ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

Page created by Russell Mitchell
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021
Reward in 2021                            Tackling race issues                   Shift in workstyles
                                      P3                                     P7                               P12-13
 T    H   E   M   A   G   A   Z   I   N    E     F   O   R   M   E   M   B   E    R   S   O   F   A   C   C   O    R   D

 Issue 1 2021


It’s NOT part of the job                                                                                          PAGES
What’s been done to protect frontline staff from abusive customers                                                 10&11
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

Help us to grow back better
We’re still regularly talking to senior leaders in Lloyds
Banking Group on all matters relating to the pandemic.
  Despite the success of the vaccination programme,
the restrictions are lasting longer than anybody
thought. The impact on our mental health will likely be
with us for years to come.
  As will the economic consequences which are difficult
to assess. Just how the economy recovers as furlough
and other Government support is withdrawn creates
real uncertainties.
  However, Accord members have already been
impacted by a pay review for 2021 that’s now below
inflation and by the group’s decision not to pay any
Group Performance Share (bonus) award in March.
  Although the summer is still ahead of us, discussions
about the 2022 pay review are already on our minds.
We’ve been making the case to LBG that it needs to set
a profit target for 2021 that is realistically achievable in
the current environment so there is a strong chance of           So I end with an ask. If you have a colleague who is
a GPS award being paid in March 2022.                          not a member of Accord or Unite, tell them about the
  Our work on job security issues has been intensive           important work we do on their behalf and ask them to
in the first half of the year and we’ve been actively          join you in supporting Accord.
seeking a better redundancy deal for people                      We’ll give them free membership for three months and
transferred into LBG, to protect staff from compulsory         donate £10 to the Trussell Trust to support foodbanks
redundancy in the event of branch closures, to simplify        for every new member who joins us before the end of
the group’s grading structure and we’re heavily                July.
engaged on future ways of working.                               Thank you for supporting your union through these
  The past 18 months has been difficult for Accord             difficult and unprecedented times.
as an independent union. We’ve continued to lose
members who have left the group through resignation,
redundancy or retirement but we’ve not had as many
new members as we need join us due to the restrictions
in place, curtailed recruitment in the group and the
fact that many of our reps have been working from

    As Ged mentioned above, there’s         supports a network of 1,200 food
    a special offer for new members         banks. Just use the code 3FREE
    and a bonus for any member who          when signing up.
    recruits somebody new.                    So if you think we’ve done a good
      As well as receiving three months’    job, why not let a non-member
    free membership worth around            know about the benefits of joining
    £30, the union will also donate £10     us and help fight hunger in the UK.
    to the Trussell Trust, a charity that

2                     My Accord June 2021
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021
Reward in 2021
A year not for repeating
The proposals for the April 2021 Pay Review were first
published on 17 December 2020.
  Accord members were invited to take part in an
independently scrutinised ballot on them in January.
  The ballot scrutineer, Civica, reported that 31.6% of
eligible Accord members in LBG voted in the ballot.
  Of those, 71% answered ‘yes’ to the question: Do you      Said Ged: “Unsurprisingly, a significant number of
support the union signing an agreement to implement         those opposing the pay offer gave the reason for their
the proposals?                                              disappointment (to say the least) with the lack of a
  Accord signed an agreement to implement the               Group Performance Share Award (bonus) for 2020”.
proposals with effect from 1 April but, with rising          When the group announced its results for 2020, there
inflation reported since then (the Consumer Price           was a further wave of reaction from members who felt
Index at 2.1% for April reported on 16 June), virtually     that there should have been some GPS Award because,
everybody in LBG will experience a fall in the real value   despite the challenges of a global pandemic, the
of their salaries this year.                                group delivered an underlying profit of £2.2bn and a
  This builds pressure for a meaningful outcome for the     statutory profit before tax of £1.2bn.
2022 Review when talks between Accord and Unite and          However, the group did not achieve 80% of its profit
LBG start later this year.                                  target for the year and this is the ‘hurdle’ built into the
  In the ballot, around 2,500 members made comments         GPS scheme rules.
about the pay offer. Accord analysed these and shared        The union has shared members’ feedback and sought
them with LBG as an ‘appetiser’ for 2022.                   reassurance that the profit target for 2021 reflects
                                                            the realities of the pandemic and the economic
                                                            environment. The GPS Award pool is 5% of group profits
          The results for the first                         (subject to the 80% hurdle and other conduct rules).
                                                             Continues Ged: “The results for the first quarter of
          quarter of 2021 were better                       2021 were better than expected and the union looks
                                                            forward to the publication of the half year results.
          than expected.
                                                             “Accord believes it is essential that the 2020 GPS
                                                            outcome is a ‘one-off’ and LBG colleagues will enjoy an
                                          GED NICHOLS
                                                            award again in March 2022”.

                                INSIDE THIS ISSUE
                                5     The best of Betts                   12-13    Changing workstyles
                                6     Education grants                    14       Letters
                         7            LBG’s black pay gap                 18       TUC Women’s Conference
                                8     Your questions                      20       Subs draw
                                10-11 Abuse campaign                      22-25    Accord accounts

                                                                                June 2021 My Accord                   3
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

Farewell to Fran
After 23 years, Accord has said            Group and supporting members in
goodbye to one of its long-serving         TSB too.
officers, Fran O’Dowd.                       Fran said: “When I joined Accord,
  Fran originally worked for Clerical      never did I think I’d spend the rest
Medical in Bristol and was a leading       of my working life doing what I
light in the Clerical Medical Staff        was doing. It has been absolutely
Association.                               amazing and I’ve really enjoyed it.
  When CMSA joined forces with             It’s going to feel odd not worrying      and talented officer and we’ll
Accord, Fran joined the union as           about what the banks are going to        all miss her both personally and
a regional officer looking after           do, and not worrying about what all      professionally. We wish her every
members in the South West & South          our members are experiencing, but        happiness for the future.
Wales.                                     I know I’m leaving the union in the       The Accord team held a virtual
  In recent years, Fran has been           safest hands it can be in.”              farewell party for Fran and
working closely on change                    Ged Nichols said: “Fran has been       surprised her with some recorded
programmes and related job                 a real asset to our union and our        messages from those who had
security issues in Lloyds Banking          members. She’s an intelligent            worked with her.

    @Jane_Carr84          @FreddieRocks            @MarcusBott              @JJ90300               @Leachy1085
    Awww Fran, you will   Happy retirement         Good luck for the        One of the very        You will be missed
    be missed, thank      Fran, you deserve it     future Fran and          best. I have nothing   Fran. Thank you for
    you for all your                               thanks for your help     but huge respect       all your hard work!
    support over the                               & support over the       for Fran. It was a
    years                                          years                    privilege to work
                                                                            with her.

Accord provides new home for charity
When Accord’s tenants moved on             issue accessing some areas of the
recently, the team saw the chance          hospital space and understandably
to help a great local charity – My         the footfall had to be reduced to
Cancer My Choices – who were               accommodate day to day activity.
looking for a new home.                    The charity concentrated on what it
  Said Accord’s Paula Tegg: “We’re         could do and we supported people
delighted in our 40th year to              online where possible.
contribute by supporting a charity             “We feel really privileged to have
that does such wonderful work.”            been offered this space. We can
  The charity provides                     now expand our services and grow
complementary therapies such               our team – such an opportunity for       Mandy Barter (left) and delivery
as acupuncture, massage or                 us. Ultimately this means that we        manager Claire Harris
reflexology for people who are             will be able to support more people
living with cancer within the              with a cancer diagnosis and that is
Berkshire area and also offers             the purpose of the charity.    
virtual services.                             “We have moved in this week and
  CEO of the charity Mandy Barter          we already feel at home thanks to
said: “Covid has presented an              Paula and her team.”

4                    My Accord June 2021
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

All Betts are off for work

After having her first son Steven,     from HR. It was such a difficult time reasons: “I was on holiday in Japan
Margaret started working at            for her and I was pleased that I was when the pandemic struck and was
Edinburgh George St branch and         the one who could help her. I know it told by the bank to self-isolate when
after a couple more moves and          meant a lot to her but it meant a lot I returned. It felt as though the bank
another son Scott, ended up in         to me too.”                           was going to be supportive from the
Musselburgh where she stayed for         Margaret’s final year within Lloyds beginning.
28 years until she retired.            Banking Group will probably be one      “I think both the bank and Accord
  She became an Accord rep in the      of the most memorable for obvious     have done really well supporting
early 90s: “I could see the                                                          staff though it all.”
good work the union did                                                                Margaret leaves with many
when I became a member,                                                              happy memories and funny
but decided to get more                                                              tales which usually involved
involved when I saw an                                                               a drop of alcohol – especially
injustice at close hand which                                                        the laughs that were had in
had not been dealt with                                                              the pub after rep meetings in
fairly. I wanted to be able to                                                       Glasgow.
help.”                                                                                 “I’ll really miss my
  In the following years                                                             colleagues. I’ll keep in touch
Margaret saw Accord                                                                  with a lot of the people
move from being a staff                                                              I’ve done casework for on
association to a full                                                                Facebook. The banter with
independent trade union,                                                             the reps was always good
chairing the union’s Scottish                                                        fun and of course I will miss
Executive Committee and                                                              my wingman John ‘Dicko’
serving on the Principal                                                             Dickinson. I am sure we
Executive Council. She says:                                                         will meet up though for a
“I also spent a lot of those                                                         gin when he is next in his
years doing casework and                                                             Edinburgh ‘office’.”
helping to train and coach                                                             One of Margaret’s main
other reps.                                                                          passions is travelling and
  “I’ve supported a lot of                                                           with the current situation has
people with mental health                                                            had to put her retirement trip
issues in recent years and                                                           plans on hold.
they’re always appreciative.              She’s been such a help                       She says: “My sons gave my
It’s great to be able to step in                                                     husband Steve and I a pin
when they feel nobody else is             over many years. She                       board for Christmas showing
  “A few years ago a
                                 continued to work full-on, right where                        we’ve already been
                                                                                     and there are a lot of gaps
colleague, who was also a        up to retirement.                                   in there for us to go at. We’ve
friend, was very ill and I was                                                       bought another set of pins to
able to help her and her         JOHN DICKINSON, ACCORD SCOTLAND                     plot where we would like to
family after getting support                                                         see – it’s a big box!”

                                                                               June 2021 My Accord                5
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

Anyone can
write, right?
The Bill Wright Memorial

Fund helped one member

realise her dream of

completing a creative
                                                                                 I’ll be forever grateful
writing course through the
                                                                                 to Accord.
Open University.

Devika Dobson, a semi-retired           forever grateful to Accord.”             learnt and are still learning from
customer adviser and Accord rep           English is Devika’s second             each other, and more importantly
from Buxton branch, was doubly          language – she studied it at school      trust each other’s judgement.”
spurred on to follow her dreams.        in Sri Lanka. She enjoys the classics,     Devika says her main learning was
Having had two critical illnesses       such as Shakespeare, Wordsworth          that writing is a craft, and has to be
she followed her local hospice’s        and Dickens and more modern              learnt: “I’m now reading books very
advice to ‘do everything she wanted     writers like Ian Rankin and Michael      differently to how I used to, as I’m
to and not have any regrets,’ and       Ondaatje.                                looking to see what techniques the
encouraged by her husband to ‘take        Devika thought the course would        authors use. I thought this would
the plunge’, she enrolled.              be easy: “After all anyone can write,    detract from my enjoyment of the
  She’d seen articles in My Accord      right? How wrong I was! It was           story, but in fact it enhances it.
about the fund and applied for a        really unnerving to expose work to         “The course has also been useful
grant. She said: “The £500 helped       other students and a tutor you’ve        for reducing the stress of the
immensely towards materials             never met. Both of my tutors were        virus, as I channeled my mind into
for the course and I’ve now been        published authors. Two years later,      characters and stories, rather than
awarded a master’s degree. I’ll be      we all respect each other, have          focusing on a chaotic world.”

                                                                                 EDUCATION AND
    Bill Wright                         Clive Webster
                                                                                 DEVELOPMENT FUNDS
                                                                                 TO MERGE
                                                                                 The union has two funds which
                                                                                 were set up in the memories of
                                                                                 the former general secretary
                                                                                 Bill Wright and deputy general
                                                                                 secretary Clive Webster, both of
                                                                                 whom were passionate about
                                                                                 helping people develop and
                                                                                 educate themselves.
                                                                                  The principal executive council
                                                                                 has decided to merge the funds
                                                                                 and offer grants to more members
                                                                                 - details will be on the website
                                                                                 soon. Watch this space!

6                 My Accord June 2021
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

                                       Pictured right - Jenny Tonge Accord rep from Halifax Palmers Green in London

LBG was the first bank to announce     WHAT ACCORD’S DOING                           Accord actively
its black pay gap and revealed that    Accord’s Equality Diversity &
its black staff are paid 16.7% less    Inclusion group launched a survey        opposes all forms
than their peers.                      asking members to report their
  It put the disparity down to the     experiences of everyday racism in
                                                                                of prejudice and is
number of black employees in           the workplace.                           committed to getting
senior positions – with its employee
base made up of 1.5% of black staff,   It also asked what Accord needed to      things right for all
only 0.6% are in a top job, which in   do to tackle race issues. The survey
turn attracts bigger earnings.         was small-scale and, even though         our members.
  With that in mind, LBG has set a     general conclusions can’t be drawn,                             CHRIS RIMELL
goal of increasing the number of       provided valuable insights.
black people in senior jobs to 3%
by 2025. This would put the figure     KEY THEMES:                              SO HERE’S THE PLAN…
in line with the black population in   ➜M
                                         any members reported                  1. Improve membership guidance,
England and Wales.                        receiving unfair treatment at             support and services.
  Ged Nichols said: “Whilst the           work because of their ethnic          2. Grow diversity in the union’s
figures don’t look good, we have to       background or skin colour                 structures, and ensure
remember that LBG is the first bank    ➜T  he treatment was most often             communications reflect that
to release figures like this and we       attributed to a member of                 strategy.
urge other major banks to do the          management or a customer              3. Work with employers to tackle
same.”                                 ➜W  omen were more than twice as            the root causes of inequality,
  Currently around 1 in 10 employers      likely to have experienced unfair         underrepresentation and
are publishing this data voluntarily      treatment compared to men                 discrimination in the workplace.
which is woeful given the attention    ➜A  ccord’s internal democratic
that issues facing black and other        structures don’t match the same       SPECIALIST RACE
minority ethnic groups has had in         diversity as the membership           EDUCATION TRAINING
the wake of the Black Lives Matter     ➜C  ommunication should be              Accord recently attended a
movement.                                 more inclusive – My Accord was        race education training session
  LBG and the unions have been            specifically called out as needing    developed by LBG for its senior
meeting on a regular basis to work        to cover more positive stories.       leadership teams. Accord’s
together on the race agenda and        Says Accord’s Chris Rimell: “Accord      officers, PEC members and the
the bank will share an update on its   values diversity. We believe that all    Equality Diversity & Inclusion group
Race Action Plan in July.              members should be treated with           attended the session.
  Accord has also launched a           dignity and respect. We actively           Chris Rimell said: “One of the most
working group to look at how to        oppose all forms of harassment,          engaging pieces of training I’ve
become a more inclusive and            prejudice, and unfair discrimination     ever attended. It wasn’t just useful,
representative union and will          on any grounds. We’re committed          but essential for us and the bank.”
develop an action plan going           to getting things right for all of our   Around 9,500 colleagues from LBG
forwards.                              members.”                                have now signed up for the training.

                                                                                June 2021 My Accord                    7
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

Accord receives lots of questions on
a whole range of issues. Here are
some of the things you are asking
at the moment...

                                                   I’m a mortgage and               We’ve discussed why we weren’t
        I’ve moved from branch to                  protection adviser and         consulted and why the business
        working from home as part                  I’m really not happy about     feels it’s necessary to do this.
        of customer contact. Am I          the call recording that’s been           Also, we’re looking into whether
eligible to claim the working from         introduced behind the backs of our     data protection laws are being
home tax relief?                           customers. What’ve Accord done         breached, questioning the
                                           about this?                            morality of secret recordings
         Yes you are. You can choose                                              and highlighting the impact it’s
         from one of two methods to                Unfortunately the decision     having on staff morale. We have
         make a claim. You can either              to ask you to record           seen two changes as a result
claim tax relief on a fixed amount of              your calls without telling     of our representations. You can
up to £6 per week without any need         customers wasn’t discussed with us.    let customers know that calls
to provide documentation to support         We can totally understand you’re      are being recorded and the
this amount.                               not happy about it and we’ve let       requirements about reporting
 Or you can calculate the actual           the bank know about the concerns       a ‘breach’ where a call is
additional expenses incurred as a          that our members have shared           accidentally not recorded are now
result of working from home.               with us (anonymously).                 less onerous.
 HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
guidance advises which additional
expenses are eligible.                           I’ve been promoted and my earnings are now over £50,000.
 You then have to work out the                     How will this affect the child benefit my partner receives? Do we
proportion which relates to the                  need to stop claiming this?
additional homeworking costs by
calculating the number of rooms                     You’ve reached the threshold over which child benefit is clawed
so that you can claim the amount                    back.
relating to say one out of seven                     For every £2 of income over this threshold, HMRC will clawback £1
rooms.                                    of child benefit from you.
 You then need to take this figure         The clawback can be dealt with by HMRC amending your PAYE code so the
and work out the number of hours          amount is deducted over the course of the tax year from your salary.
worked as a proportion of the total        You can work it out using
house of use in a week. The result          If it gets to a point where you’re paying back all the child benefit you can
of these calculations is then eligible    stop receiving it via this link.
for tax relief at 20% if a basic rate
taxpayer and 50% if a higher rate         Do you have a burning issue you want an answer to? Get in touch and
taxpayer.                                 maybe it’ll help others who were thinking the same thing...

8                   My Accord June 2021
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021
A healthy partnership
About the author –
Nita Clarke OBE

                       during the pandemic
Director of the
IPA, Nita has a
long career in the
trade union and
labour movement.       The Involvement and Participation              and the branch network senior leadership
She joined the         Association (IPA) – the leading UK             to explore ‘in the moment’ colleague
Confederation          organisation which delivers employee           concerns, customer behaviours and health
of Health Service      engagement, partnership and employee           and safety issues.
Employees (COHSE)      voice in the workplace – has produced an
in 1976, working for   independent case study about the working             It brought an unprecedented level
the health union       relationship between LBG and Accord and        of detailed work as well as strategic
until 1983. She then   Unite during the pandemic.                     engagement, enabling real collaboration
had seven years          Nita starts by highlighting the strong and   and providing energy to work together
at Greater London      effective relations between Accord and         to solve problems. One interviewee said
Council, including     Unite and the group since Lloyds TSB took      ‘the unions are my eyes and ears on the
four years as Ken      over HBOS in 2009. She also talks about        ground’.”
Livingstone’s press    the architecture and strong relationship
officer. Then she      that built up during this difficult and          The case study also acts as a reminder
rejoined COHSE         unprecedented time being key to meeting        about the important changes that were
as its press and       the ongoing and immediate challenges           agreed by LBG and the unions including
political officer      presented by COVID19.                          full pay for all regardless of role or
before moving to                                                      individual circumstance, reduced branch
Downing Street               Substantial changes in working           opening times and agreements on home
as Tony Blair’s        practices, including enabling many             working including provision of equipment
assistant political    colleagues to work from home, and              and flexibility around childcare.
secretary with         stagger working hours, were agreed and
responsibility for     implemented in an extremely short space              In the IPA’s judgement the strong
trade union liaison.   of time, including joint communications on     and enduring relationship between LBG
                       major changes, and joint working groups        and the recognised trade unions is an
                       on specific issues, and helping ensure that    outstanding exemplary of a deep and
                       interests, safety and wellbeing of all staff   effective partnership approach which
                       remain of paramount concern.”                  has proved its value to employees and
                                                                      organisation, enabling LBG to place
                        Nita highlights the calls between the         the interests of its employees front and
                       group’s leadership and the unions which        centre as it navigated its way through the
                       were key to sharing information and            various and unprecedented impacts of the
                       having a joined up approach. There were        pandemic.”
                       also daily meetings between the unions

                                                                             June 2021 My Accord                 9
ABUSE - It's NOT part of the job - June 2021

Taking abuse
part of the job
Taking abuse from customers whether in branch or over the phones
is nothing new for bank staff, and sadly many say ‘it’s part of the
job and we have to get used to it’.

Accord is campaigning to change this mindset and expectation.       The Institute carried out research
Matters seemed to get worse during the pandemic with new            at the start of 2021 which showed
guidelines to be adhered to, reduced services and long queues,      respect issues had worsened during
more customers are aiming their frustrations and anger firmly       the third lockdown.
in the face and ears of frontline staff both in branch and on the
  As part of its campaign Accord has signed up to The Institute            find customers less tolerant
of Customer Service’s ‘Service with Respect’ campaign. With         because of the pandemic (20% in
around 150 industry supporters, comprising more than 1m             June 2020)
employees, the campaign aims to protect and improve the ‘new
essential workers’ identified during the pandemic.                           experienced greater
  Ged Nichols was recently asked to speak at one of the             hostility since the third lockdown
institute’s meetings to an all party parliamentary group on         began
customer services about what can be done about the increase in
abuse of customer services workers including financial services            experienced face-to-
staff.                                                              face and verbal hostility asking
  Says Ged Nichols: “We believe many cases go unreported            customers to adhere to social
because people have become so conditioned to taking abuse           distance rules
as part of the job. That’s not right and has to change. We’d urge
anyone who experiences any kind of abuse to report it straight            experienced face-to-
away.”                                                              face and verbal hostility asking
                                                                    customers to wear a face mask

                                                                           said they’d been thanked by
                                                                    a customer for being a key worker

10                 My Accord June 2021

LBG has started a pilot designed
to help contact centre colleagues
who have warned customers
about their abusive behaviour or
threats during a call.
 Rather than just hanging up,
they can now transfer them to a
recorded message which says:
 “As we are unable to have a
constructive conversation we have
ended the call. We had asked
that you do not use threatening
or abusive behaviour towards our
staff member who was trying to
assist you. We may need to close
your account following a review
of the call and, if so, we will write
and let you know.”
 The person taking the call is also
asked to give feedback around
what action they feel is right given
the nature of the abuse.

   WHAT COLLEAGUES SAY...               I get sworn at a lot by men –         The abuse we’re dealing
                                        generally a mouthful of abuse         with now is hard to handle.
                                        before they end the call. I           It’s psychological abuse.
                                        usually get ‘thanks for nothing’      Customers say we’re leaving
                                        and worse from men who feel           their children to starve,
                                        they can order a woman about          we’ve ruined Christmas and
  We’ve had a customer visiting         and that I don’t know how to do       birthdays. Even customers
  most days demanding where             my job because I’m female.            telling us they’ll commit suicide
  his money is. He’s high on drugs                                            if we don’t do something
  most of the time and has just                                               or because we have done
  been released from prison for a                                             something. One complaint
  violent robbery.                      I often get discriminated             manager was told they’d be
  One day he got extremely              against because of my accent,         named in their suicide note.
  agitated and aggressive and           with customers saying ‘I don’t
  refused to leave the branch. At       understand you, I don’t know
  this point we were all scared         what nationality you are. Are
  (we knew what he was capable          you in India? You can’t speak
  of) and called the police who         English’.                              We’re told on a regular basis
  advised us to get him out and                                                that customers will share our
  then lock the doors till they                                                names on social media or take
  arrived.                                                                     us to court. Not the bank, us as
  He eventually left. His account                                              colleagues. All for just doing a
  has now been closed and an                                                   job!
  injunction taken out.

                                                                           June 2021 My Accord                    11

A ‘Once in a generation’
Of the people within Lloyds Banking
Group who’ve been working from home
during the pandemic, more than three
quarters would like to continue doing so
for at least three days a week.
  Add to this a focus on climate change
and the bank is looking at ‘reimagined
ways of working’ for those in roles where
flexibility is possible.
  There are many factors to consider – new
ways of working e.g. Teams, technology
at home, time saved on commutes and
on the opposite side lack of face-to-face
connections, mental health issues relating
to isolation and not having the space to
work from home. It’s not just about the
job role – it’s about employees’ individual
needs too.
  The new ‘workstyles’ will start being
rolled out during the summer and will also
help LBG start to invest in fewer, better

         Throughout the                       So what are the options?
         pandemic we’ve been                  There are three main ones but the bank is
                                              keen to point out that nothing is set in stone
supporting members who                        and there will be flexibility based on business
                                              and personal needs.
have been working from
home and those for whom                                        1 – Mainly working from home – some
                                                                    roles will be mostly based at home
home working isn’t suitable.
                                                               2 – Flexing between home and hubs
We’ve been heavily engaged                                           – many roles will have the ability
                                                                     to work between home and an
with LBG about future work
                                                                     office – mainly coming together
styles and will continue to                                          to collaborate with agreement
                                                                     between teams on how, when and
ensure that new ways of                                              where
working benefit employees                                      3 – Mainly working from a hub/office/
as well as the employers.                                           branch – some roles require a
                                                                    fixed working location – if you’re
                                                                    currently working in an office it’s
                               GED NICHOLS                          likely this will continue

12                 My Accord June 2021
shift in workstyles
                                                                               Unions highlight
                                                                               mental health impact
                                                                               Trade unions are calling on the
                                                                               government and employers to deal
                                                                               with another epidemic – Covid
                                                                               related mental health issues.

                                                                                           of reps there are dealing

                                                                                83%        with an uplift in members
                                                                                           reporting mental health
                                                                                           (65% in 2020)

                                                                                           of doctors said they were

                                                                                21%        considering leaving the
                                                                                           NHS over the coming
                                                                                           year as they deal with
                                                                                           stress and burnout

                                                                                           of social care workers

                                                                                75%        said their job has

BBC research reveals shift
                                                                                           seriously impacted their
                                                                                           mental health

for biggest employers                                                                      UNISON
                                                                                           of local government
Research from the BBC suggests
that nearly all of the 50 biggest
                                       also reported that 36% of the UK’s
                                       employed population worked from          80%        workers in Scotland
                                                                                           reported an increase in
employers – from banks to retailers    home at some point last year.                       stress – 44% said it was
- don’t plan on bringing their staff     But while people said they                        ‘substantial’
back to the office on a full-time      were saving time on commuting,
basis.                                 they also said they were doing
  More than 40 of the companies        an average of six-hours unpaid
said it would encourage a mix of       overtime every week.                                NASUWT
home and office work with staff          One bank employee said working                    of teachers feel their job
being encouraged to work from
home two to three days each week.
                                       from home takes over your life:
                                       “You’re on your laptop before            80%        has adversely affected
                                                                                           their mental health and
  Many said workers could make         breakfast. When you’re in the office                almost 25% have sought
their own decisions about frequency    there’s the journey in, buying a                    medical help to cope
in the office.                         coffee, chatting to a colleague and
  The Office for National Statistics   sitting at your desk at 8.30 or 9am.”

TO                                                                       Hello!

This is your chance                      CLOSER TOGETHER                          WHEN WILL WE SAY ‘NO’?
                                         I’d personally like to do a big shout    When are we going to start to say
to have a say about                      out for our senior branch manager        ‘no’ to those who refuse to wear
                                         at Halifax Ellesmere Port, Paula         masks.
the things that matter                   Fallows.                                   I feel at risk constantly. I may not
                                           With the latest lockdown               be doing face to face appointments,
to you. If you want                      and school closures she has              but I’m still at extreme risk as are
                                         been absolutely wonderful,               my colleagues. Customers walk
to make a point in a                     understanding and incredibly             in then put on their mask while
                                         supportive throughout. I love her        already inside, don’t wear one at all
future edition of My                     saying: “You can only do what you        or wear it on their chin.
                                         can do.” I think everything that has       I’m sorry but why can’t we stand
Accord, get in touch...                  happened over the past year has          at the door and say: “You’re NOT
                                         brought the relationship between         coming in here without a mask
                                         management and the union that            unless medically exempt and
     GET IN                              bit closer together and both have        therefore wearing a lanyard.”
     TOUCH!                              never been more supportive.
                                         Charlotte Handford
                                                                                    I’ve had customers take down their
                                                                                  masks to speak and to cough, which
     Simply email your                                                            constitutes assault!
         letters to                      ENGAGING AND RELEVANT                      I’m a single mum of four and I
                                         I just want to tell you how much I       can’t afford to be ill. It’s time to take
   We reserve editorial                  enjoy reading the union magazine.        stricter action.
   rights and letters do                   I feel like I learn something new on   Name supplied
      not necessarily                    every page, and I particularly like
  reflect the views and                  the Q&As from colleagues which
           policies                      must provide them with a lot of
  of the union. We don’t                 reassurance. Thank you for making
           publish                       it so engaging and relevant, I really
      letters received                   look forward to reading it when it
   anonymously, but if                   arrives.
 you want us to withhold                 Kate Malcolmson
 your name, let us know.

14                 My Accord June 2021

                                                                           WHERE THERE’S A
     Welcoming                                                             WILL THERE’S A WAY
                                                                          By now most people are used to
                                                                          communicating with people via
                                                                          Teams, but it’s perhaps not widely
                                                                          known that you can also carry out
                                                                          some legal affairs via video call.
                                                                            For example, usually a Power of
                                                                          Attorney means you need a doctor
                                                                          or solicitor to interview you face to
                                                                          face before you sign it to make sure
                                                                          you have the capacity – then they
                                                                          need to sign a certificate.
                                                                            Earlier this year, the Law Society
                                                                          issued guidance which means
Lockdown has been a challenge          change all their PPE when moving   instructions can be taken remotely.
for everyone, but what was it like     between babies, while trying to      Accord’s solicitors, Dallas
to welcome a new arrival into the      quickly respond to their needs.”   McMillan, offer members in
family during this time?                Christina says the next few       Scotland 25% discount on preparing
  My Accord chatted to Christina       months in their family bubble      a PoA. Says Dallas McMillan’s David
Leach, who was a recruitment           of four were strange, yet very     McElroy: “It’s not just for people
organiser and left Accord earlier      precious. With Aaron furloughed    who have developed dementia or
this year. She had her second child    and Joey’s nursery closed, they    Alzheimer’s, it’s also important if
Layla with partner Aaron, on 1         were able to spend time together   you can’t communicate decisions
April 2020. A sister for three year-   and even managed a couple of       for example, if you’ve had an
old Joey.                              holidays. However, the extended    accident, stroke or are simply
  When Christina’s waters broke        family not being able to meet      unwell.”
six weeks early she had to go          Layla hit hard.                      Shirley Luxon a rep from Elgin has
to hospital alone to be checked         “It was heartbreaking watching    recently used the service: “I set up
over. She said: “It was extremely      them having to meet Layla          Wills and PoAs for myself and my
frightening for me – especially        through a window. We used          husband Paul. It was easy and so
because I lost a baby late in          Facetime but it was really         much cheaper than using a local
pregnancy the previous year. I         upsetting for our families who     solicitor – around half the price!
was kept in for observation and        were desperate for a cuddle.”        “They even helped my mum with
Aaron wasn’t allowed into the           Christina worked for LBG for      hers too. All done via Zoom, so was
hospital to support me.”               16 years in community banking      very easy to set up as I’m in the
  Christina had an emergency           before joining Accord on           North of Scotland and my mum is in
c-section and Layla was brought        secondment: “I also want to say    Edinburgh. The fact solicitors can
into the world weighing 4lb 4oz.       thank you to the union. I’m so     do this now is making it a good time
After three weeks in hospital, she     grateful to have had this role     to get your affairs in order.”
was allowed home.                      and Jim Fielding was incredibly
  Continues Christina: “The            supportive, especially when me      Shirley and Paul
hospital staff were amazing.           and my family went through such
Covid made their jobs so much          a difficult time when I lost the
more difficult. They had to            baby.”

         Jim Fielding was incredibly
         supportive at such a difficult time.

                                                                          June 2021 My Accord                15

                                                                                         Did you know that if
                                                                                         you’re on maternity,
                                                                                         adoption or shared
                                                                                         parental leave you
                                                                                         don’t have to pay union
                                                                                         subscription fees for up
                                                                                         to 12 months?
                                                                                         The offer is for members
                                                                                         who are up to date with
                                                                                         their subs and have

                  Lucy in leadership
                                                                                         been in the union for at
                                                                                         least 12 months (if not,
                                                                                         free subs start on the
                                                                                         one year anniversary of
                                                                                         membership until you
                                                                                         return to work).
 Being in the same role for eight years       online. “We explored leadership styles –
 and looking after two young daughters        looking at those we know and critiquing
 made Lucy Maller feel that she’d             their styles, the barriers women face
 pressed the pause button on her future       and dealing with opposition. We also
 goals and development.                       heard from MP Tracy Brabin and             or email:

   Lucy, who works in customer services       worked as a group on a project that
                                                                                         Make sure to include:
 in Halifax and is also a member of           we’ve been invited to present to the       ➜ F ull name and
 Accord’s Principal Executive Council,        TUC Equalities Forum.                         workplace
 decided to change that and has                 “I want to look at ways to empower       ➜M  embership or
 just completed the TUC’s Women in            other women reps to become active.            employee ID no.
                                                                                         ➜ Personal contact
 Leadership course – a development            Setting up a group would help look at
 programme for female trade unionists.        issues which directly relate to women      ➜ Date leave starts.
   Says Lucy: “I thought it would be          and how we can overcome them.              Applications should
 a chance to review things and get               “The course gave me the chance          be sent to Accord
 me thinking about what I wanted to           to talk to other women like me, who        before the period of
 achieve over the next few years.”            have felt their ambitions have been        maternity/adoption/
                                                                                         shared parental leave
   Because of the pandemic the course,        put on the backburner due to caring
                                                                                         starts and need to
 which runs over three months, was            responsibilities, which was really         be accompanied by
 adapted from classroom based to              empowering.”                               some evidence such
                                                                                         as a MatB1 form,
                                                                                         adoption certificate, or
                                                                                         other relevant formal

 Who inspires Lucy?                                                                      documentation. Before
                                                                                         returning, members
                                                                                         should send another
 Annie Kenney (pictured right)                                                           email to
 “One of the less famous suffragettes. Working
 class from Manchester she was fearless and                                              including:
                                                                                          ➜ F ull name and
 passionate and willing to do anything for the
 cause.”                                                                                 ➜M  embership or
                                                                                            employee ID no.
 Jacinda Ardern (pictured top)                                                           ➜R  eturn to work date
 “It blows my mind that she’s only four years older                                      ➜ Weekly hours.
                                                                                         Make sure you spread
 than me and she’s the PM of New Zealand. She’s
                                                                                         the word to any members
 handled the pandemic like an absolute boss!                                             who have leave coming
 Brilliant leadership skills and she does it all with a                                  up!
 small child.”

16                  My Accord June 2021

                                                                            NEW WEBSITE A
                                                        Jenny and her son   GREAT SUCCESS
       BWC help Jenny and son                                               has gone down a treat with

       ‘feel they have a future’                                            members.
                                                                              It’s easy to use and find your
                                                                            way around and there’s loads of
During the first lockdown around        She left the family home and        information for members and reps
20% of all offences recorded by       moved in with a friend.               – all using Accord’s new branding.
police were flagged as domestic         A colleague at work suggested       So it’s not only more useful – it looks
abuse related – compared to less      she call the Bank Workers Charity.    great too.
than 15% in previous years.           They were able to help by giving        You can also change the details
 And behind every number, there’s     Jenny a grant to secure a flat and    that Accord holds for you and buy
a real person. One example was        to cover household items and          tickets for the Subscription Draw.
Jenny, a bank worker, who says her    general living expenses. Jenny        Encourage your colleagues who
abuse started with her husband        was also on a long waiting list for   aren’t members to join online and
criticising the way she dressed,      counselling but BWC were able to      much more!
how she looked after their son and    refer Jenny and her son to one of       Improvements are
not giving her access to money.       their partners, enabling them to      already on the way - you can
 She says: “It felt as though he      get the counselling they needed
was constantly ‘getting at me’. I     more quickly.
thought about leaving but it was        Says Jenny: “We still have some
never a good time.”                   issues with my husband, but BWC’s      VERY IMPRESSIVE -
 Jenny’s husband then became          help means we don’t have to worry      CONTENT, COVERAGE,
violent, pushing her against the      about a roof over our heads and        PRESENTATION, LINKS,
fridge and she feared he’d hit her.   we finally feel we have a future.”     FUNCTIONALITY, SERIOUSLY GOOD
Especially worried about her son,                                            RESULT.
she called the police who marked
her as ‘high risk’.

REDUNDANCY HELP                       Help is at hand if you or a loved     receive from Accord, the Bank
                                      one finds themselves facing           Workers Charity (BWC) has
                                      redundancy.                           produced a ‘How to guide’ to help
                                      Accord has just published new         people manage wellbeing during
                                      redundancy guidance which can be      redundancy which you can read

                                      There’s also an interactive e-bite     The guide covers a variety of
                                      with more information which you       areas including aspects of mental
                                      can                                   wellbeing such as looking after
                                        The guidance covers how to          yourself, establishing a routine,
                                      appeal, help with CV writing,         making sure you talk to people and
                                      finding a new job and much more.      most importantly being kind to
                                        As well as the support you can      yourself.

                                                                            June 2021 My Accord                  17

TUC Women’s Conference
The three-day conference was             see it in terms of insecurity. We see   the current crisis, subjects covered
online for the first time ever, which    it in terms of treatment at work,       included equal pay, domestic abuse
gave more women the chance to            attitudes towards women at work.        and gender-based violence and
get involved by tuning in on Zoom.       Sometimes, you know, it feels like      sexual harassment.
  TUC general secretary Frances          we’re almost back in the 1950s in         Accord staff and members of the
O’Grady opened the conference            terms of the attitudes as to whose      Principal Executive Council (PEC)
and commented that existing              livelihood can be sacrificed.”          also joined the sessions…
inequalities between the sexes were        Throughout the event there were
magnified by Covid with women            debates, panel discussions and
bearing the brunt. She said: “We         interactive workshops. As well as

Positive reactions to this year’s conference
                   CAROL                                    LISA SULLIVAN,          LUCY MALLER, PEC
                   KNOWLES,                                 REP                     Like Lisa I really enjoyed the
                   PEC VICE                                 I think the             GM4Women2028 session and
                   PRESIDENT                                conference              also like her I’m obsessed with
                   There was a                              worked                  the Pankhursts!
                   session about                            better online            Hearing about the work the
 domestic violence during                  – because it was shorter it              ASLEF union are doing on
 lockdown which was really                 really honed in on what was              working for equality was also
 thought provoking. I think                important.                               really inspirational.
 within LBG we’re in a bit of a              My favourite session was
 bubble as we’d automatically              the GM4Women2028 – in the
 give support and offer time               footsteps of the Pankhursts.
 off where we knew this was                We heard from Helen
 happening – we don’t have the             Pankhurst about how women
 same problems with this that              in Manchester are working to
 other unions and workplaces
                                           tackle inequality. I’m a bit of
                                           a Pankhurst ‘fan girl’ – Sylvia         HIST                   RY
   I liked the conference being            especially was a natural born                                 MONTH
 online – it kept everything               rebel – she did what she
 succinct and I felt the speakers          wanted but stood up for people        During Women’s History Month
 were able to be more specific             at the same time.                     Accord took the opportunity to
 as there were fewer of them.                                                    look at the stories of inspirational
                                                                                 women both from within the union
                                                                                 and outside.

18                 My Accord June 2021

The story of Chris                           KEITH SARTAIN TRIBUTE

Accord officer Chris Rimell put his
animation skills to work to tell his
story and win an award.
  The 2020 Videoscribe* awards
panel declared Chris the clear
winner in the ‘Scribe that tells the       Accord stalwart Keith Sartain died suddenly following a short
best story’ category saying: “Chris        illness on 29 March aged 68.
transported us to his home town               He leaves behind his partner Sue, his mother, daughter
and we relived pivotal moments in          Helen, son-in-law, two grandchildren and his union family.
his life that led him to where he is          Having worked in branches in Liverpool for 45 years he was
now.”                                      a regular fixture at Accord meetings and conferences – often
  He created the film to coincide          announcing himself as ‘the oldest fart in the room’. Keith
with National Coming Out Day 2020          served as a rep for many years and was chair of the North
and the animation, accompanied             West executive committee for many of them.
by Chris’s voice over, tells the story        Two of his great passions were playing the harmonica and
of his life focusing on him coming         his vintage car called Chloe. After shielding for many months,
out and his work with the union – all      Keith managed a trip out in Chloe shortly before he passed
that in just over two minutes!             away.
                                              Keith is described as an Accord legend who will be sorely
                                           missed by all who knew him.

                                                 He was a true gent - polite, good fun and always stayed
CHECK IT OUT!                                    up until the end of the night whether that be awake or
                                           asleep at the table. He was also a lover of red wine although it
                                           generally got the better of him!
                                           Carol Knowles, Accord’s vice-president

 It’s not just for reps, there’s lots of          He was so organised, especially when we went to union
useful information for members too.               meetings. He’d organise it so we could all travel together
  You can link in to virtual TUC           and gave us time for a coffee first. He was always there with a
conferences for example the Young          smile and a kind word. Going to miss you Mr S xx
or Disabled Workers Conferences.           Anne Williams-Dodd
  There are useful webinars run by
the Bank Workers Charity to help                  He was one of the kindest, gentlest men that I’ve had the
with issues you may be facing e.g.                pleasure to meet - I’ve worked alongside him for many
                                           years and don’t think I ever saw him miserable or annoyed with
and UnionLearn training sessions.          anything. Keith never judged and always, whatever time of
  And there are some                       the day, had a listening helpful ear to lend. RIP Keith, miss you
to help you understand the bank’s          already.
policies and procedures such as            Vicki Hunt
health and safety.

 * an animation software                                              June 2021 My Accord                 19
Every month the Accord subs draw makes a
lucky jackpot winner £5,000 better off and 25                                                CLICK HERE
other members each get £100. You’ve got to be                                                 TO ENTER
in it to win it!

Recent lucky £100 winners!
     Like a lot of people I’m decorating the house bit by bit during lockdown,
     so I used the money for a picture that I have wanted for ages.
     Jill Wallace

                                                                                         It was great timing for me
                                                                                      as my son was a born a week
                                                                                      later! The £100 went towards
                                                                                                 him and his future.
I’ve saved the                                                                                     Michael Bracken
money to put
towards a wedding
gift for my brother                          It was lovely to get some news
and his fiance.                              to put a smile on my face in
They’re getting                              these otherwise gloomy times.
married in June -                            We’re spending it on decorating
Covid permitting :-)                         materials to keep us busy -
Debbie Simpson                               hopefully we’ll still be smiling at
                                             the end result.
                                             Carol Brooks

                             Having been in the subscription draw since
                             2001, I was starting to think I’d never win.          I thought it was a scam at first and
                             Then I’ve won £100 in October and then                couldn’t believe my luck! Lovely
                             again in December! I like tech and have been          way to start the new year. I’m
                             automating everything I can at home, so the           saving the money until lockdown
                             prizes will go on some home gadgets.                  ends and I can go out and spend it.
                             David Finch                                           Katie Long

Members can purchase up to five tickets in the monthly draw at £1 each – and the new website means
you can add or remove tickets in the subs draw at any time by logging into your account!

20                    My Accord June 2021
                                                                        It wasn’t quite
                                                                        the wedding
                                                                        we thought
                                                             it’d be but we were
                                                                                                        We’d love to hear
                                                             happy it took place!                       from members
                                                                                                        about what’s
                                                                                                        important to them
                                                                                 JANE TOINTON           - and it could be
                                                                                                        featured in the
                                                                                                        next magazine.
SECOND TIME LUCKY FOR JANE AND BARRY                                                                      We’re interested
                                                                                                        in finding out
During the past year weddings have been          Says Jane: “We were due to get married                 about what you
cancelled, rescheduled, numbers allowed         on 7 November but it was cancelled when                 think about the
to attend slashed and receptions banned.        the second lockdown happened on the 5th!                latest news and
  Jane Tointon from Upminster branch            Luckily we could go ahead in December                   anything else
was one of those affected but eventually        before the next lockdown.                               you think could
managed to have her ‘not so big’ day             “It wasn’t quite the wedding we thought it             be interesting to
in December. She married Barry and              would be, with less guests, wearing masks,              other members,
celebrated with a limited number of guests      social distancing and no reception but we               including:
including their nine year old son Taylor.       were so happy it took place!”                             Case studies –
                                                                                                        have you had a
                                                                                                        problem where the

Nigel’s conference win
                                                                                                        union has helped
                                                                                                        you out? These
                                                                                                        often help other
                                                                                                        members seek
Former rep and chair of one of Accord’s         milestones and events during the past                   help if they’re in a
executive committees, Nigel Brown, still        months including he and his wife’s                      similar position
likes to keep in touch with the union and his   65th birthdays and their Ruby wedding                     Member benefits
old friends five years after retiring.          anniversary.                                            – have you made
  And as a result he’s just won a break away     “We’ve had a few breaks away delayed                   use of Accord’s
courtesy of Accord’s Travel Club.               and the Accord prize will add to that –                 member benefits?
  He joined the union’s virtual conference      we’re fancying the Jurassic coast for our               What are your
to catch up with things and entered the         break. I’ve no idea how we’ll fit it all in!”           thoughts?
competition to win a UK break at a holiday                                                                Q&As/letters
park on the conference app.                                                                               personal
  Says Nigel: “It was a total surprise when                                                             achievements/
I got the call to say I’d won. It was such a                                                            charity events/
tonic after the year I’ve had.”                                                                         announcements.
  Unfortunately, just before Christmas 2019,                                                              If you have a
Nigel was diagnosed with bladder cancer.                                                                story just send
He had a tumour removed at the start of                                                                            and
February 2020 but then Covid-19 struck.                                                                 the editor will
  Continues Nigel: “The pandemic meant                                                                  be in touch. Any
I couldn’t have the immunotherapy                                                                       stories / feedback
treatment I needed until much later in the                                                              etc can be kept
year. Thankfully, preventative treatment is                                                             anonymous if you
going well.”                                                                                            wish.
  Like many others, Nigel has missed

                                                                                  June 2021 My Accord                     21
Auditor’s report

Accord’s accounts for the year ending 31 December 2020

– Income and expenditure
– Statement to members
Statement to members
This statement is issued in connection with the union’s annual return
for the period ended 31 December 2020. As required by Section 32A of
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
Income and Expenditure
The total income of the union for the year was £2,861,347. This amount included total payments of £2,741,811 from members of the union. The union’s
total expenditure for the period was £2,272,059. The union does not maintain a political fund.

Salary paid to and other benefits provided to the General Secretary, President and members of the Executive
The General Secretary of the union was paid a salary of £133,407, employer pension contributions of £4,000 were made on his behalf plus £14,657 was
paid in respect of benefits. The President and other members of the Executive were not paid any amount in respect of salary or benefits.

Irregularity statement
A member who is concerned that some irregularity may be occurring, or has occurred, in the conduct of the financial affairs of the union may take steps
with a view to investigating further, obtaining clarification and, if necessary, securing regularisation of that conduct.
The member may raise any such concern with one or more of the following as it seems appropriate to raise it with: the officials of the union, the trustees
of the property of the union, the auditor or auditors of the union, the Certification Officer (who is an independent officer appointed by the Secretary of
State) and the police.
Where a member believes that the financial affairs of the union have been or are being conducted in breach of the law or in breach of the rules of the
union and contemplates bringing civil proceedings against the union or responsible officials or trustees, he should consider obtaining independent legal

Auditors’ report
We have audited the financial statements of Accord (the ‘Union’) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which comprise the Statement of
comprehensive income, the Balance sheet, the Statement of changes in equity and the related notes, including a summary of significant accounting
policies. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards,
including Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland’ (United Kingdom Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice).

In our opinion the financial statements:
• give a true and fair view of the state of the Union’s affairs as at 31 December 2020 and of its surplus or deficit for the year then ended;
• have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and
• have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the section 28 to 36 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.

Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under those
standards are further described in the Auditors’ responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent
of the Union in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the United Kingdom, including
the Financial Reporting Council’s Ethical Standard, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We
believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Conclusions relating to going concern
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the Council’s use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the
financial statements is appropriate.
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or
collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Union’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the
financial statements are authorised for issue.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the Council with respect to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.

Other information
The Council is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Annual Report, other than the
financial statements and our Auditors’ report thereon. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, except to the
extent otherwise explicitly stated in our report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other
information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially
misstated. If we identify such material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we are required to determine whether there is a material
misstatement in the financial statements or a material misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude
that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact.
We have nothing to report in this regard.

In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:
• the information given in the Council’s report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial
statements; and
• the Council’s report has been prepared in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception
In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the Union and its environment obtained in the course of the audit, we have not identified material
misstatements in the Council’s report.
You can also read