2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government

Page created by Tracy Goodwin
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government

                               2022 WINTER

W W W. C C R E C PA R K . O R G • 4 1 0 - 3 8 6 - 2 1 0 3 • 3 0 0 S . C E N T E R S T R E E T, W E S T M I N S T E R , M D 2 1 1 5 7
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
    2021 marked the 50 th anniversary of Carroll County’s Department of Recreation & Parks.
    Over that time, hundreds of thousands of program registrants and park visitors have had
    their lives positively impacted by our programs and parks.

    Generations of residents have played on the same ballfields, hiked trails, paddled at Piney
    Run Park and attended Outdoor School at Hashawha. As a community, we are healthier
    because of these experiences and are more in tune with nature and each other.

                                     Coaches served as mentors, teammates became lifelong friends and we likely learned
                                     a thing or two about ourselves, our neighbors, and our community along the way. Join
                                     us this winter for new and exciting programs, get out and enjoy our parks, and help us
                                     continue to celebrate our golden anniversary all year long.

                                Thank you for being a part of our Recreation & Parks story for
                               the past 50 years and we look forward to seeing you this winter.
                                       - Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks

    2           Introduction & Table of Contents                   12          Adaptive Recreation Programs
    4-5         Special Events & Programs                          13-16       Nature & Environment Programs
    5           Arts & Enrichment Programs                         17          Memberships / Recreation Councils
    6-8         Health & Wellness Programs                         18          Information Page
    9           EPIC Programs                                      22-24       Coloring & Activity Pages
    10-11       Athletic & Sports Programs                         25-26       Registration Form & Waiver

                                        2022 Winter Program Registration
                        for Carroll County residents opens on Tuesday, November 2, 2021
                         and on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 for Out-of-County residents.

    Phone                                                            By Mail
    410-386-2103, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm                             Send completed registration form and a check payable
                                                                     to Carroll County Commissioners to:
                                                                          Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks
    Visit ccrec.recdesk.com
                                                                           300 South Center Street
    Walk-In                                                               Westminster, MD 21157
    Visit our Recreation & Parks office at:
    300 South Center Street, Westminster, MD 21157

2                             Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
                                                                       Get out of the office and into nature by participating in a team
                                                                       building work day at a Carroll County Recreation & Parks Park!
                                                                          • Plantings        • Trail Maintenance      • Erosions
                                                                          • Bridges          • Pipe Crossings         • And more!
                                                                        For more information or to schedule a corporate volunteer
                                                                            work day, contact us at ccrec@carrollcountymd.gov.

                                                                    September 23, 2019, Wantz Distributors at Piney Run Park

 SUNDAYS 6:30-9:30PM • MONDAYS 11:30AM-2:30PM
WEDNESDAYS 7:30-9:30PM • FRIDAYS 11:30AM-2:30PM

            AT THE ROBERT MOTON CENTER                                The Helping Hands campaign is an excellent opportunity for
      Pre-registration required – no drop-ins permitted.              local groups and organizations to help keep their local parks
 Bring your own balls and paddles (Recreation & Parks will            beautiful with organized
 provide the nets only). Play will consist of 2v2, on two courts,     clean-ups, trash pickup, and
 with winners rotating to winners court and losers rotating off,      trail maintenance.
 so no two players can dominate the courts. Maximum of 10
                                                                      To learn more about
 people per 3 hour session. Program will be canceled the Friday
                                                                      Helping Hands, visit
 prior if the minimum registration of 4 players is not met.
                                                                      ccrecpark.org or
     Resident: $5 per player • Non-Resident: $7 per player
                                                                      scan the QR code.
                 Register at ccrec.recdesk.com.

                                    For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                            3
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
Special Events & Programs

    50 Years, 50/50 Raffle                                                   Thanksgiving Treats & Craft
    January 1, 2021-June 11, 2022 • 18+ years • Program #21WG09.11           Pick-up on Wednesday, November 24
    Help support Carroll County Parks by purchasing a 50/50 raffle to        from 7am-1pm at Hashawha Environmental Center
    the Park Legacy Fund. The Park Legacy Fund was established to            Order by Sunday, November 14 • Program #21FG06.31
    make improvements to parks throughout Carroll County. Raffle             Let Hashawha Environmental Center take some of the stress out
    starts January 1, 2021 and runs through June 11, 2022.                   of your Thanksgiving holiday. Choose one or two (or more!) of our
    The winning raffle will be drawn at our 50 Year Celebration event.       delicious ready-to-eat dessert options. Not only will you get a tasty
                                                                             treat, but a fun activity will be included! Please list preferred time
    Carroll County Recreation & Parks employees are not eligible to enter.
                                                                             for pick up during registration.
    $5 for 6 entries • $10 for 15 entries
                                                                             Order at ccrec.recdesk.com
                                                                             For more information, contact Hashawha Environmental Center at
    Maple Sugarin' Days & Pancake Breakfast                                  410-386-3560 or hashawha@carrollcountymd.gov.
    Maple Tapping Hikes:
    Saturday, March 5 from 10am-2pm at Bear Branch Nature Center              Pecan Pie: $15 • Pumpkin Cheesecake: $17 • Pumpkin Pie: $12
    Pancake Breakfast and Maple Tapping Hikes:                                         Two-Crust Apple Pie: $12 • Pumpkin Roll: $12
    Sunday, March 6 from 10am-2pm at Bear Branch Nature Center
    See details under the Nature & Environment section on page 13.           Holiday Desserts & Activity
                                                                             Pick-up on Thursday, December 23
                                                                             from 12pm-5pm at Hashawha Environmental Center
    Daddy & Me: Lu-Wow Luau                                                  Order by Wednesday, December 15 • Program #21FG06.32
    Friday, February 18 from 6-8pm at the Robert Moton Center
    4-17 years • Program #22WG09.01                                          The busy holiday season is upon us! Hashawha Environmental
                                                                             Center can help relieve some of the stress and provide a little
    Join Recreation & Parks for our first Father/Child event! You and        entertainment with Holiday Desserts & Activity!  Each tasty treat
    Dad are sure to have some memorable fun with games, music,               comes with a fun-for- the-whole-family activity!
    crafts, and just hang-out-fun-time in store for the evening. The
    limbo will most certainly be on the list! Be sure to don your best       For more information, contact Hashawha Environmental Center at
    Hawaiian attire, and don’t forget the grass skirt! We’ll make some       410-386-3560 or hashawha@carrollcountymd.gov.
    crafts to accent your outfit, too. A slice of pizza, chips & drink       Order at ccrec.recdesk.com
    included. All youth ages welcome - we can’t wait to see you there!         Cranberry Upside-Down Cake: $12 • Turtle Cheesecake: $17
    Limited Space is Available - the registration deadline is January 25.     Holiday Swirl Cheesecake: $13 • 2-Layer Peppermint Cake: $17
    Resident: $38 for Father & Child; additional person: $22
    Non-Resident: $40 for Father & Child; additional person: $23

4                                       Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
Special Events & Programs                                                                    Arts & Enrichment Programs

Santa Calling
Thursday, December 9 • Registration deadline: November 30
3-8 years/Pre-K-2nd grade • Program #22WG09.02
Ho, ho, ho, hello! Register today for our annual Santa Calling            There's Gnomebody Like You!
program. Santa will call eligible participants between 5-8:30pm,          Friday, February 4, from 6-7:30pm at the Robert Moton Center
on Thursday, December 9. Parents must submit a form for each              14+ years • 1 session • Program #22WG02.01
child, available on our website. Please ensure you've provided a
                                                                          Gnomes are known to bring all who own them Good Luck. Come
local number where Santa may reach your child and designate an
                                                                          out for the evening to make a super cute gnome to adorn your
appropriate calling time. Santa will make three (3) attempts to reach
                                                                          home with valentine love and luck, or to give to your someone
your child. Registration opens Wedneday, October 13.
                                                                          special. You can even make one for you and one for your love -
Register at ccrec.recdesk.com no later than November 30.                  be sure to sign up for your 2nd gnome (same person only) at a
                                                                          discounted price!
Santa Wagon Rides                                                         Registration deadline is Tuesday, January 18.
Friday, December 3 and Friday, December 17                                Instructor: Recreation & Park Staff
Various times at Piney Run Park
                                                                          Resident: $12 per person • Non-Resident: $13 per person
All Ages • 1 session
                                                                          Second Gnome Craft:
Program #22WG09.03          December 3         1-2:30pm                   Resident: $10 per person • Non-Resident: $11 per person
Program #22WG09.04          December 3         2:30-4pm
Program #22WG09.05          December 17        1-2:30pm
Program #22WG09.06          December 17        2:30-4pm
Join us for a Wagon Ride with Santa Claus at Piney Run Park! Santa
will be reading the group a Christmas story by a campfire and going
on a 45-minute wagon ride. Each participant will receive a Piney
Run holiday mug with the program! Hot chocolate may be provided
as well.
For more information or any questions, call Piney Run Park
at 410-795-5165.
Resident: $25 per person • Non-Resident: $27 per person

                                                                                                 American Red Cross First Aid &
       ADAPTIVE RECREATION                                                                       CPR/AED Training
     Jingle Bell Hop
                                                                                                 Year-round, Blended Virtual/In-Person Class
                                                                                                 Minimum Age 12 • Program #21SP04.63

  Friday, December 10 from 7-9pm                                                                   This is a blended learning First Aid/CPR/AED
     at the Robert Moton Center                                                                    course, where participants will complete the
                                                                           class training online and then schedule an appointment with the
Exclusive to Adaptive Recreation eligible
                                                                           instructor to complete the skills session in person.
participants and their caregivers. See
details under the Adaptive Recreation                                      Instructor: Lisa Carroll
section on page 12.                                                        Resident: $15 per person • Non-Resident: $17 per person
                                                                              + Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Certification Fee: $35
                                                                              + Adult & Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Certification Fee: $40

                                            For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                            5
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
Health & Wellness Programs
                                                                         Line Dancing: Beginner
                                                                         Thursdays, January 6-March 3 (no class 1/20)
                                                                         from 6-7pm at the Westminster Senior & Comm. Center
                                                                         12-Adult • 8 sessions • Program #22WG04.03
                                                                         Dancing is one of the best exercises and is certainly great fun! Come
                                                                         join Recreation & Parks to learn the steps to some popular line
                                                                         dances. Some routines are danced at weddings and festivals, some
                                                                         are old standbys, and some are choreographed to the latest songs.
                                                                         We use a variety of genres so there is a favorite for everyone! Each
                                                                         session includes review of previous songs as well as practice sheets.
                                                                         No dance experience is needed. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes
                                                                         and bring a bottle of water. Don’t miss all the fun!
                                                                         Instructor: Becky Kishter
                                                                         Resident: $40 per person • Non-Resident: $43 per person

                                                                         Line Dancing: Intermediate
                                                                         Thursdays, January 6-March 3 (no class 1/20)
                                                                         from 7-8pm at the Westminster Senior & Comm. Center
    Dance Programs                                                       12-Adult • 8 sessions • Program #22WG04.04
                                                                         Join Recreation & Parks for some great dancing fun. This level will
    Clogging: Beginner I/II                                              teach high basic to intermediate level routines for those individuals
    Mondays, January 3-March 7 (no class 1/17 and 2/21)                  who have some  Line Dance experience or who feel they can easily
    from 5-6pm at the Robert Moton Center                                catch on. No worries, each session includes review of previous
    8-Adult • 8 sessions • Program #22WG04.01                            songs as well as practice sheets. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes
                                                                         and bring a bottle of water. Don’t miss all the fun!
    A fun contemporary American Folk Dance for all to enjoy (and it's
    easier than you think!) Each level is a 30-minute session.           Instructor: Becky Kishter

    Beginner I (5-5:30pm) students will learn basic fundamentals         Resident: $40 per person • Non-Resident: $43 per person
    working on form, movement, sounds/steps, and combining into
    simple dance routines-no experience is needed. Beginner II
    (5:30-6pm) is for those having completed approximately 1 year of     Pickleball Program
    Beginner sessions.
    Instructor: Becky Morehouse                                          Pickleball Beginner/Intermediate Lessons
                                                                         Saturdays from 6-8pm at the Robert Moton Center
    	Note: W
             ear a thin-soled shoe (leather sole works best) or
                                                                         Ages 16-Adult • 8 sessions
            tennis shoes. Taps may be purchased at a $19 fee.
                                                                         Program #21FG04.83          October 30-December 12
    Resident: $40 per person • Non-Resident: $43 per person
                                                                         Program #22WG04.05          January 8-February 26
                                                                         No experience necessary, come join the fun and learn how to
    Clogging: Intermediate/Advanced                                      play pickleball. Whether you are a beginner or want to improve
    Mondays, January 3-March 7 (no class 1/17 and 2/21)                  your skills this is the class for you. We will learn serves, volleys,
    from 6-7pm at the Robert Moton Center                                and dinking as well as discuss paddle and feet positions for better
    12-Adult • 8 sessions • Program #22WG04.02                           attacks and volleys. No supplies are needed just come with a fun
    A fun contemporary American Folk Dance for all to enjoy! The         attitude and willing to learn.
    Intermediate level requires 2+ years' experience and Advanced is     Instructor: William Gill
    for the well-experienced clogger - wear white clogging shoes with
    jingle taps. We will learn new routines/steps, and practice while    Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person
    working on group dance form, accuracy and precision; sessions may
    include some free dance time.
    Instructor: Becky Morehouse
    Resident: $55 per person • Non-Resident: $58 per person

6                                       Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
Health & Wellness Programs
                                                                         Pajama Yoga
                                                                         Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the Robert Moton Center Activity Room
                                                                         3-5 years • 6 sessions
                                                                         Program #22WG04.09         December 7-January 11
                                                                         Program #22WG04.10         January 25-March 1
                                                                         Unwind your mind and your body while you learn and practice
                                                                         yoga poses...in your pj's! We end class with story time so feel free
                                                                         to bring one of your stuffed animal friends. Yoga mats are provided
                                                                         but please feel free to bring your own if you prefer.
                                                                         Instructor: Karalee Theilman
                                                                         Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person

                                                                         Fitness Programs

                                                                         Fit Kids Preschool
                                                                         Thursdays from 11:30am-12:15pm at the Robert Moton Center
                                                                         3-5 years • 6 sessions
Yoga Programs
                                                                         Program #22WG04.11         December 2-January 6
                                                                         Program #22WG04.12         January 20-February 24
Evening Yoga
                                                                         Jump into fitness and get your kids moving with this fun circuit
Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the Robert Moton Center Gymnasium
                                                                         style training designed to introduce exercises that improve balance,
14-Adult • 8 sessions
                                                                         coordination, and endurance.
Program #21FG04.84          November 2-December 21
                                                                         Instructor: Karalee Theilman
Program #22WG04.06          January 4-March 1 (no class 2/8)
Enjoy an all-levels yoga program at the Robert Moton Center. Bring       Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person
a yoga mat for the program. Ages 17 and younger must be joined
with a participating adult.                                              Fit Kids Home School
Instructor: Mallory Kusterer                                             Thursdays from 1-1:45pm at the Robert Moton Center Gymnasium
                                                                         5-10 years • 6 sessions
Resident: $67 per person • Non-Resident: $70 per person
                                                                         Program #22WG04.13         December 2-January 6
                                                                         Program #22WG04.14         January 20-February 25
Hatha Yoga
                                                                         Get your kids moving with this fun circuit style training designed to
Thursdays, December 2-December 23
                                                                         improve balance, coordination, and endurance. All equipment is
from 6-7pm at the Robert Moton Center Activity Room
18-Adult • 4 sessions • Program #22WG04.08
                                                                         Instructor: Karalee Theilman
In this program students will study breathwork, movement, and a
variety of poses in order to increase strength, flexibility and mental   Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person
and emotional wellness. Please bring a mat, block, towel, and
Instructor: Melanie Brent
Resident: $30 per person • Non-Resident: $33 per person                                                 Interested in a program?
                                                                                                        Space is limited, register now!
                                                                                                        Register online today at

                                        For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                               7
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
Health & Wellness Programs

    Fitness Boot Camp                                                       Zumba® Fitness
    Thursdays from 5-5:45pm at Manchester Elementary School                 Mondays at the Taneytown Senior & Comm. Center
    15-Adult • 6 sessions                                                   16-Adult • 1 session
    Program #22WG04.15            December 2-January 6                      Program #21FG04.35            November 8    6:15-7:15pm
    Program #22WG04.16            January 20-February 24                    Program #21FG04.36            November 15   6:15-7:15pm
    Whether you need to jumpstart your fitness journey or take your         Program #21FG04.37            November 22   6:15-7:15pm
    current fitness plan to the next level, you are sure to break a sweat   Program #21FG04.38            November 29   6:15-7:15pm
    in this fun, upbeat class packed full of strength training and cardio   Program #22WG04.20            December 6    6:15-7:15pm
    exercises for a full body workout. All equipment is provided.           Program #22WG04.21            December 13   6:15-7:15pm
                                                                            Program #22WG04.22            December 20   6:15-7:15pm
    Instructor: Karalee Theilman                                            Program #22WG04.23            December 27   6:15-7:15pm
    Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person                 The perfect combo of fun and fitness has made Zumba classes a
                                                                            world-wide phenomenon. Pretty much the most awesome workout
    Strong Nation™                                                          ever. Dance to great music, with great people, and burn a ton of
    Wednesdays at the Taneytown Senior & Comm. Center                       calories without even realizing it.
    16-Adult • 1 session                                                    Instructor: Yvette Castillo
    Program #21FG04.97            October 27     6:15-7:15pm                Resident: $11 per person • Non-Resident: $12 per person
    Program #21FG04.98            November3      6:15-7:15pm
    Strong Nation™ combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio        Zumba®
    and plyometric training moves synced to original music that has         Mondays, January 3-February 14 (no class 1/17)
    been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat,     from 6:30-7:30pm at North Carroll Senior & Comm. Center
    every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, helping you make      16-Adult • 6 sessions • Program #22WG04.24
    it to the last rep, and maybe even five more.                           Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person
    Instructor: Yvette Castillo                                             Wednesdays, January 5-February 23
    Resident: $11 per person • Non-Resident: $12 per person                 from 6:30-7:30pm at North Carroll Senior & Comm. Center
                                                                            16-Adult • 8 sessions • Program #22WG04.25
                                                                            Resident: $67 per person • Non-Resident: $70 per person
                                                                            Zumba® takes the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensi-
                                                                            ty and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning
                     Visit ccrec.recdesk.com for information                dance fitness party! Once the Latin and World rhythms take over,
                     about Recreation & Parks programs and                  you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in
                     to register.                                           disguise. Come dance with us!
                                                                            Instructor: Alexandra Shilling
8                                       Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
EPIC (Experienced People In Carroll) Programs
                                                                        EPIC: Line Dancing
                                                                        Tuesdays, January 4-March 8 (no class 1/18, 2/22)
                                                                        from 10:45-11:45am at the Robert Moton Center
                                                                        50+ years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG14.04
                                                                        Join this fun and fitness program at the Robert Moton Center
                                                                        gymnasium! We will dance safely social distanced in this large
                                                                        space. This is a fun beginner type program that will be paced based
                                                                        on the participants. There is time to socialize as well as get some
                                                                        fitness in for the day. Come for the exercise, stay for the enjoyment.
                                                                        We'd love to see you here! This program is geared for older adults,
                                                                        but all adults age 18+ are welcome to participate. Breaks will be
                                                                        taken to cool down and socialize. Bring a water bottle.
                                                                        Instructor: Becky Kishter
                    experienced people in carroll                       Resident: $34 per person • Non-Resident: $37 per person

                                                                        Adult & EPIC: Flex & Balance Fitness
                                                                        Tuesdays, January 4-January 25
                                                                        from 5-5:45pm at North Carroll Senior & Comm. Center
                                                                        18+ years • 4 sessions • Program #22WG14.05
EPIC: Silver Sneakers Classic                                           Tuesdays, February 15-March 8
Wednesdays, December 1-January 5                                        from 5-5:45pm at the North Carroll Senior & Comm. Center
from 5-5:45pm at Manchester Elementary School                           18+ years • 4 sessions • Program #22WG14.06
60+ years • 6 sessions • Program #22WG14.01
                                                                        As we age, our flexibility and sense of balance diminish. This pro-
Wednesdays, January 19-February 23                                      gram will incorporate stretching and balance exercises to help im-
from 5-5:45pm at Manchester Elementary School                           prove and maintain your flexibility and balance. The exercises in this
60+ years • 6 sessions • Program #22WG14.02                             program will, at times, incorporate the use of a chair, which will be
Silver Sneakers Classic is a full body workout designed to include      provided. Individuals will need to be able to stand for at least short
exercises that improve strength, endurance, balance, and flexibility.   periods of time. The program is geared toward age 50+, however all
This class uses a chair, handheld weights, TheraBands’s, and a          adults 18 or older are welcome to register.
handheld fitness ball. All equipment is provided but please feel free   Instructor: Theresa Whalen
to bring your own if you prefer.
                                                                        Resident: $26 per person • Non-Resident: $29 per person
Instructor: Karalee Theilman
Resident: $52 per person • Non-Resident: $55 per person                 EPIC: Zumba® Gold
                                                                        Thursdays from 10-11am at the Robert Moton Center Gymnasium
                                                                        50+ years • 6 sessions
EPIC: Drum It Up
Thursdays, December 2-January 20                                        Program #22WG14.07          January 6-February 10
from 8:45-9:30am at the Robert Moton Center Activity Room               Program #22WG14.08          February 17-March 24
50+ years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG14.03                             Zumba® Gold is an easy-to-follow, lower intensity fitness program.
EPIC Drum it up, is an easy to follow rhythmic exercise program to      Although designed for people age 40-85, all ability levels are
music using drum stick & a yoga ball. Don't miss this fun, energetic    welcome to participate. If you have not been in a fitness program
and creative exercise program. All abilities welcome (participants      for some time, this is a great way to get back in the swing! Zumba®
may sit or stand for the program).                                      Gold uses exciting Latin and international dance rhythms to provide
                                                                        a fun, total body workout. Benefits of Zumba® Gold are improved
Instructor: Lisa Carroll                                                muscle tone, balance, joint mobility, coordination and endurance,
Resident: $56 per person • Non-Resident: $60 per person                 all while having fun in a party-like atmosphere. Movements can
                                                                        easily be modified to the level of each participant – so… let's all get
                                                                        moving again!
                                                                        Instructor: Terry Szabo
                                                                        Resident: $35 per person • Non-Resident: $37 per person

                                       For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                                 9
2022 WINTER PROGRAMS - WWW.CCRECPARK.ORG 410-386-2103 300 S. CENTER STREET, WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 - Carroll County Government
Athletic & Sports Programs
                                                                      Preschool Gymnastics
                                                                      Thursdays, January 6-February 24
                                                                      from 9-9:45am at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
                                                                      5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
                                                                      3-4 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.02
                                                                      Designed to develop basic movement, balance and listening skills
                                                                      through structured gymnastics activities. Teacher directed without
                                                                      a parent. Student/instructor ratio 6:1.
                                                                      Instructor: Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
                                                                      Resident: $160 per person • Non-Resident: $163 per person

                                                                      Kindergarten Gymnastics
                                                                      Tuesdays, January 4-February 22
                                                                      from 4:45-5:30pm at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
                                                                      5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
                                                                      Grade K/4-6 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.03
                                                                      Designed to develop basic movement, balance and listening skills
                                                                      through structured gymnastics activities. Teacher directed without
 Equestrian Programs                                                  a parent. Student/instructor ratio 6:1.

 Holiday Horsemanship Lesson                                          Instructor: Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
 Friday-Saturday, November 26 & 27                                    Resident: $160 per person • Non-Resident: $163 per person
 from 9:30am-11:30am at Sweet Rock Stables
 5112 Roller Road, Manchester, MD 21102                               Tumbling Gymnastics
 6-17 years • 1 or 2 sessions • Program #21FG03.28                    Tuesdays, January 4-February 22
 Lesson Includes:                                                     from 7:30-8:30pm at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
 How to groom a horse including his/her mane and tail.                5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
 How to Pick(Clean) a horse's hooves correctly.                       6-17 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.04
 How to safely and properly lead and control a horse on the ground.   Designed for all levels. Students will learn basic tumbling skills using
      Note: You may NOT ride for this introductory lesson. Wear      the floor, trampoline and tumble track. Student/instructor ratio 8:1.
            jeans and hard-soled shoes with closed toes.              Instructor: Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
 Instructor: Sweet Rock Stables                                       Resident: $180 per person • Non-Resident: $183 per person
 One Session
 Resident: $60 per person • Non-Resident: $63 per person
                                                                      Homeschool Gymnastics:
                                                                      Boys Program
 Two Sessions                                                         Thursdays, January 6-February 24
 Resident: $110 per person • Non-Resident: $116 per person            from 11am-Noon at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
                                                                      5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
                                                                      6-17 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.05
 Gymnastics Programs
                                                                      Girls Program
 Mommy & Me Gymnastics                                                Thursdays, January 6-February 24
 Thursdays, January 6-February 24                                     from Noon-1pm at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
 from 9-9:45am at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.                            5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
 5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157                         6-17 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.06
 2-3 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.01                          Designed for the beginning gymnast. Students will learn basic skills
 Designed for the younger child, with parental assistance, to learn   on all gymnastics equipment and trampoline. Student/instructor
 beginning movements and activities in a structured environment.      ratio 8:1.
 Student/instructor ratio 7:1                                         Instructor: Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
 Instructor: Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.                                 Resident: $180 per person • Non-Resident: $183 per person
 Resident: $160 per person • Non-Resident: $163 per person

10                                  Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
Athletic & Sports Programs
Basic Gymnastics:
Girls Program
Thursdays, January 6-February 24
from 4:30-5:30pm at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
6-17 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.07

Boys Program
Saturdays, January 8-February 26
from 10-11am at Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.
5 S Center Street, #1600, Westminster, 21157
6-17 years • 8 sessions • Program #22WG03.08
Designed for the beginning gymnast. Students will learn basic skill
on all gymnastics equipment and trampoline. Student/instructor
ratio 8:1.
Instructor: Carroll Gymnastics, Inc.

Resident: $180 per person • Non-Resident: $183 per person

                                                                              Introduction to Martial Arts for Ages 7+
Martial Arts Programs                                                         The first lesson will be held on Tuesday, January 4 at 6pm
                                                                              at Tristar Martial Arts (Westminster) • 40 minute classes
Introduction to Martial Arts for Ages 4-6                                     130 Airport Dr, Westminster, MD 21157
The first lesson will be held on Wednesday, January 5 at 6pm                  7+ years • 12 sessions (2/week) • Program #22WG03.10
at Tristar Martial Arts (Westminster) • 30 minute classes                     No experience necessary - Kick off the school year and start your
130 Airport Dr, Westminster, MD 21157
                                                                              training in Martial Arts! Learn the basics of self defense along with
4-6 years • 6 sessions (1/week) • Program #22WG03.09                          discipline, respect for others, confidence and fitness. Start by earn-
No experience necessary - Kick off the school year and start your             ing your white belt and then begin your path through the martial
training in Martial Arts! Learn the basics of self defense along with         arts. Pick two classes a week, uniform included.
discipline, respect for others, confidence and fitness. Start by earn-        Note: T he first lesson will be held on Tuesday, January 4 at 6pm. After the
ing your white belt and then begin your path through the martial                    first lesson students will proceed with 2 sessions for 6 weeks. Stu-
arts. Pick one class a week, uniform included.                                      dents may pick two of the four options: Monday at 7:20pm; Tuesday
                                                                                    at 6pm; Wednesday at 5:20pm; OR Saturday 9:40am.
Note: T he first lesson will be held on Wednesday, January 5 at 6pm. After
      the first lesson students may pick one of the four options: Wednes-     Instructor: Sean Birger, Tristar Martial Arts
      days at 6pm; Thursdays at 4:40pm; Fridays at 5:20pm; OR Saturdays
      at 8:30am.                                                              Resident: $85 per person • Non-Resident: $90 per person

Instructor: Sean Birger, Tristar Martial Arts
Resident: $65 per person • Non-Resident: $69 per person                       Baseball Program

                                                                              Casey Medairy's Pitchers & Catchers Camp
                                                                              Sundays, January 9-January 30
                          “We canceled it because                             from 1-3pm at the Robert Moton Center
                           you didn’t register!”                              6-12 years • 4 sessions • Program #22WG03.11

        	Sometimes excellent programs with amazing                           Move indoors from the cold to develop and improve pitching and
          instructors are canceled when too many people                       catching skills. This program focuses on building a foundation need-
          wait until the last minute to register.                             ed for a player making the transition from coach-pitch to kidpitch.
        	Our classes are self-supporting and we must                         Instruction is led by Hammond High School varsity coach, Casey
          meet a minimum number of participants before                        Medairy, former Division I player at UMBC, and director of the 3A
          a class or program will run.                                        East region for Maryland baseball. Pitchers will learn how to build
                                                                              arm strength and accuracy while catchers learn how to receive,
               Interested in a program, don’t                                 block, and throw. Quality is our top priority.
                 hesitate — register today!
                                                                              Instructor: Casey Medairy
                                                                              Resident: $72 per person • Non-Resident: $75 per person

                                           For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                                    11
Adaptive Recreation Programs
                                                                       Adaptive Recreation Line Dancing Fun!
                                                                       Thursdays, January 6-February 17 (no class 1/20)
                                                                       from 5-5:45pm at Westminster Senior & Comm. Center
                                                                       14-Adult • 6 sessions • Program #22WG01.04
                                                                       Exclusive to Adaptive Recreation eligible participants and their
                                                                       siblings/parents/caregivers. Get some exercise with your favorite
                                                                       line dance and learn what's new. All abilities welcome, everyone
                                                                       must register (including 1:1). Wear comfortable shoes and bring a
                                                                       water bottle.
                                                                       Instructor: Becky Kishter
                                                                       Resident: $20 per person • Non-Resident: $22 per person

 Adaptive Recreation Walk Carroll                                      Friday Night Socials
 Fridays, On-going through March 25                                    Fridays, 6-7:30pm at the Robert Moton Center
 from 10am-Noon at Deer Park                                           10-Adult • 1 session
 10-70 years • Program #22WG01.01
                                                                       Program #22WG01.05         January 21
 Walk Carroll, is a walking program for citizens of Carroll County.    Program #22WG01.06         February 25
 Adaptive Recreation will walk on Fridays at Deer Park. This program   Program #22WG01.07         March 25
 started on September 10 and will continue through March 2022.
                                                                       Exclusive to Special Olympics and Adaptive Recreation eligible
 Dress for the weather. Everyone must register (including 1:1). Walk
                                                                       participants and their siblings/parents/caregivers. A portion of the
 when you can. Walk will not meet on Holidays.
                                                                       proceeds support Special Olympics of Carroll County.
 Instructor: Adaptive Recreation Staff & Volunteers
                                                                       Instructor: A
                                                                                    daptive Recreation Specialist and
 FREE                                                                              Special Olympic Volunteers
                                                                       AR Participant: $5 per person • Caregiver/1:1: $5 per person
 Adaptive Recreation Z-Fitness
 Tuesdays, December 7-January 11 (no class 12/28)
 from 6-6:30pm at Carroll Springs School
 14-Adult • 5 sessions • Program #22WG01.02

 Tuesdays, January 25-February 22
 from 6-6:30pm at Carroll Springs School
 14-Adult • 5 sessions • Program #22WG01.03
 Exclusive to Adaptive Recreation eligible participants and their
 siblings/parents/caregivers. A multi-cultural dance exercise
 experience with energizing music for a fun workout! Easy to follow-
 all abilities welcome. Everyone must register (including 1:1).
 Instructor: Melanie Haifley
 Resident: $20 per person • Non-Resident: $22 per person

 Jingle Bell Hop **NEW LOCATION**
 Friday, December 10 from 7-9pm at the Robert Moton Center
 12-Adult • 1 session • Program #21FG01.16
 Exclusive to Adaptive Recreation eligible participants and their
 caregivers. Visit Santa, drop off your letter, and dance the night
 away. Register by November 30, for discounted rate.
 Instructor: Adaptive Recreation Staff
 Register by November 30:                                                Carroll County Special Olympics
 AR Participant: $7 per person • Caregiver/1:1: $10 per person           Contact Laurie Brewer for more information.
 Late Registration:                                                      410-236-1571 • lbrewer10@verizon.net
 AR Participant: $10 per person • Caregiver/1:1: $15 per person

12                                  Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
Nature & Environment Programs

                                                                         Maple Sugarin'
                                                                                 DAYS & PANCAKE BREAKFAST
                                                                              Maple Tapping Hikes at Bear Branch Nature Center
                                                                         Saturday & Sunday, March 5 & 6 from 10am-2pm • $2/person

                                                                             Pancake Breakfast at Hashawha Environmental Center
                                                                                 Sunday, March 6 from 10am-2pm • $4/plate

                                                                         It’s maple sugaring season! We’re doing something new
                                                                         this year so whether you love our Maple Sugarin’ Festival
                                                                         or are visiting for the first time we have a treat for you! On
                                                                         Saturday and Sunday, you can stop by the Nature Center for
                                                                         a guided hike to visit our maple grove, tap a tree, then enjoy
                                                                         a maple treat as you learn how to make maple syrup from
                                                                         the sap. Hikes include a maple sugar sample!

                                                                         Sunday only, we’ll offer a
                                                                         pancake breakfast at Hashawha
Bear Branch Nature Center Programs                                       Environmental Center featuring
                                                                         maple syrup made in Maryland!
Maple Magic
                                                                         No pre-registration required!
Saturday, February 19
from 5:30-7pm at Bear Branch Nature Center
All Ages • 1 session • Program #22WG06.01
Maple trees have been a source of sweet treats since the Native
Americans time. We’ll take a hike to the maple stand where we
                                                                             Bear Branch Nature Center Information
learn how maple trees were tapped both then and now. Then
return to the nature center to learn how to cook the sap into a tasty                      Nature Center Hours
treat using both tools from the time of the Native Americans and                      Wednesday-Saturday |  11am-5pm
now! By the end of the program, you’ll know all you need to make                           Sunday |  Noon-5pm
syrup of your own! This program is weather-dependent.                                  Mondays & Tuesdays |  Closed

Instructor: Bear Branch Nature Center Staff                                                 Phone: 410-386-3580
Resident: $7 per person • Non-Resident: $8 per person                              Email: bearbranch@carrollcountymd.gov

Maple Sugarin'                                                                        Bear Branch Nature Center
Sunday, February 27                                                                    Volunteer Opportunities
from 1:30-3pm at Bear Branch Nature Center
                                                                        Bluebird Trail Monitoring Training
All Ages • 1 session • Program #22WG06.02
                                                                        Sunday, March 13 from 1-3pm at Bear Branch Nature Center
Can’t wait for our Maple Sugarin’ days to get your maple fix? Join
us for an afternoon of maple sugarin’! We’ll take a short hike to       Help monitor Hashawha’s Bluebird Trail this spring and summer.
the maple stand to tap a tree for collecting sap. Then return to the    Learn about bluebirds, how to identify nests, and how to
nature center to learn how to make some delicious maple syrup           correctly log data. Service hours are available for the training
and other treats from our sap. A sample of maple candy will be          and weekly monitoring shifts! Please dress for the weather as
provided to each participant. By the end of the program, you’ll         we will be hiking to the boxes.
have all the knowledge you need to make syrup of your own! This         Age: 7 and up (12 and under must be accompanied by an
program is weather-dependent.                                           adult)
Instructor: Bear Branch Nature Center Staff                             Register at ccrec.recdesk.com for Bluebird Monitor Training
Resident: $7 per person • Non-Resident: $8 per person

                                       For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                          13
Nature & Environment Programs
                                                                        Mother Nature, Mom & Me
                                                                        Second Friday of the Month (December-February)
                                                                        December 10, January 14, and February 11
                                                                        from 10-10:45am at Piney Run Nature Center
                                                                        Grades Pre-K - K (w/an adult) • 3 session • Program #22WG06.05
                                                                        We invite you to come to the park while we read stories, hike, learn
                                                                        and create fun crafts. Parents are required to stay, and dress for the
                                                                        weather as we do go outside.
                                                                           December: Story Time by the Stove
                                                                           January: Wintering Animals and Hibernation Habits
                                                                           February: Love is in the Air at Piney Run Park
                                                                        Instructor: Maxine Bukowitz - Piney Run Nature Center Staff
                                                                        Resident: $21 per child • Non-Resident: $23 per child

                                                                        Winter Solstice
                                                                        Tuesday, December 21
                                                                        from 10-10:45am at Piney Run Nature Center
                                                                        Grades Pre-K - K (w/an adult) • 1 session • Program #22WG06.06
                                                                        It is the shortest day of the year which means it is the longest night.
                                                                        To celebrate, come to the nature center while we make "lanterns'
                                                                        to prepare for the long evening. We will take a walk outside to
                                                                        enjoy a bit of the daylight. A parent/guardian is required to stay.
                                                                        Instructor: Maxine Bukowitz - Piney Run Nature Center Staff
 Piney Run Nature Center Programs                                       Resident: $7 per child • Non-Resident: $8 per child

 Learn the Trails of Piney Run Park
 First Friday of the Month (December-February)
 December 3, January 7, and February 4
 from 9-10:30am at Piney Run Nature Center
 13+ years • 3 session • Program #22WG06.03
 Grab your hiking boots and join us as we explore the many trails of
 Piney Run Park. Dress for the weather. Light snacks will be provided
 for your convenience.
 Instructor: Maxine Bukowitz - Piney Run Nature Center Staff
 Resident: $21 per person • Non-Resident: $23 per person
                                                                                Saturday, November 13 from 7am-Noon
 Evergreens are Ever Green!                                                                at Piney Run Park
 Second Wednesday of the Month (December-February)                              1st Place: $200 • 2nd Place: $150 • 3rd Place: $100
 December 8, January 12, and February 9                                                 Biggest Fish takes home a trophy!
 from 10-10:45am at Piney Run Nature Center
 Grades Pre-K - K (w/an adult) • 3 session • Program #22WG06.04           Pre-registration tournament fee: $15 per angler
 Grab your cold weather gear and join us as we explore the winter                                           until Friday, November 12 at 4pm
 in Piney Run Park. We will observe trees are "ever green" and what       Day-of tournament registration fee: $20 per angler
 wildlife we may find around them. We will come inside to warm               Program #21FG06.01 • Register at ccrec.recdesk.com
 up and create a unique craft to take home. A parent/guardian is
                                                                          $10 boat launch fee applies for private boats; vehicle entrance
 required to stay.
                                                                          fee is waived; rental boats are available for $20 per boat. Call
 Instructor: Maxine Bukowitz - Piney Run Nature Center Staff              Piney Run Park at 410-795-5165 to reserve a boat.
 Resident: $21 per child • Non-Resident: $23 per child

14                                Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
Nature & Environment Programs

                P I N E Y R U N PA R K                                           Piney Run Nature Center Information

  BIG Fish Contest
                                                                                        Nature Center Hours (3/1-11/30)
                                                                                        Wednesday-Saturday |  11am-5pm
                                                                                             Sunday |  Noon-5pm
                                                                                         Mondays & Tuesdays |  Closed
                             March 1-November 30, 2021
                                                                                        Nature Center Hours (12/1-2/28)
                                  Biggest fish caught at Piney                            Monday-Friday |  11am-4pm
                                       Run Park wins $1000!                           Saturday, Sunday & Holidays |  Closed

                                               Scan the QR code                               Phone: 410-795-6043
                                                  to see contest                    Email: pineyrunpark@carrollcountymd.gov
                                               rules and details.
                                                                          In case of inclement weather… if snow/icy conditions or heavy
                                                                          rains/thunderstorms are in the forecast, call before coming
                                                                          to a program to see if the program has been cancelled or
                                                                          postponed. If Carroll County Government is closed, the Park
                                                                          and Nature Center are closed. If Carroll County Schools are
                                                                          closed, delayed, or dismissed early, Nature Center programs
                                                                          that fall during those time periods are cancelled as well (please
                                                                          see Inclement Weather Policy for Recreation & Parks programs
                                                                          in the back of this brochure).

                                         2020 winner, John Brashear,                   Piney Run Park Information
                                caught a 41 1/4" stipped bass, weighing
                                   27lbs. 9oz. on November 29, 2020.                         Park Open-Season Hours
                                                                                           Open All Week |  7am-Sunset
                                                                             Entrance fees collected at the gatehouse: $6/vehicle for
SAVE THE DATE: Jingle Bells Holiday Workshops                                    Carroll County Residents; $12 for non-residents.
at Piney Run Nature Center                                                 Season passes are available for $75/vehicle for Carroll County
Adults Workshop: Saturday, December 4 from 10am-2pm                                 residents; $100/vehicle for non-residents.
Childrens Workshop: Friday, December 10 from 4-6pm                         *Vehicle entry fees are waived for Nature Center programs
                     Saturday, December 11 from 10am-Noon                   in this section for preregistered participants only (must be
Jingle bells, jingle all the way to Piney Run Nature Center for the                   registered 24-hours before the program).
Piney Run Nature Center Annual Holiday Workshops. For more                             Park "Off-Season" Hours (12/1-2/28)
details, contact Piney Run Nature Center at 410-795-6043.                                  Monday-Friday |  8am-4pm
                                                                                           Saturday & Sunday |  Closed
SAVE THE DATE: Cabin Fever Art Show                                          No vehicle entry fee is collected during the "off-season",
Saturday, February 11 from 10am-4pm                                          there is no boating, visitors are still welcome to walk the
at Piney Run Nature Center                                                                 trails and fish from the shore.
For more details, contact Piney Run Nature Center at 410-795-6043.
                                                                                         Piney Run Nature Center
SAVE THE DATE: Spring Fever Coffee House                                                 Volunteer Opportunities
Friday, March 18 from 7-9pm                                               Front Desk Volunteers
at Piney Run Nature Center
                                                                          Interested in volunteering for the Nature Center front desk?
For more details, contact Piney Run Nature Center at 410-795-6043.        We need nature loving volunteers to answer the phones, take
                                                                          program registration, weed gardens, and help with general
                                                                          upkeep. Age: Adult

                                        For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                            15
Nature & Environment Programs

                                                                            OUTREACH And
     2022                                                                   PRIVATE PROGRAMS
     BEAR BRANCH & PINEY RUN                                                Interested in organizing a hike, planetarium show, or nature-
     N AT U R E C E N T E R M E M B E R S H I P S                           themed program for your group at Bear Branch Nature Center?
                                                                            Contact Bear Branch Nature Center at 410-386-3580 for topic
     Nature Center Members play an important role within                    ideas or request your own!
     our parks and membership has numerous privileges!
     Membership benefits include early and discounted
     registration for Nature Camps, 10% discount in the
     gift shop at both Nature Centers, discounts for several                                       NATURE CENTER

                                                                                       BIRTHDAY PARTIES
     other council-sponsored events, free admission to Piney
     Run Park for Council events at the Nature Center, and
     invitations to 'Members Only' programs. As a member                                    Looking for something fun to do on your birthday?
     you also know that you are helping to support quality                                  Book it at Bear Branch or Piney Run!
     environmental education programs at the Nature Centers                                 Birthday Packages are $200 and include:
     in Carroll County.
                                                                                                    • 3-hour use of the auditorium (Bear Branch)
          Register online at ccrec.recdesk.com or use the                                              or Yurt (Piney Run)
          form below to mail in with a check payable to:                                            • 45-minute naturalist-led program
                   Carroll County Commissioners                                                     • Time to explore the Nature Center
                                                                                                        Contact Bear Branch Nature Center at
     N AT U R E C E N T E R M E M B E R S H I P R AT E S                                             410-386-3580 or Piney Run Nature Center at
                                                                                                         410-795-6043 for more information.
        Family                $25        Individual             $15

        Senior (62+)           $8        Student                $10

        Lifetime             $250

 Enclosed is a check for $          for a/an
      FAMILY              INDIVIDUAL       SENIOR (62+)
      STUDENT             LIFETIME

 Membership for:
                                                                                  Environmental Field Trips
                                                                                 Are you an elementary school teacher looking for a fun,
                                                                                          educational field trip for your class?
                                                                            Bear Branch Nature Center field trips include a 45-minute naturalist-
                                                                             led presentation and hands-on, outdoor activities based on grade
                                                                                 level (aligned with the Carroll County science curriculum).
                                                                             Piney Run Nature Center offers a myriad of programs for students
                                                                              to experience, whether looking at the lake or learning about the
                                                                                             critters that call Piney Run home.

     EMAIL                                                                    For more details about each Nature Centers field trip offerings,
        Contributions in excess of your membership fee are tax deductible    contact Bear Branch Nature Center at 410-386-3580 or Piney Run
           and are earmarked for the Carroll County Park Legacy Fund.                        Nature Center at 410-795-6043.

16                                        Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
Recreation & Parks Memberships                                                                       Recreation Councils
Women in Progress                                                                        CARROLL COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL
Membership for 2022
18+ years • Multiple Sessions • Program #22YR05.08
We are all “works in progress”. Women in particular tend toward
care of others before care of themselves. Considering this, our
group provides time for friendship, support, activity and new                            CARROLL COUNTY EQUESTRIAN COUNCIL
experiences. Come alone or grab a girlfriend and make some time                          www.carrollcountyequestriancouncil.org
for yourself. Trips/speakers/activities/food & drink/arts & crafts/
education/events & gatherings will be scheduled on varying days/
times with a monthly schedule announced by email to the group.                           CENTRAL CARROLL RECREATION
Just RSVP for those you would like to participate in. Some activities                    COUNCIL
will require additional fees or ticket purchases on your own. Trips                      www.centralcarrollrecreation.org
(due to COVID19) will be drive on your own or carpool.
Resident: $30 per person • Non-Resident: $35 per person
                                                                                         CHARLES CARROLL RECREATION
2022 Dog Park Memberships:                                                               COUNCIL
Bennett Cerf Dog Park & South Carroll Dog Park                                           Contact Matt Decker at
Membership for 2022                                                                      mdecker@carrollcountymd.gov
18+ years
Bennett Cerf Dog Park • Program #22YR05.01
South Carroll Dog Park • Program #22YR05.03                                              FREEDOM AREA RECREATION COUNCIL
Both Dog Parks • Program #22YR05.02                                                      www.freedomarearec.org
Membership is for the 2022 year (January through December);
registration is accepted anytime during the year. The dog park is
a great place to socialize and exercise your dog. Park hours are                         NORTH CARROLL RECREATION COUNCIL
sunrise to sunset, 365 days a year (maintenance days are posted                          www.northcarrollrec.org
as needed).
Bennett Cerf Dog Park OR South Carroll Dog Park
Up to 2 Dogs: $30 • Additional Dogs: $5 per dog
                                                                                         PINEY RUN RECREATION &
Both Bennett Cerf Dog Park AND South Carroll Dog Park                                    CONSERVATION COUNCIL
Up to 2 Dogs: $50 • Additional Dogs: $5 per dog                                          Contact Max Bukowitz at 410-795-6043

Adopt a Critter
Membership for 2022 • Program #22YR05.11                                                 WEST CARROLL RECREATION COUNCIL
Piney Run Nature Center’s live animal collection requires constant                       www.gowcrc.org
care. Support the critters or sponsor a particular animal! The spon-
sors will get a picture of the critter they are sponsoring in the mail
and be invited to a private program which will include the spon-                         WESTMINSTER AREA RECREATION
sored animals and light refreshments.                                                    COUNCIL
Resident/Non-Resident: $30 per person                                                    www.westminsterarearec.com

                                                                                         WINFIELD RECREATION COUNCIL
                       Visit ccrec.recdesk.com for
                       information about Recreation &
                       Parks programs and to register.
                                                                                         WOODBINE RECREATION COUNCIL

                                       For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                 17
     ADA STATEMENT                                                               INCLEMENT WEATHER
     The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County           When Carroll County Public Schools are closed or dismiss early due to
     Government and its programs, services, activities, and facilities. Anyone   weather or other emergency conditions, all Carroll County Recreation
     requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication or who    & Parks programs and activities scheduled for that
     has a complaint should contact The Department of Citizen Services,          day are cancelled.
     410-386-3600 or 1-888-302-8978 or MD Relay 711/1-800-735-2258 or            For weekend/non-school days, once the Snow Emergency Plan is in
     email ada@carrollcountymd.gov as soon as possible but no later than         effect for Carroll County, no Recreation & Parks programs or activities
     72 hours before the scheduled event.                                        will take place. Should the Snow Emergency Plan be lifted any time
                                                                                 during that day, all programs and activities will remain cancelled for
     COVID-19 STATEMENT                                                          that day. Program registrants will be contacted once
     COVID-19 is an extremely contagious virus that spreads easily               a make-up date(s) is/are established.
     through person-to-person contact. Federal authorities and the State               To check the status of the Snow Emergency Plan visit the
     of Maryland recommend social distancing to prevent the spread of                   state weather website at www.chart.state.md.us/StormInfo/
     COVID-19. Contracting COVID-19 can lead to severe illness, personal                snow_emergency_plans.asp
     injury, permanent disability, and death. Participation in programs and
     activities through Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks          CELL PHONES
     could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.                            As a courtesy to other participants, we respectfully request that
                                                                                 program registrants make every effort not to use their cell phones
     FEES & PAYMENT                                                              during program instruction.
     Full payment is due at the time of registration. To make a payment
     with a credit card visit ccrec.recdesk.com, walk-in or give us a call at    SMOKING POLICY
     410-386-2103 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm). Checks should be                     Smoking is not allowed in any county school, facility, or park.
     payable to Carroll County Commissioners and can be mailed to:
               Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks                  MAKE A DONATION
               300 S. Center Street                                              You can make a tax-deductible donation to Carroll County Park
               Westminster, MD 21157                                             Legacy Fund by visiting ccrec.recdesk.com or stop in our office
                                                                                 located within the Robert Moton Center, 300 S Center Street,
     CANCELLATIONS                                                               Westminster, MD 21157.
     Carroll County Recreation & Parks reserves the right to cancel a
     program or activity at its discretion. If a program or activity is          VOLUNTEER
     cancelled, registrants will be contacted and a full refund will be          Carroll County Recreation & Parks has volunteer opportunities
     issued within 10-14 business days.                                          available. Contact us at 410-386-2103 for more information on
                                                                                 volunteering in our community through our Recreation Councils.
     WITHDRAW/REFUND POLICY                                                      	YOUTH VOLUNTEER SERVICE HOURS
     Programs or Pavilion Rentals only - All refund requests must be                Dates/times/opportunities available listed below,
     submitted in writing, 10 days prior to the start of the program,               contact Lisa Carroll at lcarroll@carrollcountymd.gov, or visit
     unless noted in the description. Requests can be submitted to ccrec@           ccrecpark.org and click on the Volunteer Opportunities button.
     carrollcountymd.gov with a subject line of Program Withdraw.
        • Refunds will either be credited back to the credit card used,            Jingle Bell Hop: Friday, December 12, 6:30-9:30pm
           returned by check (if paid by cash or check) or in the form of a       Special Olympics/Adaptive Recreation Programs:
           household credit to be used at a later time.                                Friday, November 19, 5:30-8pm
        • Full refunds are given only if a program is cancelled or there are          Friday, January 21, 5:30-8pm
           extenuating circumstances prior to the start date of the program.           Friday, February 25, 5:30-8pm
        • Cancelled program refunds will be automatically processed for               Friday, March 25, 5:30-8pm
           100% refund.
        • Written requests received prior to the start date, will forfeit       SPONSORSHIPS
           20% of the fee for the program or no more than $25 for each           If you would like to become involved with Carroll County Recreation
           registration as an administrative fee.  Fees that cannot be           & Parks programs, events and activities through sponsorships and
           recovered will be deducted from the refund.                           advertising, contact the Department at ccrec@carrollcountymd.gov.
        • Any request received after the start date will be considered on a
           case by case basis and prorated.
        • Refund requests for medical reasons shall be accompanied by a         QUESTIONS? CONTACT US!
           physician’s note.                                                     www.ccrecpark.org  •  410-386-2103  •  ccrec@carrollcountymd.gov
        • Request for refunds must be submitted no later than 15 days after
           the end of the program.                                               RECREATION COUNCIL PROGRAMS & REFUNDS
        • Refunds are not available for programs that meet 1-3 times.           Each Recreation Council has their own registration process and in-
        • Participants with consistent discipline problems will be dropped      turn their own refund policy check with your local Recreation Council.
           from the program without any possible refund.                         For Recreation Council information see page 17 or visit ccrecpark.org
        • No refunds will be given for weather cancellations or                 and select Volunteer Recreation Council.
           rescheduling conflicts.
        • Participants may transfer to another program, without a penalty,
           if transfer request is received prior to the start of the program.
     Please contact the Registration Office at 410-386-2103 for any
     questions about withdrawal from recreation programs.

18                                     Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022

                                                                                PINEY RUN
                                                                             RECREATION AND

                                                                             Committed to the development and
                                                                               implementation of programs for
                                                                           environmental education, interpretation,
                                                                          conservation and appreciation and to help
                                                                           finance, publicize, conduct and evaluate
                                                                          year-round programs at Piney Run Park &
                                                                             Nature Center for people of all ages.

                                                  Help support our mission by becoming a Piney Run Nature Center
                                                      Member today, simply scan the QR code above to sign up.

                For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                            19
Well Played.
     A community that plays
     together... stays together.

                                                                  Everyone deserves the opportunity for outdoor
                                                                  play and physical activity. From design to
                                                                  installation, our team of experts can help guide
                                                                  you to creating the perfect play and recreation
                                                                  space for your community.

                                                                  800.438.2780 | cunninghamrec.com

                    ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
          Serving Maryland, South Central PA, Northern VA, Washington DC
          and Carroll County since 1933

20                  Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
Civil/Site Design

                                PARTNERS FOR WHAT’S POSSIBLE | www.pennoni.com
Civil/Site Design • Construction Engineering • Construction Materials Engineering & Testing • Energy • Environmental, Health, and Safety • Geotechnical
           MEP • Municipal • Structural Survey & Geospatial • Transportation • Urban Planning & Design Water Resources • Water/Wastewater

 BEECHFIELD LANDSCAPING, INC.,                                                                   Beechfield Landscaping was established in
                                                                                                 1982. We provide high quality landscaping
   PROUDLY SERVING CARROLL                                                                       services for commercial property owners,
                                                                                               property managers, developers, general con-
  COUNTY AND ALL OF CENTRAL                                                                     tractors, and government agencies. Our key
                                                                                               management has over 100 years of combined
 MARYLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS!                                                                      landscape and horticultural experience.

                                                                                                Our services include commercial landscape
                                                                                              installation, landscape management, and snow
                                                                                               & ice management. Our team is dedicated to
                                                                                                providing exceptional customer service. We
                                                                                                  welcome the opportunity to serve you.

                                                                                               Please call our office (410) 549-1370 to speak
                                                                                                 with one of our seasoned team members!

                                       For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                                         21
Happy Holidays!

22     Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
Snowman Maze
Can you help this little snowman find the way out of the maze?

Snowball fight!
Which way should the children throw their snowballs?

                                 For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.   23
 Connect the dots 1-60 to complete the snowflake.


24                          Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022

                                  REGISTRATION FORM
                                  WINTER 2022 PROGRAMS & EVENTS

                                                                                                               /     /
PARTICIPANT’S LAST NAME                                   FIRST NAME                                       DATE OF BIRTH

PARENT/GUARDIAN’S NAME (if applicable)


CITY                                                  STATE                                        ZIP CODE

PHONE (home)                                                       PHONE (work or cell)


EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME                                             EMERGENCY PHONE (Is this a cell phone?   Yes      No)

        See the reverse of this form for the Waiver of Liability and Authorization for Use of Photographic Likeness.

Program Name                                                       Program #    # Attending    Per Person Fee       Total $

                                                                                               $                $

                                                                                               $                $

                                                                                               $                $

                                                                                               $                $

Comments/Special Instructions

                                                                                                   SUBTOTAL $
Make checks payable to Carroll County Commissioners and mail to:
        arroll County Department of Recreation & Parks
       C                                                                        Membership discount applied -
       300 S. Center Street
       Westminster, MD 21157                                                                          TOTAL $

   Save a stamp, register online at ccrec.recdesk.com or call 410-386-2103 • Don’t forget to read & sign the back!
                                  For more information and to register, visit ccrecpark.org.                                         25

       Waiver of Liability
       I, in my legal capacity as parent/legal guardian of the minor(s) named on the Carroll County
       Department of Recreation & Parks Registration Form, or as a participating adult over the age of
       eighteen (18), recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury, property
       damages and expenses which my child(ren) or I may sustain as a result of participating in this Program.
       I further agree on behalf of the minor(s) named on the Carroll County Department of Recreation &
       Parks Registration Form or myself, heirs, representatives, executors, administrators and assigns to
       assume all risk and agree to fully release, discharge, indemnify, hold harmless and defend Carroll
       County Government and its employees, volunteers, agents, and servants from any and all claims for
       personal injury, property damage, death or accident of any kind arising out of or in any way related to
       the participation in the Program, however the injury or damage occurs.

       COVID-19 Information
       I, on behalf of my child(ren) or myself, acknowledge and understand that the novel COVID-19 virus is
       an extremely contagious virus and is believed to be spread mainly from person to person contact and
       that the Carroll County Government does not warrant or guarantee that you, your child(ren), your
       spouse, or anyone else will not be exposed to or infected with the COVID-19 virus as a result of my or
       my child(ren)’s participation in the Program.  I have independently evaluated the risks of being exposed
       to or infected by the COVID-19 virus and have determined to participate or allow my child(ren) to
       participate in the Program.  Finally, understanding those risks, I, for myself, my child(ren), my spouse, or
       legal representatives, heirs, and assigns, hereby agree to assume full responsibility and liability for the
       risk of bodily injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death which may result from exposure to or
       infection with COVID-19 before, during, and after participating in the Program.  Due to the strenuous
       nature of some activities, the participant, or if the participant is a child, the child(ren)’s parent or
       guardian is encouraged to consult with a physician concerning the participant’s fitness to participate in
       the Program.

       Authorization for Use of Photographic Likeness
       I agree to allow the Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks to take and utilize photographic
       images of the registered individual(s) for the purpose of promoting and publicizing of the Department’s
       programs and/or events.  If I prefer to not allow the above registered participant(s) to be photographed,
       I will call 410-386-2103 to register my request.

                                                                                                    /      /
       PARTICIPANT’S SIGNATURE                                                               DATE
       Parent(s) and/or Legal Guardian(s) signature if participant is under the age of 18.


                                        Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks
                                       WAIVER OF LIABILITY, COVID-19 INFORMATION &
                                     AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKENESS

26                           Carroll County Department of Recreation & Parks • Winter 2022
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