Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed

Page created by Wayne May
Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
Bufftech                ®
Molded and Extruded Fence Products
Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
The Bufftech® Advantage
Two innovative product lines under one great brand
Long-lasting beauty, superior performance and the best protection
you can get – that’s the Bufftech Advantage. Bufftech fence comes in
an array of sophisticated styles, complementary colors and authentic
TrueTexture™ finishes along with premium features to ensure it will
outlast and outperform the competition. Bufftech also features a
superior warranty including ColorLast® fade protection.

Molded Fence                                      Extruded Fence
Bufftech has reinvented fence                     Bufftech extruded fence is the
manufacturing with its patented                   undisputed leader in style, color
design of rotationally-molded                     and texture. Our innovative textures
fence, allowing realistic granite-                are molded from real wood to
stone and deep-grain wood                         deliver the most authentic look
textures molded from real wood                    available today. Fade-resistant
and stone. Molded fence has                       colors, high-quality accessories,
very high impact-resistance                       durable hardware and steel
and excellent sound absorption                    reinforced rails ensure a long-
for quiet and secure outdoor                      lasting installation. Extruded fence
living spaces and yards. These                    also offers SureStart™ protection,
extremely durable privacy fences                  an exclusive CertainTeed benefit
also offer fade-resistant colors                  covering warranted repair and
and steel-reinforced sections.                    replacement costs, including labor,
                                                  for five years after installation.

On Cover:
Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Natural Clay
Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
Colors, Textures & Performance
                                                  Bufftech Molded Fence...............................................4
                                                  Bufftech Extruded Fence...........................................12

                                                  Privacy (Molded)

                                                  Privacy (Extruded)
                                                  Brookline CertaGrain® & Smooth............................14
                                                  Galveston CertaGrain® & Smooth...........................16
                                                  Chesterfield CertaGrain®............................................18
                                                  Chesterfield CertaGrain®
                                                  Decorative Accents & Styles.....................................20
                                                  Chesterfield Smooth....................................................22
                                                  Chesterfield Smooth
                                                  Decorative Accents & Styles.....................................24
                                                  New Lexington................................................................26
                                                  New Lexington
                                                  Decorative Acccents & Styles..................................28

                                                  Imperial Select Cedar & Smooth.............................32

                                                  Baron Select Cedar & Smooth.................................36


                                                  Danbury Select Cedar & Smooth............................44
                                                  Cape Cod...........................................................................47

                                                  Post & Rail

                                                  Extruded Gates........................................................52
                                                  Extruded Accessories........................................54
                                                  Happily Ever After................................................55
                                                  Invest in Quality for a Lifetime.................56
Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Timber Blend
Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
Color & Texture
                                   Bufftech fence products set the
                                   standard for the latest innovations in
                                   decorative privacy. From our proprietary
                                   manufacturing process to our vibrant
                                   colors, CertainTeed is the undisputed
                                   leader in color and texture. Our
                                   TrueTexture™ finish is molded from real
                                   wood and stone to deliver the most
                                   authentic look available today. Plus,
                                   Bufftech is virtually maintenance-free,
                                   and never needs staining or painting. For

    Bufftech®                      complete style and color specifications,
                                   see page 58.

    Molded                         Allegheny™

    The Bufftech Advantage
                                    Beige Granite        Brown Granite        Dark Brown Granite
    starts with details.
    Patented Construction
    allowing realistic granite-     Gray Granite         Black Granite        Desert Granite

    stone appearance and           Sherwood™

    dramatic wood texture.

    Internal Reinforcement
    with galvanized steel to        Walnut Brown         Red Cedar            Gold Cedar

    withstand significant impact
    or wind load without
    compromising aesthetics.
                                    Nantucket Gray       Black Oak

    Sound Barrier
    Blocks 98% of direct sound.    Colors throughout this brochure are simulated.
                                   Consult product color samples before making final selection.

Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
Performance                                            Peace of Mind
Bufftech’s molded fence is made with a                 CertainTeed stands behind the Bufftech
proprietary blend of polyethylene plastic              molded fence line with an exceptional
and is reinforced with galvanized steel.               lifetime limited warranty.
Our extremely durable fence creates
solid privacy and security without                                 Bufftech Sherwood
compromising aesthetics.                                            and Allegheny have
                                                                    CertainTeed's ColorLast®
             With exclusive WindZone™                               fade protection. UV
             performance, Bufftech                                inhibitors protect against
             fence is engineered for use               the sun’s harsh rays to maintain vibrant
           in high wind and hurricane                  colors. Our polymers have been
conditions, as approved by Miami-Dade                  tested to withstand extreme weather
County NOA #19-0820.02*. Recognized                    conditions with little or no fading.
as the most stringent standards in the
country, Miami-Dade test protocols                     Graffiti resistance makes removing
include dynamic wind load testing up                   graffiti easy by using a high-powered
to 115 mph.                                            pressure washer.

             The Bufftech line meets                               CertainTeed is actively
              requirements of the ASTM                              pursuing strategies to
              and includes styles that                              reduce our environmental
              comply with local codes for                         impact, while increasing the
             swimming pool applications.               sustainability of our operations and
Check with your local building code                    products. CertainTeed conducted a
official as local codes may vary.                      Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that was
                                                       submitted to the National Institute
         Allegheny panels block 98%                    of Standards and Technology (NIST)
         of direct sound, with an (STC)                and was published in the building
        STC  26              STC 21
         sound transmission class of 26,               product LCA database, BEES (Building
         to create quiet spaces.                       for Environmental and Economic
*Miami-Dade County-approved NOA #19-0820.02,
for exceptional performance in high wind conditions.
To comply with WindZone Performance, additional                    A company you can trust.
items are needed for installation. Please reference
our product catalog. Expires 4/4/2023.                             For more than 100 years,
                                                                   homeowners and building
                                                                   professionals alike have
                                                       relied on CertainTeed as a trusted source
                                                       of innovative, high-quality building
                                                       products. Bufftech® continues this long-
                                                       standing tradition with its superior fence
                                                       line, proudly made in the U.S.A.

Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed

       Beige     Brown     Dark Brown      Gray      Black        Desert
      Granite    Granite     Granite      Granite   Granite       Granite

    Allegheny                                                 Panel Sizes: 3' x 6', 6' x 6', 4' x 8'
                                                              Heights: 3', 4' & 6'
    Bufftech's patented design of rotationally-
                                                              Stackable: 8' & 12'
    molded fence allows realistic stone
                                                              Steel Reinforced Panels
    appearance and superior performance.
    Allegheny has excellent impact-resistance
    and creates an excellent sound barrier.

                                        STC 26           STC 21

Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
                                         Allegheny in Black Granite

4'x 8' and 6'x6' panels are stackable.

Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed

      Walnut                             Nantucket
                Red Cedar   Gold Cedar               Black Oak
      Brown                                Gray

    Sherwood                                                     Panel Sizes: 6' x 6', 4' x 8'
                                                                 Heights: 4' & 6'
    Bufftech's patented design of rotationally-
                                                                 Stackable: 8'
    molded fence allows realistic wood
                                                                 Steel Reinforced Panels
    appearance and superior performance.
    Extremely durable, Sherwood provides
    excellent sound absorption for a quieter
    outdoor space.

Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed
                               Sherwood in Gold Cedar

4'x 8' panels are stackable.

Bufftech Molded and Extruded Fence Products - CertainTeed

     Allegheny in Beige Granite

     1.5" x 1.5" galvanized internal steel frame

     Bufftech offers Gates in 3', 4', 5' and 6'
     widths and may be double hung for 7',
     8', 9', 10', 11' or 12' openings.

     Gates include premium stainless steel
     hardware, self-closing hinges and pad
     lockable latch.


                                                                                            MOLDED FENCE
                                                                    Allegheny in Beige Granite


         Single Cap                 Double Cap               Double Cap 45°


                      Corner Post                Line Post            End/Gate Post
Color & Texture
                                      CertainTeed sets the standard for the
                                      latest innovations in sophisticated styling.
                                      From our proprietary texturing process
                                      to our unique shades and stain blends,
                                      CertainTeed is the undisputed leader
                                      in color and texture. Our TrueTexture™
                                      finish is molded from real wood to deliver
                                      the most authentic look available today.
                                      Benefit from the power to mix and
                                      match post and picket colors for a more
                                      unique look. Plus, Bufftech is virtually

     Bufftech®                        maintenance-free, and never needs
                                      staining or painting. For complete style

     Extruded                         and color specifications, see page 58.

     Fence                            Smooth

     The Bufftech Advantage           White             Almond           Grey           Natural Clay

     starts with details.             Select Cedar

     Precision Routing assures a
     clean, realistic look without    White             Almond           Natural Clay   Weathered Blend

     visible glue or screws.

     Heavyweight Pickets provide       Timber Blend     Frontier Blend   Arbor Blend    Arctic Blend

     impact resistance and reduces                                        Colors throughout this
                                                                          brochure are simulated.
     movement.                                                            Consult product color samples
                                      Brazilian Blend   Sierra Blend      before making final selection.

     Internal Reinforcement limits
     sagging and maintains a strong
     and sturdy performance.          White             Almond           Natural Clay   Weathered Blend

     Color and Texture leader
     featuring three finishes and     Timber Blend      Frontier Blend   Arbor Blend    Arctic Blend

     eleven colors.

                                      Brazilian Blend   Sierra Blend

Performance                                            Peace of Mind
Bufftech’s premium features, including                 CertainTeed stands behind the Bufftech
high-quality raw materials, reinforced                 line with an exceptional lifetime limited
rails, heavyweight pickets, routed                     transferable warranty. SureStart™
rails and fence posts, and concealed                   protection, an exclusive CertainTeed
fasteners, ensure it will outlast and                  benefit, covers warranted repair and
outperform other vinyl fences.                         replacement costs—including labor, for
                                                       five years after installation.
             With exclusive WindZone™
             performance, Bufftech                                CertainTeed also guarantees
             fence is engineered for use                           the performance of
           in high wind and hurricane                              Bufftech’s darker colors
conditions, as approved by Miami-Dade                              and stain blends with our
County NOA #18-0920.04*. Recognized                             proprietary ColorLast® fade
as the most stringent standards in the                 protection, a state-of-the-art acrylic
country, Miami-Dade test protocols                     formulation that provides superior
include dynamic wind load testing up                   protection from the harsh rays of the sun.
to 115 mph.
                                                                    CertainTeed is actively
             The Bufftech line also meets                           pursuing strategies to
             requirements of the ASTM                               reduce our environmental
             and includes styles that                             impact, while increasing the
            comply with local codes for                sustainability of our operations and
swimming pool applications. Check with                 products. CertainTeed conducted a
your local building code official as local             Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that was
codes may vary.                                        submitted to the National Institute
                                                       of Standards and Technology (NIST)
         Bufftech panels block 98% of                  and was published in the building
         direct sound, with an (STC)                   product LCA database, BEES (Building
        STC  26              STC 21
         sound transmission class of 21,               for Environmental and Economic
         to create quiet spaces.                       Sustainability).

*Miami-Dade County-approved NOA #18-0920.04,
for exceptional performance in high wind conditions.
                                                                   A company you can trust.
To comply with WindZone Performance, additional                    For more than 100 years,
items are needed for installation. Please reference
our product catalog. Expires 3/13/2024 .                           homeowners and building
                                                                   professionals alike have
                                                       relied on CertainTeed as a trusted source
                                                       of innovative, high-quality building
                                                       products. Bufftech® continues this long-
                                                       standing tradition with its superior fence
                                                       line, proudly made in the U.S.A.


                                                                                     Brookline CertaGrain Texture in Arctic Blend

      Weathered   Arctic   Brazilian   Sierra
       Blend      Blend     Blend      Blend

     Brookline CertaGrain® Texture                 Heights: 4
                                                             ', 5' & 6'
                                                   Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
     Bufftech’s woodgrain texture offers the
                                                   Post Centers: 6'
     authentic visual of wood in an easy-to-
                                                   Steel Reinforced Top & Bottom Rail
     maintain vinyl design. Both top and bottom
     rails feature steel reinforcement for added
     strength and durability.                      Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)

                                                       Textured          Textured
                                                   Flat Top External   New England

                                                                                           Brookline Smooth Finish in White

   White     Almond

Brookline Smooth                           Heights: 4
                                                     ', 5' & 6'
                                           Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
Brookline’s modern style combines
                                           Post Centers: 6'
the luxury of complete privacy with
                                           Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
durability and low-maintenance. Top
rails in ColorLast® colors feature steel
reinforcement for added support.           Cap Styles (shown in White)

                                              Gothic      Flat External   New England   Ball

                                           Ball Cap not available in Natural Clay

                                      Improved midrail design
                                      for easier installation.
                                      Note: new design available in
                                      Texture and Smooth

                                                                                                                 Galveston CertaGrain Texture in Sierra Blend

            Natural    Weathered     Frontier       Arbor             Arctic      Brazilian        Sierra
             Clay       Blend         Blend         Blend             Blend        Blend           Blend

         Galveston CertaGrain® Texture                                         Heights: 7
                                                                                         ' & 8'
                                                                               Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
         Available in 7' and 8' heights, Galveston —
                                                                               Steel Reinforced Top, Mid & Bottom Rail
         our tallest privacy fence offers the ultimate
         in complete privacy and is suitable for
                                                                               Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)
         commercial applications.

STC 26           STC 21
                                                                                   Textured          Textured
                                                                               Flat Top External   New England

         Note: posts require reinforcement
                            Distinctive Deco Rail
                            Design available with
                            smooth fence styles.

                            Galveston Smooth Finish in Almond

   White    Almond                                                          White       Almond

Galveston Smooth Finish                                                  Galveston Smooth Finish with
                                          STC 26                STC 21
Heights: 7' & 8'
                                                                         Lattice and Victorian (not shown)
Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
Steel Reinforced Top, Mid & Bottom Rail                                  Heights: 6' 8" plus 1' 4" Accent
                                                                         Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
Cap Styles (shown in White)                                              Steel Reinforced Top, Mid & Bottom Rail

   Gothic   Flat External   New England         Ball                     Note: posts require reinforcement
Chesterfield CertaGrain® Texture

                            Natural   Weathered    Timber      Frontier         Arbor         Arctic   Brazilian   Sierra
        White    Almond
                             Clay      Blend        Blend       Blend           Blend         Blend     Blend      Blend

     Chesterfield                                           Heights: 4
                                                                      ', 5' & 6'
                                                            Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
     CertaGrain® Texture
                                                            Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     Bufftech's authentic woodgrain texture and
     "multi-chromatic" color blends recreate
                                                            Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)
     the natural beauty of stained wood in an
     easy-to-maintain vinyl design. Top rails in
     ColorLast® colors feature reinforcement for
     added strength and durability.

                                                                Textured          Textured
                                                            Flat Top External   New England
                   STC 26             STC 21
                                                 Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Arbor Blend

  Freedom to mix and match
  post and picket colors.

Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in contrasting
colors: Brazilian Blend posts and rails with
Frontier Blend pickets.

Chesterfield CertaGrain® Texture
     Decorative Accents and Styles
     Customers look to CertainTeed for the latest innovations
     in style and performance. We're bringing you privacy in a
     different view with Chesterfield's expanded selection of
     CertaGrain® Texture Decorative Accents and Styles.

     Add a unique, decorative style in one of four rich blend colors with Chesterfield
     Concave and Convex to make your fence stand out among the rest.

                                                                        with Convex            STC 26     STC 21

                                                                        Heights: 6' & 6-1/2'
                                                                        Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                                        Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                                        Weathered   Arctic   Brazilian   Sierra
                                                                         Blend      Blend     Blend      Blend

      Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture with Convex in Weathered Blend

                                                                        with Concave            STC 26      STC 21

                                                                        Heights: 6'
                                                                        Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                                        Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                                        Weathered   Arctic   Brazilian   Sierra
                                                                         Blend      Blend     Blend      Blend

      Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture with Concave in Brazilian Blend

Transition from low to high fence sections. These specially designed
fence sections provide an appealing way to unify your fence installation.

                                                      with S Curve                   STC 26        STC 21

                                                      Heights: Transitions from 6' to 4'
                                                      Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                      Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                       Weathered       Arctic      Brazilian      Sierra
                                                        Blend          Blend        Blend         Blend

 Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Weathered Blend

                                                      with Swoop
                                                                                   STC 26        STC 21

                                                      Heights: Transitions from 6' to 4'
                                                      Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                      Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                       Weathered       Arctic      Brazilian      Sierra
                                                        Blend          Blend        Blend         Blend

 Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Arctic Blend

For homeowners who like their privacy with a touch of style, the Chesterfield
with Victorian Accent or with Spindle Accent offers two great choices.

                                                      with Victorian Accent                                STC 26     STC 21

                                                      Heights: 4' 10" plus 1' 2" Accent
                                                      Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                      Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                                                    Natural     Weathered
                                                         White        Almond
                                                                                     Clay        Blend

                                                         Arctic       Brazilian      Sierra
                                                         Blend         Blend         Blend
 Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Sierra Blend

                                                      with Spindle Accent*                            STC 26        STC 21

                                                      Heights: 4' 10" plus 1' 2" Accent
                                                      Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                      Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                                      Natural     Weathered       Arctic
                                                                       Clay        Blend          Blend

                                                        Brazilian      Sierra
                                                         Blend         Blend
 Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Arctic Blend

                                                      *Spindle Accent available in Black only

Chesterfield Smooth Finish

     Chesterfield Smooth Finish in Almond and Natural Clay

         White         Almond          Grey

     Chesterfield Smooth Finish                               Heights: 4', 5' & 6'
                                                              Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
     Top rails in ColorLast® colors feature
                                                              Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     reinforcement for added strength and durability.
                                                              (4' not available in Natural Clay)
                                                              (Grey only available for 6' height)

                          STC 26                 STC 21

                                                                    Deco Rail

Cap Styles (shown in White)

   Gothic      Flat Internal   Flat External   New England   Ball

Gothic Cap not available in Grey
Ball Cap not available in Natural Clay and Grey
Flat Internal Cap 4' height only

Chesterfield Smooth Finish
     Decorative Accents and Styles
     Customers look to CertainTeed for the latest innovations
     in style and performance. We're bringing you privacy in a
     different view with Chesterfield's expanded selection of
     Smooth Finish Decorative Accents and Styles.

     Add a unique, decorative style with Chesterfield Swoop and S Curve
     to make your fence stand out among the rest.
                                                                      STC 26     STC 21
                                                  with Swoop
                                                  Ideal for transitioning from
                                                  low to high fence.

                                                  Heights: Transitions from 6' to 4'
                                                  Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                  Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                    White    Almond

                                                  with S Curve         STC 26     STC 21

                                                  Ideal for transitioning from
                                                  low to high fence.

                                                  Heights: Transitions from 6' to 4'
                                                  Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove
                                                  Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                    White    Almond

For homeowners who like their privacy with a touch of style,
Chesterfield Smooth offers four great choices.

                                                     with Lattice               STC 26        STC 21

                                                     Heights: 4' 8" plus 1' 4" Accent
                                                     & 3' 8" plus 1' 4" Accent
                                                     Picket Style: 7/8" x 7"
                                                     Tongue & Groove
                                                     Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                       White    Almond

* Freedom to mix and match post and picket colors.

                                                     with Victorian         STC 26        STC 21
                                                     Heights: 4' 8" plus 1' 4" Accent
                                                     Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue
                                                     & Groove and 7/8" x 1-1/2"
                                                     Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                       White    Almond

                                                     with Huntington             STC 26        STC 21
                                                     Heights: 4' 8" plus 1' 4" Accent
                                                     Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue
                                                     & Groove and 1-1/2" Square
                                                     Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                       White    Almond

                                                     with Westminster
                                                                                     STC 26        STC 21
                                                     Heights: 4' 8" plus 1' 4" Accent
                                                     Picket Style: 7/8" x 7" Tongue
                                                     Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail


New Lexington

        White     Almond

     New Lexington                                Heights: 4', 5' & 6'
                                                  Picket Style: 5/8" x 11-3/8" Tongue & Groove
     New Lexington offers dependable
                                                  Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     performance at an economical price with
     features you'd expect to find on higher-
     end fence products. New Lexington
     includes Bufftech's signature "v" groove
     picket and Classic Curve deco rail design.

                                                                        Deco Rail
                                        New Lexington in White

Cap Styles (shown in White)

   Gothic   Flat Internal   Flat External   New England          Ball

New Lexington
     Decorative Accents and Styles
     Customers look to CertainTeed for the latest innovations
     in style and performance. We're bringing you privacy in a
     different view with New Lexington's expanded selection of
     Smooth Finish Decorative Accents and Styles.

     Add a unique, decorative style with New Lexington Swoop and S Curve
     to make your fence stand out among the rest.

                                                 with Swoop
                                                 Ideal for transitioning from low to high fence.

                                                 Heights: Transitions from 6' to 4'
                                                 Picket Style: 5/8" x 11-3/8" Tongue & Groove
                                                 Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                   White    Almond

                                                 with S Curve
                                                 Ideal for transitioning from low to high fence.

                                                 Heights: Transitions from 6' to 4'
                                                 Picket Style: 5/8" x 11-3/8" Tongue & Groove
                                                 Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                   White    Almond

For homeowners who like their privacy with a touch of style, New
Lexington with Lattice and Victorian Accent offers two great choices.

                                              with Lattice Accent
                                              Heights: 4' 11" plus 1' 1" Accent
                                              Picket Style: 5/8" x 11-3/8" Tongue & Groove
                                              Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                White   Almond

                                              with Victorian Accent
                                              Heights: 4' 11" plus 1' 1" Accent
                                              Picket Style: 5/8" x 11-3/8" Tongue & Groove
                                              Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                White   Almond


     Breezewood Select Cedar Texture in Arctic Blend

                                     Natural      Weathered   Arctic    Brazilian   Sierra
         White        Almond                                                        Blend
                                      Clay         Blend      Blend      Blend

     Breezewood                                                        Heights: 4', 5' & 6'
                                                                       Picket Style: 7/8" x 3"
     Select Cedar Texture
                                                                       Picket Spacing: 21/32"
     Thru-picket "good neighbor", modern                               Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     design is equally attractive on both
     sides. Top rails in ColorLast® colors
     feature reinforcement for added
     strength and durability.


Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)

    Textured         Textured
Flat Top External   New England


                                                                                                         Imperial Select Cedar Texture in Timber Blend

                        Natural   Weathered   Timber      Frontier         Arbor           Arctic         Brazilian      Sierra
       White   Almond
                         Clay      Blend       Blend       Blend           Blend           Blend           Blend         Blend

     Imperial Select Cedar Texture                     Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
                                                       Picket Style: 7/8" x 3"
                                                       Picket Spacing: 7/16"
                                                       Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                       Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)

                                                          Textured          Textured          Textured
                                                        Flat External     New England     Flat Top External
                                                       Textured Flat External Cap only available for 4' heights
32                                                     Textured Flat Top External Cap only available for 5'/6' heights
                                                                                             Imperial Smooth Finish in Almond

  White   Almond

Imperial Smooth Finish       Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
                             Picket Style: 7/8" x 3"
                             Picket Spacing: 7/16"
                             Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                             Cap Styles (shown in White)

                                  Gothic         Flat Internal     Flat External       New England        Ball

                             Gothic Cap not available in Natural Clay for 4' heights
                             Ball Cap not available in Natural Clay                                                                                                          33
                             Flat Internal Cap not available for 6' height

     Columbia in White


     Columbia            Heights: 6'
                         Picket Style: 7/8" x 6" Ribbed
                         Picket Spacing: 4-9/16"
                         Columbia uses Millbrook style gate
                         Aluminum Reinforced Bottom Rail

                         Cap Styles

                            Gothic    Flat External   New England   Ball

                                                                              E X T R U D E D S E M I - P R I VAT E F E N C E
                                                              Millbrook in White


Millbrook   Heights: 5' & 6'
            Picket Style: 7/8" x 6" Ribbed
            Picket Spacing: 13/16"
            Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

            Cap Styles

               Gothic    Flat External   New England   Ball


     Baron Select Cedar Texture with Midrail in Weathered Blend

                                      Natural      Weathered      Timber      Frontier         Arbor           Arctic         Brazilian   Sierra
         White         Almond
                                       Clay         Blend          Blend       Blend           Blend           Blend           Blend      Blend

     Baron Select Cedar Texture                                            Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
                                                                           Picket Style: 7/8" x 3"
     Thru-picket “good neighbor” design is
                                                                           Picket Spacing: 2-15/16"
     equally attractive o
                        ­ n both sides. Top rails
                                                                           Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     in ColorLast® colors feature reinforcement
     for added strength and durability.
                                                                           Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)

                                                                              Textured          Textured           Textured
                                                                            Flat External     New England      Flat Top External
                                                                           Textured Flat Cap External not available for 5'/6' height
Baron Smooth Finish in White

    White        Almond

Baron Smooth Finish                      Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
                                         Picket Style: 7/8" x 3"
                                         Picket Spacing: 2-15/16"
                                         Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                         Cap Styles (shown in White)

                                              Gothic         Flat Internal     Flat External      New England   Ball

                                         Gothic Cap not available in Natural Clay for 4' height
                                         Ball Cap not available in Natural Clay                                                                      37

                                                      Princeton in White

        White      Almond

     Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
     Picket Style: 7/8" x 1-1/2"
     Picket Spacing: 1-3/4"
     Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                                                                        Princeton with Midrail in White

  White   Almond

Princeton with Midrail   Cap Styles (shown in White)

                              Gothic         Flat Internal      Flat External   New England        Ball

                         Flat Internal Cap not available for 6' height


     Countess in White

        White            Almond
                                             Countess with Midrail in White

     Countess                     Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
                                  Picket Style: 7/8" x 1-1/2", 7/8" x 3"
                                  Picket Spacing: 2-5/16"
                                  Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                  Cap Styles (shown in White)

                                       Gothic         Flat Internal      Flat External   New England   Ball

                                  Flat Internal Cap not available for 6' height

                                                                                                          EXTRUDED CONTEMPORARY FENCE
Victorian in White

    White            Almond                           Victorian with Midrail in Almond

Victorian                     Heights: 4', 5' & 6' (5' & 6' include midrail)
                              Picket Style: 7/8" x 1-1/2"
                              Picket Spacing: 3-5/8"
                              Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                              Cap Styles (shown in White)

                                   Gothic         Flat Internal      Flat External   New England   Ball

                              Flat Internal Cap not available for 6' height

     Manchester in White

        White        Almond

     Manchester                              Heights: 3' & 4'
                                             Picket Style: 1-1/2" Square
     Thru-picket “good neighbor” design
                                             Picket Spacing: 1-9/16"
     is equally attractive ­on both sides.
                                             Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     Thru-picket styles are 8' wide.

Manchester in White

    White        Almond

Manchester Concave        Cap Styles (shown in White)

                             Gothic   Flat Internal   Flat External   New England   Ball


     Danbury Select Cedar Texture in Sierra Blend

                                      Natural       Weathered   Arbor      Arctic        Sierra
         White         Almond
                                       Clay          Blend      Blend      Blend         Blend

     Danbury Select Cedar Texture                                       Heights: 4'
                                                                        Picket Style: 3" Pointed Picket
                                                                        Picket Spacing: 2-15/16"
     Thru-picket “good neighbor” design is                              Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail
     equally attractive o­ n both sides. Thru-picket
     styles are 8' wide.
                                                                        Cap Styles (shown in Sierra Blend)

                                                                           Textured        Textured
                                                                         Flat External   New England

Danbury Smooth Finish Straight in White

    White        Almond
                                                               Danbury Concave in White

Danbury Smooth Finish                     Heights: 4'
                                          Picket Style: 3" Pointed Picket
                                          Picket Spacing: 2-15/16"
Thru-picket “good neighbor” design        Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

                                          Cap Styles (shown in White)

                                               Gothic         Flat Internal     Flat External      New England   Ball

                                          Gothic Cap not available in Natural Clay for 4' height
                                          Ball Cap not available in Natural Clay for 4' height                                                       45

     Rothbury Concave in White

         White        Almond
                                                                        Rothbury Straight in White

     Rothbury Straight/Concave            Cap Styles (shown in White)

     Thru-picket “good neighbor” design

     Heights: 4'
     Picket Style: 3" Dog Ear Picket         Gothic   Flat Internal   Flat External   New England    Ball
     Picket Spacing: 2-15/16"
     Steel Reinforced Bottom Rail

Cape Cod

                                                                                                        EXTRUDED TRADITIONAL FENCE
Cape Cod Concave

                                                               Cape Cod Straight

Cape Cod Straight/Concave         Cap Styles

Heights: 3' & 4'
Picket Style: 3" Pointed Picket
Picket Spacing: 2-7/16"
                                     Gothic    Flat Internal    Flat External      New England   Ball

Post & Rail

     4-Rail CertaGrain Texture in Sierra Blend

                      Weathered         Arctic   Brazilian   Sierra
                       Blend            Blend     Blend      Blend

     4-Rail CertaGrain Texture                                        Rail Size (White): 1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
                                                                      Rail Size (Blend Colors*): 2" x 6" Ribbed
     Bufftech’s post & rail fence provides a safe,
                                                                      Ribbed Reinforced Rails
     reliable enclosure for horses and other
     livestock. Available with CertaGrain Texture,
     our post & rail fence offers the authentic look
     of painted wood fence with the durability,
     low maintenance and proven performance of
     Bufftech’s premium vinyl design.

                                                                                                            Safe for

Cap Styles Textured (shown in Sierra Blend)    Cap Styles Smooth (shown in White)

 Textured Flat     Textured      Textured         Gothic   Flat Internal   Flat External   New England   Ball
 Top External    New England   Flat Internal

                                                    Smooth Finish
                                                    Rail Size: 1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed,
                                                    2" x 6" Ribbed
                                                    Ribbed Reinforced Rails

                                                      White    Almond

                                                    CertaGrain Texture
                                                    Rail Size (White):
                                                    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
                                                    Rail Size (Blend Colors*):
                                                    2" x 6" Ribbed
                                                    Ribbed Reinforced Rails

                                                              Weathered   Arctic   Brazilian   Sierra
                                                               Blend      Blend     Blend      Blend

     3-Rail CertaGrain Texture in Brazilian Blend

                                                    Smooth Finish
                                                    Rail Size:
                                                    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed,
                                                    2" x 6" Ribbed
                                                    Ribbed Reinforced Rails

                                                      White    Almond

                                                                                            CertaGrain Texture
                                                                                            Rail Size (White):
                                                                                            1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
                                                                                            Rail Size (Blend Colors*):
                                                                                            2" x 6" Ribbed
                                                                                            Ribbed Reinforced Rails

                                                                                                           Weathered        Arctic      Brazilian       Sierra
                                                                                                            Blend           Blend        Blend          Blend

   2-Rail CertaGrain Texture in Arctic Blend

                                                                                            Smooth Finish
                                                                                            Rail Size:
                                                                                            1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
                                                                                            Ribbed Reinforced Rails

                                                                                                White        Almond

                                                                                            Rail Size: 1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
                                                                                            Ribbed Reinforced Rails


*CertaGrain Post & Rail fence in Blend colors are installed on 6’ post centers. Consult our product installation instructions at certainteed.com for full details.
† 2-Rail & Crossbuck decorative only .

Extruded Gates

           Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture in Sierra Blend

Chesterfield CertaGrain          Chesterfield Smooth Finish    Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture   Chesterfield CertaGrain Texture   Chesterfield Smooth Finish
Texture in Arctic Blend          Concave Gate with Victorian   Concave Gate with Victorian       Convex Gate with Victorian        Convex Gate with Victorian
                                 Accent in White               Accent in Sierra Blend            Accent in Weathered Blend         Accent in White

Bufftech offers a wide selection of residential gates designed to match all
of our fence styles, in a choice of heights and widths. Beautiful and durable,
Bufftech gates deliver easy installation and great performance. Choose from
unassembled gate kits or pre-assembled gates that ship ready to install.

                                                                                                                                                                         E X T R U D E D G AT E S
                                                                                                                       Pre-Assembled     Gate Kit       Extension Kit
                                                                                                                       Gate Widths       Max Width      Required**
                                            Heavy Duty                                          Brookline              50-1/2"           70"            Yes
                                            Aluminum Frame                                      Galveston              50-1/2"           50-1/2"        No
                                            Construction                                                    †          36-1/2"
                                                                                                Chesterfield                             70"            Yes
                                                                                                                       50-1/2" 64-3/4"
                      Aluminum post                                                             Concave                50-1/2"           na             na
                      insert adds strength                                                      Accent
                      and simplifies
                      installation                                                              Convex                 50-1/2"           na             na
                                                                                                Lexington              50-1/2"           72"            Yes
                             TruClose Hinge                                                     Breezewood             50"               60"            Yes
                                                                                                Imperial               50"               72"            Yes
                              LokkLatch                                                         Millbrook /
                                                                                                Columbia               50"               60"            Yes
                                                                                                Baron                  50"               72"            Yes
                                                                                                Princeton              50"               72"            Yes
                                                                                                Countess               50"               72"            Yes
                                                                                                Victorian              50"               72"            Yes
                                                                                                Manchester             50"               50"            No
                                                                                                Concave                na                50"            No

                                                                                                Danbury                50"               50"            No
                                                                                                Cape Cod               50"               60"            Yes
                                                                                                Rothbury               50"               50"            No
                                                                                                2-Rail*                na                72"            na
                                                                                                3-Rail*                na                96"            na
                                                                                                4-Rail*                na                96"            na
                                                                                                Crossbuck*             na                96"            na
               Heavy-duty internal                         Stainless steel                     † Not all widths available in all heights/styles
               aluminum frame for                          fasteners prevent                   *A
                                                                                                 ll Gates are rackable, except Post & Rail (2-Rail, 3-Rail and 4-Rail
               both gate kits and                          corrosion                            smooth finish), and Crossbuck styles.
               pre-assembled gates                                                             ** For unassembled gate kits over 50" wide to achieve maximum width

Stainless Steel Gate Hardware
Give your gate the old-world look of
wrought iron with our rugged, rust-free
stainless steel gate hardware. The hardware
includes hinge, strike and latch and is
available in Black Pebble.
                                                           Strike and Latch          Hinge

High Performance Nylon Gate Hardware Kits                                                                            LokkLatch® Key-Lockable Gate Latch,
                                                                                                                     GateHandle™, MagnaLatch® Magnetic Safety
                                                                                                                     Gate Latch, LokkLatch Magnetic® and TruClose®
Versatile and virtually maintenance free, our premium nylon gate hardware offers key                                 Self-Closing Gate Hinges are registered
lockable latches, self-closing hinges and contoured gate handles. Available in Black.                                trademarks of D&D Technologies.

LokkLatch® Magnetic   LokkLatch® with        LokkLatch® Deluxe     MagnaLatch®               GateHandle™             TruClose® Adjustable,
                      External Access Kit                          Magnetic Safety                                   Self-Closing Gate Hinges
                                                                   Gate Latch                                                                                                                       53

     PVC Post Caps                                                                   Solar Post Caps & Lighting
     Bufftech's standard PVC post caps come in a variety of styles.                  Eco-friendly LED lights provide the
                                                                                     ultimate in solar-powered accent
     Smooth Caps                                                                     lighting. Batteries included.

           Ball          Gothic      Flat External   New England     Flat Internal            White*                        Black*
                                                                                     *Fits both 4" x 4" and 5" x 5" post sizes.
                                                                                     Adapter included.

     Textured Caps

         Textured        Textured    Textured Flat   Textured Flat
       Flat External   New England   Top External      Internal

Post & Rail, 2-Rail with CertaGrain Texture in Sierra Blend

                                                                       Danbury Smooth Finish Concave in White

Chesterfield CertaGrain ®
                                              Happily ever after.
Texture in Weathered
Blend with S Curve                            When you choose CertainTeed fence products for your home, you open
                                              a wide world of color and style options to express your personal design
                                              preferences. Add that to the industry-leading quality and low-maintenance
                                              performance of Bufftech and you rest assured knowing that your family
                                              will enjoy the beautiful sanctuary you have created for years to come.

Galveston Smooth Finish in Almond

Breezewood Select Cedar
Texture in Arctic Blend                                            Sherwood in Nantucket Gray                         55
Invest in quality
         for a lifetime.
         Not all fence is the same. Bufftech® continues this long-standing tradition with
         its superior fence line, proudly made in the U.S.A. A building industry leader
         for over 100 years, CertainTeed stands behind the Bufftech line with the
         exceptional SureStart™ protection† for performance, including labor; lifetime
         limited warranty; and ColorLast® fade protection for colors and stain blends.

                  Made in U.S.A.                         SureStart Protection            ColorLast® Fade Protection

                                                                                                                  †Bufftech extruded only.

     Not all fence product warranties are the same. For example,
     many fence manufacturers offer a limited lifetime warranty but
     do not cover labor costs to remove and replace a defective
     fence. By selecting Bufftech® fence, you will gain peace of mind
     knowing that you and your home are protected for a lifetime.

                          CERTAINTEED                    Fence        Wood Fence
                          BUFFTECH FENCE*              Competitor     Competitor
     Warranty             LIFETIME                      Lifetime        12 years

     Color Fade
     Warranty               YES                           None            None

     Warranty               YES**                          No              No

                                                           No              No

     *Refer to the Bufftech Lifetime Limited Warranty to review the terms of coverage.
     **Bufftech extruded only.

Contrary to what you might think,
Bufftech fence is actually less
expensive than wood fence.
Although investing in a fence may
cost you more initially, this is where
your expense ends. Backed by a
lifetime limited warranty, you
can enjoy your fence for
many worry-free years.           Lifetime
                                  cost (%)



       5        10        15       20
    Bufftech           Wood Fences
Cost includes fence price averaged over
20 years plus maintenance and repair
costs. Cost is expressed as a percentage.

                     Allegheny in Brown Granite
Specifications & Color Availability
                                                                                                                                                  Picket                         Metal Rail/Panel
                                               Fence Type   Height       Racking       Post Size   Section Width      Picket Size                 Spacing    Code                Reinforcement

                    Allegheny™                 Molded       3', 4', 6'   Stepping
                                                                         Recommended   5" x 5"     72", 96"           N/A                         N/A                            Top, Bottom
                                                                                                                                                                             STC 26       STC 21

                    Sherwood™                  Molded       4', 6'       Stepping
                                                                         Recommended   5" x 5"     72", 96"           N/A                         N/A                            Top, Bottom

                    Brookline Smooth           Extruded     4', 5', 6'   Stepping
                                                                         Recommended   5" x 5"     72"                7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove   N/A                            Bottom**

                    Brookline CertaGrain®      Extruded     4', 5', 6'   Stepping
                                                                         Recommended   5" x 5"     72"                7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove   N/A                            Bottom**

                    Galveston Smooth           Extruded     7', 8'       5° *          5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove   N/A               STC 26       Top,STCMiddle,
                                                                                                                                                                                         21     Bottom

                    Galveston CertaGrain®      Extruded     7', 8'       5° *          5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove   N/A               STC 26       Top,STCMiddle,
                                                                                                                                                                                         21     Bottom

                    Chesterfield Smooth        Extruded     4', 5', 6'   10° *         5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove   N/A                            Bottom**STC 21
                                                                                                                                                                             STC 26

                    Chesterfield CertaGrain®   Extruded     4', 5', 6'   10° *         5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 7" Tongue & Groove   N/A                            Bottom**STC 21
                                                                                                                                                                             STC 26

                    New Lexington                                                                                     5/8" x 11-3/8" Tongue &
                                               Extruded     4', 5', 6'   7° *          5" x 5"     96"                                            N/A                            Bottom

                    Breezewood Select Cedar    Extruded     4', 5', 6'   Stepping
                                                                         Recommended   5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 3"                   21/32"                         Bottom**

                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"

                    Imperial Smooth            Extruded                                            96"                7/8" x 3"                   7/16"                          Bottom**
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"
                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"
                    Imperial Select Cedar      Extruded                                            96"                7/8" x 3"                   7/16"                          Bottom**
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"

                    Columbia                   Extruded     6'           5°            5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 6" Ribbed            4-9/16"                        Bottom (Aluminum)

                    Millbrook                  Extruded     5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"     96"                7/8" x 6" Ribbed            13/16"                         Bottom

                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"
                    Baron Smooth               Extruded                                            96"                7/8" x 3"                   2-15/16"                       Bottom**
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"

                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"
                    Baron Select Cedar         Extruded                                            96"                7/8" x 3"                   2-15/16"                       Bottom**
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"
                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"
                    Princeton                  Extruded                                            96"                7/8" x 1-1/2"               1-3/4"                         Bottom
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"
                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"                        7/8" x 1-1/2"
                    Countess                   Extruded                                            96"
                                                                                                                      7/8" x 3"
                                                                                                                                                  2-5/16"                        Bottom
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"
                                                            4'           10°           4" x 4"
                    Victorian                  Extruded                                            96"                7/8" x 1-1/2"               3-5/8"                         Bottom
                                                            5', 6'       5°            5" x 5"

                    Manchester                 Extruded     3', 4'       5°            5" x 5"     96"                1-1/2" x 1-1/2"             1-9/16"                        Bottom

                    Danbury Smooth             Extruded     4'           5°            4" x 4"     96"                7/8" x 3"                   2-15/16"                       Bottom

                    Danbury Select Cedar       Extruded     4'           5°            4" x 4"     96"                7/8" x 3"                   2-15/16"                       Bottom

                    Rothbury                   Extruded     4'           5°            4" x 4"     96"                7/8" x 3"                   2-15/16"                       Bottom

                    Cape Cod                   Extruded     3', 4'       15°           4" x 4"     72"                7/8" x 3"                   2-7/16"                        None

                    Post & Rail Smooth         Extruded     3', 4', 5'   5°            5" x 5"     96"                N/A                         N/A                            None
     Post & Rail

                                                                                                   96" White
                    Post & Rail CertaGrain®    Extruded     3', 4', 5'   5°            5" x 5"
                                                                                                   72" Blend Colors
                                                                                                                      N/A                         N/A                            None

                    Crossbuck                  Extruded     4'           5°            5" x 5"     96"                N/A                         N/A                            None

                                               *Accents will reduce the amount of racking                                         **Reinforced top rail for ColorLast® colors
Dark Brown Granite
                                                                                              Weathered Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Nantucket Gray
                                                                                                                                                                             Brazilian Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Desert Granite
                                                                                                                               Frontier Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Brown Granite

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Walnut Brown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Beige Granite
                                                                                                                Timber Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Black Granite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gray Granite
                                                                                                                                                              Arctic Blend
                                                                               Natural Clay

                                                                                                                                                                                               Sierra Blend
                                                                                                                                                Arbor Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gold Cedar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Red Cedar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Black Oak


                                                                                                                                                                                                              • • • • • •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • • • • •
    2" x 6" Deco x 71"
                                                       • •                     •
    2" x 6" Channeled x 71"
                                                                                              •                                                               • • •
    2" x 6" Deco x 95" (Top/Bottom)
    2" x 6" x 95" (Midrail)                            • •
    2" x 6" Channeled x 95" (Top/Bottom)
    2" x 6" x 95" (Midrail)                                        • • • • • •                                                                                                                 •
    2" x 6" Deco x 95"
                                                       •       • • •
    2" x 6" Channeled x 95"
                                                       •       • • • • • • • •                                                                                                                 •
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Deco x 95"
                                                       •       •
    2" x 6" x 95"
                                                       •       • • •       • •                                                                                                                 •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       • •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       • • • • • • • •                                                                                                                 •
    3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 94"
    2" x 6" x 94-1/2" (Top/Bottom)
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 94-1/2" (Midrail)                •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •               •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •               • • • • • • • •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •
    2" x 6" x 94-1/2" (Bottom)
    2" x 3-1/2" x 95" (Top)                            • •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •               •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •               • •                                                              • •                                            •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                                       •       •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 71-1/2"
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed or 2" x 6" Ribbed
                                                       •       •
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed (white) or 2" x 6" Ribbed
    (blend colors)                                     •                                      •                                                               • • •
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
    5' and 6' fence height meet pool code
Colors and Textures Molded

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dark Brown Granite
                                                                                  Weathered Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nantucket Gray
                                                                                                                                                                                Brazilian Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Desert Granite
                                                                                                                                  Frontier Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Brown Granite

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Walnut Brown
                                                                                                                   Canyon Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Beige Granite
                                                                                                    Timber Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Black Granite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Honey Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Gray Granite
                                                                                                                                                                 Arctic Blend
                                                                   Natural Clay

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sierra Blend
                                                                                                                                                   Arbor Blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Gold Cedar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Red Cedar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Black Oak


    2" x 6" Deco x 71"
                                           ••                      •
    2" x 6" Channeled x 71"
                                                                                  •                                                                              •••
    2" x 6" Deco x Beige    Granite
                   95" (Top/Bottom)
    2" x 6" x 95" (Midrail)                ••                                     Brown Granite                                                                                                                     Dark Brown Granite

    2" x 6" Channeled x 95" (Top/Bottom)
    2" x 6" x 95" (Midrail)                          ••        •••••
    2" x 6" Deco x 95"
                                           •       •••
    2" x 6" Channeled x 95"
                                           •       • ••••••••••
    2" x 6" Channeled x 95"
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Deco x 95"
                                           •       •
    2" x 6" x 95"
                    Gray Granite           •       • • Black
                                                       • Granite • • • Desert Granite
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                           •       • •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                           •       • ••• •••••
    3-1/2" x 3-1/2" x 94"
    2" x 6" x 94-1/2" (Top/Bottom)
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 94-1/2" (Midrail)    •       •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                           •       •               •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                           •       •               •••                                                            •••••
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                           •       •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2"Walnut
                   x 95-1/2"     Brown     •       •                              Red Cedar                                                                                                                          Gold Cedar

    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                           •       •
    2" x 6" x 94-1/2" (Bottom)
    2" x 3-1/2" x 95" (Top)                ••
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                   •               •               •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                   •               •               ••                                                                              ••                                             •
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 95-1/2"
                                   •               •
                    Nantucket Gray
    1-3/4" x 3-1/2" x 71-1/2"
                                   •                                              Black Oak

    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed or
    2" x 6" Ribbed                 •               •
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed (white) or
    2" x 6" Ribbed (blend colors)                                                 •                                                                              •••
    1-1/2" x 5-1/2" Ribbed
    5' and 6' fence height meet pool code

       60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                59
Colors and Textures Extruded

 White            Almond        Grey           Natural Clay

Select Cedar

White             Almond        Natural Clay   Weathered Blend   Timber Blend

 Frontier Blend   Arbor Blend   Arctic Blend   Brazilian Blend   Sierra Blend


White             Almond        Natural Clay   Weathered Blend   Timber Blend

Frontier Blend    Arbor Blend   Arctic Blend   Brazilian Blend   Sierra Blend

Make a Smart Investment
 PERFORMANCE FEATURES                                      Bufftech

 Lifetime limited warranty                                      4

 Transferable warranty*                                         4

 5-year labor warranty*                                         4

 Dark color fade warranty                                       4

 Made in the USA                                                4

 Never needs painting or staining                               4

 Won’t chip, peel, crack or splinter                            4

 Won’t rot or support mold growth                               4

 Impervious to termites/wood-boring insects                     4

 Lead free                                                      4

 No harmful chemicals                                           4

 High-quality raw materials                                     4

 Concealed fasteners                                            4

 Rigid design                                                   4

 Wide choice of colors                                          4

 Innovative textures                                            4

 Steel reinforced rails                                         4

 Class A rating for flame spread*                               4

 Self-extinguishing                                             4

 Easy to assemble                                               4

 Building code compliant                                        4
                                                                                    Imperial Select Cedar Texture in Sierra Blend
 Meets ASTM standards                                           4
 *Bufftech extruded only

    facebook.com/CertainTeed                                     youtube.com/c/certainteedsaintgobain

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                                       20 Moores Road Malvern, PA 19355              Professional: 800-233-8990            Consumer: 800-782-8777                   certainteed.com

                                                                                                                                            © 01/20 CertainTeed, Printed in the USA, Code No. 40-40-70610
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