Page created by Marcus Robertson
Criteria for enrolment
   1. You must be able to affiliate to one of the 33 Hapuu and one of the 68 Marae listed on page 2 of this form through
   2. You must complete all sections of this form and sign it. You must also provide a copy of your Birth Certificate and, if
       applicable, a copy of your Marriage Certificate. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
   3. Your application can be validated by a kaumaatua of your nominated Marae/ Hapuu or this part of the process can be
       arranged by the Tribal Registrations Staff.

Why should I enrol?
   1. It identifies you as a member of Waikato-Tainui.
   2. It enables you to vote on tribal matters.
   3. It allows you access to funding through a range of grants.
   4. It enables the tribe to keep you up-to-date and informed about tribal matters.

Who should enrol?
   1. Any person who is affiliated to one of the 33 Hapuu and one of the 68 Marae listed on page 2 of this form (by
   2. Children may be registered.

Once I have enrolled, do I need to do anything else?
   1. You should notify us when you change your address and / or if any of your contact details change (e.g. marriage).
   2. You should notify us of any additions to your whaanau, so we can send you a form to enrol them.
   3. You should notify us when there is a death in the whaanau so we can update our records.
   4. We recommend that you consider registering for online access. Once that process is complete, you will be able to
       view/update/amend your own details online. Go to our web site and click on the Tribal
       Register link to register.

Return completed              Tribal Registration
registration forms to:        Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc.
                              PO Box 648,
                              Hamilton 3240

      RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: Tribal Registration, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc., PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240
                            To enroll, you must be able to whakapapa to one of the 33 Hapuu and one of the 68 Marae listed below.


1   Ngaati   Aamaru                       9 Ngaati Maahanga                    17 Ngaati Puhiawe                        25   Ngaati Te Wehi
2   Ngaati   Aapakura                     10 Ngaati Mahuta                     18 Ngaati Raukawa ki                     26   Ngaati Tai
3   Ngaati   Hauaa                        11 Ngaati Makirangi                  Panehaakua                               27   Ngaati Tiipa
4   Ngaati   Hikairo                      12 Ngaati Naho                       19 Ngaati Ruru                           28   Ngaati Wairere
5   Ngaati   Hine                         13 Ngaati Ngutu                      20 Ngaati Tahinga                        29   Ngaati Werokookoo
6   Ngaati   Koheriki                     14 Ngaati Paretauaa                  21 Ngaati Tamainupo                      30   Ngaati Whaawhaakia
7   Ngaati   Korokii                      15 Ngaati Paretekawa                 22 Ngaati Tamaoho                        31   Ngaitai
8   Ngaati   Kuiaarangi                   16 Ngaati Pou                        23 Ngaati Taratikitiki                   32   Tainui
                                                                               24 Ngaati Te Ata                         33   Te Aakitai


1 Aaruka                                  18   Ngaa Hau e Wha                  35   Taahunakaitoto                      52   Te Poho o Tanikena (Opuatia)
2 Aotearoa                                19   Ngaatira                        36   Taniwha                             53   Te Puea
3 Hiiona                                  20   Ngaa Tai E Rua                  37   Tauhei                              54   Te Taumata (Paaraawera)
4 Horahora                                21   Okarea                          38   Taupiri                             55   Te Tihi o Moerangi (Makomako)
5 Hukanui                                 22   Oomaero                         39   Tauranganui                         56   Te Tokanganui a Noho
6 Kahotea                                 23   Ookapu                          40   Te Aakau                            57   Tikirahi
7 Kai a te Mata                           24   Ooraeroa                        41   Te Awamaarahi                       58   Tuurangawaewae
8 Kaitumutumu                             25   Owairaka                        42   Te Hoe O Tainui                     59   Umupuia
9 Makaurau (Ihumatao)                     26   Poihaakena                      43   Te Iti O Hauaa                      60   Waahi
10 Maketuu                                27   Poohara                         44   Te Kaharoa (Aramiro)                61   Waikare
11 Mangatangi                             28   Pukerewa                        45   Te Kauri                            62   Waikaretuu (Weraroa)
12 Mangatoatoa                            29   Puukaki                         46   Te Koopua                           63   Waikeri
13 Matahuru Papakainga                    30   Puurekireki                     47   Te Kooraha                          64   Waimakariri
14 Maungatautari                          31   Raakaunui                       48   Te Kotahitanga                      65   Waingaro
15 Maurea                                 32   Raungaiti                       49   Te Ohaaki                           66   Waipapa
16 Mookai Kainga                          33   Rereteewhioi                    50   Te Papa-o-Rotu                      67   Waitii
17 Mootakotako                            34   Rukumoana                       51   Te Papatapu                         68   Whaataapaka

                                                                    PRIVACY STATEMENT


The personal information you supply in this application for registration on the Waikato-Tainui Tribal Register is being collected, and will be held by, Waikato-
Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated, 451 Old Taupiri Road, Ngāruawāhia. Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated, its related companies, business
partners and agents (including the Marae named above and any that have joined thereafter) will use the information for the purposes of:
     • distribution of settlement proceeds;
     • assistance in the administration of tribal matters, including (but not limited to) elections to Te Arataura and Te Kauhanganui ;
     • assistance in the governance and administration of the Marae named above and any Marae that have joined thereafter;
     • the identification of tribal members entitled to settlement benefits.

Under the Privacy Act 1993, you have the right to request any personal information which Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated holds about you. You
may request correction of this information, and if any such correction is not made, request that a statement of any correction requested but not made be
attached to the information.

Additional notes regarding use of information:

        1.     Applications for registration on the tribal register must be verified by a nominated kaumaatua from the Marae/Hapuu named on the registration
               form. This means that Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. will need to provide the whakapapa details in your application form to the nominated
               Kaumaatua for review. Validation can be arranged by Waikato-Tainui Registration Staff.
        2.     A printout of the persons registered to each of the 68 Marae will be supplied once annually to each Marae Committee. You should advise
               Waikato-Tainui in writing if you do not wish your information to be supplied to your nominated marae.
        3.     The details supplied to each Marae will only be used for the purposes the information was collected. This includes advising Marae members
               about Annual General Meetings and other Marae matters. Marae will not use the information for any other purpose or share it with any other
               agency, organisation, body or individual, private or Crown.
        4.     Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. may use and share (including with third parties) members’ demographic information, in an anonymised
               format for any purpose, provided that Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. will ensure that individuals cannot be identified from such
        5.     Enquiries regarding registration and information from the register should be made to the Tribal Register, PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240 or by
               freephone 0800 824 684 during the hours of 9am to 5pm weekdays. The tribal register is available for inspection at the Tribal Development Unit
               Offices, 4 Bryce Street Hamilton, during the hours of 9am to 5pm weekdays. An appointment is necessary. The register may also be available for
               inspection at tribal events such as Poukai and Koroneihana.
                                    INCOMPLETED APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
         RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: Tribal Registration, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc., PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240
                                                                                                                                Tribal Registry Number

                                   WAIKATO-TAINUI REGISTRATION APPLICATION
                                                 MARAE AND HAPUU INFORMATION
             IWI WAIKATO                                                                 Waka TAINUI
Principle Hapuu                                                   Marae (Raupatu)
                                  Note: Only Hapuu and Marae from the list on page 2 are acceptable
                                                   PERSONAL INFORMATION
           Title                                                                    Surname
     First Name                                                               Middle Names
  Maiden Name                                                               Preferred Name
        Gender                  Tane (M)                 Wahine (F)             Date of Birth                /       /

                                                        CONTACT INFORMATION
                           Please ensure a valid postal address is supplied including a road number for all RD addressees
 Property/St No                                     Flat No
   Street Name                                                                                           RD No
Suburb/Locality                                                          City/Town/District
        Country                                                                 Postal Code

 Phone Number (             )                                                Other Number (              )
Mobile Number (                    )                                         Email Address
What is your preferred contact method?                    Postal Address                 Email                   Text                  Phone

                                                    DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION
                   Choose the statement that best describes                                   What is the approximate total income for your
                   your current legal status (Use your most                                   household? (This includes income from all
                   recent marriage or civil union where                                       sources).
                           I am Single                                                                  Less than $15,000
                           I am divorced or separated                        Household                  $15,000 to $35,000
Marital Status             I am a widow / widower or surviving                Income                    $35,000 to $55,000
                           civil union partner
                                                                                                        $55,000 to $75,000
                           I am legally married
                           I am legally registered in a civil union                                     $75,000 to $100,000
                           I am in a de facto relationship                                              More than $100,000
                                                                                                        I prefer not to answer this question
                   How many people live at your primary                                       What best describes your current permanent
                   residence?                                                                 place of residence?
                                                                                                      I am renting or boarding
 Household         ______ Adults                                             Household
                                                                                                      I own my own home
 Numbers                                                                     Ownership
                                                                                                      I live in a whaanau owned home
                   ______ Children (aged 18 and under)
                                                                                                      Other: (Please specify)

       RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: Tribal Registration, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc., PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240
                                                                                                               Tribal Registry Number

                        Full time paid employee
   Your                 Self-employed                              Your Un-        Are you currently seeking paid employment?
Employment                                                        employment
                        Working in a family business without
  Status                                                            Status                 Yes
                        pay                                        (only if un-
Leavers Only)           Part time paid employee                    employed)               No

                What is your current occupation?                                   In that job, what tasks or duties do you
                                                                                   spend the most time on, for example;
                                                                                   Running Motel, Servicing and Repairing Cars,
  Current                                                                          Answering Phone Calls
                                                                  Main Activity
 Occupation                                                          (School
   (School                                                        Leavers Only)
Leavers Only)

                What is your highest secondary school                              List the highest trade or academic
                qualification?                                                     qualifications you have obtained outside of
                         None                                                      secondary school (e.g. Advanced Trade
                         NZ School Certification or National                       Certificate, BSc, Teachers Certificate)
                         Certificate level 1 or NCEA level 1
                         NZ Sixth From Certification or
                         National Certification level 2 or NCEA
                         level 2 or NZ UE (pre 1986)
                                                                  Qualifications   2.
 Secondary               NZ Higher School Certificate or             (School
Qualification            Higher Leaving Certificate or NZ         Leavers Only)
                         Bursary / Scholarship National                            3.
                         Certificate level 3 or NCEA level 3 or
                         NZ Scholarship
                         Other secondary school qualification                      4.
                         gained in NZ
                         Other secondary school qualification
                         gained overseas

                Are you currently attending, studying or                           What is your religion?
                enrolled at school or anywhere else?                                       No religion
                                                                                           Christian (Catholic, Presbyterian etc)
                        Full-time (20 or more hours)                                       Buddhist
                        Part-time (less than 20 hours)                                     Hindu
                        Other                                                              Muslim
Current Study
                                                                    Religion               Jewish
                Presbyterianism                                                            Pai Maarire
                                                                                           Other (Please specify):
                Primary area of study (school leavers only)

                                                                                           I prefer not to answer this question

      RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: Tribal Registration, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc., PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240
                                                                                                             Tribal Registry Number

                Do you live with the effects of significant                     If you answered yes to the previous question,
                injury, long term illness or disability?                        how would you describe your impairment,
                                                                                disability or long term medical condition?
  Disability             Yes
                         No                                                              Manageable

             How would you best describe your                                   In which other languages could you have a
             understanding of Te Reo Maori?                                     conversation about everyday things? (Choose
                     No understanding                                           all that apply)
                     Can understand and speak some                                       English
                     words                                                               Samoan
Language: Te                                                      Language:
                     Can understand and speak some                                       New Zealand Sign Language
  Reo Maori                                                         Other
                     sentences and phrases                                               Other (please specify):
                     Can understand and speak with some
                     I am fluent in the language                                         None (i.e. Infant)

I do solemnly and sincerely declare that to the best of my knowledge:
    • The information I have given is true and complete
    • That I am a member of one of the valid Hapuu and Marae included on this form
    • That the whakapapa included with this form is true and correct
    • I undertake to update this information if and when my circumstances change
    • I have read the privacy statement included in this form

I acknowledge that the information contained in this form provided by me to Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc. is subject to
the Privacy Act 1993; and by signing this form I agree that Waikato-Tainui Kauhanganui Inc. and its related companies,
business partners and agents may use this information for the purposes set out in the Privacy Statement (including, but not
limited to, maintaining whakapapa records, the tribal register, voting rolls, contact databases), contacting members regarding
tribal events and news, and for inclusion in internal and external publications.

                I do not want my private contact details and identifiable demographic information shared to any
                party outside of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc including my nominated Marae committee.
  Mokopuna      Please tick this box if you would like to be a Mokopuna Ora Kaitiaki (Whanau Care Giver)

  Signature                                                                           Date                  /        /

                                       FOR ANY ENQUIRIES FREEPHONE 0800 824 684

                                                       OFFICE USE ONLY
  Input Date             /         /                             Completed By
                Kaumaatua or registry staff name                                I declare that this person has been validated as an
                                                                                eligible member of a valid Marae and Hapuu by
                                                                                kaumaatua or whakapapa details already in the
 Validated By                                                      Signature

       RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: Tribal Registration, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc., PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240
Paternal Great Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                                                       Paternal Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                                                                                    Paternal Grandfather

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                                                       Paternal Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandfather
                                                                                                                                                       Paternal Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                                                                                    Paternal Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                                                       Paternal Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Paternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                                                       Maternal Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                                                                                    Maternal Grandfather

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandfather
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FULL NAME of beneficiary on whose behalf the application is made

                                                                                                                                                       Maternal Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                                                       Maternal Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandmother

                                                                                                                                                                                    Maternal Grandmother

                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandfather

                                                                                                                                                       Maternal Great Grandmother

RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO: Tribal Registration, Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc., PO Box 648, Hamilton 3240
                                                                                                                    Maternal Great Great Grandmother
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Full name of both parents should be given but any other information necessary only to trace the line of decent back to the original Hapuu stated in this application.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tribal Registry Number
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