An investment opportunity from...

Page created by Ruby Mullins
An investment opportunity from...
An investment
opportunity from...
i t y , l a c k
                                                               s e c u r
                                           What an     Poo liance, siloed
                                                       o f c o m p            j u s t  t o
                                           absolute               d a t a   -
                                           disaster!     aging e a few.
                                                                                             1                       Poor security, data silos,
                                                                                                                                                                   Decaying data, manual
                                                                                                                     open access = hacks,
                                                                                                                                                                   admin, user data silos =
                                                                                                                     fines, trust erosion
                                                                                                                                                                   High IAM costs

                                                                                                                     Legacy              Marketing               2
                                                                                                               IT               Costumer
                                                                                                                                 Support              Social

                                                                                             5                                   4                                  3rd Party IDV
                                                                                                 Blockchain complexity,                                            Credit header
                                                                                                 non-compliance = fear             Disconnect between IAM &             mistrust,
                                                                                                 of new IAM investment             CRM silos = lower customer      Synthetic IDs,
                                                                                                                                   NPV                                stale user
                                                                                                                                                                            data     PASSPORT

 I’m sorry Mr Orca. But this was bound
  to happen. Our identity management
    system is centralised with some
federated login functionality. It causes                                                                       But wasn’t that federated
            too many issues.                                                                                   system meant to sort our
                                                                                                               data storage and privacy

                                                                                                                         It never could. These
                                                                                                                          companies are data
                                                                                                                       middlemen - and they get
                                                                                                                        hacked too. Some new
                                                                                                                    Blockchain identity firms have
                                                                                                                    called about moving our data
             Tell me these                                                                                             off site. Should I contact
               issues...                                                                     We will discuss                     them?
                                                                                              this Monday.
Unbelievable. Even my identity got
                                               hacked? ! Of course it did - look how
                                               disorganised it is on my phone. Some
                                                   in my inbox. Other bits on my
                                               desktop - it’s all over the place! And
                                               why does everyone seem to have my
                                                         identity, but me?                Ha ha!
                                                                                        You were

                                                                      Hand it
                                                                     over now!

                          Excuse me,
                         what’s going
                           on here?

Leave now, biz wonk.                                                                               coff, coff!
This certainly doesn’t
     concern you

                          You’re a bit small
                           to be tweeting
                             me orders.
That was a close
                                                       escape. What                   My identity.
                                                      exactly did they                 My data.
                                                           want?                      My personal
                                                                                       privacy.                  My new social privacy app       8    Compliant Decentralised
                                                                      Hmmm,                                       keeps my identity secure,                                                         IAM
                                                                   I don’t really                                private and safe. It lets me
                                                                    understand                                      share ID and all other
                                                                                                                 personal information on my          A. Self-Sovereign Identity
                                                                                                                  terms. And all those guys          Decentralised ID authorisatio
                                                                                                                     want it shut down.                                            n,
                                                                             TA IS
                                                                                                                                                     verification, conferred trust

                             TA IS
                                                                                                                                                     network scoring & attestatio

                                                                                                                                                                                                              B. ID Artefacts® Ownership

                                                                                                                                  TA S

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Multi-identity Personas®,

                                        Identity,                                                                                                                                                             social privacy, anonymity
                                       huh? Could                                                                               OF                                                                            and Artefacts manager app

                                      you explain?

                                                                                                                                                     C. Distributed Graph Data                    Enterprise can now
1                                                                                                                 7                                  Intelligent Agents, customer                compliantly verify the
              Identity                                    Enterprise wants ID data off their                          Blockchain                                                              identity of people who now
    Personal facts about ourselves                                                                                    Ledger IAM                     insights, 100% regulatory &              have complete ownership of
         (e.g. name, address)                                                                                         Enterprise trials
                                                                                                                                                     data compliance                                 it at all times.
                                                 6                                                                      failing using
                                                              3rd Party Identity                                   non-compliant, costly,
       We want to use our ID online                                                                PASS
                                                                                                                      complex ledger
                                                                 Verification                          PORT

                                                      Enterprise integrates ID doc verification, stores             technology built for
                                                      claims internally (e.g. DVLA for Drivers Licence)             crypto transactions
2                                                                                                                       (e.g. Bitcoin,
        Digital Identity
                Identity                                                                                                 Ethereum)
     Electronic data linked to our
     Electronic data linked to our                     Enterprise wants verified proof of our ID
      person (e.g. email, mobile)
      person (e.g. email, mobile)
                                                                                                                      Enterprise wants
                                                 5                                                                    customers to own
        We use digital ID to access                             Federated IAM                                              their ID
           Enterprise services                          Enterprise links IDs across internal & external
                                                      “middleman” systems (e.g. Login with facebook =
3                                                    ID harvested & monetised by Cambridge Analytics)          Ever since ID went digital, our
      Identity & Access                                                                                        basic data privacy rights have
      Management (IAM)                                                                                        been compromised. Centralised.
                                                     Enterprise wants us to login easier/quicker              Federated. Blockchain ledgers -
     Electronic data linked to our                                                                              no IAM system has sorted it.                                              I’d love you to
      person (e.g. email, mobile)                                                                                       Until now...                                                      demo this app                             Of course.
                                                                                                                                                                                            to my team                             Happy to help.
                                                               Centralised IAM                                                                                                              next week.                             And happy to
                                                         Siloed Enterprise ID database with                                                                                                                                         spread the
     Enterprise wants to store &                       security, storage & compliance issues                                                                                                                                          word.
             reuse our ID                                      (e.g. Equifax data hack)                                                                                                                                                             Compliant Decentralised

                                                                                                                                                                                    RF                                                          A. Self-Sovereign ID
                                                                                                                                                                                  TA IS                                ST                       Decentralised ID authorisatio

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                verification, conferred trust


                                                                                                                                                                              C                                                                 network scoring & attestations
                                                                                                                                                                                  OFFEE                           E                                                                               B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                C. Distributed Graph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Intelligent Agents, customer         My app gives m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   everyone else Co
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                insights, 100% regulatory &         Decentralised Id
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                data compliance is a next-gen
                                                         decentralised Identity                                                                                                      p r i s e w i l l cut
                                                                                                                                                                               Enter costs and
                                                      Management solution that                                                                                                 their IAMe risk whilst
                                                       lets Enterprise focus on                                                                                               compliancup customer
                                                      the value Identity creates                                                                                               building nd trust.
                                                        beyond verified access.                                                                                                    NPV a

                                                                                                                                       Benefits to Enterprise
                                                                                                         1   Reduce admin, storage, maintenance other ID management costs

                                                                                                         2   Building trust giving customers back ID ownership - better empower employees dealing with customers

                                                                                                         3   Increasing customer NPV using consensual data insights

                                                                                                         4   Issue, accept and instantly verify all digital credentials; Real-time updated customer, employee, 3rd
                                                                                                             party personal data

                                                                                                         5   Data security against AI bots, hackers, viruses etc..reducing risk of compliance fines; DPO
                                                                                                             rights and roles - Know everyone who has access to personally identifiable data

Self-Sovereign ID     Artefacts®          AI Intelligent         Personas®            Built-in DPO
Identity              Exchange Hub        Agents                 With conferred       100% regulatory
authorisation,        Lets customers &    Autonomous,            trust scoring and    compliance with
authentication        employees own,      value- generating      verifiable claims,   Data Protection
and verification of   verify, share and   - and the best line    Personas®            Office roles,
your stakeholder      revoke their data   of defence             confirm user         rights and audit
- in real time        on their terms      against bots and       identity

                                                                                                                                                                                                                o p u s . s h l e ts
                                                                                                                                        Benefits to Customers                                        And Oct wn, manage,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   everyonedo revoke their
                                                                                                         1     Ownership of all Private data with real-time Visibility - Know                      s h a r e a nw h e r e v e r t h e y
                                                                                                               everyone who has every field of ID data                                              identity hoose.
                                                                                                         2     True security of personally identifiable data

                                                                                                         3     Easy ID management and updating, Revoke ID on your terms

                                                                                                         4     Verified identity and attestations reused > better access to more
                                                            It offers best-of-breed                            private and public services
                                                              ID verification, data
                                                           ownership, Personas® &                        5     Keep relationship groups separate using multi-identity Personas®
                                                           DPO. This secures every
                                                               users' anonymity,
                                                              privacy & personally
                                                                identifiable data.
And I had a look at the                                                                                                                                           There are too many issues with
                                                                                                                                                                          What about those      Blockchain IAM. A recent government
                                technology. They’re doing                                                                                                                 Blockchain vendors    cybersecurity report called out major
                               self-sovereign identity the                                                                                                                who’ve been calling     security, cost and data compliance
                                        right way.                                                                                                                               us?            problems with both private and public
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ledgers. Blockchain was built for
                                                                                                                                     e d I A M   b oth                                             financial transactions - not IAM.
                                                                                                              l y d e c  e n tralis           i n l a c ks
                                                                                                    For t r u                   Block   ch  a
                                                                                                             &    p r i va t e                  e n e rg y /
                                                                                                    public                     , h a s hig  h
                                                                                                                  pl i a n c e
                                                                                                    data com ntal cost with slow
                                                                                                    environm n speeds

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Best of all, built,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  manage and own their graph
                                                                                                                                                                                                 platform. They don’t plug into
Blockchain                                                                                                                                                                                        other 3rd party distributed
                                                           The VaultChain® means distributes                                                  Enterprise Artefacts                               data technology. They’re a full
                                                           data in such a way that no Persona®,                                                  ExchangeHub                                      stack end-to-end solution we
                                                           connection or Artefacts® can be                                                                                                          can start trialling today.
                                                           intentionally or unintentionally
                                                           connected or inferred
                                                                                                    Customer Artefacts                        Identity Verification       Distributed Graph
                                                                                                      Exchange Hub                                                             Platform

                                                           The distributed graph vaults keeps all                                               3rd Party Verifiable
                                                           data private and secure until it needs
                                                           to be in a public Blockchain-style

                                                           The VaultChain® means it’s one                                                           Great! Do we all
                                                                                                                                                     agree to give
                                                           million distributed vaults for one                                              a go?
                                                           customer, not one database with a
                                                           million customer records
   Block      Vault                   Hub                                                                                                                        Agreed

                 A distributed graph platform forms
                   the foundation of IAM.
                 It offers the scale, stability, speed &
                  data and regulation compliance not
                     available from other solutions.
An excellent find, Mr                                          Hmmmm…perhaps
                       Orca! All our customer                                                                                                A few weeks later…
                                                                           is a company
                        IDs are safely stored                                       we should invest in long                                                              This IAM solution has multiple
                      and verified in real time.                                            term?                                                                        sector and functional use cases.
                                                                                                                                                                        Any Enterprise that has any data
                                                                                                                                                                            can generate value from
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Financial Services                         Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Login details decreases banking security   Solves wasteful interoperability issues
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of banking - we offer optimal              between healthcare actors, enables
                                                                                                                                                                                                     engagement with an increasingly            healthcare worker authentication and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     churning customer base ID verifying and    lets patients own & share digitally
                                                                                                                                                                                                     providing relevant offers all in one go    signed health Artefacts on their terms
                                                 And we’re able to
                                               compliantly cross-sell
                                              and up-sell much better
                                                     to them!

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Artificial Intelligence                    All Enterprise
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Decentralised vault platform for AI       Most secure platform for private
                                                                                                                                                                                                      firms requiring identity management       organisation, customer & employee
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and securing high quantities of           identity & data management, team
                                                                                                                                                                                                      complex algothymic, private &             collaboration, sensitive artefacts
                                                                                                                                                                                                      company data                              sharing, HR roles, compliance and DPO

Let’s see what is
  all about.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  looking really

    Plenty of start-up,
 IAM and senior exec-level
     experience. Very
                                   TJ Behe – CEO             Neil Stansbury – CTO       Garry Stephen – CFO        Rondi Allan – COO         Victoria D’Arcy – CMO

                                  Product innovator,         Originally trained as an   Former senior banker      For 25+ years Rondi has    Victoria is a 20+ year
                                  entrepreneur and           aircraft engineer, is an   (CSFB, Natwest)           provided strategic         veteran of Sales most
                                  published author, TJ has   18 year veteran of         Non-Exec Director and     operational guidance. As   recently GM for Cisco
                                  written prophetic          software engineering       CFO at On Demand          Group MD Rondi joined      responsible for a $50m
                                  publications predicting    after retraining himself   Group & entrepreneur      Henkel’s Board of          executing the delivery
                                  social media invasive      in 2000. With GDPR         with 38 year career in    Directors responsible      of Sales & Marketing
                                  impact, launched IAM       looming, he saw an         international financial   for IT function in 6 EU    and managing
                                  products                   opportunity to change      markets, Garry is         countries, was a CA at     commercial relationship
                                  for Experian, Barclays &   how private data is        experienced in equity &   PWC, and educated at       with the Supply Chain. U
                                  Sky and been published     exchanged, and in          debt capital markets,     ABU, IESE and Cranfield.   of Bradford graduate.
                                  in Wired,                  February 2017              structured finance, M&A
                                  HDVideoPro & FT. An Ivey   VaultChain® &              & start-up financing.
                                  Business School MBA        Personas® were born.
Although this company
                             looks attractive, tell me                                                                           Yes, this company ticks the
                             if people want the app -                                                                             boxes. I need to get that
                               and what the market                                                                                 Octopus back in ASAP.
                                  size looks like.
                                                                            Deep Div

                                                      I think you’ll like                                                                                          ced
                                                       your research                                                                                  Reve             Exec
                                                                                                                                                            nue                Team
                                                     study results, Mr                                                                                            Gen
                                                            Orca.                                                                                   Expl              erat
                                                                                                                                                          odin              ing C
                                                                                                                                                                g IA             omp
                                                                                                                                                                    M  M             any
                                                                                                                                                   Stro                  arke
                                                                                                                                                        ng C                   t
                                                                                                                                                  Inno              mer
                                                                                                                                                       vativ            Inter
                                                                                                                                                            e Pr               est
                                                                                                                                                Dist              oduc
                                                                             And external reports show                                               ribu              t Ro
   Both target segment                                                            the IAM market                                                          ted G              adm
                                                                                                                                                                 ra               ap
Technology Influencers and                                                    sky-rocketing in value. A                                       E2E                  ph T
                                                                                                                                                    Platf               echn
   Advocates would use,                                                     competitive solution will win a                                               orm                 olog
 purchase and recommend                                                        sizeable share of this.                                       Live              Own                 y
                                                                                                                                                   MVP               ersh
 Octopus to other people.                                                                                                                                Prod             ip
                                                                                                                                            Fully              uct
                                                                           2 5 - $ 2 4 . 1 b n                                                          plian
                                                                        20                                                                                   t IAM



                                                                                                              still no answer.
                                                                                                               Where is this
                                                                                          2016                   Octopus?

                                                                                 IAM Market G

                                   People want
                                   this now. The
                                  timing is right.
4:53 pm                                                             6
                   Hi Octopus, this is my                                                      Orca accesses the private stream offering
                 8th voicemail. Please call                                                    targeted gaming offers, incentives & discounts - and after
                   me back immediately.                                                        revoking data privileges from Nintendo in brand preferences, Orca
                 Let’s talk about getting
                  your app in everyone’s
                                                                                               trades tokens for Xbox game assets and consents to allow EA,
                                                                                               FIFA and PS4 to send messages about title updates.
                                                                                                               Artefacts®                                        3:08 pm
                                                                                                                                                        Orca creates a
                                                                                                                                                 digitally-signed & certified
                                  8:05 am                                                                                                 Artefacts® that represents Orca's car then
           Orca’s Dream of the Future 24 May 2022 8:05 am                                                                           exchanges it anonymously with another buyer
1 IA automatically searches, finds &
                                                                        zzz…My day with
                                                                                                                                 who offers the appropriate valued encrypted token
                                                                                                                                 - thereby ensuring ID verification of token holder,
                                                                        24 May 2022…zzz
        connects to car insurance comparison aggregator                                                                          full audit history of the transaction and Orca's
      API - notifying Orca of the renewal date, lowest                                                                           privacy is retained.
     price policy, reward incentives and automatically
    switching providers on Orca's behalf.                                                                                                     Legally Certified
    Intelligent Agents                                                                                                                          Artefacts®

                                                                                                                          2:55 pm
                                              9:15 am                                                                  Keen to keep the wrong app auto connects to Orca's coffee                                                           social connections from interacting with each
        card, health app, gym fob and email API - and Orca                                                  other, Orca communicates using unique encrypted
                                                                                                            Personas® sub-profiles: a family Persona for loved
        is sent a high heart-rate report showing 17 coffee                                  12:46 pm          ones, a work Persona for colleagues & multiple
        purchases, 3 full-fat muffins & zero visits to the                Privacy-conscious Orca                social Personas for Orca’s many circles of                      Still nothing!
        gym this week.                                                 anonymously chats with a secret             friends.
                                                                     friend in the private feed but then
                                                                   announces a 5km run on the public                         Personas®
                        B2C AI Workflow                           activity feed. And all of Orca's most personal
                                                                identity, Artefacts® passwords, social content,
                                                              crypto, heath info, certificates and private docs are
                                                             auto-stored during any communication.
     2                                                                     Artefacts®
                                                                          Exchange Hub
Yeah, I know                                                                                ,
                         exactly where this                                                               Too bad you            friend?
                             Octopus is!
                                                                                                           had to see
                                                                                                          this, whale!

                                                                                                       What are
                                                                                                      you doing?

                                                           DATA                   is killing us
                                                                                        in the market. People want
                                                                                          their data - so we can’t
                                                                                            harvest, analyse and
                                                                                          monetise it anymore. We
Help!                                                                                        need to sort it out             That’s not going
             I can hear you                                                                     immediately!                   to happen!
               Where are

                                                                            Ha!                      I really do
                                                                      You don’t stand             like our odds!
                                                                         a chance!                                                      Now let’s get
                                                                                                                                       this deal done,
                                                                                                                                          shall we?

         Can I help
         you with
        something?       Hey, you’re that
                         social data shark
                        with the federated
                           IAM system!
        You need to
        leave now.                                                                                                 DOWNLOADING
                      I’m looking for
                        my little….
5 years later...
                      We smashed it,
                      Octopus. Well
                                                                                                                                  Two key factorss.
                                       Sea-NN                                                                                       The first wa ty.
                                                                                                                                 revenue optionali
                                                      1 is a low capital intensity business - high EBITDA margins
                                                          (86% in Y6) expected from a innovative software technology business
                                                      2   First revenue generation in Y1

                                                      3   Cash flow positive in Q4 of Y3 - growing to £382m in Y6

                                                      4   Only £4.2m is needed to be cash flow positive

                                                      5   Octopus becomes a cash cow by Y4 - CAGR of 196% from Y1-6

                                                      6   Core to planned success is our disruptive VaultChain® technology
                                                          and our investment in marketing (£8.8m) & personnel (£24.1m) Y1-6

                                       Finance hour


  These are very                                          And the other?
impressive figures.                                         This little
Can you tell us how                                          Octopus!
    you did it?
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