A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth

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A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth
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A guide to
First Home
A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth

Introduction                                        03

Who are First Home Buyers?                          04

How to target and advertise
to First Home Buyers                                09

How to deliver great service
to First Home Buyers                                14

What products and services
are out there for First Home Buyers?                18

How keeping First Home Buyers
happy benefits you                                  22

The importance of feedback                          26

                                       A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   2
A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth

This e-book provides
brokers with uncomplicated
yet valuable advice on
how to connect with First
Home Buyers (FHBs).

Created in collaboration with leading lenders            In addition, First Home Buyers often receive advice
mortgage insurance provider, Genworth, this              and assistance from a variety of sources, including
e-book provides brokers with uncomplicated               family and friends, which can serve as a further
yet valuable advice on how to connect with               complication for the broker whose responsibility it
First Home Buyers (FHBs) and communicate with            is to guide the prospective homeowner through the
inexperienced clients, while making the process as       process of securing a home loan.
simple and productive as possible for all involved.
                                                         Patience, empathy and resilience are all qualities
Now more than ever, FHBs rarely fit into one             that a broker benefits from when dealing with
homogenous demographic group. Rather this                the inexperienced borrower, who may have more
segment, defined by their relative inexperience in       questions, concerns and misconceptions than the
property dealings, has become increasingly               usual client. But treat them well, and they can easily
diverse and difficult to categorise and target.          become your most loyal and valuable long-term
                                                         customer in the life of your business.
However, there remains a number of characteristics
common to most FHBs, including a relative lack of        Please enjoy this educational e-book on the
knowledge and understanding of the processes and         First Home Buyer.
steps involved in securing suitable finance for what
will likely be the most valuable asset the client will
have ever purchased.

As a result of the typical First Home Buyer’s
inexperience, what is often a fairly straightforward
process can require greater resources of a broker
who may need to adopt a more hands-on approach
to ensure the FHB is made to feel comfortable all
the way to settlement and beyond.

                                                                             A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS         3
A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth
Who are First
Home Buyers?

First Home Buyers (FHBs) are no longer
just young couples in their twenties.
Due to changes in the housing market
and the broader economy, high property
prices, stagnant wage growth, changing
regulation and compliance requirements
as well as shifting consumer habits and
social norms, today’s FHBs are more
diverse than ever before.

                                          A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   4
A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth

Identifying your target market                                               The changing range of FHBs
The first steps in being able to target FHBs                                 FHBs are getting older, but why?
is knowing their values and priorities.                                      According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
Why?                                                                         2017-18 Survey of Income and Housing, approximately
                                                                             1,012,000 people surveyed were recent home buyers
For any business, people are the driving force                               and more than a third (35%) were FHBs.1 However,
behind the development of markets. And changing                              of this third, just 55% were households with a reference
demographics means changing markets. Staying on                              person under 35 years, which has dropped from 63%
top of who is your target market allows you to adjust                        in 2015-16 and 69% in 1995-96.2
your marketing strategies accordingly, to deliver
services and products that meet consumer needs,                              While the most common age remains within the
and that consumers actually want.                                            25-34 range, compared to 20 years ago the population
                                                                             buying their first home is increasingly in older age
Several factors that have changed considerably in                            groups, and younger households (aged under 35)
the last 20 years can be considered when brokers                             owning their own homes is less common than it
look at identifying who is the modern-day FHB. They                          was in 1995-96.3
include changing family structures and expectations
around what people are likely to achieve and acquire
by any given age, and the economic forces that
influence consumer purchasing.
           Recent Home Buyers, by age of household reference person, 2017-18

     Fig 1. Recent home buyers, by age of household reference person, 2017/18






                15-25               25-34              35-44               45-54               55-64            65 or more

               First home buyers         Changeover buyers

     Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Across the generations: Twenty years of housing, Case Study 4130.0 -
     Housing Occupancy and Costs, 2017-18.

   ustralian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Across the generations: Twenty years of housing, Case Study 4130.0 - Housing Occupancy and Costs, 2017-18.
  Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Across the generations: Twenty years of housing, Case Study 4130.0 - Housing Occupancy and Costs, 2015-16.

                                                                                                       A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS                    5
A guide to First Home Buyers - Powered by - Genworth

The growth of owner occupied
Going some way to explaining why the average FHB
age has been on the up and up, the property market,
                                                           Superannuation and increased
                                                           accessibility to investment options
                                                           such as shares and mutual funds,
particularly at the more affordable end of the price
scale, has changed significantly over the last two         have expanded the investment
decades, with the average real median dwelling value
increasing from $229,000 to $520,000 between 1995-
                                                           options available to Australians
96 to 2015-16.4 As a result, we have seen a sizable        and considering an investment
shift in the behaviour and make-up of the typical FHB.
                                                           property as your first property
More than ever families are recognising the necessity
of pulling down two incomes in order to gain a foothold
                                                           purchase in a market where
onto the ever more elusive property market ladder. As      competition and demand are high,
a result of this change, it has become more challenging
                                                           is becoming less favourable.


for single income households to purchase a home as
the market has responded to the increased demand.5

Prospective buyers today well understand the value
of property as a long-term investment, also contributing
to the increase in demand and flow-on effects for
wannabe FHBs. In line with the above graph, First
Home Buyers are a segment in the Australian market
where there is an increasing desire to buy property
that is for owner-occupied purposes.


                                                                      A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS       6

For example, we can see in December
2019, the number of owner/occupier
FHB loan commitments rose by 6.2%
in seasonally adjusted terms, while the
number of FHB loan commitments for
investment purposes accounted for
only 5.4% of all FHB commitments.


             Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

       Fig 2. In December, the numberLHS
                                         of first home buyer owner occupied
                                                                             loan commitments
       4, 000 in all states except Tasmania (ABS,  2019)                                   350

        3, 500                                                                                                                        300

       3, 000

        2, 500
        2, 000
        1, 500

        1, 000

          500                                                                                                                         50

                   Dec11        Dec13          Dec15        Dec17        Dec19         Dec13         Dec15          Dec17     Dec19

                     NSW          VIC          QLD          WA          SA                     TAS             NT           ACT

    Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), First Home Buyers, Case Study 5601.0 – Lending Indicators, December 2019.

                                                                                                        A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS        7

So, who are the modern day FHBs?
In contrast to 20 years ago, younger demographics are
now increasingly renting through private landlords and property
ownership is being achieved at later ages with fewer people
owning their homes outright and a greater proportion of
those in the middle age bracket owning their own homes
with a mortgage.8


       Fig 3. Owner occupier and investor first home buyer loan commitments in Dec 2019
       (ABS, 2019)

         4, 000

         3, 500

         3, 000

         2, 500

         2, 000

         1, 500

         1, 000


                       NSW           VIC           QLD            SA            WA           TAS*            NT*         ACT

                  *Investors first home buyers (number) for Tas and NT are not available for publication
                      Owner occupier           Investor

    Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Across the generations: Twenty years of housing, Case Study 4130.0 - Housing Occupancy and Costs, 2015-16.

                                                                                                           A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS                 8
How to target
and advertise
to First Home

Once a broker understands
their FHB customer, it’s time
to use that knowledge to
attract them.

                                A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   9

Have a unique value proposition                                 FHBs are often new to the property market
                                                                and will need someone who can reduce confusion,
Now that you know who First Home Buyers                         introduce them to their available options and
are, you can consider them in categories                        help them understand the benefits, risks and
according to their needs.                                       processes of buying their first home.

Use the below example as a guide.

It is key that through your marketing you remain
clear about what your services can offer each unique
FHB group. It is essential that you define not what
brokers can offer FHBs, but what you can offer them.

Most importantly…

                          “Emphasise that you are there to reduce worry,
                           give them someone to trust and let them know
                           that you are there to reduce risk.

                                     MFAA State Manager
                                     Business Development (NSW/ACT)
                                     Zarko Jokic, 2020

  Type of First Home Buyer                  What are their needs?                  What can I offer?

  Middle aged couple:                       • Looking for owner occupied           • Access to lenders
  • With children in school                 • Need a family home                   • Access to builders, legal and
  • Lack references                         • Want property close to                 other services to make the
                                               schools and transport                  process easier
  • Middle income earners
                                                                                   • Support to discuss potential
                                                                                      properties and the benefits
                                                                                      and drawbacks of the property
                                                                                   • Supply data on potential

  Older couple:                             •W
                                              ant a property to retire in after   • Access to lenders
  • Have been renting for lifetime           they transfer business to children    • Refer solicitor or conveyancer
  • Have good credit history                •W
                                              ant property close to their         •F
                                                                                     amiliarity with their business’
                                             business                               area
  • Own their own business
                                            • Want quiet neighbourhood

                                                                                   A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS         10

Identify where your customers                                                  Don’t just find FHBs, let FHBs
start their journey                                                            find you
Ask anyone of any age if they have a mobile                                    When researching for any purchase, almost every
phone, and whether they can use that phone                                     individual begins on the internet, usually through a
to access the internet, and they will more                                     search engine like Google. The digital world is where
than likely say ‘of course, yes’.                                              you need to present your business and services to
                                                                               FHBs. Placing your business at the forefront of their
With over 21 million Australians using the internet
                                                                               search is one of the best ways to reach your target
and 93% of these individuals using the internet every

                                                                               market. So how do you go about doing this?
day, establishing your presence in the digital world is
essential as this is where your customers will most
likely begin their search.9

                                                                                You are a marketer first and
                                                                                a broker second, marketing
                                                                                generates leads and brokers

                                                                                deliver the services.

                                                                                           MFAA State Manager
                                                                                           Business Development (NSW/ACT)
                                                                                           Zarko Jokic, 2020

                                                                               The first three things you need to set
                                                                               up to generate FHB leads is:

                                                                               • Get a website
                                                                               • Get a Facebook page

                                                                               • Get a LinkedIn account

                                                                               The key reason for these three actions is that they
                                                                               act as your business cards in the digital world. This
                                                                               means that you can be found on search engines
                                                                               used across the world, on the biggest global social
                                                                               media platform, and you are also available on the
                                                                               largest professional network platform.
                                                                               Essentially you are exploring the range of digital
                                                                               options as considered by people of various age
                                                                               groups, professions and interests.

    Ewan Watt, Australian Internet and Social Media Statistics: 2019 Usage Data, Two Cents by ROI.com.au, (21 June 2019),
      anny Goodwin, Organic vs. Paid Search Results: Organic Wins 94% of Time, Search Engine Watch, (23 August 2012),
                                                                                                         A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   11

Do you need to invest in paid                               Activity generated from your social media platforms,
                                                            such as good reviews can reach hundreds of potential
digital advertisement?                                      leads by simply being posted. Your website can then
                                                            turn up in thousands of searches when an FHB begins
A common question is whether you should invest in           their journey.
paid digital advertisements. Natural search results are
the most successful at attracting clicks and less than      Looking to develop your digital presence?
50% of each age demographic can be seen to click            Get the MFAA Social Media ebook available at:
on these.11 That isn’t to say that paid advertisements      https://www.mfaa.com.au/social-media-guide
are not worth investing in. Paid advertising can be
effective in generating awareness of offers, greater
brand awareness and marketing to people who have
visited your site before, but your first steps should be
to focus on creating the right message that conveys
your services and their relevance to FHBs.

Instead of just cold calling potential leads or trying to
find leads through lenders and service providers, you
can create an avenue for FHBs to reach out to you.



                                                                              A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS     12

 Fig. 4 Paid Per Click (PPC) vs natural distribution (Goodwin, D. (2012))10

              Natural                                                 Paid
              Search          94%                          6%         Search

 Of the 1.4 billion successful search queries, the vast majority ended up with natural results being clicked.

 Fig. 4 Paid Per Click (PPC) vs natural distribution (Goodwin, D. (2012))10












               2-17      18-24        25-34        35-44         45-54         55+         MALE        FEMALE
        Age                                                                              Gender

 Demographics of people clicking on paid search ads.

                                                                                           A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   13
How to deliver
great service
to First Home

According to First Home Buyer
Buddy principal Daniel Baxter,
the FHB is a unique client who
requires a unique approach.

                                 A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   14

                            With Daniel Baxter
                            of First Home
                            Buyer Buddy

                                                          A                                                  B
After specialising in the FHB space for many              Daniel suggests the following strategies to overcome
years, Daniel says it remains a daunting                  this obstacle:
demographic for many brokers who often
                                                          Keep it simple. Leave out industry jargon and
prefer to designate the FHB client base to
                                                          complicated language.
the too hard basket.
But, according to Daniel, there are ways and strategies   Put yourself in their shoes. Realise this is their
that brokers can adopt to ensure the FHB has a            first time navigating what will likely be the biggest
positive experience in their home buying journey, while   financial decision of their lives so far. Be sensitive
providing a smooth process for the broker as well.        and understanding.

                                                          Consider maintaining a ‘need to know’ policy
Always put yourself in their                              for the FHB to avoid information overload and only
shoes                                                     describe aspects in terms of what they mean for
                                                          the FHB to make them easier to grasp.
“Always put yourself in their shoes,” Daniel says.
                                                          Be human with them. They came to you rather
“Brokers need to remember a FHB will likely not
                                                          than a bank for a reason.
have the same knowledge base as many other
clients in financial matters or even in life more
generally. They will be unaware of the processes and
a lot of the content even of your first conversation
with a FHB client will be the first time they are

hearing many of the words and concepts.”

Daniel explains brokers tend to be quite analytical
people. But an FHB is rarely of the same mindset.
As a result, sharing industry jargon and using overly
complicated phrases and concepts will not be              All of these techniques will
helpful and may in fact prove counterproductive,          assist in building trust between
or result in the loss of the client, particularly if it
makes them feel unintelligent or ignorant.                the broker and client, which
                                                          is a vital component of any
                                                          relationship, particularly one

                                                          as important as this.”

                                                                              A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS         15

Be mindful of emotions                                    Be wary of information-
Whilst FHBs may be older than ever before, the fact       overload
remains, by definition, they are still inexperienced
                                                          The nature of the FHB means they will be
when it comes to purchasing property. For an FHB,
                                                          experiencing a significant chapter in their lives.
buying a property can be a scary experience and
                                                          That being the case, it is not uncommon for the
can trigger strong emotions, says Daniel. Brokers
                                                          FHB to be on the receiving end of a multitude
need to be prepared for this reality and respond
                                                          of advice, solicited and unsolicited, from family
accordingly to keep the FHBs journey as positive
                                                          and friends.
and successful as possible.
                                                          According to Daniel, the problem with this,
“The FHB is likely to be nervous, reluctant, unsure,
                                                          particularly within a rapidly changing environment,
excitable, erratic sometimes, they’re going to have
                                                          is that it may not take long for a person’s well-
a lot of questions, and at the end of the day can be
                                                          meaning advice to be completely out of date,
frustrating to deal with. Brokers need to go into the
                                                          irrelevant or even damaging.
process with this in mind while thinking of ways to
pre-empt these emotions and mitigate them to make
sure the client feels informed and more confident in
the process.

“One way to do this is to really get to know the client
perhaps by asking them, ‘what is your one biggest
fear when it comes to buying your first home?’ They
might say ‘paying too much for a property’, or ‘the
paperwork really freaks me out’, which then allows
you to delve deeper and potentially solve their
biggest fear, making the process much easier and
smoother for all involved.”

Brokers need to understand the FHB, given their inexperience,
may be more suggestable than their usual client and therefore
more easily influenced by advice from friends and family.
Unfortunately, too much information can get in the way of the
FHB achieving their goal, particularly if it’s inaccurate or outdated.
Brokers should do all they can to ensure they are clearly
explaining the process to the client and making the journey as
easy and stress-free as possible, so that the client focuses
on their professional advice above all else.

”                                                                            A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS       16

Importance of “future-pacing”
the client
                                                        Try and make sure the client
                                                        is not too pre-occupied with
                                                        the paperwork, the expenses,
“It’s never too early to have a conversation with
a broker, but it can certainly be too late.”            the pay slips. Be clear you
Daniel says new lender policies and regulatory          need these things to achieve
developments mean now more than ever it is vital
that a FHB considers just what it takes to secure
                                                        that ultimate goal, but keep
a loan.                                                 that goal at the forefront of
“It is important brokers are future-pacing their        their mind which should help
FHB clients. It’s more complicated than ever going      them to focus and the process
through the process, the fact find, looking at living
                                                        to move along smoothly.

expenses, it’s full-on, so it’s important to keep the
client’s eyes on the prize, in other words, the home.


                                                                  A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   17
What products
and services
are out there
for First Home

One of the biggest challenges for
FHBs is saving for a deposit. Typically,
lenders require a 20% deposit of the
purchase price in order to grant a home
loan. However, there are several options
available to FHBs who don’t have the
required 20% deposit.

                                           A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   18

Brokers can utilise several tools to assist   Lenders Mortgage Insurance
their FHBs to buy a home sooner with a
deposit as low as 5%. These tools include     (LMI)
Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI), family-
                                              What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance?
back guarantees and Government grants
that include the First Home Loan Deposit      Lenders Mortgage Insurance assists FHBs purchase
Scheme (FHLDS), First Home Owner Grants       a home sooner with a deposit as low as 5%. With
(FHOG) and State based grants.                LMI coverage a lender may be prepared to provide
                                              FHBs with a home loan with deposit as small as
                                              5% deposit. LMI is an insurance policy that a lender
                                              takes out to protect itself against the risk that the
                                              borrower defaults on the loan repayments and the
                                              lender is unable to recover the full outstanding
                                              loan amount.

                                              How does LMI help the borrower?
                                              LMI enables the borrower to obtain a home loan

                        5%                    that might not otherwise be available, by reducing
                                              the deposit they are required to provide. This
                                              means the borrower may be able to:
                                              • Buy a home sooner and stop paying rent; or
                                              • Buy a more expensive property with the deposit
                                                 they currently have.
                                              • It may also enable a person to borrow at an
                                                 interest rate that is comparable to a borrower
                                                 with a substantial deposit.

                                                                 A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS      19

How can Genworth
assists brokers?
Brokers play an important role in providing guidance
and key information to people who are looking to
buy a home or invest in property. Genworth can work
closely with the broker network to ensure they have
the resources and assistance they need, so they can        Visit the Genworth
advise their clients when LMI may be appropriate
for them.
                                                           website for useful
                                                           links for Brokers to use
Genworth has a comprehensive program to support
its broker network. Genworth offers training and
                                                           when discussing LMI:
education for brokers, so they can understand how
Lenders Mortgage Insurance works and where it              LMI Tools
may be applicable to potential borrowers. Genworth
                                                           – Buy or Rent Calculator
participates in personal development training days
and industry broker roadshows where our Genworth           – Servicing Estimator
teams are available to answer questions and support
brokers with additional information.                       – LMI Premium Estimator

The Genworth It’s My Home magazine is a lifestyle          – Online Learning Resource Centre
publication that includes information on the
home buying process, checklist for moving and
understanding the different home loan options and          Marketing Resource Centre
much more. The magazine is available to brokers            – LMI Fact Sheet, infographic and video
at no cost to share with their FHBs. There is also a
dedicated resource centre on the Genworth website          – Genworth’s It’s My Home magazine
where brokers can access marketing material such
as fact sheets, FAQs and videos to assist them
explain the benefits of Lenders Mortgage Insurance
to their clients.

                                                               A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   20

Government Grants                                      First Home Loan Deposit
and Schemes                                            Scheme
First Home Owner Grant (FHOG)                          The First Home Loan Deposit Scheme is an
                                                       Australian Government initiative to support eligible
Arguably there has never been a better time to be
                                                       first home buyers purchase a home sooner. It
a first home buyer. The First Home Owner Grant
                                                       does this by providing a guarantee that will allow
(FHOG) is a Government scheme that subsidises the
                                                       eligible first home buyers to purchase a home with
purchase or construction of new homes.
                                                       a deposit of as little as five per cent.
Like many other subsidies, specifics of the FHOG
                                                       The Scheme will support up to 10,000 loans each
may vary depending on the state or territory. For
                                                       financial year through participating lenders.
instance, in Victoria the FHOG is worth $10,000
when you buy or build a new home, rising to            The two major bank participating lenders,
$20,000 for new homes valued up to $750,000.           the National Australia Bank (NAB) and the
                                                       Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), will
While in the ACT the scheme provides eligible people
                                                       offer guaranteed loans from the Scheme’s
buying their first new or substantially renovated
                                                       commencement date of 1 January 2020.
home valued up to $750,000, up to $7,000.
                                                       The 25 non-major lenders will begin offering
Each state and territory have their own nuanced
                                                       guaranteed loans from 1 February 2020. Consistent
version of the scheme, which are of course subject
                                                       with NHFIC’s Investment Mandate, the non-major
to alteration at any given time, so as always it is
                                                       lenders will receive no less than 50 per cent of the
advisable to do your research. Links to each state
                                                       initial 10,000 guarantees allocated in the current
and territory’s rules around the FHOG can be found
                                                       financial year.
at firsthome.gov.au
                                                       NHFIC has developed a simple fact sheet with
                                                       key information about the Scheme which can be
                                                       downloaded from their website at nhfic.gov.au/

                                                       Additional state-based Grants
                                                       Many States have their own grant schemes.
                                                       Please check with your State to understand their
                                                       grant schemes.

                                                                          A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS        21
How keeping
First Home
Buyers happy
benefits you

Dylan Salotti of Divitis Finance has
targeted his broking business at
Generation Y. As a result, Dylan is an
experienced professional in dealing with
first home buyers, with the segment
making up two thirds of his client base.
He shares his insights into why keeping
FHBs happy benefits the broker in the

                                           A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS   22

                           With Dylan
                           Salotti of
                           Divitis Finance               In fact, Dylan said the higher emotionality of the
                                                         FHB means that at the end of the process you often
                                                         have a client that is more emotionally invested in the
                                                         broker/client relationship and a loyal customer who
                                                         will be more than happy to continue coming back to
                                                         you for future purchases and refer you to others.

                                                         “That’s probably the biggest upside. You’ll notice
                                                         that first home buyers are often still in that stage of
First home buyers have been Dylan Salotti’s
                                                         their lives where they are very social, so you’ll find
bread and butter for the past five years.
                                                         that most of your referrals will come on a Saturday
It is a demographic that he identified early
                                                         night or on a Monday morning because they’ve just
on as a strength for his business, and it’s a
                                                         been out having a beer with a friend.”
clientele that he is particularly passionate
about helping. Even so, Dylan says FHBs                  In addition, Dylan explains it’s not uncommon for
aren’t for everyone.                                     first home buyers to be at the beginning of a series
                                                         of large purchases they will make throughout their
“They can be emotional, inexperienced and
                                                         lives. This presents a number of opportunities to the
frustrating to deal with. But once you realise that,
                                                         broker who can make a strong connection at this
you just have to learn to work with them. Explain
                                                         point in their client’s life.
to them the processes and the journey with the
assumption that they know absolutely nothing,
and you’re on your way to providing a great service
and helping them achieve their goals.

According to Dylan, for a large proportion of brokers,
first home buyers are hard work, they are emotional
and require more time and resources. “But to me,
I see this as an opportunity to help people who are
truly in need of assistance, which is fulfilling, and
also has other benefits as well.

Buying a home can be a real rollercoaster in terms of emotions
for first home buyers, but, if you are able to help them out,
help manage the stress and complication of the process and
assist them achieve their goals of home ownership, you can
have a client for life.

”                                                                           A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS           23

As well as purchasing property, Generation Y has         “You also want to pay attention to the trends and
become a renowned entrepreneurial generation,            statistics, which say that many people buying a new
starting more small businesses earlier in their adult    home will upgrade their car within a few months.
lives than any previous generation.                      So, if you’ve done a really good job on their home
                                                         loan, you’ve got a really good chance of getting the
While many Gen X-ers considered university the
                                                         car finance too.
ticket to a solid career path and climbing the
corporate ladder, millennials are interested in doing    “And you go on from there. Look at how old their
their own thing and consider entrepreneurship as a       children are, will they need a car soon? What about
highly respected and admired career path of its own.     their colleagues? Are they blue collar workers who
                                                         might be in the market for a ute upgrade?

As a result, one in five Australian SME business
owners is a millennial. This of course means that in
addition to purchasing the home, Gen Ys are often
in the market for a car or equipment to support their
small business.                                          It’s all about knowing your
Award-winning MFAA finance broker Mhairi                 client and anticipating what
MacLeod of Astute Ability Group recently spoke
to the MFAA about opportunities for diversification,
                                                         their needs might be and
which she said is all about getting to know your         providing that service for your
                                                         client. Anyone can do it.

client base.

“Mortgage brokers have got access to their clients
whole fact find. They know how they spend their
money, what their hobbies are, what’s their current
debt, whether they are self-employed or PAYG.

                                                        1 in 5
                                                  Australian SME
                                                 business owners
                                                   is a millennial

                                                                           A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS        24
The importance
of feedback
The role of a broker is heavily influenced          You have not only made a lasting impression for
by their relationship with their existing and       a first home buyer, but you have also opened
prospective clients. When your job is strongly      yourself up to the opportunity of gaining more leads
based on relationships it is also tied to trust     down the track. These satisfied clients are likely
and your ability to foster and grow this trust.     to celebrate their first home, make their purchase
Getting feedback from your clients is a great       known amongst family and friends and are excited
way to show examples of your work and what          to show this through reviews, social media,
it means to be your client. This is important       conversations and more.
for lead generation as prospective clients
can feel that you understand their needs            Word of mouth marketing is
and are able to assist them in a similar way.
                                                    the most effective marketing

Everyone remembers their
first home
Getting feedback from first home buyers is          According to Nielsen, 92% of
important as these clients are new to the home
loan market and often don’t know where to start.
                                                    people around the world said
They need someone who can guide them through        they trust the recommendations
the process. A broker who can fill that role will
                                                    of family and friends above all
forever be a part of that client’s memorable
                                                    other forms of advertising.


                                                    Therefore, it is beneficial to ensure you have given
                                                    your clients the resources to mention you and your
                                                    services whether it be through verbal conversation,
                                                    online forums or social media. Those who spread
                                                    the word of your services are likely to have a circle
                                                    of friends, family and colleagues who may be
                                                    starting their first home journey and hearing of a
                                                    successful purchase from someone they are close
                                                    to may be all you need to have them enquire
                                                    about you and your services.

                                                                       A GUIDE TO FIRST HOME BUYERS         25
The importance
of feedback
With the changing technologies and the                  Getting feedback can grow your base of
demographics of first home buyers now                   prospective leads. It is always a benefit for any
encompassing a broader range, the methods of            business to get positive feedback for their services.
building your client relationships has broadened        However, it is now equally as important to ensure
also. Ensuring that you are available to your clients   that you are available in the right places to get
through all avenues is essential to avoid a lead        recognition for this feedback and to offer your
turning cold. Make sure that you have a digital         services to prospective leads.
presence by setting up a website, having active
                                                        Even if your clients are talking on digital platforms
social media pages such as a Facebook and
                                                        about what a fantastic experience they had
LinkedIn, and that you are connecting with your
                                                        purchasing their first home, if you aren’t on any of
clients on these platforms.

                                                        these, fewer people are able to see you, recognise
                                                        you for providing these services and it ultimately
                                                        becomes harder for the prospective lead to find you
                                                        and enquire about how you can help them. Make
If a tree falls in a forest and                         sure you are visible to your target market, so that
                                                        when a happy client gives praise, you are able
no one is around to hear it,                            to seen and found.
does it make a sound?

When you first meet your clients and introduce
not only your name, business and profession, also
introduce them to your social media pages. When

you have successfully helped them buy their first
home get them to mention their experience on your
social platforms. Don’t be afraid to get a picture
with your client. Seek their permission to be tagged
in your post and ask if they would like to make
a comment on their experience with you.

                         home loans|


MFAA Contacts
                                                        Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia
                                                        Suite 902, Level 9
                                                        130 Pitt Street
                                                        Sydney, NSW 2000​

                                                        NSW / ACT
                                                        Zarko Jokic
                                                        P: 0472 868 094
                                                        E: zarko.jokic@mfaa.com.au

                                                        VIC / TAS
                                                        Kylie Louden
                                                        P: 0472 879 597
                                                        E: kylie.louden@mfaa.com.au

                                                        Leah Hudson
                                                        P: 0420 365 173
                                                        E: leah.hudson@mfaa.com.au

                                                        SA / NT
                                                        Wendy Robertson
                                                        P: 0472 866 878
                                                        E: wendy.robertson@mfaa.com.au

                                                        Natalie Price
                                                        P: 0472 866 872
                                                        E: natalie.price@mfaa.com.au

This Guide contains general information and provides
a summary only. The information contained in this
Guide does not constitute financial, legal and/or tax
advice, and is current as at 27th of August 2020.
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