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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                  ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

                TO COVID-19 OUTBREAK : A SURVEY

                     Sowmya H.K1, Jesy Janet Kumari J2, Dr. R. Ch. A. Naidu3, K.Vengatesan4
               Department of CSE, The Oxford College of Engineering Bommanahalli, Bangalore-560068
                 Professor, Computer Engineering, Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon


    Corona viruses are group of viruses which may cause illness in both animals and humans. A person can easily
    get COVID-19 from the other people who have the virus. It is a serious disease, which disseminates through
    tiny water droplets from the nose or mouth, which are thrown out when a COVID-19 infected person coughs,
    sneezes, or speaks. This disease was first discovered in China and has since spread throughout the world at
    breakneck speed. At this pandemic time, the entire world should take an adequate and efficient step to analyze
    the disease and get rid of the effects of this epidemic. The applications of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial
    Intelligence (AI) techniques play an important role to detect and predict potential effect of this virus in future
    by gathering and examining most recent and past data. Furthermore, it can be used in realizing and
    recommending the enhancement of a vaccine for COVID-19. This paper focuses on reviewing the role of AI
    and ML approaches used for examining, analyzing, predicting, contact tracking of existing patients and
    potential patients.

    Keywords: Corona virus, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, contact tracking, epidemic

                                               I.    INTRODUCTION
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a newly identified virus that causes an infectious disease. The form of the
infection is due to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus -2 (SARS-CoV-2) from the coronovirus
family. COVID-19 will be spread primarily through droplets produced by infected people coughing, sneezing, or
exhaling. SARS- CoV-2 infections are accepted to spread between people through introduction to respiratory beads
ousted during hacking or wheezing from irresistible people. This infection can stay airborne for longer periods
however may cause rapidly, contingent upon ecological conditions. Individuals will be tainted by breathing the
infection if closeness of somebody who has COVID-19 or by contacting a polluted surface likes eyes, nose or

This pandemic emerged in terrain China, in the city of Wuhan, Hubei. The episode keeps on spreading everywhere
on the world, so World Health Organization pronounced the pandemic as a pestilence. The tale Corona infection
(SARS- CoV-2) sickness began spreading to in excess of 185 nations. Individuals can ensure themselves by
washing hands as often as possible or cleaning with liquor based cleanser, trying not to contact the eyes, mouth,
and nose with messy hands, when coughing or sniffling, use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose, remaining at
any rate 6 feet from others.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are assuming an essential function in an imaginative
innovation which is useful to battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. AI is an innovation method to gather
information, to anticipate danger of disease and to foresee who is at high danger. It allows computers to emulate
human intelligence and consume vast amounts of data in order to find patterns and insights quickly. The Covid-19
outbreak will be the subject of this review article, as well as how AI and machine learning technologies are being
used to solve the problems that occur throughout the blaze.                                                                               690
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

In the COVID-19 pandemic response, machine learning-based approaches are playing an important part. AI is being
used by experts to think about the infection, test potential drugs, evaluate people, and look at the overall health
consequences, among other things. Computer-based intelligence and machine learning (ML) are being used to
increase forecast accuracy for both irresistible and non- irresistible diseases. Recent research demonstrates how
artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques aid health care professionals in combating the spread of
communicable and non-communicable diseases, particularly in low-income countries.

                                      INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES
The identification of pandemic infection at prior stage is significant errand to give earlier medicine to protect human
existence. The powerful analytical process aids in the cost-effective prevention of pandemic diseases thereby
speeding up the examination process. In comparison to the traditional approach, developing an expert system for
medical care assistance for the detection, screening, and management of Covid -19 infection is more cost effective.
Different calculations of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are utilized to upgrade the assessment and
screening measure with the assistance of radiology pictures, for example, patient's Computed Tomography (CT)
pictures, X-Ray pictures, and Clinical blood test information. Table 1 depicts the procedure, sort, and size of the
data used to perform the detection and screening of Corona infection illness from this perspective. To improve
conventional strategy for determination and screening, medical care professionals utilize X-Ray and CT images of
the distinguished patient as standard tool. Shockingly, the presentation of such techniques is low and not relevant
during the flare-up of Covid-19 pandemic.

In such manner, late exploration study portrays that, the scientists could separate 11 key blood lists from 253 clinical
blood tests and can be utilized as an instrument to help medical services specialists toward quick analysis of Covid-
19 sickness [1]. The Random Forest algorithm was used by the authors of this paper to extract the features, which
they discovered with an accuracy level of 95.95 percent and a specificity of 96.97 percent. The authors further
presented the Covid – 19 assistant discrimination tools, which takes 11 parameters and calculates and displays
whether a sample is COVID-19 patient with a high chance of being diagnosed. Despite the fact that the proposed
tool must be clinically tested several times, it provides some novel insight into the rapid diagnosis of COIVD-19
infection. Recent examination shows the capability of AI and ML devices by recommending another model that
accompanies fast and legitimate strategy Covid-19 conclusion utilizing Deep Convolutional Network. The
examination [2] shows the exhibition of a specialist framework practicing Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning on 1136 CT Images of 723 Covid-19 tainted patients, recommends the utilization of the Deep Learning
Segmentation Classification Model as an assistant device for radiologist coming about 97.4%, 92.2% of
affectability and particularity separately.

Ongoing examinations [3] shows that creation of extra instrument for the analysis of Covid-19 with Convolutional
Neural Network called DarkCovidNet Architecture dependent on Deep Learning calculation raise the exactness.
The developed model was based on 127 contaminated patients' primitive x Ray images, and it accurately predicted
the exhibition, with a precision of 98.08 percent for parallel class and 87.02 percent for multi-class. Moreover,
specialists have utilized Support Vector Machine (SVM) as an element order model [4] on clinical highlights, for
example, mixes of clinical, lab highlights, and segment data utilizing GHS, CD3 rate, all out protein, and patient.
In anticipating critical Covid cases in patients, this latest design is both effective and accurate. The model's
robustness is demonstrated by an AUROC of 0.9996 for training data and 0.9757 for testing data.

Researchers used deep learning algorithms to build a large data repository of X-rays and CT scan images from
different sources, and suggested an efficient COVID-19 detection technique [5]. On the prepared dataset of X-rays
and CT scan images, a simple convolution neural network (CNN) and a modified pre-trained AlexNet model are
used. Empirical findings show that using a pre-trained network and a modified CNN, the proposed models could
produce 98 percent and 94.1 percent accuracy, respectively.                                                                                 691
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

                           TABLE 1. ML AND AI APPROACH FOR COVID - 19 TESTING

Author                AI and ML method          Kind of data               Sample size              Accuracy
Wu, al. [1]     Random Forest             Clinical, Demographic Total of 253 samples          95.95%
                      Algorithm                                       from 169 Covid-19
Shuo Jin [2]          Deep Learning Model       Clinical                   1136 CT               97%
                                                                           Images, 723 positives
                                                                           for COVID-19
Ozturk, T.     CNN and DarkCovi          Clinical,                  127 X-                   98.08%
[3]                   dNet                      Mammographic               ray images

Sun, L et. al.[4]     SVM                       Clinical, laboratory       336 infected             77.5%
                                                Characteristics            patients, 26
                                                Demographic                severe/critical cases
Halgurd S [5]         CNN and Modified          Clinical                   170 X-                   98%
                      AlexNet model                                        ray images,
                                                                           361     CT
Xiaowei Xu et. al     Deep Learning ResNet Clinical                        618     CT               86.7 %
[6]                   location- attention                                  samples

Ongoing Research [6] uncovers that, authors proposed an early screening model to draw a differentiation of Covid-
19 illness from Influenza-A pneumonia and solid cases with the assistance of CT pictures utilizing profound
learning strategies. An aggregate of 618 CT samples were gathered from patients, including 219 from 110 COVID-
19 patients, 224 from 224 patients with Influenza-A pneumonia, and 175 from healthy individuals. A pulmonary
CT image set was used in this study, and candidate infection sections were fragmented out using a three-
dimensional deep learning model using a location-attention classification model, these isolated images were divided
into three groups: COVID-19, viral pneumonia caused by influenza A, and non-infection. Ultimately, the infection
group and total confidence score of this CT study are computed using the Noisy-or Bayesian method. Models with
a location-attention function correctly classified COVID-19 based on computed tomography with an effective
success rate of 86.7 percent, according to experimental results.

To prevent further scattering, contact tracing is a tool for deciding, determining, and coping with people who are
powerless against a disease. An epidemic disease's propagation chain is broken when a contact tracing component
is used consistently. As a result, it is a critical health tool for preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Contact
following for COVID-19 requires distinguishing irresistible people and following them up every day for 14 days
from most recent purpose of weakness.

If an individual has been diagnosed with Covid-19 infection, the subsequent goal is to identify contacts to prevent
the disease from spreading further. The COVID-19 patient's contact tracing team is in charge of collecting a list of
those who interacted with him. Each person should be contacted first to see if they meet the contact definition and,
as a result, need to be monitored. Every individual should initially be reached to decide if they meet the contact
definition and in this manner require observing. Covid 19 is spread from person to person via droplet and contact
transmission, according to the WHO [18]. Medical professionals must use a contact tracing method to cut the link
of person to person transmission to avoid COVID-19 from spreading. This is done in order to reduce the number
of potential infections caused from each reported case. Using a variety of technologies, various contaminated
countries have developed digital contact tracing systems with a Smartphone application. When compared to a non-
computerized system, advanced contact following technique performs much faster. The majority of these mobile                                                                                  692
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                  ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

apps gather user information that will be examined using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods
in order to track down an individual who is susceptible to the contagious disease based on their latest contact chain.

Table 2 depicts the respective countries' digital contact tracing apps, which are based on ML and AL approaches.
A study uncovers that more than 43 countries effectively practiced computerized contact tracing App. It uses
centralized, decentralized, or a combination of the two techniques to reduce complexity and enhance the efficacy
of traditional healthcare diagnostic methods.


Country                           Contact Tracking App                        Protocol

Angola                            COVID-19 AO

Australia                         COVIDSafe                                   BlueTrace protocol: Bluetooth

Austria                           Stopp Corona                                Bluetooth, Google/Apple

Bahrain                           Bahrain’s BeAware                           Bluetooth & GSM

Bangladesh                        Corona Tracer BD                            Bluetooth

Brazil                            The Spread Project

Bulgaria                          ViruSafe

Canada                            COVID Shield                                Google / Apple
                                                                              privacy- preserving tracing project

Colombia                          CoronApp                                    GPS

Czech Republic                    eFacemask                                   BlueTrace protocol: Bluetooth

Denmark                           Smittestop                                  Google / Apple privacy- preserving
                                                                              tracing project

Finland                           Ketju                                       DP-3T

France                            StopCovid                                   Bluetooth

Germany                           Corona-Warn-App

Ghana                             GH Covid-19 Tracker App                     GPS

Greece                            DOCANDU Covid Checker

Hong Kong                         Stay Home Safe

Hungary                           VírusRadar                                  Bluetooth

Iceland                           Rakning C-19                                GPS

India                             Aarogya Setu                                Bluetooth and location generated,
                                                                              Social graph
Indonesia                         PeduliLindungi

Iran                                                         GSM

Ireland                           HSE Covid-19 App                            Bluetooth, Google/Apple

Israel                            HaMagen                                     Standard location APIs                                                                                693
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

Italy                              Immuni                                      Bluetooth, Google/Apple

Japan                              Shingata Sesshoku Apuri Koronauirusu Google / Apple Privacy, Preserving
                                   Kakunin                              tracing project

Jordan                             AMAN App – Jordan                           GPS

Latvia                             Apturi Covid                                Bluetooth

Malaysia                           Gerak Malaysia                              Bluetooth, Google/Apple

New Zealand                        NZ COVID Tracer                             QR code

North Macedonia                    StopKorona                                  Bluetooth

Norway                             Smittestopp app                             Bluetooth and GSM

Qatar                              Ehteraz                                     Bluetooth and GSM

Poland                             ProteGO Safe                                Bluetooth

Saudi Arabia                       Corona Arabia Map Saudi                     Bluetooth

Singapore                          TraceTogether                               Blue Trace protocol, Bluetooth

South Africa                       Covi-ID                                     PACT,GDPR

Sri Lanka                          Self Shield

Spain                              Radar COVID                                 DP-3T, Google / Apple privacy-
                                                                               preserving tracing project

Switzerland                        SwissCovid                                  DP – 3T protocol, Bluetooth

Turkey                             Hayat Eve Sigar                             Bluetooth, GSM

United Kingdom                     NHS Covid-19 App                            Bluetooth

United States                      NOVID                                       TCN Protocol

                                     INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES
ML and AI prediction models are important for gaining insight into how infectious diseases spread and respond. In
assessment, and prediction machine learning methods are commonly used. In the presence of massive amounts of
data on the occurrence of infectious diseases, machine learning methods aid in the detection of outbreaks so that
further steps needs to be implemented to avoid the disease from spreading among humans. The behavior of the
systems is adopted in this review based on machine learning prediction methods [8] such as support vector
regression (SVR), polynomial regression (PR), and Multilayer Perceptron classifiers. The AI may predict mortality
rate based on patients' age, sex, exposure history, symptoms such as fever, cough, white blood cell counts (WBC),
neutrophil counts, and lymphocyte counts, and by analyzing patient's past data. By community screening, clinical
assistance, warning and disease control proposals, computer-based intelligence will help us to fight against the
infection [9].

To estimate the status of COVID-19, machine learning and artificial intelligence use this combined feature vector
as feedback. Table 3 portrays the ML and AI strategies utilized for anticipating and gauging of COVID-19 by
different scientists and the sorts of information utilized for their expectation. It likewise shows the precision of the
applied calculation in detail.                                                                                 694
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X


Author                    AI and ML method                  Kind of data               Results
Vaishy                    SVR and Ensemble Stacking         Clinical                   Error in range of 0.87%-
et al., [8]                                                                            3.51%
Shinde.                   XGBoost classifier                Clinical, Blood samples Precision of 90%
et al., [9]
Croccolo et al.,[11]      LSTM network         for   deep Demographic                  Average Node degree is 2
Yi-YuKe et al., [13]      Regression tree and hybrid Demographic                       Eight drugs      have    been
                          model                                                        identified

                                  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES
ML and AI have a major task to carry out in the battle [11] against COVID-19, especially from a symptomatic and
drug perspective. Artificial intelligence helps in processing a self-learning stage which is increasing on the earlier
clinical, pharma information and constant data. AI aids in the creation of a self-learning platform that is based on
previous clinical, pharmacological, and real-time data. An AI framework may be a valuable tool for rapidly
screening a large number of compounds with allocated training data repository and the goal to discover medicines
for particular uses, like diagnosis of COVID-19.

Infection with the COVID - 19 virus is equivalent to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) [12]
contagiousness in humans, such as pulmonary lesions. To identify coronavirus-active drugs among pharmaceutical
products, an AI-system built on learning dataset. Table 4 shows that the AI model found [13] a few drugs with
antiviral potential.

In the feline catus whole fetus-4 (Fcwf-4) cells (ATCC®CRL-2787), the virus is spreading and being investigated
[13]. Fcwf-4 cells were enhanced and maintained at 37 °C with 5% CO2 in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium
(DMEM) [14] containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin. Note: NA: not accessible
to recognize because of cytotoxicity. Chloroquine showed restraint movement against COVID-19 infections at 10
M, which is consistent with the examination directed on its broad protective role. It's a particular medication
designed to help COVID-19 patients to get better.

Coronavirus – 19 medications have explicitly been approved for the administration in randomized controlled
preliminaries. The NLRP3 (NOD)- like receptor protein 3)

[16] inflammasome assumes a significant function in antiviral host protections, its atypical enactment and
downstream go betweens frequently lead to neurotic tissue injury during disease. The NLRP3 is made out of
connector segment apoptosis-related spot like protein conveying a caspase initiation and enlistment area and the
chemically dormant procaspase-1. It has been indicated that few outside and inside upgrades including viral RNA
through systems, for example, arrangement of pores with particle rearrangement and lysosomal disturbance,
bringing about irritation and related cell demise called proptosis.

This inflammasome produces proinflammatory cytokines in up - regulated NFkb macrophages and Th1 cells. These
cytokines aid in the pathogenic inflammation that contributes to COVID-19's toxicant and syndrome. This
information has empowered numerous potential medication contemplations to reduce the threat of COVID-19. This
involves having enough sleep, handling tension, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits with isolated flavonoids,
curcumin, melatonin, and Sambucus nigra.

Artificial Intelligence method for SARS -CoV-2's may be very useful in monitoring holistic health methods for
COVID-19 risk prevention as more is known about SARS pathogenicity. Artificial intelligence treatment
techniques will be utilized to find integrative alternatives which can help resolve the immune reactions to SARS-
CoV-2 disease. Arising approaches consolidating integrative medication with AI could make novel arrangements
and help in the battle against this dangerous pandemic.                                                                                 695
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                   ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X


AI Assisted Medicines                           Concentration (μM)

                                                Cytotoxicity               Viral Inhibition

Bedaquiline                                     Above 50                   50

Bifonazole                                      Above 10                   Not Accessible

Brequinar                                       Above 50                   2

Clotrimazole                                    Above 2                    Not Accessible

Duvelisib                                       Above 50                   Above 50

Econazole                                       Above 10                   Not Accessible

Fenticonazole                                   Above 2                    Not Accessible

Fumaric acid                                    Above 50                   Above 50

Lapatinib                                       Above 10                   Not Accessible

Miconazole                                      Above 2                    Not Accessible

Miconazole (nitrate)                            Above 10                   Not Accessible

Pranlukast                                      Above 50                   Above 50

Sertaconazole                                   Above 10                   Not Accessible

Sulconazole                                     Above 10                   Not Accessible

Sulconazole (nitrate)                           Above 10                   Not Accessible

Tacrolimus                                      Above 50                   Above 50

Telmisartan                                     Above 50                   Above 50

Tipifarnib                                      Above 10                   Not Accessible

Vismodegib                                      Above 50                   50

                                              VII.     CONCLUSION
The novel COVID-19’s disastrous outburst has posed a global threat to humanity. The entire world is putting forth
exceptional efforts to combat the disease's global spread. It is critical to predict and diagnose COVID-19 patients
quickly in order to prevent the disease from spreading to others As a result, researchers and clinical areas all over
the world have been urged to help fight the pandemic. They were looking for a replacement solution for rapid
screening and treatment, contact tracking, envisioning, and the development of new antibodies or drugs. As a result,
they received assistance from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence strategies. This study portrays the usage
of improved models with AI and ML methods essentially expanded the screening, expectation, contact following,
anticipating, and drug/immunization development with high precision. The majority of the authors in this study
used deep learning algorithms and demonstrated that they have greater ability and are more robust than alternative
machine learning methods. Nonetheless, the current pandemic situation necessitates an improved model that
provides high-quality screening results. As a consequence, it's indeed evident that AI and ML techniques will
dramatically enhance Covid-19 pandemic monitoring and prediction, treatment, prescribing, contact tracing,
forecasting, and drug and vaccine production. It greatly aids in the rapid prediction and diagnosis of medical
conditions and eliminates the need for human intervention in medical consultation.                                                                               696
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3)
                                                                                  ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

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