2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ...

Page created by Elaine Tate
2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ...
Arts & Culture
Quarterly Program
April to June


Arts & Culture

Quarterly Program
April to June
2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ...
Alexandrina is home to vibrant communities where
a high population of artists have chosen to live and
work, making us a regional centre of culture in South
Australia. Just Add Water (JAW) is the arts and culture
program of events and activities within the Alexandrina
region. Book your next event for the upcoming months.

Alexandrina Youth                        There’s No Business Like                  The Alphabet of
Theatre & Film                           String Business                           Awesome Science

Drama for young people is a way          Join Jacqui & Brenton Edgecombe,          Join professors Lexi Con and Noel
of acquiring new skills in a safe        aka String Fever for a totally            Edge for a thrilling voyage through
and supportive environment. Learn        showbiz experience inspired by            the alphabet. 26 quirky scientific
to think ‘outside the box’ through       their life in Sydney’s once-thriving      demonstrations – that squish and
improvisation to come up with            variety scene. A fun high-energy          squirt, float and fly, erupt and explode.
creative and imaginative ideas           musical event with this five-time         The professors have just 52 minutes to
to respond to any given situation.       MO Award double act.                      complete their alphabetical, scientifical
Experience the thrill of being on                                                  countdown. That’s just 2 minutes per
                                         Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
stage, learn voice projection, stage                                               experiment! Will they make it in time...?
                                         When Fri 1 April
movement, and acquire basic skills
                                         Time 2pm                                  Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
for acting infront of camera.
                                         Duration 75 minutes                       When Wed 27 April
Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa             Cost Adult $25 Concession $20             Time 2pm
When Mondays 4pm-6pm                     (transaction fee applies)                 Duration 60 minutes
during school term                       Age All Ages                              Cost All tickets $12
(not on public holidays)                 Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000          (transaction fee applies)
Time 4pm to 6pm                          or events.alexandrina.com.au              Age All Ages
Cost $5 per child                                                                  Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000
Age 12 to 18                                                                       or events.alexandrina.com.au
Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7289         The Desirables
or jaw@alexandrina.sa.gov.au
                                         This spectacular and dynamic Show         Dr Bubble & Milkshake
                                         is presented by the award-winning
Alexandrina Council                      Pulse Band. Vocalists Dani Jerkic, Tony   A lonely Bubble Man named
Collection                               Genovese and Nigel Jackson front a        Dr Bubble sits in his laboratory
                                         packed live band paying tribute to the    making bubbles with his only friend,
Alexandrina Council holds a              legends of music like Neil Diamond,       a lifeless hand puppet. One day he
collection of visual art works, mostly   Shirley Bassey, John Farnham, Tina        accidentally brings the puppet to life
by South Australian artists that have    Turner, Elvis, and The Beatles. Fun       with a magic bubble.
been acquired through support            trivia, stunning costume changes,
                                                                                   A beautiful, heartfelt and hilarious story
for the Alexandrina Art Prize as         sing-a-longs and more to enjoy riding
                                                                                   filled with Bubbles from the beginning
part of the Goolwa Rotary Art &          the wave of music nostalgia.
                                                                                   until the grand bubble finale.
Photographic exhibition or donated       Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
by individual artists.                                                             Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
                                         When Fri 22 April
                                                                                   When Sat 30 April
Where South Coast Regional Art           Time 2pm
                                                                                   Time 1pm
Centre (Old Goolwa Police Station)       Duration 75 minutes
                                                                                   Duration 60 minutes
When Thu 31 March to Sun 1 May           Cost All tickets $20
                                                                                   Cost All tickets $25, Group of 4 $80
Gallery hours Wed – Fri 11am to 4pm      (transaction fee applies)
                                                                                   (transaction fee applies)
Sat – Sun 10am to 4pm                    Age All Ages
                                                                                   Age All Ages
Enquiries 8555 7289 or                   Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000
                                                                                   Bookings fairypig.me
jaw@alexandrina.sa.gov.au                or events.alexandrina.com.au
                                                                                   Enquiries contact@fairypig.me

Alexandrina Arts & Culture | April to June 2022
2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ...
Bubble Show - Adults Only                        Some of the Women                            Gentle On My Mind
                                                 and Dogs in my life                          – Greg Hart
A raucous and raunchy affair
with a surprising story arc full                 Solo exhibition, Louise Vadasz               Greg Hart sings the Songs of Jimmy
of abstractness and the slightly                                                              Webb made famous by Glen
                                                 Louise Vadasz was born in McLaren Vale
grotesque, a surreal performative                                                             Campbell. This show features the
                                                 on South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula
experience that wonderfully                                                                   versatility of Greg Harts powerful yet
                                                 and grew up in the coastal wine region.
showcases the technical prowess                                                               sensitive vocal skills. With such songs
                                                 This series began when I asked my
of Bubble Artistry!                                                                           as, By the time I get to Phoenix,
                                                 daughter to sit for me while we were
It is a mix of part physical theatre,                                                         Galveston, Rhinestone Cowboy,
                                                 isolating at Port Willunga while isolating
part bubble artistry and one part                                                             Gentle on my mind, Wichita
                                                 during COVID. This body of work grew
neo-burlesque, and you get                                                                    Lineman and more. Don’t miss this
                                                 as I asked more women and their dogs
a soapy concoction of kinky,                                                                  NEW show by one of Adelaide’s
                                                 to sit for me in the ensuing months.
in-your-face theatrics.                                                                       leading performers.
                                                 Where South Coast Regional Art
Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa                                                                  Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
                                                 Centre (Old Goolwa Police Station)
When Sat 30 April                                                                             When Fri 20 May
                                                 When Thu 5 May to Sun 12 June
Time 8pm                                                                                      Time 2pm
                                                 Gallery hours Wed – Fri 11am to 4pm
Duration 60 minutes                                                                           Duration 75 minutes
                                                 Sat – Sun 10am to 4pm
Cost All tickets $25                                                                          Cost All tickets $20
                                                 Enquiries 8555 7289 or
(transaction fee applies)                                                                     (transaction fee applies)
Age Strictly 18+                                                                              Age All Ages
Bookings fairypig.me                                                                          Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000
Enquiries contact@fairypig.me                    The Lullaby Project                          or events.alexandrina.com.au
Things to know Adult themes,
                                                 Jodie O’Regan, Libby Druce,
pyrotechnics                                                                                  Now We’re Swinging
                                                 and Hilary Kleinig
                                                                                              – Tom Burlinson
                                                 Join us for a special Mother’s Day
Top images L-R:                                  celebration performance presented by         Come fly with Tom Burlinson and
Alexandrina Youth Theatre & Film                 Lullaby Project Australia in collaboration   his fabulous band of Australia’s
Adults Only Bubble show                          with local families from the Goolwa          finest musicians as Tom salutes
No Business Like String Business
                                                 region. The relaxed family-friendly          the masters of vocal swing: Frank
Solo exhibtion - oil on linen by Louise Vadasz
Now We’re Swinging - Tom Burlinson
                                                 concert will feature newly composed          Sinatra, Nat ‘King’ Cole, Dean Martin,
Gentle on the mind - Greg Hart                   lullabies that celebrate and welcome         Tony Bennett, Sammy Davis Jr, and
                                                 the young children and families of the       Bobby Darin. An afternoon of first
                                                 Goolwa community.                            class entertainment.
Bottom images L-R:
Camo Swirl, mixed media Annabelle Collett        Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa                 Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
The Desirables - Pulse Band Line Up
                                                 When Sun 8 May                               When Thu 26 May
Alphabet of Awesome Science
                                                 Time 3pm                                     Time 7.30pm
The Lullaby Project
                                                 Duration 50 minutes                          Duration 75 minutes
                                                 Cost All tickets $10, children               Cost Adults $40 Concession $35
                                                 and project participants free                Group 6+ $35
                                                 (transaction fee applies)                    (transaction fee applies)
                                                 Age All Ages                                 Age All Ages
                                                 Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000             Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000
                                                 or events.alexandrina.com.au                 or events.alexandrina.com.au

                                                                                  Alexandrina Arts & Culture | April to June 2022
2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ...
Highway Superstar                       Fleurieu Ruah                           Live On Air
– Amity Dry
                                        Jake Novick, Christobel Kelly           Songs of Stage and Screen
Turn up the radio, this is a            and Sue Michaels
                                                                                A simulated live radio show hosted
celebration of songs we sing            Fleurieu Ruah explores the              and narrated by the golden voice
in the car!                             ghosting of landscapes with the         of radio, 57+ year Industry Veteran,
                                        instability of memory, and the use
From 80’s bangers, 90’s RnB tracks,                                             Mr David Sabine. David narrates
                                        of painting and drawing to harness
movie soundtrack classics and the                                               the stories of each song just as you
                                        those qualities to particular places.
cheesy numbers we don’t want                                                    would hear him “Live On Air” in
to admit to knowing the words           Where South Coast Regional Art          front of YOU the live audience.  
to, Amity is bringing the ultimate      Centre (Old Goolwa Police Station)
                                                                                Each song performed live by
playlist with her trademark wit and     When Sat 18 June to Sun 24 July
                                                                                Antonio and Kate Villano. Featuring
powerhouse voice.                       Gallery hours Wed – Fri 11am to 4pm
                                                                                all the popular musical theatre
                                        Sat – Sun 10am to 4pm
Direct from her critically acclaimed                                            hits including “Les Miserable,
                                        Enquiries 8555 7289 or
shows ’39 Forever’ and ‘Fortified’                                              Evita, Cats, Jesus Christ Super
Amity is sure to have you laughing                                              Star, Phantom of the Opera and
and singing along. So get a group                                               so many more! A wonderfully
of your girlfriends together, bring a   Gene & Judy                             nostalgic show.
date, or even bring the kids for this                                           A wonderfully nostalgic show.  
                                        Starring JTM’s ‘dancing man’
guaranteed fun night out!               Mikey Halcrow and Leading Lady
                                                                                Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa            Sophie Loughran together with
                                                                                When Fri 24 June 2022
When Fri 10 June                        Matt Hadgraft on piano, step back
                                        in time with powerhouse vocals,         Time 2pm
Time 7.30pm                                                                     Duration 75 minutes
                                        stunning tap dancing and fabulous
Duration 75 minutes                                                             Cost All tickets $20
                                        costumes. Gene & Judy is pure
Cost Adults $40 Concession $35                                                  (transaction fee applies)
                                        entertainment bliss.
(transaction fee applies)                                                       Age All Ages
Age All Ages                            Where Centenary Hall, Goolwa
                                                                                Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000
Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000        When Sun 19 June
                                                                                or events.alexandrina.com.au
or events.alexandrina.com.au            Time 2pm
                                        Duration 80 minutes
                                        Cost Adults $35 Concession $30
                                        Group 6+ $30 each
                                        (transaction fee applies)

Further                                 Bookings and Enquiries 8555 7000
                                        or events.alexandrina.com.au

      Online                                   Phone                            Images L-R:
                                                                                Highway Superstar – Amity Dry
      www.alexandrina.sa.gov.au                08 8555 7000                     Estrangement, oil on linen Christobel Kelly
                                                                                Gene & Judy
      Email                                    In person                        Live on air cast
      alex@alexandrina.sa.gov.au               Alexandrina Council Offices
                                               and Libraries, Goolwa and
      Social                                   Strathalbyn.
                                               Goolwa and Strathalbyn
      Centenary Hall, Goolwa
                                               Visitor Information Centres.
2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ... 2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ... 2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ... 2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ... 2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ... 2022 Alexandrina Arts & Culture - Quarterly Program April to June - Alexandrina ...
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