Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School

Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School

        HSC & IB Diploma

           ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2021
Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Our 2021 cohort demonstrated
                                     incredible tenacity to achieve
                                     outstanding results

                                     The 2021 cohort, who studied for the         3. T
                                                                                      he average ATAR of the top 10 per          Language and Literature,
                                     HSC and International Baccalaureate             cent of HSC students was a wonderful         Environmental Systems
                                     Diploma Programme (IBDP), achieved              97.0 – higher than last year’s high          and Societies and Visual Arts.
                                     some of the best outcomes in the                tide mark. The average ATAR of the
                                                                                                                                Our staff are particularly delighted with
                                     school’s history. This is in spite of two       top 33 per cent of our HSC students
                                                                                                                                these HSC/IB Diploma results, and so
                                     years of interrupted study, postponed           was an equally splendid 90. In terms
                                                                                                                                proud of the efforts by students to
                                     examinations and myriad restrictions            of individual subjects, Spanish
                                                                                                                                continue to work solidly through the
                                     throughout the exam season itself.              Beginners, Japanese Beginners,
                                                                                                                                substantial disruptions and lock-downs,
                                     This group of students demonstrated             Mathematics Standard and Music 1
                                                                                                                                all the while keeping their eyes fixed
                                     tenacious character throughout which            saw 100 per cent of students achieve
                                                                                                                                on the end goal of maximising their
                                     resulted in outstanding outcomes,               Band 6s. Other strong results came
                                                                                                                                opportunities beyond school. We are
                                     as based on the following measures:             in Aboriginal Studies, French
                                                                                                                                equally delighted with those students
                                                                                     Continuers, German Continuers,
                                     1. T
                                         he ATARs. One third of student                                                        who have not made published honours
                                                                                     Japanese Continuers, Music 2, Music
                                        ATARs were above 90, that is in the                                                     lists but who have achieved personal
                                                                                     Extension, Science Extension, and
                                        top 10 per cent of available ATARs.                                                     bests or have overcome adverse life
                                                                                     Spanish Extension, where every
                                                                                                                                circumstances to achieve solid
                                     2. T
                                         he destination surveys of these            student achieved a Band 5 or 6.
                                                                                                                                outcomes which establish chosen
                                        graduates indicate that almost all           Incredibly, all of our Music 2
                                                                                                                                pathways for their valued contribution
                                        students have been offered a place           students who wanted to pursue
                                                                                                                                to society.
                                        at a tertiary institution (for a degree      tertiary study in music at the Sydney
                                        or diploma). First preferences for           Conservatorium of Music were               In the following pages, we have profiled
                                        courses and universities were made           offered a place, including our HSC         a broad range of the 2021 graduates,
                                        to the large majority of students.           Dux Tim Moore. Our HSC students            who represent the incredible breadth
                                        Additionally, almost all of those who        also received a record 12 nominations      of interests, talents and achievements
                                        did not achieve their first choice have      for the state-wide showcases in            of our student body.
                                        been admitted to their second choice         their HSC subjects.
                                                                                                                                I know Dr Collier, who led you
                                        at the same or another university.
                                                                                  4. In what was clearly our most              through the past two challenging years,
                                        What has been most interesting is
                                                                                      outstanding IB Diploma results in         is very proud of your achievements.
                                        that the universities and courses
                                                                                      the past decade, a stunning 82 per        Congratulations Class of 2021 – many of
                                        sought by students have varied
                                                                                      cent of our Diploma students              you have even surprised yourselves with
                                        enormously, with a total of 27 tertiary
                                                                                      achieved an ATAR above 90. The            your outstanding results. Please continue
                                        institutions making 307 course offers
Congratulations Class of 2021 –         to our students. The big four
                                                                                      average ATAR of the top 50 per cent
                                                                                      of students was 97.3 and the median
                                                                                                                                to remind yourself: you are better than
                                                                                                                                you think you are!
                                        universities in Sydney (Macquarie,
many of you have even surprised         Sydney, UNSW and UTS) made up 71
                                                                                      was 93.9. Standout subjects which
                                                                                                                                Dr Julie McGonigle
                                                                                      saw all students achieving the top
yourselves with your outstanding        per cent of the offers made. We also
                                        had 10 students electing to pursue
                                                                                      IBDP grade were in Design Technology,     Head of St Andrew’s Cathedral School
                                                                                      Japanese ab initio, English Literature,
results. Please continue to remind      Vocational Education and Training
                                                                                      Physics, Psychology and Theatre.
                                        courses and apprenticeships.
yourself: you are better than you                                                     Other subjects which saw all students
                                                                                      in the top two grades were: French,
think you are!                                                                        Global Politics, Maths, Philosophy,
                                                                                      Business Management, English

                                                                                                                                                Academic Excellence   |     1
Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Snapshot of our Year 12
                                                     2021 HSC and IB Diploma
                                                         academic results

                                                              From a cohort of 174 students

                                               18%                                     33%                                53%
                                       Achieved an ATAR of 95 or higher     Achieved an ATAR of 90 or higher      Achieved an ATAR of 80 or higher
                                       Top 5% of ATARs available in NSW     Top 10% of ATARs available in NSW     Top 20% of ATARs available in NSW

                                                      Please note: IB Diploma marks are converted on a fixed scale to an ATAR. HSC
                                                                 students are asked to provide their ATAR to the School.

                                            Our highest overall achievers by ATAR were:

                                         99.95                      99.95                        99.75                       99.45
                                          Gemma Gardiner               Dylan Nguyen               Scout Hollyman              Honoka Kobayashi

                                         99.45                        99.1                        98.9                       98.55
                                         Alexander Ringrose               Ella Colwell              Tim Moore                     Anna Riley

                                         98.55                        97.9                        97.8                          97.1
                                          Lily Sowada Hicks           Thomas O’Keefe                Jarrod Choi             Marc Delicado Corrons

                                           97.1                       97.1                         97.1                      97.05
                                            Avani Fulivai                 Adrick Lui               Lucy Maclean                  Justin Chen

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Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
             HIGHLIGHTS                            97                  AVERAGE ATAR FOR
                                                                       TOP 10% OF STUDENTS
                                                                                                                                      IB DIPLOMA
                                                                                                                                      HIGHLIGHTS                            99.75                                 AVERAGE ATAR FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TOP 10% OF STUDENTS

130 students (75% of the Year 12            TOP ACHIEVERS                                                                   44 students (25% of the       TOP ACHIEVERS
cohort) studied the NSW Higher                                                                                              Year 12 cohort) studied the
School Certificate in 2021.                  NAME                    ATAR             NAME                   ATAR           International Baccalaureate    NAME                    IB SCORE / ATAR         NAME                     IB SCORE / ATAR
                                             Timothy Moore           98.90            Olivia Vouris          96
                                                                                                                            Diploma Programme in 2021.
Our HSC Dux is Timothy Moore who                                                                                                                           Gemma Gardiner           45 / 99.95             Adrick Lui                39 / 97.1
                                                                                                                            Our duxes are Dylan Nguyen
achieved an ATAR of 98.9. Students           Jarrod Choi             97.8             Lucy Brownlie          95.8           and Gemma Gardiner who         Dylan Nguyen             45 / 99.95             Lucy Maclean              39 / 97.1
listed in NSW’s top 10 in a subject were     Justin Chen             97.05            Lilian Knox            95.55          achieved perfect scores of     Scout Hollyman           44 / 99.75             Max Chong                 38 / 96.25
Justin Chen in Music 2 (fourth) and Music                                                                                   45 out of 45 and an ATAR
                                             Zachary Whetters        96.35            Tom Baxter             95.15                                         Honoka Kobayashi         43 / 99.45             Maria Delicado Corrons 38 / 96.25
Extension (second), and Lilian Knox in                                                                                      conversion of 99.95.
Music 1 (fourth).                            Finn Howley             96.1             Maddie Olney           95.05                                         Alexander Ringrose       43 / 99.45             Takuya Miyagawa           38 / 96.25
Our top-ranked HSC subjects were                                                                                                                           Ella Colwell             42 / 99.1              Oskar Stubbs              38 / 96.25
                                            OTHER HIGHLIGHTS
Spanish Beginners, Japanese Beginners,                                                                                                                     Anna Riley               41 / 98.55             Gladys Turner             38 / 96.25
Mathematics Standard and Music 1,           James Stewart was nominated for two Showcases – Encore for his Music 1
                                            Performance item, and Shape, for his textiles major work.                                                      Lily Sowada Hicks        41 / 98.55             Saskia Cooper             37 / 95.2
where 100% of students achieved
Band 6s. Other impressive results came
                                            HSC ALL ROUNDERS
                                                                                                                                      36                   Thomas O’Keefe           40 / 97.9              Leo Kershaw               37 / 95.2
in Aboriginal Studies, French Continuers,                                                                                           93.9 ATAR
                                            (BAND 6S IN 10 OR MORE UNITS OF STUDY)                                                                         Marc Delicado Corrons 39 / 97.1                 Jake Thompson             37 / 95.2
German Continuers, Japanese
                                            Tim Moore 98.90 and Maddie Olney 95.05                                                                         Avani Fulivai            39 / 97.1
Continuers, Music 2, Music Extension,
Science Extension, Spanish Extension,       THERE WERE 12 SHOWCASE NOMINATIONS FOR MAJOR WORKS,                                       MEDIAN
where 100% of students achieved a           WITH TWO SELECTIONS – ALEXANDER JANOYAN (ART EXPRESS)                               IB DIPLOMA SCORE
Band 5 or 6.                                AND JAMES STEWART (ENCORE).                                                                                   SUBJECT HIGHLIGHTS

                                            NOMINATIONS INCLUDED:                                                                                         Excellent results were achieved by students in the following subjects:

                                                                                                                                                          • Design Technology Standard Level (100% achieved Grade 7s).
                                                                                                                                                          • Japanese ab initio Standard Level (100% achieved Grade 7s).
                                            HSC Art – Art Express:
                                            Alexander Janoyan for his work, Wicked Anxiety/Servant Culture                          97.3                  • Literature Standard Level (100% achieved Grade 7s).
                                                                                                                                                          • Physics Higher Level (100% achieved Grade 7s).
                                            HSC Drama – Onstage:                                                                                          • Psychology Standard Level (100% achieved Grade 7s).
                                            Lucy Brownlie for her performance item, About a Goth                                                          • Theatre Higher Level (100% achieved Grade 7s).
      THE NUMBER OF BAND 6                  Matthew Gorey-Meekan for his performance item, Rhinoceros                       AVERAGE ATAR OF THE TOP       • French B Higher Level and French B Standard Level (100% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
       RESULTS ACHIEVED BY                  Olivia Vouris for her performance item, Things I know to be True                 50% OF OUR IB DIPLOMA
    STUDENTS FOR ATTAINING A                                                                                                                              • Global Politics Higher Level (100% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                            Oliver Gallois for his Stage Design project                                            STUDENTS
     MARK OF 90 OR ABOVE IN                                                                                                                               • Maths AA Higher Level (100% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                            HSC Music 2 and Music Extension – Encore:                                                                     • Philosophy Higher Level (100% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                            James Stewart for his performance item Why God Why?                                                           • Business Management Higher Level (93% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                            Tim Moore for his performance item, Requiebros                                                                • English Language and Literature Higher Level (87% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).

                                            James Stitz for his composition, Trio Number 1 for Piano, Flute and Violin
                                            Tim Moore for his composition, Shuffle Velocity
                                                                                                                                    82%                   • English Literature Higher Level (84% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                                                                                                                                          • Environmental Systems and Societies Standard Level (86% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                            Justin Chen for his performance item, Viola Concerto 1. Appassionato-Moderato                                 • Visual Arts Higher Level (83% achieved a Grade 6 or 7).
                                            HSC Design and Technology – Shape:
                                                                                                                                                          Other high performing classes with more than 50% of students achieving Grade 6s and 7s
                                            Isaak Choi for his smart watering garden app and product                          IB DIPLOMA STUDENTS         were: Biology Higher Level, Computer Science Higher Level, History Higher Level,
                                                                                                                              WHO ACHIEVED ATARS          Maths AI Higher Level, Psychology Higher Level, Spanish B Standard Level.
         OF THE TOP 33% OF                  HSC Textiles and Design – Shape:
                                                                                                                                 OF 90 OR ABOVE
                                            James Stewart for his Kimono-inspired jacket                                                                  Students achieved 56 Grade 7s across 25 subjects.

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Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Tertiary offers in 2022                                                                                    AREAS OF TERTIARY STUDY OFFERED
                                                                                                                                          Faculty areas – single, combined and double degree
                                                                                                                                          Noting number of offers made

                 The majority of our 2021 Year 12 cohort                                                              ARTS/HUMANITIES      64

                were accepted into their preferred courses                                                         BUSINESS/ COMMERCE

                                                                                                                   DESIGN / VISUAL ARTS


                 of study and their preferred universities.                                                                 EDUCATION      1

                     The breadth of career choices and                                                                     ENGINEERING     21

                    university destinations reflects the                                                   HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES

                                                                                                              INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


                  diverse student population we have at                                                          INTERNATIONAL STUDIES     7

                      St Andrew’s Cathedral School.                                                                                LAW     15

                                                                                                            MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS       28

                                                                                                               MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE       8

                                                                                                                       SOCIAL SCIENCES     17

                                                                                                                              SCIENCES     55

           158 students received 307 offers to Australian higher education programs                                                      UNIVERSITY COURSE OFFERS
                                                                                                                                          Based on offers made to SACS students at 14 February 2022
           4 international students are studying in their home countries
                                                                                                                 MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY      57                                                                19%

           307 tertiary course offers were made to students by Australian higher education providers   UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SYDNEY     53                                                         18%
           at 22 universities and four colleges and one New Zealand university
                                                                                                                     UNIVERSITY OF NSW     45                                               15%

                                                                                                                  UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY     39                                        13%
           193 first preference courses were offered, equating to 63 per cent of students receiving
           their first preference                                                                       AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY     25                         8%

                                                                                                            UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG       25                         8%
           83 students (54 per cent) received more than one higher education course offer
                                                                                                             WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY     3              4%

                                                                                                        AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY     7         2%
           10 students enrolled in vocational education courses
                                                                                                              UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME     5
Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Dylan’s unique approach to
learning hits the mark

Dylan Nguyen has an underlying belief         in a way that was interesting,” Dylan
about learning that has helped him to         explained. “For example, my friends and

excel in the International Baccalaureate      I wrote a rap (song) about urbanisation
Diploma Programme over the past two           in China and that was how we managed         IB Diploma score: 45
years. He believes learning happens           to engage with the content.”                 (ATAR 99.95)
more effectively when you cultivate
                                              The HSC and IB Diploma programs
an interest in what you’re studying,
                                              in Years 11 and 12 require a disciplined
no matter the subject.
                                              approach to study. That means many
“It’s a fairly limiting thing to say that     hours spent working at a desk getting                                                      satellite technology. He entered the
there’s one subject that you like and all     familiar with the content. Put in those                                                    app into Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Junior
the other subjects are not as good as         terms, it’s hard for anyone to get excited                                                 global artificial intelligence competition
your favourite. There’s a lot of value to     about the idea. But Dylan said once                                                        and was rewarded with a top 10 finish
be found across subjects,” he said. “In my    you begin to re-frame what you’re                                                          out of the 500 projects submitted
experience, what works is when you do         learning and begin to view subjects                                                        in Australia.
what you’re interested in, but you can also   in terms of what excites you, the
                                                                                                                                         Dylan explained how it came about.
become interested in the things you do.”      whole game changes.
                                                                                                                                         "After the devastating bushfires in 2020,
The thought of sitting down at a desk         "When you’re interested in what you’re                                                     I did some research on bushfire
and studying for a few hours can feel         learning, you normally do pretty well                                                      management and read various
                                              when it comes to assessments,” he said.                                                    government reports on the bushfires
like buckling yourself into a car for a
                                              “You’ll look even further and deeper                                                       which eventually led to the idea of a map.
road trip with no end. According to
                                              at the content and you tend to look                                                        The data is gathered by two European
Dylan, a little interest goes a long way
                                              ahead at what you’re going to do next.                                                     satellites, Sentinel 1 and 2, and basically
towards making the whole process
                                              That means classes get a lot easier and                                                    the result is a map that categorises land
easier and more enjoyable.
                                              learning becomes a lot more fun.”                                                          area according to bushfire risk," he said.
“I try to remind myself there’s real
                                              Dylan said what really made the                                                            Dylan also used his creative skills for a
value and beauty to be found in solving
                                              whole learning journey enjoyable was                                                       Computer Science internal assessment,
problems and being able to discover
                                              his classmates and teachers. "The                                                          which really helped out his mother. "For
how interesting the work you’re doing
                                              influence that your peers can have on                                                      the assessment, I had to find someone
is,” he said. “For me it was one of the
                                              you is immense. I found with the IB that                                                   who had a problem that could possibly
main ways that I managed to deal with
                                              you really need the support of people                                                      be solved through the skills we had
some of the more difficult moments
                                              in your class and your friends because                                                     learned in class," he said. "My mum was
of learning the content.”
                                                                                                                                         doing postgraduate studies and had to
                                              a group of people tend to be more
Of course, no one can escape the reality                                                                                                 do a literature review but she was
                                              rational than just one person," he said.
that they will find some subjects more                                                                                                   finding it hard to get her hands on
interesting than others. Dylan wasn’t         Dylan’s passion to explore an area of                                                      relevant papers. So I programmed a
                                              interest led to his development of an                                                      database search system to help her find
immediately taken by Geography in
                                              app called SatAlight, which helps predict                                                  what she needed."
Year 10, but a little creative thinking
sparked greater interest in the subject.      bushfire risk areas in NSW. The app has
                                                                                                                                         Dylan is keen to develop skills in artificial
                                              attracted great interest from several
                                                                                                                                         intelligence and has accepted an offer to
“The thing about doing well in Geography      organisations, including the NSW Rural
                                                                                                                    Scan to hear more    study Computer Science at Duke
was finding the parts of it that were         Fire Services, and even led to a job
                                                                                                                    about Dylan's time   University in the USA from mid-2022. Just
interesting to me or framing the content      offer to develop an app that uses similar                             at St Andrew's       like his bushfire risk app, he ultimately
                                                                                                                    Cathedral School
                                                                                                                                         hopes to develop sophisticated
                                                                                                                                         technologies that benefit communities.

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Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
My most valuable life
                                                      Stepping into the unknown
                                                                                         lesson that I have learnt at
                                                      brings unexpected rewards
                                                                                         St Andrew's Cathedral
                                                      Lucy Brownlie decided to enter the
                                                                                         School              is Persistence.
                                                                                         “I think it’s helpful to realise people Lucy said one key life lesson she
                                                      Rostrum public speaking competition          aren't there to judge you, they actually       learned while at St Andrew's Cathedral
                                                      at the beginning of Year 12. Instead         want you to do well,” she said. “I'm           School was the importance of persistence.
                                                      of cutting down on her co-curricular         slowly understanding that not everyone         "My House was not always the most
                                                      activities, she made the bold move           is out to get you when you step on             successful in House competitions but in
                                                      to give up study time in order to do         stage. They’re watching you, which is          my final year, with some perseverance,
                                                                                                                                                  we were able to take out the top spot in

                                                      something new. It may seem crazy             scary, but you can bring them along
                                                      to take on a new challenge at the            with you. I love the instant feedback          SACS Factor!" she said.
                                                      beginning of your HSC year, but              you receive during your speech. If you
                                                                                                                                                  "One thing I wish I'd realised a few

                                                      Lucy counts the decision as a key            tell a joke, you immediately feel the
                                                                                                                                                  years earlier (than in Year 12) is that
                                                      contributor to her academic success.         audience respond (which hopefully
                                                                                                                                                  getting a bad mark is not necessarily
                                        ATAR – 95.8                                                includes them laughing). You always
                                                      The competition required Lucy to                                                            a bad thing; it just highlights where
                                                                                                   want to feel that you executed your
                                                      write an eight-minute original speech                                                       you could have done better and tells
                                                                                                   speech deftly and captivated their
                                                      on a topic of her choice and give a                                                         you where you can improve," she said.
                                                                                                   interest for the whole eight-minutes
                                                      three-minute impromptu speech on                                                            "Again, it's a matter of persistence."
                                                                                                   of your speech.”
                                                      a topic that was revealed to her 15
                                                                                                                                                  Lucy plans to take all that she’s learnt
                                                      minutes before she was due on stage.         After her eight-minute presentation in
                                                                                                                                                  about public speaking into the film
                                                      According to Lucy, the experience was        the Rostrum competition round of heats,
                                                                                                                                                  industry, where she hopes to be involved
                                                      deeply satisfying because of the             Lucy was selected for the regional finals,
                                                                                                                                                  in film and television production. Her first
                                                      pressure of the moment and the               then the state finals, and eventually the
                                                                                                                                                  step is to enrol in a screen production
                                                      required preparation.                        national finals. At the national finals, she
                                                                                                                                                  course, potentially at the Australian
                                                                                                   was stunned to take out first place and
                                                      “I was very nervous in the lead up to                                                       Film Television and Radio School at
                                                                                                   the title of Rostrum Voice of Youth
                                                      stepping on stage but as soon as I                                                          Moore Park. Wherever she ends up,
                                                                                                   National Champion.
                                                      started speaking, the worry slipped                                                         her experience of stepping out of her
                                                      away, and I found myself really enjoying     The outstanding result was not the             comfort zone during her HSC year will
                                                      presenting my speech, even though            only surprise for Lucy. The skills she         remain with her as a powerful reminder
                                                      there were quite a few eyes watching         gained through public speaking also            of what can happen when you decide
                                                      me,” she said.                               assisted her greatly in her HSC studies.       to try something new.

                                                      While public speaking is known to be a       “I know this sounds counterintuitive,          Lucy took part in the Grand Final
                                                      nerve-wracking experience, Lucy said         however, I ended up learning how               of the NSW Theatresports Schools
                                                      she managed to keep her nerves under         to organise my time well with all my           Challenge in 2021 with the Senior
                                                      control and moderate her feelings by         co-curricular activities throughout the        SACS Theatresports team, placing
                                                      practising regularly at home, which built    week and I began to use my free time           third overall out of 150 schools.
                                                      up her confidence.                           to study more effectively,” she said.

                                                      “I always get butterflies before I step on   “It’s also helped me with performances
                                                      stage. However, I find the best way to       in drama class, and it was helpful
                                                      deal with the nerves is to practice, which   for my English essays. Although essays
                                                      often involves speaking to myself in the     are slightly different, the importance
                                                      mirror or to a wall," she said.              of writing engaging paragraphs that use
                                                                                                   examples and evidence to support a
                                                      She also benefitted from adopting            conclusion is present in both styles
                                                      an open and generous attitude towards        of writing.”
                                                      the audience.

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Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
At our age, the HSC can be the biggest
                          thing and it’s so easy to let it define
                        your life. Having stuff going on outside
                          of it is so helpful for taking a break.

                                                                                   What was the best thing about your          If you could give one piece of advice to
                                                                                   time at St Andrew's Cathedral School?       your Year 11 self, what would you say?
                                                                                   This is going to sound really clichéd but   It would be two things. Keep up with
                                                                                   honestly it’s the community at SACS.        your co-curricular activities and be
                                                                                   Everyone’s so close and the relationship    consistent with your studying.
                                                                                   between teachers and students is also       Consistent studying, rather than
                                                                                   very good.                                  cramming at the end is way better.
                                                                                                                               I found exam periods very relaxed
                                                                                   The St Andrew’s string quartet group        because I’d done so much work prior.
                                                                                   was another highlight. Mrs Chen, the

                                                                                   teacher who runs it, would often bring      What’s the key to academic success?
                                                                                   us cheese toasties. We’d rehearse every
                                                                                                                               It’s got to be your attitude. If you
                                                                                   week at lunchtime and we’d perform at

                                                                                                                               want to do well, I think you have to try
                                                                                   Showcase and assemblies. Before
                                                                                                                               your best. My attitude towards the HSC
                                                                                   COVID-19 hit, we’d also go to Kirribilli
                                                                                                                               was always to try my best. It wasn’t to
                                                                    ATAR – 98.90   House and play there once a year.
                                                                                                                               try and get above a 95 or a 90 ATAR.
                                                                                   What was your favourite subject?            There was a lot less pressure as a result.
                                                                                                                               I knew whatever the outcome was that
                                                                                   English and Music. It’s got to be those     I’d be happy because I tried hard and
                                                                                   two. I really enjoyed my music class        that meant I didn’t feel extremely
                                                                                   because of the people who were in it.       nervous about doing well or about
                                                                                   There’s something so amazing about          pleasing my parents.
                                                                                   being able to express yourself through
                                                                                   music. I also really liked learning         What’s in store for the future?
                                                                                   about the English texts we did,
                                                                                                                               I’m going to be studying a Bachelor
                                                                                   especially Shakespeare.
                                                                                                                               of Music (Education) at the
                                                                                   What co-curricular activities were          Conservatorium of Music.
                                                                                   you involved in?
                                                                                   I was involved in lots of music
                                                                                   ensembles and for sport I played soccer
                                                                                   and basketball. I loved it. It takes your
                                                                                   mind off school and studying which
                                                                                   is very relaxing. I definitely think my
                                                                                   co-curricular activities have helped me
                                                                                   with my studies. At our age, the HSC
                                                                                   can be the biggest thing and it’s so easy
                                                                                   to let it define your life. Having stuff
                                                                                   going on outside of it is so helpful for
                                                                                   taking a break.

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Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Ella                                          Maddie
            IB Diploma score: 42
            (ATAR 99.1)
                                                                                              Colwell                                          Olney                                                                                 ATAR – 95.05

What was your favourite subject?            What was the most surprising                  What’s one life lesson that St Andrew's    What co-curricular activities were        same time. I now see all the                  I believed I would find the sleepout
Biology! It encapsulates a range of         and enjoyable thing you’ve done               Cathedral School has taught you?           you involved in?                          coordination that goes on in the              a bit challenging, however, being able
different sciences but is still practical   at St Andrew's Cathedral School?              St Andrew's Cathedral School has           I did chamber choir and senior choir,     background for a performance.                 to spend time with my friends whilst
and makes sense to me. I also find          I volunteered to dance for my House at        taught me to make the most out of the      and I was in the wind symphony,                                                         giving back to those who are most in
                                            SACS Factor this year and I am not good                                                                                            How has music helped you with                 need was incredibly enjoyable. Doing
it interesting how biology explains                                                       opportunities you're given, even if it     symphony orchestra and jazz orchestra.
                                            at dancing so I was a bit worried about                                                                                            your other subjects?                          both the preliminary and HSC courses
the world.                                                                                pushes you out of your comfort zone.
                                            having to perform in front of a large                                                    What’s the best thing about doing         It ensured I would have a mental break        for SOR in 2020 was initially quite
What co-curricular activities were          audience. But I had a surprising amount       What future plans do you have?             Music at St Andrew's Cathedral School?    after a full day of classes and just enjoy    daunting, but having our awesome
you involved in?                            of fun and in the end wasn’t concerned                                                                                             it because for me, music is not a chore.      teacher, Rev Hwang, and a great class
                                                                                          I’m wanting to study a double degree       I came from a school that had a very
                                            about the audience. Instead, it was                                                                                                It's something I like to do. Also, as         to learn the material with made the
I played softball. I was worried about                                                    in law and science, which combines         small music program. The level of
                                            enjoyable to participate in a House                                                                                                someone who used to suffer quite              experience highly enjoyable, so much
balancing sport and study but it was                                                      two of the subjects I have most enjoyed.   music here is just insane. Getting to
                                            event with my friends for the last time.                                                                                           badly from performance anxiety, I’ve          so that it remains one of my
actually a great decision because                                                         I’m thinking about UTS as it gives me      play with so many talented musicians
                                                                                                                                                                               learnt how to control my nerves (both         favourite classes!
training allowed me to de-stress and                                                      the opportunity to potentially study       is amazing, there’s just so much depth.
have fun. I also participated in the        If you could give one piece of advice to      forensic science and law.                  We even got to play with James            in performances and in exam settings)
                                            your Year 11 self, what would you say?                                                                                             in a way that allows me to demonstrate        What’s in store for the future?
Gawura reading program which involved                                                                                                Morrison at Showcase.
reading to the younger Gawura kids in       "Start early!” At the start of Year 12 you                                                                                         my abilities in the given area.               Right now, I'm tossing up between
the morning. That was really interesting    have to balance so many different tasks.                                                 What skills does music give you?                                                        two very different degrees – arts/law
                                            I struggled a lot in Term 1 because                                                                                                What is your most enjoyable memory            or music performance at the Sydney
and rewarding for me because I have                                                                                                  It’s crucial to be able to communicate
                                            I didn't leave myself enough time to get                                                                                           at St Andrew's Cathedral School?              Conservatorium of Music. I would be
never really been able to engage with                                                                                                well with your section and the other
the Indigenous community before.            things done. You’ll enjoy your final year                                                                                          I can’t actually pick one thing. Two things   perfectly happy doing either. Keeping
                                                                                                                                     sections around you. Organisation is
                                            and find it easier to learn all the content                                                                                        I found to be surprisingly enjoyable          some sort of music in my life constantly
                                                                                                                                     also important as you have to get
                                            if you are up-to-date and putting in                                                                                               were the Rough Edges sleepout and my          is something that's very important
                                                                                                                                     everyone in the same place at the
                                            some time to learn the content as it is                                                                                            participation in the accelerated Studies      to me.
                                            being taught.                                                                                                                      of Religion HSC course.

14   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                                                                                                       Academic Excellence   |   15
Academic excellence - St Andrew's Cathedral School
Psychology was my
                                        favourite subject.
                                        I loved that we got to
                                        delve into the ‘why’
                                        of human behaviour.                             What was your favourite subject?
                                                                                        I'm going to say psychology. I loved
                                                                                        that we got to delve into the ‘why’ of
                                                                                                                                         If you could give one piece of
                                                                                                                                         advice to your Year 11 self, what
                                                                                                                                         would you say?
                                                                                        human behaviour. We looked at some               I'd probably say “pace yourself” because
                                                                                        really interesting case studies that             it is quite a long road. In Year 11, I wanted
                                                                                        explore why humans do what they do,              to get into it, so I tried really hard and
                                                                                        and these studies often concluded with           did well. It was difficult to keep that
                                                                                        surprising findings.                             effort going through two years. So I think
                                                                                                                                         it’s worth acknowledging that sometimes
                                                                                        What co-curricular activities were               you need to step back and keep things

                                                                                        you involved in?                                 in perspective.
                                                                                        I played soccer and basketball. I also
                                                                                                                                         What plans do you have for the future?

                                                                                        played the flute so I was in wind quintet
                                                                                        for a few years and I’ve performed in            I'd like to study law at the University of
                                                                                        Showcase. I loved being involved in the          Sydney or law and forensic science at
                                                                 IB Diploma score: 45
                                                                                        professional-level productions. The              the University of Technology.
                                                                 (ATAR 99.95)           Wizard of Oz was a stand-out. Also, the          I was in the school’s Mock Trial
                                                                                        2019 Music Tour to the UK, where we              competition team last year and the
                                                                                        sang to English Royalty including Prince         experience opened my eyes to the legal
                                                                                        Harry at the ANZAC Day service at                world, so combining law with a science
                                                                                        Westminster Abbey. Those co-curricular           degree is appealing.
                                                                                        activities have been the best part of
                                                                                        school over the last six years.                  What appeals to you about
                                                                                                                                         a law degree?
                                                                                        How have you balanced your many co-              I guess the idea of setting up a logical
                                                                                        curricular activities alongside your             argument and then using communicative
                                                                                        academic studies?                                skills to present an argument and poke
                                                                                        It's easy to think “I wish I didn't have         holes in other arguments is appealing.
                                                                                        sport training, I've got this massive            My best subjects align well with the
                                                                                        assignment due, I really don't have time”.       verbal reasoning that’s required in law.
                                                                                        But I think it's a fallacy that I need all the   And, of course, there's the fact that I'm
                                                                                        time in the world, because I've found            an avid crime drama Netflix watcher, so
                                                                                        that it’s hard to use extra time                 any time there's a new documentary
                                                                                        productively. Having some kind of                series, I'm all over it.
                                                                                        commitment to each activity actually
                                                                                        keeps you more accountable.

16   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                     Academic Excellence   |   17
Adrick                                                  Isaak
            IB Diploma score: 39
            (ATAR 97.1)
                                                                                             Lui                                                  Choi                                                                ATAR 91.7

What’s your favourite subject?               How has your love of art and music            What future plans do you have?              What’s your favourite subject?              When did your passion for Design            What’s been the most surprising
I've always been an artistic person, so      helped you with your other subjects?          I'm probably going to go in an artistic     Definitely Design and Technology.           and Technology begin?                       and enjoyable thing you’ve done at
I would say my favourite subject is Visual   They've taught me to be a bit more            direction as I’ve always felt like it was   You can do anything you want – you          When I was in Year 10, Mr Thill             St Andrew's Cathedral School?
Arts. Science and Mathematics are very       joyful and cheeky when it comes to            some kind of calling. There are a few       can create software, it can be a device,    (computer science teacher) offered          Some of my best experiences have
known but in Visual Arts I get to reinvent   learning. The art world has opened my         choices for university – either UNSW        it can be a piece of furniture, anything.   to teach me some of the basics of           come from trying things that I honestly
myself and make new things. I love the       eyes and I bring that sense of curiosity      with a double degree of arts and fine       I like being able to decide what            programming and I loved the problem-        expected to fail at. An example would
analogy of artists being like gods in that   into my other subjects. I now approach        arts, University of Sydney majoring in      I personally want to do and I like          solving and creative aspects of it.         be my participation in the Middle School
they have the ability to create new          my other subjects visually, which can be      fine arts and minoring in graphic design,   learning the skills and creating the        I also enjoyed the feeling of venturing     drama productions. At the time, I was
worlds and inspire others to be              really useful when you're learning about      or the National Art School with a           product for myself. It's nice to have       into the unknown. The most rapid            terrified of going on stage to perform
immersed in that world.                      abstract concepts. It’s been a good way       full-time Bachelor of Arts.                 a bit of freedom.                           advances in human history have come         in front of an audience, but I managed
                                             to play to my strengths.                                                                                                              from the software we are developing         to get a small role and pushed myself
You’re known at School for shredding                                                                                                   What’s your major work for Design           today and I want to contribute to that.     to accomplish it. I don't think my acting
on the guitar. How has the School            If you could give your Year 11 self one                                                   and Technology?                                                                         was very good but being part of the
helped you musically?                        piece of advice, what would you say?                                                      I created a device for the garden.          What contribution would you                 production was amazing and it has got
I’m always very excited to play music        Nothing is as stressful as you might first                                                It’s solar powered and collects             like to make?                               to be one of my favourite memories.
with other people, performing and            think. There’ll be so many things you                                                     information from the soil’s moisture        I want to work on developing
jamming out and having that synergy          have to face – challenges and difficulties,                                               and temperature, sending the                software that can make a difference,        What will you study at university?
together. It's very magical. I loved SACS    but you will make it through.                                                             information to a web server which           not necessarily 'save the world' but if I   I’m thinking of studying Software Design
Factor, where I got to share my musical                                                                                                processes it and allows you to store        can develop something to improve the        at either Macquarie University or UTS.
talents alongside others. The School                                                                                                   it on your phone. Your smart home           quality of life for a few people, I would
has really given me that opportunity                                                                                                   system can interface with the device        be happy. I'm particularly interested
to play with a variety of musicians.                                                                                                   and if the garden needs watering it         in researching the possibilities of AI
                                                                                                                                       will automatically water the garden.        (Artificial Intelligence).

18   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                                                                                                         Academic Excellence   |   19
The new perspectives you get from
         learning about another culture and the problems
         they face can be really helpful in other subjects.
         For instance, I studied Environmental Systems
             and Societies, so the events of the 2015
           Paris Agreement on climate change tied into
             both my subjects of English and French.
What co-curricular activities were you      You studied Higher Level French as              What habit has been most helpful
                                                                                                                                        IB Diploma score: 44
                                                                                                                                        (ATAR 99.75)
involved in and how did you balance         part of the IB Diploma. How did that            for your studies?
these with your studies?                    help your other subjects?                       Every time I got a question wrong,
I played softball and football and was      I really enjoyed literature in English – it's   I would stop and add it to a list. I have
part of the leadership team as School       my favourite subject – so being able to         a document of the trickiest questions
Vice-Captain. I also play the saxophone,    study it in French, too, was really cool.       or the ones that I struggled with most
so I was in a few ensembles. Things like    Being able to apply the literature              in my school work that I then use in
football and softball helped me to stay     analysis in English and then compare            my revision. Revising them helps me to
motivated with my study, because if I       how we do it in French was really               feel more confident in those topics.
had spent all day Saturday in my room,      interesting. Also, the new perspectives
I probably would have been on my            you get from learning about another             What future plans do you have?
phone or doing something else rather        culture and the problems they face can          I have been accepted into Health
than study. Co-curricular activities have   be really helpful in other subjects. For        Science at ANU and am currently
really helped me strike a good balance      instance, I also studied Environmental          thinking that is what I will do in 2022.
of study and rest.                          Systems and Societies, so the events            There’s also the possibility of studying
                                            of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate          astronomy, which is something that
You did an interesting semester-long        change tied into both subjects and it           I had been talking about with our Head
course on Indigenous culture. What          was easier to then memorise different           of School Dr Collier. He organised a
did you learn from it?                      case studies.                                   phone call for me with his son, who
The course came at a good time for                                                          is a professor of astronomy and
the Leadership Team as we began             What’s the most surprising,                     astrophysics in South Africa.
connecting with rural Indigenous            yet enjoyable thing you’ve done
schools for some of our projects and        during your time at St Andrew's
that was really interesting. It was also    Cathedral School?
great hearing from Indigenous leaders       Getting lost on a Duke of Edinburgh
at the School and learning some of          hike with the rest of my group. Although
the Dreamtime stories.                      it added extra time to the overall journey
                                            that day, the collective frustration we
                                            felt when we realised we had been
                                            walking in the wrong direction for almost
                                            an hour ended up making us all laugh
                                            and share riddles to boost our morale,
                                            and it actually turned out to be a pretty
                                            fun experience.

20   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                               Academic Excellence   |   21
Jake                                                                        James
         IB Diploma score: 37
         (ATAR 95.2)
                                                                 Thompson                                                                        Stewart                                                                   Two high Band 6s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in Music and Textiles

What’s the most surprising                What’s been the best thing                     What future plans do you have?             How did you become interested in          with a denim jacket made from a             What advice would you give to your
thing you’ve done at St Andrew's          about your time at St Andrew's                 Science is a subject I've grown to love.   both Textiles and Music?                  patchwork of recycled denim. It’s           Year 11 self about to enter Year 12?
Cathedral School?                         Cathedral School?                              I did three sciences in the IB Diploma     I’ve always enjoyed the arts subjects.    inspired by the kimono, with wide           I would say ‘improve your time
I would say participating in water polo   My favourite thing about the School is         so I committed to spending more than       I used to want to be a costume designer   sleeves and dropped shoulders.              management’ as it has always been a bit
was surprisingly fun for me. As someone   the hundred ways you can get involved.         50 per cent of my study time in that       and that led the way into fashion and                                                 of a struggle for me. I’m someone who
                                          The amount of variety in the subjects                                                                                               How have your skills in Textiles and        tends to work better under pressure so
who used to swim competitively for                                                       field over the past two years. I found     constructing garments. My interest grew
                                          you can take is huge too. I think it's great                                                                                        Music helped you with other subjects?       I often made the mistake of starting
seven or eight two-hour sessions a                                                       Sports Exercise and Health Science         and now I’m quite interested in fashion
week, I was usually exempt from           that the teachers recommend all these          really interesting, so I’m thinking of     and thinking about how to put clothes     They have helped me practise and            something too late.
competitive school sport, however         co-curricular activities because               studying applied science in diagnostic     together. I’ve always done a lot of       develop my creativity. Textiles require
I wanted to have a go at using my         ultimately they care as much about our         radiography at Sydney University.          singing, mainly musical theatre and       you to come up with new ideas and
skills in the water within a team-based   wellbeing as they do our education.                                                       I’ve been involved with various choirs    concepts, while Music is very heavily
SACS sport, and I really enjoyed it.                                                                                                and ensembles throughout my time at       performance based and it has really
                                          What advice would you give to your                                                        St Andrew's Cathedral School. I was       helped me gain confidence.
How has sport helped you with             Year 11 self about to enter Year 12?                                                      in The Wizard of Oz, Fiddler on the
other areas of your school life?                                                                                                                                              What is the key to your various
                                          I would say don't stress about whether                                                    Roof, and Mr Burns.
                                          you've got your study plan set in stone.                                                                                            academic successes?
I feel like co-curricular activities,
especially ones that you do quite         A month away from my trials, I was still                                                  What did you create for your              I like to lean on the creative side of
often or daily, help you to become        refining my study plans, altering how                                                     Textiles major work?                      things but it was good to have a balance.
more disciplined at school and teach      I might approach studying something.                                                      I created an apparel garment using        It was nice to have a day where I had
you how to be committed to something.     Things change. You learn new things.                                                      traditional techniques from Japan.        Legal Studies and English but then also                       Scan to listen to
I think it’s good to balance different    I guess that's why you don't have your                                                    I wanted to turn their techniques into    Textiles, where I could do an hour of                         James perform 'Why
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            God, Why?' – from
things in your life so you’re not just    final exams at the start of Year 11.                                                      an art form that acknowledges Japan’s     sewing and Music, where I could sing.                         his HSC Showcase
focusing on study.                                                                                                                  history and culture while still being a   It brought diversity into my day and it                       performance item.
                                                                                                                                    garment that’s wearable. I ended up       really helped me to focus.

22   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                                                                                                    Academic Excellence   |   23
I’d like to be an archaeologist ...
                                                                                  It would be so interesting to contribute
                                                                                  to history and change the known course
                                                                                      of history – making discoveries.

                                                               What interests you about studying           thing I did was sign up for the musical
                                                               History and History Extension?              with some persuasion from my mum.
                                                               I love Ancient History. I had always        I never would have thought I’d enjoy
                                                               wanted to do ancient history because        it as much as I did. I made so many
                                                               I was much better at source analysis,       friends, which really helped me as a
                                                               where you make judgments about the          new student to fit in to SACS life, and
                                                               past by looking at archeological and        it was a very memorable experience.

                                                               written sources. I find it interesting
                                                                                                           What do you think is the key to
                                                               because we don't know what happened
                                                                                                           academic success?
                                                  ATAR 95.55   in the past, so you can try to piece it

                                                               together and make your own                  I believe the key to academic success
                                                               assumptions. I think that's a really        is balance. Whether your hobbies are
                                                               good thing that goes with the freedom       music, sport or dance, you need to
                                                               that we had in History Extension. My        make sure you prioritise what you think
                                                               major research was on Hatshepsut,           is most important. Having an activity
                                                               the second known female Egyptian            that helps relieve stress is so essential,
                                                               pharaoh. I contrasted several historians’   especially around exam time. It’s
                                                               assertions about Hatshepsut’s motives       important to remember that there is
                                                               for dressing as a man throughout her        always something you can do outside
                                                               reign, which was really interesting.        of school work that can make you
                                                                                                           feel a little bit better.
                                                               Alongside your involvement in music
                                                               ensembles, you were the Sports              What do you hope to do next year?
                                                               Captain. How has your involvement           I will probably do a Bachelor of Arts
                                                               in sport and music helped you in            degree majoring in ancient history and
                                                               other areas?                                either archaeology or anthropology.
                                                               Sport and music really helped me            I love it. In the HSC, we got to have
                                                               balance the stress of school that comes     really sophisticated discussions about
                                                               with school work. It gave me an outlet      different kinds of historical thinking.
                                                               for all my stress and tension from the      It really makes your brain work.
                                                               school day and I found that this really
                                                               made a difference in how efficient my       Do you have any long-term
                                                               studies were.                               goals/dreams?
                                                                                                           I’d like to be an archaeologist because
                                                               What’s the most surprising or               I want to be able to travel. It would be
                                                               enjoyable thing you’ve done at              so interesting to contribute to history
                                                               St Andrew's Cathedral School?               and change the known course of history
                                                               The musicals! When I first came to          – making discoveries. That would be
                                                               St Andrew’s Cathedral School, the first     really nice.

24   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                   Academic Excellence   |   25
Maddie                                                          Lucy
                                                                               Whitham                                                       Maclean

                                                                                          ATAR 85.45                                                   ATAR 97.1
                                                                                          HSC Pathways

You decided you were going to do             I’d also say, ‘don't be scared about the     English. It’s also helped me with film       What was your favourite subject?           How has your involvement in music            What’s the most valuable life
HSC Pathways in Year 10 which allowed        fact that you have to repeat Year 12 and     analysis as I’m able to discuss musical      My favourite subject was Theatre. I love   and drama helped you in other areas          lesson you’ve learnt at St Andrew's
you to extend your HSC studies               try to make friends with the younger         techniques used in films. I have             performance and I've always been quite     of school life?                              Cathedral School?
beyond the one year. Why did you             grades’. I was really lucky that I had       experience improvising in music and I        involved in the drama and music aspects    Performance in general is interesting        I think there’s a great culture at the
decide to do it?                             friends and I don't think any of them find   think the fast thinking involved helps me    of the School. I did the IB Diploma, so    because it helps you with public             School of getting involved, to throw
The main reason for Pathways was to          it weird that I’m still here.                in situations where I’m not fully prepared   the Theatre course was really great. It    speaking or even working in a team.          yourself into things and really explore
give myself the best chance to show                                                       for something and I need to think fast.      gives you a lot of freedom to look at      I feel like it really carried over to help   your interests and passions. This is
                                             You’re passionate about music                                                                                                                                                     something I intend to continue to do
my abilities and it helped me because                                                                                                  different theatre traditions and explore   even in my leadership role as House
                                             composition. What did you do for             What’s one piece of advice you’d                                                                                                     after school – take advantage of
 I didn’t have the stresses and anxiety                                                                                                some really obscure theatre                Captain in Year 12. I think theatre really
                                             your major works?                            give to your Year 11 self?                                                                                                           opportunities and give everything a go
involved with completing the HSC in                                                                                                    practitioners.                             helped me become more confident and
one year. It was easier to manage the        Last year I did Music 1 and got a Band 6     Keep updating your notes, because                                                       that translated into some of my              because I think there is so much we can
workload and easier to get the best          HSC result and an Encore nomination          you can be tested on everything. Also,       What did you enjoy about playing           assessment tasks where you have to           learn about ourselves and others from
results and I noticed that my marks          for composition. I did a series of music     I did all my notes online but then I had     the main character in the production       talk for a really long period of time.       new experiences.
greatly improved as soon as I started        compositions based on films. My first        syncing errors, so I'd say to back up all    of Jane Eyre?
with it. So I did Maths, Art and Music in    piece was a musical duet based on The        your notes on a hard drive. I learnt that    The experience of stepping into a new      What do you put your academic                What are you hoping to do in
2020 and in 2021, I did four-unit English.   Shining. The second piece was a rock         lesson the hard way.                         character and understanding their          success down to?                             the future?
                                             band piece and the third piece was an                                                     journey from different perspectives is     I always had a pretty busy schedule          Next year I’ve accepted an offer
What would you say to someone who            orchestral number based on animations        What future plans do you have?               something I’ve found to be really          which I believe kept me focused.             to study the Advanced Diploma in
is considering doing HSC Pathways?           done by some Finnish animators.              I’m aiming to study music composition        rewarding and unique. It was a huge        I learned to work my study time around       Performing Arts at ED5 International.
I think a lot of people don’t know much                                                   and then move into a scriptwriting/          commitment but it was so worthwhile        my extra-curricular activities as well as    It’s full-time five days a week of dancing,
                                             How have your skills in music helped         creative writing and film studies degree.                                                                                            singing and acting so I’m really excited
about Pathways. They don't know, for                                                                                                   because it's something I'm passionate      spending time with my friends and
                                             you with your other subjects?                I could see myself doing education                                                                                                   to get started!
instance, that you can take up to five                                                                                                 about. Of course, the show weeks           family. I always try to stay balanced
years to complete your HSC, so you           The creativity needed to write music has     down the track as well.                      themselves are so exciting!                and have goals to work towards which
could do a subject a year if you wanted.     aided my creativity with writing for                                                                                                 keeps me motivated.

26   |   St Andrew's Cathedral School                                                                                                                                                                                                          Academic Excellence   |   27
                                                                                                                                HSC SUMMARY
Subject highlights                                                                                                              100% of Spanish Beginners students achieved a mark in the top performance band (Band 6)
                                                                                                                                100% of Japanese Beginners students achieved a mark in the top performance band (Band 5 and 6)
                                                                                                                                100% of French Continuers students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6)
Our staff are particularly delighted with these HSC/IB Diploma                                                                  100% of German Continuers students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6)
results, and so proud of the efforts by students to continue to work                                                            100% of Japanese Continuers students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6)
                                                                                                                                100% of Spanish Continuers students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6)
solidly through the substantial disruptions and lock-downs, all the
while keeping their eyes fixed on the end goal of maximising their                                                              IBDP SUMMARY
                                                                                                                                100% of Japanese ab initio Standard Level students achieved a top Grade 7 mark.
opportunities beyond school.                                                                                                    100% of French B Higher Level and Standard Level students achieved a mark in the top two Grades (Grade 6 or 7).
                                                                                                                                50% of Spanish B Standard Level students achieved a mark in the top two Grades (Grade 6 or 7).

                                                                                                                                HISTORY AND HUMAN SOCIETY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                                                HSC SUMMARY
HSC SUMMARY                                                                                                                     100% of Aboriginal Studies students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6).
91% of HSC Advanced English students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).                     90% of HSC History Extension students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (E3 and E4).
87% of HSC Extension 2 students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (E3 and E4).                                   82% of HSC Business Studies students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).
                                                                                                                                80% of HSC Legal Studies students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).
100% of IBDP Literature Standard Level students achieved a top Grade 7 mark.                                                    IBDP SUMMARY
87% of IBDP Language and Literature Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).                 100% of IBDP Psychology Standard Level students achieved a top Grade 7 mark.
85% of English Literature HL students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).                                     100% of IBDP Global Politics Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
                                                                                                                                100% of IBDP Philosophy Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
                                                                                                                                93% of Business Management Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
                                                                                                                                60% of History Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
74% of HSC Mathematics Advanced students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).                 DESIGN, VISUAL ARTS AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY
81% of HSC Mathematics Extension 1 students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (E2, E3 and E4).
75% of HSC Mathematics Extension 2 students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (E2, E3 and E4).                 HSC SUMMARY
                                                                                                                                100% of HSC Visual Arts students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).
                                                                                                                                100% of HSC Design and Technology students achieved a mark in the top three bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6)..
100% of IBDP Mathematics Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
50% of IBDP Maths AI Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).                                IBDP SUMMARY
                                                                                                                                100% of Design Technology Standard Level students achieved a top Grade 7 mark.
                                                                                                                                83% of Visual Arts Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
                                                                                                                                50% of Computer Science Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
100% of HSC Science Extension students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6).                        MUSIC AND DRAMA
71% of HSC Chemistry students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).
79% of HSC Physics students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).                              HSC SUMMARY
79% of HSC Biology students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).                              100% of HSC Music 1 students achieved a mark in the top performance band (Band 6)
92% of HSC Earth and Environmental students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).              100% of HSC Music 2 students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6)
                                                                                                                                100% of HSC Music Extension students achieved a mark in the top two performance bands (Bands 5 and 6)
                                                                                                                                100% of HSC Drama students achieved a mark in the top three performance bands (Bands 4, 5 and 6).
100% of IBDP Physics Higher Level students achieved a top Grade 7 mark.
                                                                                                                                IBDP SUMMARY

86% of IBDP Environmental Systems and Societies students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).
60% of IBDP Biology Higher Level students achieved a mark in the top two grades (Grade 6 or 7).                                 100% of IBDP Theatre Higher Level students achieved a top Grade 7 mark.

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St Andrew’s Cathedral School
Gadigal Country
Sydney Square
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
T +61 2 9286 9500
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