BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease

Page created by Jeff Terry
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease
BOXER Update



       Another Piece to Aid Understanding
           of the Boxer Heart Disease
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease

                          PROVIDES ANOTHER TESTING TOOL
                                                                                                                       Arrhythmogenic right ventricular

                                                                                               PHOTO: ALEXANDRIA GAV
                                                                                                                       cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a Boxer
                                                                                                                       heart disease with a lot of loopholes.
                                                                                                                       Although a dog may inherit a copy
                                                                                                                       of the ARVC1 or ARVC2 deletion
                                                                                                                       mutations, some Boxers never
                                                                                                                       develop clinical signs. Others have
                                                                                                                       mild, medically manageable cases.
                                                                                                                       Then, there are those Boxers that
                                                                                                                       have neither mutation, yet they
                                                                                                                       develop the potentially fatal disease.
                                                                                                                          ARVC occurs in adult dogs on
                                                                                                                       average at 6 years of age, often
                                                                                                                       after they have been bred. The
                                                                                                                       inherited disease affects the
                                                                                                                       heart’s electrical system and too
                                                                                                                       often results in sudden death or
                                                                                                                       congestive heart failure.
                                                                                                                          The latest discovery in 2021 of
                                                                                                                       a second gene variant (ARVC2),
                                                                                                                       believed to be an autosomal domi-
                                                                                                                       nant mutation, in a regulatory gene
                                                                                                                       involved in important cardiac proteins
                                                                                                                       comes with a disclaimer: Incomplete
                                                                                                                       Penetrance. Translated, this means
                                                                                                                       that not all Boxers testing positive
                                                                                                                       for ARVC2 will develop the disease.
                                                                                                                          A sense of déjà vu prevails. In
                                                                                                                       2008 when the first gene variant
                                                                                                                       (ARVC1) was identified in a gene
                                                                                                                       producing striatin, a key binding
                                                                                                                       protein that holds cells together,
                                                                                                                       it also was described as having
                                                                                                                       incomplete penetrance. Some dogs
                                                                                                                       that inherit a copy of the auto-
                                                                                                                       somal dominant ARVC1 deletion
                                                                                                                       mutation die suddenly following
                                                                                                                       a run of ventricular premature
“Wyatt” was diagnosed with ARVC at 3 years of age, earlier than the average age of                                     complexes (VPCs), yet others
6 years. Despite having the heart disease, he went on to earn titles in obedience, rally and
coursing ability. When he passed away in August 2021 at nearly 9 years of age, his owner                               succumb over time from conges-
said she was blessed to have had an extra five and half years with him after the diagnosis.                            tive heart disease. As described
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease
BOXER Update

earlier, some dogs do not show
clinical signs or are mildly affected.     CHIC HEART TESTS FOR BOXERS
  “Incomplete penetrance is a poorly
understood concept that is very            Among the recommended tests for Boxers to be eligible
common in human genetics as well.          for certification by the Canine Health Information Center
The human form of ARVC is also             (CHIC) are two tests to help identify dogs at risk for
complicated by incomplete pen-             arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC):
etrance,” says Kathryn M. Meurs,           • An advanced cardiac examination by a board-certified veterinary
DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Cardiology),                cardiologist that includes a Holter monitor test
the Randall B. Terry Distinguished         • ARVC DNA test
Professor of Comparative Medicine            The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, working with the American
and Associate Dean of Research at          Boxer Club, recommends these screening tests, along with a DNA
North Carolina State University. “In       test for degenerative myelopathy and testing for hip dysplasia and
Boxers, we can identify which ones         autoimmune thyroiditis, for all breeding stock. Dogs meeting these
have the ARVC1 and ARVC2 gene              basic health screening requirements will be issued CHIC numbers.
mutations, but we cannot predict           Note that for CHIC certification, a dog’s testing results do not need
the penetrance. This suggests that         to be normal but must be made public so that responsible breeders
multiple genetic and nongenetic            can make informed breeding decisions. In addition to these health
factors may contribute to whether          requirements, a dog must be permanently identified via a microchip
a dog develops this disease.”              or tattoo to qualify for a CHIC number.
  In humans, the rare, familial heart
disease has been linked to 141 muta-
tions in eight genes. As with dogs,      if there was another cause of ARVC.
fatty, fibrous tissue replaces normal    She is the pioneer of this disease.
heart tissue and interrupts the          Our collaboration led to her finding
heart’s normal electrical function-      the first ARVC mutation after seven
ing. Occurring in young, apparently      years of research. At the time, we
healthy individuals, ARVC may            were elated, though we were seeing
                                                                                 GENETIC TESTING FOR
cause ventricular tachycardia and        some dogs that were negative for
                                                                                 ARVC IN BOXERS
sudden cardiac death.                    ARVC1 that had clinical signs and
  “The functionality of the genes we     were dying.”
                                                                                 Genetic testing for the ARVC1
have identified in Boxers is very           “Breeders should use mutation
                                                                                 and ARVC2 gene variants is
similar to what is currently known       testing along with health testing,”
                                                                                 available via the Veterinary
about the disease in humans,” Dr.        Dr. Meurs advises. “These tests are
                                                                                 Cardiac Genetics Laboratory at
Meurs says. “We have known for           tools to guide breeding decisions
                                                                                 North Caroline State University.
several years not all Boxers that        rather than to be used as an absolute
                                                                                 The cost for a combined test for
develop ARVC have the striatin gene      recommendation for all dogs. Dogs
                                                                                 ARVC1 and ARVC2 is $70, and
mutation. It is similar to humans        that carry these mutations also
                                                                                 each test separately is $48.
where there are multiple different       carry important good genes that we
genes that can cause ARVC.”              do not want to lose from the breed.
  The quandary of another possible          “A Boxer with positive attributes
genetic cause is what prompted the       that is heterozygous for one or both
American Boxer Charitable Foun-          mutations and does not show signs
dation (ABCF) to fund the latest         of disease could be bred to a
study that produced the ARVC2            mutation-negative mate. A dog from
gene variant, a single-nucleotide        this breeding that tests negative for
polymorphism affecting the tran-         ARVC1 and ARVC2 and does not
scription factor of a regulatory gene.   have clinical signs could be used
The AKC Canine Health Foundation         to produce the next generation.”
administered the grant.                     Veterinarian Robert C. Hallock of
  Longtime ABCF president                Cheshire, Connecticut, who breeds
Dr. William Truesdale says, “We          Boxers with his wife, Grace, under
encouraged Dr. Meurs to work to see      the Pearlisle prefix, says, “ARVC
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease

              aortic arch   pulmonary arteries                             In a normal heart, the left atrium contracts to push blood into
                                                                           the lower right ventricle, and then the ventricle contracts to
                                    veins                                  push the blood out to the body. Boxers with ARVC may develop
                                                                           ventricular premature complexes (VPCs), in which the ventricle
                                  left                                     contracts earlier than it should and thus cannot produce a
                                  atrium                                   normal, effective contraction. If multiple, successive VPCs
    atrium                            coronary                             occur, this results in stopping blood flow to the brain and
                                                                           other organs, potentially causing sudden cardiac death.
    coronary                                                                 Over time, the heart of Boxers with ARVC dilates to compen-
    artery                                                                 sate for the weakened heart muscle. As the thinned heart walls
                                                                           continue to weaken, the diseased heart muscle fails to gener-
                                       left                                ate enough force to pump the blood. As pressure rises in the
        right                                                              left atrium, it leads to fluid accumulation in the lungs, known
        ventricle                                                          as pulmonary edema. Congestive heart failure follows.

                                                                   is frustrating because you usually          We did not yet have the test for
                                                                   can’t diagnose it when dogs are             ARVC2,” Dr. Hallock says. “She was
                                                                   young. You may have a good dog              clinically affected and died in 2017
                                                                   that goes through its show career           at 8 1/2 years of age.”
                                                                   and you want to add this dog to               Sometimes a breeder has to start
                                                                   your breeding program only to learn         over when ARVC runs through a
                                                                   it is clinically affected by ARVC.”         bloodline. “This disease was devas-
                                                                      This was the case with the Hallocks’     tating to my breeding program,” says
                                                                   Top 20 Boxer bitch “Meghan” (GCHB           Trish Olinghouse of Lando Boxers
                                                                   Pearlisle’s Trial By Fire CGC). “Meghan     in Neosho, Missouri. “I basically had
                                                                   was negative for the ARVC1 mutation.        to start over when my male ‘Wyatt’
                                           PHOTO: ALEXANDRIA GAV

                                                                   Trish Olinghouse is shown with Wyatt, left, and “Nike,” whom she bought to start over
                                                                   her bloodline after Wyatt, from her fourth generation, was diagnosed with ARVC.
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease
BOXER Update

(BISS CH Lando’s I’m Your Huckel-

                                                                                                                               PHOTO COURTESY OF WASHINGTON STATE UNIVESITY COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE
nosed with ARVC.”
   A self-described stickler about         A Holter monitor that records a dog’s
Holter monitor testing, Olinghouse         heart rhythm continuously over 24 hours
also screens her Boxers for the            has become the gold standard test
genetic mutations. “Since Wyatt’s          to identify dogs potentially at risk for
parents tested negative for ARVC1,         developing the heart disease arrhyth-
the only test available at the time,       mogenic right ventricular cardiomy-
I thought the odds of him developing       opathy (ARVC). A lifesaver, the Holter
ARVC were slim,” she says. “I was          monitor allows treatment to begin
getting ready to Special Wyatt             before a dog shows clinical signs.
when he had an abnormal Holter               “Kate Meurs (Dr. Kathryn Meurs of North Carolina State University)
monitor test at 3 years of age.            has virtually singlehandedly created a ‘Holter monitor culture’ in North
   “He was healthy and fit, asymp-         America that has greatly reduced the incidence of early death in
tomatic. After the abnormal Holter         Boxers to ARVC,” says William Truesdale, DVM, president of the
monitor test, a veterinary cardiologist    American Boxer Charitable Foundation.
diagnosed ventricular tachycardia,           The size of a credit card worn in a vest with two leads to a dog’s chest,
a fast, abnormal heart rate that can be    the Holter monitor effectively picks up ventricular premature complexes
life-threatening. Wyatt was sicker         (VPCs), which cause arrythmia, the erratic heartbeats that can result
than we thought. I brought him home        in cardiac arrest and sudden death. In contrast, an electrocardiogram
on antiarrhythmic medications,             captures heart electrical activity for a brief period while a dog is at rest,
mexiletine and sotalol, which he           thus it may miss the intermittent VPCs common in Boxers with ARVC.
took for the rest of his life.”              An abnormal Holter monitor test predicts dogs that may later
   The sweet-tempered Wyatt loved          experience cardiac arrest or develop congestive heart failure. Impor-
people and going to dog shows and          tantly, it enables diagnosis so that veterinary cardiologists can begin
training. “Wyatt didn’t know he was        treatment with beta blockers and antiarrhythmic medications to help
sick,” Olinghouse says. “It was import-    prevent severe arrhythmia or congestive heart failure. It is recommended
ant to me to allow Wyatt to remain         that Boxers receive annual Holter monitor tests starting at age 3.
active and happy. After the diagnosis,
he went on to earn the Coursing
Ability, Rally Novice and Beginner        older. “By the time clinical signs
Novice titles.”                           appear, the disease is typically
   After researching bloodlines the       well-progressed,” Dr. Meurs explains.
year after Wyatt was diagnosed with         Boxers may experience a run of
ARVC, Olinghouse bought “Nike,”           ventricular premature complexes,
a bitch with European and North           or early contractions of the lower
American relatives, who has tested        right ventricle of the heart. Fatty,
negative on both ARVC tests. OHBIS/       fibrous tissue that develops in the
BISS GCH Rocket N Lando VaVa Voom         heart muscles causes these disturbed
BN RN CAA CGC TKN RATI would              electrical impulses rather than a
carry Lando Boxers into the future —      normal, steady, regular rhythm.
hopefully one free of dogs affected         A dog having multiple, succes-
by the crushing heart disease.            sive VPCs, or heartbeats without a
                                          corresponding pulse, is not able to
UNDERSTANDING THE                         produce normal, effective contrac-
DYNAMICS OF ARVC                          tions, which results in decreased
  Although arrhythmogenic right           blood flow to the brain and other
ventricular cardiomyopathy occurs         vital organs. A prolonged run of
in Boxers on average at 6 years of        VPCs — the ventricular tachycar-
age, some dogs — like Wyatt —             dia that Wyatt experienced — can
show clinical signs when they are         lead to cardiac arrest and sudden
younger and some when they are            death in otherwise healthy dogs.
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease


                            Boxers, even young, healthy adult dogs, begin                        EARLY
                            dying suddenly. Some had fainting episodes
                            during the months preceding their sudden death,
                                                                                                  Now called Boxer cardiomyopathy, the condition
                            though others had no signs prior to dying. Some                       is believed to be hereditary. Boxers often have
                            of the breed’s most influential producers are                         already been bred when clinical signs develop.
                            among those that “just dropped dead.”

                            1997                                                                 1995
                                                                                                 The American Boxer Charitable Foundation (ABCF)
                            While at The Ohio State University, Dr. Kathryn M.
                                                                                                 conducts a breed health survey that indicates heart
                            Meurs determines that Boxer cardiomyopathy
                                                                                                 disease is the top health concern of Boxer breeders.
                            is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait based
                            on DNA analysis from families of Boxers. The
                            research, supported by ABCH and the AKC
                            Canine Health Foundation, was published in 1999
                            in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.                      2004
                                                                                                 Dr. Meurs moves to Washington State University
                            1997-99                                                              and continues this research. She renames the fatal
                                                                                                 heart disease, arrhythmogenic right ventricular
                            Holter monitor testing of six large families of
                                                                                                 cardiomyopathy (ARVC), to more precisely describe
                            Boxers at The Ohio State University finds that
                                                                                                 the condition. She receives a three-year research
                            the disorder is primarily a familial heart
                                                                                                 grant from the AKC Canine Health Foundation to
                            muscle disease associated with
                                                                                                 study risk factors associated with ARVC, with a
                            substantial cardiovascular morbidity
                                                                                                 goal of developing screening methods to identify
                            and risk of sudden death. Boxers are
                                                                                                 asymptomatic affected dogs before they are bred.
                            deemed a new animal model for the
                            human disease. The research was
                                                                                                 ARVC in Boxers is characterized by fatty or fibro-
                            published in 2004 in the journal
                                                                                                 fatty replacement of the right and sometimes left
                            Circulation.                                                         ventricular myocardium and by ventricular tachycar-
                                                                                                 dia. Although inherited as an autosomal dominant
                                                                                                 trait, incomplete penetrance could be involved due
                                                                                                       to the variance in presentation. The findings

                            2008                                                                       were published in Veterinary Clinics of North
                                                                                                           America: Small-Animal Practice.
                            Dr. Meurs is the lead investigator
                            of research that identifies the
                            ARVC1 deletion mutation in the
                            striatin gene responsible for the
                            heart’s electrical functioning and
                            holding cells together. The findings                                               At the AKC Canine Health Founda-
                            that three of 33 dogs studied lacked                                               tion National Parent Club Canine
                            the striatin mutation suggests there                                                  Health Conference, Dr. Meurs
                            is at least one other cause of the                                                    shares that a second gene variant,
                            disease in Boxers. This study was                                                       ARVC2, has been found in a
                            published in Human Genetics in                                                           regulatory gene involved in
                            2010 and the Journal of Veterinary                                                         important cardiac proteins.
                            Internal Medicine in 2013.                                                                 The research was funded by
                                                                                                                        ABCF and administered by

                                                                                                                        the AKC Canine Health

                       Editor’s Note: The Boxer Update has covered arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy more than any other topic.
                       Counting the 2022 issue, we have published six stories starting with our first issue in 2002 that have reported on the disease and
                       research progress.
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease
BOXER Update

   Meanwhile, Boxers can develop         20 years ago, Dr. Meurs is not certain
congestive heart failure when fluid      of the exact percentage today but
accumulates in the lungs, a condi-       notes that the number of homo-
tion known as pulmonary edema.           zygous positive dogs has reduced
Affected Boxers develop a cough,         by about 60 percent. “We only see
shortness of breath and lethargy.        about 3 to 4 percent of all dogs to
   The ARVC1 and ARVC2 gene              be positive homozygous,” she says.
variants help to explain why the           Breeder Trish Olinghouse laments
heart malfunctions in clinically         on the ongoing challenges. Her
affected dogs. ARVC1 is attributed to    Boxer bitch, Nike, whom she bought
the deletion mutation in the striatin    to start over her Lando Boxer
gene that produces a key binding         bloodline, produced an outstanding
protein of the cardiac desmosome         male, “Ford” (CH Lando N Rocket’s
responsible for the heart’s electrical   Pickup Man @ Krisdan CA BCAT).
functioning and holding cells            However, Ford turned out to be
together. Dr. Meurs’ initial ARVC1       a carrier for ARVC2, though he is
                                                                                  LOOKING TO REPRINT?
study found that 53 percent of           clear for ARVC1. “We can’t take all
                                                                                  Boxer Update articles may be
Boxers were negative, 41 percent         carriers out of the breeding pro-
                                                                                  reprinted provided the article is
were positive heterozygous, and          gram,” she says. “I plan to selective-
                                                                                  used in its entirety and in a
6 percent were homozygous.               ly breed him to bitches that are
                                                                                  positive manner. To request
   In discovering ARVC2, Dr. Meurs       clear and will continue to Holter
                                                                                  permission to reprint this article,
and her team at North Carolina State     monitor test him every year.”
                                                                                  please contact the editor at:
University used whole-genome               Dr. Meurs advocates that practice.
sequencing on DNA from Boxers with       “Each dog and each family line
                                                                                  com. Reprints should include
confirmed ARVC that were negative        should be considered individually,”
                                                                                  the following attribution:
for ARVC1. Their findings showed         she says. “The removal of a signifi-
                                                                                  Used with permission from the
that 75 percent of the ARVC2 het-        cant number of dogs from the breed-
                                                                                  Boxer Update, Nestlé Purina
erozygous-positive Boxers showed         ing population could be very bad
clinical signs and 25 percent did not.   for the Boxer breed. The field of
   “About one-quarter of dogs have       canine genetics is very new, and
both mutations. We are working to        the field of cardias genetics is very
determine if dogs with both mutations    complex. We are still learning how
have more severe disease,” Dr. Meurs     to use these tools.”
says. “Our initial data suggests that      Dr. Truesdale, Dr. Hallock and
they do have more severe disease,        Olinghouse agree that the DNA
as it appears that they have a higher    tests are important pieces of the
number of arrhythmias and abnormal       puzzle. They also are open to the
heart muscle functions. There are        possibility that other gene variants
still a few affected dogs that have      and even nongenetic factors may
neither mutation.”                       contribute to this disease in Boxers.
                                           “It’s heartbreaking that this
ANOTHER TOOL FOR                         disease plagues the Boxer breed,”
TESTING BOXERS                           Olinghouse says. “As a community,
  Reflecting on the progress that has    we cannot better the breed if we
been made over the past 20 years,        don’t get our health right.” n
Dr. Meurs says, “The dedication
and commitment of the American            Purina thanks Dr. Joyce Campbell,
Boxer Charitable Foundation to            chair of the American Boxer Club
improve the health of the Boxer           Health and Research Committee
breed is beyond what I have seen          and a trustee of the American
in any other breed organization.”         Boxer Charitable Foundation,
                                          for helping us to identify this
  Whereas 50 percent of Boxers
                                          topic for the Boxer Update.
were clinically affected by ARVC
BOXERUpdate - ARVC2 GENE VARIANT IDENTIFIED Another Piece to Aid Understanding of the Boxer Heart Disease

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