AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020

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AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
No. 5, 2020

AI and Machine
Learning in 5G
Lessons from the ITU Challenge
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
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AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
Editorial                                                                             ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   1

   AI and machine learning in 5G
   — the ITU Challenge 2020
   By Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary‑General

   J In February this year, the               we announced the approval
   International Telecommunication            by our 193 Member States of
   Union (ITU) set the first ITU AI/ML in     an ITU Radiocommunication
   5G Challenge in motion — a global          Sector (ITU–R) Recommendation:
   competition that will culminate in         “Detailed specifications of the
   an online prize-winning event on           radio interfaces of IMT‑2020.”
   15–17 December, 2020.
                                              IMT‑2020 specifications for the fifth
   Through the Challenge, ITU                 generation of mobile communica‑
                                                                                      Through the
   encourages and supports the grow‑          tions (5G) will be the backbone of
   ing community driving the integra‑         tomorrow’s digital economy, lead‑       Challenge, ITU
   tion of artificial intelligence (AI) and   ing industry and society into the       encourages
   machine learning (ML) in networks          automated and intelligent world         and supports
   and at the same time enhances the
   community driving ITU standardiza‑
                                              and promising to improve people’s
                                              lives on a scale never seen before.
                                                                                      the growing
   tion work for AI/ML.                                                               community
                                              In this edition of the ITU Magazine     driving the
   The ITU Challenge enables the              you will learn all about the ITU AI/    integration
   collaborative culture necessary for        ML in 5G Challenge and also find
   success in emerging and future             ample insight articles from industry
                                                                                      of artificial
   networks such as 5G and creates            and academia.                           intelligence and
   new opportunities for industry and                                                 machine learning
   academia to influence the evolution        The Grand Challenge Finale will
                                                                                      in networks.
   of ITU standards.                          feature keynotes by Professor
                                              Vincent Poor of Princeton University,
   As the UN specialized agency               United States, Chih‑Lin I of the        Houlin Zhao
   for ICTs, ITU plays a central              China Mobile Research Institute,
   role in ensuring that these net‑           and Wojciech Samek of Fraunhofer
   works are rolled out widely                HHI, Germany. It will also launch the
   and follow the highest qual‑               Challenge 2021. Enjoy!
   ity standards. Most recently,
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
Contents                                                                    ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020                        2

      AI and Machine Learning in 5G
      Lessons from the ITU Challenge


      1    AI and machine learning in 5G — the ITU Challenge 2020
           By Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary‑General                            Cover photo: Shutterstock

      5    ITU thanks the sponsors of the 2020 AI/Machine Learning
           in 5G Challenge

      ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge

      6    Building community and trust on the ITU platform
           ITU News spoke with Chaesub Lee, Director of the ITU
           Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, to learn more about
           the context for the ITU Challenge on AI and Machine Learning     ISSN 1020–4148
           in 5G and its connection with the strategic priorities of ITU.
                                                                            Six issues per year
                                                                            Copyright: © ITU 2020
      9    Message from the organizers
           By Thomas Basikolo, AI/ML Consultant                             Editorial Coordinator & Copywriter: Nicole Harper
                                                                            Art Editor: Christine Vanoli
                                                                            Editorial Assistant: Angela Smith
      12   Follow the ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge
      13   Problem statements                                               Editorial office:
                                                                            Tel.: +41 22 730 5723/5683
      14   The Grand Challenge Finale — Tuesday, 15 December 2020           E‑mail:
      15   The Grand Challenge Finale — Wednesday, 16 December 2020
                                                                            Mailing address:
      16   The Grand Challenge Finale — Thursday, 17 December 2020          International Telecommunication Union
                                                                            Place des Nations
      17   Winning prizes and certificates                                  CH–1211 Geneva 20 (Switzerland)

      18 A guide to AI/ML challenges for the next-generation CTx            Disclaimer:
                                                                            Opinions expressed in this publication are those
           By Vishnu Ram OV, Independent Research Consultant                of the authors and do not engage ITU. The des‑
                                                                            ignations employed and presentation of mate‑
      23 A standards round-up on autonomous networks                        rial in this publication, including maps, do not
                                                                            imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever
           By Xiaojia Song, Researcher, Xi Cao, Senior Researcher, Lingli   on the part of ITU concerning the legal status of
           Deng, Technical Manager, Li Yu, Chief Researcher, and Junlan     any country, territory, city or area, or concerning
           Feng, Chief Scientist, China Mobile Research Institute           the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries.
                                                                            The mention of specific companies or of certain
      30   ITU AI/Machine Learning in 5G Challenge webinars                 products does not imply that they are endorsed
                                                                            or recommended by ITU in preference to others
                                                                            of a similar nature that are not mentioned.

                                                                            All photos are by ITU unless specified otherwise.
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
Contents                                                                        ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   3

      Insights from industry

      32 Capability evaluation and AI accumulation in future networks
           By Jun Liao, Artificial Intelligence Director, Tengfei
           Liu, Yameng Li, and Jiaxin Wei, Artificial Intelligence
           Engineers, China Unicom Research Institute

      35 Accelerating deep learning inference with Adlik open-source
           By Liya Yuan, Open Source and Standardization Engineer, ZTE

      38 Challenges and opportunities for communication service
         providers in applying AI/ML
           By Salih Ergüt, 5G R&D Senior Expert, Turkcell

      42 Autonomous networks: Adapting to the unknown
           By Paul Harvey, Research Lead, and Prakaiwan Vajrabhaya, Research
           Outreach and Promotion Lead, Innovation Studio, Rakuten Mobile

      46 Quality of Experience testing in mobile networks
           By Arnd Sibila, Technology Marketing Manager,
           Mobile Network Testing, Rohde & Schwarz

      50 A network operator’s view of the role of AI in future radio
         access networks
           By Chih‑Lin I, Chief Scientist, and Qi Sun, Senior Researcher,
           Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute

      55 AI and open interfaces: Key enablers for campus networks
           By Günther Bräutigam, Managing Director, Airpuls; Renato L.G.
           Cavalcante, Research Fellow, and Martin Kasparick, Research
           Associate, Fraunhofer HHI; Alexander Keller, Director of Research,
           NVIDIA; and Slawomir Stanczak, Head of Wireless Communications
           and Networks Department, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

      58   Quotes from hosts of the ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge problem
      61   Quotes from the ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge participants
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
Contents                                                                       ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   4

      Insights from academia

      62 AI/machine learning for ultra-reliable low-latency
           By Andrey Koucheryavy, Chaired Professor, Telecommunication
           Networks and Data Transmission Department, The Bonch-Bruevich
           Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT),
           Chief Researcher, NIIR, and Chairman, ITU–T SG11; Ammar Muthanna,
           Deputy Head, Science, Telecommunication Networks and Data
           Transmission Department, SPbSUT, and Head, SDN Laboratory;
           Artem Volkov, Researcher and PhD Student, Telecommunication
           Networks and Data Transmission Department, SPbSUT, Russia

      66 AI/ML integration for autonomous networking —
         a future direction for next‑generation telecommunications
           By Akihiro Nakao, Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan

      70 Realistic simulations in Raymobtime to design the physical
         layer of AI‑based wireless systems
           By Aldebaro Klautau, Professor, Federal University of Pará,
           Brazil; and Nuria González‑Prelcic, Associate Professor,
           North Carolina State University, United States

      74 Building reliability and trust with network simulators and
           By Francesc Wilhelmi, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Centre
           Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain

      78 Research projects in Nigeria advancing education and speech
           By James Agajo, Associate Professor and Head of WINEST
           Research Group, Department of Computer Engineering,
           Abdullahi Sani Shuaibu and Blessed Guda, Students,
           Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

      82 Why we need new partnerships for new data
           By Ignacio Rodriguez Larrad, PostDoc, Wireless
           Communication Networks, Aalborg University, Denmark

      86 Machine learning function orchestration for future generation
         communication networks
           By Shagufta Henna, Lecturer in Computing,
           Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland

      88   Sponsorship opportunities for 2021
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
ITU thanks the sponsors
         of the 2020 AI/Machine
        Learning in 5G Challenge

                Gold Sponsor
             TRA, United Arab Emirates


               Bronze Sponsors
              Cisco Systems and ZTE

CISCO                                    ZTE
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   6

      Building community and
      trust on the ITU platform
      ITU News spoke with Chaesub Lee, Director of the ITU
      Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, to learn more about
      the context for the ITU Challenge on AI and Machine Learning
      in 5G and its connection with the strategic priorities of ITU.

      This edition shares experiences       How does the ITU Challenge
      from the ITU Challenge. How           factor into the strategic priorities
      would you describe the aims of        of ITU?
      the ITU Challenge?
                                            ^ Building community and
                                                                                   The ITU
      ^ The ITU Challenge provided a        trust is at the heart of all that      Challenge
      platform for participants to apply    we do at ITU. We are a global          provided a
      ITU’s Machine Learning Toolkit
      in solving practical problem
                                            membership of 193 Member
                                            States and over 900 companies,
                                                                                   platform for
      statements. The ITU Challenge         universities, and international        participants
      allowed participants to connect       and regional organizations. ITU        to apply ITU’s
      with new partners in the ITU          standards are developed in a           Machine
      community — and new tools and
      data resources — to achieve goals
                                            community, building the mutual
                                            understanding that enables the
      set out by problem statements         community to advance together.         Toolkit.
      contributed by industry and           ITU standards are significant feats
      academia in Brazil, China, India,     of international collaboration.
                                                                                   Chaesub Lee
      Ireland, Japan, Russia, Spain,        They represent voluntary commit‑
      Turkey and the United States. It      ments to common approaches to          Director, ITU
      offered participants an opportu‑      technology development, appli‑
                                                                                   Standardization Bureau
      nity to showcase their talent, test   cation and supporting business
      their concepts on real data and       relationships. The value of ITU
      real-world problems, and com‑         standardization, just like the value
      pete for global recognition.          of the ITU Challenge, lies in the
                                            community that it creates.
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                       ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       7

      How do ITU standards connect                                            Standard “toolsets”, built to be
      with the ITU Challenge and how        5G represents major               adapted to evolving user require‑
      might this connection evolve?         advances in networking            ments and a broad scope of use
                                            to meet the needs of              cases, are also found in ITU stand‑
      ^ New ITU standards for AI/ML         a very diverse set of             ards in fields such as multimedia,
      provide toolsets to enable AI/ML      applications, across              security, blockchain and quantum
      integration in 5G and future net‑     industry sectors.                 information technology.
      works as these networks evolve.
      The ITU Telecommunication                                               The ICT industry evolves very
      Standardization Sector (ITU–T)        Chaesub Lee                       rapidly. How have recent
      Y.3172 architecture — derived                                           years’ evolutions impacted ITU
      from the study of use cases pub‑                                        standardization?
      lished in ITU–T Y.Supplement55
      — introduced the basic toolsets                                         ^ ITU’s standardization arm
      in relation to the underlying                                           (ITU–T) has seen a very strong
      network: ML Pipeline for model                                          increase in new members in the
      optimization and serving; ML        Why are AI/ML and supporting        past four years, topping over
      Sandbox to trial models before      standards important to 5G and       50 last year. We are addressing
      deployment; and ML Function         future networks?                    exciting new subjects, but the role
      Orchestrator (MLFO) to control                                          of the ITU platform has remained
      AI/ML integration. ITU–T Y.3173     ^ Companies in the network‑         unchanged for over 150 years —
      (intelligence evaluation), ITU–T    ing business are introducing AI/    we build community and trust to
      Y.3174 (data handling) and ITU–T    ML as part of their innovations     enable information and communi‑
      Y.3176 (marketplace integration)    to optimize network operations      cation technology (ICT) advances
      all build on the ITU–T Y.3172       and increase energy and cost        on a global scale. The ITU stand‑
      architecture. The ITU Challenge     efficiency. 5G represents major     ardization platform — for many
      aimed to demonstrate and            advances in networking to meet      years central to building mutual
      validate these ITU standards and    the needs of a very diverse set     understanding within the ICT sec‑
      create new opportunities for        of applications, across industry    tor — is now helping the ICT sector
      industry and academia to influ‑     sectors. Networks are growing       to build mutual understanding
      ence their evolution.               in sophistication and complexity.   with its many new partners. We
                                          AI/ML will be key in managing       see new partners collectively
                                          this complexity. The ITU–T Y.317x   advancing ITU standardization
                                          standards provide versatile tool‑   work in fields such as smart cities,
                                          sets to support AI/ML integration   energy, health care, finance, auto‑
                                          in tune with network evolution.     motive, and AI/ML.
AI and Machine Learning in 5G - Lessons from the ITU Challenge No. 5, 2020
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   8

      How has ITU approached this            Where is the influence of AI/
      need to support a more diverse         ML most pronounced in ITU             The concept of a truly
      set of ICT applications?               standardization work and              autonomous network —
                                             what are the opportunities            enabled by the Level 5
      ^ Although ITU’s role in build‑        to participate?                       intelligence described
      ing community and trust remains                                              by ITU–T Y.3173 — has
      unchanged, we have entered             ^ AI/ML is playing a key part in      sparked considerable
      a new era of standardization           ITU standardization work in fields    discussion in ITU.
      in need of new approaches to           such as network orchestration and
      continue building this community       management, multimedia coding,
      and trust. We have spent many          service quality assessment, digital   Chaesub Lee
      years bringing ICT decision-mak‑       health, environmental efficiency,
      ers together with decision-makers      and autonomous driving. And the
      in other sectors. This inclusive       concept of a truly autonomous
      dialogue has helped us to create       network — enabled by the Level 5
      the conditions necessary to            intelligence described by ITU–T
      deliver influential standards in       Y.3173 — has sparked considera‑
      fields of innovation given life by     ble discussion in ITU. We wel‑
      new partnerships; fields such          come you to join us.
      as digital health, digital finance,
      intelligent transport systems and      ITU continues to grow in inclu‑
      AI/ML. Here we see the value of        sivity. This year we introduced a
      open platforms such as ITU focus       reduced membership fee option
      groups or the AI for Good Global       for start-ups and SMEs. Academia
      Summit. These open platforms           have benefitted from reduced
      help to build community and            fees since 2011. Companies of
      trust. They help to clarify the con‑   all sizes in “low income” develop‑
      tributions expected of different       ing countries also benefit from
      stakeholders, including the contri‑    reduced fees.
      bution of ITU standardization.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                      ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   9

              AI/ML in 5G
              Applying machine learning in
              communication networks

      Message from the organizers
      By Thomas Basikolo, AI/ML Consultant

      J The ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge rallied like-minded students and
      professionals from around the globe to study the practical application
      of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in emerging    The ITU AI/ML in 5G
      and future networks. The Challenge was a first for ITU, but with many    Challenge rallied like-
      valuable lessons learnt, it looks to be the first of many.               minded students and
                                                                               professionals from
      The Challenge welcomed over 1300 participants from 62 coun‑              around the globe.
      tries, forming 911 teams, and we are looking forward to the Grand
      Challenge Finale, 15–17 December online, where outstanding teams
                                                                               Thomas Basikolo
      will compete for a share in a prize fund totalling 20 000 CHF and a
      range of other prizes offering global recognition.

      Partnerships made the ITU Challenge possible, and partnerships
      were also the name of the game.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       10

                                           and our Gold sponsor, the             The problem statements of this
        The Challenge                      Telecommunications Regulatory         first ITU Challenge offered a
        welcomed over                      Authority (TRA) of the United         variety of opportunities to apply
        1300 participants                  Arab Emirates; and Bronze spon‑       the ITU–T Y.317x techniques, and
        from 62 countries,                 sors Cisco and ZTE.                   one problem statement demon‑
        forming 911 teams.                                                       strated ML function orchestra‑
                                                                                 tor capabilities via reference
                                           Mapping solutions to ITU              implementations.
        Thomas Basikolo                    standards
                                                                                 In future editions of the ITU
                                           New ITU standards for AI/ML           Challenge, we aim to provide
                                           provide toolsets that, when           a reference implementation of
                                           integrated, form an end-to-end        an end-to-end ML pipeline as
                                           pipeline for AI/ML integration        defined by ITU–T Y.3172. Such
                                           in networks. The ITU Challenge        reference implementations could
      The ITU Challenge enabled            aimed to demonstrate and vali‑        include notebooks for ML cod‑
      participants to connect with         date these ITU standards. In map‑     ing and integration; tools for
      new partners in industry and         ping solutions to ITU standards,      data processing and manage‑
      academia — and new tools and         the ITU Challenge contributes to      ment; and tools for ML model
      data resources — to solve real-      the growth of the community able      selection, training, optimization
      world problems with AI/ML,           to support the iterative evolution    and verification.
      showcase their talent and share      of these ITU standards.
      new experiences. Twenty-three                                              We also aim to enable access to
      problem statements were contrib‑     The ITU–T Y.3172 architecture         ITU–standard toolsets for initia‑
      uted by industry and academia        — derived from the study of           tives such as plugfests and hack‑
      in Brazil, China, India, Ireland,    use cases published in ITU–T          athons and to set the stage for
      Japan, Russia, Spain, Turkey and     Y.Supplement55 — introduced the       collaboration in open-source pro‑
      the United States, and these         basic toolsets in relation to the     jects and standardization work.
      “regional hosts” offered resources   underlying network: ML Pipeline
      and expert guidance to sup‑          for model optimization and serv‑
      port participants in addressing      ing; ML Sandbox to trial models       A learning experience
      their challenges.                    before deployment; and ML             for all
                                           Function Orchestrator (MLFO) to
      We would like to thank the           control AI/ML integration. ITU–T      Data availability is a key challenge
      community that gave life to          Y.3173 (intelligence evaluation),     to be navigated when bringing
      the Challenge, our partici‑          ITU–T Y.3174 (data handling)          together a global community to
      pants and regional hosts; our        and ITU–T Y.3176 (marketplace         innovate with AI/ML.
      promotion partners LF AI &           integration) all build on the ITU–T
      Data, NGMN and SGInnovate;           Y.3172 architecture.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                            ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020      11

      Fifteen problem statements               In our work to offer partici‑
      were open to all participants.           pants a level playing field, ITU       Preparations for the
      Eight were limited to partici‑           and our partners developed             ITU Challenge 2.0 are
      pation under conditions set by           tailored workflows delivering          in motion, driven by a
      their hosts. And fourteen remain         participants a unique, customized      core team of challenge
      “under development” without the          Challenge experience.                  management board
      necessary tools or data resources                                               members, judges,
      for this first ITU Challenge. We         ITU engaged participants in tech‑      promotion partners
      hope to see new partners coming          nical roundtables and webinars         and sponsors.
      together to address these four‑          to provide expert guidance in
      teen problem statements in future        addressing problem statements
      editions of the ITU Challenge.           and the value of new ITU stand‑        Thomas Basikolo
                                               ards in support. Together with
      The data sharing guidelines of the       our regional hosts, we reached
      ITU Challenge incorporate a wide         out in local languages, connected
      range of perspectives from indus‑        participants with mentors and
      try and academia on access to            maintained interactive discussions
      real network data, synthetic data        on our Slack channel.
      and open data. The guidelines                                                 problem statements, and new
      describe measures to enable data                                              tools and data resources. We are
      sharing in view of different classifi‑   Up to the challenge                  creating new opportunities for
      cations of datasets, pre-process‑        in 2021?                             industry and academia to solve
      ing steps (including anonymizing)                                             problems together, and new
      and secure hosting of data.              Preparations for the ITU             opportunities to influence the
                                               Challenge 2.0 are in motion,         direction of ITU standards devel‑
      We also saw the best outcomes            driven by a core team of chal‑       opment and application. Contact
      achieved in close collaboration.         lenge management board mem‑          us to participate in the prob‑
      The Challenge highlighted that           bers, judges, promotion partners     lem-solving, judge some of the
      problem statements are best              and sponsors.                        interesting submissions, promote
      positioned for success when sup‑                                              the challenge, sponsor a prize, or
      ported not only by the necessary         We will continue to encourage        mentor a few students.
      tools and data resources, but also       new partnerships in AI/ML and
      by close collaboration between           establish guiding principles for     We thank you for your support
      participants and regional hosts.         the sharing of tools and data        and look forward to seeing you
                                               resources necessary to enact         soon in Challenge 2.0.
      Our priority was to create com‑          these partnerships. We are wel‑
      munity value in the field of AI/ML.      coming new partners and new
Follow the ITU AI/ML
                         in 5G Challenge

                  26 partners                                                 See Challenge
          (telecom operators, vendors,
       and academia) hosted 23 problem                                           website
          1300+ participants from
         60+ countries from 6 regions
        45% industry — 55% academia
               26 webinars                                                   Don’t miss the
                                                                            Grand Challenge
     4 technical tracks: Networks, Enablers,                                 Finale winner
                Verticals, Social Good
          20 000 CHF in cash prizes                                              15–17
           Certificates — 5 categories                                      December 2020
                                                                              online here


         Global                 Global                                  Grand
         call for               round                 Best teams      Challenge
        challenge               begins                 advance         Finale —
         entries                                                        online

                                Problem statement selection               Keynotes
                                Dataset release                           Winners’ presentations
                                Registration                              Prize awards
        Warm-up                                           Global
         phase                                         round ends

February 2020 to June 2020   July 2020             November 2020    15–17 December 2020
Problem statements

                                      Title                                                           Host entity
 ML5G-PHY-beam-selection: Machine learning applied to the physical layer of
                                                                                         Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil
                    millimeter-wave MIMO systems

   Improving the capacity of IEEE 802.11 WLANs through machine learning                  Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Spain

                  Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020                         Barcelona Neural Networking Center (BNN‑UPC), Spain

                    Compression of deep learning models                                                    ZTE

                         5G+AI (smart transportation)                                   Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), India

  Improving experience and enhancing immersiveness of video conferencing
                             and collaboration

                    5G+ML/AI (dynamic spectrum access)                                 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)

      Privacy preserving AI/ML in 5G networks for healthcare applications            Centre for Development of Telematics (C‑DOT)

       Shared experience using 5G+AI (3D augmented + virtual reality)                                   Hike, India

Demonstration of Machine Learning Function Orchestrator (MLFO) capabilities
                                                                                    Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT), Ireland
                      via reference implementations

 ML5G-PHY-channel estimation: Machine learning applied to the physical layer
                                                                                      North Carolina State University, United States
                    of millimeter-wave MIMO systems

                                                                                     NEC, RISING Committee, Telecommunication
             Network state estimation by analysing raw video data
                                                                                            Technology Committee (TTC)

    Analysis on route information failure in IP core networks by NFV-based           KDDI, RISING Committee, Telecommunication
                               test environment                                              Technology Committee (TTC)

            Using weather info for radio link failure (RLF) prediction                                   Turkcell

  Traffic recognition and Long-term traffic forecasting based on AI algorithms   St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
                   and metadata for 5G/IMT‑2020 and beyond                                             (SPbSUT)

                                   5G+AI+AR                                                 China Unicom (Zhejiang Division)

      Fault localization of loop network devices based on MEC platform                    China Unicom (Guangdong Division)

 Configuration knowledge graph construction of loop network devices based
                                                                                          China Unicom (Guangdong Division)
                           on MEC architecture

  Alarm and prevention for public health emergency based on telecom data                     China Unicom (Beijing Division)

Energy-saving prediction of base station cells in mobile communication network             China Unicom (Shanghai Division)

                  Core network KPI index anomaly detection                                 China Unicom (Shanghai Division)

                        Network topology optimization                                                 China Mobile

      Out of service (OoS) alarm prediction of 4/5G network base station                              China Mobile
The Grand Challenge Finale —
                  Tuesday, 15 December 2020
                         Challenge Title                                    Team Members                             Affiliation
12:15                        5G+AI+AR                                   Jiawang Liu Jiaping Jiang              CITC and China Unicom

           Analysis on route information failure in IP core
12:30                                                           Fei Xia Aerman Tuerxun Jiaxing Lu Ping Du      The University of Tokyo
             networks by NFV-based test environment

           Analysis on route information failure in IP core                                                  Nara Institute of Science and
12:45                                                                  Takanori Hara Kentaro Fujita
             networks by NFV-based test environment                                                              Technology, Japan

           Analysis on route information failure in IP core   Ryoma Kondo Takashi Ubukata Kentaro Matsuura
13:00                                                                                                          The University of Tokyo
             networks by NFV-based test environment                         Hirofumi Ohzeki

         Fault localization of network devices based on MEC                                                     Guochuang Software
13:15                                                                     Zhang Qi Lin Xueqin
                                Platform                                                                             Co. Ltd

                                                                  Han Zengfu Wang Zhiguo Zhang Yiwei
13:30              Network topology optimization                                                               China Mobile Shandong
                                                                          Wu Desheng Li Sicong

                                                                Gang Zhouwei Rao Qianyin Feng Zezhong
13:45              Network topology optimization                                                                China Mobile Guizhou
                                                                             Xi Lin Guo Lin

14:00                           Break                                             Break                                 Break

          Energy-Saving Prediction of Base Station Cells in
14:15                                                                  Wei Jiang Shiyi Zhu Xu Xu              AsiaInfo Technologies Ltd
                 Mobile Communication Network

           Out of Service (OoS) alarm prediction of 4/5G
14:30                                                             Zhou Chao Zheng Tianyu Jiang Meijun             Nankai University
                        network base station

           Demonstration of Machine Learning Function
14:45      Orchestrator (MLFO) capabilities via reference                  Abhishek Dandekar                  Technical University Berlin

            ML5G-PHY-beam-selection: Machine learning
                                                                 Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi Tze‑Yang Tung
15:00      applied to the physical layer of millimeter-wave                                                    Imperial College London
                                                                     Mikolaj Jankowski Szymon Kobus
                           MIMO systems

            ML5G-PHY-beam-selection: Machine learning
                                                                     Batool Salehihikouei Debashri Roy         Northeastern University,
15:15      applied to the physical layer of millimeter-wave
                                                                 Guillem Reus Muns Zifeng Wang Tong Jian               Brazil
                           MIMO systems

            ML5G-PHY-beam-selection: Machine learning
15:30      applied to the physical layer of millimeter-wave                  Zecchin Matteo                        Eurecom, Brazil
                           MIMO systems

           Improving the capacity of IEEE 802.11 WLANs                                                        Pompeu Fabra University,
15:45                                                                         Ramon Vallès
                    through machine learning                                                                          Spain

           Improving the capacity of IEEE 802.11 WLANs            Paola Soto David Goez Miguel Camelo           University of Antwerp,
                    through machine learning                                  Natalia Gaviria                         Belgium

                                                                   Mohammad Abid Ayman M. Aloshan
           Improving the capacity of IEEE 802.11 WLANs
16:15                                                                Faisal Alomar Mohammad Alfaifi                 Saudi Telecom
                    through machine learning
                                                                 Abdulrahman Algunayyah Khaled M. Sahari

        Note: The above teams have been selected to make presentations at the Grand Challenge Finale (Finale Conference).
           (Each team has 8 minutes for its presentation, followed by a 7‑minute Q&A with the judges and the audience).

                                                                                              Don’t miss the Final Conference!
               Take a look at the list of best teams.
                                                                                                       Register here.
The Grand Challenge Finale —
           Wednesday, 16 December 2020
                         Challenge Title                                       Team Members                              Affiliation
             Network state estimation by analysing raw                                                           Osaka Prefecture University,
12:00                                                             Yuusuke Hashimoto Yuya Seki Daishi Kondo
                            video data                                                                                     Japan
                                                                                                                    The Kyoto College of
             Network state estimation by analysing raw
12:15                                                                     Yimeng Sun Badr Mochizuki                 Graduate Studies for
                            video data
                                                                                                                     Informatics, Japan
                                                                                                                     National Institute of
             Network state estimation by analysing raw             Fuyuki Higa Gen Utidomari Ryuma Kinjyo
12:30                                                                                                               Technology, Okinawa
                            video data                                           Nao Uehara
                                                                                                                       College, Japan
                                                                                                                   Institute of Computing
12:45          Compression of deep learning models                          Yuwei Wang Sheng Sun                    Technology Chinese
                                                                                                                    Academy of Sciences
                                                                   Satheesh Kumar Perepu Saravanan Mohan
13:00          Compression of deep learning models                                                                 Ericsson Research India
                                                                    Vidya G Thrivikram G L Sethuraman T V
                                                                     Atheer K. Alsaif Nora M. Almuhanna
13:15               5G+AI (smart transportation)                                                                  Saudi Telecom Company
                                                                  Abdulrahman Alromaih Abdullah O. Alwashmi
            Privacy preserving AI/ML in 5G networks for          Mohammad Malekzadeh Mehmet Emre Ozfatura
13:30                                                                                                             Imperial College London
                      healthcare applications                             Kunal Katarya Mital Nitish
                  Shared experience using 5G+AI                                                                     Easyrewardz Software
13:45                                                                          Nitish Kumar Singh
                  (3D augmented + virtual reality)                                                                        Services
14:00                           Break                                                Break                                   Break
                                                                       Loïck Bonniot Christoph Neumann
14:15        Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020                                                                 InterDigital; Inria/Irisa
                                                                        François Schnitzler François Taiani
                                                                        Nick Vincent Hainke Stefan Venz
14:30        Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020                                                               Fraunhofer HHI, Germany
                                                                       Johannes Wegener Henrike Wissing
                                                                    Martin Happ Christian Maier Jia Lei Du           Salzburg Research
14:45        Graph Neural Networking Challenge 2020
                                                                                Matthias Herlich                   Forschungsgesellschaft
            Using weather info for radio link failure (RLF)
15:00                                                             Dheeraj Kotagiri Anan Sawabe Takanora Iwai          NEC Corporation
            Using weather info for radio link failure (RLF)           Juan Samuel Pérez Amín Deschamps           Santo Domingo Institute of
                            prediction                                   Willmer Quiñones Yobany Díaz               Technology (INTEC)
         Traffic recognition and long-term traffic forecasting                                                   Ufa State Aviation Technical
                                                                 Ainaz Hamidulin Viktor Adadurov Denis Garaev
15:30       based on AI algorithms and metadata for 5G/                                                              University (USATU)
                                                                                Artem Andriesvky
                        IMT‑2020 and beyond                                                                           University, Russia
         ML5G-PHY-Channel Estimation: Machine Learning
15:45    Applied to the Physical Layer of Millimeter-Wave         Dolores Garcia Joan Palacios Joerg Widmer           IMDEA Networks
                         MIMO Systems
         ML5G-PHY-Channel Estimation: Machine learning
                                                                        Emil Björnson Pontus Giselsson            Linköping University and
16:00     applied to the physical layer of millimeter-wave
                                                                      Mustafa Cenk Yetis Özlem Tugfe Demir        Lund University, Sweden
                          MIMO systems
                                                                 Chandra Murthy Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas
         ML5G-PHY-Channel Estimation: Machine learning                                                            Eurecom, France, Indian
                                                                     Marios Kountouris Rakesh Mundlamuri
16:15     applied to the physical layer of millimeter-wave                                                       Institute of Science, India
                                                                            Sai Subramanyam Thoota
                          MIMO systems                                                                           Communications, Canada
                                                                             Sameera Bharadwaja H

        Note: The above teams have been selected to make presentations at the Grand Challenge Finale (Finale Conference).
           (Each team has 8 minutes for its presentation, followed by a 7‑minute Q&A with the judges and the audience).

                                                                                                 Don’t miss the Final Conference!
               Take a look at the list of best teams.
                                                                                                          Register here.
The Grand Challenge Finale —
      Thursday, 17 December 2020
11:30–12:00                                    Join session to test connection

12:00–12:30                                         Opening ceremony
                                                    Welcome remarks
                                           Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General
                           Chaesub Lee, Director, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
                              United Arab Emirates Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

                                            Overview of the 2020 Challenge
                                                    Thomas Basikolo, ITU

12:30–12:55            Keynote — Recent advances in federated learning for communications
                            Wojciech Samek, Head of Machine Learning Group, Fraunhofer HHI

12:55–13:40                 Special Session: Vision for the future — AI/ML in 5G roadmap
                                                  Regulator perspective
                              Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, United Arab Emirates

                                                   Industry perspective

                                                   Industry perspective
                       Wei Meng, Director of Standard and Open Source Planning, ZTE Corporation

​13:40–14:05                       ​Keynote — The unfinished journey of network AI
                     Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist, Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute

14:05–14:30                             Keynote — Learning at the wireless edge
                   H. Vincent Poor, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, United States

14:30–15:15                                      Winners’ presentations
15:15–15:30                                      Award announcements
                                                    Prizes and certificates

15:30–15:35    Call for papers to special issue of ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET):
                                          “AI/ML Solutions in 5G and Future Networks”
                          Ian Akyildiz, Editor-in-Chief, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States

15:35–15:45                                  2021 outlook for Challenge 2.0
                                           Vishnu Ram, Independent Researcher

15:45–16:00                                         Closing ceremony
                                                      Closing remarks
                                      Hosts of the ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge 2020
                           Chaesub Lee, Director, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

                                       Don’t miss the Final Conference!
                                                Register here.
Winning prizes and certificates
   Teams from various problem statements will compete for
  the ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge Champion title, and several
  awards will be presented to winning solutions at the Grand
    Challenge Finale taking place 15–17 December 2020.

Winners’ certificate: Awarded to winning teams in the following categories:

        1st prize:                     2nd prize:                      3rd prize:
   ITU AI/ML in 5G                ITU AI/ML in 5G                ITU AI/ML in 5G
    Challenge Gold                 Challenge Silver              Challenge Bronze
      Champion                       Champion                       Champion
   Cash prize: 5000 CHF          Cash prize: 3000 CHF            Cash prize: 2000 CHF

                      Three Runners up will receive 1000 CHF each.

         Judges Prize certificates: Awarded to winners of each problem statement
              as recommended by the host (excluding those under Winners
                         certificate). Each winner receives 300 CHF.

                             Honorable mention certificate.

             Encouragement/Community award certificate: Awarded to teams
             that were active during the mentoring programme and successfully
                                    submitted a solution.

             Certificate of completion: Awarded to teams that completed the
                              challenge by submitting a solution.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                                ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       18

                     A guide to AI/ML challenges for the next-generation CTx
                     By Vishnu Ram OV, Independent Research Consultant

                     J The new CTx* at FutureXG              repository that CTx was banking
                     analysed the reports on                 on was being pulled in a zillion
                     the screen.                             directions. And the buzz around
                                                             autonomous networks meant
                     (x+1)G specification delayed. xG        that every part of the network              And the buzz around
                     deployments yet to be justified.        was working on its own brand of             autonomous networks
                     Research & development lost in a        autonomy.                                   meant that every part
                     maze of acronyms, old and new.                                                      of the network was
                     New architecture diagrams every         Will CTx survive this challenge?            working on its own
                     few weeks. New use cases to                                                         brand of autonomy.
                     support in every market. Applying       New ITU standards describe con‑
                     and integrating AI/machine              cepts to enable AI/ML integration
                     learning (ML) in the network was        in 5G and future networks as
                     nothing smooth. The open source         these networks evolve.

                      *Any resemblances or similarities with real-life CTOs are purely futuristic.
                      Disclaimer: This article contains some fictional information which may be referred to as forward-looking statements.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                                                     ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       19

      The ITU–T Y.3172 architec‑                               evaluation), ITU–T Y.3174 (data              in the underlying network. Using
      ture, derived from the study of                          handling) and ITU–T Y.3176 (mar‑             the concepts described by the
      use cases published in ITU–T                             ketplace integration) all build on           ITU–T Y.317x standards, even as
      Y.Supplement55, introduced                               the ITU–T Y.3172 architecture.               the underlying network architec‑
      basic toolsets including the ML                                                                       ture changes from generation to
      Pipeline, ML Sandbox and ML                              Together these ITU standards                 the next, it will remain possible to
      Function Orchestrator (MLFO) in                          provide powerful toolsets —                  specify AI/ML integration using
      relation with the underlying net‑                        standard toolsets — for operators            the common terminology pro‑
      work. ITU–T Y.3173 (intelligence                         to monitor and adapt to changes              vided by ITU.

               High level architecture for integration of AI/ML in networks (ITU–T Y.3172)

                      Management                                                       ML sandbox subsystem
                          Other                                       SRC      C       PP         M           P           D        SINK
                      management                                      2                                                                1
                           and                                                       Simulated ML underlay networks
                        functions                                                                       3

                                                                                       ML pipeline subsystem

                                                                                   M          P         D          SINK        Level-N
                            MLFO                                                                                              8 …
                                                                                       SRC         C         PP                   Level-2

                        ML intent                                                                 SRC                             Level-1

               ML = Machine learning
               MLFO = Machine learning function orchestrator                                            4
               SRC = Source of data
               C = Collector                                                           ML underlay networks
               PP = Pre-producer
               M = Model
               P = Policy                                            NF 1      …       NF n                 NF 1          …        NF n
               D = Distributor
               SINK = Target of ML output                              Underlay Network 1                     Underlay Network 2
               NF = Network function
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       20

                                            Real network data adds to             The ITU–T Y.317x concept of ML
        New alerts pop up on                the accuracy of the models.           Pipeline and ML Sandbox man‑
        the screen from the                 “[ML‑usecase-1xx::status::ready]”     aged by MLFO enables operators
        MLFO monitor. What?                 CTx inputs to the message-box.        to decouple the underlying net‑
        A network-update alert!                                                   work from the AI/ML integration.
                                            The MLFO described by ITU–T
                                            Y.3172 is a logical node that man‑    At reference point 7, the ITU–T
                                            ages and orchestrates the nodes       Y.3172 architecture allows the
                                            in an ML pipeline. ITU–T Y.3173       tracking of changes in the under‑
                                            (intelligence evaluation) describes   lying network and the application
                                            a key architecture scenario for the   of optimizations and configura‑
                                            evaluation of network intelligence    tions in the ML pipeline by the
                                            levels by the MLFO. ITU–T Y.3174      MLFO. The architecture scenario
      The details of a new use case         (data handling) describes the         described by ITU–T Y.3173 (intel‑
      arrive in the message-box. CTx        sequence diagrams correspond‑         ligence evaluation) also includes
      runs it through the Intent-parser     ing to the instantiation of various   monitoring the intelligence level
      tool. Interesting, but how to         components of the ITU–T Y.317x        of each node of an ML pipeline
      implement it? CTx finds an ITU        toolsets, based on the incoming       by the MLFO.
      webinar on MLFO orchestration         ML Intent from the operator.
      for managed AI/ML integration.                                              The draft ITU standard
      A few API calls later, CTx is ready   In combination with MLFO, ML          Y.ML‑IMT2020‑MODEL-SERV aims
      with a tentative ML pipeline.         Sandbox provides a managed            to provide an architectural frame‑
                                            environment for operators to          work supporting the efficient
      CTx kicks off simulations in the      train, test and validate ML models    optimization of ML models for
      ML Sandbox while waiting for          before they are deployed in the       heterogeneous hardware envi‑
      approval to access real network       live network. The data handling       ronments, flexible deployment of
      data. Digital “twins” rev into        mechanism defined in ITU–T            ML models for different use-case
      action; data is generated based       Y.3174 further allows the addi‑       scenarios, and effective interfaces
      on previous patterns and models       tion of new sources of data and       in the ML pipeline when a serving
      are trained in the ML Sandbox,        other scenarios.                      model is deployed.
      all while the Approval Authority
      takes its time. CTx sends the         New alerts pop up on the screen
      results from the ML Sandbox           from the MLFO monitor. What?
      trial models. This has the desired    A network-update alert! As usual,
      effect. The approval arrives in the   an unscheduled virtualized
      message-box.                          network function upgrade by the
                                            vendor. Do we need to rework the
                                            whole ML pipeline?
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                                   ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020                      21

      CTx parses a new message in           ITU–T Y.3176 supports the admin‑           Done! A new ML pipeline in place
      the message-box “[ML‑usecase-         istration of different types of ML         in the ML Sandbox, tested and‑         marketplaces, internal or external,        verified for the new use case.
      model.url]”. Pioneering algorithm     and ML marketplace federation.             “[status::ready]” CTx inputs to
      work at a partner university had      The APIs defined in ITU–T Y.3176           the message-box. “[status::ap‑
      produced a wrapped model              enable marketplaces to find and            proved]” the Approval Authority
      suitable for the use case. But the    select ML models in other mar‑             responds. CTx schedules an
      Approval Authority needs an eval‑     ketplaces and pull from federated          update of the network.
      uation of the model. Hopefully        marketplaces. And they ena‑
      the external ML marketplace com‑      ble marketplaces to exchange               Meanwhile, unknown to CTx, a
      plies to ITU–T Y.3176! CTx pulls      updated ML models and interact             CTx-software-update package
      the model from the marketplace.       with ML Sandboxes.                         had arrived in the message-box.
                                                                                       It was time for evolution and a
      ML marketplace integration can                                                   new CTx-agent to take over.
      help network operators to follow
      the ML innovation curve.

      The ML model metadata, ML
      marketplace requirements and                  Architecture for ML marketplace integration
      the architecture reference points                      in network (ITU–T Y.3176)
      defined in ITU–T Y.3176 (mar‑
      ketplace integration) enable the
                                                                                       External ML marketplace
      efficient exchange and deploy‑                  Management
      ment of ML models using stand‑                   subsystem
                                                                                                             12    (Optional)
      ard interfaces. Not only can this                   Other
      method help solve networking                    management             15
                                                           and                         Internal ML marketplace
      problems using ML techniques,                   orchestration
      but also has the potential to share               functions
      and monetize ML techniques.                       7
                                                            MLFO                        ML sandbox subsystem                       14

                                                       ML intent                        ML pipeline subsystem


                                                                                        ML underlay networks
                                                   ML intent input to MLFO
                                                   Reused reference points (ITU–T Y.3172)
                                                                                                ML = Machine learning
                                                   New reference points                         MLFO = Machine learning function orchestrator
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020      22

                                                       About ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge
        On top of the ability to
                                                       ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge provided a platform for
        adapt and improve network                      participants to apply the ITU–T Y.317x techniques in
        management and control, an                     solving practical problem statements. A varied selection
        autonomous network could                       of topics including beam selection, WLAN capacity
        self-evolve through online                     analysis, network state analysis, network slicing and
                                                       traffic forecasting, radio link failure prediction, the
        experimentation, enabling better
                                                       optimization of deep learning models, and MLFO
        compositions of controllers                    reference implementations, were offered in the
        and controller hierarchies.                    Challenge. Different types of data, including data
                                                       from real networks, were provided in some cases for
                                                       developing solutions to these problems.
        Vishnu Ram OV

      The concept of a truly autono‑       and improve network manage‑           Level 5 intelligence. The disaggre‑
      mous network — enabled by the        ment and control, an autonomous       gation of network components,
      Level 5 intelligence described by    network could self-evolve through     rapid DevOps and better and
      ITU–T Y.3173 — sparked consider‑     online experimentation, enabling      better AI/ML models meant more
      able discussion in the ITU–T Focus   better compositions of controllers    work in the AI/ML integration.
      Group on “machine learning for       and controller hierarchies.
      future networks including 5G”                                              CTx.v2 searches the context
      and this discussion continues in     CTx.v2 scanned the environment.       for solutions.
      the ITU’s standardization expert
      group for “future networks and       ML Pipelines, Sandboxes and ML        Perhaps time for another
      cloud”, ITU–T Study Group 13.        marketplaces are in place and         ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge?
                                           MLFO reports are green, but           CTx.v2 logs into the Geneva
      Autonomous networks would            issues remain. Divergent data for‑    Sandbox of ITU and triggers
      display the “self” properties:       mats impacting latency between        “[AI‑ML‑Challenge::v2::init]”, but
      the ability to monitor, operate,     the ML pipelines in the network.      that’s another day, another story
      recover, heal, protect, optimize     A multitude of open-source tool‑      (for CTx.v3).
      and reconfigure themselves.          kits to integrate. More challenges
      On top of the ability to adapt       in the demand mapping towards
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020   23

                     A standards round-up on autonomous networks
                     By Xiaojia Song, Researcher, Xi Cao, Senior Researcher, Lingli Deng, Technical Manager,
                     Li Yu, Chief Researcher, and Junlan Feng, Chief Scientist, China Mobile Research Institute

                     J Mobile networks are evolving into the intelligence era with multiple
                     application scenarios, features, services and operation requirements.
                     Technologies including artificial intelligence (AI) are expected to enable
                     autonomous networks in areas such as network planning, deployment,           Mobile networks are
                     operation, optimization, service deployment, and quality assurance.          evolving into the
                                                                                                  intelligence era with
                     Most of the standards development organizations (SDOs), e.g. the ITU         multiple application
                     Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU–T), 3GPP, ETSI, and            scenarios, features,
                     CCSA, are actively developing standards for autonomous networks.             services and operation
                     Industry bodies such as GSMA, TM Forum, and the Global TD-LTE
                     Initiative (GTI) are working to promote autonomous networks. GSMA
                     stated that the automatic network operation capability will become the
                     indispensable 4th dimension of the 5G era together with enhanced
                     mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine type communications
                     (mMTC) and ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC), and
                     become one of the most important driving forces for 5G service innova‑
                     tion and development.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                                          ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       24

      There are discussions among                 Since industrial convergence                  For example, a rule-based policy
      SDOs about the level of autono‑             is the key for reducing the cost              engine could be one of the
      mous capabilities in networks (see          for any single vendor or single               common functional modules to
      framework approach in Table 1).             network operator, building an                 support both timed control tasks
                                                  open collaboration platform (see              in Level 1, imperative closed
      The study of autonomous net‑                Figure 1) for cohesively develop‑             loops in Level 2, and adding
      work levels (ANL) can provide               ing both a reference implementa‑              intent-to-rule translation modules
      reference and guidance to                   tion for case-agnostic functional             in Levels 3 and 4.
      operators, vendors and other                architecture and standardized
      participants of the telecommuni‑            external or internal interfaces               The main activities on autono‑
      cation industry for autonomous              would be the easy way for com‑                mous networks in the SDOs and
      networks, standardization works             munication service providers                  industry bodies are presented
      and roadmap planning.                       (CSPs) to kick off and stay in the            in Figure 2 and briefly intro‑
                                                  converged direction towards                   duced below.
                                                  network autonomy.

                 Table 1 — Framework approach for classification of autonomous network
                                intelligence level (source: ITU–T Y.3173)

             Network intelligence level              Action            Data                                               Demand
                                                   implemen-                            Analysis         Decision
                                                     tation          collection                                           mapping

        L0        Manual network operation            Human            Human             Human             Human            Human

                                                    Human and        Human and
        L1        Assisted network operation                                             Human             Human            Human
                                                      System           System

                                                                     Human and         Human and
        L2         Preliminary intelligence           System                                               Human            Human
                                                                       System            System

                                                                                       Human and        Human and
        L3         Intermediate intelligence          System            System                                              Human
                                                                                         System           System

                                                                                                                          Human and
        L4          Advanced intelligence             System            System           System            System

        L5             Full intelligence              System            System           System            System           System

       NOTE 1 — For each network intelligence level, the decision process has to support intervention by human being, i.e., decisions
       and execution instructions provided by a human being have the highest authority.
       NOTE 2 — This table may be used to only determine the network intelligence level for each dimension (and not the overall
       network intelligence level).
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                                                                ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020                 25

                     Figure 1 — Open industrial collaboration towards autonomous networks

                   Open implementation                                         SLA intent                                            Open standards

                                                                              OPS intent                                                RT control
                                                                                                                                        RT data
                     Analysis       Knowledge
                                                                   Analysis             Knowledge                                       RT assistance
            Training       Data lake              Rule
                                                                                                                                        Offline control
                 RT collection       RT control                    Training             Knowledge
                                                                                                                                        Offline data
                      Case-agnostic                               Data-lake                   Rule                                      Offline assistance
                  Functional components
                                                                 RT collection              RT control
                                                                                                                                       Case specific
       RT = Real-time                                                                                                             data/control/assistance
       SLA = Service Level Agreement                                     Managed objects
       OPS = Operations

                                         Figure 2 — Main activities of SDOs and industry bodies

                                                                ITU–T Y.3172
                                                                                             ITU–T Y.3173
             ITU–T                                                                           ITU–T Y.3174
                                                                                                                    ITU–T Y.3176
                                                                                                                            ITU–T Y.ML‑IMT2020‑RAFR

                                                                                             IDM, SON, MDT, COSLA
             3GPP                                                                                                                     ANL
                                                                                                     MDA, NWDA

                                                                         Telecommunication network planning application based on AI
             CCSA                                                                                                 Grading method for intelligent capability
                                                                                                                                  Technical requirements for ANL

                                                            AN Whitepaper 1.0
                                                                                                                           AN Whitepaper 2.0
           TM Forum                                      IG 1193 Vision & Roadmap v1.0
                                                                         Autonomous Network catalyst
                                                                                                            Business requirements & architecture v1.1

                                                                   Global AI Challenge
                                                                      AI in Network use cases in China

                                            2018                              2019                                     2020                                      2021
                                             General           Management                   Architecture                   Data                      Use cases
              Industry parties
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                              ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020            26

                                                  Table 2 — ITU–T standardization activities on AI/ML and
       Activities in ITU                                      AI-based autonomous networks

      In ITU–T, Study Group 13 focuses on      Reference number         Title
      future networks and network aspects      Supplement 55 to         Machine learning in future networks including IMT‑2020:
                                               Y.3170 Series            use cases
      of mobile telecommunications. The
      Focus Group on Machine Learning          ITU–T Y.3172
                                                                        Architectural framework for machine learning in future
                                                                        networks including IMT‑2020
      for Future Networks including 5G
      (FG-ML5G), active from January 2018                               Framework for evaluating intelligence level of future networks
                                               ITU–T Y.3173
                                                                        including IMT‑2020
      until July 2020, had been set up to
                                                                        Framework for data handling to enable machine learning in
      study interfaces, network architec‑      ITU–T Y.3174
                                                                        future networks including IMT‑2020
      tures, protocols, algorithms and data
                                                                        Machine learning marketplace integration in future networks
      formats. Of FG ML5G’s ten technical      ITU–T Y.3176
                                                                        including IMT‑2020
      specifications, four have already been
                                                                        Requirements, architecture and design for machine learning
                                               FG-ML5G spec
      turned into ITU Recommendations                                   function orchestrator
      (standards), one into a Supplement,                               Machine Learning Sandbox for future networks including
                                               FG-ML5G spec
      and the other five are in the process                             IMT‑2020 requirements and architecture framework
      of being turned into ITU standards.                               Machine learning based end-to-end network slice
                                               FG-ML5G spec
      Recommendations on the AI-based                                   management and orchestration

      autonomous network, e.g. ITU–T           FG-ML5G spec
                                                                        Vertical-assisted Network Slicing Based on a Cognitive
      Y.ML‑IMT2020‑RAFR, are currently in
      draft stage (see Table 2).                                        Architecture framework for AI-based network automation of
                                               Draft ITU–T
                                                                        resource adaptation and failure recovery for future networks
                                                                        including IMT‑2020

      Activities in 3GPP

      Autonomous networks came in sight
      of 3GPP in the 4G era. The topics                Table 3 — Standardization activities in 3GPP RAN
      mainly focused on Self-Organizing
      Networks (SON) and Minimization of       TS/TR                  Title
      Drive Tests (MDT). In the 5G era, 3GPP                          Study on RAN-centric data collection and utilization for LTE and
                                               3GPP TR 37.816
      undertakes standardization efforts to
      enable autonomous networks:              3GPP TS 38.314         New Radio (NR); Layer 2 measurements

                                               3GPP TS 38.300         NR; Overall description; Stage 2
         3GPP RAN: RAN data collection
                                               3GPP TS 37.320         Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT); Overall description; Stage 2
         (TR 37.816), SON/MDT (TS 38.314,
                                               3GPP TS 38.306         NR; User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities
         TS 38.300, TS 37.320, TS 38.306,
         TS 38.331, etc.) (see Table 3).       3GPP TS 38.331         NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification

                                               TS=Technical Specification, TR=Technical Report.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                             ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020             27

         3GPP SA2: Network Data Analytics            Table 4 — Standardization activities in 3GPP SA2
         (NWDA) (TR 23.791, TR 23.288,
         TR 23.700‑91) (see Table 4).        TS/TR                  Title

                                             3GPP TR 23.791         Study of Enablers for Network Automation for 5G
         3GPP SA5: Management Data                                  Architecture enhancements for 5G System to support network
                                             3GPP TS 23.288
         Analytics (MDA) (TR 28.809),                               data analytics services
         autonomous networks levels          3GPP TR 23.700‑91      Study on Enablers for Network Automation for 5G — Phase 2
         (TR 28.810, TS 28.100, intent
                                             TS=Technical Specification, TR=Technical Report.
         driven management (TR 28.812,
         TS 28.312), closed loop SLS
         assurance (TR 28.805, TR 28.535,
         TR 28.536, etc.), SON (TR 28.861,           Table 5 — Standardization activities in 3GPP SA5
         TS 28.313) and MDT (TS 28.313,
         TS 32.42X series) (see Table 5).    TS/TR                  Title

                                             3GPP TR 28.809         Study on enhancement of Management Data Analytics (MDA)

                                                                    Study on concept, requirements and solutions for levels of
                                             3GPP TR 28.810
      Activities in ETSI                                            autonomous network

                                             3GPP TS 28.100         Management and orchestration; Levels of autonomous network
      ETSI is actively studying autonomous
                                                                    Telecommunication management; Study on scenarios for Intent
      networks and has several groups        3GPP TR 28.812
                                                                    driven management services for mobile networks
      working on the following rele‑         3GPP TS 28.312         Intent driven management services for mobile networks
      vant topics:
                                                                    Telecommunication management; Study on management
                                             3GPP TR 28.805
                                                                    aspects of communication services
         ENI (Experiential
                                                                    Management and orchestration; Management services for
                                             3GPP TS 28.535
         Networked Intelligence).                                   communication service assurance; Requirements

                                                                    Management and orchestration; Management services for
                                             3GPP TS 28.536
         NFV (Network                                               communication service assurance; Stage 2 and Stage 3

         Functions Virtualization).          3GPP TR 28.861         Study on the Self-Organizing Networks (SON) for 5G networks

                                             3GPP TS 28.313         Self-Organizing Networks (SON) for 5G networks
         OSM (Open Source MANO
                                             3GPP TS 32.42X series
         (Management and Orchestration).
                                                                    Telecommunication management; Subscriber and equipment
                                             3GPP TS 32.421
                                                                    trace; Trace concepts and requirements
         MEC (Multi-access
                                                                    Telecommunication management; Subscriber and equipment
         Edge Computing).                    3GPP TS 32.422
                                                                    trace; Trace control and configuration management

                                                                    Telecommunication management; Subscriber and equipment
         F5G (Fifth Generation               3GPP TS 32.423
                                                                    trace; Trace data definition and management
         Fixed Network).
                                                                    Telecommunication management; Performance Management
                                             3GPP TS 32.425         (PM); Performance measurements Evolved Universal Terrestrial
                                                                    Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN)

                                                                    Telecommunication management; Performance Management
                                             3GPP TS 32.426         (PM); Performance measurements Evolved Packet Core (EPC)

                                             TS=Technical Specification, TR=Technical Report.
ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge                                                         ITU News MAGAZINE No. 05, 2020       28

                                          In November 2019, ETSI pub‑            Activities in industry
        SDOs should continue              lished the report “Experiential
        their relevant                    Networked Intelligence (ENI): ENI      Industry bodies such as GSMA,
        standardization work              Definition of Categories for AI        TM Forum and GTI are exploring
        and play a leading                Application to Networks” (ETSI GR      and promoting the collaboration
        role in enabling                  ENI 007), which defines various        of autonomous network topics
        autonomous                        categories for the level of applica‑   among SDOs, operators, vendors
        networks.                         tion of AI techniques to the man‑      and other industry participants.
                                          agement of the network, going
                                          from basic limited aspects to the      In GSMA, AI and Automation is
                                          full use of AI techniques for per‑     one of the topics of the “Future
                                          forming network management.            Network”. In June 2019, the first
                                                                                 GSMA Global AI Challenge was
                                          ENI is developing a general-pur‑       held, investigating three specific
                                          pose architecture for enhanced         areas: connectivity in rural areas,
                                          network intelligence, and a map‑       mobile energy efficiency and
         TC INT AFI (Technical            ping on NFV policy management          enhanced services in urban areas.
         Committee Core (TC)              is under discussion as NFV started
         Network and Interoperability     policy modelling work for auto‑        At its workshop in June, at the AI
         Testing (INT) working group      mating NFV management and              in Network Seminar of the Mobile
         Autonomic Management and         VNF CI/CD.                             World Congress Shanghai 2019,
         Control Intelligence for Self-                                          GSMA called on the entire indus‑
         Managed Fixed and Mobile                                                try to focus on and contribute to
         Integrated Networks).            Activities in CCSA                     the key applications of AI in the
                                                                                 mobile networks, and jointly build
         ZSM (Zero-touch network &        As one of the most influen‑            the 5G era for intelligent autono‑
         Service Management).             tial SDOs in the field of com‑         mous networks. In October 2019,
                                          munication in China, China             GSMA published AI in Network
      TC INT AFI is studying Generic      Communications Standards               Use Cases in China”.
      Autonomic Networking                Association (CCSA) began stand‑
      Architecture (GANA), and ZSM is     ards work on autonomous net‑           TM Forum has held several work‑
      discussing closed-loop automa‑      works from 2010, and the items         shops on autonomous networks
      tion in the ZSM framework, opti‑    are mainly set up in Technical         since 2019, and the Autonomous
      mized for data-driven machine       Committee TC 1, TC5 and TC7,           Networks Project (ANP) was
      learning and AI algorithms.         including use cases, architecture,     established in August 2019.
                                          data handling, levels of auton‑
                                          omous network, management
                                          requirements, etc.
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