2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College

Page created by Derek Craig
2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
Welcome to Marion Middle School
  Information Booklet
          Year 7 to 10
2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
This information booklet has been developed to assist you in
preparing for your child s transition to Temple Christian College
Marion Middle School commencing 2020.

As a new student to the Middle School, there are a number of forms
that will need to be completed and we trust that the information
contained within this booklet will assist you in selecting and
completing the necessary forms.
Together with Andy Clayton and Phil Paterson, I am very excited to be
partnering with you in supporting and nurturing your students within
an authentic Christian community that they may develop into the full
potential of their God gifted abilities.
On behalf of all the team here at Temple Christian College we’d like to
once again extend a very warm welcome and ask that you do not
hesitate to contact us should you require any additional information or

Marcel Rijken
Principal, Temple Christian College

About this Booklet
This booklet is yours to keep as a reference guide and covers important information relating to a number
of key areas within the life of the school including Consent Forms, the Laptop Program and Uniforms.
When required, this booklet will give explanations relating to the necessary forms and processes required
to be completed for 2020.

Contained within the Booklet
Consent Forms                                                       Laptop Program
During the course of the school year, students from                 All new students enrolled within Temple
the Marion Middle School will join together with                    Christian College Middle School in 2020
students from the other Temple Christian College                    will be issued with a personal laptop
Campuses to participate in a number of inter-                       through the Temple Christian College
house events such as swimming and athletics as                      School Laptop Program for use at school
well as other school events and excursions.                         and at home.

In order to provide the correct duty of care it is                  Uniform Guidelines
important that the following forms are completed
and returned to the school in preparation for 2020:                 All new students enrolled within Temple
                                                                    Christian College Middle School in 2020
•   2020 Excursion & Event Consent Form                             will be expected to be wearing the full
                                                                    Temple Christian College uniform as per
•   2020 Panadol Acknowledgement Form                               the Temple Christian College Uniform

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
Consent Forms

Why you need to complete this form

The Parent Acknowledgement Form contained within this pack pertains to
the Medicine at School and Health & Safety information detailed within this
book and also featured within the 2020 Temple Christian College Student
Planner which will be issued to your child at the commencement of the 2020
school year.                                                                     The 2020 Panadol
In order to provide the correct duty of care it is important that this form be   Acknowledgment
                                                                                 Form must be
completed for every student attending Temple Christian College Marion
                                                                                 returned to Sunrise
Middle School in 2020 and returned to the school by the due date indicated
                                                                                 Marion by the due
on the form.
                                                                                 date indicated on the
What the consent form covers

At the time of acceptance of a position at Temple Christian College Marion
Middle School via Sunrise Christian School, parents formalise their
agreement to partner with the School in the implementation of School
Policies, Procedures and Expectations.
The information provided on this form and within the School Planner reflects
these Policies and contains updated information as to how these Policies,
Procedures and Expectations are implemented on a daily basis.
                                                                                 The response
Important Note:                                                                  provided on this
                                                                                 consent form must
Regarding the acknowledgement for Panadol, it is critical that the               match the response
response provided on this form matches the same response provided                on other medical
on previous School Medical Forms and the 2020 Student Planner.                   forms and the 2020
                                                                                 Student Planner

Medication is both prescribed and non-prescribed medication whether
authorised by a medical professional, a pharmacist or purchased across the

Medication includes analgesics such as paracetamol and other agents used
for pain management and antihistamines used in the treatment of allergies.
                                                                                 Information relating
A Doctor’s authorisation outlining terms of use and condition being treated      to Medicines at
must be given to the School First Aid Officer at the time prescribed             School can also be
medication is brought in. Medication must remain in its original packaging       found within the
which clearly identifies the owner, the content and the dosage.                  front section of the
                                                                                 2020 Student Planner
With the exception of an Asthma inhaler, students are prohibited from
carrying medication on their person or keeping it in their locker.
With the exception of an Asthma inhaler, all medication whether prescribed
or non-prescribed, is to be handed in to the SSO where it will be labeled and
placed in the locked medicines cupboard in the first aid room.

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
Consent Forms

Under no circumstances are students to offer medication to another student
or receive medication from another student.
Students who use an inhaler for Asthma must take their inhaler to PE
lessons and all off campus activities, camps and excursions. Students must
provide their own spacer if one is required.

If a lifesaving device such as an EpiPen is required to be carried by a
student, a doctor’s authorisation must be provided to the School and a copy
kept with the medication. An emergency supply must also be given to the
School. This will be kept in the locked medicines cupboard in the first aid

Paracetamol and antihistamines (Senior School) are administered on a
strictly limited basis by the School First Aid Officer in strict accordance with
the packaging and where parents have signed consent form.

Ongoing use will require a Doctor’s letter of authority.

                                                                                   Information relating
The School takes very seriously its ‘Duty of Care’ to students.                    to Health & Safety at
                                                                                   School can also be
Footwear must be consistent with School Uniform Policy. Students may be
                                                                                   found within the
asked to work in the admin area and classroom work will be brought to them
                                                                                   front section of the
if incorrect footwear is worn to school.
                                                                                   2020 Student Planner
The wearing of hats is compulsory whenever students are outdoors in Term
1 and 4.
There is no early dismissal on very hot days. Classrooms are temperature
controlled and measures are taken to ensure students are able to remain in
air-conditioned areas during hot weather.
Students should bring their own personal roll on sunscreen. Sunscreen is
available for outdoor PE lessons.
Students must observe all directions given by staff pertaining to safety and
when Maintenance Staff or Contractors are working within the school.
Directions may include signage or physical barriers which indicate an area is
out of bounds.

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
Consent Forms

Why you need to complete this form

During the course of the 2020 School year, students across every year level
at Temple Christian College Middle School, will be required to attend a           The 2020 Excursion
number of excursion and special events.                                           & Event Consent
                                                                                  Form must be
By signing and returning the consent form as per the due date indicated on        returned to Sunrise
the form, Parents / Guardians give permission for their child to participate in   Marion by the due
all 2020 Inter House events; Subject and Year level, Extra-curricular             date indicated on the
excursions; and Inter School sports teams.                                        form
What the consent form covers

1. Inter-House Swimming, Athletics and Cross-Country events.
2. All Subject and Year level excursions.
3. Extra-curricular excursions.
4. Inter School sports teams.

This consent form will cover all school excursions and events held on
Monday to Friday during school terms.

For every event that your child will attend throughout the year, the event
details will be provided to parents/ guardians at least one week prior to the
excursion. All subject based excursions and Inter House events require
compulsory attendance for all students.

Medical information and first aid supplies will be taken to all excursions.
Students who have an Asthma action plan or require an EpiPen, should
ensure this comes with them on each excursion they attend.

Transport will be provided by the school for all excursions. A location and
time of dismissal will be provided for parents on the excursion information
sent home in the lead up to the excursion.

Parents/ Guardians may withdraw permission for their child to attend any
Inter School sporting event or other extra-curricular excursion throughout the

Important Notes                                                                   Written notification
                                                                                  must be provided if
Notification of withdrawn permission, alternative transport                       your child can not
arrangements or alternative arrangements for a student to be collected            attend a scheduled
from an excursion must be provided in writing at least two days prior to          excursion/event or in
the event by sending a text message through the school SMS system.                the case of arragning
This information will be forwarded to the organizing teacher.                     alternate travel or
In the event of a parent/guardian needing to be contacted, the teacher            arragements
in charge will make contact with the primary care giver listed on the
school database.

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
Laptop Program
Temple Christian College acknowledges the educational advantages for
students learning in a digital environment by providing students access to a
broad range of digital learning devices and resources.

All students enrolled within year levels 7 to 10 at Temple Christian College
Marion Middle School in 2020 will be issued with a personal laptop through the
Temple Christian College School Laptop Program for use at school and at
This access to a personal laptop is subject to parents and students having read
and agreed to the Policy by completing the Laptop Agreement Form and
signing the ICT User Agreement.
Laptops will be issued to new students during Term 1 of 2020 or at the time that
the new student commences education at the Middle School.
Enclosed with this booklet is the 2020 Temple Christian College Laptop                All new students
Agreement Form which needs to be completed and returned to the school by              enrolled within year
the due date indicated on the form or as soon as possible following enrolment.        levels 7 to 10 at the
                                                                                      Marion Campus will
ICT USER AGREEMENT                                                                    be issued with a
                                                                                      personal laptop
This agreement will need to be read in conjunction with the ‘Responsible Use of       through the Temple
ICT Resources’ document, which is outlined in the pages to follow.                    Christian College
It is expected students will use the school’s ICT resources responsibly at all        Laptop Program
times to assist and enhance learning in their courses. Responsible use is in
keeping with the accepted philosophy and standards of the school and the laws
of the Commonwealth of Australia. This extends to acknowledging digital
information sources in accordance with copyright laws by using school
guidelines for references and bibliographies.
It is the school’s expectation that student use of digital resources will always be
related to the school curriculum and authorised school activities.
To support learning using digital resources, the school will endeavour to provide
students with:
                                                                                       Access to a laptop is
    •   Access to school online digital learning resources                             subject to parents
    •   Access to digital equipment, according to learning needs                       and students
    •   An individually assigned laptop computer, as determined by the school,         completing the
                                                                                       Laptop Agreement
        according to current school policy.

2020 Information Booklet - Welcome to Marion Middle School - Temple Christian College
Laptop Program

Students are expected to maintain a positive and productive learning
                                                                                   Students are
environment, by:                                                                   expected to maintain
                                                                                   a positive and
        Keeping personally assigned laptop computers secure and in good            productive learning
        order at school and at home.                                               environment by
                                                                                   adhering to the
        Ensuring individually assigned laptop computers are:                       responsibilities
                stored and carried in school-provided bags                        outlined within the
                fully charged overnight                                           ICT User Agreement
                available for study at school every school day
                securely locked in lockers when not in use during the
                    school day
                stored safely at home when not in use

        Protecting personal network passwords and especially not sharing the
        passwords with other people, in or out of school.

        Following teacher instruction with regards to appropriate and timely use
        of the digital equipment and resources.

        Promptly informing the ICT Department of damage to, breakdowns or
        loss of, digital equipment or resources:
                  informing the ICT Department as soon as possible, along
                      with providing an explanation of the problem
                  giving the ICT Department access to any digital equipment
                      in question as soon as possible.

        Communicating with others and publishing material online in an
        appropriate and ethical manner at all times.

        Adhering to Temple Christian College, SACE Board, State, and Federal
        Government laws regarding plagiarism, defamation, access to and use
        of illegal software, sites and materials.

Parents/guardians are required to pay an excess in the event of accidental         are required to pay an
damage to the laptop computer. The excess for accidental damage is $100.           excess in the event of
Accidental damage includes the breakage of the laptop screen.                      accidental damage to
                                                                                   the laptop computer.
There is also a requirement to pay an excess for a lost or stolen laptop. The
excess for theft, loss or deliberate damage is $100.

Laptop Program

How will the laptops be used in the classroom?

The use of devices in the classroom has evolved since their introduction at
Temple Christian College as students and teachers have become more
familiar with them. The device can be used to record and document
information, then share learning. Staff and students collaborate and use the
device as a tool that develops the student as information seeker, analyser
and evaluator, problem-solver and decision-maker. Students have access to
programs that enable them to create ways in which to communicate their
findings and become publishers of their own work.

The nature of the 1:1 environment is that students will have their laptop with
them and available for use throughout the school day. This does not mean         The use of laptops
that they will be used in every class. Like other learning tools, the use of     will depend on the
laptops will depend on the particular learning activity and this is at the       particular learning
discretion of the teacher. Laptop activities will blend with others such as      activity and this is at
writing, reading, discussion, debate and testing and students will find that     the discretion of the
their use of the laptop will vary from day to day.                               teacher.

What about safe internet use?

Appropriate use of the Internet within the Temple Christian College network
is closely monitored by a filtering system which allows for inappropriate        Temple Christian
content blocking by a regularly updated list of categories and sites. The        College has policies
                                                                                 in place such as the
college already has policies in place such as the "Responsible Use of ICT
                                                                                 "Responsible Use of
Resources" policy to ensure appropriate use of technology and the Internet.
                                                                                 ICT Resources"
                                                                                 policy to ensure
An additional policy has been developed which parents and students will be
                                                                                 appropriate use of
required to sign. Teachers, students and parents share the responsibility to
                                                                                 technology and the
ensure safe and responsible use of devices at all times
Will the student’s files on the device be private?

Students can expect their device to be periodically inspected and monitored
                                                                                 Students and parents
for appropriate usage. College personnel may request access to the browser
                                                                                 need to be aware that
history and/or caches as well as any and all files belonging to the student
                                                                                 files stored locally or
resident on the laptop as well as stored on the College servers. Students and    on College servers are
parents need to be aware that files stored locally or on College servers are     not private
not private.
What software will the student be using?

Students will have access to the same software that is provided on all other
computers at Temple Christian College. This software includes the complete       Student software
Microsoft Office suite and the Adobe Creative Suite collection.                  includes the complete
                                                                                 Microsoft Office suite
Students using the laptops do not have administrator access to the machine       and the Adobe
and cannot change settings or install programs. This ensures a consistent        Creative Suite
experience for all students using the program. The laptops are managed by
the server with updates and settings pushed out automatically.

Laptop Program
Is the laptop password protected?

Yes. The College will have the laptops set up so students will be prompted to
log on with their network username and password when turning on the device.              Laptops are password
A password protected device should help protect students’ personal information           protected
in incidents of loss or theft. Students will not be given administrator level access
to the laptops.
Where do the devices go when not in use?

When not in use, the devices must be stored in the student's locker. The locker
must be locked.

What about flat batteries?
                                                                                         Students are
Students are expected to charge the device overnight and to bring it fully               expected to charge
charged to school each day. The devices are fitted with an eight hour battery,           the device overnight
so charging at school is usually not necessary. The school will provide some             and to bring it fully
power boards for emergency charging, but students must not assume that                   charged to school
recharging will be available.                                                            each day

What about insurance?
The laptops come with an accidental damage insurance policy. Damage to the
                                                                                         The laptops come with
laptops not covered under manufacturer's warranty involves lodging a claim
                                                                                         an accidental damage
with the insurance provider and may take an extended period of time to resolve.          insurance policy
This also attracts and excess, which will be charged to the parent/caregiver.
What is included in the laptop program?

All laptops come with a 3 year warranty, supported at the College, as well as
supported from the company. Accidental Damage Insurance is included with
the payment of an excess. All of the software required will be installed on the
Do students or the school own the laptop?

Although the laptop is owned by the school (for reasons above), shared                   The laptop is owned
ownership means:                                                                         by the school
• Students and Families take responsibility for a laptop
• Students and Families get the benefits from having 24/7 access
Will students need to take their laptop home every night?

Yes, students will need to take their laptop home every night in order to ensure
that the laptop battery has 100% charge at the start of each school day.
What if students misuse the laptop?

Using a laptop in class is a privilege (not a right). It is still up to the teacher to
decide when it is appropriate to use the laptop. If a student has ‘messed with’          Using a laptop in
                                                                                         class is a privilege
their laptop so that it doesn’t work for school work, it will be reimaged back to
                                                                                         (not a right)
the original system (losing any data on it). Only as a last resort (for malicious
intent or continued misuse) would the student lose the use of their laptop.

Laptop Program
1.   College Ownership and Responsibilities
•   The College retains full ownership of all laptop computers issued to students for learning.
•   The College holds licensing of and responsibility for all software installed on College digital devices.
•   The College takes responsibility for updating digital devices, software and learning resources.
•   Students must return laptop computers, including battery chargers and laptop bags issued to them before leaving
    the College.
•   The College acknowledges the possibility that after the three year life cycle of the laptop has expired, parents
    could choose to purchase the laptop for a nominal sum.
Backup of Student Work
•   Students need to ensure that they retain a backup of their data. To assist in this matter the College provides
    network access to a personal drive that is backed up each night. In addition, the College recommends the
    purchase of a separate external hard drive for backup purposes.
Service and Support
•   The College is committed to supporting, as far as is practical, uninterrupted access to digital learning resources
    for students.
•   The College provides an accessible Helpdesk facility to support student maintenance of laptop computers. The
    Helpdesk is staffed by ICT personnel between the hours of 8 am to 4 pm on school days for student access.
•   There is an expectation that students fully charge their laptop computers at home each night. The laptop charger
    must not be brought to school. Charging facilities will only be made available under extenuating circumstances.
Warranty Repair
•   College laptops have a manufacturer warranty that covers defects during the period that students will be using
    the device. The warranty does not cover negligence, abuse, accidental or malicious damage. If the laptop is
    damaged by negligence, abuse or malicious damage, then the parents are responsible for paying for the
    replacement or repair of the laptop.
•   If a College laptop has a hardware defect or failure, the student must take it as soon as possible to the ICT
    Helpdesk, where an ICT staff member will ask the student to complete a Warranty Claim form with parental
    guidance. The Warranty Claim form must be returned to the ICT Helpdesk as soon as possible, preferably on the
    following school day.
•   If a student has to return a laptop for warranty service, the College ICT staff will issue the student with a
    replacement laptop until the original laptop is repaired. In cases where the original laptop is not repairable, the
    student will retain the replacement laptop.
Accidental Damage
•   All College laptops have an accidental damage and theft insurance plan. This plan does not cover negligence,
    abuse or malicious damage. If the laptop is damaged by negligence, abuse or malicious damage, then the
    parents are responsible for paying for the replacement or repair of the laptop.
•   If accidental damage occurs the student must notify the ICT Helpdesk as soon as possible.
    The student must collect an Insurance Claim form from the ICT Helpdesk and complete it at home with
    parent/guardian guidance. The Insurance Claim form must be returned to the ICT Helpdesk as soon as possible.
•   Students affected by the accidental damage incidents are issued replacement laptops to use until the orignal
    device is repaired or returned. If the original is not able to be repaired or recovered, the student retains the
    replacement laptop as their ongoing laptop.
Theft and Loss
•   In the event of theft the student’s parents/guardians must lodge a police report and obtain a police report number.
•   Theft or loss of the laptop must be reported as soon as possible to the ICT Helpdesk. The student must collect a
    Notification of Theft or Loss form from the ICT Helpdesk and complete it at home with parent/guardian guidance.
•   All theft or loss claims are liable for an excess payable by the parents/guardians of the student. Claims made will
    attract a fee of $100
•   If a laptop is lost or stolen the student must notify the ICT Helpdesk as soon as possible. The student must
    collect a Notification of Theft or Loss form from the ICT Helpdesk and complete it at home with parent/guardian
    guidance. The Theft or Loss form must be returned to the ICT Helpdesk as soon as possible.

Laptop Program
2.   College Digital Resources

•    Students have one-to-one access to individually assigned laptops which they can use in class and at home to
     support their learning.
•    In specialist learning areas, like AV Studies, Music and Art, students have access to dedicated desktop
     computers to support their classroom learning (Campus specific).
•    Student access to a variety of mobile digital devices, such as iPads, tablets and ActivExpression devices, is
     available according to learning activities managed by staff. (Campus specific).
•    The College provides students with access to a broad variety of licensed software programs, including the Office
     and Adobe suites, on individually assigned laptops and on dedicated classroom desktops.
•    Students do not need additional software for learning beyond the software provided by and licensed to the
     College. If additional software is deemed necessary by staff to support learning, ICT staff will assist students with
     installing the necessary software on their computers.
•    Students have access to printers across the campus to print schoolwork and the College encourages students to
     print at school, when a hard copy is required. For compatibility reasons the ICT Helpdesk cannot assist with
     connecting laptops to home printers.
Learning Resources
•    The College provides students with access to digital resources, including assessment and lesson plans, task
     sheets, course booklets, discussion boards and blogs to support their learning.
•    The College provides students with secure and monitored access to the internet to support their learning.

3.   Student Responsibilities

•   Students, when required, will engage with laptops in classrooms to support and enhance their learning.
•   Students will use laptops safely.
•   When laptops are not required for learning activities during lessons, students will follow staff instructions to
    ensure the laptops are safely stored, and laptops are logged off and in ‘sleep’ mode.
Social Activity
•   The College provides students with personal email addresses. Students can use College email for
    communication directly related to organising and undertaking learning and College extracurricular activities. The
    College does not provide, or support student use of, College email for general social communication.
•   The College neither provides nor supports student access to, or use of, social networking sites like Facebook or
    MySpace. Students must not use College computers to access social networking sites.
•   Except when required for specific courses and learning activities directed by staff, students must not access,
    store, or play games on College computers.
•   Students must ensure that their laptop batteries are fully charged upon arrival at school. Laptop chargers are
    provided by the College to be left at home for this purpose.
•   Students must bring their laptop to College every school day unless otherwise advised.
•   The College provides a protective case for laptops. Students must keep their laptops in the cases to avoid
•   Students must handle their laptops and associated digital devices carefully to avoid damage.
•   Students must carry College laptops to and from school in the laptop case provided within their College school
•   During lessons when laptops are not required for learning, students should either store their laptops carefully in a
    place in the classroom designated by a staff member, or lock their laptops in their lockers.
•   At recess and lunchtime breaks, and during extra-curricular activities on campus, students must securely store
    their laptops in locked lockers if not in use.
•   When moving between locations laptops must be closed and remain zipped inside the case.
•   At home, students must organise with their parents/guardians a place to securely store their laptops, especially
    over weekends and when the family is not at home.
•   Students must not eat or drink, or have or use potentially damaging materials, near their laptops.

Laptop Program
3. Student Responsibilities
•   Students must keep information about computer passwords private at all times. They must not share password information, for
    any reason, with other people.
•   When travelling to and from school laptops must remain out of sight within the student’s school bag.
•   Laptops are issued to individual students and the devices have unique identities on the College network. Students must not
    allow other people access to their laptops.
•   If it is suspected another person knows a student’s password, the ICT Helpdesk should be informed as soon as possible.

4. Responsible Computer and Internet Use
Internet Access
•    Students must not tamper with, alter, delete or disable network settings or spam, virus or filtering protection
     settings. They must not use 3G or similar network connectivity devices on campus to bypass the College
•    Students can access home internet using the College laptops. However, they must not tamper with, alter, delete
     or disable existing network settings or spam, virus or filtering protection settings.
•    Web sites viewed on College computers must be associated with specific College approved learning activities.
     The College ICT department logs student web access on all College computers.
•    Students must keep their College network password private.
•    Students must always log off from the network or lock the device if they leave their workspaces, even for a few
     moments, to ensure no one else can access their laptops.
•    Students must not send chain or hoax letters, or emails containing harmful viruses. If students are aware that
     their laptops have potential or actual viral infection, they must immediately bring their laptops to the ICT
•    Students must not publicly publish personal information on internet web sites, without express permission from
     parents/guardians and the College staff. They must not reveal their names, home and email addresses, contact
     numbers or credit card details.
•    Students must respect the privacy of others. They must not ask for, nor acquire, other people’s passwords. They
     must not access other people’s network accounts or files. They must not reveal names, home and email
     addresses, contact numbers or credit card details of other people.
•    Students must respect confidentiality by not sharing confidential emails sent to them. They must not share
     documents or images belonging to, or involving, other people unless they have received express permission to
     do so.
•    Students must contribute positively to the College community’s public reputation. They must not publish College
     details or activities online without approval from an authorised College representative. They must not publish
     online any images, comments or documents that defame, denigrate or compromise the College community’s
     public reputation.
•    Students should report any offensive, abusive, sexually suggestive or discriminatory comments they receive
     online to a responsible adult. They must seek advice from a trusted adult if they are made to feel uncomfortable
     by any form of digital communication.
•    Students must not use College digital devices to create or send offensive, abusive, sexually suggestive or
     discriminatory documents, messages or images. They must not use digital devices to harass, bully or make
     anyone feel uncomfortable.
Copyright and Intellectual Property
•    Students must respect the rights of other creators by acknowledging all digital sources of information, including
     documents, images and audio-visual presentations, they use to create and publish College work. This includes
     web sites visited during investigations and research. They must apply College approved in-text referencing and
     bibliographical conventions wherever possible.
•    Students must not use digital technology to copy or plagiarise the creative work of others.
Online Gaming
•    Students must not download or store games on College computers, or use a third-party device like a USB to play
     games on College computers.
•    Students must not play games on College computers. The only exceptions will be games specifically used for
     learning that is approved by College staff.

Laptop Program
4. Responsible Computer and Internet Use
Social Networking
•   Students must not engage with social networking sites, like Facebook and MySpace, on College computers. The
    College acknowledges the importance of social networking in wider life, but places priority on College devices
    being used only for approved College activities.
•   Students have access to email to enable them to receive and send communication related to their learning.
    Students should not use College email for personal or social communication.
•   Students must not use instant messaging software and sites for personal or social communication on College

5. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
•   Parents/guardians are expected to support the College digital learning program by endorsing relevant College
    policies and guiding their children in adhering to the practices highlighted in this document.
•   Parents/guardians are encouraged to provide Internet access at home for their children who are enrolled at the
    College to allow their children to engage in continued learning at home.
•   Parents/guardians are encouraged to guide and monitor their children’s Internet practices and behaviours in
    keeping with the College’s Responsible User Agreement.
•   Parents/guardians pay an annual Laptop Hire Levy per student to contribute to the cost of the device, laptop
    insurance and laptop warranty. General tuition fees (as in the past) contribute towards the costs of network and
    wireless infrastructures, internet access and service, hardware and software maintenance, daily support for
    students, and repairs.
•   Parents/guardians are liable to pay an excess for theft and loss claims related to laptops issued to their children.
    Claims made will attract a fee of $100 per claim.
•   The College endeavours to provide students with access to all the necessary digital resources they need to learn
    and complete courses. Parents/guardians may choose to support their children’s learning by providing additional
    digital resources at home at their own cost.

6. Behaviour Management of Inappropriate Use
Deliberate and Malicious Damage
•   Deliberate and/or malicious damage by students to College digital devices is a serious behavioural management
•   Where there is evidence of, or admission by, students causing deliberate and/or malicious damage to College
    digital devices, the Assistant Principal – Student Development is informed. The Assistant Principal – Student
    Development determines appropriate intervention regarding the students and liaises with the parents/guardians
    of students identified as responsible for the damage.
•   Costs associated with repair and/or replacement of deliberately or maliciously damaged College digital devices
    are apportioned, at the College’s discretion, to the parents/guardians of students identified as responsible for the
Harassment and Bullying
•   Use of College digital devices, software and internet access by students to create or send offensive, abusive,
    sexually suggestive or discriminatory documents, messages or images is a serious behavioural management
•   Where there is evidence of, or admission by, students harassing or bullying other people, the Assistant Principal
    Student Development is informed. The Assistant Principal – Student Development determines appropriate
    intervention regarding the students involved, liaises with the parents/guardians of the students, and may also
    contact other authorities if required.
Inappropriate Internet Use
•   Use of College digital devices to access, share, publish to, or create inappropriate web sites or web site materials
    is a serious behavioural management matter.
•   Where there is evidence of, or admission by, students using College digital devices to access, share, publish to,
    or create inappropriate web sites or web site materials, the Assistant Principal – Student Development is
    informed. The Assistant Principal – Student Development determines appropriate intervention regarding the
    students involved, liaises with the parents/guardians of the students, and may also contact other authorities if

Laptop Program
6. Behaviour Management of Inappropriate Use
Consequences of inappropriate use
•   Inappropriate use of College ICT resources may result in suspension from the network, which involves a total
    loss of access privileges for a period of time to be determined by the Assistant Principal – Student Development.
•   No special consideration will be given to any student whose account has been disabled.
•   Students must realise this may affect classroom tasks and assignment deadlines.

Any concerns or questions regarding the Temple Christian College Laptop Program can be directed to the
ICT Department located at the Temple Christian College Mile End Campus via email at:

The ICT Help Desk operates between 8.00 am – 4.00 pm Monday to Friday during the school term and
can be contacted via the contact details below:
    • Email: helpdesk-me@templecc.sa.edu.au
    • Phone: 8405 0930

Please note: The ICT Helpdesk is not open on:
    • Public holidays
    • Christmas/New Year Period
    • College Staff Professional Development Days


All students attending Temple Christian College (Mile End and Paralowie
Campuses, Year 7 to 12) are required to wear the official School Uniform to and
from School, during the School day, when participating in School sport and
when attending any formal School functions.

In keeping with this requirement all students enrolled in year levels 7 to 10 in
2020 at the Sunrise Christian School Marion Campus, attending the Temple
Christian College Marion Middle School will be encouraged to transition to the
Temple Christian College uniform at their earliest possible opportunity.

Students enrolled from Year 7 will be required to wear a school blazer as part of
the official uniform. As the Sunrise Middle School uniform (blazer and jumper) is
being phased, it is strongly recommended that a full Temple Christian College
                                                                                    Students are
uniform be purchased and worn.
                                                                                    encouraged to
                                                                                    transition to the
Once the full Temple Christian College uniform has been purchased, it will
                                                                                    Temple Christian
cover students all the way through to the completion of Year 12 at the Mile End
                                                                                    College uniform at
                                                                                    their earliest possible
Special Note: Students are not permitted to mix and match between the
Sunrise Christian School and the Temple Christian College uniform at any
time. Full uniform guidelines must be adhered to for each school.
                                                                                    Students from Year 7
                                                                                    in 2020 will be
AVAILABILITY                                                                        required to wear a
The Temple Christian College Mile End Campus Uniform Shop stocks and                school blazer
will source all of the elements that are required for all of the uniform
requirements for the Temple Christian College Marion Middle School.
Detailed within the next few pages is a host of valuable information regarding      Students are not
the availability and policy expectation surrounding the wearing of the Temple       permitted to mix and
Christian College Uniform.                                                          match between the
                                                                                    Sunrise and Temple

Mile End Campus- Full fitting service available
Parents wishing to take advantage of the fitting service and view available      A full fitting service
second hand items, are encouraged to arrange an appointment with the             and access to
Uniform Shop Manager at the Temple Christian College Mile End Campus as          second hand items is
per the trading hours and contact details below:                                 available via the
                                                                                 Temple Christian
Mile End Campus Uniform Shop Trading Hours                                       College Uniform
                                                                                 Shop located at the
During School Terms                                                              Mile End Campus
    • Tuesday 8am to 3.30pm
    • Thursday 8am to 3.30pm
During School Holidays
    • Dates will be advertised on the Mile End Website in advance

Contact Details
        Andy Mitchell                                                            Fitting appointments
        Uniform Shop Manager                                                     and enquiries can be
        Phone 08 8405 0958                                                       directed to the
        Email andy.mitchell@tcc.sa.edu.au                                        Uniform Shop

Marion Campus Uniform Ordering Service

Parents wishing to coordinate their uniform needs from the Marion Campus will    A full set of uniform
have access to the full range of uniform items to try on. Once selections have   items will be available
been made, orders will be taken and placed with the Uniform Shop Manager         at the Marion Campus
who will coordinate payment and delivery.                                        for students to try on
                                                                                 and place orders
Uniform Order Form

Enclosed with this booklet is a Temple Christian College Uniform Shop Order
Form that can be used to place orders. Completed forms can be returned to
the Sunrise Christian School Administration Office.                              The enclosed
                                                                                 Uniform Shop Order
Uniform Shop Price List                                                          Form can be returned
                                                                                 to the Sunrise
All available items are listed on the 2020 Uniform Shop Price List on the next   Christian School
page. Prices are accurate as at the date of printing and many change.            Administration Office
Please refer to the website for updates.

2020 Uniform Shop Price List

GIRLS                                                               BOYS
Socks – Long & Short                        $8.00                   Grey Shorts                          $40.00
Tights                                      $8.00                   Long Sleeve Shirts                   $45.00
Hair Ties                                   $5.00                   Trousers                             $44.00
Summer Dress                 8 - 24        $90.00                   Summer Over shirts                   $35.00
Blouse                                     $36.00                   Black Belts                          $10.00
Winter Skirt                               $85.00                   Grey Socks - long                     $8.00

GIRLS & BOYS                                                        GIRLS & BOYS
Blazer                     10 - 24        $185.00                   Scarves                              $10.00
Jumpers                    10 - 30         $72.50                   Beanies                               $8.00
Vests                        6 - 22        $50.00                   Gloves                               $12.00
Ties                                       $20.00                   Rain Jackets            XS – 3XL     $25.00
School Back Packs            Large         $65.00                   Hats                    54 - 60cm    $15.00
                          Medium           $60.00                   Shoes                    MidFord     $85.00
                           Trolley         $80.00                                           Girls/Boys
                                                                                                 Globe   $85.00

DANCE UNIFORM - Branded                                             SPORTS UNIFORM
Leotards                                   $40.00                   Sports Shorts                        $32.00
Bike Pants                                 $35.00                   Sports Polo Tops                     $45.00
Flare Tights                               $46.00                   Track Pants                          $45.00
X-Over Top                                 $40.00                   Sports Socks                          $8.00
White Top                                  $32.00                   Football/Soccer                      $10.00
Unitard (all in one)                       $60.00                   Sports Jackets                       $80.00
Male Pants                                 $55.00                   Rugby Tops                           $80.00
Male Singlet                               $35.00

Uniform Shop Manager: Andy Mitchell
Phone: 08 8405 0958
Email: andy.mitchell@tcc.sa.edu.au

Prices are accurate at the date of printing and may change. Refer to website for updates.

Students are to familiarise themselves with all expectations in regards to the    A range of
wearing of the School Uniform and the various rules governing presentation,       consequences is in
grooming, the wearing of non-school items and unacceptable accessorising. A       place for students
range of consequences is in place for students who are in breach of the School    who are in breach of
Uniform Code.                                                                     the School Uniform
Appearance and presentation
 • All students are required to wear the School uniform which is purchased
from the School Uniform Shop.                                                     Appearance and
• The uniform is to be worn with pride and respect ensuring all items are in a    presentation
state of good repair and fit well.
• The uniform is to be worn from the time a student leaves home until the
student returns home.
• Summer and winter uniform is not to be mixed.
• Students not correctly presented will not be able to attend normal classes if
the correct uniform item cannot be delivered to the school.
• Non-school items will be confiscated for the remainder of the Term.
• A range of consequences are in place for non-compliance.

Terms 1 and 4
 • In Terms 1 and 4 boys and girls are required to wear the formal summer
uniform with regulation school shoes.
• The PE uniform is to be worn only on a day when a PE lesson is scheduled.
The PE jacket may be worn if required.
• The formal jumper is not part of the PE uniform but it may be worn to and
from school for additional warmth under PE jacket.
                                                                                  Formal summer
• A school issue hat must also be worn on each occasion a student is
                                                                                  uniform is worn in
outdoors during the course of the school day.                                     Terms 1 & 4
• The blazer is to be worn on special occasions and on excursions during
Terms 1 and 4.

Terms 2 and 3
• In Terms 2 and 3 boys and girls are required to wear the formal winter
uniform with regulation school shoes.
• The blazer must be worn to and from school and at Assembly, special
occasions, excursions and exams.
• The PE uniform including jacket is to be worn on a day when a PE lesson is
• The formal jumper is not part of the PE uniform but it may be worn to and       Formal winter uniform
from school for additional warmth under PE jacket.                                is worn in Terms 2 & 3
 • The jumper is not to be the outer garment with the PE uniform. Failure to
do so may result in the jumper being confiscated.

Rules for girls
• Hair ties are to be in school colours (bottle green, gold or red) or a colour
which blends in with the natural colour range of hair. The wearing of hair
adornments, novelty clips and accessories is not permitted. Items may be            Rules for girls
• Hair should be neat and tidy. Coloured or streaked hair must be of a natural
shade. Extreme hair styles and colouring is not permitted. Parents will be
contacted to have the matter corrected immediately.
• Long hair and fringes must be securely tied back off the face during manual
arts subjects.
• Girls must have a natural look. Make up removal attracts a $5 fine. Parents
will be advised by SMS.
• Girls are not permitted to wear nail polish. Nail polish removal attracts a $5
fine. Parents will be advised by SMS.
• Girls are also not permitted to wear acrylic/false nails.
• Jewellery is limited to a wrist watch, a small cross or purity ring which is to
be worn on a thin chain around the neck under the uniform, and a maximum
of only one plain gold or silver sleeper or small stud in each ear lobe. No
other form of exposed body piercing (covered/uncovered) is acceptable.

Rules for boys
• Boys are to be clean shaven. Boys who attend school unshaven will be
sent to the Student Services Office to shave. The consequence for this is a
$5 fine. Parents will be advised by SMS.
                                                                                    Rules for boys
• Hair is to be above the collar, is not to be hanging over the eyes and does
not feature plaits or dreadlocks.
• Hair is to be above the collar, is not to be hanging over the eyes and does
not feature plaits or dreadlocks. Whilst boys may wear their hair tied back in
a ‘Man Bun’ at the back of the head, it still must not exceed the prescribed
length showing in dot point 2
 • For OH&S reasons boys may require to tie their hair back in manual arts,
kitchens and PE subjects, whilst working in laboratories or in any other
situation in which long hair may pose a risk.
 • Undercuts must not be shorter than a number 2 and shaving styles or lines
into the hair is not permitted.
• Inappropriate spiking, colouring, or unkempt, bushy, thick hair is not
• Jewellery is limited to a wrist watch and a small cross on a thin chain which
may be worn around the neck under the school uniform. Boys are not
permitted to wear earrings, piercings and other jewellery. No form of exposed
body piercing (covered/ uncovered) is acceptable.

Sports uniform (girls and boys)
• The sports uniform is compulsory for all students in Years 7 to 9 and
                                                                                    Sports uniform rules
students undertaking PE as a subject in Years 10 to 12.
                                                                                    for girls & boys
• In Terms 1 and 4 the school hat is compulsory for all outdoor activities
during school hours. Miscellaneous Items
• Bottle green raincoat or protective jacket
• Dance costume (for those involved in dance)
• Swimming - Modest bathing costume (girls); - Appropriate bathers (boys)
Please Note: Jewellery that does not comply with school regulations will be
confiscated until end of Term. BODY PIERCINGS AND STUDS, even if
clear, are not permitted. Students will be instructed to remove these items
and will be subject to further consequences. Items will be kept until end of

Uniform and dress code for special occasions

Casual Days
• The School holds Casual Days as fundraisers for the various Missions           Special rules for
supported by the School at various points during the year.                       casual days
• Participation in a Casual Day is voluntary. However, students participating
in the fundraiser are to ensure they bring the stipulated amount of money
which is part of the fundraising event.
• Students not participating must wear the required uniform on the day. •
Students are to appreciate that even when dressed in casual clothing they
are to dress as advised in the Student Notices leading up to the Casual Day.
• Students undertaking manual arts on a Casual Day must wear closed in
shoes (Home Ec, Art, Tech Studies).
• Students will be advised via student notices of clothing deemed as “not
appropriate” for casual day.
• School Leadership will determine necessary action to be taken if students
are inappropriately dressed or presentation is not deemed as suitable for

• Examinations are conducted at the end of Semester 1 and during Term 4          Special rules for
for students in Years 8 to 10.                                                   examinations
 • As a formal event on the School Calendar Formal Uniform must be worn.
 • Formal Winter Uniform with Blazer is required for Examinations conducted
at the end of Semester 1.
• Formal Summer Uniform is required for Examinations conducted in Term 4.
The Blazer is not required.
• Correct footwear must be worn.
• Students are to pay particular attention to ensure they are well presented
and well groomed.
• Students who attend school and are not compliant with the Dress and
Grooming Code may find they are unable to sit the examination.

• Unless otherwise stated formal uniform with blazer is worn on School
• Students representing the School in sports events must wear correct PE
• Any variations to either of the above situations will be advised in writing.

Presentation Night
• Presentation Night is the most formal evening in the School Calendar.
• Girls are to wear their Formal Summer Uniform with long white socks and        Special rules for
blazer. Only hair ties in school colours which are worn to tie the hair back     presentation night
may be worn. Hair adornments (flowers, etc) must not be worn.
• Boys are to wear their Formal Summer Uniform with their blazer. Boys
faces are to be clean shaven and hair is to be compliant with information
outlined previously.

Please Note: In South Australia it is against the law for a person under the
age of 18 to get a tattoo. Tattoos are prohibited at Temple Christian College.
Students who are 18 years of age are not permitted to get a tattoo whilst
attending Temple Christian College. The Principal will be advised
immediately. Students must realise their enrolment at the school may be
withdrawn for a breach of this matter.

Temple Christian College Uniform Guide- Summer

Summer Girls – Term 1 & 4

                  School Blazer – Please note the blazer may be required for a
                                      formal excursion, performance or event.

                       Summer Dress – School pattern – length to be mid knee
                                                     when standing straight.

                                Summer Socks – Plain white knee high socks.
                   Plain white ankle socks (not low cut anklets or sports socks).

 School Shoes - Sturdy, black, leather, lace up school shoes with suitable tread
                                                                and small heel.

Summer Boys – Term 1 & 4

                  School Blazer – Please note the blazer may be required for a
                                      formal excursion, performance or event.

        Summer Shirt – Short-sleeved, open neck, school shirt worn untucked.

                                      Summer Shorts – Grey, melange shorts.

                    School Socks – School grey socks with bottle green stripe.

                   School Shoes - Sturdy, black, leather, lace up school shoes
                                            with suitable tread and small heel.

Temple Christian College Uniform Guide- Winter

                          Winter Girls – Term 2 & 3

                          Winter Shirt – Fawn shirt to be worn with top button done up.

                          Winter Tie – School tie worn in place over top button.

                          Jumper or Vest – Bottle green jumper or vest worn under the Blazer.

                          School Blazer – Bottle green blazer compulsory with winter uniform.
                          To be worn to and from school, at Assemble and or excursions and
                          formal occasions.

                          Winter Skirt – School tartan – length to be mid knee when standing straight.

                          Winter Stockings or Socks – Bottle green 70 denier opaque stocking
                          Knee high fawn socks.

                          School Shoes - Sturdy, black, leather, lace up school shoes with suitable tread
                          and small.

                          Winter Boys – Term 2 & 3
                          Winter Shirt – School green striped shirt to be worn with top button done up.

                          Winter Tie – School tie worn in place over top button.

                          Jumper or Vest – Bottle green jumper or vest worn under the Blazer.

                          School Blazer – Bottle green blazer compulsory with winter uniform.
                          To be worn to and from school, at Assemble and or excursions and
                          formal occasions.

                          Winter Trouser – Grey melange college trousers with belt loops.
                          Suit belt with small gold or silver buckle.

                          School Socks – School grey socks with bottle green stripe.

                          School Shoes - Sturdy, black, leather, lace up school shoes with
                          suitable tread and small heel.

Temple Christian College Uniform Guide- Sports

School Hat – Bottle green
    hat with school logo.

                                                                                          Sports Polo Top – Bottle
                                                                                          green polo top with school
Sports Polo Top – Bottle                                                                  logo.
      green polo top with
            school logo.                                                                  Sports Jacket – Bottle
                                                                                          green school PE jacket
                                                                                          In Terms 2 and 3 the
                                                                                          formal jumper may be
                                                                                          worn underneath the PE
   Sports Shorts – Bottle                                                                 jacket for additional
        green shorts with                                                                 warmth and removed with
             school logo.                                                                 the jacket.
                                                                                          Sport Track Pants –
                                                                                          Bottle green school track
    Sport Socks – White                                                                   pants.
    printed sports socks.
                                                                                          Sport Socks – White
                                                                                          printed sports socks.
      School Shoes - All
      students must have                                                                  School Shoes - All
   compliant cross-trainer                                                                students must have
     type sports shoes or                                                                 compliant cross-trainer
       approved runners.                                                                  type sports shoes or
                                                                                          approved runners.

 Additional Information

 If PE uniform is required for an outdoor excursion or school event other than a PE event it will be noted on
 the Excursion Consent Form to be signed by parents and returned to the School.

 The PE Uniform is NOT to be worn for any other subject without authorisation in writing from the subject
 teacher. Students must change into their PE uniform for the lesson and change back into formal uniform
 before the end of the lesson ready for their next class.

Thank You
On behalf of all of the team at the Sunrise Christian School Marion Campus and
Temple Christian College Middle School, we’d like to take this opportunity to
thank you for taking the time to work through this information booklet.
We sincerely appreciate your assistance in completing all the necessary forms
for 2020.
Should you have any additional questions or need assistance with the
completion of the forms please do not hesitate to contact us. Attached below for
your future reference are the contact details for the various key personnel
supporting the Temple Christian College Marion Middle School.

Andrew Clayton
Sunrise Christian School
Marion Campus
286 Sturt Road, Marion, SA 5043
8465 6004
Contact Kristen Wade

PRINCIPAL – Temple Christian College
Marcel Rijken
Temple Christian College
2 Henley Beach Road, Mile End, SA 5031
8405 0900
Contact - Tracy Montesi

Phil Paterson
Sunrise Christian School
Marion Campus
286 Sturt Road, Marion, SA 5043
8465 6004

Andy Mitchell
Temple Christian College
2 Henley Beach Road, Mile End, SA 5031
8405 0958

Help Desk
Temple Christian College
2 Henley Beach Road, Mile End, SA 5031
8405 0900

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