Page created by Brandon Perkins
This guide provides an overview of your
benefits. Keep it handy in case you
have benefits questions during the year.
Important contacts are listed on the
back cover.
If you need more detail than this
guide provides, contact Metro Human
Resources at (615) 862-6700 or visit

Table of Contents
2023 Benefit Plan Rates                1
Benefit Basics                         2
Medical                                4
Dental                               16
Vision                               18
Life Insurance                       20
Notices                              21
Important contacts          back cover
If you were hired on or after January 1, 2013, OR you were a non-vested employee rehired after that
date, the amount you pay for your medical premiums may be different than the amount shown below. The
premiums you pay will depend on the number of years you worked for Metro. If you were hired/re-hired
after January 1, 2013, contact Metro Human Resources to find out how much you will pay each month for
your medical insurance.

All family members WITH Medicare A & B:                                   Medicare Advantage
 Pensioner with Medicare A & B                                                  $31.24
 Pensioner and spouse/partner both with Medicare A & B                          $62.48
 Pensioner, spouse/partner, child(ren) all with Medicare A & B                  $93.72
 Pensioner and one child both with Medicare A & B                               $62.48

All family members WITHOUT Medicare:                                      PPO           HRA Plan
 Single                                                                  $232.00         $227.00
 Pensioner + child(ren) (no spouse coverage)                             $338.00         $332.00
 Family                                                                  $620.00         $610.00

Family members with AND without Medicare A & B:                           PPO           HRA Plan
 Pensioner with Medicare A & B +
                                                                         $360.00          $370.00
 spouse/partner without Medicare A & B
 Pensioner without Medicare A & B +
                                                                         $360.00          $370.00
 spouse/partner with Medicare A & B
 Pensioner with Medicare A & B +
                                                                         $256.00         $286.00
 child(ren) without Medicare A & B
 Three family members covered
                                                                         $488.00          $513.00
 (two of them with Medicare A & B)
 Pensioner without Medicare A & B +
                                                                         $360.00          $370.00
 one child with Medicare A & B

                                          Flexible Plan                       Limited Plan
Single                                 Metro provides single dental coverage at no cost to you
Family                                        $39.44                              $50.22

                                             Basic Plan                      Enhanced Plan
Single                                         $2.95                             $4.66
Family                                         $9.02                            $14.88

    Metro pensioners eligible for an Early or Normal
    service pension when their employment ends are
    eligible to enroll in benefits.

    You may enroll your eligible dependents in your
    medical, dental and vision insurance at the time
    you go on pension or within 60 days of an eligible
    change in status. Eligible dependents include
    » Legally recognized spouse, while not divorced
      or legally separated
    » Domestic partner (documentation will be
      required proving you’ve shared a primary
      residence for the last 365 days and you are
      financially interdependent upon one another)
                                                         Opting Out of Benefits
    » Dependent child(ren) from birth up to age 26 if
      he/she:                                            Disability and Service pensioners and
      • Is your or your domestic partner’s child by      Survivors who can enroll in other medical
        birth, legal adoption, legal guardianship or     and/or dental coverage may opt out of Metro’s
        court order who may or may not reside in your    insurance coverage.
        home the majority of the time on an annual       Pensioners who wish to preserve their future
        basis                                            right to re-enroll in Metro’s plans must provide
      • Is your stepchild                                proof of other non-Medicare coverage —
      • Is a foster child living in your residence in    either an insurance card in the pensioner’s
        accordance with a Foster Care Placement,         name or a letter from the other insurance
        which means and is defined as the supervised     company. If you opt out and later lose your
        adoption period prior to final adoption, as      non-Metro medical or dental coverage or
        approved by a court of competent jurisdiction    have an eligible change in status, you have 60
                                                         calendar days to re-enroll in Metro’s medical
      • Is a dependent child(ren) over age 26, if
                                                         or dental plan.
        coverage under Metro benefits has been
        continuous and he/she is incapable of            Additionally, Service pensioners and Survivors
        self-sustaining employment by reason of          may opt out of Metro’s coverage at any time
        intellectual or physical disability; contact     without proof of other coverage, but by doing
        Human Resources for details                      so, you will never be allowed to re-enroll in
                                                         Metro’s plans.
    The following are not eligible for Metro benefits:
    » Foster children (placed in the home for care but
      not adoption)
    » Ex-spouses or ex-domestic partners, except as
      allowed under COBRA
    » Parents of the pensioner or spouse/domestic
AND ENDS                                                Medicare Coverage
                                                        If you become eligible for Medicare while you
Coverage is effective the day your pension benefit      are still actively employed with Metro and
becomes effective. Your coverage will end when          you are enrolled in Metro’s employee medical
your pension ends or when you die. Your spouse/         insurance, you are not required by Metro
domestic partner and dependent children may be          to enroll in Medicare Parts A & B. However,
eligible to continue their coverage if they receive a   once you are a Metro pensioner or you are
Survivor pension benefit.                               a covered dependent on another Metro
                                                        pensioner’s medical insurance, Metro requires
CHANGING YOUR BENEFITS                                  you and your dependents to enroll in Medicare
                                                        Parts A & B as soon as you first become
The benefits you choose at the time of your             eligible — regardless of other coverage you
pension or during Annual Enrollment remain in           have or your employment status.
effect for the entire plan year, unless you have an     You must notify Metro Human Resources
eligible change in status such as:                      immediately as soon as you or your
» Marriage or divorce                                   dependents are enrolled in Medicare Part B.
» Birth or adoption of a child                          Once you and all your covered dependents
» Change in job status for you or your dependent        are eligible for Medicare Parts A & B, you will
» Loss of coverage for you or your dependent            automatically be moved into Metro’s Medicare
                                                        Advantage plan.
» Death of a covered eligible dependent
                                                        If you do not enroll in Medicare Part B
You must notify Metro Human Resources and
                                                        when it is first offered to you, you will
provide documentation within 60 calendar days of
                                                        no longer be eligible for Metro’s medical
an eligible change in status to make a change in
                                                        insurance benefits.
your benefit elections. Not notifying Metro Human
Resources timely may prevent you from adding
a dependent or may require you to pay family
premiums for the remainder of the plan year when
a dependent is no longer eligible.
For a complete list of eligible changes in status
and instructions on changing your benefit
elections, contact Metro Human Resources.
Metro pensioners may NOT add dependents
during Annual Enrollment and may only add
dependents within 60 days of an eligible change
in status.

              Understanding Your Options
              Metro offers medical coverage to eligible pensioners and their covered
              dependents as shown below. Follow the blue or orange color schemes
              in the Medical section of this guide to learn more about your options.

                                                           If you or any of your
                  If you and all your covered
                                                         covered dependents are
                  dependents are eligible for
                                                            NOT yet eligible for
                      Medicare Parts A & B:
                                                          Medicare Parts A & B:

                   The medical plan available                You have a choice
                         to you is the                       of medical plans:

                 MEDICARE                                        PPO
                 ADVANTAGE                           with BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS)
                                                                 — OR —

                   PLAN                                  HRA PLAN
                      insured by Humana                          with Cigna
                Learn more starting on page 5.          All family members must be
                                                         enrolled in the same plan.
                                                       Learn more starting on page 8.

                 Once you are enrolled in            If, during the year, you and
                 Metro’s Medicare Advantage          all your covered dependents
                 plan, DO NOT enroll in              become eligible for Medicare,
                 another Medicare Advantage          you MUST enroll in Parts A & B,
                 plan. If you do, you will be        AND you will automatically be
                 disenrolled from Metro’s plan.      moved into Metro’s Medicare
                                                     Advantage plan.*

                                                     * Note to HRA Plan members:
                                                       Any money remaining in your
                                                       HRA Fund will be forfeited
                                                       when you are moved to the
                                                       Medicare Advantage plan.

Medicare Advantage
The Medicare Advantage plan is only available if                Telehealth
the pensioner and all covered dependents have
                                                                For minor illnesses and concerns, telehealth
Medicare Parts A & B. If one covered person in the
                                                                may be a convenient option for seeking care. A
family is not yet eligible for Medicare Parts A & B,
                                                                telehealth visit is done over your smartphone,
your Metro coverage must be provided through the
                                                                tablet or computer. You and your provider will be
PPO or HRA Plan, as described starting on page 8.
                                                                able to see each other and talk via webcam on
The Medicare Advantage plan offers these                        each person’s device.
                                                                If your provider is in Humana’s network and offers
» $10 office visits (for both primary care and                  telehealth through their office, Humana will cover
   specialist care)                                             these visits at a $0 copay for primary care visits
» No annual deductible                                          and $10 copay for specialist visits.
» No referral required to see a specialist
» 100% coverage for hospital care                               Hearing Benefits
» 100% coverage for most preventive care                        Medicare Advantage members receive a hearing
» $1,000 per member annual out-of-pocket                        benefit through their plan, as well as discounts
   maximum (Once you spend this amount on                       through several providers. Call the number on
   medical care, plan pays 100% for the rest of                 your ID card for details.
   the year; you continue to pay prescription drug
» Out-of-network coverage (same coverage as in-                    Finding a Humana Provider
   network as long as provider accepts Medicare                    For a list of network providers
   and agrees to bill Humana*)                                     and other plan details, visit
* Even if your medical provider will not agree to bill Humana
  directly, you can still see that provider and file a claim       Or call Humana at (888) 899-0102.
  with Humana yourself for reimbursement, and you will
  receive in-network benefits.

Preventive Care
Under the Medicare Advantage plan, preventive
care is covered at 100% with no benefit limit.

Prescription Drugs
The Medicare Advantage plan includes coverage
for prescription drugs, as shown in the chart on
pages 6-7. Visit
gov for a list of participating retail, home delivery
and mail order pharmacies. Or call Humana
at (888) 899-0102. Certain drugs may require
preauthorization or step therapy, and quantities of
some drugs may be limited.

    Annual Deductible                                                         $0
    Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                       $1,000/individual

    Medical Services
                                                                          You pay $0
    Well Care/Preventive Care                         (includes Pap smears, mammograms, pelvic exams,
                                                              prostate exams, bone mass exams)
    Office Visits
    » Primary Care Physician                                              $10 copay
    » Specialist                                                          $10 copay
    » In-office Procedures (surgery, consultation,                        $10 copay
      allergy injections)
    Hospital (inpatient)                                          You pay $0 (unlimited days)
    Hospital (outpatient)                               You pay $0 or $10 copay, depending on service
    Ambulatory Surgery Center                                             You pay $0
    Outpatient Diagnostic                               You pay $0 or $10 copay, depending on service
    Ambulance                                                      $100 copay (rules apply)
                                                                          $50 copay
    Emergency Room
                                                          (copay waived if admitted within 72 hours)
    Mental Health/Substance Abuse
    » Outpatient                                                           $10 copay
    » Inpatient (preauthorization required)                               You pay $0
                                                       (190-day lifetime maximum in psychiatric hospital)
    Rehabilitation (physical, occupational, speech)                       $10 copay
    Skilled Nursing Facility                                        You pay $0 (rules apply)
    Home Health Care                                                      You pay $0
    Routine Hearing Exam                                                  $10 copay
    Hearing Aid Benefit                                          $200 allowance every 2 years
    Routine Vision Exam                                                   $10 copay
    Diabetic Vision Exam                                                  You pay $0
    Eyewear                                                        $100 allowance per year
    Dental Care                                                    $100 allowance per year


Prescription Drugs
1-month Supply
 » Generic                                                            $10 copay
 » Brand name                                                         $20 copay
3-month supply (maintenance drugs)
 » At Humana’s mail order pharmacy                        You pay 2 times the above copays
 » At in-network retail pharmacies                        You pay 3 times the above copays

Medicare Advantage Extras
Medicare Advantage members have access to these programs and discounts. For more details about
these benefits, including important rules, visit Or call Humana at
(888) 899-0102.

SilverSneakers® Fitness Program                      Personal Health Coaching
» Includes free membership at a participating        » For weight management, nutrition, exercise,
  fitness center                                       back care, and blood pressure and blood sugar
Post-Discharge Benefit
The following benefits are available after an        Acupuncture
inpatient stay in a hospital or nursing facility:    » Covers up to 20 Medicare-covered sessions
» Well Dine® food program – delivers 28 pre-           per year for $10 copay/session
   cooked frozen meals to your home                  Chiropractic
» Transportation – covers 12 one-way trips           » Covers Medicare-covered visits for $10 copay/
» In-home personal care – provides 4 hours a           session
   day, up to 8 hours per discharge

    The PPO, which stands for preferred provider          Prescription Drugs
    organization, is administered by BlueCross
                                                          You may purchase a one-month supply at any
    BlueShield (BCBS). It is an 80/20 coinsurance
                                                          pharmacy. If you take medication for an ongoing
    plan, which means most non-preventive services
                                                          condition, you can save money (pay two copays
    are covered at 80% when you use BCBS network
                                                          instead of three) by asking your provider to write
    providers. Additionally:
                                                          your prescription for a three-month supply. You
    » Limited preventive care is covered at 100%          must use a pharmacy in the BCBS Retail90 Plus
       (up to $750 per year) for members ages 7 and       Network or BCBS mail order program to fill a
       older; for members under age 7, the coverage is    three-month supply.
       80%. See below for more details.
                                                          Visit for a list of
    » Office visits are covered at 80% after a $20
                                                          pharmacies in the BCBS Retail90 Plus network, or
       (PCP) or $30 (specialist) copay.
                                                          for details on mail order.
    » There is no deductible if you use network
       providers.                                         Telehealth
    » Out-of-network care is covered at a lower benefit   If your provider is in BCBS’s network and offers
       amount, as shown in the chart on pages 12-13.      telehealth through their office, BCBS will cover
    » If you reach the out-of-pocket maximum, you         these visits at the same cost as an in-person in-
       continue to pay copays but no coinsurance for      network visit. If you seek telehealth from an out-
       the rest of the year.                              of-network provider, your visit will be covered at
    Preventive Care                                       the out-of-network level.
    Under the PPO, the following are covered as           Hearing Benefits
    preventive care services:
                                                          PPO members can save 30%-60% on hearing
    » Annual preventive health exam                       aids. Visit and view the
    » Childhood immunizations                             Blue365 Discounts page.
    » Blood pressure screening
    » Flu and pneumonia shots
    » Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) booster                       Finding a BCBS Provider
    » Other recommended adult immunizations and
                                                            For a list of network providers and other plan
      immunizations not completed in childhood
                                                            details, visit
    » X-rays and lab associated with preventive care        Or call BCBS at (800) 367-7790.
    » Vision and hearing screenings performed by the
      physician during the preventive health exam           BCBS negotiates with its network providers to
                                                            get you discounted rates for medical services,
    The following are NOT covered as preventive care        supplies and prescription drugs. This helps
    services but instead covered at the normal benefit      lower your out-of-pocket costs when you use
    level of 80% in-network or 60% out-of-network:          network providers.
    » Prostate screening
    » Routine Pap smears
    » Well-woman exams
    » Routine mammograms
    » Colorectal cancer screening

HRA Plan
The HRA Plan, which is administered by Cigna, combines traditional medical coverage with a Metro-funded
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) Fund. Here is how the plan works:

 HRA Fund*
 Each year you are enrolled in the plan (as long as the pensioner is not eligible for Medicare Parts
 A & B), Metro puts money in a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) Fund to help you pay eligible
 medical and prescription drug expenses: $1,100/single coverage, $2,200/pensioner + child(ren) or
 $2,200/family coverage.
 You use your HRA Fund first during the year to pay for medical and prescription drugs costs. There are
 no copays; you pay the full discounted cost of the product or service using your HRA Fund.

 If you use all your HRA Fund during the year, you are responsible for             If you don’t use
 paying the full discounted costs of your medical and prescription drug            all your HRA Fund
 claims until you have met your share of the deductible ($450/single,              during the year,
 $900/pensioner + child(ren) or $900/family).                                      remaining funds
                                                                                   will roll over to your
                                                                                   2024 HRA Fund
 Coinsurance                                                                       and reduce your
                                                                                   share of your 2024
 Once you have met your share of the deductible, the plan begins to pay            deductible. This
 a percentage of the cost, as shown in the chart on pages 12-13.                   money is yours to
                                                                                   spend on future
                                                                                   eligible expenses
 Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                             as long as you
                                                                                   remain enrolled in
 If you reach the annual out-of-pocket maximum, which includes amounts
                                                                                   the HRA Plan.
 paid toward the deductible and coinsurance, the plan pays 100% — and
 you pay nothing — for covered services for the rest of 2023.

* If the pensioner becomes eligible for Medicare Parts A & B                    Continued on next page
  while enrolled in the HRA Plan, you will no longer receive HRA
  dollars from Metro. However, you can still earn HRA dollars by
  participating in certain Cigna programs, as described on page
  14. If a covered dependent becomes eligible for Medicare Parts A
  & B but the pensioner does not, Metro will continue to make HRA
  contributions as described above.

     HRA Plan                continued

     Preventive Care                                       Telehealth
     All of the following preventive care services are     Cigna offers a variety of ways to connect with a
     covered at 100%, with no copay or coinsurance:        doctor through your phone or computer:
     » Annual preventive health exam
     » Childhood immunizations                             Your own provider
     » Blood pressure screening                            If your provider is in Cigna’s network and offers
     » Flu and pneumonia shots                             telehealth through their office, Cigna will cover
                                                           these visits at the same cost as an in-person visit.
     » Tetanus-diphtheria (Td) booster
     » Other recommended adult immunizations and           Cigna’s network of providers
        immunizations not completed in childhood
                                                           Cigna has a wide network of providers who
     » X-rays and lab services associated with
                                                           offer virtual/telehealth services. Simply visit
        preventive care
                                                 , or call the number on the back
     » Vision and hearing screenings performed by the      of your Cigna ID card.
        physician during the preventive health exam
     » Prostate screening                                  MDLIVE
     » Routine Pap smears                                  Cigna has partnered with MDLIVE to give you access
     » Well-woman exams                                    to board-certified doctors for the following needs:
     » Routine mammograms                                  » Primary care – routine and preventive care,
     » Colorectal cancer screening                            receive orders for blood work and screenings at
                                                              local facilities
     Prescription Drugs                                    » Urgent care – a convenient alternative to
     Under the HRA Plan, there are no copays. You             urgent care centers and the emergency room
     will use your HRA Fund to pay the full discounted     » Behavioral health – talk therapy for issues
     cost of your prescriptions. If you use all your HRA      such as anxiety, stress, depression and grief
     Fund, you are responsible for paying the full cost       (see page 11 for more details)
     of your prescriptions until you meet the plan’s       » Dermatology – care for common skin, hair and
     deductible, as shown on pages 12-13.                     nail concerns
     You may fill prescriptions for a one-month            Log onto and click “Talk to a
     supply at any pharmacy. You can only purchase         doctor.” Select the type of care you need, and
     a three-month supply at pharmacies in Cigna’s         your cost will be displayed. Or call MDLIVE at
     maintenance medication program, which includes        (888) 726-3171.
     most retail chain, big box and grocery store
     pharmacies, but does NOT include CVS or Publix.
     Your cost is always based on a discounted
     (or prenegotiated) amount, saving you money.
     However, Cigna’s maintenance medication and
     mail order programs offer greater discounts.
     Visit to see a list of participating
     pharmacies, or call (800) 244-6224. You are
     encouraged to shop pharmacies to find the
     lowest cost on prescriptions.
Behavioral Health
Challenges to mental well-being come in many          » Get unlimited confidential support 24/7/365
forms, and so do the ways you can get help.             for one monthly rate via your behavioral health
Cigna offers a wide range of support tools and          benefits.
services that range from mindfulness apps to text-    » If needed, your coach can add a licensed
based therapy to in-person and virtual counseling.      therapist or psychiatrist to your care team
Below is an overview of some of those services;         within days.
more details and access are available by logging
onto                                     Apps
                                                      Cigna has partnered with Happify (soon to be
Counseling through Cigna’s Behavioral
                                                      Twill) and iPrevail to offer you free access to these
Health network
                                                      normally paid interactive apps:
As an HRA Plan member, you have access to             » Twill is a self-directed program with science-
a giant network of behavioral health providers.         based games guided meditations, designed to
Simply visit to search for a                help defeat negative thoughts, reduce stress
provider. Or call the number on the back of             and anxiety, and boost overall well-being.
your Cigna ID card. Both in-person and virtual
                                                      » iPrevail provides on-demand coaching.
counseling is available.
                                                        Complete an assessment, receive a program
If you need care immediately, you can search for        tailored to your needs, and get connected to a
Fast Access Providers, which guarantee an initial       peer coach.
appointment within five business days and a
callback within one business day.

MDLIVE virtual counseling
MDLIVE’s therapists and psychiatrists are trained
to use virtual technology to treat many behavioral
health conditions.
» Schedule visits at times that work for you,
                                                        Not sure which behavioral health
   including evenings and weekends.                     service you need?
» See the same provider each visit or change            Here are two ways to find out:
   whenever you’d like.                                 1. View an interactive digital guide at
» Have prescriptions sent directly to your local 
   pharmacy.                                            2. Take a brief quiz. Your answers will help
                                                           identify the most appropriate care for your
Ginger                                                     specific needs. Log onto
Ginger’s 24/7 coaching services are a first line of        Under the Wellness dropdown, choose
defense for overcoming a range of challenges and           “Mental Health Support.” Follow the
stressors — from improving sleep or relationships,         prompts.
to managing anxiety and depression.
» Chat with a trained behavioral health coach
   within seconds.

                                                      In-Network                                Out-of-Network3
                                                   (Blue Network P)
     Metro-Funded Health
                                                            N/A                                         N/A
     Reimbursement Account (HRA)
     Your Share of the Deductible                          $0                             $200/single, $600/family
     Coinsurance Maximum                      $1,000/single, $2,000/family              $5,000/single, $10,000/family
     Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum             $1,000/single, $2,000/family              $5,000/single, $10,000/family

 Medical Services                                  After deductible, plan pays… (unless otherwise noted)
     Well Care/Preventive Care                100% up to $7501, then 80%                            60%1
     Office Visit - Primary Care Physician2      80% after $20 copay                         60% after $20 copay
     Office Visit - Specialist2                  80% after $30 copay                         60% after $30 copay
     In-office Procedures (surgery,
                                              80% after office visit copay               60% after office visit copay
     consultation, allergy injections)
      » Prenatal Care                           $20 copay for initial visit                $20 copay for initial visit
      » Delivery                                        80%                                          60%
     Hospital (inpatient)                               80%                                          60%
                                                                                          60% or 80%; see evidence
     Outpatient Surgery                                    80%
                                                                                            of coverage for details
     Outpatient Diagnostic                       80% after $20 copay                        60% after $20 copay
     Emergency Room                                    80% after $100 copay (copay waived if admitted)
     Ambulance                                          80%                                   80%
     Rehabilitation (physical,
                                                           80%                                          60%
     occupational, speech)
     Skilled Nursing Facility                     80% (certain rules apply)                   60% (certain rules apply)
     Home Health Care                             80% (certain rules apply)                   60% (certain rules apply)
     Mental Health/Substance Abuse
     » Outpatient                                80% after $20 copay                         60% after $20 copay
     » Inpatient                               80% (preauthorization required)             60% (preauthorization required)
     Routine Hearing & Vision Exams             100% covered if performed during preventive care exam
     Diabetic Vision Exam                                80%                             60%
     Eyewear                                  80% after cataract surgery      60% after cataract surgery

 Prescription Drugs                                                  No deductible, you pay…
     1-month Supply
     » Generic                                                                $10 copay
     » Brand name                                                             $30 copay
     3-month Supply (maintenance drugs)       2x above copays (through certain retail pharmacies and mail order; see page 8)
HRA Plan
                                                                                    Need More Help?
   (Open Access Plus)                                                               Cigna One Guide® gives
                                                                                    you access to a real, live
$1,100/single, $2,200/family               $1,100/single, $2,200/family             person who can help you
  $450/single, $900/family                  $450/single, $900/family                understand your options
                                                                                    and determine which plan
 $700/single, $1,400/family                $4,550/single, $9,100/family             is a better fit for you. They
$1,150/single, $2,300/family              $5,000/single, $10,000/family             can help you find the best
                                                                                    provider for your needs, find
    After deductible, plan pays… (unless otherwise noted)
                                                                                    ways to lower your costs,
   100%; no deductible                                    70%                       resolve problems and more.
          90%                                             70%                       Download the One Guide
                                                                                    app at or
          90%                                             70%
                                                                                    call 1-888-806-5042.
             90%                                          70%
                                                                                    Screening colonoscopies,
             90%                                          70%                       mammograms, PSA tests and Pap
                                                                                    exams are covered at 80% after
                                                                                    office visit copay (in-network) and
             90%                                          70%                       60% after office visit copay (out-of-
                                                                                    network) but are not included in the
             90%                                          70%                       $750 well-care benefit limit.

             90%                                          70%
                                                                                    Primary Care Physicians include
                                                                                    pediatricians, family and general
             90%                                          90%                       practitioners, internists and OB/
                                                                                    GYNs. Specialists include physicians
             90%                                          90%                       highly trained in specific areas
                                                                                    such as cardiology, dermatology,
             90%                                          70%                       neurology, podiatry, oncology and
                                                                                    specialized OB/GYNs.
   90% (certain rules apply)                              70%
                                                                                    If you use an out-of-network provider
   90% (certain rules apply)                    70% (certain rules apply)           and charges exceed the Maximum
                                                                                    Allowable Charge (MAC), you will be
                                                                                    responsible for the difference. In-
             90%                                          70%                       network providers have agreed not
                                                                                    to exceed MAC.
  100% covered if performed during preventive care exam
          90%                               70%                                 Note: To view a complete copy
90% after cataract surgery       70% after cataract surgery                     of the plan documents and
                                                                                provisions, go to
                    After deductible, plan pays…

 90% of discounted cost                    90% of discounted cost
 70% of discounted cost                    70% of discounted cost
Same as above (through certain retail pharmacies and mail order; see page 10)
     Attention HRA Plan Members:
     Earn additional HRA dollars!
     Want to reduce your share of the deductible and
     total out-of-pocket expenses? Participate in any
     of these programs each year and earn dollars to
     be added to your HRA Fund. Only employees,
     pensioners and their spouses/domestic partners
     who are covered under the HRA Plan are eligible
     to earn incentive dollars. Visit or
     call (800) 244-6224 for details.

     Take a Health Risk Assessment
     earn $100/person
     This online questionnaire is short, confidential and
     provides you with a personalized health profile
     to help you take steps toward better health. Your
     individual answers will not be shared with anyone
     at Metro.

     Participate in a Chronic Health
     Condition Support Program
     earn $100/person
     If you live with a chronic condition, such as heart
     disease, diabetes, COPD, asthma, depression, low
     back pain, osteoarthritis or weight complications,
     Cigna health coaches help you better manage
     your condition.

     Participate in a Lifestyle
     Management Program
     earn $50/program up to $100/person
     Cigna health coaches provide personalized
     support for lifestyle behaviors such as tobacco
     cessation, stress management and weight loss.

     Participate in Healthy Pregnancies,
     Healthy BabiesSM Program
     earn up to $150
     This program helps you and your baby stay
     healthy during your pregnancy. Earn $150 if you
     enroll by the end of your first trimester ($75 by the
     end of your second trimester).

Need help choosing between the PPO and HRA Plan? Here’s how the plans compare.

                                               PPO                                       HRA PLAN
                                Yes; for limited services.
  Free preventive care?         In-network, plan pays 100%            Yes. In-network, plan pays 100%
                                up to $750/year, then 80%
                                                                      Yes. Each year, Metro puts $1,100/single
  Metro-Funded Health                                                 or $2,200/family in an HRA Fund for you to
  Reimbursement                 No                                    spend on eligible medical and pharmacy
  Account (HRA) Fund?                                                 expenses and help you meet your
                                Out-of-network only:                  Yes; your share after HRA Fund pays:
                                $200/single; $600/family              $450/single; $900/family
                                                                      No. HRA Fund pays first. Then you pay full
                                Yes. You pay copay
  Office visit copays?                                                discounted cost until deductible is met,
                                + coinsurance
                                                                      then you pay 10% in-network.
  Telehealth office             Yes, if your provider offers
                                                                      Yes; see page 10
  visit covered?                telehealth; see page 8
                                                                      No. HRA Fund pays first. Then you pay full
  Prescription drug
                                Yes                                   discounted cost until deductible is met,
                                                                      then you pay 10% (generic) or 30% (brand).
                                Plan pays 80%; you pay 20%            Plan pays 90%; you pay 10%
                                Plan pays 80%; you pay 20%
  Inpatient hospital                                                  Plan pays 90%; you pay 10% until you
                                until you reach the plan’s
  coverage?                                                           reach the plan’s out-of-pocket maximum
                                out-of-pocket maximum
                                Yes                                   Yes
  discounted rates?
                                Plan pays 100% after you
                                                                      Plan pays 100% after you spend
  Annual out-of-pocket          spend $1,000/single or
                                                                      $1,150/single or $2,300/family
  maximum?                      $2,000/family; you continue
                                                                      (deductible + coinsurance)
                                to pay copays
  Incentives for healthy
                                No                                    Yes; see page 14
  Premiums for
                                See page 1 to compare                 See page 1 to compare

* If you don’t spend all your HRA Fund during the year, remaining funds roll over to the next year and are yours to use toward
  eligible expenses, as long as you remain enrolled in the HRA Plan.

     Dental coverage, offered through BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBS), covers a wide range of
     preventive and restorative services. You have two choices for coverage: the Flexible Plan or the Limited Plan.

     How the Dental Plans Work
     Under the Flexible Plan, you can see any dentist
     you choose, but benefits are highest when you
     use providers in the BCBS DentalBlue network.
     Network providers have agreed not to exceed
     reasonable and customary (R&C) limits, which
     are based on the usual fees charged by providers
     in your geographic area. You have the flexibility
     to see an out-of-network provider, but if the
     provider’s charges exceed R&C limits, you will be
     responsible for paying the difference.
     Under the Limited Plan, benefits are paid
     according to a schedule of benefits, which shows
     your cost per service when you see a network
     provider. If you use an out-of-network provider, no
     benefits are paid.
     For a list of providers and other important plan
     details, including the Limited Plan schedule of
     benefits, visit,               HELP ME CHOOSE
     or call (800) 367-7790.                                    Both plans use the same network, called
                                                                DentalBlue, but the Limited Plan has higher
     Pre-determination of Benefits                              monthly premiums. Below are several ways
     If your dentist recommends treatment that is               the plans differ:
     expected to cost $200 or more, your dentist can            » The Flexible Plan covers implants and TMJ
     request a predetermination of benefits. This helps           treatment; the Limited Plan does not.
     you avoid surprises by letting you know how much           » The Flexible Plan has a $1,000 annual
     will be covered before you receive treatment.                benefit maximum; the Limited Plan does
                                                                  not have a maximum annual benefit.
                                                                » The Limited Plan offers greater benefits for
                                                                » The Limited Plan does NOT cover out-
                                                                  of-network treatment, but the Flexible
                                                                  Plan does. So if your dentist is not in the
                                                                  DentalBlue network and you don’t want to
                                                                  change to an in-network dentist, choose
                                                                  the Flexible Plan.

                                                Flexible Plan                        Limited Plan
                                                                                   In-Network Only1
                                          (out-of-network coverage
                                                                             (no out-of-network coverage)
Annual Deductible                                                                          $0
                                                                              See schedule of benefits
Plan pays…
                                                                                for cost by service2
(2 exams/cleanings every 12 months,          100%; no deductible               100% for most services
x-rays, sealants, fluoride)
Basic Restorative                                                           100% for some services;
(fillings, extractions, oral surgery,        80%; no deductible                you pay flat fee for
root canals, periodontics)                                                       other services
Major Restorative                                                           You pay flat fee for most
                                            50% after deductible
(crowns, bridges, dentures, implants)                                    services; implants not covered
                                         50% after annual deductible
Orthodontia                                                                       You pay flat fee for
                                        and one-time $100 orthodontia
(child and adult)                                                                   most services
Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum                     $1,000/person                See schedule of benefits2
TMJ (temporomandibular joint)            50% after annual deductible
                                                                                     Not covered
Treatment                               and $100 annual TMJ deductible
Lifetime TMJ Maximum                              $750/person                             N/A
Annual Benefit Maximum                                                                    N/A
                                          (excludes orthodontia, TMJ)
                                                                             If there is no network provider
                                                                             within a 30-mile radius of your
                                                                             home, you may use an out-of-
                                                                             network provider and receive in-
                                                                             network benefits. Contact BCBS for
                                                                             View the Limited Plan schedule of
                                                                             benefits at

     Vision coverage, offered through National Vision Administrators (NVA), covers eye exams, frames, lenses
     and contacts. You have two choices for vision coverage: the Basic Plan or the Enhanced Plan.

     How the Vision Plans Work
     You receive the highest benefits when you use NVA’s network of providers. The network includes many
     independent optometrists, ophthalmologists and opticians, as well as national retail optical providers,
     such as Walmart and Visionworks. For a list of network providers, visit (user name: metro;
     password: vision1). You are responsible for any costs over the reimbursed or allowed amount shown in
     the chart on the next page.

                                                                HELP ME CHOOSE
                                                                The Enhanced Plan has higher employee
                                                                premiums but offers higher benefits for:
                                                                » Standard progressive and polycarbonate
                                                                  lenses – covered at 100% (Basic Plan
                                                                  does not cover)
                                                                » Contact lenses – pays up to $140 with no
                                                                  copay (Basic Plan pays up to $125 after
                                                                  a $10 copay)

                                               Basic Plan                                 Enhanced Plan
                                   In-Network            Out-of-Network           In-Network           Out-of-Network
    Deductible                                      $0                                            $0
                                     You pay            Plan pays                  You pay            Plan pays
                                    $10 copay            up to $45                $10 copay            up to $45
    Lenses                           You pay:          Plan pays:                  You pay:          Plan pays:
    » Single Vision                 $10 copay           Up to $40                 $25 copay           Up to $40
    » Bifocals                      $10 copay           Up to $60                 $25 copay           Up to $60
    » Trifocal                      $10 copay           Up to $80                 $25 copay           Up to $80
    » Lenticular                    $10 copay           Up to $80                 $25 copay           Up to $80
    Lens Options                              Plan pays:                                    Plan pays:
    » Scratch-resistant
                                      100%                  Up to $5                 100%                    Up to $5
    » Standard
                                   Not covered            Not covered                100%                Up to $35
    » Polycarbonate              Not covered         Not covered                    100%                  Up to $10
                               Plan pays up to     Plan pays up to             Plan pays up to         Plan pays up to
                                                         $50                        $1501                    $50
    Contacts (in lieu of frames/lenses)
                               Plan pays up to
                                                   Plan pays up to             Plan pays up to         Plan pays up to
    » Elective                    $125 after
                                                         $125                       $1401                   $140
                                  $10 copay1
                                   Plan pays       Plan pays up to                Plan pays            Plan pays up to
    » Medically Necessary
                                     100%                $210                       100%                     $210
    Fit/Follow-up                  You pay:           Plan pays:                   You pay:               Plan pays:
    » Standard Daily Wear         $20 copay           Up to $20                   $20 copay               Up to $20
    » Extended Daily Wear         $30 copay           Up to $30                   $30 copay               Up to $30
                               Exams, contact fit every 12 months;
                                                                                Exams, contact fit, lenses, frames
    Covers…                        lenses, frames and contacts
                                                                                 and contacts every 12 months
                                         every 24 months
    In many cases, NVA offers a discount on amounts exceeding retail allowance; ask your network provider.

     Basic Life                                             Beneficiary
     As a retired Metro employee, Metro provides you        You may change your beneficiary at any time
     with $10,000 of basic term life insurance at no        by completing a new form with Metro Human
     cost to you. See the life insurance policy located     Resources. When you experience an eligible
     on Metro Human Resources’ website for more             change in status (such as with a marriage,
     information concerning your life insurance benefits.   divorce or death) you should consider updating
                                                            your beneficiary at that time. You may also name
     Supplemental Life                                      different beneficiaries to receive your basic life
     Pensioners are not eligible to enroll in               and supplemental life benefits.
     supplemental term life insurance. However, if you
     were previously enrolled as an active employee,        Conversion and Portability Rights
     you may elect to continue your supplemental term       At retirement, you have the option to convert to
     life coverage as a pensioner under an individual       an individual life policy in $1,000 increments up
     policy at the lesser of $20,000 or the amount that     to $40,000 (which is the difference between the
     is in force prior to retirement (at least $10,000).    $50,000 active employee amount and $10,000
     The decision to continue your supplemental             pensioner benefit). You must make written
     life coverage must be made at the time you are         application and payment of premium to the life
     signing your pension application paperwork.            insurance company within 31 days from the date
                                                            you are notified by Metro. For more information,
     Waiver of Premium                                      contact the life insurance company.
     If you are under the age of 60 and you become
     totally disabled according to the life insurance
     carrier’s standards (not Metro’s), you may apply for
     the waiver of premium for basic life, supplemental
     life and dependent life benefits and have your
     premiums waived as long as you continue to be
     disabled. You must apply within 12 months of the
     date you became disabled. If approved, your pre-
     retirement level of benefits may remain in effect
     until you are age 70 as long as you continue to
     meet the life insurance carrier’s criteria.
     If you qualify for the waiver of premium, this is
     a free benefit to you. If you are denied for the
     waiver of premium benefit, you have 30 days from
     the date of the denial to appeal the insurance
     company’s decision. If your appeal is denied,
     or you elect not to appeal the denial, you may
     convert to an individual policy; however, you must
     make written application and payment of premium
     within 31 days from the time the insurance
     company denies your waiver of premium
     application. To appeal or convert, you must
     contact the life insurance company directly.

COBRA Continuation Coverage
If you or your dependents lose your eligibility for
health care coverage for certain reasons, you
will be allowed to continue coverage for a certain
period of time under COBRA provisions. Your
dependents have the right to continue coverage
even if you do not elect to continue your own
coverage. Metro does not pay for coverage under
COBRA; you or your dependent will pay 100% of
the cost plus a 2% administration fee.
You or your dependents are eligible for COBRA
continuation if coverage ends because:
» You die                                             Women’s Health Provisions
» You get divorced or legally separated               No matter which medical plan option you choose,
» Your dependent child becomes ineligible for         your hospital coverage for childbirth will be for the
  coverage                                            same minimum number of days, as required by
                                                      federal law.
If you or your dependents qualify for COBRA,
                                                      » If your baby is delivered vaginally, you may stay
you will be mailed a packet with rate information
                                                         in the hospital at least 48 hours (two days) after
and payment instructions from Metro’s COBRA
                                                         the birth
                                                      » If you have a cesarean section, you may stay in
Coordination of Benefits                                 the hospital at least 96 hours (four days) after
                                                         the birth
Regardless of which medical plan you elect, you
must be sure to notify your insurance carrier if      » If the attending physician believes you need
your dependents receive health coverage outside          a longer stay, you may receive benefits for
of Metro’s plan (for example, through your spouse/       additional days if your doctor obtains pre-
domestic partner’s insurance plan at work or by          authorization from the insurance company. On
qualifying for Medicare).                                the other hand, if you and your doctor agree
                                                         that, in your case, the minimum number of days
If your dependent has coverage elsewhere, a              is not necessary, you may be released from the
process called coordination of benefits (COB)            hospital earlier.
comes into play. COB simply means that benefits
are coordinated between your dependent’s              Under the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act
coverage under your Metro plan and another plan.      of 1998, all health plans that provide mastectomy
This process ensures that benefit payments are        coverage are also required to provide coverage for:
not duplicated and helps hold down the rising         » Reconstruction of the breast on which the
cost of health insurance.                                mastectomy has been performed
                                                      » Surgery and reconstruction of the other
                                                         breast to produce a symmetrical (balanced)
                                                      » Prostheses (artificial replacements) and physical
                                                         complications at all stages of the mastectomy,
                                                         including lymphedemas

Plan            Carrier              Website                                             Phone
                Humana                                 (888) 899-0102
PPO                                                 (800) 367-7790
                BlueShield (BCBS)
HRA Plan        Cigna                                               (800) 244-6224
Dental                                              (800) 367-7790
                BlueShield (BCBS)
Vision          NVA         (user name: metro; password: vision1)     (800) 672-7723
Life Insurance Prudential                             (877) 232-3619
                Metro Human
General                                                        (615) 862-6700

  HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
  This notice governs Metro’s privacy practices for Metro’s medical plans and the flexible spending
  accounts and can be found at For copies of the other carriers’ privacy notices,
  contact the carrier directly.

  Summary of Benefits and Coverage
  In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, you can find the Summaries of Benefits and Coverage
  (SBC) for both the PPO and HRA Plan in your Annual Enrollment packet or on the Human
  Resources website at

  Grandfathered Plan Status
  Metro’s medical plans are considered “grandfathered plans” under the Affordable Care Act. A
  grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect when
  that law was enacted, and your plan may not include certain consumer protections of the Affordable
  Care Act that apply to other plans.

If the information in the guide differs from the official plan documents, the plan documents will govern.
This guide does not constitute an offer of employment or a promise to provide any particular benefit.
Metro Nashville reserves the right to change its employee benefits program at any time. For more
information, call Metro Human Resources at (615) 862-6700.
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