Buckinghamshire Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Sunday 29 May 2022, 2.45pm All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe

Buckinghamshire Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Sunday 29 May 2022, 2.45pm All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire Service of Thanksgiving
                           for Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

                           Sunday 29 May 2022, 2.45pm
                           All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe

 “When I spoke to you last... I asked you all, whatever your religion, to pray for me
on the day of my Coronation - to pray that God would give me wisdom and strength
 to carry out the promises that I should then be making... I have been uplifted and
     sustained by the knowledge that your thoughts and prayers were with me.”
                Her Majesty the Queen, Coronation Day, 2 June 1953
Buckinghamshire Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Sunday 29 May 2022, 2.45pm All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe
“ I declare before you all that my whole life whether it
    be long or short shall be devoted to your service... But
     I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution
      alone unless you join in it with me, as I now invite
   you to do: I know that your support will be unfailingly
   given. God help me to make good my vow, and God bless
            all of you who are willing to share in it.”

                    Princess Elizabeth, 21 April 1947

                           Order of Service
Music before the service: Phil Wayne, Organist

Welcome to All Saints
The Rev’d Hugh Ellis

All stand

Entry of the Processions
During which the organ will be played

Buckinghamshire Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Sunday 29 May 2022, 2.45pm All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe
The Procession
The Royal British Legion

The Union Flag and Royal British Legion County and Youth Standards are received by
Rev’d Jackie Lock

Representatives of Buckinghamshire’s Cadet Force and Uniformed Youth

The Worshipful The Mayors of Aylesbury & Beaconsfield
The Worshipful The Mayors of Buckingham & Chesham
The Worshipful The Mayors of Gerrards Cross & Marlow
The Worshipful The Mayors of Newport Pagnell & Olney
The Worshipful The Mayors of Princes Risborough & Woburn Sands
The Worshipful The Mayor of Wolverton and Greenleys

The Worshipful The Mayor of High Wycombe

The Worshipful The Mayor of Milton Keynes
The Chairman of Buckinghamshire Council

The Under Sheriff of Buckinghamshire
The High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire

Mr Alexander Boswell,
Her Majesty’s Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire

Buckinghamshire Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Sunday 29 May 2022, 2.45pm All Saints Parish Church, High Wycombe
Fanfare for the arrival of the
           Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire
               Fanfare for Brass by Sir Arthur Bliss (1891-1975)
                The Chiltern Music Academy Brass Ensemble

The Rector and The Chaplain to the Bishop of Buckingham
The Church Wardens

The Bishop of Buckingham, The Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson
The Countess Howe, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of

The Rev’d Hugh Ellis

      O Lord, open our lips
All   and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
      Let your ways be known upon earth,
All   your saving power among the nations.

      We gather together to worship God
      and in thanksgiving for the seventy years of faithful service
      of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth.
      We give thanks for her example of faithfulness
      to God and to her people,
      and pray God’s blessing on her
      that she may continue to fulfil the promises she has made
      with generosity and joy.

      Remain standing to sing

                        All People That on Earth Do Dwell
       during which the symbols of the Coronation will be offered by Her Majesty’s
   Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire’s cadets and received by The Rev’d Jackie Lock

                        All people that on earth do dwell,
                      sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;
                  him serve with fear (joy), his praise forth tell,
                       come now before him, and rejoice!

                        The Lord, ye know, is God indeed;
                         without our aid he did us make;
                         we are his folk, he doth us feed,
                        and for his sheep he doth us take.

                       O enter then his gates with praise,
                       approach with joy his courts unto;
                    praise, laud, and bless his name always,
                             for it is seemly so to do.

                       For why? The Lord our God is good:
                            his mercy is forever sure;
                        his truth at all times firmly stood,
                        and shall from age to age endure.

                         To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
                     the God whom heav’n and earth adore,
                       From men and from the angel-host
                          be praise and glory evermore.

               Text by William Kethe (d. 1594) from ‘Day’ Psalter’ (1560) alt.
         Tune: Old Hundreth, Arrangement by R. Vaughan Williams (1872 – 1958).

                  The Bible by St John Ambulance Cadet Amy Haydock
Towel and water by Cadet Serjeant Liana Ellis and Cadet Flight Sergeant Johnny Sutherland
                 Oil for anointing by Petty Officer Cadet Alexandra Snell

The Rt Rev’d Dr Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham says
       Gracious God, we give you thanks
       for the reign of your servant Elizabeth our Queen,
       and for the example of loving and faithful service
       which she has shown among us.
       Help us to follow her example of dedication
       and to commit our lives to you and to one another,
       through Jesus Christ our Lord.
 All   Amen
 (All sit as the Choir sings the Commonwealth Song written to mark the
 occasion of Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.)

                       Commonwealth Song
                        ‘A Life Lived With Grace’

              When the world has turned to darkness
                   And there’s troubled seas ahead
       There’s a light that leads the ship back home to shore.

                       A life lived with grace
                      A heart filled with love
         Peace on earth and harmony in the heavens above.

                   When the day is slowly breaking
                   And the dawn can’t find its way
There’s a sun that shines upon the world heralding a brand-new day.

                  When the night has come a-calling
                    And the daylight starts to fade
                There’s a reason why the world rejoices
                        singing all as one today.

        Words copyright Ms L. Kiely, Music copyright Fr. A. V. Chinemelu
           Arrangement copyright The Commonwealth Resounds!

Proverbs 8. 6–16
Read by Mr Zvi Friedman, Milton Keynes and District Reform Synagogue

   Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say;
    I open my lips to speak what is right.
   My mouth speaks what is true,
    for my lips detest wickedness.
   All the words of my mouth are just;
    none of them is crooked or perverse.
   To the discerning all of them are right;
    they are upright to those who have found knowledge.
   Choose my instruction instead of silver,
    knowledge rather than choice gold,
   for wisdom is more precious than rubies,
    and nothing you desire can compare with her.

   “I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence;
    I possess knowledge and discretion.
   To fear the LORD is to hate evil;
    I hate pride and arrogance,
    evil behaviour and perverse speech.
   Counsel and sound judgment are mine;
    I have insight, I have power.
   By me kings reign
    and rulers issue decrees that are just;
   by me princes govern,
    and nobles—all who rule on earth.

Remain seated

Performance by Wycombe Steel Orchestra
                              ‘Steelband Clash’
             Lord Blakie, (1930-2005); Arranged by Chris Roberts

All stand to sing
                          The Lord’s My Shepherd

                The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want,
                      He makes me down to lie
                  in pastures green. He leadeth me
                         the quiet waters by.

                     My soul he doth restore again,
                        and me to walk doth make
                    within the paths of righteousness,
                      e’en for His own name’s sake.

                Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale,
                         yet will I fear none ill.
                   for thou art with me, and thy rod
                       and staff me comfort still.

                      My table thou hast furnishèd
                        in presence of my foes:
                    my head thou dost with oil anoint,
                         and my cup overflows.

                     Goodness and mercy all my life
                          shall surely follow me.
                     And in God’s house forevermore
                       my dwelling-place shall be.

                    Psalm 23 from ‘The Scottish Psalter’ (1630)
                                 Tune: Crimond
All sit for the reading

Philippians 4:4-8
Read by Cllr Arif Hussain, Mayor of High Wycombe

 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your
gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious
about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of
God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about
such things.

         The Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham

                            Choir Anthem
                          Jubilate Deo (in C)
                     Benjamin Britten (1913 – 1976)

                          The Loyal Address
         Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire,
                        The Countess Howe

All stand to sing
                          Be Thou My Vision

             Be thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart,
         Be all else but naught to me, save that thou art,
        Be thou my best thought in the day and the night,
        Both waking and sleeping, thy presence my light.

           Be thou my wisdom, be thou my true word
           Be thou ever with me, and I with thee, Lord,
           Be thou my great Father and I thy true son,
           Be thou in me dwelling and I with thee one.

         Be thou my breastplate, my sword for the fight,
        Be thou my whole armour be thou my true might;
       Be thou my soul’s shelter, be thou my strong tower,
     O raise thou me heavenward, great Power of my power.

            Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
            Be thou mine inheritance now and always
           Be thou, and thou only the first in my heart,
           O Sovereign of heaven, my treasure thou art.

          High King of heaven, thou heavens bright Sun,
              O grant me its joys after vict’ry is won,
          Great Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
             Still be though my vision, O Ruler of all.

                            Irish (c. 8th century)
         trans. Mary Byrne (1880-1931) and Eleanor Hull (1860-1935)
                                 Tune: Slane

All sit

Led by The Rev’d Canon Rosie Harper, Chaplain to the Bishop of Buckingham with
contributions by Cllr Amanda Marlow, Mayor of Milton Keynes and Cllr Dev Dhillon,
Chairman of Buckinghamshire Council.

          O God, who providest for thy people by thy power, and
          rulest over them in love: receive, we beseech thee, the
          gratitude which we offer this day for thy servant Elizabeth
          our Queen; and vouchsafe continually so to bless her
          work, that under her this nation may be wisely governed,
          and all people may serve thee in godly quietness and true
          holiness; to thy honour and glory.
  All     Amen

          O God, who hast made us members of the Commonwealth
          of nations, and hast bound us together under one
          Queen: grant that we may ever be alert to our great
          responsibilities; and set before us that righteousness
          which exalteth each nation. Help us to seek to excel in
          faith, courage, duty, self-discipline, and fair dealing; that
          we may foster that peace and goodwill which gives glory
          to thee, both now and always.
  All     Amen

          O God, Almighty Father, King of kings and Lord of all our
          rulers: grant that the hearts and minds of all statesmen
          and women, judges, and people of learning and wealth,
          may be so filled with the love of thy laws, and of that which
          is righteous and life-giving, that, together with them, we
          may each serve as wholesome salt to the earth, and be
          worthy stewards of thy good and perfect gifts; for the sake
          of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
  All     Amen

All join in praying the Lord’s Prayer

       Our Father, who art in heaven,
       hallowed be thy name;
       thy kingdom come;
       thy will be done;
       on earth as it is in heaven.
       Give us this day our daily bread.
       And forgive us our trespasses,
       as we forgive those who trespass against us.
       And lead us not into temptation;
       but deliver us from evil.
       For thine is the kingdom,
       the power and the glory,
       for ever and ever.

All Stand

The Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham introduces the Act of Dedication:

      As we give thanks for Her Majesty’s service to us all,
      let us dedicate our own lives once again to the love and
      service of God and neighbour:

All   Lord of our lives and Father of all,
      grant that our thanksgiving
      may prove itself in service
      to you and to our Queen, our country and one another,
      for your Name’s sake.

Remain standing to sing

                   Now thank we all our God
                (during which standards are collected)

                   Now thank we all our God,
               With heart and hands and voices,
               Who wondrous things has done,
                  In whom his world rejoices;
                 Who from our mother’s arms
                 Hath blessed us on our way
                  With countless gifts of love,
                     And still is ours today.

                  O may this bounteous God
                Through all our life be near us,
                    With ever joyful hearts
                And blesséd peace to cheer us;
                   And keep us in his grace,
                And guide us when perplexed,
                    And free us from all ills
                  In this world and the next.

                 All praise and thanks to God
                  The Father now be given,
                   The Son and who reigns,
                 With them in highest heaven
                     The one eternal God,
                Whom earth and heav’n adore;
                    For thus it was, is now,
                    and shall be evermore.

                      Martin Rinkart (1586-1649)
                trans Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878
                          Tune: Nun Danket

The Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham says
      God grant to the living, grace;
      to the departed, rest;
      to the Church, the Queen, the Commonwealth, and all
      humankind, peace and concord;
      and to us and all his servants, life everlasting;
      and the blessing of God almighty,
      the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
      be among you and remain with you always.
All   Amen

Remain standing to sing

                  The National Anthem
                God save our gracious Queen!
                 Long live our noble Queen!
                    God save the Queen!
                    Send her victorious,
                    Happy and glorious,
                   Long to reign over us,
                    God save the Queen.

                  Thy choicest gifts in store
                  On her be pleased to pour,
                     Long may she reign.
                  May she defend our laws,
                   And ever give us cause,
                 To sing with heart and voice,
                     God save the Queen.

Processions out of Church
Organ voluntary: Crown Imperial
William Walton (1901-1983)
(Comissioned for the coronation of King George VI in 1937)

We request that all other guests remain in their seats until the
Procession has departed, after which you are invited to take
refreshments at the rear of the Church.

There will be a retiring collection for All Saints’ Church.

                    The Commonwealth Song
As a special tribute to Her Majesty The Queen, a brand new Song
for the Commonwealth has been commissioned to be sung by
choirs in all 54 Commonwealth countries at the same time as
the lighting of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons on 2nd June
2022. The Commonwealth Resounds is delighted and honoured
to be organising this important element of The Queen’s Platinum
Jubilee Beacons.

More information at: commonwealthresounds.com

All Saints Parish Church:
Rev’d Hugh Ellis, Team Rector, Rev’d Jackie Lock, Associate Priest
and Rev’d Gareth Morley, Curate
Steve Linger (Church Operations), Barry Titchen and Derek Lancaster
(Live Streaming), Patricia Lea and Janet Pearson (Flowers) and Lis
Burns and Jennifer Cartledge (Church Wardens)

Music Director: Liam Cartwright
Organist: Phil Wayne
Special thanks to the members of the Choir

Posh Nosh Catering: Steve Lewsley and Team

The Chiltern Music Academy, Brass Ensemble directed by Guy Button

Wycombe Steel Orchestra:
performance band from the School of Steelpan at SV2G; under the
guidance of Jaqueline Roberts

Processions Co-Ordination:

Royal British Legion:
Melvyn Parsons, Parade Marshal and Sarah Sturt, County Secretary
Bucks Army Cadet Force:
Major Steve Tresidder, Cadet Executive Officer
Royal Air Force Cadets:
Squadron Leader Jerry Davies, OC SE TEST CCF
Bucks Uniformed Youth:
Sue Carpenter, Events Officer

Ceremonial Guard of Honour provided by Buckinghamshire Fire
and Rescue Service

Buckinghamshire Council
History of All Saints Parish Church
There has been a Christian community in Wycombe for nearly 1000 years, and
we, the present congregation, are the inheritors of their predecessors’ task of
building the Kingdom in this part of England.

Bishop Wulfstan of Worcester consecrated the first church on the site over 900
years ago, at about the time of the Domesday survey. The builders used some
materials from an even earlier age - it is still possible to see Roman stone in the
walls, from a nearby 2nd century villa.

The building was extended during the reign of Henry II, when the church was
bestowed on the Abbey of Godstow. The church was rebuilt in 1275.

By 1509 the central tower was causing concern, and was taken down. A new
tower was completed in 1522, and the pinnacles were added in 1755. The tower
now contains a peal of thirteen bells.

In the early 1990s, repairs were carried out to the roof and interior plasterwork.
The green glass, installed in the Victorian restoration, was replaced with the
clear Georgian glass you see today, and the “temporary” wooden rostrum
below the chancel steps (which had been with us for some thirty years)
replaced by a fine stone plinth.

The reredos was moved westwards to its present position, making space for
the Sacristy, ambulatory and choir vestry under the east window. This vacated
the north chapel, allowing an unobstructed view of the Shelburne memorial,
carved by the Flemish sculptor, Peter Scheemakers in 1754.

A little known feature of All Saints is that William Petty the 2nd Earl of
Shelburne, who was Prime Minister of England, July 1782-April 1783, is buried in
its vaults. In 1761, having briefly served as MP for Wycombe, he succeeded his
father as Earl of Shelburne. Following his resignation as Prime Minister he was
created Marquis of Lansdowne and Earl Wycombe.

There is a modern coloured glass window near the Shelburne Monument which
commemorates the role of the Earl and Benjamin Franklin in the negotiation of
the Treaty of Paris, 1783, which gave the United States its independence and
provided a just settlement that suited the interests of both sides.

“With appreciation and gratitude to
         Her Majesty The Queen
      for her 70 year service to the
     Nation and the Commonwealth”

              The Countess Howe
Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire
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