Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability

Page created by Micheal Adkins
Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Your Supports
Holiday, Outing and
 Activity Booklet
  January 2021
 December 2021

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Who is Community Accessability Inc.?

Community Accessability Inc. was founded in 1998. We have 170
employees and utilise the contributions of over 200 volunteers to deliver
our programs and services. We have offices in Wodonga, Shepparton,
Yarrawonga, Wangaratta and Ballarat. We offer services and programs
via our 2 service arms to within the Hume, Riverina Murray and
Grampians regions.
We provide a range of funded and un-funded services and work in
partnership with community services, local governments and not for profit
providers to assist individuals and groups in regional area’s.

Your Supports Service                          Assisted Transport Service
Community Based Support                        Community Transport
CHSP Supports                                  Supported Transport
Support Coordination                           Accessible Vehicle Hire
Home Based Assistance                          Assisted Student Transport NSW
Holiday and Leisure Activities
Short Term Accommodation
School Leaver Employment Support (SLES)

Offices            Contact                                   Staff
Activities         1300 704 530                              Pauline Carroll
7/67 Wigg St,      1300 704 530                              Tracey Presutti
P.O. Box 1596              Sharon Gleeson
49 Vincent Rd,     03 5721 3045                              Danya Petersen
Wangaratta               Robyn Henderson
36 Welsford St,    03 5831 2959                              Sharon Gleeson
Support            1300 704 530                              Shawn Dromi
Coordination                 Sage Mandich
                                                             Marni Rigby
8 Whitehorse Rd, 0456 205 383                                Jenny Williams
Mt Clear                 Stacey Galea

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Your Supports
                    Welcome one and all!
Well, we are back for another year of Your Supports activities and
holidays. Due to the Covid 19 outbreak in 2020, many of the
things we had planned for 2020 had to be cancelled and it will
continue to impact what we can deliver in 2021. As restrictions
relax more and more, then this will allow us to offer more fun
things for everyone to do. So, like our Facebook page or give us
your email address and we will keep you informed of what we are
up to.
This year we have started providing Your Support services in
Ballarat in the Grampians region.
Our plan is to offer regular activities in Ballarat over time. As for
our holidays and days trips, all participants, no matter where they
live are welcome to join us on any outing that takes their fancy.
We will work with you to sort out the logistics.
Our holidays and day trips have a closing date for expressions
of interest, after this date you will need to contact us to see if
there is available room.
DEPOSIT REQUIRED. Certain activities require us to purchase
tickets for entry or flights etc many months before the activity,
which cannot be returned. It creates difficulties when people
cancel a few weeks prior and their seat can’t be taken up by
someone else. Your spot on an activity can only be confirmed
once the deposit request has been paid.
Remember, only put your name down for the activities and
holidays that you really want to attend.

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Costs and Fees
  D Day Trips 201ips 2017Day Trips 2017
All activities have 2 costs.
  1. An Activity Fee (AF)
     o This is to cover the costs that are not included in the
       session fee i.e. entrance fees, travel, transport,
       accommodation, food, activity costs.
       The costs that are not covered by your NDIS Plan
  2. A Session Fee (SF)
     o A number of hours to be claimed through your NDIS plan,
       under the following support item:
        - Assistance to access community, social and recreational

If you do not have this support item or have insufficient funds to cover
the session fee, please speak with local Your Supports Coordinator
to discuss the options that are available.
Below is an example of how the 2 costs are shown

 Activity                  AF              SF         Support Item
 Your_Day                       $5*        6 hours    1:4 ratio weekday
                                                      04 _136_0136_6_1_T

 Blokes Night                  $15*         4 hour    1:4 ratio Evening
 Wangaratta Friday                                    04 _137_0136_6_1_T

 Roar & Snore                              10 hours   1:4 ratio Saturday
 Melbourne Zoo                 $380*          &       04 _138_0136_6_1_T
 Sat & Sun in April                                   1:4 ratio Sunday
                                           8 hours
                                                      04 _139_0136_6_1_T

*The activity fee will vary depending on the activity.

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Your Day
Your Group Activity:
Our activities operate from 9.00am to 3.00pm but there are opportunities
to only attend a half day. The one thing that all our activities have in
common is that you will develop skills and achieve goals in a fun and
supported group environment, both community and venue based.
Themes run for a calendar year, but the activities themselves will change
regularly and is done in consultation with our participants.

      Day            Theme                Theme          Theme
                     Wangaratta           Wodonga        Shepparton
      Monday         Food & Fitness       Cooking
      Tuesday        Creative Day         Arts & Craft
      Wednesday      Community            Men’s
      Thursday       Your Day             Cooking &
      Friday         Game Time            Your Day       Friday Fun

Your Day:
Your Day is an opportunity for participants to be part of an activity group
Transport is available for participants if required or they can make their
own way to and from our starting point, including using the local bus.

If you have an idea about an activity or small group that you would like to
develop with your friends and need some support to make it come to life,
we would be happy to help you make it happen

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Regular Activities – Wodonga
Activities Wodonga         Wodonga                  Day
Ten Pin Bowling            Wodonga                  Tuesday Evening

Indoor Cricket             Wodonga                  Thursday Evening
                                                    Friday Evening-
Friday Night Fun           Wodonga
                                                    Twice Monthly

Activity                  AF          SF        Support Item
Indoor Cricket            $15         $10 or    1:4 ratio Weekday
                                      1 hour    04 _136_0136_6_1_T
An exciting program that encourages team play and exercise.
Where: Major League Indoor Sports Centre – 119 North St, Albury
When: Thursdays @ 5.15pm

Activity                  AF          SF        Support Item
Ten Pin Bowling           $15         2 hours   1:5 ratio Weekday
                                                04 _141_0136_6_1_T

When: Every Tuesday at the Wodonga Bowling Centre
Time: Starting at 6.00pm .

Activity                  AF          SF        Support Item
Friday Night Fun          $20*        2 or 3    1:4 ratio Weekday
                                      hours     04 _136_0136_6_1_T
Twice a month we will get together and enjoy what our local area has
to offer. We may go out to dinner, the movies, BBQ’s, DVD and food
nights and lots of other activities. So, come along and make new
friends and join in the fun.
***Ask for a schedule of activities to be sent to you***
*The activity fee will vary depending on the evening’s activity.

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Regular Activities Wangaratta
Activities                  Wangaratta               Day
Ten Pin Bowling             Wangaratta
Pub and Pool                Wangaratta
                                                     Friday- Twice
Blokes Night                Wangaratta
                                                     Friday- Twice
Friday Night Fun            Wangaratta

Activity                    AF         SF        Support Item
Ten Pin Bowling –           $14        2 hours 1:5 ratio Saturday
Wangaratta Saturday                            04 _143_0136_6_1_T
Fortnightly on a Saturday from 3.45pm until 6.00pm @ the
Wangaratta Bowl. Followed by dinner at the Wangaratta Club
6.00pm – 7.00pm (optional and an additional cost. If support is
required to enable you to attend the meal, an additional hour of
support will be charged).

Activity                   AF          SF        Support Item
Pub & Pool –               $5          2 hours   1:4 ratio Evening
Wangaratta                                       04 _138_0136_6_1_T
As many games as you can play plus soft drink.
Where: Town & Country Tavern, Wangaratta.
When: 1st & 3rd Monday of the month. Time: 7pm to 9pm.
Recommences 3rd Feb.

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Activity                      AF          SF        Support Item
Blokes Night                  $15*        4 hours   1:4 ratio Evening
Wangaratta Friday                                   04 _137_0136_6_1_T

Join us for a regular bloke only catch up with a night of footy, fun and
fabulous food. Friday nights will focus on cooking together, catching
up with friends, checking out the footy and having a chuckle.
When: 1st & 3rd Friday of each month
Where: Our Wangaratta office, 49 Vincent Rd.
Time: 5.30pm – 9.30pm
* The activity fee will vary depending on the evening’s activity.

Activity                   AF            SF         Support Item
Friday Night Fun           $20*          2 or 3     1:4 ratio Weekday
                                         hours      04 _136_0136_6_1_T
Twice a month we will get together and enjoy what our local area has
to offer. We may go out to dinner, the movies, BBQ’s, DVD and food
nights and lots of other activities. So, come along and make new
friends and join in the fun.
Who knows, sometimes Wodonga and Wangaratta may meet up
half-way to have some fun.

*The activity fee will vary depending on the evening’s activity.

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Day Trips – Let’s Go
   Below is a list of upcoming day trips for 2021 that are
                 represented in this booklet.

             Activity                       Dates
          Dinner & Movie            Jan 30th & February 27th

             Fishing                      20th March
   Bright Lunch & Canyon Walk              17th April

          Mansfield Zoo                     1st May

       Netball in Melbourne             May & June TBC

        AFL in Melbourne               July/August TBC

         Christmas in July                   July

         Henty Field Day                  September

        Violet Town Market                 December

Often, special opportunities arise for day trips that we are
unable to plan for in advance, so if you are interested in
being notified when something extra is happening, please
provide us with your email address or check out our
Facebook page and we will inform you when additional
activities arise.

Your Supports January 2021 December 2021 - Holiday, Outing and Activity Booklet - Community Accessability
Activity & Date            AF     SF         Support Item

Dinner & Movie Night                         1:4 ratio Saturday
                           $60 4 hours       04 _138_0136_6_1_T
30th January &
27th February
No limit on numbers               Closing date – 2 weeks prior

Join us for an evening out to enjoy the company of others
and share in a great meal and a
fantastic movie. Dinner and movie

Activity & Date            AF         SF      Support Item

Fishing                                       1:4 ratio Saturday
                           $50        8 hours 04 _138_0136_6_1_T
Saturday 20th March
12 Participants Only                  Closing date – 14th February

So, who is going to catch the big one? We will fish at a
waterway which is yet to be decided. Transport, bait
and lunch provided. BYO fishing rods or we can

Activity & Date            AF         SF      Support Item

Bright – Lunch &           $60
                                              1:4 ratio Saturday
                                      8 hours 04 _138_0136_6_1_T
Canyon Walk
17th April
12 Participants Only                  Closing date – 14th February

Beautiful Bright – Enjoy a leisurley lunch followed by a walk
along the Ovens River with views of the Canyon. Lunch &
Transport provided.

Activity & Date         AF        SF             Support Item

Mansfield Zoo                                    1:4 ratio Saturday
                        $50       8 hours        04 _138_0136_6_1_T
Saturday 1st May
                                  Closing date – 11th April

Here is your chance to get up close with
the animals and enjoy spending time
with your friends. Transport and entry

Activity & Date           AF          SF          Support Item

Netball in Melbourne                    1:4 ratio Saturday
                          $TBC 14 hours 04 _138_0136_6_1_T
May/June date TBC
8 Participants                        Closing date – TBC

                       Here’s your chance to watch some of
                       Australia’s greatest netballers compete
                       against each other in Melbourne. Bring
                       your best cheering voice. DEPOSIT

Activity & Date           AF          SF          Support Item

AFL Game                                          1:4 ratio Saturday
                          $150        16 hours          Or
July/August                                       1:4 ratio Sunday
12 Participants                       Closing date - TBC

Express your interest, and your team, to join us to watch a
day game of AFL. We are planning on making 2 different
trips during the season, to see various Victorian teams play.
We won’t know the games or dates until the fixtures are

Activity & Date            AF         SF         Support Item

Christmas in July                              1:4 ratio Sunday
                           $60        7 hours  04 _139_0136_6_1_T
TBC July 2021
No limit on numbers                   Closing date – 19th June

It’s time to put on those dancing shoes and boogie to the cool
sounds provided by Stevie Bowen and his amazing playlist.
As per usual, there will be great food, awesome
raffle prizes and it will give you a chance to catch
up with friends that you have met on holidays and
activities but haven’t seen for a while and make
some new one’s too.

Activity & Date          AF      SF             Support Item

Henty Field Day                           1:4 ratio Weekday
                         $50     11 hours 04 _136_0136_6_1_T
Wednesday Sept 22
No limit on numbers              Closing date – 28th August

Yes, we are going to the Henty Field Day again. It was so
popular last time, we thought we had better do it again. So
come along and see all things machinery and farming.

Activity & Date         AF        SF            Support Item

Violet Town Market                              1:4 ratio Saturday
                        $30       6 hours
Saturday 11th Dec                               04 _138_0136_6_1_T
No limit on numbers               Closing date – 20th November

Here is your last chance to get your Christmas shopping
done at the wonderful Violet Town Market. Visit all the stalls
and pick up a great gift or bargain.

Weekends & Holidays
Below is a list of upcoming overnight activities and holidays for
            2021 that are represented in this booklet.

              Activity                          Dates
       Yarrawonga Weekend                 20th Feb – 21st Feb

        Dubbo Zoo – 3 Days                26th to 29th March

  Supa Nova Comic Con Melbourne           10th Apr – 11th Apr

        Gold Coast Holiday                  10th – 14th May

           AFL Weekend                       May /August

     Melbourne Show and City            27th Sept – 1st October

          Deni Ute Muster              30th Sept – 4th October

           Silo Weekend                   23rd - 24th October

   Melbourne Shopping Weekend            13th - 14th November

     Shoalhaven Heads Holiday            22nd - 26th November

  Carols by Candlelight Rehearsal        23rd Dec – 24th Dec

Remember, only put your name down for the holidays that
              you really want to attend.

Activity & Date         AF     SF          Support Item

Yarrawonga                                 1:4 ratio Saturday
                        $365   14 hours    04 _138_0136_6_1_T
Sat 20th February
Sun 21st February                  &       4:1 ratio Sunday
                               8 hours     04 _139_0136_6_1_T
                               Closing date – 11th January 2021

Let’s enjoy a weekend away, it will be great fun. Don’t forget
to bring your bathers! There is always something to do in
Yarrawonga, not to mention the great shopping.

Activity & Date         AF      SF          Support Item

Dubbo Zoo – 4 Days             24 hours 1:4 ratio Weekday
                                   &    Evening
                        $1,190          04 _137_0136_6_1_T
Fri 26th March to
                               16 hours 1:4 ratio Saturday
Mon 29th March
                                   &    04 _138_0136_6_1_T
                               16 hours 1:4 ratio Sunday
                                        04 _139_0136_6_1_T
DEPOSIT REQUIRED                Closing date – 10th February 2021

It’s time to take a road trip to Dubbo, 4 days enjoying the
sights of Dubbo, a visit to the Dubbo Zoo, as well as going
out for dinner.

Activity & Date      AF       SF          Support Item

Supanova Comic                            1:4 ratio Saturday
                              16 hours
Com - Melbourne      $565                 04_138_0136_6_1_T
Sat 6th March to                          1:4 ratio Sunday
                              12 hours    04_139_0136_6_1_T
Sun 7th March
DEPOSIT REQUIRED              Closing date – 1st February

For all you Marvel and DC Comic Book fan’s, Sci-fi fans and
those who like to dress up as characters or are seriously into
gaming, then this is the one for you. We will head down early
Saturday Morning and return home late Sunday so you can
get the full experience of Supanova
Comic Con and Gaming. Who knows
who you will get to meet!

Activity & Date       AF       SF        Support Item

Gold Coast                                1:4 ratio Weekday
                      $2630    60 hours 04 _136_0136_6_1_T
Monday 10th May                           1:4 ratio Weekday
                               12 hours Evening
Friday 14th May
DEPOSIT REQUIRED               Closing date – 1st April 2021
For the next 5 days it will be Fun Fun Fun. Flighing out and
staying on the beautiful Gold Coast, we will soak up the sun
whilst visiting Movie World, Sea World,Wet N Wild as well as
shopping, eating out and visiting the beach.

Activity & Date         AF      SF        Support Item

AFL Weekend’s                            1:4 ratio Saturday
                        $515    16 hours 04 _138_0136_6_1_T
May and August
TBC                              &       1:4 ratio Sunday
                                9 hours  04 _139_0136_6_1_T

DEPOSIT REQUIRED                Closing date – TBC

We will stay overnight in Melbourne and watch a Victorian
team play at their best. Who will be playing; we will not know
until the fixtures come out! We try and see different teams
each time, so when you express your interest to attend, make
sure you let us know your favourite team. We will provide
you with more information when it comes to hand.

Activity & Date       AF       SF         Support Item

Melbourne Fun                             1:4 ratio Weekday
                      $1680    54 hours
Mon 27th Sept –                           04 _136_0136_6_1_T
Friday 1st October                        1:4 ratio Weekday
                               16 hours Evening
DEPOSIT REQUIRED               Closing date – 18th August

Leaving on Monday morning, we will travel to Melbourne and
we will go to the Melbourne Show for some fun and
excitement and see some other great Melbourne attractions
before heading down the Great Ocean Road. We will enjoy
going out to dinner and shop till we drop.

Activity & Date       AF            SF         Support Item

Silo Art Trail                      15 hours 1:4 ratio Saturday
Weekend               $400              &    04 _138_0136_6_1_T
Sat 23rd October to                  9 hours 1:4 ratio Sunday
                                             04 _139_0136_6_1_T
Sun 24th October
                                    Closing date – 27th September 2021

Take a road of discovery on the North East
Victoria Silo Art Trail, where you will
experience art in a large scale and not in a
gallery. Art works have been completed by
street artists: We will also enjoy lovely
accommodation and enjoy a meal out

Activity & Date        AF       SF            Support Item

Deni Ute Muster                 32 hours 1:4 ratio Weekday
30th Sept – 3rd Oct                 &     04 _136_0136_6_1_T
                                          1:4 ratio Saturday
                                16 hours
                                          04 _138_0136_6_1_T
                                    &     1:4 ratio Sunday
                                7 hours   04 _139_0136_6_1_T
DEPOSIT REQUIRED                Closing date – 31st August

What else is there to say but LET’S PARTY. What an
adventure it will be. Great fun, great music, great utes.

Activity & Date        AF     SF        Support Item

Melbourne                     16 hours 1:4 ratio Saturday
Shopping Weekend       $430       &    04 _138_0136_6_1_T
Sat 13th November -            9 hours 1:4 ratio Sunday
                                       04 _139_0136_6_1_T
Sun 14th November
DEPOSIT REQUIRED              Closing date – 1st October 2021

We will spend the weekend in Melbourne and shop till we
drop, just in time to get all your Christmas shopping done.
Hopefully the Myer windows will be open so we can visit. So
many places to shop and so little time, where do we start.

Activity & Date       AF      SF        Support Item

Shoalhaven Heads                       1:4 ratio Weekday
                 $1,590       60 hours 04 _136_0136_6_1_T
Mon 22nd Nov to
Friday 26th Nov                   &    1:4 Weekday Evening
                              12 hours 04_137_0136_6_1_T

DEPOSIT REQUIRED              Closing date – 11th October

Leaving on Monday morning, we will travel up the coast and
for some fun and excitement. We will be visiting the
Jamberoo Fun Park, Beach, Kiama and much more!

Activity & Date             AF          SF        Support Item

 Carols by Candlelight                            1:4 ratio Evening
                             $500        14 hours 04 _137_0136_6_1_T
 Rehearsal – Melbourne
 Thurs 23rd Dec –                                  1:4 ratio Weekday
                                         7 hours   04 _136_0136_6_1_T
 Friday 24th Dec
                                         Closing date – 20th November

 Here is your opportunity to watch the stars of Melbourne’s
 Carols by Candlelight, practice their performances the day
 before the big event at the Myer Music Bowl. When you
 watch on Christmas Eve you can say, I saw that! We will get
 to town a bit early for a look around. Transport and
 accommodation included. DEPOSIT REQUIRED

                  One on One Holidays
We have been supporting people to achieve their dream holidays for a
long time (over 20 years) and we not only deliver group holidays, we also
help individual participants to have the experience of a lifetime, in a one
to one setting. That trip may be local, interstate or overseas, it’s your
choice and we have delivered them all.

Everyone has their own idea of what a great holiday is, so we are happy
to help you to book that holiday of a lifetime and provide you with the
appropriate support to ensure you achieve your goals. Our experience in
what we have delivered over the years is second to none and we are here
to help you.

Contact your nearest Your Supports office for more information and we
will help you to get on your way.
Like us on Facebook
Did you know that we have a dedicated Facebook page!
So, what do we put on it? We put photos from our holidays and
activities so you can share them with your friends. We also put
notices about upcoming holidays that may have a space to be
filled and also just any general information that we think you may
want to know about.

So, make sure you like us! Search         VFP/Your Supports

                       Tell us about it

Share Your Idea’s With Us:
At Community Accessability, we are well known for doing things
a little differently and our motto is “it’s not that we can’t do it, but
how can we do it”.
So, if you have a great idea for a new service or a place to visit,
make sure you pass it onto us. You never know where the next
good idea will come from or where it will take you.

                         Call your local
                      Your Supports Office

   Wodonga          Wangaratta          Shepparton         Ballarat
 1300 704 530 03 5721 3045 03 5831 3815 0456 205 383

Extra Supports
All our holidays, day trips and regular activities are priced based
on a particular ratio, usually 1:4 or 1:5. For some participants,
this level of support is not enough. If we determine that you
need additional support, we will discuss this with you. If you
want extra support, contact the Activities Coordinator to discuss
you needs. Our aim is to ensure that everyone can attend our

                    Getting Together
All regular activities are charged using the 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5
support item, which is stated under the Session Fee for each
activity. If you require additional support to attend, then 1:1
support is available which will be charged under the relevant
NDIS costings.
For those who attend our regular activities, the pricing will be
subject to change. You will receive a letter from the Activities
Coordinator before any price changes.

                       How to Book
First, you need to become a member of Your Supports.
1. Contact us on 1300 704 530 to arrange an interview time to
   discuss your needs and to register you with our service. This
   interview will include an assessment of personal needs and
   should take place with your family/carer/support person or
   friend if you require their attendance.
2. Once registered, you can choose an activity from our Activities

3. We request that participants attend a day outing or regular
   activity before attending a holiday, so you can get to know us.
4. You can apply in person, ring the office, or email us to register
   your activity choice. We often have more people wanting to
   attend than we have places, so not everyone will get to go.
   Below you will see more information about how we choose who
5. You will need to pay for all outings and overnight activities in
   advance. We will send you an invoice saying how much to pay
   and when. If you are using you NDIS plan to cover the Session
   Fee, we will complete a Service Agreement with you (if you
   don’t already have one) and then we will withdraw the agreed
   funds after the outing or activity.
6. For Holidays & Weekends, you will need to pay a deposit, once
   a place has been allocated to you. The deposit will secure your
7. We will send you an invoice with the total amount you owe. We
   are happy for you to pay this invoice off over time.
8. So we always have enough room, don’t attend activities without

                 Terms & Conditions
  • If the trip is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
  • If you give us plenty of notice before departure, and we are
    able to find another participant to take your place, you will
    only be charged changes of names on travel documents i.e.
    airline tickets.
  • If you need to cancel due to sickness or family tragedy,
    refunds are at the discretion of the General Manager less

any upfront costs that we have been required to make and
    cannot cancel i.e. entrance and airline tickets.
  • We will not refund for someone who just doesn’t show up.

 One of the outcomes of Your Supports is to assist people to
 make good friends and enjoy social opportunities. We also have
 limited numbers that we can take on each outing. To ensure that
 participants get the chance to enjoy a variety of activities we
 have a selection process for holidays and weekends away.

How we decide on the participants:
 1. We make a list of those people interested then we review the
    list and decide on places.
 2. In this review, we evaluate, has the person been on a holiday
    with us recently, does the holiday suit the individuals mobility
    and abilities, have we got a good gender balance for the
    group, will the group work well together and are the
    accommodation and facilities suitable for your needs.
 3. We will then let you know if you have a place or not and then
    you need to pay the deposit to secure your spot. We do
    have a waiting list for most holidays and day trips in case
    someone drops out.
 4. If you would like to know why you did not get a place, please
    contact the Coordinator, who will explain our decision to you.
 5. You are also welcome to complete a Service Commitment
    Feedback Form, which we can send to you.
How we decide on the staff who will be attending:
Similar to participants, staff are asked to express their interest in
supporting a holiday. We have a small number of staff who
regularly attend outings and holidays and usually act as the
senior staff member.

In deciding which of these will attend, we look at interests,
availability, personality mixes, gender balance and support skill
When allocating additional staff, we consider the same criteria
and we try and take into consideration our participants
suggestions. Unfortunately, on a group outing or holiday we are
not always able to cater to everyone’s wishes so the final
decision is made by the Activities Coordinator, in consultation
with the Operations Manager.
In the instance of a one to one holiday or a purpose designed
holiday, the participant wishes in regard to staffing are

Illness and Injury:
If you become ill or injured during the activity, we will have a
qualified First Aid officer to assist you. Holiday and activity
contracts ask for your consent to source medical attention if
If you require medical assistance, it will be provided as soon as
possible and either a staff member or a volunteer will remain
with you until your condition is established and treatment is
given by a qualified First Aider or medically trained person.
Your contact person will be told what is happening as soon as it
is practicable.
If any inappropriate behaviour takes place during a Your
Supports event, it is the initial responsibility of the activity staff
member to address the situation and determine the action to be
taken. As required, volunteers will be directed by the
If you are unable to continue on the activity due to Injury, ill
health or continued inappropriate behaviour, arrangements for
your care and travel arrangements will be discussed with your

contact person and put into place. The cost of returning you will
be negotiated between Your Supports and your contact person.
Your Supports recommends that everyone has ambulance
cover and/or travel insurance.

We love to hear from our participants about their experiences,
whether they are positive or negative. For overnight activities,
participants are asked to commence a survey as they are leaving
and to complete it on their return. Your feedback helps is to
continue delivering the best services possible.

All other participants are welcome to raise any issues regarding
the services we provide, so please speak to your local service
coordinator or contact the General Manager at our Wodonga
office on 1300 704 530 or complete the feedback form
contained in this booklet.
If you need extra help to make your complaint, you can ask a
friend or relative to help you or you can contact an advocacy
service. You will not be disadvantaged by raising your issues.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Phone: 1800 035 544
RDAS – Regional Disability Advocacy Service.
Phone: (02) 6056 2420 or 1300 886 388
R.I.A.C (Rights, Information, Advocacy Service)
Phone: 03 5822 1944

Our Service Commitment is our promise to all
 Community Accessability Inc. service users that we will:
 ✓ Make it easy for you to contact us
 ✓ Help you to apply for or use our services
 ✓ Tell you about your rights and responsibilities
 ✓ Arrange for an interpreter or other language services, if you
   need this
 ✓ Do the things we say we will do, like getting back to you
   when we say we will
 ✓ Be polite and respect your views, opinions and personal
   circumstances such as your culture, family situation, age,
   gender, disability, faith, sexual orientation or gender identity
 ✓ Protect your personal information and only use it for the
   right reasons
 ✓ Tell you if you are not eligible for a service or if there is a
   waiting list
 ✓ Provide you with advice on other support that may be
 ✓ Give you opportunities to be involved in decisions about the
   services you access, and support you to have a say
 ✓ Tell you about any decision that affects you and the reasons
   for our decision
 ✓ Tell you how you can ask for our decision to be reviewed.
 ✓ Tell you how you can make a compliment, complaint or

If you have any feedback for us, please remove the attached form
from this booklet and return it to our Head Office:

Please include the following information:
• Your Name and Contact Details
• You can send it by post, by hand or by email to
Service Commitment Feedback Form

Your Feedback:

                     Date:        /   /

My Notes and Wish List:

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