THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop

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THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
Machine Learning Methods Applied
to Hierarchical Retailed Data

6-7 December 2021
Tribeca Rooftop

THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
Why Attend                                                                                                       The M5 Competition

                                                                                                                 The M5 was the biggest and most ambitious of               Aim
Why you must attend the M5                              Who should attend the M5                                 all M Competitions to date. It ran from 2 March
Conference                                              Conference?                                              to 30 June 2020 and differed from the previous
                                                                                                                                                                            The M5, the fifth expanded iteration of the highly-
                                                                                                                                                                            regarded Makridakis (or M) Competitions, returned
The findings of the M5 Competition, one of the          • Professionals working in companies or non-profit       four ones in six important ways, some of which
                                                                                                                                                                            in service of advancing the theory and practice of
largest forecasting competitions of all time, will be     organizations in jobs that involve preparing           were suggested by the discussants of the M4
                                                                                                                                                                            Forecasting, in line with its enduring aim since the
presented and analysed at length over the course          forecasts and estimating uncertainty                   Competition.
                                                                                                                                                                            early 1980s.
of the two-day M5 Conference. In this respect,          • Financial managers who prepare budgets and the         • It used hierarchical sales data, generously made
the Conference will elaborate on the winning              financial requirements for their firms                    available by Walmart, starting at the item level
                                                                                                                                                                            In this respect, the aim of the M5 Competition was
methods, their practical applications and broader       • Government officials requiring to predict receipts        and aggregating to that of departments, product
                                                                                                                                                                            similar to the previous four: that was to identify
implications, as well as how they can benefit             and expenses                                              categories and stores in three geographical areas
                                                                                                                                                                            the most appropriate method(s) for different types
business and other organizations.                       • Hedge fund and other related managers who need            of the US: California, Texas, and Wisconsin.
                                                                                                                                                                            of situations requiring predictions and making
The M5 Conference Agenda includes distinguished           to predict stock and other market variables            • Besides the time series data, it also included
                                                                                                                                                                            uncertainty estimates. Its ultimate purpose was
speakers from the major software/technology             • Production managers requiring forecasts for their         explanatory variables such as price, promotions,
                                                                                                                                                                            to advance the theory of forecasting and improve
companies (Google, Kaggle, Walmart, Microsoft,            production planning activities                            day of the week, and special events (e.g. Super
                                                                                                                                                                            its utilization by businesses and non-profit
Amazon, Facebook, SAS and Target), as well as           • Inventory managers who must predict the                   Bowl, Valentine’s Day, and Orthodox Easter)
                                                                                                                                                                            organizations. Its other goal was to compare the
leading academics from top-tier universities.             demand for a large number of items to figure out          that affect sales which are used to improve
                                                                                                                                                                            accuracy/uncertainty of ML and DL methods vis-à-
It features the presentation of the three most            optimal inventory levels and reordering points            forecasting accuracy.
                                                                                                                                                                            vis those of standard statistical ones, and assess
accurate methods of the M5 Competition by the           • Logistics and transportation managers whose            • The distribution of uncertainty was assessed by
                                                                                                                                                                            possible improvements versus the extra complexity
developers themselves who will also discuss how           scheduling tasks need forecasts                           asking participants to provide information on four
                                                                                                                                                                            and higher costs of using the various methods.
their methods can be implemented by others.             • Academics teaching forecasting and related                indicative prediction intervals and the median.
Their code will be available for free on GitHub.          courses                                                • The majority of the more than 42,840 time
                                                                                                                                                                            The competition was a huge success with over
The Conference covers all critical aspects of           • Students interested in forecasting for their courses      series display intermittency (sporadic sales
                                                                                                                                                                            100,000 entries from forecasters from over 100
forecasting, including combining methods and              or for their research                                     including zeros).
                                                                                                                                                                            counties competing for the $100,000 in cash
introducing judgmental adjustments, paying                                                                       • Instead of a single competition to estimate both the
                                                                                                                                                                            prizes. The Accuracy Challenge currently stands as
special emphasis on the comparison of Machine                                                                       point forecasts and the uncertainty distribution,
                                                                                                                                                                            Kaggle’s 6th most popular competition of all time in
Learning and Statistical forecasting methods as                                                                     there were two parallel tracks using the same
                                                                                                                                                                            terms of the number of participating teams.
well as the assessment of uncertainty. Additionally,                                                                dataset, the first requiring 28 days ahead point
the Conference provides an excellent opportunity                                                                    forecasts and the second 28 days ahead probabilistic
for networking and discussing the latest advances                                                                   forecasts for the median and four prediction
in forecasting by world-renowned experts.                                                                           intervals (50%, 67%, 95%, and 99%).
Finally, Nassim Nicholas Taleb will deliver a keynote                                                            • For the first time, it focused on series that display
address discussing uncertainty in forecasting and                                                                   intermittency, i.e., sporadic demand including zeros.
Spyros Makridakis will present the major findings of
the M5 Competition and discuss how organizations
can benefit by such findings in order to improve
the accuracy of their predictions and assess their                                                               M5 Competition Prize Sponsors:

uncertainty more realistically.
THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
Prof. Spyros Makridakis                                                   The Makridakis Open Forecasting Center
                   Spyros Makridakis is a pioneer in the field and one
                   of the foundational figures of Forecasting. He is
                   a Professor at the University of Nicosia, where he
                   serves as a Director of its Institute For the Future
                   (IFF), and is the Founder of the Makridakis Open
                   Forecasting Center (MOFC). In 1970 he joined
                   INSEAD as a Professor. He has authored, or co-

                   authored, twenty-seven books and special issues
                   and more than 360 articles. His book “Forecasting                                                      Forecasts are essential for practically all business
                   Methods for Management, 5th ed. (Wiley)”, has                                                          decisions: from setting up appropriate inventory or
                   been translated in 12 languages and sold more                                                          service levels and credible budgets to evaluating
                   than 120,000 copies, while his book “Forecasting:                                                      long-term, strategic investments. The first objective
                   Methods and Applications, 3rd ed. (Wiley)”, has                                                        of the expanding field of forecasting is to offer
                                                                          Learn. Forecast. Compete. Disseminate. Excel.
                   received more than 6,000 citations. Professor                                                          accurate predictions contributing to the success of
                   Makridakis was the Founding Editor-in-Chief of                                                         such decisions. Its second, equally important goal
                   the Journal of Forecasting and the International                                                       is to provide precise estimates of the uncertainty
                   Journal of Forecasting.                                                                                inherent in all predictions and how to be able to
                   Professor Makridakis is the Organizer of the                                                           deal with the resulting risks.
                   renowned M (Makridakis) Competitions, the
                   premier academic forecasting competition in the                                                        The Makridakis Open Forecasting Center (MOFC)
                   world, which have fundamentally influenced the                                                         is one of the leading academic forecasting centers
                   theory and practice of forecasting for the past four                                                   in the world. It conducts cutting-edge research on
                   decades. His numerous papers and citations can be                                                      Forecasting, assisting organizations make accurate
                   found in his Google scholar profile:                                                   predictions, estimate levels of uncertainty, and
                   com/citations?user=hPpgXPMAAAAJ&hl=en                                                                  rationally manage ensuing risks through training,
                                                                                                                          research, technology development, and consulting.

                                                                                                                          Ultimately, MOFC aims to expand the utilization
                                                                                                                          and value of Forecasting among business firms,
                                                                                                                          by identifying their needs, suggesting the most
                                                                                                                          appropriate way of fulfilling them, demonstrating
                                                                                                                          its benefits in reducing costs and/or improving
                                                                                                                          profits, while also avoiding untested practices.
THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
M5 Competition
Award Winners & the Prizes

                                        Prizes                                                                             Winners
Prizes   Description                                                       Amount     Rank   Competition Team Name                                           Name

1A       Most accurate point forecast                                      $25,000    1      Accuracy      YJ_STU                                          YeonJun In

2A       Second most accurate point forecast                               $10,000           Accuracy      Matthias
                                                                                      2                                                                 Matthias Anderer

3A       Third most accurate point forecast                                 $5,000
                                                                                      3      Accuracy      mf                                   Yunho Jeon and Sihyeon Seong
4A       Fourth most accurate point forecast                                $3,000
                                                                                      4      Accuracy      monsaraida                                  Masanori Miyahara
5A       Fifth most accurate point forecast                                 $2,000
                                                                                      5      Accuracy      Alan Lahoud                                    Alan Lahoud
6A       Most accurate student point forecasts                              $5,000

         Total: M5 Forecasting Competition – Point Forecasts               $50,000
                                                                                      1      Uncertainty   Everyday Low SPLices                 Russ Wolfinger and David Lander

                                                                                      2      Uncertainty   GoodsForecast - Nick Mamonov                Mamonov Nikolay
1B       Most precise estimation of the uncertainty distribution           $25,000

                                                                                      3      Uncertainty   Ouranos                        Ioannis Nasios and Christos Iraklis Tsatsoulis
2B       Second most precise estimation of the uncertainty distribution    $10,000

3B       Third most precise estimation of the uncertainty distribution      $5,000    4      Uncertainty   Marisaka Mozz                                 Masakazu Mori

4B       Fourth most precise estimation of the uncertainty distribution     $3,000    5      Uncertainty   IHiroaki                                          Ihiroaki

5B       Fifth most precise estimation of the uncertainty distribution      $2,000    6      Uncertainty   Ka Ho_STU                                      Ka Ho Tsang

6B       Most precise student estimation of the uncertainty distribution    $5,000

         Total: M5 Forecasting Competition – Uncertainty Distribution      $50,000

         Total: M5 Competition                                             $100,000
THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
M5 Conference Speakers
                        Spyros Makridakis is a Professor at the             ed. (Wiley)”, has received more than 6,000                                Anil Gaba received his Ph.D. in Decision         He teaches courses on Uncertainty, Data, and
                        University of Nicosia, where he is a Director       citations. Professor Makridakis was the                                   Sciences at Duke University in the United        Judgment (MBA), Probability and Statistics
                        of its Institute For the Future (IFF) and the       Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of                                States. He is currently the Orpar Chaired        (PhD), and Bayesian Analysis (PhD). In
                        Founder of the Makridakis Open Forecasting          Forecasting and the International Journal of                              Professor of Risk Management and Professor       addition, he teaches modules on Judgments
                        Center (MOFC). In 1970 he joined INSEAD as a        Forecasting and is the Organizer of the renown                            of Decision Sciences at INSEAD. He is also       & Decision Making and Risk Management in
                        Professor. He has authored, or co-authored,         M (Makridakis) competitions, that for the                                 the Academic Director of Centre on Decision      several executive development programmes
                        twenty-seven books and special issues and           last 40 years have fundamentally influenced                               Making and Risk Analysis at INSEAD. He was       all over the world including Europe, United
SPYROS MAKRIDAKIS       more than 360 articles. His book “Forecasting       the theory and practice of forecasting. His       ANIL GABA               Dean of Faculty INSEAD in 2006-2009, and         States, China, Singapore, India, and the
University of Nicosia   Methods for Management, 5th ed. (Wiley)”,           numerous papers and citations can be found in     INSEAD                  Dean of Faculty and Research Asia Campus in      Middle East. He has won the Outstanding
                        has been translated in twelve languages and         his Google scholar profile:                           2002-2006.                                       Teacher Award INSEAD MBA Core Course
                        sold more than 120,000 copies while his book        citations?user=hPpgXPMAAAAJ&hl=en                                         His research is in the area of assessment and    (Uncertainty, Data, and Judgment) fourteen
                        “Forecasting: Methods and Applications, 3rd                                                                                   use of subjective information, and analysis      times. He also directs the International
                                                                                                                                                      of decisions under risk and uncertainty. His     Directors Program (for Board of Directors) at
                                                                                                                                                      research has appeared in several academic        INSEAD.
                                                                                                                                                      journals such as Management Science,             He is a regular consultant and keynote
                        Nassim Nicholas Taleb spent more than 20            Taleb holds a PhD from the University of Paris
                                                                                                                                                      Operations Research, Marketing Science,          speaker at various multinationals in areas
                        years as a derivatives trader before starting a     and an MBA from the Wharton School. He is
                                                                                                                                                      and Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. He is a     of judgments & decision making and risk
                        full-time career in research in the field of risk   the author of the Incerto, a 4-volume essay
                                                                                                                                                      co-author (with S. Makridakis and R. Hogarth)    management.
                        management and applied probability.                 on uncertainty (Antifragile, The Black Swan,
                                                                                                                                                      of the book, Dance with Chance: Making Luck
                        Taleb has been involved in risk-based policy        Fooled by Randomness, The Bed of Procrustes),
                                                                                                                                                      Work For You.
                        making, advising the IMF, and the UK Prime          and Dynamic Hedging (1997), a technical
                        Minister on model error and the detection           clinical book on derivatives, in addition to
NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB   and mitigation of tail exposures. He has also       Silent Risk, a freely available technical book
New York University     been hired the RAND corporation and various         (and reexpression of the Incerto) in applied                              Mr. Polemitis currently serves as the Chief      was a member of the national committee
                        branches of the U.S government and has              probability theory.                                                       Executive Officer of the University of Nicosia   that designed the blockchain strategy for
                        testified twice for the United States Congress.                                                                               and EDEX, as a Board member of EDEX and          Cyprus.
                                                                                                                                                      UNICAF, and as a member of the Council of        Mr. Polemitis is the managing partner of
                                                                                                                                                      the University of Nicosia. The University of     Ledra Capital where he led early-stage
                                                                                                                                                      Nicosia (UNIC) serves over 14,000 students,      investments in, or software development of,
                        Addison Howard is a Competitions Program            edge technology to rise to the top through                                along with over 18,000 additional students       Software-as-a-Service platforms in the areas
                                                                                                                              ANTONIS POLEMITIS       in its affiliated academic institutions. UNIC    of higher education, cryptocurrency, online
                        Manager at the Google Cloud AI group                crowdsourced competition solutions.
                                                                                                                              University of Nicosia   is the largest university in Cyprus and is       video publishing and legal research. Mr.
                        Kaggle, the home of data science. By                Addison has helped run dozens of
                        matching organizations stepping into the            supervised machine learning competitions                                  the largest English language university in       Polemitis was previously a principal at ACG
                        world of Machine Learning for the first             across a wide variety of disciplines. He                                  southern Europe.                                 Capital, a privately held multi-billion dollar
                        time, or by partnering with companies               has Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics,                                    Mr. Polemitis helped found the world-            investment firm and a partner based in
                        looking to deepen their roots in the data           Economics, and Accounting, and a Master’s                                 leading Digital Currency / Blockchain            New York and London in the private equity
ADDISON HOWARD          science community, Kaggle provides that             degree in Accounting                                                      Initiative at the University of Nicosia, co-     practice of Mercer Management Consulting
Google Cloud AI         partnership and opportunity for cutting                                                                                       taught the first university cryptocurrency       (now Oliver Wyman), one of the world’s
                                                                                                                                                      course in the world, and is regularly quoted     leading strategy consultancies.
                                                                                                                                                      as an expert on cryptocurrency issues. He

                                                                                                                                                      Brian Seaman is a Senior Director of Data        Brian has a demonstrated history of
                                                                                                                                                      Science at Walmart. While at Walmart, he         working in the retail industry. He is a
                                                                                                                                                      has led data science teams across many           strong research professional, skilled in
                                                                                                                                                      domains including sales forecasting,             Data Science, Scalability, and Distributed
                                                                                                                                                      algorithmic pricing, financial analytics,        Systems. He has a Bachelor’s degree in
                                                                                                                                                      marketing optimization, image processing         Physics and mathematics from Rowan
                                                                                                                                                      and data extraction.                             University and a PhD in Physics from the
                                                                                                                              BRIAN SEAMAN                                                             University of Colorado Boulder.
THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
M5 Conference Speakers

                                Chris Fry is a Senior Staff Data Scientist at   systems. Chris served as an Advisor on the                             Enno Siemsen is the Patrick A Thiele                  Organization Science, Journal of Operations
                                Google, where he leads data science efforts     M5 Forecasting Competition, contributing                               Distinguished Chair in Business at the                Management, Production & Operations
                                dedicated to driving efficient utilization of   ideas to the design of the competition,                                Wisconsin School of Business, University of           Management, Strategic Management Journal
                                Google’s datacenter infrastructure. He has      and helping to bring the competition                                   Wisconsin-Madison. He serves as the Associate         and Manufacturing & Service Operations
                                worked in the field of forecasting for over     onto Kaggle. He has a Bachelor’s degree                                Dean for MBA and Masters Programs, and                Management. His work has also been featured
                                25 years, and has developed forecasts and       in Operations Research and Industrial                                  teaches courses in Sales & Operations                 in the Harvard Business Review and the
                                built forecasting systems for companies         Engineering from Cornell University, and                               Planning as well as Project Management. His           California Management Review. He is the
CHRIS FRY                       across a wide range of industries including     a Master’s degree in Management Science        ENNO SIEMSEN            expertise is in the fields of predictive analytics,   author of ‘Demand Forecasting for Managers’,
Google                          energy, pharmaceuticals, travel, apparel,       and Engineering from Stanford.                 University of           demand forecasting, sales & operations                a book on forecasting and organizational
                                grocery retail, advertising, and computer                                                      Wisconsin-Madison       planning, operations and supply chain                 decision making. He currently serves as a
                                                                                                                                                       strategy, and project management.                     department editor for the Decision Sciences
                                                                                                                                                       His research currently focuses on forecast            Journal, and as an associate editor for
                                                                                                                                                       model selection, as well as on the use                the Journal of Operations Management,
                                                                                                                                                       of augmented reality in manufacturing.                Production & Operations Management and
                                Dan Goldstein is Senior Principal Researcher    Max Planck Institute, where he was awarded
                                                                                                                                                       Siemsen has been published in leading                 the Journal of Supply Chain Management.”
                                at Microsoft Research in New York City. He      the Otto Hahn Medal in 1997. He has
                                                                                                                                                       outlets such as Management Science,
                                was previously President of the Society for     degrees in Computer Science and Cognitive
                                Judgment and Decision Making, a Professor       Psychology and received his PhD in 1997 from
                                at London Business School and he taught         the University of Chicago.                                             George Athanasopoulos is a Professor,                 series with particular interest in forecasting
                                or researched at Yahoo Research, Wharton,                                                                              Deputy Head and Director of Education at the          and modelling tourism demand. He is
                                Columbia, Stanford, Harvard, and Germany’s                                                                             Department of Econometrics and Business               Associate Editor for the International Journal
DAN GOLDSTEIN                                                                                                                                          Statistics at Monash University, Australia,           of Forecasting and on the Editorial Board for
                                                                                                                                                       and is the President of the International             the Journal of Travel Research. George has
                                                                                                                                                       Institute of Forecasters. He received his PhD         co-authored with Professor Rob J. Hyndman,
                                                                                                                                                       in Econometrics from Monash University in             Forecasting: Principles and Practice a free
                                Ellen Bonnell is a Principal Consultant         Operating Officer for Candela.                 GEORGE                  2007. A large body of his research has a strong       online textbook, which is also available in
                                for TrendSavants. Ellen works with global       Ellen has a Bachelor’s degree in Business      ATHANASOPOULOS          focus on forecasting large collections of time        Korean and Chinese.
                                clients to improve software, methods and        Economics from Indiana University              Monash University
                                measurements for the sales, financial           and Master’s degree in Supply Chain
                                and supply forecasts that drive Sales &         Management from the University College
                                Operations Planning. Ellen specializes in       Dublin, Michael Smurfit Graduate School of
                                                                                                                                                       Jim Hoover, Professor and Director of Artificial      Doctorate of Business Administration from
                                highly accurate short-frequency forecasts       Business. Ellen is currently a Board Member
                                                                                                                                                       Intelligence and Business Analytics Center,           the University of Florida in 2017 and joined
ELLEN BONNELL                   that drive labor and inventory models. Ellen    of the FORESIGHT Practitioner Advisory
TrendSavants                                                                                                                                           University of Florida. He is the Chairman of          the faculty there in 2019, where he is now
                                has also held positions as Head of Global       Board.
                                                                                                                                                       the Foresight Advisory Board. Following a             a Professor in the Marketing Department
                                Statistical Forecasting for Hilti and Chief
                                                                                                                                                       career in Operations Research for the U.S.            focused on AI and Business Analytics. Jim
                                                                                                                                                       Navy, Jim became a Managing Director within           initially served Foresight as Software Editor
                                                                                                                                                       Accenture Federal Services, with a focus              and authored several articles on tracking
                                                                                                                               JIM HOOVER              on supply-chain analytics. Jim received his           forecast performance.
                                Evangelos Spiliotis is a Research Fellow at     Forecasting Support Systems in 2017.
                                the Forecasting & Strategy Unit, National       His research interests include time series     University of Florida
                                Technical University of Athens (NTUA),          forecasting, decision support systems,
                                where he also serves as Coordinator. He         machine learning, and optimisation. He was
                                graduated from the School of Electrical         part of the M4 and M5 teams, organising the                            Joannes Vermorel, based in France, is the             engineering at the Ecole Normale Superieure
                                and Computer Engineering, NTUA (National        respective forecasting competitions.                                   Founder, majority shareholder and CEO                 (ENS Paris) for 6 years. Mr. Vermorel is an
                                Technical University of Athens) 2013, and                                                                              at Lokad since February 2008. Lokad is                alumnus of the Ecole Normale Superieure and
EVANGELOS SPILIOTIS             got his PhD from the same School on                                                                                    a software company that specializes in                an engineer of the Corps des Mines France.
National Technical University                                                                                                                          predictive supply chain optimization. Mr.             He started his career at the AT&T Labs in New
of Athens                                                                                                                                              Vermorel runs a series of live public supply          Jersey, before pursuing a career in academia
                                                                                                                                                       chain lectures, emphasizing a modern                  in France which he interrupted to create his
                                                                                                                               JOANNES VERMOREL        quantitative perspective. He taught software          current company.
THE M5 CONFERENCE: ADVANCES IN FORECASTING - Machine Learning Methods Applied to Hierarchical Retailed Data 6-7 December 2021 Tribeca Rooftop
M5 Conference Speakers

                        Jonathon Karelse, is the CEO of NorthFind           heuristics in planning, organizations can make                               Michael Gilliland is Marketing Manager for             of The Business Forecasting Deal (2010), and
                        Management. Jonathon Karelse is a global            rapid improvements in real-world forecasting                                 SAS forecasting software, and serves as                Principal Editor of Business Forecasting:
                        leader in S&OP, demand planning and                 performance. He is a graduate of the MIT Sloan                               Treasurer on the IIF Board of Directors. Prior         Practical Problems and Solutions (2015) and
                        operations. He is leading the conversation          School of Management, a member of the 2019                                   to SAS, Mike held forecasting and supply chain         Business Forecasting: The Emerging Role of
                        that Behavioral Economics represents                Management Excellence cohort at Harvard                                      positions in the food, consumer electronics,           Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
                        the next big idea for decision making and           Business School, and is a member of the Harvard                              and apparel industries. He is Associate Editor         (2021).
                        planning in most companies. He believes that        Business Review’s Advisory Council.                                          of IIF’s practitioner journal Foresight, author
JONATHON KARELSE        by understanding the causes of biases and                                                              MICHAEL GILLILAND
NorthFind Management                                                                                                           SAS

                        Keith Ord is a Professor Emeritus at the            He is author or co-author of 11 books including
                                                                                                                                                         Paul Goodwin is Emeritus Professor of                  Until 2015 he was an Editor of the International
                        McDonough School of Business, Georgetown            Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing and of
                                                                                                                                                         Management Science at the University of Bath,          Journal of Forecasting and, since 2007, he
                        University. His research interests include          the textbook Principles of Business Forecasting.
                                                                                                                                                         UK. He has a PhD from Lancaster University             has written the Hot New Research column in
                        forecasting using state space methods, epidemic     He has published over 100 research papers in
                                                                                                                                                         and his research has focussed on methods for           Foresight: The International Journal of Applied
                        forecasting epidemics, spatial statistics and any   forecasting and other journals.
                                                                                                                                                         incorporating management judgment into                 Forecasting. His books include Forewarned:
                        applied statistics problems that come along.
                                                                                                                                                         forecasts to improve accuracy. He has provided         A Sceptic’s Guide to Prediction (Biteback
                                                                                                                                                         forecasting advice to many organizations and           Publishers) and Profit from your Forecasting
                                                                                                                               PAUL GOODWIN              in 2013 he was elected as an Honorary Fellow           Software (Wiley).
Georgetown University                                                                                                          University of Bath        of the International Institute of Forecasters.

                        Mahdi Yousefi received his PhD in Electrical        he spent more than one and a half year as the
                        Engineering from Texas A&M in 2013, focusing        science/tech lead of the Walmart eCommerce                                   Pierre Pinson is a Professor of Operations             in Meteorology, Power Systems Engineering,
                        on optimal and stochastic control, systems          inventory optimization team and later the                                    Research at the Technical University of Denmark        Statistics and Operations Research. He has been
                        biology and cancer genomics. He has done            demand forecasting team. He joined Target in                                 (DTU, Dept. of Technology, Management and              a visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford,
                        extensive research on reproducibility issues in     2019 and has been with its enterprise demand                                 Economics). He is an IEEE Fellow and an ISI/           the University of Washington in Seattle, the
                        small-sample classification, clustering and error   forecasting team since then. His time-series                                 Clarivate highly-cited researcher (2019 & 2020).       European Center for Medium-range Weather
                        estimation problems, which are common in            forecasting algorithm was ranked 4th in the NN3                              He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International         Forecasts (ECMWF, UK), a visiting Professor at
MAHDI YOUSEFI           medical sciences. After his PhD, he spent four      2006/07 Forecasting Competition for Neural                                   Journal of Forecasting. His main focus areas           École Normale Supérieure (Rennes, France) and
Target                  years at The Ohio State University as a Research    Networks & Computational Intelligence.             PIERRE PINSON             cover forecasting, optimization and game               a Simons fellow at the Isaac Newton Institute
                        Professor. He joined WalmartLabs in 2017, where                                                        Technical University of   theory, with application within energy,                (Cambridge, UK).”
                                                                                                                               Denmark                   logistics. He has published in leading journals

                        Maria P. Michailidis is a Professor at the          editor of numerous journal articles and
                        Management and MIS department and the               book chapters. In addition, she possesses                                    Robert L. Winkler is James B. Duke Professor in        the Frank P. Ramsey Medal for significant
                        Director of the Markidakis Open Forecasting         a considerable industrial and teaching                                       the Fuqua School of Business and Professor in          contributions to decision analysis. Recent work
                        Center (MOFC) of the Institute For the              experience from work she has done in the                                     the Department of Statistical Science at Duke          involves probability forecasting, combining
                        Future (IFF), of the University of Nicosia,         United States and Cyprus. Her research                                       University. His primary research areas include         forecasts, decision modeling, stochastic
                        Cyprus. She has served as the Dean of the           interests include topics related to industrial                               decision analysis, Bayesian statistics, forecasting,   dominance, sequential decision making, and
                        School of Business from 2012-2017 and               organizational psychology and her work has                                   and risk analysis, and he has published                multiattribute utility.
MARIA MICHAILIDIS       Head of the Management and MIS from                 been supported by European grants, including                                 extensively in these areas. He was awarded
University of Nicosia   2008-2012. She has been educated in the             projects such as Leonardo da Vinci, Socrates/      ROBERT L. WINKLER
                        USA where she obtained her Doctorate                Erasmus Thematic Networks and Grundtvig            Duke University
                        from the University of Massachusetts. She           Multilateral Projects and COST Actions.
                        specializes in Management, Social and Clinical      She is a member of the Board of Directors
                        Psychology, Educational Leadership. She             of the Elpida Foundation for children with
                        is Psychotherapist in the Person-Centered           cancer and leukemia and of the A.G. Leventis
                        Approach (PCA). She is the author and               Foundation Scholars Association.
M5 Conference Speakers

                         Sihyeon Seong is a CEO and AI researcher of mofl                                                                               Yeon Jun In is an undergraduate student in the
                         Inc. His primary research area is the optimization                                                                             Department of Environmental Engineering and
                         of extremely high-dimensional spaces. He                                                                                       the Department of Industrial and Management
                         received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from                                                                              Systems Engineering at Kyung Hee University
                         the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and                                                                                    (KHU). He has a patent on time series demand
                         Technology (KAIST) in 2019 and B.S. Electrical                                                                                 forecasting. He is an enthusiastic AI researcher,
                         Engineering and Bio and Brain Engineering from                                                                                 and Kaggler. His research interests include
SIHYEON SEONG            KAIST.                                                                                                  YEON JUN IN            machine learning, deep learning, and time series
mofl Inc                                                                                                                         Kyung Hee University   data analysis in Industrial domain.

                         Slawek Smyl is a Data Scientist specializing in      Intelligence in Forecasting International Time                            Yunho Jeon is a CTO and AI researcher of mofl       Engineering from the Korea Advanced
                         forecasting, currently with Facebook. He holds       Series Competition 2016, got a third place in                             Inc. He received a B.S. degree in mathematics       Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
                         Master’s degree in Physics from Jagiellonian         the Global Energy Forecasting Competition                                 and an M.S. degree in computer science from         in 2019. He also worked at SK telecom, Korea,
                         University, Poland, and the M.Eng. degree in         in 2017, and won the M4 Forecasting                                       Seoul National University in 2006 and 2008,         as a Research Scientist in 2019. His research
                         Information Technology from RMIT University,         Competition in 2018.                                                      respectively. From 2008 to 2019, he worked at       interests include computer vision, deep
                         Australia. He won the Computational                                                                                            the Agency for Defense Development, Korea.          learning, and time series forecasting.
                                                                                                                                                        He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical
SLAWEK SMYL                                                                                                                      YUNHO JEON
Facebook                                                                                                                         mofl Inc

                          Tim Januschowski is a Machine Learning              in the context of DevOps and business metrics.
                         Science Manager in Amazon AI Labs. He                Tim’s personal interests in forecasting span
                         has worked on forecasting since starting             applications, system, algorithm and modeling
                         his professional career. At Amazon, he has           aspects and the downstream mathematical
                         produced end-to-end solutions for a wide             programming problems. He studied
                         variety of time series analysis problems. In         Mathematics at TU Berlin, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro,
                         forecasting, from demand forecasting to server       and Zuse-Institute Berlin and holds a PhD from
TIM JANUSCHOWSKI         capacity forecasting and in anomaly detection        University College Cork.
Amazon AI Labs

                         Yael Grushka-Cockayne is an Altec Styslinger         and behavioral decision-making. While
                         Foundation Bicentennial Professor of Business        visiting Harvard Business School, Yael taught
                         Administration, a Senior Associate Dean for          Technology and Operations Management
                         Professional Degree Programs, at Darden              and Applied Business Analytics. Yael worked
                         School of Business at the University of Virginia.    in San Francisco as a Marketing Director of
                         She teaches courses on Decision Analysis,            an ERP company and as a Consultant to
                         Project Management, and Data Science in              international firms. Yael is an Associate Editor
YAEL GRUSHKA-            Business. Her research and teaching activities       at Management Science, Operation Research,
COCKAYNE                 focus on decision analysis, data science,            and Decision Analysis. She has a Bachelor’s
University of Virginia   business analytics, forecasting, forecast            degree from Ben-Gurion University; Master’s,
                         aggregation and the wisdom of crowds,                from the London School of Economics and a
                         decision analysis, project management,               Ph.D., MRes, from the London Business School.
M5 Conference Agenda

Day 1 - Monday, 6 December                                                                          Day 2 - Tuesday 7 December
8:30am - 9:30am     Breakfast                                                                       8:00am - 9:00am     Breakfast

9:30am - 10:00am    Welcome / Opening Remarks                                                       9:00am - 9:10am     Opening Remarks
                    • Prof. Maria Michailidis, Director of the Makridakis Open Forecasting                              Prof. Maria Michailidis, Director of the Makridakis Open Forecasting
                      Center (MOFC), University of Nicosia                                                              Center (MOFC), University of Nicosia
                    • Mr. Antonis Polemitis, CEO of the University of Nicosia
                    • Prof. Anil Gaba, The ORPAR chaired Professor of Risk Management               9:10am - 9:40am     Will Artificial Intelligence Take Your Job?
                      Academic Director, Centre for Decision Making and Risk Analysis, INSEAD                           Addison Howard, Google Cloud AI
                    • Prof. Spyros Makridakis, Founder of the Makridakis Open Forecasting Center,
                      MOFC & Director of the Institute For the Future, University of Nicosia        9:40am - 10:10am    Keynote Address
                                                                                                                        The Changing Role of Forecasting in the Age of Cloud Computing
10:00am - 10:30am   Keynote Address                                                                                     Chris Fry, Google
                    Forecasting and the COVID-19 Pandemic
                    Nassim Nicholas Taleb, New York University                                      10:10am - 10:40am   Coffee Break and Networking

10:30am - 11:00am   The Role of Judgment in Forecasting                                             10:40am - 11:30am   The Most Accurate M5 Accuracy Methods
                    Dan Goldstein, Microsoft                                                                            Summary of Findings
                                                                                                                        • Enno Siemsen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
11:00am - 11:30am   Coffee Break and Networking                                                                         • Yeon Jun In, Kyung Hee University, South Korea (KHU),
                                                                                                                          Winner of the Accuracy challenge, M5 Competition
11:30am - 12:00pm   A Collaborative and Market-based View of the Future of Forecasting                                  • Sihyeon Seong & Yunho Jeon, MOFL Inc., South Korea,
                    Pierre Pinson, Technical University of Denmark & Editor-in Chief IJF                                  Third winner of the Accuracy challenge, M5 Competition

12:00pm - 12:30pm   My New Forecasting Projects at Facebook                                         11:30am - 3:00pm    The Value and Applicability of the M5 Competition
                    Slawek Smyl, Facebook                                                                               Chairperson Jonathon Karelse, NorthFind Management

12:30pm - 2:00pm    Buffet Lunch and Networking                                                     11:30am - 12:00pm   Applicability of the M5 to Forecasting at Walmart
                                                                                                                        Brian Seaman, Walmart
2:00pm - 3:40pm     The Uncertainty Challenge
                    Chairperson Anil Gaba, INSEAD                                                   12:00pm - 12:30pm   Forecasts that Users Trust: Lessons Learned from a Large Scale
                                                                                                                        Demand Forecasting Project
2:00pm - 2:50pm     Assessment of Uncertainty for Decision-Making                                                       Mahdi Yousefi, Target
                    Anil Gaba, INSEAD | Robert L. Winkler, Duke University
                                                                                                    12:30pm - 2:00pm    Buffet Lunch and Networking
2:50pm - 3:40pm     The Most Precise Uncertainty M5 Methods. Summary of Findings
                    Evangelos Spiliotis, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)             2:00pm - 2:30pm     Deep Probabilistic Forecasting
                                                                                                                        Tim Januschowski, Amazon AI Labs
                    The Role of Uncertainty in Supply Chain: Lessons from the M5 Competition
                    Joannes Vermorel, Lokad                                                         2:30pm - 3:00pm     M5 Competition: How Organizations can Benefit from its Findings
                                                                                                                        Mike Gilliland, SAS
3:40pm - 4:00pm     Coffee Break and Networking
                                                                                                    3:00pm - 3:30pm     The Past and Future of Forecasting Competitions and the
4:00pm - 5:45pm     Theory and Practice of Forecasting: Future Challenges                                               Forthcoming M6 Competition
                    Chairperson Antonis Polemitis, University of Nicosia                                                Prof. Spyros Makridakis, Founder of the Makridakis Open Forecasting
                                                                                                                        Center, MOFC & Director of the Institute For the Future, University of
4:00pm - 4:30pm     The Machine Learning (ML) is Better – When?                                                         Nicosia
                    Keith Ord, Georgetown University

4:30pm - 5:00pm     Judgmental Forecasts and Judgmental Adjustments to Statistical/ML Forecasts
                    Paul Goodwin, Universty of Bath

5:00pm - 5:45pm     Panel Discussion: Expanding the Use of Systematic Forecasting
                    in Organizations and Improving its Value: The UFO Challenge
                    • George Athanasopoulos, Monash University and President of IIF
                    • Ellen Bonnell, TrendSavants
                    • Yael Grushka-Cockayne, University of Virginia
                    • Jim Hoover, University of Florida

5:45pm - 6:50pm     Free time

7:00pm - 9:00pm     Gala Dinner & Award Ceremony of the M4 Competition Prizes
M5 Conference Venue                                                                Register NOW

                 Tribeca Rooftop
                 One of New York City’s premier event venues,
                 Tribeca Rooftop has a well-earned reputation
                 for outstanding culinary expertise, impeccable
                 service, and warm hospitality. This chic industrial
                 event venue is located in the trendy downtown
                 neighborhood of Tribeca, New York City. It is
                 located on a cobblestone street in a 1920’s
                                                                                                         Ticket prices
                 printing press building. The 25ft glass atrium and
                 large windowed walls offer a magnificent view of
                 Manhattan as well as the Hudson River.                          Normal                       $1450

                 The Tribeca Rooftop played host to the two-                   Academic                       $875
                 day M4 Conference, in 2018, assembling 20+
                 distinguished speakers from high-tech giants
                                                                                Student                       $450
                 and software firms, including Google, Microsoft,
                 Amazon, Uber and SAS, as well as leading
                 academics from top-tier universities.

                 2 Desbrosses Street
                 New York, NY 10013

                 Closest Parking Garage:
                 Manhattan Parking Group
                 34 Desbrosses St.
                 (between Washington & West Sts.)

                 (+1) 212.490.3460                           
                                                                       The registration price includes the Breakfasts, Lunches,
                                                                       AM/PM Coffee Breaks for Day 1 & Day 2, the Gala Dinner
                                                                              on Day 1 and the Conference Material

                 Venue info can be found here:

Makridakis Open Forecasting Center (MOFC)
2021 Membership Opportunities

                                                                                                                 MOFC Partner                     MOFC Sponsor                 MOFC Supporter
                                                                                                              $60,000 (5 maximum)                   $25,000                       $10,000

                                                                                                               5 seats available for MOFC
  Seat on MOFC Governing Board

  Corporate advisory services                                                                                    3 Days (Director level)        3 Days (non-Director level)

  Complimentary Enrolments to Applied Forecasting Course                                                                     10                               6                              2

  Complimentary M conference Tickets                                                                                         10                               6                              2

  Advert in M conference brochure                                                                                      Full Spread                       Full page                     Half page

  Logo on MOFC/conference website and all conference marketing materials

  Sponsors desk at the back of the room at the M Conference
  (plus 2 complimentary tickets for staff)

M Conference                                                                      Coffee break                      Breakfast                          Lunch                        Dinner
Catering Sponsorship                                                              sponsorship                      sponsorship                      sponsorship                   sponsorship
                                                                                     $7,650                          $15,000                          $27,000                       $30,000
                                                                                   x3 coffee breaks                   x2 breakfasts                    x2 lunches                     x1 dinner
                                                                              for 150 people @ $17.00           for 150 people @ $50.00         for 150 people @ $90.00       for 150 people @ $200.00
                                                                               AM & PM on Day1 & AM on Day2       Breakfasts on Day1 and Day2      Lunches on Day1 and Day2       Dinner at the end of Day1

* All MOFC membership contributions or donations will be used to support the Centre’s operation
(research, education, M competition & conference) to improve
our understanding and use of forecasting in organizations
Announcing the M6 Competition
                                                                                                                The M6 Financial Forecasting Competition will be
The M6 US Stocks and International Assets                                                                       organized and run in a similar way to the previous

Financial Forecasting Competition                                                                               five competitions, attracting data scientists,
                                                                                                                statisticians, financial experts/analysts, economists,
                                                                                                                and related specialties from around the world,
A March 11, 2021, article in the WSJ entitled “Stock   The M6 competition is a duathlon consisting of           contending to win the substantial prizes being
Pickers Trailed Market Again in Roller Coaster 2020:   two related challenges, involving two types of           offered. M6 will be live, lasting a whole year, and
Some 60% of U.S. large-cap stock-picking funds         investments, both stocks and asset classes. The          open with all information about the competition
lagged behind S&P 500 in 2020, marking 11th            first category comprises 50 large capitalization US      and its results made available to anyone with
straight year of underperformance” exemplified         stocks and the second encompasses 50 broadly             an interest in the results. Moreover, once the
the well-known finding that active, professional       traded international ETFs (assets) covering              competition is finished its findings, together with
investment managers do not beat, on average,           international stocks, bonds, commodities, and            background material and commentaries will be
random stock selections. On the other hand,            currency markets. Competition participants               published in a special issue of the International
legendary investors like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch   would need to complete three tasks. First, rank          Journal of Forecasting (IJF) with the goal of
and George Soros as well as celebrated firms as        the attractiveness of all 50 stocks and 50 ETFs on a     learning as much as possible about financial
Bridgewater Associates, Renaissance Technologies,      scale from 1 to 5 and specify their level of certainty   forecasting and the related factors driving
DE Shaw and several others have achieved               about such rank, second, choose the stocks/assets        investment returns and how investors can improve
phenomenal results, amassing returns impossible        and the percentage they would like to invest in          the accuracy of their forecasts and mitigate the
to justify by mere chance. It is the express purpose   each and third provide information on how their          uncertainty associated with them in order to build
of the M6 competition to investigate this paradox by   selection was made. Consequently, they will be           robust portfolios and achieving consistent, above
shedding as much light as possible to the following    evaluated for (a) their forecasting performance, (b)     average returns.
seven assertions:                                      their return on investment and (c) their combined
                                                                                                                The M6 competition will be live, lasting for twelve
                                                       achievement in (a) and (b), with prizes awarded to
1. The relationship between forecasting accuracy                                                                months, starting in February 2022, and ending a
                                                       each of the three categories.
   and investment returns.                                                                                      year later in 2023. It will consist of a single month
2. The relationship between the perceived                                                                       trial run and 24 rolling origins for participants to
   uncertainty around such accuracy and returns.                                                                provide their submissions and be evaluated when
3. The contribution of judgment versus that of                                                                  the actual data becomes available. The 24 rolling
   objective information in selecting stocks and                                                                origins (4 weeks, repeated for six months) will
   assets.                                                                                                      be in alternate months, leaving the intervening
                                                                                                                periods to participants to evaluate the submitted
4. How forecasting accuracy and uncertainty are
                                                                                                                results, assess their performance and if necessary,
   assessed in making investment decisions.
                                                                                                                modify their strategy for the remaining period of
5. The influence of judgmental biases in the way
                                                                                                                the competition. The schedule of the competition
   investment decisions are made.
                                                                                                                as well as detailed guidelines for participation is
6. The importance of a consistent investment                                                                    available in an accompanying document that will
   strategy.                                                                                                    be uploaded to the M6 website.
7. The role of luck in achieving consistent, above
   average returns.
M6 Competition
Announcing the M6 Competition                                                                                  Sponsorship Opportunities
The M6 competition introduces the following             ●   Running a duathlon and asking for investment
innovations over the previous five ones:                    choices in stocks and financial assets,
●   Being live instead of concealing part of the data       substantially enlarges the scope of the
    to evaluate performance, will allow participants        competition and what can be investigated and
    to:                                                     learned, including among others:
    • Search for and use any available                      •   The relative forecasting performance
        information that could improve forecasting              between stocks universe versus the asset
        performance and returns on investments.                 class universe
    •   Incorporate, in addition to numerical               •   Differences in the Investment opportunity
        inputs, judgmental ones about the                       set (risk/return tradeoff) between of                                        Number
        economy, the industry, and the firms                    different classes of financial assets                 Package    Price     of packages
        that participants would invest to improve           •   The connection between forecasting                                           available
        forecasting performance and returns on                  accuracy and investment returns, split by
        investments.                                            asset class                                        Platinum      $100K          1
●   In addition to measuring forecast performance,          •   The connection between the correct
    we capture decisions made based on these                    appreciation of uncertainty and investment
                                                                                                                   Gold          $50K           2
    forecasts                                                   returns
    •   We can therefore measure the extent to                                                                     Diamond       $30K           3
                                                            •   The role of judgment in forecasting
        which portfolio construction decisions                  performance by type of prediction
        detract investment value, given the value of                                                               Silver        $20K           5
                                                            •   The role of judgment in investment returns
        forecast performance
                                                                by type of investment
●   Having 24 rolling origins to evaluate
                                                                                                                   Bronze        $10K
                                                            •   The role of luck in achieving above average
    performance (instead of a single one) allows
    participants to learn from experience, improve
                                                            •   The influence of fat tails in the evaluation
    their methodology and potentially achieve
                                                                of forecasting performance and investment
    higher returns.

Detailed information about the M6 competition and complete guidelines for participating
will be announced shortly.
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