A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...

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A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and
                      Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region

A Blueprint for Economic
Resiliency and Reinvention
in the Greater Charlottesville Region
A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
March 23, 2020 seemed like a
typical day in Charlottesville — but it wasn't.

From the Chamber of Commerce's offices at the            The Greater Charlottesville region is fortunate to have
corner of 5th and Market, our small staff watched as     an attractive physical setting and enviable ingredients
local businesses, entrepreneurs and institutions made    for a vibrant economic base. But as residents, we did
preparations to shutter doors, close up shop or move     consider whether this pandemic and its economic
online in anticipation of a rumored statewide stay-at-   challenges were big enough to break us.
home order.
                                                         So, working virtually from kitchen tables, spare
At our weekly staff meeting, we had agreed that, just    bedrooms, basements and garages, a small number
to be safe, we would each take home a week's worth       of community, academic, and city, county, and state
of office necessities in case we found ourselves         economic development leaders, came together to
working at home.                                         exchange thoughts about how the region might
                                                         weather this storm.
Of course, when the Governor's order to shelter-in-
place came through, it quickly became apparent that      Project Rebound is the product of those
one week of supplies would not be nearly enough for      conversations.
what was ahead.
                                                         The idea was simple: Bring together anyone who was
The global public health crisis sparked by the           interested to express their needs, voice concerns and
COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted our              share ideas on how to deal with the crisis.
community, our relationships, and our economy. In
Charlottesville and throughout Central Virginia, the     Since the very nature of the pandemic prevented
shock of the past three months has taken lives too       face-to-face interaction, we sent out an invitation
soon, upset ambitious plans, and exacerbated             for community-wide virtual workshops. But we
pre-existing divisions and disinvestment.                wondered — given the pressing personal and financial
                                                         needs faced by so many — would anyone even show

A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
The level of response was overwhelming. Within the                   The fourth section takes a more granular look at the
first hour, 20 acceptances had been received (which                  unique perspective of the eight sectors that play an
was good, because, we would have been happy with                     outsized role in the Charlottesville region's economy.
30). Then by the end of the day, 50 registrations.
When it was all said and done, more than 300 people                  This crisis is also an opportunity for reinvention.
had committed to participate.                                        In the midst of the development of the report, the
As the virtual workshops began, ideas and                            killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police
experiences were shared, and concerns were raised.                   officer, and the national conversation, led by the
And while there were committed participants from                     Black Lives Matter movement, that it sparked,
various corners of the private, nonprofit and public                 only heightened the need to ensure the economic
sectors — it was also clear there were many voices,                  progress envisioned by this ongoing initiative is felt
equally bound by a commitment to the Charlottesville                 broadly — and especially by Charlottesville's African-
region's future, who were missing. Those able to                     American business community, many of whom have
participate were ready to be part of a solution and                  been systemically and historically shut out from the
to give the Chamber a chance to prove it was worthy                  benefits of economic expansion. In order to improve
of being a trusted convener — but more input was                     the Chamber's efforts to foster a more equitable and
needed.                                                              inclusive economy, the leadership of the Board of
                                                                     Directors has voted to create an Equity Council to
We are thrilled to expand the conversation through                   develop best practices for programming, staffing and
this document. It compresses four weeks of                           community engagement.
introductory input from a small cross-section of our
community, multiple meetings with stakeholders, and                  Every attempt has been made to capture the
examples from outside the region as well.                            hundreds of ideas that surfaced during the
                                                                     workshops. After this work of encapsulating the
Our goal is to build a blueprint for resiliency.                     input, we think there are some ideas that can
                                                                     be immediately pursued and others that can be
The Project Rebound Blueprint document is divided                    prioritized with focused effort that considers impact,
into four sections. The first section sets the pre-                  equity and who should be involved.
pandemic baseline and shares the story of how we
came together to develop implementable ideas.                        Our intent is that this report is just one first step
The second section focuses on a dominant theme                       and that it will continue to evolve, expand the
expressed by many of the participants, specifically,                 conversation and contribute to the improvement
that economic recovery is only possible if we pursue                 of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and Central
a broad, inclusive effort to nurture confidence in our               Virginia. If you would like to get involved please send
community. The third section details the range of                    an email to connect@cvillechamber.com.
ideas that could assist all elements of the community
and prioritizes them by what can have the quickest

Project Rebound Steering Committee
Elizabeth Cromwell, President and CEO                                Denise Herndon, Program Director for Economic Development
Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce                         University of Virginia

Chris Engel, Director of Economic Development                        Andrea Copeland-Whitsett, Director of Member Education
City of Charlottesville                                              Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce

Roger Johnson, Economic Development Director                         Rachael Hobbs, Project Associate, Office of Economic Development, University
Albemarle County                                                     of Virginia

Pace Lochte , Assistant Vice President for Economic Development      Ann Marie Hohenberger, Marketing and Communications
University of Virginia                                               Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce

About this document                                                  Project Rebound Logo Design
The ideas and insight were gathered through virtual workshops,       Bunmi Adeeko Collins, StickyNote Creative
one-on-one conversations and emailed comments. The vast              stickynotecreative.com
majority of participants were from businesses and organizations      bunmi@stickynotecreative.com
with a vested interest in the economic, social and environmental
well-being of Charlottesville and Albemarle County. Professionals
from KPMG synthesized this analysis and report from our              Funding for this effort was made possible by GO
community conversations and direct feedback from many                Virginia (www.govirginia.org)
participants. The committee's goal is to help implement actionable
solutions and to be intentional about expanding the spirit of
collaboration by soliciting additional input in the weeks and
months ahead.                                                                                                                                3
A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...

  8                                 14

How we started                     Where we are now
A virtual effort                   The challenge of confidence

The process for developing a       Nurturing customer, business and workforce confidence amidst
community response to a unique     uncertainty will be an ongoing need in order to build resiliency
crisis leveraged technology in a
big way
                                   Customer Confidence
                                   Creating a sense of safety
                                   and reliability among consumers will vary

                                   Business Confidence
                                   Broad access to information, financial resources
                                   and advice will be critical

                                   Workforce Confidence
                                   Adjusting to the new way of working requires
                                   resources, transparency, quality and frequency

A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
If you learn to use it right – the adversity – it will buy you a
        ticket to a place you could not have gone any other way.

        UVA Men's Basketball Coach Tony Bennett, after winning the NCAA national championship,
        April 2019

24                                   34     How we will get there
                                            Partnerships and Collaboration
What we will do                             The roadmap for implementation will require broad participation
Ideas to begin

Hundreds of ideas were               38    Sector-specific actions we can take
generated and we can start today
                                           Reviving Small Business
                                           Restarting the Hospitality and Tourism Engine
                                           Leveraging the Strength of Anchor Institutions
                                           Protecting the Arts and the Creative Economy
                                           Supporting IT, Financial and Defense
                                           Supporting Biotechnology, Manufacturing and
                                            Food and Beverage Manufacturing
                                           Rebuilding Nonprofit and Community Organizations
                                           Preparing Vital Infrastructure

                                    74     Opportunity Index
                                           A comprehensive list of community-generated ideas

                                     88    Appendix

                                           Workshop Questions
                                           Charlottesville MSA Indicators

A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
This is our chance to restart and reinvent
Project Rebound is engaging business leaders to share
insights, identify challenges, and build actionable strategies to
restore the local economy in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

When it arose in Winter 2019, the public health       Project Rebound is an initiative to provide
emergency represented by COVID-19 presented           information, resources, connection and guidance to
communities, families and businesses around           local business
the world with an extraordinary challenge. From
                                                      In basketball, a "rebound" occurs when a player
personal celebrations to travel to commerce, many
                                                      possesses the ball after a missed shot.
of our assumptions and best-laid plans were upset.
                                                      How many missed shots, opportunities and
In Virginia, a statewide shelter-in-place order was
                                                      milestones have we experienced as a result of
issued in late March in order to slow the virus'
spread. A major impact of the order was that many
businesses — including those in the Charlottesville   But what matters at this moment of adversity is not
region — were forced to suddenly close their doors.   just what we have missed, but how quickly we can
In early June 2020, the state issued guidance for     pivot to take possession of the next opportunity.
the reopening of Virginia businesses.                 In that spirit, Project Rebound is more than just an
The challenge going forward is twofold: to return     effort to “bounce back". It is about taking control to
the economy to a vibrant state after so much          change the long term direction of the game.
disruption and amidst public health uncertainty and   The ideas are presented here as an iterative, work-
to use this moment of adversity to nurture a more     in-progress meant to spark action and discussion
resilient and inclusive community.                    to support the economic well-being of the City of
                                                      Charlottesville, Albemarle County and Central Virginia.
                                                      •   Will our community be the first to rise to the
                                                      •   Will we be the first to anticipate what comes next?
                                                      What we do from here is up to our collective team —
                                                      and that includes you.

Can we safely restart
local business
and also use the
adversity of this
moment to nurture
a more resilient and
inclusive economy?

A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
This is just the beginning:
    Five things to know about Project Rebound

    Succesful implementation of the ideas in the
    Blueprint will occur over time in order to nurture
                                                                    How you can help the team

    consumer, business and workforce confidence
    Among the many ideas that were proposed, this                  Join the effort
    document recommends starting with a limited                    This will be an iterative
    subset of six ideas that addresses the need for:               process. Please join our
    (1) authoritative safety protocols, (2) trustworthy            mailing list at
    information sharing and ways to access resources,              bit.ly/ReboundSubscribe for
    (3) facilitating access to testing, (4) working with           future conversations and
    government on emergency policies (5) continued                 community actions
    inclusive conversation and (6) a buy-local initiative.
                                                                   Know the guidelines
    The full index of ideas is a list of tangible actitivies       Start by downloading the
    that businesses, individuals and organizations should          safety toolkit from

    take on in partnership or collaboration with peers
    Designated as "Opportunity Index" solutions, all of            Buy Local
    the concepts discussed by the workshop participants            Participate in the Buy Local
    have been memorialized in order to assist in future            campaigns described on
    planning by community, institutional, and private              page 78
    sector organizations.
                                                                   Ask for help
                                                                   The online portal envisioned
    This Project Rebound Blueprint document represents             on page 80 will be your
    the participation of hundreds of Charlottesville               connection
    region residents — but more need to be involved
    Over the course of four weeks, 300 members of the              Leverage your strengths

    community participated in virtual, online workshops            Let us know if you have
    to discuss the challenges businesses and institutions          a skill that could aid the
    are facing due to the pandemic and share ideas on              cause by emailing connect@
    how to adjust to a new environment where consumer,             cvillechamber.com
    workforce and business confidence is low. More
    voices will be invited to participate in the weeks and
    months ahead.

    A focus on equity and inclusivity will be an ongoing part
    of future conversations and execution

4   To ensure the full spectrum of perspectives is part of the process, Project Rebound
    will continue to refine the ideas based on input from a broader cross section of the
    business community and has embedded each of the proposed solutions with action
    items designed to ensure that the economic rebound occurs for as many businesses
    and business owners as possible.

    The Chamber proposes to serve as a steward, convener and enabler for the ideas
    represented in the document
    As a small organization, the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce will position
    its staff as the stewards and a central point of contact for the Project Rebound effort on
    behalf of community partners and organizations who are engaged in implementing ideas.

A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
How we started
A virtual process to develop
a community response
to a unique crisis

A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
To build a strategic and aspirational response to the pandemic,

community members came together virtually to connect, share

information and discuss actionable strategies to move forward.
A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in the Greater Charlottesville Region - A Blueprint for Economic Resiliency and Reinvention in ...
How we started
In the midst of an unprecedented public health emergency, Project
Rebound brought together technology and tested facilitation
techniques to start a conversation on how Central Virginia might
recover and renew itself from the economic downturn.

In May 2020, the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce and partners convened a series of
community online workshops to explore the path forward for businesses, institutions and organizations when
the statewide shelter-in-place order was lifted and for the recovery efforts in the coming months and years.
Designated as "Project Rebound", the organizing committee solicited feedback from residents, business
owners and community leaders from across Charlottesville, Albemarle County and the region. We opened
topical workgroups to the community and to specific economic sectors. Tapping the expertise within our
community, Project Rebound asked the University of Virginia's Office of Organizational Excellence to design
and facilitate the industry-specific teams and three community conversations in partnership with the Project
Rebound Steering Committee and Team co-leads.


Protecting the Arts and Creative Economy                    Subgroup Co-Leads for IT, Financial, Defense:
Chris Eure, The Paramount Theater                           Adrian Felts, Signature Science
Justin Reid, Virginia Humanities                            Rod Gentry, Albemarle County Economic
                                                              Development Authority
Restarting the Hospitality & Tourism Engine
Courtney Cacatian, Charlottesville Albemarle Convention &   Rebuilding Nonprofit & Community Organizations
   Visitors Bureau                                          (Self-facilitated)
Russ Cronberg, The Boar's Head Resort                       Charlene Green, Piedmont Housing Alliance
                                                            Ryan Jacoby, Center for Nonprofit Excellence
Reviving Small Businesses
Yolunda Harrell, New Hill Development Corp.                 Subgroup Co-Leads for Biotechnology, Manufacturing,
Rebecca Haydock, Central Virginia SBDC                      Food & Beverage Manufacturing:
                                                            Nikki Hastings, CvilleBioHub
Assessing Key Industry Clusters                             Hunter Smith, Champion Hospitality Group
Helen Cauthen, Central Virginia Partnership
   for Economic Development                                 Leveraging Strengths of Anchor Institutions
Chris Engel, City of Charlottesville Office                 Jonathan Davis, Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital
   of Economic Development                                  Frank Friedman, Piedmont Virginia Community College

                                                            Preparing Vital Infrastructure
                                                            Chip Boyles, Thomas Jefferson
                                                               Planning District Commission

          When being recruited to co-lead one of the Project Rebound
          teams, it was promised that I would be in good hands with the
          pros at UVA. Wow! Was that the truth! Sarah Collie and her
          team made the virtual engagements simple, lively, productive
          and fun. In particular, Sarah’s expert facilitation skills, casual
          confidence and easy-going demeanor were all the key to the
          success of the sessions.

          - Doug Walker, Deputy County Executive for Albemarle County

Four critical components of the Project Rebound facilitation process were essential to eliciting valuable
insights from a diverse group of participants who did not necessarily know each other.

           Adherence to Key Design                                      Consistent Meetings
All team meetings and community sessions were              There was a foundational, consistent design of all
grounded in the following design principles.               team meetings, and the Nonprofit & Community
                                                           Organization team self-facilitated.
• Engage all in every        • Design similar
meeting                      sessions, and tailor as       The purpose of the first meeting was
• Provide opportunities      needed for a specific         to glean relevant insights and learnings
to build upon ideas and      sector                        to-date that may be transferrable and
tap into the collective      • Acknowledge that            applicable to re-starting the economy
wisdom of groups             there are constraints         and to generate initial ideas about how
                             (e.g. timeline,               to successfully and safely re-open the
• Promote cross-
                             participation of              Charlottesville region's economy.
pollination of thinking
and ideas                    members, etc.) and
                             have a bias for action
• Focus on positives,                                             The purpose of the second meeting was
opportunities and                                                 to build upon and synthesize the inputs
innovations                                                       from the first meeting, website input, and
                                                                  community forums and define actionable
                                                                  steps to address sector needs, as well
                                                                  as to identify potential new approaches,
                                                                  partnerships, and collaborations.

            Guided Facilitation                                         Accurately Captured

Several "Liberating Structures" (www.                      All meetings were conducted through Zoom video
liberatingstructures.com) were adapted for this            conferencing.
project by the facilitators:                               Data were recorded through three ways: (1)
                Impromptu Networking                       participants typing responses in Chat, (2)
                A tactic to rapidly share                  summaries from small group breakout room
                challenges and expectations and            discussions entered into Chat by one person per
                build new connections in pairs             group, and (3) an assigned scribe in small group
                                                           breakout room discussions who captured input on
              Conversation Cafe                            a template
              A tactic to cross-pollinate small
              groups and rounds of dialogue
                                                           All qualitative data were recorded verbatim and
           1-2-4-all                                       provided to KPMG for data analysis and synthesis
           A tactic to rapidly generate ideas and build    for development of this report.
           upon each other's ideas for better ideas
        "Mad Tea"
        A tactic to provoke a set of individual
        reflections and insights and set the
        context for action                                                                                     11
Team Participants
More than 300 people contributed to the Project Rebound effort through focused industry workshops
and broader community engagement in May 2020. Going forward, Project Rebound's intent is to
expand the conversation with increasingly inclusive input and participation.

Protecting the Arts                                   Team:
                                                      Alan Yost Greene, County Economic Development
                                                                                                               Ellen Joy, Alakazam Toys
                                                                                                               James Newman, Witherspoon Analytics
and Creative Community                                Alison Dickie, albemarle Magazine                        James Watson, jm watson group
                                                      Andre Xavier, Cville Travel                              Janet Driscoll Miller, Marketing Mojo
Co-Leads:                                             Andrew Centofante, North American Sake Brewery           Jeanne McCusker, Home Instead Senior Care
Chris Eure, The Paramount Theater                     Anton Dagner, Ambassador Limosine                        Joan Fenton, Downtown Business Association of
Justin Reid, Virginia Humanities                      Brian Schornberg, Keswick Vineyards                      Charlottesville
                                                      Brooke McCauley, Fairfield Inn Downtown                  Joyce Robbins, Robbins Staffing
Team:                                                 Collean Laney, Three Notch'd Brewery                     Keith Wilson, UVA
Alan Goffinski, The Bridge PAI                        Cynthia Chiles, Crown Orchard                            Lee Elberson, Clayborne Education
Anne Hunter, Live Arts                                Deb Manzari, Century 21                                  Leigh Townsend, JW Townsend Landscapes
Boomie Pedersen, The Hamner Theater                   Debbie Kaplan, The Graduate Hotel                        Lexi Hutchins, Greenthumb Consulting
Charlotte Cole, Orange Downtown Alliance              Derek Bond, The Melting Pot                              Libby Edwards-Allbaugh, The Tax Ladies
David Perry, Oratorio Society                         Ellen Christie, Easton Porter Group                      Megan Hillary, My Dance Shoppe
Deborah White, Batten Institute                       George Hodson, Veritas Winery                            Michael King, Redline Construction
at UVA Darden School of Business                      Greg MacDonald, Michie Tavern                            Mike Bender, Elevate Data
Jamal Millner, Music Resource Center                  Heather Hill, City of Charlottesville                    Paul Beyer, Tom Tom Foundation
Jane Goodman, Yellow Cardinal Studio                  Ian Glomski, Vitae Spirits Distillery                    Quinton Beckham, Keller Williams/ CAAR
Jane Kulow, VA Festival of the Book                   James King, King Family Vineyard                         Quinton Harrell, HUB Cville
Jody Kielbasa, Virginia Film Festival                 Jason Ness, City of Charlottesville Office of Economic   Ralph Salierno, Monticello Media
Jon Lohman, Virginia Folklife Program                 Development                                              Robert Chisholm, BB&T
Kevin McFadden, Poet & Book Artist/Virginia           Jay Stafford, Staybridge Suites                          Rose Deal, Culpeper County Economic Development
Humanities                                            Jeanne McCusker, Home Instead Senior Care                Rudy Lee Garcia, Fluvanna Chamber
Kevin McRoberts, McBob Productions                    Jennifer Bryerton, Ivy Life & Style Media                Sarah Mendoza, PVCC Workforce Services
Kristen Chiacchia, second street gallery              Jennifer Mayo, Omni Hotel                                Sarah North, Federal Realty Investment
Lauren Francis, With Good Reason Radio Show           Jimmy Kinane, Staybridge Suites                          Sober Pierre, Pearl Island
Leonda Williams-Keniston, PVCC                        Julia Rupp, Resilience Education                         Stephen Davis, Community Investment Collaborative
Linda Monahan, Cville Chamber Orchestra               Julie Arbelaez, Peace Frogs Travel Outfit                (CIC)
Lindsey Leahy, New City Arts                          Kerry Woolard, Trump Winery                              Travis Wilburn
Maran Garland, The Paramount Theater                  Kevin Badke, Fitzroy/Boylan Heights                      Ty Cooper, Lifeview Marketing
Michael Slon, Oratorio Society                        Kirby Hutto, Sprint Pavilion                             Wendy Brown, CNE, CIC
Olivia Branch, Keswick Hall and Golf Club             Malcolm Dyson, Paramount Theater                         Zhongwen Luo, UVA
Robert Dunnenberger, Virginia Film Festival           Mark White, Boar's Head Resort                           Zoie Smith, City of Charlottesville Office of Economic
Sara Clayborne, Charlottesville Ballet                Mary Blair Zakaib, Monticello                            Development
Sharon Tolczyk, Crozet Arts                           Maureen Kelley, Nelson County Economic
                                                      Development                                              Facilitator: Sarah Collie, UVA
Facilitator: Mary Brackett, UVA                       Megan Howerton, Monticello, Thomas Jefferson             Scribe: Aleese Eatmon, Albemarle County
Scribe: Aleese Eatmon, Albemarle County               Foundation
                                                      Myles Wood, Tom Tom Foundation
                                                      Nancy Stahon, James Monroe's Highland
                                                                                                               Preparing Vital Infrastructure
                                                      Peter Castiglione, Maya Restaurant
Leveraging Strengths of Anchor                        Phyllis Case, The Clifton
                                                                                                               Chip Boyles, Thomas Jefferson Planning District
Institutions                                          Regina Dodd, Residence Inn Marriott
                                                                                                               Commission (TJPDC)
                                                      Roy van Dorn, City Select
                                                                                                               Doug Walker, Albemarle County
Co-Leads:                                             Sara Bishop, Hyatt Place
Jonathan Davis, Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital     Scott Taylor, Monroe Institute
Frank Friedman, Piedmont Virginia Community College   Sue Moretz, Keswick Hall
                                                                                                               Amanda Poncy, City of Charlottesville
                                                      Tim Burgess, Bizou
                                                                                                               Arlene Lee, R.E. Lee Companies
Team:                                                 Tim Fitzgerald, Homewood Suites
                                                                                                               Blair Williamson, S.L. Williamson Company
Carolyn Rainey, Bank of America                       Tracey Gardner, Madison County Economic
                                                                                                               Brad Sheffield, JAUNT
Christy Phillips, WillowTree                          Development
                                                                                                               Chris Meyer, Local Energy Alliance Program
Erika Robinson, Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.               Tyler Chartier, Common House
                                                                                                               Colleen Keller, Charlottesville Free Clinic
Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Dominion Energy                                                                          Diantha McKeel, Albemarle County
Gary Driskill, State Farm                             Facilitator: Reid Thompson, UVA
                                                                                                               Dominique Lavorata, Thomas Jefferson Planning
Gordon Sutton, Tiger Fuel                             Scribe: Amanda Vierrether, Albemarle County
                                                                                                               District Commission (TJPDC)
Jen Alvarez, State Farm                                                                                        Ed Stelter, Faulconer Construction
Kimberly Link, Albemarle County Public Schools                                                                 Emily Pelliccia, Charlottesville Fire Department
Louis Nelson, UVA
Michael Corrigan, Northrop Grumman
                                                      Reviving Small Businesses                                Fran Burke, Draper Aden Associates
                                                                                                               Frank Squillace, Network2Work
Phil Wendel, acac                                     Co-Leads:                                                Garland Williams, Charlottesville Area Transit
Quin Lunsford, Albemarle County Service Authority     Yolunda Harrell, New Hill Development Corp.              Heather Hill,City of Charlottesville
Richard Spurzem, Neighborhood Properties              Rebecca Haydock, Central Virginia SBDC                   James Barton, Vault Virginia, Studio Ix
S. Lisa Herndon, Keller Williams                                                                               Jennifer Atkins, Strategic Compensation Solutions
Steve Horan, CFA Institute                            Team:                                                    Joe Powers, City of Charlottesville Fire Department
Tim Longo, UVA                                        Alan Yost, Greene County Economic Development            Kara Chandeysson, Ting
                                                      Anastasiya Kulygin, Anahata, LLC                         Keith Smith
Facilitators: Denise Herndon and Rachael Hobbs, UVA   Andy Wade, Louisa County Economic Development            Liz Palmer, Albemarle County
Scribe: Tara Yoder, Albemarle County                  Anne Burroughs, Nest Realty                              Maribel Street McNutt, Emergency Management
                                                      Ben Morris                                               Mark Graham
Restarting the Hospitality                            Bryan Thomas, First Citizens Bank                        Marty Silman, Charlottesville Public Works
                                                      Carl Garrett, Movement Mortgage                          Matt Lawless, Town of Scottsville
and Tourism Engine                                    Catherine Emanuel, Creatures Great and Small             Melinda Crawford, Charlottesville Albemarle Airport
                                                      Christina Monfalcone, Monfalcone & Garris                Michael Culp, County of Albemarle
Co-Leads:                                             Claire Habel, Community Climate Collaborative (C3)       Neil Williamson, Free Enterprise Forum
Courtney Cacatian, Charlottesville Albemarle          David Touve, UVA Darden School of Business               Paul Perrone, Perrone Robotics
Convention & Visitors Bureau                          Dickie Morris                                            Rex Linville, Piedmont Environmental Council
Russ Cronberg, The Boar's Head Resort

Rick Siebert, City of Charlottesville
Susan Kruse, Community Climate Collaborative
                                                          Adam Hastings, Charlottesville City Schools
                                                                                                               Community Conversations
                                                          Alex Dudley, Wells Fargo Advisors                    Abby Tammen, Charlottesville Area Association of
Facilitator: Sarah Collie, UVA                            Allison DeTuncq, UVA Community Credit Union          REALTORS
Scribe: Tim Padalino, Albemarle County                    Andy Page, HackCville                                Alex Urpi, Emergent Financial Services, LLC.
                                                          Ann Mallek, Albemarle County                         Alex Inman, The Entrepreneur's Source
                                                          Ben Ledford, Eiden Systems                           Alex Hernandez, University of Virginia
                                                          Bill Carden, Carden Jennings                         Allison Linney, Allison Partners
                                                          Brendan Richardson, Astraea                          Alyssa Cattell-Gordon
                                                          Brian Cole, LexisNexis                               Anna Kelleher, UVA
                                                          Bryan Thomas, First Citizens Bank
Rebuilding Nonprofit and                                  Chuck Hancher, Thomas M. Hancher Co
                                                                                                               Anna Murphy, Creative Office Environments
                                                                                                               Anne Cleveland, The McClung Companies
Community Organizations                                   Craig Redinger, Munich Investments                   Anne Herring, USDA/Rural Development
                                                          Daniel Willson, HackCville                           Anson Parker, Claude Moore Health Science Library
Co-Leads:                                                 David Bush, Tamblyn Computer Consulting              Betsy Kraft, The Clifton
Charlene Green, Piedmont Housing Alliance                 David Deaton, Deaton Group                           Bri Warner, Virginia Tourism Corporation
Ryan Jacoby, Center for Nonprofit Excellence              David Mellon                                         Carrie Ellwood
                                                          David Pettit, Flora Pettit PC                        Cecilia Mills, Calmingpoints
Team:                                                     Deborah van Eersel, UVA Foundation                   Clay Eure, Eure Consulting
Alex Bryant, Tom Tom Foundation                           Donnie Wyatt, Co-Construct                           Colette Sheehy, University of Virginia
Allison Scholl, Acorn Group                               Eric B. Wagner, Merrill Lynch                        Cynthia Hash, Find Homes Team @ KW Realty
Amy Sarah Marshall, Cville Pride                          Eric Keathley, Zel Technologies                      Daniela Pretzer, The Bridge Line
Andrea Douglas, Jefferson School African American         Grant Tate, Bridge Business Transformations          David McCormick, Early Music Access Project
Heritage Center                                           Jason Daniel, TechDynamism                           Doris Oliphant, Hampton Inn
Barbara Kessler                                           Jim Atkinson                                         Elizabeth Bolin
Ben Allen, Equity Center                                  Joan Bienvenue, Applied Research Institute, UVA      Elizabeth Johnson
Beth Solak, Virginia Discovery Museum                     Joe Jenkins, Hanckel-Citizens                        Elizabeth Smith, Afton Mountain Vineyards
Bill Brent, American Red Cross                            Joe Raichel, Wells Fargo                             Emily Martin, UVA
Brian Greenwald, Generate Impact                          John Watson, Hanckel-Citizens                        Gary LeFeuvre, NEST Furnished Living Solutions
Caitlin Riopel, Habitat for Humanity                      John Young, Atlantic Union Bank                      Gigi Davis, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Carolyn Mitchell Dillard, UVA Provost Office              Jonathan Velasquez, Eiden Systems                    Glenn Rust, Virginia National Bank
Carolyn Schuyler, Wildrock                                Kara Chandeysson, Ting                               Helen Kimble, Charlottesville DSS
Catherine von Storch, The Paramount Theater               Kaye Monroe, Dept. of Aging and Rehabilitative       Hilton Tilley, CDSS
Chuck McElroy, WorkSource Enterprises                     Services                                             Jacki Bryant, ReadyKids
Don Gathers, Public Housing Association of Residents      Kevin Leibl, Advanced Network Systems                James Burton, Gig Strategic
(PHAR)                                                    Larry Martin, Hantzmon Wiebel                        James Phillips, Stanley Steemer of Charlottesville &
Erika Viccellio, The Fountain Fund                        Lettie Bien                                          Harrisonburg
Erin Tucker, On Our Own                                   Michael Balazs, AMITRE                               Janet Chisholm, JustTech, LLC
Ethan Long, Virginia Institute of Autism                  Michael Reichard, Eiden Systems                      Jeremy Rudin
Freddie Jackson, Love No Ego Foundation                   Misty Parsons, UVA Foundation                        Jodi Mills, Stony Point Development Group
Gayle White, Thomas Jefferson Foundation                  Pam Fitzgerald, The Ivy Group                        John Neal, Great Eastern Mgt
Georgia Lindsay, Nest Realty                              Pete Caramanis, Royer Caramanis                      John McGraw, Stanley Steemer of Charlottesville &
Grey McLean, Adiuvans Foundation                          Phil Sheridan, Culpeper County Economic              Harrisonburg
Harriet Kuhr, International Rescue Committee              Development                                          Joseph Usher, Region Ten CSB
Jane Foy, BeHeardCVA                                      Phil Shiflett, Hantzmon Wiebel                       Judy DiVita, Lumineo
Jane Hammel, Hospice of the Piedmont                      Ralph Rush, Davenport                                Julie Weaver, Find Homes Team @ KW Realty
Janine Dozier, Virginia Discovery Museum                  Rob Jones, Applied Research Institute, UVA           Kara Stutzman, The Clifton
Jeanette Abi-Nadeer, Cultivate Charlottesville            Sara Szmania, Signature Science                      Karen Weiner, Charlottesville Fashion Square
Jessica Maslaney, Piedmont Family YMCA                    Steven Yates, NSPYR Technologies                     Kate Ellwood ,Charlottesville Restaurant Community
Joe Powers, City of Charlottesville Fire Department       Sue Rowell, Zel Technologies                         Fund
John Piper, Mutual Choices                                Tracey Greene, CBIC, Charlottesville Angel Network   Kelly Dye, First Citizens Bank
John Santoski, Arc of the Piedmont                        Whit Douglas, First Heritage Mortgage                Kelly Myers, Senior Care Authority
Kala Somerville, Computers4Kids                           Facilitator: Reid Thompson, UVA                      Kelly Logan
Karen Osterhaus, Region Ten                               Scribe: JT Newberry, Albemarle County                Kristen Hallam, S&P Global Market Intelligence
Karina Munroy, Creciendo Juntos                                                                                Lisa Draine, Cville Community Cares
Leigh Ann Carver, UVA Women's Center                      Subgroup for Biotechnology, Manufacturing,           Lorna Gerome, Albemarle County
Marta Keane, Jefferson Area Board for Aging               Food & Beverage Manufacturing                        Melissa Fogleman, Kelly Services
Mary Coleman, City of Promise                                                                                  Melvin Burruss, MILLER LAW GROUP, P.C.
Michael Cheuck, Clergy Collective                         Co-Leads:                                            Michael Nafziger, The Bridge Line
Peter Thompson, The Center                                Nikki Hastings, CvilleBioHub                         Millie Winstead,, Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Randi Carr, R Carr Consulting                             Hunter Smith, Champion Hospitality Group             Nancy Hicks, Monticello Media LLC
Rebecca Kendall                                                                                                Nichole Matthews, ACFR
Sue Friedman, Jefferson School Foundation                 Team:                                                Rahul Keshap, Shuru Law
Susan Thomas, Loaves & Fishes                             Bob Creeden, UVA Licensing & Ventures Group          Robert Gray, Dreamin' Diamonds, LLC
Tamara Dias, African American Teaching Fellows            Bradley Kipp, Random Row Brewing Co                  Robin Kaczka, Rodan+Fields
Teri Kent, Community Climate Collaborative                Bryan Berger, UVA                                    Rochelle DeBaun, Peace Frogs Travel Outfitters
Tina LaRoche, Camp Holiday Trails                         Cassie Estes, American Office                        Roger Johnson
Trisha Costello, Innisfree Village                        Chris Ackerman, Microaire                            Sally Hudson, Va. General Assembly
                                                          Chris Jessee, Cardboard Safari                       Samantha Bean, Staybridge Suites Charlottesville
Scribe: Tyler Howerton, Albemarle County                  Connor Crook, Diamondback Tool Co                    Airport
                                                          Ed Rogers, Bonumose LLC                              Scott Hamler, Forezee Marketing Solutions
                                                          Evan Eckersley, Lytos Technologies                   Shelby Edwards, Live Arts
                                                          Joe Kilroy, SoundPipe
Assessing Key Industry Clusters                           Joel Selzer, ArchMedX
                                                                                                               Spencer Coyle, UVA
                                                                                                               Steve Sless, Charlottesville Fashion Square
                                                          Kevin Combs                                          Steven Sless, The Woodmont Company
                                                          Kirby Farrell, Locus                                 Steven Knudson, CBIZ Payroll
Helen Cauthen, Central VA Partnership for Economic
                                                          Lianne Landers, MicroGEM                             Stewart Key, Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport
                                                          Nathan Evans, Woods Rogers                           Sue Moffett, Charlottesville DSS
Chris Engel, City of Charlottesville Office of Economic
                                                          Taylor Cope, Indoor Biotechnologies                  Suzanne Brooks, Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co of Central VA
                                                          Victoria Tremaglio, Shops at Stonefield              Tammy Wilt, Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group
                                                          Facilitator: Mary Brackett, UVA                      Terry Woodworth
Subgroup for IT, Financial, Defense                       Scribe: Ayana Braxton, Albemarle Countyy             Tiffany Zambrana, Humana
                                                                                                               Tom Chapman, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical
Adrian Felts, Signature Science
                                                                                                               Tonia Alexander, City of Charlottesville
Rod Gentry, Albemarle County EDA
                                                                                                               Veronica Dumas, Holiday Inn - University Area
                                                                                                               Virginia Newton, AAA Travel

Where we are now
The challenge of nurturing
confidence amidst public
health uncertainty

A common thread identified by
the participants was the role of
"confidence" across customers,
employees and business owners.

Where we are now
Until the virus has been controlled, many workshop participants
recognized that the chance of flareups, social distancing policies
and the lack of consistent information would hurt the level of
confidence that community members have on a day-to-day basis.
Pre-Pandemic Context: A region with the fundamentals for success
Prior to the start of the pandemic, the Charlottesville regional economy was in an enviable position. State
government, anchored by the University of Virginia and its affiliated hospital, had powered recent job gains and
cemented the region's status as a top performer. Low unemployment and a high quality of life had fueled a
seven year stretch of economic expansion.

The Pandemic Shock
The sudden March 2020 closures prompted by the pandemic put an immediate halt to the region's economic
progress. Initial drops of demand for restaurants, bars and hotels combined with the transition to online
instruction at major education institutions had echo effects that led to business closures, furloughs, layoffs,
and declining tax revenue. Key economic sectors in the Charlottesville region have not been affected equally
by COVID-19. Industries such as manufacturing, finance, business and professional services, and information
technology have seen less-severe declines in employment, whereas the tourism, leisure and hospitality
industry has experienced a significant negative impact.
Uneven Impacts
As the massive public health toll of COVID-19 continues to come into focus, it has also become clear that
the pandemic has not affected all communities the same, particularly with respect to the African-American
community. Despite making up just 14% of the overall population of the Charlottesville region, African-
American residents represent 19% of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases through June 10, 2020, 51% of
hospitalizations and 21% of COVID-related deaths. This reflects a significant disparity in risk of exposure and
severe health outcomes, which need to be accounted for in reopening solutions going forward.

 Confirmed positive cases not distributed equally


  60%                                                                                                   Source: Data Source: Virginia
                                                 51%                                                    Department of Health, data by
  50%                                                                                                   reported Race/Ethnicity for Thomas
                                                                                                        Jefferson Health District as of June
                     42%                                                                                10, 2020.
                                                                                                        Note: There have been a total of 19
  30%                                                                                                   deaths in the Thomas Jefferson
                                                                                                        Health District; therefore, percentage
                                                       21%                                              distributions are based on small
                                           19%                        19%
  20%                                                                                                   sample size and may not be
                                                                12%              11%       12%          representative of broader trends.
  10%                                                                       8%                          As previously noted, the Thomas
                                                                                                        Jefferson Health District does not
                                                                                                        include Buckingham County, which
   0%                                                                                                   has a high prevalence of cases.
                White                Black or African                  Other             Not Reported

                            % of Population (2018)           % of Positive COVID Cases
                            % of COVID Hospitalizations      % of COVID Deaths

Across the country, African-American owned businesses were also hit hardest in the early stages of the
pandemic. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, from February to April, the number of
African-American owners of small businesses dropped by 41% nationwide, followed by immigrant owners at
36%. That study, which did not reflect the most recent federal aid to small businesses, cited an unprecedented
decline of 22% among operators overall in the early stages of the contagion. The impact on Charlottesville's
minority-owned businesses has also been significant and is potentially driven by disparities in access to
capital for African-American owned small businesses.
The Reopening Dilemma: Business, Customer and Workforce Confidence
Given the hit taken by businesses over the past two months, the reopening of the economy is occurring within
a dramatically changed landscape.
From new social norms on how to interact to newly limited consumer spending budgets, the assurance that
there will be a rapid return to a pre-COVID-19 environment was not considered to be an automatic outcome by
the workshop groups. The uncertainty as to "when this will end" and the potential for resurgent outbreaks has
shaped the behavior of consumers, businesses and employees.
Questions regarding proper protocols, access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), in addition to changes
to workforce patterns and school closures have made the interconnected nature of the economy apparent and
has highlighted the overarching challenge of restoring confidence to shop, work and invest. This is especially
challenging for those working in industry sectors most directly and severely impacted by COVID-19, such as
food services and drinking establishments, accommodations, personal laundry, arts and entertainment, etc. As
of 2018, the Charlottesville region had roughly 20% of its overall workforce working in these “vulnerable jobs”,
including 6,000 in the food services and drinking establishments sector.

 Food service jobs in Greene, Albemarle, Nelson, Buckingham, Fluvanna were the most vulnerable sector

                                                   -   1,000   2,000   3,000   4,000   5,000   6,000

              Food services and drinking places
                  Personal and laundry services
          Amusement, gambling, and recreation
                    General merchandise stores
           Performing arts and spectator sports
                        Religious organizations
                   Miscellaneous store retailers
     Building material and garden supply stores
         Sporting goods, hobby, book and music…
                         Child day care services
               Electronics and appliance stores                                                        Data Source: American
               Motor vehicle and parts dealers…                                                        Community Survey, 2018
                                                                                                       Microdata for Charlottesville
       Clothing and clothing accessories stores                                                        MSA & Brookings Research
   Transit and ground passenger transportation                                                         (https://www.brookings.edu/
   Travel arrangements and reservation services                                                        already-impacted-by-the-covid-
                                         Mining                                                        19-recession/).

                   Direct selling establishments                                                       Note: Excludes jobs with
      Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks                                                       less than 200 workers in
                                                                                                       Charlottesville MSA as of 2018.
          Furniture and home furnishings stores

                                              Total Workers

Tracking Confidence
The five counties in the Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area (Greene, Albemarle, Nelson, Buckingham,
Fluvanna) reduced consumption in-line with the state-of-emergency declaration, even prior to restrictions or
stay-at-home orders. Consumption is defined as change in visits to select consumption-related establishments
compared to the 5-week period from January 3 to February 6, 2020. Furthermore, changes in consumption
were not uniform across all counties, with the city of Charlottesville especially experiencing a drastic decrease
in consumption measured by trips out — a proxy for consumer confidence.
The data suggests that consumer confidence is gradually starting to return to baseline levels, albeit in
an environment that is anything but a “return to normal." Going forward, it will be important to monitor
shifting patterns in behavior and consumption in order to get the “pulse” of public confidence in the region
as businesses start to reopen. This can be accomplished by analyzing movement-based data over time,
or via direct confidence polling of Charlottesville region residents. For example, when polled recently by
BeHeardCVA, (beheardcva.org) Central Virginia residents stated that their personal doctors were their most
trusted source for guidance related to safe practices for COVID-19.

                   March 23: temporary restrictions on    March 30: stay-at-
                   restaurants, entertainment venues,                                                                 June 5: enter into
                                                          home order issued
                   large gatherings; school closure                                                                   Phase 2 reopening



 -10%                                                                                                                         Fluvanna


 -20%              March 12: VA
                   declares state-of-                                                                May 15: enter into
                   emergency                                                                         Phase 1 reopening


 Data Source: University of Maryland COVID-19 Impact Analysis Platform, https://data.covid.umd.edu


 •         Health and safety
 •         Liability and legal clarity
 •         Lack of consistent protocols for
           safety and ways of working
 •         Access to personal protective
 •         Disruption to supply chain
 •         Access to workforce enablers
           such as child care, elder care and

Project Rebound Reopening Business Toolkit is available online

 As a first step, Project Rebound has released voluntary tools, signage and checklists to assist businesses in
 organizing their physical space and practices, safeguarding employees, and protecting customers. The kits
 include hand sanitizer from the CvilleBioHub courtesy of local business Indoor Biotechnologies. Visit www.
 cvillechamber.com/reopen to learn more about the toolkit and download the Reopening Checklist for safety

                    w e 'r e o  p   en!                                                                                           Reopenin
                                                                                                                                                                                              g Checklis
               Yes,          uidelines
                                w these g
                                                                                                                                  1. Read the
                                                                                                                                                                 Forward Vir
                                                                                                                                                                             ginia Reop
                   Please follo
                                                                                                               Forward Virgin                                                                  ening Plan

                                    ne's safety
                                                                                                                                     ia is the first
                                                                                                               It’s the law.                           and final wo

                        for everyo
                                                                                                                               Guidelines,                               rd about reo
                                                                                                              for reopening                      industry-spec                              pening in Vir
                                                                                                                                   will be update                    ific requireme                        ginia.
                                                                                                                                                       d daily at virg                    nts , and best pra
                                                                                                                                                                           inia.gov/coro                       ctices
                                                                                                              2. Make Su                                                                      navirus/forwa
                                                                                                                               re You Can                                                                     rdvirginia Working together to
                                                                                                                                                    Meet Opera                                                                   restore bus
                                                                                                                                                                         tional Requ                                                          iness operati
                                                                                  y limit.                                                                                                   ire ments                                                       ons
                                                                    r occupanc
                                                                                                             Forward Virgin                                                                                                         in Charlottes
                                                                                                                                  ia includes bot                                                                                                 ville and
                                                if we  're  at  ou                                           requirements                              h helpful gui                                                                    Albemarle
                                 it ou  ts id e                                                                                for brick and                              dance and ma                                                               County
                     Please wa
                                                                                                                                                    mo  rtar  retail stores                    nda tory  requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                  include:                               . For examp
                                                                                                                  Limit occupa                                                                                                          le, some leg
                                                                                                                                    ncy to coinci                                                                                                       al
                                                                        ot he r CO  VID-19                       applies, use                         de with the gui
                                                                                                                                                                             dance provid
                                                    ve  a  fe ver   or                                           Every two hou
                                                                                                                                                    social distan                              ed in Forward Vir
                                     r if you   ha                                         d
                                                                         been expose
                                                                                                                                      rs, perform a                     cin  g.                                     gin ia. If no minimum
                       Do not ente                    ow you have
                                                                                                                including: dig
                                                                                                                                   ital ordering
                                                                                                                                                         thorough cle
                                                                                                                                                                            aning and dis
                                     or if you kn                                                               doorknobs and                        devices, sel                              infection of freq
                       symptoms,                          e  la st  14  days.                                                          handles, and                    f-service are
                                                                                                                                                                                          as, countertop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  uently contac
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ted surfaces,
                                                       th                                                                                                 oth
                                       19 case in
                                                                                                               Sa  nitize custom                               er high touch sur                           s, bat  hroom surfac
                       to a COVID-
                                                                                                                                       er-utilized sur                                  faces.                                      es, cashier sta
                                                                                                               customers or                               faces by ma                                                                                 tions,
                                                                                                                                   by having em                               king an EPA-a
                                                                                                              For more info                           ployees san                                pproved disinfe
                                                                                                                                 rmation on reo                         itize between                               ctant easily
                                                                                    Nu mb er                                                                                                 eac h  customer use                    acc essible to
                                                                          Our Phone                           communityem                              pening guidel
                                                                                                                                                                            ine                                     .
                                          k, call for
                                                                                                                                  erg  ency.org.                                 s and   for help planni
                        To reduce ris
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ng for future
                                               or delivery.                                             3. Prepare                                                                                                                         , please visit
                                          up                                                                             Your Physi
                             sid e  pi ck                                                                                                   cal Space
                        curb                                                                                                                                 to   Reopen
                                                                                                            Post signag
                                                                                                                             e prohibiting
                                                                                                            those who hav                       the entrance
                                                                                                                                e had known                        of individual
                                                                                                                                                    exposure wit                      s with fever
                                                                                                           Clean and dis                                               hin the previo                or COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      symptoms, as
                                                        m   ot he  rs .                                                       infect all equ
                                                                                                                                                  ipment and                                us 14 days.                                  well as
                                        et  aw  ay  fro                                                    Ins tall sneeze guards                                  surfaces acc
                          Stay six fe
                                                                                                                                           or oth  er protective                      ording to CD
                                                                                                          Post signag                                                 measures as                      C guidance.
                                                                                                                           e or other ma                                                   necessary.
                                                                                                                                               rkers that cle
                    6'                                                                                    areas where
                                                                                                                            individuals ma                        arly communic
                                                                                                                                                                                        ate six-foot soc
                                                                                                   rt. Distribute cleani                          y congregat                                              ial distancin
                                                                                       Do your pa                               ng kits through                    e, especially
                                                                                                                                                                                       at entrances                        g requireme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nts in
                                                                                                   ead. Create a cleaning                             out your fac                                     , seating are
                                                                                      Stop the spr                                  regime that                         ility to make                                 as, and check-
                                         ar  a  m  as k.                                                 Post signag                                 targets frequen                       regular disinfe
                                                                                                                                                                                                            cting/sanitizi               out lines.
                           Please we
                                                                                                                         e  tha t  indicates you                             tly tou ched surfaces.                          ng more con
                                                                                                                                                      ’re following                                                                         venient.
                                                                                                   4. Prepare                                                            safe reopen
                                                                                                                     Your Emplo                                                            ing practices.
                                                                                                                                          yees to Re
                                                                                                       Create a tran
                                                                                                                         sition plan. Ou
                                                                                                       return to wo                           tline any new
                                                                                                                       rk, and establ                             roles and res
                                                                                                       Train all staff                     ish a schedu                               ponsibilities,
                                                                                                                         on how to: mo                       le.                                       address how
                                                                                                                                             nitor person                                                                many emplo
                                                                                                      and dispose                                              al health and                                                            yees will
                                                                                                                       of PPE; launde                                               tem
                                                                                                      cleaning pro                           r cloth masks                               perature at hom
                                                                                                                      tocols.                                     and uniform                                e; properly we
                                                                                                     Designate a                                                                    s; and follow                               ar, remove,
                                                                                                                      staff person                                                                   new   policies, saf
                                                                                                                                         to be respon                                                                      ety measures
                                                                                                     and respondin                                         sible for rem                                                                   , and
                                                                                                                        g to COVID-19                                          aining curren
                                                                                                    contact them.                              concerns. Em                                     t with the For
                                                                                                                                                                   ployees sho                                  ward Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                                     uld know wh                                  guidelines
                                                                                                                                                                                                      o this person
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      is and how to

COVID-19 toolkits are being distributed to local businesses. Funding for the toolkit was made possible by:
Albemarle County Office of Economic Development; S&P Global; City of Charlottesville Office of Economic
Development; and CvilleBiohub.

A crisis in confidence in the Charlottesville region
was identified by workshop participants
The traditional notion of economic confidence typically focuses on issues such as a consumer optimism and
macro-economic conditions.

In this context, the health-tinged confidence barriers that workshop participants identified cover broad
categories of business, customer and workforce confidence.Taken together, workshop participants identified
the issues below as primary concerns that may hinder economic rebound.

The "tags" below are used later in this document to tie confidence barriers to solutions in the Opportunity
Index (p. 76).

Business Confidence
   Health & Safety      Concern for employees and customers              Broadband Access     Ability to work remotely

        Liability       Legal and regulatory uncertainty                                      Especially in work-from-home environments
                                                                            IT Security       and in new content distribution models

  Access to capital     Particularly concerning for minority-
                        owned businesses and those who did not           Privacy Protection   Protection of sensitive info
                        get PPP loan access
                                                                                              Concern that reactions to pandemic do not
      PPP Access
                        Access to funds and post-PPP loan                    Inclusivity
                                                                                              exacerbate preexisting divisions over ability,
                        resources                                                             language, race, etc

                                                                        Long-term Economic
 Business Operations    Norms have been challenged, such as                   Fallout         Uncertainty on how deep this will go
       Norms            hours, environment, revenue streams, etc
                                                                           Buying Local       Concern of buying Amazon vs. local
 Information Distrust   Distrust and confusion on statistics

                                                                          Changing Cost       New costs to take on additional
      PPE Access        Where to get, how to afford, and vendor             Structures        responsibilities — e.g. new structures,
                        reliability for personal protective equipment                         redesigned buildings, liquidity, etc

   Interconnected       Because businesses depend on each                                     Some businesses lack tech infrastructure,
      Economy                                                              Going Digital
                        other, disruption impacts everyone                                    other models simply won't work online

      Confidence        Will they be confident enough to return?             Employee         Impacts on employee engagement over time

                        Needs new product/service line ideas                                  Potential start/stop due to the pandemic, and
                        and access to the market in new ways              Unpredictability    resulting loss of productivity

      Supply Chain
       Disruption       Disruption can grind business to a halt            Enforcement
                                                                                              Businesses must decide how strict they are
                                                                                              going to be with employees and customers
                                                                                              on enforcement

Customer Confidence
                                                                                         The desire may be to support local, but
  Health & Safety     Confidence that I will be safe in public      Ease of Local
                                                                                         not as easy as they might hope, especially
     Inclusivity      Balancing safety while also protecting
                      privacy, Inclusiveness and accessibility        Economic           Economic uncertainty impacts purchasing
                                                                     Uncertainty         decisions
     Reliability      Knowing what to expect
                                                                    Social Equity        Distrust and confusion from low-income
 New Social Norms     The new social expectations & norms                                communities and communities of color
                      establishment and adjustments

Workforce Confidence
                                                                    Finding Work
  Health & Safety     Safely return to work                                              Unemployment due to the pandemic

 Child / Elder Care   Impacting worker availability              Upskilling/Reskilling   The skills needed in the new economy

 K-12 School Status   Impacting worker availability                   Benefits
                                                                                         Benefits are starting to run out

 Broadband Access     Impacting work-from-home availability,      Worker/Business        Confusing options to return to work,
                      economic growth, vitality, distance            Tension             employer communication transparency,
                      learning, and more                                                 quality, frequency

      Privacy         Privacy when working from home                Recent Grads         Finding jobs as a new graduate

   Empowerment        Employees may not feel comfortable with
                      the mandates within the workplace, or
                      enforcing standards on customers

Where are you on the confidence matrix?
One way to illustrate confidence and barriers to rebound is a citizen confidence matrix. By considering the
realities of the public health situation, the motivations of individuals and the range of factors that are within
our control, we can gauge which tactics to adopt.

Everyone participating in Project Rebound – and further, everyone in the Charlottesville region falls
somewhere on this matrix at any given moment.

Confidence Matrix
                      Pandemic is not an issue

                                                                                             ZONE OF COMFORT
      Pandemic status perception
 (strong variability, out of our control)

                    VIABILITY THRESHOLD

                      Pandemic is out of control

                                                   Environment is dangerous                                            Response is appropriate

                                                                              Local response & environment perception
                                                                                      variability, more under
                                                                                                        under our

                                                                                                       ZONE OF COMFORT
What we can reasonably control
                                                                                                      The zone where customers
It is important to remember when developing an action plan is that                                    are confident to increase
not everything is within our control. There are levers that can be used                               economic activity
to help move people in certain directions, however it is more difficult
to move people along the vertical axis of the matrix (pandemic status
perception) than the horizontal axis (local response confidence).

By understanding where people may be in relation to the volatility                                    VIABILITY THRESHOLD
of the pandemic and the drivers of their behavior, we can focus on                                    The zone where very
solutions that move people towards confidence. A potential local                                      little can be done
                                                                                                      other than shelter and
resource for tracking progress includes the local regional survey tool,
                                                                                                      wait it out.
BeHeardCVA, led by UVA's Center for Survey Research.

Elements of these citizen "Personas" were represented among workshop participants
Personas are an empathy tool to promote understanding of the motivations and behaviors
of a group of people. By examining motivations and behaviors, we can take actions that will
be beneficial to them.

Our hypothesis is that the following personas reflect clusters on the matrix:

                       The Nervous                          CONFIDENCE OPPORTUNITIES
                                                            • When the pandemic status is above
                        Sees that things are opening
                                                              the viability threshold, bolstering their
                        back up, but is still too
                                                              confidence locally will move them from
                        concerned for their health or
                                                              inaction to action
                        the health of people around
                        them to venture out                 • Will respond to experts telling them
                                                              measures being taken are keeping
                                                              them safe

                       The Cautious                         CONFIDENCE OPPORTUNITIES

                        Is beginning to venture out, but    • Is beginning to respond to the actions
                        still does not feel comfortable       being taken by the community
                        making major purchase               • Will hold back until they are confident
                        decisions                             the economy is in full rebound
                                                            • Will respond as they see businesses
                                                              further thrive

                       The Overconfident                    CONFIDENCE OPPORTUNITIES

                        Tends to think this is all          • Their social behavior can be perceived
                        overblown, perhaps a                  as dangerous to those around them,
                        conspiracy. Does not want             thereby reducing customer confidence
                        their rights infringed upon.        • Must convince them to care for the
                                                              community by participating in safety

                       The Sheltered                        CONFIDENCE OPPORTUNITIES

                        Because the pandemic                • There is not much we can do to
                        is objectively a public               increase confidence to a point of
                        health danger, and all                comfort
                        recommendations are to shelter,     • We should rely on online service
                        they are sheltered in place until     offerings as much as possible
                        advised otherwise

                       The New Normal                       CONFIDENCE OPPORTUNITIES

                       (Aspirational)                       • While we are not here yet, this is where
                                                              we hope to move all citizens
                        While remaining cognizant of
                        the health and well being of        • Ongoing efforts should target keeping
                        oneself and the surrounding           people in this region, preparing for
                        community, the individual has         future uncertainty.
                        rebounded to the new normal
                        and fully participates in social
                        and economic life.

What we will do
Our community generated hundreds
of ideas as potential ways to enable
economic recovery

The following is an
overview of proposed
action steps.

What we will do:
Primary Near-Term Opportunities
During the course of the workshops, participants proposed
hundreds of ideas. Some are immediately executable, while others
will require additional thought and partnership.

Participants identified the following opportunties as high priorities
for near term implementation or expansion.

If you would like to get involved with any
of these initiatives, please send an email to
connect@cvillechamber.com or call (434) 295-3141

GUID ELINE S                              M ESSAGI N G & C O M M U N I C AT IO N S   RE S O U RC E S

Guidelines task force                     Key Campaigns                              Unified Resource Portal
       WHAT: Identify guidelines                   WHAT: Amplify the message                  WHAT: Provide one-stop
       and practices to support                    that local businesses are                  access to key community,
       key confidence needs                        committed to reopening                     business, customer and
       (business, customer and                     safely.                                    workforce resources, such
       workforce)                                                                             as access to capital
                                                   NOW: Launch the Project
       NOW: Start with Protocols                   Rebound "Badge" campaign                   NOW: Launch the basics of
       for safety (1.1.1 in the                    (2.1 in Opportunity Index)                 the portal (3.1 in Opportunity
       Opportunity Index), practices                                                          Index), mobile responsive, with
                                                   NEXT: Work towards creating
       for accessing capital (1.1.4),                                                         privatized content areas
                                                   and launching the buy local
       approaches for dealing with
                                                   campaign (2.2 in Opportunity               NEXT: Work towards
       customer disruption (1.1.2)
                                                   Index)                                     completion in each category,
       and practices for new ways of
                                                                                              keeping it updated and adding
       working (1.1.3)                             POTENTIAL PARTNERS:
                                                                                              more ways to find, filter and
                                                   Charlottesville Albemarle
       NEXT: Quickly move to                                                                  explore
                                                   Convention & Visitors Bureau
       high-priority areas like "non-
                                                   (CACVB); Downtown Business                 POTENTIAL PARTNERS:
       compliant customers" and
                                                   Association of Charlottesville;            Central Virginia Small
       "new ways of working"
                                                   Virginia Tourism; Work with                Business Development
       POTENTIAL PARTNERS:                         Project Rebound participants               Center; Charlottesville
       Thomas Jefferson Health                     in marketing and advertising               Business Innovation Council;
       District; Identify other Rebound            to develop a Charlottesville               Community Investment
       participants to contribute per              region influencers campaign                Collaborative; Cville Cares and
       area of expertise                                                                      many more (see 3.1 in the
                                                                                              Opportunity Index)

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