ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual

Page created by Lonnie Wells
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual

ENR’s Annual

ACE Mentor Program
Yearbook 2020
Reflecting on ACE’s Resiliency and Creativity

ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual

CMiC — the most complete ERP and FIELD operations software
platform for construction management — in 2020 has distributed
a total of $400,000 in scholarships to 23 high school students
across 23 states. In its 2nd year, the CMiC - Allen Berg Memorial
Scholarships were presented in partnership with the ACE Mentor
Program of America. "The scholarships are a real 'career
booster' for some of the most talented and promising of our
thousands of students," said ACE's president Diana Eidenshink.
"Many of them come from families with limited means. Some
scholarship winners are the first in their family to attend college.
We expect them to be industry standouts during their careers."

                           In memory of CMiC’s founder, the
                           CMiC-Allen Berg Memorial Scholarship
                           grant will support 23 students as they
                           pursue post-secondary programs in
                           architecture, engineering and construction.

The grant was established back in 2018 in memory of late CMiC
founder, Allen S. Berg. The spirit of the grant is to preserve and
extend Mr. Berg's rich legacy. "Allen was a lifelong learner,
devoted to educational and community causes," says Judith
Berg, Chairwoman of the CMiC Board of Directors. "This
scholarship in his memory will carry on his legacy as an advocate
for equal opportunities to drive positive change in the world."

Scholarship recipients were selected on the basis of merit and
financial need. This fall, they will enroll in accredited college
programs in architecture, construction, interior design and
engineering. Winners were notified this year via a Zoom video
conference announcement.

"We congratulate the exceptional students who were awarded

at CMiC. "We look forward to following their journeys and
successes as they grow into professionals in the AEC industry."

The scholarships are a part of CMiC's broader commitment to
corporate social responsibility.

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ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                                                        ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020

                                                                                               A Message From the
                                                                                  Recent events prove once     scholarships. Along with the generous CMiC Allen
                                                                                  again the power of the       Berg Memorial Scholarship program, ACE was able to
                                                                                  ACE Mentor Program,          award well over $2 million in scholarships.
                                                                                  and the extraordinary            As we look ahead, the pandemic won’t be a barrier to
                                                                                  creativity and commitment    progress. We’ll have to adapt our program in the near
                                                                                  of our mentors.              future to protect the safety and health of everyone. This
                                                        The ACE program had a strong year thanks to            past spring’s experience gives me confidence that we can
                                                    everyone from our sponsors and ACE staff to mentors        deliver a meaningful virtual mentoring program.
                                                    and school champions pulling together. I had the               ACE is all about community and opportunity. As
                                                    opportunity to watch many of the virtual end-of-year       you’ll see in the following pages, we are harnessing
                                                    presentations, and I was so impressed by the capabili-     industry professionals’ desire to give back, recruiting the
                                                    ties of our young people. Students and mentors nimbly      next generation of AEC professionals and helping to
                                                    pivoted to a virtual environment and opened the door to    diversify our workforce.
                                                    new ways to share their ideas. Our 76 affiliates did an        Join us as we celebrate the year’s accomplishments.
Opinions expressed are those of the sponsor.

                                                    outstanding job of organizing effective mentorship for     We hope these stories from affiliates, mentors and
                                                    our more than 10,000 students.                             students inspire you both personally and professionally,
                                                        ACE mentors are the catalysts for our industry’s       as they do all of us.
                                                    future. The impact these individuals have on students
                                                    over the course of 15 weeks ripples through our industry
                                                    year after year, as these young people graduate from
                                                    high school, attend college or trade school, intern with
                                                    our firms and eventually join as full-time employees.
                                                        Our many sponsors were asked to help out this year,
                                                    both financially and operationally. Their donations of
                                                    virtual meeting tools and specially prepared videos went   Peter J. Davoren
                                                    a long way toward making 2019/2020 a successful year.      Chairman, ACE National Board,
                                                        As many of our students moved to the next phase        2017–Present
                                                    of their learning, we were also able to help them with     President and CEO, Turner Construction Co.

                                                    WHAT’S INSIDE
                                                    ◆   ACE Adapts Amid Adversity ◆ Anniversary Affiliates Demonstrate Flexibility ◆ ACE Outstanding Mentors 2020
                                                    ◆   Virtual 2020 CIRT Competition Finals Spotlight Next-Gen Talent ◆ ACE Awards Another $400K in Scholarships
                                                    ◆   An Interview with ACE President Diana Eidenshink

                                                    COVER PHOTOS: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

                                                                                                                               August 17/24, 2020 | 3
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual




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ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                                                         ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020

                                        ACE Adapts Amid Adversity
                                        Despite global events, the ACE
                                        Mentor Program enjoyed another
                                        strong year with more than 10,000
                                        students mentored by 4,200 mentors in
                                        76 affiliates across the United States.
                                        In fact, when the COVID-19 virus
                                        threatened the high school mentoring
                                        program, mentors, students and spon-
                                        sors responded with speed and inge-
                                        nuity—the very characteristics we’ve
                                        come to expect from this impressive
                                        group of individuals.
                                            “Despite these rapidly changing
                                        times, ACE staff and mentors kept
                                        a clear focus on our organization’s        When the pandemic threatened one of the nation’s top after-school programs, mentors
                                        mission and found extraordinary ways       and sponsors provided students with new opportunities to learn about the industry.
                                        to continue the program virtually
                                        and guide students into design and         grant from Lendlease, this web-based,       collaboration with several affiliates,
                                        construction careers,” says ACE Mentor     multifaceted collection of practical        this optional, self-directed mini-ACE
                                        Program President Diana Eidenshink.        information for students was up and         program teaches students professional
                                                                                   running several months ahead of             development skills and also introduces
                                        Rolling Response                           schedule. The website gathers industry-     them to technical topics. Each session
                                            In response to the rolling shutdown    related information, professional           features a prerecorded 15- to 20-minute
                                        of schools and businesses across the       development guidance, self-directed         video by mentors and other experts,
                                        country, the ACE National office staff     activities and tools to help students
                                        quickly adapted to fast-track several      prepare for post-secondary education.
                                        programs that would help sponsors,             Another program is the brand-               “Despite these rapidly
                                        mentors and students stay connected.       new, multipart ACE@Home that was
                                            One of these programs is ACE           rolled out episodically beginning in                 changing times,
                                        Student Resources Online. With             late May, just two months after the             ACE staff and mentors
                                        support from national sponsors and a       COVID shutdown. Developed in
                                                                                                                                    kept a clear focus on
                                                                                                                                      our organization’s
                                                                                                                                  — Diana Eidenshink, President,
                                                                                                                                        ACE Mentor Program

                                                                                                                               together with follow-up challenges for
                                                                                                                               students to undertake on their own.
                                                                                                                                  Greater Philadelphia mentors
                                                                                                                               helped develop a session on essay

                                                                                                                               writing. The Washington, D.C., Metro
                                                                                                                               Area affiliate created a virtual construc-
                                                                                                                               tion project walkthrough together with
                                                                                                                               a crossword puzzle. A Charlotte mentor
                                                                                                                               demonstrated some of the programs
                                                                                                                               (Revit and Enscape) that architects use
                                        Many students and mentors moved in-person group project meetings to virtual environ-   to develop drawings and renderings to
                                        ments to complete design and development and eventually give presentations.            show clients. Central Florida mentors

                                                                                                                         August 17/24, 2020 | 5
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

produced a virtual overview of various
technologies used in the design and
construction industry to communicate
and document projects, including BIM
modeling, laser scanning, use of drones
and programs such as Navisworks,
while the San Francisco affiliate
created a session titled Becoming an
Architect. Almost 2,500 unique users
have logged into the ACE@Home
offering since its launch.

        The brand-new,
    multipart ACE@Home
          was rolled out
   beginning in late May.                       required materials were mailed to              Other summer activities included
                                                students. Once received, expert instruc-    webinars by Autodesk introducing
                                                tors led group discussions, presented       students to future construction industry
    As well, since ACE’s usual in-person        challenging, independent projects and       technologies. Procore taught students
summer activities were cancelled, the           provided individualized feedback to         how to read plans and use building
National office searched out alternate          help each student develop design skills.    information software tools. In addi-
virtual summer programs. The Falling-              Two Los Angeles affiliate mentors        tion, Syracuse University in New York
water Institute offered gratis a weeklong       offered another virtual summer activity     and Thomas Jefferson University in
session exclusively for 12 ACE students         for ACE students around the country.        Pennsylvania both developed a variety
to learn about design and architecture.         They created a two-part introduction        of virtual programs.
Gensler also funded a second session            and training about SketchUp that ran           ACE National further posted
of the Fallingwater virtual camp. The           twice to eager young audiences.             fresh content for mentors and affiliate

   Virtual ACE in Action: Charlotte Shifts
   Working closely with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School             enjoyed having a bit more time to review the presentations
   System, the Charlotte affiliate was able to seamlessly shift      and offer constructive feedback.”
   five of its seven teams to virtual activities. With help from        As well, board and committee members announced
   ACE National’s GoToMeeting subscriptions, the affiliate           the scholarships and offered personal congratulatory
   enabled virtual meetings for five of the original seven teams     messages to students in videos. Charlotte awarded seven
   (two opted to not move forward).                                  post-secondary scholarships for $3,000 each, as well as
      With the cancellation of its annual end-of-year in-person      two scholarships for underclassmen to attend the design
   banquet, the affiliate adopted a hybrid virtual banquet           camp at University of North Carolina at Charlotte, which
   for the presentations and scholarships with prepackaged           went virtual this year. Lilly adds, “We shifted expenses that
   materials uploaded to YouTube Premieres, a program that           we would otherwise have used for the banquet to scholar-
   lets viewers experience an event as if it’s live.                 ship funds, allowing us to give the largest total money in the
      ACE Charlotte Board Chair Matthew Lilly says, “The virtual     program’s history.”
   nature of our presentation competition for best design gave          While Lilly hopes that the program will return to in-person
                                                                                                                                            IMAGE: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

   us a unique opportunity to expand our judge pool. We              meetings in the fall, he is pleased with the lessons learned
   had as judges a local general contractor, a professor from        from the past few months. He concludes, “An important part
   Clemson University and an architect from Boston whose firm        of ACE is the direct interaction with mentors and students.
   worked on the project, which was the basis for the end-           But it is nice to know that we have a virtual plan in our back
   of-year project RFP. It’s unlikely that we would have gotten      pocket so that we can hit the ground running this next year
   all three of them to an in-person banquet. They all really        if needed.” ◆

6 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                        
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                        SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

board members to help with virtual          activities—including ACE program-         presentations were prerecorded, while
fundraising and presentations. All          ming, final presentations, scholarship    others were live. Judges were able to
of these and other initiatives were         awards and mentor/sponsor recogni-        make comments and raise questions.
partially enabled thanks to free licenses   tions—into virtual versions.
provided by GoToMeeting to support              The COVID shutdown occurred
ACE virtual activities. In total, ACE       when many affiliates normally organize              ACE estimates
estimates that teams spent more than        final presentation events showcasing
575 hours working together on the           students’ projects. Virtual events by        that teams spent more
virtual platform. Affiliates, mentors       Milwaukee, Northeast Florida and                    than 575 hours
and students spent even more time on        numerous other affiliates worked well.
other platforms.                            Parents, teachers, students and mentors        working together on
                                            could clearly view the projects and
Virtual Boots on the Ground                 listen to student descriptions. Many             the GoToMeeting
   From California to Maine,                parents even reported that they were              virtual platform.
Washington to Florida, mentors              able to join these events for the first
adroitly transformed normal in-person       time because they were virtual. Some         Affiliates, mentors and
                                                                                           students spent even
                                                                                                more time on
   Virtual ACE in Action: Agile in Austin
                                                                                              other platforms.
   Completing just its fourth year, the        The affiliate opted for a more
   Austin affiliate has fast become a       personal approach to distribute
   strong and versatile ACE program, a      $25,000 in scholarships. Adrianna             As part of the regular mentoring
   skillset much-needed to cope with this   Hong, associate with Gensler and          sessions, two Seattle mentors, one with
   year’s challenges. Austin area schools   incoming Austin affiliate vice chair,     Skanska and the other with LMN
   moved to virtual education during        says, “Much like Publisher’s Clearing-    Architecture, created virtual tours,
   spring break in March.                   house, we printed out large checks        with commentary, of three Skanska
      Christine Sheng, Austin affiliate                                               jobsites, including a school and 40-story
   chair and client director for Rogers-                                              high-rise. As well, the Portland, Ore.,
   O’Brien Construction Co.’s Austin/            “Over the course of                  affiliate added “office hour” sessions
   San Antonio region, says, “Over the                                                to its virtual mentoring experience.
                                                that one week, all 12
   course of that one week, all 12 of our                                             During these optional sessions, mentors
   ACE teams were up and running with          of our ACE teams were                  explained their career paths and
   GoToMeeting accounts to facilitate                                                 requirements for their professions, and
                                                 up and running with
   meetings between students and                                                      answered questions from students.
   mentors.”                                  GoToMeeting accounts
      To make sure all ACE students
                                                to facilitate meetings
   had access to a computer and Wi-Fi,
   the affiliate worked closely with the          between students
   school district, which had turned
   school buses into Wi-Fi hotspots, to
                                                     and mentors.”
   ensure that ACE student neighbor-              —Christine Sheng, Chair,
   hoods received coverage.                           Austin Affiliate
      With help from a videographer, all
   final presentation videos, which were
   individually recorded by students        and visited each student’s home to
                                                                                                                                     IMAGE: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

   and mentors, were compiled and           deliver them in person. For our named
   uploaded to YouTube. Enthusiastic        scholarships, we also invited a C-level
   students, family and friends—totaling    executive to join us at the presenta-
   more than 400—participated in the        tion. This was a great way for our
   final presentation, which included       sponsors to experience first-hand the
   interactive games and polls with gift    significance of their contribution to
   card prizes for winning answers.         the ACE Mentor Program.” ◆                Traditional in-person events to recognize
                                                                                      mentors moved to virtual get-togethers.

8 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                 
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
ACE Mentor Program Yearbook 2020 - Reflecting on ACE's Resiliency and Creativity ENR's Annual
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

    One North Carolina student noted:
“I was surprised yet also pleased by
how well my team was able to continue
collaborating and working on our
project. We were able to meet in big
groups with the whole team and also
break into smaller groups to work on
specific areas of the project.”
    Some affiliates, including Char-
lotte and Central Florida, also devised
virtual banquets to honor sponsors, host
student presentations and recognize
outstanding mentors.
    Baltimore organized a social media
campaign over an entire day to celebrate
the affiliate’s 2020 accomplishments,
showcase team presentations and
highlight sponsors. During this virtual
ACE Day, mentors, students, industry
partners and even alumni participated.         The ACE@Home series included virtual technology demonstrations, such as BIM modeling,
One ACE alum wrote on the affili-              laser scanning and the use of drones.
ate’s Facebook page: “ACE Baltimore
equipped me with the connections,              in the program encouraged me to               Creative Campaigning
knowledge and tools to continue my             collaborate with my peers, think criti-          The pandemic further forced the
STEM pursuits. My time participating           cally and be creative.”                       cancellation of many fundraising

   By the Numbers: ACE and Virtual Reality
   As part of its annual student survey,             environment for them.                  virtual sessions allowed them to access
   ACE National asked students to                  • 69% agreed that virtual sessions       programs and information in a way not
   evaluate their virtual ACE experiences.           were an effective way to collabo-      easily possible during in-person sessions.
   Overall, almost 40% of students (about            rate with their team members.          Other students missed the dynamics of
   3,500) across the country participated          • A slim majority (56%) said that        in-person meetings and the opportunity
   in some type of virtual activity. Roughly         ACE should consider incorpo-           to make actual models.
   90% of these students joined online               rating virtual sessions and learning      The following comments reflect the
   mentoring sessions, and slightly more             tools into the regular program.        largely positive observations of students:
   than 50% took part in final presentation        • A slim minority (42%) felt that
   and scholarship award events. Another             virtual sessions allowed them or       “Virtual tools allowed me to collabo-
   10% of students benefitted from other             their team to do things that they      rate with team members during times
   special activities organized by their             couldn’t do during in-person           that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to.”
   mentors or affiliates; for example,               meetings.                              —Greater New York Affiliate student
   SketchUp lessons and special presenta-          *Note: More than one-fifth (21%)
   tions by mentors about their careers         of students had already completed           “Once each group knows what works
   and professions. Of all the students in      the regular ACE program before the          for their participants and adapts from
   ACE who were given an opportunity            COVID-19 shutdown.                          that information, virtual sessions are
   to participate in the program virtually,                                                 very effective.”
                                                                                                                                            IMAGE: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

   only 6% opted out.                           Student Comments                            —Seattle student
                                                   Students expressed a range of
      According to ACE’s end-of-year            views about their virtual experience        “We had more access to our
   student survey:                              and ways to improve the sessions.           computers and could all work on
      • 70% agreed that virtual sessions        Many students reported that working         projects at the same time.”
        were an effective learning              on their computers at home during           —Austin, Texas, student

10 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                       

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ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                          SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

                                                                                         events usually organized at the end of
   Virtual ACE in Action: Savvy in Seattle                                               the program year. A few affiliates did
                                                                                         substitute virtual activities to raise
   All 11 teams in the Washington            altogether, and the disciplines met         scholarship dollars. For example,
   state affiliate transitioned to virtual   at a day and time convenient for all.       the Austin affiliate benefited from
   programming and presentations for         Other teams abandoned the 2-hour,
   the final weeks of ACE.                   biweekly meeting and instead met for
      Affiliate Executive Director Angela    1 hour every week.                             “My time participating
   Gottula Twining says, “The most              Regardless of the method, the
   successful teams knew how to use the      sessions worked. Twining points to                   in the program
   technology to their advantage. These      one parent’s email: “Thank you so
   mentors were technology savvy and         much for keeping this going despite
                                                                                               encouraged me to
   upbeat, finding ways to make their        the hurdles and work involved. My                collaborate with my
   online meetings fun and engaging—         son naturally lost all of his afterschool
   and it showed in student and parent       sports and activities, and it makes me          peers, think critically
   responses.”                               so happy that he actually has some-
      While most mentor teams                thing! We are so grateful to you and
                                                                                                and be creative.”
   used Zoom, meeting types varied           the team for making it happen. Truly.”                — Baltimore Alum
   depending on the mentor. Some                Final presentations were broad-
   teams dove into more specialized          cast over a week thanks largely to
   discussions for an hour, then broke       Mortenson, which acquired a Zoom            a Gensler-organized virtual trivial
   out into disciplines so students could    license to host all presentations plus      pursuit competition that raised $1,000.
   work on design projects. Some teams       the scholarship event. The affiliate        The Boston affiliate set up a text-
   eliminated whole-team meetings            awarded $100,000 to 14 students. ◆          to-donate and peer-to-peer donation
                                                                                         campaign through Give Lively. As

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12 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                 
“Leading by example, delivers increased participation by ACE Mentor students.”
      – Kevin Brown, E.I.T., Construction Manager, Urban Engineers
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ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

well, the affiliate ran a 20 Days of ACE      thank you and recruitment events              the Houston and Cleveland affiliates
campaign to encourage sponsors to             online for students and parents.              developed special virtual presenta-
give virtually. It culminated in sponsor         To celebrate scholarship winners,          tions. Many affiliates also highlighted

   Virtual ACE in Action: Nimble in
   New York
   All teams from the Greater New York affiliate began meeting
   virtually effective March 16 through April 15.
      Affiliate leaders reached out to GoToMeeting for help.
   In response, the web-hosting service company provided 53
   free accounts—51 for teams and two for staff.
      Affiliate Executive Director Sue Veres Royal adds, “We        are currently enrolled in university architecture, engineering
   worked with our teachers at our schools to recommend             and construction management programs.
   virtual teaching techniques and tips for our mentors to             When asked about online mentoring, one Greater New

                                                                                                                                            IMAGE: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM
   follow as they conducted the ACE program.”                       York student liked the idea, commenting, “It seemed like
      Throughout the summer of 2020, the Greater New York           the group was more connected to each other in the virtual
   affiliate also developed six higher-education webinars. For      meeting than in real life.”
   instance, representatives from several New York City universi-      Throughout May 2020, Greater New York students
   ties offered guidance to graduating high school seniors and      presented their final project designs virtually. The affiliate
   introduced the AEC programs at their schools. Especially         also turned its annual ACE Mentor Appreciation Ball into a
   popular were the webinars by Greater New York alumni who         virtual event. ◆

                                                                 San Francisco | Silicon Valley | Seattle | Los Angeles

     Inspiring Possibilities, Enriching Lives.
     Proud Supporter of ACE Mentor Program
                                                                                                                Come. Learn. Grow.

14 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                       
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                                    SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

   scholarship winners on social media.
   Mentors from the Twin Cities and
   Austin affiliates visited scholarship
   winners’ homes and presented giant
   checks to the surprised recipients.

   Virtual Future?
       Will virtual sessions become part
   of future ACE programming? Some
   students and mentors like the idea.
       One Seattle student says, “I would
   definitely recommend substituting some
   of the in-person, year-round regular
   meetings for virtual meetings since
   this allows for accessibility. A lot of my
   friends are unable to participate in ACE
   due to transportation difficulties and
   at-home responsibilities. Having meet-
   ings online works with these students
   and allows them to participate without       During virtual mentoring sessions, students were introduced to software tools such as
   having to worry about high parking           AutoCAD that are commonly used in the industry.
   costs or inaccessible bus routes.”
       Eidenshink believes that the lessons     inform future ACE programming.                        all over the country during the pandemic
   learned and effectiveness of virtual         Looking back at the past year, she                    was inspiring and creative. They really
   programming this past year will likely       concludes, “The response from mentors                 stepped up to the plate to help students
                                                                                                      and keep the program going, adapting

                                                                                                            “The response from
                                                                                                           mentors all over the
                                                                                                            country during the
                                                                                                        pandemic was inspiring
                                                                                                            and creative. They
                                                                                                        really stepped up to the
                                                                                                          plate to help students
                                                                                                         and keep the program
                                                                                                          going, adapting with
                                                                                                             speed and agility

                                                        2019 Jenga Tournament -ACE Mentor Charlotte
                                                                                                            despite adversity.”
                                                                                                                                                   IMAGE: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

                                                                                                        — Diana Eidenshink, President,
BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE TOGETHER                                                                             ACE Mentor Program

Rodgers is proud to provide mentorship and
support to the ACE Mentor program.                                                                    with speed and agility despite adversity.
                                                                                                      This is a tribute to them, the students;
                                                                                                      our sponsors for providing the necessary                                                                               support; and our industry.” ◆

   16 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                           
            ■            ■

Tomorrow’s bold achievements live
in the imagination of today’s youth.
Every year ACE inspires more than 10,000 students to dream
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We are proud supporters of the ACE Mentor Program.
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                                    SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

                                                ACE ALUMNI MENTOR SPOTLIGHT

                             JuanRaymon Rubio                            With an ACE scholarship in hand, JuanRaymon
                             Architectural Intern                     attended Texas Tech University from 2011–2016, earning his
                             Architexas                               bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture. Along
                                                                      the way, he was further helped with alumni scholarships
    The son of an electrical technician, JuanRaymon knew a
    little bit about construction from his father, and he enjoyed
    his drafting class in his junior year—but he was leaning                   “One of the biggest impacts of
    toward a career in fine arts, until his advisor recommended             ACE is for minority students to see
    that he participate in the ACE Mentor Program.
       JuanRaymon says, “She wanted me to learn more                         themselves represented in these
    about the industry and the profession. Prior to that, I’d                       fields. That builds belief.”
    never been to an architect’s office or understood the
    profession’s role in the industry.”
       That all changed after he joined the ACE Chicago               from the Chicago affiliate. He went to work for Architexas
    affiliate, which happened to meet in an architect’s office.       in Texas immediately after graduation and joined the
    “I realized that it’s not a solo job of just drawing up ideas,”   ACE Austin affiliate as a mentor. By the second year in the
    JuanRaymon recalls. “Architects are key members of a              program, JuanRaymon was a lead mentor.
    team that includes structural engineers, construction                He concludes, “One of the biggest impacts of ACE is for
    managers and analysts all working together to find a              minority students to see themselves represented in these
    feasible solution.”                                               fields. That builds belief.” ◆

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    Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). Concentrations in           apply to a one-year Master of Architecture program. Students
    Adaptive Interventions, Emerging Technologies, or Urbanism.         can participate in the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure
                                                                        (IPAL) program.
    B.S. in Construction Management: Accredited by
    the American Council of Construction Education (ACCE).              Master of Science in Construction Management: Accredited
    Optional concentrations in Commercial Real Estate or                by the American Council of Construction Education (ACCE).
    Facility Management.
    B.S. in Industrial Design: Accredited by the National
    Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).
                                                                                                              SHARPEN YOUR EDGE.
    B.S. in Interior Design: Accredited by the Council for
    Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA).
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18 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                             
Our professionals take responsibility for training future leaders in the industry,
giving back to the communities where we work by mentoring young people. We
are partnering for the future to build groundbreaking ideas.


ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                                SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

Affiliates Celebrating 20-Year Anniversaries
Demonstrate Flexibility in Longevity
Among three of ACE Mentor                       Global Terminal Design Competition            ability to reach and retain students from
Program’s oldest affiliates, the                donated its $50,000 competition stipend       69 school partners that include public,
Chicago, Greater Philadelphia and               to the affiliate. The joint venture           charter, magnet, private, catholic and
Greater Washington Metropolitan                 selected two students for $10,000 and         home schools. The affiliate’s territory
Area affiliates have gone through               $20,000 scholarships, and reserved the        covers two states—Pennsylvania (Phila-
considerable evolution over two decades.        remaining funds for scholarships in 2021.     delphia plus Montgomery, Delaware
They’ve grown in terms of students,                 The affiliate’s fundraising luncheon      and Chester counties) and southern
mentors, support and, most especially,          is one of the most well-attended              New Jersey (Camden and Cumberland
in the way they engage and excite young         industry-related events in Chicago. More      counties).
people about the construction industry.         than 800 individuals joined this year’s           Tiffany Millner, affiliate execu-
The following highlights some of the            luncheon, held March 6, to help raise         tive director, believes that part of the
creative ways these 20-year affiliates are      more than $360,000 for the program.           reason for the commitment by students
expanding the reach of ACE.                         Last year, the affiliate piloted          is the fun and interactive activities that
                                                an alumni scholarship program and             the affiliate has created over the years.
Chicago Longevity                               committed to giving $50,000 annually to       One of the most popular is the annual
   The ACE Chicago affiliate currently          these students. During the past 15 years,     Giant Jenga Tournament. Attended by
sustains more than 200 students from            Chicago has also developed a robust           more than 350 people at the Simeone
36 Chicago public schools, 200 mentors          summer internship program. Already            Foundation Automotive Museum, this
and 73 dedicated host firms. Through            more than 250 paid internships have           year’s round-robin tournament attracted
the generous support of its industry            been facilitated since the program’s start.   64 four-person teams that competed
partners, the affiliate has annually                                                          in a supersized version of the tabletop
provided around $190,000 in college             Greater Philadelphia                          wooden block game, Jenga. The event
scholarships in recent years.                   (Formerly Eastern                             netted more than $30,000 for the
   This milestone year was made even            Pennsylvania)                                 affiliate and its scholarship program for
more special when the Foster Epstein               The ACE Greater Philadelphia               current high school seniors and alumni.
Moreno Joint Venture for the O’Hare             affiliate is particularly proud of its        With the help of Greater Philadelphia’s
                                                                                              how-to manual, several other ACE
                                                                                              affiliates have since begun their own
   New and Emerging Affiliates                                                                tournaments.
                                                                                                  For its milestone anniversary, the
   In fall 2020, the ACE Mentor Program            In the Central region, the West            group awarded more than $40,000 in
   will start two new affiliates.               Michigan affiliate in Grand Rapids
      Established under the leadership          completed its second year with
   of CMiC, the Toronto affiliate—the           22 students led by 26 mentors. The
   first outside the United States—will         affiliate awarded three scholarships
   conduct a virtual pilot program              totaling $6,500.
   focusing on a Toronto infrastructure            The Southern Minnesota affiliate
   project. As well, an Atlanta affiliate       in Mankato and Northwest Iowa
   mentor has taken ACE to her home-            affiliate in Spencer both finished solid
   town of Savannah.                            second years, expanding the number
      Elsewhere in the South, the Greater       of students engaged. Over the two
   Knoxville, Tenn., affiliate completed its    years, Southern Minnesota reached 22
   first year. The University of Tennessee      students, and Northwest Iowa served
                                                                                                                                            PHOTO: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

   architecture school dean, who chairs         28 students.
   the affiliate board, started the affiliate      The Western New York affiliate in
   after he realized that many of his top       Buffalo designed and built a perma-
   students were ACE graduates.                 nent pergola structure at its school to
      The Richmond, Va., affiliate was an       complement the large picnic tables
   in-school program its first year but will    built by students during the program’s
                                                                                              The Greater Philadelphia’s annual Giant
   be an afterschool program this fall.         first year. ◆                                 Jenga Tournament is an affiliate-wide
                                                                                              favorite event.

20 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                       
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                                                                     ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020

scholarships to senior students currently   many ways it has maintained an active
studying AEC degree majors. Since           program over the past two decades.                        Milestone Moments
its inception, Greater Philadelphia             The Gingerbread House Compe-
has awarded more than $681,500 in           tition was particularly popular and                       The following ACE affiliates also
scholarships.                               included sustainable features, such as                    celebrated milestone anniversa-
    As well, the affiliate continues to     chocolate solar panels and a broccoli                     ries in 2020.
expand its curriculum to include the        green roof for houses in a Grinch-
trades. For example, this year Norr         themed neighborhood.                                         15 Years
Group, Pullman Services and the                 Created because of the pandemic,                         Birmingham, Ala.
                                                                                                         Central Iowa
International Masonry Institute orga-       the affiliate’s Digital Design Showcase
                                                                                                         Eastern Shore, Md.
nized a hands-on bricklaying workshop.      provided a unique opportunity for all                        Frederick, Md.
                                            of the teams to submit their projects in
Greater Washington, D.C.,                   PDF form. They were then compiled                            10 Years
Metropolitan Area                           into a video for viewing on the website                      Annapolis, Md.
   The ACE Mentor Program of the            and social media. These professional-                        Columbus, Ohio
Greater Washington, D.C., Metro-            looking presentations were reviewed by                       Delaware
                                                                                                         New Orleans
politan Area (ACE DC) supports more         the mentors who provided feedback.
                                                                                                         Rochester, N.Y.
than 220 students from the District of          Besides its annual scholarships                          Tampa
Columbia, five surrounding Maryland         for high school students—a total of                          Twin Cities
and Virginia counties, and the city of      $740,000 to 230 students to date—
Alexandria.                                 ACE DC several years ago started to                          5 Years
   From its first annual ACE DC             award scholarships to alumni. This                           Omaha
                                                                                                         Southern Nevada
Gingerbread House Competition to            year, the program awarded $64,000 in
                                                                                                         St. Louis
this year’s Digital Design Showcase,        scholarships to 13 high school seniors
the affiliate has demonstrated the          and two alumni in college. ◆

                                                        LA Metro Expo Light Rail Phase II, Los Angeles, CA

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 LaGuardia Airport, Queens, NY                          Golisano Children’s Hospital, Ft. Myers, FL              Houston, TX

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                                                                                                                                                                                                            August 17/24, 2020 | 21
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                            SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

                                            ACE ALUMNAE MENTOR SPOTLIGHT

                          Holly Horton                              Almost immediately, Holly looked to give back to
                          Architectural Associate                ACE San Diego. She says, “Our high school lost funding
                          Davy Architecture                      for the design class during my senior year, and so many
                                                                 students lost an opportunity to learn about the industry. I
    As a student at Santana High School in Santee, Calif.,       decided then that I would come back to my high school
    Holly was involved in an architectural design class. When    and give students the advantages that I had through the
    her instructor and counselor introduced the ACE Mentor       ACE Mentor Program and my instructors. I feel like I can
    Program in her sophomore year, she signed up.
       Beyond helping define the role that the architect plays
    in the construction process, Holly says, “ACE affirmed my
                                                                      “ACE affirmed my career choice in
    career choice in design and project leadership.”                    design and project leadership.”
       Holly was awarded a $25,000 ACE scholarship to attend
    the NewSchool of Architecture + Design in San Diego. This,
    along with merit scholarships and grants, helped pay most    introduce these students—especially young women—to
    of her tuition. She graduated with a Bachelor of Architec-   design and construction. My female role models were
    ture and minor in construction management in June 2020.      my design teacher Sarah Hatinen and my ACE mentor
       Upon graduation, Holly went to work for one of her        Heather Schopplein. I hope to fill their shoes in the lives of
    mentors, Ric Davy, senior principle at Davy Architecture     other young women at Santana High School, and provide
    and strong ACE San Diego supporter. Several of the firm’s    mentorship to students who feel a calling in design and
    architects are also mentors for ACE.                         construction.” ◆

22 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                    
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                                                         ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020

ACE ENR Outstanding Mentors 2020
The Outstanding Mentor Program                                  Kate Dunfee,            trips promoting skilled trades careers.
recognizes the contributions of ACE’s                             AIA, RID, Fort        She also created two MEP activities
lifeblood: its mentors. Since it was                              Worth, Texas,         for ACE students that are now used by
established in 2011, the program has                              Project Architect,    several affiliate teams to teach related
recognized more than 50 mentors from                              Huckabee              concepts. Amanda serves on the affili-
across the county. The program is spon-                              Kate is largely    ate’s board of directors and co-chaired
sored by Engineering News-Record                                  responsible for       its 2020 sold-out fundraiser, which
and its parent company BNP Media.            reviving the Fort Worth program            generated more than $200,000.
Following are the 2020 winners.              of the Dallas/Fort Worth affiliate.
                                             Near collapse in 2017 when Kate took                          Holly Snow,
                    Daniel Blaise,           it over, the 20-session program now                             LEED Green
                    PMP, LEED AP,            attracts more than 30 students and                              Associate,
                    Washington, D.C.,        awards $30,000 in scholarships. The                             Portland, Ore.,
                    Metro Area,              final design projects developed by her                          Estimating
                    Senior Project           students have attracted the interest and                        Manager, JE Dunn
                    Manager, Smoot           involvement of the City Council and a                           Construction
                    Construction             local economic development group.             A mentor for the Portland, Ore.,
    Since 2014, Daniel has been the                                                     affiliate beginning in 2015, Holly
Washington, D.C., Metro Area affili-                            Jeffrey                 became a team leader in 2017. At the
ate’s “go-to” mentor to start a new team                        Messinger,              request of several students, she orga-
or help a struggling site. In 2019, he was                      PE, LEED AP             nized and led the affiliate’s first team
tapped to lead a new team at a nontra-                          BD+C, New York,         to enter the CIRT National Design
ditional public charter school that seeks                        Vice President,        and Construction Competition in 2019.
to reengage high school students ages                            STV Group              As a member of affiliate’s board and
16–24. Through the program, students                                 During his 17      scholarship committee, Holly advocates
earn a GED, train in various trades and      years as mentor and team leader for        for underserved and minority students.
acquire various certifications. Daniel       the Greater New York affiliate, Jeffrey    At her firm, she recruits mentors for
successfully adapted the regular ACE         has impacted 400–500 students. Two         ACE, especially women, and she also
program to suit student interests and        of his former students have joined his     supervises ACE student interns. ◆
needs. He credits ACE with helping to        team as mentors, including one alumna
secure full-time employment for several      who co-leads the team with him. His
students.                                    students and fellow mentors appreciate            Stay in Touch
                                             his broad knowledge of the design
                    Alex Busche,             and construction industry and ability               With ACE
                    EIT, Houston,            to explain complex concepts. Many
                      Senior Project         students ask Jeffrey to write recom-           Follow Us: @acementor
                      Engineer, DPR          mendations, and then stay in touch for
                      Construction           advice and assistance with internships
                          An alumnus         and jobs.
                      of the Central
Iowa affiliate, Alex now mentors for                            Amanda Shade,
the Houston affiliate and this year                             CEM, Los Angeles,
stepped up to lead its largest team. As                           Senior Project
a founding member of Houston’s ACE                                Manager, ACCO            Sign Up for Our News Blog:
Associates Board, he helped over-                                 Engineered       
haul the affiliate’s curriculum. After                            Systems
mastering Procore’s Brick by Brick                                    Amanda has
construction management game, Alex           mentored for 13 years, first with the
now trains other teams on how to use         San Diego affiliate and since 2010
the game as part of their curriculums.       with the Los Angeles/Orange County
To deepen students’ interest in the          affiliate. In addition to inspiring
industry, he has helped them obtain          students to pursue industry-related
internships, particularly at his firm.       majors in college, she organizes field                                                                                          August 17/24, 2020 | 23
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                              SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

Virtual CIRT National Design & Construction
Competition Spotlights Next-Generation Talent
The 14th Annual CIRT National                  The winners were:                                (Washington Liberty H.S. Team)
Design & Construction Competition              • 1st Place ($5,000 Prize): ACE                  for National Pavilion entry: “The
may have felt different this year, but           Mentor Program of Greater New                  National Star”
the talent of young people from across           York (Team 30) for Water Resource
the country was no less evident.                 Management & Preservation entry:             The following teams were also
    For 2020, 52 entries from 24 ACE             “The Belt”                                recognized for their solutions to focused
affiliates competed for top honors.                                                        design challenges:
More than 400 students from 170 high
schools and 238 mentors were involved.              “The winning entry                     National Pavilion Challenge
In an unprecedented virtual final round,                                                       • 1st Runner-Up: ACE Mentor of
                                                exhibited extraordinary
the three finalist teams presented their                                                         Illinois/Chicago Team 9
projects to a national remote audience of              versatility and                         • 2nd Runner-Up: ACE Mentor
more than 130 and five judges.                                                                   Program of Greater Phoenix
                                                  responsiveness to the
    CIRT President Mark A. Casso                                                                 Area/Team P3
says, “The dedication and quality of the           criteria of the water
competition teams are always inspira-                                                      Water Resource Management &
                                               management challenge,
tional, and this year is no exception.                                                     Preservation Challenge
If this is the example of the type of             including a tidal-flow                      • 1st Runner-Up: ACE Mentor of
students that we’re attracting to our                                                           Greater Philadelphia/Team 10
industry, our industry is in good hands.     energy-generation system.”                       • 2nd Runner-Up: ACE Mentor of
These students are just outstanding.”              —CIRT National Design &
                                                                                                Washington/Seattle Technology
                                                   Construction Competition                     Team
                                                         Judges Panel
                                                                                           Gastronomic Center Challenge
                                                                                             • 1st Runner-Up: ACE Mentor of
CONGRATULATIONS                                • 2nd Place ($3,000 Prize): ACE                 Illinois/Chicago Team 1
 to the 2020 CIRT Design &                       Mentor Program of Illinois                  • 2nd Runner-Up: ACE Mentor
 Construction Competition                        (Chicago Team 5) for Gastronomic              Program of Illinois/Chicago Team 6
                                                 Center entry: “Food Bank”
     National Winners!                         • 3rd Place ($2,000 Prize): ACE                The CIRT National Design &
National Champion & 1st Place, $5k               Mentor Program of Greater                 Construction Competition is a collab-
Winner: ACE Mentor Program of                    Washington, D.C., Metro Area              orative effort with ACE and the
Greater New York (Team 30) for their
Water Resource Management &
Preservation entry: “the belt;”

2nd Place, $3k Winner: ACE Mentor
Program of Illinois (Chicago Team 5)
for their Gastronomic Center entry:
“Food Bank;” and

3rd Place, $2k Winner: ACE Mentor
Program of Greater Washington, DC
Metro Area (Washington Liberty H.S.
Team) for their National Pavilion
                                                                                                                                           IMAGE: COURTESY OF ACE MENTOR PROGRAM

entry: “The National Star.”

   a force for positive change in the       The ACE Mentor Program of Greater New York (Team 30) won the top award for “The Belt,”
                                            a structure designed to resist sea level rise, maintain water quality and protect Manhattan
    design / construction industry
                                            from the effects of climate change.

24 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                      

Chicago Architecture Center. The
panel of judges included Thomas F.
Gilbane Jr. of Gilbane Building Co.,
Tom Reilly of Turner Construc-
tion Co., Lisa Chong of Thornton-
Tomasetti, Scott Seltz of Engineering
News-Record and Jenni Mushynski of
Chicago Architecture Center. ◆

   Winning the CIRT
   Competition Runs                          Mentoring future talent
   In the Family
                                             is our best investment.
   Erikson Calungsod, the presenter
   for Greater New York’s Team 30
   that took the top prize in this year’s
                                             H2M is proud to be an active member of the ACE Mentor Program.
   competition, hails from a family of
                                             We believe in the value of sharing knowledge, skills, and
   competition winners.
                                             perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of
       His eldest sister Kristy, now an
                                             tomorrow’s workforce.
   environmental engineer, joined
   ACE Mentor Program in 2011.
   Although she did not participate
   on a CIRT team, she inspired her
   three younger siblings to join ACE.
       Denise and Raphael,
   numbers two and three in the
   family pecking order, were both
   members of Team 30, which was
   created in 2013 as a competition
   team. In 2014, Raphael joined
                                                 As the largest employee-owned
   ACE, which in the following year
                                                 electrical contractor in the nation,
   placed second runner-up in the                 our heritage is built on a culture
   transportation/road systems chal-               of diversity and inclusion We
   lenge category.                                  inspire our people to be their
       In 2016, when Erickson joined                 best. We work to build our
   Team 30, Denise was the presenter                  communities and we
   for the first-place national winner.                stand for mutual
                                                        respect, equality,
   In 2017, Erickson picked up her
                                                         and acceptance.
   mantle, presenting for Team 30’s
                                                          Get inspired at
   entry, which placed second
   overall. Older brother Raphael
   was a member of this team.
       During the 2019–2020 program
   year, Denise helped mentor the
   first-place Team 30 while she
   interned at AECOM. She had just
   earned a construction manage-
   ment and civil engineering
   degree from New York College of
   Technology. Her brother Erikson
   heads to Brooklyn College this fall
   to study pre-med. ◆                      LEAD. INSPIRE. BUILD.AZ - ROC034937R-11 | ROC105241C-11 | ROC111444A-17 | ROC158637B-1 | ROC158638A, CA - 142881, NV - 011435, OR - CCB #103939, TX - 2080                                                                                                                       August 17/24, 2020 | 25
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

                                               ACE ALUMNI MENTOR SPOTLIGHT

                          Kenuel Lopez Rivera                           Today, Kenuel is a civil engineer with Turner Construction
                          Cost Engineer                              Co. and lead mentor for the Boston Society of Architects
                          Turner Construction Co.                    team within the Greater Boston affiliate.
                                                                        He has also opened windows of opportunity for his
    An interest in sciences and math doesn’t always translate        five siblings and a number of other minority high school
    to a career in the design and construction industry. But         students. In fact, thanks in part to shared conversa-
    with help from ACE mentors and a favorite teacher, Kenuel        tions about ACE, Kenuel’s 18-year-old brother is currently
    found his passion as a construction manager.                     attending Tufts University in Massachusetts and studying
       He joined the Providence, R.I., affiliate during his senior   civil engineering.
    year at Central Falls High School. Those mentors plus a tour        Kenuel says, “The best thing about ACE is its ability
    of nearby Worcester Polytechnic University (WPI), where he       to introduce young people from all walks of life to the
    learned about all of the varied engineering degrees and          many disciplines that they may not have otherwise known
    programs offered there, helped guide Kenuel to civil engi-       existed. This year, two of his mentees picked construction
    neering and ultimately to a career focusing on construc-         management because we introduced them to the career
    tion management. He then went on to graduate with a civil        opportunities. That’s tremendously rewarding.”
    engineering degree from WPI in 2017.                                Even better, Kenuel says that earlier this year, he
       “It’s not always easy for low-income minorities to see        received an email from one of his first mentees who has
    themselves in a professional environment,” Kenuel explains.      been accepted into the engineering program at North-
    “But with ACE and the support of that teacher, I did.”           eastern University in Boston. ◆

26 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                       
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION                                                                         ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020

ACE Awards Another $400K in Scholarships in Memory
Of CMiC Founder Allen Berg
In the second year of the CMiC Allen        interest and aptitude in the construction   and the scholarship committee—believe
Berg Memorial Scholarship program,          industry, as well as a need. Second, a      in them, they’ll believe in themselves.”
the ACE Mentor Program scholarship          mentor, team leader or affiliate leader         Scholarship recipients were individu-
committee awarded scholarships to 23        with direct knowledge of the applicant      ally notified via a Zoom announcement
students from 23 affiliates across 18       writes the recommendation.                  meeting, which included the ACE
states. The total value of the postsec-        Ross Myers, chairman and CEO of          National staff, the student’s affiliate
ondary education scholarships, worth        Allan Myers and member of the Exec-         leader and mentor. Surprised recipients
between $5,000 and $40,000, was             utive Committee of the National Board       didn’t know in advance the reason for
$400,000. The two top scholarship                                                       the Zoom call.
winners hailed from the Cleveland and                                                       The scholarships are named in honor
Portland, Ore., affiliates.                    Scholarship recipients                   of Allen Berg, the late founder of the
   Selected first on the basis of merit          were individually                      construction management software
and then on financial need, the scholar-                                                company CMiC.
ship winners include students who are            notified via Zoom.                         “Allen was a lifelong learner devoted
entering accredited college programs                                                    to educational and community causes,”
in areas such as architecture, interior     of the ACE Mentor Program, says,            says Judith Berg, chairwoman of the
design and engineering, as well as, for     “Because ACE mentors have worked            CMiC Board of Directors. “This
the first time, skilled craft programs.     alongside the students, the students will   scholarship in his memory will carry
   This scholarship program is              realize long-term benefits. The scholar-    on his legacy as an advocate for equal
distinctive in several ways. First, every   ships reinforce student confidence and      opportunities to drive positive change
applicant has demonstrated a sincere        build self-esteem. If we—their mentors      in the world.” ◆

                                                                           WSP is proud to support the
                                                                        ACE Mentor Program in developing
                                                                         our industry’s next generation of
                                                                              talent and opportunity.
                                                                       Congratulations to the 2020 mentees.

                                                                           Find out what we can do for you.

                                                                               Join our team!                                                                                         August 17/24, 2020 | 27
ACE Mentor Yearbook 2020                                                                               SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION

                                              ACE ALUMNI MENTOR SPOTLIGHT

                          Cody Whitelock                             tion management. He graduated in 2015 and was hired
                          Virtual Construction Manager               by Barnhill Contracting Co., where a colleague at the
                          Barnhill Contracting Co.                   company reconnected Cody with ACE.
                                                                        “I wanted to reconnect with an organization that gave
    Cody already had an interest in the design and construc-         so much to me during my high school years,” Cody says,
    tion industry thanks largely to his father’s experience          “And I wanted to give that same experience back to a new
    working for a steel subcontractor.                               generation of students, just as the program had inspired
       “I thought construction would be interesting—but wasn’t       me to do.”
    quite sure in what capacity,” Cody says. “My high school            He joined the Raleigh/Durham affiliate as a mentor, and
    guidance counselor put me in touch with the drafting and         soon after took on bigger roles as a lead mentor, associate
    CTE teachers at my school in my freshman year.”                  board member, webmaster and, this past year, associate
       The ACE Maryland Eastern Shore program was cham-              board president. In the past six years, Cody has been
    pioned by the drafting instructors and hosted in their           fortunate enough to see students go through ACE, then
    classroom after school. Recalls Cody, “The mentors in ACE        college, internships and start careers.
    helped me refine my career choice by spotlighting the               When asked to summarize the value of ACE, Cody says,
    different roles. I liked to work on the ACE projects and solve   “The greatest benefits of ACE are the practical education
    problems, so engineering seemed a perfect career path.”          and networking that allow students to grow outside of their
       Cody attended Clemson University in South Carolina            studies in high school, go to college, pursue internships and
    to study civil engineering with an emphasis in construc-         co-ops, and prepare for an ACE profession after school.” ◆


28 | August 17/24, 2020                                                                                     
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