2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.

Page created by Kent Miller
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.

        Your Benefits, Your Choice.
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
Welcome to the County of San Mateo! ............................................................................................................................. 3
Who You Can Cover .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Dependent Eligibility Verification ...................................................................................................................................... 5
When You Can Make Changes to Your Benefits ................................................................................................................. 6
When Your Benefits Terminate ......................................................................................................................................... 7
What’s New in 2021? ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Medical Benefits ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Dental Benefits ................................................................................................................................................................12
Cost of Health and Dental Benefits ...................................................................................................................................13
2021 Semi-Monthly Cost of Medical Benefits ...................................................................................................................14
Making the Most of Your Benefits Program ......................................................................................................................16
Medical ...........................................................................................................................................................................17
Vision ..............................................................................................................................................................................28
Getting Care When You Need It Now ...............................................................................................................................29
Enhanced Services ...........................................................................................................................................................32
Employee Assistance Program..........................................................................................................................................32
Health and Wellness ........................................................................................................................................................36
Life Insurance ..................................................................................................................................................................39
Supplemental (Additional) Life Insurance .........................................................................................................................41
Short Term Disability Insurance........................................................................................................................................42
Travel Assistance .............................................................................................................................................................43
Health Savings Account ....................................................................................................................................................44
Flexible Spending Account ...............................................................................................................................................45
Additional Benefits ..........................................................................................................................................................49
Additional Benefits ..........................................................................................................................................................55
       MyBenefits.LifeTM (Replacing Ben-IQ) ..........................................................................................................................59
Contact Numbers .............................................................................................................................................................60
Key Terms ........................................................................................................................................................................61
Important Plan Notices and Documents ...........................................................................................................................63

       Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                                                          2
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
Welcome to the County of San Mateo!
Welcome to the 2021 Employee Benefits Guide, your single source document for the information you need to
make informed decisions about your benefits for yourself and your family.

The 2021 Employee Benefits Guide is intended to be a summary of some of the benefits offered to you and
your family including:

             •   health insurance
             •   dental insurance
             •   vision insurance
             •   life and disability insurance
             •   flexible spending accounts

Health and wellness resources are also featured in this guide to help you create and achieve a more balanced,
healthier, and productive well-being.

Additional information and forms about these employee benefits and others are available online at

The benefits described herein are offered to eligible employees of the County of San Mateo. All benefits are
subject to change and there is no guarantee that these benefits will be continued indefinitely. The descriptions
are general and are not intended to provide complete details about any or all plans. Exact specifications for all
plans are provided in the official Plan Documents, copies of which are available at

For an overview of benefits by Bargaining Unit, go to the Employee Benefits website and click on Benefits at a

Thank you,

The Benefits Team

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                        3
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
Who You Can Cover
WHO IS ELIGIBLE?                                              WHEN CAN I ENROLL?
All regular and probationary employees working 20 or          Coverage for new hire begins on the 1st of the month
more hours a week are eligible to enroll in the County’s      following date of hire. New employees who do not make
Health, Dental and Vision programs.                           an election within 31 days of becoming eligible will
                                                              automatically be enrolled for employee only coverage
You may enroll the following family members in our
                                                              under the Kaiser Traditional HMO.
medical, dental and vision plans.
                                                              Open enrollment for next plan year is generally held in
    •    Your current spouse or domestic partner.             October. Open enrollment is the one time each year
    •    Your natural children, stepchildren, domestic        that employees can make changes to their benefit
         partner’s children, foster and/or adopted            elections without a qualifying life event.
         children under 26 years of age
                                                              Make sure to submit a Workday event within 31 days if
    •    Your disabled children age 19 or older.
                                                              you have a qualifying life event and need to make a
    •    A tax-qualified dependent                            change (add or drop) to your coverage election. These
                                                              changes include (but are not limited to):
County employees who are married or a dependent of
another County employee must maintain dental and                  •   Birth or adoption of a baby or child
vision coverage through the County but may elect to               •   Loss of other healthcare coverage
waive this coverage and enroll under the                          •   Eligibility for new healthcare coverage
spouse/domestic partner’s during Open Enrollment.                 •   Marriage
Please contact Benefits Division during the open
                                                                  •   Divorce
enrollment period if you have questions.
                                                              You have 31 days from the qualifying life event to make
This is a brief description of the eligibility requirements   your change in Workday.
and is not intended to modify or supersede the
requirements of the plan documents. The plan
documents will govern in the event of any conflict            ADDING OR REMOVING DEPENDENTS?
between this description and the plan documents.
                                                              You are responsible for updating your dependent status
                                                              via Workday during the plan year (marriage, birth,
WHO IS NOT ELIGIBLE?                                          death, divorce, dissolution of domestic partnership,
                                                              ineligibility of dependent child due to age/school status,
Family members who are not eligible for coverage              etc.). Such notification must be made within 31 days
include (but are not limited to):                             that the status change occurs. Failure to submit
                                                              notification in a timely manner may impact dependent
• Parents, grandparents, and siblings.                        eligibility for health care continuation under COBRA, and
• Any individual who is covered as an employee of             may result in you incurring liability for medical expenses
  County of San Mateo cannot also be covered as a             for non-eligible dependents.
• Employees who work less than 20 hours per week,
  temporary employees, contract employees, or
  employees residing outside the United States.

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                               4
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
Dependent Eligibility Verification
All employees adding dependents will be asked to upload documentation in Workday verifying eligibility of
their covered dependents. The following chart is an easy guide to which form and documents must be
submitted. Failure to submit appropriate documentation will result in dependent’s ineligibility for coverage.

   Dependent Type                   Eligibility Definition                     Documents Required for
                                                                                 Verifying Eligibility
 Spouse                       • Person to whom you are legally        • Marriage Certificate
                              • Meet County Domestic Partner          • County of San Mateo Affidavit of
                                Eligibility Requirements                Domestic Partnership -or-
 Domestic Partners
                              • Must be at least 6 months             • Declaration of Partnership filed with the
 At least 18 years old
                                between any domestic                    California Secretary of State
 Natural Child(ren)           • Minor or Adult Child(ren) of          • Birth Certificate
                                Employee who is under age 26yrs
 Under Age 26

 Step Child(ren)              • Minor or Adult Child(ren) of          • Birth Certificate –and-
                                Employee Spouse who is under          • Marriage Certificate showing Spouse as
 Under Age 26                   age 26yrs                               Parent
                              • Minor or Adult Child(ren) legally • Court documentation (Must include
 Children Legally               adopted by Employee who is          presiding Judge Signature & Court Seal)
 Adopted/Wards                  married or unmarried under age
 Children of Domestic         • Minor or Adult Child(ren) of      • County of San Mateo Affidavit of
 Partners                       Employee Domestic Partner who is    Domestic Partnership –and-
                                under age 26yrs                   • Birth Certificate
 Under Age 26

                              • Natural Child, Step Child or          • Birth Certificate –and-
 Disabled Children              Adopted Child of Employee who is      • Certification of Disability from Social
                                over age 26yrs and incapable of         Security
 No age limit                   self-care due to physical or mental   • -or-
                                illness.                              • Document of Disability from Physician if
                                                                        not SSA Certified
 Other Qualifying             • Meets Requirements of IRS Code.       • Birth Certificate Showing Individual to be
 Relatives                      Sec. 105(b)                             an Eligible Relative –and-
                              • under age 26yrs                       • County of San Mateo Affidavit of Tax
 Under Age 26                                                           Qualifying Dependent

Both the Affidavit of Tax Qualifying Dependent and the Affidavit for Domestic Partnership are available online
at http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits; click on Benefits Forms.

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                         5
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
When You Can Make Changes to Your Benefits
Other than during the annual “open enrollment” period, you may not change your coverage unless you
experience a qualifying event. Qualifying events include:

   •      Change in legal marital status, including marriage, divorce, legal separation, annulment, registration
          or dissolution of domestic partnership, and death of a spouse
   •      Change in number of dependents, including birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or death of a
          dependent child
   •      Change in employment status, including the start or termination of employment by you, your spouse,
          or your dependent child
   •      Permanent change in work schedule, including a significant increase or decrease in hours of
          employment by you, your spouse, or your dependent child, including a switch between part-time and
          full-time employment that affects eligibility for benefits
   •      Change in a child's dependent status, either newly satisfying the requirements for dependent child
          status or ceasing to satisfy them
   •      Change in your health coverage or your spouse's coverage attributable to your spouse's employment
   •      Change in an individual's eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid
   •      A court order resulting from a divorce, legal separation, annulment, or change in legal custody
          (including a Qualified Medical Child Support Order) requiring coverage for your child or dependent
          foster child
   •      An event that is a special enrollment event under HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and
          Accountability Act), including acquisition of a new dependent or spouse or loss of coverage under
          another health insurance policy or plan if the coverage is terminated because of:
              o   Voluntary or involuntary termination of employment or reduction in hours of employment or
                  death, divorce, or legal separation;
              o   Termination of employer contributions toward the other coverage, OR if the other coverage
                  was COBRA Continuation Coverage, exhaustion of the coverage
Removing Dependents

    •     Dependents who gain other coverage elsewhere must be dropped within 31 days. Proof of other
          group coverage will need to be uploaded in the Workday Event

Important!—Three rules apply to making changes to your benefits during the year:

        1. Any changes you make must be consistent with the change in status,
        2. You must make the changes within 31 days of the date the event (marriage, birth, etc.) occurs,
        3. With the exception of births, life events take effect the first of the following month after the life event
           effective date.

  Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                              6
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
When Your Benefits Terminate
Your medical, dental and vision plan coverage ends on the last day of the month following your date of
termination or loss of eligibility. For example: if termination date is March 14, benefits will end on March
31. If termination date is March 31, benefits will end on March 31.

You may continue benefits during a family leave of absence according to federal guidelines and in conjunction
with the County’s policy for a limited period of time after termination, or under your federal and state COBRA
rights. Your coverage ends on the date of your termination for your Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Group
Life/AD&D, Long Term Disability (LTD), and Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Upon termination of loss of eligibility, employees can port or convert their Life Insurance coverage. For more
information, please refer to page 38.

For more information on COBRA, please refer to page 67.

An employee taking family/medical leave will be allowed to continue participating in any health and welfare
benefit plan in which he/she was enrolled before the first day of leave (for a maximum of 12 work-weeks) at
the level and under the same conditions of coverage as if the employee had continued in employment for the
duration of such leave. The County will continue to make the same premium contributions as if the employee
had continued working. The continued participation in health benefits begins on the date leave first begins
under the Family and Medical Leave Act (e.g. for pregnancy disability leaves) or under the Family and Medical
Leave Act/CFRA (e.g. for all other family care and medical leaves).

In some instances, the County may recover premiums it paid to maintain health coverage for you if you fail to
return to work following pregnancy disability leave.

Employees on family/medical leave who are not eligible for continued paid coverage may continue their group
health insurance coverage at their own expense in conjunction with the federal COBRA guidelines. Employees
should contact the Human Resources department for further information. Under most circumstances, upon
return from family/medical leave, an employee will be reinstated to his or her original job or to an equivalent
pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions. However, an employee has no greater right to
reinstatement than if he or she had been continuously employed rather than on leave. For example, if an
employee on family/medical leave would have been laid off or terminated had he or she not gone on leave, or
if the employee’s job is eliminated during the leave and no equivalent or comparable job is available, then the
employee would not be entitled to reinstatement.

An employee’s use of family/medical leave will not result in the loss of any employment benefit that the
employee earned before using family/medical leave.

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                      7
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
What’s New in 2021?

             ·From fitness clubs and family attractions to weight management and whitewater rafting,
              LifeBalance offers discounts on purchases and activities that help County employees stay active,
              reduce stress, and live life to the fullest at no cost to employees. More information about this
              new program can be found on page 51

                         Benefits Coordinator Corporation (BCC) will replace Optum as the HSA administrator
                         beginning 2021. Refer to page 43 to find more about HSA.

          Bye, Ben-IQ, welcome MyBenefits.Life!

The Ben-IQ app will be transitioning to this new and improved, MyBenefits.Life (MBL). MBL is a web portal
AND a mobile app that house all benefits-related information – information where and when you need it.

Please see page 58 for more information.


If you are 65 or older and retiring soon, we wanted to let you know about our NEW Blue Shield Medicare PPO

The County is excited to introduce a new Blue Shield Medicare PPO Advantage Plan with Prescription Drug
being offered to Retirees who are 65 years or older. This new Medicare Advantage PPO Plan provides
comprehensive medical coverage, at a significantly lower cost, with access to see any Medicare contracted
doctor or hospital with a defined predictable co-payment schedule – not only in California, but nationwide.

Plan ahead! Remember, the health plan you are enrolled in at the time of retirement is the Medicare health
plan you will be enrolled in on your retirement date or when you turn 65.

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                     8
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
Medical Benefits
The County’s medical plans are designed to help maintain wellness and protect you and your family from
major financial hardships in the event of illness or injury. The County offers a choice of medical plans
through Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente.

•       HMO – a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) in which patients seek medical care from a doctor
        participating in the plan’s network. If you join Blue Shield, you select a PCP within Blue Shield’s network
        of doctors. Most services and medicines are covered with a small co-payment. Any specialty care you
        need will be coordinated through your PCP and will require a referral or authorization. More
        information about Blue Shield’s health plan benefits is available at http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-
        benefits; click on Medical Plans.

•       Trio ACO HMO – Trio is powered by a new innovation in healthcare: the accountable care organiza�on
        (ACO). An ACO is a network of doctors and hospitals that share responsibility in providing high-quality
        coordinated care when needed while lowering the cost of delivering care more efficiently.

        Trio works similar to a traditional HMO plan.

•       PPO – a Preferred Provider (PPO) plan allows members the choice and flexibility to receive medical
        services from a PPO network doctor or out-of-network doctor.
                 o   In Network (PPO): Medical services are provided through the Blue Shield PPO network. You
                     are responsible for paying an annual deductible and a percentage of the cost of the services
                     (generally 20% of Blue Shield’s allowable amount).
                 o   Out-of-network: This allows you to access services through any licensed doctor or hospital.
                     You are responsible for paying a deductible and a higher annual percentage of the cost of care
                     (generally 40% of Blue Shield’s allowable amount).

    •     High Deductible Health Plan - This is a plan that works in conjunction with a Health Savings Account
          (please see page 43). You use the same PPO Network that you would under the standard PPO plan. All
          of your preventative services are covered in full. You pay for the entire cost of non-preventive services
          until you satisfy your annual deductible. From that point, you pay 10% of the cost for non-preventive
          services until you reach your Calendar Year Maximum. At that point, do not pay out of pocket for any
          services the rest of the year.

        Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                     9
2021 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OVERVIEW - Your Benefits, Your Choice.
Medical Benefits

•   Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - a plan in which patients seek medical care within the plan’s
    own facilities. Under this plan, most services and medicines are covered with a small co-payment. You
    select your doctor, or Primary Care Provider (PCP), from the staff at a local Kaiser Permanente facility.
    All of your care is provided at a Kaiser facility. Services outside of a Kaiser facility are not covered except
    if it is a life-threatening emergency. More information about Kaiser’s health plan benefits is available at
    http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits ; click on Medical Plans.

•   High Deductible Health Plan - This is a plan that works in conjunction with a Health Savings Account
    (please see page 43). You use the same Kaiser facilities that you would under the standard Kaiser plan.
    All of your Preventative services are covered in full. You pay for the entire cost of non-preventive
    services until you satisfy your annual deductible. From that point, you pay 10% of the cost for non-
    preventive services until you reach your Calendar Year Maximum. At that point, do not pay out of pocket
    for any services the rest of the year. More information about Kaiser’s health plan benefits is available at
    http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits ; click on Medical Plans.

Eligible employees who are members of the Building and Construction Trades Council also have the option of
choosing the Operating Engineer’s plan which includes health (either a PPO or a Kaiser HMO plan), dental and
vision benefits.

For more information about the Operating Engineers Plan, contact Benefits Division at 650-363-1919 or email

    Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                         10
Medical Benefits

 Consider an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) if:
    •     You want lower, predictable out-of-pocket costs                Plans To Consider
    •     You like having one doctor manage your care                           •   Blue Shield Access+ HMO
    •     You are happy with the selection of network providers                 •   Blue Shield Trio ACO
    •     You don’t see any doctors that are out-of-network                     •   Kaiser Traditional HMO

 Consider a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) if:
  •      You want to be able to see any provider, even a specialist,     Plan To Consider
         without a referral                                                     •   Blue Shield Full PPO
  •      You want access to one of the largest national networks in
         the Country, with the ability to see any licensed provider in
         the nation, regardless of whether or not the provider is in
         the network

 Consider a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) if:
•       You want to be able to see any provider, even a specialist,      Plans To Consider
        without a referral                                                      •   Blue Shield High
•       You are willing to pay more to see out-of-network providers                 Deductible Health Plan
•       You want tax-free savings on your healthcare costs                      •   Kaiser High Deductible
•       You want to build a savings account for future healthcare                   Plan (HMO)
        costs for you and your eligible family members
•       You want an extra way to add to your re�rement savings

More information about our health plan benefits is available at http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits ;
click on Medical Plans.

    Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                 11
Dental Benefits
The County offers two dental plans for employees: Cigna PPO and DeltaCare DHMO. Employees are required
to enroll in one of these two plans.

 Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan in which dental services are provided through Cigna’s PPO
 network. However, you can choose any dentist in any location inside or outside of the Cigna network. How
 much you pay for dental services depends on how long you have worked for the County, your represented
 group, and whether you choose a participating Cigna dentist. If you choose a non-participating dentist, you
 pay the difference between the amount the dentist receives from Cigna (the “allowable amount”) and the
 dentist’s charges. Pre-authorization from Cigna is recommended for charges of $250 or more. Orthodontic
 treatment is not a covered service.       More information about the Cigna plan is available online at
 http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits; click on Dental Plans.

 These 3 buy-up options are still available to represented employees with more than 1 year of service:
           o   Core Dental Plan Plus Option #1 with $4,000 Maximum
           o   Core Dental Plan Plus Option #2 with $4,000 Orthodontia Coverage
           o   Core Dental Plan Plus Option #3 with $4,000 Max and Ortho Coverage

 The dental buy-up option with $4,000 orthodontia coverage is still available to Management, Confidential,
 District Attorney/County Counsel, and Sheriff Sergeant.

                Employees who are enrolled in any of the buy-up plans are required to stay in the plans for
                a minimum of two (2) years.

  DeltaCare – a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) plan that is affiliated with Delta Dental.
 Under this plan, you must select a DeltaCare USA dentist and you must visit your selected dentist for all of
 your dental care. There are no claim forms to complete, no deductibles, and no co-pays for most services.
 More information about the DeltaCare plan is available online at htp://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits;
 click on Dental Plans.

  Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                     12
Cost of Health and Dental Benefits
What is the cost to enroll in the County’s health and dental plans?
Both employees and the County share in the cost of your health coverage. The amount of the premium you
are responsible for depends on your employment status (full-time, 3/4 time or 1/2 time), the number of your
dependents (if any) covered, and the specific plan you choose. For purposes of determining health premium
costs, a full time employee works 40 hours per week, a half-time employee works 20-29 hours per week, and a
¾ time employee works 30-39 hours per week.

The employee portion of the premiums is automatically deducted from your paycheck on a semi-monthly pre-
tax basis. The tables on the next page list each health plan’s monthly premium cost for both the employee and

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                    13
2021 Semi-Monthly Cost of Medical Benefits
                              Full Time Employees            3/4 Time Employees           1/2 Time Employees            Total       Total
                           Employee         County         Employee        County       Employee        County      Semi-Monthly   Monthly
Blue Shield HMO
                             Cost            Cost            Cost           Cost          Cost           Cost         Premium      Premium
Employee Only               89.20           505.50          215.57        379.13          341.95        252.75         594.70      1189.40
Employee +1                 178.41          1010.99         431.16        758.24          683.90        505.50         1189.40     2378.80
Employee + Family           252.45          1430.56         610.09        1072.92         967.73        715.28         1683.01     3366.02

                              Full Time Employees            3/4 Time Employees           1/2 Time Employees            Total       Total

                           Employee         County         Employee        County       Employee        County      Semi-Monthly   Monthly
Blue Shield TRIO HMO
                             Cost            Cost            Cost           Cost          Cost           Cost         Premium      Premium

Employee Only               69.77           395.35          168.61         296.51         267.44        197.68         465.12      930.24
Employee +1                 139.54          790.70          337.21         593.03         534.89        395.35         930.24      1860.48
Employee + Family           197.44          1118.85         477.15         839.14         756.86        559.43         1316.29     2632.58

                              Full Time Employees            3/4 Time Employees           1/2 Time Employees            Total       Total

                           Employee         County         Employee        County       Employee        County      Semi-Monthly   Monthly
Blue Shield PPO
                             Cost            Cost            Cost           Cost          Cost           Cost         Premium      Premium

Employee Only               184.36          553.08          322.63        414.81          460.90        276.54         737.44      1474.88
Employee +1                 382.91          1148.73         670.09        861.55          957.27        574.37         1531.64     3063.28
Employee + Family           557.18          1671.53         975.06        1253.65        1392.94        835.77         2228.71     4457.42

                              Full Time Employees            3/4 Time Employees           1/2 Time Employees            Total       Total
                           Employee         County         Employee        County       Employee        County      Semi-Monthly   Monthly
Blue Shield HDHP
                             Cost            Cost            Cost           Cost          Cost           Cost         Premium      Premium
Employee Only                71.70          406.32          173.28         304.74        274.86         203.16         478.02       956.04
Employee +1                 143.41          812.63          346.57         609.47        549.72         406.32         956.04      1912.08
Employee + Family           202.92          1149.89         490.39         862.42        777.86         574.95        1352.81      2705.62

                              Full Time Employees            3/4 Time Employees           1/2 Time Employees            Total       Total
                           Employee         County         Employee        County       Employee        County      Semi-Monthly   Monthly
Kaiser HMO
                             Cost            Cost            Cost           Cost          Cost           Cost         Premium      Premium
Employee Only               52.40           297.89           52.40         297.89         200.84        149.45         350.29      700.58
Employee +1                 104.79          594.78          253.23         446.34         401.68        297.89         699.57      1399.14
Employee + Family           148.27          841.21          358.32         631.16         568.38        421.10         989.48      1978.96

                              Full Time Employees            3/4 Time Employees           1/2 Time Employees            Total       Total
                           Employee         County         Employee        County       Employee        County      Semi-Monthly   Monthly
Kaiser HDHP
                             Cost            Cost            Cost           Cost          Cost           Cost         Premium      Premium
Employee Only               41.14           234.10           41.14         234.10         157.69        117.55         275.24      550.48
Employee +1                 82.27           467.20          198.82         350.65         315.37        234.10         549.47      1098.94
Employee + Family           116.42          660.67          281.34         495.75         446.25        330.84         777.09      1554.18

PPO, Dental & Vision         Full Time Employees           3/4 Time Employees            1/2 Time Employees            Total        Total
                                                                                                                    Semi-Monthly   Monthly
                          Employee cost   County cost   Employee cost   County cost   Employee cost   County cost
                                                                                                                      Premium      Premium
Employee Only                44.45         400.05          144.46         300.04         244.47         200.03        444.50       889.00
Employee +1                  88.85         799.65          288.76         599.74         488.67         399.83        888.50       1777.00
Employee + Family            120.00        1080.00         390.00         810.00         660.00         540.00        1200.00      2400.00

Kaiser, Dental & Vision      Full Time Employees           3/4 Time Employees            1/2 Time Employees             Total       Total
                                                                                                                    Semi-Monthly   Monthly
                          Employee cost   County cost   Employee cost   County cost   Employee cost   County cost
                                                                                                                      Premium      Premium
Employee Only                45.10         405.90          146.57         304.43         248.05         202.95         451.00       902.00
Employee +1                  90.15         811.35          292.99         608.51         495.82         405.68         901.50      1803.00
Employee + Family            117.60        1058.40         382.20         793.80         646.80         529.20        1176.00      2352.00

    Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                14
2021 Semi-Monthly Cost of Medical Benefits
Confidential, District
                          Core Dental Plan (No max, no       Management Buy up- Core plus
                                ortho coverage)               Buy-Up (4k Ortho Coverage)
Counsel, Sheriff
                                                         1                                  1
                         Employee Cost    County Cost        Employee Cost    County Cost
Employee Only                                                    23.17
Employee + 1                 7.27             65.39              40.66           65.39
Employee + 2 ore more                                            53.38

                                                                                         Cigna Dental PPO

All other represented                                         Year 2+ Actives - Core plus        Year 2+ Actives - Core plus      Year 2+ Actives - Core plus Buy-Up 3 (4k
                           Core Dental Plan (2.5k Max)
employee groups                                                   Buy-Up 1 (4k Max)             Buy-Up 2 (4k Ortho Coverage)             Max & 4k Ortho Coverage)
                                                         1                                  1                                 1                                         1
                         Employee Cost    County Cost        Employee Cost    County Cost       Employee Cost   County Cost         Employee Cost         County Cost
Employee Only                                                    12.22                              17.53                               23.89
Employee + 1                 5.86             52.77              19.24           52.77              30.38          52.77                43.76                52.77
Employee + 2 ore more                                            24.35                              39.72                               58.19

                               Delta Care DHMO                     VSP Vision Care
                         Employee cost    County cost         Employee cost County cost
Confidential, District
Attorney/County              2.25            20.24
Counsel, Sheriff                                                  0.00            8.26
All other represented
                             2.25            20.24
employee groups

                            VSP Vision Care Buy-Up
                         Employee cost   County cost
Employee Only                2.66
Employee + 1                 5.59            8.26
Employee + 2 ore more        7.99

    Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                                                15
Making the Most of Your Benefits Program
Helping you and your family members stay healthy and making sure you use your benefits program to its best
advantage is our goal in offering this program. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Harder than it sounds, of course, but many health
problems are avoidable. Take action—from eating
well, to getting enough exercise and sleep. Taking
care of yourself takes care of a lot of potential

                                                             AN APPLE A DAY
Know and understand your options before you
decide on a course of treatment. Informed patients           Eating moderately and well really does help keep
get better care. Ask for a second opinion if you're          the doctor away. Stay away from fat-heavy,
at all concerned.                                            processed foods and instead focus on whole grains,
                                                             vegetables, and lean meats to be the healthiest
                                                             you can be.
Having a relationship with a PCP gives you a                 USING THE EMERGENCY ROOM
trusted person who knows your unique situation
when you're having a health issue. Visit your PCP            Did you know most ER visits are unnecessary? Use
or clinic for non-emergency healthcare.                      them only in a true emergency—like any situation
                                                             where life, limb, and vision are threatened.
                                                             Otherwise, call your doctor, your nurse line, or go
GOING TO THE DOCTOR?                                         to an Urgent Care clinic. You'll save a lot of money
To get the most out of your doctor visit, being              and time.
organized and having a plan helps. Bring the
following with you:                                          BE MED WISE!
• Your plan ID card                                          Always follow your doctor's and pharmacist's
• A list of your current medications                         instructions when taking medications. You can
• A list of what you want to talk about with your            worsen your condition(s) by not taking your
  doctor                                                     medication or by skipping doses. If your medication
                                                             is making you feel worse, contact your doctor.
If you need a medication, you could save money by
asking your doctor if there are generics or generic
alternatives for your specific medication.

   Questions? Contact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                        16
Medical coverage provides you with benefits that help keep you healthy, like preventive care screenings and
access to urgent care. It also provides important financial protection if you have a serious medical condition.

                                                  Blue Shield               Blue Shield TRIO             Kaiser Traditional                    Kaiser
                                                     HMO                       HMO Plan                        HMO                             HDHP

                                                    In-Network                   In-Network                    In-Network                  In-Network

   Annual Deductible                           $0 per individual            $0 per individual            $0 per individual            $1,500 per individual
                                               $0 family limit              $0 family limit              $0 family limit              $3,000 family limit

   Annual Out-of-Pocket Max
    Individual                                 $1,000                       $1,000                       $1,500                       $3,000
    Family                                     $3,000                       $3,000                       $3,000                       $6,000

     Physician/Professional Services

   Office Visits

   Physician & Specialist                      $15 copay                    $15 copay                    $15 copay                    Plan pays 90% after
   Access+ Specialist
   (Allows you to seek care from
   a specialist without a referral
                                               $30 copay                    $30 copay                    Not allowed                  Not allowed
   from your PCP)

   Telemedicine                                $5 per consultation          No charge                    No Charge                    No Charge

   Preventive Services                         Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%

   Chiropractic and                            $10 copay                    $10 copay                    $15 copay                    Not covered
   Acupuncture Care                            (up to 30 visits per year)   (up to 30 visits per year)   (up to 20 visits per year)

   Lab and X-ray                               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%               $5 copay then plan pays Plan pays 90% after
                                                                                                         100%                    deductible


   Testing and Treatment                       50% of allowable             50% of allowable             50% of allowable             50% of allowable
                                               Charge                       Charge                       Charge                       Charge after deductible
   Assisted Reproductive
   Technology (ART) Services                   Not Covered                  Not Covered                  50% of allowable             50% of allowable
   GIFT, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), ZIFT,
   Transfer of cryopreserved embryos
                                                                                                         Charge                       Charge after deductible

   Artificial Insemination                     Not Covered                  Not Covered                  50% of allowable             50% of allowable
                                                                                                         Charge                       Charge after deductible

     Family Planning

   Physicians Family Planning
                                               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%

                                                                                                         $50 per procedure            Plan pays 90% after
   Vasectomy                                   $75/surgery                  $75/surgery

                                               Plan pays 100%               Plan pays 100%               $50 per procedure            Plan pays 90% after
   Tubal Ligation

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                                     17

                                     Blue Shield          Blue Shield TRIO         Kaiser Permanente            Permanente
                                        HMO                  HMO Plan               Traditional HMO                HDHP

                                     In-Network                In-Network                In-Network              In-Network

Hospital Benefits

Inpatient Hospitalization        $100 admission           $100 admission           $100 admission copay     Plan pays 90% after
                                 copay                    copay                                             deductible

Outpatient Surgery               $50 copay                $50 copay                $50 copay                Plan pays 90% after

Urgent Care                      $15 copay                $15 copay                $15 copay                Plan pays 90% after

Emergency Room                   $100 copay               $100 copay               $100 copay               Plan pays 90% after
                                 (waived if admitted)     (waived if admitted)     (waived if admitted)     deductible

Mental Health Services

                                                                                                            Plan pays 90% after
Inpatient Hospital               $100 per admission       $100 per admission       $100 per admission

                                                                                                            Plan pays 90% after
Outpatient                       $15 copay                $15 copay                $15 copay; $7 group

Substance Abuse Services

                                                                                                            Plan pays 90% after
Inpatient Hospital               $100 per admission       $100 per admission       $100 per admission

                                                                                                            Plan pays 90% after
Residential Care                 $100 per admission       $100 per admission       $100 per admission

                                                                                                            Plan pays 90% after
Outpatient                       $15 copay                $15 copay                $15 copay; $5 group

Other Services

Transgender                      Covered                  Covered                  Covered                  Covered
                                 (see plan document for   (see plan document for   (see plan document for   (see plan document for
                                 limitations)             limitations)             limitations)             limitations)

Durable Medical Equipment                                                                                   Plan pays 90% after
                                 No charge                No charge                20% coinsurance

Orthotic and Prosthetic                                                                                     No charge after
                                 No charge                No charge                No charge
Devices                                                                                                     deductible

Skilled Nursing Facility
                                                                                                            Plan pays 90% after
Up to 100 days per Member, per   No charge                No charge                No charge
Benefit Period

Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                           18

Prescription drug coverage provides a benefit that is important to your overall health, whether you need a
prescription for a short-term health issue like bronchitis or an ongoing condition like high blood pressure. Here
are the prescription drug benefits that are included with our medical plans.

                                     Blue Shield of CA                               Kaiser Permanente
                            HMO                      TRIO                 Traditional HMO         HDHP

                            In-Network                In-Network                In-Network                In-Network
                                                                                                       (After Plan Deductible)


   Generic             $15 per prescription     $15 per prescription    $10 per prescription      $10 per prescription

   Preferred Brand     $25 per prescription     $25 per prescription    $20 per prescription      $30 per prescription

   Non-preferred       $40 per prescription     $40 per prescription    $20 per prescription      $30 per prescription

   Specialty Drugs     20% up to $100 max                               $20 per prescription      $30 per prescription
                       per prescription                                 (30 day supply)

   Supply Limit        30 days                  30 days                 100 days                  30 days

   Mail Order

   Generic             $30 per prescription     $30 per prescription     $10 per prescription      $20 per prescription

   Preferred Brand     $50 per prescription     $50 per prescription     $20 per prescription      $60 per prescription

   Non-preferred       $80 per prescription     $80 per prescription     $20 per prescription      $60 per prescription

   Specialty Drugs     Not Covered              Not Covered              $20 per prescription      Not Covered
                                                                         (30 day supply)

   Supply Limit        90 days                  90 days                  100 days                  100 days

This summary is intended as a quick reference not a comprehensive description. For more plan information, please go to
Benefits Employee’s website at www.smcgov.org

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                      19

                                                               Blue Shield                                      Blue Shield of CA
                                                                PPO Plan                                              HDHP

                                          In-Network                     Out-Of-Network               In-Network                 Out-Of-Network

   Annual Deductible
      Individual                  $200                                $500                                              $1,500
      Family                      $600                                $1,000                                            $3,000

   Annual Out-of-
   Pocket Max                     $2,000                              $4,000                                $3,000                     $6,000
                                  $4,000                              $8,000                                $6,000                     $12,000

   Lifetime Max                   Unlimited                           Unlimited                            Unlimited                  Unlimited

   Physician/Professional Services

   Office Visits

   PCP & Specialist               Plan pays 80%                       Plan pays 60% after      Plan pays 90% after           Plan pays 60% after
                                                                      deductible               deductible                    deductible

   Telemedicine                   $5 per consultation                 Not Covered              $5 per consultation           Not Covered

   Preventive                                                         Plan pays 60% after
                                  Plan pays 100%                                               Plan pays 100%                Not covered
   Services                                                           deductible

   Chiropractic and                                                                            Plan pays 90% after           Plan pays 50% after
   Acupuncture Care               Plan pays 80% after                 Plan pays 60% after      deductible (up to 20 visits   deductible (in-network
                                  deductible                          deductible (in-network   per year)                     limitations apply)
                                  (up to 30 visits per year)          limitations apply)
                                                                                               Acupuncture: Not Covered      Acupuncture: Not Covered

   Lab and X-ray                  Plan pays 80% after                 Plan pays 60% after      Plan pays 90% after           Plan pays 60% after
                                  deductible                          deductible (up to $350   deductible                    deductible
                                                                      per day)


   Testing and                    Not Covered                         Not Covered              Not Covered                   Not Covered

   Assisted                       Not Covered                         Not Covered              Not Covered                   Not Covered
   Technology (ART)
   GIFT, In Vitro Fertilization
   (IVF), ZIFT, Transfer of
   cryopreserved embryos

    Artificial                    Not Covered                         Not Covered              Not Covered                   Not Covered

This summary is intended as a quick reference not a comprehensive description. For more plan information, please go to
Benefits Employee’s website at www.smcgov.org

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                             20
                                           Blue Shield                                      Blue Shield of CA
                                            PPO Plan                                              HDHP

                              In-Network                 Out-Of-Network           In-Network                    Out-Of-Network

   Family Planning

   Physicians Family    Plan pays 100%                Plan pays 60% after     Plan pays 100%            Not covered
   Planning Services                                  deductible

                        Plan pays 80% after           Not covered             Plan pays 90% after       Not covered
                        deductible                                            deductible

                        Plan pays 100%                Plan pays 60% after     Plan pays 100%            Not covered
   Tubal Ligation

   Hospital Services

   Inpatient            Plan pays 80% after           Plan pays 60% after     $100 copay then plan      Plan pays 60% after
   Hospitalization      deductible                    deductible              pays 90% after            deductible (up to $600 per day)
                                                      (up to $600 per day)    deductible

   Outpatient           Plan pays 80% after           Plan pays 60% after     Plan pays 90% after       Plan pays 60% after
   Surgery              deductible                    deductible              deductible                deductible (up to $350 per day)
                                                      (up to $350 per day)

   Urgent Care          Plan pays 80%                 Plan pays 60% after     Plan pays 90% after       Plan pays 60% after
                                                      deductible              deductible                deductible

   Emergency Room                             $100 copay                       $100 copay then plan pays 90% after deductible
                                         (waived if admitted)                               (copay waived if admitted)

   Mental Health Services

   Inpatient Hospital                                  Plan pays 60% after    $100 copay then plan       Plan pays 60% after
                        Plan pays 80% after
                                                       deductible             pays 90% after             deductible (up to $600 per
                                                       (up to $600 per day)   deductible                 day)

   Outpatient                                          Plan pays 60% after    Plan pays 90% after        Plan pays 60% after
                        Plan pays 80%                  deductible             deductible                 deductible (up to $350 per
                                                       (up to $350 per day)                              day)

   Substance Abuse Services

   Inpatient Hospital                                  Plan pays 60% after    $100 copay then plan       Plan pays 60% after
                        Plan pays 80% after
                                                       deductible             pays 90% after             deductible
                                                       (up to $600 per day)   deductible                 (up to $600 per day)

   Residential Care     Plan pays 80% after            Plan pays 60% after    Plan pays 90% after        Plan pays 60% after
                        deductible                     deductible             deductible                 deductible
                                                       (up to $600 per day)                              (up to $600 per day)

   Outpatient                                          Plan pays 60% after    Plan pays 90% after        Plan pays 60% after
                        Plan pays 80%                  deductible                                        deductible
                                                       (up to $350 per day)                              (up to $350 per day)

This summary is intended as a quick reference not a comprehensive description. For more plan information, please go to
Benefits Employee’s website at www.smcgov.org

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                               21

                                                  Blue Shield                                     Blue Shield of CA
                                                   PPO Plan                                             HDHP

                                In-Network                 Out-Of-Network             In-Network               Out-Of-Network

   Other Services

                         Covered                         Covered                  Covered                  Covered
   Transgender           (see plan document for          (see plan document for   (see plan document for   (see plan document for
                         limitations)                    limitations)             limitations)             limitations)

   Durable Medical       Plan pays 80% after             Plan pays 60% after      Plan pays 90% after      Plan pays 60% after
   Equipment             deductible                      deductible               deductible               deductible

   Orthotic and          Plan pays 80% after             Plan pays 60% after      Plan pays 90% after      Plan pays 60% after
   Prosthetic Devices    deductible                      deductible               deductible               deductible

   Skilled Nursing       Plan pays 80% after             Freestanding SNF:        Plan pays 90% after      Freestanding SNF:
   Facility              deductible                      Plan pays 80% after      deductible               Plan pays 90% after
   Up to 100 days per                                    deductible                                        deductible
   Member, per Benefit
                                                         Hospital-based:                                   Hospital-based:
                                                         Plan pays 60% after                               Plan pays 60% after
                                                         deductible                                        deductible
                                                         (up to $600 per day)                              (up to $600 per day)

This summary is intended as a quick reference not a comprehensive description. For more plan information, please go to
Benefits Employee’s website at www.smcgov.org

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                         22

                                                       Blue Shield of CA
                                                PPO Plan                 HDHP

                          In-Network         Out-Of-Network           In-Network           Out-Of-Network


   Tier 1              $15 per              25% + $15 per          $10 per prescription   25% + $10 per
                       prescription         prescription                                  prescription

   Tier 2              $30 per              25% + $30 per          $25 per prescription   25% + $25 per
                       prescription         prescription                                  prescription

   Tier 3              $45 per              25% + $45 per          $40 per prescription   25% + $40 per
                       prescription         prescription                                  prescription

   Tier 4 (excluding   20% up to            25% up to $200 per     30% up to $200 per     25% up to $200 per
   Specialty)          $100/prescription    prescription PLUS      prescription           prescription PLUS 25%
                                            25% of purchase                               of purchase price

   Supply Limit        30 days              30 days                30 days                30 days

   Mail Order

   Tier 1              $30 per              Not covered            $20 per prescription   Not covered

   Tier 2              $60 per              Not covered            $50 per prescription   Not covered

   Tier 3              $90 per              Not covered            $80 per prescription   Not covered

   Tier 4 (excluding   20% up to            Not covered            30% up to              Not covered
   Specialty)          $200/prescription                           $200/prescription

   Supply Limit        90 days              Not applicable         90 days                Not applicable

    Specialty Drugs

   Specialty Drugs     20% up to $100       Not covered            30% up to $200 per     Not Covered
                       per prescription                            prescription

This summary is intended as a quick reference not a comprehensive description. For more plan information, please go to
Benefits Employee’s website at www.smcgov.org

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                              23


                                                                                                Dental PPO
                                                                 DeltaCare DHMO
                           Dental Benefits                                                  Represented - Actives
                                                                                              Less Than 1 Year
                                                                                            PPO                   OON1
Calendar Year Maximum
                                                                        None               $2,500                 $2,500
Calendar Year Deductible
Individual                                                              None                $100                  $100
Diagnostic and Preventive
Oral Exams
Routine Cleanings
Full Mouth X-rays                                                                      Plan Pays 60%       Plan Pays 60%
                                                                      No Charge
Bitewing X-rays                                                                        No deductible       No deductible
Panoramic X-ray
Fluoride Application
Basic Services
Amalgam/Composite Fillings
Periodontics (Gum disease)                                                             Plan Pays 60%        Plan Pays 60%
                                                                      No Charge
Endodontics (Root Canal)                                                              After deductible     After deductible

Extractions & Other Oral Surgery
Major Services
Crown Repair
Restorative - Inlays and Crowns                                                        Plan Pays 60%        Plan Pays 60%
                                                                      No Charge
Prosthodontics                                                                        After deductible     After deductible

Complex Oral Surgery
                                                                                        Plan Pays 60%
                                                                                                            Plan Pays 60%
Calendar Year Maximum                                                   None         After deductible up
                                                                                          to $1,000
                                                               Child: $1,600 copay
Child to Age 19 and Adult                                                                           Not Covered
                                                               Adult: $1,800 copay
1 Based   on maximum allowable charge (In-Network fee level)

  Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                  24

                                                                  Cigna                                                              Dental PPO
                                                                                            Cigna               Dental PPO
                                                               Dental PPO                                                          Year 2+ Actives -
                                         DeltaCare                                       Dental PPO           Year 2+ Actives -
          Dental Benefits                                   Core Dental Plan -                                                     Core plus Buy Up
                                          DHMO                Represented
                                                                                       Year 2+ Actives -      Core plus Buy Up
                                                                                                                                  Option #3 with $4K
                                                                                       Core plus Buy Up      Option #2 with $4K
                                                                 Actives                                                          Max & $4K Ortho
                                                                                      Option #1 with $4K      Ortho Coverage
Calendar Year Maximum                                         PPO         OON1             PPO      OON1        PPO      OON1       PPO      OON1

                                             None            $2,500       $2,500       $4,000      $4,000      $2,500    $2,500    $4,000    $4,000

Calendar Year Deductible

Individual                                   None             None        None             None     None       None      None      None       None

Diagnostic and Preventive

Oral Exams
Routine Cleanings
Full Mouth X-rays                                             Plan         Plan            Plan     Plan       Plan       Plan      Plan      Plan
                                          No Charge           pays         pays            pays     pays       pays       pays      pays      pays
Bitewing X-rays                                               85%          85%             85%      85%        85%        85%       85%       85%
Panoramic X-ray
Fluoride Application
Basic Services

Amalgam/Composite Fillings

Periodontics (Gum disease)                                    Plan         Plan            Plan     Plan       Plan       Plan      Plan      Plan
                                          No Charge           pays         pays            pays     pays       pays       pays      pays      pays
Endodontics (Root Canal)
                                                              85%          85%             85%      85%        85%        85%       85%       85%
Extractions & Other Oral
Major Services

Crown Repair

Restorative - Inlays and Crowns                               Plan         Plan            Plan     Plan       Plan       Plan      Plan      Plan
                                          No Charge           pays         pays            pays     pays       pays       pays      pays      pays
Prosthodontics                                                85%          85%             85%      85%        85%        85%       85%       85%
Complex Oral Surgery

                                                              Plan                      Plan                    Plan                Plan
                                                            pays 85%      Plan        pays 85%      Plan      pays 85%   Plan     pays 85%   Plan
Calendar Year Maximum                        None
                                                              up to     pays 85%        up to     pays 85%      up to  pays 85%     up to  pays 85%
                                                             $1,000                    $1,000                  $1,000              $1,000
                                         Child to 19:
Lifetime Maximum
                                         $1,600                                                                  Child/Adult          Child/Adult
                                                                Not covered                 Not covered
                                         Adult:                                                                    $4,000               $4,000
1 Out   Of Network Coinsurance Based on Maximum Allowable Charge (In Network Fee Level).

  Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                           25

                                                                                                                         Dental PPO
                                                                                        Dental PPO
Dental Benefits                                      DeltaCare DHMO                                               Management Buy Up - Core
                                                                                     Core Dental Plan -
                                                                                                                   plus Buy Up Option with
                                                                                                                     $4K Ortho Coverage
                                                                                     PPO               OON1          PPO              OON1
Calendar Year Maximum
                                                             None                   None               None          None             None
Calendar Year Deductible
Individual                                                   None                   None               None          None             None
Diagnostic and Preventive
Oral Exam
Teeth Cleaning
                                                                                   Plan Pays          Plan Pays    Plan Pays      Plan Pays
Fluoride Treatment                                       No Charge
                                                                                     100%               100%         100%           100%
Space Maintainers
Basic Services
Amalgam/Composite Fillings
Periodontics (Gum disease)                                                         Plan Pays          Plan Pays    Plan Pays      Plan Pays
                                                         No Charge
Endodontics (Root Canal)                                                             100%               100%         100%           100%
Extractions & Other Oral Surgery
Major Services
Crown Repair
Restorative - Inlays and Crowns                                                    Plan Pays          Plan Pays    Plan Pays      Plan Pays
                                                         No Charge
Prosthodontics                                                                       100%               100%         100%           100%
Complex Oral Surgery
Calendar Year Maximum                                                                          None                            None
Eligible for Benefit                              Child to 19: $1,600                                                    Child/Adult
                                                                                        Not Covered
Lifetime Maximum                                  Adult: $1,800                                                            $4,000
1 Out   Of Network payment based on maximum allowable amount (In-Network level).

  Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                                  26
Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org   27
All regular employees working full-time or part-time (over 20 hours per week) must enroll in the County’s
vision insurance plan. This benefit is fully paid for by the County. More information about the VSP plan is
available online at http://hr.smcgov.org/employee-benefits; click on Vision Plan.

                                                   CORE PLAN                                        BUY-UP PLAN
                                     (Premium Paid for by the County)                               (Employee Paid)
Benefits                                    In-Network                Non-Network           In-Network           Non-Network

Exam                                                 Every 12 months                                   Every 12 months
Lenses/Contacts                                      Every 12 months                                   Every 12 months
Frames                                               Every 24 months                                   Every 12months
                                                                Subject to out of                                Subject to out of
Exam/Prescription Glasses                   $10 / $10                                         $10 / $10
                                                               network allowance                                network allowance
                                       15% off contact fitting and evaluation           15% off contact fitting and evaluation exam,
                                            exam, not to exceed $60                                 not to exceed $60
Exam                                           Copay                 Plan Pays up to:          Copay            Plan Pays up to:
Exam                                      Covered in full                  $50            Covered in full                $50
Anti-reflective coating                    Not covered                                      $35 copay
Single Lenses                             Covered in full                  $50            Covered in full                $50
Bifocal Lenses                            Covered in full                  $75            Covered in full                $75
Trifocal Lenses                           Covered in full                 $100            Covered in full              $100
Lenticular Lenses                         Covered in full                 $125            Covered in full              $125
Ultraviolet (UV) Coating                               Not Covered                        Covered in full         Not covered
                                                $130                                           $200
                                        $150 for featured                                $220 for featured
Frame Allowance                                                            $70                                           $70
                                          frame brands                                     frame brands
                                       $70 Costco frames                                $110 Costco frames
Suncare Option                                         Not Covered                        Covered in full         Not covered
                                         $150 Allowance;                                  $200 Allowance;
Elective                                in lieu of lens and              $105**          in lieu of lens and          $105**
                                              frame*                                           frame*
Medically Necessary                       Covered in full                 $210            Covered in full         $210
* Progressive bifocals may be purchased for the difference in cost
** Contact lenses are in lieu of spectacle lenses and frames

  Looking for the Perfect Pair? Visit eyeconic.com!
  VSP’s online store lets you use apply your benefits directly to your purchase.

  Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                           28
Getting Care When You Need It Now
TYPE            APPROPRIATE FOR          EXAMPLES                            ACCESS & CONTACT INFO
Nurseline       Quick answers from       •   Identifying symptoms            24/7
                a trained nurse          •   Decide if immediate care is
                                             needed                          Kaiser:
                                         •   Home treatment options          (800) 464-4000
                                             and advice                      Blue Shield:
                                                                             (877) 304-0504
Online visit    Minor illnesses and      •   Common cold, flu, fever         24/7
                conditions               •   Headache, migraine
                                         •   Skin conditions                 Kaiser:
                                         •   Allergies                       www.kp.org
                                                                             Blue Shield:

Office visit    Routine medical          •   Preventive care                 Office Hours
                care                     •   Illnesses, injuries
                and overall health       •   Managing existing                To locate a provider:
                management                   conditions                      • Kaiser Permanente
                                                                             • Blue Shield of CA

Urgent care,    Non-life-threatening     •   Stitches                        Vary, up to 24/7
Walk-in         conditions requiring     •   Sprains
clinic          prompt attention         •   Animal bites                     To locate a facility:
                                         •   Ear-nose-throat infections      • Kaiser Permanente
                                                                             • Blue Shield of CA

Emergency       Life-threatening         •   Suspected heart attack or       24/7
room            conditions requiring     •   stroke
                immediate medical        •   Major bone breaks                To locate a facility:
                expertise                •   Excessive bleeding              • Kaiser Permanente
                                         •   Severe pain                     • Blue Shield of CA
                                         •   Difficulty breathing

Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                            29
Enhanced Services
 MOBILE APP                                                             MICROSITE
 The Blue Shield of California app provides BSC members                 Access all the information you need in one
 enhanced 24/7 service and ease-of-access to the                        convenient place – paper-free and online. Get the
 information that matters most. As a member of Blue                     best out of your benefits – visit
 Shield of California, with the app you can:                            www.blueshieldca.com/cosm
          View your benefits, including information on                  Review your plan information 24/7
          custom benefits, general exclusions and benefit               View or download your latest health plan
          maximums                                                      documents at any time.

          Search for doctors and facilities by doctor                   Find doctors, hospitals, specialists, and more
          specialty by location or by name                              Search for providers in our extensive networks by
                                                                        using our simple tool.
          Display your Blue Shield of California ID card                Explore programs and services customized for
          Review your health care team, including your                  Discover how healthy you can be with a variety of
          doctor's credentials, locations and contact                   care options, health programs, and wellness
          information                                                   discounts.
          Find urgent care
          Learn about our benefit discount programs, like
          dental, vision and pharmacy

Experts to help you handle life
Everyone can use a hand sometimes, and LifeReferrals 24/7SM offers convenient support to help you meet life’s
challenges. A simple phone call connects you with a team of experienced professionals ready to assist you with a wide
range of personal, family, and work issues. All of these services, including referrals to community resources, are
confidential and available for no copayment or extra cost.* When you call, you’ll be guided to the appropriate expert,
depending on your needs:

 For matters like relationship            QUESTIONS                                RESOURCES
 problems, stress, and grief, you can     Request referrals for 30-minute          A specialist can provide useful
 talk by phone to trained counselors      consultations with professionals         information and referrals to a wide
 and request face-to-face sessions        about legal matters such as wills, and   range of resources such as child and
 with licensed therapists.                lord/tenant issues, and alternatives     elder care, meal programs &
                                          to litigation; and financial matters     transportation assistance.
                                          such as retirement planning and tax

         You can call LifeReferrals 24/7 toll free, any time, at (800) 985-2405. You’ll also find
                         more information on our Web site, blueshieldca.com.

 Questions? EContact Benefits Division: 650-363-1919 or benefits@smcgov.org                                                 30
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