2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies

Page created by Micheal Todd
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies

                                                  2023 Virtual Program
                                                         February 17 & 18, 2023

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                    1      Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies

                                                       CAMBRIA PRESS
                                                       Booth 300 • cambriapress.com
                                     A History of                                                     Victor H. Mair                                               Salvaging
                                     Taiwan                                                           A Celebration                                                Buddhism
                                     Literature                                                       Neil Schmid and                                              to Save
                                     Ye Shitao;                                                       Diana Shuheng                                                Confucianism in
                                     Christopher Lupke,                                               Zhang , eds.                                                 Chos ŏ n Korea
                                     trans.                                                           In honor of the celebrated                                   (1392–1910)
                                     Winner of the MLA                                                Sinologist’s 80th birthday,                                  Gregory N. Evon
                                     Aldo and Jeanne                                                  this unique collection                                       “This book will become the
                                     Scaglione Prize for a                                            includes tributes from                                       authoritative history of
                                     Translation of a                                                 Ronald Egan, Valerie                                         Chŏson-era Buddhism.”
                                     Scholarly Study                                                  Hansen, Tsu-Lin Mei,                                           —Hwansoo Ilmee Kim,
                                     of Literature                                                    Haun Saussy, and more.                                                  Yale University

                                     Taking China                                                     Calling for a                                                Chinese
                                     to the World                                                     New                                                          Poetry as Soul
                                    The Cultural                                                      Renaissance                                                  Summoning
                                    Production of                                                     Gao Xingjian;                                                Shamanistic
                                    Modernity                                                         Mabel Lee and                                                Religious Influences
                                    Theodore Huters                                                   Yan Qian, trans. & eds.                                      on Chinese Literary
                                    “Locates the very                                                 “A compelling manifesto
                                    heartbeats and heartaches                                         for the New Renaissance                                      Nicholas Williams
                                    of the Chinese cultural                                           in the post-pandemic age.”                                   “A masterful study ...
                                    transformation in the                                               —David Der-wei Wang,
                                    early 20th century. This is                                                                                                    a tour de force.”
                                    history writing at its best...”                                          Harvard University                                             —Ronald Egan,
                                        —Hu Ying, UC Irvine            *50 images, incl. paintings from Gao’s private collection.                                        Stanford University

                                     The Next                                                         Sinophone                                                    Memory Making
                                     Major War                                                        Utopias                                                      in Folk Epics
                                     Can the US and                                                   Exploring Futures                                            of China
                                     Its Allies Win                                                   Beyond the                                                   The Intimate and
                                     Against China?                                                   China Dream                                                  the Local in Chinese
                                     Ross Babbage                                                     Andrea
                                                                                                      Riemenschnitter,                                             Regional Culture
                                     “Outstanding ... deepest,                                        Jessica Imbach, and                                          Anne E. McLaren
                                     most wide-ranging analysis                                       Justyna Jaguscik, eds.                                       “Extremely valuable ...
                                     ... of the economic, political,                                  “This impressive collection                                  McLaren does an excellent
                                     and societal dimensions of                                       prompts a fundamental                                        job of giving us a picture
                                     a possible future clash...”                                      rethinking of Chinese                                        of the sociohistorical
                                              —Aaron Friedberg,                                       discourses...”—Rey Chow,                                     contexts...”—Levi S. Gibbs,
                                             Princeton University                                              Duke University                                            Dartmouth College

                                    Subcontinent                                                      Sensing the                                                  The Legend of
                                    Adrift                                                            Sinophone                                                    Prince Golden
                                    Strategic Futures                                                 Urban                                                        Calf in China
                                    of South Asia                                                     Memoryscapes                                                 and Korea
                                    Feroz Hassan Khan                                                 in Contemporary                                              Wilt L. Idema and
                                    “A must read on the                                               Fiction                                                      Allard M. Olof,
                                    continuing simmering                                              Astrid Møller-Olsen                                          trans. & eds.
                                    security dangers in South                                         “Breaks new ground in                                        “A great contribution ...
                                    Asia and their impact on                                          several fields (Chinese                                      demonstrates a mastery of
                                    the rest of the world.”                                           studies, comparative                                         Chinese, Sino-Korean, and
                                       —Siegfried S. Hecker,                                          literature, urban studies)...”                               Korean...”— Sookja Cho,
                                          Stanford University                                         —Michelle Yeh, UC Davis                                        Arizona State University

                                         Titles are available in hardcover, paperback, and digital formats.
                                         Ebook rentals start at $9.99 and are available for class assignments.

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                                              1                                    This page contains advertisement(s) from a third-part advertiser.
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies

                General Information

               Schedule-at-a-Glance                            3
               Virtual Code of Conduct                         5
               How to View Sessions & Papers                   6
               Sponsors & Virtual Exhibitors                   7

                Events / Presentations

               Special Plenary Roundtable                      9
               Late-Breaking Sessions                         10
               Film Screenings                                11
               Sessions - Friday, February 17             14 - 30
               Sessions - Saturday, February 18            33 - 48
               On-Demand Individual Papers                49 - 50

               The most up-date program scheduling
               information can be found in the online
               program at:


Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference   2
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
                                 AAS 2023 VIRTUAL  - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023
                                                               | SCHEDULE   AT A GLANCE

                                                         FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17
                                                        8:00am – 9:30pm (Eastern Time)
                                                                    DAY 1

                                   MORNING                                 AFTERNOON

                                   Session Block V1 (100-114)              Session Block V1 (300-312)
                                   8:00am – 9:30am ET                      2:00PM – 3:30pm ET

                                   Session Block V1 (200-213)              Plenary Session
                                   10:30am – 12:00pm ET                    5:30pm – 7:00pm ET

                                                                           Session Block V1 (400-410)
                                                                           8:00pm – 9:30pm ET

                                                       SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18
                                                       8:00am – 9:30pm (Eastern Time)
                                                                   DAY 2

                                   MORNING                                 AFTERNOON

                                   Session Block V2 (500-515)              Session Block V2 (700-710)
                                   8:00am – 9:30am ET                      2:00PM – 3:30pm ET

                                   Session Block V2 (600-614)              Session Block V2 (800-811)
                                   10:30am – 12:00pm ET                    8:00pm – 9:30pm ET

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                 3
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
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Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                                   4            This page contains advertisement(s) from a third-part advertiser.
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
                                          AAS 2023 CONFERENCE     GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                       - FRIDAY,| FEBRUARY 17, 2023

          The AAS is committed to providing a safe,
          productive, and welcoming environment for                     We welcome social media posts about the AAS
          all conference participants and AAS staff. All                2023 Annual Conference! Please use the
          participants, including, but not limited to, attendees,       conference hashtag #AAS2023 in your posts. The
          speakers, exhibitors, AAS staff members, service              AAS will also be posting throughout the event on
          providers, and other are expected to abide by this            our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
          Virtual Conference Code of Conduct. As a registrant           We ask all conference participants to abide by the
          of AAS2023 Annual Conference, you are agreeing to             following guidelines when posting about the event
          adhere to this Code of Conduct.                               on any website or social media platform:
                                                                        • Live-tweeting sessions is a great way to help
          Unacceptable behavior is defined as:                             your colleagues amplify their work! However,
                                                                           always honor requests by presenters that you
            •    disruptive speech or behavior that would
                                                                           NOT discuss their work publicly.
                 interfere with the virtual conference or other
                 individuals’ participation in the conference or        • Similarly, never post images of slides without
                 events.                                                   getting explicit permission from their creator to
                                                                           do so.
            •    harassment, intimidation, threatening speech,
                 or discrimination in any form, including (but          • Whenever possible, spread the word about your
                 not limited to) relating to race, gender, gender         colleagues and their work by linking to books,
                 identity and expression, national origin,                websites, etc.
                 religion, disability, body size, marital status,       • Communicate! AAS 2023 is a wonderful
                 age, sexual orientation, inappropriate use of             opportunity to make new professional
                 nudity and/or sexual images in presentations,             connections, network, and learn about what’s
                 or any other protected category.                          new in the field of Asian Studies.
            •    presentations, postings, and messages                  • We ask that you be respectful and constructive
                 that contain promotional materials, job                  in your comments about colleagues and their
                 offers, solicitations for services or product            work.
                 announcements in simulive, live, and
                 on-demand presentations (other than                    • Please clearly differentiate statements by the
                 presentations in the virtual exhibit hall).               presenter from your opinions about their work.

            •    making copies or taking screen shots of Q&A or         • As much as possible, quote directly (using
                 any chat room activity that takes place in the            quotation marks and attribution) rather than
                 virtual space.                                            summarizing.

            •    use of a recording device (personal computer,          • Do not make audio or video recordings of
                 mobile phone, camera, etc.) to capture images             conference proceedings.
                 or presentations, chats, demonstrations, etc.
                 taking place within the virtual platform during        We look forward to a collegial and productive
                 the annual conference.                                 conference and welcome your feedback and
                                                                        suggestions. Please contact the AAS at any time by
          AAS reserves the right to take any action deemed              writing to info@asianstudies.org.
          necessary and appropriate, including immediate
          removal from the virtual event without warning or
          refund, in response to any unacceptable behavior,
          and AAS reserves the right to prohibit attendance at
          any future meeting or event, virtually or in person.
          If you witness or are subjected to any inappropriate
          behavior, please contact us promptly at

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                5
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
                                                  2023 VIRTUAL      FEBRUARY
                                                                | HOW TO VIEW17, 2023

       To view the Zoom sessions during the meeting and to access recorded content, you
       must sign in with the email address linked to your conference registration. If you
       have any difficulty doing this, please email AASConference@asianstudies.org.

       To join a session, click on the “Join Now” button, which will automatically display approximately 10 minutes
       before the start of a session.

       To view pre-recorded Individual Papers, navigate to the Virtual Schedule menu and click the dropdown
       item labeled On-Demand Individual Papers. You must be signed in as a registered attendee.

       All virtual sessions will be recorded and posted for on-demand viewing within one week after the
       meeting. Recordings will be available until April 30, 2023. You must be a registered attendee to view

        TIME ZONES
       By default, all times will display in the meeting time zone (EDT). You may switch to viewing in your local
       time zone (the time zone your computer or device is set to) by clicking on the time zone button at the
       top of the page.


      View the Virtual Conference Attendance Frequently Asked Questions here.

      If you are registered and are having trouble accessing the live sessions, follow these steps:
       1. Make sure you have signed in. You must sign in with your email address to access all virtual content.
       2. Refresh your browser page to ensure you are seeing the most up-to-date information.
       3. Sign out by clicking your initials at the top left of the screen, then sign back in. If you do not see your
          initials in the top left, you are most likely not signed in yet.
       4. Contact technical support for assistance.

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference              6
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
                                                  2023 VIRTUAL      FEBRUARY
                                                               | SPONSORS    17, 2023
                                                                           & EXHIBITORS

                               All exhibitors and sponsors listed below have a virtual booth.
                                          Take some time to connect, and view resources and information

                                                               GOLD SPONSORS

                                                             VIRTUAL BOOTHS

                                                      Association for Asian Studies
                                                     East View Information Services
                                                   CathayPlay International Pte. Ltd.
                                                  City University of Hong Kong Press+
                                                  European Journal of Korean Studies
                                         Harvard University Press/Harvard University Asia Center
                                                   Ingram Academic & Professional
                                                       University of Hawaiʻi Press
                                                      University of Wisconsin Press

                                                                Virtual Only

                                 All Gold Sponsors and companies listed above will also exhibit in-person in
                                                       Boston, unless noted with a +

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                    7
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
                     learn how to
                     use them, or
                     create your
                     Adam Matthew is changing.
                     Meet AM www.amdigital.co.uk

Association forAsian
                                       Conference   88   Names listed in This
                                                                                     are of participants
                                                                                             advertisement(s) from
                                                                                                         registered   athird-part
                                                                                                                         the posted deadline.
2023 Virtual Program February 17 & 18, 2023 - VIRTUAL - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2023 - Association for Asian Studies
                                                        AAS 2023- FRIDAY,
                                                                          | SPECIAL 17, 2023

             Global Asias: Intersectionality of Space, Place, and History in African, Latin, and
             Asian Identities
                   ► FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 5:30PM – 7:00PM EASTERN TIME

             This Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios de Asia y África
             (ALADAA) collaborative roundtable takes as its point of departure the understanding that global and
             cultural flows, “do not necessarily obliterate the territories that they cross, and indeed may help
             constitute and reproduce” (Heyman and Campbell 2009:140) new identities and lived realities. Those
             identities and realities center in and around what we consider “Global Asias”—that is, transnational
             movements that encompass Asia and its extensions across the Pacific. Here, we take a dynamic
             approach to time and space in consideration of the Diasporic body as an expressive landscape core
             to reconstituting fluctuating identities and rearticulating the intersections of social life. Roundtable
             participants consider the confluence of Latin, African, and Asian Diasporic identities and explore the
             spaces constituted when diverse identities amalgamate through the movement of communities;
             communities linked through foodways, religion, dance, music, martial arts, cinema, language, and
             dialect, among many others. Presentations will be followed by moderated discussion on issues key
             to the Asian, African, and Latin identities and communities in the 21st global century.

             Hilary V. Finchum-Sung, Association for Asian Studies

             Jerónimo Delgado-Caicedo, professor of African Studies at Universidad Externado de Colombia in
             Bogotá, Colombia, will discuss:
                “Asian/African identities, specifically the impact of Indian migration in the creation of South Africa
                as a country and its historic importance”

             Sergio Hernández Galindo, research professor at the National Institute of Anthropology and History
             (INAH, Mexico), will discuss:
                 “Identities under dispute: Japanese immigrants during war and peace”

             Evelyn Hu-DeHart, author, will discuss:
                “The Chinese Diaspora and the Spanish Empire, from the 16th c. to the 19th c.”

             Lía Rodriguez de la Vega, specialist in Hinduism Yoga, with a Bachelor of Oriental Studies and a
             doctorate in International Relations, will discuss:
                 “Bodies and Imaginaries: The unfolding of India’s identity in Argentina”

             Christine R. Yano, professor of Anthropology at the University of Hawai`i, will discuss:
                “What are the ties that bind?”

                                IN COLLABORATION WITH:

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                     9
                                             AAS 2023     - FRIDAY,
                                                      VIRTUAL       FEBRUARY 17,SESSIONS
                                                               | LATE-BREAKING  2023

                                      Don’t miss these newly added Late-Breaking Sessions!

                                 Gender and the Politics of Family: New Laws Reshaping
                                 Divorce, Remarriage, and Custody in Japan
                                 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 8:00AM - 9:30AM (ET)

                                        Chaired by: Allison Alexy, University of Michigan

                                   Allison Alexy, University of Michigan
                                   Takeshi Hamano, University of Kitakyushu
                                   Marika Katanuma, Bloomberg News
                                   Evan T. Koike, Harvard University
                                   Shinji Nozawa, Meiji Gakuin University

                                 Indonesia’s New Criminal Code: Decolonizing the Law or
                                 Undermining Democracy?
                                 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 8:00PM - 9:30PM (ET)

                                        Chaired by: Yosef Djakababa, Universitas Pelita Harapan

                                  Sharon Davies, Monash University
                                  Sylvia Tiwon, University of California, Berkeley
                                  Zainal Abidin Bagir, Gadjah Mada University

                                 The Rise of Anti-Feminist Backlash and Gender Politics in
                                 South Korea
                                 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 8:00PM - 9:30PM (ET)

                                        Chaired by: Soyi Kim, Cornell University

                                   Nayoung Kimg, Ewha Womans University
                                   Jeongin Lee, University of Texas, Austin
                                   Ji Sun Yun, Sejong University
                                   Soyeon Leem, Dong-A University
                                   Anat Shwartz, California State University, Long Beach
                                   Yoon Won Chang, Emory University

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                      10         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.
                                                        AAS 2023- VIRTUAL
                                                                  FRIDAY, FEBRUARY  17, 2023
                                                                          | FILM SCREEINGS

                   We are pleased to offer the opportunity to view films at AAS2023 Virtual!

                                                       All films are available for viewing on-demand,
                                                                  February 17 - February 24.

                                                   DEATH OF THE ONE WHO KNOWS
                                                   Director: Dana Rappoport
                                                   color, 82 min, 2020
                                                   in Toraja, Indonesian with English subtitles

                                                   In the Toraja highlands of Sulawesi (Indonesia), Lumbaa is one of the last masters
                                                   of ritual speech. After his forced conversion to Pentecostalism, he is compelled to
                                                   stop all his ritual activity and oratory. Concerned by the disappearance of “those
                                                   who know”, a young Catholic priest named Yans Sulo sets out in search of the
                                                   society’s ancient oral genres, seeking to invent new forms that would keep them
                                                   alive. The two men meet. But it is too late. By recounting the life and death of
                                                   Lumbaa, the film shows how the intrusion of world religion disrupts a Southeast
                                                   Asian society.

                                                   PADAUK: MYANMAR SPRINT
                                                   Directors: Jeanne Marie Hallacy and Rares Michael Ghilezan
                                                   color, 56 min, 2021
                                                   in Burmese and English with English subtitles

                                                   Padauk: Myanmar Spring takes the viewer to the streets of Myanmar during the
                                                   heady days following the February 2021 military coup. Through Nant, a young,
                                                   first-time protester, we meet three human rights activists whose lives have been
                                                   turned upside down by the coup.

                                                   As the protests continue, Nant comes to understand the truth of a brutal regime
                                                   that has continued to wage war against its own people for decades. Against a
                                                   foreboding backdrop, Nant’s political awakening regarding the plight of others in
                                                   her ethnically diverse country gives hope for the future.

                                                   Beautifully augmented by poetry and art, Padauk: Myanmar Spring shows the
                                                   resilience and determination of the people of Myanmar, and the sacrifices they’ve

                                                   THREADS: SUSTAINING INDIA’S TEXTILE TRADITION
                                                   Directors: Katherine Sender and Shuchi Kothari
                                                   color, 58 min, 2022
                                                   in English, Gujarati, Kutchhi, Hindi with English subtitles

                                                   Threads explores the relationship between traditional weavers and fashion
                                                   designers in India.

                                                   After decades of decline in a demand for legacy fabrics, collaborative relationships
                                                   between designers and artisans (communicated and negotiated between social
                                                   economic classes from different social positions) have led to fashion designers
                                                   now recognizing the autonomy of artisan designers and the need to work with
                                                   them. A highly regarded Indian designer reflects by saying, “artists [weavers] will
                                                   not stop for my work, the craft is their lifestyle, if I change their lifestyle, it reflects
                                                   in their work. Now I work according to them instead of according to me.”

                                                   In contemporary India, fashion houses strive for engagement with their weavers
                                                   which is mutually beneficial for more than financial reasons, “we are going to
                                                   create together, it’s what India wants.”

                                                   All films screenings for AAS2023 Virtual have been made available by
                                                   Documentary Educational Resources https://www.der.org/

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                               11          Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.
                                                        UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI PRESS

                          to any
                         title for
                         20% off
                                                         Korean Studies                           Journal of Korean                         Asian Perspectives
                        with code                       Cheehyung Harrison Kim, Ed.                   Religions                                   Francis Allard, Bérénice
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                                  Authors: Find submission guidelines at uhpress.hawaii.edu/journals

Association  forAsian
                                           Conference                                          12                                This
                                                                                                                Names listed in the
                                                                                                                                    Program contains advertisement(s)
                                                                                                                                             are of participants
                                                                                                                                                      advertisement(s) from
                                                                                                                                                                 registered aathird-part
                                                                                                                                                                        fromby the posted

                  BUDDHIST STUDIES                                         CHINA/OTHER EAST ASIA                                       KOREA
                  THE THOUSAND AND ONE LIVES OF THE BUDDHA                 TIME AND LANGUAGE                                           100°C
                  Bernard Faure                                            New Sinology and Chinese History                            South Korea’s 1987 Democracy Movement
                                                                           edited by Ori Sela, Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, and                 Choi Kyu-sok
                                                                           Joshua A. Fogel                                             translated by Madeline D. Collins, Gia Kim,
                  Monastic Buddhism in Post-Mao China
                  Brian J. Nichols                                         INSCRIBING DEATH                                            Nguyen Thi Huong Ly, Jusun Park, Brooke
                  Contemporary Buddhism                                    Burials, Representations, and Remembrance in Tang China     Shelton, Anna Toombs, and Theodore Jun Yoo
                                                                           Jessey J. C. Choo                                           Hawai‘i Studies on Korea
                  MEDIEVAL JAPANESE TENDAI                                 LIVING AND WORKING IN WARTIME CHINA                         FLOWER OF CAPITALISM
                  Paul Groner                                              edited by Brett Sheehan and Wen-hsin Yeh                    South Korean Advertising at a Crossroads
                  Kuroda Studies in East Asian Buddhism                                                                                Olga Fedorenko
                                                                           MODERN INK                                                  Hawai‘i Studies on Korea
                  ESOTERIC PURE LAND BUDDHISM                              The Art of Huang Binhong
                  Aaron P. Proffitt                                        edited by Britta Erickson and J. May Lee Barrett            TOGANI
                  Pure Land Buddhist Studies                               Modern Ink                                                  Gong Jiyoung
                                                                                                                                       translated by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton
                  THE REVOLUTION OF BUDDHIST MODERNISM                     TAIWAN ARCHAEOLOGY                                          Modern Korean Fiction
                  Jōdo Shin Thought and Politics, 1890–1962                Local Development and Cultural Boundaries in the
                  Jeff Schroeder                                           China Seas                                                  A KOREAN CONFUCIAN’S ADVICE ON HOW TO BE
                  Pure Land Buddhist Studies                               Richard Pearson                                             MORAL
                                                                                                                                       Tasan Chŏng Yagyong’s Reading of the Zhongyong
                  BEYOND ZEN                                               INFRASTRUCTURE AND THE REMAKING OF ASIA                     translated, annotated, and with an introduction
                  D. T. Suzuki and the Modern Transformation of Buddhism   edited by Max Hirsh and Till Mostowlansky                   by Don Baker
                  edited by John Breen, Sueki Fumihiko, and                                                                            Korean Classics Library: Philosophy and Religion
                  Yamada Shōji                                             SOUTH ASIA/SOUTHEAST ASIA
                                                                                                                                       THE MASTER FROM MOUNTAINS AND FIELDS
                  ZEN CONQUESTS                                            MIMETIC DESIRES                                             Prose Writings of Hwadam, Sŏ Kyŏngdŏk
                  Buddhist Transformations in Contemporary Vietnam         Impersonation and Guising across South Asia                 translated, annotated, and with an introduction
                  Alexander Soucy                                          edited by Harshita Mruthinti Kamath and                     by Isabelle Sancho
                                                                           Pamela Lothspeich                                           Korean Classics Library: Philosophy and Religion
                  JAPAN                                                    Music and Performing Arts of Asia and the Pacific
                  THE GLOBAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT                           BELITUNG                                                    MĀNOA: A PACIFIC JOURNAL OF
                  Mobilities, Imaginaries, and Politics                    The Afterlives of a Shipwreck                               INTERNATIONAL WRITING
                  edited by James Farrer and David L. Wank                 Natali Pearson                                                                          OUT OF THE SHADOWS OF
                  Food in Asia and the Pacific
                                                                           INDIGENIZING THE COLD WAR                                                               ANGKOR
                  A YEAR IN SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY KYOTO                      The Border Patrol Police and Nation-Building in Thailand                                Cambodian Poetry, Prose,
                  Edo-Period Writings on Annual Ceremonies, Festivals,     Sinae Hyun                                                                              and Performance through
                  and Customs                                                                                                                                      the Ages
                  Gerald Groemer
                                                                           FORGING THE NATION                                                                      edited by Sharon May,
                                                                           Land Struggles in Myanmar’s Transition Period
                                                                                                                                                                   Christophe Macquet,
                  FROM JAPANESE EMPIRE TO AMERICAN                         SiuSue Mark
                                                                                                                                                                   Trent Walker, Phina
                  Koreans and Okinawans in the Resettlement of
                                                                           BUILDING A REPUBLICAN NATION IN VIETNAM,                                                So, and Rinith Taing
                  Northeast Asia
                  Matthew R. Augustine
                                                                           edited by Nu-Anh Tran and Tuong Vu                                                      IN THE SILENCE
                  Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute
                                                                           Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute                                         International Fiction,
                                                                           TO REMAIN MYSELF                                            Poetry, Essays, and Performance
                  THE JAPANESE EMPIRE AND LATIN AMERICA                                                                                edited byy Alok Bhalla,
                                                                           The History of Onghokham
                  edited by Pedro Iacobelli and Sidney Xu Lu                                                                           Penny Edwards, ko ko
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                                                                           ASAA Southeast Asia Publications                            thett, Kenneth Wong
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      SESSION BLOCK                                                      PANEL V1-102

      8:00AM - 9:30AM                                                    Area of Study: East and Inner Asia

                                                                         Transgression, Transformation, and
                                                                         Control: Investigating Bodies in Early
      PANEL V1-100
                                                                         Modern East Asia
        Area of Study: Digital Technology
                                                                         8:00 AM-9:30 AM
      Detecting Textual and Visual Copying of
      Sources in Chinese Local Gazetteers and                                Chaired by C. D. Alison Bailey, University of
                                                                              British Columbia
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM                                                    Wives, Demons, and the Church: The Female Body in
                                                                         Seventeenth-Century Chinese Catholic Stories
             Chaired by Jeffrey Tharsen, University of Chicago               Yunjing Xu, Bucknell University
                                                                         The Testimony of Premodern to Modern Religious
           Shih-Pei Chen, Max Planck Institute for the
                                                                         Martyrdom Imagery of Women’s Bodies
             History of Science
                                                                             Elizabeth Tinsley, University of California, Irvine
           Calvin Yeh, Max Planck Institute for the History
             of Science                                                  Sex Crime, Punishment, and Gendered Bodies in
           Jhe-an Chen, Academia Sinica                                  Chosŏn Korea
                                                                             Jisoo M. Kim, George Washington University
       PANEL V1-101
                                                                         Conceptualizing and Conquering the Demonic
        Area of Study: East and Inner Asia
                                                                         Corpse in the Qing Jiangshi Lore
      De/Romanticizing Childhood: Children                                   Joohee Suh, Xavier University
      and Nation-Building in Modern China and                            Discussant:
      Japan                                                                  C. D. Alison Bailey, University of British Columbia
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM

             Chaired by Melek Ortabasi, Simon Fraser

      (Dis)Locating Childhood in Boys’ World: The Making
      of “Little Citizens” in Meiji Japan
           Wakako Suzuki, Bard College

      Entering the National Spatiality: The Affect of
      Cuteness in Children’s World
          Leting Zheng, University of Oregon

      Who Can Save the Children?: Bent and Broken
      Bodies of Modern Chinese Mothers and Fathers

      Youth As a Category of Gender Analysis: Examining
      the Story of Yang Hui-Min
          Miao Dou, Washington University, St. Louis

          Samuel Perry, Brown University
          Melek Ortabasi, Simon Fraser University

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                14          Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

      PANEL V1-103                                                       Bloodline Memory through Life-Writing: Local
        Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing
                                                                         Voices of Transmitting a Confucian Lineage
      From Rome to Nara: Interregional and                                   Wei Liu, Independent Scholars of Asia
      Interreligious Interactions Along the Silk
                                                                         Vernacular Politics in Urban Civic Festivals: Tourism,
      Road in the Early Medieval Period                                  Policy, and Alternative Publics
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM                                                         Hideyo Konagaya, Waseda University
             Chaired by Annette Juliano, New York University
                                                                         PANEL V1-105
      Transmission of the Roman Motif of Cupid Holding
                                                                         Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing
      Garland and Its Incorporation into Central Asian
      Buddhist and Chinese Funerary Arts                                 Visual Strata: Cultures of the Geologic in
          Mao Sun, Indiana University-Bloomington                        Asia
      Persian Elements in Buddhist Art of Early Medieval                 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
                                                                             Chaired by Weixian Pan, New York University
      Vehicle of Transcendence: The Heavenly Horse in                        Shanghai
      East Asian Funerary and Buddhist Arts
          Yingxue Wang, Harvard University                               The Road Filled with Dust: A Visual Unlayering of
                                                                         the Karakoram Highway in China and Pakistan
      Material Evidence of an Apocryphon: Earliest                           Ayesha Omer, University of Pennsylvania
      Illustrations of the Visualization Sutra (Guan
      wuliangshou jing)                                                  A Compound Optic of the Earth: Constructing
           Yi Zhao, University of Kansas                                 China’s Geological and Resource Frontiers in the
      Discussant:                                                            Weixian Pan, New York University Shanghai
          Michelle Wang, Georgetown University
                                                                         Orang Minyak: Singapore’s Oiled Bodies between
                                                                         1958 and 1978
       PANEL V1-104                                                          Kenneth Tay, Singapore Art Museum
        Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing

      Reimagining Asian Spaces: Vernacular
      Voices, Bodies, and Creativities
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM

             Chaired by Hideyo Konagaya, Waseda University

      Vernacular Responses to Anti-Asian Racisms Among
      Chinese Adoptees in the United States
          Ziying You, The College of Wooster

      Vernacularity of Semi-Professional Singers:
      “Utawit,” a Singing Competition of Filipino Diaspora
      in Japan
           Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes, University of Shizuoka

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                15         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

      PANEL V1-106                                                       Becoming Part of a South Korean Family:
        Area of Study: East and Inner Asia
                                                                         North Korean Refugee Women’s Struggles and
      The Prospect for War and Peace in the                                  Jeongeun Lee, Penn State Behrend
      Taiwan Strait: Survey Evidence from
                                                                         Unlearning to Stutter: Yoko Ono’s 1970’s Feminist
      Mainland and Taiwan                                                Pop
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM                                                        Shelina L. Brown, University of Cincinnati

      Public Support for Territorial Unification By Force:
      The Case of Taiwan                                                 PANEL V1-108
          Adam Y. Liu, National University of Singapore                  Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Japan Focused

      Comparing the Effects of Civilian and Ally Casualties              Adaptations, Receptions and Translations
      on Public Support for War: Evidence from Taiwan                    of Japanese Literature in Mexico
          Ronan Tse-min Fu, Academia Sinica                              8:00 AM-9:30 AM
      Nationalist Propaganda and Support for War in an                       Chaired by Matias Chiappe Ippolito, El Colegio
      Authoritarian Context: Evidence from China                             de México
          Dongshu Liu, City University of Hong Kong
                                                                         Proletarian Haiku: Carlos Gutierrez Cruz’s Pamphlet
      Is China-Taiwan Rapprochement Possible?                            of Libertarian Propaganda and the Reception of
      Experimental Evidence from Taiwan                                  Haiku Poetry By Early Twentieth Century’s Mexican
           Hsin-Hsin Pan, Soochow University                             Poets
                                                                              Lenin Emmanuel Gutiérrez Cervantes, Nagoya
       PANEL V1-107
        Area of Study: Northeast Asia                                    English Translations As Intermediaries between the
                                                                         Latin American and the Japanese Literary Worlds:
      Women, Gender, Feminism                                            The Problem of Mediation in the Reception of Ōe
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM                                                    Kenzaburō’s Literature in Mexico
                                                                              Manuel Cisneros Castro, Kansai University
             Chaired by Margaret Tillman, Indiana University-
              Purdue University, Fort Wayne                              Cool Poetry: Mexican Lolita Fan Translations of
                                                                         Takemoto Novala
      Modern Women in the Countryside: Rural Fashion in
                                                                             Lisander Martínez Oliver, University of Tsukuba
      Early 20th Century Japan
           Christina Ghanbarpour, Saddleback College                     Seeds of Nature, Identity, and Ecology: Haikus in
                                                                         Indigenous Mexican Languages and Spanish
      Women’s Voices Heard: Oral History of Korean
                                                                              Yaxkin Melchy, University of Tsukuba
      Women Who Participated in Kisaeng Tourism
      during the Cold War                                                Discussant:
          Katherine HR Yang, George Washington                               Matias Chiappe Ippolito, El Colegio de México

      Blood, Sweat, Tears, and the Media Mix: Japanese
      Women’s Professional Wrestling in the Era of Idol
          Kirsten Seuffert, University of Southern

      Reading Regretting Motherhood in Japan: A Feminist
      Participatory Action Research
           Aya Kitamura, Tsuda University

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                16         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

      PANEL V1-109                                                       “A Uniquely British Enterprise”? The Ethical
       Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Korea Focused
                                                                         Repercussions and Responsibilities of
                                                                         Transplanting the Victorian Graded Music Exam
      Northern Exposure: Past and Present                                System to Contemporary India
      Cultural Engagement out of North Korea                                 Karl Lutchmayer, University of Cambridge
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM                                                    Discussant:
            Chaired by Pil Ho Kim, Ohio State University                     Karl Lutchmayer, University of Cambridge

      Expressing Dual Identities Via the Performance of                  PANEL V1-111
      Ŭnyul Masked Dance Drama
                                                                         Area of Study: South Asia
          Sunhong Kim, University of Michigan
                                                                         Discretizing Motherhood in India:
      Testing the Waters for Cultural Relations between
      the Hungarian People’s Republic and the
                                                                         Visual Archives, Ruptures, and Forms of
      Democratic People’s Republic of Korea                              Caregiving
          Gabor Sebo, Yonsei University                                  8:00 AM-9:30 AM

      Translating Double Trouble: Familial and National                      Chaired by Susan George, Jesus and Mary
      Crisis in the Twenty-First Century North Korean                        College, Delhi University
           Pil Ho Kim, Ohio State University                             Indian #Workingmoms: Social Media Image As
                                                                         Visual Archive
      From Girl Group Acculturation to Pandemic                               Susan George, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi
      Panegyrics: The Evolution of DPRK Propaganda-Pop                         University
      Music in the Kim Jong-Un Period (2012-2022)
          Peter Moody, Seoul National University                         Motherhood As Critique: Spots of Narrative
                                                                         Rupture in Professional Social Media Networks.
      Discussant:                                                            Pooja S. Thomas, MICA — The School of Ideas
          Jae-Cheon Lim, Korea University
                                                                         Motherhood, COVID-19, and Work-from-Home:
                                                                         Qualitative Findings
      PANEL V1-110                                                          Jagriti Gangopadhyay, Manipal Centre for
       Area of Study: South Asia                                               Humanities

      Exotic and Everyday: Decolonizing Music
      Education and Performance
      8:00 AM-9:30 AM

            Chaired by Sebanti Chatterjee, National Law
            School of India University

      Exploring Musical, Cultural, and Social Identities of
      Young Indians Learning Western Classical Music.
          Ankna Arockiam, Royal Conservatoire of

      Understanding Affective Networks of Choral
      Ensembles within a Decolonial Framework
          Sebanti Chatterjee, National Law School of
            India University

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                17         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     PANEL V1-112                                                        PANEL V1-114
      Area of Study: Southeast Asia                                      Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Japan Focused

     Gender, Law, and Human Tra icking:                                  Rethinking Regional Revitalization in
     Female Servitude in Colonial Southeast                              Post-Growth Japan: Coping with Self-Help
     Asia                                                                Spirits of Regional Revitalization Policies
     8:00 AM-9:30 AM                                                     8:00 AM-9:30 AM
         Chaired by Marina Torres Trimállez, KU Leuven
                                                                             Chaired by Shilla Lee, Sainsbury Institute for the
     Restricting Chinese Women’s Mobility: Anti-                             Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
     Trafficking Campaigns in Interwar Southeast Asia
         Julia Martinez, Humanities and Social Inquiry                   Calling on Young People to Save the Regions. a
                                                                         Critical Analysis of the Urban-Rural Migration
     “Girls Sold like Cattle”: Mui Tsais and the Making of               Discourse
     a Female Underclass in the Straits Settlements                           Ludgera Lewerich, Heinrich Heine University
            Hema Kiruppalini, Asia Research Institute (NUS)                     Düsseldorf
     Trading Chinese Children: Contending Legalities                     Self-Build and DIY: Vacant House Regeneration in
     and International Networks in Mid-Nineteenth                        Post-Growth Japan
     Century Treaty-Port China
           Mònica Ginés Blasi, Bonn Center for Slavery                   Contradictory Experiences As Agents of Regional
     and Dependency Studies, University of Bonn                          Revitalization: A Case of Local Traditional
                                                                         Craftspeople of Tamba Pottery
     Discussant: Maitrii Aung Thwin, National University                     Shilla Lee, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of
     of Singapore                                                              Japanese Arts and Cultures
     PANEL V1-113
      Area of Study: Southeast Asia

     The Plight of Filipino Workers During the
     Time of COVID
     8:00 AM-9:30 AM

            Chaired by Rosario Angela Bernad, University of
            the Philippines, Diliman

     The Inner World of Filipino Nurses Working Abroad
     during the Pandemic
         Rosario Angela Bernad, University of the
           Philippines, Diliman

     Filipino Domestic Workers Abroad during the Time
     of COVID
           Eden Hulipas Terol, University of the Philippines

     Quality of Life, Work-Life Balance, and Empathy in
     the Context of Teaching Among Elementary School
     Teachers during the Pandemic
         Cristabel Fagela Tiangco, University of the

     Wellness of Filipino Jeepney Drivers in the Time of
         Jezamine De Leon, Philippine National Police

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                18         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     SESSION BLOCK                                                       PANEL V1-202

     10:30AM - 12:00PM                                                   Area of Study: East and Inner Asia

                                                                         Africa through the Lens of Chinese
                                                                         Knowledge Makers: Medicine,
      PANEL V1-200
                                                                         Anthropology, and the Politics of
       Area of Study: Digital Technology
                                                                         Knowledge Production
     Rebellion and Negotiation with the State                            10:30 AM-12:00 PM
     and the Market: Youth (Sub)Culture in the
     Age of Social Media                                                     Chaired by Cheryl Schmitz, Max Planck
                                                                             Institute for the History of Science
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                         Divergence and Convergence: The Fluidity of
            Chaired by Ying Zhu, Columbia University                     Chinese Medical Expertises in South Sudan
     From Vulgar Hanmai to Poverty Selling: The                              Yidong Gong, New College of Florida
     Changing Online Subculture of the Chinese                           Africa in the Making of the Barefoot Doctor
     Underclass                                                               Emily M. Graf, Freie Universität Berlin
         Jiaxi Hou, University of Tokyo
                                                                         Going out in Academia: Overseas Ethnography
     Lying Down Virtually: The Self-Mockery and Self-                    and African Studies in the PRC
     Defeat Culture and Its Bodily Memes                                     Cheryl Schmitz, Max Planck Institute for the
         Junqi Peng, Hong Kong Baptist University                             History of Science
     Transnational Fandom and Nationalism: Contested                     China’s Provision of Global Public Goods for
     Identities of K-Pop Fans in China                                   Health: Sierra Leone (2014) and Madagascar
         Shiqi Wang, Hong Kong Baptist University                        (2017) in View of Great Power Responsibility
     Instagramming the Scene: Rethinking Subcultures                         Igor Sevenard, Freie Universität Berlin
     in the Age of Social Media                                          Discussant:
          Jeremy Tintiangko, Chinese University of Hong                      Volker Scheid, Max Planck Institute for the
            Kong                                                               History of Science
         Stanley Rosen, University of Southern California

      PANEL V1-201
       Area of Study: East and Inner Asia

     Lessons from the Pandemic: The Folk
     Memory Project and Digital Platforms for
     Arts and Social Movements
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM

            Chaired by Guo-Juin Hong, Duke University

         Nicholas Pilarski, Arizona State University
         Mengqi Zhang, Caochangdi Workstation
         Wenguang Wu, Caochangdi Workstation

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                19         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     PANEL V1-203                                                        To Sing or Not to Sing? The Debate on Qin Song in
      Area of Study: East and Inner Asia
                                                                         Late Imperial China
                                                                             Zeyuan Wu, Independent Scholars of Asia
     Dynamic Control, Dynamic Response:
     Cracking Monopolies in Contemporary                                 Inscriptions on Musical Instruments of the Tang
                                                                         and Song Dynasties (618-1276)
     Chinese Literature, Arts, and Media                                     Meimei Zhang, Occidental College
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM
            Chaired by Hongjian Wang, Purdue University                      Ronald Egan, Stanford University
     A Dangerous Game: Presenting Uyghurs As a
     “Model Minority” on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala                     PANEL V1-205
         Hongjian Wang, Purdue University                                Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing

     Prison Break: Metaliterary Challenge to                             Property and Legal Regimes in the Indian
     Commercialized Chinese Online Literature                            Ocean World
          Xi Tian, Bucknell University                                   10:30 AM-12:00 PM

     Tracing the Bunny: Animating Propaganda Work                            Chaired by Julia Stephens, Rutgers, The State
     Online                                                                  University of New Jersey
         Shaohua Guo, Carleton College                                   Overflow - History of Land Reclamation in Borneo
     One Woman, Tripple Challenges: Reading Yan                              Nurfadzilah Yahaya, Yale University
     Geling’s The Ninth Widow in Contemporary China                      A Widow’s Zulum: Women, Capital, and Testament
     Discussant:                                                         in the Western Indian Ocean, c. 1875-1925
         Hongwei Bao, University of Nottingham                           “Agent in His Absence”?: Women’s Property, Law,
                                                                         and Islam across the Indian Ocean, c. 1780-1830
     PANEL V1-204                                                            Du Fei, Cornell University
      Area of Study: East and Inner Asia                                 Discussant:
     The Interplay of Music and Literature:                                  Julia Stephens, Rutgers, The State University of
                                                                               New Jersey
     Investigating the Music-Text Relationship
     in Premodern China
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM

            Chaired by Guangchen Chen, Emory University

     The Monk Musicians: Buddhism, Law, and
     Performing Arts in Pre-Modern China
         Cuilan Liu, University of Pittsburgh

     Performing Musical Composition Inside and
     Outside a Scene: A Comparison between Hong
     Sheng’s and Feng Qifeng’s Versions of “Composing
     the Score” from Palace of Everlasting Life
     (Changsheng dian)
         Yihui Sheng, University of Michigan

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                20         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     PANEL V1-206                                                        PANEL V1-208
      Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing                          Area of Study: Northeast Asia

     Mammals on the Move: Animal Science                                 Patchwork Ethnography, Elusive
     and Animal Care across Transnational Asia                           Archives, and the Burdens of Risk and
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                                   Care - Sponsored by AAS Northeast Asia
                                                                         Council (NEAC)
     Culling Horses and Killing Doctors: Veterinary
                                                                         10:30 AM-12:00 PM
     Medicine and the Horse Trade in the Dutch East
     Indies, 1913                                                            Chaired by Chika Watanabe, University of
          Michael K. Miller, Cornell University                              Manchester

     Security, Territory, Primate: Rhesus Monkeys,                       Discussants:
     Racial Imaginaries, and the Politics of Population in                   Morgan Pitelka, University of North Carolina,
     Postcolonial India                                                        Chapel Hill
         Tara Suri, Harvard University                                       Fabiano Rocha, University of Toronto
                                                                             Kaitlyn Ugoretz, University of California,
     Orangutans’ Locality and the Global Tea Party                             Santa Barbara
        Shira Shmuely, Tel Aviv University                                   Chika Watanabe, University of Manchester
        Tamar Novick, Max Planck Institute for the
          History of Science
                                                                         PANEL V1-209
                                                                         Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Japan Focused
     PANEL V1-207
      Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing                          Rethinking and Reconnecting Centers
                                                                         and Peripheries in Japanese Literature,
     Visualizing Home and Homeland in Asian
                                                                         1400 to 2000
                                                                         10:30 AM-12:00 PM
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                             Chaired by Jonathan Zwicker, University of
            Chaired by Jean Amato, Fashion Institute of
                                                                             California, Berkeley
                                                                         Peripheral Changes: Regionalizing Itsukushima
     Transcending Legacies of Loss: A Study of the
                                                                         Shrine in the Nagatobon Tale of the Heike
     Television Miniseries Ms. Marvel
                                                                             Jesse Drian, University of Southern California
     All the Pain Is Healed at Home: Kitchen from
                                                                         Anomaly Accounts and the Margins of Tokugawa
     Yoshimoto Banana’s Fiction to Yim Ho’s Film
          Chenfeng Wang, University of California,
                                                                             William Fleming, University of California,
            San Diego
                                                                              Santa Barbara
     Contesting the Affective Framing of Chinese
                                                                         The Neighborhood as Refuge: Marginality,
     Adoptees’ “Homecoming” Journey in Documentary
                                                                         Poverty, and Grotesquerie in Takeda Rintarō’s
     Found (2021)
                                                                         Kamagasaki (1933)
         Yawen Li, National University of Singapore
                                                                             Ran Wei, Washington University, St. Louis
          and King’s College London
                                                                         “Poems on Flesh”: Ikaino Landscapes and
     Home, Mobility, and Gender in Bollywood
                                                                         Feminist Critique in the Works of Sō Shūgetsu
                                                                             Julia Clark, University of California,
                                                                               Los Angeles

                                                                             Jonathan Zwicker, University of California,

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                21         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     PANEL V1-210                                                        PANEL V1-212
      Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Korea Focused                      Area of Study: South Asia/Southeast Asia

     Interdisciplinary Korean Studies and the                            Politics, Struggle, and Social Memory
     “Process” Side of New Research                                      10:30 AM-12:00 PM
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                                       Chaired by Christopher Hulshof, University of
                                                                             Wisconsin, Madison
         Soomin Seo, Sogang University                                   The Overlooked in COVID-19 Pandemic: Migrant
         Laura Nelson, University of California, Berkeley                Women Workers in Delhi NCR, India
         Janice Kim, York University                                         Anam Fatima, Aligarh Muslim University
         Jisoo Kim, George Washington University
         Nan Kim, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee                     Dictatorship of the Vengeful: The Rise of Civic
                                                                         Authoritarianism in Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines

     PANEL V1-211                                                        The Hong Kong Press Observes the Philippine
                                                                         Revolution, 1896–1897
      Area of Study: South Asia
                                                                             Laura Diaz Esteve, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
     Oral History in Research on South Asia
     10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                                   PANEL V1-213
           Chaired by Sana Haroon, University of                         Area of Study: Southeast Asia
           Massachusetts, Boston
                                                                         Urban Affect in Saigon: Understanding
     Tribal Collectivity in Pakistan’s Federally                         Care, Subjectivity, and Livelihoods in
     Administered Tribal Areas between Administrators’                   Vietnam
     Records and Oral Histories, 1948-2018
                                                                         10:30 AM-12:00 PM
         Sana Haroon, University of Massachusetts,
            Boston                                                           Chaired by Tara Westmor, University of
                                                                             California, Riverside
     Women in Public Service in Pakistan: Gender and
     the Exercise of Public Authority                                    The Social Life of Care: Communicating and
                                                                         Presenting Care in a Global Pandemic
     Caste and Oral Histories in South India
                                                                             Shani Tra, University of California, Riverside
         Chinnaiah Jangam, Carleton University
                                                                         “Ho Chi Minh City’s Hilarious Side”: Vietnamese
                                                                         Subjectivity in Stand-up Comedy Performances
                                                                             Tara Westmor, University of California, Riverside

                                                                         The Family We Choose: Co-Living 4.0 and
                                                                         Community Building in the Digital Era
                                                                             Phuong H. Nguyen, University of Zurich

                                                                         Take It Slowly: Moto-Mobility, Street Cruising and
                                                                         Mobile Practices of Intimacy in Ho Chi Minh City
                                                                             Van Minh Nguyen, University of Brussels

                                                                             Sandra Kurfurst, University of Cologne

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                22         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

                                                                         Embodying History with Chen Zhen 陈真:
     SESSION BLOCK                                                       Nationalism, Resistance, Masculinity and the Male
     2:00PM - 3:30PM                                                     Body in Four Adaptations of Bruce Lee’s 1972 Film,
                                                                         Fist of Fury 精武門; Starring Jackie Chan (1976), Jet Li
                                                                         (1994), and Donnie Yen (2010)
     PANEL V1-300                                                              Jean Amato, Fashion Institute of Technology
      Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Japan Focused
                                                                         Hesitating Proper: Reflections on Pinay Femmë-
     Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy and                                 Ninities
     Nuclear Weapons in Postwar Japanese                                     Claudia C. Lodia, San Francisco State University
                                                                         Demi-Gods or Semi-Devils? Images of the Khitans
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM                                                     in Martial Arts Dramas
                                                                             Xin Chen, Independent Scholars of Asia
            Chaired by Jacques Hymans, University of
            Southern California                                          Discussants:
                                                                             Jinghua Wangling, Loyola University, Maryland
     Comparing Hibakusha Testimonials with Hiroshima
                                                                             Haosheng Yang, Miami University, Ohio
     and Nagasaki Mayors’ Annual Speeches
         Jacques E. C. Hymans, University of Southern
           California                                                    PANEL V1-302

     From Nuclear Weapons Opponent to Nuclear                            Area of Study: East and Inner Asia
     Power Advocate: Life of Manabu Nagai                                Precarious Labor, Cultural Production,
     Useless Business? The Japanese Diet and the                         and Collectiveness: Praxis and Poetics
     Politics of Nuclearity over U.S. Nuclear Warship                    of Migrant Worker Literature in
     Visits, 1963-1968                                                   Contemporary China
          Toshihiro Higuchi, Georgetown University
                                                                         2:00 PM-3:30 PM
     Nuclear Attitudes and the Limits of Dynamic
                                                                             Chaired by Lina Qu, Michigan State University
     Constraint: Evidence of the Influence of Persuasive
     Messaging in Japan                                                  Caring for the Small: Gendered Solidarity Under the
                                                                         Pandemic in Chinese Domestic Workers’ Writings
                                                                             Hui Faye Xiao, University of Kansas
         Cathryn Carson, University of California, Berkeley
                                                                         The Hungry Stomach in Zheng Xiaoqiong’s Cyborg
     PANEL V1-301
                                                                             Lina Qu, Michigan State University
      Area of Study: East and Inner Asia
                                                                         Speaking Back: Migrant Worker Literature As
     Imagining the Asian Past: Narratives and                            Dialogue across Difference
     Themes in Multimedia                                                    Shiqi Lin, University of California, Irvine
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM
                                                                         Laborers without Borders: Constructing Sociality in
            Chaired by Haosheng Yang, Miami University,                  New Workers’ Poetry
            Ohio                                                             Xin Yang, Macalester College

     Displaced Feminism, Displaced Authenticity, and                     Discussant:
     the Discourse of Unification in Disney’s Live-Action                    Maghiel van Crevel, Leiden University
     Mulan (2020)
         Qiulei Hu, City University of New York, Hunter

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                23         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     PANEL V1-303                                                        PANEL V1-305
      Area of Study: East and Inner Asia                                 Area of Study: East and Inner Asia

     Rhetoric, Legitimacy, and Historiography                            Birth and Labor in Twentieth-Century
     in Early Medieval China - Sponsored by The                          China and Taiwan
     Early Medieval China Group                                          2:00 PM-3:30 PM
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM                                                         Chaired by Shery Chanis, University of Texas,
           Chaired by Scott Pearce, Western Washington                       Austin
           University                                                    Colonizing the Body with Midwives: Colonial
     The Making of a “Round” Great Man in the Three                      Vestiges in Birth Work in Taiwan & China, 1950-
     Kingdoms Era                                                        1980
         Meow Hui Goh, Ohio State University                                 Erica T. Holt, Michigan State University

     Sacrificing to Heaven As the Founding Emperor of                    Mortal Feelings: Fetal and Infantile Deaths As
     the Northern Wei                                                    Experience and Memory in Republican China
         Nina Duthie, University of California, Los Angeles                  Ling Ma, State University of New York at Geneseo

     A Reason to Celebrate: Warlords and Poets in                        “Left-behind Fatherhood” Revisited: Stay-Put
     Southern Dynasties China                                            Men’s Socio-Structural Positionality in Situated
         Kay Duffy, University of British Columbia                       Transnationalism

     “As If Heaven Was Saying”: Omen, Interpretation,
                                                                         PANEL V1-306
     and Political Legitimacy in Early Medieval China
                                                                         Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing
         Scott Pearce, Western Washington University                     Laughter with History: East Asian Comedy
                                                                         in Film and Media
     PANEL V1-304                                                        2:00 PM-3:30 PM

      Area of Study: East and Inner Asia                                     Chaired by David Humphrey, Michigan State
     Social Justice in Mao and Post-Mao China
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM                                                     Cultural Memory, the Trope of “Humble Wage
                                                                         Earners,” and Everyman Heroism in the Hui
           Chaired by Mao Chen, Skidmore College                         Brothers’ Comedies and Their Remake
                                                                             Jessica Siu-Yin Yeung, School of Oriental and
     Defeating the New Caste System: Yu Luoke’s Battle                         African Studies, University of London
     in 1966-67, Beijing, China
          Henry L. Cheng, University of Chicago                          Nonsensical Kung Fu Humour, Nationalism and
     “Why Can’t Deaf-Mutes be Cadres?” Disability
     Advocacy in Official Magazines in 1980s China                       A Brief History of Taiwanese Comedy Cinema
        Di Wu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                                                                         Laughter Suspended: Japanese Comedy and the
     Justice for Whom? Redressing the “1975 Shadian                      Ends of Progress
     Incident” in the Post-Mao Era, 1978–2019                                David Humphrey, Michigan State University
          Xian Wang, University of British Columbia
     “Citizen Participation” in Socialist Market Economy:                    Evelyn Shih, University of Colorado, Boulder
     A Case of Waste Sorting in Shenzhen City, China
          Yingyi Zhou, University of Oxford

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                24         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

     PANEL V1-307                                                        In the Name of Protection: Violence Against
      Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing
                                                                         Reproductive Bodies Under the Eugenic Protection
                                                                         Law in Postwar Japan
     Emerging Work on Transnationality in                                     Sujin Lee, University of Victoria
     Asian Studies: Movement of People,
     Images, and Knowledge - Sponsored by AAS                                Chikako Takeshita, University of California,
     Council of Conferences                                                    Riverside
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM

            Chaired by Kendra Strand, University of Iowa                 PANEL V1-309
                                                                         Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Japan Focused
     Ch’oe Namsŏn in the Transnational Publication
     World                                                               Not Comfortable: Nation and “Comfort
         Jeonghun Choi, Harvard University                               Women” Museums in East Asia
     Migrations of the “Modern Girl”: Transpacific                       2:00 PM-3:30 PM
     Montages of Feminist and Decolonial Resistance
         Shannon Welch, University of California,                        The National Meanings of Taiwan’s Comfort
          San Diego                                                      Women Museum
                                                                             Lee Moore, University of Oregon
     “After Getting a Degree, What’s Next?”: Migration
     Decisions of Chinese and Korean Graduate                            “We Would like to See Who Was Responsible for
     Students in STEM                                                    the System of Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery” –
          Sujung Lee, Syracuse University                                the Representation of Japanese Perpetrators in
                                                                         Exhibitions on “Comfort Women”
                                                                             André Hertrich, Austrian Academy of Sciences
     PANEL V1-308
                                                                         Between the CCP’s Political Objectives: “Comfort
      Area of Study: Inter-Area/Border Crossing
                                                                         Women” Museums in Mainland China
     Altered Bodies: Interventionary                                         Markéta Bajgerová Verly, Austrian Academy of
     Governance and Resistant Alterities across                               Sciences
     East Asia                                                           Discussant:
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM                                                         Emily Matson, American University

            Chaired by Inga Diederich, Colby College

     Bleeding for Freedom: The Politics of Blood
     Donation in South Korean Democratization
         Inga K. Diederich, Colby College

     “A Sea of Blood and Hatred”: Persuading People
     to Hate Drug Criminals in the CCP’s Anti-Narcotics
     Campaign, 1949-1952
         Thomas Chan, University of California, San Diego

     The Standard Man of the Nuclear Family:
     Dosimetry, Racialized Irradiation and the Human

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                25         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.

      PANEL V1-310                                                       PANEL V1-312
      Area of Study: Northeast Asia - Korea Focused                      Area of Study: South Asia

     Things Confucius Would Not Know: The                                Literature, Texts and Social Difference
     Performance and Power of Storytelling in                            2:00 PM-3:30 PM
     Religious Korea
                                                                         Migration and Literature: Malayali’s Move to 1960s
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM
                                                                         Delhi and Its Influence on Modern Kerala Literature
            Chaired by Chan Park, Ohio State University                      Mukulika Radhakrishnan, University of Sussex

     Religious Meaning-Making in the Literature of                       Forests and Jungles: Early Visions of (Anti)Paradise
     Sŏlcham Kim Sisŭp                                                   in Sri Lankan English Literature

     The Intergeneric Textuality and Readership of                       Behind the “First Great Mughal”: Khanzada Begum
          Hyangsoon Yi, University of Georgia                            Romance for “Educated Persons”: Examining
                                                                         Representations of Love in Twentieth and Twenty-
     Adding Magical Talent to Literary Skill: Ch’oe                      First Centuries in India
     Ch’iwŏn and the Heroic Imagination in Chosŏn                             Nainika Dinesh, University of Pennsylvania
         Sookja Cho, Arizona State University                            Obhash Ar Iccha (Habit and Desire): A Study of
                                                                         Gender Relations in Recent Bengali Film Bela Seshe
     Shamanic Chant and Contemporary Korean Elegy:                       (End of the day, 2015)
     Kim Hyesoon’s Autobiography of Death                                    Disha Ghosh, University of Hyderabad
         Ivanna Sang Een Yi, Cornell University
                                                                         Afghan-Khariji: Racialized Consciousness Among
     Discussants:                                                        Kabul’s Young Literati
         Won-oh Choi, Gwangju National University of
         Michael Pettid, State University of New York,
           Binghamton                                                    PLENARY SESSION
                                                                         AAS/ALADAA Plenary Roundtable —
      PANEL V1-311                                                       Global Asias: Intersectionality of Space,
      Area of Study: South Asia                                          Place, and History in African, Latin, and
     Reforging an Arena: Bengal, Burma, and                              Asian Identities
                                                                         5:30PM - 7:00 PM
     Northeast India at the Margin of Empire
     2:00 PM-3:30 PM                                                      Chaired by Hilary Finchum-Sing, Association for
                                                                            Asian Studies
            Chaired by Matthew Bowser, University of
            Alabama                                                       Discussants:
                                                                             Jerónimo Delgado-Caicedo, Universidad
     New Sanctuaries Required: Tropical Forestry and                           Externado de Columbia
     Property Regimes in Colonial Burma                                      Sergio Hernández Galindo, National Institute of
         Michael Mandelkorn, Princeton University                              Anthropology and History (INAH)
                                                                             Evelyn Hu-DeHart, Brown University
     Littoral Marginalities: Empire and the Port of Deltaic
                                                                             Lía Rodriguez de la Vega, Universidad Nacional
                                                                               de Lomas de Zamora
          Amrita DasGupta, School of Oriental and African
                                                                             Christine R. Yano, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
            Studies, University of London

     The Economy of Waste Lands: Bengal, Burma,and
     Northeast India (1870s-1930s)
         Tathagata Dutta, Tufts University

Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference                26         Names listed in the Program are of participants registered by the posted deadline.
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