Page created by Dwayne Johnson


                       of WISCONSIN

                GREEN BAY,   WI
              MARCH    25-27, 2022
Table of Contents


Three Day Conven on Agenda ............................................................................. 3‐4

Direc onal Map – Radisson ..................................................................................... 5

Annual Mee ng Agenda‐Saturday ........................................................................... 6

Outgoing/Re ring Director & Rep Recogni on ....................................................... 7

2019 Annual Mee ng Minutes ........................................................................... 8‐16

Execu ve Board Candidate Profiles .................................................................. 17‐18

Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards ........................................................ 19‐21

Saturday Evening Banquet ..................................................................................... 22

President’s Cup Award – Past Recipients ............................................................... 23

2022 Scholarship Recipients ............................................................................. 24‐26

Trail Pass Sta s cs ................................................................................................. 27

AWSC Membership Totals ...................................................................................... 28

Club Membership By County ............................................................................ 29‐43

Notes ................................................................................................................ 44‐45

Acronyms ............................................................................................................... 46

Ken’s Sports Bus Informa on ................................................................................ 47

Upcoming Conven on/Workshop Dates & Loca ons ............................................ 48

Three Day Conven on Agenda
FRIDAY – March 25, 2022

     1:00pm – 8:00pm       Registra on                                    Tuscarora
     1:00pm – 8:00pm       KAOS Silent Auc on Drop‐off                     Huron/Ontario
     5:00pm – 8:00pm       Hospitality Room‐Brown County                  Plaza Club
                           Hospitality Room‐Cross Country Cruisers        State Board Room
     8:00pm—Midnight       Full Tilt DJ                                   Iroquois Complex
                           (Free Beer, Soda & Cash Bar)
     10:00pm—??            Hospitality Room‐Brown County                  Plaza Club
                           Hospitality Room‐Cross Country Cruisers        State Board Room
        Registra on Nametags are required for access to all hospitality rooms and DJ

SATURDAY – March 26, 2022

     6:00am—10:00am          Complimentary Breakfast Buffet               Iroquois Complex
                             For Hotel Guests Only
     8:00am – Noon           Registra on                                 Tuscarora
     8:00am – 3:00pm         KAOS Silent Auc on Drop Off                  Huron/Ontario
     9:00am – 11:30am        AWSC Annual Mee ng             Three Clans Conference Center
                             Elec on of AWSC Execu ve Officers for 2022‐2023
                             By‐Laws Change
                                   Preston Cole, DNR Secretary
                                   Jillian Steffes, DNR Motorized Grant Program Manager
                                   Lt. Mar n Stone, DNR Administra ve Warden
                                   Drew Nussbaum, Regional Tourism Specialist
                             Officer Reports
                             Re ring Directors & Reps Recognized
                             Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards Ceremony

     1:00pm—2:30pm Execu ve Board and Snowmobile Rec Council Panel Discussion
                              Facilitated by Dave Newman, AWSC President
                                                      Grand Council South

Three Day Conven on Agenda—Page 2

SATURDAY – March 26, 2022—Con nued

     1:00pm—2:30pm          AWSC Club Membership Panel Discussion
                                   Facilitated by AWSC Office Staff     Iroquois North
     3:00pm—4:30pm          KAOS/AWSC Membership Organized Games
                                   Hall Between Hotel/Conven on Center
     4:00pm – 9:00pm        Silent Auc on – Bidding                  Huron/Ontario

     5:00pm—??            Hospitality Room‐Kewaunee County               Plaza Club
                          Hospitality Room‐Cross Country Cruisers        State Board Room
       Registra on Nametags are required for access to all hospitality rooms and DJ

     5:30pm – 6:30 pm       Social Hour                     Three Clans Conference Center
     6:30pm – 8:30pm        Banquet                         Three Clans Conference Center
                                   President’s Cup Presenta on
                                   Scholarship Recipientss Recognized
                                   Snowmobile Friendly Community Winners Recognized

SUNDAY – March 27, 2022

     6:00am—10:00am         Complimentary Breakfast Buffet            Iroquois Complex
                            For Hotel Guests Only
     8:30am—                AWSC Directors Mee ng        Wolf Room/Part of Three
                                                         Clans Conference Center

Direc onal Map ‐ Radisson Hotel & Conven on Center

                             Hospitality Room-Brown County-Friday
                             Hospitality Room-Kewaunee County-Saturday
                                              Plaza Club

                                                               Friday Night Mixer
Hospitality Room-Cross Country Cruisers                        Breakfast Buffet
            State Board Room

                                                                               AWSC Panel

                        KAOS Hall Games


                                                                                    SRC Panel
                                   KAOS Silent Auction

                                                                            Annual Meeting
                                                                            Social Hour

Annual Mee ng Agenda ‐ Saturday, March 26, 2022

Call the mee ng to order 9:00 am ‐ Dave Newman, AWSC President

Pledge of Allegiance ‐

Introduc on of Head Table – AWSC Execu ve Officers and other guests in a endance

Approval of Agenda – Dave Newman, President

Approval of Minutes from 2019 Annual Mee ng, Saturday, March 23, 2019, Radisson Hotel, Green Bay, WI

Elec on of AWSC Execu ve Officers for 2022‐2023 and Approve AWSC ByLaws Change
                     John Brozek, ByLaw Commi ee Chairman
Guest Speakers:
     Preston Cole, DNR Secretary
     Jillian Steffes, DNR Motorized Grant Program Manager
     Lt. Mar n Stone, DNR Administra ve Warden
     Drew Nussbaum, Regional Tourism Specialist

AWSC Execu ve Officer Reports –
    Dave Newman, President
    Lori Heideman, Vice President
    Lauren Levey, Treasurer
    Sue Smedegard, Secretary
    Mike Holden, Execu ve Director
    Don Hamilton, Associa on Coordinator
    Stormy Hovey, AWSC Office/Business Manager
    AJ Kreager 2021‐2022 Miss Snowflake

Recogni on of Re ring/Outgoing AWSC County Directors and Reps ‐ Dave Newman, President &
                                                              Mike Holden, Execu ve Director

Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards— Lori Heideman, Chair; Don Hamilton, Associa on Coordinator

Membership Commi ee Chairman – Jim Marks, Membership Commi ee Chair

Old Business –

New Business –

Elec on Results – John Brozek, By‐Law Commi ee Chairman

Further Conven on Briefs/Updates – Dave Newman, President

Adjourn –

Outgoing/Re ring Director & Rep Recogni on

The Associa on of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, would like to recognize and honor these outgoing or
   re ring Directors and Reps for their dedica on and commitment to the sport of snowmobiling.

              Logan Brown                                        Darlene Krentz
            Sauk County Rep                                      AWSC Secretary
               2011‐2021                                            2004‐2011
                                                            Green Lake County Director
           Mark Bombinski                                           2001‐2021
        Winnebago County Rep
             2018‐2022                                             Bri any Lillion
                                                                  Dane County Rep
             Kurt Butler                                             2019‐2022
        Oconto County Director
             1994‐2021                                             Paul McCarville
                                                                  Iowa County Rep
              Pam Butler                                             2005‐2022
           Oconto County Rep
              2011‐2021                                            Judy Peterson
                                                                Langlade County Rep
             John Chadik                                             2019‐2021
         Door County Director
              1998‐2022                                        Ron Vanden Boogaard
                                                                Calumet County Rep
           Kathryn Chandler                                         2002‐2021
          Ashland County Rep
                                                    Please Note: These Directors and Reps re red a er
                                                                     Workshop 2021
           William Chandler
        Ashland County Director

            Wally Emmerich
           Taylor County Rep

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019

                          DRAFT UNTIL APPROVED AT ANNUAL MEETING 2022

AWSC Annual Mee ng
Saturday March 23, 2019
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Mee ng called to order by President Dave Newman

Pledge of Allegiance recited. Veterans and Military Personnel recognized.

Introduc on of head table ‐ AWSC Execu ve Board and other guests in a endance

Approval of Agenda ‐ mo on by Sco Makowski, second Curt Christensen, mo on carries

Approval of Minutes from 2018 Annual mee ng ‐ mo on by Steve Moran, second by Gary Hilgendorf,
mo on carries.

Dave welcomes all to the 50th anniversary celebra on. First state associa on in the country, first one to
achieve 50 years. Thanks to those in the beginning that understood the importance, and dedicated indi‐
viduals that have made this happen. Wally Thill, Ozaukee County Director, has been a director all 50
years. AWSC Past Presidents asked to stand. Dave announced that Bill Schumann was unable to a end,
thanks all for the cards and calls during his health issues.

Lori Pohl was our office manager for the past decade, recently re red, made a huge difference. Thanks to
all the past directors and reps over the years. We have a very successful snowmobile program; those ear‐
ly members could never have envisioned what this program looks like now. Thanks to the magazine com‐
mi ee and WSN editor and sales staff for the great magazine for the 50th. Thanks to the Vintage Com‐
mi ee and Jeff Schwaller for finding all the nuggets and memorabilia for this weekend. Check out their
display in the hall, and the photo collage running this a ernoon. There will be a tailgate lunch from noon
‐ 1:30, free but will accept dona ons.

A er lunch, KAOS will have games in the front hall; par cipants have a chance to win prizes. Bus trips to
vintage display and Ken’s announced.

Elec on of AWSC Execu ve Board for 2018 ‐ 2019 and AWSC By‐Laws Change ‐ John Brozek, By‐law Com‐
mi ee Chairman

Secretary nomina ons ‐ Jon Schoepke nominates Sue Smedegard‐ nomina ons called 3 mes, mo on to
close nomina on and cast unanimous ballot for Sue Smedegard by Arlyn Baumgarten, second by Holly
Tomlanovich. Mo on carries.

Nomina ons for treasurer ‐ Elroy Jaeger nominates Andy Malecki, seconded by Kurt Butler. Nomina ons
called 3 mes, mo on to close nomina ons and cast unanimous ballot for Andy Malecki by Donna
White, second by Dan Presslein. Mo on carries.

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d

Nomina ons for Vice President ‐ Rod Burzinski nominates Lori Heideman, seconded by Jay Thompson.
Nomina ons called 3 mes, mo on to close nomina ons and cast unanimous ballot for Lori Heideman by
Brian Swan, second by Gary Hilgendorf. Mo on carries.

Nomina ons for President ‐ Joanne Smith nominates Dave Newman, second by Gary Hilgendorf. Nomina‐
 ons called 3 mes, mo on to close nomina ons and cast unanimous ballot for Dave Newman by Dave
Bedroske, second by Pete Schneider. Mo on carries.

By‐laws change read, to be voted on, as published in the March Wisconsin Snowmobile News. Ballots dis‐
tributed to vo ng delegates, will be counted by members of by‐laws commi ee.

Ar cle II Sec on 6 now reads:
“The membership year in the Associa on of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, Inc. shall be for one year from
the date the member pays his Associa on of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs, Inc., dues.”

The proposed by‐laws would change to:
“Effec ve July 1, 2019, the membership year for the A.W.S.C. is July 1 to June 30. Membership in the
A.W.S.C. shall begin the day the membership informa on and dues are processed by the A.W.S.C. office
and all memberships will expire on June 30.”

Introduc on of Guest Speaker ‐ Chris ne Jourdain, ACSA

Congratula ons on 50 years, first in the country that have hit 50 years. You formed an associa on and stuck
together. Leaders in the snowmobile industry for this. First group with a youth group, congratula ons to
KAOS group and leaders. First group with a Miss Snowflake.

Chris ne explained what ACSA is ‐ voice on na onal snowmobile issues, the face of snowmobiling in Wash‐
ington, DC. They closely monitor what goes on in Washington, the na onal forest service. We do the DC Fly‐
in ‐ 20th annual coming up in April.

Promote posi ve side of snowmobiling, especially through social media

Wisconsin has a lot of miles of trail, 18,000 miles, thanks to clubs working with landowners. Number one
complaint is trespassing. We try to address that, crea ng loss of trails across the country. Most of those
people do not belong to clubs or state associa ons, trying to reach out and find them. Displaying memes at
hotels, other businesses, to get the message across to stay on the trail. Ads are put together to include in
the programs at Amsoil sno‐crosses to remind people to ride correctly and support organized snowmobil‐

ACSA has a weekly e‐news, go to snowmobilers.org and join the mailing list. Contains a lot of good infor‐
ma on, pertains to snowmobiling across the country.

Coopera ve agreement with Na onal Highway Administra on ‐ funded by gas taxes, RTP which includes
several projects including radio PSA, blogs, google ads Facts & Myths Revision.

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019 ‐ cont’d

ACSA has done a targeted ad on Facebook on impaired riding, speed.
Www.Snowmobileinfo.org has a lot of tools and studies for your use. Posters, other informa on available,
all free for your use.

Online safety course, scien fic studies, posters, grooming guide, public and private land access guides are
available at that website.

Fundraisers for ACSA ‐ Cash calendar, membership, legal fund, PAC. State associa on gets $5 per calendar

We are environmentalists. People forget that, keep reminding them.

ACSA reminds decision makers in Washington about us.

Officer Reports

President Dave Newman: Ssome of the snowmobile trails are be er than the roads.

AWSC Director voted in January to implement a $2 dues increase, will take effect July 1, 2019. Was dis‐
cussed for the past year. We need to have a financial reserve in case any legal challenge arises. There are
s ll people that think the AWSC keeps the $10 for the trail pass ‐ that goes directly to the DNR. It takes over
a half a million dollars to run this organiza on. The AWSC has never told any club what they should charge
for dues. Directors will vote on the AWSC budget tomorrow.

In January, Wisconsin State Journal had an ar cle about skiers being concerned about safety with snowmo‐
bilers on the trail. We felt it necessary to hire a pr firm representa ve to help us get out side of the story
out. She is helping with the BlueMounds issue, also. We have used her in the past. She set us up with the
reporter that wrote that ar cle, which contained many untruths. We have not seen any nega ve ar cles
since; she has been very good se ng us up with media contacts.

Vice President Lori Heideman: Hope everyone is reminiscing about the last 50 years, seen the vintage dis‐

Snowmobile Friendly Communi es awards will be handed out later this morning. Thanks to Don Hamilton,
associa on coordinator, and the commi ee; thanks to the coun es/municipali es that applied. This is the
first year of the program, hope there will be more applica ons next year.

Of the Year Awards ‐ deadline is coming up, applica ons are online. Anyone can make a nomina on.

606 clubs in Wisconsin, should be 606 nomina ons for Club of the Year. So many volunteers, club mem‐
bers, groomer operators that volunteered for hours. Don’t forget about our youth. There are so many great
youth members.

KAOS has elected their own execu ve board, we look forward to working with them.

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d
Thanks to all that help with the leadership weekend.

This a ernoon, be sure you thank these youth for helping with the games, and all they do.

It is your responsibility to take back to your clubs what you learn here this weekend. Communica on to
your members, get excited, educate them about what we’re doing here. Talk about the last 50 years.

Treasurer ‐ Andy Malecki: Andy announces that there are 3 raffle ckets le . Andy thanks all for suppor ng
him being re‐elected as treasurer. Thanks Lori Pohl for her help and guidance over the years.

Execu ve Board and Stormy have worked on the budget over the past months.

There are some ACSA calendars le for purchase

Secretary ‐ Sue Smedegard: Thank you for support in re‐elec on. Thanks to Directors and Representa ves
that a end 4 AWSC mee ngs per year, a end county and local club mee ngs to bring informa on back.
Thanks to the landowners and volunteers that maintain trails, a end mee ngs, step up to be officers, trail
bosses, safety instructors. You make snowmobiling in Wisconsin possible for all to enjoy

Let the world know what we have, experiences, what uniqueness do you have? Tourists come to be cele‐
brated, see the best of what we’ve got, build up the celebra on of snowmobiling. Does your social media or
website tell visitors they’ll be happy to be here? Is it inclusive and celebratory, or does it just say “it’s cold?”

Execu ve Director ‐ Sam Landes: Myron Hedrick, first AWSC President, would be proud to see a group this
size, and over 600 clubs on our 50th anniversary.

50 years ‐ segregated trail fund, 100% goes into the fund, 88% goes to fund the trails, 12% goes to the DNR.
When it was set up, the DNR got even more than 12%. Other states have it all go into their fund, but get a
much smaller por on back. They would love to have what we have. Morris Nelson had “good guy” s ckers
made up for legisla ve mee ngs ‐ if they were pro‐snowmobiling, they got a s cker.

We got funding increased over the years, por on of Indian gaming funds, trail pass program, $10 million
back into program over past 4 years. We’ve answered 2 of our biggest ques ons ‐ what do we do about our
image, what do we do about accidents/fatali es. We s ll have too many fatali es, s ll have work to do

What about the non‐club member? We got more out of the non‐members now than we did 5 years ago.

At one me we were broke. Snowmobile registra ons were down, then we got snow in southern Wisconsin.
Snowmobiling is alive and well today. We have to defend ourselves against the an ’s ‐ need to defend our
trails on public and private proper es.

Blue Mound State Park ‐ 17 years had a club‐supported trail through the trail. We’re on the third me of
opening the master plan to get the trail system on park property and off the side of the road. Paula Gilbeck
had 3 press releases out for the March 12 mee ng, over 250 snowmobilers signed in. We got posi ve press.

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d

Snowmobiling and the trail are back into the amendment ‐ we an cipate a plan coming out this summer.
The next comment period will ensure that it passes, you will get informa on on that.

Stower Seven Lakes ‐ was a mul ple use trail that we were supposed to be part of. Friends group found a
loophole, technically the department didn’t have the right to call all the uses, got language changed in
2013, maintenance of that trail are turned over to the county, county and DNR are working on MOU at
this me. Polk County snowmobilers have done a good job s cking together. 250 gathered for a photo at
the head of the trail, great photo, you can see it on Facebook.

Langlade County and Oconto Coun es put over 250 people in a township room to accept or deny grant
for bridge‐ they walked out of the mee ng with unanimous vote to accept grant.

Moving forward, the message to members is par cipate, respond.

Because of trail pass, extra funding allows the rec council to begin funding new miles of trail. 40 foot rule
needs to be looked at, detrimental to new miles. No states around us have that rule. AWSC went on rec‐
ord in support AB7 ‐ changes absolute sobriety to age 21, in line with everyone else.

In the Governor’s budget funding for snowmobile law enforcement comes from GPR dollars instead of
Indian gaming revenue and we are not sure we’re comfortable with that.

Thanks all here without you, there’d be no trail system. Thanks the directors, reps, past presidents, with‐
out you, there’d be no associa on. We ride.

Dave ‐ deadline is March 26 to make comments on Blue Mounds ‐ no ce and links are in the booklet,
and paper form is available to fill out and mail on Monday.

Miss Snowflake ‐ Kendra Randrup: First me in Green Bay, thankful to be suppor ng the AWSC, thanks
to her sponsors.

A ended the KAOS ride, and several other rides and events, MS Snow Tour, World Championship races,
Vintage Ride for Charity, radar runs.

Raffle drawing at 10:30

Commemora ve Henry 22 LR – winner Mike Ballweg

Cash raffle drawings: 1st prize Dan Henningfeld; 2nd prize Frank Dusek; 3rd prize Rick Daniels; 4th prize
Glen Durban; 5th prize Jay Thompson; 6th prize Lake Country Riders; 7th prize Sue Smedegard

Cathy Burrow ‐ Snowmobile /ATV Grant Manager: Sue Smedegard has copies of the power point, will be
going out to the directors and reps a er the weekend.

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d

State of the grant ‐ income has nearly doubled since the trail pass ‐ will have a lot of income this year be‐
cause of the snow. Most goes to trail maintenance, right back to the clubs, supplemental maintenance,
development grants, state trails, law enforcement and safety, administra on.

Trail grants ‐ most goes to maintenance, supplemental, then smaller categories are bridge rehab, trail
rehab & reloca on, new category is new bridges, and storm damage. Next year will add new miles to the

Current registra on numbers down slightly from last year. Trail pass numbers are in your booklet. Total
trail passes this year 157,084.

Governors council ‐ council recommended increasing $250 to $300, Joint Finance report is available on
the snowmobile council webpage. Ad hoc commi ees formed ‐ one is audit, coun es that go into sup‐
plemental are audited. Will be a commi ee looking at bridges.

FEMA concerns

GPS in groomers, council does not want to move too fast, looking at whether this is an allowable ex‐
pense (the equipment)

Trail signing handbook should be done sooner rather than later.

State contracts ‐ Sam will discuss at directors mee ng ‐ Sue has handouts for this for the directors
mee ng tomorrow, clubs that contract directly with the DNR, all done in SNARS now, but club s ll needs
to invoice that property for the money. Bureau of Finance will not pay without invoice. Handout lists
every DNR state trail where there is no MOU with the county, says what has to be on the invoice.

Snowmobile Council webpage ‐ has everything the council does, look at agendas, mee ngs.

New Trail ranking ‐ Sue has sheets for directors and reps for tomorrow’s mee ng. Will also be sent out to
directors and reps via email.

Fuzzy Moran brought up off‐trail riding, losing trails ‐ can something be included with the trail passes
saying off‐trail riding is trespassing, illegal.

Ranking sheet includes permanent easement points, another is ten‐year and five‐year easement. Proper‐
ty changes hands frequently in some parts of the state.

Another associa on ques ons that every club has to have insurance on the trails, why can’t that be
claimed as a maintenance expense? It’s an eligible expense for the county, but not the clubs. Insurance
covers events, etc., also ‐ asks if at least a percentage could be claimed.

Dave men ons that the council is a 15 member ci zen board; many are in this room, stood for recogni‐

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d

April Dombrowski ‐ Natural Resources Program Manager: Sec on Chief, 35‐40 full me and limited me
employees, creden aled staff, law enforcement and non‐creden aled staff.

Congratula ons on 50 years of being an organiza on, a lot of history that goes with this, you should be
proud of the history and being part of the tradi on. Con nue to tell your story, and how you want the
next chapter wri en.

Program updates ‐ rebuilding sec on, transi on with recrea on wardens ‐ 10 around the state focused
on enforcement, accident inves ga on and training. Focus on importance of volunteer instructors. Out‐
door skills trainers are fully dedicated to volunteer instructors. Now rebuilding administra ve part of sec‐
 on. Have some vacancies, announcement is currently out.

Overall DNR alignment, looking at where they move forward, efforts provided in parks system in sum‐
mer. Took them away from trails and lakes, re‐evalua ng to see what direc on that’s going. Bureau of
Law Enforcement going through strategic planning at this me, also. One of the goals is recrea on ‐ en‐
hancing safety, experiences.

Annual report for snowmobile and atv program ‐ changing direc on of annual report, transi on to calen‐
dar year rather than season rela ng to sta s cs. What story do we want to tell moving forward? Work in

Trail signing handbook ‐ brought in snowmobilers, ATV’ers, off road motorcycles, highway department.
Working on ge ng it finished off and produced. A number of revisions have been made, now sent to le‐
gal staff for review. Then goes to graphic ar st. Hope to have it on the web for viewing on May 1.
Prin ng hard copies will be evaluated, cost, budget is issue, will there be any law changes that would im‐
pact the booklet? It’s a handbook, set of guidelines, not the “bible.” Can’t address every scenario in the

Law enforcement efforts ‐ rebuilding that area, hopes to get those posi ons filled. 199 wardens on pay‐
roll, some re rements to work through currently. Snowmobile program has the equivalency of about 9
posi ons. Fiscally responsible with this, challenge this year, snow across the state.

Snowmobile sta s cs from the season, some trails are s ll open, calendar year 2018 ended with 19 fatal‐
i es, this calendar year we have 15, seasonal standpoints has us at 19 for this season. We work on this
through safety courses, marke ng safety. When you look at the 10 year trend, fatal trend con nues to
fall compared to number of registered sleds.

Volunteer instructors for safety programs ‐ volunteer instructors awards for years of service looked at,
snowmobile program has a long list of years of service, from 2 years to 45 years of service, no other pro‐
gram has that many years ‐ there is no award for 45, will be looking into that. Those that have 30 years
and beyond were recognized.

Drew Nussbaum, Regional Tourism Specialist: Outstanding to see a year like this come to reality, snow
around the state. Kept marke ng as aggressive as they could.

Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d

Gave away a snowmobile last year to create a database from riders from Wisconsin and surrounding
states. All 72 coun es were open at some point this year ‐ he was able to talk about that in surrounding

Secretary Sarah Meany a ended the AWSC Celebrate Wisconsin Snowmobiling event. She is well aware
of how important snowmobiling is to tourism in Wisconsin. It was her first me on a sled, and she got to
drive a groomer.

Keep pushing our message out to our legislators, lawmakers.

Marke ng has been increased this year; snowmobile pieces have had thousands of hits on social media.

Safety messages that were requested from DNR is an issue for all of us. Tourism, clubs, everyone needs
to be involved. He has always encouraged clubs to post videos. We need to do a be er job promo ng
and educa ng. Social media rules us. 80% of travelers to Wisconsin engage on social media. Be careful
what you post, advocate a message of responsibility and safety. We need to focus on the centennials, 23
and younger. We haven’t addressed their technological advances. Michigan does a really good job with
videos. Hard to explain to some town/city/county boards why we are important.

Promo ng outdoor recrea on is vital to the visit and work aspect in Wisconsin. We don’t brag enough –
50 years of this associa on. 40,000 club members make this the coolest sport there is, no tax dollars, us‐
er funded. Con nue to advocate for how important this is.

Proclama on of 50 years of AWSC received from Governor Evers, presented to AWSC President Dave
Newman by Drew Nussbaum.

Outgoing/Re ring Director & Rep Recogni on

Deb Levey, Columbia County Rep, 2013‐2018; Pat Neff, Grant County Rep, 2015‐2018; Lloyd Runde,
Grant County Director, 2010‐2018; Doug Waehler, Oneida County Rep, 2011‐2018; Jim Walcisak, Price
County Rep, 2010‐2018; Tim Werner, Price County Director, 1998‐2018

Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards

Algoma, Bayfield, Eagle River, Hayward, Iron County, St. Germain, Sawyer County, Three Lakes, Toma‐
hawk were recognized, received signs for their community.

Membership Commi ee Chairmen ‐ Jim Chambers, Jim Marks:
2018‐2019 ‐ Primary 38,269 – 2017 showed 39,363, loss of 1,094.
2018‐2019 – Commercial 1,205 ‐ 2017‐2018 1,266, loss of 61.
2019‐2019 ‐ Totals 39,474 ‐ 2017‐18 ‐ 40,629, loss of 1,155.

Last month of the season has increase of 462 over previous month. People will remember the snow at
the beginning of next season, should increase our membership numbers.

Elec on results ‐ by‐law change ‐ 269 in favor, 4 against.
Annual Mee ng Minutes from March 23, 2019‐ cont’d

No new business or old business

A lot of clubs are 50 years old, there are cer ficates for you at the vintage display.

We have 700 people registered for the weekend. Thanks to Stormy Hovey, new office/business manager, do‐
ing a great job, also hired a coop student from the local high school, Julia Winters.

Respec ully submi ed,
Sue Smedegard, Secretary

AWSC Execu ve Officer Candidate Profiles

                      PRESIDENT— Dave Newman, Incumbent

                      I am announcing that I will again be a candidate for president of the AWSC. I have
                      proudly served as president for the past seven years which was preceded with four
                      years as vice president and the Clark County Director prior to that. On top of my du‐
                        es as president, I am s ll very ac ve in my club and on the county level.

                     I have always encouraged our vice president, Lori Heideman, to take the next step
                     and run for president whenever she felt ready. Because of her commitment to her
                     job, Lori has not felt she has had the me to dedicate to a president’s posi on un l
                     re rement, and it looks like that day is in sight. So, it is my inten on to run one more
 me this year and happily endorse her for president in 2023.

Un l then, I will con nue to represent the AWSC in a posi ve way on both the state and na onal level. I feel
I have proven myself to be the professional and ethical leader the AWSC needed. Thank you for your past
support and I hope I can count on your vote once again this year.

VICE PRESIDENT ‐ Lori Heideman, Incumbent

I am the current Vice President of the AWSC. I have decided to run for another term
of Vice President. The past eight years have taught me a lot. When I started out in
this posi on I talked about how overwhelming it was. There was so much to learn. I
feel that I have come a long way since that first year. The execu ve boards I have
worked with have not only taught me many things, they have introduced me to the
AWSC's key stakeholders.

Along with my vice president du es, I also sit on several commi ees. I am s ll a very
ac ve member of the youth commi ee. This has been a commi ee that I have been
on since the incep on of our KAOS program. I have traveled to many Interna onal
snowmobile Congresses to support our youth when they gave presenta ons. I con nue to be a great sup‐
porter of KAOS.

I also co‐chair the Snowmobile Friendly Communi es commi ee. This program was established four years
ago to bring recogni on to our volunteers and celebrate communi es. It is becoming a very successful pro‐

I have represented the Associa on at the DC fly in as well as the Interna onal Snowmobile Congress the past
eight years. I feel that I am making connec ons at the na onal level as well as with many of our state direc‐
tors. The more familiar I become with the issues that face the AWSC, the be er I can represent the snowmo‐
bilers. I appreciate all the support I have received these past eight years and ask that you support me once
again as the Vice President of the Associa on. Thank you for your support.

Execu ve Board Candidate Profiles ‐ Con nued

TREASURER – Lauren Levey, Incumbent

                       Hello Wisconsin snowmobile club members! I cannot believe it's almost been a full
                       year since being elected Treasurer of the AWSC. I have learned so much over the last
                       year and s ll have a lot to learn regarding Treasurer du es and how the AWSC oper‐
                       ates. I've received a ton of very posi ve feedback from many of you regarding the
                       younger genera on stepping up to be involved on the Execu ve Board and I appreci‐
                       ate your support over the last year and hopefully moving forward into the next elec‐
                        on season.

                         I am a proud member of the Cambria Moonlighters snowmobile club in Columbia
                         County, a member of the KAOS commi ee, a newly re‐cer fied snowmobile & ATV
                         safety instructor, and a sponsored trail rider for DSG Outerwear. Outside of snowmo‐
biling, I enjoy hun ng, fishing, and taking out the UTV with my husband, Trevor, and introducing all of our
hobbies to our 5‐month old, TJ.

One of the most damaging phrases to any organiza on is "that's the way we've always done it" and I would
encourage everyone to remove that from their vocabulary. People (and organiza ons) can't grow without
stepping out of their comfort zone. I'm very proud to represent the younger genera ons on the execu ve
board and I hope you re‐elect me as Treasurer of the AWSC to be the person to help our organiza on step
outside of our comfort zone!

SECRETARY—Sue Smedegard, Incumbent

I have served as the AWSC Secretary since March, 2011. I currently serve on the
Governor’s Snowmobile Recrea on Council, Office of Outdoor Recrea on Commi ee,
serve as the liaison between the execu ve board and the Wisconsin Department of
Tourism, as well as the Wisconsin ATV Associa on. I was proud to receive the AWSC
President’s Cup in 2018. I am an officer of my club and county associa on. I serve as
the Burne County representa ve to NoRTAC as secretary (Northern Regional Trail
Advisory Commi ee), and am Ac ng Chair of the Gandy Dancer Trail Commission.

It has been a priority for me to get the minutes and other informa on out to directors,
representa ves and members as quickly as possible, to communicate with Directors,
Reps, and members about what’s going on within and involving the Associa on of
Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. I look forward to con nuing to work with our very dedicated execu ve board
as we work through the coming year.

I hope I can count on your support and vote for Secretary of the Associa on of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs
for the 2022 – 2023 season. I look forward to working with all of you!

Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards

    Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards will be presented at the Annual
                         Mee ng Saturday Morning
Early in 2017, the AWSC Execu ve Board created an ad hoc Commi ee to explore the feasibility of crea ng a
Statewide Recogni on Program the AWSC could use to recognize and reward the volunteer efforts of its 600+
Clubs and the Communi es they reside in. Although small, the new “Snowmobile Friendly Community Com‐
mi ee” went to work. Ini ally comprised of three Execu ve Board Members, one Club Member, and one
Staff Member, the Commi ee researched and reviewed a wide variety of ways to build a recogni on pro‐
gram to meet the goals laid out by the Execu ve Board.

By 2018, the SFC Commi ee had finalized their Program and the AWSC formally announced and introduced
the new “Snowmobile Friendly Community Program” to the Directors, Reps, and Clubs.

There are three main components of the AWSC’s Snowmobile Friendly Community Program:

1. Create a Recogni on Award: to recognize/thank the dozens of volunteers in the Club and Community
   who work relessly to support, preserve, and protect snowmobiling. In short, no ma er how large or
   small the community, award them with a sign/symbol celebra ng the collec ve efforts of their local

2. Create a Tool to advocate for snowmobiling: The Community, Club, or County can use the SFC Award to:
         Account for and increase visibility of their Volunteers, (celebrate and mo vate)
         Improve rela onships with their Community by/thru:
                Engaging with key stakeholders (educate)
                Partnerships, ac vi es, and events (par cipate)

3. Create a Checklist for Success: The SFC Applica on is also Standardized Checklist/Guide for Clubs,
   Communi es, and County organiza ons. The Checklist can use to achieve success in four key areas:
              Encouragement                                 Educa on
              Engineering                                   Enforcement

Congratula ons to the 2022 Snowmobile Friendly Communi es and their Clubs:

   1. Arbor Vitae, WI—Snowmobile Friendly Community (Pop. 3,390)
             Submi ed by: Cross Country Cruisers‐Vilas County
   2. Conover, WI—Snowmobile Friendly Community (Pop. 1,247)
             Submi ed by: Conover Sno‐Buddies Inc.—Vilas County
   3. Lodi, WI—Snowmobile Friendly Community (Pop. 3,060)
             Submi ed by: Yellow Thunder Snowmobile Club ‐ Columbia County
   4. Chippewa County, WI—Snowmobile Friendly County (Pop. 64,658)
             Submi ed by: Chippewa County Tourism Council
   5. Marine e County, WI— Snowmobile Friendly County (Pop. 40,350)
             Submi ed by: Submi ed by Marine e County Tourism Office and
                                 Marine e County Snowmobile Alliance
Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards

Community of Arbor Vitae

The Cross Country Cruisers are a 100% Volunteer snowmobile club based in Arbor Vitae, WI.
The club is responsible for signing, maintaining, and grooming over 90 miles of trails in both
Vilas and Oneida Coun es including the Bearskin Trail. The club’s yearly membership sits
around 450‐500 members which includes commercial memberships. The town of Arbor Vitae,
where the clubhouse is located, has a rich logging history which has produced many excellent
trail systems for outdoor recrea on, including snowmobiling. Arbor Vitae is a small communi‐
ty where neighbors are friends, and friends are family ‐ which makes it a perfect place for the
Cross Country Cruisers to call home.

Community of Conover

Conover is located on US Hwy 45 just south of the Michigan border in the heart of the lakes
region. Nestled on the eastern side of Vilas County, Conover is a small town of 1253 friendly
residents surrounded by a unique blend of forests, lakes, rivers and natural beauty. With rich
history in the logging industry, trail development was a logical choice for such a beau ful
landscape. The Conover Sno‐Buddies Snowmobile Club was incorporated in 1972 and recently
celebrated their 50 year anniversary. The club currently manages a trail system of 70 miles
winding through scenic forest lands and rolling hills that connect to 600 miles of trails within
Vilas County. With a membership roster just over 300, the Sno‐Buddies are managed by a
board of 11 officers, 3 program coordinators, a fundraising commi ee of 10 and a grooming
squad of 7. Come and ride with us soon!

Community of Lodi

Lodi, meaning peaceful valley, is located in the heart of scenic south‐central Wisconsin, Co‐
lumbia County and is a community of about 3,100 residents. The Yellow Thunder Snowmobile
Club, 200 members strong, has been around since 1968 and is responsible for grooming and
maintaining over 70 miles of trails. Their club remains very involved in their community,
providing snowmobile safety classes, two scholarships, volunteering at various events and
even providing their city with their first snow ambulance. Yellow Thunder owns two groom‐
ers; a New Holland and a CASE IH. As with most clubs, Yellow Thunder would not have their
beau ful trail system without the generosity of their 180 landowners and volunteers.

Snowmobile Friendly Community Awards

County of Chippewa

From countryside, to forests, through quaint downtowns, the Chippewa County snowmobile
trail system has miles of adventure and fun awai ng all. Supported by over 20 local clubs over
400 miles of trail system is well taken care of, which is shown through the consistently
updated trail markings and seamless communica on of trail condi ons. Welcoming enthusi‐
asts from around the country, our clubs, lodging partners, restaurants, taverns, and a rac on
businesses know the importance of maintaining the trail systems and crea ng a comfortable
ride to all.

County of Marine e

"It's not about the miles, it's about the smiles!” In Marine e County you'll find both! The
Marine e County Snowmobile Alliance is comprised of nine clubs that maintain over 700
miles of trails and promote the exhilara ng Northwoods pas me of snowmobiling. Clubs op‐
erate in coopera on with state, county and local governments, along with private landowners
who graciously allow snowmobile use on designated areas of their private property.

The Marine e County Snowmobile Alliance organizes and shares informa on among its clubs
and works to promote safe, well maintained trails for public use. An Alliance trail map is
printed yearly and features over 170 business sponsors. The Marine e County Snowmobile
Alliance and its clubs also work closely with county and state tourism departments to
promote its trails across Wisconsin, the Midwest and the na on. For the hard working club
volunteers who make their trail system a riding des na on, the reward is seeing the smiles of
happy riders.

Saturday Evening Banquet

                                                Doors open at 5:30pm
                                          Cocktails 5:30 ‐ 6:30pm (Cash Bar)
                                               Dinner served at 6:30pm
      (Please note: Tables will be reserved for the Scholarship Winners and the Snowmobile Friendly Winners)

                                       Garden Salad, Fresh Dinner Rolls
                                 Chicken Breast Floren ne with Morney Sauce
                                   Braised Mushroom & Burgandy Beef Tips
                                Oven Roasted Maple & Cinnamon Cured Sliced
                                Pork Loin w/Apricot and Cranberry Reduc on
                                      Creamy Whipped Potatoes & Gravy
                                 Sautéed Whole Green Beans with Fresh Basil
                                                  Bu er
                               Sautéed Vegetable Medley with Fresh Basil Bu er
                                       Assorted Pies, Bars and Brownies
                               Milk, Fresh Brewed Coffee Regular and Decaf, Hot
                                               Tea and Ice Tea

                                    Welcome by President Dave Newman
                                                 Dinner Served
                                          Introduc on of Head Table
                                        Recogni on of Past Presidents
                                Recogni on of AWSC County Directors & Reps
                                             Presidents Cup Award
         Announcement of Scholarship Recipients ‐ Theresa Braudt, Scholarship Commi ee Chair
Recogni on of Snowmobile Friendly Community Awardees—Lori Heideman, Snowmobile Friendly Community
                                         Commi ee Chair

President’s Cup Award

The President’s Cup is presented yearly by the current President of the Associa on to the person or
               group that has gone above and beyond all expecta ons of the AWSC.

Past Recipients:      2021 Andy Malecki
                      2019 Lori Pohl
                      2018 Sue Smedegard
                      2017 Larry Erickson
                      2016 Don & Sue Hamilton
                      2015 Cathy (Hanson) Krause
                      2014 Morris Nelson
                      2013 Jerry Wanty
                      2012 Mary Holden
                      2011 Donna White
                      2010 Orv Langohr
                      2009 Sco Makowski & Walter (Wally) Thill
                      2008 Sam Landes
                      2007 Dave Newman
                      2006 Bill Schumann
                      2005 AWSC Clubs – All Volunteers
                      2004 Pat Hafenstein
                      2003 Sam Landes
                      2002 Cathy Hanson
                      2001 Bill Pfaff
                      2000 Mike Roiger
                      1999 Morris Nelson
                      1998 Marj Roach
                      1997 Tommy Thompson
                      1996 Dennis Sorenson
                      1995 Jim Saari
                      1994 Paul Statz
                      1993 Jim Gescheidle
                      1992 George Lendved
                      1991 Howard Po er

2022 Scholarship Recipients

       Scholarship Awards will be presented at the Saturday evening banquet

$1,500 R       L. M               M            S              ( Y      D       )
M        B
           Michael is a member of the Junc on City Sundowners, Portage County and will be gradua ng from
           DC Everest Senior High Idea Charter School in June of 2022. Michael plans to a end UW‐Stevens
           Point in the fall for accoun ng. Michael is the son of Tom and Bonnie Brierton.

$1,500 R   L. M                   M            S              ( Y      D       )
M        M    W
           Makenzie is a member of the Cassville Ski‐Busters, Grant County and will be gradua ng from
           Cassville Senior High School in May of 2022. Makenzie plans to a end North East Iowa Community
           College to study Radiology and then further her educa on to receive a bachelor’s degree as well as
           get cer fied in MRI and Ultrasound. Makenzie is the daughter of Brad and Elizabeth Wiest.

$1,500 AWSC S
K    L   S
           Kylee Lynn is a member of the Northern Lights Snowmobile Club, Oneida County and will be
           gradua ng from Northland Pines High School in June of 2022. Kylee Lynn plans to a end
           Minnesota State University majoring in nursing in the fall. Kylee Lynn is the daughter of Steve and
           Toni Swendson.

$1,000 R        LM                M            S              ( Y      D       )
E     M
           Emmie is a member of the Oconto Falls Sno Jokers, Oconto County and will be gradua ng from
           Oconto Falls High School in May of 2022. Emmie plans to a end Carroll University in the fall for
           health science with an emphasis on radiology. Emmie is the daughter of Duane and Danna Magnin.

$1,000 R        LM                M            S              ( Y      D       )
E     D
           Ethan is a member of the Hubbleton Riders Inc, Jefferson County and will be gradua ng from
           Lakeside Lutheran High School in May of 2022. Ethan plans to a end Madison Area Technical Col‐
           lege to study to be an Automo ve Technician. Ethan is the son of Ryan and Kim Degner.

2022 Scholarship Recipients—cont

$1,000 AWSC S                              L        M        I
T      H
           Tierney is a member of the Kohlsville Kruisers SC, Washington County and will be gradua ng
           from Kewaskum High School in June of 2022. Tierney plans to a end Edgewood College, Madi‐
           son to study nursing. Tierney is the daughter of Tim and Tracy Herman.

$500 K           A            S                S             (KAOS )
B      V
           Brooke is a member of the Barron Snow Bears, Barron County and will be gradua ng from
           Barron Area Senior High School in May of 2022. Brooke plans to a end University Minnesota‐
           Duluth and major in Biology. Brooke is the daughter of Jeff and Beverly Vergin.

$300 K ’ S           A            E            S
J    B
           Jacob is a member of Germantown Sno‐Dri ers SC, Washington County and will be gradua ng
           from Germantown High School in June of 2022. Jacob plans to a end Michigan Technological
           University to study Mechanical Engineering. Jacob is the son of Robert and Heidi Betz.

$300 K ’ S           A            E            S
S    D
           Sadie is a member of the Kellner Knights SC, Wood County and will be gradua ng from
           Assump on High School in May of 2022. Sadie plans to a end UW‐Eau Claire major yet to be
           determined. Sadie is the daughter of Troy and Peggy Donahue.

$300 K ’ S           A            E            S
G    O
           Grace is a member of the Oconto Falls Sno Jokers, Oconto County and will be gradua ng from
           Oconto Falls High School in May of 2022. Grace plans to a end the University of Iowa for pre‐
           physical therapy. Grace is the daughter of Jim and Anna Oninski.

$300 K ’ S           A            E            S
A     F
           Amber is a member of the Symco Trailblazers, Waupaca County and will be gradua ng from
           Li le Wolf High School in May of 2022. Amber plans to a end Concordia University majoring in
           Biomedical Science. Amber is the daughter of Craig and Melissa Feitzer.

2022 Scholarship Recipients—cont

$300 M           S       S               D      S
J     A
          Joseph is a member of Oconto Falls Sno Jokers, Oconto County and will be gradua ng from
          Oconto Falls High School in May of 2022. Joseph plans to a end UW‐Stevens Point to study Con‐
          serva on Law Enforcement. Joseph is the son of Don and Laura Adams.

$300 T       S       S
T    K
          Tyler is a member of the Tomorrow River SC, Portage County and will be gradua ng from Am‐
          herst High School in May of 2022. Tyler plans to a end Iowa State University to study Agrono‐
          my. Tyler is the son of TJ and Cindy Kennedy.

Trail Pass Sta s cs 2021‐2022

                    $10 AWSC         $30 RESIDENT         $50 NON RESIDENT          TOTALPASSES
                      SOLD               SOLD                   SOLD                   SOLD
  May                                       860                                         860

  June                  0                1,767                      0                  1,767

   July                643                  918                     0                  1,561

 August               1,004              1,116                     101                 2,221

September             3,905              1,936                     343                 6,184

 October              7,307              2,829                     623                10,759

November              15,209             8,444                    1,770               25,423

December              22,140             23,631                   6,438               52,209

 January              11,666             28,462                   9,209               49,337

February              1,464              7,606                    5,162               14,232

 March                  67                  618                    565                 1,251

  Totals              63,406             78,187                   24,211              165,804

                               TRAIL PASS SALES HISTORY

             Season          Non‐Resident        DNR Trail Pass     AWSC Trail Pass

            2015‐16             16,766              58,970                 61,979

            2016‐17             14,349              64,743                 65,581

            2017‐18             21,634              62,988                 63,024

            2018‐19             19,477              79,991                 64,366

            2019‐20             22,438              79,619                 64,757

            2020‐21             22,532              79,780                 64,906

           2021‐22 (*)         24,211              78,187              63,406
             (*) 2021‐22 Totals as of January 31, 2021. Non‐Resident and DNR Trail
          Pass may include some duplicate entries that are rolled back a er June 30.
AWSC Membership Totals ‐ Year End (3/15/2022)

                          2021‐2022 Club Informa on
             Total AWSC Clubs ............................................ 600

             New Clubs (total includes) ....................................... 0

             Clubs at 0 for total number .....................................4

            2021‐2022 Ac ve Membership as of 3/15/22
                  Primary members .................................... 39,721

                  Commercial members ................................1,325

             Total AWSC Membership ........................... 41,046

                          2016-2017        2017-2018         2018-2019        2019-2020     2020-2021

  Total AWSC Clubs            615               613              606                603       601

  Primary Members           40,334            39,363           38,269           38,408       39,779

 Commercial Members          1,261            1,266             1,205               1,252     1,246

TOTAL MEMBERSHIP            41,595            40,629           39,474           39,660       41,022

Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022

COUNTY     CLUB                                          MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
ADAMS      DELLWOOD-MOUNDVIEW SC                            48         0
           EASTON SNO SEEKERS                              19          0
           GRAND MARSH PATHFINDERS                         40          5
           JACK PINE SAVAGES SC - ADAMS                    38          5
           MONROE CENTER WINTER PALS SC                    15          0
           NEW HAVEN SNO STREAKERS                         35          1
           ROME SNO BANDITS                                169        23
           RUSTIC RIDGE RIDERS                             84          0
           TWIN VALLEY SNOWDRIFTERS                         35         0
                                                 TOTAL     483        34

ASHLAND    ASHLAND SNOWMOBILE CLUB                         31          1
           CLAM LAKE FOREST RIDERS                         36          4
           GLIDDEN SNO BEARS                               24          6
           PENOKEE MOUNTAIN RANGE RIDERS                   49          4
           SNO-DEMONS SC                                   13          0
                                                 TOTAL     153         15

BARRON     BARRON SNOW BEARS                               41           0
           CHETEK SNOW FLYERS                              94           1
           ISLAND CITY SNOWMOBILERS                        106          3
           RICE LAKE SNOW & DIRT CLUB                      95          12
                                                 TOTAL     336         16

BAYFIELD   BARNESTORMERS SC                                113          8
           DRUMMOND SNO-JACKS                               20          0
           FROSTY'S VINTAGE RIDERS                          37          6
           NAMAKAGON TRAIL GROOMERS                        266         16
           SOUTH SHORE TRAIL S C                            15          0
           WASHBURN VALHELLERS                              76          7
           WHITE RIVER RAMBLERS SC                          23          4
                                                 TOTAL     550         41

BROWN      DENMARK NORSEMEN SC                             103         0
           GREENLEAF RIDERS                                 67         0
           LEDGEVIEW RIDERS SC                              89         0
           MIDNITE TRAIL RIDERS                             89         0
           SNO-BIRDS SNOWMOBILE CLUB                        76         0
           SUGARBUSH TRAIL TRAMPS                           42         0
           WEST DEPERE SNOW OWLS                            65         0
                                                 TOTAL     531         0

BUFFALO    ALMA SNOW DRIFTERS OF WI INC                    26          3
           GLENCOE DRIFTERS                                26          0
           HILLTOP TRAILBLAZERS                            22          0
           MONDOVI-GILMANTON SNO BLAZERS                   100         1
           NELSON URNE SNOWMOBILE CLUB                     18          0
           RIVER VALLEY RIDERS                             19          8
           WAUMANDEE TRAILBLAZERS                          33          2
                                                 TOTAL     244         14
Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022

COUNTY     CLUB                                          MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
BURNETT    COZY CORNER TRAILS INC                           56         1
           LAKE COUNTRY RIDERS                             174         6
           LAKES & PINES SNO-TRAILS                        180        18
           PHANTOM TRAIL RIDERS                             18         8
           WONDERLAND INC                                  176        36
                                                 TOTAL     604        70

CALUMET    CALUMET SNO-TRAILS                               120        0
           DEER RUN SNO-RIDERS                              74         0
           KIEL SNOWMOBILE CLUB                             54         0
                                                 TOTAL      248        0

CHIPPEWA   BACK 40 TRAIL RIDERS SC                           53         9
           BATEMAN SNO-RIDERS                                20         8
           BLOOMER SNO-HAWKS INC                            122        0
           CADOTT HALFWAY HIGH-RIDERS                       33         0
           CLEVELAND TRAILMATES                             35         0
           CROSS COUNTRY CRUISERS-CHIPPEWA                  31          0
           CROSS CUT SC                                     40         0
           DELMAR SNOW GLIDERS                              37         0
           EAGLETON SNOW FLYERS                             40         0
           FLAMBEAU AREA TRAIL TENDERS                      120        13
           HALLIE EAGLES SC                                 26         0
           HURON SNO GLIDERS                                 36         0
           JIM TOWN RAIL RUNNERS                            39         0
           LAFAYETTE AREA SNOW TRAILS                       24         0
           LAKE WISSOTA TRAIL BLAZERS                        34         0
           PAINT CREEK SNO GOERS                             19        0
           RAINBOW RAIDERS 2                                 21         0
           ROUGH RIDERS SC                                   32        0
           STANLEY SNO-CHARGERS                             34         1
           WHEATON KNIGHT RIDERS                            83         2
                                                 TOTAL      879        33

CLARK      BOOM TOWN SNOW CHASERS                           74         9
           G W R RIDERS                                     77         0
           LOYAL SNOW ANGELS SC                             50         0
           NEILLSVILLE-GRANTON TRAILBUSTERS                 42         0
           RIP RIDERS SC                                    33         0
           THORP SNO-RAIDERS                                27         0
           TRAILBLAZERS SC                                  33         0
                                                 TOTAL      336        9

COLUMBIA   ARLINGTON PRAIRIE DRIFTERS SC                    121        0
           CAMPER COUNTRY SNOW RIDERS                       14         0
           COLUMBUS/FALL RIVER SNO-BLAZERS                  112        0
           MOONLIGHTERS INC (THE)                            67        6
           ROCKY RUN RIDERS                                 26         0
           SNO-HOPPERS OF DOYLESTOWN                        17         0
           WINNEBAGO RIDGE RUNNERS                           55         0
           YELLOW THUNDER SC                                212        17
                                         30      TOTAL      624        23
Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022

COUNTY     CLUB                                           MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
CRAWFORD   CLIFFHANGERS SC                                  50          0
           ROLLING GROUND/HILL-BILLY SC                     22          0
                                                  TOTAL     72          0

DANE       BELLEVILLE SNO CATS                              51          0
           C P RIDERS SC                                    119         9
           COUNTY LINE SNO BUSTERS                          61          0
           GOLDEN TRIANGLE DRIFTERS                         78          0
           MARSHALL SNO-DRIFTERS                            59          0
           MT VERNON VALLEY RIDERS                          49          0
           OREGON SNO BLAZERS                               79          0
           PRAIRIE RIDERS SC - SUN PRAIRIE                  57          0
           SPEEDWAY SNOWMOBILE CLUB                         48          0
           UTICA-NORA AREA TRAILBLAZERS                     110         0
           VIKING SNOWDRIFTERS SC                           76          0
           WAUBESA SNOW BIRDS                               31          0
           WAUNAKEE WINTER WANDERERS                        74          1
           WHITE LIGHTNING SC                                97         0
                                                  TOTAL     989         10

DODGE      HORICON MARSH SC INC                             32          0
           JUNEAU SNOW MARAUDERS                            38          0
           LEROY KNOWLES COUNTRY RIDERS                     46          0
           LOWELL TRACKMASTERS                              40          0
           NEOSHO NOMADS SC                                 19          0
           OBERLANDERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB                      29          0
           RANDOLPH TRAIL BUSTERS                           38          0
           RIDGE & VALLEY CRUISERS                          66          0
           ROCK RIVER SC                                    53          0
           SILVER CREEK RIDERS SC                           46          0
           SINISSIPPI TRAIL HAWKS SC                        29          0
           SNO-BLAZERS (FOX LAKE) SC                        51          0
           SNO-KATS OF BEAVER DAM                           57          0
           THERESA PIONEERS SC                              77          0
           TT RIDERS OF BURNETT                             38          0
           WATERLOO TRAIL TWISTERS                          44          0
                                                  TOTAL     703         0

DOOR       DOOR CENTRAL SNOWGOERS                           43          20
           DOOR DRIFTERS SC                                 43          11
           DOOR PIONEER TRAILBLAZERS                        77          12
           RED RIVER RIDERS SC                              16           0
           SOUTHERN DOOR SNOW TRAVELERS                     66           0
           TOP O' THE THUMB SC                              74          9
           VILLAGERS SC                                     19          14
                                                  TOTAL     338         66

Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022
COUNTY        CLUB                                             MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
DOUGLAS       4 SEASONS RECREATIONAL CLUB                        188        22
              BRULE RIVER RIDERS                                 136         6
              DRIFT DODGERS SC INC                               49          0
              GET-ER-DONE CLUB OF GORDON                          58         6
              JACKPINE RIDERS SC                                  36         0
              SOUTH SUPERIOR STORMRIDERS                         21          0
              THIRSTDAY RIDERS ATV & SNOWMOBILE CLUB              11         0
              WAINO RIDERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB                        47         0
                                                       TOTAL     546        34

DUNN          BOYCEVILLE AREA SNO-JAMMERS                        17          0
              COLFAX SNO-DRIFTERS                                21          0
              DOWNSVILLE SNOWDRIFTERS                            37          0
              EAU GALLE LAKERS                                   42          0
              ELK LAKE BLIZZARD BREAKERS                         37          0
              IRVINGTON WESTON HILLCLIMBERS                      16          0
              KANDA KRUISERS SC                                  21          0
              KNAPP VALLEY RIDERS                                42          0
              MENOMONIE SNO-BLAZERS                              26          0
              RIDGELAND RIDGERUNNERS SC                          43          0
              TAINTER TRAIL TAMERS SC                            53          0
              VALLEY SNO GOERS SC                                 6          0
              VISTA CRUISERS                                     15          0
              WHEELER SNOWDRIFTERS                               21          0
                                                       TOTAL     397         0

EAU CLAIRE    AUGUSTA SNO DRIFTERS                               29          3
              BRACKETTEERS SC                                    70          7
              BRUNSWICK BEAVERS                                  31          2
              CLEGHORN SNOW DRIFTERS                             42          0
              PLEASANT VALLEY ROUGH RIDERS                       19          3
              SHERWOOD FORESTERS                                 47          8
                                                       TOTAL     238         23

FLORENCE      FLORENCE COUNTY BLUE OX TRAIL RIDERS               86          0
                                                       TOTAL     86          0

FOND DU LAC   BRANDON SNO-CUBS INC                                60         0
              CAMPBELLSPORT SNO-COUGARS                          54          9
              DOTYVILLE DRIFTERS INC                             83          0
              DRIFT JUMPERS SC                                   102         0
              FAIRWATER TRAILBLAZERS SC                           39         0
              FOND DU LAC SNOWFLYERS                             36          0
              HOLY LAND FLYERS, INC                              207         0
              N K M CROOKED TRAILS SC                            52          0
              RUFF RIDERS SC (FDL)                               31          0
              SILVER CREEK SNO-ODDERS SC                         38          6
              TWIN OAKS SC                                       67          2
              WEST SHORE SNOW PISTONS                            31          0
                                                       TOTAL     800         17

Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022

COUNTY       CLUB                                          MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
FOREST       100 MILE SNOW SAFARI                            383         0
             BLACKBEAR SPORTSMAN CLUB                        17          0
             LUMBERJACK MEMORIAL TRAILS                      145         0
                                                   TOTAL     545         0
GRANT        ARTHUR SC                                       25          0
             BOSCOBEL SNO-STINGERS                           21          0
             CASSVILLE SKI-BUSTERS                           19          0
             CUBA CITY CUBES                                 42          0
             DICKEYVILLE IDLE RIDERS                         30          0
             HAZEL GREEN SNOBIRDS                             16         0
             IG SNOCATS                                      60          0
             KIELER SNOWMOBILE CLUB                          50          0
             MISSISSIPPI BLUFF RIDERS                        34          9
             MUSCODA SNOW SPORTS                             30          0
             PLATTEVILLE DRIFT BUSTERS SC                    27          0
             SNOOPY SNO-GOERS SC                             29          3
                                                   TOTAL     383        12
GREEN        BROOKLYN SNO-HORNETS                            62          1
             STATELINE TRAILBLAZERS                          122         0
                                                   TOTAL     184         1

GREEN LAKE   BERLIN RIVER RIDERS SC                          123         0
             MARKESAN SNO-DRIFTERS                           35          1
             PRINCETON SNO-BARONS                            66          0
             SNOSTREAKERS LTD                                33          0
                                                   TOTAL     257         1

IOWA         ARENA RIDGE RUNNERS INC                         20          0
             BARNEVELD TRAIL EAGLES                          77          0
             HOLLANDALE SNOWDRIFTERS                         60          0
             RIDGEWAY RIDERS SC                              20          0
             T-RIDERS SC                                     23          9
                                                   TOTAL     200         9

IRON         MERCER AREA SNO-GOERS                          897         84
             WHITE THUNDER RIDERS                           227         72
                                                   TOTAL    1124        156

JACKSON      BARNYARD TRAILRIDERS                            45          0
             BLACK RIVER TRAIL RIDERS                        31          0
             HATFIELD ROADRUNNERS                            26          0
             WOODLAND RIDERS                                 18          0
                                                   TOTAL     120         0

Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022

COUNTY      CLUB                                          MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
JEFFERSON   FORT DRIFTSKIPPERS SC                           25          0
            HEBRON BARK RIVER RIDERS                        30          0
            HELENVILLE HILLHOPPERS                          22          0
            HUBBLETON RIDERS INC                            53          0
            IXONIA/CONCORD EXPLORERS                        86          0
            JEFFERSON SNO-HAWKS                             76          0
            JEFFERSON SNOWSTORMERS                          61          0
            JOHNSON CREEK RIDERS                            40          0
            PALMYRA RIDGE RIDERS                            33          0
            ROME SNO-BARONS                                 32          0
            SNO DRIFTERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB                    15          0
            TWIN RIVER RIDERS                               55          1
            WATERTOWN SNOWMOBILE ASSN                       19          0
                                                  TOTAL     547         1

JUNEAU      CASTLE ROCK RIVER RUNNERS                       59          4
            LYNDON KNIGHTS SC                               14          0
            WINTER WANDERERS                                119         8
                                                  TOTAL     192         12

KENOSHA     BRIGHTON GHOST RIDERS                            21         0
            BRISTOL DRIFT BUSTERS SC                        34          0
            FALCON TRAIL BLAZERS                            14          0
            JESTERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB                         14          0
            PRAIRIE RIDERS SC - KENOSHA                     89          0
            SNO-BLAZERS OF KENOSHA                          19          0
            TWIN RUNNERS                                    217         0
                                                  TOTAL     408         0

KEWAUNEE    ALGOMA SNOW RIDERS                              48          0
            LUXEMBURG SPARTAN SC                            37          4
            MOONRIDERS SC                                   114         0
                                                  TOTAL     199         4

LA CROSSE   BANGOR BLIZZARD BUSTERS INC                     34          0
            COULEE COMETS                                   46          0
            COULEE SNO DRIFTERS                             33          0
            MINDORO COUNTRY CLASSICS                        25          0
            RIDGE RUNNERS SC                                64          2
            TABLE ROCK RIDERS                               44          0
                                                  TOTAL     246         2

LAFAYETTE   ARGYLE DITCH BANGERS                             21          0
            BLACK HAWK RIDERS S C                           36          14
            FAYETTE SNO GOERS                                42         15
            PRAIRIE VIEW RYDERS INC                         46           0
                                                  TOTAL     145         29

Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2022
COUNTY      CLUB                                          MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
LANGLADE    ANTIGO SNO-DRIFTERS INC                         101        11
            BRYANT RIDGERUNNERS                              60         0
            DEERBROOK BRIDGE RUNNERS                         24         0
            LILY SNO BIRDS INC                              118         1
            N WOOD BOULDER LAKE SNO-GOERS                    79         0
            PHLOX WINTER KNIGHTS                             30         0
            POLAR BLAZERS                                    23         0
            SNO-DEVILS SC                                   340         0
            TOMBSTONE PICKEREL (T.P.) S.C.                  327         0
                                                  TOTAL     1102       12

LINCOLN     COPPER RIVER MIDNIGHT RIDERS                    38          0
            DEVILS CREEK STUMP JUMPERS                      58          3
            HOOLIGANS SNOWMOBILE CLUB                       46          0
            KNIGHT OWLS SC                                  186         0
            L & L TREE DODGERS SC                           77          3
            NORTHWOODS PASSAGE                              45          0
            NORTHWOODS RIDERS SC                            425         0
            ROCK FALLS SNO DRIFTERS INC                     13          0
                                                  TOTAL     888         6

MANITOWOC   CLEVELAND SNOW HAWKS                            45          4
            COLLINS PARADISE SNO-RIDERS                     44          0
            INLAND SNOWBLAZERS                              43          0
            KETTLE RANGE SNOWRIDERS                         102         0
            LAKESHORE SNOWMOBILE CLUB                       100         0
            LOUIS CORNERS SNO-BIRDS                         93          0
            NEWTON SNO-SPORTS INC                           76          0
            VIKING SNO-RIDERS SC                            62          0
                                                  TOTAL     565         4

MARATHON    A & H SNO-MOBILERS INC                          29          0
            ATHENS SNO-PAK                                  52          0
            EAU PLEINE RIDERS                               43          1
            ELDERON SNO-ANGELS                              130         0
            EMMET SNO-DRIFTERS                              32          0
            FRANKFORT FREEDOM RIDERS                        33          0
            GLANDON SNOW BARONS                             56          0
            GREEN VALLEY SNOWMOBILE & BOAT                  56          0
            HAMBURG RAINBOW RIDERS                          25          0
            HATLEY SC                                       48          0
            KELLY SNOWSHOES SC                              76          0
            KRECJI CITY CRUISERS                            13          0
            LITTLE ROSE RIDERS                              32          0
            MIDNIGHT RIDERS INC                             84          1
            MOSINEE KK RIDERS                               35          0
            NUTTERVILLE SNOW NUTS                           87          0
            PEPLIN UNLIMITED SC                             40          0
            PIKE LAKE WILDERNESS                            66          0
            PONIATOWSKI DARE DEVILS                         77          6

Ac ve Membership by Club as of 3/15/2020

COUNTY        CLUB                                                MEMBERS   COMMERCIAL
              RIB KNIGHTS INC                                       64          0
              RIB RIDERS                                            98          0
              ROTHSCHILD URBAN AIRES                                28          0
              ROZELLVILLE WILDERNESS RIDERS                         53          0
              SHANTYTOWN SC                                         64          0
              SPENCER SWAMPSTOMPERS                                 42          0
              STRATFORD SNOW RUNNERS                                64          0
              TRAILMATES SC INC                                    251          0
              WISCONSIN VALLEY SNO-JETS                             40          0
                                                          TOTAL    1718         8

MARINETTE    BEAR POINT SNO-CRUISERS                                120         20
             COLEMAN/POUND (KUMALONG) SNO RIDERS                     66          0
             DUN-GOOD RIDERS                                        125          5
             IRON SNOWSHOE INC                                      164          0
             NEAR N ATHELSTANE TRL RIDERS                           103          4
             NEW LOW BUCK VINTAGE RIDERS                             45          0
             PEMENEE RIVER RIDERS SNOW & ATV/UTV CLUB, INC           51          0
             RANGER CITY RIDERS INC                                 105          0
             RIVER ROAD RIDERS                                      199          0
                                                          TOTAL     978         29

MARQUETTE    ENDEAVOR FREEDOM RIDERS SC                             31          0
             MONTELLO YETIS SC                                      31          0
             NESHKORO WHITERIVER E-Z RIDERS                         10          0
             OXFORD SNO-MADS SC                                     47          0
             WESTFIELD WHITETRACKERS                                41          0
                                                          TOTAL     160         0

MENOMINEE    LEGEND LAKE CHANNEL KRUISERS                           79          0
                                                          TOTAL     79          0

MILWAUKEE    ROLLING DICE RIDERS                                    22          0
                                                          TOTAL     22          0

MONROE       CASHTON SNOWBLAZERS                                    65          0
             CATARACT TRAILBUSTERS                                  17          0
             LEON VALLEY RIDERS                                     32          0
             NITE-LITE SNOW GOERS                                   21          0
             NORWALK TRAILRIDERS                                    61          2
             OAKDALE AREA SNOWMOBILE ASSN                           44          6
             SPARTA TRAIL BLAZERS                                   54          5
             TOMAH I-DIVIDERS                                       47          0
             TRAIL CRUISERS SC                                      20          0
             WARRENS TRAIL TWISTERS                                 43          0
                                                          TOTAL     404         13

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