2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School

Page created by Randall Strickland
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
2 0 2 1 S U M M E R C ATA L O G

                          Inspiring a Love for
                        the Outdoors Since 1994.

  AVAILABLE!                                    LOOK FOR
            MOSS                                 CAMPS!
         WITH EVERY
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
REGISTRATION                                               MOSS STAFF
                                                                                                                                                               Programs fill QUICKLY. Register at www.                    Your child will be well cared for by our
                                                                                                                                                               outdoorscience.org/summer-programs.                           experienced, knowledgeable, and
                                                                                                                                                               Look for the orange “register now” button.                        dedicated staff. Our instructors have
                                                                                                                                                               Immediately following registration, you will                        extensive experience in science
                                                                                                                                                               receive a confirmation email from Active. One to                       and environmental education.
                                                                                                                                                               two weeks prior to the camp, you will receive an                        All staff members are certified
                                                                                                                   " My son comes home
  Welcome                                                                                                     beaming, telling me all about the kids
                                                                                                                                                               email with additional information from the
                                                                                                                                                               Program Director, Britney Gitch. Please review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in First-Aid and CPR, and many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           are certified Wilderness First Responders.
   to Our                                                                                                          and teachers. During the pandemic           the gear list located on our Summer Programs          Each instructor goes through an extensive staff
2021 Summer                                                                                                   it is one of the few times in week he can just   page. Contact Britney with any questions at           training including sessions on risk management,

 Programs!                                                                                                      be a kid, outside, engaging his curiosity.”
                                                                                                                                 - A Family
                                                                                                                                                               bgitch@outdoorscience.org or (406) 582-0526.          COVID-19 protocols, science concepts, teaching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     strategies, and much more.
                                                                                                                                                               COVID-19                                                                                                  MOS S PROGR A M
                                                                                                                                                               At MOSS, we are dedicated to the safety of our        SCHOLARSHIPS                                        GR A DE L E VE L S
S    ince 1994, Montana Outdoor Science School has provided children with the opportunity to
     learn outdoors in a spirit of adventure that stimulates their natural curiosity. Our much-loved, week-
long programs focus on a variety of outdoor topics, which include insects, fossils, nature photography, and
                                                                                                                                                               staff, students, and community. Since the beginning
                                                                                                                                                               of the pandemic, our staff has worked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Donations to our scholarship fund allow us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to financially assist some families wishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               K IN DE RGA RT E N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Students entering
                                                                                                                                                               tirelessly with other organizations                      to attend MOSS programs. All scholarship               Kindergarten in Fall 2021
more. Each program offers:                                                                                    A glimpse of community                           as well as the health department                             applicants are kept confidential. Only the
   A different natural science topic                                                                          scientists we partner with                       to implement and modify our                                      Program Director knows which campers           G RA DE S 1 - 2
   Completely outdoor-based activities                                                                        for our camps!                                   COVID protocols as the situation                                receive scholarships. Please visit www.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Students entering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1st or 2nd grade in Fall 2021
   Daily nature hikes                                                                                                                                          evolves. We have learned a great                               outdoorscience.org/scholarships to
                                                                                                              •   Montana Raptor Conservation Center
   Interaction with scientists from our local community                                                                                                        deal by running outdoor, in-person                                apply. For questions, call or email           G RA DE S 3 - 5
                                                                                                              •   Museum of the Rockies
   Highly qualified and enthusiastic instructors                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Students entering
                                                                                                              •   AMB West Philanthropies                      programs during the pandemic and                                     Britney, the Program Director.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3rd, 4th, or 5th grade in Fall 2021
                                                                                                              •   Yellowstone National Park                    are confident in our practices to                                        All applications should be
We look forward to another exciting summer full of learning
                                                                                                              •   Montana State University                     keep everyone safe. Before                                                   received by April 5, 2021.         G RA DE S 6 - 8
and adventures in our beautiful Montana home. Be sure to sign up early as courses fill quickly.                                                                registering for programs,                                                                                       Students entering
                                                                                                              •   Gallatin Local Water Quality District                                                                                                                        6th, 7th, or 8th grade in Fall 2021
                                                                                                                                                               please thoroughly review                                                      LOCATION
Please contact us with any questions!                                                                         •   Gallatin Valley Farm to School
                                                                                                                                                               our COVID-19 protocols                                                        This year, MOSS Summer            B RID G E R
                                                                                                              •   Northwestern Energy
Britney Gitch                 Molly Ward                     Jess Haas                                        •   Bozeman Fish Technology Center               found on our Summer                                                         Camps will meet at two              BAC K PAC K
Program Director              Education Director             Executive Director                                                                                Programs page.                                                           locations! Kindergarten, 3-5,          Students entering
                                                                                                              •   Yellowstone Fly Fishing School
bgitch@outdoorscience.org     mward@outdoorscience.org       jhaas@outdoorscience.org                                                                                                                                                                                          7th, 8th, or 9th grade in Fall 2021
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
"I was
  super impressed                                                                                                                                                 KINDERGARTEN
   with the thoughtfulness                                                                                                                                        Students entering Kindergarten in Fall 2021
that went into this summer...                                                                                                                                     Tuesday – Thursday; 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
  tough circumstances with
    thoughtful execution."
          - A Family                                                                                                                                  WILD THINGS                                               PONDS, POOLS, PUDDLES
                                                                                                                                                      What is a falcon’s favorite food? How does a              Explore local ponds, pools, and puddles in search
                                                                                                                                                      snake grow? Do fish need air? We’ll investigate           of mysterious critters! Pocket microscopes,
                                                                                                                                                      the wild world of living creatures in this fun and        magnifying glasses, and specimen jars help make
                                                                                                                                                      engaging three-day course for Kindergarteners!            this youthful science class a blast
                                                                                                                                                      June 15 – 17 & July 13 – 15 • $180                        and a MOSS favorite!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                July 6 – 8 & August 10 – 12 • $180
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "We love your mission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and the outdoor nature of the lessons
                                                                                                                                                      ICKY, GOOEY,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is second to none.”
                                                                                                                                                        OOEY                                                    MOUNTAINS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - A Family
                                and 6-8 will meet near the MOSS office on the            are awarded in such cases and the student may                    Dive into the yucky                                   AND STREAMS
                                grounds of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. We          be precluded from participating in future MOSS        NEW        side of nature! Discover                              Swoosh, burble, gargle, and splash!
                                are located near the Fish Technology Center and          programs.                                            CAMP!       what makes the best                                   Discover firsthand where water comes from and
                                Drinking Horse Trail, just below the “M” on Bridger                                                                       pond scum, investigate poop from different            how its power shapes our landscape. A fun, hands-on
                                Canyon Road. The 1-2 grade group will meet at            CANCELLATIONS                                                    animals, and plan to get your hands (and feet)        learning experience with visits to the ponds and
                                Story Mill Community Park on the East side in            Cancellations made up to 15 days prior to the                    dirty in some sloppy soil!                                       streams around Drinking Horse.
                                the dog park parking lot. Don’t forget to follow the     program start date will be refunded, minus a $4.95           June 22 – 24 & August 24 – 26 • $180                                 July 20 – 22 & August 17 – 19 • $180
                                drop off and pick up instructions found in your          Active registration fee. Cancellations made 14
                                confirmation email.                                      days or fewer before the program start date will             HABITAT HUNTERS                                                     BUGGIN’ OUT
                                                                                         not be refunded. No refunds can be issued for                House, tree, cave, hive—what do these plac-                          Dig deep to discover the special role
                                PROGRAM EXPECTATIONS                                     no-shows once a program has started. If MOSS                 es have in common? Explore what a habitat                            little critters play in our ecosystem!
                                On the first day of a MOSS Summer Program,               cancels a program due to not meeting minimum                 is and how animals in Montana rely on local                          Find out how earthworms help grow
                                instructors lead students in understanding               enrollment or other unavoidable situations,                  habitats to provide food and protection. This is the      gardens, look up to spy butterflies hard at work,
                                expectations for safety and respect. If a student’s      refunds will be made. Many of our camps have                 perfect introduction for young people to begin to         and keep an eye on those bumble bees to find out
                                behavior presents a concern for their safety or the      waitlists so last-minute cancellations keep other            think about the natural world around them.                what their sweet task is!
                                safety and enjoyment of others, they may be removed      kids from enjoying the outdoor experience. Thank             June 29 – July 1 & August 3 – 5 • $180                    July 27 – 29 • $180
                                from all or part of activities, or permanently removed   you for your understanding.
                                from the program. Unfortunately, no refunds
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
                                                  Students entering 1st or 2nd grade in Fall 2021
                                                  Monday – Friday; 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

                                      BUILDING BONANZA                                              bees—find out how they survive with skeletons on
                                      Ever wonder how a beaver builds its dam or how                the outside of their bodies.
                                      a termite crafts its mound? Investigate natural               June 21 – 25 • $310
                                      engineers and mimic their techniques as we use
                                                                                                                                                           the naked eye. A favorite class during hot weather!   own fossils to preserve this exciting week for
                                      inspirations from nature. This is perfect for budding
                                                                                                                                                           July 5 – 9 & August 23 – 27 • $310                    years to come!
                                      engineers and architects!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 July 19 – 23 & August 16 – 20 • $310
                                      June 14 – 18 & July 26 – 30 • $310
                                                         MORE THAN                                                                                         Mountain LIONS, TIGER                                                  STINKY, SLIMY
                                                         A BUG’S LIFE                                                                                      Salamanders, and Grizzly                                               SCIENCE!
                                                         Search high and low for                    NATURE MAKERS                                          BEARS! OH, MY! Unique
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Become a scatologist (a poop
                                                                                                    The wonders of nature hold unlimited opportunities     creatures large and small roam our backyards and                       scientist), investigate slimy pond
                                                         invertebrates while discovering
                                                                                                    for inspiration. Each day features multiple projects   leave traces as they go. Why do these animals call                     scum, and put your detective hat
                                                         the challenges of living a life
                                                                                                    using natural materials. For example, hiking to        Montana home? Put your detective skills to work       on while dissecting an owl pellet! This new camp
                                                         without a spine! Fluttering
                                                                                                    excavate natural clay deposits and using it to         while searching for information about your favorite   will have your kiddo learning all about the icky
                                                         butterflies, armored crickets,
                                                                                                    make a masterpiece. This is a great introduction       Montana animals. Focus on                                                 side of nature (an extra set of
                                                         hairy spiders, or dancing honey
                                                                                                    to natural materials and “sustainable creativity”      tracks, scat, skulls, pelts, and                                          clothes will be advised)!
                                                                                                    practiced outdoors.                                    all things Montanimals!                                                   August 2 – 6 • $310
                                                                                                    June 28 – July 2 • $310                                July 12 – 16
                                                                                                                                                           & August 9 – 13 • $310
                                                                                                    SPLASH BASH!
                                                                                                    Prepare to get wet as we experiment with the water     FOSSIL FANATICS                                                                 "MOSS has been a lifeline for my son
                                                                                                    cycle by exploring wild streams, wetlands, and         Piece together a story as old as                                                   during the pandemic. He comes home so energized.
                                                                                                    ponds. Search for and examine the unique plants        time! Uncover fossils, discover                                                      It has made online school tolerable for him. "
                                                                                                                                                           how they formed, explore your
 "Your policies seemed the                                                                          and critters that call these soggy habitats home.                                                                                                            - A Family
                                                                                                    Magnifying glasses help uncover things unseen by       surroundings to find clues
smartest/best for Covid and our kid
                                                                                                                                                           from the past, and create your
   likes your teachers the best."
             - A Family
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
GRADES 3-5                                                                                            munch on, and what characteristics help both prey
                                                              Students entering 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade in Fall 2021
                                                                                                                                                                    and predators survive!
                                                              Monday – Friday; 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                    July 12 - 16 & August 9 - 13 • $310

                                                               ENGINEERING                                                       INSIDE THE FIRE                    ROCK JOCKS
                                                               IN NATURE                                    NEW                 Did you know that one of the        I’m going to change the Rock Jocks description to:
                                                               Did you know that beavers have              CAMP!
                                                                                                                                first plants to grow back after     Rock hounds, unite! Search for all types of unique
                                                               built a dam twice the width of the                               a fire is moss? Investigate the     rocks, identify mineral specimens,
                                                               Hoover Dam? Or, that the second                                  aftermath of the 2020 Bridger       and investigate fossils found all around
                                                               largest beaver dam is in Three                Foothills wildfire by hiking through the recently      Montana! Voted “Kids’ Favorite” for
                                                               Forks? Engineers find inspiration             burnt environment. Learn about fire-dependent          26 years!
                                                               in nature every day! Investigate              trees, the history of controlled burns, and the        July 19 - 23 & August 16 - 20 • $310
                                                 natural systems and hypothesize why they exist.             ecological impacts of wildfires!
                                                 Let nature inspire your experiments!                        June 28 - July 2 & August 2 - 6 • $310                 FINS AND FLIES
                                                 June 14 - 18 & July 26 - 30 • $310                                                                                 What is a stonefly? When does it hatch,
                                                                                                             AQUA ADVENTURES                                        how can you identify it and its cousins,
                                                 PROJECT                                                              What is so strong it moves mountains,         and who might eat it for dinner? Examine
                                                 POLLINATOR                                                           dissolves metal, shatters boulders, and       the relationship between insects and fish,
                                          Get all of the important buzz                                                supports life? Water, of course! Dive into   dissect a trout to understand its
                                          in this camp while learning                                                   the secrets and science behind H2O,         physiology, and gain practical knowledge
                                          about the vital role of pollinators                                            and prepare to get your feet wet as we     and experience about one of Montana’s
                                          in our environment! Discover                                                    explore our local watersheds.             favorite pastimes—fly-fishing!
                                          how bees, bats, and beetles                                                    July 5 - 9 & August 23 - 27 • $310         August 2 - 6 & August 23 - 27 • $350
                                                                                                                                                                    (Includes ½ day of fly-fishing instruction.
                                          support an ecosystem all of the way                                                                                                                                                "My kid has been attending
                                          from food production to soil erosion.                              POWERFUL                                               Camp will meet in Livingston
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MOSS's outdoor science camp
                                          Take nature hikes through beautiful fields of                      PREDATORS                                              on August 6th and August 27th)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES it.
                                                                  flowers to identify pollinators’           Chop, bite, or chew—what are those sharp teeth                                                              We couldn't be more pleased with how much fun they
                                                                  favorite plants!                           used for? Determine which local species are pred-                                                           made it for him while also following strict physical
 “As a bonus, my six-year-old son                                 June 21 - 25 • $310                        ators and investigate their prey. Learn how wolves                                                                  distancing and masking protocols.”
   is bringing me specimens on the river bank                                                                communicate with each other, what grizzly bears                                                                                  - A Family
exclaiming, "Look Mama, a stonefly exoskeleton!”
                    - A Family
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
GRADES 6-8                                                                                                     LOST IN MONTANA                                                         FIRE ECOLOGY
                                                 Students entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade in Fall 2021                                                                                                                NEW
                                                 Monday – Friday; 9:00 am – 3:30 pm                                                                             Could you survive being lost in the wild? Combine    CAMP!           Explore the results of the 2020
                                                                                                                                                                your survival skills and naturalist knowledge by                     wildfire in the Bridger Mountains.
                                                                                                                                                                observing and analyzing in-depth science concepts                    Learn the ecological effects of fire on
                                                 DRAWING                                      NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY                                                in nature while spending two nights at the MOSS                      the living and non-living environment.
                                                 FROM NATURE                                  Join us for our first overnight photography class!                campus! Learn the vital interactions between flora     Determine what species are fire-dependent as
                                               Local artist and award-                        Take photos of the sunset and sunrise from the                    and fauna and how a human presence                     well as the advantages and disadvantages of
                                               winning children’s book                        “M” and Drinking Horse Trail, and get cool shots                  impacts these relationships.                           wildlife in our ecosystem!
                                               illustrator, Robert Rath, along                of the night sky! Photography is a magical tool                   July 12 – 16 & August 9 – 13 • $470                    July 26 – 30 & August 16 – 20 • $450
                                               with a MOSS instructor,                        for telling stories and inspiring us to take a closer             (Includes Wednesday & Thursday’s overnight)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Includes Thursday’s overnight)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       *Due to COVID-19, students will not share tents.
                                               will inspire students to                       look at our natural world. Along with a MOSS                      *Due to COVID-19, students will not share tents.

                                               transform their observation of                 instructor, artist and designer Robert Rath will
"The weekly themes           our beautiful flora and fauna into drawings                      guide you through digital photography fundamentals
   are really interesting    and sketches. Students will have sharper                         to not only capture the beauty of our local natural
 and I love the structured   concentration and observation abilities, develop                 world but communicate environmental themes
  learning environment       artistic goals, and learn to take inspiration from               through your images.
       in a fun way."        nature. Any level of artistic ability is welcome,                Masters Program: For students who have taken
          - A Family         but enthusiasm is a must!                                        Nature Photography in the past, this program can be
                             Masters Program: For students who have                           individualized with the group to allow you to dive
                             taken Drawing From Nature                                                         deeper within the class to explore
                             in the past, this program                                                         photographic concepts, techniques,
                             challenges your skills within                                                     and image editing in a more rigorous
                             the class to discover more                                                        way. Please contact MOSS if you
                             artistic concepts, tools, and                                                     have any questions.
                             techniques in a more rigorous                                                     June 21 – 25                                                                                                                                                   "We were SO impressed
                             way. Please contact MOSS if                                                       & July 26 – 30 • $450                                                                                                                                        by MOSS camp. I can see why it has such
                             you have any questions.                                                         (Includes the use of a Canon DSLR camera and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a great reputation. We highly recommend it
                             July 19 – 23 • $410                                                             Thursday’s overnight. To maintain teaching                                                                                                                          and will definitely do it again."
                             (Includes art supplies and sketchbook)                                          consistency, students are required to use the
                                                                                                             cameras provided and not use any personal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - A Family
                                                                                                             *Due to COVID-19, students will not share tents.
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
                                           Students entering 7th, 8th,
                                           or 9th grade in Fall 2021
                                           Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                                                       BRIDGER BACKPACKING
                                                                                                                                                       Hoist your backpack for five days and four nights as we explore
                                                                                                                                                       the rugged and awe-inspiring scenery of the Bridger Mountain
                                                                                                                                                       Range! Cook backcountry meals, scout the perfect tent spot,
                                                                                                                                                       spy on mountain goats, and share tales of the trail with your
                                                                                                                                                       adventure buddies. Like many great adventures, these trips are
                                                                                                                                                       more than the destination; learn to become a skilled naturalist
                                                                                                                                                       while also acquiring useful backcountry knowledge.                 Join us for two weeks of camp in Livingston! Thanks to our partnership
"MOSS is the first camp                                                                                                                                August 2 – 6 • $610                                               with Livingston Parks and Recreation, we will base out of Sacajawea Park
he wanted to keep going back to."                                                                                                                      (Includes backpacks, food, guides, tents, and instruction)
           - A Family                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grades 1-5
                                                                                                                                                       Note on COVID-19: Due to COVID-19, each student/family                          Students entering 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade in Fall 2021
                                                                                                                                                       will be assigned their own tent. Additional food drops will be                  Monday – Friday; 9 am – 3:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                       made to ensure appropriate backpack loads and safer food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FANTASTIC FAUNA                             WILD
                                                 BRIDGER BACKPACK SERIES                                                                               handling.
                                                                                                                                                       Note on Instructors: Our instructors are highly qualified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         What kinds of signs do creatures            WATERSHEDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         leave behind? Become a detective            What shapes the land, provides
                                                                                                                                                       with Wilderness First Responder certifications and extensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    as we explore the life           homes for special creatures,
                                                                                                                                                       experience in the backcountry. The instructors
                                                 FAMILY                                       the unique lands through which you travel! More
                                                                                                                                                       are prepared to keep students secure during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cycles and habitats              and is necessary for most living
                               NEW               BACKPACKING                                          than simply a backcountry adventure, your                                                                                     of local Montana                 things? Water! Come get your
                                                                                                                                                       inclement weather conditions including rain,
                              CAMP!              EXPEDITION                                                  MOSS guides infuse these trips with                                                                                    animals! Investigate             feet wet as we explore the
                                                                                                                                                       thunderstorms, and heat.
                                                   Looking to become a                                           naturalist observations, essential                                                                                 the tracks, scat,                amazing properties of water and
                                                   backcountry family but                                       scientific knowledge, and teachable                                                                                 skulls, and pelts to             the special ecosystems H2O
                                    not sure how? Join us for our first family                                  moments.                                  For All Hikes                                                             understand unique                supports. Visit local watersheds
                                                                                                                                                         • Investigate local              • Practice Leave
                                    backpacking expedition and enjoy the                                          We welcome all levels of                 medicinal plants                 No Trace                                animal adaptations               to discover the science behind
                                    wonderful display of 4th of July fire-                                  backpackers on our trips! The Family         • Find fossils from              • Hone in on                              and how they survive             your favorite rivers, creeks, and
                                    works from up high! Along with two MOSS                        Expedition will hike no more than 5 miles each          ancient sea beds                 backcountry skills                      the warm summers                 streams!
                                                                                               day with no more than 1,000ft of elevation gain.          • Record wildlife                • Gain leadership                         and chilly winters!              July 26 - 30 • $180
                                    instructors, you and your young backpacker(s)                                                                          observation data                 experience
                                    will master map and compass skills, Leave No Trace,      July 3 – 5 • $325 per person                                                                                                           June 14 - 18 • $180
                                                                                                                                                         • Learn map and                  • Learn backcountry
                                    meal preparation, and more all while learning about   (Includes backpacks, food, guides, tents, and instruction)       compass skills                   meal preparation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Partnering with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Livingston Parks and Recreation!
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
2021 SUMMER CALENDAR                                                                               Indicates
                                                                                                                                             2 Sessions of camp!                                                                                            MOSS
		                         KINDER                              1–2                        3–5                           6–8               LIVINGSTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SCHOOL PROGRAMS
June 14 – 18                Wild Things   Building Bonanza                              Engineering		                                      Fantastic Fauna                                                                                           Science in Residency and Field Day Programs
		                         (June 15 - 17)		                                              in Nature		                                        (Grades 1 - 5)                                                                                           Looking for hands-on science lessons with outdoor investigations at your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     school? Let MOSS come to you and teach exciting units aligned with
June 21 – 25             Icky, Gooey, Ooey                   More Than                    Project                       Nature                                                                                                                       Montana Science Standards and Next Generation Science Standards!
		                         (June 22 - 24)                    a Bug's Life                Pollinator                   Photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     School’s Out PIR Days
June 28 – July 2          Habitat Hunters   Nature Makers                                  Inside                     Fire Ecology                                                                                                                   Keep the learning up, even when school’s out! MOSS offers science-based
		                       (June 29 - July 1)		                                             the Fire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     camps held during PIR days throughout the school year!

 July 5 – 9

                       Ponds, Pools, Puddles
                            (July 6 - 8)
                                             Splash Bash!                                 Aqua
                                                                                                                Bridger Family Backpack
                                                                                                                  Grades 7-9 (July 3-5)
                                                                                                                                                                           DISCOVERY WALKS
July 12 – 16                Wild Things   Montanimals                                    Powerful                       Lost in
		                         (July 13 - 15)		                                              Predators                     Montana
                                                                                                                                                                   In partnership with Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT), MOSS offers nature hikes

                                                                                                                                                                   from May to June. Be on the lookout for further details!
 July 19 – 23         Mountains and Streams Fossil Fanatics                                Rock                         Drawing
		                        (July 20 - 22)		                                                 Jocks                      From Nature
		                                                                                                                                                                 May 10: Trail Tracking
  July 26 – 30              Buggin' Out                   Building Bonanza              Engineering                     Nature            Wild Watersheds          May 14: Adaptation Nation
		                         (July 27 - 29)		                                              in Nature                    Photography           (Grades 1-5)           May 17: Birding Basics
                                                                                                                                                                   May 21: Hiking Essentials
                                                                                                                                                                   May 24: Habitat Hunters
 Aug. 2 – 6               Habitat Hunters                   Stinky, Slimy             Fins and Flies /            Bridger Backpacking
		                          (Aug 3- 5)                        Science!                Inside the Fire                  Grades 7-9                                  May 28: Rock Hounds
                                                                                                                                                                   June 11: Summer Survival
 Aug. 9 – 13           Ponds, Pools, Puddles Montanimals                                 Powerful                       Lost in                                    June 14: Amphibious Adventure
		                         (Aug 10 - 12)		                                               Predators                     Montana                                     June 18: Buggin’ Out
				                                                                                                                                                               June 21: Wonderful Water
Aug. 16 – 20          Mountains and Streams Fossil Fanatics Rock Jocks                                                Fire Ecology                                 June 25: Macro Mayhem
		                        (Aug 17 - 19)

Aug. 23 – 27             Icky, Gooey, Ooey Splash Bash!                              Aqua Adventures /
		                        (August 24 - 26)		                                           Fins and Flies

                               REGISTER AT WWW.OUTDOORSCIENCE.ORG
                   Contact Program Director Britney Gitch with any questions at: bgitch@outdoorscience.org or 406-582-0526
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
PO B OX 502
  B OZE MA N, MT 59 771
      40 6 -5 8 2 -0 5 2 6

           MOSS is permitted by
           the Bozeman Ranger District
           to operate in the
           Custer-Gallatin National
2021 SUMMER CATALOG Inspiring a Love for the Outdoors Since 1994 - Montana Outdoor Science School
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