Asylum Migration and Integration Fund Ireland - Call for Proposals 2016 Reception, Intergration and Capacity Building Projects Funded 2017-2019 ...

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Migration and
Call for Proposals 2016
Reception, Intergration and Capacity Building Projects
Funded 2017-2019


 Asylum, Migration
 and Integration Fund

          Asylum, Migration
          and Integration Fund

Overview of Projects funded under the Asylum,
Migration and Integration Fund 2014 - 2020
1. Policy Context
The general objec�ve of the Asylum, Migra�on and Integra�on Fund 2014-2020 (AMIF)
is to promote the efficient management of migra�on flows and the
implementa�on, strengthening and development of a common EU approach to asylum
and immigra�on. The Fund has four specific objec�ves:

 A. to strengthen and develop all aspects of the Common European Asylum System,
    including its external dimension;
 B. to support legal migra�on to the Member States in accordance with their economic
    and social needs, such as labour market needs, while safeguarding the integrity of
    the immigra�on systems of Member States, and to promote the effec�ve
    integra�on of third country na�onals;
 C. to enhance fair and effec�ve return strategies in the Member States which
    contribute to comba�ng illegal immigra�on, with an emphasis on sustainability of
    return and effec�ve re-admission in the countries of origin and transit; and
 D. to enhance solidarity and responsibility sharing between the Member States, in
    par�cular towards those most affected by migra�on and asylum flows, including
    through prac�cal coopera�on.

2. AMIF in Ireland
Ireland’s Na�onal Programme was approved by the European Commission on 21 March
2016. The EU Funds Unit in the Department of Jus�ce and Equality has been designated
as Ireland’s Responsible Authority for the AMIF. The funding available to Ireland under
the AMIF will be used over the life�me of the Programme – the eligibility period extends
to 2022 – to support ac�ons that will help to achieve the Na�onal Objec�ves set out in
the Programme.

In 2016, a Call for Proposals was issued and 20 Projects were selected from 45
applicants. Over €4.5 million was commi�ed under this call.

The Projects selected for funding will receive 75% of the eligible project costs. The
applicant organisa�on will be required to provide the 25% matching funding necessary
for the project.

This booklet describes the 20 Recep�on, Integra�on and Capacity Building projects
funded under the Asylum, Migra�on and Integra�on Fund following the 2016 Call for

Projects rela�ng to Rese�lement, Reloca�on and Return ac�vi�es will also be supported
by the AMIF.

             Asylum, Migration
             and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /              Details and Operational Objectives               Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                                     EU Grant
Clare               Clare           County Clare   The project will support the personal           €180,000
Immigrant           Immigrant                      capacity of in excess of 2,100 Third Country
Support             Support                        Na�ons (TCNs), refugees and asylum
Centre Ltd          Project                        seekers to successfully establish and
                                                   maintain their lives in Ireland by improving
                                                   their skills to posi�vely integrate and be
                                                   part of Irish society. This will be achieved by
                                                   providing orienta�on, reducing isola�on,
                                                   improving service interac�on, improving
                                                   language skills. This increased knowledge
                                                   and awareness of their rights and
                                                   obliga�ons, will support improved
                                                   par�cipa�on in educa�on, training and
                                                   employment thus building their capacity to
                                                   posi�vely engage and become ac�ve
                                                   ci�zens in all aspects of Irish society.

Crosscare          Promo�ng         Dublin and     1. The project will focus on two key areas:      €248,981
                   Integra�on       surrounding    Capacity building of frontline services in the
                   through          areas          statutory and voluntary sector that work
                   Partnership                     with the target group with a focus on those
                   and Support                     who are marginalised, vulnerable or in
                                                   crisis, targe�ng social workers, medical
                                                   social workers, domes�c violence refuge
                                                   key workers, community groups and
                                                   homeless service staff – through training,
                                                   joint case work, resource materials and
                                                   referral mechanisms.

                                                   Target: 30 organisa�ons

                                                   2. Direct informa�on and advocacy service
                                                   provision to TCNs, including those who have
                                                   been granted status a�er being in the
                                                   asylum system, around the immigra�on
                                                   system (residency, family reunifica�on,
                                                   ci�zenship), access to statutory services
                                                   (health, social protec�on and job seeking
                                                   supports, and social housing supports),
                                                   preven�ng or exi�ng homelessness, and
                                                   integra�on into their local community.

                                                   Target: 2,700 - 3,000 people/families

             Asylum, Migration
             and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name          Location /     Details and Operational Objectives               Maximum
Beneficiaries                       Area                                                            EU Grant
Doras Luimní Recep�on and           Limerick and   The Doras project aims to enhance the            €234,245
              Integra�on            mid-west       recep�on experience of those in the
              Service               region         protec�on process and to improve all Third
                                                   Country Na�onals’ integra�on prospects
                                                   and ability to reach their poten�al in
                                                   Ireland. This will be achieved through a mix
                                                   of advice and informa�on services to 1,485
                                                   asylum seekers, provision of training and
                                                   skills development to up to 30 learners,
                                                   health, psychological supports referrals, and
                                                   intercultural ac�vi�es (including training) to
                                                   up to 60 individuals.

Edmund Rice MUKISA –                Waterford      The project will promote integra�on and          €150,000
            Capacity                Wexford        build the capacity of the TCN community to
            Building                Kilkenny       develop their environment in harmony with
            Programme               Carlow         the host community to reflect their cultures
            (Mobilising                            and to foster mutual understanding and
            Urban                                  cultural respect that promotes acceptance
            Knowledge                              of the diversity and combats discrimina�on
            and                                    and racism. The project will engage 40
            connectedness                          TCN’s on the Mukisa programme that
            through                                includes English language training, QQI
            Integra�on                             accredited training and work experience.
            and Social

Football           Grassroots       Na�onal        The FAI will foster integra�on in Irish       €150,073
Associa�on         Integra�on                      society using football by mobilising
of Ireland         through                         community par�cipa�on na�onally within a
(FAI)              Football                        project framework that supports alliances &
                                                   collabora�ve ac�ons between local clubs,
                                                   individuals and community groups. The
                                                   project will develop & support a na�onal
                                                   alliance network of sustainable local
                                                   football ac�ons developing connec�ons
                                                   beyond the life�me of the AMIF.
                                                   Opera�onally, the project proposal will
                                                   leverage the FAI’s exis�ng network of full
                                                   �me development officers, extensive
                                                   grassroots network of affiliates, from clubs
                                                   to leagues, as well as local authority & NGO
                                                   connec�ons to support collabora�ve
                                                   alliances. The project will specifically focus
                                                   on children, adults & young people’s
                                                   par�cipa�on, and aims to involve over
                                                   6,100 par�cipants in the programme

              Asylum, Migration
              and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /              Details and Operational Objectives           Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                                 EU Grant
Galway City         BRIDGE           Galway City   The BRIDGE Project will promote the          €201,000
Partnership                          and County    effec�ve delivery of:
                                                   • Recep�on/asylum responses
                                                   • Integra�on supports (including capacity
                                                      building interven�ons) of up to 540
                                                      families/par�cipants in Galway City
                                                      and County

                                                   The BRIDGE Project will ensure:
                                                   1. Effec�ve delivery of targeted
                                                      recep�on/asylum responses through
                                                      informa�on, advocacy, referral and
                                                      support ac�ons in two direct provision
                                                      centres and two support centres in
                                                      Galway city.
                                                   2. Innova�ve integra�on ac�ons will
                                                       comprise language, pre-enrolment and
                                                       cultural orienta�on interven�ons
                                                       through individual/group context in
                                                       Galway City and outreach supports to
                                                       Tuam, Gort, Ballinasloe and Loughrea.
                                                   3. Capacity building ac�ons will build an
                                                       effec�ve partnership with public
                                                       organisa�ons in developing innova�ve
                                                       and flexible referral systems, services
                                                       and supports to meet the needs of the
                                                       target groups.

Immigrant           Integra�on       Na�onal       The Integra�on Hub will func�on as a           €150,000
Council of          Hub                            na�onal focal point and service provider.
Ireland                                            The Hub will act as a catalyst and focal point
                                                   for discussion and development of good
                                                   prac�ce and policy on migrant integra�on.
                                                   The direct service will have two broad areas
                                                   of focus; civic & poli�cal par�cipa�on and
                                                   an�-racism. The service will provide 4
                                                   workshops a year, including 2 regional
                                                   events and other capacity-building ac�vi�es
                                                   on civic & poli�cal par�cipa�on. An�-racism
                                                   work will involve vic�m support, public
                                                   awareness raising, diversity training and
                                                   research. The Hub will further train and
                                                   support groups to provide workshops and
                                                   trainings on the two issues.

           Asylum, Migration
           and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /              Details and Operational Objectives             Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                                   EU Grant
Irish Refugee Quality,            Focused on       The project will provide services to asylum   €300,000
Council       Protec�on and       areas were       seekers at each stage of the asylum
(IRC)         Empowerment         there is li�le   procedure: ini�al informa�on in rela�on to
              in the Asylum       or no            the asylum procedure; early Legal Advice to
              Procedure and       informa�on       persons in the asylum procedure, family
              Transi�on           provision -      reunifica�on and a holis�c integra�on
              from Direct         Monaghan,        package for beneficiaries of interna�onal
              Provision           Athlone,
                                                   The project will use a con�nuum of care
                                                   approach to ensure that applicants are
                                  Waterford,       assisted at each stage of the asylum
                                  Sligo, Mayo,     procedure according to best prac�ce
                                  Galway           models developed by the IRC and other
                                                   organisa�ons, both in Ireland and
                                                   interna�onally. In addi�on, through
                                                   training, capacity building and resources,
                                                   the project will ensure other key
                                                   stakeholders are able to deliver similar
                                                   services to a standard of best prac�ce.
                                                   The project will assist and have direct
                                                   impact on approximately 3000 asylum
                                                   seekers and beneficiaries of protec�on. It
                                                   will assist and have direct impact on approx.
                                                   200 lawyers as well as community group
                                                   and Ci�zens Informa�on Board staff.

Irish Traveller Yellow Flag       Na�onal          The Yellow Flag programme is a whole           €150,410
Movement        Programme                          school intercultural ini�a�ve suppor�ng
                                                   integra�on. ITM will run the programme in
                                                   10 schools across the academic year Sept
                                                   2017-June 2018. It will ac�vely target
                                                   schools during this period (using the latest
                                                   Census/Department of Jus�ce and DES
                                                   sta�s�cs) in areas/schools where asylum
                                                   seeker, Third Country Na�onals (TCN) or
                                                   children under the IRPP are living/
                                                   a�ending. ITM will both pilot the resources
                                                   developed from ITM’s exis�ng Yellow Flag
                                                   work in the 10 schools, as well as further
                                                   develop addi�onal case studies & resources
                                                   during our work with the schools up to June

             Asylum, Migration
             and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /               Details and Operational Objectives             Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                                    EU Grant
Jesuit              PATHS Project Dublin            The PATHS project will assist long-term        €179,954
Refugee             (Providing                      residents with status to exit Direct
Service (JRS)       Asylum-                         Provision. Par�cipants will be selected in
Ltd.                seekers in                      consulta�on with the Recep�on and
                    Transi�on                       Integra�on Agency (RIA). The Paths project
                    with Housing                    will target 140 TCN’s to assist them in
                    and Support)                    establishing a new life in the community, to
                                                    help address transi�on challenges
                                                    encountered, to support integra�on and to
                                                    contribute to a more inclusive society in
                                                    Ireland through a more sustainable model
                                                    of integra�on. The guiding approach will be
                                                    based on the housing first model, which
                                                    priori�ses up front housing provision
                                                    accompanied by wraparound integra�on
                                                    (educa�on, employment and links to the
                                                    community) and psychosocial supports.

KASI               Recep�on      Killarney and      The project will operate a drop-in and        €180,000
                   Project for   Tralee             resource centre for a target of 280 TCN’s.
                   Asylum                           Training ac�vi�es and workshops for up to
                   Seekers and                      160 individuals to promote and encourage
                   Integra�on of                    par�cipa�on of TCNs and their integra�on
                   TCN’s                            into the community. Outreach work in 4
                                                    direct provisions centres in Kerry and one in
                                                    Millstreet, Co. Cork providing informa�on,
                                                    advocacy and referrals for 250 TCN’s.
                                                    Providing specific family support
                                                    programmes in DP centres in Kerry and
                                                    Millstreet for 70 TCN’s.

Kilmallock         Integra�on       Limerick City   The project will engage with 6000 students €168,750
Performing         through the      and County,     in schools, using a drama methodology to
Centre             Arts             Co. Cork and    combat racism and raise awareness of the
                                    Co. Clare       benefits of legal migra�on. It will produce
                                                    1000 accompanying an� racism resource
                                                    packs for teachers. The project will establish
                                                    an interna�onal Youth Theatre for 50 TCN
                                                    young people, performing integra�on
                                                    themed films and plays for the public that
                                                    promote intercultural dialogue and mutual
                                                    understanding. With the support of the
                                                    Educa�onal Training Board (ETB), the
                                                    project will provide English language and
                                                    employability skills course for 70-90 TCN
                                                    adults. Using its established educa�onal
                                                    networks, par�cipants will be referred and
                                                    self- selected. It is also planned to run a
                                                    summer camp for 30 TCN young people
                                                    each year.

              Asylum, Migration
              and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /                Details and Operational Objectives            Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                                    EU Grant
Laois              Recep�on and Limerick and         The project will:                              €150,000
Partnership        Integra�on   mid-west             (i) support asylum seekers, refugees and
Company            Service      region               third country na�onals living in Laois and
                                                     surrounding areas transi�oning from direct
                                                     (ii) develop Laois’s first Integra�on Strategy;
                                                     (iii) iden�fy and raise awareness of the
                                                     needs of new communi�es;
                                                     (iv) enhance their capacity to engage with
                                                     service providers and relevant agencies;
                                                     (v) Support and provide training to relevant
                                                     service providers. The project will engage
                                                     with 400 service users.

Mary                Embracing        Limerick City   This project will support migrants to           €300,000
Immaculate          Diversity,                       integrate into Limerick city and Irish society.
College             Nurturing                        It will include a range of in school and a�er
                    Integra�on,                      school supports for approximately 1700
                    Learning for                     children, their families and service providers,
                    Life                             based on needs iden�fied and informed by
                                                     best prac�ce. It will develop structures to
                                                     facilitate integra�on. A project team will be
                                                     appointed to implement the programme.
                                                     Beneficiaries include the families and their
                                                     children currently enrolled who come from
                                                     forty countries, speak twenty-six languages
                                                     and prac�ce seventeen different religions. It
                                                     is an�cipated that this 23 month project will
                                                     form the basis of a more long term

Migrant       Advancing              Na�onwide -     The project will target TCNs most at risk of     €250,000
Rights Centre Rights and             Waterford,      poverty, exclusion and discrimina�on in
of Ireland    Building               Cork, Kerry,    low-waged and un-regulated sectors. It will
              Capacity of            Limerick,       support 2,200 TCNs cases per year to access
              Low Waged              Galway,         rights and en�tlements and take up
              TCNs                   Mayo,           mainstream services. It will engage 3,000 to
                                     Roscommon,      par�cipate in project ac�ons and in the
                                     Donegal,        development of policies that affect their
                                     Meath,          lives. This project will indirectly support over
                                     Kildare and     15,000 TCNs. This will be achieved through
                                     Dublin          the provision of informa�on and support,
                                                     new outreach models, use of innova�ve
                                                     technology and building the ac�ve
                                                     par�cipa�on of vulnerable TCN migrants
                                                     through a community work process. This
                                                     project will generate data and evidence of
                                                     the situa�on of TCNs to inform policy and
                                                     improve the capacity of key stakeholders to
                                                     engage TCNs.

             Asylum, Migration
             and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /              Details and Operational Objectives           Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                                 EU Grant
NASC               Integra�ng       Cork           This project will work with asylum seekers    €200,000
                   Cork                            and beneficiaries of interna�onal protec�on
                                                   and provide one-to-one support to people
                                                   in the asylum / recep�on system, and
                                                   beneficiaries of interna�onal protec�on
                                                   through the delivery of an expert, wrap
                                                   around front line informa�on and support
                                                   service across 5 asylum centres in Cork.
                                                   The project will operate a legal informa�on
                                                   and drop-in service for TCNs to provide
                                                   informa�on on economic, social and
                                                   cultural rights and obliga�ons, with a
                                                   specific focus on vulnerable people. A
                                                   range of web based informa�on and
                                                   materials, to enable self advocacy and
                                                   access to rights for TCN’s will be developed.
                                                   These materials will include videos and how
                                                   to guides, fact sheets, informa�on on the
                                                   single procedure, family reunifica�on,
                                                   recep�on rights and en�tlements, transi�on
                                                   supports and integra�on opportuni�es.
                                                   The project will provide capacity building
                                                   and training to host communi�es including:
                                                   schools community / voluntary groups and
                                                   statutory and non-statutory organisa�ons
                                                   to promote greater understanding,
                                                   between Irish Ci�zens and TCN
                                                   communi�es, and to ensure services are
                                                   more aware and inclusive.

Na�onal            Community        Dublin North The project will provide a home visi�ng        €150,000
College of         Integra�on       & South Inner programme for 30 vulnerable migrant
Ireland            and Family       City          families with children aged 0-4 years. They
                   Support                        will be visited twice weekly where the
                   Project                        Home Visitor will model for parents how to
                                                  talk, read and play with their children
                                                  and/or offer support to a parent of an
                                                  infant. This has a dual purpose of reducing
                                                  isola�on and integra�ng migrant families
                                                  into the local community. The programme
                                                  will enhance children’s language skills and
                                                  school readiness.

          Asylum, Migration
          and Integration Fund

Name of       Project Name Location /         Details and Operational Objectives              Maximum
Beneficiaries              Area                                                               EU Grant
South Dublin     Integra�on of South Dublin   The project is aimed at suppor�ng the           €150,000
County           Third Country County         integra�on and capacity building of
Partnership      Na�onals                     approximately 85 Third Country Na�onals
                 Through the                  across three categories: young people,
                 Life Cycle                   adults and elderly all of whom are living in
                                              areas of South Dublin, by means of:-
                                              •       Increasing the par�cipa�on of
                                                      young Third Country Na�onals in
                                                      mainstream youth work provision
                                                      and build the capacity of youth
                                                      workers to be more inclusively and
                                                      culturally aware in their prac�ce.

                                              •       Building the capacity of Third
                                                      Country Na�onals adults in
                                                      leadership or poten�al leadership

                                              •       Building social awareness and
                                                      opportuni�es for social and cultural
                                                      integra�on for older Third Country

South West  Diversity            Mayo         This project will aim to target 300 asylum      €265,814
Mayo        Mayo                              seekers, refugees and vulnerable Third
Development                                   Country Na�onals in Mayo to access a
Company                                       number of high-quality informa�on,
                                              advocacy, supports and services
                                              appropriate to their legal status. Building
                                              capacity of front-line services to respond to
                                              the needs of the target group in a culturally
                                              competent way will assist this.

Spirasi          Holis�c       Na�onal        This project seeks to augment the holis�c       €750,000
                 Rehabilita�on                rehabilita�on offered to 130 vic�ms of
                 & Educa�onal                 torture, and will focus on:
                 Support for
                 Torture                      1. Providing approximately 100 Ini�al
                 Vic�ms in                    Assessments per annum leading to an
                 Ireland                      individualised care plan for ongoing
                                              therapeu�c and psychosocial support
                                              2. Providing approximately 100 Medical
                                              Legal Reports per annum in a �mely
                                              manner for the protec�on process.
                                              3. Building the capacity of the organisa�on
                                              to deliver, expand and sustain the project
EU Funds Unit                                      Aonad Cis� an Aontais Eorpaigh
Floor 2, Bishops Square                                 Urlár 2, Cearnóg an Easpaig
Redmond’s Hill                                                      Cnoc Réamainn,
Dublin 2, D02TD99                                      Baile Átha Cliath 2, D02TD99
Telephone: 01 479 0200                                       Teileafón: 01 479 0200
Email: eufunds@jus�                           Ríomhphoist: eufunds@jus�
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