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                                                                                                            Issue 18 11th November 2019
                                          Children, Teachers, Parents: A partnership for the future
Caledonia Drive, Eltham North 3095 Ph.: 9431 1599 Fax:9431 0686 OSHC Ph.: 9431 2503 www.glenkps.vic.edu.au/ Office Hours: 8.00am– 4.00pm
Email: glen.katherine.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au

                                              LEANNE’ S COMMUNICATION
The East Coast Bushfire Crisis
Today our hearts and thoughts are with our fellow Australians who are facing catastrophic bushfire circumstances. We
here in Victoria unfortunately understand fully the severity of the current situation being faced and helplessly watch with
great empathy. It is a timely reminder to extend kindness to those in need and express gratitude for all we have.
REMEMBRANCE DAY service demonstrates our values and gratitude
Today marks another time for reflection and gratitude in our school. Each year we pause as a community to remember the
courage and sacrifice of Australians and others in times of war. We specifically dedicate this time to Australians who died
as a result of war. A brief service was held today, conducted by our School Captains, which consisted of us all pausing for
a minutes silence in memory of the fallen and a wreath placed at our ANZAC bollard. Lest We Forget.
PFA World Teachers Day Celebration—grateful, grateful staff
Friday our amazing GK community spoilt our staff in celebration of World Teachers’ Day. Each year families rally by
providing a scrumptious lunch in appreciation of what staff do in our school. We appreciate this acknowledgement and
kindness greatly and are also grateful for our PFA and community—from all staff, a very big thank you.
The SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR has arrived at GK
This week a huge stock of new books have been set up in the Performing Arts Room (between the art room and OHSC
building) for students and families to purchase. In promoting and reinforcing the importance of reading in our community,
Emma Meacham (our Teaching and Learning Leader) has coordinated the Book Fair through Scholastic. The Book Fair
provides an opportunity for students and families to visit before and after school all of this week to peruse books and
purchase if desired. The room will be available from 8.00am—8.30am and 3.00pm—3.30pm Monday to Friday so feel
free to travel through. We would like to thank the parents who were able to volunteer their time assisting in the sales in
some of these slots. Emma may still be in need of some extra hands so if you have time to offer, please contact Emma via
our Office team.
Only 8 days until GK explodes into a sea of colour and fun for our students. Our PFA are madly organising what is tipped
to be a 2019 highlight for all participants. THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER, we will be running and walking our way through
stations of coloured chalk, which contributes to our continued focus on our physical health but also community health as
we all come together in fun and good spirit. We thank families for getting on board and donating to this cause. PFA have
joined forces with our Junior School Council in raising funds for an additional Middle School Playground area that is
planned outside the Middle School portables. We are grateful for this but of course in light of the current bushfire crisis, we
anticipate JSC will be directing some raised funds to those that need it most. We invite families to attend on the day, with
a further memo to come out with time specifics for each area of the school, when they will run and the course details.
2020 Prep Information Night
This Wednesday evening at 6.30pm - 7.30pm our 2020 Prep Team will presenting a concise overview of Prep information
and ‘start of school year’ tips at our annual Term 4 Prep Information Night. This is an opportunity for new and current
families to meet, hear about what to expect in the first few weeks of Prep at GK, ask any questions and chat to the Prep
team and attending school leaders. The session is held in the Prep Classrooms. We can introduce the following staff as
the new 2020 Prep Team: Sandra Febbraro, Laura Job, Luisa Rinaldi, Hannah Longo and Jess Szczepaniak. (All other
teams will be shared shortly)
Christmas Concert - MONDAY 2nd DECEMBER at 5.30pm
Can you believe how quickly Christmas is approaching and with that the end of our school year. Our annual Christmas
Concert in on Monday 2nd December. We have been challenged by weather and space over the last few years however
we feel that our Harmony Day performances in Term 1 this year provided a possible solution to this. Our Christmas
Concert will be held on the Tennis Courts this year, allowing seating within and spill over around the courts, which
includes the playground for little people attending. We look forward to beginning the Christmas festivities at GK with you.
Reminder: PFA AGM is on TUESDAY 26th NOVEMBER at 7pm in the STAFFROOM
Have a wonderful fortnight. Leanne
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GK Community DATES - What’s still to come this term?
MONDAY 11th - Friday 15th - SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR                         8.00am-8.30am 3.00pm-3.30pm
TUESDAY 12th - PFA Meeting 7pm                    School Council Education Meeting 7pm
WEDNESDAY 13th - 2020 Prep Information Session 6.30pm-7.30pm
WEDNESDAY 20th - Final School Council Meeting 7.00pm
TUESDAY 26th - PFA 2020 AGM 7.00pm

MONDAY 2nd - Christmas Concert 5.30pm
TUESDAY 3rd - Final PFA get together for 2019
WEDNESDAY 4th - Junior House Athletics morning TBC
TUESDAY 10th - 2020 Transition morning - Day 1 Students meet their 2020 teacher in activity
THURSDAY 12th - 2020 Transition morning - Day 2 with future class PREPS meet their teacher too
                         Year 6 GRADUATION (evening)
FRIDAY 13th - COMMUNITY HELPER afternoon tea 1.15pm—2.00pm provided - to give thanks
                    - Last canteen day for the year
MONDAY 16th - Moving Day - students move to their 2020 classrooms for the final week
TUESDAY 17th - Reports open to parents via our new COMPASS Platform
WEDNESDAY 18th - Grade Parties                    Year 6 ‘Funfields’ end of Primary School Celebration
THURSDAY 26th - FINAL ASSEMBLY 8.40am Year 6 Focused assembly                               LAST DAY

Term 4 finishes for students Thursday 19th December@3.00pm

 FRIDAY 20th December (Student Free Day—staff still in attendance)


  Term 1                      Term 2                       Term 3                        Term 4
  Curriculum Day              Curriculum Day               Curriculum Day                Curriculum Day
  Week 1                      Week 1                       Week 6                        Week 11
  Tuesday    28th   January   Tuesday   14th   April       Monday August 16th            Friday 18th December
  Focus: 2020 Start Up        Focus: AIP Voice & Agency    Focus: AIP Shifting Reading   Focus: 2021 Planning

                                                           Week 1 Thursday 16h July      STUDENT FREE - Week 5
                                                           3-Way Conference -            Monday 2nd November
                                                           Alternate School Day –        Cup Eve
                                                           Students attend for their
                                                           conference only
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                                                SEL CONTINUED
                                                        Term 4 Social Emotional Learning
During Term 4 students continue to focus on social emotional learning at Glen Katherine – a weekly focus from Prep-
Grade 6.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relations’ framework was designed by DET for teachers to develop students’
emotional and positive relationships skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in
children and young people has been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also
reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and
Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths;
Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender
This term The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships focus is ‘Positive Gender
Relationships’ (the next 3 weeks are outlined below).
Shannon Whelan
Assistant Principal and Welfare/Wellbeing Coordinator

    Week          Resilience    SEL Theme                                   Learning intention
                 Rights and
      7                        Gender             Students can recognise types of gender-based violence
                               based vio-
 Foundation                                       Students practice responding assertively to gender-based violence
                               lence at
   Junior                      What is gen-       Students identify the emotions people can have when they witness gender-
                               der-based              based violence or are the target of gender-based violence
                                                  Students identify the bodily sensations people can feel when they witness
                                                      gender-based violence or are the target of gender-based violence
   Middle        Gender Re-    What is gen-       Students give examples of various forms of gender-based violence, including
                 lationships   der-based              physical, verbal and psychological
                                                  Students describe the impact that gender-based violence might have on
                                                      people who witness or experience it as well as those who enact the vio-
   Senior                      Understand-        Students explore power relations within interpersonal relationships
                               ing power
                                                  Students draw parallels between the power hierarchies experienced in the
                                                      games, and those experienced in relationships
                                                  Students engage with the concepts of dominant and submissive within rela-
                                                  Students identify what it can feel like when a person with power or influ-
                                                      ence does not respect the rights or needs of those they have power over
                                                  Students identify the importance of behaving responsibly when in a situa-
                                                      tion of power or influence over others
      8                        What are           Students list the different uses that clothes have for providing protection
                               clothes for?           for the body
                                                  Students will identify that clothes are also used to cover parts of the body in
                                                      order to meet the standards of modesty and decency that apply in dif-
                                                      ferent settings
   Junior                      The opposite       Students identify that the opposite of violence is helpful and respectful co-
                               of violence is         operation
                                                  Students identify how people feel when their friends play with them in a
                                                      way that is friendly, fair and respectful
                                                  Students identify and demonstrate strategies that peers can use to solve
                                                      problems in a respectful way
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  Middle     Rights and      Students identify what they understand by the concepts of ‘rights’ and
             Responsibili-       ‘responsibilities’
                             Students compare their ideas about child rights with some of those listed in
                                 the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
                             Students list some of the responsibilities that they have for self and for
                             Students identify some of the people in their lives who take responsibility
                                 for protecting their basic human rights

   Senior    Active re-      Students identify the behaviours and actions they value in respectful
             spect on peer       friendships
                             Students identify the key behaviours indicative of respectful relationships
                                 and explore these as potential standards for cross-gender relationships
                             Students nominate what they think ‘respect’ would look like in romantic

     9       Keeping my      Students practice ways to tell people when they do not like the way their
             body safe           body is being touched or treated by others
                             Students will practice ways to seek safety when in the presence of violence
                                 or inappropriate forms of personal contact
                             Students will practice ways to seek help and inform a trusted adult if they
                                 or others they observe are treated inappropriately by others

   Junior    Respect my      Students will learn ways to tell people when they do not like the way their
             space, re-          body is being treated by others
             spect my
                             Students will learn ways to seek safety or seek help when in the presence of
                                 violence or inappropriate forms of personal contact

  Middle     Rights and      Students identify what they understand by the word ‘respect’
                             Students demonstrate what they think respect looks like in a range of
                             situations involving peers and adults

   Senior    Respectful      Students identify social norms and practices that are used to signal
                             friendliness and welcome to others
                             Students identify everyday practices that might create inclusive and
                             gender-friendly communities
                             Students propose how they can enact these practices at school in their
                             position as gender role models for younger students
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Student of the Month
                                     For OCTOBER 2019
                                   GRADE 3-6 STOM
          Certificates will be awarded at assembly on Friday 22nd November
            3/4A         3/4A            3/4A         3/4A         3/4H          3/4 H        3W
            Rainy A      Harry P         Ruby D       Asha J       Tyler F       Henry B      Indigo W

Grade 3
Grade 4     3W           3W              3W           3/J          3J            3J           3J
            Stella S     Isabel H        Deacon W     Imogen W     Lily C        Molly L      Zac B

            4P           4P              4P           4L           4L
Grade 5     Will B       Zoe G           Chad R       Brody S      Gabriella H
Grade 6
            5/60         5/60            5/60         5/60         5D            5D           5K
            Sam H        Charlotte McF   Cody R       Scout O’L    Jerusha G     Ashton F     Sam G

            5K           5K              5K           5G           5G            5G
            Ella W       Shelby B        Thomas R     Ameerah K    Hana S        Jamieson B

            6V           6V              6V           6G           6G            6T           6T
            Gracie O     Georgia M       Matisse M    Thomas P     Indiana-M B   Vanessa S    Keira A

            4L           3W              5K           6T
            Winter L     Shayla M        Giselle Z    Christelle

The last day of School Banking will be on Thursday 5th December.
Our last day for reward orders will be the week before on Thursday 28th November.

                                         SAVE THE DATE

Grade 6 Graduation Night :            Thursday 12th December
Fun Fields Day:                       Wednesday 18th December
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2020 School Payments and Bookpacks
The Glen Katherine Primary School Council has approved the Parent Payment Charges for 2020.
A5er review of our Bookpack process and parent feedback, we have decided to change the process for next year. We
will be using an online only ordering system for Bookpacks with our sta9onery supplier, Rapid Office Choice in 2020.
Therefore this year, there will be NO Bookpack collecon day at the school. Bookpacks can either be delivered to your
home address (for a specified delivery fee) or can be delivered free of charge to the school for distribu9on to the stu-
dents or collec9on by parents.
In the next couple of weeks, each family will be receiving a 2020 informa9on pack, which will include the following:
•     2020 Bookpack process informa9on & instruc9ons
•     2020 School Payments informa9on sheet
•     2020 Parent Payments Policy
•     2020 Compass setup leAer for each family
Please keep an eye out for this informa9on pack. Please contact the office if you have any ques9ons or queries regard-
ing these new processes.
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MARKET DAY- 28th of November
Our senior school students will be investigating the concept of creativity, metacognition, organisation and global citizenship
in a learning sequence called Market Day. They will be researching, designing, advertising and selling products on the 28th
of November to raise money that will be donated to a charity (to be decided). Stalls will include, food, arcade games, services
and products.
Grades have a scheduled time to come visit the marketplace between 12-3pm and then the market will be open to the commu-
nity from 3-4pm.

                             2019 Twilight Christmas Concert
                                     Save the date
                                  Monday 2nd December

With Christmas just around the corner it’s time to start planning for our wonderful GK tradition,
the “GK Twilight Christmas Concert”, an evening full of music, singing, dancing, perfor-
mance, surprise, fun, laughter and a fantastic finale to the end of the school year.
So mark this date in your diaries/calendars and watch out for further information in the weeks to
We hope that all families can join us on this fun filled evening.

                                                                                      DAY & DATE               NAMES
                                                                                      Tues 12th Nov            R Diffey; K Ansell
                                                                                      Wed 13th Nov             N Peerman; M Bonanno
                                                                                      Thurs 14th Nov           N Campbell-Kerr; C Strachan
                           CANTEEN                                                    Fri 15th Nov             S Grant; K Aguis; S Garnham
                                                                                      Tues 19th Nov            C Cunliffe; M Bonanno
                                                                                      Wed 20th Nov             S Diaz; M Bonanno
                                                                                      Thurs 21st Nov           T Forbes; K Bate
                                                                                      Fri 22nd Nov             B Lowe; K Wishart; S Plummer

                                                     PRICE INCREASE – FLAVOURED MILK is now $2
                Gingerbread Men are currently out of stock but I am hoping to have them or something similar back on the shelf asap.
                                                                       HELP REQUIRED
 Thank you to everyone who filled my spots, after I posted them on the GK Facebook Page, for the rest of this term. I look forward to seeing you all
                                                       along with my regular wonderful crew.
I am in the process of organizing a special lunch for the 2nd week in December (date tbc) with canteen lunches ending on Friday 13th December. Counter sales
will continue the last week of school but stock may be very limited as will some lunch items leading up to our finish.
I am now looking to fill my 2020 Roster. If you are currently on the roster and would like to continue, please let me know the next time you are in. I have also
included a form with this Linkletter that you can complete. I am happy to take on any new people to join our team. There are continual bribes of chocolate and
lollies and continual over-sharing if you want to take the plunge.
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        …. And on ours’ as well!

One way to put a smile on your child’s face is to become one of our valued volunteers in the Canteen!
The excitement is written all over their faces as they come up to see you helping us in such an im-
portant role. All we ask is for a small commitment of a few hours of your time (9am to 11.45am) once a month.

Being on our Emergency List is also a great way to assist us as quite often we know we will be short the day before and can
give you early notice.

Feel free to pop in and chat to us Tuesdays to Thursdays between 9.30am and 1.30pm to find out all about how the canteen
works and how you can help.

NB: Unfortunately, no younger children are allowed to come with parents who work in our Canteen as it is an Occupational
Health and Safety issue. Also government regulations require all persons working and volunteering with children
to have a Working With Children card. This is free to Volunteers (there is a small fee if you don’t have a current passport
size photo) and forms can be downloaded & lodged at your local Post Office.
Thanks for your time,
Suzi Cunningham (Canteen Manager)

                                                CANTEEN ROSTER 2020

    NAME: ________________________________________________________                   PHONE NO.: ______________

    CHILD’S NAME: ________________________________________________                 GRADE (in 2020):


                           MONTHLY                     FORTNIGHTLY                        WEEKLY

             TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                FRIDAY

  Would you be prepared to go on our emergency list? (please circle)                YES                NO


                TERM 4 -        MONDAY 4th NOVEMBER (Report Writing)
                TUESDAY 5th NOVEMBER (Cup Day Public Holiday)
                Term 4 finishes for students Thursday 19th December@3.00pm
                FRIDAY 20th December (Student Free Day)
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                                                                Hi everyone. It’s Lauren and Nathan your Roving 6T
   Hi everyone. It’s Lauren and Nathan your Roving 6T
                                                                Student Reporters. This week we have Vanessa
   Student Reporters. This week we have Vanessa Bren-
                                                                Brennan in the ‘Hot seat!’ After reading this weeks
   nan in the ‘Hot seat!’ After reading this weeks profile,
                                                                profile, we would love your feedback. You can con-
   we would love your feedback. You can contact us per-
                                                                tact us personally through your child coming to see
   sonally through your child coming to see us in the yard
                                                                us in the yard or put a note titled ‘Staff Profile-
   or put a note titled ‘Stall Profile-Feedback’ in Mrs
                                                                Feedback’ in Mrs Totino’s pigeon hole in the o9ce. If
   Totino’s pigeon hole in the office. If you have missed a
                                                                you have missed a ‘Teacher Profile’, you can still
   ‘Teacher Profile’, you can still read it. Get a copy or go
                                                                read it. Get a copy or go to the previous Linkletters
   to the previous Linkletters for 2019. The link is on the
                                                                for 2019. The link is on the Glen Katherine website
   Glen Katherine website profile page. ENJOY!!!
                                                                profile page. ENJOY!!!
   Teachers Name: Vanessa Brennan Current Po-
   sitions: Teachers aide Past Positions: Stay at               Teachers Name: Helen Cleary
   home mum.                                                    Current Positions: Grade 2 teacher
   How many years have you been assisting for: 5 years          Past Positions: I have taught every grade level How
   What is your favourite subject to assist ? Math              many years have you been teaching for: A long time
   and reading..                                                What is your favourite subject to teach?
   What is something unique about you as a Teacher?             Reading
   Good at drawing                                              What is something unique about you as a Teacher? I
   What are some extra jobs/responsibilities you also do at     love including stories into all areas of the curriculum
   school?                                                      What are some extra jobs/responsibilities you also
   What do you enjoy doing outside of school?                   do at school? I am the school reading leader
   Photography and shopping.                                    What do you enjoy doing outside of school?
   How do you think G.K compares to other schools? Large        I like walking my dog and Reading
   school with great kids and loving teachers..                 How do you think G.K compares to other schools?
   If you weren’t a Teacher what would you be?: A photog-       It has great children, teachers and families
   rapher                                                       If you weren’t a Teacher what would you be?: A hotel
   Briefly:                                                     or holiday resort reviewer.
   Footy team? Essendon                                         Briefly:
   Colour Pink                                                  Footy team? Richmond
   Book/s? Non-fiction                                          Colour? Blue
   Movie? The wedding singer Song/                              Book/s? I like mysteries
   Artists? Kylie Minogue Animal?                               Movie? Dirty Dancing
                                                                Song/Artists? Don’t stop me now by Queen
   Food? Chocolate                                              Animal? Dogs
   What are some memorable moments in your career as
   a teacher? Seeing students happy.                            Food? Thai
   Anything else you would like to share with us? I am             What are some memorable moments in your ca-
   married with twenty year old twins and a thirteen year          reer as a teacher? I’ve loved all the school camps
   old in high school.                                             I’ve been on, their lots of fun.. Anything else you
                                                                   would like to share with us? I have two kids Dyl-
                                                                   an’s 25 and Gemma 23
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