Page created by Ronald Wilson
                           VA A REGRESAR EL DUEñO DE LA CASA;
                           SI AL ANOCHECER, A LA MEDIANOCHE,
                      AL CANTO DEL GALLO, O A LA MADRUGADA.
                                                   MARCOS 13:35

     29 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2020

Mass Intentions
                                                                                               Monday, November 30th
                                                                                           Int. of Isaac Aguirre
                                                                                           †Anne Louise Beddingfield
                   700 Dewhurst Road, San Antonio, Texas 78213
        / email:                         Tuesday, December 1st
                                                                                           Int. of Laura J. Campos
                                            St. Gregory Parish Office                      †Catherine Gillette
Mass Times                             Office Hours 9:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday 5:30pm Vigil Mass(English) Ph: 210-342-5271                                       †Ramona Bentacur
                                                         Fax: 210-342-0542
Sunday 8:00am Mass (English) Closed Holidays and Holy Days of Obligation                     Wednesday, December 2nd
         10:00am Mass (English)                                                            †Ken Kwan
                                    Parish/School Administrator
         12:00pm Misa (Español)
                                    Paul Canales                  ext. 317                     Thursday, December 3rd
Daily Mass Times                    Office Manager                                         For all our Priest
                                    Ezekiel O’Campo               ext. 321                 Ints. of Myra Carrizales
Mon. 8:15am
Tues. 8:15am Communion Service
                                    Rolando Guerrero              ext. 313                       Friday, December 4th
Wed. 7:15am                         Faith Formation Director                               Int. of Abigail Sauseda
Thurs.– Sat. 8:15am                 Gloria Silva                  ext. 333
                                    Administrative. Assistant                                 Saturday, November 28th
Confessions                         Martha Guajardo               ext. 300                 8:15am
Fridays 4pm – 6pm in Church                                                                In Thanksgiving to Our Lady
                                                     Pastoral Staff
Adoration Chapel                          Rev. Miguel Moreno, Pastor
Mon. - Fri.     7am - 7pm                                                                  †Roland & Themlma Neaves
                                          Deacon Fred Campos Jr.
                                                                                           †Epifanio & Juanita Arreaga
                                          Deacon Carlos Cerna
Sacraments                                Deacon Joe Lopez
                                                                                           †Johnny Arreaga
Baptism ~Contact Parish Office                                                             †Marie Mullen
Marriage ~Contact Fr. Miguel                   St. Gregory the Great                       †Bonnie Groff
nine months in advance.                         Community Services                         †Michael Liserio
Anointing of the Sick                     CYO                                              †Walter Stoneham
Contact Fr. Miguel.                       Eugene Esqueda                                       Sunday, November 29th
First Communion &                         Hospital & Home Bound Ministry                   8:00am
High School Confirmation                  Ezekiel O’Campo              ext. 321            Altar Soiciety
Call Gloria Silva at 210-342-3826         KC Council#4140
Sacraments for Adults                                                                      †Catherine Gillette
                                          Felix Trevinio          210-887-1904
Call Terri & Victor 210-275-9160          St. Vincent de Paul Society                      10:00am
                                          Gilbert Segura          210-308-8743             World Peace
Liturgical Ministries                                                                      †Barbara Dillman
Altar Servers   Susan & Geoffry Merrit      Evangelization Ministries                      †Elo & Louise Rabenaldt
Church Media    Rudy Rodriguez            A.C.T.S.                       Chuck Brayden
EMHC            Ezekiel O’Campo           Altar Society                 Dolores Johnson    12:00pm
English Choir   Gilbert & Rudy            Bible Study Group              Gilbert Barrera
Ushers          Jesse Tello                                                                Por Nuestra Comunidad
                                          Eucharistic Apostles Divine Mercy
Lectors         Ezekiel O’Campo                                   Mary Ann Maldonado
Sacristans      Augie Morales                                                              You can offer a Mass Intention for
                                          Fishers of Men                     Jesse Tello   your Family or Friends, for Birthdays
Spanish Choir   James Vidouria            Fully Engaged         Victor & Terri Longoria    & Anniversaries, for remembrances
                                          Gardening Ministry     Christina De La Garza     and the like. Call the Church Office to
St. Gregory Catholic School               Holy Name Society               David Fuentes
   Office Hours 7:30am – 4:30pm                                                            set up a date and time for your Loved
                                          Hospital/Homebound          Dcn. Carlos Cerna    One’s Mass Celebration.
             210-342-0281                 Legion of Mary                 Delma Campos
Paul Canales, Administrator   342-5271    Legión de María           Ana Maria Mendoza
Daniel P. Martinez, Principal  ext. 318   RCIA                  Victor & Terri Longoria
Ana Cortez, Vice Principal     ext. 368   Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Belinda Lopez, Business Office ext. 261                                 Crissy Escamilla
                                          Women of Faith                 Delma Campos
St. Gregory Parish Hall Rental            Young Adult Bible Study       Samantha Casas
Hope Rodriguez           210-342-0281     Youth Ministry                    Gloria Silva
                              ext. 326                                                                                               2
TODAY’S READINGS                                                                                                          LECTURAS DE HOY
First Reading — We are the clay and you, O Lord,                                                               Primera lectura — Isaías ruega por el retorno del
are the potter: we are the work of your hands (Isaiah                                                          Señor (Isaías 63:16-17, 19; 64:2-7).
63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7).                                                                                       Salmo — Señor, Dios nuestro, restáuranos que brille
Psalm — Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your                                                             tu rostro y nos salve (Salmo 80 [79]).
face and we shall be saved (Psalm 80).                                                                         Segunda lectura — Pablo está agradecido por las
Second Reading — God is faithful; by God you                                                                   bendiciones que los corintios han recibido debido a
were called to fellowship with the Son (1 Corinthians                                                          su fe en Jesús (1 Corintios 1:3-9).
1:3-9).                                                                                                        Evangelio — Jesús dice a los discípulos que estén
Gospel — Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know                                                                siempre alerta a la llegada del tiempo designado
when the time will come. (Mark 13:33-37). .                                                                    (Marcos 13:33-37).
          READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                                                                LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
Monday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22                                                                    Lunes: Rom 10:9-18; Sal 19 (18):8-11; Mt 4:18-22
Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk                                                             Martes: Is 11:1-10; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17;
10:21-24                                                                                                       Lc 10:21-24
Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37                                                                 Miércoles: Is 25:6-10a; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Mt 15:29-37
Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a;                                                             Jueves: Is 26:1-6; Sal 118 (117):1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt
Mt 7:21, 24-27                                                                                                 7:21, 24-27
Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31                                                             Viernes: Is 29:17-24; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31
Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35                                                              Sábado: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Sal 147 (146):1-6; Mt 9:35
— 10:1, 5a, 6-8                                                                                                — 10:1, 5a, 6-8
                                                                                                               Domingo: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Sal 85 (84):9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14;
Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-14; 2 Pt 3:8-14;                                                              Mc 1:1-8
Mk 1:1-8
                                                                                                                 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES
   SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES                                                                              Domingo: Primer Domingo de Adviento
Sunday: First Sunday of Advent                                                                                 Lunes: San Andrés
Monday: St. Andrew, Apostle                                                                                    Martes: Día Mundial de la Lucha contra el SIDA
Tuesday: World AIDS Awareness Day                                                                              Jueves: San Francisco Javier
Thursday: St. Francis Xavier                                                                                   Viernes: Primer viernes; San Juan Damasceno
Friday: First Friday; St. John Damascene                                                                       Sábado: Primer sábado
Saturday: First Saturday

                   Stewardship of Treasure / Corresponsabilidad

             Weekend & Weekly Parish Finance Report / Reporte Financiero Semanal
                                                              Saturday / Sábado                                               No Data
  Offertory Collections                                       5:30pm                                                                                   Next week’s collection is for
   Nov. 21 & 22, 2020                                         Sunday / Domingo                                                No Data                    the Retired Religious
  Colección de Ofertorio                                      8:00am                                                                                        Men and Women
                                                              Sunday / Domingo                                                No Data
                                                              Sunday / Domingo                                                No Data
                                                              Mail-in / Correo                                                No Data
                                                              Online Giving                                                   No Data
                                                              Nov. 2nd - 8th
                                                                                                      Total                   No Data

                                                              Campaign for Human                                              No Data
                                                              Development                                                                                                                                      3
Going on this Week / Esta Semana
Monday, November 30th                               Up Coming Liturgies / Liturgias Siguientes
• Novena for the Immaculate Conception begins
                                                Dec. 2nd… 7pm Advent Confessions—Confesiones
Wednesday, December 2nd                                    (6 Priest available—6 Sacerdotes disponibles)
• 7pm Advent Confessions in Church              Dec. 7th… 7pm Vigilia de La Inmaculada Concepción
                                                Dec. 8th… 8:15am & 7pm Immaculate Conception Mass
Thursday, December 3rd                          Dec. 12th… 7:30am Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
• 6:30pm RCIA at Mary’s House                               begins with Mariachis outside.
Friday, December 4th                            Dec. 20th… 6pm La Gran Posada starts at the Church
• 4-6pm Confessions
                                                Dec. 24th… 4pm Children’s Christmas Eve Vigil Mass
Saturday, December 5th                                     6pm Christmas Eve Vigil Mass
• 7:30am Fishers of Men at Mary’s House                    8pm Misa Vespertina de Vigilia de
• 12pm SVDP at Mary’s House                                    La Natividad del Señor

Sunday, December 6th                            Dec. 25th… 9am Christmas Day Mass
• 2:30pm E. A. of Divine Mercy at Mary’s                  11am Misa del Día La Natividad del Señor


                                     Faith Formation Office
                               Sunday Classes from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
                              Office Hours: Monday – Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                                    Phone: 210-342-3826 /

Faith Formation classes resume this Sunday, Nov. 29, this is for all in person and online students.

Every holiday season our St. Vincent de Paul gives away Christmas food bags to families in our parish com-
munity. The students and staff of our Faith Formation program help make this possible with donations. The
following are items your family can donate, please bring to class Nov.15 – Dec. 6.
   box of instant potatoes canned yams canned corn boxed cornbread stuffing cranberry sauce
Students should bring one or as many items as they wish to their classrooms for the next two Sundays. Please
help bring the joy of Christmas to the St. Gregory community. If you have questions about the drive call our
St. Vincent de Paul Society at 210-308-8743.

Next Youth Group meeting is Sunday, Dec. 6 at 1:00-2:30pm. in the parish hall.

                 Class prayer for this weekend shared by confirmation student, James Furr.
        St. Michael the Archangel,
        Defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
        May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
        And do thou O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God,
        thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world
        seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

                                      Adult Faith Formation
                                Terri and Victor Longoria, 210-275-9160 or
                       Email: ph. 210-342-5271 ext.314

RCIA Classes: Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm. @ Mary’s House 720 Beryl.
Iglesia peregrina
Nuestra participación en la Misa requiere que peregrinemos desde el hogar hasta la iglesia parroquial. Real-
mente nuestra preparación comienza en casa, desde que nos disponemos a la participación y emprendemos
la peregrinación. Esto nos recuerda que la Iglesia, en esencia, es peregrina y que sigue esperando la venida
del Emmanuel, no sólo del Dios que nace entre nosotros, sino del Dios que, en la persona de Cristo, vendrá
de nuevo, de Jesús, cuyo nombre significa: Dios salva. Aunque caminamos y nos desplazamos a muchos
lugares, esta peregrinación es particularmente significativa porque nos
reunimos con un mismo fin, celebrar el misterio pascual de Cristo: su pa-
sión, muerte y resurrección. El congregarnos en la casa de la Iglesia, ha-
ciendo a un lado nuestras diferencias naturales, para hacernos una voz, un
solo pan y un solo cáliz reafirma la posibilidad de caminar juntos hacia
Dios, de unir nuestra alabanza, de alimentarnos para el viaje y de celebrar
por adelantado el Reino de Dios anunciado por Jesús. Por eso es que cami-
namos con un fin, un fin que puede ir más allá de nuestra propia visión, si
se quiere, pero que en la perspectiva de Dios, es tan concreto y tan veraz,
como el pueblo que se reúne y camina con alegría a la casa de la Iglesia.
—Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

School Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
                                        Office 210-342-0281 / Fax 210-308-7177 /
                                                                   Greeting StG Parishioners,

                                                                 I pray you are doing well and preparing for a safe holi-
                                                                 day season. My name is Andrew Villarreal
                                                                 and I am the 4th and 5th grade math teacher. I am ex-
                                                                 cited to be in my first year of serving in
                                                                 ministry at St. Gregory the Great Catholic School. It is
                                                                 a blessing to be here working with our
                                                                 wonderful Chargers. This year in math, students are
                                                                 mastering the 4-operations using whole
Class News from Ms. Floyd’s 5th Grade Class                      numbers. We are looking forward to learning about
                                                                 decimals, fractions, and geometry. In
Dear Parishioners, Family, Friends and Visitors,                 addition to teaching math, I also teach a 4th grade
The 2020-2021 school year is flying by! In 5th grade we are
busy learning the 3 R’s and G: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic,
                                                                 reading class where we will soon dive
and God. We have been blessed with our new spiritual leader,     into Charlotte’s Web looking to strengthen our under-
Father Miguel. We are waiting for him to take us up on our offer standing of characterization. In music we
to join us one Friday for lunch. While we have students in       are looking at the various instrument families and the
school and students participating in class by distance learning, beautiful sounds each instrument makes.
we are, as always, “United in Spirit, by Faith in God and Aca-
demic Excellence” and we are moving forward because of the
                                                                 This has been and will continue to be a great year of
Grace of God, and the undying love of our parents and encour-    learning and growth for all of us.
agement from the Family of StG.
In SFA, Ms. Floyd’s class is working on the very important skill   May God continue to bless all Chargers and our fami-
of clarifying. We are in our first novel, Misty of Chincoteague,   lies!
and have learned that the rich history of the ponies of As-
sateague and Chincoteague Islands on the Northeast Cost of the
United States.                                                     Sincerely,
Ms. Floyd’s science classes are busy learning about atoms, ele-
ments, the periodic table, and changes in matter. Once again,      Mr. Villarreal
Ms. Floyd shared delicious recipes to illustrate how cooking can
be a simple mixture or a complex chemical reaction.
Ms. Floyd’s 4th grade Texas History class is learning about the
early people who lived in Texas, and so far we have discovered
the Caddo Indians and Karankawa tribes lived originally lived
along the Coastal Plains of Texas.
Ms. Floyd’s 5th grade American History class is now learning
about the early colonies of America. Ms. Floyd has been sharing
a song she sang way back in her 5th grade year—Fifty Nifty
United States—and other songs as we learn our 50 states and
their capitols.
Ms. Floyd’s 5th Grade class wants to thank each of you for your
love and support of our GREAT school. Mr. Martinez continues
to guide us, lead us, and give us confidence we will get through
COVID. Our school year is different, yet, our school year is
GREAT because of the loyal support of our parishioners. With-
out our parishioner support, we know it would be very difficult
for our school to carry on our mission of a Catholic education
for each student. Thank you for always being our loyal support-

Peace and blessings,
Ms. Julie Floyd’s 5th Grade Class                                                                                         7
Praying for our Loved Ones / Orando por Nuestros Queridos

        PRAYING FOR OUR SICK /                                      PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS /
Henry Almaguer, Jouselin Balderas, Henry Benavides                                 Shane Bounds, John Brunn,
Charles Brayden, Don Rafael Brown, Federico Campos                                 Luis Bustos, Wally Alfred Corona,
III, Liz Carrola, Leo Casares, Emma Dora Cavazos, Da-                              Robert T. De Leon, Rudy De Le-
vid Ciarrocchi, Eliane Colchin, Monica De La Peña, Petra                           on, Dillan Del Torro, Armando
Facundo, Rose Feise, Amando Flores and family, Kevin                               Garza, David Garza, Eric Garza,
Gallagher, Lauranda Garza, Andrew Gomez, Ignacio                                   James David Gonzales, Christo-
Guerra, Minnie Guerra, Daniel Gutierrez, Rosie Harris,                             pher Grandt, James Lopez,
Walter Herbeck, Frank and Josie Hinojosa, Susan                                    Michael M. Lopez, Ryan Lowe,
Janysek, Stephan Klaffke, Rosalie Klein, Margaret                                  Rosemary Martinez, Christopher
Lamon, Edna Le Vasseur, Hector Lizcano, Becky                                      Masters, Zechariah Miller, Christo-
McBrearty, Henry McCann, Daniel Mancha, Ariana Mar-                                pher A. Ochoa, Gilberto Patino,
tinez, Philomena Martinez, Teresa Mason, Ruth Medellin,
                                                           Steven Rangel, Rey Riojas, Richard J. Rivera, Rodolfo Ri-
Rudy Molina, Linda Mora, Diane Morin, James Mortis,
Joe Neaves, Pat Nesrsta, Janice Neugebauer, Dora Ney,      vera Jr., Jovanni Rocha, Alexandria Rodriguez, Derek Ro-
Elida Peña, Thelma Peña, Liesl Perez, Rosemary Peters,     driguez, Gloria Rodriguez, Gabriel Sanchez, Matthew
Rick Peterson, Ken and Leonor Pruske, Adam Quintero,       Sanchez, and Joshua Placier.
Alice T. Ramirez, Adyan Remmers, Maria Elvia Reyes-
Martinez, Yolanda Reyes, Karicia Reynosa, Terry Rob-                     SANCTUARY CANDLES /
erts, Juventino Rodriguez, Rosemary Rodriguez, Veroni-                   VELAS DEL SANTUARIO
ca Rodriguez, Johanna and Roland Rohan, Reuben                            Holy Souls in Purgatory
Sanchez, Richard Sanchez, Daniel Segovia, Mary Sego-
via, Pedro Sepulveda, Elmer Smoot, Ramiro Solis, Laura
Sosa, Lilia Sosa, Sr. Marcelle Stos, Joe Trinidad, Susie
                                                                      CANDLES FOR OUR LADY /
Uribe, Veronica Vernis, Nicole White, William Wimer,                  VELAS A NUESTRA SEÑORA
Roy Willborn, Tom Windler, Jack and Kathy Winn.                               †Arturo Lopez Sr.

                                                                      ADORATOIN CHAPEL LAMP/
                                                                       LAMPARA EN LA CAPILLA
                                                                              †Michael Liserio

                                                             PERTETUAL LAMP / LAMPARA PERPETUA
                                                                             Peace in the World

       To offer a candle for your intentions                 Para ofrecer una vela para sus intenciones a
  to our Lord in the Tabernacle, to Our Lady of            Nuestro Señor Jesús en el Sagrario, a Nuestra Se-
 Grace, for the Perpetual Lamp in the Church or            ñora de la Divina Gracia, para la Vela Perpetua
             in the Adoration Chapel,                         del Santísimo en la Iglesia o en la Capilla
         please call the Church Office at                     favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al
                   210-342-5271.                                            210-342-5271.
Prayer List: Names for inclusion on the prayer lists                      NUESTRA PARROQUIA
may be submitted to the Parish Office. Please obtain       Lista de Oración: Para la inclusión de un nombre
permission from the person whose name is being             a la listas de oración, sumita lo a la oficina parro-
submitted.                                                 quial, con el permiso de esa persona.
Holy Communion for the Sick: If you are sick               Comunión a los Enfermos: Si estas enfermo/a,
and homebound/hospital/nursing home and would              confinado a casa/hospital/asilo de ancianos y desea
like Holy Communion, contact Ezekiel O’Campo at            recibir la Santa Comunión, favor de llamar al
210-342-5271 ext. 321.                                     210-342-5271 ext. 321 y hable con Mr. O'Campo.

Anointing of the Sick: Call the Church Office.             Unción de los Enfermos: Hable a la Oficina.
                                             Please submit all bulletin announcements by noon on Friday, December 4th for inclusion in the
                                                                             Sunday, December 13th bulletin.
                                               Submissions should be in electronic format and emailed to

                                  The Archdiocese of San Antonio is unconditionally committed to the protection of children,
                                  youth and vulnerable populations within our community.
                                  To report violations against the Code of Conduct contact the Archdiocesan Misconduct
                                  Hotline, 844-709-1169 or online at
                    La Arquidiócesis de San Antonio está incondicionalmente comprometida con la protección de los niños,
                    jóvenes y poblaciones vulnerables dentro de nuestra comunidad.Para reporter violaciones al Código de Con-
                    ducta, comuníquese con el Archdiocesan Misconduct Hotline, 844-709-1169 or online at http://

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