Benefactor Opportunities - Generations in Jazz

Page created by Matthew Saunders
Benefactor Opportunities - Generations in Jazz
G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

              M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Benefactor Opportunities - Generations in Jazz
The Opportunity                                                          Benefactor Opportunities
We would love for you and your organisation to                           (1 year with option for 3yrs)
be a Benefactor of this unique event offering
the opportunity to be connected, support
communities and encourage and experience                                 n $50,000 - Gala Concert
excellence and fun – celebrating jazz music across
the generations in a truly world class event.                            n $
                                                                            35,000 - City of Mount Gambier
                                                                                                                   2022 BENEFACTOR SECURED 4

                                                                           National Stage Band Awards
You will be recognised in marketing, with
participants, family and friends and schools across
                                                                         n $
                                                                            20,000 - Artistic Director Role
Australia, - as well as experiencing GIJ firsthand.
We are excited at the prospect of you joining                            n $
                                                                            15,000 - Vocal Ensemble Awards        2022 BENEFACTOR SECURED 4

the GIJ community as a valued Benefactor.
                                                                         n $
                                                                            5,000 - Small Jazz Combo Awards
Our Why
                                                                         n $
                                                                            10,000 – James Morrison Jazz
                                                                                                                   2022 BENEFACTOR SECURED 4

To create a unique experience for students,                                & GIJ Vocal Scholarships
schools, educators, musicians, and our
community, to celebrate and inspire a love                               n $
                                                                            10,000 - Infrastructure - Pavilions
of jazz music across generations.
                                                                         n $
                                                                            8,000 - Telecommunication

Who we are                                                               n $
                                                                            5,000 and under – Scholarship Finalists expenses

Generations in Jazz is held over a weekend in                            n V
                                                                            olunteer’s expenses
Mount Gambier, South Australia, in a unique rural
setting covering 80 acres and is the only event                          n I n Kind Community Sponsorship
of its type held in the Southern Hemisphere.
Commencing in 1989 as a testimonial to three                             n F
                                                                            oundation - Philanthropic
local musicians to the current format, more than
48,691 young Australian school music students
have participated, along with world leading                              Please note all amounts are exclusive of GST.
musicians (James Morrison AM, Daryl Somers,                              All packages include a Certificate of
Ross Irwin, Kate Ceberano, Tommy Tycho,                                  Benefactor Acknowledgement.
Wycliffe Gordon, Gordon Goodwin, and his Big
Phat Band, Take 6 and Jeff Clayton) to perform,                          Terms and Conditions, Liability and Indemnity have
celebrate and immerse themselves in a unique                             not been included in this submission but are available
Big Band and Vocal Ensemble experience.                                  on request, including COVID cancellation conditions.

It has evolved to attract an Australasian supporter
base and is considered one of the world’s best
school-based music events attracting more than
240 bands and 115 Vocal Ensembles in 2019.
We invite you to be a part of this prestigious
support network which benefits the future
for young Australian musicians.

                                                 Images by Frank Monger Photography
Benefactor Opportunities - Generations in Jazz
Concert Benefactor
    O N E B E N E FA C T O R O P P O R T U N I T Y O N LY

  G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Benefactor Opportunities - Generations in Jazz
Concert                           Networking

Benefactor                        n 8
                                     Weekend complimentary passes

Opportunity                       n 4 guests to Chairman’s dinner (Saturday Night)
                                  n 8
                                     guests to Generations in Jazz 2022 Launch Cocktail Party

$50,000 (+GST)                      (Thursday night)

One Benefactor Opportunity only

                                  n I nclusion of name in Concert title:

                                    t F
                                       riday evening Generations in Jazz Welcome Concert
                                      supported by BENEFACTOR’S NAME
                                    t S
                                       aturday evening Generations in Jazz Gala Concert
                                      supported by BENEFACTOR’S NAME
                                    t S
                                       unday afternoon Generations in Jazz Finale Concert
                                      supported by BENEFACTOR’S NAME

                                  n C
                                     ompany Logo included on GIJ website, social media platforms, public
                                    program (3,000 printed) and big screen in James Morrison Pavilion

                                  n Company logo included on all correspondence to schools

                                  n Company logo on printed promotional and marketing material

                                  n Company Banner displayed at James Morrison Pavilion entry points

                                  n Company logo to be included on tickets through ticketing outlet

                                  n Acknowledgement announcement at all three concerts

                                  n Photo opportunity with James Morrison


                                  n E
                                     xclusive Industry category

                                  n C
                                     all out on social media leading up to and throughout
                                    weekend (Set number of call outs on Facebook and
                                    Instagram) and post event communication.

                                  n F
                                     ull page advert in public program – all artwork and content
                                    to be supplied by company to GIJ by set date

                                  n P
                                     artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
                                    with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.

                                      Images by Frank Monger Photography
City of Mount Gambier

National Stage
Band Awards

G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

              M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
City of                                Networking

Mount                                  n 6 complimentary weekend passes

Gambier                                n 2 guests to Chairman’s Dinner Saturday night

                                       n 8
                                          guests to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch
                                         Cocktail party (Thursday night)

Stage Band                             Branding

Awards                                 n Naming rights of the Stage Band Awards

$35,000 (+GST)                         n C
                                          ompany Logo included on GIJ website, social media platforms,
                                         public program and big screen in James Morrison Pavilion

                                       n Company logo included on all correspondence to schools
One Benefactor Opportunity only        n Company logo on printed promotional and marketing material

                                       n C
                                          ompany Banner displayed at James Morrison Pavilion and
The City of Mount Gambier National       other pavilions hosting stage Band and small jazz combo
Stage Awards was first established       performances (supplied by benefactor within plan submitted to
in 1993 with only eight schools          GIJ, location subject to GIJ) and site perimeters boundaries
competing in its infancy. Since that   n G
                                          IJ Logo on City of Mount Gambier website for contract period
time nearly 50,000 students and
                                       n A
                                          cknowledgement announcement at all three concerts
Music Educators have travelled
to Mount Gambier to participate        n C
                                          ompany logo printed on All Division Stage Band
in this prestigious event.               and Small Jazz Combo Award Certificates

The Stage Band Awards caters for       n C
                                          ompany logo on 1st Place Division 1 Stage Band Trophies
secondary school big bands and
jazz combos of all ability levels,
from beginners (Division 5) to         Advertising
Australia’s most accomplished
school bands (Division 1).             n C
                                          all out on social media leading up to and throughout
                                         weekend. (Set number of call outs on Facebook and
                                         Instagram) and post event communication.

                                       n F
                                          ull page Welcome editorial from Mayor in public program – all
                                         artwork and content to be supplied by company to GIJ by set date.

                                       n W
                                          elcome from Mayor at Friday evening’s event and
                                         presentation of Awards at Sunday Finale Concert

                                       n P
                                          artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
                                         with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.

                                           Images by Frank Monger Photography
Artistic Director
Benefactor Opportunity
      O N E B E N E FA C T O R O P P O R T U N I T Y O N LY

    G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                  M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Artist                              Networking

Director                            n 4 complimentary weekend passes

Benefactor                          n 2 guests to Chairman’s Dinner Saturday night

                                    n 4
                                       guests to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch
                                      Cocktail party (Thursday night)

$20,000 (+GST)                      Branding

                                    n C
                                       ompany Logo included on GIJ website, social media platforms, public
One Benefactor Opportunity only       program (3,000 printed) and big screen in James Morrison Pavilion

                                    n C
                                       ompany logo on printed promotional and marketing material

                                    n A
                                       cknowledgement at all three concerts within
                                      the James Morrison Pavilion
Generations in Jazz has been
privileged to have had a long-      n P
                                       hoto Opportunity with James Morrison
term relationship with world
renowned jazz instrumentalist
and educator James Morrison         Advertising
for over 30 years.

In his role as Artistic Director    n E
                                       xclusive Industry category
James commits to creating a         n P
                                       romotion on Social media platforms leading up to and
line-up of Guest Artists who will     throughout weekend (Set number of call outs on Facebook
perform at the main concerts          and Instagram) and post event communication.
in a “line up that you won’t see
anywhere else in the world”.        n P
                                       artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
                                      with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.

                                        Images by Frank Monger Photography
Benefactor Opportunity

      G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                    M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Infrastructure                      Networking

Benefactor                          n 2 complimentary weekend passes

Opportunity                         n 2 guests to Chairman’s Dinner Saturday night
                                    n 2 guests to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch Cocktail party (Thursday night)

$10,000 (+GST)
One Benefactor Opportunity only
                                    n N
                                       aming rights on the Pavilion with access to signage within that specified
                                      Pavilion and acknowledgement of this as part of venue map / directions
The increasing numbers of
participants each year also gives   n C
                                       ompany Logo included on GIJ website, social media platforms, public
rise to the required number           program (3,000 printed) and big screen in James Morrison Pavilion
of venues to accommodate
                                    n Company logo on printed promotional and marketing material
extra Divisions in both the City
of Mount Gambier National
Stage Band Awards, the Vocal
Ensemble Awards and the
Small Jazz Combo Awards.
                                    n C
                                       all out on social media leading up to and throughout
All venues are utilised to their      weekend (Set number of call outs on Facebook and
maximum potential not only for        Instagram) and post event communication.
performances and workshops,
                                    n P
                                       artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
but also for serving meals both
                                      with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.
on Friday and Saturday evening.

Venues covered over 80
acres for the event in
2019 and infrastructure
requirements are the greatest
financial commitment
for the organisation.

                                         Images by Frank Monger Photography
Vocal Ensemble Awards
Benefactor Opportunity
      O N E B E N E FA C T O R O P P O R T U N I T Y O N LY

    G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                  M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Vocal                             Networking

Ensemble                          n 2 complimentary weekend passes

Awards                            n 2 guests to Chairman’s Dinner Saturday night

                                  n 2 guests to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch Cocktail party (Thursday night)

Opportunity                       Branding

$15,000 (+GST)                    n Naming rights of Vocal Ensemble Awards

                                  n Signage within the Vocal Ensemble Awards Pavilions

One Benefactor Opportunity only   n C
                                     ompany logo included on GIJ website, social media platforms, public
                                    program (3,000 printed) and big screen in James Morrison Pavilion

                                  n Company logo on all Vocal Ensemble School correspondence
The Vocal Ensemble Award is
the highly successful, national   n Company logo on all divisions Vocal Ensemble awards certificates
jazz singing competition for      n Company logo/ Name on 1st Prize Division 1 Vocal Ensemble Trophies
secondary school students
which also forms part of
the school’s program and          Advertising
was introduced in 2012.

Providing a platform for          n Exclusive Industry category
school choristers to perform      n P
                                     romotion on Social media platforms leading up to and
on a national stage, the Vocal      throughout weekend. (Set number of call outs on Facebook
Ensemble Awards has been            and Instagram) and post event communication.
inspiring 1000s of students
It has grown into one of          n P
                                     artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
Australia’s largest school          with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.
choral events and is a major
highlight of the secondary
school music calendar.

                                       Images by Frank Monger Photography
James                                  Generations
Morrison Jazz                             in Jazz Vocal
 Scholarship                               Scholarship
   $10,000                                   $10,000

      G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                    M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
The James Morrison Jazz Scholarship is awarded to an instrumentalist
James                             and recognises, celebrates, and honours excellence and outstanding
                                  achievements in jazz music. It is open to young jazz instrumentalists
Morrison Jazz                     under 19 years. Since its inception in 1989, the James Morrison
                                  Jazz Scholarship has granted funds of more than $290,000.
Scholarship                       The Generations in Jazz Vocal Scholarship was established in 2004
                                  following the success of the high-profile James Morrison Jazz Scholarship

$10,000 (+GST)                    and encourages the development of jazz vocalists under 21 years of age.
                                  The scholarship has launched the careers of many high-profile artists
                                  including Megan Washington, Sarah McKenzie, and Olivia Chindamo.

Generations                       Benefits
in Jazz Vocal                     Networking

Scholarship                       n 2 complimentary weekend passes
                                  n 2 guests to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch Cocktail party (Thursday night)

$10,000 (+GST)
One Benefactor Opportunity only
                                  n Company logo within event programme

                                  n Company logo on GIJ website

                                  n Company logo on all Scholarship correspondence

                                  n Company logo on Scholarship awards certificates


                                  n Exclusive Industry category

                                  n P
                                     romotion on Social media platforms leading up to and
                                    throughout weekend. (Set number of call outs on Facebook
                                    and Instagram) and post event communication.

                                  n P
                                     artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
                                    with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.

                                       Images by Frank Monger Photography
Music Director’s
  Spirit of Jazz Award
Benefactor Opportunity
    T W O B E N E FA C T O R O P P O R T U N I T I E S O N LY

    G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                  M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Music                              Networking

Director’s                         n 2 complimentary weekend passes

Spirit of                          n 2 guest to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch Cocktail party (Thursday night)

Jazz Award
Benefactor                         Branding
Opportunity                        n Company logo within event programme

$5,000 (+GST)                      n Company logo on GIJ website

                                   n Company logo on all school’s correspondence

                                   n Company logo an award certificate
Two Benefactor Opportunity only

This award was introduced in
2011 to give special recognition
to the Music Director who as
                                   n Exclusive Industry category
part of the Band’s or Vocal
Ensemble’s performance in          n P
                                      romotion on Social media platforms leading up to and
the City of Mount Gambier            throughout weekend. (Set number of call outs on Facebook
National Stage Band Awards           and Instagram) and post event communication.
and the Vocal Ensemble Awards
                                   n P
                                      artnership media release detailing support and sponsorship
exemplified the “spirit of jazz
                                     with GIJ & post event thank you recognition.
and Generations in Jazz”.

This award allows the recipient
and their school to have
the opportunity to provide
a full day of Professional
Development of Stage Band or
Vocal Ensemble training and
workshops for Music Directors.

                                        Images by Frank Monger Photography
Benefactor Opportunity
      O N E B E N E FA C T O R O P P O R T U N I T Y O N LY

    G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                  M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Telecommunications                                                        Networking

Benefactor                                                                n 2 complimentary weekend passes

Opportunity                                                               n 2
                                                                             guest to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch
                                                                            Cocktail party (Thursday night)

$8,000 (+GST)
One Benefactor Opportunity only                                           Branding

                                                                          n C
                                                                             ompany logo within event programme

The Telecommunications Package is a new addition                          n C
                                                                             ompany logo on GIJ website
to the GIJ Benefactor opportunities. With the ever-
                                                                          n C
                                                                             ompany logo on Ticket Office (signage) to promote
increasing need for reliable high-speed internet
                                                                            ease of ticket sales and QR Contract tracing
across industry sectors. Generations in Jazz has
identified opportunities to utilise this technology:

n T
   o promote this event on a truly global
  scale via live streaming to both national
  and international connections

n A
   n increased presence on all social                                    n E
                                                                             xclusive Industry category
  media platforms through potentially
  6,000 strong student interactions                                       n P
                                                                             romotion on Social media platforms
                                                                            leading up to and throughout weekend.
n A
    ssisting with the QR code capability                                   (Set number of call outs on Facebook and
   across the site for contract tracing required                            Instagram) and post event communication.
   within the GIJ COVID Management Plan
                                                                          n P
                                                                             artnership media release detailing support through
n I ncreasing opportunities to enhance the GIJ                             increased internet capability across whole site for
  School portal allowing feedback and footage                               live-streaming, social media, QR contract tracing.
  to be uploaded in real time, assisting with
  GIJ’s environmental impact and allowing                                 n A
                                                                             cknowledgement of support for
  manpower to be relocated for other purposes.                              supply of social media wall:

                                                                          n A
                                                                             llowing for student/school interaction via
                                                                            social media, live streaming of competition
                                                                            performances to assist with social distancing
                                                                            requirements, Emergency notices, maps

                                                   Images by Frank Monger Photography
Benefactor Opportunity
   $1,000 ~ $5,000
      M U LT I P L E O P P O R T U N I T I E S AVA I L A B L E

    G E N E R AT I O N S I N J A Z Z • M O U N T G A M B I E R

                  M AY 6 ~ M AY 8 , 2 0 2 2
Additional                                                        Networking

Benefactor                                                        n 1 complimentary weekend passes

Opportunity                                                       n 1 guest to Generations in Jazz 2022 launch
                                                                     Cocktail party (Thursday night)

$1,000 ~ $5,000 (+GST)
Multiple opportunities available
                                                                  n C
                                                                     ompany logo within event programme

                                                                  n C
                                                                     ompany logo on GIJ website
These packages are developed and created
to suit the individual businesses needs:

Options for Opportunities:                                        n E
                                                                     xclusive Industry category

                                                                  n P
                                                                     romotion on Social media platforms
n Scholarship Finalist                                             leading up to and throughout weekend.

   expenses                                                         (Set number of call outs on Facebook and
                                                                    Instagram) and post event communication.

n Volunteer Lanyards

n Volunteer Safety Apparel

n Volunteer expenses
   - Catering

n Program printing

n Individual Water supply
   for participants

                                           Images by Frank Monger Photography
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