is used and applied
at an increasing rate in business politics and the           You will learn about many different places in the
sciences.                                                    UK and the world. You will learn how to assess and
                                                             evaluate materials and suggest improvements. This
Career Paths:                                                is a business focused course with a strong emphasis
Statistics are used widely in medicine, business,            on customer service skills.
science, teaching and politics and so having a deep
understanding of how to handle and interpret                 Career Paths:
statistics will be advantageous. If you want to              This course will provide access to level 3 BTEC
study maths at A-Level, the Statistics GCSE will             course in the sixth form. As a customer focused
be especially useful. Of course, this could also be          course it can prepare you for any customer facing
true of subjects like biology, psychology, sociology,        role in retail and business. Many students have
geography, and government & politics, as they                followed this at university and work in hotels,
often use statistics to draw conclusions of the              theme parks and hospitality destinations.
world around them and feature within their A-Level
courses                                                      Please note:
                                                             The course will involve two visits to tourist
Please note:                                                 destinations in London to help complete the units.
Web link to course

                   How to complete the options form

A All students must follow the compulsory subjects:
       GCSE English Language
       GCSE English Literature
       GCSE Maths (Statistics will be taught as part of the Maths lessons)
       GCSE Science (The trilogy or Separate Science GCSEs)
       ELC Physical Education ( non-examined)

B All students must study either GCSE History or GCSE Geography. Please
  mark the box of your choice with an X

C If you have been chosen to do a language you must select either GCSE
  French or GCSE Spanish (the one you are studying currently). Please mark
  the box of your choice with an X. If not chosen to do one you can still pick
  one in part D

D Either
   If you are studying either French or Spanish mark your first, second and
  third choices, marking your first choice as 1, your second choice as 2 and
  your third choice as 3.
  IF NOT studying French or Spanish choose first, second, third and fourth
  choices, marking your first choice as 1, your second choice as 2, your
  third choice as 3 and your fourth choice as 4.

E   If you read, write, speak and understand another language then please
    enter the language in the box provided. This will be checked by the Head
    of Modern Languages.

F   Finally it is vitally important that parents/ guardians fully approve of
    these choices. Please ensure the Parent/ Guardian signature box is
    signed/ marked accordingly.
You can also read