Before you knew God. The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children - The Central District

Page created by Ross Hunt
Before you knew God. The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children - The Central District
Title page

                 CENTRAL DISTRICT

                 The 48th Annual Synod

          The Lutheran Conference Centre
      Co-hosted by Jabavu, Pimville, Southrand and Zola Circuits

               Before you knew God.
   The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children

                        23 to 26 May 2018
Before you knew God. The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children - The Central District
Title page........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................................................................... 2
ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE MINISTERIAL CONVOCATION ........................................................................................... 6
ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE DISTRICT SYNOD............................................................................................................... 7
BISHOP’S LETTER TO SYNOD ........................................................................................................................................... 10
LETTER FROM HOSTING CIRCUITS .................................................................................................................................. 11

1       ORDER OF OPENING .............................................................................................................................................. 13

2       SYNOD APPOINTMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 25

3       MISSION AND GROWTH ........................................................................................................................................ 26

4       YOUTH AND CHILDREN .......................................................................................................................................... 41

5       ORDERS .................................................................................................................................................................. 44

6       LAY MINISTRIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 48
7    TRAINING FOR THE ORDAINED MINISTRY ............................................................................................................ 50

8    CLERGY MATTERS .................................................................................................................................................. 51

9    ORGANISATIONS AND UNITS ................................................................................................................................ 59


11   DISTRICT COMMITTEES AND APPOINTMENTS ..................................................................................................... 64
12   FINANCE ................................................................................................................................................................. 69

13   CIRCUIT BOUNDARIES (L&D Appendix 5: 6.1 – 6.5) .............................................................................................. 70

14   DISTRICT RECORDS AND CIRCUIT OFFICIALS’ RECORDS ....................................................................................... 71

15   DISTRICT TRUST PROPERTIES (L&D Appendix 5: 6.27 – 39) .................................................................................. 84

16   ELECTIONS (L&D Appendix 5: 7 page 191) ............................................................................................................. 86
17   GENERAL & ORDER OF CLOSING (L&D Appendix 5: 9) .......................................................................................... 88

18   CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES ........................................................................................................................ 89
                                       WEDNESDAY, 23 MAY 2018
 08:00                                            Light Breakfast and Registration
 09:00   Opening Devotions                             Bishop Gary Rivas
         Calling of the Roll and Answering
         Discipline Questions
         Is there any objection to any Minister or
         1. Is there any objection to their moral and
            religious character?
 09:30   2. Do you believe and teach sound Christian    District Secretary
            doctrine as held by the Methodist
         3. Do you duly observe and enforce our
         4. Have they competent abilities for our
                                                        We may start off by explaining what the need for and function of the

                                                        Extract from Conference 2017 resolution 2.6
                                                        CONTINUING MINISTERIAL FORMATION
                                                        As directed by 2015 Conference in Yearbook 2016, Resolution 2.42:
                                                        Page 105, Conference endorses Continuing Ministerial Formation
                                                        program and directs EMMU to facilitate implementation.
                                                        1. All ordained presbyters in active ministry shall participate in
                                                        mandatory Continuing Ministerial formation. Each presbyter is
                                                        required to do at least 100 hours of learning/ study a year (about 12
                                                        days) in the areas of choice.
                                                        2. Accountability groups consisting of the Superintendent, a Society
                                                        Steward and 2 Lay persons, are to be established for each minister. For
         Conversation on the Clergy Vocation
 10:00                                                  Superintendents the group will consist of the Bishop, a Circuit Steward
         and virtues of the Ordained                    and 2 Lay persons.

                                                        The task of the accountability group will be:
                                                        • To carry out a Review of Ministry process (L&D 4.79.1) (HR Unit to
                                                           provide a standard review format) The aim of the review is to help
                                                           a minister identify her/his strengths, passion, gifts and how these
                                                           contribute to the wellbeing of the circuit/ society / community or
                                                           the church at large as well as areas of weakness in which s/he needs
                                                           development/ empowerment. This process will assist ministers in
                                                           choosing areas of study to focus on each year.
                                                        • To provide mentorship and supervision by meeting with the
                                                           minister bi-annually to discuss progress.
                                                        • To give a mentorship report on the minister at the Presbyter
 10:30                                                         Tea Break
                                                        Engaging together on matters of Clergy Care
         Reports on Continuing Ministerial              Discussing the implementation of Review of Ministry as per
 11:00                                                  conference resolution?
         Formation                                      How as a District we will achieve this?
                                                        Any other business pertaining to the Ministry
 12:00   Ordinands’ Oral Examination                    Bishop Gary Rivas and the DSS
 13:00                                                          LUNCH
 14:00                                                  LGBTIQ+ Conversation
         Engagement with the Doctrinal/                 MCSA Communication Strategy Document
         Ethical/ Theological/ Contemporary             Current Public Issues – Land
         Issues Affecting the Church                    Ministry in the public or political space (including our response the
                                                        North West)
 15:30                                                 TEA BREAK
 16:00   Closing service of the Renewal of Ordination vows and Presbyters’ undertakings (Book of Order, 12th
         Edition, 4.17.1 – 4.17.7)
         Benediction                                        Bishop Gary Rivas

 15:00   Registration                                         Jabavu Circuit

 17:00   Supper                                               Lutheran Centre

         Synod Opening Service with Holy Communion            Jabavu Methodist Church
         Including the recognition of Long Service            Bishop Gary Rivas

 07:00   Breakfast                                            Lutheran Centre
 08:00                                                        Preacher: Rev Peter M. Witbooi
         including Ministerial Candidate Testimonies
                                                              Circuit Superintendent
         Welcome and announcements
                                                              Circuit Steward
         Calling of the Roll
 09:30   Report on the accountability of Ministers from the
                                                               District Secretary
         Report on the Deaconate
         Resolution of the Hours of Session
         APPOINTMENT OF SYNOD COMMITTEES               See Section 2.0
                                         All reports are taken as read.
         Mission reports: Circuit Reports; District Mission Groups and Committee Reports; Women’s
         Association; Women’s Auxiliary; Women’s Manyano; Young Women’s Manyano; Young Men’s
         Guild Men’s League; Music Association; Local Preachers Association; Local Preachers
         Department; Ecumenical Affairs; Youth Unit Report
         Resolutions and documents referred to Synod:
         The Wellness Policy
         Boundaries Conversation
         MCSA Crisis Communication Plan

 10:00   Bishop’s Address to Synod
 10:30   Tea Break
 11:00        CONNEXIONAL EDUCATION TASK TEAM                 Prof Stephen Hendricks
 11:20   EMMU - Candidates                                    Rev Siviwe Waqu
 11:40   DISTRICT LAY LEADER’S REPORT                         Mrs. Thuli Nkomonde
         Report from the Convocation to Synod
                                                              Rev Vusi Vilakati
         District and Connexional Matters
         Tsietsi Mashinini Community Centre
Albert Street School

12:30    Election of District Secretary see Duties per the L&D in Section 1.3.3 – Page 20
                                                                 District Vice Chairperson
           Reflections on what we have heard including the
                                                                 Rev Faith Whitby
              Bishop’s Address and Lay Leader’s Address
13:00                                              Lunch Break

14:00                                     WE RECEIVE NOTICES OF MOTION
14:30                 MISSION AND GROWTH
         Mission Report                                          Rev Sikawu Makubalo
         Appointment of Mission Secretary
         Statistical Report                                      Miss Yolisa Mfaise
         District Trust Property Report                          Mr. Ricky Ngwenya
         Highlights from Organisations                           Organisation and formation leaders
15:30                                               Tea Break

         Connexional boundaries Conversation
18:30    Ordinand Witness Services as organized by Hosting Circuits


08:00   WORSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY                                   Rev Peter M. Witbooi

09:00   EMMU BUSINESS                                             District Supervisor of Studies

10:00                 LAY MINISTRIES REPORTS
                         School of Vocation                       Rev Lea Marumo
              Lay Training/Local Preachers Department             Rev Moagi Sekhejane
10:30                                              Tea

11:00           District Communication Unit                         Rev Willem van der Walt

11:30                              DISTRICT FINANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY
        Financial Statements
        Christmas, Mission & Extension and Ministerial Student Fund
        Budget 2019
        Finance Resolutions
        Appointment of District Treasurer
13:00                                                Lunch
        One and Undivided
        Wellness Policy Document
        Crisis Communication Plan

15:30   Tea
16:00                  Election of District Committees
                        Appointment of reps to Conference
                                Reading of Stations
                                       (honoring superannuating ministers)
   18:00                                             Supper

   07:00                                                 Breakfast

                       YOUTH AND
08:00                                                         Youth Unit

                CHILDREN’S HOUR
              Including highlights from the Youth Unit
09h00          Greetings and Highlights from Organisations     Vice Chairperson
                    Report from Fellowship Task Team
09:30                      SYNOD RESOLUTIONS                   Rev Lea Marumo and Resolutions Committee
10:30                                                        Tea
11:00                      SYNOD RESOLUTIONS
              Resolution on the Work of God
12:00         12 Rules of a Helper
              Synod Rises
                                              Confirmation of Synod Minutes

13h00                                              Lunch and Departure

                                                                 District Bishop to preach in one of the Host-
09:00                         Synod Sunday
Synod Sunday will be celebrated at a circuit level and all ministers and delegates are expected to focus on the
Synod Theme. The Synod Resolution on the work of God should be disseminated and shared in all Methodist
societies within the District.

Dear Synod delegate,

Welcome to Synod 2018. A very big thank you to the Jabavu, Zola, Pimville and South Rand Circuits for hosting us. You
may wonder why it is that we have broken away from just one Circuit hosting Synod? This year we actively worked on
what it means to be One and Undivided. The fact more than one Circuit is hosting Synod is a symbol of our Unity. Our
Mothers are working together, across Circuit Boundaries. The Amadodana are joining hands, as are the Youth and
other organizations and Associations, to make sure that Synod 2018 is a resounding success.

This is one of the manifestation of the Priestly prayer that Jesus prays found in John 17. ‘May they be One’. I would
like to thank the Organizations, Circuits, Societies and Individuals that have made to being a One and Undivided

Jeremiah 1:4-8
Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
       “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I
       appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to
       speak, for I am only a youth.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to
       whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of
       them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.”

The Theme for Synod 2018 is, ‘Before you knew God. The year of Young Adults, Youth and Children’. As per the
Presiding Bishop’s vision, we continue to hold the theme of young people before us. For the sake of our church,
communities, countries and continent, we have to see the same thing that God saw when He said through Paul’s letter
to Timothy.

1 Timothy 4:12

        “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in
        love, in faith, in purity.”

We find God setting before young people a very clear mandate to be leaders in our communities. There is a clarion
call to young people to be the ones who set an example in their speech, their behavior, their faith and their purity. The
season has come where the Church has to take this very seriously and give young people the opportunity to be all that
they can be.

It is my prayer that we will use this time together wisely, to dream of all the possibilities, to seek Gods will for the
church and then to ultimately leave resolved to implement all we resolved to do, that will build His Kingdom here on

Grace, Peace and Love

Bishop Gary Rivas

                                       The Methodist Church of Southern Africa
                                                  CENTRAL DISTRICT 0900
                                              Soweto Methodist Ministers Forum

Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Greetings are indeed the gateway of our welcome to this, our 48th annual Synod of the Central District.

We have by God’s grace gone full circle from last year’s Synod in Matlosana Circuit to this unique one,
hosted by the South Rand, Zola, Jabavu and Pimville Circuits.

It is a great pleasure to welcome all of you to this historical location of Soweto in which the 4 Circuits
hosting this year’s Synod are situated.

Soweto’s history in the annals of our liberation struggle is imbibed in the hearts of the majority of South
Africans, without this location our liberation would not be sufficient. We give thanks to God for the
participation of Soweto in the liberation history of South Africa from the brutal regime of apartheid. We
therefore take pride as residents of Soweto to host this historic 48th Synod of the Central District in Soweto.

Enjoy your stay during this Synod and become part of us and be influenced by the spirit of brotherhood and
sisterhood that will prevail during Synod.
Yours faithfully Soweto Superintendents

God Bless
Much of the business in the courts of the Church is conducted in the form of Conversation. Therefore, the Rules of Debate should be applied
only when necessary, and then in such a way as not to impair the spirit of the meeting. The following Rules of Debate, while primarily of
application to Conference, may be applied to all formal Church meetings.

1. Any Member wishing to address Conference shall rise and                been violated. The Member who was addressing Conference shall
address the Presiding Bishop, and shall not proceed until called          be seated until the Presiding Bishop has decided the Point of
on.                                                                       Order.

2. All speeches shall be directed to the Presiding Bishop.                16. At any time between speeches, a Member may propose
                                                                          closure of the debate. This shall be put to Conference without
3. No Member shall remain standing during a discussion except             debate and if it is carried by a majority of two-thirds the Presiding
the Member recognised by the Presiding Bishop.                            Bishop shall allow the Member to speak who has the right of reply
4. No Member shall speak more than once on the same matter                and shall then immediately put the motion to Conference.
without the leave of Conference, except that the Proposer: of a           17. At any point between speeches, a Member may propose that
resolution has the right to speak last in reply to the debate. The        ‘the motion be not put’. If this is carried by Conference, with or
Seconder: of a motion may either speak in support when                    without debate, the motion or amendment before Conference
seconding or reserve the right to speak later. The Proposer: and          cannot be put and Conference proceeds to the next item of
Seconder: of an amendment have no right of reply.                         business.
5. The Presiding Bishop shall rule out of order any Member who            18. The Presiding Bishop may decide when to close the debate,
violates the rules of debate or the regulations of Conference.            and unless Conference decides otherwise the vote shall then be
6. Where the formal business is not conducted by answer to                taken. At the close of the debate (and after the Proposer: has had
Questions, it proceeds by way of proposing or moving a                    the right of reply) the motion or the motion as amended shall be
resolution which is then seconded, debated and voted upon. Only           read to Conference and the vote taken. No one should thereafter
one motion shall be before Conference at a time.                          speak on the motion.

7. No major matter may be brought before a Church meeting                 19. Voting may be by voice, show of hands, or ballot. If, after a
unless due notice has been given to the Members by including it           vote by voice, the Presiding Bishop declares the result and no one
in the notice of the meeting. In Synod or Conference notice of            challenges the decision then the result becomes final.
motion shall be given at the commencement of the meeting or, if           20. Members may abstain from voting but should do so only for
the meeting agrees, one day’s notice shall be required. Notice is         good reason and not simply to avoid the duty to make a decision.
not required for matters introduced by any Department or
Committee when dealing with its business. Where there are                 21. Reports submitted to Conference may be adopted if
several notices of motion dealing with the same subject, Synod or         Conference approves them, or received if Conference wishes to
Conference may draw them together in a single motion which                include them in its records without approving or rejecting them,
seeks to capture the spirit of all the notices of motion.                 or merely noted when no further action is taken.

8. No proposal shall be considered which is in conflict with an           22. The Proposer: of a resolution or, where it is amended, the
existing regulation or previous decision unless the existing              Proposer: of an amendment, should reduce the resolution to
regulation or previous decision is first considered and amended           writing and submit it to the Secretary.
or rescinded.
                                                                          23. Conference may appoint Committees to deal with matters
9. Once a resolution has been moved and seconded it shall not be          brought before it. Conference should decide the members of the
withdrawn without the consent of Conference.                              Committee, its convener, powers of co-option if any, terms of
                                                                          reference and power to act. Committees shall report as required
10. The report of a Committee is received without motion but its          by Conference.
adoption shall be moved and seconded.
                                                                          24. When an election is made, except where otherwise provided,
11. During the debate, any Member may move an amendment to                each nominee should be nominated and seconded before the
the motion. The amendment should not simply be a negative of              next nomination is taken. Before voting takes place the Presiding
the motion. When an amendment has been proposed and                       Bishop should announce the position to be filled, the names of
seconded, debate on the substantive motion ceases in favour of            the persons nominated and the number of votes each Member
debate on the amended motion. The Presiding Bishop should                 has (when more than one position has to be filled from the same
ensure that Conference understands the entire motion, as                  list of nominations). After the vote the Presiding Bishop shall
amended, before debate on the amended motion begins.                      announce the result.
12. The Presiding Bishop should not allow more than one                   25. Unless otherwise specified, a quorum for any meeting is one
amendment to be before Conference at a time.                              more than half the Members. Decisions taken at a meeting when
13. If the amended motion is not agreed to by Conference, debate          no quorum is present could be set aside if challenged in a court
resumes on the original motion. If the amended motion is agreed           of law.
to by Conference it becomes the substantive motion and may be             26. Conference may resolve ‘to meet in Committee’ whereupon
further amended. If there is no further amendment or debate the           only members of Conference may be present. Conference shall
amended motion, which is now the substantive motion, is voted             resume after adoption of the motion that ‘Conference now
on (again).                                                               resumes, and the acts and decisions of Conference in committee
14. A Member may ask a question at the conclusion of any                  be the acts and decisions of Conference’.
speech, thereby interrupting the proceedings.

15. A Member may interrupt the proceedings at any time by
raising a Point of Order, which means that the Member believes
that the rules of debate or the regulations of Conference have

Synod Opening Service was led by the District Bishop Rev Gary Rivas and was held at the Jabavu Methodist Church in Soweto.

The Synod Secretary gave report on the accountability of Ministers or Deacons with respect to the Questions as per L&D
(12th Edition) Appendix 5, para 5.4.1-4 page 188:
    1.      Is there any objection to their moral and religious character?
    2.      Do you believe and preach sound Christian doctrine as held by the Methodist Church?
    3.      Do you duly observe and enforce our discipline?
    4.      Have they competent abilities for our work?

            Ministers and Deacons

 Surname                    Name                          PF Number            Circuit      Category; Ordained,   Present (P)
                                                                                            Superintendent,       Dispensation (D)
                                                                                            Deacon                Absent (A)
 Rivas                      Gary                          1863                 900          Bishop
 Whitby                     Faith                         1071                 908          Vice Chairperson
 Vilakati                   Vusi                          1901                 903          Secretary

            Ministers Roll Call
 Surname                      Name                          PF Number          Circuit      Category;             Present (P)
                                                                                            Ordained,             Dispensation (D)
                                                                                            Superintendent,       Absent (A)
 Alexander                    Kim                           0805               909          Ordained
 Baker                        James                         1005               903          Superintendent
 Bauser                       Phillip                       0025               909          Supernumerary
 Booi                         Nqaba                         1292               904          Superintendent
 Bosch                        Louis                         1111               908          Supernumerary
 Calcott                      Rupert                        0215               910          Supernumerary
 Cele                         Zinhle                        0189               928          Ordained
 Cele                         Nosipho                       1064               929          Probationer
 Chupologo                    Lawrence                      1382               922          Ordained
 Cira                         Thembeka                      1091               902          Probationer
 Cragg                        Donald                        0064               903          Supernumerary
 Denner                       Marjorie                      0082               910          Supernumerary
 Didiza                       Philasande                    1923               912          Ordained
 Dintlhe                      Thandeka                      0224               909          Ordained
 Ditlhake                     Mompati                       0728               921          Superintendent
 Diutlwileng                  Morapedi                      1466               929          Superintendent
 Du Bazane                    Katy                          0781               904          Ordained
 Eloff                        Paul                          1134               909          Supernumerary
 Enslin                       Loinel                        0098               906          Supernumerary
 Gaanakgomo                   Meshack                       0110               925          Supernumerary
 Gaanakgomo                   Othniel                       0111               929          Supernumerary
 Gamede                       Mandla                        0771               1421         Ordained
 Grassow                      Peter                         0129               910          Ordained
 Harrison                     Christopher                   0642               903          Supernumerary
Harrison     Russell          0146        903    Supernumerary
Hart         Jonathan         0856        915    Supernumerary
Holloway     Linda            0954        922    Ordained
Jordaan      Dalene           1709        910    Ordained
Keet         Raymond          1169        908    Ordained
Koekoe       Phezile          1930        910    Ordained
Kuhn         Charles          0736        917    Superintendent
Lee          Seoung-Hwon                  917    Ordained (Korea)
Legwale      Vuyelwa          1449        1404   Chaplaincy
Lekeka       Tshabedi         1617        910    Ordained
Likhi        Leburu           0485        913    Superintendent
Losaba       Musi             1618        1403   Mission Unit
Luthuli      Nsizwana         1768        1421   Ordained
Mabaso       Nomsa            0779        901    Supernumerary
Mabaso       Londeka          1971        903    Ordained
Mabinyane    Siphiwe          1336        909    Ordained
Mabuza       Wesley           0235        902    Supernumerary
Madadasane   Sipho            0895        920    Superintendent
Madibo       Makgore          0693        922    Superintendent
Madlala      Phumizile        138         906    Ordained
Majoe        Morailane        1436        922    Ordained
Makgalane    Sonamzi          1001        929    Probationer
Makhubo      Dabambe          1176        926    Ordained
Makubalo     Khawulezile      0144        903    Ordained
Maphanga     Nomsa            1447        915    Supernumerary
Mapoma       Lizo             0945        911    Ordained
Marumo       Lea              1096        910    Ordained
Marumo       Festus           0161        910    Ordained
Mathithi     Zwelinzima       1853        911    Superintendent
Matsane      Molefi           1834        1404   Chaplaincy
Matsaneng    Stephen          0558        1404   Chaplaincy
Mazibuko     Eric             0166        911    Supernumerary
Mbambo       Zwelithini       1892        906    Ordained
Mbewu        Nombulelo        1289        906    Probationer
Mcinga       Thabiso          1240        900    Probationer
Mdolo        Thokozile        1999        1421   Chaplaincy
Medupe       Bethuel          0789        922    Supernumerary
Mehana       Vukile           1983        1401   HR Director
Mere         Odirile Edward   1670        917    Superintendent
Mhlomi       Nzuzo            1210        906    Ordained
Mkhwanazi    Fanie            0320        925    Superintendent
Mlombi       Mawuzole         844         908    Ordained
Mngomezulu   Thembi           1374        911    Probationer
Moephuli     John             1815        906    Superintendent
Mokobori     Rabagolo         1082        925    Ordained
Molo         Mzwandile W      1774        902    Ordained
Moloabi      Isaac            0335        903    Supernumerary
Moloi        Mgcini Elisha    0855        902    Ordained
Molokwane    Cloupas          1268        1415   Ordained
Monnapula    Tshireletso      1486        905    Probationer

Morgan       Charmaine    0950        1401   General Secretary
Moses        Monwabisi    1822        915    Ordained
Mosia        Peter        0557        909    Ordained
Mtimkulu     Kgomotso     1777        906    Supernumerary
Mtshaulana   Thembelani   1302        926    Probationer
Mtshiza      Zola         1723        913    Ordained
Ncombo       Ndumiso      1156        901    Superintendent
Nelson       Dick         0661        920    Supernumerary
Ngonyama     Vuyo         1916        908    Superintendent
Ngwenya      Phinda       1860        1404   Chaplaincy
Nkomo        Daniel       0663        905    Superintendent
Nkosi        Noloyiso     1303        910    Probationer
Nomqolo      Nomsa        1073        912    Superintendent
Nyembe       Mxolisi      652         906    Ordained
Openshaw     Michael      0401        909    Supernumerary
Perry        Charles      0416        909    Supernumerary
Phokontsi    Kalamore     1781        920    Supernumerary
Phukuntsi    Kokolo       1784        914    Superintendent
Prins        Simon        1056        913    Ordained
Prinsloo     Nick         1899        1415   Ordained
Qamba        Ndileka      0643        903    Ordained
Ramatlo      Slangvel     756         906    Ordained
Rampa        Shibblette   0443        921    Ordained
Reyneke      Lilian       0323        922    Ordained
Rivas        Gary         1863        900    Bishop
Rivas        Jacqui       1138        910    Superintendent
Rose         David B      1057        914    Probationer
Samdaan      Jennifer     0733        905    Ordained
Sanqela      Similo       0803        910    Ordained
Scholtz      John         0465        903    Supernumerary
Sebogodi     Goitsemang   0827        920    Supernumerary
Seeri        Rampai       0590        910    Ordained
Seitshiro    Mmatu        1237        911    Probationer
Sekhejane    Moagi        1389        909    Superintendent
Senti        Mohau        1325        922    Ordained
Serwalo      Philip       0761        910    Ordained
Seymour      Richard      0866        909    Ordained
Sibeko       Madika       0807        905    Ordained
Sibi         Tshidiso     0625        915    Superintendent
Sibiya       Sukumile     1100        901    Supernumerary
Siwa         Ziphozihle   0868        1401   Presiding Bishop
Smith        Quentin      0709        910    Supernumerary
Socatsha     Xabiso       0644        901    Ordained
Somfiyana    Dolly        1908        1426   Ordained
Songca       Lunga        1414        910    Ordained
Songo        Vusi         0259        917    Ordained
Stemela      Mbuyiselo    1133        1419   Ordained
Tafane       Pumzile      1454        920    Ordained
Tau          John         0511        929    Supernumerary
Tawana       Refilwe      1454        903    Ordained

Thabalaka                   Solani                           0515                  913            Supernumerary
Thekiso                     Mantima                          0374                  902            Ordained
Thibedi                     Kaizer                           1392                  906            Ordained
Thompson                    Bill                             0521                  910            Supernumerary
Thulo                       Serame Samuel                    0673                  902            Ordained
Tlhakanye                   Itumeleng                        1731                  917            Supernumerary
Tlholoe                     Kagiso                           1175                  925            Ordained
Tsawu                       Zonwabele                        0353                  917            Ordained
Tshikita                    Moeketsi                         1831                  928            Superintendent
Tsosane                     Moeketsi                         0873                  902            Ordained
Van Breda                   Tony                             0874                  926            Supernumerary
Van Den Heever              Pierre                           1610                  926            Ordained
van der Walt                Willem                           0588                  915            Ordained
Verrier                     Janet                            1871                  905            Ordained
Verryn                      Paul                             0541                  910            Supernumerary
Vilakati                    Vusi                             1901                  903            Ordained
Waqu                        Siviwe                           1394                  902            Superintendent
Wessels                     John                             1601                  903            Ordained
Whitby                      Faith                            1071                  902            Ordained
Williams                    Nigel                            411                   906            ordained
Witbooi                     Peter                            0560                  903            Ordained
Zatu                        Getty                            0315                  928            Ordained
Zitha                       Shirley                          1136                  901            Probationer

                                                                                                     Category;     Probationer,   Present (P)
  Surname                     Name                            PF Number              Circuit         Ordained, Superintendent,    Dispensation (D)
                                                                                                     Deacon, Supernumerary        Absent (A)
  Dickson                     Gerald                          7739                   913             Deacon
  Gwabeni                     Mphumelelo                      7800                   912             Supernumerary
  Mchunu                      Smanga                          7765                   910             Probationer
  Mngxali                     Talente                         7749                   928             Deacon
  Slater                      Patricia                        7790                   909             Supernumerary
  Sejanamane                  Thabo                           7812                   917             Probationer

          Circuit Representatives to Synod (See L&D 6.4 page 64)
                                 One Circuit Steward per Circuit and three Representatives of each Circuit.
      One additional Representative of each Circuit with between 1000 and 2000 Full Members, or with 3 or 4 Ministers or Probationers
                                                    (excluding Supernumerary Ministers.)
         One further Representative of each Circuit with more than 2000 Full Members or with 5 or more Ministers or Probationer
                                                    Ministers (excluding supernumeraries)

Circuit                      Surname                       First name                          Title                   Status at Synod
                                                                                                                       (Circuit Stew/ Rep)
901 Central                  Nene                          Rosslyn                             Mrs.                    CS
901 Central                  Ntsepe                        Buntu                               Mr.                     Rep. 1
901 Central                  Mkebe                         Babalwa                             Ms                      Rep. 2
901 Central                  Qoza                          Zizipho                             Ms                      Rep. 3
901 Central                  Mnukwa                        Thumeka                             Mrs.                    Rep. 4
901 Central                  Qushu                         Anele                               Mr.                     Rep. 5
902 Alexandra/Jhb            Cele                          Ntuthuko                            Mr.                     CS
902 Alexandra/Jhb            Ntolosi                       Bomi                                Mr.                     Rep. 1

902 Alexandra/Jhb   More         Olive             Ms     Rep. 2
902 Alexandra/Jhb   Yende        Yende             Mr.    Rep. 3
902 Alexandra/Jhb   Katshane     Vathiswa          Ms     Rep. 4
903 Jhb North       Mmapule      Phahla            Ms     CS
903 Jhb North       Gallo        Chiara            Ms     Rep. 1
903 Jhb North       Herbert      Monadira          Mr.    Rep. 2
903 Jhb North       Jane         Codrington        Mrs.   Rep. 3
903 Jhb North       Wayne        Tippett           Mr.    Rep. 4
903 Jhb North       Kgori        Mokoro            Mr.    Rep. 5
904 Jhb West        Rhoda        Alexandra         Ms     CS
904 Jhb West        Burrel       Johanna           Ms     Rep. 1
904 Jhb West        Gillian      Ricardo           Mr.    Rep. 2
906 South Rand      Khulu        Nonhlanhla        Ms     CS
906 South Rand      Matle        Aubrey            Mr.    Rep. 1
906 South Rand      Bixa         Solomon           Mr.    Rep. 2
906 South Rand      Mogonediwa   Glenda            Ms     Rep. 3
906 South Rand      Makoe        Boitumelo         Ms     Rep. 4
908 Jhb East        Smith        Fred              Mr.    CS
908 Jhb East        Moloto       Nombedesho Shai   Mrs.   Rep.
908 Jhb East        Mgubonde     Sibongile         Mrs.   Rep. 1
908 Jhb East        Khuzwayo     Cecilia           Ms     Rep. 2
908 Jhb East        Mgatiwa      Vido              Mr.    Rep. 3
908 Jhb East        Steyn        Roxanne           Ms     Rep. 4
909 Roodepoort      Anthony      Fleetwood         Mr.    CS
909 Roodepoort      Fleetwood    Devan             Mr.    Rep. 1
909 Roodepoort      Pool         Zeena             Ms     Rep. 2
909 Roodepoort      Setuki       Mampho            Ms     Rep. 3
910 Fourways        Kedama       Phumzile          Mrs.   CS
910 Fourways        Mchuno       Smanga            Mr.    Deacon
910 Fourways        Dakada       Mandla            Mr.    Rep. 1
910 Fourways        Dhliwayo     Monana            Ms     Rep. 2
910 Fourways        Nyakatha     Oscar             Mr.    Rep. 3
910 Fourways        Bambathi     Thembisa          Ms     Rep. 4
910 Fourways        Maureen      Merrifield        Mrs.   Rep. 5
911 Zola            Klaas        Clifford          Mr.    CS
911 Zola            Tshabalala   Nomfundiso        Ms     Rep. 1
912 Orlando         Masinga      Thandeka          Ms     CS
912 Orlando         Gwabeni      Richard           Mr.    Rep. 1
912 Orlando         Njontina     Joseph            Mr.    Rep. 2
912 Orlando         Mthembu      Maggie            Ms     Rep. 3
912 Orlanddo        Cutshwa      John              Mr.    Rep. 4
912 Orlando         Msibi        Lindokuhle        Mr.    Rep .5
913 RandWest        Qaba         Itumeleng         Mr.    CS
913 RandWest        Ntlamele     Norah             Ms     Rep. 1
913 RandWest        Salomane     Kelebogile        Ms     Rep. 2
913 RandWest        Mayekiso     Lubabalo          Mr.    Rep. 3

913 RandWest      Sibambo      Thomas            Mr.    Rep. 4
913 RandWest      Thejane      Steven            Me     Rep. 5
914 Golden West   Madelisa     Siyabulela        Mr.    CS
914 Golden West   Marumole     Babotseng         Mrs.   Rep. 1
914 Golden West   Chochwe      Tshidiso          Mr.    Rep. 2
914 Golden West   Ntsasa       Nokukhanya        Ms     Rep. 3
914 Golden West   Moalusi      Elliot            Mr.    Rep. 4
914 Golden West   Manzi        Sekgametso               Rep 5
915 Mogale        MacDonald    David             Mr.    CS
915 Mogale        Mabilo       Pumla             Mrs.   Rep. 1
915 Mogale        Sibiki       Nomthandazi       Ms     Rep. 2
915 Mogale        Sehularo     Thapelo           Mr.    Rep. 3
915 Mogale        Mothibe      Moses             Mr.    Rep. 4
917 Kopano        Makgale      Thomas            Mr.    CS
917 Kopano        Mosidi       Frank             Mr.    Rep. 1
917 Kopano        Motlogelwa   Tumi Motlogelwa   Mr.    Rep. 2
917 Kopano        Motswatse                      Mrs.   Rep. 3
917 Kopano        Rapoo        Masabata          Mrs.   Rep. 4
917 Kopano        Sebolai      Rinah             Mrs.   Rep 5
920 Lichtenburg   Tsime        Tebogo            Mr     CS
920 Lichtenburg   Moshoette    Monnaesi          Ms     Rep. 1
920 Lichtenburg   Mosete       Reitumetse        Ms     Rep. 2
920 Lichtenburg   Mazwi        Lebogang          Mr     Rep. 3
920 Lichtenburg   Mohohlo      Tshepoeng         Mrs    Rep. 4
920 Lichtenburg   Molubi       Granny            Ms     Rep. 5
921 Khunwana      Konco        Thomas            Mr.    CS
921 Khunwana      Verby        Catherine         Ms     Rep. 1
921 Khunwana      Kerileng     Christina         Mr.    Rep. 2
921 Khunwana      Shoai        August            Mr.    Rep. 3
921 Khunwana      Mtshengu     Mookgo            Mr.    Rep. 4
922 Matlosana     Philda       Molusi            Ms     CS
922 Matlosana     Lolwana      Nomvula           Ms     Rep. 1
922 Matlosana     Mosai        Goitsemang        Mrs.   Rep. 2
922 Matlosana     Mahapela     Mohase            Mr.    Rep. 3
922 Matlosana     Foster       Sibongile         Ms     Rep. 4
925 Kgatelopele   Olifant      Lebogang          Mr.    CS
925 Kgatelopele   Makgatho     Zacharia          Mr.    Rep. 1
925 Kgatelopele   Seleka       Ntswaki           Ms     Rep. 2
925 Kgatelopele   Ogane        Ogane             Mr.    Rep. 3
925 Kgatelopele   Maboe        Connie            Mrs.   Rep. 4
925 Kgatelopele   Motsibisi    Poloko            Mr.    Rep. 5
926 Vryburg       Thipe        Matshidiso        Mrs.   CS
926 Vryburg       Gaseemelwe   Lerato            Ms     Rep. 1
926 Vryburg       Ngixi        Mthetheleli       Mr.    Rep. 2
926 Vryburg       Mojahi       Tumisang          Mr.    Rep. 3
926 Vryburg       Mosesana     Winnie            Mrs.   Rep. 4
928 Jabavu        Tsele        Tebogo            Mr.    CS
928 Jabavu        Mota         Ntombikayise      Ms     Rep. 1
928 Jabavu        Zulu         Millicent         Ms     Rep. 2
928 Jabavu                 Oliephant                  Motlhagomang                    Ms                       Rep. 3
928 Jabavu                 Makhongoana                Mosa                            Ms                       Rep. 4
928 Jabavu                 Mbuli                      Jabu                            Mr.                      Rep 5
929 Pimville               Mkhonzeni                  Fumba                           Mr.                      CS
929 Pimville               Makhetha                   Pontsho                         Mrs.                     Rep. 1
929 Pimville               Maseko                     Thulani                         Mr.                      Rep. 2
929 Pimville               Tyatyeka                   Mfuneko                         Ms                       Rep. 3
929 Pimville               Mataboge                   Nomthandazo                     Ms                       Rep. 4
930 Tsietsi Mashinini

           Reresentatives of Organisations, Committees or District/ Connexional Officials: (See L&D 6.4
      page 64)
Surname                            First name                    Title       Office held
Nkomonde                           Thuli                         Mrs         District Lay Leader (Conference 2016 Amendment)
Moloi                              Elisha                        Rev.        DDC Convener (L&D 6.4.9)
Howell                             Terry                         Rev         District Treasurer (L&D 6.4.10)
Mfaise                             Yolisa                        Ms          District Statistical Secretary ( L&D 6.4.11)
Ngwenya                            Ricky                         Mr          DTP Secretary (L&D 6.4.20)
Modiegi                            Mwelase                       Mrs          One DTP Committee member (L&D 6.4.20)
                                                                              One Representative of each Mission Group appointed by
The following District Organisations which exceed 400 in number send two Representatives, normally the President and Secretary, or
Authorised Alternatives. Organisations with a membership below send one Representative, normally the President, or Authorised
Alternative.* (L&D 6.4.15) NB: If the President of an Organisation is a Minister and present in the Synod, an alternate for their seat as
Organisational President may NOT be appointed. If the Minister/President is in the house, they are also always there as President of the
Jaftha                              Saul                          Mr          Men’s League President
Hare                                Dudley                       Mr          Men’s League Secretary
Tsosane                             Moeketsi                     Rev         Local Preachers’ Association (President)
Keketso                             Letlatsa                     Mr          Local Preachers’ Association (Secretary)
Jacobs                              Maureen                      Mrs         Women’s Association
Borman                              Collette                     Mrs         Women’s Association
John                                Theresa                      Mrs         Women’s Auxiliary (President)
Heaton                              Gill                         Mrs         Women’s Auxiliary 2 (Secretary)
Sibi                                Seipati                      Mrs         Women’s Manyano (President)
Moloto                              Nombhedesho                  Mrs         Women’s Manyano
Bolane                              Nomawethu                    Ms          Young Women’s Manyano (Secretary)
Nkomo                               Thobeka                      Dr          Young Women’s Manyano (President)
Tshikita                            Moeketsi                     Rev         Young Men’s Guild (President)
Sigwili                             Thozamile                    Mr          Young Men’s Guild (Secretary)
                                                                             One Local Preacher from the District Mission Group (L&D
Monyane                             Tladi                        Mr          President District Music Association (L&D 6.4.21) 2
Diratsagae                          Rabs                         Mr          District Music Association Treasurer
Masiza                              Akhona                       Brother     Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 1 (L&D 6.4.17)
Segopolo                            Kealeboga                    Sister      Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 2
Mdaniso                             Aviwe                        Brother     Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 3
Moshoma                             Buhle                        Sister      Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 4
Madibo                              Lebogang                     Brother     Youth Rep (Elected by Youth Synod) 5
Cynthia                             Matshogo (EV)                Ms          Order of Evangelism (L&D 6.4.18) 1

Eugenia                              Ngwenya (BW)                   Ms     Order of Evangelism (L&D 6.4.18) 2
                                                                            Any Christian Connexion Resource Centre Manager (if a
                                                                            Methodist) L&D 6.4.19)
 The General President of the Men’s League, Local Preachers’ Association, Women’s Association, Women’s Auxiliary, Women’s Manyano,
 Young Women’s Manyano, Young Men’s Guild where they reside in the District AND the registered membership of the Organisation in the
 Connexion exceeds 2000 (L&D 6.4.14):
 Motingoe                          Itumeleng                     Mr         Music Association General President
 Any other Ministerial or Lay Connexional Official (L&D 6.4.13)
 Siwa                                 Ziphozihle                     Bishop       Presiding Bishop
 Morgan                               Charmaine                      Rev          Ministerial General Treasurer/General Secretary
 Mehana                               Vukile                         Rev Dr       Diretor Human Resources
 District Treasurers of Connexional Funds (L&D 6.4.12):
 Any official of the World Methodist body residing in the District (L&D 6.4.22)
 One Probationer Minister elected by the Probationer Ministers at Seminary (6.4.2)

The roll of the synod having been taken, the Bishop declared the Synod duly and properly constituted.

           Welcome by The Host Circuit
The District was welcomed by the Jabuvu Circuit Superintendent and Circuit Steward on behalf of the Four Soweto Circuits
co-hosted the Synod.

           Resolution of The Hours of Session
The superintendent of the Jabavu Circuit moved the hours of session and the Synod affirmed

The Duties of the District Secretary as per the Laws and Discipline


6.17         The District Secretary shall be appointed by Synod after nomination from the floor. The District Secretary holds
             office for 3 years from the 1st January and may be re-elected. The District Secretary may be a lay-person or a

6.18         The duties of the District Secretary are inter alia:

6.18.1       to support and facilitate the administrative work of the District;

6.18.2       to keep proper records of all proceedings of Synod;

6.18.3       to prepare one unbound copy of the records for immediate forwarding to the General Secretary, and three bound
             copies for signature by the Bishop, the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary. One bound copy to be forwarded to the
             Methodist Connexional Office;

6.18.4       to forward all documents, reports, resolutions and schedules as required;

6.18.5       persons appointed by Synod to any office, Group or Committee shall be advised accordingly by the District

6.18.6       to discharge such other duties as the Bishop or Synod may require.

6.19         The District Secretary is ex-officio a member of all District committees.

6.20         Synod may appoint an Assistant Secretary.

All reports and documents before synod as contained in this Blue book were presented and accepted as working documents
for synod.

              District Lay Leader’s Report
Thank you for the opportunity to present my report for the period under review.
May be noted for consideration that the seasonal nature of my responsibility as the District Lay Leader has resulted in the
inability to fully implement all planned activities in such an Office, due to time and financial constraints.

Report on planned Regional Workshops and District Events
17 June 2017 – Rand West Region: consist of the following Circuits: Roodepoort, Mogale, Rand West and Golden West. Hosted
by Mogale Circuit. Th respective Circuits were in attendance. The workshop preceded by the commemoration of the June 16
Soweto uprising, where we had a Guest Speaker – Mr. Dichaba Mashinini (younger brother to Tsietsi Mashinini) who reminded
us of the importance of commemorating this day. We covered the following topics:
• Church Structure – by Mr. Mabutho Sithole
• Stewardship – by Mrs. Thuli Nkomonde
• Trust Properties mandate and Management – Mr. Ricky Ngwenya
The workshop was well attended, and we applauded the Rand West Region Leadership and interaction was demonstrated,
understanding of the topics that were tabled.
26th July 2017 – District Bishop and Lay Leader hosted a Business Breakfast Session with the Methodists Business people. This
was historical engagement between the parties. It was interesting to observe the bottom line “gurus” emerged in a missional
conversation. The Business Leaders proposed that such event to be staged annually for proper and planned engagements.
05 August 2017 – Town Region and Soweto Region: consist of the following Circuits: Fourways, JHB North, JHB West, JHB East,
    Central Mission, Jabavu, Orlando, Pimville, Southrand and Zola. Hosted by JHB West - Fourways, JHB East, Central Mission,
    Jabavu, Pimville Circuits were not in attendance. Attendance was not impressive however the content was quality and
    those present gained a lot. Topics that we covered and engaged on were:
•      Statistics – by Ms Yoliswa Mfaise
•      Finance & Property Management – Rev Dr Vukile Mehana
•      Servant Leadership – Mr Xhanti Mhlubulwana

26 August 2017 – District Fundraising Gala Dinner
The initiative was aimed at raising funds to implement Lay Leaders capacitation program for the District.

    Circuit    Circuit Name   Circuit Tickets   Paid                   Tickets            Paid         YMG Tickets     Paid
    901        Mission        30-10330            3 000.00             10031-10040        Not Paid     10041-10050     Not Paid
    902        Alex / Jhb     31-10331            3 000.00             10230-10239         3 000.00    10241-10250     Not Paid
    903        Jhb North      32-10332            3 000.00             10389-10398         1 500.00    10251-10260       900.00
    904        Jhb West       33-10333            3 000.00
    906        South Rand     34-10334          3 000.00 Not Paid      10291-102100        3 000.00    10358-10367     Not Paid
    908        Jhb East       35-10335            3 000.00
    909        Roodepoort     36-10336          3 000.00 Not Paid      10311-10320        Not Paid     1031-10310      Not Paid
    910        Fourways       37-10337            6 000.00
                              M2011 / M20011    2 100.00-     900.00   M20036-
    911        Zola           - 20019           Not Paid               M20045              3 000.00
    912        Orlando        39-10339          3 000.00 Not Paid      10268-10277         3 000.00    10278-10287     Not Paid
                                                1 500.00    Not Paid
    913        Rand West      40-10340          1500                   10379-10388                     10211-10220
    914        Golden West    41-10341            3 000.00
    915        Mogale         42-10342            3 000.00             1001-10010          3 000.00
    917        Kopano         43-10343          3 000.00 Not Paid
920        Lichtenburg     44-10344            3 000.00
 921        Khunwana        45-10345            3 000.00

                                               2 000.00
 922        Matlosana       46-10346           Not Paid 1 000.00
 925        Mission         47-10347           3 000.00   Not Paid
 926        Vryburg                              3 000.00

                                              900.00       Not Paid    2                        3    000.00                  3 000.00
 928        Jabavu          48-10348          100.00                       10021-10030          Not Paid      10321-103100   Not Paid
                                                                                                3    000.00                  3 000.00
 929        Pimville        49-10349           3 000.00    Not Paid        10011-10020          Not Paid      10051-10062    Not Paid
 ations     YMG             M10378             3 000.00     Not Paid
            Manyano         M10338              3 000.00
            YWM             M20056-M20065       3 000.00
            Youth Unit      M10351              3 000.00
            Association     M20066 - 20075      3 000.00
            LPA             10350               3 000.00

            Women's                           2 300.00       Not Paid
            Fellowship      M20046-M20055     700.00
            BMC             10376               8 000.00

 Tickets & Donations - Received Amount                                     Actual Expenditure
 R115 700.00                                                               R151 523.00
Projected amount was R200 000.00, therefore shortfall was R84 300.00

In terms of program and other arrangements the event was successful. It is worth noting though that the targeted amount was
not realized yet the capacitation program has to continue. It is for that reason that the District Lay Leader proposes to Synod
that Circuits be assessed in order to successfully implement the Training and Development program for Laity. This is motivated
by the 2018 budget of R18 000.00 allocated to the District Lay Leader’s office for Laity training which is clearly inadequate.

The highlights of the Gala Dinner were:
Acquisition of fiery Guest Speaker from our own member of the Methodist family Prof. Gordon Zide under the “Theme”
Leadership with Conscience – his emphasis was on Ethical Leadership especially in the current Country trajectory. Honoring of
our Mothers of Faith who have made selfless contributions in the Life of the Church/ Community.

Tina de Rijke – from Bishop’s Office
Mrs. Elizabeth Mamavuka Mafaesa – from Mogale Circuit
Mrs. Lindi Myeza – from Jabavu Circuit
Mrs. Ennie Mamogapi Sekati - from Kgatelopele Circuit
Mrs. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela – from JHB North Circuit

The vote of Thanks for the recipients was done by Ms Zodwa Zwane a PA to the late Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela who
further emphasized Mama’s appreciation of the kind gesture together with those she was honored with. She indicated that it
was the late Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela first honor by the MCSA.
The event unleashed talent – Daliwonga High School band

I join the Organizing Team that I led in appreciation of the support by the members of the Methodist family in the District –
Sithi kuni Nangomso

27th January 2018 - The District Circuit Stewards Consultation was held at Jabavu Circuit
Consultation highlights:

Attendance was impressive, only Central Mission, Fourways, and Pimville that was not in attendance
• The first formal interaction of Circuit Stewards in the District
• Direct communication lines were established between the Circuit Stewards, which augurs well for the future
• Circuit Steward requested to have more time in the future , in order to engage on their duties and responsibilities as
     detailed in L&D (Book of Order)
The relevance of the content was highly inspirational – led by Rev Sva Waqu
• Roles and Responsibilities of Circuit Steward
• Capacitation on “tools of the trade” for efficient management of the tasks
• Stationing procedures and processes
03 February 2018 – Far East - Laity Training (Society Stewards, Stats Secretary, Society Trust properties) - Hosted by Fourways
Attendance – 901 = 2 /// 902 = 23 /// 903 = 0 /// 904=1 /// 906=3 /// 908 =1 /// 909=7 /// 910=12 /// 911=4 /// 912=15 ///
913=8 /// 915=5 /// 928=4 /// 929=0

The following topics were covered:
• Trust Properties and Management – by Mr. Ricky Ngwenya
• Conflict Management – by Rev Nomsa Nomqolo
• Disciplinary and Harassment – by Rev Jacqui Rivas
• Statistics – Ms Yoliswa Mfaise

Future plans
• 16th June 2018 - District Youth Day & Career Guidance
• 23 June 2018 - Far West – Laity Training – Boikhutso
• 11 August 2018 - Women Re-Connection event – In pursuit of Unity
• 20 October 2018 – Far East - Laity Training – Lombardy East
• 24 November 2018 - Annual Circuit Stewards Consultation –– hosted by CMM
• Church Leadership & Methodist Business Leaders – conversation continues …..
• Ongoing discussion on joint District Bursary with Head of Organizations still continues….
Central District Talent Search program (unveil, unpack and unleash)
• The Youth by their very nature are energetic people and this program seeks to re-direct that energy and gear it towards
    positive outputs. It is envisaging that it will unveil raw talent polish and unleash it to the public eye, resulting in the
    production of future transformational Leaders.

It is critical that Circuit Stewards fully understand that they are elected not appointed. Therefore, they are accountable to the
Circuit Quarterly meeting not to any individual in the Circuit albeit how popular or influential.
I would like to encourage all the elected lay leaders in their different responsibilities to read thoroughly in order to understand
their area of operation (eg. Laws & Discipline / Book of Order).

Activities or Events that had my presence:
• Connexional Women’s Manyano Triennial – East London
• Connexional Local Preachers Triennial – Lichtenburg
• District New Minister’s Orientation and Induction
• Connexional various Bishop’s Induction
• Connexion Mission Resource Fund Workshop / Laity involvement – Facilitator – Emseni
• District YMG Annual Convention
• District Women’s Manyano Convention
• District Youth Synod
• District Music Association Convention
• District Local Preacher’s Convention
• District Young Women’s Manyano Convention

Highlights – Hosting of the Connexional Lay Leader’s Consultation. The Consultation was very successful. Lay Leaders visited
the Apartheid Museum for reflection and on Sunday we joined Alex/JHB (Bethesda Mission) for Sunday Worship service.


Your co-operation as members of the Central District has been phenomenal, amid some challenges, one is still inspired to
continue the labor of Love in the vineyard. Kea le boga – I Thank You!

          Table of Resolutions and Notices of Motion

 No                                                                             OR
 1        From Fourways Circuit                                                 Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Title:                    Payment and repayment of the Cost of Ministerial Training by ministerial students and recently
                           ordained Ministers

 Synod Decision:                               Synod      For:                  Against:              Neutral:

 No                                                                             OR
 2        From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                    Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                               Synod      For:                  Against:              Neutral:

 No                                                                             OR
 3        From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                    Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                               Synod      For:                  Against:              Neutral:

 No                                                                             OR
 4        From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                    Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                               Synod      For:                  Against:              Neutral:

 No                                                                             OR
 5        From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                    Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                               Synod      For:                  Against:              Neutral:

 No                                                                             OR
 6        From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                    Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                             Synod         For:                  Against:            Neutral:

 No                                                                              OR
 7     From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                        Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                             Synod         For:                  Against:            Neutral:

 No                                                                              OR
 8     From Circuit/ Unit or Organisation                                        Proposer:………….………………………………………..


 Synod Decision:                             Synod         For:                  Against:            Neutral:

                                     2 SYNOD APPOINTMENTS

Assistant Secretary                         Miss Kgomotso Sebabi

Letter Writer/s                             Rev Odirile Mere

Precentors                                  Revs. Getty Zatu, Charles Kuhn, Londeka Mabaso, Moeketsi Tshikita

Reporter Dimension                          Rev Willem Van der Walt

Social Media                                Mr Akhona Sebolai

Listening Committee                         Revs. Mantima Thekiso, Janet Verrier, Mompati Ditlhake

Resolutions Committee                       Revs. Lea Marumo, Thandeka Dintle, Koloko Phukuntsi

Scrutineers                                 Rev. Phillip Serwalo & Ordinands

Time Keeper                                 Rev Lawrence Chupologo

IT & PA                                     Rev Phezile Koekoe, Rev Morapedi Diutlwileng and Gracepoint Team

Memorial Service                            District Vice Chairperson, Rev Faith Whitby

EMMU Committees                             As proposed by EMMU Committee

                                                 (L&D Appendix 5: 1 page 186)

         CIRCUITS AND SOCIETIES (L&D Appendix 5: 1.1 and 5: 1.2
17 Circuits engage their bible study groups with various materials and themes that provide bases of their learning and engaging
with the Gospel. Some Circuits run retreats, Alpha and other courses as well as the continued participation in Emmaus walks.
Circuits organising combined services to foster unity. Members encouraged to “Do Good and Do No Harm” at all times.

Challenge we need to overcome: is that of producing relevant, home grown discipling material. Not all members of the
congregation attend the Bible Study sessions.

Education and Christian Formation
 Several Circuits have preschools. JHB/Alex Circuit in partnership with St Stithians have started a primary school. Various
partnerships exist between schools and congregations offering support, sanitary towels, and educational tools. Some Circuits
run courses on spirituality, discipleship and Christian formation.
Challenge we need to overcome: Engagement with the law and the registration processes and developing relevant material for
Christian Formation.

Human Empowerment and Economic Development
There are continuing projects such as computer literacy; registration of PBOs with the intention to create employment
opportunities, Circuits providing scholars with uniforms and educational support, skills projects such as sewing, craft making,
candle making, vegetable gardens. Some societies also assist the unemployed to find jobs. Circuits are partnering with other
Challenge we need to overcome: is that of lack of resources.

Evangelism and Church Growth
Circuits and organizations lead revivals. Circuits make use of Bible Women and Evangelists to lead evangelical ventures as well
as Lay witness missions. Some societies use the idea of flash mobs.
Challenges we need to overcome: Circuit boundaries in respect of church planting and vanguard mission. Strategies of
evangelistic outreach to youth and children as well as closed suburban communities.
Circuits are engaged in various efforts to alleviate poverty and restore dignity of God’s people from underprivileged
backgrounds and homelessness. These efforts include blanket drives in winter, feeding schemes and soup kitchens, support in
education such as providing uniforms, lay counselling, prison ministries, support to welfare institutions/homes, wellness and
HIV/AIDS support groups and drop in centres.
Challenge we need to overcome: is that of limited human power and lack of financial resources.

Justice and Service
Feeding Schemes
Circuits promote Gender sensitivity
One of the Circuits facilitate Identity Documentation application for community members.
Circuits and organizations are building houses for the poor.
Challenge: Lack of commitment from those who should be giving service to the community

         EXECUTIVE? (Appendix 5:1.5)

These are being highlights of the District Executive for the year under review.

One and undivided District
The District has embraced the theme of becoming a ‘one and undivided church’ as its primary focus for 2018. We have
committed ourselves through a variety of activities to working towards healing and discovering our common heritage. Every
structure of the district has been mandated to make this focus a central future of their activities, whether meetings, retreats,
consultations or conventions. Key to this work is addressing the issues of Racism, Sexism, Tribalism and other related matters
that continue to shape the discourse of our District, communities and country. The ultimate goal is to become a church and

District that brings together people of every culture, every generation, every tribe and every tongue to make them one in Jesus

Related to the same focus is the need to work toward a unity of purpose and work. This includes intentionally working toward
an inclusive approach in our leadership and the way we share our human and financial resources within the district. To model
this aim, the 2018 District Synod will be co-hosted by four Circuits within the Soweto region. Our unity as District should also
be characterised by our actions in every aspect of the District.

Finance and Accountability
While the District is generally in a healthy financial position, a number of Circuits continue to fail timeously to honour their
assessments to the District and the Connexion. This creates a number of financial challenges for the District and in some cases,
negatively affects the remuneration of Ministers stipends.

The distruct expresses it gratitude to Mrs. Carin Cronje for her amazing service as District Treasurer. Her clarity of thought,
dedication to equipping treasurers and commitment to institutional competence will remain the hallmarks of her witness and
excellent service to the District.

A number of issues that have a strong bearing on the finances of the District remain unresolved:
     • There are still circuits that pay their assessment late and some are in arrears for more than a year.
     • The challenges relating to the ministry to refugees need to be addressed
     •    The conversations about the future of Tsietsi Mashinini Community Centre and the related debts need to be
     • The relationship between the District and the issues relating to the Albert School need to be addressed.
All these issues will have a bearing on the financial stewardship and stability of the District.

Organizations and Formations
District oorganizations are a vital expression of our ministry and mission. Their conventions, consultations, and annual meetings
are an important place for reviewing and strengthening their work.

A Focus on Youth and Children
The District recognizes the need to strengthen its work relating to the role and ministry of and to youth and children. The Youth
Unit has been helpful in challenging the District to increase its involvement and investment in this regard. This is in line with
the Conference mandate to celebrate and grow the Ministry of Young people and Children.

         What recommendations do we make and what mandate do we give to the District Executive
         for the Extension of the work in the District? (Appendix 5: 1.6)

The mission of the Central District of the MCSA is to be a transforming discipleship movement that is dedicated to:
    • being a ‘One and Undivided Church’. we are committed to breaking all barriers of race, gender, class and ethnicity
         at every level of the district.
    • empowering both our clergy and laity through leadership training and deepening the spirituality of every member.
    • making children and youth a central focus of our ministry and activity at every level of the district.
    • growing our financial stewardship and mission to the rural areas of the District
     •    other areas of focus include: a district committed to prayer; prayerful life and resuscitating Anti-Bias workshops and
          becoming a youth friendly church.

         What is the report of District Mission Groups?
This synod sits amid recent loss of struggle icons. Amongst those fallen is one of our own Mama Nomzamo Madikizela-Mandela.
She is revered and renowned as one who was a fearless freedom fighter who brought her superlative courage during the
darkest hour of oppression. Mama was not devoid of fault but many would like to remember her as a generous and courageous
fighter. These are character traits which we ought to possess as a church in mission.

Within the theological arena, James H Cone has joined the Church Triumphant. Drawing from the deep well of his theological
gifted articulations, Cone’s view is that the Scripture, both Old and New Testament) is the story of God’s liberation of the weak
in relation to our contemporary situation. He also contends that “Christian theology is language about the crucified and risen
Christ who grants freedom to all who are falsely condemned in an oppressive society” (James H Cone - Speaking the Truth:
Ecumenism, Liberation & Black Theology. 1986: 6).
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