AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

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AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

      Designed by E Foster
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                         03     PRESIDENTIAL
                         UTU President, Stephen
                         McCord and head of science at
                         Larne High School comment.

                         08     WELLIES
                         Aughnacloy pupils decorate
                         local carehome with floral
                         10     UN75 - TOGETHER
                         Join ‘the conversation’ with the
                         UN for their 75th anniversary to
                         stimulate a global coversation on
                         realising a better world by 2045.

                         14     LOCKDOWN
                         Pupils from every corner of

                         Northen Ireland share their
                         stories and lockdown heroes.

                                                             17   VIRTUAL CONFERENCE 2020
                                                                  UTU leads the way with extraordinary first ‘Virtual
                                                                  Conference’ with over 400 members and delegates

                                                             27   HEALTHY KIDZ AT HART
                                                                  Pupils at Hart Memorial reaching their physical and
                                                                  personal best in 2020.

                                                             29   MATHLETES OF DRUMGOR

                                                                  Math week with Drumgor Primary School pupils making
                                                                  the top 4 in the UK.

                                                                  AND MUCH MORE!
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                                                 PRESIDENTIAL COMMENT

                                                        t was a great honour   and issues facing teachers continue and the
                                                        to be installed as     UTU represent you the member both locally,
                                                        President of the       nationally and internationally.
                                                     Ulster Teachers’ Union      Locally, at the end of April the Teachers’
                                                     at our extraordinary      Negotiating Committee, Management Side and
                                                     and virtual conference    the Northern Ireland Teachers’ Council
                                                     in June. Little did       formally ratified an agreement to resolve the long
                                                     I imagine when I          running industrial dispute of teachers’ pay and
                                                     accepted the role         workload. This agreement delivers a level of pay
                                                     a year earlier what       which is in line with colleagues in the rest of the
                                                     different and difficult   UK for the same pay periods, and NITC have now
                                                     circumstances             submitted a pay claim for 2019/20 and 2020/21.
                                                     teachers and trade        We were able to engage with members across
                                                     unions would be           the province at Branch and Area Association
                         working under, not only locally but on a global       meetings and, thanks to Zoom, the world has
                         level too. Indeed, it was a great privilege to        suddenly become much smaller! We can network
                         have the opportunity to have a second chance          with our members from the comfort of our own
                         to represent members, and I was fortunate             classroom or home!
                         that my previous term of office gave me an              Nationally, our General Secretary and I have
                         understanding of the mechanics and inner              attended the British and Irish Group of Teacher
                         workings that allowed me to hit the ground            Unions during the summer. A joint statement
                         running in April, as the challenges resulting from    was issued and picked up by the press in all
                         COVID-19 changed the education landscape.             jurisdictions. The issues around pupils, teachers
                          I already understood the huge sense of               and these testing times are the same no matter
                         responsibility that the role of President             where we live.
                         undertakes, representing our teacher and              Internationally, it has been a great honour to join
                         principal members on issues regarding health and      the European Trade Union Group of teachers
                         safety, employment rights, pay and conditions,        and listen to the challenges across Europe. Then
                         mental health and well-being and professional         following from that, we were also able to join
                         development. On this occasion, the issues are         EI (Education International) and hear at times
                         very different. Now teachers require answers and      some of the dreadful circumstances our teacher
                         guidance on remote & blended learning, care for       friends across the World are meeting due to
                         key worker children, the preparation for returning    lack of amenities or at times some governments

                         to school, the “new normal” followed by issues        ignorance of the pandemic we now live with.
                         regarding identification of positive cases. Within      As we enter the Winter, there will be many more
                         a few days the issues that you as teachers face       challenges and trials that we will
                         change, and so the UTU adapts to your needs.          meet. That has already been seen by our
                          Despite the Covid-19 situation the challenges        Primary 7 teachers and pupils who have the
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                                                PRESIDENTIAL COMMENT
                         unnecessary worry regarding test dates being       for the future. As a Union, we will continue
                         moved by a few weeks. Our post-primary             to challenge those in positions of power and
                         colleagues have seen a lack lustre response from   ensure that the needs of our teachers and pupils
                         our Education Minister regarding GCSE and GCE      are met as we move post-covid.
                         examinations taking place in 2021. On the other     At headquarters too we very quickly adapting
                         hand, we have recently engaged with a group        to the changing circumstances.
                         of our Principal members and it was great to       Our staff and officials are working from home
                         hear their positive comments regarding pupils,     but continue to engage quickly with members’
                         parents and teachers who have all adapted to       emails, queries and concerns. We have also
                         the new school day.                                been represented in consultations and meetings
                          Even before Covid our education system was        with the Department of Education and
                         on its knees. Nothing has changed! Indeed, the     Education Authority by our General Secretary
                                                                            Jacquie White. From the start of lockdown
                         “What gives me most optimism is                    and right through the Summer, she has been
                         our young people themselves and                    advocating on behalf of our Union.
                          their ability to see opportunity                  The experience and professionalism that the
                                even though crisis.”                        UTU staff bring to our members is vast and I
                                                                            wish to place on record my thanks to everyone
                         crisis we are living through has only deepened     of them over these past few months. They have
                         and highlighted the failings of our undervalued    been responding to members outside normal
                         and under resourced education system. For          office hours, often advising and reassuring
                         too long teachers have lacked professional         members regarding the ever-changing
                         development and as entered lockdown it was         circumstances.
                         teachers own initiatives and resourcefulness        In closing, may I thank you the member for all
                         that allowed the home learning to develop.         that you have done over the past few months. I
                          There are some positives however, thanks to       wish you well in your endeavours and trust that
                         Zoom the world has suddenly become much            you and your families will remain safe and well
                         smaller! We can network with our profession        in the coming months.
                         internationally to see how other countries cope,
                         and share our expertise. Hopefully we will see
                         education and its global context differently

                         going forward.
                          What gives me most optimism is our young
                         people themselves and their ability to see
                         opportunity even though crisis. It’s their
                         resilience which allows me to believe in a
                         recovery from all this and to envision a hope
                                                                                                    STEPHEN MCCORD
                                                                                                    UTU PRESIDENT
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                                            GENERAL SECRETARY

                             t is indicative of the nature of           at the centre of our decision-making
                             education in these recent times that and, if we want to make the reopening
                             I am writing regarding the latest          of schools sustainable, we need to
                             developments re Covid-19 in schools unpack what exactly is happening and
                             immediately prior to the release           work out how to move forward with
                         of this edition of the UTU News whilst         schools open but with a more robust
                         not knowing whether it will be current         and effective range of mitigations to
                         when you, the member, reads it.                keep everyone safe.
                           We now know that the planned                   The Minister has recognised that
                         reopening of schools on 2nd November the efforts of schools to put in
                         announced by the First and Deputy First place mitigations can be seriously
                         Ministers has taken place.                     undermined by the risks associated with
                         The return to school for this second           the journey to and from school. He has
                         half-term of Covid embedded education firstly, therefore, strongly encouraged
                         has brought a different range of               parents to wear face coverings in the
                         anxieties from our previous experience. vicinity of the school building. He has
                         In August we walked into the                          further announced that ‘the
                         unknown; we have now had                                 wearing of face coverings on
                         the experience of positive                                  all dedicated school buses
                         diagnoses, bubbles of                “we must   put the       and public transport will
                         children self-isolating and           health and  well-        be mandatory for all
                         engagement with the                being of the school          post-primary children
                         track and trace process.             population at the          when schools reopen next
                           And the number of cases        centre of our decision- week’. Whilst these added
                         is growing. There is on-                 making”               factors are welcomed and,
                         going political and medical                                  if adhered to, could have a
                         debate as to whether schools                               very beneficial impact on the
                         should be open at all and                               school situation.
                         whether by being open they are                      However,     the enforcement of these
                         serving to keep the R number at a level mitigations is for the Department of
                         which is not manageable by society.            Education to consider and is not the
                           The overwhelming feeling, whether            responsibility of schools.

                         from politicians, parents, children or           What is the responsibility of schools
                         the principals and teachers themselves is the mitigations inside the school
                         is that the best place for our children is building and what is clear is that we
                         in school. There is no question that that need clear information, medically-based
                         is the case. But we must put the health advice and properly funded practices to
                         and well-being of the school population move forward.
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                         UTU has serious concerns regarding the       continue to move forward without
                         impact of absences of both staff and         the appropriate financial support.
                         children in relation to positive Covid-19    Just prior to the return to school the
                         diagnoses and associated self-isolating      Minister, Peter Weir, announced funding
                         and has been engaging with DE to             of almost £64 million ‘to help schools
                         obtain relevant data. The functioning of     manage Education Authority pressures,
                         our education system depends on the          COVID-19 pressures and for free school
                         health and well-being of our principals,     meals’.
                         teachers and other school staff and           He stated that ‘the funding, which has
                         the manner in which the data has been        been allocated as part of the October
                         reported to date appears disingenuous        monitoring round, includes £49.4
                         and does not reflect the experiences         million to cover additional costs such
                         of members. It is imperative that            as maintenance, staffing, cleaning and
                         proper scrutiny is given to the actual       other pressures, and £12.8 million to
                         situation in our schools and that the        cover for a range of pressures including
                         direction of travel is grounded robustly     those in Special Educational Needs, and
                         both in reality and in properly funded       schools maintenance’.
                         mitigations.                                  We are currently seeking clarification
                           UTU has been seeking a meaningful          as to the distribution of and access
                         breakdown of the data regarding              to this funding and the other issues
                         positive cases and numbers self-             outlined above. We will keep you
                         isolating amongst both staff and             informed of progress.
                         children. DE is working with us on
                         this and we hope to have statistics in       PAY AND WORKLOAD AGREEMENT
                         the coming days which will serve as a        Work continues with Management Side
                         starting point to reconsider and move        regarding the workload elements of the
                         forward.                                     Pay and Workload Agreement which
                           Whilst we are aware of a considerable      was agreed in April 2020.
                         number of cases in primary schools            The time budget element was the first
                         this is particularly of concern in post-     priority with the intention being that
                         primary settings. The PHA has informed       every teacher would have a time budget
                         the teaching unions that 11-17 year olds     reflecting the varying demands of their
                         are ‘just as likely to spread infection as   particular roles in schools in place by
                         an adult’ and we must therefore pose         the beginning of the academic year.
                         the questions as to why the ‘relaxing’       Events, most notably Covid, impacted
                         of mitigations for this age group is         on the original timetable and, in order
                         acceptable in comparison to those            to facilitate training and advice, and
                         recommended for adults generally. This       in recognition that there were many
                         would include the guidance around            pressing issues for Principals to deal
                         social distancing and that of the wearing    with in schools, the date was extended
                         of face coverings in public areas. This      to 31st October with the time worked
                         is of particular concern considering         so far to be taken into account.

                         the current plans to continue with            UTU ran a series of virtual workshops
                         GCSE and A level examinations and the        to answer queries and provide support
                         huge barriers being faced by both the        and the Officials continue to work
                         teachers and the children in trying to       with Principals and teachers on an
                         prepare accordingly.                         individual basis. Whilst it appears that
                           And, of course, schools cannot             the majority of our schools now have
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                          the time budget in place please do          of Education and the Department of
                          not hesitate to contact us if you need      Finance. This information has now
                          further clarification or guidance.          been made available on the UTU
                           The other two priority issues              website and further guidance will issue
                          were the establishment of Joint             in the coming days.
                          Consultative Committees and the
                          workload proofing of New Initiatives.
                          A working group comprising NITC and         consultation-transitional-protection-
                          Management Side representatives             arrangements/
                          are currently establishing Terms of
                          Reference and direction of travel           A number of consultations have
                          for each of these areas and further         been released in regard to Special
                          meetings are scheduled to take place        Educational Needs: the ‘Public
                          in the near future. We will report back     Consultation on the Draft Special
                          on progress.                                Schools Area Planning Framework’;
                           Progress has also been made in             the ‘Public Consultation on the Draft
                          terms of the reviews. Following             Framework for Specialist Provision
                          the reconstitution of the Teachers’         in Mainstream Schools and Draft
                          Negotiating Committee, efforts are          Framework for Specialist Provision in
                          now being made to establish the             Mainstream Schools – Pilot’ and the
                          appropriate frameworks and access           New SEN Framework. Meetings will
                          and establish the required personnel        be commencing shortly regarding
                          and expertise. It is the current aim that   responses to these consultations. If
                          the work proper will commence in            any member would like to be involved
                          January 2021.                               in the UTU response please email your
                                                                      details to and we will
                          CONSULTATIONS                               ensure you receive the details.
                          Despite the inevitable focus                 We wish you well for the next half-
                          on Covid-19 there are further               term and can assure you of UTU’s
                          consultations on-going in respect of        continued help and support in dealing
                          terms and conditions and practice in        with any issues which arise. We
                          schools and in the wider system.            encourage you to browse through
                           The most pressing is the consultation      the UTU News – there are elements
                          on public sector pensions and the           which offer a beacon of light in these
                          remedies required to redress the            challenging times and will remind you
                          inequalities determined by the              of why you’re continuing to do what
                          McCloud/Sargeant judgements. Many           you do.
                          members have expressed an interest
                          in responding to this consultation and Enjoy – and keep safe.
                          have been seeking information and
                          guidance in that regard. A great deal of
                          work has been taking place behind the

                          scenes to ensure that the information
                          to be released by unions, both
                          teaching and public sector generally,
                          to their members is in line with that
                          to be provided by the Department         JACQUIE WHITE
                                                                      GENERAL SECRETARY
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                         Welcomed wellies BRIGHTEN up carehome
                         Pupils from Augnacloy PS
                         colourful lockdown connection
                         with local carehome residents

                                   he boys and girls
                                   from Aughnacloy
                                   Primary School have
                                   all been really busy
                                   over this past number
                         of months. They have been
                         working on their Home-learning         Aughnacloy Primary School pupils with their wellie flower pots
                         Literacy, Numeracy and World
                         Around Us packs as well as                                                                              looking at the flower
                         enjoying lots of different articles,                                                                    pots and some even
                         challenges and reports on                                                                               watered the plants.
                           We wanted to tell you about                                                                           Special Connection
                         something that we are very                                                                              We have a special
                         proud of. During lockdown we                                                                            connection with the
                         challenged our pupils to plant                                                                          home, as many of our
                         a flower in a Recycled welly                                                                            pupils have relatives
                         boot to make a special kind of                                                                          who live or work there.
                         flowerpot!                                                                                              Several times a year
                           We were amazed at just                                                                                we visit the home and
                         how many pupils rose to the                                                                             sing for the residents.
                         challenge. There were literally         It took two car loads to
                                                                transport all the lovely                                         We all look forward to
                         dozens of pairs of wellies! They                                                                        seeing all the staff and
                         all looked different.                  wellies. Mrs McKeown, was
                                                                just delighted to receive                                        residents in the near-
                           Many had been decorated and                                                                           future.
                         jazzed up with special sparkles,       the donations and she
                                                                positioned them around the                                        If you want to see
                         paint and ribbons, while others                                                                         some more pictures of
                         had messages attached to them.         conservatory and along the
                                                                wall outside the home.                                           the beautiful display of
                           The special flower pots were                                                                          colourful wellies, check
                         heading to a new home.                  The residents, who were
                                                                not allowed any visitors at                                      out Copperfields Private
                         Copperfields Private Nursing                                                                            Nursing Home Facebook
                         Home in Aughnacloy.                    the time, really enjoyed

      8                   Socially distanced wellies
AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

       Duneane Primary School classes move outdoors!

          W             ith the current
                        advice to use
                        outdoor areas as
             much as possible for teaching
             and learning, Duneane
             Primary School have taken
             full advantage of the space
             available to them. As well as
             regular outdoor play sessions,
             pupils have been working
             in their school garden and
             making use of their seated
             Forest School area in the
             adjoining church grounds.
             To enhance their outdoor
             provision in the current
             circumstances, the PTA
             purchased a gazebo which has
             been erected over existing
             picnic tables. This provides
             a great area for practical activities and working with                           learning space and the opportunities available to them,
             groups of children. Sides can easily be attached when
                                                                                              making the challenging circumstances into a positive
             required to provide shelter from the wind and rain.
             Dunenae Primary School pupils are loving their extended                          experience.

                         Period poverty among Northern Ireland pupils
                         must not be sidelined
                         Period poverty among Northern Ireland pupils is in danger of being sidelined as schools battle
                         with the Covid crisis. “We are the only region in the UK not to have centrally-funded free
                         sanitary products in schools, relying instead on a charity to provide them,” said Jacquie White,
                                                         General Secretary of the Ulster Teachers’ Union.
                                                         “Not having access to sanitary products because they can’t afford
                                                         them is undignified and humiliating. It impacts a young person’s
                                                         mental health and well being and that stigma can stay with them in
                                                         later life. “It is shameful that Northern Ireland is relying on a charity
                                                         to provide free sanitary products in schools when every other
                                                                                                                                   1 in 10 girls and women aged
                                                         region in the UK has a centrally funded resource.”                         14 to 21 years old said they
                                                         “The situation here wasn’t helped by the fact our Executive didn’t         hadn’t been able to afford
                                                             sit for three years while England, Scotland and Wales were                 sanitary protection
                                                             pressing forward to help girls and young women. Then by the
                                                             time it did, Covid was top of the agenda. “Now we are returning

                             of 14 to 21 year olds have      to some kind of normality and schools are operating again, we must ensure that issues like
                           missed an entire day of school    period poverty are not forgotten.
                            because of their period - of      “Research published by the charity Plan International indicated that one in 10 girls between
                           which 59% made up a lie or an     the ages of 14 and 21 in the UK have been unable to afford sanitary products, while 49%
                                 alternative excuse
                                                             have missed an entire day of school because of their period. “Given the pay cuts and job
                                                             losses which have and will in the future result from the pandemic, coupled with the acute
                         levels of poverty already existing here, it is more important than ever that girls don’t have to miss out on school because
                         they can’t afford appropriate products.”

AUTUMN 2020 - Designed by E Foster - Ulster Teachers' Union

                                   First is
                                   a new
                         instigated this
                         year by the United
                         Nations (UN) for its
                         75th Anniversary to
                         stimulate a global
                         conversation on
                         realising a better
                         world by 2045, the
                         100th Anniversary
                         of the UN. Our
                         is that ‘the
                         Conversation’ is

                                             TOGETHER FIRST- JOIN
                         already flourishing
                         amongst young
                         people in Northern

                                             ‘THE CONVERSATION’
                         Ireland. The United
                         Nations Association
                         in Northern Ireland
                         (UNA NI) is one of
                         many worldwide UNA       which affect us all      new local Councils
                         groups which promote     worldwide, such as       with a school in their
                         the aims of the UN       Human Rights, Gender     district through the
                         and here in NI we have   Inequality and Climate   presentation of a copy
                         seen over many years     Change.                  of the UN Charter.
                         that young people,         Consider 2015, the     None of us foresaw
                         in particular, seize     70th Anniversary of      the extent of the
                         the opportunity to       the founding of the      enthusiasm of both the
                         participate in events    UN. Here in Northern     Councils and the many
                         which allow them to      Ireland we, in UNA       schools that eventually
                         voice their opinions     NI, created a project    took part. Invariably the
                         and concerns on issues   to link each of the 11   Mayor of each Council
                                                                             hosted a reception
                                                                             for the event and the
                                                                             students prepared
                                                                             reports on the
                                                                             international work
                                                                             in which they were
                                                                             engaged through
                                                                             the curriculum or

                                                                             activities. They also
                                                                             presented a copy
                                                                             of the UN Charter
                                                                             to the Mayor and
                                                                             Council. Listening to
                                                                             the pupils’ talk with
                                                                             understanding about

                         Sustainable Development, Climate           Executive Officer of ChildFund Ireland,
                         Change, Food Security, Human Rights        an organisation whose worldwide
                         and Fairtrade, for instance, and           work includes promoting children’s
                         demonstrate their involvement in their     rights and campaigning for policies
                         projects was truly inspiring. The series   that protect children.
                         of events culminated in a reception at       Last year we teamed up with the
                         Parliament Buildings, Stormont with a      National Union of Journalists to
                         presentation of the UN Charter to the      raise awareness for World Press
                         Speaker of the Assembly. These young       Freedom Day in May with a seminar
                                                                    for journalism students from Queen’s
                                                                    University and the University of Ulster,
                                                                    the Belfast Metropolitan College and
                                                                    other senior pupils. Titled ‘The Media
                                                                    and Democracy – Why Journalism
                                                                    Matters’, the seminar was dedicated
                                                                    to Lyra McKee and addressed by
                                                                    senior journalists including Jim
                                                                    Boumelha who spoke of the current
                                                                    aim to encourage the UN to adopt a
                                                                    convention on the safety of journalists.
                                                                    The final young people’s event of 2019
                                                                    was hosted by the Armagh Robinson
                                                                    Library to mark the 30th Anniversary
                         people had a role to play, not only        of the adoption of the UN Convention
                         in their own communities but in the        on the Rights of the Child. The Library
                         wider world.                               prepared an exhibition of items from
                          Many of you will remember taking          its collection on children’s rights
                         part in a Model United Nations             from the 18th century and Primary
                         Assembly (MUN), where students             3 pupils from the Drelincourt School
                         take responsibility for representing       celebrated with Koulla Yiasouma, the
                         a UN member country through role           NI Commissioner for Children and
                         play. This particular introduction to      Young People.
                         world politics enables them to have
                         the confidence to debate issues of
                         international concern. Throughtheir
                         preliminary research, the students gain
                         knowledge of their country’s culture,
                         economy and politics and a sometimes
                         temporary empathy for their values
                         and human rights.
                          UN Day, October 24th, is always an
                         occasion to celebrate and promote
                         the work of the UN. In 2018, we
                         arranged a meeting for sixth formers
                         at the Palace Demesne, Armagh and
                         invited Captain Tom Fitzpatrick of the

                         UN Training School Ireland to speak        UNA NI has enjoyed the challenge
                         to local sixth formers on his service      of seeking new ways to link with
                         abroad as part of the UN Irish Peace       schools, colleges and universities
                         Keeping Force. He was joined by Kevin      across Northern Ireland. We have
                         Hyland OBE, the UK’s first Independent     endeavoured to organise visits from
                         Anti-Slavery Commissioner, who             our colleagues based in London.
                         had since been appointed as Chief          Sir Jeremy Greenstock spoke at a

                         meeting in Stormont during his term       on the wide range of issues that the
                         in office as the UNA UK Chairman.         UN works on, day by day. They
                         Our Executive Director, Natalie           have been sorted according to their
                         Samarasinghe, has inspired students       suitability for Primary and Secondary
                         on two visits, including the pupils who   Schools and are a valuable teaching
                                                                   resource. Please take a look.
                                                                   ‘Together First’, from the title of this
                                                                   article, is a 75th Anniversary initiative
                                                                   from the UN to encourage new voices
                                                                   to engage in the transformation of
                                                                   global governance. Who better to do
                                                                   this than our young people? Many
                                                                   are already involved as we in UNA NI
                                                                   have evidenced but even more could
                                                                   join the discussion – there are so
                                                                   many topics to get them thinking and
                                                                   talking which will be of importance
                                                                   to their daily lives. A quote from a
                         had set up the UNA NI website and         pupil who spoke at the reception at
                         had the pleasure of speaking with her.    our 70th Anniversary celebrations in
                         She is currently on sabbatical in New     Parliament Buildings is an uplifting
                         York serving as UN75 Deputy and
                         Chief of Strategy but will be recording
                         a ‘Thought for the Day’ for BBC NI to
                         be broadcast on October 26th.
                          This year, we will be marking
                         the 75th Anniversary in NI, not as
                         expected with a special event and
                         dinner in the Belfast Harbour Office,
                         but in the on-line company of Liz
                         Weir, an NI award-winning storyteller
                         and writer who will be storytelling
                         to highlight the UN’s Sustainable
                          Goals as part of the CADA One
                         World Festival NI, an event open to
                                                                   conclusion: ‘… as young people on
                                                                   the brink of adulthood, we are aware
                                                                   of the challenges facing the world…
                                                                   We are fortunate to live in a society
                                                                   where we are valued as full citizens of
                                                                   our nations and where we can grow,
                                                                   flourish and create futures full of
                                                                   opportunity, where we are protected
                                                                   and cherished and an excellent

                                                                   education is our birth right. … we
                                                                   have a particular duty to use our skills
                                                                   and opportunities to speak out for
                                                                   young people in the world who are
                         all. We have also produced a list of      still without even the basic essentials
                         excellent videos for the UTU website      for a life worth living. …’
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UTU Competition allows pupils to show creative
                         flair of their heroes or best day during lockdown!

                          T      he annual
                          competition this
                          year allowed pupils
                          to focus on Lockdown
                          Heroes or their
                          favourite day during
                          The entries
                          far exceeded
                          any previous
                          competition and
                          the standard
                          was absolutely
                          amazing. The
                          members of
                          the committee
                          had so many
                          wonderful entries
                          to look at, from
                          poetry to short
                          stories, art work
                          and even video
                          clips. Prizes were
                          distributed as e-gift
                          cards to the overall
                          winners. We hope
                          you enjoy looking
                          at some of the

                          winning photos,
                          stories and poems.
                          You can see many
                          more on the UTU
                          Facebook video.
                                   STAY ALERT

                            When this is all over, we

                         Swimming on Saturdays,
                         lots of fun.
                         Travelling to Granny’s for
                         fun in the sun.
                         A lot of hugs because we
                         missed them most.
                         You and I will enjoy holidays
                         up at the coast.
                         Taking long walks in places
                         we have never been,
                         Our mission should now be
                         to keep our environment
                         Going to McDonalds, out
                         with some friends,
                         Everyone working together
                         to ensure that this ends.
                         This virus has taught us to
                         be grateful for school,
                         How I look forward to going
                         back, that day will be cool.
                         Every day we are closer so
                         keep this in mind,
                         Remember to hug when
                         you can and always be kind.
                         By Aflie Lee

                             The World is on Hold         There are no new              Going to the shop             I can cope with isolation
                             -------------------------    pictures                      Or splashing in the pool      And the restrictions it
                                                          For hanging on the wall.      Playing in the park           can bring.
                             The clock’s ticking by       For the NHS we clap at        Even going to school!         But my abrupt end to
                             But the world is on hold     night                                                       primary school
                             In the warm mid-year air,    It gives us hope              Our concert time has          I find the hardest thing.
                             still inside we are cold     For the end of this           come and gone
                             With worry and fear,         tunnel, seeing light          No chance to show what        But this life is a journey
                             With doubt and dread                                       we can do                     of tunnels and bridges
                             And nothing to go by         If you can see through        How inspiring it will be to   Of twists and turns
                             except what is said          the grey skies                work                          And dips and ridges
                                                          and in to the blue            In groups: choirs,            But after a downhill
                             America says ‘yes’ and       You will see all the things   orchestras and lessons        there’s always a rise
                             Australia says ‘no’          you can discover anew         too                           Just think of the future

                             Scotland says ‘stop’ and                                                                 and look up to the skies...
                             England says ‘go’            Like your hobbies, those      We’re missing out on all
                             T.V, papers, Radio, news     day trips,                    the things                    Katie Soper
                             Everyone, pushing            Your friends too.             that make a year, a year      Age 11
                             So we will listen to their   But the things we took        The trips, concerts and       KS2
                             views                        for granted                   tournaments                   P7
                                                          are the things I most         I could have been in          Strandtown Primary
                             Classes, empty               want to do.                   Holland, not here!            School
                             and silence in the hall
                         What I am Looking             The home-schooling is          I really want to get                      WINNERS
                         Forward to After              hard.                          playing again.               Overall Winner: Alyssa E, Harding Memorial Primary School

                         Lockdown                      I really miss a teacher.       I love my caravan and I      Nursery

                                                                                      miss it so.                  1st Prize
                                                                                                                   2nd Prize
                                                                                                                                 Felicity M, Ballygawley Early Years
                                                                                                                                 Charlotte W Millington Nursery School
                         When this lockdown’s          I can’t wait to get hugs       Can’t wait to get back       3rd Prize     Eve J, Lisbellaw Community Nursery,
                                                                                                                                 & Archie A, Cooley Primary School & Nursey unit
                         over.                         from Granny.                   there thou.
                         Things won’t be the           And have a sleepover at                                     Foundation

                                                                                                                   1st Prize     Laura H, Enniskillen Model School
                         same.                         her house.                     Lockdown has given me        2nd Prize
                                                                                                                   3rd Prize
                                                                                                                                 Emily B Fivemiletown Primary School
                                                                                                                                 Olivia A, Cooley Primary School & Nursery unit
                         Social distances of 2         But I really miss my           lots of things.                            &Ruby R, Dromara Primary School

                         metres to remain.             Auntie Karen.                  Special time with my
                                                       Who is working hard for        family.                      KS1

                         I can’t wait to be free of    the NHS.                       Playing games and having     1st Prize
                                                                                                                   2nd Prize
                                                                                                                                 Amelia M, Strathearn Prep
                                                                                                                                 Alfie L, Aughnacloy Primary School
                                                                                                                   3rd Prize
                         lockdown                                                     fun.                                       Alex H, Pondpark primary school
                                                                                                                                 & Victoria G, Castle Gardens Primary School,
                                                                                                                                 & Abigail W, Millington Primary School
                         So, I can visit my friends     I can’t wait to get back to   Riding my bike and                         & Anna W, Ballydown Primary School,

                         again.                        rugby.                         enjoying the sun.            KS2
                         Riding motocross tracks.      And playing golf.                                           1st Prize     Darcie K, Howard Primary school
                         And visiting the Gortin       So excited for so much         But I can’t wait for it to   2nd Prize
                                                                                                                   3rd Prize
                                                                                                                                 Jack B, Birches Primary School
                                                                                                                                 Katie S, Strandtown Primary School
                         Glens.                        more.                          be over.                                   & Amelie B, Carrowdore Primary School
                                                                                                                                 Lennox B, Strabane CPS
                                                                                                                                 Gracie M, Garryduff Primary School.
                                                       Can’t wait to get out the                                                 Katie S, Strandtown Primary School

                         I can’t believe I am saying   door.                          Lennox                       KS3

                         this.                                                        P6,                          1st Prize
                                                                                                                   2nd Prize
                                                                                                                                 Sarah M, Larne High School
                                                                                                                                 Sri L, Aquinas Grammar School Belfast
                         But I miss my school and      I can’t stop thinking          Strabane CPS                 3rd Prize     Ethan M, Ulida Ulidia Integrated College
                         friends.                      about my friends                                                          & Hannah R, Larne High school
                                                                                                                                 Nicole T, Royal School Dungannon


                         ULSTER TEACHERS’ UNION
                         VIRTUAL CONFERENCE
                         2020                          Leading the way with the first extraordinary
                                                       Virtual Conference

                                        ver 400 ‘virtual’
                                        delegates attended
                                        an extraordinary
                                        online conference
                                        on Wednesday
                         17 June. With the UTU March
                         conference cancelled due to
                         the Government lockdown, the
                         central executive committee
                         decided to bring forward three
                         emergency motions which
                         were debated and supported
                         by members attending. “We
                         felt it was vital that grassroots
                         membership should have their
                         say in helping chart the future
                         for their profession during
                         this time of unprecedented
                         upheaval,” said Jacquie White,
                         General Secretary of the UTU.                                           will demand assurances that
                         “The pandemic crisis has seen       chance for them to air their        things will change and schools
                         teachers become the fourth          fears and demand better going       will be adequately resourced,
                         emergency service as they man       forward. “Before this outbreak,     funded and staffed.” As well
                         schools, regardless of their        rarely a day went by without        as this, delegates will also vote
                         own health worries, to help                                             on a another motion calling
                         keep key workers’ children in        “The pandemic crisis               for adequate post pandemic
                         class so their parents man the       has seen teachers                  mental health support for
                         front line. “As some sort of new     become the fourth                  pupils and staff, as well as a
                         normal starts to coalesce, we        emergency service”                 third addressing workload and
                         have become aware of the key                                            assessment. “Our children are
                         areas of concern exercising         some sort of new financial crisis   living through extraordinary
                         our members, and this               rocking our education system        times, which will leave their
                         extraordinary event is a            as principals were forced to        mark more deeply on some
                                                             make staff redundant, cut           than others. Undoubtedly,
                                                             classroom resources and even        there will be a mental health
                                                             ask parents to provide toilet       fall-out for them and for their
                                                             roll in a desperate attempt         teachers as they acclimatise

                                                             to reduce gro,wing deficits         to a new normal following this
                                                             – some running into seven           unprecedented crisis which
                                                             figures – and that was just to      has taken hundreds of loved
                                                             keep afloat. Susan Thompson,        ones from us,” continued
                                                             outgoing President, commented       Mrs Thompson. “We want
                          Education Minister - Peter Weir
                                                             that “In our first motion we        assurances that mental

                         health support will be readily        “We have seen                    Down principal said she had
                         available for all who need it,       no leadership, no                 done door step food drops
                         while on a more practical level     engagement and our                 to families who rang her in
                         we also need assurances on          hard work has been                 desperation with nothing to
                         logistics.                             disregarded.”                   eat, while another said her
                         “What will a new school day                                            phone would regularly ping
                         look like, for instance? How will   Minister, and members of           with messages from pupils
                         special educational needs and       the Education Committee.           at 3, 4 and 5am. A Belfast
                         assessment issues be handled        The incoming President Mr          teacher said she took a call
                                                             Stephen McCord branded the         from a mum with two children
                                                             Education Minister’s attitude      who have additional
                                                             towards his profession as
                                                             ‘scandalous’. Addressing the
                                                             UTU’s emergency online
                                                             conference just after being
                                                             installed as President, he
                                                             blasted what he said was the
                         Daniel McCrossan - SDLP             Minister’s ‘lack of leadership’.
                                                               “When Peter Weir spoke to
                         and what are the workload           our conference today I didn’t       Chris Lyttle - Alliance
                         ramifications for teachers of all   hear any clarity. Unlike the
                         this?                               Health Minister who stood up       educational needs and who
                         “These are the issues on            and said he would not allow        was also a key worker. “She
                         which we want – and deserve         any worker in the NHS to be        was distraught but I managed
                         – clarity. For too long the         put in danger, we feel we have     to talk her through things.
                         education system has been           been totally disregarded,” said      All these instances though
                         running on empty, shored up         Mr McCord. “We have seen no        take their toll mentally on the
                         by little more than the goodwill    leadership, no engagement          teachers too who are coping
                         of our profession. “It had,                                            with their own lockdown
                         however, reached critical mass                                         challenges, looking after older
                         and could not carry on. There                                          parents and maybe home
                         has never been a better time                                           schooling themselves,” she
                         for the Minister to listen to                                          continued. In the first crisis
                         those at the chalkface, those                                          motion of this extraordinary
                         who know best, and to do the                                           conference, delegates called
                         right thing.” Susan Thompson                                           for assurances on adequate
                         addressed attendees with            Robbie Butler - UUP                resources and funding
                         her Presidential address. The                                          to ensure schools were
                         theme “Uniting, trusting and        and our hard work has been         adequately staffed, funded
                         understanding Teachers” was         disregarded.” Some of the          and resourced so no child
                         given even more poignancy           most impassionate speakers         would be adversely affected by
                         given the timing and                addressed the motion calling       the crisis as a result of being
                         circumstances. She made note        on mental health support for       from a lower income family. In
                         that never before was there         all who need it as soon as they    a third motion teachers also

                         a time for the profession to        need it, including teachers.       demanded clarity on what
                         stand up and demand to make         Conference heard how they          the new school term will look
                         change in education. She also       were often working late into       like regarding hygiene, social
                         made clear that we require          the night and early hours          distancing, PPE, school meals,
                         a culture of trust. Delegates       taking calls and messages          transport, pick up and drop off
                         attending were also addressed       from parents and pupils about      arrangements.
                         by Mr Peter Weir, Education         home schooling. One Co

                         MOTIONS FOR SPECIAL CONFERENCE
                         WEDNESDAY 17 JUNE 2020
                         1. Conference notes with concern the significant      health of both pupils and teachers and ensure
                         disruption that has been caused to children’s         that active and easily reachable services are
                         education. Conference commends the efforts            available before and during the return to school.
                         of schools to provide learning opportunities
                         for their pupils and care for the children of         3. As we return to school, Conference wishes to
                         Key Workers. Conference demands that the              place on record our serious concerns regarding
                         Education Minister and Education Authority give       what a new school teaching day will look like, how
                         full assurance that schools will be fully financed,   SEN issues and assessment procedures will be
                         resourced and staffed when we return to school        managed and what workload may be demanded
                         in the next academic year. Conference calls on        of teachers. Conference firstly demands time
                         the authorities to ensure that the health and well-
                                                                               for school leaders and teachers to establish
                         being of both children and staff are prioritised.
                                                                               routines and practices. This time should be
                                                                               included clearly in the time budget to allow for
                         2. Conference commends the work that has

                         already started with stakeholders with regard         the adaptation and assessment of work as we
                         to considering the safe return to school.             introduce blended learning to pupils. Conference
                         Conference is also mindful of the trauma that         instructs the General Secretary, Officers and
                         “Lockdown” will have on school communities.           CEC to demand how the new agreement
                         Conference asks the Employing Authorities and         which sets out clearly the statutory terms
                         Management to be cognisant of the mental              and conditions of teachers should be fulfilled.

                                    At the recent FIT (Future
                                    In Teaching) group
                                                                         NEW FUTURE IN
                                    AGM, Jillian Jones was               TEACHING VICE
                                    elected as the new Vice
                                    Chairperson of the Future            CHAIRPERSON
                                    In Teaching Group
                         Jillian is currently a Key Stage 2 teacher     many meetings. It was then I realised
                         (amongst wearing many other leadership         how much the UTU do for teachers across
                         hats) in Desertmartin Primary School           Northern Ireland. It was at this point that
                         and has been in this position for 4 years      I knew that UTU was the union that I was
                         now. Here is a little bit about her teaching   going to join after I had finished university.
                         journey so far and how she became              I joined the FIT group after graduating and
                         involved with the UTU.                         found it highly useful when applying for
                           After completing four very fun filled        jobs (finding out exactly how you fill out
                         years at Stranmillis University College,       those extremely long applications). The
                         I took an alternative path in securing         FIT meetings are informative and on a plus
                         my first teaching position. Rather than        note, they’re a great way to meet other
                         going straight onto the subbing register,      teachers (even if it’s not talking about
                         I interviewed for and was offered              school!) and get help where you need it.
                         a Stranmillis internship working for           One thing I find most beneficial about
                         Barnardo’s. This was an exciting and           the FIT group is that all the members in it
                         creative job, working in one school as         are in the same position – needing help
                         one of their support teachers, whilst          in some aspect of their teaching careers
                         also juggling part-teaching a P7 class and     or wanting to share ideas that have
                         helping parents find more creative and         helped them along the way. It’s a group
                         active ways to help their children learn.      of teachers who you can come to ask all
                         This also meant that I learnt to become        the awkward questions about schoolwork
                         adaptable in a school scenario, which          but it’s also somewhere you can go to just
                         in turn led me to my very first full-time      listen to how others are dealing with the
                         teaching job in the same school with one       everyday difficulties of being a teacher.
                         of their P1 classes. When my year was            Any beginning/recently qualified
                         completed, I joined the whole host of          teachers, I hope to see you at our next
                         other teachers on the subbing register.        meeting. Watch out for the invite and

                         Fast forward a couple of years and (after      why not introduce yourself to Ashton
                         countless interviews), I was lucky enough      (Chair) or myself! If you want to find out
                         to land my current permanent position.         more information about FIT, contact UTU
                           I completed my alternate placement with      HQ and the office staff will pass on your
                         the UTU, shadowing Jacquie and Avril to        details.

                          To apply and find out if you are due a refund click here


       Early intervention ‘critical’ for autistic children in Northern Ireland

           W             ithout critical early
                         interventions for
                         children displaying
               autistic tendencies, Northern
               Ireland risks a lost generation.
                                                  funding to be used towards
                                                  early interventions for these
                                                   “We have actively been
                                                  following up with some
                                                                                    before Covid was in crisis and
                                                                                    now teachers have been left
                                                                                    with even greater challenges.
                                                                                    “The Minister has secured
                                                                                    some funding and we
               Jacquie White, General                                               would urge this should be
               Secretary for the Ulster                                             used towards an increase
               Teachers’ Union, which                                               in capacity for early
               represents about 6,000                                               intervention among nursery
               members, was speaking after                                          and foundation stage children
               comments made to Ministers                                           who are awaiting assessment
               on 21 October 2020 by                                                so they can get extra support.
               parents and charities involved     of these support services,        “Without these critical
               in the autism sector.              especially regarding their role   assessments, these children
               They highlighted the               in schools,” said Ms White.       – as well as their families and
               challenges being faced by          “Children with autism have        their teachers - will be left
               both children and their            been disproportionately           struggling.
               parents who, they said, had        affected by the pandemic,           Without
               been left without support.         and now that schools are          it we risk
                                                  back teachers too are facing      letting
                  “Without it we risk letting     the full impact and fall-         down and
                    down and losing this          out from that among both          losing this
                 generation of young people.”     children who have autism as       generation
                                                  well as their other pupils.       of young
               Now Northern Ireland               “The situation regarding          people.
               teachers are calling for extra     support for these children

                    Pond Park Primary Principal Honoured
                                       The Principal of Pond Park Primary School, Lisburn, Mr Geoffrey
                                       Cherry has recently been honoured in the Queen’s Birthday
                                       Honours List for services to Education and awarded the MBE.

                        Geoffrey is the Principal of                  the role of my school Governors who have
                        Pond Park Primary School                      selflessly invested so much time into Pond Park.
                        and the pupils are regular                    I only ever wanted to teach and this award is
    competitors in the BBC School Choir of the Year                   dedicated too to the children I’ve met along the
    and have been placed both as runners-up and                       way.
    winners in recent years. He is also a popular                       Mr Cherry has also been involved in the music
    choirmaster and pianist in Belvoir Parish Church                  team in Belvoir Parish for almost 25 years. He
    of Ireland.                                                       said that “Belvoir is a wonderful, accepting

    “I was obviously delighted to receive the news                    community of people. I’m ‘in charge’ of the
    a few weeks ago,” said Geoffrey. “It is an                        choir, a unique group of people who support
    honour I accept on behalf of many people who                      each other in so many ways. Belvoir is such an
    have journeyed with me. I’ve been blessed                         exciting church to belong to and the music and
    to have worked with outstanding colleagues                        worship is valued and appreciated by all.”
    who have supported me professionally and                            The Ulster Teachers’Union sends our warmest
 22 personally throughout my career. I also value                     congratulations to Mr Geoffrey MBE.
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                         You should have already received your new UTU Membership
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                         Make sure to activate it now while it’s on your mind, and you will
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                               - If this is your first time registerting with Membership Plus, simply click on Register and follow
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                         Once your Membership Plus card is activated, you can start saving. With over 1,500 offers to enjoy, you can
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                         Visit or the Membership Plus app to browse the offers available.

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                           ”It’s a brilliant card, I love using it. Keep the offers coming!” - Megan, Lisburn.
                           ”It’s great to get the discounts so readily in participating shops.” - Sarah, Belfast.

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                         To save with big brand retailers such as Tesco, Currys PC World and Topshop, you can purchase a
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                          E.g. Spend £96 each week at Tesco with a discounted Shopping Card, save £200 annually!
                         Simply choose a retailer through Membership Plus and follow the instructions to purchase a pre-paid

                         Shopping Card to get your discount. You will receive your Shopping Card in the post or by email, then
                         depending on the retailer, you can use the card either in-store, online or both to pay just like a debit card!

                                          For full terms of use for each offer, please visit
 24                              Offer details correct at time of publication. Please always check the website or app for full details of each offer before redeeming.
Discounts on your doorstep...
                         With over 1,500 businesses across the country offering Membership Plus discount, you can find
                         participating businesses locally, further afield and online. Please read the Terms & Conditions of each
                         individual offer before visiting the venue to ensure you receive a warm welcome!

                         Countrywide                                                  Belfast
                         Argento                                                      Airtastic Entertainment Centre                   Jurys Inn
                         Clayton Hotels                                               Armatile                                         Karine & Co
                         CMS Cinema Club                                              Better Leisure Centres                           Make Up Pro Store
                         Domino’s Pizza                                               Bogart Menswear                                  Malone Lodge Hotel
                         DV8                                                          Café Parisien                                    Optical Express
                         Ground Espresso Bars                                         Clear Day Nurseries                              PureGym
                         Halfords                                                     Clements Coffee                                  Q-Park
                         Maldron Hotels                                               Corries Farm Butchers                            Radisson Blu Hotel
                         McAtamney’s Traditional Butchers                             Cotswold Outdoor                                 SD Kells
                         McDonald’s                                                   Crown Decorating Centres                         Skechers
                         Menarys                                                      Europa Hotel                                     Stormont Hotel
                         Stena Line                                                   Frankie & Benny’s                                The Pizza Co.
                         The National Trust                                           Funky Monkeys                                    The Spa at the Merchant Hotel
                         The Perfume Shop                                             George Best Belfast City Airport                 Titanic Hotel
                         The Zip Yard                                                 Grand Central Hotel                              wagamama
                         Uberfone                                                     Gym Co. Belfast                                  We Are Vertigo
                         Vogue                                                        Joseph Rea Jewellers                             Wee Care Day Nurseries

                         Co. Antrim                                                  Co. Down
                         Ballygally Castle, Larne                                    Airtastic Entertainment Centre, Bangor             PureGym, Bangor & Newry
                         Belfast International Airport                               Armatile, Newry                                    Ruby’s Bar, Dundonald
                         Drumbo Park, Lisburn                                        Aurora Leisure Complex, Bangor                     SD Kells, Newtownards
                         Frankie & Benny’s, Lisburn                                  Bogart Menswear, Newry                             Skechers, Newry
                         Fratelli Ristorante, Ballymena                              Crown Decorating Centres, Bangor                   Slieve Donard Resort, Newcastle
                         Funky Monkeys, Antrim & Larne                               Culloden Estate and Spa, Holywood                  Taboo Donuts, Bangor
                         Hilton, Templepatrick                                       Eddie Irvine Sports, Bangor                        The Ivanhoe Inn, Carryduff
                         Inn on the Coast, Portrush                                  Funky Monkeys, Bangor                              Tuk Tuk Asian Bistro, Newtownards
                         Lisburn Bowl, Lisburn                                       Moes Grill, Banbridge                              wagamama, Dundonald
                         Moes Grill, Antrim & Magherafelt
                         PureGym, Lisburn
                         Ruby’s Bar, Antrim & Larne                                  Co. Derry/ Londonderry
                         Skechers, Newtownabbey                                      Crown Decorating Centres, Coleraine Philip White Tyres, Derry/Londonderry
                         Spruce Meadows Farm, Lisburn                                Everglades Hotel, Derry/Londonderry PureGym, Derry/Londonderry
                         Taboo Donuts, Ballymena                                     JumpLanes, Coleraine                 Riverside Fitness, Coleraine
                         The Junction, Antrim                                        Make Up Pro Store, Derry/Londonderry Roe Park Resort, Limavady
                         The Tides, Portrush                                         Paolos Pizzas, Derry/Londonderry     Taboo Donuts, Derry/Londonderry

                         Co. Tyrone                                       Co. Armagh                                         Co. Fermanagh
                          Barboni’s, Omagh                                Airtastic Entertainment Centre, Armagh              Belleek Pottery Visitor Centre, Belleek
                          Barrontop Farm, Strabane                        Armagh Planetarium, Armagh                          Belmore Court & Motel, Enniskillen

                          Crown Decorating Centres, Dungannon             Armatile, Armagh                                    Enniskillen Golf Club, Enniskillen
                          Funky Monkeys, Dungannon                        Edenmore Country Club, Craigavon                    Killyhevlin Lakeside Hotel, Enniskillen
                          Glenavon House Hotel, Cookstown                 One Fitness, Armagh                                 Lakeland Karting, Kesh
                          Omagh Leisure Complex, Omagh                    Rogers Toymaster, Portadown                         Lough Erne Resort, Enniskillen
                          The Ritz Multiplex, Cookstown                   Skechers, Craigavon                                 Lusty Beg Island, Kesh
                          Todds Leap Activity Centre, Ballygawley         United Colors of Benetton, Craigavon                United Colors of Benetton, Enniskillen

 25                          !    COVID-19: As many businesses have been affected by the ongoing pandemic, please double check that
                                  the business is open and operating before attempting to visit any venue listed on Membership Plus.                                       !
                                            For full terms of use for each offer, please visit
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                           New offers added recently
                           During 2020, we have added more online offers than ever before to help you safely save money
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                                                Follow Membership Plus on Facebook
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                                     Offer details correct at time of publication. Please always check the website or app for full details of each offer before redeeming.

                              Wellbeing at the Hart of
                              everything they do!!!!!
                         By Susan Thompson

                         H     art Memorial Primary School is
                               stepping out to ensure all children
                               reach their physical and personal
                         best in the year ahead. Hart Memorial has
                         teamed up with Healthy Kidz, bringing real
                         enthusiasm for physical activity, building
                         core strength, co-ordination, agility,
                         balance and speed. Now, in 2020, we are
                         also bringing Healthy Mind lessons into the
                         classroom as well.
                          Every class has three full outdoor PE
                         sessions per week – regardless of weather:
                         just get on the wet weather gear and go!
                         – and an additional outdoor activity to
                         maximise the time spent outdoors and
                         the positive effect this has on mental and
                         emotional health. The weekly sessions are     “In the Hart, the needs
                         based at each year group’s level of skill,    of our pupils are at the
                         and link to all aspects of the NI Physical    heart of every decision we
                         Education Curriculum. The sessions are        make!”
                         incredibly popular with all classes from
                         Nursery to P7. Children love to see
                         Healthy Kidz coaches around the school
                         – Coach Steve and Assistant Coach Jamie
                         are total celebrities in the Hart!
                         This high level focus on physical and
                         emotional wellbeing took off in response
                         to educational research into the effects of
                         the Covid lockdown on children and young

                         people. Following their mission statement
                         “In the Hart, the needs of our pupils are
                         at the heart of every decision we make!”
                         the Hart Memorial staff embraced the
                         broadening of the Healthy Kidz approach
                         with open arms.

                         The new Healthy Kidz’
                         Emotional Wellbeing
                         website means all staff can
                         access a wealth of resources
                         and link the physical activity
                         focus to all other areas of
                         the statutory curriculum:
                         PDMU, WAU, Literacy,
                         Numeracy and more! The
                         activity planning aspect of
                         the Healthy Kidz website
                         has ensured teachers have
                         time to deliver inspiring
                         lessons which create
                         enthusiasm and excitement
                         among pupils. The range
                         of activities that can be
                         delivered in the classroom
                         require minimal equipment
                         and no physical contact
                         between pupils. Staff and
                         children work together
                         to ensure all lessons are
                         recorded on the bespoke
                         Healthy Kidz app and are
                         linked to physical homework
                         activities. Certificates for
                         all children taking part plus
                         additional rewards and
                         bonus prizes are distributed
                         each half term.
                           An additional benefit of

                                                          Healthy Kidz is that it has enabled P6 and P7 children to
                                                          enjoy after school clubs for each class during September and
                                                          October, at a time when most schools have had to suspend
                                                          their extra-curricular activities. This will be rolled out to
                                                          different classes during each term of the school year!

                                                           The pupils at Hart Memorial Primary School, Portadown,
                                                          are certainly lucky as well as healthy kids!!
                                                          For more information contact
                                                          Tel: 07708 519 249
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