A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

Page created by Felix Woods
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

                           A level and BTEC
                            Centre Grades
                            Summer 2021

    A Guide for Students and Parents
           June 2021 Version

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

  Dear Pupil, Parent, Guardian,

  As you are aware the Summer Exam Season of 2021 has been
  cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  This booklet is designed to explain the process that the
  government and the Department for Education has set out for
  schools to follow, along with the Blue Coat approach.

  The booklet also details the evidence we are collecting in each
  subject area to support the grading process and the process and
  timeline we will go through, it will be updated as we go along so it
  moves from a plan to a real timeline of events.

  We include how we are managing Access Arrangements for in class
  assessments, and our own internal Quality Assurance processes,
  Appeals and the Autumn 2021 Exams Season.

  Yours sincerely
  Mrs L Henden
  Senior Deputy Headteacher


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...
Government Guidance
  These are the links to the main government announcements

  Government Guidance for awarding qualifications in summer 2021


  CONSULTATION DECISIONS - Decisions on how GCSE, AS and A level grades
  will be determined in summer 2021


  How to make objective judgements



Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...
           Government Guidance

  Teachers can use a range of evidence to make a judgement of the grade
  they are performing at. Students should only be assessed on what they
  have been taught, ensuring sufficient coverage of the curriculum to enable
  progression. When determining the grade, teachers should reflect the
  standard at which the student is performing now, not their potential.
  Teachers should use the time remaining to balance continued teaching with
  any assessments they want to undertake.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

                  Blue Coat Provisional
                   Planned Approach
  For the initial lessons the priority is being back in school; learning, distilling
  and becoming confident and happy to be back in school.

  We do not envisage the use of formal, hall based, exams except for year 11
  English Language resits or catching up on missed mocks where appropriate.

  Once pupils are settled back at school, students will have a combination of
  taught content and classroom based assessments.

  These assessments will HELP inform decisions about pupils final grades.

  Assessments will only be based on taught content, and will be recapped
  prior to the assessment, and the pupils will know when the assessment will

  Pupils with access arrangement will have access to these.

  Where appropriate pupils will be told scores, but not grades as each
  assessment alone will not be graded.

  We have to submit grades to the exam boards by 18th June.

  Each subject will use different, relevant, evidence detailed in this booklet
  It is not a “teacher grade” it is a “Blue Coat centre grade”

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...
                  Blue Coat Provisional
Early March         Planned Process
Video created and shared with staff regarding expectations
Video created for pupils and parents outlining initial plans
Lisa Henden to meet each Head of Department for initial launch meetings
Document created for all stakeholders to understand the process, and evidence
used. A working document to be published to pupils and parents.
SEND Access Arrangements for in class testing implemented with rigour
End of March
Assessments begin in-class (not in exam halls) and NEAs continue until Easter
Moderation of assessments to be completed and NEAs
Further Guidance expected from the DfE, Ofqual, JCQ and Exam boards
All data logged on SIMs trackers
End of May
Assessments cease, final moderation occurs
Early June
Lisa Henden will meet each Head of Department to look at the cohort evidence
and grade the full cohort without bias, and reflection on 2017, 2018 and 2019
grade distributions for each subject
Grades will be shared with teaching staff for input and any changes annotated
with explanation of evidence base
Full cohort data analysis in 4matrix to ensure fairness and no cohort
Data scrutinised and challenged by the Exams and Data Team
All Evidence securely stored in the Exams office with HOD sign off
Final Data set signed off by two teachers in the department including
The head of department
Victoria Shelley Sign off (Information for heads of centre, heads of
department and teachers on the submission of teacher assessed
grades: summer 2021)
June 18th submit to the exam boards
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...
             Access Arrangements
  All November Mock examinations were taken with full Access Arrangements
  in place.

  All in class assessments used as evidence for the Summer 2021 grades will
  be conducted within class, or pupils will be removed for scribing.

  All assessment durations are considered to fit into a lesson, including Extra
  Time allowances and rest breaks.

  All AA requests of reading pens, Exam laptops, Bilingual dictionaries and
  scribes are placed by staff prior to the assessment and facilitated by the
  Exams and SEND teams.

  All assessments will have a cover sheet, with the Access Arrangements
  recorded, including usage and issues, and then signed by teaching staff and

  All pupils with access arrangements will have a completed formal summary
  JCQ form per course, stating if all AAs were put into place and documented
  if not. If in a very rare cases they have not been applied, then the form will
  form a basis for conversation when grades are awarded.


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

                            Blue Coat Initial
  There was a video issued via email to parents on Friday 12th March on Blue
  Coat’s provisional Approach – this can be found here

  It was also showed to pupils on the following days and emailed to them
  on Friday 12th March
  Year 11 – All year 11 tutors played the video at tutor time Friday 12th March
  Year 13 – All teachers of year 13 played the video Friday 12th March Period
  Year 10 –English team played it to year 10 in one of the lessons on Friday
  12th March, or the following week.


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

              Blue Coat Actual
          Approach Building Weekly
  Week beginning Monday 1st March
  • Staff video issued explaining the government guidance and the proposed
      Blue Coat process.
  Week Beginning Monday 8th March
  Mrs Henden met with every Head of Department individually to discuss
  • Structure of the Course and normal examinations
  • Adaptations already made to the Specification by the exam boards for
      COVID-19 that were due to be in place before exams were cancelled
  • Teaching content taught and still to be taught
  • Evidence already collected in their areas
  • Evidence required that suits the learners needs
  • Consistency across the cohort
  At each meeting was another member of SLT, and where applicable a
  further TLR holder in the department to strengthen the rigour and
  consistency across the departments.
  Week beginning Monday 15th March
  Access Arrangement plans begin to be booked, and proforma for sign off of
  arrangements for each assessments brought in.
  Brown Jacobson Webinar attended regarding legal aspects of the process to
  ensure these are implemented
  DfE Webinar attended to get up to date information and confirm the rigour
  of our process
  BTEC QTAG Announcement, and departmental responses with Mrs Henden,
  Mr Malhi (BTEC QN) are discussed and provisional plans in place

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
A level and BTEC Centre Grades Summer 2021 - A Guide for Students and Parents June 2021 Version - Blue Coat ...

              Blue Coat Actual
          Approach Building Weekly
  Week beginning Monday 22ndMarch
  • Further Government guidance issued
  Information for centres about making objective decisions – found on page 3
  Submission of teacher assessed grades – Summer 2021-info for teachers
  Consultation on Autumn Assessment opportunities for VTQs
  Regulatory arrangements for the awarding of vocational and technical and
  other general qualifications 2021-2021
  • Attendance at the Pearson Summer grading seminar
  • JCQ Guidance issued Friday 26th March download, shared and read.

  Week beginning Monday 29th March
  • Staff issued Blue Coat version of JCQ documents such as HODs Checklist
    and Assessment Record template for completion.

                                            Easter Two Weeks

  Week Beginning Monday 19th April
  • Live training to all staff remotely on the logistics of the process; Quality
    Assurance; the impact and awareness needed of unconscious Bias; Types
    of malpractice and the required JCQ paperwork.
  • Access Arrangements for in class assessments are centrally logged via a
    Microsoft form so all equipment and provision is delivered to the
    classrooms on time.
  • Centre Policy is completed and issued to SLT for input and

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

               Blue Coat Actual
           Approach Building Weekly
  Week Beginning Monday 26th April
  • Further staff training live via teams to all staff regarding the Ofqual Blog
    released the week prior. Covered how the exam board will sample
    judgements; Internal Quality Assurance Process.
  • Decision made for all pupils to have a folder for every qualification with
    all evidence inside with a data sticker on the front and JCQ AA form on
    the rear. Consistent for every subject.

  •    Assessments and marking well underway and data being logged in SIMs.
  •    Centre Policy issued to all staff and stakeholders, submitted to the board
       and placed on the school website.
  •    Tuesday 27th – Browne Jacobson training on Appeals
  •    Wednesday 28th – training with the head of Regulations on Appeals
  •    Friday 30th – ASCL training on Appeals
  •    LHE and Maria Beaton attended these sessions.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

              Blue Coat Actual
          Approach Building Weekly
    Week Beginning Monday 3rd May
    • Assessments and marking continues.
    • Moderation taking place on Monday evening.
    • Tuesday 4th May – Grading process reviewed by the LGB
    • Thursday 6th May – Grading process reviewed by the Curriculum and
      Standards team

    Week Beginning Monday 10th May
    • Assessments and marking continues.
    • Moderation taking place on Monday evening.
    • Wednesday 12th May – All governors and directors training on grading

    Week Beginning Monday 17th May
    • Assessments and marking continues.
    • Moderation taking place on Monday evening.

    Week Beginning Monday 23rd May
    • Where subject data is all entered into SIMs and moderated, the grading
      meetings begin.
    • Each meeting has present Lisa Henden (Senior Deputy Headteacher) the
      Head of Department, another departmental colleague and a member of
      the leadership team taking minutes.
    • Lois Whitehouse CEO meets with Lisa Henden to review the process and
      a sample of a subject.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

              Blue Coat Actual
          Approach Building Weekly
    Half Term Week
    • Further Grading meetings occurred in maths, RE and physics with the
       same staff present as listed above.

    Week Beginning Monday 7th June
    • Final Grading meetings occurred. 64 Qualifications completed.
    • Data begins being uploaded to the Exam boards
    • Data is uploaded into 4 Matrix on embargo to review the cohort level
    • Results become available to teaching staff, in Lisa Henden’s office to sign
      and date they have reviewed and challenged any grades awarded.

    Week Beginning Monday 14th June
    • All results available for teaching staff to come and check their results
      and complete the grade challenge forms.
    • Staff challenges documented and evidence checked
    • Full mock sample check of 6 GCSE subjects and 3 A levels, with 5 pupils
      pulled form each cohort using a random number generator. Marked on
      the file they were sampled.
    • SLT Curriculum team review the outcomes in 4 matrix
    • VSH and LHE review the 4 matrix data together
    • Assessment and Grading Summer 2021 (this document) updated with
      final evidence basis.
    • Results uploaded into Exam boards and submitted, with sign of by
      Victoria Shelley, Headteacher.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
                             Subject listing
                     Mathematics                             Page 15
                     Further Mathematics                     Page 16
                     English Language and Literature         Page 17
                     English Literature                      Page 18
                     Biology                                 Page 19
                     Chemistry                               Page 20
                     Physics                                 Page 21
                     BTEC Applied Science Ext Cert           Page 22
                     Philosophy and Ethics                   Page 23
                     History                                 Page 24
                     Politics                                Page 25
                     Geography                               Page 26
                     French                                  Page 27
                     German                                  Page 28
                     Computer Science                        Page 29
                     Business                                Page 30
                     Economics                               Page 31
                     Sociology                               Page 32
                     BTEC Sport Ext Cert / Diploma           Page 33/34
                     Art                                     Page 35
                     Photography                             Page 36
                     Graphics                                Page 37
                     Textiles                                Page 38
                     Product Design                          Page 39
                     Music                                   Page 40
                     Music Technology                        Page 41
                     Drama                                   Page 42
                     Media                                   Page 43      14
                     Psychology                              Page 44
                     Health and Social Care Ext Cert / Dip   Page 45/46
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Mathematics

  QAN                           603/1333/X

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        100% examination
        Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (33.33%)
        Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 (33.33%)
        Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics (33.33%)

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 1: AS Pure Mathematics 1
        Paper 2: AS Statistics and Mechanics

        Paper 1: A2 Pure Mathematics 1
        Paper 2: A2 Statistics and Mechanics

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Differentiation assessment (24 Marks)
        Integration assessment (16 Marks)
        Adapted A2 Pure Mathematics Paper (approx. 52 Marks)
        Adapted A2 Mechanics Paper (approx. 41 marks)
        Adapted A2 Statistics Paper (approx. 38 marks)

        Final overall Judgement?
        All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade
        considering the weighting of the components in line with the                  15
        specification above.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Further Mathematics

  QAN                           603/1499/0

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        100% examination
        Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics 1 (25%)
        Paper 2: Core Pure Mathematics 2 (25%)
        Paper 3: Decision Mathematics 1 (25%)
        Paper 4: Statistics 1/ Mechanics 1 (25%)

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        AS Decision Mathematics paper

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Complex Numbers assessment (32 Marks)
        Vectors assessment (19 Marks)

        Final overall Judgement?
        Combination of the November Mock papers and the proposed                              16
        assessments. 13D group November mock AS Decision paper
        was not used.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in English Language and Literature

  QAN                           601/4912/7

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        100% examination.
        Paper 1 Voices in Speech and Writing 40%
        Paper 2 Varieties in Language and Literature 40%
        NEA: Investigating and Creating Texts 20%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        Mock completed on Paper 1 and Paper 2 Section A.
        Autumn UCAS assessments.

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Paper 1 (40%) Section A: comparison of studied text from set
        anthology with an unseen extract (A01 – use of terminology and
        written expression A02 – analysis A03 - context A04 - connections)
        Paper 2 (40%) Section B: comparison of studied prose and poetry
        texts (A01, A02, A03 and A04)

        Final overall Judgement?
        All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade
        considering the weighting of the components in line with the


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in English Literature

  QAN                           601/5046/4

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        100% examination.
        Paper 1: Drama 30%
        Paper 2: Prose 20%
        Paper 3: Poetry 30%
        NEA: 20%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        Mock exam elements completed on each paper.
        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Three proposed assessments
        Paper 1 (30%):
        Question on Othello (A05 – interpretation)
        Paper 3 (30%):
        1. Question metaphysical poetry (A03 – context)
        2. Comparison of a studied contemporary poem with an unseen
            poem (A04 – comparison)
        (A01 – understanding and A02 – analysis covered in all questions.)

        Final overall judgement?
        All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade
        considering the weighting of the components in line with the

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Biology

  QAN                           601/4625/4

  How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
  Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
  100% Examination
  Paper 1: Any content from topics 1– 4 (Bio mols, Cells, exchange, genetic
  information and variation) , including relevant practical skills – 35%
  Paper 2: Any content from topics 5-8 (Energy transfers, Responses to the
  environment, Genetics, evolution and ecosystems, Control of gene
  expression) – 35%
  Paper 3: Any content from topics 1-8, including relevant practical skills –
  Practical endorsement requires the completion of 12 Required Practical's.

  What firm evidence do we already have?
  Year 13 Mocks (paper 1 and paper 2)
  Year 13 Early entry and/or UCAS mocks.
  Year 13 End of Topic Mini Tests (Nutrient cycles, Evolution, Nerves,
  Muscle, Homeostasis.
  Year 12 End of Topic Mini Tests (Bio mols, Cell structure, DNA, Immune
  What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
  Paper 1: Biological molecules and Cells – 20 marks
  Paper 2: Organisms and substance exchange – 20 marks
  Paper 3: Energy Transfers – 20 marks
  Paper 4: Organisms: responses to environment – 20 marks
  Paper 5: Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems – 20 marks
  Final overall Judgement?
  All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering
  the weighting of the components in line with the specification
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Chemistry

  QAN                           601/5731/8
  How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification for
  COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
  100% Examination and a Practical Endorsement
  Paper 1: Atomic structure, Amount of substance, Bonding , Energetics, Chemical
  equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc, Oxidation, reduction and redox equations,
  Thermodynamics, Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems, Electrode
  potentials and electrochemical cells, Acids and bases, Periodicity, Group 2, the alkaline
  earth metals, Group 7(17), the halogens, Properties of Period 3 elements and their
  oxides, Transition metals, Reactions of ions in aqueous solution
  Paper 2: Amount of substance, Bonding, Energetics, Kinetics, Chemical equilibria, Le
  Chatelier’s principle and Kc, Rate equations, Introduction to organic chemistry, Alkanes,
  Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols, Organic analysis page 53 Optical isomerism,
  Aldehydes and ketones, Carboxylic acids and derivatives, Aromatic chemistry, Amines,
  Polymers, Amino acids, proteins and DNA, Organic synthesis, Nuclear magnetic
  resonance spectroscopy, Chromatography.
  Paper 3: Any content, Any practical skills
  What firm evidence do we already have?
  November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
  Paper 1: June 2019 (Entropy and Transition metals not assessed as they had not been
  covered when the mock was taken)
  Paper 2: June 2019 ((Amines and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy not
  assessed as they had not been covered when the mock was taken)
  UCAS mock exams completed in exam conditions.
  End of topic test scores from AS and A-level.
  What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
  Assessments based on the following A-level topics:
  Reactions of ions in aqueous solution (20 marks)
  Aldehydes and Ketones (20 marks)
  Carbonyl compounds and derivatives (20 marks)
  Acids and bases (20 marks), Thermodynamics (20 marks)
  Final overall Judgement?                                                             20
  All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the
  weighting of the components in line with the specification above.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Physics

  QAN                           601/4747/7

 How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification for
 COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
 100% Examination
 Paper 1: Measurements and their errors, Particles and radiation, Waves, Mechanics &
 materials, Electricity, Periodic Motion 34%
 Paper 2: Further mechanics & thermal physics, Fields & their consequences, assumed
 knowledge of Paper 1 34%
 Paper 3: Practical Skills and Data Analysis, Option: Astrophysics 32%
 Practical endorsement requires the completion of 12 Required Practical's

 What firm evidence do we already have?
 Year 13 UCAS mocks and informal mocks
 Year 13 End of Topic Mini Tests (Capacitors, Gravitational Fields, Magnetic Fields, EM
 Year 13 Lockdown MS Forms Assessments (Radioactivity, Nuclear Physics)
 Year 12 Autumn / Christmas Tests
 Year 12 End of Topic Mini Tests (Waves, Interference, Refraction, Materials, Circuits,
 Resistivity, EMF, Vectors, Moments, Mechanics)

 What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
 All equations provided and a revision list of topics.
 Paper 2 - Thermal Physics - 20 Marks
 Paper 2 - Capacitors, Electric Fields, Gravitational Fields, Magnetic Fields, EM Induction,
 Simple Harmonic Motion - 40 Marks
 Paper 3 - Practical Skills and Data Analysis - 19 Marks
 Paper 3 - Astrophysics - 22 Marks

 Final overall Judgement?
 All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the
 weighting of the components in line with the specification above.                     21

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Ext Certificate in Applied Science

  QAN                           601/7436/5

 How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification for
 COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
 Equivalent in size to one A Level.
 4 units of which 3 are mandatory and 2 are external.
 Mandatory content (83%).
 External assessment (58%)

 Unit 1- Principles and Applications of Science I Mandatory External assessment
 Unit 2- Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques Mandatory Internal assessment
 Unit 3- Science Investigation Skills Mandatory External assessment
 Unit 8- Physiology of Human Body Systems Optional Internal assessment

 What firm evidence do we already have?
 Unit 2 – Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques assignments (ongoing)

 The revised specification for COVID-19:
 Able to drop one internal unit – providing 3/4 are completed.
 Drop Unit 8 – Physiology of Human body Systems.

 What firm evidence do we already have?
 • We currently have 2/4 units completed

 What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
 • Assessments of Unit 1 and 3
       • 3 40 minute assessments (Unit 1)
       • Witness statements of practical evidence (Unit 3)
       • 40 minute assessment of statistical analysis and practical planning (Unit 3)
 • Teaching and learning of Unit 2 internal assessment

 Final overall Judgement?
 Collation of 3/4 units
 BTEC guidance regarding calculation

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    WJEC Eduqas Level 3 Advanced GCE in Religious Studies

  QAN                           601/8700/1

  How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification for COVID-
  19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
  100% Examination
  - Paper 1: Component 1: A Study of Religion. Option A Christianity
  Written examination – 2 hours – 33.3% of qualification - two AO1 and two AO2 questions
  answered – 100 marks
  - Paper 2: Component 2: Philosophy of Religion
  Written examination – 2 hours - 33.3% of qualification - two AO1 and two AO2 questions
  answered – 100 marks
  - Paper 3: Component 3: Religion and Ethics
  Written examination – 2 hours - 33.3% of qualification - two AO1 and two AO2 questions
  answered – 100 marks
  What firm evidence do we already have?
  - Formal in-class October Assessments
  - November Mock for each of the three components, completed in the hall in exam
  What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
  Formal Written Assessments: assessing student’s learning and the two main skills of the A
  Level course (knowledge and evaluation). Students given a choice of questions from:
  `1. Component 1: Christianity Formal written assessment – out of 50 marks
         Theme 1A, Theme 2A, Theme 2C, Theme 4B, Theme 4C
   2. Component 2: Philosophy Formal written assessment – out of 50 marks
         Theme 1BC, Theme 1DEF, Theme 2BC, Theme 2DE, Theme 4
   3. Component 3: Ethics Formal written assessment – out of 50 marks
         Theme 1C, Theme 2B, Theme 3C, Theme 3 II C, Theme 4A
  - Students to complete one AO1 and one AO2 question for each component.

  Final overall Judgement?
  A combination of October assessments, November Mocks, and April formal
  assessments.                                                                          23

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in History

  60149735                      601/4973/5

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        There are 2 written examinations at the end of Year 13.
        Paper 1: Breadth Study USA 1965-1975 40%
        Paper 2: Wars of the Roses 40%
        NEA 20%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock papers 1 & 2 completed in the hall in exam

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        NEA to be submitted by the end of March.
        Paper 1 assessments: essay question on USA 1945-1975 (25
        marks); essay question on 1865-1920 (25 marks); essay question on
        1920-1941 (25 marks)
        Paper 2 assessments: essay question (25 marks), source analysis
        question (30 marks)

        Final overall Judgement?
        Combination of Nov Mock, March – June Assessments and the NEA.
        The above evidence has been used to give an holistic judgement in
        line with the specification.


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Politics

  60149735                      603/1403/5

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        There are 3 written examinations at the end of Year 13.
        Paper 1: Politics of the UK 33.3%
        Paper 2: Politics of the USA 33.3%
        Paper 3: Political Ideas 33.3%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        End of topic assessments from October, covering both Paper 1 and
        2 content.
        November Mock papers 1 and 3 were completed in the hall in exam
        conditions. Paper 3 covered only Liberalism.

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Three Planned assessments on content from all papers:
        Paper 1 UK: Short essay question (9 marks) and long essay question
        (25 marks)
        Paper 2 USA: Short essay question (9 marks), extract question (25
        marks) and long essay question (25 marks)
        Paper 3 Extract question on Socialism (25 marks)

        Final overall Judgement?
        Combination of Nov Mock, March – June Assessments. The above
        evidence has been used to give an holistic judgement in line with
        the specification.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Geography

  QAN                           601/8940/X

   How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
   Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
   100% Examination
   Paper 1: Physical Geography 40%
   Paper 2: Human Geography 40%
   Paper 3: Individual Investigation – NEA 20%
   No changes due to covid-19

   What firm evidence do we already have?
   November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
   Paper covered two physical topics (P1) and one human topic (P2) : Water
   and the Carbon cycle Hazards; Global Governance.
   NEA – Individual Investigation completed

   What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
   NEA Individual Investigation;
   3 assessments on topics taught but not assessed yet: whole questions on
   Urban Environments P2 (WB 26 Apr)
   Coasts P1 (WB 3 May)
   Changing Places (WB 10 May)
   Plus 45 mins of small tests(WB 17 May), which be will broken down into 3
   smaller tests on
   Water and Carbon cycle
   Global Governance and Hazards

   Final overall Judgement?
   The above evidence has been used to give an holistic judgement       26
   When weighted in line with the specification for physical, human
   and NEA content.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in French

  QAN                           601/8727/X

  How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
  Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
  100% Examination
  • Paper 1: Listening, reading, writing 50% (100 marks)
  • Paper 2: Writing 20% (80 marks)
  • Paper 3: Speaking 30% (60 marks)
  Plus a spoken endorsement. The specification was adjusted for COVID-19
  such that the endorsement was not included in the grade, but had to be
  assessed and reported.
  What firm evidence do we already have?
  November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
  • Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing /76521JUN18 (100 marks)
  What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
  • Paper 1 : Specimen 1 YrX (100 marks)
  • Paper 1 : Specimen 2 YrX (100 marks)
  • Paper 2 : writing (80 marks)
  • Paper 3: Presentation research (35 marks) only 58% of the speaking
     component completed

  Final overall Judgement?
  Spoken endorsement TBA
  • Total marks 180 marks (paper 1 & paper 2)
  • Calculation of the average of the 3 paper 1 completed in school
  • Grade TBA by school, board & guidance of AQA.

  All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering
  the weighting of the components in line with the specification above.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in German

  QAN                           601/8729/3

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
      Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      100% Examination
      • Paper 1: Listening, reading, writing 50% (100 marks)
      • Paper 2: Writing 20% (80 marks)
      • Paper 3: Speaking 30% (60 marks)

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      • November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
          Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing /76521JUN18 (160 marks)
          Paper 2: essays modified to match the topics that had been taught at
          the time.

      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      •    Parts of the 2020 Reading and Writing exam (52 marks)
      •    Listening and Writing assessment (elements from previous exams that match the
           topics that have been taught) (30 marks)
      •    Paper 2 : writing (40 marks)
      •    Speaking component assessment

      Final overall Judgement?
      All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the weighting of
      the components in line with the specification above.


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    OCR Level 3 Advanced GCE in Computer Science

  QAN                           601/4911/5

  How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
  Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
  80% Examination 20% NEA Programming Project
  Component 1: Computer systems – 140 marks 40% of total A Level
  Component 2: Algorithms and programming – 140 marks40% of total A level
  NEA programming project – 70 marks 20% of total A Level

  What firm evidence do we already have?
  November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
  Component 1: Computer systems – 70 marks - compiled via OCR exam builder
  Component 2: Algorithms and programming – 70 marks compiled via OCR exam builder

  What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
  Component 1: Computer systems –- Systems software and algorithms - compiled via
  OCR exam builder
  Component 2: Algorithms – Standard algorithms and algorithms for the main data
  structures. compiled via OCR exam builder
  After Easter – either Exam Boarded released materials or use of Exam Builder TBD
  Component 1: Types of programming languages (1.2.4 a,b,c)
  Component 2: Programming techniques (2.2.1)
  Component 1: Types of programming languages (1.2.4 d,e)
  Component 2: Computational methods (2.2.2)

  NEA Programming project - Deadline 8th March 2021

  Final overall Judgement?
  Combination of Component 1 and 2, NEA Programming Project and Mock and March-
  June assessments. All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade
  considering the weighting of the components in line with the specification  29

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Business

  QAN                           601/4673/4

   How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
   Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
   100% Examination
   Paper 1: Marketing, people and global businesses - 2 hour written exam ( 35%) –
   Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy - 2 hour written paper June (35%)
   Paper 3: Investigating business in a competitive environment - 2 hour written paper
   ( 30%)

   What firm evidence do we already have?
   November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
   Paper 1: Marketing, people and global businesses - 2 hour (100 Marks)
   Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy - 2 hour (100 Marks)
   Paper 1: UCAS Assessment - Marketing, people and global businesses assessment

   What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
   Paper 1: Marketing, people and global businesses - Based on long and short mark
   questions: Assessing calculation skills, and topics such as the market, marketing Strategies,
   global marketing strategies and forms of business.

   After Easter Holidays:
   Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy - Based on short and long mark
   questions. Topics include, legal structures, critical path analysis, rapid growth, mergers and
   takeovers, Ansoff Matrix, market share and global business.
   Paper 3: Pre-release assessment presentation on Investigating business in a competitive
   environment. The presentation will be carried out by students based on an exam question
   which will focus on research undertaken on the UK fast food/takeaway and restaurant
   Topic list provided to students beforehand.

   Final overall Judgement?                                                                   30
   Combination of November Mock and March-June assessments. All the above
   evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the weighting of
   the components in line with the specification above.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    OCR Level 3 Advanced GCE in Economics

  QAN                           601/4799/4

   How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
   Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)

   Paper 1 : Microeconomics (01) 80 marks 2 hour written paper (33.33%)
   Paper 2 : Macroeconomics (02) 80 marks 2 hour written paper (33.33%)
   Paper 3 : Themes in economics (03) 80 marks 2 hour written paper (33.33%)

   What firm evidence do we already have?
   November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
   Paper 1 : Microeconomics (01) 80 marks 2 hour written paper
   Paper 2 : Macroeconomics (02) 80 marks 2 hour written paper
   UCAS Assessment - combined Paper 1 (Microeconomics) and paper 2
   What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
   Paper 1 : Microeconomics (1 hour) – Includes short and long mark essays and topics
   focussed on Introduction to microeconomics and role of markets.

   After Easter Holidays
   Paper 2 : Macroeconomics ( 1 hour) – Includes short and long mark essays focussing
   on globalisation, Economic Growth, Income distribution and welfare, exchange rates,
   circular flow of income, multiple effect and Keynesian theory of the multiplier effects,
   financial regulation and financial sector, role of central banks.
   Paper 3 : Themes in Economics ( 1 hour) – Focus on combination of Macroeconomics
   and Microeconomic topics for multiple choice questions. Short mark and long mark
   questions focus on Economic growth, Data response question on government
   borrowing and debt, and public sector.
   Topic list provided to students beforehand.
   Final overall Judgement?
   Combination of November Mock and March-June assessments. All the above
   evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the weighting of the       31
   components in line with the specification above.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Sociology

  QAN                           601/3994/8

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        There are 3 written examinations at the end of Year 13.
        Paper 1: Education with Methods in Context 33% (A01 15%, A02
        11%, A03 8%)
        Paper 2: Topics in Sociology (Families & Households & Beliefs) 33%
        (A01 13%, A02 11%, A03 9% )
        Paper 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Research Methods
        33% (A01 16% , A02 9%, A03 8% )

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        Informal mock assessments from October on both Paper 1 and
        Paper 2 content.
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 3: Crime and Deviance (no Research Methods)
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 2: Beliefs (no Families & Households)

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Paper 2 planned assessments: essays on Beliefs (20+10 marks)
        Paper 3 planned assessments: essay on Crime and Deviance (30
        Paper 1 planned assessments: essays on Education(30 marks)

        Final overall Judgement?
        Combination of Formal Nov Mock, Informal October mock
        assessments and March – June Assessments. All the above              32
        evidence was used to form an holistic grade in line with the
        specification above.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport

  QAN                           601/7218/6

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
      Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      Exam Paper 1: 31524H Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology 90 Minutes
      Exam Paper 2: 31525H Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for
      Health, Sport and Wellbeing, Synoptic exam which includes 4 hours
      preparation time. Exam duration is 2 hours 30 minutes
      Internal assessment 1: Unit 3: Professional Development in the
      Sports Industry, 60 guided learning hours (NEA)
      Internal assessment 2: Unit 4: Sports Leadership, 60 guided learning
      hours (NEA)

      The revised specification for COVID-19:
      Able to drop one internal unit – providing 3/4 are completed.

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      We currently have 3/4 units completed, 2 external and 1 internal

      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      Teaching and learning of Unit 4 internally
      Internal assessment, unofficially of unit 4 learning outcomes A, B and
      Learning outcome C evidence to be collected through presentation
      and witness statements

      Final overall Judgement?
      All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade
      considering the weighting of the components in line with the                            33
      specification above.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Sport

  QAN                           603/0460/1

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
      Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      External assessment Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology
      External assessment Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for health, Sport
      and Well-being
      External assessment Unit 22: Investigating Business in Sport and the Active
      Leisure Industry
      Internal assessment unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry
      Internal assessment unit 4: Sports Leadership
      Internal assessment unit 5: Application of Fitness Testing
      Internal assessment unit 6: Sports Psychology
      Internal assessment unit 7: Practical Sports Performance
      Internal assessment unit 23: Skill Acquisition in Sport

      The revised specification for COVID-19:
      Able to drop two internal units – therefore completing 7/9 units.

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      We currently have 7/9 of units complete. However, students are completing a
      8th unit (Unit 4) as we have the capacity to continue teaching and assessment.

      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      Teaching and learning of Unit 4 internally
      Internal assessment, officially of unit 4 learning outcomes A, B and C
      Learning outcome C evidence to be collected through presentation and
      witness statements

      Final overall Judgement?
      All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade                        34
      considering the weighting of the components in line with the
      specification above.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    WJEC Eduqas Level 3 GCE Art and Design (Fine Art)

  QAN                           601/4891/3

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification
      for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      Component 1: Personal Portfolio – (coursework) 60%.
      Component 2: Externally Set Assignment – (examination) 40%.
      The revised specification for COVID-19 has removed Component 2.

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      Full result will be awarded based on Component 1- The Personal Portfolio.
      A total of 120 marks can be awarded (30 for each Assessment Objective)
      AO1 - Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by
      contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical
      AO2 - Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and
      processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
      AO3 - Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting
      critically on work and progress.
      AO4 - Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and,
      where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
      Marks from the end of Year 12, October 2020, November 2020 and December
      2020 marking for AO1, AO2, and AO3

      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      Last assessment of the Personal Portfolio was December 2020.
      w/b 22nd March – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed based on all work completed over
      lockdown and in the first two weeks of return to school
      w/b 19th April – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed
      w/b 12th May – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed
      w/b 22nd May - Deadline for folder, AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 will be given a final

      Final overall Judgement?                                                       35
      The final score of the AO1 to 4. Work will be assessed even if not
      complete in line with guidance.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    WJEC Eduqas Level 3 GCE Art and Design (Photography)

  QAN                           601/4891/3

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification
      for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      Component 1: Personal Portfolio – (coursework) 60%.
      Component 2: Externally Set Assignment – (examination) 40%.
      The revised specification for COVID-19 has removed Component 2.

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      Full result will be awarded based on Component 1- The Personal Portfolio.
      A total of 120 marks can be awarded (30 for each Assessment Objective)
      AO1 - Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by
      contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical
      AO2 - Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques
      and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
      AO3 - Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting
      critically on work and progress.
      AO4 - Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and,
      where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
      Marks from the end of Year 12, October 2020, November 2020 and December
      2020 marking for AO1, AO2, and AO3

      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      Last assessment of the Personal Portfolio was December 2020.
      w/b 22nd March – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed based on all work completed over
      lockdown and in the first two weeks of return to school
      w/b 19th April – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed
      w/b 12th May – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed
      w/b 22nd May - Deadline for folder, AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 will be given a final
      Final overall Judgement? (TBC June during QA process)
      The final score of the AO1 to 4. Work will be assessed even if not
      complete in line with guidance.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    WJEC Eduqas Level 3 GCE Art and Design (Photography)

  QAN                           601/4891/3

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the Specification for
      COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      Component 1: Personal Portfolio – (coursework) 60%.
      Component 2: Externally Set Assignment – (examination) 40%.
      The revised specification for COVID-19 has removed Component 2.

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      Full result will be awarded based on Component 1- The Personal Portfolio.
      A total of 120 marks can be awarded (30 for each Assessment Objective)
      AO1 - Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by
      contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical
      AO2 - Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and
      processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
      AO3 - Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting
      critically on work and progress.
      AO4 - Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and,
      where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
      Marks from the end of Year 12, October 2020, November 2020 and December
      2020 marking for AO1, AO2, and AO3

      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      Last assessment of the Personal Portfolio was December 2020.
      w/b 22nd March – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed based on all work completed over
      lockdown and in the first two weeks of return to school
      w/b 19th April – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed
      w/b 12th May – AO1, AO2, AO3 reassessed
      w/b 22nd May - Deadline for folder, AO1, AO2, AO3 and AO4 will be given a final
      Final overall Judgement? The final score of the AO1 to 4. Work has been
      assessed even if not complete in line with guidance.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    WJEC Eduqas Level 3 GCE Art and Design (Textile Design)

  QAN                           601/4891/3

      How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
      Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
      Component 1: Personal Portfolio – (coursework) 60%.
      Component 2: Externally Set Assignment – (examination) 40%.
      The revised specification for COVID-19 has removed Component 2.

      What firm evidence do we already have?
      Full result will be awarded based on Component 1- The Personal Portfolio. A
      total of 90 marks can be awarded (30 for each Assessment Objective)
      AO1 - Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed
      by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical
      AO2 - Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques
      and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops
      AO3 -Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions,
      reflecting critically on work and progress
      Contextual Study – 2000 word Essay
      What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
      Further improvements on the assessment objectives, will be assessed at the
      following times.
      w/b 22nd March – AO1, AO2, AO3, Contextual Study reassessed based on all
      work completed over lockdown and in the first three weeks of return to
      w/b 26th April – AO1, AO2, AO3, Contextual Study reassessed
      w/b 10th May – AO1, AO2, AO3, Contextual Study reassessed
      27th May - Deadline for folder, AO1, AO2, AO3, Contextual Study (AO4 will
      consist of some samples, but not a final product, this will be evidence to
      support the grading of AO1,2,3).
      Final overall Judgement?
      The final score of the AO1 to 3. Work has be assessed even if not complete in
      line with guidance.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Design and Technology: Product Design

  QAN                           603/1133/2

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        NEA: substantial design & make task 50%
        Written examinations:-
        Paper 1 Technical principles 30%
        Paper 2 Designing and making principles 20%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 1: Technical principles
        Paper 2 Designing and making principles

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        1. Non Examined Assessment (NEA)
        NEA work completed by students is to be submitted by April 27th
        This work will be marked using the AQA assessment criteria (80 marks)
        2. Examined Evidence
        Paper 1 Questions from the following sections:
        SP 3.1 to 3.4 = 36 marks
        SP 3.5 to 3.9 = 40 marks
        SP 3.10 to 3.15 = 44 marks
        Paper 2 Questions from the following sections:
        SP 2.1 to 2.3 = 42 marks
        SP 2.4 to 2.5 = 39 marks
        SP 2.6 to 2.7 = 40 marks
        SP 2.8 to 2.10= 47 marks

        Final overall Judgement? (TBC June during QA process)
        Combination of Nov mock results, seven examined content
        assessments and the NEA mark. All the above evidence was used to 39
        form an holistic grade considering the weighting of the components
        in line with the specification above.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Music

  QAN                           601/7928/4

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        Performance: Perform solo and ensemble pieces on your chosen
        instrument, voice or via technology – 30%
        Composition: Write 2 pieces of music; one piece is free, in your
        chosen style, the other is to a set brief. 30%
        Exam - Listening and Analysing: Listening exercises and written
        questions using excerpts of music. 40%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 3: Appraising Music.
        A portfolio of mini assessments carried out during lockdown.
        STAR assessed performances throughout the course.

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Solo performance evening, completed composition coursework, set
        work related listening question, melodic dictation exercise,
        unfamiliar listening essay and set work analysis essay.

        Final overall Judgement?
        30% performance, 30% composition, 40% listening and set-works
        (including melodic dictation)


Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Music Technology

  QAN                           603/0188/0

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        Component 1: Studio Recording (20%)
        Changed to a mixing and editing task.
        Component 2: Technology based composition (20%)
        Changed from a required 3 minutes to 2 minutes
        Component 3: Listening and analysing exam (25%)
        Component 4: Producing and analysing exam (35%)

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions:
        Component 3 paper (9MT0/03).
        Mini mocks: Capture (Drums and piano) / composition / selected
        component 3 questions.
        Portfolio of mini tasks completed during lockdown.

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Component 3 and 4 short form questions.
        2 essay questions - component 3.
        1 essay question – component 4.
        Final NEA submission.

        Final overall Judgement?
        Component 1 – Completed and marked using the Pearson criteria.
        Component 2 - Completed and marked using the Pearson criteria.
        Component 3 – Evidence includes: Official mock, mini mock of
        selected questions and an extra essay question. Component 4 –  41
        Evidence includes: Workbook of short answer questions and
        two essay questions.
Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Drama and Theatre

  QAN                           601/8494/2
  How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
  Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
  Written examination = 40%
  Coursework = 30% (Reflective Report and Working Notebook).
  Devised performance = 10%
  Scripted performance = 20% (AQA changed requirements for the 2020/21
  cohort – students only expected to explore one text rather than three;
  however, we have covered all three).

  What firm evidence do we already have?
  Draft coursework completed for all students
  Devised performance – some students completed before lockdown
  Scripted performance – two assessed workshop performances
  Practice questions for the written examination completed in class and
  during lockdown

  What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
  Refined/final coursework submission
  Devised performance for those unable to do this prior to lockdown
  Final scripted performance
  Timed written examination questions from past papers.

  Final overall Judgement?
  Final devised performance (20 marks) and scripted performance (40 marks)
  Final versions of coursework - Reflective Report (20 marks) & Working
  Notebook (40 marks).
  Timed exam questions (45 marks).                                        42
  All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the
  weighting of the components in line with the specification above.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    WJEC Eduqas Level 3 Advanced GCE in Media Studies

  QAN                           603/1149/6

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)

        Component One – Media Products, Industries & Audiences = 35%
        Component Two - Media Products, Industries & Audiences = 35%
        Component Three - Course work = 30%

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 1 and 2.
        In class assessments over two years, done in exam conditions.
        Coursework from component one.

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Each student will sit four planned assessments; two from
        component one (15 marks each) and two from component two (20
        marks each).
        Coursework will also be marked and moderated.

        Final overall Judgement?
        There will be a combination of the November mock results,
        data from two previous class assessments for each
        component and the final assessments as detailed above.
        Coursework will also contribute towards a final holistic                    43
        grade in line with the specificaition.

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College

  Exam board                    AQA Level 3 Advanced GCE in Psychology

  QAN                           601/4838/X

        How is the subject usually Examined? (Inc. changes made to the
        Specification for COVID-19 prior to examinations being cancelled)
        100% Examination
        Paper 1: Introductory topics in Psychology. 96 marks. 33.3% of A-Level
        Paper 2: Psychology in context. 96 marks. 33.3% of A-Level
        Paper 3: Issues and options in Psychology. 96 marks. 33.3% of A-Level

        What firm evidence do we already have?
        November Mock completed in the hall in exam conditions.
        Paper 1 & Paper 2 combined. 96 marks.

        Each learner has also completed nine mid/end point in-class assessments.
        Each of these are 24 marks. 25% of one paper.

        Two historically set end point in-class assessments (Social Influence and
        Attachment) will be used when generating the final overall judgement.

        What further evidence will be collected from March to June?
        Each learner will sit a further three in class assessments. Each of these are 24
        marks. 25% of one paper.
        Two out of three of these papers will be content from Paper 2 – Issues &
        Debates and Approaches.

        Final overall Judgement?
         Combination of November mock result, data from two existing in class
        assessments and three further in class assessment sat between March and
        All the above evidence was used to form an holistic grade considering the
        weighting of the components in line with the specification above.                  44

Blue Coat Church of England School & Music College
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