Page created by Sara George


                                       JUNE 2022
Shop Local Business Listings................................................. 5
Mark Your Calendar – June. ................................................ 6
Under the Radar. .................................................................... 9
Wakefield Businesses............................................................ 10
Checking Out The Local Haunts........................................ 14
Four essentials every backyard
‘Staycation Station’ needs this summer. ............................. 15
Outdoor, kid-friendly weekend getaways........................... 16
Fishing & Boating:
The water is calling: Easy ways to enjoy fun
and freedom on a boat this summer. .................................... 18

Fishing & Boating:
Essentials for your tackle box........................................... 20
Budget-friendly family fun ideas......................................... 21
The Tides – June. ................................................................... 22

Cover photo by....................................................... Mike Derr
Lifeguard Kate Magill gets some help from Grace Alphin, 3, left, Lilly Alphin,
4, and Evelyn Avanzino, 5, while moving a marker for the swimming zone at
Narragansett Town Beach.

                          The Shore Times
               Published Monthly: May – October
                + Special Holiday Nov/Dec Issue
                   Next Issue - July 1st, 2022

                 For information on advertising in
                      The Shore Times call:
                       401-789-9744 ext.105

                          Published by:
              Southern Rhode Island Newspapers
             187 Main Street, Wakefield, RI 02879
               P. 401-789-9744 | F. 401-789-1550
             Copyright 2021 -All Rights Reserved

Publisher/Advertising Director.......................Jody Boucher
Production Manager. ................................ Nonea McFarlane
Martha’s Vineyard Fast Ferry

Did you know you can hop on the fast ferry from Rhode Island
and arrive in the heart of Martha’s Vineyard in only 95-minutes?
Our ferry avoids all the Cape Cod traffic and offers convenient
dockside parking. Depart from Quonset Point, North Kingstown
and save 3 to 4 hours of travel time each way. You will enjoy scenic
views down Narragansett Bay and through Vineyard Sound past
the Elizabeth Islands.
The ferry arrives in Oak Bluffs, with white sand beaches, numerous
gift shops, restaurants and hotels just steps away. With five other
towns close by, you can rent a bike, scooter, a car or purchase an
                                                                                       Rhode Island Fast Ferry, Inc.
advanced sightseeing tour of the entire island.
                                                                                              Departs from Quonset Point, North Kingstown
                                                                                                    Advance reservations are recommended.
              vineyardfastferry.com                                                                          Operates May through October

CRUISES & Newport Harbor Tours

                                                                       Enjoy an afternoon aboard Rhode Island Fast Ferry’s Lighthouse
                                                                       & Newport Harbor Sightseeing Cruise. Our tour will provide you
                                                                       with the best way to see Narragansett Bay aboard the largest most
                                                                       luxurious sightseeing catamaran in all of New England.
                                                                       This 95 minute narrated tour will view 10 lighthouses, 10 islands
                                                                       and other popular sights including sailing under the Jamestown and
                                                                       Newport Bridges, past Castle Hill, Hammersmith Farm, Ocean Cliff,
                                                                       Clingstone “House on the Rock”, Fort Adams State Park, and many
                                                                       waterfront mansions. You will also sail through famous Newport
                                                                       Harbor viewing multi-million dollar yachts, and numerous vintage
                                                                       sailing vessels. Advance reservations are highly recommended.

                                                                                       Operates May through October
      RhodeIslandBayCruises            @RIFastFerry                             Departs from Quonset Point, North Kingstown
      rhodeislandbaycruises.com                                                               401-295-4040
DINING                     Seven B’s                                                         The Glass Station
                           Dock RR – Port of Galilee          Jonnycake Center               446 Main Street
Champlin’s Enterprises     Narragansett RI                    22 Kersey Road                 Wakefield
256 Great Island Road      401-789-9250                       Peace Dale, RI 02879           401-788-2500
Galilee                    800-371-FISH                       401-789-1559                   theglassstationstudio.com
401-783-3152                                                  Jonnycakecenter.org
champlins.com              Snug Harbor Marina                                                Windor Inc.
                           410 Gooseberry Road                O’Neil’s Package Store         3856 Old Post Rd
Iggy’s Doughboys &         Wakefield                          336 South Pier Road            Charlestown, RI 02813
Chowder House              401-783-7766                       Narragansett                   401-364-7579
1151 Point Judith Road     snugharbormarina.com               401-783-3272                   windorman.com
401-783-5608               HEALTH
889 Oakland Beach Avenue                                      One More Time                  World War II Foundation
Warwick                    Dr. Michael Gooding                406D Main Street               344 Main Street
401-737-9459               24 Salt Pond Rd                    Wakefield                      Wakefield
iggysdoughboys.com         South Kingstown                    401-782-8414                   401-862-3030
                           401.783.1525                       So. Co. Bread Co.              wwiifoundation.org
Mews Tavern                goodingdentalhealth.com            333 Main Street
456 Main Street                                               Wakefield, RI 02879            SERVICES
Wakefield                  RETAIL                             401-792-4303
401-783-9370                                                  socobreadco.com                Ocean State Credit Union
Mewstavern.com             Advanced Hair Design                                              2006 Nooseneck Hill Road
                           140 Point Judith Road              S.C. Silver & Gold             Coventry
ENTERTAINMENT/REC-         Narragansett, RI 02882             359 Main Street                401-397-1900
REATION                    401-789-4247                       Wakefield, RI 02880            coventrycu.org
                           AdvancedHairandwigdesign.com       401-284-4567
Frances Fleet                                                 Southcountysilverandgold.com   TRANSPORTATION
33 State Street            Antonino’s Auto Group
Narragansett, RI 02882     425 Gold Star Highway              Steadman Bikes                 Vineyard Fast Ferry
401-783-4988               Groton, CT 06340                   196 Main Street                1347 Roger Williams Way
1-800-662-2824             860-448-0050                       Wakefield, RI 02879            North Kingstown
                           Antoninoautogroup.com              401-789-8664                   401-295-4040
Persuader Sport Fishing                                       Stedmanbikeshop.com            Vineyardfastferry.com
Charters                   Bubbles Car Wash
Narragansett               19 Pier Marketplace                Sweenor’s Chocolates
401-783-5644               Narragansett, RI 02882             21 Charles Street, Wakefield
persuaderboat.com                                             401-783-4433
                           Charlestown Mini-Super             43 Hillside Road, Cranston
                           4071 Old Post Road                 401-942-2720
                           Charlestown, RI 02813              sweenorschocolates.com

Y o u r C a l e n d a r s !
ONGOING EVENTS                                                                  EVENTS
Give the Gift of Camp: The Jonnycake Center for Hope is seeking                 June 4
donations to send local children to camp this summer, including Camp
Fuller on Salt Pond in South Kingstown and Camp Grosvenor in Saun-              Spring Open Studios at Shady Lea Mill: On June 4, 2022 from 10
derstown. To give the gift of swim, archery, rock climbing, kayaking,           a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information visit themillatshadylea.com, their
friendship, courage, laughter, and hope, visit www.jonnycakecenter.             Facebook page, The Mill at Shady Lea, Instagram #themillatshadylea
org/camp.                                                                       or call 401-290-7548.The artists’ of Shady Lea are opening their doors
                                                                                for a Spring Open Studios. Sponsored by RISCA. You are invited to
Beach Yoga at Narragansett Town Beach: June 25 thru Sept.                       visit their studios and workshops. View the works of art by painters,
5, 7 days a week, 8am. Park Free across Street from the beach, West             potters, sculptors, weavers & fiber artists, rug hookers, Goldsmith,
Lot, Anne Hoxsie Ln (duration of class only). All ages and all levels           Jewelry Designers, Antique Clock displays and restorations, a martial
welcome. Stretch, tone, strengthen and feel great with Yoga poses               arts studio and more as you wander through this historic mill building.
from basic to advanced (modifications given to all poses). In the sand          In Conjunction with the Jamestown Ukraine Relief Project Fundraiser,
by lifeguard chair 4. Bring a towel, water, sunscreen and your fun. $20         35 artists and artisans here at the Shady Lea Mill, have donated one of
drop in/5 for $90/10 for $170. For more information, 401-783-9229 or            their works of art for sale. All proceeds will go to Ukraine to help.
                                                                                June 11
Genealogy and Local History Research at the Langworthy
Library: Mondays at 10 a.m.-3 p.m. or by appointment. Staff and vol-            Exeter Grange Yard Sale: The members of Exeter Grange will be
unteers are available to provide research assistance using our archives         having an indoor yard sale, combined with a pop up fabric shop by
collection.                                                                     Cindy’s Workshop on Saturday, June 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Exeter
                                                                                Grange Hall on 469 Ten Rod Road in Exeter. The events will be held
Knitting Circle at the Langworthy Library: Tuesdays at 5 p.m.                   rain or shine. Money raised from the yard sale supports local charities.
Join us for an informal knitting circle. Bring a current project or start       For more information on the yard sale, you can callPeggy Fish at 401-
something new. Don’t know how to knit? We can get you started!                  397-8058. For more information on Cindy’s Workshop pop up fabric
Langworthy Public Library, 24 Spring St. Hope Valley. For more informa-         shop, you can contact Cindy Chappron by email at either cindyswork-
tion, call 401-539-2851 or email langworthylibrary@gmail.com.                   shop668@gmail.com or cindymike3@icloud.com.

African Dance Class: On Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the La                  June 12
Grua Center, 32 Water Street, Stonington. Cost is $20. This West
African dance class is led by Ashley Jones and accompanied by a live            Pizza Fundraiser for the Library: Fundraiser for the New Narra-
percussion orchestra directed by Matthew Dean. This all-ages class in-          gansett Library on Sunday June 12 from 4-7 p.m. at the Bike Stop, 148
cludes warm up, floor exercises and break down of a traditional dance           Boon Street, Narragansett. All You Can Eat Pizza. Tickets $15. at the
from Guinea, West Africa. Jones will share the names, regions, tribes           door. Cash Bar. Raffles. Net proceeds to go to the Save Our Library
and meaning of the dances she teaches. Come wearing comfortable                 Building Fund.
clothing. All levels welcome. For more information, contact Ashley
Jones 860-235-1478 or info@ashleyjonesviolin.com.                               June 18

Free Wednesday Morning Bird Walks with Audubon: Audu-                           Smith Castle’s Annual Strawberry Festival: Smith’s Castle, 55
bon offers FREE Wednesday Morning Bird Walks with naturalist Laura              Richard Smith Dr. Wickford, will host its annual Strawberry Festival, its
Carberry. Each week a new birding destination will be chosen. Please            seasonal celebration of spring on June 18, 2022 from 12-4 p.m. with a
visit the Audubon website (asri.org) or Facebook Page for the location.         rain date of Sunday, June 19. This year’s festival will once again feature
Contact Laura at lcarberry@asri.org for more information. Locations             puppeteer Dan Butterworth, entertainment by the Jesse Liam Band,
determined weekly. Ages: 14 and up.                                             and children’s activities including Pony Rides, hand painting, crafts, and
                                                                                colonial games. Other activities, such as tours of the Castle, walking
Star Gazing: Fridays, 7-10 p.m. Frosty Drew Observatory & Sky The-              the trails, viewing the colonial gardens and visiting the booths of local
atre, Ninigret Park, Charlestown. frostydrew.org.                               vendors. This year fresh strawberries available for sale. Admission is
                                                                                $8 per adult, children 5-12 $6, free under 5 years of age free, military
                                                                                discount, $20 family cap. Please note: admissions covers all activities.
                                                                                For further information and updates, visit www.smithscastle.org.

June 24                                                                        Sept. 24

Annual North Kingstown Newcomers and Neighbors Club                            The Rotary Club of Wakefield Invites the Community to an
Fundraiser: On Friday, June 24, 2022, the North Kingstown New-                 All Inclusive South County Expo: The Rotary Club of Wakefield is
comers and Neighbors Club will host their Annual Fundraiser at 6               sponsoring an All Inclusive South County Expo on Saturday, September
p.m. at the Carriage Inn. It will be a buffet dinner and cash bar for the      24th which will be held at the South County Rec Center. There will be
price of $50 per person-family and friends are welcome and invited.            live performers, exhibits, expressive arts, activities and educational pro-
$25 per ticket will pay for the meal and $25 will be given directly to the     grams showcasing diversity in our community. For further information
North Kingstown Food Pantry. There will also be a silent auction which         contact allinclusivesouthcounty@gmail.com.
will raise additional money for other charities. For more information,
please call 401-499-3301 or email Newcomers.nk@gmail.com or visit              HEALTH & SUPPORT
them on Facebook.
                                                                               Yoga Classes: Multiple offerings. For more information or to register,
June 25                                                                        visit jessicaackerman.com.

Harry Potter Fest: The Friends of Narragansett Library are holding a           Open Meeting for People with Problems with Food: Food
Harry Potter Fun Fest outdoors at the Narragansett Library on Satur-           Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a free Twelve Step recovery
day June 25, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rain date day is June 26, Sunday       program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, un-
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fun for the entire family. Event includes raffle,       der-eating or bulimia. Gatherings are held every day of the week online.
trivia table, divination, hat sorting, Butterbeer, games, side show tent,      For more information or a list of meetings throughout the U.S. and
photo shoot with Potter props plus more.                                       the world, call Jean at 401-588-2828. For more information, visit www.
July 22 & 23
                                                                               Free Run/Walk Group: Hosted by Wakefield Running Company
NKHS Class of 1970 52nd Reunion: Save the Date for the NKHS                    every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Meet at Wakefield Running Company, Belmont
Class of 1970 52nd Reunion. Reservations required and space is limited.        Market Plaza. We are welcoming walkers and runners alike at any expe-
Friday, July 22 at Richard’s Pub, appetizers and cash bar. Saturday, July      rience level. Beginners are welcome!
23 at Carriage Inn, 6:30 p.m. Appetizers/cash bar 7:30 p.m. Dinner. FB:
NKHS Class of 1970 Reunion. Email nancy.sherman52@gmail.com with               Grief, Loss and Caregiver Support Group: If you are experiencing
your contact information.                                                      grief as a result of a loss in your life-or if you are engaged in giving care
                                                                               to a loved one-you are invited to join a group sponsored by St. Andrew
June 25 & 26                                                                   Lutheran Church, 15 East Beach Rd. in Charlestown. All are welcome.
                                                                               Diane Brousseau-Pizzi, a Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, facilitates
Annual Friends of Narragansett Library Book Sale: The An-                      this discussion and support group. Participants listen and support one
nual Friends of Narragansett Library Book Sale will be held on Saturday        another as well as share their stories, progress, burdens and success-
June 25, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday June 26 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The library      es. The group meets every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the church.
will be able to accept like new, popular book donations as of May 15           Contact the church at 401-322-0088 or standrewrioffice@gmail.com if
during regular library hours. If the book donation is more than 20 books       you have questions.
please contact the library in advance at 401-789-9507. Please no ency-
clopedias, textbooks, magazines, or vhs cassette movies.                       Donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State: Donate
                                                                               your time and become a Big Brother or a Big Sister, donate gently used
July 25                                                                        clothing or donate items for the new Electronics Recycling Program.
                                                                               Information about what items are accepted, locations of clothing drop
15th Narrow River Turnaround Swim: On Saturday, July 25 at 9                   boxes and other opportunities to help can be found online at www.
a.m. is the 15th Narrow River Turnaround Swim. One mile, open water            BBBSOS.org.
swim in the Narrow (Pettaquamscutt) River to benefit Narrow River
Preservation Association. Start and finish at URI Boathouse at 166             Volunteer with Animal Rescue Rhode Island: From pet socializ-
Walmsley Lane, North Kingstown. Limit of 150 participants, ankle chip          ing and walking to cleaning and gardening, there are many ways to help
timing, wetsuit and non-wetsuit divisions, $35 to register by June 15,         at ARRI, 506B Curtis Corner Rd., Peace Dale. Online application and
$40 after June 15. All details at narrowriver.org/2022swim.                    orientation must be completed in advance. For information and forms
                                                                               visit www.animalrescueri.org.

                                                                                                                     Best Selection

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            By PETER PAN                         and minor in Spanish, John and his girl-
               Special to Places                 friend (now wife) rented an apartment in
                                                 Newport, living and surfing there for 3
   I thought I was driving through “Con-         years. He worked various jobs at Castle
juring” country on route to the Rozbern          Hill, while renting a small garage space to
surfboard factory. There were farms, hous-       continue building surfboards. In 2012, he
es that looked like they were built in the       moved back to New Jersey to pursue build-
1600’s, and confederate flags proudly dis-       ing surfboards full time.
played along the muddy roads. I did not               After 9 years in the Garden State, John
know this part of Rhode Island existed,          decided that what he really wanted to do
and I have been living here for my entire        was make surfboards in Rhode Island With
life. “We like to be off the radar,” said John   many connections that he made through
Oppito, the man behind the surfboards. “I        his four years in Kingston, John expand-
can’t get anything done with visitors hang-      ed his territory into New England. With
ing around, so I found this place in the         demand for his boards on the increase,
middle of nowhere.”                              with local shops like Matunuck Surf Shop
   You would never guess that inside that        and the Narragansett Surf Shop selling
ancient farmhouse, lies a state-of-the-art       his brand, John decided to open a second
shaping and glassing factory, and home of        factory in Rhode Island. He accomplished
one of the most popular surfboard labels in      this in the summer of 2021.
the northeast.                                      “I am proud of our Rhode Island facto-
   John began shaping during high school,        ry,” said John. “It is close to the beaches
with his first project a “fish” shape. He        here in South County, and we have two nice
started making surfboards for his surfing        shaping rooms and two glassing rooms, as
buddies, and by the time he expanded to          well as drying racks. All our equipment is
a full-on surfboard producing facility in        state-of-the-art. Our New England dealers
town during the summer of 2005, he was           can now just take a drive here to pick up
having trouble keeping up with the de-           boards, saving gas and time.”
mand for his work. John named his surf-             John takes no shortcuts, building the
board brand Rozbern, after the street name       surfboards from start to finish, with no ma-
of his parent’s home. His first factory was      chines. He even does his own glass work,
named Space Rock Glassing, after what            which is rare in these times. “You can nail
happens to you if you don’t wear a mask          all the numbers but no have a board come
during the process.                              out the way you mean it to,” he said. “A
   Oppito, originally from Monmouth,             lot of shaping is by feel and muscle memo-
New Jersey, moved to Rhode Island to             ry. You know how the board should feel in
attend the University of Rhode Island in         your hand and how it should look under
2005. URI has always been a mecca for            the lights.” Proof of his dedication to the
out-of-state surfers, especially after they      art form was his “Best in the Show” trophy,
have tasted a sample of our great waves and      for winning the surfboard shape=off at the
perfect point breaks. “I bounced around          Boardroom Surfboard Show in DelMar,
from a Marine Biology major to Busi-             California. This award confirmed to the
ness…and communications, but nothing             world, that he was one of the best shapers
really stuck. I kept taking classes and elec-    in the United States. John hopes that in the
tives in things I was interested in. These       future, the factory will be a central location
included sculpture, photography, vide-           in the northeast, for any and all shapers
ography, and painting. Before I knew it,         who want to use it. They will be able to
I was on my way to an art degree. John           take advantage of high-quality raw materi-
continued. “I had been traveling to Costa        als that he uses to build his boards. “I am
Rica every year and was trying to keep my        working on having a big inventory of foam
Spanish sharp, so I mixed in a Spanish class     blanks on hand, so shapers can come and
every semester, which was enough to earn         produce their own brands here,” said John.
me a minor in language.” John also took          “We only use the highest quality resins and
part in a URI study program in Australia,        glass, as well as foam blanks.”
where he took business related electives.           When in South County, check out John’s
   After graduating with an Art degree           creations, produced from start to finish in
                                                 Rhode Island. You won’t be disappointed.
                                                                                                  John Oppito owner of Rozbern Surfboard factory,
                                                                                                       stands in his Rhode Island factory location.
MAI                  ST.
                                                      N            H
                                                          ST.   HIG

                             Rhode Island

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    Sign up for a Bubbles Laundromat Loyalty Card
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              19 Pier Marketplace, Narragansett
                Across from Nana’s Ice Cream!
All Machines take Quarters, Credit Cards, Loyalty Cards or Mobile Payment
                   Management reserves the right to cancel any offer or promotion for any reason without notice.
Attention! All Locals & Visitors in South County
You've Found Your
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  401-783-5810 • Across From Stop & Shop Market
      88 Point Judith Rd • Narragansett
               Management reserves the right to cancel any offer or promotion for any reason without notice.
Checking Out the Local Haunts
                           By PETER PAN                                       muffin, scone, cookie, or cake. As their reputation grew as the best
                               Special to Places                              place in town to buy made-to-order pastries and cakes, the need
                                                                              was there to relocate to a bigger location. In 2016, the move was
   The definition of a local haunt is “a place habitually frequented”.        made to the present location, in the Quo Vadis Shopping Center.
What are some of the area businesses that have always been popular            “We are well known for two of our big sellers,” said Kim. “Break-
with the local folk, and considered in this category? The spotlight           fast sandwiches and scones.” The bakery/ coffee shop is open 7
today is on three of the more popular local haunts: Looney Tunes2,            days from 7 AM to 2 PM and located at 542 Kingstown Road in
Sweet Althea’s, and Old Mountain Lanes coffee shop.                           Wakefield. “Summer is always really busy,” said Kim. “We have
   Looney Tunes has always been one of the leading record stores in           four employees and sometimes even with a good-sized staff, it is
the state. As recorded music moved into cassettes, 8-Tracks, and              hard to keep up in the middle of July.”
CD’s, the store was on the forefront of the industry. Located across             One of the very best breakfast meals you will ever get around
from another local haunt mentioned in this story, Sweet Althea’s,             these parts, is in a bowling alley. The Old Mountain Lanes Coffee
both reside in the Quo Vadis Shopping Center in Wakefield.                    Shop is where you take your out-of-town guests for a special treat.
   Owned by longtime Rhode Island DJ, Corey Taylor, Looney                    Food is served amidst the sounds of flying “ten pins.” Built during
Tunes 2 has been around since the early 1970’s. Taylor bought it              the bowling rage, Old Mountain Lanes, along with its coffee shop,
from the original owner Peter Dante in 2016. It was first opened as           opened on October 1, 1960. For the first few years, the coffee shop
Looney Tunes in Westerly, in 1972. The second store, in Wakefield,            was open 24 hours, to accommodate second and third shift workers
opened soon after.                                                            from the area mills. At one point in time, the bowling alley was the
   Dante and Taylor have hosted their own Reggae shows for over               only place in town to get breakfast. Bob Toth, owner of the restau-
20 years, on WRIU-FM at the University of Rhode Island. Famous                rant summed it up nicely. “The coffee shop has served up breakfast
for its massive selection of what else…Reggae…. the store also has            to the trades and fishermen, and boat loads of fries, Cokes, and
a big selection of every other type of music available as well. “Vinyl        shakes to the hundreds of high school students who inundated the
at one point was about 50% of our business,” said Corey. “But af-             bowling alley after football and basketball games.” And on week-
ter the Corona Virus hit, it is now 80% vinyl and 20% CD’s. The               ends, it is full of URI students, as well as professors. The coffee shop
fact is that if you have a quality sound system, the vinyl will always        is open from 7 AM to 9 PM daily and is located at 756 Kingstown
sound better.” Corey has been one of the state’s leading DJs for              Road in Wakefield. Bob travels to bowling tournaments all over
many years, currently working at the Dan Packer Inn in Mystic on              the country, and says he is always pleasantly surprised when former
weekends. Looney Tunes 2 is open Monday through Saturday from                 patrons come up to him and tell them how much they enjoyed
noon to 5 PM and located at 562 Kingstown Road in Wakefield.                  eating at the alleys. “Former URI students have fond memories of
   Sweet Althea’s original home was in the River’s Edge shopping              the place,” said Bob. “It feels great to hear their stories.”
plaza located next to McGrath’s Liquors in downtown Wakefield.                   If you are visiting South County, please consider checking out
Kim Loeffler started baking from a rented kitchen space in Galilee            these businesses. The big chain stores and restaurants are always
in 2009. As business grew, and became very popular for her home-              going to be there. Always remember that it is easier to disguise
made pastries, she moved to the Main Street location. The motto at            yourself as a local resident, and not a tourist, if you are seen in one
the bakery is that everything is made from scratch, whether it be a           of the local haunts.

Looney Tunes2, Wakefield, RI                                                                                                 Cal Jones at Sweet Althea’s

Four essentials every backyard
    ‘Staycation Station’ needs this summer
   (BPT) - Picture this: You’re floating in the pool, enjoying some           you can find one of the pineapple, flamingo, alligator and unicorn
relief from the heat while lunch is sizzling on the grill. You hear           variety for around $21. Other pool toys to consider are inflatable
soft music, the gentle sound of sprinklers splashing and your kids            ones like floating basketball hoops, volleyball nets and beach balls,
getting along (finally). You could swear you’re on a vacation miles           and sinking rings, sharks or mermaids.
away from home but believe it or not, you can have it all in your
own backyard. With gas prices expected to remain high throughout                3. GEAR FOR COMPETITIVE WATER BATTLES
the summer, many people are looking to spend their time off closer              Dry land also holds potential for loads of water fun. Stock up on
to home. Therefore, it’s important to take all the necessary steps to         some rapid-filling water balloons and host an impromptu battle
turn your home into a “Staycation Station” this season. Big Lots              where the winning team gets full bragging rights. Another great
has prepared an outdoor fun guide to make your backyard the envy              way to cool off without a pool is on a water slide. Gone are the days
of the neighborhood at a fraction of the price of a beach trip. Here’s        of sliding down a wet tarp; now there are affordable (around $24!)
what you’ll need:                                                             water slides that have sprinkler fountains, multiple sliding lanes for
                                                                              races, and even one with a water balloon pit at the end.
   No in-ground pool? No problem. You’ll need something refresh-                4. A PLACE TO GATHER AND LOUNGE
ing to soak in this summer, and all the better if it’s only temporary.          Aim for a full staycation experience by setting up a comfy space
Try a quick-set portable pool for adults to float and swim in and a           to hang out while you grill out all day long. A cooler packed with
smaller one with interactive elements like a bounce house or foun-            drinks next to some inviting chaise loungers or a full patio set sur-
tains to make a big splash with the youngest members of your fam-             rounding a fire pit will take your backyard summer vacation to the
ily. And lest we forget our furry friends, a shallow, inflatable $15          next level.
dog pool will help your pets handle the heat.
                                                                                These “Staycation Station” essentials and a variety of other sur-
  2. FASHIONABLE, FUN FLOATS AND ACCESSORIES                                  prising summertime finds can be found at low prices at your neigh-
  Don’t forget to purchase enough floats to go around. Nowadays               borhood Big Lots or on biglots.com.
Outdoor, kid-friendly
    weekend getaways
   Weekend getaways in the great outdoors       trails. Many parks have paved trails on flat
can be a great way for families to break from   surfaces, which are ideal for families with
the norm and spend some quality time to-        small children.
gether while getting some fresh air. Such          • Rivers/lakes: Escaping to a nearby riv-
trips are popular, as the U.S. Travel Associ-   er or lake for a day on the water can make
ation notes that nearly three out of four do-   for a memorable, family-friendly getaway.
mestic trips are taken for leisure purposes.    Look for activities like fishing and bring
   Families looking to get away from home       your own rods or rent from nearby bait and
on weekends often look for activities or lo-    tackle shops. If cruising is more your fam-
cales that appeal to kids and parents alike     ily’s style, look for boat tours that offer a
while getting everyone out of the house.        chance to explore local history while giving
The following are a handful of outdoor get-     the whole family a chance to relax on a boat
away ideas the whole family can enjoy.          and soak up some sun.
   • Hiking: By 2015, the United States            • Zoo/aquarium: According to the As-
was home to nearly 240,000 miles of hik-        sociation of Zoos & Aquariums, there are
ing trails on federal and state lands. Hiking   more than 220 accredited zoos and aquari-
opportunities also are abundant in Cana-        ums in the United States and Canada. That          theme parks even offer rides and attractions
da, where the 2016 General Social Survey        makes it easy for families that live just about    for young children, but parents should call
found that 44 percent of Canadians go hik-      anywhere to plan day trips to local zoos,          ahead to confirm this before planning their
ing in a given year, making it the country’s    where they can spend the day soaking up            trips.
most popular outdoor activity. Hiking is a      some sun and marveling at exotic wildlife.            Weekend getaways are great ways for
rewarding, healthy hobby that also happens      Zoos and aquariums with outdoor exhibits           families to spend time in the great outdoors
to be free, which can be especially appealing   make for wonderful, family-friendly week-          and take advantage of local attractions.
to budget-conscious parents. When explor-       end getaways.                                      With some simple investigation, families
ing potential hiking destinations, parents         • Theme parks: Theme parks make for a           might find there are lots of local attractions
should look for parks with kid-friendly         great weekend getaways for families. Many          within driving distance of their homes.

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The water is calling: Easy ways to enjoy
   fun and freedom on a boat this summer
   (BPT) - Ready to make the most of your summer? Grab your            the memories of a lifetime this summer.
friends and family and get out on the water. Boating gives you the
freedom to explore the outdoors and offers added wellness benefits.       1) Rent or share a boat. Rental options are available on most
Studies show being on the water improves emotional health, relax-      waterways and provide hourly, daily or weekly access to a variety of
ation and creativity.                                                  boat types. Rental outfitters should provide tutorials on operating
   From day cruising to fishing, sailing and watersports, boating      a boat, share safety instructions and offer suggestions on destina-
offers something for everyone, and it’s more accessible than you       tions. Another option is peer-to-peer boat rentals, where most ser-
may think. In fact, boaters come from all walks of life, backgrounds   vices allow you to search by zip code, find a boat near you and then
and areas of the country, with an estimated 100 million Americans      connect with the boat’s owner, gather the details and hit the water.
going boating each year, according to the National Marine Manu-
facturers Association.                                                   2) Join a boat club. Find a boat club near you to access a variety
   These insider tips provide easy ways to get on the water and make
                                                                                                                         Continued on next page

                       Persuader II                                                              Rods & Reels
                       Sport Fishing Charters
                                                                                                 Fishing Tackle
                                             Reserve Your
                                              Trip Today
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                                               FOR PRICES                                 401-783-7766
                                                                                410 Gooseberry Rd., Wakefield, RI
of boats. You’ll pay a monthly fee
and be able to book your time on
the water online. Most boat clubs
take care of docking, cleaning,
maintenance and boat training

   3) Take a class. Take the helm
and become a confident boater.
Sign up for a boating lesson to
hone your powerboating, sailing
or watersports skills by mastering
the basics while having fun along
the way. On-water training cours-
es, watersports camps, youth
boating programs and more are
offered across the U.S.

   4) Find your dream boat.
Chart your own course to boat
ownership by visiting Discover-
Boating.com, where you’ll find
a boat finder and loan calcula-
tor tool to help determine your
budget and identify the different
types of boats that fit your life-
style and interests.

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Essentials for your tackle box
   Recreational fishing is enjoyed by mil-         you prefer, make sure you have a variety of      avoid fines.
lions of people. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife        sizes on hand so you can switch if need be.         • Pocket knife: Keep a sharp knife for
Service reported that there was an 8 percent          • A set of fishing pliers: Purchase pliers    cutting lines and bait. Reserve a special filet
increase in anglers between 2011 and 2017.         specifically made for fishing. Most come in      knife for cleaning fish.
Expenditures by anglers nationwide rose 2          aluminum so they will not corrode due to            • Selection of lures: Research which fish
percent during the same time, from $45             the elements. Also, if you’re using braided      you’re angling for and then purchase a va-
billion to $46.1 billion.                          fishing line, be sure the pliers have a cutter   riety of appropriate lures. Some lures will
   As more people stay closer to home,             made for cutting braid.                          attract a wide array of fish.
they’re eager to engage in hobbies that are           • Bobbers in various sizes: Bobbers, also        • Stringer: A stringer is a device that is
fun and accessible but still promote social        called floaters, help anglers know when a        used to hold several caught fish through
distancing. Fishing checks each of those           fish is biting. Round clip-on bobbers are        their gills. It anchors to land and the other
boxes. Prospective anglers who are eager           popular and widely available. Slip bobbers       end with the fish on it is placed in the water
to get into saltwater or freshwater fishing        will slide up and down the line, enabling        to keep the fish alive until you’re ready to
should know that the right gear is essential.      anglers to get the hook into deeper water.       pack up and go. It’s a good alternative to a
For fishing enthusiasts, that gear starts with        • Sinkers: The yin to the bobber’s yang,      cooler or bucket filled with water.
a rod and reel. Afterward, it is important to      sinkers are weights that help weigh down            • Fishing license: Many conservation or
fill a tackle box with other essentials.           a worm or artificial lure to reach the right     fish and wildlife departments require a li-
   • Extra fishing line: Lines get snagged,        level to attract fish.                           cense for fishing for anglers of a certain age.
torn or snapped when reeling in a great               • Fishing regulations/ruler: A variety of     Be sure to have it on hand or you may be
catch, so extra fishing line is essential.         rules govern when and where you can fish.        susceptible to fines or other penalties.
   • Extra hooks: The traditional J-hook can       Also, you’ll need to know which size fish are       A tackle box with the right gear can help
snag many types of fish, but some anglers          keepers and which need to be tossed back.        novice fishing enthusiasts get off on the
like a French hook. No matter which hook           Keep a regulation ruler in the tackle box to     right foot.

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Budget-friendly family fun ideas
   Raising a family is an expensive endeavor. A recent report from             the average American household was already spending $3,000 a
the United States Department of Agriculture estimated that the                 year dining out. Families can cut those costs considerably by having
cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 is $233,610. Though               homemade meals, or even takeout, away from home. A picnic in
parents know that’s a small price to pay for all the joy their children        the park can make for a wonderful family outing and won’t cost
bring into their lives, those same moms and dads also wouldn’t                 nearly as much as dining in person at a favorite restaurant.
mind a little financial relief from time to time.                                 • FIND “YOURSELVES”: Families are finding that digging
   Family outings can be great bonding experiences, and parents                into their own histories is a great way to learn more about who
may be happy to learn that there’s a host of budget-friendly activi-           they are. A 2020 report from Transparency Market Research esti-
ties that are fun and affordable.                                              mated that the market for global DNA test kits, which help people
   • MOVIE NIGHT UNDER THE STARS: For the relatively                           learn more about their ancestry, is expected to expand by nearly
low cost of a mini projector and accompanying screen, parents                  25 percent between 2019 and 2027. Test kits typically cost around
can host routine outdoor movie nights in the backyard. Though                  $100, and families can then use the information they glean from
parents might expect some sticker shock when they begin looking                test results to conduct their own free research on the history and
for an outdoor mini projector, it’s worth noting that seven of the             culture of the countries their ancestors called home.
10 projectors that make up Amazon’s best sellers list are less than               • EXERCISE: Exercising together is a great way for families to
$100. Some of those products even come with their own screens at               get healthy and feel good. Traditional workouts with weights and
no extra cost.                                                                 time on a treadmill may not be everyone’s idea of a fun time, but
   • PICNIC IN THE PARK: Some families may be experiencing                     families can go for a hike, kayak in a nearby lake, take up jogging,
some sticker shock as they begin dining out again after eating their           or even play a favorite sport together.
meals at home throughout the pandemic. Soaring food and supply                    Parents know raising a family can be expensive. Thankfully, there
costs and labor shortages have forced restaurant owners to raise               are many ways families can have fun together without breaking the
prices. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that           bank.

The Tide


                                       PM   ft
                                                                NARRAGANSETT BAY - JUNE 2022

                                                                       PM    ft

2       Thu       10:26   2.8      10:33    3.1   4:14    0.3      3:54     0.4    5:11   8:15
3           Fri   11:08   2.7      11:13    3.0   4:51    0.4      4:35     0.5    5:11   8:15
4           Sat   11:52   2.6      11:56    2.8   5:28    0.5      5:18     0.6    5:10   8:16
5       Sun                        12:38    2.6   6:08    0.6      6:05     0.7    5:10   8:17
6       Mon       12:42   2.8      1:24     2.7   6:54    0.6      7:03     0.8    5:10   8:17
7       Tue       1:29    2.7      2:10     2.8   7:47    0.6      8:13     0.8    5:10   8:18
8       Wed       2:18    2.7      3:00     3.0   8:41    0.5      9:26     0.6    5:09   8:19
9       Thu       3:13    2.8      3:55     3.3   9:33    0.3      10:30    0.4    5:09   8:19
10          Fri   4:14    2.8      4:53     3.6   10:23   0.1      11:26    0.2    5:09   8:20
11          Sat   5:17    3.0      5:50     3.9   11:12   0.0                      5:09   8:20
12      Sun       6:16    3.2      6:44     4.2   12:18   0.0      12:01    -0.2   5:09   8:21
13      Mon       7:11    3.4      7:36     4.4   1:10    -0.2     12:50    -0.3   5:09   8:21
14      Tue       8:04    3.5      8:29     4.5   2:05    -0.3     1:43     -0.3   5:09   8:22
15      Wed       8:57    3.6      9:22     4.4   3:01    -0.3     2:39     -0.3   5:09   8:22
16      Thu       9:51    3.7      10:17    4.3   3:56    -0.2     3:35     -0.2   5:09   8:22
17          Fri   10:47   3.7      11:13    4.1   4:48    -0.1     4:31     -0.1   5:09   8:23
18          Sat   11:44   3.6                     5:40    0.0      5:29     0.2    5:09   8:23
19      Sun       12:10   3.8      12:42    3.6   6:37    0.2      6:40     0.4    5:09   8:23
20      Mon       1:07    3.6      1:40     3.6   7:42    0.3      8:29     0.6    5:09   8:24
21      Tue       2:02    3.3      2:36     3.5   8:42    0.4      9:52     0.6    5:09   8:24
22      Wed       2:57    3.1      3:34     3.5   9:29    0.5      10:52    0.6    5:10   8:24
23      Thu       3:54    2.9      4:32     3.5   10:05   0.5      11:39    0.6    5:10   8:24
24          Fri   4:54    2.8      5:28     3.5   10:40   0.5                      5:10   8:24
25          Sat   5:49    2.8      6:18     3.5   12:17   0.6      11:17A   0.5    5:11   8:24
26      Sun       6:37    2.8      7:02     3.5   12:50   0.5      11:57A   0.4    5:11   8:24
27      Mon       7:21    2.9      7:42     3.5   1:24    0.4      12:38    0.4    5:11   8:24
28      Tue       8:03    2.9      8:20     3.4   2:01    0.4      1:22     0.3    5:12   8:24
29      Wed       8:42    2.9      8:56     3.4   2:41    0.3      2:07     0.3    5:12   8:24
30      Thu       9:21    2.9      9:32     3.3   3:21    0.3      2:53     0.3    5:13   8:24

SHORE TIMES • Map of South County
From Our Garage to Yours


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