Page created by Martin Weber

                                                         NORTH AMERICA

ZIGGI’S COFFEE                     LAGOMARCINO’S
                                          SERVING UP
TO THIS CHAIN’S SUCCESS                     AND MORE
                                           SINCE 1908


             Welcome to this, the ninth                                 The articles in this issue of Aliworld show how
                                                                    our clients are adapting to these changing ways
             North America edition of                               of doing business. We’ll tell you about the latest
             Aliworld. Over the past year,                          trends in takeout and delivery. And to help you
             the COVID-19 pandemic has                              keep your eye on the road ahead, four prominent
                                                                    consultants share their views on the state of the
             affected all of us. Let me extend                      industry now and after the pandemic. I know you’ll
             our deepest sympathies from all                        find their comments insightful.
                                                                        We have many success stories for you, such as
             of us at the Ali Group to those of                     the story of a young couple who had the dream
             you who have suffered personal                         of running a coffee shop — and who are now in
                                                                    charge of one of the fastest-growing coffee chains
             losses due to the pandemic.

                                                                    in the U.S. You’ll see how another entrepreneur
                                                                    continues to capitalize on the CBD trend by
                         t’s no understatement to say that the      making infused gelato. As an example of how to
                         pandemic has radically changed the         keep going in both good and bad times, we’ll show
                         foodservice and hospitality business       you a family-owned business that has made ice
                         over the past year. Like so many of        cream for more than 90 years. Also, for a change
                         you, we at the Ali Group are taking        of pace, we have the inspiring story of a group of
                         every possible precaution to keep          volunteers who bring hope and food to the victims
                         our employees safe, in keeping with        of natural disasters.
                         the mandates of local and national             We at the Ali Group are following the
                         health authorities. This unprecedented     current trend of using more digital and video
             situation has put great strains on our employees but   communications, so I may be seeing you on a
             I’m immensely proud of the way they have adapted,      Zoom screen in the near future. Looking ahead,
             pulling together to keep our businesses strong and     I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to reconnect with
             serve our clients during these difficult times.        many of you at the NRA Show, NAFEM Show or
                 Many of our companies have quickly pivoted         HostMilano this year.
             as our clients have had to rethink their businesses.       These are, indeed, challenging times. But I have
             Whether that meant an increased emphasis               confidence that we, as an industry, are resilient
             on sanitization and food safety or assisting as        and will bounce back even stronger than before.
             restaurants switched to a takeout-based model,         From all of us at the Ali Group, my best wishes for
             our companies have helped their clients survive —      a happy, healthful and profitable 2021.
             and hopefully even thrive — over the past year.            Enjoy Aliworld.

                                                                    Filippo Berti
                                                                    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ali Group

1 Aliworld                                                                                                                 Aliworld 1

                                                                      02                                                                                          05

                                                                      Trends                                                                                      Innovation

                                                                      10 Accelerated and Amplified:                                                               64 To B is to Do               76 Efficient Food Prep Helps
                                                                         Key Trends in the Wake of                                                                   Two Ali Group companies        Position Chain for Growth
                                                                         COVID-19                                                                                    team up to produce an          A casual chain is using a
                                                                         Consultants discuss how the                                                                 innovative new product.        Moffat holding/warming
                                                                         pandemic will have an effect
                                                                         on foodservice in the future.
                                                                                                                                        Success                   68 YNOT Create More
                                                                                                                                                                                                    cabinet to prepare food
                                                                                                                                                                                                    more efficiently.

                                                                      14 The Fast Track:
                                                                                                                                        Stories                      Storage Space
                                                                                                                                                                     Creating storage            78 Bringing Safety and
                                                                         Takeout and Delivery            30 Nashville Donut Spot Distills Sweets and Fun             efficiency for a growing       Sustainability to the
                                                                         Operators are finding              Donuts and cocktails are an unusual but                  Italian restaurant chain.      Forefront
                                                                         success with expanded              successful combination.                                                                 Producing ice safely and
                                                                         takeout and delivery                                                                     72 State-of-the-Art Products      with less environmental
                                                                         services.                       34 Hot Pot Hot Spot’s Need for Precision Meets Victory      Receive Awards                 impact.
                                                                                                            At Haidilao, the traditional Chinese hot pot is at       Beverage-Air and Electro
                                                                      18 2021: The State of                 the center of the table.                                 Freeze win 2020 Kitchen     80 High-Speed Cooking
                                                                         Drive-Thru                                                                                  Innovations Awards.            Made Easy with
                                                                         A panel of experts              38 Landmark 60-Year-Old Restaurant Finds                                                   XpressChef
                                                                         from Metro discuss key             Modern Solutions                                      74 Scotsman Brings Ice            ACP’s high-speed
                                                                         strategies for effective           How the historic Dan’l Boone Inn keeps its               and Water to Almost            ovens help foodservice
                                                                         drive-thru programs.               dishware spotless.                                       Any Location                   operations trim their
                                                                                                                                                                     Ice and water dispensers       production time.
                                                                                                         42 Opening a Healthcare Facility in the Midst               gain popularity in

                                                                                                            of a Pandemic                                            nontraditional locations.

                                                                                                            To deal with an influx of patients, a Louisiana
                                                                                                            hospital reopened an underused facility in a
                                                                                                            matter of weeks.

                                                                                                         46 Timeless Hospitality, Modern Technology
                                                                                                            Frozen treats star on the menu at this
                                                                                                            113-year-old family business.

                                                                                                         50 Where “Eats” Meets West
                                                                                                                                                                  Ali Group
                                                                                                            A Japanese-style fried chicken chain is making
                                                                                                            comfort food healthful.
                                                                      22 American Dish Service                                                                                                    58
                                                                         Joins the Ali Group Family      54 CBD is on the Menu at Cloud Cups                      82 Our Companies
                                                               4         The latest addition to the         CBD-infused gelato is a growing trend.                   Ali Group global

                                                                         Ali Group is a company                                                                      expertise
                                                                         with a rich family history.     58 Cool Concepts at Orlando’s Orange County
             Cover Story                                              26 BBQ Nonprofit
                                                                                                            Convention Center
                                                                                                            Customers have a wide variety of foodservice
                                                                                                                                                                  84 Your Global Partner
                                                                                                                                                                     Ali Group contact
             4 Building Relationships, One Cup at a Time                 Bridges Gap                        options at Orlando’s convention center.                  information around
                A Colorado couple are the drivers behind one of the      The inspiring story of                                                                      the globe
                country’s fastest-growing coffee chains.                 Operation BBQ Relief            62 Hot Pizza and Cool Gelato: A Perfect Pair
                                                                         and its efforts to help            A Minnesota pizza chain finds gelato to be the
                                                                         people in need.                    perfect complement to its pizza menu.                                                 22

2 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                                             Aliworld 3
Cover Story


                                                                                                              Ziggi’s Coffee’s Co-Founders
                                                                                                             Brandon and Camrin Knudsen

                                        he original career goal of Ziggi’s Coffee’s
                                        Co-Founders, the husband-and-wife team of
                                                                                         Cultivating good relationships —
                                        Brandon and Camrin Knudsen, wasn’t to own        with customers, employees and
                                        a coffee shop. While students at Southern
                                        Oregon University in Ashland, Ore., Brandon
                                                                                         suppliers — is critical to operating a
                                        studied to become a teacher and Camrin a         successful business, and that has been
                                        nurse. “We decided very quickly that neither     key to the success of Ziggi’s Coffee.
                                        of us really wanted to do that and both of us
                                        disliked school,” Brandon jokes.
                     The Knudsens were avid basketball players and while Brandon
                 was on the court, Camrin took a part-time job at a local coffee shop.
                 She was “just crushing it,” Brandon says, earning as much as $100 in
                 tips during an average morning shift. That success convinced them

4 Aliworld                                                                                                                         Aliworld 5
Cover Story

                                        that they should operate a           shop with them. Fortunately,        Knowing the Customer                      According to Brandon,
                                        coffee shop of their own.            Brandon says, “we had the           One of the things that                making that personal
                                            The couple moved to              nicest group of elderly ladies      differentiates Ziggi’s from           connection is as important
                                        Colorado in 2003, staying with       who’d come in every morning         other coffee shops is a focus         behind the counter as in front.
                                        Brandon’s sister, “until we          and they would hold our baby.       on customer service and really        “I want to surround myself
                                        figured out what we wanted           They’d say, ‘Give me Elijah. You    reading the customer’s needs.         with people who are awesome
                                        to do with ourselves,” he says.      guys get through your rush.’ ”      The chain tasks employees             at what they do,” he says. The
                                        Brandon took a night shift                Around this time, the          with putting the company’s            business relationship with the
                                        job at a Denver ice cream            Knudsens’ coffee roaster            slogan, “The best part of your        Thwaites brothers has become a
                                        manufacturing plant while            presented the couple with           day,” into action. “We want to        friendship as well; their families
                                        the couple spent their days          what seemed like a crazy idea:      look at the person coming up          go on vacation together. Various
                                        looking for a coffee shop they       partnering with them on a           to the counter and size them          Knudsen family members work
                                        could purchase. “We had no           second coffee shop. “My wife        up,” Brandon says. “One person        for Ziggi’s, as do some of the
                                        money, no credit, no assets          is like, ‘Are you kidding           wants me to shut up and give          students Brandon coached
                                        and no clue as to what we            me?’ ” Brandon says. “I just felt   them their coffee. They look          at basketball. “I need to have
                                        were doing,” Brandon says.           like we could do it. I like the     grumpy. Just give them their          a personal connection with
                                            After months of looking,         business, and I’m hopelessly        coffee and let them get out of        someone or they’re not going to
                                        the Knudsens found a small           optimistic.”                        there — that’s the best part          be part of our team,” he says.
                                        coffee-and-sandwich shop                  Even though Hava Java          of their day. Then you get the
                                        for sale in Thornton, Colo.,         was still losing money and          person who walks in and wants         Finding the Right Machine
                                        about 10 miles north of              Brandon was still working at        to talk about everything you          When customers come
                                        Denver. The shop’s current           the ice cream factory, they         can think of. So we talk to them.     to Ziggi’s, they know
                                        owners “had been running it          took the opportunity and            That’s the best part of their day.”   they’re going to get a fresh,
                                        for seven or eight years and         opened Gizzi’s Coffee in 2004
                                        they were ready to be done           in Longmont, Colo. In late
                                        [with] working 15 hours a            2004, Gizzi’s would become              What’s in a Name?
                                        day,” he says. With a loan from      Ziggi’s Coffee.                         On “Wheel of Fortune,” buying a vowel can sometimes be
                                        Camrin’s family, the couple               For a few months, the              the key to riches. But for Ziggi’s Coffee, buying a consonant
                                        purchased the shop, called the       Knudsens operated both                  — specifically, the letter “G” — was the first step to success.
                                        Hava Java, in early 2004. “We        stores but sold Hava Java late
                                        probably only sold 10 cups of        in the year to concentrate              When the Knudsens and their original business partner
                                        coffee per day; the rest was         solely on building the Ziggi’s          (who was also their coffee roaster) opened their first café
                                        panini sandwiches,” he says.         business. By 2010, the partners         together in Longmont, Colo., in 2004, they named it Gizzi’s.
                                            The shop only brought in         were doing well enough to               Six months into the partnership, there was a disagreement
                                        about $200 in business on a          open a second location — a              and “it got rocky,” in Brandon Knudsen’s words. His father
                                        typical day, not enough for the      double-sided drive-thru — in            stepped in to buy out the partner. But the partner decided
                                        Knudsens to hire help. So they       Longmont. Drive-thru has                that he wanted to keep the Gizzi’s name. “We were totally
                                        manned the shop during the           been an important part of               broke,” Knudsen says. “I was already in debt, and my dad
                                        day, but Brandon kept his night      the chain’s design from the             had spent every penny he had.” A protracted legal battle to
                                        job at the ice cream plant. After    beginning: Most of Ziggi’s              secure the name was out of the question.
                                        his nightly shift, he’d drive back   units have a drive-thru lane
                                        to a warehouse club store in         and many of them have two.              Brothers Tommy and Tim Thwaites and their fledgling
                                        Thornton and sit in the parking           Ziggi’s opened a new unit          Coda Coffee business came to the rescue. Knudsen told
               One of the things that   lot until it opened. “I’d go in      in each of the next four years,         Tommy Thwaites about the problems he was having with
               differentiates Ziggi’s   and buy just enough sandwich
                                        meat and sides to get through
                                                                             and in 2016 it launched an
                                                                             ambitious franchise program.
                                                                                                                     his business partner — and that he was looking for a new
                                                                                                                     coffee roaster. “You’re in luck,” Thwaites told him. “We’ll be
               from other coffee        the lunch rush,” he says. Then it    The chain’s first franchise             your roaster, and we’ll pay for your signs.” That was the start
               shops is a focus on      was back to Hava Java to work
                                        the breakfast and lunch shifts,
                                                                             location opened in 2017 in
                                                                             Loveland, Colo. Ziggi’s now has
                                                                                                                     of the successful relationship between Ziggi’s and Coda.

               customer service and     catch a few hours of sleep and       26 units in operation, reaching         Even with outside help, “the only way we could afford to
               really reading the       start the process all over again.    from California to Iowa. Seven          change the name was to rearrange the letters on each sign,”

               customer’s needs.            On top of everything else,
                                        Camrin had just given birth to
                                                                             of the stores are corporate
                                                                             locations and franchisees own
                                                                                                                     Knudsen says. So the Thwaites brothers kicked in $1,700 to
                                                                                                                     buy an additional “G” for the sign, the letters were rearranged,
                                        the Knudsens’ first child, and       the remaining 19. Knudsen               Knudsen became the first customer for the brothers’ coffee-
                                        since they couldn’t afford a         expects to have a total of 65           roasting business, and Gizzi’s became Ziggi’s.
                                        sitter they brought him to the       franchised units open by 2022.

6 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                       Aliworld 7
Cover Story

                                                                                                      delicious cup of coffee every time. And
    CODA COFFEE: THE PERFECT CUP FOR ZIGGI’S                                                          that only comes from coffee machines
                                                                                                      that are dependable, which Ziggi’s
   It’s impossible to tell the story of Ziggi’s                                                       previous machines weren’t. “I knew we            The Egro machine “is a huge
   Coffee without discussing Coda Coffee as           Like Ziggi’s, Coda Coffee believes in being     had a problem,” Knudsen says.                    factor in keeping our labor
   well. The two companies have more than just
   a traditional supplier-buyer relationship. Their
                                                      a good corporate citizen. It has received
                                                      commendations for its environmental
                                                                                                          The chain was “just dumping
                                                                                                      money into service,” says Javier Palacio,
                                                                                                                                                       at less than 25% of sales and
   histories are intertwined and the connections      practices from the Colorado Dept. of            Regional Service Manager for 9 Bar Tech          giving incredible service.”
   go back even before Ziggi’s was established.       Public Health and Environment and is            Co. in Denver. “So I mentioned, ‘Have
                                                      a Certified B Corporation. Coda also            you ever taken a look at Egro?’” Palacio
   Coda Coffee Co-Presidents (and brothers)           gives back by doing community service           did an in-house demo of the Egro ONE
   Tommy and Tim Thwaites got their start in          projects in their growers’ home countries.      Pure Coffee fully automatic espresso
   the coffee business in the Pacific Northwest       “We’ve graded roads, built community            machine for Ziggi’s, and Knudsen
   in the mid-1990s. They worked for a coffee         centers, donated money for a cupping            was sold.
   roaster in Seattle for about 10 years before       lab and donated money for a computer                The Egro ONE Pure Coffee is a high-
   moving away and getting out of the coffee          lab for the kids,” Tommy says. That social      volume, fully automatic espresso machine
   business. “In 2005, my brother and I were          responsibility aligns with the community-       with a touchscreen interface. The interface
   both off in some other directions,” says           focused way Ziggi’s does business.              allows for programming of up to 48 drink
   Tommy Thwaites. “I was selling subprime            “There’s so many cool things they do.           selections. Its iSteam intelligent steam
   mortgages; my brother was selling                                                                                   wand automatically froths
   insurance.” Both of them soon tired of what                                                                         and steams milk, and a USB
   they were doing and got back into the                                                                               port facilitates software and
   coffee game, working for a roaster based                                                                            programming updates. And
   in Denver that supplied Ziggi’s (or as it was                                                                       it only requires 12 inches of
   known then, Gizzi’s) Coffee.                                                                                        counter space — perfect for
                                                                                                                       small café designs.
   “We didn’t like the ethics of that company,”                                                                             The Egro ONE Pure
   Thwaites says, and the brothers decided                                                                             solved a problem for Ziggi’s,
   they’d start up a coffee roasting business                                                                          according to Knudsen,
   of their own. Backed by some money from                                                                             who says that “training a
   their parents, the brothers started Coda                                                                            barista to adjust a grind is
   Coffee in Denver in 2005. Brandon Knudsen                                                                           the worst thing ever.” With
   was also branching out on his own and                                                                               the Egro ONE Pure, he says,
   happened to call the Thwaites brothers                                                                              “it’s done.” Palacio agrees,
                                                       Coda Coffee Co-Presidents
   on their first official day of operation. “He         Tim Thwaites (left) and                                         saying that “it’s really
   became customer number one for Coda,”               Tommy Thwaites (right)                                          hands-off so you don’t have
   says Thwaites. “He was invoice number one                                                                           to do anything as far as the
                                                      They build schools, they take care of the       user adjusting grinds.”                                  BRAND WATCH
                                                      farmers,” Brandon Knudsen says. “Tommy              The Egro ONE Pure produces
                                                      and Tim are the best at what they do.”          consistent and delicious coffee so
                                                                                                      that Ziggi’s can concentrate on what
                                                      As with many coffee companies, Coda is          Brandon says they really specialize in:                  Began production of coffee machines:
                                                                                                      customer service. The Egro machine “is
                                                      organic-certified and Fair Trade CertifiedTM.
                                                      But its Farm2Cup certification may be the       a huge factor in keeping our labor at less               1934
                                                                                                                                                               Developed the first fully automatic
                                                      most meaningful. “It’s our own made-up          than 25% of sales and giving incredible                  espresso machine:
                                                      certification,” Thwaites says. “We wanted a     service,” he says. “It’s hard to do both but
                                                      way to denote coffees where we really felt      the machine allows us to do it.”                         1972
                                                      a strong relationship with the grower.” This        That emphasis on customer service                    USA office opened:
   for Coda.” From that point on, Coda has
   been an integral part of the Ziggi’s Coffee
                                                      certification denotes coffees from areas,
                                                      where Thwaites says, “we’ve walked the
                                                                                                      is what Don Berquist, Regional Manager
                                                                                                      for Rancilio Group North America,
                                                                                                                                                               Number of service providers:
                                                                                                      says is integral to Ziggi’s current and
   success story, providing the chain with all
   its coffee. The Thwaites brothers would
                                                      fields: Omar is the guy in Honduras, Emilio
                                                      is the guy in El Salvador. When we know a       continued success. “They’re doing it                     600+
   officially become partners in Ziggi’s when its       farmer or a co-op we buy from, we like to       right,” he says, “talking to customers,        
   franchise program started in 2016.                 build that relationship.”                       talking to employees and making sure
                                                                                                      they have a great product.”

8 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                           Aliworld 9
                                                                                            Chris Bigelow, FCSI, CFSP
                                                                                            The Bigelow Companies, Inc.
                                                                                            Kansas City, Mo.
                                                                                                                                       preordering by the
                                                                                                                                            When you preorder from
                                                                                                                                       a restaurant, they have set up
                                                                                                                                       cubicles. In some cases, it’s
                                                                                                                                       nothing but a shelf and they
                                                                                                                                       have your name on a ticket
                                                                                                                                       attached to a bag. That’s the
                                                                                                                                       simplest way to do it, but half-
                                                                                                                                       time at a football game may
                                                                   What emerging trends in                The idea didn’t start with   call for different measures.       Andrey Teleguz
                                                                   sports facility foodservice        the pandemic but it’s finally    There are electronic cabinets or   Principal
                                                                   has the COVID-19 pandemic          gaining traction with COVID      lockers and you’re given a code.
                                                                   accelerated?                       and that’s preordering food      When you get to the pickup
                                                                                                                                                                          SCOPOS Hospitality Group
                                                                        The big one is the whole      on your phone. In the sports     spot, you punch in the code on     Ephrata, Penn.
                                                                   idea of cashless facilities,       world, we’ve had apps to order   your phone and it opens the
                                                                   which was just starting to         on your phone for at least       locker. These can be installed     What are some major
                              Key Trends in the Wake of COVID-19   pick up momentum. The
                                                                   percentage of credit card
                                                                                                      10 years but nobody used
                                                                                                      them. People like to get up,
                                                                                                                                       fairly easily as a retrofit. The
                                                                                                                                       key is finding the space.
                                                                                                                                                                          foodservice and hospitality
                                                                                                                                                                          trends that you see outliving
                                                                   sales versus cash sales was        walk around the stadium, see                                        the pandemic?
                                                                   growing every year, all across     what people are selling and      Let’s talk more about the               Trends I’d highlight are open
                                                                   the board with the various         buy on impulse. Now, we’re       space requirements for newly       kitchens extending farther,
                                                                   facilities — colleges, minor       seeing more sports teams that    designed sports facilities in a    perhaps even protruding into
                                                                   league, major league, you          want to have a reliable app      post-COVID world.                  the dining room space, creating
                                                                   name it. With COVID, it’s          to encourage preordering. If         We’re working on some          almost a 360-degree experience.
                                                                   taken on a new emphasis.           you think about self-service,    projects right now, and even       We then need to think about
                                                                   Everyone’s coming out — you        unless the kiosks are voice-     though the buildings won’t be      the to-go and takeout trend
                                                                   see it with restaurants, saying,   activated, people are touching   open for, let’s say, four years,   because that factors into how
                                                                   “We’re not going to take cash      a screen so you still have       we’re told to design with          our open display kitchen
                                                                   anymore; we’re only going          safety issues. When customers    another pandemic in mind           connects to the dining room
                                                                   to take credit cards or some       use their own phones to place    as a possibility. That means       and it raises the question of
                                                                   type of electronic payment.”       orders and they’re not going     more space. We used to make        where the pickup area fits. We
                                                                   That whole movement                to be touching any equipment     kitchen footprints as small        don’t want people picking up
                                                                   toward cashless facilities is      — that seems like the safest     as possible, with kitchen staff    orders to affect the dine-in
 It’s difficult to disentangle the COVID-19 pandemic from what’s   accelerating because of the        option for the future. I think   working shoulder to shoulder.      experience when it comes to
                                                                   perception that handling cash      we’re going to see the whole     Now, the question is how to        atmosphere and safety. The
 trending today in foodservice across various sectors, from
                                                                   is less sanitary. Then, also, we   technology piece just continue   redesign and move equipment        third trend is the dining room
 senior living facilities to sports and entertainment venues.      have self-service (concession      to grow with touchless           to allow for more space and,       itself broken out into smaller,
 However, several trends seemingly tied to COVID-19 actually       stand) kiosks, where you           equipment. Everyone said         possibly, social distancing.       more intimate nooks to allow
                                                                   enter your order and go to         condiment stands would           Interestingly, something that      for spacing.
 began to emerge before the coronavirus clobbered the
                                                                   the pickup spot to get it. That    be a thing of the past, but      came up the other day is, do
 United States. For instance, market research firm The NDP         was a trend that was growing       manufacturers have come out      we need a cash room anymore?       Let’s address each of
 Group had already dubbed the U.S. “A Carry-Out Nation”            prior to COVID, and I think        with touchless condiment         Normally, in the back-of-the-      those trends one at a time,
                                                                   it will accelerate because         dispensers with either a foot    house space there’d be a pretty    starting with open kitchens.
 in November 2019, months ahead of the pandemic.
                                                                   it’s contactless — you’re not      pump or an electric eye.         good-sized cash room for a            We’d been doing a lot of
                                                                   interacting with a cashier.                                         major venue where all the          open kitchens despite the
 Here, four foodservice consultants discuss takeout, touchless                                        What design elements or          foodservice people come and        debate around whether it’s
                                                                   Which trends did the               equipment are needed to          count their money. Well, if        going to be too noisy, and do
 service points, open kitchen designs and other trends that
                                                                   pandemic spark that are            accommodate pickups              there’s no cash, you don’t need    we really want people to see
 COVID-19 either accelerated or ignited, and they weigh in on      here to stay?                      if stadium crowds start          that cash room.                    everything? Then, COVID
 which trends will persist.
10 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                       Aliworld 11

 happened and that has                unnecessary congestion inside                              Stephen Young, FCSI                         the app. The concession stand                                Amy E. Hegarty, CID, ASID, CFSP, FCSI         instead of the pizza place down
 driven a lot of demand for           the restaurant. You’d want a                               Managing Member/Executive                   or food outlet just becomes a                                Principal                                     the street benefits the operator.
 transparency. People want            dedicated to-go destination                                                                            fulfillment center, and there’s                                                                            Delivery and takeout will be
                                                                                                 Principal                                                                                                Foodservice Consultants Studio, Inc.
 to see what you’re doing to          spot. Maybe it’s even a street                                                                         no wait time since you’re not                                                                              more prevalent in the future.
 their plate and their meal.          pickup window or some
                                                                                                 Young Caruso (formerly WC&P)                summoned until your order
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Henrico, Va.                                  Things aren’t ideally set up
 We call it visual reassurance.       outside connection point so                                Denver                                      has been fulfilled.                                                                                        for delivery at this point, but
 Definitely, there’s still a          people aren’t entering the                                                                                                                                                                                        they’ve figured it out as a short-
 back-of-the-house kitchen            restaurant and disrupting                                                                              Is the technology advanced                                                                                 term solution and I think it’s
 where all the bulk prep is           the diners and making them                                                                             enough to support a positive                                                                               here to stay, although I don’t see
 happening. Open kitchens are         feel like there’s traffic just                                                                         voice-activated kiosk                                                                                      it taking over. Senior living and
 not all open air, necessarily.       constantly running back          What foodservice trends do         technologies. And those            experience?                         In a COVID-19 era, what is         What other changes were             higher ed are environments
 Some are behind glass.               and forth. That’s a critical     you predict will emerge in a       are mobile app ordering,               The technology is there,        the fate of self-service in        made to that project, and           that attract people who want to
                                      element to creating that safe,   post-COVID world?                  voice-activated kiosks and         and the kiosks are just coming      institutional settings?            what do they signal about           be around other people. They
 What else is driving the             enjoyable dining experience.         We believe the world has       self-service scan-in/scan-out      into play. A voice-activated             We were in the middle of      the future of design in             won’t want to be stuck in their
 open kitchen trend? Is it            Branding will play a big role.   embraced certain changes           markets sort of like Amazon        kiosk allows you to interact        a senior living redesign when      institutional settings?             rooms all the time eating out of
 experiential? Do guests              Takeout can now be branded       as a culture and one of these      Go’s grab-and-go model. This       with the screen without             COVID hit and the project              What we had planned             a [polystyrene] box.
 expect to see art in the             separately, giving it its own    conditions is that patrons         platform allows for fresh and      touching it, from tapping your      stalled for four months. Now       to do is create food stations
 making?                              identity and driving targeted    don’t want to be touching          packaged food and beverage         card or scanning your phone         it’s back on track, but gone are   where chefs would prepare           What needs to happen so
     The popularity of cooking        marketing with a unique          surfaces and things that other     products with self-checkout        for payment to ordering with        all the self-service elements      food made to order at               that senior living facilities
 shows and celebrity chefs            takeout menu and packaging.      guests have touched. I also        scanning.                          voice commands. And it will         — no salad bar, no self-serve      beautiful service counters          and universities are
 has really driven that type of                                        think people more than ever             With mobile app ordering,     upsell your order with, “Would      soup, no self-serve dessert. In    with different concepts —           properly set up to provide
 experience demand. People            How will dining room             want more visibility into the      when a guest enters, their         you like fries with that?” or       university dining halls, there’s   a carvery, a grill, an action       takeout and delivery in the
 want to see the artistry, the        design and configuration         final preparation or finish of     phones will be pinged and          otherwise interact with you.        currently no self-service.         station where they might have       long-term?
 culinary flair, and they may         change?                          their meal assembly. Guests        they’ll have the option of         Imagine you’re at a Broncos         Because they have existing         a wok. The resident would               You’ll need staff to
 even pay a premium for that,             Things are going to          want to see that their meals       downloading the app and            game. The image on the screen       self-serve counters, there’s       make their choice and have          prepare takeout meals
 to have a seat closer to the         be spaced out differently.       are prepared in a safe way.        accepting push notifications       could be John Elway talking         now a staff person behind          the food prepared and plated        and do deliveries, and you
 action. Ultimately, when the         Dining room spaces will be       Additionally, guests eat with      for specials, like a two-for-one   to you and taking your order.       that counter putting three         right in front of them. Come        may need more space and
 chef ’s out in front, it’s a show.   divided into smaller nooks       their eyes so display cooking      deal. Furthermore, the mobile      In the next five years it may       cucumbers on your salad            August, they called the design      a redesigned kitchen flow.
                                      with separators, creating an     and prep environments will         app has beacon technology,         be a hologram standing there        because that’s what you asked      team back together, and they        Kitchens need storage room
 On the other end of the              experience of safety and a       enhance sales.                     which tells the operator where     talking to you.                     for. They’re even handing          wanted changes based on             for the to-go containers and
 spectrum are people who              sense of intimacy within a                                          the guest is. So, in a sports                                          forks to the university            lessons learned from COVID.         maybe for insulated delivery
 are forgoing the dine-in             larger space. Areas will be      What’s being done to               entertainment venue, you           As far as safety in the era of      students — you can’t reach         The residents will no longer        carts. It would be beneficial
 experience and becoming              sectioned off architecturally    minimize touchpoints               could order from your seat and     COVID, how are food halls           into an open container             walk up to a counter. It’s all      to have a separate area of the
 increasingly reliant on              or by using design elements      and potential germ                 the food could be delivered        perceived compared to               and pick out your flatware.        table service now, just like        kitchen to store meals once
 takeout.                             to create physical barriers      transference?                      to you. If in-seat service isn’t   restaurants?                        Hiring labor on campus is          a traditional restaurant, but       they are ready to be picked
      That’s huge. People             other than [plastic glass]           For all of the sports          offered, you order from the app        I would say food halls are      generally not a problem            there will still be a visual        up or delivered — so heated
 are used to it, and moving           partitions, which have been      entertainment venues as well       and it tells you when your food    equally as safe as restaurants,     because of the student             connection with the cooking         or refrigerated cabinets in
 forward, there will still be a       the short-term solution. We’re   as the food halls we currently     is ready and where to pick it      and I believe they have a           workforce, but elsewhere,          in the form of an open display      this area to house the food.
 percentage of the population         using a lot of green walls, or   have on the boards in terms        up, and you pay for it through     sustainable place in the            where staff is preparing food      kitchen. The ability to see         You need to address the
 that’s not comfortable eating        hydroponics, to create those     of design, we’re implementing                                         foodservice world. The key          for people instead of doing        food being prepared while           tradeoff that more takeout
                                                                                                          Food halls present unique
 at a restaurant but they still       partitions between tables, and   touchless and frictionless         challenges in serving              will be the ability to queue and    self-serve, labor is going to      maintaining some separation         and delivery means more
 want the experience of that          they also bring in nature and    service points and point-of-sale   food safely.                       seat guests in a way to satisfy     be a challenge. My personal        is an important factor in           packaging. Just think of
 restaurant’s food. So we need        that feeling of healthiness.                                                                           social distancing and provide       opinion about self-serve bulk      future design projects.             the enormity of trash being
 to figure out how to alter the       You could do high banquettes                                                                           a sense of safety to its patrons.   food is it’s not a great idea                                          produced by this type of
 back of the house to handle          or booths to separate people.                                                                          The ability to provide a display    in an institutional setting        What other responses to             food service. I think the
 that takeout volume. Maybe           Even using more lounge-                                                                                presentation of fresh and safe      because of the risk of cross-      the coronavirus are driving         cost of compostable and
 you have a more limited to-go        style chairs that have higher                                                                          food handling and finishing will    contamination; plus, it’s          lasting change?                     biodegradable packaging
 menu and a specific, very            backs helps instead of typical                                                                         be a big plus moving forward.       harder to hold temperature.            For senior living, they had     will come down because
 efficient and streamlined            bistro-style chairs. Farmhouse                                                                         They may emerge on the other        But as far as self-serve across    to quickly figure out how to        sustainability is still
 area of the kitchen that’s           tables had been trending, but                                                                          side of COVID looking a little      all sectors, we’re probably        safely deliver meals to people’s    important. I think things
 engineered to support that           we’re seeing a move toward                                                                             bit different, but they have a      seeing just a temporary stop       rooms. Universities started         will develop pretty quickly
 takeout menu and it’s not            smaller tables you can group                                                                           place in our heart that excites     right now. Most facilities of      offering takeout and delivery to    in this area because we need
 impacting production for             together to create that farm                                                                           our foodie spirit that will never   different types will want to get   control the number of students      packaging that doesn’t fill
 the restaurant. Location of          table experience for a larger                                                                          go away.                            back to offering it because it’s   in the dining halls. Students got   up the landfills or make you
 takeout is critical in order         group, while allowing for more                                                                                                             an efficient way to get people     used to these conveniences and      feel like you’re bringing home
 to reduce cross traffic or           flexibility.                                                                                                                               through a line.                    ordering food from campus           leftovers.

12 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Aliworld 13

                                                                                                        dining rooms, dedicating prep lines, expanding                                students to order a few meals ahead and avoid being
                                                                                                        drive-thrus, testing ghost kitchens and making                                around other students and staff at the dining venues.”
                                                                                                        other moves to win with off-premises sales. But                                   Even for pickup, OSU’s tech platform facilitates
                                                                                                        closure mandates and massive changes in consumer                              social distancing while maximizing convenience
                                                                                                        behavior sparked by the pandemic transformed                                  and efficiency. Algorithms generate estimated wait
                                                                                                        takeout and delivery from steadily growing trends                             times when orders are placed, and notifications
                                                                                                        into critical lifelines almost overnight.                                     sent to students’ phones alert them when they
                                                                                                            QSR and fast-casual chains with deep pockets                              are ready.
                                                                                                        and high-tech systems have led the charge into                                    “In 90% of the cases, our students are there
                                                                                                        developing next-level off-premises business                                   to pickup the food within 30 seconds to a minute
                                                                                                        strategies. But the shift is broad and industrywide,                          after we set the food on the staging shelf,” Ahmed
                                                                                                        encompassing colleges, healthcare operations,                                 notes. “For takeout-based programs, timing is
                                                                                                        corporate campuses, fine dining and family-style                              everything. It’s really important to have technology
                                                                                                        restaurants, whose leaders are reimagining their                              that provides accurate wait times. If that’s not
                                                                                                        businesses and accelerating the pace of change to                             in place, you’re going to have a very hard time

                                                                                                        meet the moment and prepare for the future.                                   managing traffic, as well as holding food and
                                                                                                            The Ohio State University’s dining program, for                           maintaining quality.”
                                                                                                        instance, was a pioneer when it brought mobile                                    At St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in
                                                                                                        ordering for pickup and delivery to the college                               Memphis, Tenn., a combination of tech tools and
                                                                                                        campus in Columbus, Ohio, five years ago. Initially                           physical modifications is helping facilitate a newly

              Fast Track:
                                                                                                        implemented in retail foodservice operations, the
                                                                                                        system was expanded in summer 2020 to include           “The good             expanded off-premises program. As OSU was in
                                                                                                                                                                                      the campus-dining world, St. Jude was a pioneer
                                                                                                        residential dining halls before students returned       news is               among hospitals in adopting mobile app-based
                                                                                                        to campus for the fall 2020 semester. As at other
                                                                                                        college campuses, OSU’s dining program had
                                                                                                                                                                that we’d             ordering just over two years ago. Its program
                                                                                                                                                                                      enables customers to order ahead for takeout at
                                                                                                                                                                been doing

              Takeout &
                                                                                                        rapidly shifted to takeout and delivery-only modes                            the hospital’s main dining facility, the Kay Kafe, or
                                                                                                        of operation during the pandemic. Having the            mobile                one of their two retail Starbucks outlets.
                                                                                                        technology already in place, through a partnership                                Within Kay Kafe, the St. Jude team repurposed
                                                                                                        with Grubhub, was a boon, says Zia Ahmed, Senior        ordering              an area formerly used as an express grab-and-go
                                                                                                        Director for Dining Services.                           via app and           station to serve as its new mobile-order pickup

                                                                                                            “Almost everything we do is off-premises now,”
                                                                                                        he notes. “The good news is that we’d been doing
                                                                                                                                                                kiosks for            area. “The express area was underutilized, so we
                                                                                                                                                                                      decided to change it to our Grubhub area,” says
                                                                                                        mobile ordering via app and kiosks for takeout          takeout for           David Reeves. He formerly served as Director of
                                                                                                        for the past four years. Mobile ordering is now the
                                                                                                        primary option. At the start of the 2020-2021 school
                                                                                                                                                                the past              Culinary Operations at St. Jude before taking a
                                                                                                                                                                                      position as System Director of Food and Nutrition
                                                                                                        year, with nearly 12,000 students on campus, we         four years.”          at Lee Health in Florida. “It now includes signage
                                                                                                        had 98% of orders coming from mobile devices. Part                            that shows the status of orders. If an order shows

                                                                                                        of our strategic plan was to get to 100% of orders      Zia Ahmed             up there in green, it means it’s ready to go and
                                                                                                        being placed via mobile app by 2025. We’re five years   Senior Director for   available for pickup in the staging area. It’s simple
                                           ick it up. Grab it and go. Order it in. These options        ahead of schedule due to COVID-19.”                     Dining Services,      and seamless, and something we’ll be expanding
                                           quickly came to define most consumers’ engagement                Last summer, the OSU Dining Services team           The Ohio State        on in the future.”
                                           with restaurants and other foodservice venues                worked not just to expand the technology platform       University                St. Jude has already incorporated plans for
                                           when COVID-19 hit. And for many — those leery of             for placing mobile orders but also to expand                                  more sophisticated, tech-enhanced mobile-order
                                           heading back into dining rooms as well as those for          delivery. Added early in the pandemic for students                            pickup areas in future facility designs, Reeves
                                           whom takeout and delivery simply became new and              in quarantine, all meals are being delivered to                               notes. One plan includes Amazon locker-style
                                           comfortable norms — off-premises options continue to         the student rooms by dining staff. The program                                staging for mobile orders, with hot and cold
                                           hold strong appeal.                                          also includes a popular new menu of 20-plus                                   holding cabinets that customers can unlock with a
                                               To some degree, much of the industry was headed          refrigerated meals that students can purchase and                             simple phone scan.
                down this path anyway. Even before COVID-19, off-premises orders made up nearly         reheat in their residences.                                                       As for order pickup, Kay Kafe’s production
                60% of foodservice occasions and 78% of operators said off-premises programs                “Our culinary team did a lot of R&D to streamline                         area also now includes one section dedicated to
                were a strategic priority, according to data released in October 2019 by the National   our menus for takeout and delivery, and also to come                          mobile-app orders. “It was challenging at first,
                Restaurant Association. Leading restaurant brands, on-site operators and emerging       up with a variety of really great meals that can be                           because we’d have people ordering items from
                concepts were already thinking outside the box, tapping new technologies, shrinking     reheated easily,” Ahmed says. “It makes it easy for                           multiple stations within the café,” Reeves says.

14 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Aliworld 15

 “So, we set up one station that almost exclusively                              there’s demand, especially with social distancing      we’ll implement off-premises. It’s such a viable and      First Things First: 3 Keys to Off-Premises Success
 prepares Grubhub orders. That’s worked well to                                  regulations now in place.”                             important aspect of our business now.”                    Well before posting takeout and delivery deals on Facebook or
 improve efficiency and streamline the process.”                                                                                            James Lane, Owner of Angelo’s Pizzeria &              embracing the latest mobile-order app technology, foundational work
      With the St. Jude mobile-app program well                                  Doing Business Differently                             Enoteca in Shallotte, N.C., and Maria’s Pizzeria          needs to happen to help ensure off-premises sales success, says Ken
 established, and with COVID-19 creating a need                                  For many independent operators for whom                in nearby Ocean Isle Beach, also has a new                Schwartz, FSCI, President of Tampa-based consulting and design
 for greater social distancing on the hospital’s                                 takeout and delivery had never been priorities,        appreciation for takeout and delivery. Maria’s,           firm SSA Inc. He shares three key moves to make early in the game.
 campus, the program was expanded last fall to                                   the sudden shift to an off-premises model has          which had been open just a few months when
 include delivery. Now, instead of having to come to                             been survival-driven but also energizing. Such         the pandemic hit, and 17-year-old Angelo’s were           Streamline the Menu. “If you have 30 or 40 items on your regular menu, that
 Kay Kafe or Starbucks to pick up their orders, staff                            was the case for Charlotte, N.C.-based Xenia           designed as full-service restaurants in which             may be fine for dine-in business for which capacity is limited. But for off-premises,
 members and others can have them delivered to a                                 Hospitality Group, which runs two full-service         “hospitality is part of the cuisine,” according to        maybe it’s better to pare that down to 12 or 15 items that can be done very well
 centralized pickup point in their building.                                     Ilios Noche Greek restaurants; a new fast-casual       Lane. Neither focused on takeout or delivery.             and that hold up well in transit. If the beautiful, 4-inch-thick piece of lasagna that
      Reeves expects lessons learned during the                                  spinoff called Ilios Crafted Greek; and Big View                                                                 guests enjoy in the restaurant shifts to a half-inch mess by the time it’s taken
 first phase of mobile-app introduction, for order                               Diner, a contemporary take on ’70s-style diners
                                                                                                                                                                                                  home or delivered, that experience diminishes the brand.”
 ahead and pickup, to help to ensure smooth                                      serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. The company       “We had to
 implementation of the new delivery program.            have                     also has a catering arm, operates on-site cafes
                                                                                                                                        adapt and                                                 Consider Cook Times. “The quality of products at the time of consumption
      “Packaging is critical and definitely a
 challenge,” Reeves says. “We were trying to utilize
                                                        developed                for B&I clients, and manages food and beverage
                                                                                 operations for a golf course.                          change.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                  off-site versus on-site is often very different,” Schwartz says. “Steam builds up
                                                                                                                                                                                                  inside of the containers. Breads get soggy and hot foods continue to cook
 sustainable packaging as much as possible, but         new habits                   Prior to March 2020, takeout and delivery                                                                    after they’re packaged. To optimize quality, cooking method and duration may
 when we did our trials, we found that the products
                                                        and this                 represented just 10% to 12% of overall sales. But      James Lane                                                ultimately need to be adjusted for the same menu item being prepared for
 that held the best were not the sustainable                                     when the order came through to close dining            Owner,                                                    delivery or takeout versus for dine-in.”
 products. It’s disappointing, but if you’re offering   side of our              rooms, Xenia’s team began plotting an aggressive       Angelo’s Pizzeria
 foods for takeout and delivery you need to be          business                 push toward off-premises sales. Menus were             and Maria’s Pizzeria                                      Test and Retest Packaging. “Sample several types of packaging and test
 able to ensure a quality experience by the time
 someone gets back to their desk to eat.”               is going to              streamlined and reworked to focus on dishes that
                                                                                 travel well, packaging options were tested, an app
                                                                                                                                                                                                  extensively to determine what works best for your specific menu items,” Schwartz
                                                                                                                                                                                                  suggests. “Test both for each recipe and for duration to evaluate how menu
      As for menu mix, the initial program at           continue to              implemented for mobile ordering, multiple third-                                                                 items packaged for takeout or delivery hold up after 10, 15, 20 minutes or more,
 St. Jude started with a limited assortment of
 items available to order via mobile app. It catered
                                                        evolve and               party delivery partners brought on and curbside
                                                                                 pickup offered. And the group stretched further
                                                                                                                                                                                                  because that’s how long it can be before they’re actually consumed.”

 to those customers in a hurry and wanting to           grow.”                   to begin offering a selection of fresh and frozen
 avoid lines, while those with more time could                                   proteins, dry goods, meal kits, prepared foods,                                                                                             work phones and expedite inside and curbside
 still browse in person and choose from the entire      Stratos Lambos           family-style meals, wines, signature cocktail mixes,                                                                                        pickup areas as well as to make deliveries.
 menu for takeout. “We found that creating a            CEO and Co-Founder,      and even added private-label hand sanitizer to its                                                                                          Vendors were tapped for packaging samples
 different menu for mobile-app ordering was a good      Xenia Hospitality        off-premises offerings.                                                                                                                     and storage areas reconfigured to accommodate
 solution,” Reeves says. “It let us start out small     Group                        “We refused to just sit and try to wait it out,”                                                                                        takeout and delivery supplies. Szarfarski took
 and add items as we improved our systems versus                                 says Stratos Lambos, CEO and Co-Founder of                                                                                                  to social media to promote takeout and
 debuting with the whole menu, which would have                                  Xenia Hospitality Group. “We knew that we had to                                                                                            delivery specials.
 been too complex and time-consuming. Our next          Food orders being        go into survival mode. We promoted takeout and                                                                                                  “We had to do a lot of testing and make a lot
                                                        packaged for delivery
 iteration, designed for the delivery program, makes    at St. Jude Children’s   delivery heavily on social media and in signs near                                                                                          of quick decisions,” Lane notes. “We also bought
 almost the entire menu available. We know that         Research Hospital.       the restaurants. We ended up being profitable after                                                                                         some new equipment. With Maria’s being a new
                                                                                 the first full month of takeout and delivery-only                                                                                           business, we weren’t sure the volume that we
                                                                                 operations. It just started growing incrementally.”         “We were always dine-in, destination-type         “Everyone                     would need to produce. We quickly outgrew the
                                                                                     The company’s app has been particularly            restaurants, but we suddenly lost our business         we worked                     dough mixer that we had bought.”
                                                                                 important to that effort, with 75% of mobile
                                                                                 orders coming through it and another 25% coming
                                                                                                                                        model,” he says. “We had to adapt and change. We
                                                                                                                                        felt sorry for ourselves for about a week and a half   with from                         Working with Belshaw Adamatic, Lane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             upgraded Maria’s mixer to one that can produce
                                                                                 through third-party platform providers. And many       but then started figuring out how to evolve so we      Ali Group                     double the amount of pizza dough in about half
                                                                                 customers simply call in their orders, prompting
                                                                                 Lambos to switch to a cloud-based phone system
                                                                                                                                        could continue to serve our customers, just in a
                                                                                                                                        different way.”
                                                                                                                                                                                               was so                        the time of the model it replaced. “If it weren’t for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the pandemic, we probably wouldn’t have made
                                                                                 with unlimited lines.                                       Focusing especially on Maria’s, which wasn’t      committed                     that investment,” he says. “But it has really helped
                                                                                     As of early fall, when dining room capacity was
                                                                                 back up to 50%, Xenia’s restaurants continued to
                                                                                                                                        yet as entrenched in customers’ minds as a
                                                                                                                                        dine-in destination, Lane and General Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                               to helping us                 us be able to service delivery and takeout better.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Everyone we worked with from Ali Group
                                                                                 do roughly 50% of sales in takeout and delivery.       Allison Szafarski studied their existing POS           do this and                   was so committed to helping us do this and do it
                                                                                 “This is something we’ll continue to focus on,”        system to learn its integrated digital tools for       do it well.”                  well,” Szafarski adds. “Their leadership, ideas and
                                                                                 Lambos says. “People have developed new habits         handling online takeout and delivery orders. The                                     assistance kept us going and growing. We never
                                                                                 and this side of our business is going to continue     restaurant’s phone system was expanded from                                          realized the potential we could have for delivery
                                                                                 to evolve and grow. What’s more, for any new           four lines to eight. Menus were modified and           Allison Szafarski             and takeout, but now we plan to keep expanding
                                                                                 operations that we develop in the future, one of       recipes tweaked to help ensure product quality         General Manager,              and improving on it, even as dine-in business gets
                                                                                 the first things on the table is going to be how       during transit. Staff members were redeployed to       Maria’s Pizzeria              back to normal.”

16 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Aliworld 17
Heath Taylor,
                                                                                National Strategic
                                                                                Accounts Manager

              Do you think the increasing volume of
              drive-thru business that restaurants are
              seeing is a short-term necessity or is it a
              major rethinking of how restaurants do

              Heath Taylor, National National Strategic Accounts
              Manager: It’s a little of both. In the chain world, dining
              rooms have been shrinking since way before the pandemic                                Lauren Noreika,
                                                                                                     National Strategic
              started. Some of that is due to customers ordering more via                            Accounts Manager
              mobile apps, but I believe the pandemic has forced chains to
              rethink what their business model looks like and how they
              serve the customer.

              Lauren Noreika, National Strategic Accounts Manager:
              Major fast-food chains see about 70% of their business at
              the drive-thru. Third-party delivery services are chipping
              away at that number a little, but delivery comes with its own
              challenges, such as price, food quality and customer handoff.
              Drive-thrus are still winning, and restaurants that didn’t have
              drive-thrus are now certainly accelerating their strategies in
              order to add drive-thru.
                                                                                Gerry Kenlon,
              Gerry Kenlon, Director of Global Strategic Accounts: The          Director of Global
              fact is we are and have been a mobile society. As such, drive-    Strategic Accounts
              thru and to-go have always been dominant elements in QSRs.
              Pre-COVID-19, that was trending in fast casual as well. The
              pandemic has changed societal behavior. Out of pure survival,
              restaurants that didn’t have drive-thru models have adapted
              to contactless pickup and to-go. And those that did have drive-
              thru have tried to improve their capacity.

18 Aliworld                                                                                               Aliworld 19

                                       The                                                                         On the flip side, what things have
                                   Hot Station                                                                     you seen that are working?                                                                                                 The
                                  holds takeout                                                                                                                                                                                             Pull-Out
                                   food at the                                                                     Noreika: Restaurants began streamlining their                                                                          Worksurface
                                     perfect                                                                       menu options so that they could service their                                                                          conveniently
                                  temperature.                                                                                                                                                                                            slides away
                                                                                                                   customers faster. When you have too much stuff it’s                                                                    when not in
                                                                                                                   going to take that much longer, so they streamlined                                                                        use.
                                                                                                                   to serve their customers a little bit faster.

                                                                                                                   Taylor: Operators are sending employees
                                                                                                                   “upstream” to talk to the guest outside the building
                                                                                                                   or before they get to the drive-thru speaker. They
 The increase in drive-thru has                                                                                    have an iPad or device in their hand, so not only
                                                                                                                   are they taking your order but they can also swipe
 obviously affected front-of-                                                                                      for payment. The increase in information has
 house layout and workflow. Has                                                                                    helped them keep food quality good and keep the
 it changed the back-of-house as                                                                                   line moving.
                                                                                                                   Kenlon: There are a number of QSRs I’ve been to           What can Metro offer operators
 Noreika: We’ve always been trained to think about                                                                 where there’s an area off to the right of the drive-      — both in terms of product and
 customer-to-employee safety, but restaurants now                                                                  thru area, separate from the drive-thru lane and the      expertise — to more efficiently run
 have to think about employee-to-employee safety                                                                   thru-traffic lane. It’s a little staging area, and they   their drive-thru?
 as well. Crew members are being asked to work                                                                     tell you to go place your order over there. I’m seeing
 together within small footprints in a business that                                                               them use those areas to handle excess demand as           Noreika: For years, Metro has offered a service
 typically requires them to be in close contact with                                                               well. If you’ve done a remote order, you park over        that’s free of charge to our customers called
 one another. Workflows have changed a bit to                                                                      there and we bring it to you. That’s where I see          ESP ProTM — Enhanced Space Productivity. It
 ensure fewer handoffs and touch points.                                                                           restaurant design fundamentally changing.                 differentiates us from the pack. We don’t just
                                                                                                                                                                             sell posts and shelves out of a catalog. Our team
 Kenlon: The most obvious impact on the back-of-         What are some of the challenges                                                                                     comes in, we ingrain ourselves into the customer’s
 house is having enough space and capacity for all       you’ve seen with operations trying                                                                                  workflows, and we design solutions based on what
 the support materials needed to put a drive-thru or                                                                                                                         the operator actually needs.
                                                         to increase their drive-thru traffic?
 pickup order together and having them in proximity
 to the assembly and staging areas for those orders.     Taylor: Today, some of the business goes across                                                                     Taylor: We were asked to create the Pull-Out
                                                         the counter and some goes to drive-thru. When                                                                       Worksurface to get more efficiencies out of the
 Taylor: The same amount of space operators have         you change that model to just one outlet, you’re                                                                    kitchen, whether it be for the drive-thru or mobile    BRAND
 today is going to have be used for different tasks      going to have some pain points in the staging and                                                                   app and catering orders. It’s a slide-out assembly     WATCH
 without interrupting the restaurant’s standard          holding of product.                                                                                                 station, but once you get through with it you slide
 processes. Restaurants will need extra assembly                                                                                                                             it back in place so it’s not in the way as you’re
 stations, for example, but these must fit into the      Kenlon: The biggest challenge is the volume. The                                                                    doing other things. It’s a great space utilization
 footprint they already have. It’s going to really get   drive-thru QSRs, when this pandemic hit, were                                                                       tool that pays huge dividends, because it does not
 into space optimization.                                in position to respond to the public. They could                                                                    affect standard procedures already in place and it     Founded:
                                                         stay open; they could supply meals. They could                                                                      also promotes social distancing.
                                                         feed first responders and consumers but they also                                                                                                                          1929
                                                         picked up everybody else’s demand. How do you fit                                                                   Kenlon: Metro has a long-established record of         Products:
                                                         exponentially more demand into a smaller funnel?
                                                         That’s the challenge.
                                                                                                                                                                             working with global, national and regional chains
                                                                                                                                                                             developing application-based solutions specifically
                                                                                                                                                                             for their unique requirements. We have developed
                                                         Noreika: Long lines in the drive-thru can deter                                                                     an entire portfolio of modular and flexible drive-
                                                         customers. You see that long line, and you might                                                                    thru solutions that can adapt as business models
                                                         not want to get in line or wait for food. Speed is very                                 Workstations                adapt and grow. And now as we add our new line
                                                         important but it’s a struggle when also trying to                                     from Metro help               of Super Erecta® Hot Shelving and the Metro2GoTM
                                                         maintain accuracy. Customers are willing to wait a                                       keep busy                  Hot Stations to our application catalog, we are in a
                                                         little bit longer for accuracy but not too much longer.                                    areas                    position to provide even more solutions for more
                                                         It’s definitely a balancing act and an art form.                                         organized.                 customers in different types of environments. This
                                                                                                                                                                             is our wheelhouse. This is what we do.
20 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Aliworld 21
                                                                                                                                                                    Left: Quality control
                                                                                                                                                                    is an important part
                                                                                                                                                                    of the production
                                                                                                                                                                    process at ADS.

                                                                                                                                                                    Below: Some of the ADS
                                                                                                                                                                    team (left to right): Nate
                                                                                                                                                                    Snyder, Purchasing Agent;
                                                                                                                                                                    Shanna Tibbetts, Human
                                                                                                                                                                    Resources Manager;
                                                                                                                                                                    James Andrews, President;

                                                                                                                                                                    and Ken Eber, Production &
                                                                                                                                                                    Safety Coordinator.
                                                                              hy the decision to
                                                                              purchase American
                                                                              Dish Service?
                                                                                  Historically, the
                                                                              Ali Group has had
                                                                              a strong portfolio
                                                                              of warewashing
                                                 companies: Bi-Line, Champion, CMA and Moyer
                                                 Diebel. ADS is a great addition to our company, as
                                                 it brings some unique strengths to our group. It
                                                 has a rich history of over 70 years in commercial
                                                 warewashing that has today evolved into a
                                                 company with such diverse products as low- and
                                                 high-temperature dishwashers, boosters and dish
                                                 tables and even low-level alarms. The company
                                                 historically has had a strong management team
                                                 and innovative products. Its entrepreneurial spirit
                                                 directly aligns with the values of the Ali Group.

                                                 What value do you expect ADS to bring to the
                                                 Ali Group portfolio?
                                                     ADS offers a complete line of warewashing
                                                 products and accessories. This will give our clients     Ali Group allows its companies to remain                 BRAND

 American Dish Service
                                                 an even wider selection to choose from to find the       independent. How will this serve ADS customers?          WATCH
                                                 perfect warewasher to fit their operation and budget.         From a customer point of view, it means business
                                                 Their popular Quick Lease program puts quality           as usual but with the added benefit of being part
                                                 equipment within the reach of almost every operator.     of a global network of foodservice equipment
                                                 ADS’ unique Factory Training Program aligns with         companies. All current relationships will continue,

 Joins the Ali Group Family                      the Ali Group concepts of education and sharing our
                                                 product knowledge.

                                                 How does ADS benefit by being part of
                                                                                                          and customers — both existing and new — will
                                                                                                          enjoy the same outstanding support for which
                                                                                                          ADS is renowned. From a company standpoint, it
                                                                                                          allows ADS (as with all Ali Group companies) to

                                                                                                                                                                   Size of ADS’
                                                                                                                                                                   Edwardsville, Kan.,
                                                 the Ali Group?                                           have the flexibility to do what they do best. This is
              Chairman and                           We have a strong reputation of delivering            very important for the Ali Group. It means that each
                                                                                                                                                                   manufacturing facility
                                                                                                                                                                   in sq. ft:

              Chief Executive Officer
                                                 quality products and unparalleled service to our
                                                 customers. With its long history of service to
                                                                                                          manager is able to define his or her own strategy and
                                                                                                          retain an entrepreneurial spirit. That entrepreneurial   208,000
                                                 chemical distributors and foodservice operators,         attitude is universal in all of our companies. 
              Filippo Berti discusses the        ADS will benefit by being able to tap into a wealth
                                                 of knowledge and network of connections. This will       Do you have a message for ADS team members?
              latest addition to the portfolio   allow them to share best practices our brands have
                                                 carefully developed over the years. We believe it is
                                                                                                              Much like the Ali Group, ADS is a family
                                                                                                          company. ADS was built on three generations of
              of Ali Group companies.            fundamental to share ideas so that our companies
                                                 can bring the best solutions and products to our
                                                                                                          leadership from the Andrews family, and we share
                                                                                                          their values and dedication to excellence. From
                                                 clients quickly. By leveraging the global resources of   myself and all the other members of the Ali Group
                                                 the Ali Group, we look forward to bringing ADS to a      family, we welcome you and look forward to many
                                                 new level of excellence.                                 years of working together.

22 Aliworld                                                                                                                                                                         Aliworld 23
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