"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...

"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving
              power of God." - Psalm 98

Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
"For today in the city of David, a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord!"- Luke 2:11

​Dear Friends in Christ,                             ​Queridos amigos en
I have been reflecting a lot about my
father this Christmas. In this Year of St.           He estado reflexionando mucho sobre
Joseph (a year dedicated to fatherhood               mi padre esta Navidad. En este que es
as declared by Pope Francis a few                    el Año de San José (un año dedicado a
weeks ago), I remember fondly the                    la paternidad como lo declaró el Papa
man who formed me and was in my life                 Francisco hace unas semanas),
until his tragic death when I was 14. My             recuerdo con cariño al hombre que me
father gave me many gifts: a love of                 formó y estuvo en mi vida hasta su
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
and loyalty to others especially those         trágica muerte cuando tenía 14 años.
on the margins, a thirst for justice, a gift   Mi padre me dio muchos dones: el
of gab, a sense of humor, and in my            amor y la lealtad a los demás,
earlier days the red hair we both              especialmente a los marginados, la sed
shared. His hair is forever red in my          de justicia, el don de la palabra, el
memories. Mine, not so much                    sentido del humor y en mis primeros
anymore.                                       días, el pelo rojo que ambos
​One thing I remember most was his
 desire to help those experiencing             Su cabello es siempre rojo en mis
 homelessness. I remember hearing              recuerdos. El mío, ya no tanto. Una
 him say many times during my                  cosa que más recuerdo es su deseo de
 childhood how he wanted to invite one         ayudar a quienes se encuentran sin
 of the men he saw roaming the streets         hogar. Recuerdo haberlo escuchado
 of downtown Seattle’s skid row home           decir muchas veces durante mi
 for Christmas dinner. It was something        infancia que quería invitar a uno de los
 he talked about often, but never put his      hombres que veía deambulando por
 words into action. Perhaps his heart          las calles del barrio bajo del centro de
 formed my heart to see the humanity in        Seattle para la cena de Navidad. Era
 these same unhoused people today.             algo de lo que hablaba a menudo, pero
                                               nunca ponía sus palabras en práctica.
​My wife and I have been blessed to            Quizás su corazón formó mi corazón
 break bread at Christmas with many            para ver la humanidad en estas
 we have met on the streets. Including         mismas personas sin vivienda hoy. Mi
 one family who are still housed and           esposa y yo hemos tenido la suerte de
 blessed with several beautiful children.      compartir el pan en Navidad con
 When we first met this couple,                muchos que hemos conocido en las
 someone in our parish community               calles. Incluyendo una familia que
 came into the sacristy one Saturday           todavía está alojada y quienes fueron
 night after Mass and said, “There’s a         bendecidos con varios niños
 homeless couple in the lobby who              hermosos. Cuando conocimos a esta
 needs help.” From that point forward,         pareja, alguien de nuestra comunidad
 we started our friendship with the            parroquial entró en la sacristía un
 couple. Little did we know that at the        sábado por la noche después de la
 time of our first meeting, the woman          misa y dijo: "Hay una pareja sin hogar
 was pregnant. In time, we helped them         en el vestíbulo que necesita ayuda". A
 get housed and stayed in touch. After         partir de ese momento, comenzamos
 their son was born, we baptized him at        nuestra amistad con la pareja. Poco
 Mass in Everett. Mary and I are               sabíamos que en el momento de
 blessed to be his godparents.                 nuestro primer encuentro, la mujer
                                               estaba embarazada. Con el tiempo, les
All this probably would never have             ayudamos a encontrar alojamiento y
happened if not for my father’s heart          nos mantuvimos en contacto. Después
forming my heart for the years he was          de que nació su hijo, lo bautizamos en
in my life. I will be forever grateful to      la misa en Everett. Mary y yo tenemos
him and God for this blessing.                 la suerte de ser sus padrinos. Todo
                                               esto probablemente nunca hubiera
In this time of pandemic and sadness           sucedido si no fuera por lo que el
over how much we cannot do with our            corazón de mi padre formó mi corazón
families this Christmas, may you take          durante los años que estuvo en mi
time to remember those who shaped              vida. Siempre le estaré agradecido a él
and formed you and give thanks to              y a Dios por esta bendición.
Lord for placing them in your life.
                                               En este tiempo de pandemia y tristeza
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
​Peace...                                       por lo mucho que no podemos hacer
 Dn. Dennis                                     con nuestras familias en esta Navidad,
                                                tomense el tiempo para recordar a
                                                quienes los moldearon y formaron y
                                                dar gracias al Señor por ponerlos en su

                                                 Dn. Dennis

            Join Us Physically, Virtually and
   Coming Up This Week at Christ Our Hope

   Thursday, December 24
        9 AM Morning Prayer (note new time) (via Zoom)
        4 PM Virtual Grace Before Meals (via Zoom)
        9 PM The Nativity of the Lord - Christmas Night MassRegister
        here or attend on Facebook live
   Friday, December 25
        9 AM The Nativity of the Lord - Christmas Day MassRegister
        here or attend on Facebook live
   Sunday, December 27
        Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Sunday
        Mass in-person at 8:30 AM, 5 PM (Spanish) or 7 PM. Register here
        or attend on Facebook live
   Friday, January 1st
        Mary, Mother of God Mass Register here for in-person Mass at 11
        AM or attend on Facebook live

   Please note that the Parish Office will be closed next week as Parish Staff
   take a well-deserved holiday. The office will re-open on Monday, January
   4th, 2021.

Celebrating The Nativity of the Lord at Christ Our Hope
                                                Join our celebration in-person or on
    The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Night
         Mass) December 24th at 9 PM            Facebook Live. To ensure social distancing
                                                we will require you to register for Mass, we
                                                still have some seats left should you wish to
                                                join us in-person. You can register by
      The Nativity of the Lord(Christmas Day
          Mass)December 25th at 9 AM            clicking any of the buttons in this email, or
                                                call Jessica in the office at 206-488-8826.
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Friday,   If you plan on attending an in-person
               January 1st at 11 AM              Christmas Mass please consider
                                                 volunteering to assist staff in ensuring all
                                                 safety protocols are adhered to. We need
A warm thank you to all the volunteers who
                                                 help welcoming people into the church,
helped last Sunday night and Tuesday for
                                                 check-in & temperature checks, and ushering
the greening of the Church!
                                                 parishioners to assigned seats.

​Thursday, December 24th, 4 PM Virtual Grace before Meals
Join this 10-minute prayer service on Zoom to "say grace" to bless your Christmas meal at
home led by Sam Sweeney. We'll record the celebration and immediately share it
on Facebook, so you can watch it immediately before your own Christmas Eve or Christmas
Day meal at home.

In an Archdiocesan COVID-19 update email recently, something important was shared: "To
date, we have celebrated almost 30,000 Masses (in the Seattle Archdiocese) and have had
ZERO cases of virus transmission during Mass. This alone demonstrates how your safety
protocols are working.”

Readings                                         Gift Giving for Our
                                                 Josephinum Residents
The scripture readings for the upcoming
Masses include                                   We thank the women from the Encountering
      The Nativity of the Lord Christmas         God group for their volunteer efforts
      Masses Isaiah 52:7-10; Psalm 98:
                                                 supporting our annual Christmas gifts for the
      Hebrew 1:1-6; Luke 2:1-20                  220 residents at the Josephinum! The 18
      Sunday, December 29th: The 6th             women also gathered to fill the gift bags last
      Day in the Octave of Christmas
                                                 Saturday. Special thanks to Randall L.
      Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Psalm 105;         Norstrem of Crestwood Animal Hospital who
      Hebrew 11:8,11-12, 17-19; Luke:22-40       donated blankets and food items for recent
      Friday, January 1st: Solemnity of
                                                 meals provided to the residents of the
      Mary, Mother of God Mass:                  Josephinum. Much appreciation and
      Numbers 6:22-27; Psalm 67:                 gratitude to all!
      Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
Engagement Opportunities

Video from                                        Lessons & Carols and our
Sunday Coffee Hour                                Annual Tree Lighting
Thank you to everyone who attended last           If you would like to enjoy the recent Lessons
Sunday's Sunday Coffee Hour: Home For             and Carols extravaganza and enjoy the Tree
Christmas. We were joined by many lifelong        Lighting event again, you can access the
friends of Christ Our Hope and parishioners.      excerpts from the joint Christ Our Hope and
A special thanks to Ruth Ard, and Deanna          St. Patrick community evening on YouTube.
Tighe for co-ordinating and being wonderful       The direct link is available here:
hosts. Thank you to our invited guests            https://youtu.be/HOfQN9d04bI/
including Fr. Paul Magnano, Fr. Mike
Bayard, Fr. Bill Heric, Frances Farrell,
Dwight Beckmeyer and Lauren Pusich.

If you missed the opportunity to join live, you
can access the video here:
Additionally, it's also on our website with
other past events, follow this link
events and access the page with the
password 1902.
"All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God." - Psalm 98 Our Weekly Bulletin for The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) ...
A blessing over your Crèche (Nativity)
Coffee Hour will take a break for the holidays
and return on January, 10th 2021. More            A blessing for your Christmas Tree
information on the topics will be announced
in the New Year.                                  Blessing over your home on Epiphany

                                                  A Christmas Gift from
                                                  Choir of Hope to the
                                                  Choir of Hope baritone, Marc Wautier, has
                                                  created another "virtual" male quartet video
                                                  with Marc singing all four parts of Lo, how a
We Need A Little                                  rose e'er blooming the famous carol by
Christmas!                                        Praetoruis, arranged as a "canon" (musical
                                                  round) for four similar voices. The
​Federal Way Chorale recently aired their first   arrangement is often attributed to the late
 live virtual holiday concert. This concert       Renaissance composer, Melchoir Vulpius (c.
 features our 8:30AM Mass cantor Jennie           1570-1615). This is the third wonderful video
 Hendrie. Should you want to enjoy some           Marc has created for the Parish. You can
 Christmas music over the holiday season,         access the video here! Enjoy!
 you can access the concert here. Thank you
 Jennie for sharing your time and talents with
 us at Sunday morning Mass. Your presence
 and talent are greatly appreciated and
 enjoyed by many.

         ​     ​     ​     ​                 Visit our                        Donate
                                             website                          Online
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