Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

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Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers


The City springs
back to life

                                                                  SPRING 2021
Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

                                                                                                              SPRING 2021

The Worshipful Company
Of International Bankers

Max Asmelash                              From the Editor
John Bennett MBE (Senior Warden)
Paola Bergamaschi Broyd
                                          Spring is here and it feels great to have
Nigel Brigden
                                          the prospect of a return to a more
Moorad Choudhry
                                          normal life. We are all adapting to a
Angela Greenough
                                          constantly changing world and have
Alison Griffiths
                                          many opportunities in banking for
Simon Hills
                                          making it more sustainable. This edition
Tim Jones
                                          of our magazine therefore focuses on
Robert Merrett (Master)
                                          “Resilience, Renewal, Responsibility”.
Ali Miraj
Jason Van Praagh (Middle Warden)
                                          We have opening articles on some of
Karina Robinson (Immediate
                                          the current challenges and the response
Past Master)
                                          by the City of London - see pages 6
Alexander Rottenburg
                                          and 7. We have a view from the USA,
John Ryan
                                          “2021: the year of the squeeze”, as
Jean Stevenson
                                          described by Freeman Mary Jo Jacobi.
John Thirlwell (Deputy Editor)
                                          We then look at Environmental, Social,
Kathleen Tyson
                                          Governance (ESG) from different             Looking inwards, we also find an
Pinar Yetgin
                                          angles, asking how banks and funds          abundance of new activities and new
                                          are helping to meet the United Nations      faces. The use of online platforms for
                                          Sustainable Development Goals, and the      recent events - see pages 36 to 38 - has
                                          challenges of using and measuring ESG.      been truly transformational during the
                                          Liveryman Professor Atula Abeysekera        current pandemic. The Company has
                                          provides us with his approach to            been able to connect with members
                                          keeping risks in perspective through        in a totally different way. We now look
                                          learning to manage Black Swan risks.        forward to meeting again in person
DIRECT LINE: 020 7374 0212
                                                                                      as the City springs back to life.
FAX: 020 7374 0207
                                          The breadth of the engagement
                                          and support that the Company                I am very grateful to everyone who has
                                          provides to others is very evident          contributed so much to the articles.
                                          from page 20 onwards. This includes         They are a fascinating reflection of
                                          an article on how Freeman Brenda            how we view the current and future
                                          Trenowden CBE has shown support             world of international banking.
                                          in banking and diversity. We also
                                          highlight how the Company supports          George Littlejohn
                                          306 Hospital Support Regiment               Editor – The International Banker
                                          and a wide range of charities.    

Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers


From the Master: the WCIB vision and strategy                                                     04

LOOKING OUTWARDS                                CHARITY AND EDUCATION

Resilience and renewal for the City             The great charity pitch                           26
of London                                06
                                                The power of an hour                              27
Keeping the Square Mile competitive       07
                                                Helping the young advance                         28
2021: the year of the squeeze             08
                                                Financial education at the forefront              29
Bankers and sustainable development       10

Patient capital and the energy transition 11

Measuring and managing ESG                12    LOOKING INWARDS

ESG-compliant investment                  13    Enhancing the Livery experience                   30

Modern Monetary Theory:                         Membership thrives, even in the pandemic 31
not so modern?                            14
                                                The first year of the Diversity
Central banks and digital currencies      15    & Inclusion Sub-committee                         32

A cashless economy?                       16    New Freemen                                       33

Financial fraud: ever with us             17    A fresh face at the Associates                    34

Keeping risk in perspective               18    The growing role of communications                35

Brenda Trenowden: the                           Lockdown events                                   36
“accidental banker”                       20
                                                From the Clerk                                    39
Leadership lessons from the Army          22
                                                Forthcoming events                                40
Two scholars give their view on the year 25

                                                THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS   3
Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

The WCIB vision and strategy
for the next five years

At the WCIB Court meeting in January,      WHAT THE WCIB IS ALL ABOUT                 online world; we actively engage in
we discussed the objectives of our                                                    important charity and education work,
Company, noted all the achievements in     (a) To create and accumulate funds         with key prize-winning activities and
our first 20 years, considered a SWOT          for the benefit of Members of the      support in financial services education;
analysis, and then reset the 2020 vision       Company and to apply the same          and we continue to provide new ways
via a strategy for the next five years.        for the purposes of advancement        to communicate our wide-ranging
So I wanted to provide everyone with a         of the interests of the Company        activities.
brief summary outcome.                         and its Members the relief of
                                               existing Members retired Members
The first step is to remind everyone of        or Members suffering hardship
what the WCIB is all about, hence I have       and other necessities persons
                                                                                      We also identified the
included several quotes from the Royal         engaged or having engaged in the       retention and growth of the
Charter:                                       Industry or dependent upon any
                                               such person and for education in
                                                                                      membership as a key ongoing
THE COMPANY’S PURPOSE                          matters relating to the Industry and   necessity of everything we do.
                                               for scholarships prizes and research
‘To promote the development and                in connection therewith, and for
                                                                                      Importantly, we need to rely
advancement of the science art and             charitable objects;                    on all of our members to help.
practice of the international banking
and financial services industry (“the      (b) To promote, support and
Industry”) for the benefit of the public       encourage standards of excellence,
and to afford means of professional and        integrity and honourable practice      You all know what a wonderful
social intercourse and the exchange            in conduct of the Industry and to      pleasure it is to socialise with like-
of information between members of              uphold the established traditions      minded bankers and financial services
the Company, those who practice in             of the Industry; to aid Societies      professionals at magnificent venues
the Industry and those who benefit             and Institutions connected with        such as Mansion House; together with
therefrom …’                                   such Industry and to award prizes,     the importance of giving back via all the
                                               scholarships or exhibitions to         charity and education work and grants
There is also additional wording which         persons engaged in the Industry        that all of you so magnificently support.
reminds us of the need…                        or elsewhere in industry and           But unless all of you spread the good
                                               commerce generally;                    word, other potential members, in
                                                                                      particular females and those from
                                           (c) To further interest within the         overseas, simply will not get to hear
                                               Worshipful Company of the history,     about us and will miss out on joining
                                               traditions and customs of the City     this wonderful Company. So please
                                               of London to support the Lord          introduce us to new members.
                                               Mayor, Aldermen and Corporation
                                               of the City of London in all matters
                                               relevant to the life and dignity of
                                               the City of London.

                                           The good news is that we have been
                                           actively pursuing all of these. We
                                           have built a very good reputation
                                           as a successful modern livery
                                           company; we have over 600 members
                                           and representation from over 50
                                           nationalities; we have a very active
                                           programme of events which has been
                                           successfully adapted to the current

Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

As the table below shows, I also wanted       promote the progression of members        We will also continue with our active
to highlight the key Committees, the          to being Liverymen, and support those     events programme, important military
Chairs and Deputies, and the various          who want to join the Court and aim to     affiliations, and other programmes
working groups, that play a vital role        be the Master.                            such as mentoring the Mansion House
in thinking about and executing our                                                     Scholars.
vision. Each Committee has some key           We will also continue to run a
aims and will now seek to deliver these.      successful company aided by our Clerk.    All of this work will be supported
The column on the right shows some            Our finances and £1m investment           by ongoing enhancement of our
key targets running through the next          portfolio continue to be well managed.    communications via our magazine and
few years.                                    We are also reviewing our activities to   digital channels.
                                              make sure we adopt the latest advice
This also ties in with my theme of            on ESG.                                   I hope you have found this summary
“Freeman, Liveryman, Master”. We                                                        useful. Please contact me, the Wardens,
will actively promote succession              We will continue to provide over          Committee Chairmen or our Clerk if
planning at all levels, seek to strengthen    £100,000 of charitable grants each        you would like to play a more active
the Buddying and Journeyman                   year and have decided to set up a new     part in this vision and strategy for our
programs, encourage more female               Fundraising Committee to co-ordinate      ongoing success.
and international members, actively           our fundraising and legacy initiatives.


                            CHAIR AND              KEY WORKING                            TARGETS OVER
                            DEPUTY                 GROUPS / PROJECTS                      NEXT FIVE YEARS

                            Robert Merrett,                                               Refresh all Terms of Reference
 Master’s                                          Nominations, ESG
                            John Bennett                                                  Succession Planning

                                                                                          FME 500+
                            Tim Skeet,
 Membership                                        Diversity & Inclusion, Buddying        female >30%,
                            Mary Foster
                                                                                          international > 30%

                            Jordan Buck,                                                  Minimum 1 event per month
                            Chris Sanders                                                 New committee volunteers

 Charity & Education                               Wide range of charities,
                            Ali Miraj,                                                    Grants £100,000+ pa
                                                   Schools Working Group,
                            Tom Newman                                                    New committee volunteers
                                                   Educational Awards Group

                            Jason Van Praagh,
 Fundraising                                       Fundraising and Legacy Donations       Raise extra £50,000+
                            Tom Newman

                                                                                          Minimum 6m liquidity
                            Jenny Knott,
 Finance                                           Investments                            Investment return above inflation
                            Stephen Evans
                                                                                          Member funding for key projects

                            Tim Jones,             Magazine Editorial Panel,              5+ female members on panel
                            John Thirlwell         Digital Platforms                      450+ on LinkedIn

                            Simon Hills,           Journeymen, Military Affiliations,
 Liverymen’s                                                                              225+ Liverymen
                            David Dwek             History project, Anniversary book

 Associates                 Jago Toner

                                                                      THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS       5
Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

Resilience and renewal
for the City of London

On 1 January 2021, UK financial firms lost blanket access to           working so far. Amsterdam has overtaken London as Europe’s
the EU under the single market passporting regime and are              largest share trading centre in January 2021. The UK’s share
now reliant on Brussels granting regulatory equivalence to its         of the Euro-denominated swaps market decreased from 40%
financial services sector.                                             in July 2020 to 10% in January 2021 with mainly New York,
                                                                       Paris and Amsterdam benefiting. The City of London and
The political imperatives of Brexit have made the negotiations         the UK government cannot afford to be complacent. Brexit
exceedingly difficult. There have been two main Brexit drivers         will over the next few years have a negative impact on jobs,
which have been largely detrimental to City interests: first,          activity and tax receipts.
Getting Brexit Done by concluding a boilerplate agreement on
goods, while neglecting financial services; second, leaving the        After the recent tensions regarding the Northern Ireland
single market and ending freedom of movement making a deal             Protocol, the deeply eroded level of trust between the EU
on financial services near to impossible.                              and UK is making a memorandum of understanding on
                                                                       equivalence probably untenable in the foreseeable future.
The European Commission’s assessment of the Brexit deal
bluntly says the EU “will consider equivalence (decisions)
when they are in the EU’s interest”. EU Financial Services
Commissioner Mairead McGuinness said on 19 January 2021
that Brussels would not grant Britain’s financiers access to the
                                                                       For the City of London this means that it
bloc before assessing the risks to financial stability – and that      will have to adapt to the harsh realities of a
to do otherwise would be an “experiment”. “It’s not a question
of Europe trying to bring everything back home, not at all. It is
                                                                       hard Brexit, perennial tensions with Brussels
a question of Europe ensuring that at home Europe is strong,           and growing competition from continental
and can be strong globally,” she said.
                                                                       financial centres and from New York.
In a recent speech, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey
said it would be unfair of the EU to impose tougher rules on
the UK than it has on other non-EU countries, insisting that
Britain could not accept becoming a “rule-taker”. In his view,         However, it is unlikely that there is a single city in the EU with
the UK can make the most of its opportunity to diverge, if             the physical infrastructure or regulatory infrastructure to
needed. At the same time, the UK will continue to help set the         take the role London has. Instead, we will see regionalisation
agenda at the global level, vital for the raft of firms in the City.   and fragmentation in services. The most significant winner
                                                                       is probably going to be New York, as the only global financial
The City UK, the industry group for UK financial services,             centre that could absorb migration of jobs and services from
published a paper outlining the “key outstanding issues”               London on a large scale. There are however also signs of
facing Britain’s financial and professional services industry.         resilience and it is noticeable how the view in the City has
Their appeal for greater access to the European Union single           changed. London has gained a competitive advantage in some
market comes amid fears of the deteriorating relations of the          of the key growth areas, such as green finance, building upon
UK government with the EU which could leave large parts of             its previous strong position in growth areas such as Fintech,
the City of London at a distinct disadvantage in the years to          Islamic finance, and the offshore Chinese renminbi.
come. UK financial firms are far from reaching certainty in the
post-Brexit world. As anticipated in late January, in a blow to        London’s inherent characteristics are acknowledged as
the City of London, the European Commission announced                  strengths such as English common law, time-zone, language,
that the US’ financial regulator’s rules are equivalent to the         flexible workforce, its creative hubs as well as the skills,
EU’s, allowing American competitors to operate in a market             knowledge and experience based here. London has proved
that London’s clearing houses have dominated.                          to be a good place to do business in, and from, hence its
                                                                       global appeal.
The EU sees Brexit as a once in a generation opportunity
to rewind the clock 20 years. If the UK had got a more                 London will recover at some stage but will have to adapt and
comprehensive deal or a higher degree of equivalence, fewer            live with the twin impacts of a world in which COVID will not
firms would have moved jobs and activities to the EU or will           disappear any time soon and a Brexit deal that is in all but
do so in the coming months The EU’s approach appears to be             name a No Deal to many sectors of the economy.

Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

Keeping the Square Mile, London
and the UK competitive

A recent report by the City of London        A recurring theme from the global
Corporation found that London and            firms, the investors and the senior
the UK have the strongest overall            leaders that the Lord Mayor and I
competitive offering of all financial        speak to, is that London is London
centres surveyed. Whilst several global      because of its people, diversity, and
centres had strong offers on some            innovation ecosystem. By ensuring
dimensions of competitiveness, the           that the City is London’s (and the
UK performed consistently strongly           world’s) thought leadership hub, we
across all measures. These included          will grow an innovation ecosystem
innovation, reach of financial activity,     where firms and entrepreneurial talent
resilience and business infrastructure,      will continue to succeed. Fostering our
talent and skills, and regulation.           already world leading offer for green
                                             finance, fintech and other fast-moving
However, economic uncertainty                sectors will be critical. Businesses of all
in the wake of the pandemic and a            sizes need to see the City as the place
new relationship with the EU, mean           to establish, grow, and transform to
this is no moment for complacency.           meet future challenges. The financial
The COVID-19 crisis has significantly        and professional sector and tech are
disrupted traditional working                the backbone of the City economy
patterns in financial services, as in        – to broker growth in all strategic           They recognise the value of working
other industries, and accelerated            sectors, the City of London can be a          alongside customers, clients and
technological trends. With the right         catalyst for cross-industry, national and     competitors. Therefore, we know that
action, London’s business hub will           international partnership, attracting         there will, in the long term, always be a
emerge from the pandemic crisis              experts from all over London and the          need for a physical hub. Undoubtedly,
stronger than it entered. The London         globe and breaking down industry siloes.      workplaces will adapt to changes in
Recharged: Our Vision for London in                                                        new ways of working. Transforming the
2025 report, produced in partnership                                                       day-to-day of life within workplaces will
with Oliver Wyman and Arup, is a call                                                      make going to work a way to become
for action by business, government and
                                             Business thrives when its                     healthier – mentally and physically.
academia, to work together to ensure         people thrive. We need to                     This means investing in tomorrow’s
medium-term recovery for London                                                            tech, a focus on resilience, and building
and the UK. The report shows that
                                             make sure the City is a great                 sustainability into individual offices and
London’s future success will depend          place to be for the workers at                new developments.
on collaboration, innovation and
                                             the heart of firms.                           There are several shared challenges
                                                                                           where collaboration, both at home and
Recommendations need to be followed                                                        internationally, will be crucial in order to
with action. To take this work forward,      This means nurturing a vibrant retail,        find common solutions. These include
the committee which I chair – our Policy     hospitality, tourism and cultural             tackling climate change and responding
and Resources Committee – along              offering that is engaging, dynamic, and       to the digitalisation of the economy.
with our Planning and Transportation         animated. More crucially, people need
Committee, are developing a blueprint        to feel that they belong. By promoting,       The UK must also show global
to address the most urgent issues to         celebrating and enabling diversity            leadership as we take over the G7
keep the Square Mile competitive. Our        and inclusion across the Square Mile          presidency and prepare for COP26 in
Taskforce will ensure the Square Mile is     we’ll extend a warm welcome to all            Glasgow. Our financial and professional
the world’s most innovative, inclusive       communities. The industry leaders,            services sector has a vital role to play in
and sustainable business eco-system: an      and the international investors we talk       tackling climate change and driving the
attractive place to invest, work, live and   to, have overwhelmingly reported that         recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
visit – as is London more widely.            they are committed to central London.

                                                                      THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS             7
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                                                               2021: the year
                                                               of the squeeze
                                                               MARY JO JACOBI, ONE OF OUR MOST
                                                               DISTINGUISHED FREEMEN, CASTS HER EAGLE
                                                               EYE TOWARDS HER NATIVE USA

“Save me, save me, save me from this      pandemic. In the US stock market,            With a 50:50 Senate giving Democrats
squeeze” were the words of Ray Davies     a group of online retail investors in        control only with the vote of Vice
in The Kinks’ chart-topping hit “Sunny    the US acted in concert to squeeze           President Kamala Harris, and Democrat
Afternoon” in the summer of 1966.         hedge funds holding the most heavily-        House of Representatives Speaker
Davies said he was referring to the       shorted stocks, creating volatility in the   Nancy Pelosi’s majority shrunk to only
squeeze by high taxes taken by            broader markets. Elsewhere, shares           nine seats, the new President is already
Harold Wilson’s government from “the      of energy stocks such as ExxonMobil,         squeezed. He is sandwiched between
wealth I had created for myself.”         BP and Shell have been squeezed by           his moderate inclinations, shared by
                                          climate concerns and the move toward         a tiny smattering of Congressional
                                          electrification. In US fiscal policy         Democrats, and the force of
                                          the prospect looms of a squeeze of           Congressional progressives demanding
2021 is proving to be a year              significantly higher taxes on individuals    that he go big on spending to solve
of new squeezes. Institutions             and companies like what prompted Ray         America’s ills from COVID to climate
                                          Davies to write “Sunny Afternoon”.           change, crumbling infrastructure to
and relationships are facing a                                                         soaring student debt. As we saw in the
variety of squeezes, pressures            There are squeezes in American               Senate’s 12-hour Vote-a-Rama on the
                                          politics, too. President Joe Biden           massive $1.9 trillion COVID package,
on how they operate and                   was elected as the widely-despised           going big seems mean going it alone
forcing them to change.                   President Donald Trump was squeezed          with none of the promised unity or
                                          out of office by a coalition of organised    bipartisanship.
                                          labour and progressive activists, a
                                          dash of Republicans and dollop of            Biden’s Republican opposition is
To take the most obvious example,         big business that, according to Time         being squeezed, too. Without Trump
the response to COVID is squeezing        Magazine, worked for two years to            the Party is without a clear leader,
out many countries from the rollout       “fortify” the election to ensure Trump’s     finding it difficult to define Trumpism
of the vital vaccines to stop the         ousting.                                     without Trump and struggling to deal

Banker International The - The City springs back to life - Worshipful Company of International Bankers

with those who want to eradicate the
former President versus those who           Will it work, or will the Special Relationship be squeezed out by
believe his policies underpin their
way forward in the 2022 and 2024
                                            the EU or a broader shift to China or Asia? The answer lies in
elections. Traditionally the party of       the 46th President’s sense of what best furthers his supporters’
fiscal moderation, they surrendered
the fiscal prudence high ground as
                                            interests - and therefore his own.
the national debt soared from $20 to
$27 trillion in four years. Republicans
may be squeezed, but not squashed.
Although losing their Senate majority,      priority, another relationship must        invited to visit the House of Commons,
they made serious gains in the House        be considered, one that has been key       a courtesy denied his immediate
and they have full control of the           to US foreign policy since the end of      predecessor. Will it work, or will the
legislative and executive branches in       the War of 1812: the UK-US Special         Special Relationship be squeezed
24 states whilst Democrats only enjoy       Relationship, symbolised by a bust of      out by the EU or a broader shift to
such trifectas in 15.                       Winston Churchill. Illustrating shared     China or Asia? The answer lies in the
                                            values and trust, the bust was lent to     46th President’s sense of what best
                                            President George W Bush after 9/11         furthers his supporters’ interests - and
                                            and has come and gone in the Oval          therefore his own.
Even as the spending policy                 Office, removed by Barack Obama,
                                            restored by Trump and now removed
squeeze stymies consensus                   again by Biden. Is there a message
at home, President Biden                    being sent here?
is touting a renewed                        The American Embassy in London’s
commitment to global                        website states that the US “has no
                                            closer ally than the United Kingdom,”
alliances, with rejoining the               and an Embassy video claims that
WHO and Paris Climate                       investments by the two countries in
                                            each other matter more than “just a
Change Agreement among                      bust”. A bilateral trade agreement was
his first official acts.                    expected to be completed quickly after
                                            Brexit, but Treasury Secretary Janet
                                            Yellen said this isn’t high among the
                                            President’s priorities.
He pledged to “repair our alliances and
engage with the world once again”,          Another signal lay in the different        Mary Jo is an internationally-renowned
confronting abuses whilst cooperating       summaries of the initial call between      expert in reputation, brand and crisis
with “competitors”. He described            the President and Prime Minister           management and a trusted advisor on
his conversations with allies as “re-       Johnson: both commented on a desire        the complex dynamics of international
forming the habits of cooperation and       to strengthen the relationship, but only   corporate, economic and governmental
rebuilding the muscles of democratic        the PM said the conversation included      relationships. Her expertise was honed
alliances.” Biden claims that the days of   mention of a trade agreement.              in the C suites of some of the world’s
“rolling over” to Russia’s actions “are                                                largest corporations, including Lehman
over” and that he will “confront” China     Like Obama, Biden opposed Brexit.          Brothers and HSBC, and among the
whilst being “ready to work with Beijing    It remains to be seen whether his          power brokers of Washington and
when it’s in America’s interest”.           multilateralist pro-EU preferences will    Westminster, where she was appointed
                                            colour his approach to the Special         to office by two American Presidents
Iran, however, presents another             Relationship. An indication may come       and two British Prime Ministers. Like all
squeeze: Biden must decide soon             in June at the G-7 meeting in Cornwall.    of our contributors, Mary Jo has kindly
whether to fulfil his campaign              Plans are underway for Her Majesty         provided her personal views.
promise to rejoin the 2015 Joint            The Queen to host him for a private
Comprehensive Plan of Action within         meeting at Buckingham Palace, making
his first 100 days. But the Middle East     him the 12th President she’s met
and Iran are quite different from when      during her 69-year reign.
he left office as Vice President, and
his willingness to confront Iran will be    This and other Buckingham Palace
tested. With international engagement       events will be part of a broader charm
and multilateral alliances a Biden          offensive that sees the President

                                                                   THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS         9
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Bankers meet the challenge of the
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Bill Winters, Group Chief Executive,      are struggling to raise finance for their    Commercial & Institutional Banking
Standard Chartered, is in no doubt        net-zero transition.”                        at the bank, has commented (in the
about the challenge the journey to                                                     bank’s Sustainable Finance Impact
net-zero carbon emissions presents        Daniel Hanna, Global Head of                 Report in September 2020): “While
to bankers: “Good intentions are the      Sustainable Finance at the bank believes     we are a leading international bank,
first step towards sustainable change.    that “the world needs corporate leaders      91% of our sustainable finance assets
Now is the time to translate strong       to be climate leaders. Governments,          are located in emerging markets where
words into bold action. We need to        investors, companies, and consumers          the need for finance to be a positive
understand how far companies have         need to rapidly scale renewables as a        catalyst is greatest. Our financing of
come on their journey, what’s blocking    source of power, put ESG at the heart        solar projects in India, for example, will
their path and what might help them       of their business and investment plans,      help avoid over seven times the CO2
move faster.”                             and develop low carbon alternatives          from a similar-sized project in France
                                          for emission intensive businesses.           given the current sources of power on
He was introducing a ground-breaking      We need to catalyse, standardise and         those countries’ grids.”
survey – “Zeronomics” – of senior         democratise access to sustainable
business leaders and investors            finance to drive greater capital to          Standard Chartered has published a set
published by his bank in March 2021.      those facing the greatest risk from          of “Sustainability Aspirations,” which
The study reveals that most companies     climate change and the regions where         build on three sustainability pillars
intend to transition to net-zero by       there is the greatest opportunity to         and has measurable targets to show
2050 but have yet to take the action      leapfrog to low carbon technology and        how the bank is achieving sustainable
needed to get there. “A majority          business models.”                            outcomes across the business.
cite funding as an obstacle, saying
they need medium to high levels of        Standard Chartered has reported that it
investment to transition to net zero,”    has provided $24.3 billion of sustainable
says Mr Winters. “Carbon-intensive        finance solutions as of December 2020.
                                                                                       The three pillars are
industries and emerging market            The bank has reached more than 1.3m          Sustainable Finance, a
companies struggle the most with          people through loans provided to micro
funding. One reason for this might        finance institutions and over 20,000
                                                                                       Responsible Company and
be an unintended consequence of           small and medium enterprise loans            Inclusive Communities.
the rise of environmental, social and     have been disbursed. The bank also
governance (ESG) investing, which         reported that it reduced the carbon
means that carbon intensive companies     emissions of its operations by 37% in
                                          2020. In response to COVID-19, the           • The first of these includes the
                                          bank provided $27.8m to community              target of $75 billion for sustainable
                                          organisations across its markets for           infrastructure projects and renewable
                                          emergency relief.                              energy projects between the years
                                                                                         2020 and 2024.
                                          Its total loans and advances to              • The second includes a commitment
                                          customers were $281.7 billion as of 31         to reducing the bank’s own impact on
                                          December 2020. Hence the $24.3 billion         the environment. Examples include a
                                          of sustainable assets represents just          reduction in annual office paper use
                                          8.6% of the total. But the bank’s target       of 57%, with a reduction of just over
                                          is to increase sustainable assets to $75       50% achieved by December 2020,
                                          billion by the end of 2024, which would        and having all energy from renewable
                                          see this percentage grow to potentially        sources by 2030.
                                          over 26%. It also shows the magnitude        • The third includes a commitment to
                                          of adjustments that all banks will need to     invest 0.75% of prior year operating
                                          make over the next few years to achieve        profits in local communities for health
                                          a better environmental profile.                and education. For 2020, it invested
                                          Simon Cooper, CEO, Corporate,                  $95.7 million, representing 2.6%.


“Patient capital” to fund
the energy transition
Stephen Welton, executive chairman            sustainability efforts. He says: “Our
of BGF (Business Growth Fund), says:          mission at BGF is to invest in the growth
“As we come out of the COVID-19               economy and make a real difference
crisis, a major and radical shift to new      to growing companies in the UK and
sectors of the economy is now going           Ireland. That means playing our part in
to happen much faster. Top of the list        supporting the transition in all sectors
is the environment. Turning net-zero          to net zero carbon emissions by 2050,
emissions pledges into reality is a huge      or 2045 in the case of Scotland. This is
opportunity for investors, but it requires    BGF’s responsibility, but it is also good
a significant amount of capital. BGF          business. Companies involved in the
plans to increase our investments into        clean economy have strong growth
sustainable businesses from 5% today to       dynamics, a great deal of government
up to 20% in the next 18 months.”             and regulatory support, and good exit
                                              prospects. This makes for an attractive
BGF was set up in the wake of the global      investment proposition.”
financial crisis to provide much-needed
equity finance to small and medium-           “We consider the sustainability sector as
sized businesses, which had seen              companies involved in carbon reduction
their access to capital dry up during         and resource efficiency, though in
the credit crunch. Since inception in         reality this is a major investment theme
2011, BGF has invested some £2.5              across all sectors. However, most of
billion in about 400 businesses in the        our carbon emissions are from four
UK and Ireland. BGF’s financial backing       broad areas – energy systems, buildings,
is supplied by Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds         mobility and industry.”                     recent investments, Bramble Energy
Bank, NatWest and Standard Chartered.                                                     and Aceleron, are both part of this
BGF has a network of 16 offices across        “I am excited by the sheer scale and        broad theme, and there are many more
UK and Ireland.                               impact of the UK’s offshore wind sector     exciting storage and grid management
                                              with huge additions in generating           technologies being developed out there,
BGF provides “patient capital”.               capacity planned for the next ten years.    including batteries and hydrogen. This
The model is to make investments              This comes with a need to engineer,         goes alongside the need to rewire the
of between £1-15m and to invest               install, monitor, maintain, repair and      country for the end of sales of internal
as minority shareholders, so that             replace a lot of infrastructure. That’s     combustion engines in 2030. The UK
management teams retain control. This         a large opportunity for the UK’s and        has an innovative automotive base, and
allows companies to grow at the pace          Ireland’s small and medium-sized            clean vehicle technology is moving on at
that is appropriate for them. BGF has         businesses.”                                great pace. Similarly, the imminent end
achieved more than 80 exits to date.                                                      for new gas boilers and development of
                                              “With renewable energy comes a              modern heating systems and sustainable
Mike Sibson, head of the Aberdeen             need to store power, whether at the         building materials will make a huge
office at BGF, is heavily involved in BGF’s   grid level, or at a local level. Our two    difference to our environment.”

  Green goes the City
  The City of London Corporation has a new Climate Action Strategy, approved by the councillors in October 2020. The
  strategy includes a new £40m green energy agreement with Voltalia to buy all the electricity produced by a new 95,000
  solar panel farm in Dorset for 15 years. The capacity of 49.9 megawatts will provide over half the City Corporation’s
  electricity, powering buildings including its historic Guildhall, Mansion House and the Barbican arts centre.

  So in future, when WCIB members are attending events in the City of London, they could well be enjoying the benefits of
  electricity produced with lower CO2 emissions.

                                                                        THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS      11

ESG: “If it cannot be measured
it cannot be managed”

The value of global assets applying          strategies and ESG indexes captured          profit organisation, has developed
environmental, social and governance         about 60% of new asset inflows in            industry-specific standards across
data to drive investment decisions has       the U.S. in 201 and the trend is not         environmental, social, and governance
almost doubled over four years, and          weakening. The wall of liquidity and         topics, working toward a consensus on
more than tripled over eight years, to       savings generated by the everlasting         the sorts of disclosures that the issuers
$40.5 trillion by the end of 2020.           low interest rate environment has            of securities should and will make to
There are seven key types of                 been exacerbated by the COVID                their investors. In November 2018,
responsible investment strategies            pandemic and it is boosting the ESG          SASB released complete standards
distributed on a spectrum : negative or      passive alternatives as the cheapest         for 77 industries. A separate source
exclusionary screening, ESG integration,     and quickest way to participate in           of guidance on the specific issue of
corporate engagement, norms-                 responsible investing.                       climate-related transparency ( a subset
based screening, positive screening,                                                      of the overall ESG universe) is the Task
sustainability-themed investing and          With investment products increasingly        Force on Climate-related Financial
impact investing .                           characterised by so many different           Disclosures (TCFD), which was created
                                             shades of grey all under the same            under the umbrella of the Financial
In 2016, negative screening represented      banner of “ESG” how can the individual       Stability Board in 2016.
66% of responsible assets under              saver navigate the waters with clarity
management, while ESG integration            and identify what really reflects his/hers   Over the past couple of years the EU
accounted for 45%. But asset                 appetite for responsible investing? The      Technical Expert Group has created
managers are currently opting for more       key issue to achieve transparency and        a taxonomy for sustainable finance,
sophisticated strategies that couple         avoid “green washing” is increasingly        supported by a technical screening
exclusions of controversial industries       one of agreed standards.                     list of criteria for 70 climate change
with ESG integration and a positive or                                                    mitigation and 68 climate change
best-in-class screening approach (the                                                     adaptation activities. But unity and
latter is estimated at only 2-3% of the                                                   convergence is going to be the name of
total at this point). It is very important
                                             The urgent problem to solve                  the game. Fragmentation is the enemy.
to understand that positive screening        is one of agreeing on a unified
is what drives really better behavior
at the corporate level given the
                                             set of criteria, standards and
granularity of the research attached to      rules that would parallel the
the investment decision. As highlighted
in the latest Opima report : “ With
                                             work done by the Financial
positive screening, you’re selecting         Accounting Standards
stocks within, say, the oil industry, but
you’re selecting the best-in-class within
                                             Board (FASB) on corporate
the oil industry.”                           accounts eons ago.
Active strategies represent the
majority of ESG-related assets under
management, at 75% in the U.S. and           The Sustainability Accounting
82% in Europe. However, passive ESG          Standards Board (SASB), a non-


Are your investments
ESG compliant?

The ESG movement is a force for good. However, there is a           Rules, and the Eco Label for Retail Financial Investment
lot of confusion out there when investing. Let’s recap some of      Products Regulation.
the basics first.
                                                                    Given that ESG is attracting a great deal of attention, why is
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria are the         there so much confusion around investing? Let’s start with
measures used to evaluate non-financial performance; that           the obvious. What is ESG Investing? Put simply, it’s about
is the sustainability and critical impact of an organisation and    aligning your values with how a company treats the planet,
its social value to the community. They commonly include            people and how it is run. And, by the way, ESG is an umbrella
considering the organisation’s policies, practices and activities   term which covers a a maze, including Sustainable Responsible
in relation to the three themes:                                    Investments (SRI), Sustainable Investments, Green Funds,
                                                                    Ethical Investments, Impact Funds and much more.
• Environmental Factors. Examine how a business performs
  as a steward of our natural environment, including: waste         Let’s consider some of the factors that may help you better
  and pollution; resource depletion; greenhouse emissions;          determine whether your investment is ESG compliant:
  deforestation; and climate change.
                                                                    1. The first factor to question concerns the stringency
• Social Matters. Look at how a business treats people                 employed by the ESG fund, since they apply a broad
  namely: employee relations and diversity; working conditions;        spectrum of censoring when selecting their ESG
  local communities; health and safety; and conflict.                  investments. Does the fund merely “consider” ESG factors
                                                                       and avoid the obvious fails or does it “focus” on a particular
• Governance Considerations. Evaluate how a business                   area? An Impact Fund which seeks businesses with a real
  polices itself and how it is governed. Consider: strategy;           positive impact in relation to certain criteria such as energy
  executive remuneration; donations and political lobbying;            efficiency or fair pay would be more stringent. A Sector or
  corruption and bribery; and board diversity and structure.           Thematic fund would be the most conservative as they only
                                                                       invest in companies that are involved in achieving a specific
ESG is linked to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals                purpose, for example, clean water or clean energy.
published in 2015 with a call to action to end poverty and to
protect the planet to ensure all enjoy peace and prosperity by      2. The second factor to examine is the concept of screening.
2030.                                                                  What methodology does the fund employ? Screening can
                                                                       just mean “screening out” or eliminating the ‘worst of the
ESG is further embraced by the Stakeholder Capitalism                  worst’, as opposed to “positive screening” where the fund
Movement led by Professor Klaus Schwab, the Chair of the               actively seeks investees involved with and focussed on
World Economic Forum and which formed the basis of their               activities that match positive ESG criteria.
Davos Manifesto in 2020.
                                                                    3. Finally, beware of the ESG index. There are many ranging
                                                                       from Morgan Stanley’s MCSI ESG index that focusses only
                                                                       on financially-relevant risks, to that of the FTSE which they
The mission being to measure a                                         allege, look for evidence of changing corporate behaviours.
company’s performance success not                                      ESG ratings are meant to provide transparency, hold
                                                                       companies responsible for the way they make money and
by profit but well-being.                                              the quality of decision-making in a company.

                                                                    It is clear we cannot simply leave it to funds to self-regulate
The white paper published in September 2020 recommends              what matters. It is unlikely that they will voluntarily align
22 core metrics.                                                    standards and definitions, be robustly transparent and
                                                                    ensure their investees actually deliver improved outcomes.
Regulators too have been busy with ESG and the EU have              We, as investors, have to do a bit of digging and ask some
issued several regulations that are in force, or are due            challenging questions.
to come into force shortly, including: the Non-Financial
Reporting Directive, the Sustainability Related Disclosures         Jenny Knott is a Non Executive Director
Regulation, the Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainability             of British Business Bank

                                                                     THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS             13

The Tudors, Modern Monetary
Theory, and COVID-19

Inflation and debt have long been associated with government     spending, financing, and borrowing can be found in countries
demands for revenue. There was inflation from around             experiencing civil wars or at least serious social disorder. In
the mid-fifteenth century to the Civil War, that is, running     these cases the established government has spent either to
through Tudor and Stuart periods. It was driven by an excess     attempt to placate the rebellious sector or to suppress it.
of money supply over demand. Sometimes it was gold and           With increased spending and falling tax revenues, budget
silver coming from the new world, sometimes a collapse in        deficits opened up. When borrowing to cover such deficits
output due to pandemic. But its biggest spike was probably in    reaches its limit the authorities resort to printing money.
Henry VIII’s reign, and that was the result of a surge in what   Rampant inflation has almost invariably followed. But there
would now be called government spending.                         were occasions when it did not. What was needed to prevent
                                                                 such a failure was for the authority to have established a
That is a familiar story. Many countries have experienced        reputation for probity and to make a credible commitment to
inflations. Some of these inflations have been due to            both service and repay the debts that had been incurred. The
mistakes, but the big ones have been because, just like Henry    UK’s behaviour over a long period of war in the eighteenth
VIII, governments wanted resources quickly and did not want      century is one example.
to, or could not, raise taxes to pay for them. COVID-19 has
produced another such demand for resources and that has          This is not something that can be experimented with. The
given an opening to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).                insidious argument is that “just once will do no harm.” This
                                                                 is akin to the alcoholic’s “one little drink” cannot matter. But
MMT is the supposedly recently developed view that the           of course time and again flirting with inflation has resulted in
government’s printing of money can be carried out (by            disaster. In recent times an understanding has emerged that
government borrowing from an obliging central bank)              once inflationary expectations have been revised upwards it
without the risk of any negative economic consequences. It is    becomes increasingly difficult to deal effectively with inflation.
not new. It has been popular with governments for centuries.
But whenever it has been tried it has been refuted. President    Should we be concerned about our rising debt and rising
Biden has advisers who are among its advocates.                  debt/income ratio? The short answer is not necessarily, and
                                                                 not unduly, and that there is no need for any immediate
                                                                 increase in taxation. The debt is sustainable so long as the
                                                                 rate of interest at which the government borrows is lower
MMT’s advocates do not limit its application                     than the rate of growth of the economy – which is the case at
to crisis periods.                                               present. All the focus should therefore be on allowing growth
                                                                 to flourish, and that requires keeping taxes as low as possible.
                                                                 The UK has on several occasions had debt/income ratios
                                                                 worse than those of the present and in each case coped with
But the recent COVID-19 crisis has given them the kind of        the debt without resort to increased taxation.
opportunity to advance the view. Governments’ responses
to the COVID-19 crisis have meant that large tracts of the       COVID-19 has led to a great strain on government finances
economy have been closed down but governments have               almost worldwide. This has led both to a belief that money
protected those thrown out of work and in addition have          printing brings more goods, and at the opposite extreme that
spent in several other related ways. There has been hugely       any debt incurred should be repaid immediately. Both beliefs
increased government spending financed by the central            are false. A trusted government can avoid inflation and repay
banks, but a diminishing tax base, growing budget deficits,      debt slowly and steadily. Any government with that course
and a spiralling debt and debt/income ratios.                    available should take it.

The dangers are twofold. The first is that the debt will         Forrest Capie, The Business School, City, University of
not be sustainable, leading to all manner of economic ills.      London; Geoffrey Wood, The Business School, City, University
The second is that the financing will lead to accelerating       of London and University of Buckingham.
inflation and all the consequent damage that follows. When
the pattern just described has been found in the past
it has often resulted in disaster. Most examples of such


Central bank digital currencies – is it
time to throw caution to the wind?

In August 2020, the Bank for International Settlement (BIS)        • Addressing the consequences of the decline in cash.
published a seminal working paper. It said that banks have         • Meeting future payment needs in a digital economy.
changed their attitude favourably towards digital currency.        • Improving the availability and usability of central bank money.
Indeed, they point to a survey carried out earlier in the
same year and found that 80% were working in some way              According to the Bank of England, users can register with
towards deploying them. This is not new. We did take               payment providers who have access to CBDC. They will
some small steps towards it in the 1990s. Remember the             need to use an electronic device such as a computer or
smart card electronic cash system, Mondex? Most thought            smartphone with an app. Authorised and regulated payment
it had “failed.” Some saw instead the hand of entrenched           providers have user-friendly interfaces connected to the
interests smothering the new-born at birth in Swindon to           ledger. The Bank moved the game forward significantly in
stop it usurping their highly profitable worlds. But now many      mid-April 2021. In a joint announcement with HM Treasury it
countries are considering digital currency systems, especially     announced the creation of a hefty CBDC taskforce for Britain,
in China. And a number are ahead of the UK and the US, by          to be co-chaired by Deputy Governor for Financial Stability at
some strides.                                                      the Bank of England, Jon Cunliffe, and HM Treasury’s Director
                                                                   General of Financial Services, Katharine Braddick.
The problem for the central banks is not only about
implementation. It’s also about how they can keep control.
Bitcoin, for example, isn’t controlled by central banks. It
isn’t regulated. The banks have no control over Bitcoin’s
                                                                   Many countries seem content to take the
issue or authority which has led to criticism of its use for       development of CBDC slowly.
illicit purposes. Bitcoin is seen to be deflationary when
compared to fiat currencies which have grown in continuous
comparison to gold. Since the supply of Bitcoin is known,          Like the UK, the United States is still discussing the
sceptics are saying many holders will be reluctant to sell,        implications of CBDC, with no mention of trials.
which reduces the likelihood of its replacing fiat for day-to-     Sweden is one of the first countries in the world to consider
day consumer use, for example, buying weekly groceries.            digital currency for real. Its central bank already has a pilot
                                                                   project with Accenture PLC.
The solution therefore might come from CBDC (Central bank
digital currency). This won’t be run along the same lines as       Japan, meanwhile, announced in December 2020 that it
cryptocurrency. There will be some distinct differences.           would conduct a feasibility study in 2021 and they hoped to
In October 2020, the BIS published a report taken from a           have “some form” of digital currency by 2023. Meanwhile, in
series of collaborations with several central banks and the        January 2021, China announced its fourth trial using digital
European Central Bank. The report outlined 16 core features        yuan. During 2020 China’s digital currency program launched
a potential CBDC would need. These include:                        three trials and it has already applied for more than 120
                                                                   patents for its digital currency. Chinese e-commerce company
• Convertible – The ability to exchange, at par, with private announced in December 2020 that its fintech arm, JD
  money and cash.                                                  Digits, would accept digital yuan as payment on some of its
• Convenience – CBDC should be as easy as using cash, a card       product lines. China is expected to officially introduce digital
  or scanning with a mobile phone.                                 currency in 2022 which will put it ahead of all other countries.
• Accepted and available – CBDC should be accepted like
  cash, which will include point of sale and person-to-person.     And what does this all mean for dollar hegemony? Will the
  Plus, the ability to make off-line transactions (possibly with   introduction of digital currency help China to get what it
  some restrictions).                                              wants and become the global currency? Put simply, if Chinese
• Low cost – Available at either a low cost, or no cost to end     digital currency becomes popular and traders start to order
users.                                                             goods from China using digital currency as a payment method
                                                                   then the demand for the dollar will decrease and, as a result,
There’s no doubt that CBDC will have its benefits. In a Bank       it could lose its dominance.
of England discussion paper, published in March 2020, they

                                                                    THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKERS            15

Time for the economy to go cashless?

The pandemic stress event of 2020              over-the-counter, online or via
witnessed an expansion in the role of          telephone would be undertaken using
the “state” and central government to          e-money.
levels not seen since the second world
war, principally with regard to public         In some ways this is happening already,
sector borrowing. Something else that          in no small part due to lockdown
increased in magnitude was digital             policy. In towns and cities throughout
commerce, be this online shopping,             the country it is quite common to
online meetings or online transactions.        find shops and cafés taking card and
Not only did the number of transactions        smartphone payments only, and
made using physical cash fall, so too          not accepting cash. This may be for
did the number of businesses accepting         health-related reasons, although the
cash as a payment medium. Has the              evidence that one can contract the
COVID-19 crisis and “lockdown” policy          coronavirus from coins and banknotes
hastened the demise not only of the            is not conclusive; but in any case once
office but also of physical cash as well?      a business stops taking cash, how likely
And if yes, would this be a positive           is it that they will revert to it once the
societal development?                          virus risk has reduced?                      consider this as a permanent solution?
                                                                                            This of course is a whole different
This is not an article about Bitcoin.          Commercial businesses and financial          debate, but it illustrates the extent to
The debate on whether fiat currency            market participants have an interest         which the state can apply public sector
will be replaced by some alternative           in this trend continuing: dealing with       resources.
cryptocurrency is a separate one to            physical cash involves security, physical
this. Rather, we will assess the impact        banking and operational controls that        Let us remember this in the CBDC
of commercial transactions becoming            are not required with e-money.               debate then, because removing physical
entirely electronic, and ask if that is what                                                cash from the economy does not
consumers genuinely desire, irrespective                                                    in itself have to worsen the level of
of whether it is inevitable or not.                                                         financial inclusion. If every adult citizen
                                               But would a move to cashless                 in the UK was given a CBDC account at
There has been much comment                    help or hinder the moves to                  the Bank of England, the problem would
recently about central bank digital                                                         disappear. And before one scoffs at that
currencies, which a number of
                                               increase levels of financial                 idea, let’s remember that if anyone had
countries are looking into. Investopedia       inclusion?                                   suggested in 2019 that the state could,
states that, “A central bank digital                                                        or indeed should, pay the salaries of
currency (CBDC) uses a blockchain-                                                          millions of its populace for over a year
based token to represent the digital                                                        he or she would have been laughed at
form of a fiat currency of a particular        The FCA estimates that 1.3 million           then too.
nation (or region). A CBDC is                  adults in the UK do not have a bank
centralised; it is issued and regulated by     account. While this is only 2¼% of           In theory therefore, the state could
the competent monetary authority of            the adult population, as an absolute         ensure that every adult that desired it
the country.”                                  number it is a substantial figure. How       could be guaranteed financial inclusion
                                               might one address this?                      by enabling him or her to have their
Practically, this is not a gigantic                                                         own CBDC account. If that or a similar
departure from today; as Wikipedia             Earlier we highlighted the rise of state     solution was not adopted however, it is
states, CBDC is a “form of central             involvement in the economy because it        difficult to see how exclusion would not
bank money…that is different from              is relevant. Consider the government’s       worsen if physical cash was withdrawn.
balances in traditional reserve or             job retention scheme, now moving             Given the steady rise in income
settlement accounts.” So the concept           well into its second year. Those not         inequality (however one measures it)
of a centralised currency under state          necessarily brought up in the Chicago        from the 1980s onwards that would
control remains unchanged.                     School of free market economics              surely not be a worthy outcome.
                                               might well ask, “If it can be done for 13
The key word is “digital”. It would be         months, why not 13 years?” If we are         Moorad Choudhry is an Independent
e-money, held (like cryptocurrency)            going to nationalise whole swathes of        Non-Executive Director at Recognise
in e-wallets. All transactions, whether        the economy in all but name, why not         Bank

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